#zr5k week 7
zrtranscripts · 7 years
5K Trainer: Week 7, Workout 1
MAXINE MYERS: Welcome back, Five! And well done for that meds run last week. It's really provided some things we urgently needed.
SAM YAO: And we're grateful.
SAM YAO: Although it might not seem like it, from the way we keep shouting at Runner Six.
MAXINE MYERS: [laughs] Indeed. Runner Five, we're going to do what might seem like an easy workout today: a ten minute warm-up walk and then some free-form running and some skipping, but make sure you give it all you've got this week, Runner Five. In free-form runs, whenever you feel you can run, run. Push yourself, because soon, the zoms'll be pushing you. We're starting with a ten minute brisk walk.
SAM YAO: So, I guess this is as good a time as any to come clean.
MAXINE MYERS: Come clean?
SAM YAO: It's okay. Nothing too worrying. Well, you know it already. It's just... well, I've been in touch with so many small bases, and...
MAXINE MYERS: Oh, that stuff. Sam, you're shaking.
SAM YAO: Yeah, listen – I can't really sit still, Just antsy, you know? Is it okay if I get a headset on and go out and walk with Runner Five?
MAXINE MYERS: It's fine by me. We're just doing in-Abel training today anyway.
SAM YAO: Hi! Hi. Oh, this is better! Just moving around is better. So yeah, lots of runners have been helping me, just quietly, when they have time, you know. We've been putting out pings across the network for anyone who's heard of a Frances Adeyemi Dempsey last seen at Hobb Stadium. And we think -
MAXINE MYERS: It's not 100% Sam, remember that.
SAM YAO: Yeah, yeah, I know. I do know. But we've had a pingback from a Rofflenet relay transmission from somewhere 400 miles north. We think we've found her.
MAXINE MYERS: What are you going to do, Sam? It's not like you have good news for her.
SAM YAO: It's not... [sighs] I just feel like it's the last thing I could do for Alice, you know?
MAXINE MYERS: I understand.
SAM YAO: I feel like we never talked about this... Maxine, are you religious at all? Believe in God or any of that?
MAXINE MYERS: Well, I'm a woman of science, but I believe in doing good and trying to help people where I can.
SAM YAO: Yeah. Well, me, too. I never believed in God or anything. My family never did. But I feel like... if I could go to Alice's grave and tell her that I found her sister, I feel like maybe somehow she'd know that.
MAXINE MYERS: You never know.
MAXINE MYERS: Okay, that's good, Five! Now we're going straight into a five minute free-form run. Run as much as you're able, but if you need to slow down to a walk, do that.
MAXINE MYERS: Good. Keep up a good pace. Two minutes done.
MAXINE MYERS: That's three minutes. You're over halfway there.
MAXINE MYERS: Just one minute to go, Runner Five.
MAXINE MYERS: That's great, Runner Five! Now you're going to run for one minute and then give me fifteen seconds of skipping, five times. [laughs] That's right, skipping. Just like you did when you were a kid. Step hop, step hop, remember? It's a great exercise for runners. I mean, believe me, no zom's going to catch a runner who skips. Start your first run now.
MAXINE MYERS: That's great! Now give me fifteen seconds of skipping.
MAXINE MYERS: Good work! Now start running. We'll do one minute.
MAXINE MYERS: Excellent! Now go back to skipping, fifteen seconds.
MAXINE MYERS: Great, Runner Five! Those skips will put a spring in your running step. Give me sixty seconds of running now.
MAXINE MYERS: Good. Remember how hard one minute of running used to feel? Now skip for fifteen seconds.
MAXINE MYERS: Great. Another minute of running now.
MAXINE MYERS: Good work! Now time for fifteen seconds of skipping.
MAXINE MYERS: That's great, Runner Five! It's your final run in this set of drills. One minute, go.
MAXINE MYERS: And now your final fifteen seconds of skipping. Give it everything you've got.
MAXINE MYERS: Good work, Runner Five! We're going into our final free-form run drills now. You'll be doing three five minute free-form runs with three minutes for stretching between each set. Run as much as you can, but walk if you need to. Take up a good stance and begin your first free-form run now.
MAXINE MYERS: Great! That's two minutes. You're doing well.
MAXINE MYERS: Just one more minute to go, Five!
MAXINE MYERS: That's excellent, Runner Five! Now take three minutes to stretch, and we'll go again.
MAXINE MYERS: Take up your stance again now, Five, and we'll be running again in fifteen seconds.
MAXINE MYERS: Okay, Five, time for your second five minute free-form run. Go.
MAXINE MYERS: That's two minutes, Runner Five. You're doing well.
MAXINE MYERS: Just one more minute left, Runner Five. Keep going strong.
MAXINE MYERS: We're proud of you, Five! Spend three minutes stretching out your muscles now, and then we'll go again.
MAXINE MYERS: Get ready to go again now, Five. You'll be starting again in fifteen seconds.
MAXINE MYERS: Okay, Runner Five, this is the last run of the day. Give it all your energy and finish strong.
MAXINE MYERS: Two minutes done, Runner Five. Looking good out there!
MAXINE MYERS: Final minute, Runner Five. Give it all you've got!
MAXINE MYERS: That's it, Runner Five! You're done for today.
SAM YAO: Time to stretch out and cool down and all that jazz now, eh?
MAXINE MYERS: Quite right. You could do my job.
SAM YAO: Uh, yeah, apart from the uh, actually saving lives and healing the sick? Yeah, definitely.
MAXINE MYERS: Well, I'll train you up. We need more medics.
SAM YAO: Listen, Runner Five, I just want you to know I'm grateful for everything you've done, and I'm probably going to ask you to do more if we find out where Frances is. Now, I know this isn't much, but it's from my own private stash.
MAXINE MYERS: Hey, don't eat it all at once, Runner Five. Good work today, by the way. As ever, take a day off tomorrow, and then we'll go again.
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scorrigan · 3 years
knowing that I want to re-improve my running, knowing that redoing the ZR5k trainer (again!) is important conflicts with being a half doz missions away from the end of season 7.  Knowing I could do that in two weeks but am choosing to take about 8 weeks... torture. 
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Finally finished the ZR5K training app! This has changed some of my personal Five headcannons, so I decided to write them all out
Warning: this gets a lot longer than I originally intended. and a lot more angsty than intended.
The Story Begins and Week 1
Five is terrified to say the least
She had barely gotten used to Mullins before she ended up at Abel
It doesn’t take long for her to figure out that she would prefer to be anything but the new Runner Five. She hasn’t known Sam for long, but she can tell he’s been through some stuff. She wishes her existence caused him less pain
She literally doesn’t know how to accept the old Runner Five’s bag. She definitely doesn’t even use it for a while
And being new makes her feel like the ultimate third wheel. Maxine is nice, but she’s close with Sam. Also Maxine is training her and it just feels weird.
And Jody is nice to her, but they’re certainly not close yet.
She feels very alone. Her first week at Abel is rough. And she does end up reading Rajit’s book, because what else is she going to do.
Week 2
Sam terrifies her
She knows enough about Abel to know that Sam means a lot to a lot of people. And she is angry with him for putting her, the new runner, in the position of protecting him. on her SECOND week of TRAINING.
She, of course, feels for him. But she also knows that Sam must hate being out with her and talking to her. The old Runner Five’s replacement. Especially when he goes rogue and runs off to find Alice’s wallet.
But she is just angry and upset with him.
And at herself for existing.
If she wasn’t avoiding Sam before this week, she certainly was now.
She keeps the ax Janine gives her in the old Runner Five’s bag with the dagger. She doesn’t want to use them, but knows she will have to someday.
Week 3
It’s clear that everyone is worried about Sam
Five tries to not think about it, and fails
It helps when people are out keeping her company during her trainings, although she doesn’t know how she feels about Francesca or Chris. But at least they’re a good distraction. For the most part.
She very much appreciates the notebook and pens she gets from Chris, because she is able to draw again.
Even if Chris made her train with a tied up zom for them.
The can of food and hospital pass also find a home in the bag she will need to use eventually.
When she hears that Sam may be joining her again next week, she tries to ignore the anxiety bubbling up inside of her
But she knows she’s making progress with her training. And she tries to allow herself to feel good about that for a moment
Week 4
She’s avoided Sam for a couple of weeks now, and now he’s just back and can’t even address her.
She hates how high school it feels. Like they went through a bad break up and are learning to be friends again or something. Even if their situation is nothing like that.
She’s annoyed and sad and tired.
Jody is a bundle of joy though and Five can’t be sad around her
When Sam joins her for her second work out, Five feels every single emotion for a brief moment before she just tunes everything out and tries to focus on her training
But Sam just keeps talking about Alice and Alice’s sister. And Five just feels everything again: annoyed, inadequate, frustrated, upset.
And then he has the audacity to laugh at her while she’s training.
She feels like this is how Martha Jones must’ve felt when traveling with the Tenth Doctor
She does not like Sam
She doesn’t want to like Sam
But when she hears about Alice’s sister she goes soft, just for a moment. She thinks of her sisters and how, if it were her, she would want them to have closure too.
And she already knows that she’s going to help Sam out. If only for that reason.
When she’s able to assist in saving Runner Six, it makes her feel the best she has felt at her time at Abel so far.
And when she gets the gift from Evan, she is incredibly touched.
Maybe she wouldn’t live up to the previous Runner Five, but maybe she would be a half-decent runner.
Week 5
She is very intimidated by Janine, but thinks it’s sweet how she also worries about Sam
Also, it was fun hearing Maxine’s reactions. Maybe they could be friends after all. 
As much as she decided that she doesn’t mind helping out for Alice’s sister, there was something about Sam’s involvement that just frustrated her
Sam brought back her overwhelming feeling of inadequacy whenever he was around during her trainings. As much as she tried to ignore those thoughts, they were especially prominent whenever he was present.
She never took compliments well, but she hates Sam’s compliments
She knows he doesn’t mean them
And she doesn’t want him to thank her for helping Alice
She definitely doesn’t want that
But she’s civil to him. Because everyone has been through enough.
Her third work out kept her spirits up, because Jody is an absolute delight.
She’s known Jody for 5 weeks but if anything were to happen to her she would kill everyone at Abel and then herself.
But it was super fun to get out to run for yarn with Jody. 
Week 6
She thinks Sam is too hard on Rajit
His novel wasn’t terrible
But then Rajit says something about Francesca being mind controlled and she thinks maybe, just maybe, Sam might have a point
But just because Rajit has a wild imagination doesn’t mean Sam gets to be rude
And she knows she needs to get used to Sam. He is the radio operator. He will be running most of her missions once she’s done with her training.
But it’s tough
And then there was Janine and Sara talking about her. Which definitely didn’t give her the warm and fuzzies.
The rec center pass also finds a home in the old Runner Five bag. She’s not ready for that yet.
And then Maggie just had to get out on a run before she was ready.
And Five has to save her again
Training was rough this week
Week 7
When Sam asks to join on her warm up, she tries to stay open-minded
She hopes that helping out with Alice’s sister will offer him some closure
Because as much as Sam frustrates her, he also grew on her
She understands why so many people worry and care about him, because he is a genuinely good and kind person
And it isn’t his fault that she’s insecure either. She knew that was a problem long before the zombie apocalypse lol.
She just hopes that she stops feeling weird around him soon. She’s tired.
Jody runs with her again on her next training and the small break from Sam helps
Five doesn’t know how to feel about the Francesca situation, but she’s just glad that no one thought that she was the one going going around and stealing stuff
She’s starting to feel like Abel could be home. And she’s not sure that she wants to feel happy about that.
When Evan comes out for a run with her, she’s nervous for a variety of reasons
And blushes when both Sam and Maxine compliment her progress
Five’s face has always gotten red while running, ever since she was young. She never liked it, but she doesn’t mind it that day. Evan doesn’t need to know how red her face would get from his compliments.
But she has never felt more ready to be a runner after her run with Evan
Week 8
She’s glad to hear that Sam found Alice’s sister and that they’ll both get the closure they need
She already knows that she’s going to help deliver Alice’s belongings to her sister before either Sam or Maxine can ask
And Five knows that it’s still partially because she has sisters
But at this point, she can’t even deny that it’s not partially for Sam’s benefit as well
She hopes that once her final training mission is over things can start to feel normal, and maybe she can start to actually be friends with Sam and Maxine
And maybe the others too
One step at a time
The trip to Bert Airfield is more rough than she would’ve like it to be
She didn’t like being cut off from comms that long, but she figured it may be like that sometimes
But she makes it and gets the package there on time
If Five was told before the apocalypse that she would be outrunning zoms and professionally running for her survival, she would’ve thought you were crazy
And it’s only been 8 weeks, but Abel feels safe. And she feels like it could be her home, for now.
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An (Un)Healthy Check up
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This is me, probably about 6 / 7 years old...?...(looks like I’m busy burying a vampire I’ve just staked?)...what I would give to let that little girl know that she really is enough, and to never let the world get her down so much so that she questions herself.
Fast forward 31 years and I’m now on a quest to try and get back to being as much like that carefree child. The most stressful thing I had to think about then, was whether I would get some sweets at the weekend and if Barbie and Ken would like the salon I’d made for them out of toilet rolls and a load of old boxes.
The unfortunate thing about ‘LIFE’ is that - ‘LIFE HAPPENS’(!) and the person you become is built up of many moments and experiences. In my case, my moments and experiences ended up helping to construct someone lacking confidence and overflowing with anxiety. I started dieting from about the age of 15 (and since then the weight only went up!) Friendships became toxic and I ended up having to build myself a new peer group. I developed a pattern of using food and drink to both celebrate and commiserate. I overindulged on happy days, sad days, sunny days, rainy days; to plaster over a stressful situation, and gee myself up when I needed some dutch courage. My health took a battering, developing asthma, bad knees (at one point the doctor did say I had arthritis...later on rescinding this?!?), IBS and depression. I’ve gone through stages of going totally bonkers with exercise, from running every day, to not at all and just lying on the sofa eating crisps. I tried so many times to follow weight loss programs - if only I’d saved that money instead. After repeatedly falling off the wagon I’d restart another program with so much excitement, only for the hard work to start and the realisation that this wouldn’t be a walk in the park, to hit. I’d throw in the towel and unhappily stuff my face (self sabotage anyone?) My stomach was in a constant mess resulting in time off work (and increased time in the loo!). I tried gluten free, but again after a month or two of symptoms easing and feeling good I’d then decide it wasn’t as bad as originally thought and devour everything in sight, only to go shooting right back to the beginning. As well as feeling like crap because my stomach was in agony, I’d also be mentally berating myself for not being able to stick to anything AGAIN. Why didn’t I have the ability to stick to anything? Especially when all the things I was doing, I was doing in the hope of helping myself?
Appointment no.1
After realising finally just how much I was hurting myself, and how much I was struggling, and after crying on the shoulders of some very amazing friends and family (I really hope you guys know who you are) I decided to see the doctor. To help with my IBS, anxiety and stress (which was a bowlful of Catch-22 IBS related loveliness!!!) I was prescribed anti depressants. Whilst these helped initially, they didn’t touch my inner demons. Self destructive patterns were repeated and the only thing I learnt, was how better to hide things from others.
This must stop!
Back in 2018 my body finally had had enough. After feeling like utter shite for months on end, monitoring over the course of a few weeks how my heart would start racing (just sitting at my desk) and having increasing episodes of hot flushes, I knew I needed to get in contact with the doctor. This time I really wanted to do something...and I was scared. The ball got moving though earlier  than I’d planned.
Sitting at work my heart suddenly started to race. (There were no harsh words/emails, up-coming meetings/reviews, and I hadn’t eaten a heavy or spicy meal, there wasn’t anything in fact that could explain why this was happening). It felt as though I was having a panic attack (although never having had one, I couldn’t say for sure?). Luckily I was able to get an appointment with the doctor (another one) later that same day. I feel forever grateful to have been given an appointment with this particular doctor. For the first time ever I felt listened to, rather than just hurried along with the explanation for everything being the bog (pun intended) standard ‘gluten intolerance’. This went so much deeper. I was booked in for blood tests (and stool samples - yuck!)  to check for any intolerances (also checking for Crohn’s and Celiac disease)/vitamin deficiencies, given leaflets on the FODMAP diet (although I do feel like this isn’t the full answer for my stomach issues, it definitely helped to fully monitor what foods were triggering my IBS symptoms). We also had a bloody good talk. I didn’t feel like I was just another foot through the door and that the clock was being watched; I really could have hugged my Doc. I left feeling so positive (for most probably the first time in years). Even if we couldn’t rule everything out straight away (there would be a lot of trial and error in the up-coming months), it felt as though someone was on my side and wanted to help. Someone had finally just sat and listened (I’m not including friends and family in that comment - believe me, they definitely have done more than their share of hand holding and listening. This just meant so much, having someone from the health profession listen rather than assume.)
Blood test results
Well the results came in: B12 deficient and lacking folic acid. (I did have to have a further round of blood tests to rule out Pernicious Anemia, but this came back negative.) I also had to provide a ‘sample’, but the only embarrassing part about this was the idiot monkey behind the reception desk deciding that she needed to shout out across the waiting room that my little tube contained pooh (ground please swallow me up!!!)
B12 and folic acid were tackled with supplement vitamins and a controlled diet (at the time I was going through the FODMAP diet - which was so hard to navigate. So in the mean time I’ve knocked that on the head, but have tried to limit certain foods and just be more mindful about what I am putting into my body - for example I don’t eat apples as they really don’t like my stomach, I have to be careful how much beetroot/coffee/chickpeas, nuts and chocolate I have and I do try to limit bread/pasta. I was put on a list to speak to a dietician....I’m still waiting to see them!)
I have also rejoined WW online (but if being truthful, I’m still struggling with this. It’s still that bit too easy for me to not track all foods). It’s definitely a work in progress. The recipes are fantastic - I just need to be more honest with it if it’s going to work. One positive with this app though is that it has helped learning to track my weight only once a week (I used to have a day ritual of weighing myself).
I’ve cut right back on alcohol (to be another post soon, as this is a whole other story in itself). I’m already feeling the benefits, and some of them in unexpected ways - my skin has never felt/looked clearer (and from someone who is obsessed with studying the wrinkles on her forehead, this has been a fantastic bonus).
I’ve downloaded some fitness apps to try and increase the amount of exercise I do (sitting at a desk for 8 hours a day does not help with general fitness!)
ZR5K: I’m currently doing a 5K training app (learning to run whilst escaping from Zombies - I’ve not used this app when it’s dark, I think it would unnerve me too much).
Race at your pace*: I’ve signed up for ‘Race at your pace’ (it was only £10 (medal only option)...and I get a medal at the end - as long as I complete my target of 25 miles run through out January). This has been a real motivator - I love the idea of getting a medal at the end of the month. This has also been mega easy to implement - I just track at the same time as escaping Zombies! *£10 for a medal - more if you want a Race at your pace top. **mile target is set by yourself and you can complete it by either running/walking or swimming for that particular month. MapMyRun: I currently use this as well, to track where I’m going and how long it’s taking me. It’s been a brilliant tool for monitoring average pace, and I’m hoping as the months role by to see this improving. Yoga: I’m also starting to implement some yoga into my daily routine too. I find that as well as it helping to stretch and loosen my muscles after a run (very slow shuffle), it also helps me to unwind and switch off.
Breathe: I have downloaded a relaxation and meditation app. As with all the apps I’m currently using, I’ve gone for the free option so with this particular one, I don’t get the longer/more specific meditations, but there are still a great range to select from. They have been really helpful unwinding before bed. I just need to get into a better routine of using this daily.
Supportive networks
The hubby, friends and family have all been invaluable to me getting to where I am now. My husband is an amazing man (also a pain in the arse, but hey - I’ll forgive him that) and I absolutely cherish all he does in order to help me on my journey to being a better, happier human being! I cannot stress enough, how you need people around you who (may not have the answers but) will listen - without judgement. I feel so incredibly lucky to have the people around me who I know I can talk to, cry on and ask opinions of. I’ve been incredibly honest with my boss. Luckily he is someone who I know I can talk to and he’s been very understanding. After worrying about time off work due to sickness (stress/IBS/depression issues etc) I opened up completely about everything - food, health (mental and physical)....and I’ve even asked if I can set my health goals as part of my personal development target at work. (Being proactive about helping myself can surely only have a positive impact on my work/life balance. A happier/healthier worker will have a better attitude at work and (I’m hoping) a more productive output???)
Other ‘things’
I’ve also tried to absorb anything and everything that is supportive, positive that will help shore up my personal goals on my journey to self improvement.
I’ve downloaded healthy living podcasts, listened to audio books on being alcohol free and been reading ‘self help’ books - such as ‘The Happiness Equation’.
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So this is me - minus the fringe and wondering if I should have curled my hair (see, I’m still a stress head). I’m not 100% healthy or happy but I’m trying my hardest to get there. I’ve got a lot of things to figure out but this time I’m willing to try. I may not be a little six year old happily sitting on the beach, but I’m determined to approach life with that same open and curious mindset...and vampires beware, I’ll still stake and bury you, no questions asked if you try to bite!
That’s all for now folks.
Along the way Annie X came on the scene. I’ll explain my relationship with her in the next ‘session’.
Thanks, be kind to each other and I’ll see you next time R (and Annie X) x
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myanacondatries · 5 years
ZR5K Week 1 Day 2
Today’s run was much better than the first and it was much needed! I decided today was my run day, no excuses and even though I planned to go at 5 and didn’t make it there until 7, I still did it and enjoyed it!
Unlike the first run of the week on Tuesday, I wasn’t struggling to get through the 10 walk/run drills and by the free form run, I actually ran an extra 1 minute 15 seconds and I could’ve done even more if my knee wasn’t feeling a little shaky. I think it helped that I bought actual running shoes today instead of running in my trainers and I think it also helped that I had an energy drink before the run. I’m definitely not going to be drinking more, today was a special case, but I think the added boost really helped me want to get through the run. Plus the ZR5K app’s little storylines, no matter how small the tidbits are, I wanna keep running just to hear them!
I’m hoping Sunday’s run is just as good or even better and I’m excited to keep going!!
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fitfawn · 4 years
Today has been complete garbage, and the only bright spot was finding out that my boy Nic Cage is playing Joe Exotic. I will also consider watching It’s a Wonderful Life as a positive despite it being 7 months from Christmas.
-still no unemployment and the government decided to blame everyone but themselves (shocker) in the presser. The best part was when they blamed everyone out of work for “not filling forms out correctly”; hoooo boy did the internet have a field day.
-shark week has got my hormones all crazy and my body all cramped. 100% cried multiple times today, plus a near miss while on the phone with my Congressman regarding unemployment.
-didn’t go out for my run today because allergies. I’m also about to hit the paywall on ZR5k which makes me super sad. I want to go tomorrow , but I’m worried that I’ll be miserable the whole time because of cramps.
In conclusion, fuck today.
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zrtranscripts · 7 years
5K Trainer: Week 7, Workout 3
EVAN DEAUBL: Runner Five, over here. Runner Seven, head of runners. Not sure we've been formally introduced. I'll be coming out with you today. Let's get on with our ten minute warm-up walk. Let's go.
EVAN DEAUBL: This is the end of your penultimate week of training, Runner Five. This time next week, you'll be going out on your first proper practice mission. You'll have to cover five kilometers as quickly as you can. We send all our training runners out to do that kind of distance. It's a very useful quantity for us, enough to pick up supplies, or do a good decoy run. So I'm here today to check that you're ready. The doctor tells me your training's been progressing well.
MAXINE MYERS: Sure has. Runner Five's been working steadily and we've seen amazing improvements in fitness.
EVAN DEAUBL: Good. And I hear you've been handling the pressure pretty well, too. No sudden panics.
SAM YAO: Runner Five saved Runner Six's life, you know. Maybe twice!
EVAN DEAUBL: Very good. Well then, time for a real test. Let's head towards Dunder Wood.
MAXINE MYERS: Dunder Wood... Village? But isn't it crawling with zoms?
EVAN DEAUBL: Well, shambling. We'll be all right. It's a good viewpoint up there with binoculars, and I'd like to get an assessment of how various bases and infestations are progressing.
SAM YAO: As long as you're sure...
MAXINE MYERS: We'll watch out for you, Runner Five.
SAM YAO: First sign of danger, Runner Five, you get out of there.
EVAN DEAUBL: Quite right, quite right.
EVAN DEAUBL: Yes, I see you're doing well, Runner Five. Time for that five minute free-form run now. Don't push too hard - we've got lots more to do today - but run as much as you're able.
EVAN DEAUBL: That's good! You've done two minutes.
EVAN DEAUBL: Three minutes! Impressive, Runner Five.
EVAN DEAUBL: Only one more minute, Runner Five. I can see why the doctor thinks you're ready.
EVAN DEAUBL: You should see Dunder Wood Village over there at the top of the hill. We're going to do your running/skipping drills to get there. Begin your first one minute run now.
EVAN DEAUBL: Very good. Now fifteen seconds of skipping. Don't worry if you think it looks peculiar. The zoms can't tell the difference.
EVAN DEAUBL: Good work! Now run for one minute.
EVAN DEAUBL: Yes, I see. It really is full of zoms up there. Excellent view, though. Start your fifteen seconds of skipping now.
EVAN DEAUBL: Good. Those skips will help you get stronger. Now run for one minute.
EVAN DEAUBL: Well done! I can see you've been working hard. Fifteen seconds of skipping now.
EVAN DEAUBL: Well done! One more minute of running.
EVAN DEAUBL: Good! Now fifteen more seconds of skipping. We'll head towards the right-hand corner of the village. With luck, no zombies will spot us.
EVAN DEAUBL: Excellent, Runner Five. Now for your final run in this set of drills. One minute. Go!
EVAN DEAUBL: I'll stand in position here and take some binocular sightings. You do your last fifteen seconds of skipping now.
EVAN DEAUBL: Good! Now stop and take a minute to catch your breath.
SAM YAO: Uh... Runner Seven, I think those zoms look -
EVAN DEAUBL: Yes, I see what you're saying. Come on, Runner Five, down this way. They're on our tail. Run!
SAM YAO: You've been going for two minutes. They're still behind you, but they're not gaining on you.
SAM YAO: You've been running for four minutes. You've put quite a bit of space between you and them.
BECCA: This way. This way, run!
SAM YAO: Oh! That's that girl who lives near the airfield. Looks like she's found some shelter. If you want to take a breather, that's your best spot.
EVAN DEAUBL: Okay, Runner Five, we can rest here for a little while. Stop and stretch your muscles.
BECCA: What are you doing bothering the zoms in Dunder Wood? Everyone knows that place is crawling.
EVAN DEAUBL: Shambling. [laughs]
BECCA: You're lucky I spotted you. I was just out here getting some firewood. I'm glad I saw you, though. Runner Five, is it? I've got a thank you to give you from the guys at Bert Airfield. You helped them identify a traitor who was stealing supplies from them. Francesca, was it?
EVAN DEAUBL: Ah, yes. We suspected that she'd done something similar at Abel. Sam tried to put in a call to them several times to tell them, but they never responded.
BECCA: But they were listening. They consider open airwaves too insecure to transmit on, but Bert  wants you to know they're grateful. Seems like this woman had decided too many bases were going up in smoke, and that she needed to pilfer to set up for herself. She and a couple of friends had been going around to a few bases, stealing supplies. But Bert wanted me to tell you if there's ever anything they can do for you, they'll be glad to.
BECCA: They're coming. Best get ready to run.
EVAN DEAUBL: Let's go, Runner Five. Run!
SAM YAO: You guys are looking good, Runner Five. Two minutes of running, and you're leaving the zoms behind. Well, almost.
SAM YAO: Keep going for one more minute, Runner Five, then you can take a breather.
SAM YAO: Looks like you could rest and stretch out there for a little while now, Runner Five. You've made some distance between you.
SAM YAO: Guys, they're getting close. Be ready to run again in fifteen seconds.
BECCA: This is where you and I part company. Hope to see you again, Runner Five. Stay safe!
EVAN DEAUBL: Okay, Runner Five, we're not too far from home now. Give it all you've got in this one last run, and we'll be home free. Run!
SAM YAO: Two minutes done, Runner Five! You're nearly here.
SAM YAO: Just one more minute will bring you home. Come on in.
SAM YAO: Raise the gates! [gate siren, gates raising] You're done for today, Runner Five. Do your stretching or whatever it is you're supposed to do, and we here at Abel have a present for you, to say thank you for everything you've done.
EVAN DEAUBL: From everything I've seen today, you'll be well ready for your five kilometer run this time next week. Take the day off training now, though, and report back here for your final week of training.
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zrtranscripts · 7 years
5K Trainer: Week 7, Workout 2
[gate siren, gates raising]
JODY MARSH: Runner Five, great to see you! Doc said it'd be okay for me to come out with you today, so – it's still okay with you, Doc?
MAXINE MYERS: Sure thing, Jody. Stay safe out there.
JODY MARSH: Oh, we're not going anywhere exciting, just to the fuel dump and back. One of those regular old runs you'll be doing by yourself in a couple of weeks, Five.
MAXINE MYERS: You never know when a zom'll be on your tail. Better get moving. Remember, this week we start with a ten minute brisk walk.
MAXINE MYERS: You're halfway done with your warm-up. Keep walking at a good pace, Five.
JODY MARSH: We're doing great out here! That's the one benefit of being a runner, Five: you stay in shape and you get time to think. It's boss. Plus, you hear a lot of stuff. People trust you.
I heard what you found out about Francesca, that she's at Bert Airfield now, not eaten by a zom. Doesn't that seem weird to you? I know Sam's been trying to raise Bert Airfield on the comms, but they tend to just tune out everything that's not properly encrypted. I can't help feeling that...
Listen, before this, before all of this, well, you know I worked in the city in finance? Just an analyst, nothing senior. But I was working hard, and the thing is, that whole world relies on gossip, did you know that? Rumors, that's what moves the market. Person A talks to Person B who says that Person C was overheard saying - ... so I know it's left me with a suspicious mind, but I take everything I hear seriously. Yeah, everything.
So there was this one thing I heard about Francesca. I heard the old Runner Ten say it once. She sends him out on a mission to get some particular foods, and then suddenly there were zoms and he needed shelter. 
She directed him to this place. Just a little shack, but she seemed to know exactly where it was, and he waited the zoms out until they got distracted by something else and shambled off.
But this shack, there was a trap door, and he looked in there - obviously looking for somewhere to shelter, right? - and inside: food, guns, water, supplies. Like she'd been siphoning off supplies and hording them for something. 
Anyway, when he tried to go back, he couldn't find the place at all. And he didn't tell anyone but me. It's not like he had any proof. But I believed him.
But why would someone do that? Why would someone steal stuff and hide it in the woods? Like the Major always says, we're stronger together.
MAXINE MYERS: You're going strong. Now we're going to go straight into a five minute free-form run. Remember to run as much as you can.
MAXINE MYERS: Two minutes done! You're both doing well out there.
JODY MARSH: Takes me right back, Doc! Remember when we trained like this together?
MAXINE MYERS: I remember you cursed me a lot more than Runner Five.
MAXINE MYERS: Three minutes, Runner Five. More than half done.
MAXINE MYERS: Just one more minute to go, Runner Five. Do as much as you can.
MAXINE MYERS: That's great, Runner Five! Now we're going straight into our run/skip drills. Start your first run now.
MAXINE MYERS: Looking good! Now give me fifteen seconds of skipping.
JODY MARSH: I always felt really stupid doing this, but it's good exercise.
MAXINE MYERS: Good! Now run for one minute.
MAXINE MYERS: Excellent work! Now go back to skipping, fifteen seconds.
MAXINE MYERS: Incredible work! Your effort's paying off. Now run for one minute.
MAXINE MYERS: Good! You've come so far. Now skip for fifteen seconds.
MAXINE MYERS: Excellent! Another minute of running now.
MAXINE MYERS: Fantastic! Now go back to skipping.
MAXINE MYERS: Time for your final run in this set of drills, Five. You can do it.
MAXINE MYERS: And now your final fifteen seconds of skipping. Get going.
MAXINE MYERS: That is great work, Runner Five. I hope you can feel how much you've improved, and how strong you are now. Now you're going to be doing three five minute free-form runs with three minutes for stretching between each set, just like last time. Get ready to run now, and go!
MAXINE MYERS: That's two minutes. Looking strong out there!
MAXINE MYERS: Just another minute to go.
MAXINE MYERS: That's fantastic, Runner Five. Now take those three minutes to stretch and recover.
JODY MARSH: I forgot how hard all that skipping is! Good to be out here, though, Five. As we're at the fuel dump, let's take a can each. Just put it in your backpack. Don't want to weigh ourselves down too much, but every drop counts back at Abel!
I've been thinking as we're running, about why anyone would might set up their own private supplies. I mean, apart from being a lying, cheating, greedy scumbag, which I don't rule out. 
But maybe if they knew something bad was going to happen, like a rocket launcher attack. If they'd heard something, or even if they just suspected that something bad might happen. I mean, you know Skoobs base was destroyed a little while ago. It's just got me thinking.
MAXINE MYERS: You two get ready to go again. Your next run starts in fifteen seconds.
JODY MARSH: Roger that, Doc.
MAXINE MYERS: Okay, time for your second five minute free-form run. Go!
MAXINE MYERS: Two minutes, Runner Five. You're bringing back fuel to Abel, this is vital work.
MAXINE MYERS: Just one more minute to go on this run, Five. Keep up the pace.
MAXINE MYERS: That's great! Stop now and take three minutes to stretch out.
JODY MARSH: I guess either way, if Francesca was the one stealing stuff from us, she's a traitor. We need to find some way to warn that airfield. And maybe it's something worse. I don't know. Quite a few small bases seem to have disappeared over the last few months. I mean, we presume it's zoms, but what if it's not?
MAXINE MYERS: Make sure you're standing up and ready to run. You're going to be going again in fifteen seconds.
MAXINE MYERS: Five, this is your last run of the day. Come in with that fuel, and finish strong.
MAXINE MYERS: That's two minutes. You're going well!
MAXINE MYERS: Just one minute left. Great run, Five!
MAXINE MYERS: Raise the gates! [gate siren, gate raising] Okay, Runner Five, you're done for today. Get a good stretch and cool down.
JODY MARSH: Been great chatting with you, Five. Got some of my own thoughts in order. And here's something for you, just in case you ever want to join me.
MAXINE MYERS: Don't drop one purl one, Runner Five. By the way, good work today. Take a day or two off now, and come back for your last training session this week.
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scorrigan · 2 years
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I posted 1,530 times in 2021
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For every post I created, I reblogged 11.4 posts.
I added 268 tags in 2021
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Longest Tag: 123 characters
#the first seven issues of sandman are the least indicative of the story and this is the first two pages of the first one so
My Top Posts in 2021
Can we acknowledge the Leverage Season 2 gag reel knowing they have an OT3 on their hands? (6 minutes in)
18 notes • Posted 2021-06-06 07:11:39 GMT
Before I start with my Jane Austen thread, I have to let yall know that I told my high school friend that I finished watching the fast furious franchise and started watching Pride and Prejudice adaptations, and he started insisting there were direct parallels between the characters and casting the FF as the P&P characters.. 
18 notes • Posted 2021-09-06 02:52:37 GMT
knowing that I want to re-improve my running, knowing that redoing the ZR5k trainer (again!) is important conflicts with being a half doz missions away from the end of season 7.  Knowing I could do that in two weeks but am choosing to take about 8 weeks... torture. 
19 notes • Posted 2021-03-22 15:55:31 GMT
Leverage Meta
Do you ever think about the mark from the pilot, the Nigerian Job, reading the business news from his low security prison, and seeing the fingerprints of the supercriminal team he put together? Do you ever think about that guy who has a specific knowledge of whats going on in the world, seeing bankruptcies and arrests and company transfers and just knowing???
19 notes • Posted 2021-06-15 04:14:21 GMT
Midnight Diner
Ive got a rec. I want you ALL to try Midnight Diner on Netflix
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Midnight Diner is an extremely simple and spare show. The premise is simple and explained in the opening credits. The man owns a diner, open from midnight to 7 am. He has one dish on the menu, but will make your dish if he has the ingredients. Does anyone even go to his diner? More than you would expect. 
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Its 24 minutes (American half hour), with a simple premise. Someone who eats at the diner has a favorite dish and a problem, they figure out the problem, and then break the fourth wall for the last minute explaining what makes the cooking of their dish unique. The Master (owner and chef of the nine seat diner) sometimes doesn’t even help the character resolve their problem. Because the opening and closing credits are unchanging and the last minute concerns cooking, the stories are really short- only about 20 minutes.
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The only comparison I have for MD is Cheers.  Cheers is the American sitcom about the people who work at a bar in Boston. But with Midnight Diner, the focus is around the customers rather than the employee. In some episodes Master hardly seems to pay attention to the drama at all. As each episode focuses on a new character’s story, the rest of the seats in the diner are filled with a rotating cast of regulars; The gambling retiree, the 30 something super-romantic (and super jaded) girlfriends, the local Yakuza and his hot headed underling, a stripper and her boyfriend, the cross dressing owner of a nightclub, and others. There no laugh track, no meta, but simple direct sometimes schmaltzy story telling. I love it
27 notes • Posted 2021-07-05 17:07:14 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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scorrigan · 4 years
Zombies Run Virtual Race Chronology 2020 Update
This is a fan document.  Six to Start’s official stance is that all virtual races take place in or before Season 1.  But, If you’re a 𝓗𝓾𝓰𝓮 𝓝𝓮𝓻𝓭 and want to try to run or rerun the series in order (supported, please do), here is my personal chronology of Seasons 1 and 2, which is based on user o0yono0o’s post from a few years back.  I am condensing the training missions and races for each VR down to one line for sake of brevity.  The two absolutely non canon virtual races are Virtual race 5: Halloween!  run in october with the S2 Halloween missions Virtual race 9: Escape from Runaway Fairground* (see alternate placement below)
Pre-Season One: Virtual race 8: Train to Oban Virtual race 4: European Rescue Force Virtual race 2: Nuclear Threat (specifically, the community seems to agree the race for VR 8 takes place on almost the same day as VR4 training mission 2 and VR2 training mission 1, if you wanted to be an 𝓔𝓿𝓮𝓷 𝓑𝓲𝓰𝓰𝓮𝓻 𝓝𝓮𝓻𝓭). The supply missions are noted as when they were initially unlocked in early versions of the app.  • S1M1 (Season 1, Mission 1): Jolly Alpha Five Niner ZR5k Trainer weeks 1-8
Season One: • S1M2: Distraction • SUPPLY: Decoy Duty • S1M3: Lay of the Land • SUPPLY: Ammo Run • S1M4: A Lost Child • SUPPLY: Fuel Run • S1M5: Paul Revere • S1M6: Supply Run • S1M7: A Voice in the Dark • S1M8: The Old Mill • SUPPLY: Medicine Run • SUPPLY: Food Supply Run • S1M9: Recovery • Virtual race 10: The Abel Manor Murders*  (alternate placement below) • SUPPLY: Tech Supply Run • Virtual race 7: Tomorrow Island* (see alternate placement below) • S1M10: Tess • S1M11: Back to School • S1M12: Alternates • S1M13: A Regular Meds Run • S1M14: Patient 29 • RACE: ABEL 5K: Ultra-Violet • RACE: ABEL 10K: Visiting Van Ark • RACE: ABEL 20K: Jeffro Complex • RACE: CANTON 5K: Big Cheese • RACE: CANTON 10K: Etymology • RACE: CANTON 20K: Plasmapheresis (specifically, CR5k takes place same day as S1M14, and both 20K races take place on the same day, but the Abel races should be run first) • S1M15: Virtuous Circle • SUPPLY: Entertainment Run • Virtual Race 3: The Xia Hifa Heist • S1M16: Scouting Mission • S1M17: Information Exchange • Virtual race 1: Race for Abel • S1M18: Eavesdropping • Virtual race 6: Tactical Zombie Division*  (see alternate placement below) • S1M19: An Unimportant Mission • S1M20: Listen In • S1M21: Siege • S1M22: Horde • S1M23: Aftermath • S1RM.
   Interval Training should be played during S1 after M3 and before M20. Season Two: • S2M1: Back Once Again • S2M2: From the Ashes • Airdrop #1 • S2M3: Walking On Broken Glass • S2M4: We Used To Be Friends • Airdrop #2 • S2M5: Ghosts • S2M6: Let The Dogs Come out • S2M7: Mummy’s Hand • S2M8: Chicken Payback • Airdrop #3 • S2M9: All Together Now • S2S1 (Season 2, Side mission 1): Canada • S2M10: Holding Out For A Hero • S2S2: Headcount • S2M11: The Kids Are Alright • S2M12: Relight My Fire • Airdrop #4 • S2S3: Whack-A-Mole • S2S4: Times New Roaming • Airdrop #5 • S2M13: SOS • S2M14: You’re Rocking The Boat • S2M15: Hounds of Love • S2S5: Top 40 • S2S6: Trefoil • Airdrop #6 • S2M16: Electric Dreams • S2M17: The Object Is A Hungry Wolf • S2M18: Dark and Long • S2M19: Dare • S2M20: Toxic • S2S7: War Is The Answer • S2M21: Always Take The Weather • S2S8: Interview With a Girl Guide • S2M22: No Future • S2M23: Galvanize • S2M24: London Calling • S2S9: Zombies, Row! • S2M25: Con Te Partiro • S2M26: S-Express • S2M27: Banditos • S2S10: Zombies, Climb! • S2S11: Zombies, Stretch! • S2S12: Search And Rescue • S2S13: Actual Cannibal Rescue Mission • S2M28: Ghost Town • S2M29: The Lion Sleeps Tonight • S2M30: Panic • S2S14: Circuit Training • S2S15: Quartermaster • S2S16: Zombies, Bike! • S2M31: Hello • S2M32: Tightrope • S2M33: Athena • S2M34: Ready To Go • S2H1 (Halloween): Living Dead Girl • S2H2: Horse Play • S2H3: Wai Chu Xiao Xin • S2M35: Dog Days Are Over • S2M36: One Way Or Another • S2M37: Sweet Escape • S2M38: Jailbreak • S2M39: Psycho Killer • S2M40: Little Lies • S2M41: You Know My Name • S2M42: Road To Nowhere • S2M43: The Final Countdown • S2M44: Something Good, 08 • S2M45: Going Underground • S2RM Almost all content after Season 2 is properly sequential.
Spoilers up to end of Season 3 for Alternate placement of virtual races 6, 7, 9, 10. 
You may have noticed that Season 1 is now more crowded than a special episode of Doctor Who when they bring back a bunch of old Doctors to boost ratings.  Alternate chronology for a few races are below: Virtual race 6: Tactical Zombie division could take place between S2M14 and S2M34 due to the surprise guest star. Virtual Race 7: Tomorrow Island could have been a previous Runner 5 mission (Pre your arrival at Abel) or between S2M7 and S2M13 Virtual Race 9: Escape from Runaway Fairground could take place as a Fever Dream or Magical Journey between S3M43 and S3M49, as there are some parallel themes. Virtual Race 10: The Abel Manor Murders could take place between S2 and S3 (or S3 and S4) as a low stakes (for Janine) problem to solve. 
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scorrigan · 6 years
Zombies Run Status
Weather behaved this evening so I ran the much anticipated training mission for the virtual race.  Paired this with running the route I ran most often in summer of 2016 when I was doing seasons 2 and really didnt run in season 3 through 2017 gave me reallly nostalgic vibes.  I think these virtual races have a slightly declining appeal for me.  Like the first one you do is super exciting, but possibly the novelty wears off.  Some of them are quasi-canon anyway, like an issue of Marvel WHAT-IF?
I WOULD rank the six ZR virtual races against each other if that wasnt such a shitpost.  Anyway, its amazing to hear the runner 8 actor again but I’m just not sure I care about the crown jewels unless it leads to a bigger mystery.  In ZR5k, im up to week 6, run 3, and Ive done ALL of them on the treadmill this time.  Even the half-squats!  But theres NO way I’m doing the week 7 skip-run drills on a treadmill.  I can run them on a gym with an indoor track, but I will be saving them for rainy (or snowy, who knows) days. So if the weather behaves, I should probably be able to run outdoors most of next week, and get to The Super Dramatic Season 4 missions. 
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