yakitorii · 4 years
This is beautiful. I really really love it !!! Thank you very much 😭🤧🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼 This ! So soft ~
Day 28.2: Meet-Cute (Designer XZ)
Prompter: @yakitorii Prompt: Cute, shy and clumsy XZ meeting cool, quiet, protective WYB for the first time. Ending in WYB being charmed and smitten with XZ. Please ? Thank you very much ! 加油 ! SFW
The bright side, Xiao Zhan thinks, is that things can’t get worse: late train, spilled tea, and now a last-minute presentation. At least he’d finished the proposal last night; now if only this elevator would hurry up.
One collision, several alarmed voices, and a tangle of limbs later, Xiao Zhan is reminded that things can always get worse.
“Sorry, I’m so sorry,” he babbles, extracting himself from his biggest client. This is a nightmare, surely.
“It’s fine,” Wang Yibo says, pink dusting his cheeks. He accepts Xiao Zhan’s hand up; maybe Xiao Zhan won’t get fired for this after all.
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yakitorii · 4 years
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yakitorii · 4 years
So my tumblr-bro Mel made THIS POST and then it was four in the morning and this seemed like a good idea for some reason???
(p.s. I imagine this being sung and beat-boxed by whichever members of the pack happen to be present. I bet Erica is a better beat-boxer than me. I bet everyone is a better beat-boxer than me.)
You got the power, you do what you want Red eyes and tight jeans You know what that means Gotta go out and bite some motherfucking teens, ya heard?
Right in the side, ‘cause that’s my style, bitch Stick with me and live a life worthwhile, what Got a Camaro and I still can’t smile Hostile, now line up single-file 
Everybody do the Alpha Strut say heeeey 
All the betas in the club go There’s a wolf I can get behind Look at that swagger
Do the alpha strut All the betas in the house now Take a look at my eyebrows I can somersault!
(The kanima was not my fault)
EDIT: To properly dance to this, put on skintight pants and walk like you’re suddenly bowlegged and exaggeratedly nonchalant: 
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yakitorii · 5 years
Klance - Love Bug AU
In which Lance gets bitten by a Bug that makes him fall in love with the first person he sees. Keith, of course, is the one. BUT, Lance being already in love with him, nothing changes, outwardly. Everyone is confused and no one knows that inwardly, Lance feels double what he was already feeling as he is used to concealing his feelings.
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yakitorii · 5 years
2nd round open call
Hello again,
for tidiness’ sake and because maybe some of you didn’t see this before and/or changed your mind since then, here’s an updated list of episodes we’d love to have guests for. We’re open to taking on up to two guests per episode, so even if one is already listed, we’ll definitely be interested in having another!
We’ll accommodate your time zone as much as possible and within reason. Usually we record at 1pm CEST, or 4pm CEST (usually if we have guests from other time zones).
Character: Female Villains of S1 - Record on 16th of June - we have 1 guest
Meet the actress: Katie McGrath - Record on 23rd of June (hopefully, but open to other dates)
Episode Review: 2x04 Lancelot and Guinevere - If you want to join as well (still looking at you, @grabdatgem), get in touch! - Record on 30th of June 7th of July at 4pm CEST - we have 1 guest
Genre: Crossovers and Fusions - Especially if you’re into crossovers!!! - Record on 7th of July 14th of July at 2pm CEST - we have 1 guest.
Ship: Mergana - Record on 18th of July at 7pm CEST - we have 1 guest
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yakitorii · 5 years
I also am, you don't know how much !!!😍
The fanbooks get delivered to me next week 😱😱 is anyone else excited too?
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yakitorii · 5 years
Oh my Albion! I want one 😍 Do you deliver to France, please ? And thanks for your hard work !
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Once and Future, a Merthur Fanbook It’s time guys :) time to see how many books I need to print. Please comment or reblog this post if you want a book and tell me which country you live in. The more people want to have a copy, the cheaper each book will be + the costs of shipping from Germany. After I know how many books will be needed I can fix the price. I’ll do a post about how to purchase a copy later on.
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yakitorii · 5 years
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yakitorii · 5 years
venom: a brief summary
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yakitorii · 5 years
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The Good Omens Love-Fest Continues
Featuring Michael Sheen and David Tennant talking about working with each other (and the Crowley/Aziraphale relationship) in Good Omens
Source [ X ]
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yakitorii · 6 years
so as this post says, if you'r finding your blog is all jumbled, old posts popping up to the front, new posts not showing up at all, etc it is because of those posts being flagged and then unflagged. all you have to do is open them to edit and save them again and they’ll go back. 
i just wanted to make this separate post to add that once you do that all your new posts will go back to being visible at the top of your blog as they should be i just did it and now everything’s fine on my blog. 
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yakitorii · 6 years
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Sherlock Halloween Special!
Sherlock as Castiel, John as Dean, Hamish as Jack and Rosie as Sam (with her little teddy Gabriel).
Greg as Bobby and Mycroft as Crowley.
aaand… Moriarty and Sebastian inspired by Lucifer and Michael.
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yakitorii · 6 years
If You’re Crying And You Know It, Clap Your Hands 👏👏
If You’re Crying And You Know It, Clap Your Hands  👏 👏
‘Cause Your Ships Aren’t Canon, Favorite Bands Are Disbanded,
If You’re Dying And You Know It, And You Really Wanna Show It
If You’re Dying And You Know It, Clap Your Hands  👏👏
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yakitorii · 6 years
Dean and Cas : ** eyef*cking ** Sam : *opens a beer bottle* Dean : we're having a moment ! Sam : I'm having a beer
Person a and person b: *staring into each other’s eyes*
Person c: *opens a soda can*
Person a: we’re having a moment.
Person c: I’m having a cola
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yakitorii · 6 years
You know what movie I will always be proud of?
Alien vs. Predator.
Because it was a stupid premise that was going to get people’s butts in seats for one reason and one reason only, and that was to see the Alien fight the Predator, so they could literally do whatever they wanted with the rest of the movie, they didn’t care, so what did they do?
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Put Sanaa Lathan in as the lead, gave her a shield made of an alien’s crest and a spear made of an alien’s tail and said “go fight alongside the Predator to save the world from an Alien Queen”, and that’s what she did. They didn’t have to do that, they could have had a white guy, they could have had a white woman, a black man, even, but no, they went with a black woman and made her incredible. And when she fought her way to the end of that movie, they made sure that the most dangerous hunters in the galaxy recognized her and respected her, and they marked her because they decided “You are a paragon of your species and we honor you as one of our own” so in this universe when the Predators think of the Best that Humanity has to offer, they imagine the face of a black woman of science with long curly hair. 
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yakitorii · 6 years
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Dripping Portraits by Kerby Rosanes
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yakitorii · 6 years
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