Does it annoy anyone else when someone constantly hits your personal pet peeve and when you tell that person you no longer want to interact with them other people call you rude??
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Have you ever had an eyelash poke though on an otherwise bare lid and it feels as sharp as a cactus and you keep trying to tweeze it but it's too short and you have to get your 10x mirror and stop breathing and you keep missing and it just makes you more and more anxious until you finally get it and it didn't even feel satisfying?
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As someone with n-24 this is accurate AF.
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So I was reading on reddit (I know) that autistic people are developmentally delayed. One person say the their therapist said the average Autistic person is roughly 3/4 their age and another said they heard it was 2/3. Honestly it feels like both work for me since that would place me either in early or mid 20s. As a millennial (practically gen x) I have no trouble relating to gen z who are 18 years younger but I can't relate to full on gen x people who are up to 12 years older. The only flaw in this is how I felt like a full on adult until around 17/18 where I felt like I could relate to my peers. Then the moment to relate was gone.
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Like when started going to the gym and everyone told me how much more energy they had and I felt like I needed an immediate nap after.
people struggling with fatigue (PWF): all activities drain energy, so I need to consciously decide what activities I'm going to use my limited energy on people who do not struggle with fatigue (P w/out F): have you tried going for a walk outside? I always feel energized after some exercise and fresh air PWF: that is an activity, which drains my energy P w/out F: what about taking a shower and fixing a snack? that'll give you a boost! PWF: that is an activity, which drains my energy P w/out F: so what do YOU do that gives you energy? PWF: no activities give me energy, that's what I'm saying P w/out F: no, but I mean like what do you do for activities that restore you? PWF: the only activity that can restore my energy to any extent is sleep, and that's not even reliable P w/out F: I think maybe you're sleeping too much. have you tried going for a walk outside? I always...
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oh boy does this describe me
I think it needs to become common knowledge that "inability to read social cues" can show up as overcompensating.
You don't know how much misbehaviour is allowed, so you become the perfect child who never tests rules.
You don't know if someone is irritated with you, so you'll be extra generous and self-effacing.
You don't know how much is expected of you at work so you'll kill yourself in a minimum-wage job and not notice that nobody else is working like this.
"Hardworking and quiet" should be as much of an autism red flag as "ignores rules and doesn't know when to stop talking". Or why don't we just start using words to communicate so i can stop tracking everybody's eyebrow twitches, that would be great.
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Me living in a Trump town.
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Ah yes, the autistic experience of…
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The autistic experience of being super annoyed when going to an event and the person on stage asks how everyone is and people clap and holler and the person yells back. "I can't hear you!" so people do the exact same thing louder. Yes you freaking can hear then and it's hurts my ears every time! Knock that shit off!!
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I read so many post about people saying they don't have the energy they did as a young person anymore now that they are 50 or 60. But I lost my energy when I turned 11 and my autism presented itself.
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I still don't understand how this change even occurs.
Ah yes, the autistic experience of being more mature than your peers as a child/teen, and then less mature as an adult. The window of opportunity to relate is... not there
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Maybe this is why I can’t stand Wednesday. People love her and dress up as her but when I live my life as her I can’t get employment and ruin all romantic relationships. The normal people can play act as neurodivergent then go back to being normal.
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I’m a permanently exhausted pigeon
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So I'm obviously not not done in the home buying process but I've had to give about 1,500 in different fees required which is still better then the time I had to fly from CA to MD for a half hour interview that was on my dollar.
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All cats have Aspergers
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So I've decided to start the process in buying a house. This is a very politically red area I'm trying to make it work and stay sane. I'm going to be honest. As a millennial, this process and a lot easier and less paper work than applying for jobs. I could be in the new house in a month and a half and job hunting can take 8 months if you're lucky. Boomers don't realize how easy they had it.
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