vinestaffery · 2 days
*goes feral on you and eats you/pos*
i used to scavenge for that soo much and roleplayed a lot too 😭😭
i will hopefully try get into it once more, but i will say to make sure to separate the art from the artist since ik some stuff went down back then!!!
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vinestaffery · 2 days
hi vinestaffery!!! sorry if i seem nosy but just wanted to check on ya :-3 recently ive seen a lot of angst and sad things on ur blog. if ur writing these based on ur current life rn, just trust me!! everything will be ok :-) take some breaths!!
(and for the love of god, please stop making me be the worldwide tissue shortage.)
hihi!! thank you for such concern :)
i will have to say that yes, sometimes i take parts of things ive been through within my life as a way to write, but it isn’t intended to be a vent of any sorts or kind. it is mostly for those that may be in need of comfort or any way possible, so i try my best to accommodate to those feelings.
the angst and sad writing is mostly because ive grown up writing such sad things, especially since as a young kid. it was my way to let out things and such, but was never intended to harm or let down someone! i am very much appreciative for those that request for happy and comforting writing pieces, in which i am trying to get back into.
thank you and i am so sorry if my blogs have been quite alarming, especially the one for medkit. it was more so impulsive and quite self indulgent, so i am working on something to give back to those i may have hurt. it was never intended to be that personal nor that vocal, but i needed somewhat of an outlet!!
please dont let this become alarming, i promise you my health and mental wellbeing is okay 💛
thank you once again for such a kind message!! some things have been going on, and it has altered me to be quite inactive in my blog writing. your concern is without a doubt a wonderful thing, in which i thank you 💛 you are a caring soul and i hope your days come by loved and cared for!!
take care <3
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vinestaffery · 2 days
cw/tw: signs of a potential abusive relationship, very self indulgent, attachment issues and slight bpd(?) mention
medkit is definitely the type to leave you after an argument, no questions asked
he does it a lot, specifically leaving you if you are splitting or having a genuine moment of need
i mean?? why else should he help you
medkit is mostly mad because you still struggle with communicating with him
no, your trauma isnt an excuse or whatever you went through
though this night was completely different
he left you all alone.
and the next day, and the day after that. and you were going insane!!
was it your fault you needed comfort? was it your fault for asking at a wrongful time???
you have no clue, especially with him refusing to make contact with you, so whats the point?
you slowly give up and just lay in bed. there is nothing you can do, so why try?
you give up under tucked blankets, with one side heavy, and the other side not.
edit: don’t worry yall ill make u guys an apology post soon 💛💛💛
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vinestaffery · 4 days
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So apparently another whole ass animated scooby doo movie was canceled, this time featuring Krypto the Superdog, but it leaked onto 4chan and was uploaded onto the internet archive
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vinestaffery · 4 days
kewl pixels : ] !!
NSFW Signs
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credit to candied for many of the bases. the buttons that link back to ohpixels were made by me using the bases from candied. (my favourite one i made is the lollipop one ;P)
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vinestaffery · 7 days
Do you write.. For ocean terror...... Or any other myths???? Blinks at you
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i very much do! but i am learning how to properly write their personalities before i fully start : ) which will be a awhile because school junk has started to get abit more stressful.
i am open to all myths (non problematic ones) though!! pls dont be shy to ask (i was a big myth kid back in the days)
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vinestaffery · 12 days
hello—I’m the anon from earlier who told you about alonetraveler i realized i shouldn’t have said good night/day right after i said some groundbreaking news and i apologize for that 😭
NONO ITS ABSOLUTELY OKAY sorry that broke my own tumblr persona but OH MY GOD/??? ive been a big fan of his stuff but i never thought he would turn out to be like. a horrible person.
thank you again for telling me, and its absolutely okay, i would rather be informed then letting it be not told 😥 HTANYYOU AGAIN FOR TELLING ME <3333
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vinestaffery · 12 days
hii! i notice you write for roblox myths, and i want to give you a heads up to not write for alonetraveler because he’s rlly a horrible person (actually). if u want to learn more u can look at the roblox myth wiki about alonetraveler.
ty and have a nice day/night ❤️
HE IS/???? ?????????????? ??????????????
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vinestaffery · 15 days
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why is this strangely intimidating
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vinestaffery · 15 days
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my honest reaction seeing the new scythe fic
<3 teehee!!
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vinestaffery · 15 days
Heyhey il ur writting <3
what type fandoms are u interested in or in those said fandoms actively??
also, id like to b considered 🔋Anon :D
hihi !! thankyou so much and ofc ofc 🔋 anon!!
Roblox Myths (ex: AloneTraveler, The Days Union, etc...)
Minecraft (ex: Stampylongnose, IBallisticSquid, Squashy, DanTDM, etc)
Animal Jam
Analog Horror (ex: Mandela Catalogue [READ A/N], The Man In The Suit, etc...)
Undertale (+ Undertale AU's, Underverse/XTale, etc...)
Horror Movies (etc: Friday the 13th, Nightmare On Elm Street, etc...)
IHNMAIMS ("I Have No Mouth And I Must Scream")
Slenderverse (ex: EverymanHybrid, TribeTwelve, mlanderson0, darkharvest00, etc..)
Warrior Cats
Elden Ring
Item Asylum
Midnight Horrors
Case Files 1225
I don't really remember anything else sadly, I am in too much fandoms to count... but, thankyou for the ask!! I hope I find people that are interested in these, though most of these are ranking from top, well-known, to bottom, getting into!
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vinestaffery · 15 days
Hey guys, I am so sorry for all the angst. As for a gift, I've decided to give you all some sort of comfort scenario. I've also lately been on a very bad writer's block, so I apologize for no posts. School is back, and I am not doing well, but I decided to let my heart out through writing comfort scenarios.
Make sure to take care of yourselves and to always look out for your immediate needs. You are special, you are loved, and you are adored in this world. Even though it may not feel like there is never going to be an end to a certain pain of suffering, it will get better in the long run. You are deserving of all the love in the world; you are cherished gracefully and gently by the wind and nature. Never let yourself down. <3
Some of these scenarios may not have had written paragraphs, but I probably explained them well enough in their bullet points!!!!
CW/TW: briefly mentions of abuse/attempted kidnapping, self-harm, attempted suicide, and harrassment. These topics aren't described perfectly or explicit, but are mentioned within the scenarios. If these trigger you, please avoid this post at all costs. Thank you.
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He knew not to trust you at night alone, weary that you could've gotten lost or hurt somewhere.
People in Cross Roads can be dangerous, as the mixture of different factions all combine together there, right in the center.
When you came home late, he wanted to discuss where you were.
"Where were you all night? I was worried and concerned."
He looked serious, and it frightened you.
"I was just out with some friends."
He didn't take it too kindly that you were ignorant and gave him the cold shoulder.
Even avoiding eye contact.
He knew something was up, and he was going to get to the bottom of it.
He investigated your arms, especially the one you held onto with your spare hand.
Bruises that were scattered across your forearm
God, the fury he felt when he found out you had been harmed at night made him even more angry.
Not just angry at the prepatrator, but not even being there to help you.
To support you
What good of a boyfriend is he if he can't even protect you alone?
"Who did this?" You couldn't breathe.
"It was no one, Zuka, I promise you."
"No, who did this?" There it was.
The full-blown worry and anger that he would relish in if he found out who did it.
You listed the appearance of the demon that had tried luring you into an alleyway.
Lucky enough to escape with a few bruises, you had gotten home.
Home to where now, your boyfriend cradles you in his arms.
He treated your wounds, making sure they didn't hurt as much as they did before.
"I'm sorry for not being there." Hearing him so defeated, it was too much.
You could feel the brink of tears escaping your eyes.
"Who did this to you?" Zuka threatened. You hesitated, not wanting to burden him with your worries. But his protective nature was evident in the way he held you tighter, waiting for an answer that you weren't ready to give. The fear of retaliation from the demon kept you silent, knowing that revealing the truth could only lead to more danger.
"I... I don't know; look, it's nothing." You tried to avoid the topic. The thoughts and feelings of their hand on the direct spot were bruised; it was too much to handle. Zuka's gaze softened as he wiped away your tears, his concern evident in his eyes. "You don't have to face this alone," he reassured you, his voice filled with determination to protect you from whatever was causing you pain.
"Can I please see what they did? So I can treat it." Zuka asked, permission was key in times like these and was definitely needed. Your mindset was scattered everywhere, untidied wires trying to connect comforting topics and memories. It struggled to block out the demon moments ago. Zuka's A gentle touch on your shoulder brought you back to the present moment, his calming presence giving you a sense of security. "I trust you," you whispered, allowing him to inspect the bruise and provide the care you needed. He nodded, taking your arm into his gentle palms. They were calloused and rough, but they brought back the feeling of love and home. A place you were fond of, set in your destined memories. Zuka's Touch was a reminder of the unwavering support he always provided, a beacon of light in your darkest moments. As he began to tend to your bruise, you felt a wave of gratitude wash over you, knowing that you were not alone in facing your demons.
"There, it should be able to not hurt as much, but still be careful." Zuka muttered, his hands laying on your elbows before pulling you into a hug. He kissed the top of your forehead, swaying slowly left and right. In that moment, you realized how lucky you were to have someone like Zuka in your life. His presence brought a sense of comfort and reassurance that everything would be okay in the end. With a deep breath, you closed your eyes and allowed yourself to fully embrace the warmth of his embrace.
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You understood that popularity wasn't your thing.
So did Dom.
But when it came to paparazzi, it was horrible.
Every day, you had to live with trying to cover yourself from photographers and fangirls that would pretrude on your residence.
Sometimes, I even have to deal with harassment every morning because of it.
It overwhelmed you a lot, especially when you just wanted to be with your partner.
You'd have to watch Paparazzi get scared off by Firebrand.
But one night, you had a weird text come through.
Some anonymous fangirl who had threatened the lives of you and Dom's
It was terrifying and heartbreaking to see such threats made against you for just having Dom as a partner.
Of course, you didn't want to bring it up.
Why bring up something that you can totally deal with yourself?
Oh, how you were wrong.
Days on end, you were getting texts and calls.
It made you unbearably grouchy, and Dom could tell.
When it started to get mentally twisty, your arms became a stress reliever for you.
That's when Dom had to step in after finding you in your bed, completely drained.
The phone is going off constantly.
"My Eminence, what seems to be the matter? You've been locked in your room for days."
All you could do was croak and fall to tears.
"I can't do this anymore, Dom, the calls, the messages!—"
He was shocked when he heard your phone go off again—another call.
When you went to pick it up, Dom grabbed it first before you.
A snarky, swearing demon screamed on the other side.
Death-threats and others, it was revolting to hear.
"Who is this? You best own yourself up, you freak. Harassing my girlfriend? I'll have you burnt to a crisp," and boy, that shut them up real good.
You were shaky, taking deep breaths to calm yourself down as Dom hung up and placed the phone flat on its screen.
His eyes seemed to go from rage to soft care and worry.
"My Eminence, my Universe, why didn't you tell me about this?"
You fell into his caring arms once more.
Maybe, just maybe, if you weren't afraid of speaking up, this would've ended.
The thoughts grew stronger, and he could tell.
"My Universe, Eminence, don't let thoughts that may fill your mind with unneeded water fill your mind; it was not your fault; it's okay to be afraid if you can't speak up about that stuff."
You only let out a shaky breath, a sniffle, and a sob.
"I was so afraid you'd hate me that you'd call me horrible things."
His heart broke, and you couldn't trust him at all.
"Oh, my star's goddess, I'd never hate you; I'm worried sick! Please, never ever let yourself be afraid to inform me of such poverty."
You only let out a smile and a confirming nod, which he took in as an answer.
"How about we go to your favorite store, hm? The one you love dragging me to."
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Days were growing overwhelming by the second.
When you decided to move to Lost Temple as one to join Scythe, you didn't expect it to be so hard unboxing everything and walking down the streets in opposite attire.
Lost Temple and Thieves Den had entirely different aesthetics, especially for you.
Scythe knew how hard it is to change factions, especially with how they are looked down upon.
"Angel Eyes, is that you?"
You had only been ridiculed a few hours before Scythe's return home from work.
Sobbing endlessly, it never seemed to stop.
"Angel Eyes?"
Her voice was more worried as she soon began to kick down the door.
You had forgotten to get her a spare key, but mostly because of the stuff going on.
They had been rejecting all offers to you, overpricing food access, etc.
It was overwhelming.
You were subjected to such measures of torment for even being there.
"Darling! I'm coming' in on a one, two."
You unlocked the door, letting out a loud click! The door is slowly sliding open.
"Aah, my dear. What's got 'ya lockin' the door so early?"
"Just some things, safety, and all that."
Scythe knew you were wrong, as for the look in your eyes.
"Angel Eyes, I know what's up; how's about you letting me in?"
You nodded, letting her in as you watched her march on in and grab onto you.
She dragged you onto her lap as she spread her legs across the couch, laying her mechanical weapon down on the side.
Her hands lay on your hands and thighs, staring up at you.
She could see the tears that twinkled ever so neatly.
"Ya' been cryin'; what's the matter?"
"Just... some things happen, Scythe."
"Just some things, ay?"
You nodded, but she knew much more than you did.
Her eyes stared gently into yours, a gloved hand reaching to lay neatly on your cheek. Scythe sighed. "Sugar, You know you can always talk to me, right?" She whispered softly, her voice filled with genuine concern. You knew you were afraid to open up, but you did so anyway. You were hesitant.
"Some of the people in this town don't like me at all. "You really don't like me at all." Scythe's expression softened as she listened, her hand gently rubbing your cheek in a comforting gesture. "I'm sorry to hear that, sugar. But don't you worry, I've got your back," she reassured you with a warm smile. You felt a wave of relief wash over you, grateful for her unwavering support in the face of adversity.
"You're a good person, and that's all that matters," Scythe added, her eyes filled with understanding. With her by your side, you felt a newfound sense of courage to face the challenges ahead. "I know, I'm just... afraid? What if something happens to me?" Scythe's eyes darkened as she nodded. Something could happen to you if you weren't careful or someone took your presence wrongly.
"Stay vigilant and trust your instincts," she advised, her voice firm yet comforting. With Scythe's guidance, you knew you had a strong ally to help navigate the uncertainties that lay ahead. "And the broker is always a call away." Broker was a close friend of yours, so you knew what to do if Scythe wasn't around to support you.
"You got me, sugar?" Scythe asked, fingers holding onto your chin as you stared and nodded. "Yes, Scythe." She let out a smile. "That's my good, angel."
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If that didn't risk you getting strange looks from others and such an overwhelming reputation in Blackrock,.
Subspace was always busy, sometimes never having as much time as you two used to as kids.
After Medkit's whole fasco, he's been going insane over the crystals while you watched you two lose time with each other.
You thought maybe, just maybe, Subspace would slowly forget about your own existence.
But you couldn't let those thoughts trick you! He'd never do so!!!!
That's if they weren't 'true' from the start of the gossip train.
"Did you hear? Subspace was out with another demon!"
"Isn't he supposedly with someone already?"
It was heartbreaking to find out that your own partner had decided to spend time with someone entirely different, and even much longer than ever.
"I heard it was a date!"
"I feel bad for his actual partner; that's so sad."
Then, the mean comments started riding in about you.
Endless, endless rumors.
It was getting so much that you ended up attempting that very night.
Yours and Subspace's anniversary.
You sat in the bathtub, the pill bottle clear of any, as you slowly dunked your head.
"Precious? Where are you? I must tell you about my new biograft invention!!!"
Only a few more seconds, as the voice of his became nothing but a fine line of void.
The blaring light of the hospital ceiling eroded through your vision.
Was this heaven? Valhalla?
Subspace? Your partner? What's he doing here?
His arms wrapped around you as he sobbed. How could you do this to him? How could you leave him?
"Never, ever, do that again! You had me scared half to SOFTH!"
You stared at the pink-red demon that had been crying endlessly at you. You could tell by his puffy, red eyes.
"What happened?"
"I found you in the bathtub; I was lucky enough to even get to you in time."
The seriousness in his voice conveyed serious regret as you sobbed and cried.
"I don't deserve this; why'd you take me away? Why aren't you with the other person you met up with in the cafe?"
"ANOTHER PERSON!? What are you talking about, my precious?"
"The RUMORS!! Everyone's been talking about how you were on a date with someone else, cheating on me!!"
Subspace was confused. Is she cheating on you? Oh, he'd have his own creation chop his head off and finish him!
"Cheating!? My precious, my pearl, my gem! What ridiculous rumors you've managed to get ahold of! I'd never cheat on you, never!"
You stared at him.
"REALLY! I was just meeting up with Hyperlaser about my biografts and inventions! Nothing more! I had even purchased you fine, delicate flowers to put in your vase once more."
You were stunned— absolutely stunned. He never cheated on you; it was all a misunderstanding.
"But the proof? The…"
"Whoever was stalking us, my precious, it is not true! I love you with my fullest heart, and I would never replace you with anyone else. You deserve the world, if not the whole universe! I would do anything to make you happy, precious!!"
"Now, please, never pull such stunts again... I love you dearly!!!!"
Maybe, just maybe this wasn't so bad after all.
"Rest, my gem!! I will be here always, from now on."
And so, you did.
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vinestaffery · 15 days
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okay guys 6 more characters to go (dies)
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vinestaffery · 15 days
sooo guys, first time posting my writing hehe..a bit nervous, bc eng is not my mother tongue and there can be some mistakes. just a warning for y’all!!
it’s a medstaff yuri drabble, hope u enjoy :3
The rain knocked soothingly on the window, lulling and creating a melancholic atmosphere. Medkit yawned. Yes, paperwork won't do itself. There was so much of it that the man did it almost all day, emptying cups of strong coffee. It was already 12 am, the room was illuminated only by a table lamp, the light of which was sorely lacking. Medkit didn't need light, he did everything mechanically without even thinking. Like a routine. Sign here, sign there…The only thing that stopped him was  pen, which stopped writing. It's strange, because he bought it just recently.
Groaning loudly, the man leaned on the back of his chair.
Suddenly, they quietly knocked on the door of the office. A few seconds later, when Medkit said a rough "enter," Vine Staff entered the room. She looked anxiously at the demon and his work.
- Honey, you've been here for a long time... very... - said Vine, approaching the desk.
She immediately noticed the number of empty cups that were standing on the edge of the table.
“You'll take yourself to the grave," Flower demon sighed, sitting on the chair beside teal demon and putting her hand on her face. Medkita can't be changed anymore..
-Just let me finish the papers... - the demon said almost emotionlessly.
After sitting on a chair for a couple of minutes and thinking, the girl got up, went to the ex-doctor, put her hands on his shoulders and hugged him.
- My beloved, well, you can't do that. I understand, work, money, but health is more important. I still need you and I love you. How will I be without you? I've already suffered after Subspace and you. Did you even eat today?
The medic looked away and closed his eyes.
-Let's go to bed and deal with everything in the morning. Now you and I need a rest, so let's go. - Vine smiled and stroked Medkit's cheek. He, in turn, leaned to the touch and kissed her. Vine smelled like flowers and honey..
Smirking, the doctor followed the girl. When they reached the bed, they both collapsed on it. Vine laid on top of Medkit and pecked his forehead.
That's how our couple spent this night in kisses, hugs and love.
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vinestaffery · 16 days
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saint makes great loafs but gourmand...
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vinestaffery · 16 days
Can I use the scythe fic for my ocs backstory......... Please.es..es.s.s.s..s.seles... Please?? Blinks at you??
keep thinking that way and i might make something even more sadder....
ALSO!! YES YOU CAN USE IT FOR YOUR OCS BACKSTORY!! all stories i write as free use scenarios you can use for whatever!!! no need to credit me <3
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vinestaffery · 17 days
Pls make more angst :hearteyes:
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i am on IT!!!
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