unseenposts · 4 months
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drawfee merch sale is happen :))))
happy valentines from us, as sorry forsome stuff selling out quick pls take some valentines for you and your loved ones uwu
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unseenposts · 5 years
No offense…: but you’re doing this for YOU. And you know when you sneak an extra serving without tracking the calories. Or put in half the the effort to your workout. You know when you cheat yourself and you can see the results all over your stomach, thighs, calves, arms, and back. You get what you put in. Put in the effort to take the stairs each time, leave the last few bites on your plate, drink the extra glasses of water. Simple. This is for you. Don’t cheat yourself.
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unseenposts · 5 years
Stupid shit post
I'm happy? Like I'm squirm around excited happy? And like not even for anything really? I got a piercing and I'm just over the moon about it. It's so small and stupid but it's making me so happy! And I KNOW I said stupid shit yesterday like'I'm a baby' because I couldn't make my own damn appointment. But all I'm focusing on is how nice the dude was and having my friends there and HAVING METAL IN MY FACE!! I'm stupid happy and I know it'll crash at some point and I'm scared of it, but for now I'm wearing a ouja shirt and a fucking piercing and thinking about getting a haircut and I've got new tea. And I'm just. I'm happy. Is this what that feels like? Pure elation from stupid punk shit. Gods. I'm so damn happy and I haven't felt.... Good in so long I forgot what that's like
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unseenposts · 5 years
microwave chocolate cake:
64 calories.
2 tbsp flour.
½ tsp baking powder.
stevia to taste. i used 2 packets.
2 tbsp unsweetened cocoa powder.
½ tsp vanilla extract.
3 tbsp milk.
**optional** ice cream/whipped cream to add on top. (adds more cals)
mix everything in a mug, microwave for 50seconds, stick a knife in to see if cooked, if needed, add more seconds.
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unseenposts · 5 years
Salad is good
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unseenposts · 5 years
Randomly lost 3lbs???
Shout out to my antidepressants and over sleeping too much to eat
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unseenposts · 6 years
Treat your calories as money
You have *insert calorie limit here* dollars. For me it’s 300. You get to spend your amount any way you want, sounds good right. Some things are less expensive than others, even though they might be more filling. Every single day you’re blessed with that many calories, congratulations.
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unseenposts · 6 years
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Goth Thinspo
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unseenposts · 6 years
Personal rules
No eating in the fucking kitchen
If the cat wants it, you shouldn't be eating it.
No snacks that are carbs.
(ideally) no eating after work.
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unseenposts · 6 years
There’s 3 calories per (milk chocolate) M&M. Reblog to allow someone a price of chocolate 🍫 🍫🍫
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unseenposts · 6 years
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Be safe guys 🌹
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unseenposts · 6 years
50 Skinny Quotes
“Hunger will not betray you like eating will” “Hunger hurts, but starving works” “Hungry to bed, hungry to rise, makes a girl a smaller size” “Calories won’t make you happy” “Starving is willpower” “Pleasure to the lips adds pounds to the hip” “Do not reward yourself with food, you are not a dog” “If it was easy, everyone would be thin” “I’m not telling you it’s going to be easy, I’m telling you it’s going to be worth it” “Eat to live, but don’t live to eat” “Hunger is your friend and it won’t betray you like eating will” “Your stomach growling is the sound of your fat screaming” “Everything looks good on skinny” “Know that the pain will pass. When it passes you will be stronger, happier, and more aware“ “The greasy fry it cannot lie. Its truth is written on your thigh” “Giving into food shows weakness, be strong and you will be better than everyone else” “I made myself fat, I can make myself thin” “If I eat anything, I’ll eat everything, so I eat nothing” “Waking up thinner is worth going to bed hungry” “Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels” “Every calorie you eat equals another step towards destruction“ “Eating will not solve anything” “Ballerina or beanbag?” “No one ever got skinny sitting on their behind” “You could die at any time and once you are dead, you will be that weight FOREVER, do you want to look fat when everyone comes by to see you in the coffin?” “Eat less, weigh less” “Starve my pain away, make me beautiful, make everything okay, turn my problems into bones, crush them up, gather the remains, blow away the dust“ “Junk food is cheap but thin is priceless“ “Never trade what you want most for what you want at the moment, it only leads to failure” “For every day that you binge, it pushes back the day of your ultimate goal weight by a week” “You only fail if you stop trying“ “You are not hungry, you are bored, learn the difference” “ You will not regret getting skinny, but you will regret overeating” “Do it so that people ask, “has she been eating?”“ “I am not there yet, but I am closer than I was yesterday” “Need motivation to lose weight? Just sit in front of the mirror naked” “If you are not hungry enough to eat an apple, you are not hungry” “Dear stomach, you are not bored, you are hungry, so shut up” “Stop eating, you must be beautiful” “So you can show everyone who doubted you, you can do it” “Coffee and smokes, and cold diet cokes, that’s what pretty girls are made of” “Stay strong, and starve on” “Inside us is a thin person struggling to get out, but she is too sedated with a few pieces of chocolate cake” “Keep calm and hunger will pass” “The fact that you are not where you want to be should be enough motivation” “You’ll never get skinny if you keep on eating” “An imperfect body reflects an imperfect person“ “The thinner is the winner“ “You cannot taste perfection, you can feel it“ “If you aren’t thin, you aren’t attractive“
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unseenposts · 6 years
Spooky Skeleton Diet
Fit into your Halloween costume!
DISCLAIMER: This diet is not healthy, nor is it easy. This is for the truly desperate and disciplined. Stay safe.
Start on October first.
1/10: 110 kcal
2/10: 210 kcal
3/10: 310 kcal
4/10: 410 kcal
5/10: 510 kcal
6/10: 610 kcal
7/10: 710 kcal
8/10: 810 kcal
9/10: Fast
10/10: Mono (anything orange!)
11/10: 111 kcal
12/10: 121 kcal
13/10: 13 kcal
14/10: back coffee fast (0 kcal sweetener is ok)
15/10: IU diet
16/10: IU diet
17/10: Carrots and dark (70%+) chocolate
18/10: 500 kcal
19/10: 900 kcal
20/10: Tea fast
21/10: a lollipop and a PSL
22/10: 600 kcal
23/10: 400 kcal
24/10: 240 kcal
25/10: 250 kcal
26/10: 666 kcal
25/10: Mono (anything black or purple)
27/10: 620 kcal
28/10: 400 kcal
29/10: 200 kcal
30/10: fast
31/10: no count (binge)
I used almost this exact diet a year back and saw crazy results but I’m warning that it will make you feel like shit. Use with caution.
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unseenposts · 6 years
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Daily fasting schedule (for Monday - Friday anyway)
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unseenposts · 6 years
What it takes it burn off them snacccccks
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unseenposts · 6 years
Almond Milk! (Bigger and better)
I got a request to make another almond milk post but like bigger so here we goooooooooo:
Want to know how to make almond milk: 
Heres Some recipes!
Skinny wendy’s frosty!
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The shake adds up to about 80-90 calories 
Sweet almond milk iced latte
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1 cup almond milk
1 cup strong black coffee
1-2 drops liquid stevia
½ cup ice cubes
Place the ice cubes in a glass mug with coffee and add liquid stevia.
Pour the unsweetened almond milk over the coffee.
Drink up!
Adds up to about 40 kcal! 
Gingerbread latte
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about 43 kcal with stevia (you can use extract instead of powder)
Almond joy protein shake 
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1 scoop chocolate protein powder
2 Tbsp. sliced almonds
2 Tbsp. shredded coconut
½ cup unsweetened vanilla almond milk (or just add vanilla to regular almond milk)
5 ice cubes
Blend up! (adds up to be about 225 kcal but depends on the protein powder you use)
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unseenposts · 6 years
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striped thinspo // not mine
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