thebonggirll · 6 months
Y'ALL THEY ARE A FAN. THEY REACHED MY BOOK ON AO3 TOO 😂 and it's so funny how worked up they are lmao.
yeah it's boring though, I will just copy paste a reply now lmao..just to irritate tf outta them.
i don't understand. those who hate self-insert or oc fics, why the fuck do they feel the need to go and shit on the writers' books? it's given on the fucking title, if you don't like it then fucking leave? loser ass behavior, trying to look all cool but all you look like is a conservative ass reader. get off your high horse.
"no one wants to read-" oh many fucking do but your head is so far up your ass that all you can see, hear and speak is shit.
constructive criticisms are accepted but not hate like this for no proper reason at all.
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okay i'm done ranting.
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thebonggirll · 6 months
oh...guys...we started dating a month back. on 2nd October. hehe.
i have been trying to update pjo and have been trying to find something good to put in it too but something new happened in my life and it's moving too fast, so i am a bit all over the place with the new feelings.
so yeah i have this guy in my class i have a crush on, and we hit it off i guess? he's super intelligent and also some other things that make me feel there's a gap between us that can only be filled with time.
the problem is, he's not ready for commitment cause he has dreams and is building his future. and he genuinely is putting in the work, goddamn he works hard. he was nice enough to be honest about it cause he said he wanted me to think about this if i genuinely want to continue it. and he said "don't catch feelings".
not sure if we are exclusive to each other or just friends with benefits (he hates this term). but i guess i don't want this to end cause i found comfort in someone after ages...and found someone genuinely attractive after ages. i guess i want to experiment this feeling since it feels new.
he's unavailable the whole day. he has a family business to look after? we only get the time to talk at night. i do think about him but not much. i mean i feel good but it doesn't feel like a necessity to talk to him? it's actually nice to not feel like a necessity for me cause then it just feels like a chore. i guess i am still afraid to catch feelings for someone and having to fulfill all the requirements.
but he does fulfill my requirement of not pestering me all the time. like.. i don't like to talk or socialise all the time. it's exhausting? so this works fine for me as well.
also, he texts at night if he wants to vc. last night he didn't and i fell asleep lmao. it's just a part of me that wanted to wait till 1 AM and that's the limit i've put for myself.
after waking up today, i saw a text from him around 2:30AM that he couldn't fulfill the requirements for an exam so he's studying and unable to talk. i am a bit disappointed but not that much? does that make sense that i am not much affected? maybe i am in peace cause he doesn't have the time to be with other girls and isn't cheating or playing with my feelings or something.
i did mention to him that the moment i catch feelings for him, i am out. well...i wanted to rant here haha.
lmao i just realised how i don't limit my time for writing fanfic but have a limit for him.
maybe if this hurts me in the future i can write a fic about it lol.
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thebonggirll · 7 months
i have been trying to update pjo and have been trying to find something good to put in it too but something new happened in my life and it's moving too fast, so i am a bit all over the place with the new feelings.
so yeah i have this guy in my class i have a crush on, and we hit it off i guess? he's super intelligent and also some other things that make me feel there's a gap between us that can only be filled with time.
the problem is, he's not ready for commitment cause he has dreams and is building his future. and he genuinely is putting in the work, goddamn he works hard. he was nice enough to be honest about it cause he said he wanted me to think about this if i genuinely want to continue it. and he said "don't catch feelings".
not sure if we are exclusive to each other or just friends with benefits (he hates this term). but i guess i don't want this to end cause i found comfort in someone after ages...and found someone genuinely attractive after ages. i guess i want to experiment this feeling since it feels new.
he's unavailable the whole day. he has a family business to look after? we only get the time to talk at night. i do think about him but not much. i mean i feel good but it doesn't feel like a necessity to talk to him? it's actually nice to not feel like a necessity for me cause then it just feels like a chore. i guess i am still afraid to catch feelings for someone and having to fulfill all the requirements.
but he does fulfill my requirement of not pestering me all the time. like.. i don't like to talk or socialise all the time. it's exhausting? so this works fine for me as well.
also, he texts at night if he wants to vc. last night he didn't and i fell asleep lmao. it's just a part of me that wanted to wait till 1 AM and that's the limit i've put for myself.
after waking up today, i saw a text from him around 2:30AM that he couldn't fulfill the requirements for an exam so he's studying and unable to talk. i am a bit disappointed but not that much? does that make sense that i am not much affected? maybe i am in peace cause he doesn't have the time to be with other girls and isn't cheating or playing with my feelings or something.
i did mention to him that the moment i catch feelings for him, i am out. well...i wanted to rant here haha.
lmao i just realised how i don't limit my time for writing fanfic but have a limit for him.
maybe if this hurts me in the future i can write a fic about it lol.
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thebonggirll · 8 months
chapter six
< previous: chapter five
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Percy was still feeling shaky the next morning when Chiron called a war council. They met in the sword arena, which he thought was pretty strange— trying to discuss the fate of the camp while Mrs. O'Leary chewed on a life-size squeaky pink rubber yak.
Chiron and Quintus stood at the front by the weapon racks. Clarisse and Annabeth sat next to each other and led the briefing. Tyson and Grover sat as far away from each other as possible. Also present around the table: Juniper the tree nymph, Silena Beauregard, Travis and Connor Stoll, Beckendorf, Lee Fletcher, and Argus the hundred-eyed security chief. That's how he knew it was serious. Argus hardly ever shows up unless something really major is going on. The whole time Annabeth spoke, he kept his hundred blue eyes trained on her so hard his whole body turned bloodshot.
And Y/N, ofcourse. Now that he was fully awake and not that tired, he was feeling extremely embarrassed. How did he even think of asking a question? He was clearly not in his right mind.
"Luke must have known about the Labyrinth entrance," Annabeth said. "He knew everything about camp." She still had a little pride in her voice like she still loved the guy, evil as he was.
Juniper cleared her throat. "That's what I was trying to tell you last night. The cave entrance has been there a long time. Luke used to use it."
Silena Beauregard frowned. "You knew about the Labyrinth entrance, and you didn't say anything?"
Juniper's face turned green. "I didn't know it was important. Just a cave. I don't like yucky old caves."
"She has good taste," Grover said.
"I wouldn't have paid any attention except...well, it was Luke." She blushed a little greener.
Grover huffed. "Forget what I said about good taste."
"Interesting," Quintus polished his sword as he spoke. "And you believe this young man, Luke, would dare use the Labyrinth as an invasion route?"
"Definitely," Clarisse said. "If he could get an army of monsters inside Camp Half-Blood, just pop up in the middle of the woods without having to worry about our magical boundaries, we wouldn't stand a chance. He could wipe us out easy. He must've been planning this for months."
"He's been sending scouts into the maze," Annabeth said. "We know because...because we found one."
"Chris Rodriguez," Chiron said. He gave Quintus a meaningful look.
"Ah," Quintus said. "The one in the...Yes, I understand."
"The one in the what?" Percy asked.
Clarisse glared at him. "The point is, Luke has been looking for a way to navigate the maze. He's searching for Daedalus's workshop."
Percy remembered his dream the night before—the bloody old man in tattered robes. "The guy who created the maze."
The discussion that followed included a bunch of questions and assumptions. Well, that's how most of their quests work. 
Firstly, no one knew if Daedalus, who was surrounded by rumors, was actually alive. Including one about how he disappeared back into the Labyrinth toward the end of his life. Chances are that he might still be there. If he did, they need to prevent Ariadne's string from falling into Luke's hands. 
Secondly, Percy suggested blowing up the entrance, which was quickly shut down by Clarisse who confirmed how the results weren't effective. Another suggestion was to set up a defensive line and wait for them with bows. It was already refuted by Clarisse, supported by Chiron who explained how, if the army with Luke is strong enough to break into the camp protected by magical borders which kept the camp safe for hundreds of years, then the army is strong enough to defeat them.
"We have to get to Daedalus's workshop first," Annabeth insisted. "Find Ariadne's string and prevent Luke from using it."
"But if nobody can navigate in there," Y/N said, "what chance do we have?"
"I've been studying architecture for years," she said. "I know Deedalus's Labyrinth better than anybody."
"From reading about it."
"Well, yes."
"That's not enough."
"It has to be!"
"It isn't!"
"Are you going to help me or not?"
Y/N realized everyone was watching Annabeth and her like a tennis match. It was already going around how both of them were fighting against each other for 'Percy' as if she would even fight with a friend for a boy. No one knew the whole story and Y/N didn't feel the need to tarnish Annabeth's reputation either. You can say that even the smallest of their bickering was now out into the spotlight for gossip. Mrs. O'Leary's squeaky yak went 'EEK!' as she ripped off its pink rubber head.
Chiron cleared his throat. "First things first. We need a quest. Someone must enter the Labyrinth, find the workshop of Daedalus, and prevent Luke from using the maze to invade this camp."
"We all know who should lead this," Clarisse said. "Annabeth."
There was a murmur of agreement. Everyone knew Annabeth had been waiting for her own quest since she was a little kid, but she looked uncomfortable.
"You've done as much as I have, Clarisse," she said. "You should go, too."
Clarisse shook her head. "I'm not going back in there."
Travis Stoll laughed. "Don't tell me you're scared. Clarisse, chicken?"
Clarisse got to her feet, as if she was going to pulverize Travis, but she said in a shaky voice: "You don't understand anything, punk. I'm never going in there again. Never!"
She stormed out of the arena.
Travis looked around sheepishly. "I didn't mean to—"
Chiron raised his hand. "The poor girl has had a difficult year. Now, do we have an agreement that Annabeth should lead the quest?"
All nodded except Quintus. He folded his arms and stared at the table, something no one probably noticed except for Percy.
"Very well," Chiron turned to Annabeth. "My dear, it's your time to visit the Oracle. Assuming you return to us in one piece, we shall discuss what to do next."
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Waiting for Annabeth was hard. And it was a little bit awkward standing with Percy after their last conversation.
The day before, when Harris pointed out about Percy's eyes on them, Y/N looked at him. She definitely expected him to just turn away like it happened in the past. But this time, it was different. He wasn't looking away. His eyes were fixed on them like they were committing a crime. Well, specifically, his eyes were set on Harris's arm on her shoulder. 
Feeling a bit uncomfortable, she looked away. But for the rest of the time, she could still feel his eyes on them. There was a change in Percy's attitude, she could tell. Now, it was as if Percy didn't care about what she thought of him since she knew the truth and wasn't afraid to show his hatred for Harris openly.
Besides, she wasn't so suspicious of Annabeth and his actions lately. Although all of their actions were looked at differently by the rest of the campers, she could feel the loathing atmosphere whenever she was around them. Sure, they were still friends and Y/N was still a bit doubtful about Percy's feelings for Annabeth being completely eradicated, but she could sense the distance between them. Like the time when Percy was missing with Annabeth for an hour but when they were back, looking at the condition they were standing in, it was obvious that they weren't exactly making out. Clearly, they were in some kind of life-threatening situation.
Mostly though, she felt a tension in the air after he uttered some hurtful words to her. She knew he didn't mean to hurt her and it was probably for the best that he straightened out the facts, but still, she didn't expect him to be so brutally honest. The conversation after he asked about her and Harris went like this:
"This is the second time I am hearing this question from you," Y/N said, "What exactly is it that you want to hear?"
"I don't think I asked anything hard for you to answer," he said, pulling her closer, "Are you both dating?"
"....And what if we are?" Y/N asked, her temper rising and probably affecting Percy even more than before, "Just because you had a breakup doesn't mean I need to limit myself for you. If you need some attention, go look for it somewhere else."
"You think I am really looking for attention from you?"
And that was the end of their conversation. Before she embarrassed herself even more than she was, she pushed him away and returned to her cabin. 
"Listen, I didn't mean what I said yesterday," she heard Percy say while waiting for Annabeth, "...It's just that time is running out and I think I was too tired."
Y/N didn't have the nerve to face him. She continued looking at the distance and answered, "No it's fine. It's the truth I needed to hear anyway."
Percy clenched his fists as he saw her once again creating a wall between them. He sighed, in irritation. He really didn't mean to say it the way he did. It's just that....he didn't expect himself to be caught so soon. And by Y/N herself.
"You didn't object when Annabeth was suggested to lead the quest," he said, trying to change the subject.
"And why would I do that?" she asked.
"No...it's just I didn't expect you to even join us in the first place."
"Me neither, but I know no one can make this quest possible unless it's her."
".....So you guys are friends now?" Percy asked, feeling a bit dejected. It felt like he was the only one who kept messing up. Although, he truthfully felt that most of it was Annabeth's fault. Why can't Y/N see that? All it takes is some lousy apology from the blonde for her to consider her a friend?
"No," Y/N muttered, "Although I said I would forget it...if I am being honest, I can't just overlook the actions of someone whom I trusted the most. And when she fully knew how much it would hurt me."
Okay, maybe not. Percy just felt a sense of relief knowing he wasn't the only one in the red zone for Y/N. And talking about 'hurt'...this was the first time she actually admitted her feelings for him. She probably didn't even realize...or maybe didn't feel the need to hide it.
Percy jolted physically after he thought of the word. It didn't matter how much he denied it, the bottom line is that he did enjoy her attention and was starting to feel greedy. He needed a distraction and decided to focus on his surroundings instead.
Chiron was deep in conversation with Quintus and Argus. It looked like they were disagreeing about something. Quintus kept shaking his head. On the other side of the arena, Tyson and the Stoll brothers were racing miniature bronze chariots that Tyson had made out of armor scraps.
"Come on," he said and left the arena, followed by Y/N. He stared across the fields at the Big House’s attic window, dark and still. What was taking Annabeth so long? He was pretty sure it hadn’t taken him this long to get my quest.
“Hey,” a girl whispered.
Juniper was standing in the bushes. It was weird how she almost turned invisible when she was surrounded by plants. She gestured them over urgently. “You need to know: Luke wasn’t the only one I saw around that cave.”
“What do you mean?”
She glanced back at the arena. “I was trying to say something, but he was right there.”
“The sword master,” she said. “He was poking around the rocks.”
Their stomach clenched. “Quintus? When?” Y/N asked.
“I don’t know: I don’t pay attention to time. Maybe a week ago, when he first showed up.”
“What was he doing? Did he go in?”
“I—I’m not sure. He’s creepy, Percy. I didn’t even see him come into the glade. Suddenly he was just there. You have to tell Grover it’s too dangerous—”
“Juniper?” Grover called from inside the arena. “Where’d you go?”
Juniper sighed. “I’d better go in. Just remember what I said. Don’t trust that man!” She ran into the arena.
They stared at each other for a moment and turned to look at the Big House, feeling more uneasy than ever. 
"If Quintus was up to something…" Percy started saying but was interrupted by Y/N midway.
"We need Annabeth’s advice. She might know what to make of Juniper’s news. But where the heck is she? Whatever is happening with the Oracle, it shouldn’t be taking this long."
Percy couldn’t stand it anymore. "I know it's against the rules, but then again, nobody's watching." He stared at Y/N as if waiting for her approval.
"Oh what the hell, fuck it," she said grabbing his hand, running down the hill and heading across the fields.
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next: chapter seven >
book four: the battle of labyrinth
percy jackson x reader series
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thebonggirll · 8 months
chapter five
< previous: chapter four
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That night after dinner, Quintus had the campers suit up in combat armor like they were getting ready for capture the flag, but the mood among the campers was a lot more serious.
"Right," Quintus said, standing on the head dining table. "Gather 'round."
He was dressed in black leather and bronze. In the torchlight, his gray hair made him look like a ghost. Mrs. O'Leary bounded happily around him, foraging for dinner scraps.
"You will be in teams of two," Quintus announced. When everybody started talking and trying to grab their friends, he yelled: "Which have already been chosen!"
"AWWWWW!" everybody complained.
"Your goal is simple: collect the gold laurels without dying. The wreath is wrapped in a silk package, tied to the back of one of the monsters. There are six monsters. Each has a silk package. Only one holds the laurels. You must find the wreath before the other teams. And, of course...you will have to slay the monster to get it, and stay alive."
Y/N could already sense a bit who she was about to be paired up with. "Hey beautiful," Harris walked towards her smiling. She clicked her tongue at the cringy nickname and said, "Thank god you're with me. I can't handle the stares anymore."
He chuckled and put an arm around her shoulder, slowly pulling her closer. "And does that include him?"
Y/N looked into his eyes, followed the direction he was looking in, and saw the obvious pair of eyes looking at them. "No, we are just friends now. And have decided to start over, forgetting everything," she said and smiled at Percy, who seemed to be in a trance. Was he even looking at them or was he just zoned out? It was surprising how he can be zoned out with a partner like Annabeth, who wants her plans to be perfect and win the game. But well, it's Percy.
While Y/N started chatting with Harris, holding his hand that was hanging over her shoulder, Percy was busy glarin- ahem, observing them. He couldn't just smile back at her at the moment when he was too focused on how close they were standing. Y/N's face was literally inches away from Harris's face. One accidental push from someone and they would literally kiss each other.
Although that won't be required going by the way Harris is eyeing her.
"You look constipated seaweed brain," Annabeth said, "Can you stop being so embarrassing and quit staring at them like an idiot?"
He could sense the disgust in her voice. Well, he knew how embarassing he was being and in any other normal situation, he wouldn't even think about looking at them this way after being discovered by them...or anyone. But somehow...he just didn't care.
Let them look. Let them know how he's irritated.
"You're being creepy," Annabeth sighed, "I get you find him annoying but you can't be possessive about someone who isn't yours in the first place."
This seemed to get his attention, finally breaking away from the trance he was in. "Don't be ridiculous. You act like you're not possessive of her."
"I am, but I know my limits."
"Oh yeah, sure you do," Percy scoffed. It was pretty annoying to think about how he now has to spend time obeying all of Annabeth's orders.
Well, that wasn't the worst part either. It felt like the whole world was against the idea of clearing out the misunderstanding Y/N had with Annabeth and him.
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Well, he was certainly right about the world being against him.
The roof slid open and Percy saw the night sky, stars blazing. It was a lot darker than it should've been. Metal ladder rungs appeared on the side of the wall, leading up, and he could hear people yelling their names.
"Percy! Annabeth!" Tyson's voice bellowed the loudest, but others were calling out too.
He looked nervously at Annabeth. Then they began to climb and made their way around the rocks. They ran into Clarisse and a bunch of other campers carrying torches, including Y/N. She looked distressed.
"Where have you two been?" Clarisse demanded.
"We've been looking forever," Y/N said.
"But we were gone only a few minutes," Percy said.
Chiron trotted up, followed by Tyson and Grover.
"Percy!" Tyson said. "You are okay?"
"We're fine," he said. "We fell in a hole."
The others looked at him skeptically, then at Annabeth. 
It looked like something else. Like he wandered off with Annabeth to spend some time alone or something. He looked at Y/N immediately to observe her reaction. Thankfully....she wasn't eyeing them suspiciously like the rest of them.
"Honest!" he clarified. "There were three scorpions after us, so we ran and hid in the rocks. But we were only gone a minute."
"You've been missing for almost an hour," Chiron said. "The game is over."
"Yeah," Grover muttered. "We would've won, but a Cyclops sat on me."
"Was an accident!" Tyson protested, and then he sneezed.
Clarisse was wearing the gold laurels, but she didn't even brag about winning them, which wasn't like her. "A hole?" she said suspiciously.
Annabeth took a deep breath. She looked around at the other campers. "Chiron...maybe we should talk about this at the Big House."
Clarisse gasped. "You found it, didn't you?"
Annabeth bit her lip. "I—Yeah. Yeah, we did."
A bunch of campers started asking questions, looking about as confused as Percy, but Chiron raised his hand for silence. "Tonight is not the right time, and this is not the right place." He stared at the boulders as if he'd just noticed how dangerous they were. "All of you, back to your cabins. Get some sleep. A game well played, but curfew is past!"
There was a lot of mumbling and complaints, but the campers drifted off, talking among themselves and giving Percy suspicious looks.
"This explains a lot," Clarisse said. "It explains what Luke is after."
"Wait a second," Percy said. "What do you mean? What did we find?"
Annabeth turned toward him, her eyes dark with worry. "An entrance to the Labyrinth. An invasion route straight into the heart of the camp." 
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After the explanation, the rest of them started going back to their cabins as well.
Y/N turned around to leave along with Harris when she felt a tug on her arm. This was happening way too often. 
"What?" she asked, trying to put her best smile.
"It wasn't intentional," Percy said.
"You don't need to explain it to me," Y/N said.
Percy looked at Harris who was still standing close to her. 
He pulled her arm to bring her closer to himself, eyes fixed on Harris, he said, "We need to talk. I have to tell you about the dreams I've been having. Just us. No outsiders."
Y/N felt embarrassed. Harris shouldn't have to deal with this situation. She tried to free her hand from his grip but heard him say, "Well, you can take your time Y/N. It's getting late anyway." She watched him walk away to his cabin. It felt like someone placed a rock in her heart. 
Snatching her arm away, she asked, "Why do you act like an asshole with him?"
"I don't know," Percy tried to calm his nerves but failed, "His face just manages to bring out the worst in me."
"Shut up," she asked, "What did you wanna talk about?"
Oh. Right. The dream. He filled in the details and watched her reaction.
"So...that's the same Labyrinth Nico was talking about right?" Y/N asked.
"Yes," Percy said. He was trying his best to be decent but these days, especially today, he was way too tired to force himself to be decent. Maybe it was how just when he was about to enjoy her attention, Harris seemed to crawl and snatch it away like a little bug. So he blurted out the first question pestering his mind.
"Are you and Harris a thing now?"
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next: chapter six >
book four: the battle of labyrinth
percy jackson x reader series
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thebonggirll · 8 months
chapter four
< previous: chapter three
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The next morning there was a lot of excitement at breakfast.
Well, around three in the morning, an Aethiopian drakon had been spotted at the borders of the camp. The magical boundaries had kept the monster out, but it prowled the hills, looking for weak spots in the defenses, and it didn't seem anxious to go away until Lee Fletcher from Apollo's cabin led a couple of his siblings in pursuit. After a few dozen arrows lodged in the chinks of the drakon's armor, it got the message and withdrew.
"It's still out there," Lee warned during announcements. "Twenty arrows in its hide, and we just made it mad. The thing was thirty feet long and bright green. It's eyes—" he shuddered.
"You did well, Lee," Chiron patted him on the shoulder. "Everyone stay alert, but stay calm. This has happened before."
"Aye," Quintus said from the head table. "And it will happen again. More and more frequently."
The campers murmured among themselves. Y/N turned to look at Harris, mouthing the words, "Did you know?" He nodded his head to accept. It seemed like she wasn't the only one who kept dreaming about the camp under attack all the time.  
Everyone knew the rumors: Luke and his army of monsters were planning an invasion of the camp. Most of them expected it to happen this summer, but no one knew how or when. It didn't help that their attendance was down. They only had about eighty campers. Three years ago, Y/N started, there had been more than a hundred. Some had died. Some had joined Luke. Some had just disappeared. 
"This is a good reason for new war games, "Quintus continued, a glint in his eyes. "We'll see how you all do with that tonight."
"Yes..." Chiron said. "Well, enough announcements. Let us bless this meal and eat." He raised his goblet, "To the gods."
All of them raised their glasses and repeated the blessing.
Y/N took her plate to the bronze brazier and scraped a portion of her food into the flames. "Apollo," she whispered, "Give me a sign of what I should do...."
There was so much to worry about, and she could've stood there all morning, but she headed back to the table. She couldn't just stand there ranting about her pathetic feelings and friends when there was no guarantee they would survive the prophecy. She wanted to be the bigger person and just forget any of those things ever happened. But easier said than done. One look at their faces and it felt like the day they confessed to her. Even with Grover in her mind, all she could feel after looking at their faces was irritation. 
Still...even after all this, her eyes still seemed to search for the seaweed brain. It was getting annoying at this point.
Once everyone was eating, Chiron and Grover came over to visit Percy. Grover was bleary-eyed. His shirt was inside out. He slid his plate onto the table and slumped next to him.
Tyson shifted uncomfortably. "I will go...um...polish my fish ponies." He lumbered off, leaving his breakfast half-eaten.
Chiron tried for a smile. He probably wanted to look reassuring, but in centaur form he towered over him, casting a shadow across the table. "Well, Percy, how did you sleep?"
"Uh, fine." Percy wondered why he asked that. Was it possible he knew something about the weird Iris-message he'd gotten? 
He saw Nico in it, and he was talking to a ghost. Nico was looking for a way to bring back his sister, which was almost impossible. Almost. The ghost seemed to know a way to bring her back, but just as they were about to discuss the plan, the message requested for another drachma. Unfortunately, he didn't have that and the message disappeared. The ghost also said something about how it helped Nico by saving him several times, leading him through a maze, and teaching him to use his powers. Well, he wasn't so focused on that.
"I brought Grover over," Chiron said, "because I thought you two might want to, ah, discuss matters. Now if you'll excuse me, I have some Iris-messages to send. I'll see you later in the day." He gave Grover a meaningful look, then trotted out of the pavilion."
"What's he talking about?" Percy asked Grover.
Grover chewed his eggs. He could tell he was distracted, because he bit the tines of his fork and chewed those down, too. "He wants you to convince me," he mumbled. Somebody else slid next to him on the bench: Annabeth. 
And almost instinctively his head shot towards the direction of the Apollo cabin's members. Oh...she wasn't looking. He didn't know whether to feel good or bad about the situation. It would make matters worse. Y/N would probably absolutely ignore their existence after this.
"I'll tell you what it's about," Annabeth said. "The Labyrinth."
It was hard to concentrate on what she was saying because everybody in the dining pavilion was stealing glances at them and whispering. And Annabeth was right next to him. With the amount of whispers, he was sure it would reach Y/N's ears. He didn't want her to hate him. 
But wait...shouldn't she be understanding about the situation too? Grover was here too, so maybe Y/N wouldn't mind all that much. And besides, after the commotion with Grover, she would absolutely understand if they held a discussion. 
Percy sighed. He knew how much of an insensitive jerk he sounded like, but...still, it's not like he said something illogical either. For now, he needed to shoo away the main culprit of the situation. 
"You're not supposed to be here," Percy said.
"We need to talk," she insisted.
"But the rules..."
She knew as well as everyone else, that campers weren't allowed to switch tables. Satyrs were different. They weren't really demigods. But the half-bloods had to sit with their cabins. I wasn't even sure what the punishment was for switching tables. He'd never seen it happen. If Mr. D had been here, he probably would've strangled Annabeth with magical grapevines or something, but Mr. D wasn't here. Chiron had already left the pavilion. Quintus looked over and raised an eyebrow, but he didn't say anything. 
"Maybe Annabeth deserves a punishment," Percy thought.
"Look," Annabeth said, "Grover is in trouble. There's only one way we can figure out how to help him. It's the Labyrinth. That's what Clarisse and I have been investigating."
He shifted his weight, trying to think clearly. "You mean the maze where they kept the Minotaur, back in the old days?"
"Exactly," Annabeth said.
"So...it's not under the king's palace in Crete anymore," he guessed. "The Labyrinth is under some building in America."
Annabeth rolled her eyes. "Under a building? Please, Percy. The Labyrinth is huge. It wouldn't fit under a single city, much less a single building."
He thought about my dream of Nico at the River Styx. "So...is the Labyrinth part of the Underworld?"
"No." Annabeth frowned. "Well, there may be passages from the Labyrinth down into the Underworld. I'm not sure. But the Underworld is way, way down. The Labyrinth is right under the surface of the mortal world, kind of like a second skin. It's been growing for thousands of years, lacing its way under Western cities, connecting everything together underground. You can get anywhere through the Labyrinth."
"If you don't get lost," Grover muttered. "And die a horrible death."
"Grover, there has to be a way," Annabeth said. He got the feeling they'd had this conversation before.
"Clarisse lived."
"Barely!"Grover said. "And the other guy—"
"He was driven insane. He didn't die."
"Oh, joy." Grover's lower lip quivered. "That makes me feel much better."
"Whoa," Percy said. "Back up. What's this about Clarisse and a crazy guy?"
Annabeth glanced over toward the Ares table. Clarisse was watching them like she knew what they were talking about, but then she fixed her eyes on her breakfast plate.
"Last year," Annabeth said, lowering her voice, "Clarisse went on a mission for Chiron."
"I remember," Percy said. "It was secret."
Annabeth nodded.
"It was secret," Annabeth agreed, "because she found Chris Rodriguez."
"The guy from the Hermes cabin?" he remembered him from two years ago. They'd eavesdropped on Chris Rodriguez aboard Luke's ship, the Princess Andromeda. Chris was one of the half-bloods who'd abandoned camp and joined the Titan Army.
"Yeah," Annabeth said. "Last summer he just appeared in Phoenix, Arizona, near Clarisse's mom's house."
"What do you mean he just appeared?"
"He was wandering around the desert, in a hundred and twenty degrees, in full Greek armor, babbling about string."
"String," he said.
"He'd been driven completely insane. Clarisse brought him back to her mom's house so the mortals wouldn't institutionalize him. She tried to nurse him back to health. Chiron came out and interviewed him, but it wasn't much good. The only thing they got out of him: Luke's men have been exploring the Labyrinth."
Percy shivered, though he wasn't exactly sure why. Poor Chris...he hadn't been a bad guy. What could've driven him mad? I looked at Grover, who was chewing up the rest of his fork.
"Okay," he asked. "Why were they exploring the Labyrinth?"
"We weren't sure," Annabeth said. "That's why Clarisse went on a scouting expedition. Chiron kept things hushed up because he didn't want anyone panicking. He got me involved because...well, the Labyrinth has always been one of my favorite subjects. The architecture involved—" Her expression turned a little dreamy. "The builder, Daedalus, was a genius. But the point is, the Labyrinth has entrances everywhere. If Luke could figure out how to navigate it, he could move his army around with incredible speed."
"Except it's a maze, right?"
"Full of horrible traps," Grover agreed."Dead ends. Illusions. Psychotic goat-killing monsters."
"But not if you had Ariadne's string," Annabeth said. "In the old days, Ariadne's string guided Theseus out of the maze. It was a navigation instrument of some kind, invented by Daedalus. And Chris Rodriguez was mumbling about string."
"So Luke is trying to find Ariadne's string," Percy said. "Why? What's he planning?"
Annabeth shook her head. "I don't know. I thought maybe he wanted to invade camp through the maze, but that doesn't make any sense. The closest entrances Clarisse found were in Manhattan, which wouldn't help Luke get past our borders. Clarisse explored a little way into the tunnels, but...it was very dangerous. She had some close calls. I researched everything I could find about Daedalus. I'm afraid it didn't help much. I don't understand exactly what Luke's planning, but I do know this: the Labyrinth might be the key to Grover's problem."
Percy blinked. "You think Pan is underground?"
"It would explain why he's been impossible to find."
Grover shuddered. "Satyrs hate going underground. No searcher would ever try going in that place. No flowers. No sunshine. No coffee shops!"
"But," Annabeth said, "the Labyrinth can lead you almost anywhere. It reads your thoughts. It was designed to fool you, trick you, and kill you; but if you can make the Labyrinth work for you—"
"It could lead you to the wild god," Percy said.
"I can't do it." Grover hugged his stomach. "Just thinking about it makes me want to throw up my silverware."
"Grover, it may be your last chance," Annabeth said. "The council is serious. One week or you learn to tap dance!"
Over at the head table, Quintus cleared his throat. Percy got the feeling he didn't want to make a scene, but Annabeth was really pushing it, sitting at his table for so long.
"And did you talk to Y/N?" she asked, eyes looking for some hope.
"I tried..but," he looked in her direction, "she won't listen and doesn't want to be involved."
"Clearly you don't know how to convince her," Annabeth said, eyes furrowed in irritation.
"Well, why don't you give it a try then?" Percy said, a little too loud. 
"Alright, we'll talk later," Annabeth squeezed his arm a little too hard. "Convince Grover and I'll convince her."
She returned to the Athena table, ignoring all the people who were staring at her. He didn't know what kind of confidence suddenly took over Annabeth, but he just hoped for it to work. She was good with words when it came to certain situations. He wished he had even a little bit of that talent, then maybe Y/N would've already been convinced. It felt like somehow it was becoming a competition between him and Annabeth of who is closer to her. 
And he didn't like the way all his paths were coming to a dead end.
Grover buried his head in his hands. "I can't do it, Percy. My searcher's license. Pan. I'm going to lose it all. I'll have to start a puppet theater."
"Don't say that! We'll figure something out."
"I have to leave," Grover said miserably. "Juniper's waiting for me. It's a good thing she finds cowards attractive."
After he was gone, Percy looked over at Quintus. He nodded gravely, like they were sharing some dark secret. Then he went back to cutting his sausage with a dagger.
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Around the afternoon, when Y/N was busy reading a book near Canoe Lake, she felt a presence behind her. A well-known presence she wanted to ignore. 
Annabeth sat beside her, which made her shift away a bit immediately. "We can't do this without you."
Sighing, Y/N closed her book and looked at her, "There are plenty of healers, you can just ask one of my siblings."
"You know it's not the same as going with you. We know how we work around each other in dangerous situations. Besides, it would...feel empty without you."
"Look, I don't want to be tossed around and used whenever you all feel like it. I don't trust you or him."
"I am sorry for what I did! I wasn't thinking straight. I...lost someone precious and I didn't know how to handle it!"
"Oh, and the only way you thought of handling it is by playing with his emotions and breaking my trust?"
"It wasn't intentional."
"It was though, Anne. You knew the way he looked at you and decided to take advantage of it. How would you feel if Luke asked me to join them, that he would date me if I wanted to get over both of you and I accepted it?"
"You wouldn't and I know it."
"See?" Y/N chuckled, "You don't even have to think twice about this. I didn't either. But after what you did, I don't think anything is impossible."
Annabeth stayed silent for a while and said, "You know, Percy is not at fault here. It was news to him too. So...maybe you should atleast-"
"You don't need to tell me that. I know. It's just...feels awful to know how he knew everything but continued to lead me on instead of turning me down."
"He was overwhelmed. It was a first-time situation and he didn't know what to do. You know that better than me," Annabeth sighed, "Please just talk to him."
"Fine, I will." Y/N said massaging her forehead,"....And what about Grover?"
"....So you're in, right?"
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Walking towards the Pegasus stables, she found Percy just as Annabeth said. Percy seemed to be talking to his friend Blackjack. She waited for him to finish. It didn't take much time as he shot his head to look in her direction after a while.
A group of younger campers came into the stables to start their riding lessons and started whispering amongst themselves. Clearly, the news of their fight was all over the camp. As Percy started walking towards her, she heard one of the campers say something along the lines of "he isn't even that good-looking." 
"Mind your own business," she spoke, looking over at them. Sure, she might be having a fight with him, doesn't mean they get to insult him in front of her. 
An action that made Percy smile a bit. He didn't know why but it made him feel giddy how Y/N was defending him. He observed her expression - how her ears were turning red in anger, and she scrunched her nose while furrowing her brows. 
How cute.
"Come on," she muttered, walking away from the stables.
As Percy started following her, he said, "I'm guessing you talked with Annabeth?"
"Yes, she filled me in about whatever happened," Y/N said and licked her lips. This is awkward. Knowing he knew about her feelings, it was getting difficult to talk to him about how she wanted to forget everything and start over the friendship.
Sighing, she mustered up the courage and said, "Look, I'm here because I feel like I'm not being fair to you. I know, you were hurt by Annabeth's action as much as I did. But I was too busy feeling betrayed to even hear you out. So...let's just forget everything and start over like nothing happened."
"Sure," he said, "And during breakfast Annabeth just came to my table to talk about the events and also, you. Nothing else...in case you are wondering." With the way the campers were talking, he didn't want her to misunderstand. He didn't know why but he wanted to make it clear as soon as possible. Annabeth was nothing more than just an awful friend. 
"Didn't ask, don't care," Y/N said. 
Percy looked at her demeanor. She looked...nervous. And she still wasn't looking at him. It still felt...awful. He wanted the old Y/N back. But, it did feel nice how she reached out first. Probably because of Grover's situation. He didn't exactly have the place to complain about it.  A small smirk took over his lips, as he put his arm around her shoulders and started walking towards the Canoe Lake. She looked like a deer in headlights. Maybe he did get some of the confidence Annabeth had.
Thinking back on his conversation with Y/N, he was a bit disturbed by the last line. Act like nothing happened? It might be a bit selfish of him but...he didn't want her to forget.
The feeling of getting her attention was starting to get addicting.
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next: chapter five >
book four: the battle of labyrinth
percy jackson x reader series
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thebonggirll · 8 months
Percy Jackson x reader update???
Uploading it today! It's going to be a long one.
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thebonggirll · 10 months
AWW I LOVE IN YOUR LEAGUE SO FAR !! the premise is super well and i'm a sucker with jealousy and angst w happy endings!! can't wait <3
Aww thank you so much for the feedback! I'm currently working on the second part but kinda struggling to make him look less of an asshole lol.
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thebonggirll · 11 months
in your league (oikawa x reader) - part one
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pairing: oikawa tooru x reader.
genre: angst with happy ending, jealousy, pining.
synopsis: he made it clear how their secret little arrangement in study sessions isn't going to involve any emotions. y/n however, uttered those words in the heat of the moment. but she wanted to see how he reacts to it. it was now or never, and she was willing to come clean about her feelings.
warnings: sexual themes, cursing.
word count: 1.1k
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She was always wary of people. Y/N has seen her best friend suffer more than once and she didn't want to be the one to experience the same things. But life really has a way to make you face the things that you most would like to avoid. It was time that she starts facing these feelings she had been harboring. And obviously, her best friend was there to give her a reality check on that. 
"You know you can just tell him about your feelings?" Jooin said.
"Are you insane? No way I am doing that," Y/N said. Her eyes, once again, drifted towards the boy who, as usual, was surrounded by his fangirls. 
"Then stop staring at him like a creep," her friend sighed.
"Hey, have you noticed the girls we are surrounded with? You might wanna be careful about what you say about fangirls," Y/N chuckled.
"All I am saying is that you don't know if he's gonna reject you. Why are you already thinking about so far ahead? Besides, aren't the study sessions going well?" Jooin asked.
"....yes," Y/N looked as if she was in a daze, "just because he's helping me with studies doesn't mean I can do something that is going to crush me emotionally." She could see Oikawa taking pictures with the fangirls, their cheeks squished together.
"I'm just saying-"
"You're not helping Jooin," Y/N started getting annoyed, "You don't think I'm aware of how painfully average I fucking look? Do you think I don't see the difference between the girlfriends he has had and me? For fuck's sake, they even ace in their studies."
Jooin just stared at her, empathizing, and said, "Wanna have a sleepover today?" He couldn't say anything back. Sure, he could provide encouraging words but those will do more harm. She would probably kill him. The thing is, he knew as well how average they were. It's not like his best friend was the only one struggling on the romance ground. Both of them were on the same page.
"I'll let you know later," she said looking back at Jooin, "Thanks for being so cool, bro!"
"Ew, that was cringy," Jooin grumbled getting up from his seat. He waited as Y/N started packing her backpack, a grin on her face for successfully embarrassing him.
"Hey! Are you coming to study today?" A voice boomed from outside the classroom. Y/N's ears reddened as she shouted a 'yes' back to him. She did not want to have this reaction. She knew how painfully obvious she was being by hurrying to get out of the room.
Thinking back on it, Y/N could've never imagined that she would be having study sessions with the hottest person in Aoba Josai High. If she was honest though, the past Y/N didn't find Oikawa 'hottest'. He behaved more like an idol which seemed a lot fake. Maybe his intentions were actually pure and he genuinely appreciated the love from fangirls. What bothered her though was his actions. He played around with their emotions, and it didn't even take much of an effort for him. He would flirt mercilessly with some fangirls, leading to heartbreaks. 
Ofcourse, she knew all about how it felt since she was one of the victims now.
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She could feel his eyes on her breasts for quite a while. 
"Can you finish it quickly so that we can fuck?" 
Oh, yeah. This was something that no one knew about them though. About them being in a sexual relationship. 
She never expected someone like him to be attracted to her sexually either. And it was always like this. He would waste no time opening up her shirt with expertise as soon as she was done. His hands were all over her body. It didn't take much time from there. Soon enough the air would be hot around them, sweat covering their bodies. And Oikawa holding her hips tightly, as he moved. Sounds of skin slapping and breathy moans.
Y/N felt her orgasm building up as Oikawa started picking up the pace. She wanted to stay with him after this. Not pretend like nothing happened. It looked way easy for him. 
Like it's just a random Friday for him.
Today was different. When they were done, a wave of shame came over Y/N. 
"You ruined it," Oikawa sighed, an annoyance laced in his voice, "Did you really think we can be in a relationship just because we fuck?"
She was surprised. This was a different Oikawa. This was a mean Oikawa. She started tearing up, but Y/N had her ego as well. She wasn't going to cry in front of a dick. "I didn't mean to...it was just in the heat of the moment," she said.
"You really expected me to believe that?" Oikawa said, "You know I already said not to involve your feelings in this arrangement."
She felt so stupid. When they climaxed, Y/N confessed her feelings. It was in the heat of the moment, yes, but it was also true. And she already knew his answer but still, Y/N wanted to know the reason. "But why can't we be in a relationship? I mean...you like me, right?"
"Oh...I'm sorry for the confusion," Oikawa smiled, "I like you, but not enough to be your boyfriend."
Oh, this was disgusting. Now he was lying. She knew that fucking expression. The look of pity is an answer he gives to let the other person feel better about themselves. 
She couldn't take in the unbearable atmosphere around them any longer. Y/N went to get freshen up in the bathroom and afterward started packing her bag. "You don't have to lie about it. I know I'm not as pretty as the other girls. It would be embarrassing for you," Y/N smiled at him and then started walking towards the door. She expected some kind of comment from him. A denial? Or at least an outburst? 
It was worse that he was completely silent after her statement. Oikawa had a way of doing things and making people feel like shit. And this was one of them. She always knew the kind of a twisted personality he had and yet she allowed herself to fall for him. Y/N was doing a pretty good job of keeping her tears in. You can say, practice makes it perfect. She didn't know how she was going to continue this anymore. This arrangement was clearly over the moment he expressed his annoyance.
"Uh, since we are not doing that anymore. Let's just focus on the study sessions and get this over with. If I find anyone else willing to tutor me, I'll let you know," Y/N said walking out of the door.
Oikawa's eyes stayed still, observing all of her little expressions. He smiled, ".....That would be for the best."
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next >
anime — short length
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thebonggirll · 11 months
Haikyuu Fanfic? And more updates-
Alright. I’ll be honest. My brain engines are not working at the moment. As in, I need inspiration and the thirst of writing in order to write fanfic. When I gain interest in some kind of show, it kind of overshadows the inspiration running for the other fics.
So I have been rewatching haikyuu series and really want to write a karasuno manager fic. I have decided to be a little selfish and concentrate on what my heart really wants to write instead of worrying about the updates for the other fics. I’ll write them when I gain the inspiration for those again.
As of this moment, Moonjoon fanfic (Forever, Jagiya) and Pjo fanfic (Book IV of series) will be on hold until notice.
I’ll be updating random fanfics, oneshots or long fics too which completely depends on my mood. 
I realized when I force myself to write or update any series, I’m often unsatisfied with the results. So I’m gonna take it easy and write whatever I want.
Thank you for understanding!
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thebonggirll · 1 year
chapter six
< previous: chapter five
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Jongwoo was wrong.
He thought Moonjo was the only person that he can relate to, but after the conversation they just had, he realized how that was absolutely not the case. Okay, he can admit that Moonjo was actually much more normal than the rest. Maybe he was overthinking after his little statement about killing people, cause he can sense how he liked to scare people in the first place. Or maybe he just became abnormal after staying in a place like this. He can't blame him.
Cause he too, in fact, started losing his patience.
Maybe Moonjo wasn't aware at all of his behavior after staying with these people. Whatever the case, Jongwoo didn't yet want to lose the little bond. He was the only escape from this hellish place.
The next day, he tried talking to his girlfriend about the events, but she actually sounded pissed. Well, she was having a hard time too and he wanted to know the reason behind it. Maybe if she vents it out to him, she might actually feel better. But ever since he came here, it felt like she didn't care enough to talk to him.
Almost like she found him annoying and sensitive.
All of it, starting from the people in the building, his boss, the insecure colleague to his girlfriend, everything was starting to take a toll on him. Maybe these little jabs to him won't bother any other person, but it was a headache to him. He just wanted one day to relax instead of worrying 24/7 about what was going on around him.
That was probably the reason why he got impulsive and thought of having a beer with Moonjo later. Yes, he was creepy but currently, he was the only one who actually made him feel a bit at ease. Moonjo made him feel like he didn't need to have everything under control. He can do whatever he wanted to do.
"Mr. Jongwoo?" Hearing the voice, he got startled and looked back. It was the police officer who came searching for a person who went missing.
"Oh, I didn't mean to scare you! I'm sorry," she apologized and then asked, "Are you not feeling well?"
Of course, people who are observant will definitely notice the struggle on his face. How come Jieun didn't?
"Me? I didn't get much sleep last night," he said fidgeting and opening his backpack, taking out a small notepad, "and this belonged to the foreigner that lived there before."
"Thank you," she said.
"I'll get going now," he said and started walking away but stopped, hearing her call him once again.
"Jongwoo, did anything strange happen in the studio?"
"Anything strange?" he asked, contemplating if it would be a good idea to let her know about his suspicion.
"Well, I was told that nobody lives on the fourth floor, but I keep hearing sounds."
"What sounds?"
"Thumping sounds. I keep hearing them but..." his voice trailed off as he looked at the end of the street. Jongwoo felt shivers down his spine.
Wasn't that the landlady?
He looked back at the police officer and quickly said, "I don't know," before leaving for his office. His mind was filled with questions.
What was she doing here? She has nothing to do on this street in the first place. Was she following him? He halted by his steps as he crashed into a girl. She was yelling at him for dropping the coffee she was carrying, on her. For some reason, maybe because he was too busy to think about the landlady, he tried to help her in a way that he would've never thought of before. Why did he even try to clean the stains on her dress with his shirt? What was he thinking?
He was not sure why so many things were going wrong when the day began. But he was sure of one thing.
Beer just won't do it for him. He needed a damn drink after his shift was over.
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Jongwoo felt under the weather. He sat up on his bed with a splitting headache and looked at his surroundings, and then at himself. He felt his heart drop.
Not only was he in a different room, but he was also not wearing clothes. He tried his best to remember the last night's events but he just couldn't remember them clearly. All he remembers is how he met up with Moonjo after his shift was over and had some drinks. He started talking about his career, and books, and somehow the conversation slid toward the residents.
He groaned and got up, finding his clothes neatly kept on the table. Jongwoo realized he must've been a huge hassle to Moonjo. At least he was a gentleman enough to not enter his room when he was intoxicated. But he was a bit worried.
He felt an uncomfortable pain in his lower back. Well, the building didn't offer much comfort in the first place. It was a surprise Moonjo was still living in this hellhole.
As he was about to leave the room, he came face to face with his drinking partner.
"Did you sleep comfortably?" Moonjo asked quirking his head to the left, looking at him.
Jongwoo kept his eyes fixed on his face. He was extremely wary of this person at the moment, knowing the man before him stood with a bare chest and wearing jeans, a towel around his neck, and somewhat of wet hair. Why was he suddenly so focused on his presence? Why were his cheeks feeling hot?
"Uh yes, thank you for taking care of me last night," Jongwoo smiled, "I'm sorry but I need to get ready for work. Thank you." He quickly went off toward his room.
Throughout the day, Jongwoo was a bit out of it. He tried his best to remember the events of last night but he wasn't able to. At the end of his shift, when he got invited to drink with his colleagues he couldn't decline. Although drinking quietly, his mind kept going back to him.
"Oh, looks like someone had a busy night yesterday," Yoojung whispered to him. He looked back at her, his heart started beating fast. Yoojung pointed out towards his neck and then fixed his collar, to hide something that he could only understand as a hickey.
And then he remembered something from this morning. When he looked at Moonjo's face, from his peripheral vision, he could make out that there were some red marks on his body. Earlier he tried to ignore it but now that he thinks about it carefully, there was a mark on his shoulder that he was clear about. A bite mark.
As his thoughts were jumbled, his office colleagues left the restaurant to go for a second round at another place. On the way he seemed to see the face of the same guy whom he has been thinking of the whole day. But when he looked back again, he disappeared. Running into the alley, he tried to find the familiar face once again but much to his dismay, he wasn't able to.
He was starting to feel scared and angry. Jongwoo was too scared to go back to that building. What happened last night? Why do the people living in the building keep following him?
Most importantly, did he cheat on Jieun?
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next: chapter seven >
forever, jagiya.
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thebonggirll · 1 year
chapter five
< previous: chapter four
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Moonjo felt a kind of high he never felt before. This particular feeling that he never felt before completely overtook his other senses. The desire to be the only one for Jongwoo. He quietly sat beside him, although the bed was too small. Jongwoo was way too drugged to understand or make anything out of the situation.
Oh, and there it was. That twisted face he made whenever he was asleep. Some kind of nightmare. Moonjo was never the kind who cared enough about all of these little things but jagiya was special. He knew he had the potential inside of him. These animalistic instincts that most boring humans felt the need to hide. Moonjo knew all his dearest needed was a little push and it would all come out of the facade he is putting on.
Jongwoo was a bit jumpy in his sleep. Moonjo also found it endearing knowing someday it was all going to go away. This side of him, the one who was so innocent - Moonjo wanted to savor it. He leaned towards his face, observing the uneven breaths of Jongwoo. Even without realizing it, Moonjo's eyes slowly went down toward his lips.
Sure, he was being observant but Moonjo didn't exactly loom over this little detail much before this. Sure, he did wonder earlier how good he would look underneath him. But seeing him up close, and realizing how plump his lips were, brought a new form of excitement. He watched his lips in awe, wondering how soft they must be.
Moonjo stroked Jongwoo's hair lightly as took notice of the expression. Jongwoo was starting to breathe steadily. He continued his actions. The next few steps he wanted to take were something new. He didn't know if his experiment would work but he was willing to see the results. His other hand hovered over his face, as he slowly placed the hand under his nose.
He wanted to test it out. If Jongwoo would take in his scent and feel at ease at his touch. Moonjo did adore the way he trembled in fear sometimes, but now that he has come to see him close, there is no way he can just keep maintaining this distance between them.
He just needed to lure him in, make him find some kind of comfort with his touch and smell. Oh, jagiya would surely be very confused at first for going back and forth between his emotions like that. It might even hinder his plans for making his masterpiece.
But there's no fun if there is no risk involved, is there?
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Jongwoo woke up groaning, feeling nauseous. He needed to get it together. He sat on his chair and opened his laptop. He was about to go to his word file but stopped midway.
The dust was missing. Someone was in his room.
He dashed out of his room now that he was sure of his suspicion of towards where the landlady resided. "Ms. Eom, someone broke into my room," he said.
The landlady as usual smiled and said, "What do you mean? Nobody lives here."
"I'm telling you, somebody broke into my room! I'm sure!" he said.
"Who would do that?" Ms. Eom asked.
"That's why I'm asking you to check. The surveillance camera is still working, right? Please check it." Jongwoo said, annoyance laced in his words.
Ms. Eom realized that there was no way that she could back out from this. But it was fine. She had all of it under control anyway.
As the both of them sat to check the footage, there was a moment that caught Jongwoo's attention. But before he could absolutely confirm his suspicions, there was a glitch and no more footage was present. Jongwoo tried to fix it but to no avail.
But he was sure. It was the pervert living in Unit 313. And he was seeing red.
While Ms. Eom tried to stop him from arguing with the pervert, he slowly started to lose control. It didn't help the fact that pervert found it fucking funny. Their fight would've escalated but a voice stopped him. And the rest of it was something he was trying to forget. The whole apartment complex was full of people who looked at him and smiled at his actions. It was weird.
It was scary.
But something made his heart feel at ease after a bit. As he was trying to cool down in his room, there was a knock on his door.
"Can we talk?"
More like it was a presence of a sane mind who made him feel at ease - Moonjo.
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"Why'd you do that back there?" Moonjo said capturing the city on his phone, as he slowly shifted the camera towards Jongwoo, "You don't look like someone who'd get so worked up."
"Has someone ever broken into your room?" Jongwoo asked, "The man in Unit 310 also said that someone broke into his room. Are you filming me right now? What are you doing?"
Moonjo ended the video and put his phone in his pocket, "You looked nice." Maybe he should've recorded a bit more to capture his reaction.
Because he looked...red. Not from anger like before, no. He was blushing. Oh, how adorable jagiya...
Jongwoo fidgeted, trying to continue their conversation from earlier. Although Moonjo wanted to tease him a bit more, he needed to continue with his plans. "Ms. Eom said that the footage didn't show the footage break in right?"
"That's because the camera broke down right before he went in. But he definitely broke in, I'm sure of it."
"Right, everyone who lives here is a bit strange," Moonjo said.
Jongwoo started rambling about the situation. Although he adored every part of him, sometimes he could get boring. Moonjo wanted it to be faster. He could wait a lot of time to create his masterpiece, but this time it was different.
This time he had to suppress his urge of touching him. Making him his, completely erasing any other nuisance of existence from his life.
Although he knew the next words he will utter will do the exact opposite, Moonjo knew that later he would have no option but run back to him. He couldn't help it. He was excited to see his reaction too. Because earlier, he was impressed. Jongwoo definitely had it in him, to become the exact replica of himself. But he still had the boring moral conscience holding him back.
"But, you really wanted to kill the man back there, didn't you? You had a chill of fear thinking that the pervert who watches weird videos alone broke into your room and touched your stuff, right? You think you don't fit into this place, right? You think you're different. But you're scared at the same time. You're worried that you'll become like one of them." Moonjo said. He could see Jongwoo's face display an expression of discomfort. Maybe it was enough. He couldn't let him avoid him more than required.
So he laid in a few words of comfort as well. "But don't worry, you're different from them. Unlike the others, you can do what you want to and whenever you want to."
Jongwoo took out his phone, which was ringing, and said, "Sorry, if you're done talking, I'll have to take this call."
He scurried away from the terrace towards the staircase like a rabbit. Moonjo watched him and chuckled.
"You're not like the others of course," Moonjo whispered under his breath, "You're like me, jagiya."
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next: chapter six >
forever, jagiya.
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thebonggirll · 1 year
Itching to continue the bakugou fic but i can't unless the series ends. Well, guess i will try to write another chapter of pjo.
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thebonggirll · 1 year
chapter three
< previous: chapter two
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The taxi exited on Route 25A. They headed through the woods along the North Shore until a low ridge of hills appeared on their left. Annabeth told the driver to pull over on Farm Road 3.141, at the base of Half-Blood Hill.
The driver frowned. "There ain't nothing here, miss. You sure you want out?"
"Yes, please," Annabeth handed him a roll of mortal cash, and the driver decided not to argue.
They hiked to the crest of the hill. The young guardian dragon was dozing, coiled around the pine tree, but he lifted his coppery head as we approached and let Annabeth scratch under his chin.
Steam hissed out his nostrils like from a teakettle, and he went cross-eyed with pleasure.
"Hey, Peleus," Annabeth said. "Keeping everything safe?"
The last time they'd seen the dragon he'd been six feet long. Now he was at least twice that, and as thick around as the tree itself. Above his head, on the lowest branch of the pine tree, the Golden Fleece shimmered, its magic protecting the camp's borders from invasion. The dragon seemed relaxed like everything was okay. Below, the Camp Half-Blood looked peaceful— green fields, forest, shiny white Greek buildings. The four-story farmhouse called the Big House sat proudly in the midst of the strawberry fields. To the north, past the beach, the Long Island Sound glittered in the sunlight.
Still...something felt wrong. There was tension in the air, as if the hill itself were holding its breath, waiting for something bad to happen.
They walked down into the valley and found the summer session in full swing. Most of the campers had arrived last Friday, so they already felt out of it. It felt like a typical day at camp.
"Feels different, huh?" Harris said observing the camp.
"To be honest, not much. We always have something bad up our ass whenever we are here." Y/N chuckled. She tried not to pay attention to her ex-friends who seemed to be closer than before. Well, isn't that fucking great now that root of their problems is out of the picture?
"Oh boy, you are cranky," Harris said.
"Obviously. Do you think I was seeking their attention or something?" Y/N said, walking towards the Hermes Cabin with him.
"Yes, you were-"
"I dare you to finish that sentence boy," she huffed, face turning red in anger.
"I mean you know I am not lying," he said.
"I want to see them suffer without me. Wanting them to suffer, and wanting their attention are two completely different things."
"Okay, I understand," Harris said, knowing she wasn't about to leave this conversation alone until she wins. She stopped by her steps and looked behind at her two ex-friends. Whatever may be the case, the only thing she is looking forward to talking with Grover.
"Is this how it's gonna be the whole time we are together?" Harris asked pinching her cheek.
Y/N felt a jolt of pain in her chest. She was really putting Harris through all this bullshit and being selfish. She smiled and turned to look at him. "Sorry," she said and leaned to his face.
A smirk slowly formed on his face, "Are you trying to seduce me?" he asked.
"Do you want me to seduce you?" she asked, looking into his eyes. She knew how much of a burden her feelings were on Harris but this feeling...whenever she looked into his eyes, all of her worries washed away.
It was a good decision to move on. She wasn't exactly in a relationship with him. Well, Y/N didn't want to be with him "in order to forget Percy". She didn't want him to be her rebound. She knew he was good to her cause he liked her. It was quite obvious. But he deserved a proper relationship with her if they were in one. He deserved better than her grumbling about her past friends all the time. He deserved to be...pampered, showered with love, gifts, and all the things she always wanted to do for her boyfriend. Just being with him, and forcing herself to do these things for him to forget someone else meant that she didn't put her heart into it.
One thing is for sure, she wanted to put all her heart into a relationship with Harris.
"I need to talk to Clarisse," Annabeth said.
Percy stared at her as if she'd just said I need to eat a large, smelly boot ."What for?"
Clarisse from the Ares cabin was one of his least favorite people. She was a mean, ungrateful bully. Her dad, the war god, wanted to kill him. She tried to beat him to a pulp on a regular basis. Other than that, she was just great.
"We've been working on something," Annabeth said. "I'll see you later."
"Working on what?"
Annabeth glanced toward the forest.
"I'll tell Chiron you're here," she said. "He'll want to talk to you before the hearing."
"What hearing?"
But she jogged down the path toward the archery field without looking back.
"Yeah," he muttered. "Great talking with you, too." He turned back to look at Y/N, but she was not where they were earlier. Instinctively, he turned to look at Hermes Cabin, and oh, look. There she was. Leaning close to Harris whose hands slowly moved towards her cheek. He whispered something in her ears which made her look at Percy, who quickly looked away as if he was caught committing a sin.
He felt a bit of anger rise as well as relief in his veins when he found Y/N muttering something to him with her brows scrunched before stomping away toward the Apollo cabin. The explanation of these feelings was quite simple.
Anger, cause something that Harris said made her look at him with hatred.
And relief. Oh yes, that great feeling of satisfaction cause whatever he said made her angry to the point she refused to talk to Harris and went back to her own cabin instead.
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Yes, there was tension in the air. Y/N started looking for Grover and after asking for directions, she was finally able to find him. But not in a very good situation. She didn't expect everyone to be up his neck for what he informed before.
A bunch of satyrs was sitting in a circle in the grass. Grover stood in the middle, facing three really old, really overweight satyrs who sat on topiary thrones shaped out of rose bushes. She has seen the three old satyrs before - they were the Council of Cloven Elders.
Grover was telling them a story. He twisted the bottom of his T-shirt, shifting nervously on his goat hooves. He hadn't changed much since last winter, maybe because satyrs age half as fast as humans. His acne had flared up. His horns had gotten a little bigger so they just stuck out over his curly hair. As she didn't hear it from the beginning, Y/N was unable to understand but she somehow managed to understand the topic.
Standing off to one side of the circle were Annabeth, another girl she'd never seen before, and Clarisse.
She noticed after a while that Chiron entered with Percy and dropped him next to them.
Clarisse's stringy brown hair was tied back with a camouflage bandanna. If possible, she looked even buffer, like she'd been working out. She glared at him and muttered, "Punk," which must've meant she was in a good mood.
Annabeth had her arm around the other girl, who looked like she'd been crying. She was small—petite with wispy hair the color of amber and a pretty, elfish face. She wore a green chiton and laced sandals, and she was dabbing her eyes with a handkerchief. "It's going terribly," she sniffled. She looked at Juniper more closely and realized her ears were slightly pointed. Her eyes, instead of being red from crying, were tinged green, the color of chlorophyll. She was a tree nymph— a dryad.
"No, no," Annabeth patted her shoulders. "He'll be fine, Juniper."
Annabeth looked at Percy and mouthed the words- Grover's girlfriend.
Y/N gasped. Oh, what do you know? She wasn't the only one stepping into a relationship huh?
From what she understood the council was holding a meeting about Grover and how despite hearing Pan, he was not able to find him even after six months. He was trying to convince them how he said the truth, but none of his words were working in his favor. In the end, it was decided that if he was not able to prove his claims within a week, then he would lose his searcher's license.
"This meeting of the council is adjourned," Silenus said. "And now let us enjoy our noonday meal!"
The old satyr clapped his hands, and a bunch of nymphs melted out of the trees with platters of vegetables, fruits, tin cans, and other goat delicacies. The circle of satyrs broke and charged the food.
Grover walked dejectedly toward them. His faded blue T-shirt had a picture of a satyr on it. It read GOT HOOVES?
"Hi, Percy," he said, so depressed he didn't even offer to shake his hand. "That went well, huh?"
"Those old goats!"Juniper said. "Oh, Grover, they don't know how hard you've tried!"
"There is another option," Clarisse said darkly.
"No. No." Juniper shook her head. "Grover, I won't let you."
His face was ashen. "I—I'll have to think about it. But we don't even know where to look."
"What are you talking about?" Percy asked.
Annabeth pursed her lips. "I'll fill you in later, Percy. We'd better get back to our cabins. Inspection will start after some time."
Grover's eyes looked for the missing person in the team, who seemed to be looking at them. He ignored Percy's question and walked towards her. "How...are you doing?"
Y/N chuckled, "It's not as important as your issue. Do you want me to sing something to calm your nerves?"
"No, it's okay. I have to think about this." he looked behind to look at Annabeth and Percy who were trying to console his girlfriend.
"She's pretty," Y/N commented.
Grover turned a bit shy and said, "I know. And I guess you guys haven't talked it out either."
"Nothing is going to change even if we talk about it. Please don't hope for any kind of change. Besides," Y/N cleared her throat, "I'm...trying to get serious about someone else."
"Oh yes, I can see," Grover said looking behind her. She followed his eyes and discovered Harris quietly standing and looking at her. Realizing how her gaze was on him, he waved at her with a smile.
In the distance, a conch horn sounded.
"Inspection is starting, you should leave," Grover said before leaving. Y/N turned to walk toward Harris and said, "I'm sorry for being mad at you but to be fair, you're really making me angry and riling me up these days. So don't worry, I won't dissociate with you because of a stupid issue. For now, you should go to your cabin." She slowly slid her hand to his hair and ruffled it a bit.
Harris found himself staring at her back as she left. Well, he knew how that sea-green-eyed boy would strike up a conversation sooner or later. But he didn't expect it to be so soon.
"Do you know anything about it?" Percy asked walking near Y/N.
"Oh!" Y/N said, startled to feel his presence, "No, I don't know anything."
"Anything about what Annabeth is working on with Clarisse?"
"She's working with who?" Y/N stopped in her tracks to look at him, "Anyways, look Percy, I don't know anything about what she's up to."
"I mean, did you hear anything from anyone about what is going on?" Percy said. He felt impatient as nothing he said made her continue the conversation. She was quick with her responses and knew how to end them fast. "Do you even care?"
"I wouldn't be here in the first place if I didn't care enough. Just for your information, I'll be there where I am needed. I had enough of trying to be nosy about other people's quests and life. I'm done. So just leave me alone, okay?"
Percy pulled her by her hand, "I am really trying you know?" His tone of speaking felt different. Y/N knew he was trying to mend things between them.
"Me too," Y/N chuckled, "Trying so hard to mind my own fucking business for a change."
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next: chapter four >
book four: the battle of labyrinth
percy jackson x reader series
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thebonggirll · 1 year
hello so i just found you and just binged all of ignite and am wondering if one day you will continue it, i don’t mean to come off rude or anything i just really enjoyed the series a lot and want to keep reading it but i understand if you do not want to keep writing it now
The reason I am hesitant in continuing because I don't know the whole story. This is why I only write when a story or show is complete cause it helps me to get the kind of plot I want.
The only way I can continue is if I get an ending but by the looks of it, and the kind of shit I see bakugou facing in future....boy....
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thebonggirll · 1 year
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thebonggirll · 1 year
finished titans curse what am i supposed to do now😭
I started the fourth book! You can read it if you want...
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