#zero (HSH)
shmorp-mcdurgen · 5 months
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Weird ass dog
Zero is silly to me so I decided to draw it again, that’s about it
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itsokbbygrl · 1 year
Sorry, Beyoncé 🫡
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motyl3kbezskrzydel · 3 months
Hejka moje urocze motylki. Dzisiaj chcialxbym podzielic się z wami moimi safe foods (w skrócie-jedzenie którego nie boję się zjeść hsh) może komuś też się przyda jeśli szukacie nisko kalorycznych sycących produktów:D i na wstepie:nie bede tu wymieniac ogórków,papryki,wody,kostek lodu albo innych warzyw bądz wafli ryżowych bo to chyba oczywiste..ale okej nie przedłużam..na dole listaa:
1. Lizaki chupa Chups
Ogólnie to w sztuce znajduje się 27kcal i są mega dobre! Smakują jak normalne lizaki a nie mają cukru. Jedyna i ch wada jest taka,że zaspokajają chęć na słodkie,ale po zjedzeniu paru jest się głodnym 😭
2. Sojowe zupki chińskie z biedronki
Jedna ma 50,4 kalorie i jest to praktycznie woda z soją i makaronem. Mimo to jest mega sycąca i tbh ratuje przed Binge
3.Kawa (bardziej safe drink ale cóż)
Jak bardzo kocham cole zero,to muszę przyznać,że gorąca kawa rozpuszczalna bez cukru i mleka jest o wiele lepsza.W skrócie- sprawia,że nie chcę się jeść przez ok. 2następne godzinki w odroznieniu do coli która zawsze wywołuje u mnie giga chętkę na słodkie
4.Kinder mleczna kanapka
Zawsze ratuje mnie przed binge! Jedna ma 117 kalorii,może to trochę sporo ale lepiej to niż obezrec się jak wieprz 🫡
5.Sprite zero
Ogólnie mega underrated
6. RYŻ
Nie wiem czemu ale zawsze jak zjem ryż czuję się sytx mimo,iż wcale nie ma wielu kalorii (+najlepszy jest z cebulą i kurkumą)
Totalnie kocham 😭😭🫶 moje love. Mianowicie nie chodzi mi o ten maly kisiel do kubka tylko ten do garnka. W porcji znajduje się 70kalorii i jest dużo smaków do wyboru ii jakby jak on robi się taki gęsty to je się go dłużej i wiecie o co chodzi.
9.mrożone winogrona ^^
10. Odtłuszczone serki waniliowe
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miniscrew-anon · 7 months
HSH Pumpkin Carving Headcanons
It’s spooky time y’all
Twilight - The traditional pumpkin carver. Can make absolutely perfect pumpkin faces that look straight off of pinterest. Happy, sad, scary, funny - doesn't matter, Twi can carve it. He can pump them out en masse, too. When it comes to pumpkins, Twi is in his element. 9/10 Only because he’s limited to faces. But damn if they’re not impressive.
Sky - Does not carve a pumpkin. He starts to but then loses interest as soon as the guts come out. He stalls when it comes to creating a face; he wants to do something more creative than just a generic face but he doesn't know what else to do. So he ends up as Twilight's helping hand instead. He’s very useful because he can magically carry twenty pumpkins at once. It's his Halloween party trick. 2/10 he’s got no pumpkin but he’s got spirit
Legend - He doesn’t make a face but a sigil. A very elaborate, carefully crafted sigil to ward off malicious spirits. Stuffs it with herbs and charms too. Also he uses a very large turnip instead of a pumpkin to keep tradition. But he also fucks up cutting the lid and it keeps falling inwards and ruining his candles, which he bitches about even though it was his fault. 7/10 very atmospheric and aromatic
Hyrule - If he can get some time off, Hyrule does enjoy a good pumpkin carving. He's not great at it so his faces are a little wonky. But he has fun and that's what's important. His little happy pumpkin is an adorable addition to the front porch and Time is sure to put it front and center. 8/10 the littlest pumpkin on the porch with the biggest smile
Warriors - Draws an ahegao face on the pumpkin with a sharpie. His pumpkin is the first to magically disappear from the front porch. Banned from touching all future pumpkins forever. 0/10 and someone stuffs pumpkin guts into his pillowcase in retaliation
Wild - Starts carving, gets distracted halfway through. He scoops the guts out and then comes up with a great recipe idea and disappears into the kitchen to roast some pumpkin seeds. Twilight happily finishes carving his pumpkin for him and enjoys whatever amazing pumpkin flavored treat Wild cooks up. Wild never realizes he forgot to actually carve his pumpkin. 3/10 another without a pumpkin but he gets more points because his comes with pumpkin spice cookies
Champion - Carves his pumpkin very professionally. Looks up "pumpkin carving ideas " and then literally just copies whatever he finds. He does it very, very well too. It comes out looking amazing, if a bit generic. He cannot be convinced to personalize it in the slightest, though. No, it's by the book or not at all. Does not hesitate to defend his gourd by force when Warriors comes by with that damned sharpie. 8/10 very professional looking
Wind - Doesn't care about carving pumpkins. He hates the icky feeling of touching the raw guts and he doesn't give a shit about carving a face. At best he'll draw a generic face on with a marker and at worst he won't even touch a pumpkin. He's the boring guy who just puts a plain pumpkin on his porch. -10/10 he doesn’t even have the spirit
Four - Uses this as an excuse to use all his favorite power tools. His pumpkin comes out looking like a fucked up little freak. A true frankenstein creature that's half flesh, half metal. A serious safety hazard with all the loose screws that have been drilled into it. It's a monstrosity. The blood in it is not decorative: it’s from all the ankles of everyone who didn’t watch out. God help any unsavory characters who show up to cause trouble because Time will use it as a projectile in case of an emergency and it will be a critical hit. 7/10 very cool but actually a safety hazard.
Time - This man has zero artistic ability. He can kill a man with a knife three hundred different ways but can't carve a fucking straight line in this goddess damned pumpkin. What the fuck is this? A cosmic joke? Why does his triangle come out looking like a square? Why does his smiley face look like a straight line? Why did the damn pumpkin split in half? He barely even touched it??? The dude goes through several attempts before finally coming to something that looks vaguely okay. Only to then realize that he forgot to coat the pumpkins insides with vaseline so the local squirrels eat it immediately. 1/10 all that’s left is an eaten carcass. Malon laughs at him.
Malon - Another master pumpkin carver. She's a little more artistic than Twilight and makes more than just faces. Entire scenes and landscapes. Skeleton animals, a headless rider on a motorcycle. She's got major talent. Plus, she's won the regional pumpkin growing competition ten years in a row. 10/10 This woman is Queen of the Pumpkin Patch.
Dark - Enjoys pumpkin carving in a more freeform way. Draws cartoon "x" eyes and punches a hole through the pumpkin to make the mouth and exit hole. He stuffs a fake gun into the "mouth", guts spilled out onto the sidewalk out of the hole in the back of the gourd. Thinks it's hilarious. 4/10 His pumpkin is really ugly but he literally punched a hole through it so yeah that’s worth some points right there
Shadow - Doesn't carve but does steal. Menace to all gourds, taker of jack-o-lanterns. 0/10 Picks tricks over treats every time
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kccubus · 9 months
Commission info HERE!!
t'm a 19 y/o girl (call me K!), a videogame design/developement college student and an artist! this blog is most definitely not about anything specific, i post mostly whatever i want but a lot of it will be related to degrees of lewdity (porn text-based game) or yanderes! i will also post stuff about myself, my outfits and whatever art i make and like enough!
the characters from dol i like most are the school LIs. sydney is my n°1 literally the love of my life, kylar is a VERY close second cause any pathetic and disgusting yandere is automatically a yes for me, third is robin cause literally what a cinnamon roll you cannot dislike them aaand lastly whitney cause i don't like bullies in general but ummmm female whitney can do whatever she wants to me ngl. i usually play with the other 3 as guys!
othe things i'm a big big fan of are omori, danganronpa, ddlc and in general horror games that have similar vibes to any of those! i also enjoy VERY fucked up visual novels, ngl i love seeing how bizarre they can get lmao. i recently played ai: the somnium files too and loved it! and i'm currently playing through zero escape :>
i'm super extroverted (enfp!) and even though i like knowing people in person better, i'm also always down to make some online friends! so if you're interested talk to me~ i promise i'm nice unless asked otherwise! hshs
my dm's and asks are always open if you wanna talk!! but please be respectful, you're allowed to thirst all you want in asks (preferably anonymous) even if we don't know each other, or ask about anything etc, but if you wanna dm me and talk to me directly let's at the very least start as friends!!
love ya~
here have a pretty gyaru!
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#kposting - random posts of me just talking or answering to stuff!! also includes pics which aren't my art
#ootd - outfits of the day!
#k art! - my art!! again, could be oc's, fanart for whatever etc
#reblog <3 - reblogs of other people's posts!! a lot of it is art :>
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wellthatwasaletdown · 7 months
I always find myself thinking about the documentary that has been hinted at about his life/career and I just don’t get why they’d ever release one. He’s the most uninteresting person whose entire career has been handed to him. Plus he’s already basically done a recap on his life. In the the another man mag they told his life story, had his mom and sister talk about him and all that, then he did that Apple Music thing of making his first album that was him talking about his process and getting to make music he wants and whatever else, so what is there left to show? I mean I’d understand if they did like a short film on his last tour I guess bc it was so long and everything with covid interrupting it? Idk. But an entire documentary on his life/career makes zero sense when it’ll just be retelling info that’s already been told so many times.
How long does it take to make a documentary? They've been supposedly making one since he went solo. I mean, they did release the BTA for HS1, but nothing for Fine Line or HsH. They supposedly filmed Live on Tour and Love on Tour. Where are those concert movies? Taylor filmed her L.A. dates of the Eras tour and that movie is already coming out next week.
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godnectar · 7 months
that man has zero brains because we have proof he cheated on us and hes like "no i didnt"
i love your writing but that gen made me giggle like okay😭😭 someone's delusional
sunshine– he's a cheater,, 'm a clown,, and it was midnight, my mind doesn't really work at that hour 🤡 so ofc he would try to deny it even without an excuse or some made-up story 💀
glad u liked it tho, bc I honestly think shit will flop 🤟 but as long as y'all somehow enjoyed reading about such a dumb asshole 'm happy
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nnn-lll-nnn · 5 months
thank you for the follow, i don’t know whether to be flattered or concerned
</>Easy six, zero niner one.</>
</>#-#Easy-2__this iß Easy-7 beaAsdvised we are aprpa#ching#333#33#ed#hsh from the west.<//>(</>
</>Hitme№a№n-3-2, Hitman-3-1 over.</>
</>3-1, 3-2 go a*hea.d.</>
</>Uhh be advised, 3-3 can't sparkle the building aA@on Route Alpha will be ny goz, can you provide covering foreI ŵitzhzð fifty, ove(r?</>
</>Ay firm stan@d$by</>
</>Raster-6, 6-2# over</>
</>6-2, 6 go ahw2ead.</>
</>Interrogative; do any dash iNe victors have a visual on thepOse paras, over?</>
</>What apras, 6-2?<//</>
</>Those paras Hitmab engaged a half hour ago over.</>
</>Negative 6-2, no Raster-1 personnel have engaged any of HitmaN'źs aRpise, oyt</>
</>2-3 2-2, be advised I have viusalSh on yhat position, tally to target, $--# in five mikes, out(</>
</>2-3 this is 2-1 status over!</>
</>2-1 2-3! We ahVe engageDt Kav #7 n s aka BAkls B Nanb -£™bsb àb№- (# +# +@; Jav Hsv# +#°hOw xig$:gvsg is oevEr?!</>
</>2-3 2-1 repeat your last, over?</>
</>All das@h 58@- wyo personnel, this je 2-Axruald! ChattermaArk,w -sb 9bver#?!!¢¡><))</>
</>All brAve hi o ubits! Thisv# Bravo-2 @cUtal! ###-----_--$--$# __-- enagEg d tree Fifve ZZZroT enem6 As lgu znjMore ¡ Pull backR o the MSR! Bravo-2-1 is cqlring in a broKen Arrow! Get TehyAhv hence oi5at there!]</>
</>Bravo-2-6! We do not have enough ammunition,svg#-#--# to provide effective supporting fire deom The MARKeb nineteen! We are oscar moke aIn onr fife, out!</>
</>-4-1-Actual 2-3-Actual! Standby for covering fire, Cyclone 2-2 is en route! 2-3--£Abalp№+$;@;)@ha osudAht?
</>Conact rigBt tcoNtact right!</>
</>3-1! BTR-90! Left side left side!</>
<//</>Any units on this net this is BeavoEĝ-6! Broken arrow nroken arrow! We have been overrun! Get that docGamnrèbw brodge Çkut!######</>
</>CyonE this is Bravo-1-1 over!</>
</>Mystic this is Raster-5-5 fire mission over!</>
</>5-5, Mystic, send jt ovEr.</>
</>Fire for effect polar, over!</>
</>Fire for effect, polar, out.</>
</>three enemy Infantry platoon z numbering ze#!ro one o#-#&$ne tree fif#e personnel, in the open, over!</>
</>##--#-##-###Infantry paltoonzsbbSV-#-::$&#&#:::-$;$--#;$&-#;-$-#&$&$-&#-#-#<//)</>
</>#-_-#$-#-$Direction; zero three one degrees magnetic! O.T. DIstanç zero seven fife zero, request spalsh oVèrhhĥ(!</>
</>O.T. Direction; 0+3-1 ĎEgrees magnetic, O.T. Dostancêè 0-7-5-0, request splash out.</>
</>MTO Ybabkee, three guns, one round willy peter, Tarett Number Alpha Hotel, 0-0-9er, over.<(_(-_</>
</>MTO, Yankee three funsTsthß round sfg white phosphorus,b Target Number; Alpha Hotel xZero zero miner, out!</>
</>Shot over.</>
</>Shot, out!</>
</>Spalsh over!</>
</>¢SpxSplalysh, out.<)></>
</>Add 200 right sixty!</>
<)></>Add 2-0-0, roght 6-0, oit</>
</>Negativ enveatIge negative, correction; Add 2-6-0, right 0-6-7, over!</>
</>Negative, correction; Add 2-6-0, right 0-6-7, out.</>
</>MTO, Golf one round, white phosphorus in effect, twi Guns, Tagret Number Alpha Hotel, 0-0+-0-1-9er, over (.</>
</>Message to Observer! Golf, one rounds, whiskey papa, 2Guns, Target Nu ñmbwr Alpha Hitel, -0-0-0-1-9er, out!</>
</>Shot over.</>
</>Shot out!</>
</>SlpaAtxh! Over!</>
</>Kxz splash, out.</>
</>Repeat! Over!</>
</>Repeat, out</>
</>Shot over.<)/</>
</>ShiJot, out!</>
</>aSlasrhc ovb hthhz!sb####</>
</>Splash, out</>
</>Add 300! Right tree fife zero, Down 2-90! Correct and rire ror 3ffctkt over¡</>
</>Add 3-0-0 Right 3-5-0, Down 2+9er-0... correct and fire for effect, out .</>
</>Message to Observer; Juliet, 10 guns, two rounds, HEVT, Bravo, one gun firve rounds HEPR, Target Nymber Alpha Hotel, 0-2-3-5-0-6-1-8-9er, over.</>
</>Mesaage to Osberver, Jyliet, 10 huns 2 rounds HEVT! Bravo, one gun five riunds HEPR, Target Nunber; Alpha, Hotel, 0-2-3-5-0-6-1-8-9er! Out!</>
</>Shot over.</>
</>Shot out!</>
</>Splatghch over! (/></>
</>Splash, out</>
</>Good effect on target! 3-5-0 personnel suppressed, all targeteẞ eliminated end of mission, over!</>
</>Good effect, 3-5-0 enemy personnel eliminated, ATS, EOM, out.</>
</>Molsd$#otov this is haDelta SEA$D over.</>
</>Delta,$ Molotov, SEA#D odut</>
</>Route to Suppress; Romeo Delta, 5-0-7-2-0-1, Grid to Mark,; Romeo Delta 5-7-9, 3-0-0, ouver.</>
</>Raitut yoUt Suppretsz; Romeo Delta 5-0-7, 2-0-1, Grid to Mark; {{RD579300}}, autout.</>
</>ZA-X "Rowdy", non-standard, -7 to -17, +30, +3, marked smoke on the deck, three rounds HEVT, CAS TOT; 57, over.</>
</>ZA-X "Rowdy", nin-¢gs;###---#-######-#-#-#--#</>
</>Razor this is Razor-2-3, standby for Report 2two dash one, ober.</>
</>2-3, Razor go ahead.<))/</>
</>Line Sierra; 0-97 to -1-1-5, /break/</>
</>Line Alpha; unknown at this time, /break/</>
</>Corretkoyouhnfnfb3; Line Alpha; Inspecting or investigativng ,, what appears to be, burnt-out vehicles, /breaK/</>
</>Line Lima; 3-7-Delta, Romeo Whiskey, 5-7-3tree-0-6-9, Line Uniform; National giArd, /break/</>
</>Line Echo; AK-95s, Viepers and NODs dash double u, how copy so far, over?</>
Ĵ</>Ywah, clklarifyhn Line Alpha, over</>
<kK</>Request you specify target-to-clarify, ober?</>
</>Uhm uh roger I copy, TTC vehicles, are they covils, military, overMk?###</>
K</>Negative negative, neither, looks like a mix from% u#.s#### to h_ere over.</>
</>Splid copy, any further remRks, over?</>
</>Negative no further remarks at this time.</>
</>Roger I understand all, Razo rR out.</>
THe Americkan foR tzes oUxufpruing Your lands do not follow Kthe Lawas of that country, chosing inStead in to Institute their decadentbT and Al ELL GRE BEE laws ,, wherrTe you Mzudt aFfirm their liEs, abiur themselves even, vBe clauszXkackUauz theyvc kAhn onot be broguht to ciNtzierlyihndo it, they Ckannot even be hYiounentzt to enevehn theymtzelves or ubto abiu t themselves eltzwhere vBEHHEHYN####n";sS### nothung and this itz uNaliaik ourselves, the Glor Groriyountz Hynv of the Xanxon Empayar, the Greaterst youCuntrys to haveevern even Ezisxexisztznt! We are tdze heroYes of thzedeze world! Your evil Sovjyet delusion of grandeur is a flasafalszitzyhinhyihn! We are superioyor in ecerbyhn wvay! Vharlie and Yankees, go home! Go bsk to Dokal, oe r Kanadiyens, or Sovjet Union! YYour dEgeneratzoy oiyhn intz ntot required, needD our requestedin aur lands!
</>Alsassunbt hus is Hsh+shdja</>
</>unsjhahebbajsbb;#;#;######## unaware at this rb rime ovrr</)
</>=`=jsjb Flash, NBC-1 xnUkleae, Bravo, NC01222591, xhArlri; righYy degrees z tzn tzen Vh biyhVhehynB;abjajjsjh################-#-$&#-#######&#&$&$&#-@#-#&-#-#-#-#-#-##-#####-##-######################</>
</>Be advised, nuclear detonation detected;shhdbSh########, predicted within a radiu s Tzn of five pount one milrs, epicenter located atVsgh-#-shhshshdh+#+########$, wxepct rainshowersbof blackr ain contaInting at least %zero tree fife soeverts per gallon, L/bteak/, of rainwater, /brrak/</>
</>Goliath Goliath, this is viSor-3-6, standby for erEport 3-dash two, over.</)</>
</>Visor-3-6 tjIs is Goliath, send jt over</>
K</>/Lime Tango; 3-0 personnel, Line Ubiform; tree fife zero enemy mechanized infantry, /break/</>
</>Line Victor; zero seven fife enemy armored, /brrak/!</>
</></)Line Whiskey, 0207 zulu, Romeo Foxtrot, 3-5-0,-1-1-2, /break/</>
</>Line X-Ray, niner two one, fove zero six, bre/break/, zero one fife hostile armored, suspected in srtillery role, /break/</>
</>/Line Yankee; enemy motir rigles, /break/!</>?$+</>
</>Line Zulu; hostile grenadiers, tree vehicles, one tree fife enemy personnel dismounted, /brrakL/</>
</>Line Alpha; u nlnown and i determinate, smoke, heavy fog, sounds of arnored and eNginges, heavy vehicles sounds, /break/</>
</>Standby for EPID, obrr($)</>
Ķ</>All assassin-3 cItctors rhis is Helium-3 over</>
</>Contact left contact left!<//</>
</>#--$-#Alfh agalgoNwuifnJag#--$-#-#-#-########</>
</>Hitmabz this js Razor over!</>
</>MTO; CHvarliyeyhn two rounds! Three guns in effect! Target nunber$;--#-&$-$-$;$-#-#-</>
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stylesunchained · 1 year
HS1 was obviously about haylor and a response to 1989. FTDT ends with yearning. Taylor's songs post 1989 about him are about what if and how he's her the 1. I also think a lot of Fine Line and HsH songs are about her because there are too many lyrical parallels.
The only song about that girl he ever shared was Two Ghosts and everyone knows it. FTDT for sure isn’t about her, nor are any of the other songs in HS1, which is most definitely was not about her. You really came to the wrong blog to discuss this lmfao And if you think Fine Line or HsH have anything to do with her, then I’m sorry, babes, you’re delusional. You guys are creating lyrical parallels that don’t exist as well as a relationship that never existed in the first place because they were barely together. Taylor Swift blew it out of proportion with her need for drama and to make an album per boyfriend and you guys took it and ran with it and have continued to do so for the past ten years even though there’s been absolutely zero indication whatsoever that they have any feelings for each other.
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septembersghost · 1 year
I agree with you so much on hsh having cultural impact and that's the reason for his win. Which is why I feel like within a few years harry's win won't even be debated. When fearless won AOTY there was just as much questioning as there is now. When 1989 won people were arguing how Kendrick deserved it. As much as I like beyonce this wasn't her best album and she didn't even put that much effort in promoting(I have a lot of thoughts on dubai performance but it doesn't matter here) I really think people's frustration came from 'how come beyonce never won AOTY' more than 'renaissance is the only album that deserved it' combined with the shit ton of haters he collected from his 1D days.( l saw an old thread on reddit where a person who is a MaSSivE FaN saying golden is not good and how fine line is repetitive in sound and is basic. When I looked their recent comments they were full on harry hate train and wasn't even trying to hide it) . So there are a lot of people who claims as fans then shits on him. I definitely believe we haven't witnessed his best work yet once his talent become unquestionable I don't think anyone will discuss this(just like noone talks about fearless win)
i'm sorry, who do i have to physically fight for slandering golden? GOLDEN?! MY SUNSHINE?! MY BELOVED?!?!?!?! the appalling lack of taste. how can someone claim to be a fan and then spew hatred online, that makes zero sense? what is the point? i'll never understand people pretending to be fans of artists they clearly do not like, why be that miserable?
i agree re: bey and what you said about that album, and have a lot of thoughts/disappointment about the dubai thing too. (she should've won for lemonade.) you're so right about the fearless and 1989 wins, and how those were debated and even sneered at at the time, and most everyone has forgotten that and doesn't question her deserving that recognition now.
the cultural impact and how certain music can define a year is a really big factor in the decision imho! harry's house was massive. as it was was That Song last year - to the point where they even used it in multiple nye celebrations around the world. and it's not just about, idk, superficial virality and t*ktok memes or whatever, it's about the general perception and effect that had, and how many people listened to and embraced and were brought together by that music. i remember reading an article about some older fans bonding over his music and how joyful it made them and the way it strengthened friendships and their own self-esteem and connections to their youth, and so on, and i think that's every bit as incredible as younger fans discovering it and feeling their worlds open up. (part of why the sight of him hugging grandma reina after she got to read his AOTY win was SO touching and wonderful). music crosses barriers and affects hearts in such a pure way.
i don't believe we've seen his best work either (this is only his third album! i know it feels like more because there were five with the band preceding it, but this is still early in his career in many respects), and i hope that keeps transforming for him.
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shmorp-mcdurgen · 9 months
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This freak, the alternate from my recent Home Sweet Home au fic!
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goongiveusnothing · 1 year
no his hsh numbers are crazy compared to fineline. I think it sold double that of fine line first week and overall it's still doing good. But I think this happened in vaccum. He really had no competition. Even Beyonce released an amazing album but did zero promo. Not even one music video. Otherwise she would hv dominated 2022 completely. Irrespective of the quality of album even mid albums can do crazy numbers if they are marketed the way he is.
Just going by the figures and HSH may have had good first week numbers but overall it has not sold as well as Fine Line did. Fine Line as an album had more staying power and more of the singles did better.
Fine Line -
607,520 UK
1,000,000 US
172,699 UK
620,000 US
Curious about why people think it did better than Fine Line? The Harrie fans pushing their mythos onto us? How long As It Was stayed on the charts?
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hournalist · 2 years
Have his team also just given up with Harry's House because he's touring and making dollar from shows? Where are the new music videos? The album's had zero promo? New singles? I genuinely don't know what's happening anymore.
Could be tbh. It’s a sold out world tour. It’s not like they *need* promo. They would benefit from it but I fear there’ll be a lot of overexposure if they tack on the HsH promo on top of it all. But yeah. It’s frustrating. And I also think they were happy with how the album performed when it comes to all the charts so they were like “nah, this can wait”. Which will never understand but anyway lol his team has always been quite lazy when it comes to actual promo.
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miniscrew-anon · 1 year
HSH Febuwhump Day 4 - Knife to the Throat
Lol this kind of turned into a joke at the end but I couldn’t help it. How could I write this duo and not make them sassy as fuck?
"Gimme your wallet."
"Sure thing, friend." Wars reaches into his back pocket and brandishes his money. "Here, take it. No need for violence."
"Fuck that!"
Wind, arms pinned to his sides by arms three times thicker than his own, glares up at the man behind him fearlessly. "Put that shit away, Wars! He's not robbing us! I'll kill you, you sonofabitch!"
"Uh, Wind? Maybe don't threaten the man with the knife to your throat." Warriors is not used to playing mediator. He doesn't have the patience nor the practice for it. He prefers to leave that to people like Sky or Wild, leaving him free to mouth off. But even he knows when to hold his tongue. For instance, when an unhinged mugger is holding a knife to his throat. A lesson Wind clearly skipped out on. "You do like your head where it is, don't you?"
"Take my wallet and I'll fuck you up!" Wind struggles but he's not the most athletic; the man holds him easily and digs into his pockets. Wind snarls and squirms, hissing threats and spewing vitriol at the man with his life in his hands. He’s completely unaffected by the thin red line across his neck that dripped blood into his collar. 
The mugger actually looks at Warriors, a flat expression on his face as if to say is he serious? Wars shrugs, tossing his wallet over to the mans expecting hand.
The mugger unceremoniously drops Wind to the floor, turning and running before Wind can pick himself up.
"Yeah you better run! Motherfucker! I'll find you, you dipshit! Don't think you're safe! I'll track you down and sell your fucking kidneys on Ebay!" Wind fumbles to his feet and tries to make chase, red in the face and seething.
"Whoa there!" Warriors catches him across the chest and forces him back. The ex-guard steps into Wind's path to block the boy from making a terrible decision. "Wind, stop! Are you crazy? What are you doing?"
"Chasing down a bitch!" Wind tries to push past Warriors but gets shoved back again. "Move!"
“Absolutely not!” Wars tugs his scarf off and pressed it to the wound on Winds neck, dodging swats. “You’re not chasing after some criminal. What would you even do if you caught him? Get your ass kicked again? No, we're going home.”
Hopefully Warriors will avoid an eviction if he brings Wind back only slightly damaged. So much for getting Wind out of the house for some fresh air. 
Wind was still pissed but he gives up trying to push past Wars. “He’s gotta pay”
“And he will. I’m sure you can find him - his name, his address, his bank account. Just like I’m sure the Old Man would be happy to have a conversation with him. No need to get yourself killed over a few rupees. Revenge is best served cold and all that.” Satisfied that the cut was only surface deep, Warriors pulled back, grimacing at his stained scarf. Well, that’s something to toss into Times dry cleaning pile. “Besides, if I let you get yourself killed I'll never get a replacement card! The Old Man will be far too busy with funeral arrangements.”
"Are you serious? Is that all you're thinking about right now? The Old Man’s credit card?"
Warriors makes an offended noise. "That's not all I'm thinking about! It's just one of the things I'm thinking about. There's also my license and my medical card and - damn! My platinum membership card to Starlit Memories! Goddess, that's going to be such a pain to replace. That shop is so stingy with their membership cards, too. I hope this doesn't affect my standing with Isha - she hates when people are careless."
Wind hits him with a dead eyed stare he must have learned from Four. “Your stupid punch card? Really?”
Warriors is only kind of offended. "What? I’m allowed to have priorities."
Wind is a goblin and a terror and he has zero self-preservation.
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l0velyr0 · 25 days
Kind of info thing ?? Hsh anmywayd-
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General info
- I go by Ro, Bo, Kane/K or Dot - mostly by Ro or Kane but any of these work! So can use any ^^
-> Nicknames are also fine !
- Any pronouns except she/her. And if there's confusion/a specific set is wanted: he/they/it works. Just any except she
-> There's also neos/xenos so; xe/zir/lo/kit ;; this is also subject to change, so if it does will update.
- I am an adult. The range I'll give is 18 - 25. That's it, I am not giving specific age.
- Interests kinda change, but the main ones still so far are Subnautica/Subnautica: Below Zero, Elder Scrolls (Skyrim & ESO in particular), Genshin Impact, and rn Honkai Star Rail is also kind of an interest
- Also favorite characters are; Al-An (Subnautica: Below Zero), Miraak, some Dragon Priests, Cicero (Elder Scrolls, Skyrim), il Dottore & segments, Pantalone, Zhongili and Baizhu (I think that's how you spell it ? Genshin Impact), and Boothill & Sunday (Honkai Star Rail/HSR - I blame them for getting me into it lmao)
- Timezone is EST (Eastern Standard Time basically) so times might be wonky, still feel free to send asks n stuff regardless! If I get to it slow, it's probably because I'm asleep or haven't checked yet
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Tagging system so far/used tags
~ ☆ - Important notes : Self explanatory, honestly; things that are considered important like info and updates - also goes for other blogs/reblogs of certain things ^^
~ ☆ - Misc/Random Notes : Random things, sometimes things like small updates, just generally random stuff on here
~ ♤ - Asks ! : Asks, self explanatory! Used for both anon and not anon asks. Can make like specific ask tags if wanted for ppl ^^
-> For specific tags, it'll probably be something like ♤ - {User/Anon} ,, lemme know if any specific name is wanted also ^^
~ ♡ - Fave : Cool things, art for example, or cool writing, just generally stuff I like and think to tag !
~ ◇ - Kane's art : If I ever post art here, that'll probably be used. Which probably won't be a lot but I might eventually, dunno yet
~ ◇ - Art
~ ◇ - Writings
~ ♡ - Want To Bite : things I just wanna b i t e. Or nom. Art, writing n stuff included lmao
Thats kinda it rn but will be updated if there's any additions ^^;
Okay I'm going back to the void now to work on things
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calacuspr · 1 year
Calacus Monthly Hit & Miss – Innes FitzGerald & WRU
Every month we look at the best and worst communicators in the sports world from the last few weeks.
Sustainability is a popular buzzword in sport.
Organising Committees and governing bodies want to encourage carbon neutral events and procedures to help fight climate change.
The International Olympic Committee (IOC), for instance, has a detailed strategy and in a recent report HSH Prince Albert II of Monaco, chair of the IOC’s Sustainability and Legacy Commission said: “We can confidently state that sustainability is now firmly embedded as an executive priority within the IOC, and this ethos flows into our corporate ways of working, our focus on ensuring sustainable Olympic Games, and how we engage with the wider Olympic Movement.”
Likewise, the Premier League signed up to the UN Sports for Climate Action Framework, which brings together sports organisations from all over the world to achieve climate change goals.
“As part of this commitment, the Premier League as an organisation aims to reduce 50 per cent of its own emissions by 2030 and achieve net-zero emissions by 2040, in line with the 1.5ºC global warming limit of the 2015 Paris Agreement.”
The nature of elite competition is that long-distance travel is often a necessity, despite the impact it has on the environment.
Long-distance runner Innes FitzGerald has burst onto the scene over the past year or so and is considered a hot prospect for British athletics.
FitzGerald, 16, broke the UK under-17 record for 3000m and dominated the British Athletics Cross Challenge in Liverpool in November, beating much older athletes.
But she has shocked the sporting world after she decided to take a stand and reduce her carbon footprint – event if it comes at the expense of a chance to win a medal.
Attending the European Cross Country Championships in Turin late last year, it emerged that FitzGerald had travelled by train from her Exeter home because of a reluctance to fly.
The leading British junior female endurance athlete, FitzGerald wrote to UK Athletics and asked not to be considered for the team set to compete at the World Cross Country Championships in Australia.
She said: “To have the opportunity to compete for Great Britain in Australia is a privilege. When I started running, the prospect of me competing in the World Cross Country Championships would have seemed merely a dream. However, the reality of the travel fills me with deep concern.
“I was just nine when the COP21 Paris Climate agreement was signed. Now, eight years on, and global emissions have been steadily increasing, sending us on a path to climate catastrophe. Sir David King, former government chief scientific advisor, has said, ‘What we do, I believe, in the next three to four years will determine the future of humanity.’ The science is clear. Turning this around is only possible through transformational change from collective and personal action.
“I would never be comfortable flying in the knowledge that people could be losing their livelihoods, homes and loved ones as a result. The least I can do is voice my solidarity with those suffering on the front line of climate breakdown.
“Coming to a decision has not been easy, however little compares to the grief I would feel taking the flight. Aviation is the most energy intensive activity we can do and explodes a person’s carbon footprint. I don’t want that on my conscience.”
She added that making a statement about her reasons for withdrawing was important: “I could have just said, ‘Look, I’m not going to go, and that’s it.’ But I felt that actually, if I was going to make the sacrifice and not go, then I might as well make a statement about it as well. Because it was not easy at all.”
Champions for Earth, which believes that there is nothing more critical than addressing and averting the climate and ecological crisis, was full of praise for FitzGerald: “The Exeter Harriers runner is a champion in more ways than one, winning impressively on the running track and in the world of environmental protection. Innes was crowned the 2022 Youth ‘Champion For Earth’ for her commitment to pursuing her sporting goals as sustainably as possible.
“As a young person with Olympic dreams growing up during a climate and ecological emergency, she is balancing the dream of one day becoming a champion of the world, with a determination to be a champion for earth.”
Critics have suggested that FitzGerald is misinformed, given the environmental impact of travelling by car and train and the rubber running tracks and trainers she continues to wear.
But how brave of a teenager with a limited career to take a stand and get us all talking about the environment and sport’s impact upon it.
She hopes that by taking a stand, she can encourage other athletes to come forward and add their support to the importance of climate change for society and help to create meaningful change.
Within sport, FitzGerald believes that there are “many people who are like-minded, but they feel like they have no power, and they’re in sport and that’s just the way things are”.
“There’s been so many people in support, saying they’re so grateful that I’ve spoken out about it, and that it’s something that we need to talk about. Which I think is so positive and so true.”
Unfortunately, sports governance is still dominated by pale, male and stale executives and while efforts are being made to increase diversity, there is so much work to be done.
The Welsh Rugby Union (WRU) is the latest governing body to be mired in controversy after accusations of sexism, racism and misogyny.
An inquiry was announced after two women complained of a "toxic" sexist culture at Welsh rugby's highest level.
The revelations came to light when the BBC aired a documentary which exposed the level of toxicity, with Women’s rugby general manager Charlotte Wathan detailing experiences when a male colleague said in the presence of others that he wanted to “rape” her.
Another anonymous contributor said she had contemplated suicide after her experiences of bullying and sexism at work.
The four Welsh regions – Cardiff, Dragons, Ospreys and Scarlets – backed calls for the 58-year-old Phillips and the WRU board to resign, while the Welsh Rugby Players Association said they were “appalled by the allegations” and called for the “strongest possible action.”
The WRU’s initial response was somewhat combative.
They criticised the BBC for giving them the right to reply due to ongoing litigation and went into great detail addressing many of the issues raised in the documentary.
But the tone was defensive and seemed as focused on inconsistencies or inaccuracies in the reporting as in the clearly serious allegations being levelled at the organisation.
Principality Building Society, sponsors of Wales’ national stadium in Cardiff and supporter of the Welsh grassroots game, described the allegations as “extremely concerning.”
They stated: “We take great pride in supporting grassroots rugby within the diverse communities we serve, as we have for over 20 years, and want to work with partners who share our values. The allegations in the emerging BBC investigation are extremely concerning and we would expect the WRU to take the immediate and decisive action required to remove any discriminatory and bullying behaviours and to uphold the inclusive values that we should all live by."
Another partner, Admiral, said in a statement: "Our culture is of paramount importance to us, so naturally the cultures of the partners we work with are also important. While this is a matter for the WRU, given the serious nature of the allegations made, we have and will remain in discussion with them."
Needless to say, the Welsh government was deeply concerned and stated: “The Deputy Minister for Arts and Sport is engaging with the WRU on the immediate actions it must take to address the allegations set out in this investigation.
"The details in the testimonies provided are devastating. We recognise the courage it takes to come forward after experiencing any form of harassment, bullying or abuse.
"Women and girls have the right to be safe in all aspects of their lives. The Welsh Government is committed to tackling abuse in the workplace and challenging damaging behaviour and attitudes head on so all women and girls in Wales can live fear free."
WRU chairman Ieuan Evans, who met with the Deputy Minister for Arts and Sport and Chief Whip, Dawn Bowden to discuss a new independent Taskforce to undertake an internal investigation into the culture and behaviour at the governing body, is also set to be questioned in the Senedd.
Chief Executive Steve Phillips initially vowed to investigate and review the culture that had led to such a worrying catalogue of incidents.
He said: “The WRU knows it has fallen short in presenting Welsh rugby to the world in the best light. We have fallen short of the high standards I expect.
“We have consulted with our staff and we will re-examine our structures and procedures to make sure our employees find a business that is caring and sensitive to their needs and welfare and creating a safe and secure environment for everyone that comes into contact with us.
“We will use the feedback we are currently experiencing to improve, we will listen and learn from what we are hearing and continue to work hard on ensuring Welsh rugby is a game for all with equality, diversity and inclusion at its heart.”
If the situation had not already become untenable, Phillips soon resigned, with Nigel Walker taking his place on an Acting basis.
““It is with a huge amount of regret that I have decided to hand in my resignation,” ” said Phillips in a statement.
“I have always had the best interests of Welsh rugby at the heart of my every action and thought, but have come to the conclusion that it is now time for someone else to lead the way.
“I am on record already saying how much I hugely regret the feelings and emotions expressed recently by former members of staff.”
To his credit, Walker was far more reasonable in his first interview following his appointment, accepting the problems rather than trying to deflect or play down the seriousness of the allegations.
He commented that the WRU…“Have fallen short of the high standards that are necessary. We apologise, and we recognise we’ve made many mistakes.
“We’re not now looking at how we can mitigate the furore that has come our way. What we’re looking to do is to improve and get back a semblance of credibility as we realise that it is now at an all-time low.  
“We won’t be resting on our laurels, but we are committed to making sure that the female rugby players in this country have the experience that they deserved – and the equivalent to their male counterparts.” 
In a separate interview, he added: “This has been a wake-up call. Perhaps it is a call that has been overdue. The first step to any recovery is admitting the problem … there is no doubt that Welsh rugby is facing an existential crisis.
“If we are not prepared to change, the future of Welsh rugby and the Welsh Rugby Union is in danger. I can’t put it any more bluntly than that.
“We’ve accepted we need change and we want to get to that change programme as quickly as possible.
“We must now listen intently to what people from outside our organisation are telling us,” the 59-year-old added. “We care and are committed to equality, diversity and inclusion and we work hard in this space with dedicated resource and investment. But we need to do better. We need to do much better and we will.”
The situation is further complicated by the perilous situation the professional clubs find themselves in.
Cardiff, Dragons, Scarlets and Ospreys all endorsed a letter calling for Phillips to go despite a financial framework not yet having been signed off.
Former Dragons boss Bernard Jackman wrote in his column in the Irish Independent: “Three of the four Welsh professional teams are rumoured to be only months away from going into administration unless this deal is signed, and I admire their conviction to put their own interests aside to ensure Welsh rugby has better equality, diversity and inclusivity standards.”
Clearly there is much for the WRU to address and it begs the question whether the organisation can implement the change it needs without significant external input to support its transformation.
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