beccawise7 1 hour
History and the universe have so much to teach us if we just stop to listen. ~beccawise7馃挏馃枻
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Colorado plains 2022.
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beccawise7 2 hours
More of this... ~beccawise7馃挏馃枻
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beccawise7 11 hours
That goal you're working toward... The dream you want to achieve?.... I hope you get it.
That hurt that haunts you... The pain it still brings?....I hope you heal it.
You deserve good things.
The world longs to hear your voice, witness your success, and share in your happiness.
Don't give up...you're just getting to the good part. ;)
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beccawise7 22 hours
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She aches for his presence.
The manner with which he commands her attention.
His gaze warning her to behave.
The sting of his palm across her skin when she doesn't.
She wants to let go.
Her body drenched in heat and desire as his fingers perform a masterpiece across the canvas of her skin.
Her moans turn to mewls of pleasure, as he claims every dark and secret place he's uncovered within her soul.
Her wants morphing to needs, as he brings her to the summit casting her ever so gently over the cliff.
She aches for his presence.
She aches for HIM.
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beccawise7 1 day
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In its most basic form, it is the requirement of something essential.
A touch that lingers. A taste sweet as sin. Etched on the memory again and again.
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beccawise7 2 days
Delicious was my first thought after kissing her. Holy Fuck was my second. ~R.A. Knipe 馃挏馃枻
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beccawise7 2 days
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beccawise7 2 days
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There is no beauty in tears unshed. ~beccawise7馃挏馃枻
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beccawise7 2 days
The taste of you on my tongue still lingers. The smell of your skin, as you dove into me over and over...still fresh in my mind.
Your voice, issuing beautiful commands as you pleasured me for hours.
Your touch. Your presence. It's everywhere, and I find myself simply longing for more of you. ~becca wise7馃挏馃枻
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beccawise7 2 days
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Feeling kinda cute. Might conquer the world a bit later. ~beccaknows7馃挏馃枻馃挏馃枻
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beccawise7 3 days
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beccawise7 3 days
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Being late is always a good idea. ~beccawise7 馃挏馃枻
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beccawise7 3 days
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Sunday and all I want is this. ~beccawise7馃挏馃枻
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beccawise7 4 days
You make me sick as awoman.
What are u doin writing this ahit and speaking like u doo about sex and women all about?
U should get some morals! Soo groas to swxualize men and women.
U are disgusting.
Goodness, I normally don't respond to hate because I'm careful where I place my energy. But, in reviewing the last 3 Asks to my page, you sent all 3. Noted not only by your lack of proper grammar, spelling, and name calling but the off-putting vitriol you spewed.
So, I'll just take a moment to say ignorance can be cured. However, stupidity is a choice. I'm afraid here - you fall into the latter category.
Speaking as a woman who is successful and quite in tune with herself sexually. I speak for myself and anyone who identifies with the words and emotions I write.
Since you don't identify in this manner (although if you tried it might help your nasty disposition), perhaps you should kindly move along and focus on healing whatever is hurting you so much that you need to lash out at anonymous people on the internet.
Take care, darling. Maybe play with yourself a bit more. (Trust me-it helps.)馃槝
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beccawise7 4 days
Good Morning. 馃挏馃枻
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beccawise7 5 days
Dancing with another's mind before you ever touch their body elicits a higher level of connection. ~beccawise7 馃挏馃枻
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beccawise7 5 days
馃憜馃憜馃憜 This. Remember your worth. 馃挏馃枻馃挏馃枻
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