timetravelhouse · 3 years
reblog is not endorsement
Well, well, well, will you look at that? It’s Pride again.
You know the drill by now. It’s June 1, and suddenly everything from banks to big box stores has slapped a rainbow on their logo. Rainbow capitalism knows how to target LGBTQIA+ customers. For exactly 30 days of the year. How quaint.
Of course, it’s nice to make things bright, and colorful, and pretty. But it’s meaningless if that’s all it is.
Pride should be about uplifting and celebrating you, the community. And it should be year-round, not just 8.22% of the year. So, we’re signal-boosting your posts that celebrate, support, and honor all genders and sexualities over here. Follow to keep your dashboard lovely and gay as hell all year round.
And, yes, we’re also making a bit of a fuss right here on @celebrate (apparently, we just can’t help ourselves). So if you’re interested in talking about what Pride means to you or want to celebrate Pride but don’t know how to go about it this year, we made a fun little 30-day Share Your Pride Challenge list. Because you do, in fact, deserve to be celebrated.
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Tag your posts with #ShareYourPride if you want to make them a little easier for other people to find. And Tumblr? Happy Pride. We’re glad you’re here.
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timetravelhouse · 4 years
A TIKTOK I’m sure this is already on Tumblr, but of course it’s impossible to find anything on Tumblr
“i feel kinda bad for the kids who are having their tumblr experience on tiktok because we say that tiktok is new tumblr and in a large sense like it really is, but it’s missing a pretty vital component...“
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timetravelhouse · 4 years
THESIS: the real reason that people stay on this hellsite is not “chronological order” or “the drama” or whatever (per se), but is instead linked to how tumblr, unlike most social media, is not optimised to give content as short of a half-life as possible, but instead is optimised to let content continue to cycle for months, years, even decades. this has in turn led to a more consistent centralised site “culture” in which there is more coherent linkage among different areas of the site, thus also explaining why its content permeates so thoroughly throughout the internet.
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timetravelhouse · 4 years
what a week huh?
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timetravelhouse · 4 years
AO3 Census: Masterpost
The results are now in! Below the cut are links to all of the data and analysis so far, plus an interesting fact from each post. The section summary posts have all the graphs in one place if you just want an overview.
I know a lot of people who took part in the survey are interested in hearing what the results are, so please spread this post around! It will be kept up to date as new analyses are completed.
Keep reading
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timetravelhouse · 5 years
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I never encouraged him. I told him I didn’t want to, but then he just managed situations that he was alone with me, either here when they visited or there at their house. (…) You have nothing more to fear from him. Do you understand me? What are you going to do to him? I haven’t decided yet.
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timetravelhouse · 5 years
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timetravelhouse · 5 years
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You think because I’m a woman, I’ll be persuaded to take less?  Would you pull that face and put on that voice and ask a man to take a lesser price, hmm? No, course you wouldn’t. So don’t ask me.
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timetravelhouse · 5 years
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Uh-oh. Dr. Belcombe will be here in 20 minutes.
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timetravelhouse · 5 years
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You implied that you…wanted to…kiss me. And then you were embarrassed but, well, you shouldn’t have been. Because it doesn’t frighten me. Really?
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timetravelhouse · 5 years
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I love you.
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timetravelhouse · 5 years
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timetravelhouse · 5 years
truly one of the greatest moments in TV history
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Have you done this before? No, of course not.
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timetravelhouse · 5 years
incoming spam of gifsets I need to save to stare at over and over
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GENTLEMAN JACK - Title Sequence
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timetravelhouse · 5 years
REPOSTING with complete PROJECT NOTES: see visitthemyscira.tumblr.com/transmission -or- cyborganize on Dreamwidth because Tumblr will no longer include entries with links in search
“Transmission” by cyborganize - Wonder Woman’s Amazons in film/TV/comics
audio - Ibeyi, “Transmission/Michaelion” from Ash (abridged)
premiered at WisCon 42 (May 25, 2018) in my “Foremothers” playlist
warning - comic book images of gendered sexual violence
Visit the long post and you will find:
high quality download + subtitle file
full list of video sources + links or short descriptions
full list of comics sources + mini-reviews
chronological table of clips/images in the vid + transcriptions of most onscreen text
my tl;dr commentary on the vid’s style and themes
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timetravelhouse · 5 years
I was tickled to be tagged by @walkthegale​ (a long time ago)! This is a farewell meme – I won’t have much time to swan around the internet going forward because my job is getting very intense again. I’ve thoroughly enjoyed this latest Tumblr adventure, and I hope to catch you again here (or on the NEXT platform) before another five years go by.
Wishing you a HAPPY NEW YEAR friends and strangers!
Nicknames: @cyborganize
Zodiac: Pisces sun, Leo (Cancer cusp) moon, Gemini rising
Height: 5′6
Time: bedtime
Favourite band/artist: Janelle Monáe
Song stuck in my head: Gummi Bears TV theme song
Last movie I saw: Aquaman (cinema) and A Simple Favor (home) but I am dying to see The Favourite this week!!!
Last thing I Googled: so much about pregnancy and babies EEK, but also I’m avidly playing 80 Days and I’ve been looking up random facts about whaling in Smeerenburg, the Cavite mutiny in the Philippines, etc. etc.
Other blogs: @visitthemyscira
Do I get asks: I have asks open but I’ve never gotten one (I think I still don’t understand Tumblr)
Why did I choose this username: I live in a time machine
Following: some folks I may have picked up as early as 2013, I don’t remember why or how, and I have no idea who you are beyond a username, but your blog is Quality Content!
Average amount of sleep: varies wildly
What I’m wearing: literally every day in pink/purple/grey – cardigan, soft shirt, leggings, knit pencil skirt (I’ve started sewing them)
Dream job: exactly like my current job but with half as much work
Dream trip: joyride in the TARDIS with Thirteen, Yaz, and River 
Fave food: CHEESE
Play any instruments: viola
Hair colour: nearly black with pink/purple highlights and handpainted graphic elements on the sides 
Languages you speak: just English :( I was once pretty conversational in French (and passed a translation exam), but I’ve lost most of it now
Most iconic song: Figlia Impura di Bolena from Donizetti’s Maria Stuarda
Random fact: when Wonder Woman was out in 2017 I saw it 9 times in theaters
Describe yourself as aesthetic things: constellations, USB drives shaped like characters, Pellegrino, rainbow cupcake, bath bombs, touching a sleeping cat’s paw, variegated yarn, drinking coffee in bed, riding a ferry boat, limes, pink glitter lava lamp
Tagging: pals I’ve known for 10 years or more, I love you dearly @metatxt @moocowmoocow @beccatoria @code-name-flamingo @sapphoshands @mammothluv @shinyalice @hotwhenrickilake @gabolange @pellucidthings @thassalia @actualhumancryptid (if you haven’t done it yet)
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timetravelhouse · 5 years
my ranking of TWW teachers, WORST to BEST:
Miss Gullett - spell science (fully evil) 
Miss Bat - chanting/witchery (wonderful person who sleeps through most of her classes)
Mr Rowan-Webb - spell science (any fleeting moments of teaching interrupted by frog jokes)
Miss Mould - art (excellent techniques for fostering creative expression, unclear criteria for assessing student work, occasional safety issues, somewhat evil)
Miss Hardbroom - potions (definitely has a lesson plan, occasionally does something pedagogically sound like a review session before exams, rampant safety issues, scars children emotionally)
Miss Pentangle - rainbows (inclusive student-centered teaching practices, total lack of scaffolding for class activities/assignments, selectively encourages cheating)
Miss Drill - flying (interacts with students like a normal person, Mildred seems to actually improve in her broomstick skills so must be doing something right)
Miss Darkside aka Mildred - witchery 💯
* Miss Cackle doesn’t seem to teach classes as Headmistress, so I don’t feel I have adequate evidence to assess her pedagogy
i think its time we admit that, no matter how much we like them as characters, the cackles staff are shitty teachers :/
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