torii93 · 6 years
Pissed off Parent.
Is it just me or does any other parent get really pissed off when another parent comes to their door and says so stupid ass shit? Like, your kid has “behavioral problems“ or “he is really disrespectful“!!! First of all, I was watching my kid the whole time ohh that's right I was also watching your kid. Second, you kid was doing the exact same thing my kid was doing. Third, I didn't get mad when your kid was throwing snow balls at my windows. and last but not least, I sure the fuck didn't walk up to your house and make a fucking scene, in front of children, and put down another person child right in front of them. ohh and by the way this is all because both kids were having a snow ball fight and some hit their car!!! So what does that say about them.......Yeah they need to find something better in their life to bitch about. End of rant.
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torii93 · 7 years
Just read!
You know you have a good bestfriend, when your child shits on her back while hiking and all she has to say is “ahh its just a shitty situation I will live!!!” Yes, I know she is a keeper.
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torii93 · 8 years
Love them!!
NEW VIDEO: “Juicy Gossip & Dirty Laundry with Carrie Underwood” - to celebrate her new single, “Dirty Laundry” - we’re revealing our secrets to each other!! Did you know a pop star once saved her life?? And you’ll never guess where she met her husband!! Reblog if you loved it, I’m following people who do!!
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torii93 · 8 years
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torii93 · 8 years
The real meaning of Christmas🎄🎁
When I was growing up I looked forward to having Santa come on Christmas Eve, and bring me and my siblings presents! But me and my husband have came to the conclusion that we want to raise our children knowing Christmas is about family and God! I am not a super religious person but I know that God is always watching over every single one of us! I am not trying to tell everyone that they are raising their children wrong or that they are bad parents, because I grew up fine thinking there was a Santa, but I just figure that my kids should be grateful for what they have and not what they are going to get on Christmas, but who they are going to spend it with!! I want my kids to give back and not worry or stress over if they are going to get that tablet or doc mcstuffins toy, I mean I am not saying that they are not going to get gifts under the tree on Christmas morning but I want them to know that their parents worked for what they have and I want them to know the value of a dollar! What I am trying to get to is I just want my kids to know that they are loved by many and by God, and that the way they treat people, and act is going to get rewarded by the people that love them the most, it would just be nice to see more children now a days have manners and respect towards their family's so maybe in the future they look at the bigger picture in life and give a helping hand!
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torii93 · 8 years
Literally me everyday!!
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torii93 · 8 years
Once my brother showed me this girls videos, I just knew we were best friends!! (She just doesn't know it yet) We are seriously the same person in different time zones! Love her and her precious pup!!!
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torii93 · 8 years
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So. My brother likes these two British guys on the Internet and I don't know what they do but, they are such a cute couple and make my brother really happy. Thank you, Dan and Phil.
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torii93 · 8 years
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“When you’re at McDonald’s filling a courtesy cup with Soda and a worker walks by” 
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torii93 · 9 years
90′s TV Shows!
Last but sure the hell not least, the 90′s TV Shows. My favorite and most missed thing about growing up as a child! Remember, please reblog, and write your favorite TV Show from the 90′s!
#1. Rugrats
#2. Hey Arnold
#3. Doug
#4. Catdog
#5. Sister Sister
#6. Thats So Raven
#7. Rocket Power
#8. Smart House
#9. Amanda Show
#10. The Big Comfy Couch
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torii93 · 9 years
90′s Food!
Here’s your 90′s food list, a list of the most missed food in my generation, make sure you write your favorite 90′s food/candy underneath! Enjoy!!!
#1. Wonderball
#2. 3D Doritos
#3. EZ Squirt (Rainbow Ketchup)
#4. Sour Altoids
#5. Bandaid Bubble Gum
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torii93 · 9 years
90′s Toys!
So here it goes, I am just going to list some of the toys that I had growing up in the good ole 90′s. Make sure you write your favorite 90′s toy underneath!
#1. Tamagatchi                 
#2. Poo-Chi (Robot dog)
#3. Hit clips
#4. Yak Bac
#5. Furbie
#6. Lite Brite
#7. Floam
#8. Perfection
#9. Bop-it
#10. Cabbage Patch Kids ( the one you can feed)
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torii93 · 9 years
90′s Babies!
If your a 90′s baby then you know the struggle of being an adult in 2015. When I was a kid I grew up watching Rugrats, Hey Arnold, Little Bill, Little Bear, Franklin, and more! Or when we had the better food like Wonderball, Rainbow Ketchup, chocolate lays chips shaped candy. Then we have the toys, like the Cabbage Patch Doll that you could feed,or the robot dogs.....I could sit here and name all different/better things that we had when us 90′s babies we little, but no one has that much time. I just wish that they would bring some back so we can have our back to the future moment. If you read this and you are a 90′s baby please write a comment saying what you miss the most!
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torii93 · 9 years
Black Friday is the only day of the year where grown ass people go to public places and act like children. I have worked at wal-mart on Black Friday and I have shopped on Black Friday! Let me just tell you, I would choose working over shopping ANY day, and that is hard for a woman to say🙂 first of all, I don't know why it is called Black Friday when all of the deals are on Thursday afternoon, I swear in a couple years it will be on Wednesday! Then, when you get the the store you want to go to, and you know you are going to be getting a lot of shit, well most people put two and two together and automatically grab a shopping cart, but on Black Friday or as I would say turquoise Thursday all the carts are gone from people coming and getting them on white Wednesday!! So now you have people that actually have carts just pushing through people that are trying to hold everything in their hands, and it literally looks like the scene in mean girls when the burn book was revealed!!! But I guess this is normal, not only do you have grown ass people fighting to get that last Elsa doll or the last flat screen tv, you also have people that bring their children with them........ummm hell no! Your kids should be at home in bed, the only reason you are here is to get there Christmas presents???? I really don't understand this world anymore, it is bad enough that we are having terrorist attacks everywhere in the world, now we have one day where it is okay to fight over an animate object with another so called adult, just so we can spend all of our money to trick children into thinking there is a fat man dressed in red that is going to come into their house, while they are sleeping, to leave presents? Sounds a little sketchy to me!! Just saying!!!
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torii93 · 9 years
Heart breaking😔🚔🚨🚑🚒💔
Today I was driving to pick my dad up from work, and there was traffic backed up about a mile. I just thought it was road work, until I realized it was major car accident! Immediately, my heart sunk to my stomach, and all I could think about was if this person or people made it out okay!! This is a hard subject for me because last year one of my very good friends lost his life due to a car accident! So since then I have been making sure that I follow all the road rules, no speeding, no texting/call on while driving, and just making sure I pay attention too everything and everyone around me! So when I see a car accident I can't help but wonder what happened at the time of the accident or what that person was thinking about when it happened! And then I start to think about all of my loved ones and what they would be going through if that was me. So please everyone, JUST DRIVE, there is no way in hell that your phone or speeding is more important than your life!!! Like what is the worst that's going to happen.....your going to be late or that person texting/calling you is going to have to wait a few extra minutes!! I think it is worth it, so please take you time and every time you get behind the wheel think about your mom, dad, siblings, spouse, nieces/nephews, and your children!!!
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torii93 · 9 years
Does anyone watch the "Ellen Degeneres show"? Well I do, and let me tell you, she is fucking amazing. I just saw the episode with Gladus in it!! I literally could not stop laughing!! I am not going to lie, Ellen is probably my biggest inspiration on why I started blogging in the first place! She keeps it real, she is hilarious, gorgeous, and she is the only person that allows just random/talented people on her show. She has inspired so many people to keep moving forward to accomplish their goals/dreams! I don't ever hear negativity come out of her mouth and that is what I love the most. I swear I would love someone forever if they got me tickets to see her, it is my life dream!! Well....back to watching more episodes, seeing as she has 2,000 of them!!
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torii93 · 9 years
Preach it Hun!!👏🏼
What happened was unfair and fucked. And sometimes that’s just the way life goes. And all others can do is say sorry. Sorry you had to live through that. Sorry your life was not what it should have been. Sorry. But sorry doesn’t fix anything. Sorry doesn’t make me not angry. Sorry doesn’t make me any happier. Sorry doesn’t make me stop worrying. Sorry gives no solace.
And what they say is true. There is no rest for the weary.
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