bakugourmet · 6 years
Hi. I’m not really into Hetalia anymore, I haven’t watched it in years, and I've lost a lot of interest in writing for it. I’m going to leave this blog up so you can still see what I’ve already written, but I might use this for Homestuck or BNHA, as they’ve given me a lot of writing motivation lately. 
I’m gonna delete all the stuff currently in my inbox. If you like the fandoms I just mentioned, then I’d be happy to write some stuff for you, but if not, don’t hesitate to unfollow. Thank you all for supporting me for so long.
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bakugourmet · 7 years
Hey! I'm so sorry to bother, but I really love your blog and you actually helped me a lot
Oh!! No bother at all. Thank you so much, sweetheart. I’m really happy that I’ve helped you, and I’m here to talk at any time.
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bakugourmet · 7 years
O shit u alive
Back from my seven thousand year hiatus?? Maybe? Fuck I really hope so
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bakugourmet · 7 years
Gimme them 1pTurkey cute headcanons (please? If not, just do Russia ^u^- I know some don't write for him)
Heck yeah!!
– very important, he is an EXCELLENT dancer. he learns new dances super quickly and he can do any type, whether it’s fast and energetic or slow and sweet. 10/10 also really good at teaching other people dances he knows, too.
– he smells sweet all the time, like candy or fresh pastries. also he ALWAYS has a piece of candy on him somewhere. have you seen all his jackets and pockets??? filled with candy. he loves it. always up to share some with you, too.
– definitely the type to sneak up behind a close friend/partner and give them a big hug or kiss on the cheek. very affectionate boy.
– gives the WARMEST bear hugs! he loves hugs, they’re usually super energetic and kinda crushing, probably lifts you in the air a lil bit, maybe spins you around. especially if you’re short. but for emotional times/important things, he’s just very safe and he won’t let go if you don’t first. he’s there for you.
– great with kids!! probably bc he is one. he’s so enthusiastic and supportive, he’ll color crayon pictures and get super excited about what they draw, play sports (and let them win shhhh), and he always commits 100% to games. when that kid points finger guns at him and makes pew pew noises, he will play it the hell up before collapsing to the ground in mock death.
– it’s canon that he has a very refined, gourmet palate, but he’s also a very good cook. he’s an expert when it comes to spices especially, everything he makes is flavorful and delicious. his favorite cure for anything is a good meal, and if you come to him sad, he’ll cheer you up with your favorite dish and his big adorable smile.
– lastly, an important reminder: turkey has the best body out of all the nations. it is canon.
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bakugourmet · 7 years
Are you okay?
A lot better than I have been recently!
My medication has been working pretty well and I’ve been in outpatient therapy for a month or two. Depression and anxiety seem to have been lifting somewhat, and I’m trying to get back into my old hobbies, writing included. I’m really hoping I’ll be more active on this blog and writing for myself.
I’m so sorry for ghosting for so long and I’m really grateful to everyone for sticking with me and being so kind to me. Thank you all for your positivity and support, it really means the world to me.
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bakugourmet · 7 years
*banging pots and pans gently* Yurix2 and Viktor when they receive a kiSS ON THEIR CHEEK!!
(( well it definitely depends on who’s giving the kiss, but i went with their crush bc crush asks are cute as hell!! ))
Yuuri Katsuki: He’d be pretty flustered, but not show too much of a reaction on the outside. He’d laugh nervously and fumble over his words, a lot, and his cheeks would go bright red, but no one would think much of it because, hey, he’s a shy kid. That’s just the way he acts when someone is affectionate with him. On the inside, though, he’d be absolutely freaking out. Did that just happen? Did that seriously just happen??? When the activity and conversation around them resumed, he’d try to act normal, but the spell would linger for the rest of the day. He’d be somewhat detached while talking or trying to pay attention to things going on around him–– spacing out, dropping things. It might even keep him up thinking that night, wondering what it might mean. He’d consider that they maybe liked him back, only for a second, before shaking his head vigorously and banishing the thought from his mind.
Victor Nikiforov: He’s basically a giant puppy dog! His eyes would light up and he’d laugh lightly, probably throwing an arm around the crush or maybe even kissing their cheek or forehead lightly in return. He might drop a pick up line or two like the goofball he is, and he’d act pretty suave around them afterwards–– even more so than usual, because he would already act rather affectionate and flirtatious with the person he has a crush on. But, if his crush kissed him on the cheek even though they were someone who typically shied away from affection, he would be momentarily shocked–– key word being momentarily. He would quickly get a bit too excited and overwhelming, thrilled that they had gotten more comfortable and open with him, before realizing that he should probably give them space to keep from smothering them and/or scaring them away.
Yuri Plisetsky: “Oi, what the hell was that for??” Seems cliche, but yeah, he’d be kinda grumpy, rubbing his cheek and leaning away slightly. Not uncomfortable, per se, but pouty, flushed, and even somewhat bashful. He might act a bit closed off or hesitant around them afterwards, which could easily be misinterpreted as discomfort, however, it’s pretty much the exact opposite. He’s really excited, but unsure of how to react externally. He’s not exactly known for his ability to healthily manage his emotions. It would spark a little something inside of him, though, some kind of hope or motivation. A little something that helps him stand a bit straighter after he falls during practice or drives him to jump a bit higher during a competition. A few days after it happened, he would gain quite a bit of confidence in himself— in general, and with whomever he’s crushing on.
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bakugourmet · 7 years
I'm very glad to see you are back! I wish you the best of luck! ❤️❤️❤️🌺🌺
Thank you so much!! This is so sweet!
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bakugourmet · 7 years
you know what
to those of you who still care about this blog, i’d like to thank you. I’d like to thank you all so much for your kindness and support and patience, and I need to apologize for being so inactive. I’ve been so busy with school and stress and depression and coming out and I’ve lost so much motivation to do anything, including writing, but I’m going to give this blog/my own writing one more shot.
Please send in asks. Make them as specific as possible, maybe keep the characters to a minimum while I’m still trying to get back into the swing of writing.
I’ll write for Hetalia, Mystic Messenger, Yuri! On Ice, and now Homestuck. (haven’t actually written for homestuck yet, but i really want to try)
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bakugourmet · 7 years
fun fact: i'm not dead, i just suck
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bakugourmet · 7 years
#11 with Prussia and s/o, please
“Y/N!!!!! WAKE UP, IT’S SNOWING!!!!”
You groaned, rolling over and pulling the warm, soft comforter over your head. Your boyfriend’s overexcitement was typically quite endearing to you, but not on a Monday morning when you were trying to get some sleep!
Wait. Monday morning. Weren’t you supposed to be at work?
You yelped and leapt out of bed, throwing on a warm, winter-proof outfit to bear the intense cold you knew was waiting for you the second you stepped outside the door. You rushed into the kitchen, stopping to grab a quick breakfast and peck Gilbert on the cheek as you usually did. But, to your surprise, he wasn’t waiting in his seat beside yours. You figured he was in the bathroom, or perhaps he had already left.
Keep reading
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bakugourmet · 8 years
*banging pots and pans*
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bakugourmet · 8 years
send me multifandom imagines!!
I will now be adding Yuri!!! On Ice and Mystic Messenger to the list of fandoms I'll write for! I'll still work on the Hetalia match-ups and fic requests I have in my inbox currently!
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bakugourmet · 8 years
Thank you for the encouragement, I will!!!
should i expand this blog?
I’m thinking of making this a multifandom blog. I’d include Yuri!!! On Ice, Mystic Messenger (i know it isn’t an anime but damn it’s good), maybe Free! Iwatobi Swim Club or Haikyuu!! or maybe I’d just make a masterlist of animes. I’d still write for Hetalia, but we would have a lot more variety on the blog and I think I’d be a lot more active too because wouldn’t get tired of writing! What do you guys think?
(Also, I really want to write for MysMe and YoI.)
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bakugourmet · 8 years
should i expand this blog?
I’m thinking of making this a multifandom blog. I’d include Yuri!!! On Ice, Mystic Messenger (i know it isn’t an anime but damn it’s good), maybe Free! Iwatobi Swim Club or Haikyuu!! or maybe I’d just make a masterlist of animes. I’d still write for Hetalia, but we would have a lot more variety on the blog and I think I’d be a lot more active too because wouldn’t get tired of writing! What do you guys think?
(Also, I really want to write for MysMe and YoI.)
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bakugourmet · 8 years
yuri on ice? more like yurio, NICE
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bakugourmet · 8 years
i got five whole followers when i was gone,, im ????
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bakugourmet · 8 years
i’m taking a break from tumblr for a short while. there’s a lot of stuff in my queue but i just won’t be here or anything
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