amjad20011 · 9 days
Urgent: Help Needed For My Family! 🚨
A dollar counts, and no amount is too small to change the future. If you can donate $5 , $10 Or more , it will have a significant and direct impact on our future and our family's life.
Please don't hesitate to contribute whatever you can.
And if you can't help please share.
We are an adorable little family consists of three members me Amjad (father), Rasmia (mother) and our little angel Ahmed a two and a half years old boy.
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We live in real danger of the Israeli bombardment, lack of food, healthcare, clean water to drink and displacement for the fourth time in gaza strip due to the war on gaza.
We are trying to evacuate gaza to safety in any other place after more than 220 days of war, our initial place will be Egypt for the time being.
I can't really imagine my beloved son to continue living the same circumstances of fear and lack of all essential of life.
Please again don't understimate any donation you can make or any assistance you can do with sharing our story anything you do can make the difference and be our lighting beacon to safety.
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amjad20011 · 9 days
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They still using this shit-ass talking point even if it has been refuted a million times?
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amjad20011 · 9 days
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amjad20011 · 10 days
May every settler, every oppressor, every opportunist, every backstabber, every traitor, every collaborator - not just hurting Palestine and Palestinians but every population globally right now - experience their timely end in Hell. May it happen soon and not later. May it happen with a tenacity tenfold that they inflict on their victims.
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amjad20011 · 12 days
Thanks a lot for your generosity i really appreciate it 🙏
Urgent 🚨 A Call to action⚡ Please help us change our future.
Imagine yourself in a war zone for more than 220 days, displaced at least 4 times, suffering from a lack of water, food, and medicine, and also suffering from the terror of losing your life or the life of your beloved ones.
Well this is not the worst you can imagine.
Imagine having a two and a half year old child who is as wonderful as a pure angel and living in those conditions.
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Well, that's not the worst thing you can imagine.
Imagine experiencing 4 wars in the same region and just thinking about this little angel living in similar circumstances.
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I'm really writing with my heart melting for our future and i really don't want my little angel Ahmed to live the same circumstances that i lived.
I have created a campaign on GoFundMe to collect the necessary expenses to leave the danger zone.
Here's the link to my campaign
Please don't understimate any donation you can give, every donation matter a lot.
Your generosity can change the future of an innocent little angel.
You can also check this post
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amjad20011 · 13 days
The translated post is an issue because Ghazzans have already been stripped of dignity and have been forced into posting their entire lives and struggles on social media just ti get people to identify them as Ghazzans and care about their struggles. There's no privacy left even though we are very private people who like to keep to ourselves. Everything they've lost everything they're suffering everything they've been reduced to, their inhumane living conditions, etc...
I speak with them directly and privately and publicly in Arabic to preserve some of that dignity for them. I don't want them going around showing every Westerner pictures of their living conditions or their IDs or whatever else have you because it's painful to do so. So I check, in private. It's painful that this is what's left for them to do just to survive. This includes things like that post that was translated without me accepting it. It's voyeuristic to an extent to want to post something like a translation of a post just for Ghazzans that says "I'm sorry I have to change the way I post your lifelines on my blog."
I don't think people fully understand how much privacy and dignity has been stripped from Ghazzans and Palestinians lately and how much people feel owed to know everything about us to the level that we can't communicate in our language without people trying to make it accessible to Westerners to whom it wasn't addressed. To me this is voyeuristic.
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amjad20011 · 14 days
Thanks a lot 🙏 @ibtisams
Urgent 🚨 A Call to action⚡ Please help us change our future.
Imagine yourself in a war zone for more than 220 days, displaced at least 4 times, suffering from a lack of water, food, and medicine, and also suffering from the terror of losing your life or the life of your beloved ones.
Well this is not the worst you can imagine.
Imagine having a two and a half year old child who is as wonderful as a pure angel and living in those conditions.
Tumblr media
Well, that's not the worst thing you can imagine.
Imagine experiencing 4 wars in the same region and just thinking about this little angel living in similar circumstances.
Tumblr media
I'm really writing with my heart melting for our future and i really don't want my little angel Ahmed to live the same circumstances that i lived.
I have created a campaign on GoFundMe to collect the necessary expenses to leave the danger zone.
Here's the link to my campaign
Please don't understimate any donation you can give, every donation matter a lot.
Your generosity can change the future of an innocent little angel.
You can also check this post
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amjad20011 · 15 days
Thanks a lot appreciate it 🙏
Also please if you can check out this Tumblr link it would be great
Hello 👋
My name is Amjad from palestine gaza and i am trying to have my family in a safe place from the war in gaza.
Our lives are in real danger because of the war in gaza.
My little angel's life is insecure and my heart is broken because i can't afford him safety.
I'm really sorry to interrupt your day, But if you can help me just by sharing the campaign link it would be so great.
Here is the link https://www.gofundme.com/f/b5fnk-help-ahmeds-family-to-evacuate-gaza-strip
I appreciate any assistance from you and it would mean a lot to me.
And also if you can check out this Tumblr link it would be great.
Of course, and it's no problem at all!
Everyone, Amjad's fundraiser has been verified -- it's 100% legit, please check out his account, reblog his posts for reach, and most importantly, DONATE! He's only raised €1,113 out of his €25,000 goal so far!
Here's the GFM link:
243 notes · View notes
amjad20011 · 15 days
Thanks a lot 🙏
Also please if you can check out this link it would be great.
Hello 👋
My name is Amjad and i am from gaza and i am trying to have my family in a safe place from the war in gaza our lives are in real danger because of the war in gaza
my little angel's life is insecure and my heart is broken because i can't afford him safety.
I'm really sorry to interrupt your day
But if you can help me just by sharing the campaign link it would be so great
Here is the link
I appreciate any assistance from you and it would mean a lot to me.
And also please if you can check out this link on Tumblr it would be so great
Thanks in advance.
Absolutely! I hope you and your family are safe ❤️
Everyone, Amjad is verified, so please go ahead and donate! https://www.gofundme.com/f/b5fnk-help-ahmeds-family-to-evacuate-gaza-strip
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amjad20011 · 16 days
Thanks for rebloging
You can also check the following blogs
Hello 👋
My name is Amjad from palestine gaza and i am trying to have my family in a safe place from the war in gaza.
Our lives are in real danger because of the war in gaza.
My little angel's life is insecure and my heart is broken because i can't afford him safety.
I'm really sorry to interrupt your day, But if you can help me just by sharing the campaign link it would be so great.
Here is the link https://www.gofundme.com/f/b5fnk-help-ahmeds-family-to-evacuate-gaza-strip
I appreciate any assistance from you and it would mean a lot to me.
And also if you can check out this Tumblr link it would be great.
Of course, and it's no problem at all!
Everyone, Amjad's fundraiser has been verified -- it's 100% legit, please check out his account, reblog his posts for reach, and most importantly, DONATE! He's only raised €1,113 out of his €25,000 goal so far!
Here's the GFM link:
243 notes · View notes
amjad20011 · 16 days
If you can also check out this link
Your generosity can make a change
مرحبا اخي حسين انا امجد المغربي من غزة
انا عملت حملة مشان اسافر على مصر انا و زوجتي و ابني
رابط الحملة هيو
بتمنى انو تكون سبب لاني اقدر اجمع المبلغ الكافي للتنسيق للسفر ان شالله
و شكرا مقدما
Hey guys, I was able to speak with Amjad here to verify that this fundraiser of his is completely legit!
Do not hesitate to donate!
284 notes · View notes
amjad20011 · 16 days
I have tried to reach you out @stil-lindigo
Please if you can help me sharing my campaign it would be so great.
Here is my campaign link
And also please if you can check those posts
This campaign for my uncle family ( brother of my mother) they are also displaced seeking the safety please help them by donating if you can or sharing the campaign.
6K notes · View notes
amjad20011 · 16 days
Urgent 🚨 A Call to action⚡ Please help us change our future.
Imagine yourself in a war zone for more than 220 days, displaced at least 4 times, suffering from a lack of water, food, and medicine, and also suffering from the terror of losing your life or the life of your beloved ones.
Well this is not the worst you can imagine.
Imagine having a two and a half year old child who is as wonderful as a pure angel and living in those conditions.
Tumblr media
Well, that's not the worst thing you can imagine.
Imagine experiencing 4 wars in the same region and just thinking about this little angel living in similar circumstances.
Tumblr media
I'm really writing with my heart melting for our future and i really don't want my little angel Ahmed to live the same circumstances that i lived.
I have created a campaign on GoFundMe to collect the necessary expenses to leave the danger zone.
Here's the link to my campaign
Please don't understimate any donation you can give, every donation matter a lot.
Your generosity can change the future of an innocent little angel.
You can also check this post
3K notes · View notes
amjad20011 · 16 days
Please also check out this link
Please don't understimate any donation every donation means a lot to me every donation can change our future and you can make a change.
مرحبا اخي حسين انا امجد المغربي من غزة
انا عملت حملة مشان اسافر على مصر انا و زوجتي و ابني
رابط الحملة هيو
بتمنى انو تكون سبب لاني اقدر اجمع المبلغ الكافي للتنسيق للسفر ان شالله
و شكرا مقدما
Hey guys, I was able to speak with Amjad here to verify that this fundraiser of his is completely legit!
Do not hesitate to donate!
284 notes · View notes
amjad20011 · 16 days
Please also check this link
Please don't understimate any donation every donation means a lot to me every donation can change our future and you can make a change.
Hello 👋
My name is Amjad and i am from gaza and i am trying to have my family in a safe place from the war in gaza our lives are in real danger because of the war in gaza
my little angel's life is insecure and my heart is broken because i can't afford him safety.
I'm really sorry to interrupt your day, But if you can help me just by sharing the campaign link it would be so great.
Here is the link https://www.gofundme.com/f/b5fnk-help-ahmeds-family-to-evacuate-gaza-strip
I appreciate any assistance from you and it would mean a lot to me.
This is a legitimate gofundme and is very far from its goal. Amjad has a few pictures of his little sweet son Ahmed on his tumblr so I encourage all of you to read his story, look how his son was able to live happily before October and donate to help them evacuate to safety
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amjad20011 · 17 days
Please also check this link
Hello 👋
My name is Amjad and i am from gaza and i am trying to have my family in a safe place from the war in gaza our lives are in real danger because of the war in gaza
my little angel's life is insecure and my heart is broken because i can't afford him safety.
I'm really sorry to interrupt your day, But if you can help me just by sharing the campaign link it would be so great.
Here is the link https://www.gofundme.com/f/b5fnk-help-ahmeds-family-to-evacuate-gaza-strip
I appreciate any assistance from you and it would mean a lot to me.
This is a legitimate gofundme and is very far from its goal. Amjad has a few pictures of his little sweet son Ahmed on his tumblr so I encourage all of you to read his story, look how his son was able to live happily before October and donate to help them evacuate to safety
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amjad20011 · 17 days
Please also check this link
مرحبا اخي حسين انا امجد المغربي من غزة
انا عملت حملة مشان اسافر على مصر انا و زوجتي و ابني
رابط الحملة هيو
بتمنى انو تكون سبب لاني اقدر اجمع المبلغ الكافي للتنسيق للسفر ان شالله
و شكرا مقدما
Hey guys, I was able to speak with Amjad here to verify that this fundraiser of his is completely legit!
Do not hesitate to donate!
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