6bluebells · 2 days
Ahhhh!!!! Happy Pride!!!
I love these!!!!<333 Thoughts + my own hcs:
Zeus: Yes! I sometimes can't decide between bi and pan, but yes
Hera: Again, Yes! But I hc her to be bi rather than straight
Poseidon: Demiromantic Pansexual, so on the same wavelength but a little bit to the left lmao. As for pronouns, He/They Demiboy Demifluid/flux. They don't really mind being addressed by any pronoun, but he settles with those because they can't be bothered
Amphitrite: AmphiSei who can't be bothered with pronouns so they just settle on one/two is such a mood, I love it<3 I hc her to be Pansexual as well. Both of them are polyamorous
Hades: :000 I love that<33!! Different pronouns for different personality sides/positions? Yes! He's He/Him for me, but tbh I settled for that because I can't pin it down exactly. Idk. I think Demiboy, but I'm not sure. And Bisexual, yes
Perephone: Honestly, took the words right out of my mouth<33
Demeter: She/They/He Femme-leaning Genderfluid. Wait, hold on, I love that theory<33 Yes!!! For both of them yesss!!
Hestia: She/Her Aroace. I don't see her as trans but I absolutely love hcs where she is<333 Mainly because it feels like it fits<3
Happy Pride!!!! Here are some of my Elder Six + Others gender & sexuality headcanons just for the fun of it!!
Zeus: He/Him Bisexual :). Will get with people of all genders but prefers to stay within the two-gender spectrum <3
Hera: She/Her Straight Monogamous. Would not mind, with proper heads up and talks, having a partner who has other partners than her but just wants one partner herself {Me!!!!!!}. This would have been the case with Zeus if they had properly talked about it, but they didn't and she didn't quite realize it yet until the later years of Greece & their Myths. [She's still really, really hurt because she wasn't able to find this out herself but she's learning to live with it now.]
Poseidon: It/Its Aromantic Pansexual. Is absolutely down to fuck everyone and everything but it's love is its own very special, fickle thing and it's just going to roll with it. It loves Amphitrite and that's all it'll ever truly need. Also, mortal concepts are weird and tangible bodies are icky
Amphitrite: She/Her Queer. Her actual pronouns and concept of gender is really hard to translate into Mortal Thought and even to anyone not born into the Waters, so she decided to just stick to these labels because it is the easiest to manage. And, she doesn't exactly mind being called a "she" or "queer."
Hades: He/They/It Bisexual. Similarly to Metis, Hades uses the standard "He/Him" pronouns when out, about, and functioning such as hanging out with his wife or literally reading a book, but when they are acting within their domain as "King of the Underworld" such as dealing with souls and filing paperwork, they go with "They/Them." And, "It/Its" is when it is banishing souls/extremely angry and become almost their domain itself [which is rare but happens].
Persephone: She/They Bisexual. Sometimes she's a she, sometimes they're a they. Sometimes she wants to be with men, sometimes they want to be with women :). It's as simple as that.
Demeter: She/He Queer. There's a strange phenomenon between the two Middle Children of Kronos and Rhea (Demeter and Poseidon) where, within their anger and deep into their massive wells of power, they start to develop features of the opposite gender. Hermes once theorized that it was because their domains were typically seen as the other gender, such as the Seas being called "she" and agriculture mainly being a "man's job"/needing more strength and muscle. Demeter doesn't think that theory's quite right but she can't deny the change either way. But, his pronouns have never truly been affected regardless. Most of the times, she is a she but there are rare moods where he is a he and he, himself is fine with that. Society around him, on the other hand...
Hestia: Trans She/They Asexual. Primordial Ouranos threatened that his sons will defeat him the same way Kronos defeated Ouranos. The Titan King Kronos denied that claim and even practiced abstinence for a long time until Rhea broke him and little Pyrrhus was born. "I will be different," he thought, gazing into his newborn son's warm brown eyes, "I will raise you right." Pyrrhus Kronia lived until six summers old when the nightmares of Kronos's future got to him and he swallowed his first son whole. Hestia adores the name Pyrrhus, but she's always known the name isn't hers, just as she's known a full, committed relationship like her mother and father isn't for her. Her siblings give her enough warmth, contentment, and fulfillment of life that she doesn't think she'll ever need a relationship because she's got it all right here. In her small, but big and ever-growing, family [she's just happy they've lived long enough to have children]
Tell me what you think!!! (And maybe give your own headcanons?~)
@6bluebells and @chimera-tail so ya'll can see this admits all your exams <333
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6bluebells · 2 days
Nonono, there's no burst bubbles. Now I have two hcs/symbolisations instead of one<3
"He is his father’s child, but in that moment he was his mother’s."
-Me, writing my Greek Mythos Project submission, talking about Poseidon's time in the stomach
*sobs with you*
I love that thought of Poseidon separating his destructive, angry, and warrior side as his father's child and his calm and caring side as his mother's child.
It's just afjdsanjfai I love it<3333
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6bluebells · 2 days
"He is his father’s child, but in that moment he was his mother’s."
-Me, writing my Greek Mythos Project submission, talking about Poseidon's time in the stomach
*sobs with you*
I love that thought of Poseidon separating his destructive, angry, and warrior side as his father's child and his calm and caring side as his mother's child.
It's just afjdsanjfai I love it<3333
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6bluebells · 2 days
*Sneaks up to you*
The "Youngest" Child - ixkhor_and_ambroxia - Ancient Greek Religion & Lore [Archive of Our Own]
*runs off*
Can I give Poseidon a hug? I'm gonna give him a hug
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6bluebells · 5 days
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There he is<3
My little contribution to mermay. So here's Poseidon in his merman form. This is probably not the final design, but I wanted to put this out here
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6bluebells · 5 days
The Greek Mythos Project: The Submission Process
Hello everyone, Camila here! Finally have the time to actually flesh out the details of this project so here we are, with the Official Submission Process Post :). Dw, it's absolutely not as formal as the name suggests. This is mostly just a heads up on what will happen once you reach out with your submission (also... art is totally included btw. I need to put this in an official post but now that I've learned how to post art on AO3? Yeah, we're doing this 😂😂).
The Very First Step: How Do You Submit. Submission somewhat varies between whether or not you have an official account on Tumblr/want to stay completely anonymous or if you have a tumblr account you can submit to us through (although you can totally ask to stay anonymous to the general public or even just beyond me, Camila, who is currently and at this point going forward, the only one who maintains this account and therefore will see everything). Here are the two pathways to go through, separated for everyone's convenience :).
If You Don't Have Anything For Us To Communicate Back To Us Through, such as wanting to stay completely anonymous or just not having a Tumblr account, then you can just send us an anonymous ask! Of course, though, when you do this, we would like for you to acknowledge the fact that we will have no further communication with you other than public posts, and so basically when you submit your work, it's a "one and done." Yes, you can absolutely sign off a pseudo-name in your ask as something to keep track of you by and I'll explain that further later in this post, but just acknowledge and know that you're basically "dropping it off" into our hands from then on and we won't be able to offer further resources such as editing, "beta-ing", or even just asking for further clarifications of stuff :(. But! I promise to you that it's not that intimidating. Submitting things anonymously into this project will allow you to test the waters of your particular fixation and build confidence without having any strings attached and, honestly, we'll take good care of your works :). I personally am a writer of over 7 years, have been hyperfixated in Greek Mythology, and I've edited and worked with hundreds of writers over the years, scholarly or at the basic world-building levels. This is a project aimed to bring together a wide audience and just bring content to those niche writers/concepts and so, what's the big deal? We've got you <3.
If You Do Have A Tumblr Blog/Way To Communicate Back With Us, it's the exact same submission process as those without a blog. Just open up the ask box, copy and paste your submission along with any additional information you'd love to give, and send it our way :). You can tell us if you absolutely do not want to hear anything back from us or even have your name attached, or if you'd like to be connected with those similar to your interests :). Either way, the submissions are the same--via the Ask Box--but this just allows for better communication between us and you. There are two aspects of this project: getting people's work out there and building a community, and both ways of reaching out to us accomplish at least *one* goal of the two, if not both :).
The Second Step: What Happens After You Submit Your Work To Us. Well, we review it. Depending on what's going on, I and/or one of my lovely teammates will go through your work to do some basic editing and formatting work to make sure it fits Wattpad/AO3's structure along with making sure that all the triggers are correctly tagged. This is a requirement in your submission process, especially the trigger warning tagging process. As much as this is based on original writing styles, I do want to make sure we maintain a baseline level of conformity between the works as much as possible. Small things such as the space between paragraphs along with how the breaks in scenes are presented are mostly the things we'll be looking at but it'll really depend on the actual fic and it absolutely will not be on you as the writer to do this. Write it how you want to write it and we'll find a way to meet you in the closer-to-you middle :).
[Coming Soon] Here Is What We Ask For In Your Original Submission.
Optional Steps Within This In-Between Process. We provide in-depth editing, worldbuilding, and beta-ing help! Currently, as I am writing this, there are only two of us on the team--me, Camila/ @sleepdeprivationbutitsvaruna along with Leo, He/Him, @pluckedchicken --but I hope to either expand as this project develops further or we just grow comfortable in our roles. I personally specialize in developing worlds/AUs/worldbuiling while Leo has reached out to help with general editing and working with those darker AUs that I'd personally rather not touch. You can even reach out to us before you start your work! I know quite a lot of people with a diverse understanding of the myths that I can either point you to for help or I can even just do my own deep-dive search and help you out directly! This can be done based on request in the original ask submission--for those wanting to stay anonymous--or over DMing with me, my own blog, or Leo's blog. Just feel free to reach out and we'll try to help you out with anything!
The Third Step: What Happens When This Is All Published. Currently... absolutely no clue. It's only like a Month into this thing and I haven't even written the first sentence of my own submission, so this answer is really only going to come with time. Half of this post in general contains stuff that I came up with on the spot, and don't think that we (or at least I) have all the answers over here just because we have a fancy and cool blog. It's 2300 rn and I've literally written over a thousand words in one sitting while having spent the entire day luring out my motivation kitten and only managing to get it an inch closer and nowhere near out from under the bed, so. Yeah. We're figuring it out over here too.
As for a literal answer to this very real question: my current thoughts is that, at some point in the sooner or later stages (probably when I get the "What We Ask For In Your Original Submission" post posted), we'll come up with a general template to go off of, showing the submitter's name, socials, where to find them, additional information they want to give, author's notes, TWs, etc. in an easy-to-navigate way for both us and the reader.
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6bluebells · 5 days
The Greek Mythos Project: What We Accept Within Submissions
Hello everyone, it is once again Camila here and I am writing this post because I decided I should probably clarify things sooner than later. I know I and quite a few other lovely people can struggle with open barriers within things, especially in such a large and "imposing" project, so I decided to write down the general specifics of things to lessen everyone's anxiety. This can and will definitely be improved if we are given more information/questions/asked for clarification so feel free to check every once in a while or reach out if you don't see a specific question you have answered. This is once again here to promote better communication within things and break down this large project to more manageable things. So, let's get into it!
[Note: This post will go from the broader, more unspecific, topics to the smaller, more specific ones so feel free to scroll down or up as you please :)]
The Biggest Thing First! One Singular POV. This is something that I, Camila, want for the project and therefore, it will be the most enforced thing within here. Don't worry, though! We will be releasing a Second Work alongside this main project consisting of things that didn't quite fit into the original project, such as works that aren't exactly (or at all) one POV but still want to be recognized or OC pieces that are like reincarnations of various gods/mortals/characters which I'll get into later. So you work has a place with us, I promise you <3.
Anyway, back to the One Singular POV thing. It genuinely does not matter whether the piece is First Person, Second Person, Third Person, or something within those parameters as long as the setting, scene, thoughts, and work are being described in that one character's thoughts/experiences. A great example of this in Third Person is in the Heroes of Olympus by Rick Riordan, a popular YA Book Series centering around Greek Mythology in a Modern Setting told by their Demigod Children, where the narrative is in Third Person POV but it only ever follows whoever's POV it's in. Such as we do see the character's actual name and "he/she/they" instead of "I" but we're not privy to anything other than what the character is experiencing.
That is what I am asking for, and I am asking for this mostly for myself!) As we all may know by now, this project was created because I--Camila--took one look at my goal to rewrite the entirety of Greek Mythology in my search to learn more about the Greek Myths, was like "yeah... no," and then proceeded to make this public with the intent to bring out those niche writers, gain a community, make friends, and generally learn more about the various communities and ideas surrounding such a vast and deep thing such as Greek Mythology (remember, people not only know this across the globe, but across centuries. It's not just our ideas and the original texts, it's the Roman Empire's thoughts, the Rise of Christianity, all of our forefathers, and even those who we have read dissecting these things and creating academic papers or other works. It's just so interesting how much character and change and even how much influence various things have had on our modern perceptions). But, this is also a Project, this is also mine, and so I am very politely asking for it to be One POV of a Greek Mythological Character--However Niche They May Be--Only.
Thank you so much for understanding and, again, I will be hosting a Secondary Fic for all the things that don't quite fit under this Main Project but may still want to have the recognition/community that this comes with <3.
Note!! Because this post ended up being a little long and would be hard to properly organize going further, the rest of it will be comprised in reblogs <33
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6bluebells · 6 days
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There he is<3
My little contribution to mermay. So here's Poseidon in his merman form. This is probably not the final design, but I wanted to put this out here
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6bluebells · 7 days
Good!Kronos AU: List, in order, of which of his children he’s the most scared of from least scared of to most
Zeus (😈😈), Hades, Hestia, Demeter, Hera, and Poseidon
Not at all saying that Zeus, Hades, and Hestia weren’t powerful in of themselves but if the castle were to suddenly destroy itself for no reason or if one of them suddenly turned against him, let’s just say he’s not as worried as he would be if Hera, Demeter, or Poseidon suddenly turned against him
Kronos: I'd say I'm a fearless King, but that-
Kronos: *Points at Hera and Poseidon being a chaotic sibling duo with Demeter cheering them on*
Kronos: they scare me
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6bluebells · 1 month
Desperately wanting the Big Three to be a happy & healthy set of three sarcastic & annoying brothers but even my hcs know it can never be true 😭😭😭😭
Like. Hades & Zeus were best friends during the war. Hades was Zeus’s solace as he dealt with various political & social affairs that have to do with being The Leader and Prophecy Child while Zeus was Hades’s solace as being the only one who would Sit Down And Work With Him bc most of the others just dismissed him bc he was in the background a lot or were scared of him bc he has a Resting Bitch/Protective Face. Hades going through the war and ending it thinking that this friendship and partnership would extend to Zeus’s Reign and they would be near-equals or at least Hades would be a good counsel but next think he [Hades] knows, Poseidon, their anger-filled and not-quite-all-there brother, is laughing directly at Zeus’s side & Hades is banished to the deep depths, forced to hold their Father’s and abusers’ key. Poseidon who they can never seem to explain the difference of morals between squashing ants vs humans, Poseidon who enjoys the interest of torture but hates eating bc it ‘feels weird’ in their body, Poseidon who has inhuman amounts of power and stamina but whose help is just as unreliable as the Ocean’s. Poseidon who could have ended the war as soon as it woke up but found a way to wander away each time. Poseidon who they thought was a traitor for a long while. Hades was Zeus’s best friend, but Poseidon who barely anybody seems to know stands at his side? Hades was known throughout the war as many things, the holder of grudges most prevalent of all of them, and that’s going to bite Zeus who once relied on that best of all the most in the butt.
Anyway. Angsty Big Three Hours :(((((
[Tho I absolutely have more if you want :)))). & specifics! /pos]
Nono it's fine. We can fix this. We'll just create an AU where they have a nice and healthy relationship between them. It's fine. We can have fluffy moments between them.
It's fine.
We can have the sarcastic and happy go lucky brothers trio. Of course we can.
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6bluebells · 1 month
Okay, so the realization is about Zeus but the headcanon itself is about everyone across the godly-generation and/or those who hold that as apart of their title/duties [ie: Titan-Gods, Primordial-Gods, God-Spirits, Spirit-Gods, etc]. It's about how the God Generation was created by the Fates with complete and utter freedoms concerning their powers and free will as opposed to the Titans who are controlled almost entirely by the Fates via their Purpose (pre-defined traits and positions given to each Titan who was born, such as if they would serve a combat role or even how many children they would have + what their children would do] or their respective Primordials for their Powers/Gifts [have not figured out which one they would be called yet]. They were created this way and created in general for Primordial Entertainment, as most Primordials had either become bored or tired of their domains and delegating out their domain's tasks, but it had an unexpected outcome: the concept of rebellion.
You see, Kronos's rebellion against Ouranos was planned. It was one of the main reasons why the generation of Titans came to be, along with the fact that the Primordials grew lazy but still had to perform their tasks as assigned by Primordial Khaos and enforced by Primordial Gaia. It was one of Kronos's main Purposes [to overthrow Primordial Ouranos] but it never helped that Ouranos was a horrible father. Furthermore, Koios, Hyperion, Krios and Iapetus were also Created and Meant to hold down Ouranos and become the four pillars of the earth. Of course, the Primordial Fates did not quite know what they were doing when pairing the Titan Kronos, who had a prophecy over his head stating that his children would kill him the same way he did his father, and the Titan Rhea, who had been dreaming of being a mother since she knew what the word meant, but the Fates went as the tapestries went. They were both dictating it and watching it be dictated. Everything was slowly falling into order as they fell into order, there was no One Thing that dictated all, not even Primordial Khaos.
Anyway, back to what that means. This means that the Titans don't at all have bodily autonomy, which affected almost every single part of their everyday lives. Husbands treat wives horribly, sisters and brothers rough-house meanly, fathers act like drill sergeants, and mothers smiled like nothing was wrong. Some of them knew it was wrong, like Rhea and Phoebe, while others accepted it or just lived in ignorance. There was nothing to be done, anyway, and so further down the family line you went, the more ignorant and accepting the Titans were. Despite all of this, despite all of the things that would spark a country-wide rebellion in the later years of humanity, the Titans did not think of rebellion. They could not think of rebellion. These things and these relationships were ingrained so deep in their being that they knew and could not think of another way. They knew the story of their origins; they knew the story of Kronos, but it was so inconceivably far away that nobody connected the dots.
Until Zeus came along. Eventually, Kronos caved to his Wife and Purpose and he and Rhea had 6 children. Hestia, who was a Titan but with the free-thinking of a God. Demeter, who had the power of a God but still held a Titan's Purpose. Hera, who was so in-tuned with her God-Hood that she could create new concepts and strategies unthought of before and even hold deep emotions such as Hate but had no Powers to think of. Hades who was more Primordial than Titan or God. Poseidon was was so tuned to his Power and the Earth that free-thinking was forced to come along with it. And, finally, Zeus who was perfect and everything the Fates imagined him to be. The Perfect God. The only one across the pantheon who had no other generation's blood or concepts running through his veins. And, since he had the power to think freely and with what will be human judgements, he saw the world and decided to Rebel.
For the first time in millions of years, a movement was brought on by something other than Fate. Many turned him away at first--thinking it preposterous and laughable as a Purpose. Others turned him away because they balked at the fact that any Primordial would allow him such power--Kronos was their ruler now, and a pretty good one. Even Rhea, who just wanted a child who she could raise and knew that this would eventually become her Purpose, was a little hesitant at how quickly he latched onto it and the reasons he gave. Yes, eating children was wrong but it was never her first thought of hate-. Nobody quite thought that this was the sign of a new generation coming around--most thought Zeus, from young to the middle of the Titan War, to be a weird Titan--but, to history and what would become of the gods, this was astronomical. This concept--free will and rebellion--would be the defining point going further into history.
But you know what realization's truly tripping me up about this concept? The fact that, truly, if Kronos decided to raise his children well, there will be no rebellion. Zeus would not rebel anyway because he was destined to or just because he could, because he would have been content with his life. Hera would be spiteful but she would not Hate. The others will embrace their Titan-Family with open arms because they are accepting. Of course, Zeus and Hera would raise their eyebrows at the way their cousins are treating each other and being treated, but that would soon be fixed. It will be written in their Purposes to be fixed :).
[Just... ******just*****]
… I
I love your world building hcs so much <3 honestly they feed me /gen /pos
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6bluebells · 1 month
When you finally actually realize the Huge Implications of one of your biggest and most defining headcanons-
*sits in the middle of my room, staring at one of my research papers, in pure and utter silence*
It do be like that
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6bluebells · 1 month
writers and artists will go "this isn't good enough." my brother in christ, you're creating something new out of nothing and expressing yourself creatively. your productivity and unrealistic standards of perfection do not define you or the worth of your art. you're doing great.
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6bluebells · 1 month
The Greek Mythos Project
Hello everybody, my name is Camila and I am the creator of The Greek Mythos Project. My pronouns are They/Them and I can otherwise be found on Tumblr as @ixhkor-and-ambrosxa. Any and all questions can either be directed here or there and I'd be happy to help any of you :).
So... What Is This Project And Blog About? Well, it's about The Greek Mythos Project. The Greek Mythos Project is a new thing I've created here on Tumblr in order to showcase smaller artists waiting to get out there, feel like their audience is too niche, and to ultimately learn more about Greek Mythology. It originally stemmed from a smaller, more personal project where I intended to 'rewrite' all of mythology in order to learn more about it and to generally get back into writing, but as I thought more about the specifics, I realized how time consuming and burnt-out I would be. That thought lead to another and another... and then I was like: what if I release this idea into the world and allow others to participate in it? Then I'd still be able to learn more about all of it, but I could also meet new writers and see more writing styles. So, here we are, with a blog & all.
What Is The Project's Main Goal? The ultimate main goal of this project is to showcase others' work. I myself--as a writer of lesser-known characters--know how hard it is to get that niche audience or even gain the courage to let loose those 'weird' headcanons so I wanted to provide an easy way to get that. I want to know those niche writers and characters and 'weird' headcanons--one of my general hyperfixations is worldbuilding! So, even if nobody else wants to read it, I want to. I want to know, I want to learn, and I want to be. So, the ultimate goal is getting out there, but there are some lesser and more personal goals such as networking, learning to work with wider and more diverse audiences (knowledge, headcanons, and otherwise), and having something bigger than myself to work on so I don't end up spiraling. It lets me know, as someone who struggles with mental health, that there's always going to be something to fall back on, such as this project :).
What Is This Project Exactly? The Greek Mythos Project will hopefully be a long AO3/Wattpad fic made up of the POVs and Stories of various characters in Greek Mythology. The end project will hopefully be arranged in chronological order and include as many stories and versions of the stories as they can. The possibilities and submissions can be endless but the only restriction this project asks for is that it keeps to one POV only. I ask this because this is the vision I am hoping to pursue but there will be a companion-fic set that you can submit to if you want a Multiple POV submission. Each chapter that we post will include your socials, how to find you, how to find your other works, the submission-fic notes, personal notes on the fic, and anything else you or we decide is best to put. Of course, you can opt out of any and all of this and I can just put anonymous <3. This project is essentially a mass Character Study/Introspection, if you'd like it in more simple and fandom-based terms :).
What Are The Project's Requirements? Other than having only one POV... there aren't really any. Of course, there's a level of trust and respect required on both sides once we all start working with each other, but that's just the basics. The word count can be anything, Spicy & More Graphic scenes can be taken once we have a coordinator for that and/or get further into it, and hopefully we'll have editors and beta-ers if you, as a writer, want or require them. If anything, I can help edit and work with you. This is a pretty formless job; it can be writing, it can be art, it can be mood boards, it can be collabs. As long as everything's communicated effectively, nothing should be a problem.
How Do I Submit? Currently, the best way to submit things is through the Ask Box on this page. I'll also be opening up the submissions tab/thing but I have zero experience on my part with it so the safest bet's through the ask box. Same thing with private posts, they don't always work so, when in doubt, go to the ask box :). Feel free, whenever you submit via the ask box, to put a little line at the bottom or top with your information, any notes, etc for me to put in when I eventually post this. Also, please check in on this blog every once in a while in case we need to ask to clarify something <3.
Can I Participate Even Without Socials? Yes, you absolutely can! Our ask box will always have an anonymous option and even if you have something or another and just want this to be separate, feel free to tell us you want to be anonymous! I and those who I may be working with will completely get and respect your privacy! /pos /gen
What Is The Project's Deadline? As of now, there isn't one. This project is supposed to be long term, which means it should still be going five or so years from now (depending on how the world's going at that time, at least) and so there is no deadline going on for the submissions-end. On my end, I plan to start picking it up and publishing around Late-August or July because I hope by that point, we'll have some submissions or at least be working a lot more on this as it picks up and also I know this month is really stressful for a lot of people with final projects, exams, etc and getting ready for Summer so hopefully that'll be a decent amount of time to really get things going.
Can I Help Out? Yes, you absolutely may! I'd love some editors to help back me up on things, beta-ers, Spicy-Scene coordinators (because that's just not my editing cup of tea) and other people that's going to be crucial to bringing this to light. Again, this project is based on community and I love people so feel free to reach out so we can work together to see what's the right fit, aka schedules, genres, etc! I might even create a discord server if we get large enough!
Any Other Comments? Feel free to ask questions. This and my main account are always free to pop in if you'd like, just know that it might take me a while to get back to you... it's a bad habit :(. Also, fandom-based characters and chapters are completely on the table! I personally find it much easier to write in a fandom-based setting so if that's your jam, feel free and make sure to tell us where you're comin' from so we showcase it! At some point, too, I'd love to make a little 'spreadsheet' thing on here to show who's working on who to maybe get people out of their shell or introduce others or maybe even collab on stuff!
Anyway, I think that should all be it :). Feel free to ask questions, interact with us, or even share the #The Greek Mythos Project on other platforms if you'd like or with friends! Also keep up with us on the same tag for updates, questions, or even maybe prompts/challenges if ya'll would like :). See you at some point and have fun!
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6bluebells · 2 months
Hey #GreekMythology tumblr, I want ya’lls help on something :).
So, I’ve been thinking about starting this massive project. Like, would take years and years work of writing and research and sheerly finding the time and motivation for. And as I was thinking about the specifics, I thought: why not bring others into it as well? Because as much as I am interested in a lot of Greek Mythology, there are things that are simply not my interests and might cause writers block and my goal for the project would to be as fun as possible. So, here we are.
What is the project exactly? Well, hopefully, it’ll be a long Ao3 series/fic focusing on the individual perspectives of various figures/events in Greek Mythology arranged in (semi/good enough) chronological order. I personally intend to write for Poseidon in his/my version of the Titanomachy and (maybe) some events that follow, if you want a little bit of an idea on what I’m talking about.
The limits on this are almost completely free, all that I ask are that each of your submissions are one POV only (and by that I mean your main subject’s POV). Why do I say this? I say this because that is what I want this project to look like. It doesn’t matter if it’s First, Second, or Third POV along with all the other variants of those three, my main focus is on the individual experiences of these individuals. Kind of like character studies, if you know what I mean. I’m intending for it to be mostly formal but I will absolutely accept crack admissions that I will probably put into its own series to Separate the Vibes for whoever comes by :).
Ultimately, this is a completely open-ended project that has absolutely no deadline. I’m about to go to bed so I can’t go into too much detail, but if you want to DM me or send any asks, I am completely okay with that and we’ll all flesh out the specifics we go :).
What is my overall purpose? Not only is this project made for my own individual purposes of learning more about the gods and other Greek Mythology writers, but it’s also the chance to spread the word of other writers. I know how hard it is to get specific audiences, especially when you’re shy, so this is a chance for your work to be stumbled upon. Each post on the eventual Ao3 fic will include your socials, how to find you, and your other general works on either ao3, tumblr, wattpad, or other :)
Can you participate even without socials or a tumblr page? Yes you absolutely can :). My asks will always be open to anons and I will do my best to give credit when I eventually post everything :). If you want to post multiple submissions or simply just want a trackable (between works) name to your writing, just sign something at the end. It could be a name, it could be a potential username, I don’t mind at all :)).
How do I submit things? Well, the best way would be to DM me :). I have a personal writing email separate from most things that would be perfect to either share a google docs with or to just send a copy-and-pasted copy of it. Otherwise, I take asks. None of them will be posted unless asked or we’re ready to so it’ll be safe to just drop them off in! It’s also where I take questions :).
Any other things to note? I’d really appreciate some other moderators and editors :). There’d only be like two or three of each and we’d have to know each other decently well before officially starting, but some help would be appreciated! Also, I’d like to keep a working ‘spreadsheet’ of who’s working on what just for people to see what’s going on :). Maybe some people can collaborate or it’ll encourage those niche writers to write :). A third thing is that most questionable stuff is accepted. I’d personally rather not handle all those things other than posting it so it might be a while until I can officially accept (consensual and/or graphic) ✨spicy stuff✨ but, other than that, I’ll take any of it (also, it’s Greek Mythology, almost all of it already happened). If someone’s willing to take over the ✨spicy stuff✨ then please DM me so we can work out the details and see if it’s a nice fit :)
Honestly, that all should be it. The main point is that I’m trying to start up a long-term project on Tumblr and Ao3 about what is essentially Greek Mythology character studies that not only allows for mass communication across a wide audience, but also (hopefully) gets some recognition for the smaller writers :). Feel free to DM me or send me asks with questions but for now, I shall sleep
Tagging: @bluebellstudio @thirteen-deaths-later @0lympian-c0uncil @happyk44 @h0bg0blin-meat @sworeontheriverstyx @deathlessathanasia @gotstabbedbyapen. Sorry if I tagged you and you want nothing to do with it, I just wanted to get it out there /pos /gen
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6bluebells · 2 months
Also it’s like 2 am and I have to be up @ 8…
Taking care of yourself does also involve getting some sleep as well so please-
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6bluebells · 2 months
Finally allowing yourself to embrace self care >>>>>>>
(I managed to not only stop but get out of two rots today without making myself feel guilty at all! [one attempt was far more successful than the other but that ultimately doesn’t matter bc it just doesn’t])
((Also, I finally managed to let myself stim to the fullest and how freeing it feels- I love the pure joy that comes with being able to still fully & properly <3333))
(((Anyway take care of yourself. ily <3)))
(Yes!! Omg yes stimming fully feels the best-)
Thanks<3 ily too<333
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