xunandran · 4 hours
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buckley-diaz family portrait for @crazylatinoboy
this is a prompt fill with the @911actions gotcha for gaza! check out how you can donate to the cause and request a prompt of your own! 💌 🦋
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xunandran · 5 hours
An artist : Aw man! I saw my arts were reposted on Instagram. I’ve asked them to take my arts down but they ignored me.
Me : Say no more! Click this link, then click ‘fill out this form’. Fill the form and wait for about 1-2 days, the staffs will remove the image you were reporting from the reposter’s account :^)
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xunandran · 15 hours
Fuck it Friday (Polyfire edition)
Working on a Polyfire project since I can never get enough of it. Figured I'd share some of the beginning with people! As always, feel free to comment if you'd like to be tagged as I work on it!
===== Unnamed Polyfire Project =====
“How can one man legitimately be so awful?” Buck grabbed a bottle from the fresh bucket at their table and cracked it open. “I don’t know how you three did it for so long.”  Hen sipped on her drink, her third since she’d promised ‘only one’ an hour and a half earlier. “Some of us had it easier than others. No shade, of course.” Chimney’s eyes grew wide between his bestie and Tommy. “None taken.” Tommy lounged in their booth, one arm wrapped around Buck’s shoulders. He absently fiddled with his half-emptied bottle of beer. “Gerrard’s a dick. I’m just thankful that there were some people willing to stand up and be their authentic selves around him, even if I couldn’t.” Hen seemed to accept the unvoiced apology, offering her glass in a toast. “To our authentic selves.” Eddie watched everyone lift their glasses and bottles. He lifted his bottle as well, not because he’s a believer in ‘his authentic self’, but more because, since Christopher left, he’s more just fallen in line with those around him; going through the motions, as it were.  “I just wish there was something we could do that would just… stick it to him.” Buck took a large swallow of his beer. “Without getting fired, of course.” “You and Chimney could make out,” Hen offered off-handedly. “Or Eddie. Either works. That’d get under the Neanderthal's skin.” “I think that’s insulting Neanderthals.” Chimney offered. “Besides, my lips are reserved for one Buckley sibling alone.” “Fair,” Buck said with a laugh. “Besides, my boyfriend is right here… in case I haven’t mentioned my boyfriend.” “You’ve mentioned,” the table groaned good-naturedly.  “I wouldn’t mind.” Tommy pressed the bottle to his lips as all the eyes at their booth rounded on him. “I know who he’s coming home to.” "That’s right, Papa Bear!” Buck twisted to plant a light kiss against Tommy’s jaw.  “Gross.” Hen rolled her eyes and set her empty on the table. “This is where I check out. I don’t need to know all the pet names you have for each other.” Chimney stood up with Hen. “Same. Little girls get up earlier and earlier every day.”  Eddie watched as Buck stood to hug the other two goodbye. He offered his own nods with raised bottle toward them before they left, leaving just the three of them at the table. As soon as Buck sat back down, he tucked into Tommy’s side and swiveled his gaze to Eddie.  “You’ve been quieter than usual.”
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xunandran · 22 hours
Honestly, the fact that I didn't fall into the 911 fandom sooner is astonishing. Somehow never even heard of it until this season??? And I didn't even decide to start watching for the queer stuff! I decided to start watching when I saw the teasers about the cruise ship arc! The queer stuff was a bonus.
Anywho. As soon as I heard "Let it Burn" by Jared Benjamin I HAD to do some Buck fanart inspired by it. Really thrilled with how it turned out. Matches what I had in my head perfectly. All told this took about 28 hours. (1 hour of which was fighting with Premiere Pro to get it to export properly and not end up a glitchy mess. So sick of Adobe programs.)
I'll upload all the individual pieces later when I no longer feel the urge to chuck my computer out the window.
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xunandran · 23 hours
To be honest, I am so mad at how gay and queer men are being treated over liking BuckTommy. Obviously I hate how all normal shippers of BuckTommy are being treated (ie, not the ones who hate on Eddie) but the way queer men are being demonised and exposed to the worst homophobia for liking a CANON! mlm relationship? Yeah, it is not on. For a fandom built on shipping two men together, the way these people are acting about Tommy is very concerning. Some of those same people headcanon that Eddie is gay himself (I obviously think Eddie is queer, I just don’t know where the show will place him in the rainbow ((I see him as demi though)) ) but what, Eddie will be the “right” kind of gay? And that means, in their minds, not “predatory” like they think Tommy is? A lot of my queer male friends are loving BuckTommy, they are loving seeing a canon gay relationship featuring a main character on a network show with a large audience, let alone with the kind of story Buck has (late in life coming out) and the fact they are both have a masculine image. They’re excited about seeing them together more, excited to have this. Some of them ship Buddie too (some were more cautious as they have been ship baited before) but they are excited by the representation. But the homophobia they have seen in the fandom since has been hard for them. People don’t have to ship BuckTommy, they don’t have to like the hint of daddy kink in that scene, they can think the scene was awkwardly plotted etc, but if your response to that is the things I have seen? Then that person is being homophobic and no, being a part of the lgbtqia+ community does not excuse them from being homophobic. It’s like none of these people have met gay men or heard them talk to each other and it shows
It’s like none of these people have met gay men or heard them talk to each other and it shows
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xunandran · 23 hours
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Ryan Guzman as 'Eddie Diaz' ↳ 9-1-1 ✧ Season 7
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xunandran · 23 hours
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for @exhuastedpigeon 🌈💗
prompt: buddie OR buckley-diaz family - Something soft and loving - maybe buddie dancing at Pride or the buckley diaz family at pride? Whatever inspired the artist more!
i did buddie kissing i pride, hope u don't mind!!!
this is a prompt fill with the @911actions gotcha for gaza! check out how you can donate to the cause and request a prompt of your own! 💌 🦋
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xunandran · 2 days
Agreed. We love comments!
As a fic writer, i need every reader to know that:
I don’t care if your comment is coherent. I know what you mean and i love you
I don’t care if you ramble. I read every word and i love you
I don’t care if you leave a comment on a fic from four years ago or leave comments/kudos on like ten of my fics in one go. This isn’t IG, pls stalk my AO3. I love you
I don’t care if you mention the same thing in your comment that four other people have already mentioned. It’s actually really useful to know what resonated with people and I love everyone who takes the time to tell me they liked a particular turn of phrase
I don’t mind if your comment is super long or just a couple of sentences, i love them all
I love you
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xunandran · 2 days
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Sketching some silly buddie!
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xunandran · 2 days
Buck: I love stories where the plot is just ‘fuck this one guy in particular.’ Hen: I think that’s called a protagonist. Eddie: I think that’s called life.
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xunandran · 3 days
Buddie LGBT+
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Available in Ko-Fi!
Btw, I just posted and updated some free drawings in my shop, so go check it out! Here.
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xunandran · 4 days
Tease Tidbit Tuesday (Firepilot Edition)
Here's a bit of mild NSFW Bucktommy from my current project. The project itself is Buddie endgame, but at this point in the story, Buck and Tommy are married and heading toward finalizing their divorce. Buck got some bad news the night before and ends up in Tommy's bed. This is that next morning.
===== From "Trouble in Shangri-La" (763 words) =====
Evan is still clinging to him as morning streams through the east facing windows. Tommy has almost forgotten how comforting it is to have the weight of the other man against his side. He shifts, more to prompt blood flow into his shoulder than anything else. Evan follows suit, his low chainsaw snore interrupted ever so briefly as he reorients himself, slackened lips loose against Tommy’s chest just below his collar bone. 
He knows the smart thing is to extricate himself from the situation; pull himself from the clinging grasp of his soon-to-be ex-husband. But morning looks so good on Evan, from his mussed curls to the fields of stubble and the twinned pink dots framing his brow that Tommy’s traced untold times. Waking him means one day closer to never again, and when Evan’s at an arm’s distance, that’s easy to remember. Right now? Not so much. 
It’s not that he wants never again. He wants happily ever after. He wants lazy mornings and breakfast and Evan’s silly jokes and infodumping. He wants dinner and commiserating about their days and celebrating the victories where they can. He wants never ending nights and endless kisses, twinned hearts pounding together until the blush of morning exposes them. He wants everything. It’s been what he’s always wanted, ever since he met the man. 
Evan can’t give him everything though. It’s taken him years of hoping and wishing to realize that. As much as Evan loves him, and he knows that Evan loves him, it can’t fill the need inside Tommy. It can’t salve the knowing that there is and would always be someone higher on Evan’s list than he could ever be. It can’t quench the jealous heart that beats in him that needs to be the most important person in someone’s life. 
For right now though, it’s nice to pretend. It’s nice to once again trace along Evan’s birthmark and smile at the way his brows crinkle in protest even as he sleeps. It’s nice to pretend there isn’t a looming appointment to dissolve all of this. It’s nice to imagine that the simple band still on Evan’s finger means that Tommy really is the one, the most important. 
Evan stretches, fingers slinking over Tommy’s bare stomach. Tommy swallows the hitch in his throat as his skin inflames under Evan’s touch. The younger man’s hand stops, but his thumb lazily traces circles against the ridges of muscle surrounding Tommy’s navel. It’s the motion of someone conscious and aware of their actions. Tommy should say something. He shouldn’t let his silence encourage Evan. But it’s been weeks since he’s been touched by a hand other than his own and he can’t help but whine softly, logic warring against desires. 
If he looks down, he’ll see Evan’s blue eyes focused on him, which is why he doesn’t. His is a sharp intake of air in beat to the first of the trail of light kisses against his chest. Against better judgements, he slides his thumb lightly along the peaks and valleys of Evan’s spine, the motion stilling the smaller man before he decides to interpret Tommy’s caress as permission. Evan wastes no time making good on Tommy’s assent, slithering his lips upward against Tommy’s skin until they’re trading breaths in an epic, unfettered catastrophe.  
Tommy leans into their sweet disaster, losing himself in the crush of lips, teeth, and tongues. With little effort, he pulls Evan onto his lap, rough hands reminding his saturated senses of the majestic ridges and valleys of the body that he’s spent years committing to memory. Even after weeks of no contact, he could still navigate Evan’s body in the dark, but the light filtering through the sheers lets him burn Evan’s beauty against his retinas one last time. 
They’re reckless and fast, each refusing to give their brains time to stop them. There’s a small moment of separation as Evan reaches into Tommy’s end table for supplies. He knows he should stop, but he aches to feel everything Evan’s willing to give him one more time. He can’t call what they’re doing making love. It’s too raw and charged to be love. Not anymore. They’re a pair of panting, desperate messes, riding the cusp of the memories of a happier time. Evan’s rooted, knees braced against Tommy’s sides and his palm against the headboard for leverage as he pulls Tommy apart inch by inch. 
Theirs is the morning, the rattle and creak of wood and springs blending with desperate moans and Tommy’s name on Evan’s lips, a forlorn, whispered prayer.
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xunandran · 4 days
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Who said that pride is over?
This one is available for print in my ko-fi shop.
Prints available now! (Ko-Fi)
+ Info about prints!
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xunandran · 4 days
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xunandran · 5 days
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hen taking buck to his first pride after coming out, for bu13ks on twitter! they had to get karen’s help with the eyeliner lol
this is a prompt fill with the @911actions gotcha for gaza! check out how you can donate to a good cause and request some cool creations <3
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xunandran · 5 days
I just want the best for Eddie Diaz, and by best I mean several months of therapy, followed by getting dicked down- in precisely that order.
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xunandran · 5 days
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Listen, I know you're mad at your dad. And I get it.
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