#you think the audience has it bad? THESE GUYS
overseer-picard · 2 days
You might assume my biggest gripe with "Star Trek: Insurrection" is the mediocre writing that led to the downfall of the 90's Trek empire (poor script led to bad audience reception which led to Paramount forcing outside writers/directors to take the reins on the next film which resulted in Nemesis)
but no
it's this shirt.
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It's something about the thick, heavily starched, car upholstery fabric mixed with the inhumanly strange neckline and gaping sleeves that get to me.
It almost looks okay at some angles, like when it's pulled back by a gun strap or a heavy leather jacket, thus making the neckline look slightly more normal.
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See? Not so bad here. Just some suspicious corners.
For whatever reason, Patrick Stewart decided to go from his regular level of buffness to wildly bulky buff at the prime athletic age of 58.
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On the left is a still from "Safe House", which was released the same year as "Insurrection". On the right, a BTS shot from the actual movie. As you can see, he has deltoids the size of ripe cantaloupes and bulging barbarian biceps.
Now, you'd THINK you'd want to accentuate these features, right? You'd have a slim fit shirt of thin material with tailored, tight sleeves. You'd want the quinquagenarian to look his most action-y in the big expensive action movie, right? But does this shirt do that??
In fact, this hunk of old couch actually makes PStew's arms, neck, and shoulders look smaller and out of proportion due to the baggy sleeves and bizarre neckline.
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With the high rear collar that curves down over the shoulders combined with the horizontal front, it looks downright chelonian. In a world where they could've made anything, they made my guy look like a turtle.
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Gives a whole new definition to "turtle neck"
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Look at that gaping maw of a sleeve and the dark abyss under the collar. They took this man's measurements, hand picked this fabric, and then hand sewed and tailored this. Everything here was a deliberate choice. What happened? Advanced macular degeneration? Drugs? Someone lied on their resume about being a tailor? Spite? All the above?
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Even here, with biceps fully deployed, the collar at the back of his neck is a safety hazard. It could snag on the warp core or an ODN conduit. Prisons make better fitting clothes.
Are there worse costuming atrocities committed in the franchise? Of course. But this was a big budget movie with lots of time and money to plan and the costume in question was for the lead actor.
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Even these modesty rags from "Chain of Command" fit better than that shirt.
Okay, now I'm done.
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clangenrising · 3 days
i think the hate comes from the fact she still does try to justify/excuse Razor, despite hearing from many cats how horrible he was to them. like we know he is an abuser and a rapist. she thinks it's bizarre/odd/whatever that his rape victim (Scorch) calls the idea of him being sweet and caring 'nightmarish'. brother or not, he is emotional, physical and sexual abuser, and she still seems to find it weird that cats dont… tolerate him in the slightest. that does rubs as rape/abuse apologism bc 'he was nice to ME and he is MY FAMILY, he would NEVER do something like that..' soo many irl families have sadly ('no way my son could had possibly violated someone. this bitch is clearly lying and trying to ruin our family' type of shit you know)
like yeah having to live for months with people (cats) who killed your family member celebrated it is harsh, i do give her that ofc. on top of her kitten crash and being more or less forced to tend them or else, and she is in no good shape to properly accept and internalize the Shadow Truth. but many people irl dealt with people like her, trying to bend over and backwards to justify their family members and friends, even after coming in contact with those who were deeply hurt by them.
That is a good point, I see where you're coming from. Clearly you've been very hurt by this kind of thing in the past and I hope nothing I've done made you feel more hurt.
I was just surprised because Mystique isn't like, for example, a parent who makes excuses for a son who has been accused of sexual assault and insists that he's totally innocent despite evidence to the contrary. She's a victim too, even if she was never physically or sexually assaulted by Razor. All of her denials aren't meant to hurt the victims or protect Razor, they're to protect herself from the terrifying reality of her situation. Does that make what she did right? No, and I don't think I've ever said that, but I do think it makes it less deplorable.
As well, its not like Scorch has told her "he assaulted me." Scorch is VERY private and so that stuff isn't public knowledge. I feel like there might be some projection on to her because of information the audience has that she doesn't. As far as killing Smokyrose, that was framed to the city cats as a casualty of war, not the murder of a peace negotiator, and to her is similar to if say, Razor were a cop who shot somebody. We obviously would find that terrible but from her conservative point of view that's just his job, to protect the city from dangerous cats with lethal force if necessary. When she got to the Clans that became more complicated for her and she's hasn't ever once claimed Razor was in the right to kill her.
What she did ask for was that the fight be solved peacefully. As far as she knows, the Clans are blowing Razor's actions out of proportion and jumping to killing him when there could have been a different solution. Like, imagine if you went to a village and everyone there was like "your brother is an evil murderer" and then failed to present you with any substantial evidence. Who would you want to believe, the strangers ready to kill him or your brother who has only ever been good to you and everyone you know (or at least, you've rationalized his behavior to believe that's the truth, lied to your self enough that you believe it)?
This isn't to trivialize what you went through or excuse real life cases of people who deny heinous acts. This is simply to say, I feel like anyone who hates Mystique isn't engaging with the entirety of the story I'm telling. I understand, though, that this could be because of a defensive reaction and I don't mean to put any blame on someone who might be feeling that way. This is a complicated topic and its possible for neither party to be the bad guy in this situation.
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fereldanwench · 16 hours
i'm still holding off final judgement until the gameplay today, but seeing some stills on twitter kind of helped me solidify what i found so off-putting about the style in the companion trailer
although before i post those, a few counter arguments because i'm already tired of ppl bashing the ppl who aren't vibing with it, and my head is clear enough to put these thoughts down:
"cinematic trailers rarely look like the actual game" - true to a point. however: 1) typically cinematic trailers strive to look like a higher definition version of the game, which seems to be the opposite here. in the case of DAO and DA2, i would say the cinematic trailers actually strived for more realism, not stylization, as that was the trend at the time. 2) this is a cinematic trailer, but it is also done in the game engine so it's not unreasonable to assume that the end product is gonna look somewhat similar 3) this was supposed to be their best foot forward so suddenly going "don't worry, it's gonna look better in-game" is just a bad marketing move. it's not on the audience to give this company the benefit of the doubt (particularly in light of all the shit that has gone down there in the past decade)
"not everything has to be super realistic!" - agreed! not liking elements of this particular style doesn't mean i'm opposed to stylization in DA at all. i think DA2 is much more stylized than DAO, and not only does it look nicer, it looks more distinctly dragon age. DAO visually is also very generic, especially for its time. i still love the almost painterly look of DA2, even all these years later
and i think DAI has issues with the character models, especially the uncanny valley disconnect between the really stiff animations and realistic faces (having played it within the past year, they've aged pretty roughly), but in terms of environment and armor and whatnot, it did build off the style presented in DA2 in a way that effectively modernized it for that era. it did go for a more realistic look, but it was cohesive and still distinctly dragon age
"people reacted like this to DA2 and DAI's trailers too" - no, they did not, lmao. DA2's trailers were the reverse--they looked more realistic than the actual game. now there was some backlash against the stylistic choice in the actual game. i remember david gaider talking about it in a panel at dragon con in 2012--apparently ppl were upset that the companions looked like they were made with cosplayers in mind, which i thought was an interesting criticism. but no, the trailers did not get this sort of response.
and DAI's trailers used a lot of in-game footage, and the cinematic ones were both pretty accurate to the game and well-received by the audience. DAI's marketing was also absolutely bonkers and nonstop for like 9 months before the game was released, which in hindsight i think was way too much, but in terms of visuals, we knew exactly what we were getting.
"you guys just think anything with a style to it looks like fortnite" - lmao, okay, yeah, describing it as fornite is probably unfair and inaccurate, but i know for me, i kind of use it as a shorthand to reflect my general dissatisfaction with the way so many 3D styles (in both games and movies) just have this bland, cartoonish look to them. the pixar-ification of everything. i just don't like it.
and the logo with the bright purple and overly smooth text doesn't really help here either. i think a less saturated and darker purple paired with a grungier font would also help in making this feel like less like fornite season 3458345: dragon age avengers.
plus it was originally gonna be a live service game and i think that it still has some of that dna artistically
these stills, which i think are also in-game engine but im not entirely sure if they're from cinematics, gameplay, or just renders but they seem to be in-line with the trailer:
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and seeing emmrich and to a lesser extent neve in these pics solidified why the stylization didn't work for me on a visual level (never mind it being paired with the light-hearted planning-for-a-silly-little-heist vibes)
so when i first saw the trailer, and i saw varric, i was like "nice"
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he looked like a higher definition, older version of a DA2/DAI hybrid of his model. he looked really good. i thought harding looked good, too. it did take me a minute to realize who she was, but it really wouldn't be a DA trailer if we weren't left wondering who tf a returning character was lmao (remember the confusion over alistair's appearance in one of the DAI trailers? this is actually tradition now)
but as the trailer goes on, the style doesn't even stay consistent--it just gets progressively more cartoonish right up to emmrich, which is the exact moment that made me go WHAT
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he looks like a cartoon character. the hard lines in his face, the stiffness of his hair, his overall proportions--he looks like he should be a villain in a pixar movie. like i'm digging his overall vibe and as a concept of a character design, i love it. but this execution of it next to fellow old wrinkled man varric looks so off
and then we go right into davrin who is beautifully rendered and designed--he doesn't look out of place next to varric or harding
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some characters have the soft, wispy hair while others have hair that looks like a hard shell with lines carve into it. some characters have finely detailed wrinkles while others have thick, cartoonish ones. some characters have realistic proportions while others have more exaggerated features.
stylization is only effective when it's purposeful and consistent, and from what i've seen so far, it's not. it's all over the place.
so there's my thesis about why i dont like the art direction in the trailer lmao
and like i've been saying since it dropped, i am reserving full judgment for the gameplay reveal, but based on the other stuff bioware has teased, i'm not expecting this aspect to change too much. i've seen other ppl who were on the fan council thing say the tone in the game is more in-line with the tone in the other games, so maybe that'll help smooth out this disconnect
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bluwavez · 1 day
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Let's review some of the most unforgettable moments from the Tax Writeoff era !
"And we're going to put our hands out to the side," Yoonah instructs, dawning a black facemask and simple black crop top and sweatpants combo. The boys behind her, in equally as comfortable clothing with the exception of Kiwoo who is dressed like he's about to hit the red carpet, follow her instructions.
"Cross your arms," Yoonah says, crossing her arms and watching the boys follow suit. "This is going to be tricky for you guys, but we're going to move our hips in a circle," Yoonah instructs slowly, demonstrating what she's teaching by moving her hips in a circle. The boys are more hesitant to follow her instructions this time, with the exception of Kiwoo and Woojin, who effortlessly move their hips like hers. "And shift your weight from leg to leg while moving in a circle. Watch and copy," Yoonah tells the room before demonstrating the move for the boys to copy.
Arguably, most of the boys are too stiff at first, especially Blue and Noah. Noah, more self-aware, cringes at himself and lets out an embarrassed yell when he and Finn make eye contact in the mirror. This makes the room burst into laughter; Yoonah covers her mouth to try not to laugh with them but fail miserably.
"This is...very different from what I'm used to!" Noah protests through laughter as Finn wraps his arms around his torso, Noah draping an arm around his shoulders. Jisung pats Noah's back, clearly smiling underneath his facemask.
"He doesn't use his hips often," Jisung jokes before Noah playfully elbows his leader in the ribs. Jisung yelps and doubles over in laughter, and the whole room laughs again.
˗ ˋ 🌊    CALL 2229 BEHIND !
"Can you try to hit the note higher?" Jinhwa says to Woojin as he stands in the recording booth. Woojin hums, nodding, taking a note on his lyric sheet in front of him. "And fix your posture. You're slouching and it makes you sound bad."
Woojin can't help snorting through his nose at the blunt critique, but he straightens his position anyway, rolling his shoulders back.
"Baby girl-"
"Higher," Jinhwa demands casually before Woojin can even finish the note. The idol looks up through the glass at his boss and then at the camera recording him, clearing his throat with an annoyed raise of her brows. He clears his throat, stands up straight again, and rolls his neck, this time with a sigh.
"Baby girl," Woojin sings in his highest register, swearing he could break glass with how high he was hitting the note. He looks unpleased, thinking the high tone on him is annoying but Jinhwa has always seemed to love how he and Kiwoo can hit high notes. Woojin looks like he smelt something bad, hands behind his back as he waits for his boss's approval or not.
Jinhwa has his chin in his hand, clearly thinking hard about what he just heard before nodding slowly.
"I like that. That was good."
Woojin sighs through his nose, looking back at the camera unamused.
With their music show trophy in hand, Jisung moves his body along to the beat of the song he’s heard a million times over now. He waves the trophy in the air proudly as the other members around him wave to the crowd, moving to the rythm as well. Jacob keeps looking off stage with a beaming smile on his face like he knows something the audience doesn’t.
“조명 꺼진 뒤의, 난 wander in the night,” Jisung sings, smooth voice coming out seamlessly as Woojin does the cheorography beside him with an excited smile on his face. “Don't know what is right, don't know 'bout my rights”
“시기심, 의심, 불신, 이젠 friends of me, yeah,” Kiwoo sings, looking less enthusiastic as the other members but that’s nothing new. Noah slings an arm around him to make him move more to the rythm, making Kiwoo smile slightly as he keeps singing without missing a note, waving cutely to the screaming fans in the crowd.
"세상에게 난 반쪽짜리 seraphim, yeah," Jacob finally breaks away from his gaze offstage to join Noah, getting lost in the rhythm and laughing as the two prance around the stage. Kiwoo glances backstage in slight annoyance, a clip that would later be used a reaction meme by sirens, before sauntering around the stage behind Woojin, clapping his hands mindlessly to the rhythm as the song starts to reach the chorus.
The seven boys harmonize seamlessly for the next part, all hitting the “Mmm, mmm-mmm, mmm” with their own flare but staying in tune with each other. Finn can’t stop himself from letting out a “That’s right,” after they hit that, one of many adlibs the youngest would throw around for this encore stage.
Woojin brushes his hair out of his face with a beaming smile as he lifts the mic to sing his part as he looks off stage. “I've been tryin' so long to show you, show you, show you,” Woojin sings, ushering someone on stage.
And it's none other than Han himself, sliding in with an unexpected grace that surprises even the DeepDive members. The crowd erupts into a whirlwind of cheers and gasps. Han flashes them his infamous crooked grin, waving a hand nonchalantly as he steps in beside Woojin, who's smiling like he just won another award.
"다친대도, 길을 걸어, kiss me," Han sings, his voice rougher than the others from lack of practice but still hitting the notes perfectly. He takes a spare mic from Noah and launches into the choreography like he's done it a million times before - which, to be fair, he has.
Underdive was a ten-episode reality show staring the boys of DeepDive, following their day to day activities.
Woojin and Kiwoo are declared in charge of making dinner for the whole group. The boys confess they don't know the first thing about cooking, but as Woojin says, "How hard can it be?" They embark on their quest in the kitchen, blissfully unaware of the chaos that is about to ensue.
"Okay, let's make... spaghetti!" Woojin suggests confidently, holding up a box of pasta. Kiwoo nods in agreement; boiling water and adding pasta seems simple enough. But their first challenge presents itself: setting the pot on fire.
"Noah left his cooking magazine in here," Kiwoo remarks, flipping through the glossy pages with interest. "Says here that adding a bit of oil to the boiling water prevents sticking."
"Great thinking!" Woojin chimes in, pouring a generous amount of oil into the pot. Unbeknownst to them, too much oil and high heat quickly lead to smoke wafting from the pot.
The other DeepDive boys watching on TV in the next room can only shake their heads in disbelief as they watch their friends fumble around the kitchen, creating more mess than meal.
Blue and Noah exchange knowing glances before bursting into laughter at the sight of Woojin grappling with a smoking pot while Kiwoo frantically searches for a lid. "Should we interfere?" Noah asks between laughs.
Blue shrugs his shoulders playfully. "Nah, let them learn." His words are drowned out by a sudden wailing sound - the fire alarm going off.
Back in the kitchen, Woojin and Kiwoo look up at the ceiling with wide eyes, completely taken aback by the sudden cacophonous ringing. "Uh... what do we do now?" Woojin yelps, trying to keep his voice over the wailing alarm. Kiwoo just gives him a blank look, shrugging as if to say, 'I have no idea.'
In the other room, the rest of the DeepDive boys are on their feet now, laughing so hard they can hardly catch their breaths. Jinhwa wipes a tear from his eye, shaking his head at the delightful chaos unfolding on-screen.
Meanwhile, back in the smoky kitchen, Woojin and Kiwoo are scrambling around to put out the mini fire that's started in their pot of pasta. Kiwoo grabs a nearby towel and tries to fan away the smoke while Woojin attempts to cover the pot with a lid. They're both laughing but also panicking a little bit.
"Maybe we should add water?" Woojin suggests tentatively. But before Kiwoo can respond, Woojin has already darted off to fetch a pitcher of water from the fridge. He returns moments later, pitching the water onto the flaming pot without thinking.
And then whoosh! The water causes the oil fire to flare up, reaching dangerously close to overhead cabinets.
Cursing under his breath, Woojin quickly backs away from the stove as Kiwoo screams into his Apron. The fire alarm continues its relentless wailing while smoke fills up the room. As they cough and wave away smoke with dish towels, they couldn't help but burst into fits of giddy laughter.
Back in front of the TV, Finn is practically doubled over with laughter while Jacob wipes tears from his eyes, both of them watching as Woojin and Kiwoo turn their cooking endeavor into a full-blown fire drill. Jisung, meanwhile, has pulled out his phone to record this priceless moment, bracing himself against the couch as he's nearly shaking with laughter.
"S-should we maybe...help them?" Noah finally manages to ask through his laughter, nodding towards the TV.
"This makes for great reality television. Give them a few minutes." Blue waves off his suggestion, still grinning at the chaotic scene unfolding onscreen.
Just when the kitchen fire seems about to turn into a full-fledged conflagration, Woojin spots the fire extinguisher by the door. In one swift motion, he grabs it and aims it at the flaming pot, pulling the trigger. A white cloud immediately engulfs everything in sight, reducing visibility to zero while Woojin and Kiwoo cough and laugh amidst the firefighting haze.
Meanwhile, in the living room, Blue chokes on his laughter, and Jisung claps his hands in amusement as they watch their bandmates’ efforts. They're practically rolling on the floor, their laughter echoing throughout DeepDive's apartment.
The smoke alarm finally stops wailing when Kiwoo manages to climb onto a chair and press a button on its base. The silence that follows is almost deafening after all that chaos. Woojin and Kiwoo stand frozen amidst the white foam covering the entire kitchen, gasping for air between their fits of laughter.
"Hi! Hello! It’s your favorite DeepDive member, Noah.” Noah waves to the camera with a smile. “I’ll be honest, I forgot to record for most of the day so I thought, to make up for it, I’ll give you all a tour of our hotel room. Let’s get it."
Noah gestures for the camera to follow him as he opens the door to their shared suite. The once perfectly clean hotel room now looks like a hurricane has hit it, with clothes scattered everywhere, half-eaten room service trays, and gaming equipment strewn about. Noah pretends to be shocked by the chaos as he dramatically surveys the scene.
On one side of the room, Woojin and Finn are locked in a heated battle over a video game console, their faces tight with concentration. The atmosphere between them crackles with competitive energy. Suddenly, Finn jumps up in victory and cheers as his character lands a winning blow. Woojin groans in defeat and sets down his controller while Finn performs a little victory dance around the room.
Jisung lounges on one of the beds, completely engrossed in a book while munching on a bag of chips. He glances up at Finn's silly antics and stifles a laugh, shooting a playful glare at Noah when he catches him recording. Meanwhile, Kiwoo aimlessly flips through channels on the TV, his expression revealing his boredom. Jacob and Blue are deep in conversation about something that Noah can't quite hear from where he stands in the doorway.
A mischievous grin spreads across Noah's face as he looks at the camera with a dumb closed mouth chuckle. He puts a finger to his lips to the camera before sneaking up behind Kiwoo, armed with a water spritzer. With precise aim, he squirts water into Kiwoo's ear, causing him to jump up and yelp in surprise. Kiwoo turns around to glare at Noah, who is doubled over in laughter.
"Noah!" Kiwoo exclaims, shaking his head and trying to swat at him. But Noah is already rushing away, pointing his camera towards Jisung, who is also laughing at Kiwoo's reaction.
As Blue and Jacob concentrate on solving the Rubik's Cube, Noah zooms in on their furrowed brows. He can't help but tease them about being deeply focused, causing Jacob to shoot him a glare while Blue remains unfazed by his interruption.
"If you can’t tell, some of us are using our brains for once,"Jacob grunts without breaking his concentration.
Noah responds with a playful wink towards the camera before scanning the scene around him.
"Let's check on our bookworm," he declares before padding over to Jisung who doesn't even spare him a glance. So absorbed is he in his literature that he doesn't notice Noah sneakily reaching out for his pack of chips.
In one swift move, Noah snatches the bag away from Jisung who finally looks up with an affronted gasp, "Hey!"
Noah chuckles as he backs away, casually snacking on the chips he swiped. He gives me a mischievous look and signs off with a playful declaration, "I’ll see y’all next time! Bye-bye!"
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lupins-hehim-pussy · 9 days
I wanna know ur Fontaine msq criticisms 👁️👁️👂I’m all ears
I'm not sure if you wanted me to talk about this secretly or publicly but! Here I go!
The TLDR: Fontaine MSQ aestheticised prison, poverty, child abuse, the justice system/court and didn't properly address any of it.
Focalors/Furina has way too much of a sympathetic angle for a dictator who's lets people drown with her inaction.
Neuvillette feels Bad for sentencing some people to death/prison, but that's it. He's one of the most powerful people in Fontaine. If he felt like there are systemic injustices, I.E sending an abused Child to prison, he should be the first person to DO something about it, not just cry and be sad so the audience can be like aw, that's complex character writing isn't it? No it's not! And guilt doesn't absolve you!!!!!!! (These are stuff we deal with in OTCOJ read my fic now /j)
Meropide has children in it, both Sentenced there (Wriothesley) and BORN THERE (Lanoire), and this is just a quirk of the place. Not only that, Meropide accepts prisoners of all genders and crimes. There are abusers and abuse victims in one place. Do you know how bad that is? How much potential for crimes to happen in a place like that— oh wait, Meropide isn't under Fontaine's jurisdiction. If you are assaulted as an inmate it literally means nothing to the court.
Wriothesley had no qualifications when he took over. Depending on how long he lived on the streets, how old he was when he killed his parents, how old he was when he was first taken in by the orphanage, etc, the man might never have more than 4–5 years of formal education. Sigewinne probably had to teach him how to write reports. And do Meropide's spreadsheets. Edit because I forgot to elaborate on this one: This isn't a point brought up anywhere, which is bad, because when poverty and incarceration robs you of a proper education (and the rights to vote in many places too, too, by the way), it reduces your prospects for jobs, reduces many people's ability to get a home etc etc. Wriothesley was just, narratively, Given his position.
Meropide is an industrialized prison, and they portray this as a good thing. Prisoners are paid in coupons for their labour, and this is also portrayed as a good thing.
The One-Meal-A-Day reform was something Paimon gushed about being so great of a perk, that people might want to go to jail for food (could be interesting and reflective of systemic poverty if MHY had brains, but they don't, so I was just Pissed because essentially all Paimon wanted to say was "Prison isn't so bad, but still don't go to prison guys! Prison labour is really hard!"). By the way, in most real-world prisons they are obligated to feed you three meals a day. Because that's how much food a human needs. MHY went with one meal just so they can say "if you want to eat more, you have to work." And then the welfare meal is a goddamn gacha. So imagine you're a starving child who's too weak to work in the fucking robot assembly line, and you wander up for your first meal in 24 hours, only to luck in with a shit one. I'd kill myself.
They wrote Wriothesley, who's a victim of the system, into a guy who's say shit like "I'm the Duke I can do whatever I want" for a cool moment where he choke-slams an inmate (I know he was a bad guy. But also, in copaganda when cops are violent/disregarding protocols, they are always only portrayed to do that against bad guys, so what does our critical thinking tells us about this one?) They wrote Wriothesley, who was an inmate of a prison so bad, so notorious that it is the literal boogeyman of Fontaine, that has a legal (???) fighting pit, with an administrator who abuses his position to be unreasonable, to willingly stay in the place and become an Administrator who would choke-slam an inmate while saying a cool line about how he has the power to do whatever he wants. They wrote him, the guy who had to be fed on the streets by melusines, to think one-meal-a-day was a good enough reform (while he spends god-knows how much on his boat). This wasn't a victim-turns-into-abuser narrative either, they want all this to be seen as positive character growth.
And then, the final kicker is, they gloss over his entire abuse. You can only read about these shit in his profile, which most people don't because they don't Have Him or doesn't care to unlock it/read it online, and they jammed his entire backstory into a flaccid info-dump at the end of his character story quest. This man isn't Allowed to feel abused and neglected and show any reaction to it within the narrative of Fontaine itself, because if they actually Gave Weight to what happened to him, they'd have to confront THE FUCKING JUSTICE SYSTEM they had NO PLANS on criticising. I don't think they ever explicitly said the fucking Crime-Theatre nonsense was Bad either.
I could go on, but this is already so long. But yeah, I hope this gave you an idea.
#and then. and im putting my most controversial opinion in the tags bc im scared lmao. but like... then... you have the fans..... doing......#the same fucking thing.#the amount of times I have seen Wriothesley used as just a side prop for Neuvillette to feel bad about shit. While Wriothesley is just.....#portrayed as having the inner peace and acceptance of a fucking monk. I was shocked when I read some fics I swear#they really said this man has no trauma at all! the stuff in his past? he's over it!#i hate that passivity when writing victims. like ok if One is written like that#sure. but MHY write all their victims like this#I mean look at fucking Lanoire#and Neuvillette sentenced him to prison after he killed his parents who were never confronted by the law. That's canon.#that's more canon than WRLT itself.#why weren't they confronted? did wriothesley try to talk to someone about it? why did he feel like killing them is his only option ?????#at least have there be some sort of conflict and friction there. How does Wriothesley feel about the court and Neuvillette when#this is the literal system that allowed all that shit to happen to him in the first place???#are you Sure he won't be at least a little wary? the fact that some people think he's Grateful to Neuvillette or even idolises him is crazy#because the man literally subjected him to prison. and if you want to portray his prison life as easy breezy and trauma free#you undermine his entire shitty little 'prison reform' narrative#and if you think he'd be completely 100% accepting of the justice system. Then why the fuck would he kill his parents himself#don't you see that the whole 'I'll accept whatever sentence in order to kill my parents' thing in itself is an act of defying the system#and I Hate#this idea. about being some of the most powerful men in the nation. and yet they can't fucking TRY to set up a better system or smth#i can't believe I read a fic where leaving starving street kids croissants is the most they (the characters and the writer) want to do#like. what the fuck. the whole point of that scene is just to make neuvillette feel bad and be like aw......... poor people exist.... OK???#this is literally how MHY would portray him though.... tbf..... This is what ppl would argue as 'in character'#I just think the character they're in is bad.#I will say I'm giving the fic a lot of grief. there's more to the scene than that. and. ultimately.....#fanfic is (saying this through gritted teeth) ........ recreational....................and free........... in the end.................#i dont think this is reflective of the writer. I do think it is reflective of the way the canon material (genshin impact)#presents in the audience who consumes it. most fans only want these guys to fuck anyway. not think about systemic injustices#canon doesn't make it about the systemic injustices either so why should we. the aesthetic of slums and prisons are just there for fun guys#IM JUST CRAZY OK. I SHOULDNT EVEN BE HERE THIS IS NOT FOR ME . I DONT CARE THAT MUCH FOR PEOPLE FUCKING AND I CARE TOO MUCH
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maddy-ferguson · 9 months
when people who like seasons 1 and 2 better explain why it was better they always lose me when they say "the characters were what mattered the most the supernatural plot was basically not that important it was ALL about the characters" like...that's just what YOU were more interested in not what was happening in the show? like wdym the supernatural plotline wasn't that important in seasons 1 and 2. saying that it was more balanced or more subtle i get but saying that the supernatural plot wasn't THAT important and that it's not what made anyone love the show is a blatant lie
#and like i say: brf slt#and i've seen people say this many times on many occasions i'm not even exaggerating. or making anything up#and i've been saying this for. a year and a half. minus two months. when volume 1 came out someone tweeted 'what the duffers fail to#understand is that no one watches st because they care about the russians or whatever. people watch st to see a ragtag group of kids be#nice to each other! to see a lesbian and a man with nice hair be friends!' and i said i agree with this at like 60% the 60% being ofc that#i hate the russia stuff we know this. but like. as much as i like the relationships between the characters if there's no life-threatening#things going on for more than a few dozen minutes...then i don't really care like that would be another show. (this has been a constant#i was not as into the show or the characters as i am now when i said that like volume 1 was my first time watching the show#since 2019. and it's a constant because it's still true) like that's literally what fanfic is for. or other shows.#and plenty of people watch stranger things for the russians or whatever i was actually surprised when people were ranking the subplots i#saw quite a lot of people put russia in their top 2 i was stunned. it was mostly older people older people meaning anyone who was 22 in#the past. i'm kidding but like idk people who were like 40+ and also guys? idk. like there's actually an audience for that my bad you guys#(not my bad i will always be a russia in st anti. because i hate it.)#my point is. no that was actually it. i just don't get it wdym people don't like the STORY plenty of people do. in the fandom especially i#totally get focusing more on the characters and being more interested in that i literally never talk about the supernatural plot and i#really like the characters yk and i understand when people say that they enjoyed the distribution between character things and supernatural#plot things in s1-2 more but saying that the supernatural stuff was like an afterthought and that no one actually cares or cared ever and#that it was never important is? like i get where they're coming from but also...no#and i get doing the 'if you don't take it as literally the monsters and supernatural plot things mean this and that for real life and for#the characters' i think it's very fun but like. if you don't like the genre and ignored it for the characters...?that's not really on them#i worded this like my joyce and bob post from july i hope you like it. the first sentence only#wait i actually didn't. just realized. false advertising sorry#saying this as someone who likes seasons 1 and 2 better too that goes without saying
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episodeoftv · 8 months
I was feeling impatient so I decided to end the first poll early since these two were pretty far in the lead
Edit: consider what you would submit‚ what you’d vote for‚ stuff like that
Also note that this is only one day long SPEEDROUND
After I get the results of this‚ I’ll probably post a submissions form within the day.
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5-7-9 · 2 months
is it just me that thinks Dick Grayson would be like that archer pole dancer dude
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moxymaxing · 9 months
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dead mom gang rise up
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bylertruther · 11 months
sometimes. people on here will say things where i know if i point-blank asked them "hey, do you like butches, femmes, and people that do not 'look' or 'act' queer?" they'll of course say yes duh. and i know if i asked them, "cool. do you think that an androgynous person or 'very gender nonconforming' (for lack of better phrasing) is more queer than someone that isn't?" they'll say no of course not.
but then you read the things they've said about how queer people present themselves, how they "should" present themselves once they've reached a fully realized state, and how it relates to gender and relationships and its like Hmmmmmmmmmm. i don't think you do like any of those three groups i mentioned actually if that's how you really feel on those issues lmao.
it's the same school of thought behind the perplexingly popular idea that because noah wears athleisure, he couldn't possibly be gay (before he came out, this was the common sentiment; and even now, people act like finn is more queer than noah, just because he "looks and acts" like it according to them). this idea that you have to look and act a certain way to be Actually Queer or Queer Enough, and if you don't, then that's because you've fallen victim to conforming or you just aren't as comfortable with your identity. (what? as if there's a single queer identity to begin with?)
that if you're a queer guy and you behave or look masculine, then you just haven't come out of your shell and accepted yourself or experimented enough. that if you're a queer woman and you're feminine, then the same applies, or you're not as queer as a butch woman, who does exhibit gender nonconformity, for example. and if you're butch or femme (+ other equivalents), or in a relationship with your counterpart, then you're perpetuating heteronormativity, as if that's even possible, and we all know that's so very, awfully, terribly Bad, you're a stain on the community, and you have issues you need to work out.
people don't have to look or act in a particular way to be acceptably queer enough. we don't all gravitate towards certain expressions of gender nonconformity or androgyny just because we're queer, and a failure to do that doesn't suggest that we're uncomfortable with ourselves and our identity. you can continue to be yourself as you were even after realizing you're queer. that's not impossible or a bad thing.
femmes and gay men that are masculine in any capacity are not traitors, confused, or less gay. some people are the way that they are, regardless of their sexuality. we don't all morph into the same person when we realize we're queer. that shouldn't be a difficult concept to understand? that's literally just... being a human and treating queer people as such.
those evil gay people who are in "masc/fem" relationships aren't perpetuating heteronormativity either. just because they exist outside of your realm of understanding, or have the kind of relationship that you wouldn't personally want for yourself, that doesn't mean that they aren't members of your community—which is the queer community, in case you forgot—and don't deserve respect, too.
like. it's just so demoralizing lmao. what's so hard to understand about accepting that people are all different and that just because we may belong to the same community, that doesn't mean that we are all the same and must fall in line? it's so tone-deaf, insulting, and just plain unrealistic. you may not mean it that way, but it is. that rhetoric just is.
feminine gay women exist. masculine gay men exist. sometimes they may experiment with their gender expression once realizing this, but they don't always and they don't have to to be considered queer. butch/fem relationships and other similar relationships are not imitations of heterosexuality, because they're fucking gay, and they do not adhere to traditional heterosexual roles, because, again, they're fucking gay.
your experiences and beliefs are not universal. gay people are not clones of each other. stop invalidating or speaking down on other queer people just because you can't relate to them personally. i know some people don't mean to insinuate these things, but you do. you are. constantly. and the people that fall in those categories you've deemed unacceptable and other, see it.
it's so... exhausting to face that in this space, which is supposed to be a respite from the physical world where that happens, too. and those actions, those beliefs that people share, they also bleed into the physical world and how you interact with other people in your community. it's not just little words that you write and have no meaning. it doesn't start and end with a fictional character. the things that you say matter and sometimes they're very troubling.
people who have been in those "fem/masc" relationships, or that identify with any kind of similar label, have not lived a life that's an imitation of heterosexuality, nor are they any less queer than you just because you haven't been in/participate in relationships like that.
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sciderman · 1 year
i do wish we had aspects of 2013-2014 of anon/ask blog relations, also hi around that fun time of civil war with the boys i started an ask blog myself because you said something like "an ask blog is an easy/fun way to improve your art" and showed examples and it inspired me, anyway i still kinda wanna make an ask blog and thats still because of you <3
the ask blog economy is in shambles... SHAMBLES... now is not an advisable time to invest (but god... god i wish they’d come back... it’s so lonely out here...)
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Hilarious that The Guardian published this and then like a week later the film was on the verge of completely dropping out of Netflix's top ten and it's audience score on RT sunk to 59%.
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apotelesmaa · 8 months
I’m starting to think fans of those vivzie pop shows genuinely believe they are oppressed for watching the gen z liberal equivalent of family guy. No offense family guy.
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madlichen · 2 years
i wish my autism beam was real and i could shoot people with it and also give them autism too so everyone could be autism because when everyones autism no one is
#syndromes not evil the bad guy is society and mental health is so much more than keeping the crazies off the streets#i wish i could change society and be a queer little mouseboy who likes science#but no cannot have nice things society will make you the villain for trying to change it why are the villains always smart in movies#because they recognize the pain and suffering in the world thats why they see it and they actually do something about it#but that makes them evil thats why theyre the villain because they want change and change is bad#the us government is actively stopping me from changing the world for the better one person one autism beam at a time#birds arent real theyre government drones beaming 5g mind control waves into our synapses and i sciencedude have a solution#global havannah syndrome must be stopped we must the villain murderous scum hiding out in bushes from eating our babies#just so long as we only protect the unborn babies and not the children because the dead are more important than the living#enslave the middle class to the monopolies bring about the oligarchy bleed out on our machines to raise efficiency and bring costs down#in this essay i will explain why the coming downfall of society has everything to do with how we treat others#thiS IS THE POLICE OPEN UP THERE HE IS GET HIM wait no you got the wrong guy NO THE FBI NEVER MAKES MISTAKES I AM THE LAW#breaking news a man by the name of science dude has been arrested for reasons not even the fbi is willing to share#NO PLEASE IM INNOCENT HELP ME#wow they must have done something really bad if the police are arresting them lets influence our audience to think theyre bad as well#breaking news someone got cancelled its a crying shame this cancel culture business tune in next time to the only source of truth on tv#i want to live i want to live i want to live i want to live i want to live i want to live i want to live i want to live i want to live i w-#liiiiiiiiiiiiivvvvvvvveeeeeeeee#its a cold place and they say it gets colder#your bundled up now wait til you get older#but the media men beg to differ#judging by the hole in the satellite picture#the ice we skate is getting pretty thin#the waters getting warm so you might as well swim#my worlds on fire how bout yours#thats the way i like it and i never get bored#well the years start comin and they dont stop comin and they dont stop comin and they dont stop comin and they dont stop comin#im crawing in my skin these wounds they will not heal#janine janine youd like to know me well but there are things inside my head that even i cant face#these and other song when you tune in and enter to win 0% apr for the first twenty months no money down offer lasts until 10 years ago
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maddy-ferguson · 11 months
rewatching season three i can see why people aged 14 to 17 think they're the target audience for the show they did not write this for adult humans to enjoy
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capricornsicle · 2 years
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5x04 "Condition Terminal" + Cody Christian's acting skills
#love cody christian's acting in this he really does the puppy dog eyes and the 'how can i ruin your life today' in the same 5 minutes#good episode overall#really setting up the basis for The Fight between sciles later#also I think cody christian is the only person who's ever mastered the evil laugh#when he laughs in donovan's face it genuinely feels like this is a very dangerous person laugh instead of the classic muahaha#pisses me off when ppl say scott was wrong for not believing stiles tho when this is how everyone else sees theo vs. what we know about him#no one knows about this scene or theo taking a hammer to his fake? parents#even all stiles has seen of theo for a long time after this is theo being a good guy (and doing a good job pretending)#like if we the audience could not see him doing all his evil things (they were worth it bc good scenes)#we would also think stiles was being overly paranoid#some of you have never heard of dramatic irony and it shows#the point of the season is that it is still paranoia even if they're out to get you#like. tracy's nightmares. lydia's visions. stiles w/ theo. the chimeras everywhere. your fear is independent of the actual situation#this is a setup season for 6b which capitalizes on the idea of adding flame to the fire when the fire is fear#fear of BOTH ppl around you being hurt and them hurting other people btw#I think some fans just have a very weak memory of what happened in s4-6b and supplement with the same scott bad propaganda#teen wolf#twedit#teen wolf gifs#my gifs#theo raeken#cody christian#teen wolf season 5
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