aerisssblog Ā· 9 months
"Promise to find me" - (Lucifer x MC)
Tags : Angst, Tears, Gnreader
"This rose color is so beautiful," MC picked one of the red roses and smelled it while smiling at Lucifer. "Just like your eyes."
Lucifer sighed and rubbed the back of his neck. "You're always like this, MC. Stubborn and never listening to me."
MC chuckled. "So, you hate me?"
"You know that's not what I mean," Lucifer cut off MC's words. "You know how much I love you. You know how much I adore you. You know how much I'm afraid of losing you." Tears flowed down Lucifer's cheeks despite his cold expression.
Lucifer closed his eyes. "You know how much... how much I miss you." The tears continued to flow, and Lucifer fell to his knees, sobbing. This was the first time he had ever broken down like this since becoming a fallen angel.
MC lifted up Lucifer's chin and softly caressed his cheek. Lucifer held MC's cold hand and pressed it against his cheek, like a puppy missing its owner. "Why... Why did you leave? Are you still mad, aren't you? Are you still mad about what happened back then at the Reaper's cave? I'm sorry... I'm really sorry."
Lucifer began crying like a baby and tightly gripped MC's hands, not wanting to let them go. "I promise I won't do it again. What do you want? Money? Jewels? Power? Anything, I'm willing to give you."
Lucifer brought MC's hand to his chest. "You can even kill me. You can hate me as much as you want. You can despise me, but please... please don't abandon me. Please don't leave me. You should stay by my side, even if it's painful. I'm begging you..."
MC smiled warmly. "And you know, Lucifer, that no matter what you do, no matter how many times you hurt me, I always forgive you."
MC wiped away the tears and gently kissed Lucifer's eyelids. Lucifer closed his eyes, feeling the tender kisses. Gradually, he felt as if nothing was there. When he looked up, he saw rose petals and a radiant light surrounding MC. It seemed as though MC was slowly fading.
Desperately, he tried to grab MC's hand once more, but it was futile. He couldn't touch it, couldn't feel it anymore. Lucifer cried out and begged loudly.
ā€œPlease I need you too! Not only him! Not only the ā€˜futureā€™ me!ā€
ā€œFind me Luciferā€, MC spoke while gazing into Lucifer tearsā€™s eyes. ā€œPromise to find me and brought me back here. Back to you. Back to our familyā€.
Lucifer get up slowly and looking at MC. ā€œYou dont have to ask. I will. Ill brought you back no matter what happen even though I have to pay it with my life. Once I find your soul, dont you ever think to dissapear again.ā€.
MC smiled, and for one last time, they touched Lucifer's face, even though it passed through their hand. "I love you, my Lucifer."
ā€œI love you too, my MCā€
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aerisssblog Ā· 9 months
I never blamed you (Raphael x MC)
Tags : SFW, Raphael x gnreader , heartwarming, fluffy, angst
In the days that followed, your connection with Raphael continued to strengthen, breaking through the initial barriers he had put up. You both shared more of your lives, going to RAD together, enjoying quiet lunches at Lament CafƩ, and spending late nights in the library working on reports as just the two of you.
One day, Raphael extended a surprising invitation. His words were soft but held a certain warmth as he asked, "Would you like to visit the Celestial Realm and have tea with Michael? It's a rare opportunity." You readily accepted, intrigued by the prospect of exploring Raphael's home realm.
Stepping into the Celestial Realm was like entering another world. The air was filled with an otherworldly serenity, and the beauty that surrounded you left you breathless. Sitting at a table with Raphael and Michael, sipping celestial tea, you felt both honored and out of place.
But the calm didn't last long. Raphael and Michael suddenly had to leave, mentioning something important in the main hall. They left you alone with your thoughts and asked you to wait here.
As you waited, a woman angel appeared before you, her ethereal presence commanding attention. She looked at you with a mixture of curiosity and disdain. "Oh, you are the human everyone is talking about," she began, her tone condescending. "You've gotten close to us, angels, haven't you? Do you truly believe you belong here?"
You attempted to stand your ground, though your heart raced, and your voice wavered. The angel continued, her smirk deepening. "How dare a mere human like you get close to us, cause trouble, and bring guilt upon us all? Because of you, Simeon lost his angelic power and became human. Do you intend to do the same to Raphael?"
You were left speechless, the weight of her words pressing down on you like a heavy stone. She delivered a final warning before departing, leaving you feeling utterly overwhelmed.
When Raphael returned, he immediately noticed the change in your expression. Concern filled his eyes as he asked what had transpired. You summoned a forced smile and brushed it off, claiming nothing was amiss. But he was persistent, sensing something amiss.
However, you were determined to shield him from the unsettling encounter. "I'm just tired," you said, your voice trembling with a false cheerfulness. "I think I'd like to head back now."
Raphael nodded, agreeing to escort you back to the House of Lamentation. He mentioned that he needed to return to the Celestial Realm. The journey back was filled with a heavy silence, both of you lost in your own thoughts.
At the doorstep of the House of Lamentation, you bid each other goodbye, and you watched as Raphael disappeared into the celestial light, likely returning to his realm. As he vanished from your sight, a sinking feeling gripped your heart, and the angel's accusations resurfaced in your mind.
Rushing to your room, you ignored Mammon, who passed by, and locked the door behind you. Alone, you allowed your tears to flow freely. For thirty agonizing minutes, you cried and contemplated the gravity of the angel's words.
Then, with newfound determination, you rose to your feet. You made a solemn promise to yourself that you would not repeat the same mistakes, that you would not let your presence bring harm to Raphael.
You managed to change your daily routine, carefully ensuring that you didn't come too close to Raphael or the trio of Luke, Simeon, and Solomon. It became a practiced routine for you, walking to RAD early with Satan, having lunch breaks with the twins, and intentionally avoiding getting too close to Raphael during classes.
As soon as the class bell signaled the end of the day, you swiftly packed your things and hurried out before Raphael could catch up to you. But it wasn't just Raphael you were avoiding; you had distanced yourself from Simeon, Luke, and Solomon as well, fearing that your presence might be a burden to them.
You ignored their messages and calls, pretending to be busy when Lucifer questioned why you hadn't been responding to Raphael and the others. This had become your life for nearly a month, and you started used to it.
One day, lost in your thoughts, you were descending the grand staircase of the House of Lamentation. It was then that you collided with Solomon, causing a flurry of papers to scatter and a small cloud of dust to fill the air. Solomon's eyes locked onto yours, and he greeted you with an innocent smile, his voice as smooth as ever. It appeared he had just come out from Asmo's room.
Solomon: "My apologies, MC. Are you alright?"
You forced a polite smile, though your heart raced beneath your facade.
MC: "I'm fine, Solomon. Just a bit distracted today."
Solomon's curiosity glinted in his eyes, but he didn't press further.
Solomon: "Ah, I see. Well, we all have our off days. How have you been otherwise?"
MC: "Oh, you know, the usual student council work keeping me busy. But it's nothing I can't handle."
Solomon's smile remained, though there was a hint of understanding in his gaze. Solomon explained that he was on his way to Cocytus Hall, his room in Purgatory Hall no longer sufficient for his latest experiment. He leaned in and asked for your assistance, his eyes pleading.
Caught between your desire to keep your distance and your deep respect for your teacher, you hesitated briefly. However, you ultimately agreed, realizing that the issues you were avoiding had nothing to do with Solomon, and it would be impolite to decline his request.
The two of you made your way to Cocytus Hall, and as you walked, conversation flowed naturally between you. Solomon described his latest magical experiment with enthusiasm, and you listened attentively.
But as you arrived at the entrance to Cocytus Hall, Solomon suddenly stopped and frowned, admitting that he had left something important in his room. He turned to you with hope and apology in his eyes, asking for your help once more.
Your hesitation resurfaced, but you found it difficult to deny his earnest request. With a sigh, you agreed to go to Purgatory Hall, setting aside your self-imposed isolation for the sake of assisting your teacher.
Solomon said he would wait for you at Cocytus Hall to finish other tasks. Now, you were standing in front of Purgatory Hall. Before you could even knock, Luke appeared, his eyes widening in surprise. Without hesitation, he enveloped you in a tight hug.
"Why do you keep turning down my offers to bake with you, MC? I've missed you so much!" Luke exclaimed, holding you even tighter.
You smiled gently and returned his hug, bending down slightly to stroke his head. "I'm sorry, Luke. I've been quite busy lately."
Simeon and Raphael suddenly appeared behind Luke. You avoided making eye contact with Raphael and offered an awkward smile to Simeon. "Solomon asked me to get something from his room. Is that alright?"
Simeon's response was soft and welcoming. "Of course, MC. You're always welcome here."
ā€œMC, did something-ā€œ. Before Simeon could finish his sentence, you cut him off, explaining that you needed to get the items Solomon had asked for immediately and that you would talk later. With that, you rushed into Solomon's room, closing the door behind you.
Inside, you let out a sigh of relief. "That was a bit too close." Shaking your head a few times, you walked over to the shelf where the items Solomon needed were placed, but they were just out of reach. You spotted a nearby ladder and carefully climbed it, reaching for the jars on the high shelf. A triumphant smile lit up your face as you successfully retrieved them. "That's it!"
However, as you attempted to get down , you found yourself stepping into thin air and beginning to fall. Panic seized you, and your eyes snapped shut reflexively. But just as quickly, you felt a firm and gentle hand securely cradling you in a bridal-style hold.
When you opened your eyes, you found Raphael staring at you with his usual stoic expression, his arms supporting you effortlessly. You were initially shocked to see Raphael's sudden presence, but you managed a light smile and thanked him, "Th...thank you."
However, instead of letting go, Raphael held you even closer to his chest, his face buried in your shoulder. Your heart jolted at his unexpected action, and you gently pushed him away, saying, "Umm... Raphael, I need to go to Solomon. He needs me to-"
Raphael's response caught you off guard as his embrace tightened, and he asked, "How about me?" Confusion laced your voice as you replied, "Pardon?" You couldn't help but be confused by his question.
Raphael finally met your gaze, his expression remaining stoic, but his eyes seemed to plead with you. ā€œI need you tooā€.
You were left speechless, unsure of how to react, and ended up looking away, avoiding eye contact with him.
Raphael sighed, still holding you tightly, and without letting go, he began to walk out of Solomon's room and toward his own. Your hand gripped his shoulder, and you implored, "Wait, Raphael. I really need to go now. Solomon asked me to help him."
"He did not," Raphael replied calmly, causing you to become even more confused. "I'm the one who asked him to make excuses to send you here."
The shock of the truth left you struggling to free yourself from Raphael's embrace. "Let me go! Hey, Raphael!"
However, your struggles has no effect to Raphael, closing the door behind him and placing you on his bed. You attempted to get up, but Raphael was faster. He trapped you between his body and the mattress, both of his hands on either side of your head, and his gaze locked onto your eyes.
"Why are you avoiding me?" he asked, his voice laced with concern. "You didn't answer my calls or reply to my texts. You even look away when I glance at you. Did I do something wrong? What happened? You've been like this since we returned from the Celestial Realm. Did any angels bother you back then?"
Your heart sank as you recalled the words of the woman angel. You looked away, trying to hold back your tears. After a few moments, you felt Raphael bury his face in your neck, and your heart raced.
"I miss you," he confessed softly, his warm breath sending shivers down your spine. "I miss you so much. The moment you started to look away from me, I wanted to grab your hand and pull you into my embrace. You're really out of your mind, asking me to let you go when I already have you in my arms."
Your heart pounded, and you flinched slightly as you felt Raphael place a gentle kiss on your neck, followed by a soft bite. You closed your eyes, overwhelmed by a mix of emotions and desires, unsure of what to say or do next.
As Raphael continued to place gentle kisses on your neck, his murmurs expressing his hurt at your avoidance, he also kept apologizing and repeating, "I miss you," a few times. His embrace tightened, and you could feel a slight tremble in his body, which filled you with guilt. You hadn't realized how much your actions had impacted him. All you had wanted to do was protect him, but it seemed you had only caused him pain.
Slowly, you started to stroke his hair, offering reassurance. "You did nothing wrong. It's me. I'm the one at fault. I couldn't bear the guilt for what happened to Simeon, and I was afraid the same thing would happen to you. I'm so sorry."
Suddenly, tears were flowing down your cheeks, and Raphael was taken aback by your tears. He gently wiped them away with his hand, his expression softening. "I see, so someone has been mean to you."
You looked into his eyes, surprised that he can catch the situation even though you hadn't mentioned anything. It was one of the reasons you were always drawn to him. Your tears continued to flow, and you began to sob.
Raphael lifted you up, placing you on his lap while still holding you close. His hand gently stroked your back as he kissed your hair. "It's okay. I'm sorry; I didn't know something like this had happened. I never blamed you for what happened to Simeon, and neither did he. I don't care what happens to me. I've already lived long enough, so I don't mind becoming an ordinary human, as long as I don't lose you or the brothers. So pleaseā€¦"
He kissed your eyelids and eyebrows tenderly. "Don't avoid me like that again. It hurts me so much when you ignore me."
You closed your eyes, feeling the warmth of both Raphael's lips and his words. The two of you stayed like that for a long time, making up for the lost time you had spent apart, finding comfort in each other's presence once more.
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aerisssblog Ā· 9 months
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lucifer felt guilty b'cause he almost killed MC back then in the Reaper's cave
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aerisssblog Ā· 9 months
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