the-great-empress · 6 months
I put a spell on you~
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And now you're mine~!
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the-great-empress · 8 months
Battle of villain queens
1.-They face each other in a battle to the death and can play dirty
2.-There must not be ties
3.-The minions are included, in other words, yes armies, yes cards, among others
4.-Only the films will be taken into account, optional the sequels
5.-Magic is allowed (after all, most of them are users of it or are directly magical beings)
6.- It is also valid that they use objects, but objects that they came to use at some point in the movies
7.-Remakes or live action are not included (in the case of classic films)
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the-great-empress · 8 months
Battle 1 vs 1
Villains edition
(Part VI/VII)
1.-They face each other in a fight to the death and can play dirty (although being villains they would do it anyway) 2.-There must not be ties 3.-Being a 1 vs 1, the minions are not included in the fight, in other words, no hyenas, no armies, no cards, no sisters, among others. 4.-Only the films will be taken into account, optional the sequels 5.-The live-action (of the cartoon characters) do not count, unless they are characters like Enchanted and Who Framed Roger Rabbit? Nor do the series count 6.-Magic is allowed (after all, most of them are users of it or are directly magical beings) 7.- It is also valid that they use objects, but objects that they came to use at some point in the movies
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write in the comments who you think would win in the battle
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the-great-empress · 8 months
Battle 1 vs 1
Villains edition
(Part V/VII)
1.-They face each other in a fight to the death and can play dirty (although being villains they would do it anyway) 2.-There must not be ties 3.-Being a 1 vs 1, the minions are not included in the fight, in other words, no hyenas, no armies, no cards, no sisters, among others. 4.-Only the films will be taken into account, optional the sequels 5.-The live-action (of the cartoon characters) do not count, unless they are characters like Enchanted and Who Framed Roger Rabbit? Nor do the series count 6.-Magic is allowed (after all, most of them are users of it or are directly magical beings) 7.- It is also valid that they use objects, but objects that they came to use at some point in the movies
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the-great-empress · 8 months
Battle 1 vs 1
Villains edition
(Part IV/VII)
1.-They face each other in a fight to the death and can play dirty (although being villains they would do it anyway) 2.-There must not be ties 3.-Being a 1 vs 1, the minions are not included in the fight, in other words, no hyenas, no armies, no cards, no sisters, among others. 4.-Only the films will be taken into account, optional the sequels 5.-The live-action (of the cartoon characters) do not count, unless they are characters like Enchanted and Who Framed Roger Rabbit? Nor do the series count 6.-Magic is allowed (after all, most of them are users of it or are directly magical beings) 7.- It is also valid that they use objects, but objects that they came to use at some point in the movies
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the-great-empress · 8 months
Battle 1 vs 1
Villains edition
(Part III)
1.-They face each other in a fight to the death and can play dirty (although being villains they would do it anyway) 2.-There must not be ties 3.-Being a 1 vs 1, the minions are not included in the fight, in other words, no hyenas, no armies, no cards, no sisters, among others. 4.-Only the films will be taken into account, optional the sequels 5.-The live-action (of the cartoon characters) do not count, unless they are characters like Enchanted and Who Framed Roger Rabbit? Nor do the series count 6.-Magic is allowed (after all, most of them are users of it or are directly magical beings) 7.- It is also valid that they use objects, but objects that they came to use at some point in the movies
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the-great-empress · 8 months
Battle 1 vs 1
Villains edition
Part (Part 2/7)
1.-They face each other in a fight to the death and can play dirty (although being villains they would do it anyway) 2.-There must not be ties 3.-Being a 1 vs 1, the minions are not included in the fight, in other words, no hyenas, no armies, no cards, no sisters, among others. 4.-Only the films will be taken into account, optional the sequels 5.-The live-action (of the cartoon characters) do not count, unless they are characters like Enchanted and Who Framed Roger Rabbit? Nor do the series count 6.-Magic is allowed (after all, most of them are users of it or are directly magical beings) 7.- It is also valid that they use objects, but objects that they came to use at some point in the movies
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the-great-empress · 8 months
Battle 1 vs 1
Villains Edition
(Part I)
1.-They face each other in a fight to the death and can play dirty (although being villains they would do it anyway) 2.-There must not be ties 3.-Being a 1 vs 1, the minions are not included in the fight, in other words, no hyenas, no armies, no cards, no sisters, among others. 4.-Only the films of Disneywill be taken into account, optional the sequels 5.-The live-action (of the cartoon characters) do not count, unless they are characters like Enchanted and Who Framed Roger Rabbit? Nor do the series count 6.-Magic is allowed (after all, most of them are users of it or are directly magical beings) 7.- It is also valid that they use objects, but objects that they came to use at some point in the movies
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the-great-empress · 9 months
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the-great-empress · 9 months
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the-great-empress · 10 months
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Aslan es amor, Aslan es vida 💖
En el nombre de Aslan, Lucy, Digory Kirke. Amén 🙏
Aslan is love, Aslan is life 💖
In the name of Aslan, Lucy, Digory Kirke. Amen 🙏
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the-great-empress · 10 months
Incorret Quotes
Incubo queriendo acostarse con Anastasiya: Deberían llamarte Rusia por lo fría y dura de conquistar
Anastasiy con una AK-74 especial para matar demonios: Que curioso, a mi me dicen Unión Soviética ¿Y sabes porqué?
Incubo ahora queriendo follarse a ambos: ¿Por qué~?
Anastasiy cargando el fusil: Por que mato a todos aquellos que se meten con la madre patria.
Andrealphus en un T-37A apuntado al incubo: ¡FUEGO!
La primera estadía en el Devildom
Diavolo: Eres muy joven, pero tan educada como Barbatos
Anastasiya: Gracias por su cumplido, su Majestad
Anastasiya pensando: Gracias traumas de la niñez
*Rollo agarra un mechón de cabello de Anastasiya y lo huele*
*Suena el himno de la Unión Soviética*
Anastasiy detrás de Rollo: ¿Sabes que magia es inmune y eficaz contra tus florecitas?
*Rollo voltea y palidece del miedo*
Anastasiy: La magia Soviética. Dile hola a mi KPV
Anastasiy hablando de Anastasiya: Ella es Anastasiya, es hermosa y aprecia su espacio personal
Anastasiy señalando a Asmodeus, Floyd y Mammon: Ellos son bestias inmundas, morirán por mi ametralladora por invadir el espacio personal de mi hermana
Secuestradores hablando por teléfono: Tenemos a tu padre y hermana
Anastasiy con voz demoníaca: Sus vidas no bastarán por arrepentirse en secuestrar a mi hermosa Anastasiya
Secuestradores: A-a quién tenemos es a su otra hermana
Anastasiy calmado: Ah la zorra… les pago si la matan junto con el viejo
Si alguno de los siete Lords y Anastasiya tuvieran hijos, Anastasiy sería el tipo de tío que…
*Mellizos no más de cuatro años de Leviathan y Anastasiya corren a Anastasiy mientras lloran*
*Anastasiy sonríe y  les da a uno un hacha y al otro un mazo*
*Los mellizos dejan de llorar y se marchan a la habitación del tercer Lord*
*Leviathan concentrado en un videojuego que no dejó a sus hijos jugar y Anastasiy comienza a filmarlo*
*El mellizo del hacha rompe la consola y el del mazo destruye la pantalla*
*Leviathan grita de agonía*
*Anastasiy orgulloso de sus sobrinos*
*Mellizos no más de cuatro años de Belphegor y Anastasiya corren a Anastasiy mientras lloran*
*Anastasiy sonríe y les da a cada uno una botella llena de agua bendita*
*Los mellizos dejan de llorar y se marchan a la habitación de los gemelos*
*Belphegor profundamente dormido con las almohadas favoritas de sus hijos y Anastasiy comienza a filmarlo*
*Uno de los mellizos procede a mojarlo con el agua bendita y el otro rompe la botella en la cabeza de su progenitor*
*Belphegor grita de forma demoníaca mientras se prende en fuego y Anastasiy sonríe*
*Sala Pomefiore*
Epel: *Azota un libro contra la mesa*
Vil: Es mal educado azotar los libros
Anastasiya: Cierto ¿Acaso te gustaría que yo te azotara contra la mesa?
Epel: … *Se ruboriza como una colegiala*
Vil: …
Rook: *Aparece de la nada y azota un libro* ¡Oui!
Floyd: *Aparece de la nada y azota otro libro* ¡Acepto!
Chenya: *Aparece literal de la nada y azota otro libro* Nya~
*Sala del Consejo estudiantil del RAD*
Mammon: *Azota un libro contra la mesa*
Satán: Hijo de-
Lucifer: ¡Mammmmmoooooooon!
Anastasiya: Mammon, azotar los libros no está bien ¿Acaso te gustaría que yo te azotara contra la mesa?
Los siete Lords, Diavolo y Barbatos: …
Barbatos: Señorita Anastasiya, tienes buenas intenciones, pero usó mal sus palabras *Le quita a Diavolo el libro que iba a azotar*. Joven amo, no.
Asmodeus: *Azota con emoción los libros que ve*
Belphegor: ¿Y si en vez de la mesa es una cama?
*Anastasiya le enseña ruso a Malleus y a Kalim*
Kalim sin saber que es lo que dice la rusa: Acepto
Malleus a Anastasiya: Te amo
Pero si es Anastasiy...
Kalim: ... ¿Porque tengo ganas de invadir un país que se llame Polonia...?
*Malleus no sabe porque quiere sederle el poder a Anastasiy*
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the-great-empress · 10 months
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the-great-empress · 10 months
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the-great-empress · 10 months
Vice Leader
✨The Great Duke Lost✨
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the-great-empress · 10 months
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the-great-empress · 10 months
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