vintagesimstress · 6 days
Halló :D I have to say I love your CC! I was wondering if you'd ever be interested in making Icelandic folk costumes, or just Old Norse attire. I haven't seen much CC for it, which makes me a bit sad. I don't have money for a commission or anything, but I was curious and there's no pressure at all! My English is not great yet, so feel free to correct me :)
Bæ bæ, and have a good day!
Hello there Anon, thank you for the kind words! Unfortunately I can't see it happening in the foreseeable future 😣 My free time is very limited those days (I still haven't even found time to finish all those vaguely Celtic wips I posted... a month ago? Two months ago? Ouch!), and even though I hope the situation will eventually improve, I'll then prioritise making things which I need for my own save. Actually, I totally intend to include some Old Norse folks in my save/story, but I think the conversions from CK3 made by @simverses will be enough to get them all properly dressed. So in case you still haven't seen it, check out her downloads page - just make sure to click 'Vikings' on the left!
PS. Btw, Ingeli aka @simverses might be the right person to ask the same question you asked me! She's Swedish and I'm 100% sure she's cooking up more Old Norse goodies for us all 🧐
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vintagesimstress · 9 days
My writing software:
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vintagesimstress · 17 days
Hi how are you and your dog going
Hey, I think you meant to ask @frosensims - I only reblogged her post. But I just saw that apparently she got the amount needed for her dog's surgery, so I hope that means the little one was saved and is doing well! 💗
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vintagesimstress · 26 days
More of the same:
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Honestly, by now I'm doing it on purpose, it makes writing much more enjoyable 😂
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When you still haven't found the right words but don't want to disrupt the writing flow or forget what's supposed to happen in the given moment 🖋💯
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vintagesimstress · 1 month
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When you still haven't found the right words but don't want to disrupt the writing flow or forget what's supposed to happen in the given moment 🖋💯
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vintagesimstress · 2 months
Don't you just hate it when you're trying to write a dialogue-heavy scene and to not get lost you have it all nicely planned out, either on paper/screen or at least in your head, but then you suddenly hear your characters say things which weren't planned at all and you think 'hey, that's actually good, let's write it down', and the whole convo goes into a completely different direction and you either need another 500 words to arrive at the line they were supposed to say or you never even arrive there at all...?
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vintagesimstress · 2 months
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A bunch of random WIPs which will hopefully be finished soon (if my PC stops acting up the way it is now 🙄). Most of those things are almost ready for release, but there's always just this one tiny detail left to improve...
Details under the cut in case you're interested!
A loose-fitting Celtic tunic worn over an underdress, in 2 flavours: with narrow and wide sleeves. I made it over a year ago (!!!) and used a lot in my game, but somehow never was fully satisfied with the way those wide sleeves work - so, that's something to take a closer look at. I decided it also needs a new uv map (getting those sleeves out of the sleeves area), so that I could easily add short-sleeved and sleeveless variations. Also, age conversions, at least for a child. Also, tartan. And an overlay for mix&matching. And... 💀
A Roman ship from sketchfab, in 2 versions. This one is basically done, but one of the versions has an exploding shadow lod for some reason, so obviously I have to somehow fix it before release. No idea how though. By making a new package probably, I've heard that works 😅
A Romano-Viking Londinum house, also found on sketchfab, to be used as hood deco. Also was about to be released, but I decided it needs a decent uv map first, because the current one... oh boy. That means lots of seams marking. I think I'm ca. 75% done with this one.
Gallo-Roman earrings, based on a photo found on Pinterest. The mesh works perfectly fine, but I still need to work on the texture. Finding proper lighting settings should be the key - then it'll be just baking and voila!
A CK3 cape converted to TS4. A.k.a. my latest obsession 😉 Still needs some weights etc. tweaking, then age conversions, and then... Off to the next of the looted meshes! 🏴‍☠️ It might be the latest of my projects, but it'll probably end up getting released as the first one from this list 😁
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vintagesimstress · 2 months
Hello, how are you? I would like to know if you are planning to launch clothing from the 1890s since there are no party dresses that are as consistent with the period, that are lower-cut or that have more bulging shoulders, thank you for reading.
Hello there and thank you for reaching out! Unfortunately no, I can't see myself going back to 1890s in the foreseeable future at all. I still have a bunch of late Victorian inspo saved, including some ball gowns I once wanted to make, but my motivation to work on them has been gone for months. It's possible, of course, that I get a sudden stroke of inspiration and make something 1890sy all of a sudden, but personally I find it very unlikely. Sorry 😥
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vintagesimstress · 2 months
Will you one day make roman era clothing? I’ve had trouble finding good ones and I like how the majority of your cc looks!!! ❤️ One of my fav historical cc creators
Hello there Nonny! I promise I'm not ignoring you, I've just been wondering how to answer your message for a good week😅. If you want me to keep it concise, I think the best answer I can give is: I can't promise anything, but it's very likely, though probably it'll be just a couple of things (think my current iron age Celts spree) and not a full-blown immersion in the era (like in case of my older Victorian stuff).
The not concise answer, a.k.a. what went on in my head when I read your question, sounds more like: oh no no no, I won't, no way, there's no time, I already have no time for playing because of all the writing, if I start making my own cc for the next era I'll never finish even the first one, there's enough Roman cc out there, I wanted to just roll with whatever I find and not overcomplicate my own life for once - oh, but tbh some pieces are severely missing, and I am already planning to make some things, even if small, plus look at all those Celtic things I've already made or am in the process of making, look how well 'I'm not making anything' worked, what was the point of resisting all those capes smh - crap, let's be real, I will make some Roman stuff at some point, won't I...?
Back to the real world and out of my confused head... I'm definitely planning to make my own edits and recolours of certain princess Aurora wraps/headscarves (could be very useful for romanising all the outfits which are kind-of-Roman-but-not-quite). I also had a go at a pair of Roman earrings and if this experiment ends well (which I think it will - I'm still struggling to find the right lighting setup for Blender, but once I've found it, I can bake the texture and they should be done!), I'd love to delve deeper into the world of ancient jewellery, as it's both something I've never done before and something pretty much non-existent in TS4. If there is any other, specific piece that you'd like to see made, feel free to leave your suggestion(s) in the comments! 'You' meaning you Nonny or anyone else who has any desperate Roman needs 😉
Oh - and thank you for the kind words! I'm so happy you like my work, that's always super motivating to hear 💗
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vintagesimstress · 3 months
Me about every scene in Act 3 of my hopefully-one-day-going-to-be-published-story:
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vintagesimstress · 3 months
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Akogare's Matilda Dress recolour/retexture
I love the dress Akogare made a year ago for TSR YeMedieval collab and have been using it on my little Celtic sims all the time, but originally it had only some 8 or 9 swatches. A big waste for such a pretty thing! Now it can have more... MUCH more.
This time it's really just a recolour. Mesh not included. You need to grab the original one from TSR: here! (And I really hope Akogare is ok with it: all their new creations disallow recolouring, but older ones, including this one, say it's fine if you don't include the mesh, so... We're good, right? It's really fine?)
Comes in 3 versions:
Solids, meaning 40 swatches in my Iron Age palette;
Tartan Welsh, meaning 17 swatches with (afaik) actual Welsh patterns
and last but not least, Tartan Mix, meaning... drum rolls please... 85 swatches with different tartan patterns found on clan.com. If you think this number is crazy, then, well, you're right - but on the other hand, the website offers... let me check... 4667 tartan patterns! So, you see. I did restrain myself. Quite a lot 😅
All the versions come in two flavours: HQ (default) or nonHQ. Download only one per package!
Just a couple of swatches for the preview this time, because I'm not crazy enough to take screenshots of all 40+17+85, so what's the point in even trying:
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I might upload both of the tartan palettes for anyone who's interested and also for reference, because I have a feeling I'm going to go ahead and tartanise everything I deem worthy of my save in the nearest future 🤭
DOWNLOAD (free on Patreon, no ads or EA)
And just a general heads up, especially as I'm sending you to another post in here: all CAS items are .package files. ALL. Always. If you ever download anything for CAS and it's a script mod all of a sudden (e.g. a preset, like it happened lately...), something's wrong. Don't put it in your mods folder, best delete immediately and contact someone who's dealing with such stuff. Even me if you don't have a better idea ;).
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vintagesimstress · 3 months
Cowplant bless the modders 💗
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vintagesimstress · 3 months
...and just a couple of words from myself to all the people downloading my cc:
ALL I create are .package files. Not script mods. Script mods are a completely different type of magic and they're way beyond my current skill level. Even if I wanted to learn how to make them, there's absolutely no way I could do it now or in the next, let's say, 1,5-2 years. Real life is too demanding for that (you know, having a toddler and all).
Should you EVER (ok, in those next 1,5-2 years 😉) see me publish a script mod out of the blue, especially without any explanation, you can be 99% sure it wasn't me. In other words: DON'T DOWNLOAD.
As far as we know so far, package files should be safe as they don't offer the same possibilities that script files do. Like, you know, the possibility to sneakily download an .exe file behind your back. But I won't bet my head on it. I never would've thought all the shit happening rn could be possible either, so...
Sending some love to you all friends 💗💗💗 Hope you're all unaffected.
!Important Warning!
These Days some Mods containing Malware have been uploaded on various Sites.
The Sims After Dark Discord Server has posted the following Info regarding the Issue:
Malware Update: What We Know Now To recap, here are the mods we know for sure were affected by the recent malware outbreak: "Cult Mod v2" uploaded to ModTheSims by PimpMySims (impostor account) "Social Events - Unlimited Time" uploaded to CurseForge by MySims4 (single-use account) "Weather and Forecast Cheat Menu" uploaded to The Sims Resource by MSQSIMS (hacked, real account) "Seasons Cheats Menu" uploaded to The Sims Resource by MSQSIMS (hacked, real account)
Due to this malware using an exe file, we believe that anyone using a Mac or Linux device is completely unaffected by this.
If the exe file was downloaded and executed on your Windows device, it has likely stolen a vast amount of your data and saved passwords from your operating system, your internet browser (Chrome, Edge, Opera, Firefox, and more all affected), Discord, Steam, Telegram, and certain crypto wallets. Thank you to anadius for decompiling the exe.
To quickly check if you have been compromised, press Windows + R on your keyboard to open the Run window. Enter %AppData%/Microsoft/Internet Explorer/UserData in the prompt and hit OK. This will open up the folder the malware was using. If there is a file in this folder called Updater.exe, you have unfortunately fallen victim to the malware. We are unware at this time if the malware has any function which would delete the file at a later time to cover its tracks.
To quickly remove the malware from your computer, Overwolf has put together a cleaner program to deal with it. This program should work even if you downloaded the malware outside of CurseForge. Download SimsVirusCleaner.exe from their github page linked here and run it. Once it has finished, it will give you an output about whether any files have been removed.
For more Information please check the Sims After Dark Server News Channel!
CurseForge took actions and added mechanics to prevent such Files to be uploaded, so downloading there should be safe.
In general be careful, where and what you download, and do not download my Mods at any other Places than my own Sites and my CurseForge Page.
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vintagesimstress · 4 months
hi, if you dont mind could you share your bloom&flares settings? no matter my settings I can never get nice sunlight shots :(
i don’t mind at all 😉
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vintagesimstress · 4 months
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I was tagged by @strangestorytellersims (thank you!) and decided to actually play along with the rest of the simblr for once, gasp! Pretty accurate results tbh, that is very much my vibe indeed. One thing you can clearly learn about me from this experiment is that I have a soft spot for brown ;)
I also cheated when it came to the quote because the 1st result Pinterest showed me was that poem about rain that almost everyone is getting, and seeing it yet again in my own search results just made me roll my eyes. So I picked my favourite from the 1st line of results instead :]
I completely lost track of who was already tagged and who wasn't, but I'd like to tag my mutuals @aheathen-conceivably, @theroyalthornoliachronicles and @buzzardly28 (sorry if you already did it and I missed it 🙈) - and ofc anyone else who feels like joining in 💗
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vintagesimstress · 4 months
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Inna Cents - townie makeover
Inna Cent appears in trailers and promos for  The Sims 4: Vampires and could be load from Maxis gallery. I was pretty upset she was not an official townie of  Forgotten Hollow, cause there is smth interesting in her backstory and relationship with a sassy vampire Caleb. Anyway I can imagine my own LORe for her.
Occult sims are most fun to makeover because you can play with fashion and choose for them the most unusual and non-realistic fits. For Inna I choose some looks inspired by Biedermeier\Victorian period, because she probably was turn in to vampire at second half of 19th century. And her prototype surely was Lucy Westenra (from 'Dracula' 1992). But I add to her kinn list two fictional ladies who's also like yellow and historical dresses - Edith Cushing (Crimson Peak) and Belle (Beauty and the Beast) which suits more to her shinny and gentle personality and fashion choices. Roses and butterflies as symbols of her innocent soul
I'm trying not to change face features and keep the original EA genetics. But I changed Inna's skin and make her more pale. Because for me she is not alive anymore and can't be that peachy pink, because her blood system doesn't work. And I hope this doesn't look like 'white washing'
1. Hair by @thatonegreenleaf,roses hair pins by @kikiw-sims, corset by @astya96cc, skirt by @evellsims, puff sleeves by @dream-girl, rose brooch recolor by @elfdor, gloves by @sentate, necklace by @aladdin-the-simmer 2. Hair by @thatonegreenleaf, hat by marigold, dress by @shendori boots by @serenity-cc, tennis racket by @haneco410 3. Hair by @buzzardly28, hair accessory by @buzzardly28, dress by @strangestorytellersims, necklace by @regina-raven, lace fan by @simsonico, gloves by @atelierlena 4. Hair by @simandy, Dress by @belaloallure3, lacy turtleneck acc. by marigold, puff sleeves by @dream-girl, candelabra lights by moo2shelly, flying butterflies by @oydis, butterflies headpiece by glaza 5. Hair by @thatonegreenleaf, dress by @simnasimsworld, cape by @zouyousims, furr muff by @vintagesimstress, gloves by @bluecravingcc, little bird by @sims4-sin-a 6. Hair by @thatonegreenleaf, bonnet hat by @yuu-tori-tori, dress by @vintagesimstress, bouquet by @beocreations, gloves by @vibrantpixels
Big thanks and love to all CC creators!  
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vintagesimstress · 4 months
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Zelda's 1925 Wedding Dress
Happy New Year everyone!
I woke up today and thought that a beginning of a new year is a good moment to finally release this dress, which has been sitting in my WIPs forever. Something new for a change: a wedding gown inspired by a rl one from 1925. It was originally made extra for Zelda Darlington from @aheathen-conceivably's Darlington Legacy, hence the name - and Heathen was so kind to let me release it to public. So here you go!
As always: Base Game compatible, HQ compatible, properly tagged, custom thumbnails, chronological CAS positioning, specular, bump maps etc. Comes in 2 versions: with and without train; you can use both.
Only one swatch this time, sorry! Feel free to recolour.
Warning: compared to my usual pieces this one is extremely high poly. Slightly over 30K (!!!). Or slightly below for the no-train version. The main culprit is this little beauty:
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You know your own PCs and their capacities best. Use with caution.
(A little behind the scenes comment: this dress was also me experimenting with so-called 'blender sewing', which is a very different cc-making method than my usual one. Therefore, as you might see, the result also looks different from my usual style. Much more alpha. I absolutely don't hate it, but I guess some people might, whoops).
For more in-game photos, check the post with Zelda's wedding on Heathen's tumblr!
I hope you'll like it. Enjoy!
DOWNLOAD (free on Patreon, no ads or EA)
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PS. That model I used is not the real Zelda. I just tried recreating her and then stole her for my own legacy 😎
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