whimsyckle Ā· 1 year
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whimsyckle Ā· 1 year
severus snape and the ongoing theme ofĀ ā€œinsufficientĀ masculinityā€ (aka homophobia/transphobia)
snape is introduced at a young age wearing aĀ ā€œwomenā€™s blouseā€, which petunia uses to mock him
snape, when appearing to neville as a boggart, wears nevilleā€™s grandmotherā€™s clothing when neville uses riddikilus on him
duringĀ ā€œsnapeā€™s worst memoryā€, james turns snape (who he sees as a potential romantic rival) upside down and strips him/humiliates him in an attempt to impress lily, and after snape yells at lily and calls her a mudblood, lily covers up her (justifiably) hurt feelings by commenting on his dirty underwear
snapeā€™s patronus, confirmed by jkr to be a symbol ofĀ ā€œtrue love, love everlastingā€, unlike jamesā€™ stag, mirrors lilyā€™s patronus by being a doe (which much of the fandom considers to be a sign of obsession, despite never levelling the same accusations against tonksā€™ wolf patronus mirroring remusā€™)
most, if not all, of the significantly positive/grounding forces in severusā€™ life are women (eileen, lily, narcissa, mcgonagall)Ā 
feel free to add more if u can think of any
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whimsyckle Ā· 1 year
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gouache cats
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whimsyckle Ā· 1 year
For the snape asks: I and II
I - what do you think was the first spell he ever learned?
I headcanon the first spell he ever learned was a healing spell. It was the healing spell Eileen would use to heal the scrapes on Severus's knees. He instantly picked up on it on her first cast.
During a bad night where Eileen was hurt from Tobias' drunken rage, Severus sneaks Eileen's wand out of her apron to heal her bruises.
II -Ā do you think he went to muggle school before he got his letter to hogwarts or stayed at home?
One of my headcanon is there is a Christian church or convent near Spinner's End. The nuns would run a program where they teach children from impoverished families basic education: read, write, math, etc, along with catechism sessions. Going to the convent might give him an excuse to be away from home for a while, and he'd devour all the books there, including the Latin and Greek texts, which would explain how he'd learn these languages that he would later on incorporate in his spell creation!
I also love the headcanon that Eileen homeschooled Severus because he has too much uncontrolled magic. Academic-inclined Eileen teaching Severus about the technicalities of magic and brewing potions at an early age.
Thank you for the ask! I would also love to know your answers to these questions
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whimsyckle Ā· 1 year
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whimsyckle Ā· 1 year
šŸŒøDogwood and asphodelšŸŒø
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whimsyckle Ā· 1 year
snape asks
I - what do you think was the first spell he ever learned?
II - do you think he went to muggle school before he got his letter to hogwarts or stayed at home?
III - should he have been sorted into slytherin? why or why not?
IV - what do you think was his favourite subject as a student?
V -Ā  what do you think was his least favourite subject as a student?
VI - in your opinion, did lily know that he invented spells as the half blood prince? does anybody (other than harry)?
VII - when/how do you think he got his dark mark?
VIII - what do you think his first year teaching at hogwarts like?
IX - who do you think was his least favourite DADA professor during his tenure as a professor?
X - when he stays at spinnerā€™s end do you think he cooks, cleans, etc., does muggle things?
XI - why do you think he kept helping dumbledore after finding out he lied to him about harryā€™s life?
XII - in your opinion, could he have saved himself at the end? if yes, why did he choose not to?
XIII - if he had a better life, would he still be your favorite character?
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whimsyckle Ā· 1 year
Just an ugly sketch of snape on a thestral :)
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whimsyckle Ā· 1 year
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whimsyckle Ā· 1 year
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Young Potion Master and his new potion šŸ’•šŸ’˜āœØļø (maybe he drank a little...)
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whimsyckle Ā· 1 year
HP worldbuilding ramble primarily regarding comets and Voldemort
I rambled about this to @whimsyckle and @rubusart and now Iā€™m tossing this idea up here to see if anyone wants to play with this concept/run with this idea/bounce thoughts around!
So, after several unsuccessful (and rather chilly) camping trips to darker skies (ā€¦when I wasnā€™t getting rained on/hoping that my tent wouldn't leak again) over the last few weeks, I wound up going to an observatory the other weekend where they could still pick up the ā€œgreen cometā€ in the big telescopeā€” it was pretty blurry and dim even so but, hooray, a comet! (Iā€™m hoping weā€™ll get another nice bright comet soon, sure Halleyā€™s comet is scheduled for 2061, but thatā€™s still quite a few years down the road!)
And thus I may have had comets on the brain for a little while now and thatā€™s begun to spawn some world building thoughts.
(Caveat lector: Iā€™m not an astronomer/astrophysicist/historian etc.Ā  I like having stars in the night sky and trying to find comets, but I enjoy meteor showers far more than trying to find Messier objects, so I am, at best, a very casual stargazer.Ā  Thereā€™s a lot of Wikipedia under these thoughts under here)
Okay. The stars can be charted and are very predictable, certain constellations are always in the sky at certain times and some are always visible.Ā  The Noble and Most Ancient House of Black uses stars and constellations as names, thus they are associated with the fixed and predictable heavens which reflects on their house being established and very important in wizarding society, right?
Then there are those bright planets (Venus, Mercury, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn.Ā  The others aren't particularly visible without telescopes) that seem to have their own strange pathways unrelated to the more predictable stars (the Greek word root for planet means something like "wanderer") that made them more important for astrologicalĀ prophecy/divination (for example: ā€œMars is bright tonightā€ etc.; I suppose, too, that centaurs donā€™t have much interest in Uranus).
Comets (long-haired stars), which appeared in the sky unpredictably and for a limited period of time and with a path entirely erratic/eccentric compared to the predictable stars, were, historically (ā€¦and not just historically given modern cults and people buying gas masks out of fear of cyanide gas from Halley's Comet...), seen as omens/ill portents/signs of displeased higher powers/harbingers of doom (particularly for those in power).
Maybe the Wizarding World, which has classes in Divination and Astronomy taught to schoolchildren and has an important family associated with the predictable stars and might not know about Uranus, Neptune, and/or Pluto+, is likely to take comets as omens (rather than a 'dirty snowball' going through the solar system on itā€™s own orbit etc.). (Also, we get talking mirrors in the Leaky Cauldron, two-way mirrors, foe mirrors, the Mirror of Erised, maybe wizards arenā€™t about to put mirrors in telescopes and instead stick to older refracting telescopes)
Now then, Tom Riddle kinda has a very high/inflated sense of his own importance (unlike Harry, who was rather freaked out by the whole "Chosen One" thing), right? From his: "I knew I was different, I knew I was special. Always, I knew there was something"Ā thing and giving himself a noble title, he rather strikes me as someone who would see astronomical or meteorologicalĀ phenomena as signs confirming his significance.
So, there's the Geminid meteor shower in December, which tends to put on a good show (although it peaks in the middle of December, not the end) and theĀ Quadrantids (which peak in early January) can sometimes be fairly active (for a few hours), but Iā€™ve got comets on the brain at the moment.
I haven't found any records of a naked-eye visible cometĀ in December 1926, but there was (the great)Ā Comet Skjellerup-Maristany in December 1927 that was bright enough to be potentially visible in daylight and unusually golden.Ā  It was mostly visible in the Southern Hemisphere, but towards the end of December it (or at least the tail?) could apparently be seen in the Northern Hemisphere.
For an AU/headcanon of Tom Riddle thinking of himself as special for having a comet visible around the time of his birth, I wouldn't be above changing his birth year (or having him lie about it/get a little confused because he was born on New Years Eve and the next day it was 1927 and does he even know math?).
A Voldemort born under a comet (or one that thinks/claims to be born under a comet) might then consider comets as auspicious and decide to take certain actions when a comet appears.
There were several very bright comets in the late 50s, the 60s, and the 70s (between Tom Riddle leaving school and Voldemort's first rise to power/war); I could see this version of Voldemort timing the creation of Horcruxes 3, 4, and 5 to comets. Perhaps the cup and the locket (both stolen during the murder of Hepzibah Smith right?) were made in 1957 withĀ Comet Arend-Roland and then, a few months later,Ā Comet Mrkos.Ā  Maybe the diadem became a Horcrux inĀ 1962 while Comet Seki-Lines was in the sky.Ā  Perhaps he sees the brilliantĀ 1965 Comet Ikeya-SekiĀ as a sign that he should return to Hogwarts (only to have his job application turned down by Dumbledore; it would change the time between Hokey the elf's memory and Dumbledore's memory to more like eight years rather than ten, but that's a pretty minor detail).
In the first book, when Dumbledore and Minerva meet at Privet Drive in 1981, Dumbledore says something about having had little to celebrate over the last eleven years. So, in this headcanon/AU whatever this ramble is, perhaps the 1970 appearance of Comet Bennet spurs Voldemort into action again after stewing over the disappointing job interview. Maybe he starts getting serious about mustering political power, starts building support, starts to put himself into the public eye as the Heir of Slytherin/born under a great comet/destined and prophesized to be important/mystical cult leader-y type stuff. Maybe he runs for Minister of Magic in 1974 withĀ Comet Kohoutek (which was rather hyped up in the media at the time and then, although it was briefly quite bright, rather failed to live up to the hype and faded fast)- and only fails to win the position because of a great deal of work on the part of Dumbledore and his allies; which would subsequently lead Voldy to seeking alternate methods of obtaining power. Maybe he takes the appearance ofĀ Comet West in 1976 (the year of SWM) as an omen to escalate DE activities and violence (maybe he only starts branding his DEs at this point, heā€™s been thwarted in his attempts to work at Hogwarts and to obtain legitimate political power, heā€™s at a point where he needs to reassure himself that his supporters wonā€™t have a chance to abandon/deny him), soĀ the first war with Voldemort (and tensions between houses at Hogwarts) really ramp up right about the time Lily and Severusā€™ friendship is disintegrating just like the comet's nucleus.Ā 
Well, the 1986 regular visit from Comet Halley passed Voldy by due to his whole "attempting to murder the prophecy baby only to get hoisted by his own petard and left to float around as a wraith for a decade" thing, but when he made his physical return in the 90s there were some quite spectacular comets: Hyakutake Ā and Hale-Bopp (...Heaven's Gate one) in particular.
In this AU/headcanon/whatever this ramble is, I'd move the Azkaban mass breakout in OotP from January 1996 to late March when Hyakutake was shining in the sky- with Voldy delaying on taking major non-Nagini action post-resurrection until the auspicious appearance of a bright comet (ā€¦as opposed to not taking major action because his machinations have to line up better with Harryā€™s school yearā€¦). Then, Hale-Bopp starts to become naked-eye visible in May 1996 (around the end of OotP), which could be the sign that prompts Voldemort to finally lure Harry to the Department of Mysteries with the false vision.
Hale-Bopp was naked-eye visible for 18 months, twice as long as the previous record for a comet being visible (which was in 1811 or so).Ā  Hale-Bopp was almost as bright as Sirius (the brightest star in the night sky) in late March/early April 1997 (so, during HBP) and only faded from naked-eye visibility around until December 1997 (or about the point in DH when Harry and Hermione went to Godric's Hollow and then manage to escape from Nagini); perhaps the combination of the comet that had been visible for so long fading from view and Harry escaping yet again drove Voldemort to more reckless moves to convince himself of his own importance/significance etc. since he'd not only failed to find the Elder Wand but also failed to kill Harry during the comet's reign?
Alright, so I am also very partial to the headcanon of a Severus with a childhood fondness for science fiction and fascination with spaceā€” as far as Iā€™ve been able to find, the BBC aired the first episode of Star Trek on July 12th, 1969 and the lunar module wouldā€™ve landed around 8PM (GMT) on July 20th (if Sev stayed up until nearly 4AM into Monday the 21st, he couldā€™ve seen Neil Armstrong walk on the moon.Ā  Do I like to imagine he did?Ā  Oh yes.Ā  Perhaps Tobias took him to the Railview Hotel where there was a watch party, perhaps it was one of Tobiasā€™ good mood days and Sev sat on his shoulders to see over the crowd and hardly nodded off at all.Ā  Perhaps Sev had a sleepover at the Evans house, if July 1969 was a time when his da didnā€™t like much of anything. ...also, Sev could've seen "Amok Time" before going to Hogwarts...). Maybe a Severus who knew a bit more about space and such would've found treating comets like they were signs and portents a little embarrassing, it could've made him just a little less loyal/awed by the Dark Lord; but it could also mean that Sev would've heard about Hale-Bopp before it was visible to the eye/wouldā€™ve known that Voldy was going to see a sign to take dramatic action and wouldā€™ve dealt with that dreadful anticipation for nearly the entirety of OotP (Hale-Bopp was first detected in July 1995 (end of GoF) with telescopes, when it was somewhere between Jupiter and Saturn distances from earth).
In this, because Iā€™m a little mean to evil Dark Lords/like things to be a bit more silly and absurd, Iā€™d also put Dumbledoreā€™s birth date and year as November 17th, 1882 (since we werenā€™t given one in the books and I know more about astronomy (which, again, is very little) than astrology). Not only should the Great Comet of 1882 have been visible at that point in time, that was also the date of a geomagnetic storm that resulted in a spectacular and very unusual aurora being visible in London (I think northern lights were also visible as far south as San Diego, California due to that particular solar discharge). Also, the Leonid (Leo the lion, Gryffindor connection there maybe?) meteor storm of 1966, while not visible in the UK, happened on November 17th (with peak rates of something like 10-40 meteors per second!?!). I just think itā€™d be awfully funny if Voldy, with an obsession over being special because of a comet around his birthdate, was tremendously jealous about how many fantastic natural phenomena happened on Dumbledoreā€™s birth day (especially if Dumbledore, despite his best efforts to be or seem all-knowing, was entirely oblivious to that in particular).
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whimsyckle Ā· 1 year
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whimsyckle Ā· 1 year
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I donā€™t know why Iā€™m so attracted to the idea of making this two suffer from ā€œla vie en roseā€šŸ˜ƒ
Anyway, I think this date at Madame Puddifootā€™s tea shop is just an attempt to challenge each other. They both hate everything around them, but theyā€™re too stubborn to admit it.
Who do you think will give up first?šŸ¤”
Happy Valentineā€™s Day!
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whimsyckle Ā· 1 year
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severus snape as ao3 tags (click for better quality)
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whimsyckle Ā· 1 year
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tobias, eileen and a little bit of little severusā€™ accidental magic šŸ˜¢
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whimsyckle Ā· 1 year
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Honey... it's cold outside.
Please, come back to home.
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whimsyckle Ā· 1 year
Ah, I almost forgot how many of my arts were shadowbanned here. This is my old Snape sketch and I love it from the bottom of my heart. I mean thatā€™s exactly how I want my Snape looks likešŸ–¤
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Actually I have the whole gang, but I drew it so long ago and now I only like Snape here. Also, Black maybe.
And Potter a little. But thatā€™s all.
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