thegee-spot-blog · 12 years
Her voice is like a new kind of drug I've never experienced before, better than extacy better than opium I'm sure. So polite, and intelligent. Just amazing... Too bad she is out of my league for sure -.- Ughhhhhh emotions suck
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thegee-spot-blog · 12 years
sometimes im horribly happy and everything is perfect… then i wake up, or i loose my high
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thegee-spot-blog · 12 years
Sometimes i really just want a hug, nothing else
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thegee-spot-blog · 12 years
Here is my attempt to be sweet, I wrote this on a scrap piece of paper forever ago, whether or not I still have feelings for the girl this is about is personal and the world will never know, but I thought it was decently sweet so I needed to share it
"God, I know you are not real and if you are you could care less about this world or you are asleep, but the microscopic chance you are up there, please just do this for me, always make her happy, and if she feels pain, make me feel it instead of her. She can never know I asked this of you, she can never know how I feel but if I tell something that isn't real she would never find out"
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thegee-spot-blog · 12 years
I hate..
When I write a tumblr post and don't have the guts to press publish, to let everybody know how I feel
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thegee-spot-blog · 12 years
Thank you Gee.
Anytime, I hate to see you upset, it's weird, you come off so strong, like nothing would ever hurt you, I think of you as a superhuman sometimes, I look up to that, one of the many things I look up to you for, and if your ever upset I'll do whatever is in my power to make you smile, because you of all people deserve it
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thegee-spot-blog · 12 years
To Sara
You should feel lucky, I am having to use my Frankenstein computer to do this, and quite truthfully I have to sit in the floor which is uncomfortable, to even type this. xD Be very glad, and I apologize if this is sappy, and also apologize that I didn't do this sooner.
To start this off, I'm really glad to have had the privilege of getting to know you better slowly but surely over these past two years, at the beginning it was sketchy but after I got over myself and dumb emotions, I really became to cherish you as a friend. I don't know what my life would be like if I didn't go over to your lunch table that day at school. You are probably half if not all the reason I have came out of my shell. You have been there for me, through literally everything, and no matter who I am dating, I am always more comfortable telling you all my problems more than anybody. You have so much dirt on met hat you could ruin my life at any second, but you don't.
Your advice  will be taken though, just like it always is, I have came to find out you are always right, in some way you are, and I hope you are right about the whole girl situation. Also this reminds me about your situation. I know this will work out for you in the long run, in some way it will, it always will because you of all people deserve this. If I can do anything to make this work I will, I have already discussed the plans about this with you :P
I am glad I live right down the street from you, because quite truthfully school is going to suck ass without you there, I wont have anybody to talk to in the hallways, but expect random visits from me every Thursday, you know the original Sara and Cody days. I hope you come to band camp though, we will need all the help we can get.
I wish you the best of luck in your life after you graduate, and I swear I am going to your graduation, I'm going just for you too, because you are literally like my older sister, and bruh I love you. I really do.
I must go though, I am having computer troubles like hardcore, and I must resolve them so I can finally get some sleep tonight. I shall leave you with this smiley face that I like to call Edmonton Curly Q's :3
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thegee-spot-blog · 12 years
Since I’m about to graduate, I figured I’d write you guys letters.
JJ. Keep your head up. Just wait until next year. You’ll find out who’s really your friend, and who’s not. People change senior year. I know I have. I quit dealing with peoples shit, and I learned who would always be here for me....
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thegee-spot-blog · 12 years
Just a tip
When you are mad just listen to skrillex, hearing you can eat shit and fucking die makes the day so much better
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thegee-spot-blog · 12 years
Forget Me
 I may never forgive you, but then again I don't forgive nor do I forget, but I will say that it's okay, it is all okay, I wish for you to forget me, go ahead, hate me, I wish you the best of luck, though you need more than luck, and hopefully you quit ruining your life, I could say anything under the sun to offend you, but I won't just you are now a regret of mine, I wish I never said I love you, because I could never love someone who is a monster of their former self, I wish I never met you. Though you make sure I won't forget you with immature remarks about what I am doing in my life. Leave me alone, please..
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thegee-spot-blog · 12 years
Well Allots Happened
At least allot has happened since I made my last post, I finally just want to say that I am done being lied to by people, that has been my mistake, I didn't want to trust people but when I did, I let them too close, used the word love too much, now I know what I need to do with things, and my number one mistake was SEX, that's my number one advice, when you think your ready, your not, and don't let the person your dating tell you it will help, it makes everything way much worse. It's funny though how much a girl can fuck up your life, like I'm better now, I've got an amazing girl, and she doesn't want to change me, and listens to what I have to say instead of treating me like shit. Heck but I could careless about the past, I haven't touched weed or alcohol, or that medicine since my last post, cigarettes? well I have one like once a week when I want to relax, my parents are cool with it too, and it's usually a cigarillo or something like that not a cig, and I never even worry about that person who fucked with my emotions because I know now that it makes people feel good inside knowing they have somebody still wrapped somewhat around their finger, so some advice, never let someone that has a past of manipulation and lying close to you xD
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thegee-spot-blog · 12 years
I just want to let you know...
I've found better
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thegee-spot-blog · 12 years
So I haven't taken anxiety medicine since I got everything off of my chest, I mean I had to once because of a guy that is trying to mess my relationship up, but I haven't had to take it all the time and then I quit smoking cigarettes and I stopped smoking weed and so far it has HELPED not hurt. I felt like I should share that with my Tumblr and I felt bad for not posting for a good time anyways.
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thegee-spot-blog · 12 years
Weeds great man, don't regret it, it not even that harmful. Less baccy that fags and it makes you feel good. I smoke it everyday, no regrets! it's brilliant shit.
I know it's great, it made me feel good, just I get guilty after smoking it, and I know it's natural, like just I wish I could tell my parents and them accept the fact. But I know they wouldn't like it too much that I would want to do that, but I have also seen how weed can destroy somebody's life, a kid goes from getting straight A's to F's and dropping out of high school just to smoke weed
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thegee-spot-blog · 12 years
I smoke fags and weed all the time. It helps the depression. Why you obsessing over how shit it is? It's not even a big deal, millions of people do both
Well I get anxiety and if I can't tell my parent's then it gets worse and then I have guilt because I know they wouldnt approve of me doing that
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thegee-spot-blog · 12 years
Don't ever feel alone, because you are loved by me . you are perfect in my eyes. "THAT IT IS TRUE THAT THE MOON GLOWS AT NIGHT,AND THE SUN SHINES DURING THE DAY,BUT THERE MAY BE CLOUDS THAT ARE ALWAYS THERE."' If it hurts right now, it'll be better in time. Maybe not today, maybe tomorrow.
Wow, I like that allot, and thank you
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thegee-spot-blog · 12 years
by 'pop a pill to put on a fake smile', do you mean something like E, or like an antidepressant?
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