#you might not like it but this is what peak male performance looks like
sciderman · 21 days
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reejindeed · 1 year
The way you draw droopy long eyelashed eyes is absolutely delicious its delectable and scrumptious i am in love with the way you draw eyes and hands keep making tired eyed finger-men thank you
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ambrosethedarling · 5 months
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You might not like it, but this is what peak male performance looks like
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idesofrevolution · 1 year
Never Enough
I wanted so badly to be like him. I’d stare at him from afar every day I commuted home from work. He was tall, he was stacked, he was dark, he was fuckin perfect. Each time I saw those arms, twice the size of my head, I had to stifle til the little moan I knew would escape my lips. I didn’t know his name, I didn’t know anything about him except he must have lived nearby, since he was jogging nearly every day down the main strip. No shirt, beadlets of sweat glistening on that ebony skin, trailing down a set of washboard abs into a soaked pair of black shorts.
He was everything I knew I could never be. Surely a couple roid rages helped him along the way, but there’s something to be said about genetics. He had the genes I wouldn’t ever have. So I would sit there like creepy voyeurist every day and drool over this sweaty lug of a man I’d never met but so heavily admired.
I couldn’t tell you what the catalyst was for my google search that day. Maybe it was the fact I was bored out of my mind at work, or maybe that angst just kept compiling subconsciously until I finally did something about it. Either way, I found myself seeing what could be done about the way I looked, about who I was. A few pages down the line, well past 20 or so, I saw one result which piqued my curiosity.
“MelaSculpt” was the product. The little snippet of description on the search page described a fitness supplement for black men. I didn’t really think as I clicked the page that I would find anything of use to myself. After all, a black man I am not- but male is male right? And health supplements aren’t discriminative to my knowledge. The page for some company named VitaCorp opened quickly, and the page did take me back a bit. A studly mocha skinned man smirked back at me, flexing his vascular biceps while shoving a small orange pill into the foreground.
“MelaSculpt is the newest addition to VitaCorp’s growing list of nutritional supplements, which is aimed at improving the wellness and physique of men of color. Specially balanced for peak performance and quick results, this supplement will help YOU get the body of your dreams.” I scrolled past the ingredients list and disclaimers, much more interested in seeing the before and after photos of previous clients. The results were staggering. One man was easily 300 pounds overweight in his before picture, and after one treatment he was cut, lean, and healthy. Another was the opposite: gangly and paper thin before, ripped and bulked after. I kept swiping the pictures, before realizing the gallery was almost 200 photos. Before I could stop myself I had already purchased the bottle.
The rest of the day went by as normal, the draining, soul sucking grind of a day working had made me forget entirely that I had bought the supplements. So imagine my surprise upon arriving home when I saw a nondescript black package in my mailbox with a bright orange VitaCorp logo on it. It wasn’t possible! I looked, the company was out of Australia, I wasn’t even close. Unless they had a fulfillment center here in town, this couldn’t be it. Though, sure enough, as I ripped the plastic open, the matte black bottle rolled out into the palm of my hand.
I booked it inside, immediately rushing to my bathroom to examine the contents further. The futuristic font glistened the MelaSculpt name, teasing me as I ripped the plastic ring off the cap and twisted it open. The inside was full of cotton, and after pulling out what seemed like an inordinate amount of it, I saw two large orange pills in the bottom of the bottle. For a moment I was beyond pissed. What kind of rip off scheme did I buy into this time? I grabbed the package, shaking it upside down, hoping for a set of written instructions or a receipt. Luckily, a small card labeled “USER GUIDE” toppled onto the cold tile floor. I picked it up and began to read.
“Thank you for your purchase! We sincerely hope your experience with MelaSculpt enhances your life in every way you might hope. To begin your journey, take a test amount of a 1/4 pill to ascertain tolerance. Do not exceed 2 pills per person in totality.
WARNING: MelaSculpt is designed for use in men of color only. Side effects may include…”
I tossed the card aside, eager to get started. The orange pill glistened in my palm, presegmented into four doses. I broke off the first portion and swallowed it, washing it down with water from the tap. I stood a front the mirror, preparing myself to say goodbye to this corporeal prison and hello to a hunky Adonis like the jogger. It didn’t take long.
It had been merely second before I doubled over. I could hear the bubbling and groaning of my stomach, feeling it gurgle and pulsate. Immediately, I was convinced I was poisoned. Some random website I had found on Google supplied me Arsenic or Ricin… and I was dumb enough to take it. The first burp escaped my mouth, and I could feel instant relief. I stumbled into the bedroom, leaning on the dresser before actually looking down at my midriff. Beneath my shirt, which once was ill fitting and awkward, my stomach seemed to strain against the fabric. I ripped the shirt from my torso, buttons flying off it.
Beneath that cheap polyester were six little bumps vaguely protruding from my former gut. Another belch, and my swollen love handles seemed to collapse in on themselves. I was shocked, no, thrilled to see my waistline shift and bulk as two cumgutters started to balloon out. That was all fine and good, until my head began to spin. Yet another belch. I grasped onto the dresser, trying desperately to balance myself. But just as the world began to warp and blur, I thought I saw the slightest pinpricks of dark skin begin to cascade down my fingertips before it all went black.
I woke up on the ground. My head throbbed with a migraine straight from hell, rubbing my pulsating temples. Light streamed through the blinds, it was the next day for certain. As my throbbing eyes finally began to adjust, the world around me became clearer. Immediately, I saw them. Toes. My toes. BLACK toes. I wriggled my big toe, just to make sure they were in fact mine, before looking down at my hands. They were a dark ebony, tattoos sprinkled on my wrists and up my thick forearms. I scrambled to my feet and looked in the mirror.
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What met my gaze were two meaty pecs, cobblestone abs, arms the size of a cantaloupe… a snaking bulge creeping further and further down my shorts. I hadn’t even looked at my face, I was too scared to look. No, scared wasn’t the right word, it was the mounting anticipation of just who I now was. I looked up, and my breath was taken away. My hair was a wild jumble of black curly locks radiating out into an afro. My chiseled jawline had a light stubble, the only two places on my entire body where I had hair. Every single inch of this sculpted, godlike body was smooth, chiseled, and powerful.
Taking a breath, the light scent of sweat emanated from my pits and feet. Just one whiff gave me a head rush as if I’d taken a hit of poppers. I panicked in the moment, refusing to believe this was who I now was. I pulled and prodded my face as if I were wearing a mask, but alas, this was my face. This was real. And a devilish smirk crept onto my face.
That was seven months ago. Truthfully, I’d adjusted pretty naturally into being Jabari. After a day or two of no showing at work, when the boss called the apartment I just explained I was the new tenant. I have no idea what happened to the guy before me. I was Jabari Jefferson, I’d just moved to town from Baltimore and was looking for a gig in personal training. The landlord just kinda accepted I was the new tenant, as long as the rent was paid she didn’t really care.
I started to get more comfortable going out in my new body, appreciating the winks and stares of those who passed. That kind of admiration changes a guy, you start to kind of believe it. I found my own new style, I found a gym to work at down the street from the house. I hit up the bars and happily took home any sexy adult I could find. They couldn’t get enough of that subtle, salty funk which seemed to linger around me; that testosterone laden musk which, admittedly got me and my 9 inch cock off after nearly every session on the basketball court. I made a name for myself around the neighborhood for being “that guy.” The one everyone wanted to be, the guy I always dreamed I’d become. That however, leads us to todays events.
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The sun was beaming down on me, as I contently shot some hoops before I hit up my date at a bar down the street. The energy I felt every single day. It was so strong and powerful. That virility, that libido, that strength… it was addictive. I plopped down onto the bench, prying my size 13 LeBron 19’s from my damp, socked foot. Taking a not so guilty whiff of that sharp, satisfying scent of a damn good game, just as I did after every hoop sesh. I tossed the sneakers into the bag and pulled out my slides, only for something to roll right out of the bag as I did.
I looked down at my wet feet on the pavement to see the black bottle of MelaSculpt had fallen out of my bag. Truthfully, I’d forgotten where I put it months ago: out of sight, out of mind. But as I looked down at it, that little nagging voice in the back of my head began to pick at me. Those feelings I felt that day, that euphoric rush. The power of my flexing muscles, the taste of my sweat, the touch of my skin… it all came back to me at once.
I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. That sensation, that lust for power and strength more than ever before is as enticing as it sounds even now. I opened my eyes, and delicately grabbed the bottle. The pill and 3/4 rattled around the bottom of the black container, teasing me even further. I looked down at my glistening muscles, slick with sweat, and imagined just how much more I wanted. It wasn’t enough to be sexy and strong, I had to be the strongest. I had to be the one.
In that moment of irrevocable weakness, I twisted the cap off and swallowed the remainder of the pill I’d used the first time. I didn’t remember the instructions, I didn’t remember the warnings, I remembered that feeling. It was the only thing in my mind as a triple dose made its way down my throat. Just as the first time, I doubled over on the bench, my stomach rumbling audibly to even passersby. I groaned and let out a cacophonous belch, one that even surprised myself. My chest ballooned out almost comically as a cartoon. Veins bulged prominently out of my thinning skin as my necklace burst from the base of my throat, too fragile for the force of my widening neck.
I scampered and stumbled blindly into the locker room, fortunately empty at the time. I let out another cavernous burp, which echoed throughout the room. My thighs bubbled outward in grotesque disproportion to the rest of my musculature. I crawled on the floor toward a shower stall, making it in before just as the time before the world began to spin. I got one final glimpse of my biceps contort and spasm before it all went dark.
I awoke in that shower stall in agony. Every muscle felt stiff and stone like in the cramped stall. I couldn’t even fit my entire body in the stall, my feet stuck out from beneath the door. The smell, it was strong. I enjoyed that savory, delectable scent of masculine musk before, but this was different. The only word I could describe it with is pungent. Like high quality Gorgonzola, and it was pouring out of every crevice of my body. I pushed the stall door open, which nearly came off from the force of my strength.
Getting to my feet, I crept slowly toward the sink, feeling every contraction of every muscle, thinly veiled behind my hairless skin. I got to the mirror. I had tripled in size. Muscles bulged from every direction, built far past the natural threshold I even knew existed. My dreads had all but fallen off, leaving a buzzed hair which exposed veins protruding from even my own scalp. I could feel my heart pumping every single beat, and the blood flowing across my entire body. The power was incomprehensible, it was incredible. It was… far too much for me. I scrambled back to my bag, tossing my favorite sneakers across the room, never to fit my rank size 17 feet ever again.
The bottle seemed tiny in my massive hand, I strained to see the instructions printed on the card I’d left inside. The only thing I could make out was the final words at the bottom of the paper: “Effects permanent. Use with caution.” My heart skipped a beat, I looked at myself in the mirror, a roid-inflated version of the Jabari I had built, nurtured, valued, loved… this wasn’t me. It felt wrong. I looked down at my phone desperately trying to look up the VitaCorp webpage to no avail. I screamed and punched the wall, my fist going straight through the tile and plaster.
My breathing labored, heavy, and hard, I looked down at the bottle again, chucking it into the bin. I looked at myself in the mirror, accepting there in that moment that Jabari was gone. This walking muscle was who I now was. I now had to concoct an entirely new persona yet again. But the only thing I could think of, was how much I wanted what I had lost.
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caliboron · 12 days
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this is the ideal male body. you might not like it but this is what peak performance looks like
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questionable-chnt-hc · 3 months
Matthew is kinda like the unknowable object. He’s like this tall shadow figure but no one can tell what colour he is, he’s just constantly shifting. So you sort of feel like you’re having a stroke whenever you look at him.
This is the ideal male body. You might not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like
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By: LGBT Courage Coalition/Eva Kurilova
Published: Aug 29, 2023
As a participant in the gender debate over the past several years, something that has stuck out to me is the desire for truth and the palatable relief when it is admitted. Simply put, people like it when trans people are honest about their biological sex instead of claiming to be the opposite sex in a literal sense.
More and more people are starting to think that the transgender movement has gone too far. But what do they mean by that? By and large, most people wouldn’t say it has gone too far in securing actual rights like housing, education, and employment. Yes, there are actual bigots out there who want to push people who don’t fit the norm to the margins but, for the most part, people like to think they have a “live and let live” attitude. This attitude is tested, however, when activists push them to accept lies.
This is why I prefer to frame the problem in terms of gender ideology which, if I had to define succinctly, I would say is the idea that biological sex either isn’t real or that male and female sex differences don’t actually matter.
The problem is that these are lies, and these lies have led to what people view as the excesses of the trans movement, namely violent male rapists in women’s prisons, men in women’s sports, and the transitioning of children.
Many people describe their “peak trans” moment (the moment they simply had enough of gender ideology) as a time when they were forced to accept an obvious lie. Some common examples include asking us to believe that a man’s human rights had been violated because female estheticians would not perform services offered for women on his male genitals or that it was fair for “Lia” Thomas to compete in swimming against women and win while barely kicking.
The flip side of this is how relieved people are when they see a trans-identified person who acknowledges their sex and doesn’t ask others to lie. I am lucky enough to know many such people, including my good friend Lois Cardinal. No, I am not trying to say such people receive universal acceptance and praise, but many, myself included, who would be considered “TERFs” or “transphobic” have no personal issues with them. It is refreshing to see people who don’t want or need everyone else to lie, and it makes it feel like dialogue is possible.
Does this mean we always see eye-to-eye? Of course not. I am also not naïve enough to believe truth and honesty will solve all of the problems of the gender wars. For example, some trans-identified men might admit that they are biologically male but still believe they should use women’s spaces because they pass. Obviously, this does not go over well with many gender critical factions. Problems and arguments remain.
But this is the way the world goes. People are going to butt heads over issues in all areas of life, and we are going to have to debate those issues and come up with rules and boundaries around them. But we can’t even have the discussion if we don’t start from a place of truth.
When gender ideology demands that people accept lies, it becomes authoritarian, and people don’t like to be controlled. Many are happy to get on board with the idea that some individuals prefer to look like the opposite sex and consider it no business of theirs. People generally want to worry about their own lives. But it becomes their business when they are asked to take part in a lie, and people will act when push comes to shove, especially when it involves children.
It heartens me that despite the fair share of these little authoritarians out there, not everyone is willing to paint all trans people with the same brush. Maybe I am naïve and a bit too much of an optimist, but even some of the staunchest gender ideology critics I know are willing to see trans people as individuals as long as they are not being asked to lie or to accept a lie.
There is a backlash brewing because of all the lies that have been pushed up to this point, and the only way to stop it from crashing back way too far in the opposite direction is to have a message grounded in truth and reality.
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pridewhatpride · 2 years
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You might not like it, but this is what peak male performance looks like.
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glitterarygetsit · 2 months
Further 911 observations, about halfway through s4:
- hello everyone who followed me because of my post at from the start of s3. you are all very lovely and the number of times that post has been tagged with “you’ve got a big storm coming” strikes fear into my heart
- i like that you call it the weewoo show, that’s adorable
- with most shows only a week or two passes in-universe between episodes at most, but 911 will timeskip from one trauma to another one months later so you don’t have to waste time on any of that “healing” and “having a normal time” nonsense. excellent choice, no notes.
- shoutout to the little kid playing christopher because he’s genuinely great
- sad dad bobby has captivated me. i am very biased because six feet under was deeply formative for me, but i love how he looks like the dullest man alive but is actually deeply weird. stress baking. hall monitor vibes while lying to conceal his secret past. guilt-ridden and making dark jokes to his priest. SO damaged. no. 1 wife guy to athena. former child figure skating champion. i love him.
- you know what? shannon did nothing wrong. past eddie sucks and left her literally holding the baby with next to no support. justice4shannon.
- i don’t think these people should all be going to the same therapist, but okay
- chim and maddie!! chim and maddieeeee!! god i love that maddie just locked onto chim like a short king-seeking missile. they are extremely hashtag goals.
- also really appreciate that buck didn’t no homo at josh suggesting that maddie might be trying to set them up (“if he didn’t know better” c’mon josh you were hoping. unfortunately you’re like three seasons too early.) he’s very good at being bi but not knowing it yet :)
- eddie was SO desperate to get in that hole. makes you think.
- the guy playing buck is SO good at looking devastated. men, what’s stopping you from looking like this? *holds up a picture of buck clawing at the sodden ground with his bare hands while out of his mind with grief and panic*
- feeling v smug because i guessed the buckley family secret like an episode and a half before the reveal with only the hint “everyone knows except for him”
- samba schutte!?!
- to reiterate: *holds up a picture of evan buckley in emotional agony* you may not like it but is what peak male performance looks like
- top five dangers of being a firefighter ranked in descending order: 5) fire, 4) hostage situations, 3) Getting Crushed By Stuff, 2) tsunamis and other water-based peril, 1) repressed homosexuality
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memes-in-a-half-shell · 11 months
Villain AU - Deadlock, Part 7
Part 1 || Part 2 || Part 3 || Part 4 || Part 5 || Part 6 ||
I wanted to write more but I gotta STAHP
I'll maybe have some fluff in the next chapter honohnohnonhonohnohnohnonohnohnonhonhonohnohnohnonhnonohnonh ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
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The clock was ticking. With every rooftops skipped, Donnie knew that he was getting farther away from where he was actually supposed to be. At least 15 minutes ago. This night patrol was leading to nothing and his brothers only wanted to scan around the area for any troublemakers. It was a waste of time, a waste of energy, a waste of purpose. As they finally stopped on top of a building, overlooking a busy street, the tall terrapin took his chance for an escape...
"Guys, I really need to head back."
The three other turtles turned around to face the other.
"... Why? Need a bathroom break?" started Mikey.
Donnie frowned: "What? No! I have some code back home that I had left to compile. And since this patrol is fruitless right now, I'd prefer to check on it."
He noticed Leo and Raph exchanging a glance, the leader than showing some annoyance.
"Can't it just wait? Who says there can't be anything happening soon?"
"Don't ya wanna spend some time with your brothers?" cut in Raphael.
The purple clad one faked a smile: "I think we already spend much time all together." He didn't want to get their approval. "I'll see you all back at the Lair."
For crying outloud, he was a full grown adult! He didn't quite get himself why he'd need some sort of approval or anything. As he went the opposite way, he quickly flicked his itinerary on his wrist, heading towards his intended destination.
As the three brothers watched the other go, their eyes squinted gradually, following Donnie's path as he kept going across rooftops.
"Is he not gonna drop down for the sewers?" asked the orange one.
Leonardo was already getting suspicious.
"... I don't think so. He must be up to somethin'."
"Let's see what the nerd's up to," added the red banded terrapin.
"You read my mind," concluded the blue one. "Let's move."
It took him unfortunately another 15 minutes to reach the abandonned music store, making him 30 minutes late. As he got to the rendez-vous point, he found the rooftop empty, his mind already worrying that he must've been so late that Vee probably headed back home already. Getting his phone out so he could text her and apologize, he barely started to type when a faint sound stopped him as he walked close to an entrance to the building. ... It sounded like music.
He found the door unlocked, the sound already clearer when he peaked inside. Heading down a staircase, Donnie was then walking into a hallway, his path leading him towards a doorless entrance that gave view to a large room. There were still some old instruments here and there, all covered in a thick layer of dust. And that's also where he saw at one corner of the room an upright piano, a presence sitting at it. Vee was peacefully playing, even though the instrument had some keys not perfectly tuned anymore. The terrapin took a moment to take the scene in, somehow entranced by the skills she was exhibiting. There was this grace in her performance; it was like witnessing a hidden part of herself. ... He felt bad to announce his presence by stepping in and clearing his throat a little.
The woman immediately stopped, looking over her shoulder and showing a smile as she saw him.
"Well well well, look who finally showed up!" she said.
"I'm so sorry," started the mutant as he got closer. "It took me some time to finally get out of patrol.
Vee got up, grabbing a cup she had left on top of the piano, handing it to the male.
"No worries, it gave me a chance to get some practice in. Here- I got you a coffee, but it might be getting cold now. I already drank mine."
Donnie accepted it, already taking a sip. He grimaced a bit after noticing its lukewarm temperature, but still drank the beverage anyway.
"What you were playing sounded nice, what was it?" he asked inbetween sips.
"Ballade slave, by Claude Debussy," answered Vee, first looking at the instrument fondly. "... Anything composed by Debussy is an absolute favorite of mine." She glanced back at the turtle. "But don't get the wrong idea, piano is not my primary instrument. I'm only an amateur - I've learned most of it by myself."
That surprised Donatello a little: "Then what is your main instrument? I know you've studied music, but didn't check for what exactly."
The woman held her head high, her grin filled with pride.
"I'm all about the good ol' saxophone! Spent many years with it, alongside singing. I've also composed in my spare time."
"Well, now I'm curious to hear all of that!"
"All in due time, turtle," added Vee, coming closer. She lightly tapped his left arm, then extending her hand in a waiting gesture to get something. "But first, the data, if you please?"
The mutant smiled lightly, already getting to a pouch attached to his belt. He handed the human a USB stick, then his eyes wandering to her forehead as she inspected the hardware.
"May I?" he asked.
Seeing him point towards her bruise, Vee simply shrugged with a "sure", then feeling the mutant's free hand move some of her hair aside only to get a better view of her left side. The wound was mostly superficial at this point, her bruise now in the usual blueish coloration. His thumb softly brushed against it.
"Does it hurt?"
"If I apply pressure, yeah," answered Vee. "... Don't worry, I won't die. Not yet."
"Wouldn't want that to happen," he added, still looking over.
A quiet chuck escaped the woman, somehow amused to be given any value. As the inspection was over, she brought the key up: "So, what am I expected to find on there? Any specifics or points of interest?"
Donnie tapped something to his right wrist, allowing a device on the upper part of his right backpack strap to come to life and bring holo screens into view. Different schematics appeared, alongside command lines and various codes. Scrolling through some information with a simple movement of his hand, Vee could only observe in awe at such a display.
"I don't want to say I'm jealous, but I kinda am," she said, now standing next to him and looking over the data.
Her awe did not escape him, smiling to himself as he brought something of interest into proper view.
"Surprisingly enough, the Purple Dragons have been looking into biometrics. Fingerprints, facial and voice recognition, even medical devices such as blood monitors, and probably more. It all seems to come to down to collecting data about individuals, but something tells me there might be more... "
"Meh, at least I can give the biometric recognition stuff to my client. He'll be happy enough," shrugged Vee.
"You might be more interested to give him information about specs and powerful hardware the Dragons have been developping. ... I would advise not to deliver the metrics data."
"Then why did you give me the information if you don't want me to do something about it?"
Donnie next brought up different news articles into view, their titles all relating to a similar subject.
"People have been disappearing out of nowhere," he started. "It's not at an alarming state so far, but I suspect that as soon as the technology will be more widespread, those instances will only grow higher. ... Call it a hunch, but I'm inclined to believe that they're looking for specific individuals, based on their biometrics."
Vee snorted in amusement: "What, you want us to play detectives together then?"
"We did agree to work together. So in a sense, yes."
Right. Bringing the Foot Clan down. She couldn't see yet how investigating the Purple Dragons could ever lead back to the other criminal organization... But if it allowed her to spend more time with the turtle and get her hands on the green ooze, then she could entertain this idea.
"Alright, boss, whatever you say."
"We'll need to establish a plan on how we'll spread our research," he said, closing the holo screens. "Who are they dealing with, where are they storing the information, are they sharing the data? I'm also expecting us to do some break-ins as well."
"Does your family agrees to that? ... Personally I'm not really looking forward to working with them."
"They, uh ... still don't know," he admitted. "We'd be going without them."
Vee was instantly amused, showing a sly smile as she was then facing him, toying with one of his mask's tails.
"Oh, so I'm your dirty little secret then?"
"Don't say it like that," puffed the terrapin.
She playfully tapped his plastron, then starting to make her way to the rooftop.
"I'm just teasing you," she added. "I can't deny being surprised by your behavior, that's all."
The other followed her: "I'm not too fond of keeping secrets, but that's all I can do for now."
"Sure thing, buddy. Keep telling yourself that and you'll soon find yourself on the dark side, just like me!"
They got outside, Donnie soon getting a hold of her arm with his free hand.
"You just need some guidance to get out of it."
Vee frowned: "I'm a lost cause, turtle."
"If you keep lying to yourself, sure."
Vee's lips formed a thin line, strangely conflicted. His faith in her seemed awfully misplaced; a naivety that was either genuine or hopeful. She'd never really had anyone see her as anything else than a nuisance, even less so as someone that could ever achieve any good. She left a hand against his, her tone lightly sarcastic only to accompany her forced smile:
"When the world will stop being shitty to me, I'll believe and be your damsel in distress." She got out of his hold, playfully wailing her arms in theatrics. "Oh, Donatello! Save me from this life of villainy!"
The terrapin didn't hide his amusement, watching her act out as he finished his drink - with a renewed grimace. Crushing the cup, he was about to throw it at the trashcan down in the street that Vee stopped him, pointing at the object in his hand.
"Can you teach me how to throw it in correctly? Last time I tried when you were away, but failed miserably..."
"Huh, sure!" he answered, surprised by her request.
Donnie handed her the crinkled cup, both then side by side and facing the street.
"It's all in the wrist," he started to explain. "Once you get a feel of the object you want to throw, you'll be able to determine what kind of force you need to apply to your flick. Think of it like throwing a basketball, but instead of going upward, you'll have to aim downward."
"Woah, I can barely make a goal with a basketball, you're already losing me there."
"Wait, here-"
The terrapin got behind her, his right arm going over hers - mimicking her movement - as his left hand got a hold of her right elbow. He slowly went through the motions, explaining the physics behind them and how she'd need to aim. Vee was grinning all the way through, suddenly enchanted by the proximity. His hold felt strong, yet gentle and precise... To be encased in his arms in such a normal occurence felt like a step she never knew she'd achieve.
"-and then youuuuu- flick!" mumbled Donnie, his right arm lightly following her movement as she threw the cup over.
The object reached its destination with a satisfying clunk, Vee instantly celebrating with cheerful giggles.
"Watch out, NBA, I'll be the next top player," let out Vee, turning around to the male.
"Grow some more, shorty, then you'll be good to go," teased Donnie with a wink.
"Dream crusher!"
"Aye, look at him go, what a player," commented Mikey in amusement.
The trio had been watching Donatello and Vee on the roof, witnessing that little teaching moment. Leonardo exhaled sharply, clearly disapproving the situation.
"... I told him to wait," he said. "Why is he going against us?"
"Well, she does look good," added the orange clad turtle. "Can't blame him for going after that ass."
"She does have a nice ass," said Raph. "We got a nice shot of it one time when Donnie was hackin' into her stuff."
"Guys, can we focus?" stopped Leo with a sneer, exasperated.
That got quiet chuckles out of the other two, the leader still overlooking the scene. As he guessed that Donatello and the woman were saying their goodbyes, he turned to Raphael.
"Raph, you feelin' up for some interrogation tonight?"
He had asked while pointing towards the human.
"I need you to find out what she knows and to have her stop talking with Donnie."
"Didn't he want her to help or somethin'?" questionned the red clad one.
"Doesn't matter right now. Casey wants her out for the moment. We don't know her motives and it's better that she stays out of the picture."
Raphael sighed with an eyeroll, conceeding: "Aight, chief. I don't think she'll like seein' my face after the warehouse, but whatever..."
As the large one was on his way, Leo next nodded to Michelangelo.
"Let's go. We'll meet Donnie at the Lair."
"Just don't be too harsh on him," commented the other terrapin as they were next going. "You know he wouldn't act against us."
"Let's hope so, or else he's in serious trouble."
Donnie wasn't surprised to arrive first at the Lair, greeting his father who was meditating at the center of the main room. To keep the mood quiet, he headed for his workstation, already opening windows at his compute to continue his previous searches. His mind did wander back to Vee for a while, remininscing about that small moment they shared. Hanging with her was always ... interesting. Although he could sense her general disdain for things that were deemed "right", he also knew that she was still mindful to it and sometimes gave it a clear thought. And, frankly, he was starting to appreciate her general being. She was funny, quick, and a good-looking one - that he couldn't deny. Donatello was genuinely starting to care for her... Something he never knew could happen towards anyone that wasn't a relative or long-time friend.
He heard commotion coming from the entrance, steps approaching his way. Peeking away from his screens, it didn't take long before he saw Leonardo standing next to him, brow ridges already frowning.
"What part don't you understand of 'keep her out of it'?" asked the leader
Donnie was taken aback by such a start of conversation.
"... What are you talking about?"
"We saw you with that woman, Don. We know you're still seeing her."
It was now the purple banded mutant's turn to frown.
"I should've known," continued Leo. "That night at the Purple Dragons' warehouse, the way you were interacting with her. Tell me you did ask her to come when we were there."
"No," confidently replied Donatello. "I had no idea she'd be there. It was a complete surprise."
"What does she know? What did you tell her?" the blue one's tone rose.
"That's none of your business."
Oh Leo didn't like that, his nostrils lightly flaring.
"When it comes to this family and critical missions, it sure as hell does. I told you to wait before contacting her again!"
"Well I've waited for too long already!" spat Donnie, getting to his feet and looking down at his brother. "I'm tired of waiting and doubting and not taking any advantages when they're right in front of us. Wake up, for fuck's sake, we need all the help we can get!"
"Donatello!" interjected Splinter's voice from his meditation spot.
Both males were fuming, something that was unusual between them two.
"Stop talking to her and let us do our job," ordered the blue terrapin.
"I won't let you stop me," added the tall one. "We might be onto something, and I can't let her go now. We need to team up."
"Don't be like that, Donnie. I swear, if you don't stop-"
"Enough, Leonardo!"
That time both turtles stopped, turning around to the old rat and Mikey standing nearby. Their father came closer, clearly disapproving of their dispute.
"I did not raise you boys to go at eachothers' throats," started Splinter. "I already have enough with you and Raphael," he added, pointing at Leo. "I won't have you starting that behavior with Donatello as well."
"Sensei, he-"
"If you want to make your point clear, speak, don't shout. The roar of an ocean deafens, unlike the peaceful flow of a river."
"Woah, deep," commented Mikey.
The group took a pause, the leader taking in a deep breath simply to calm himself. As he was about to speak again, Donnie realized something:
"Wait, where's Raph?"
When Leo didn't speak, Michelangelo took it upon himself:
"He went after that woman, bro. Leo asked him to follow her."
"Mikey!" snapped the blue clad one.
The tall mutant didn't wait up, already fearing for Vee as he rushed past his older brother and went for the exit. Leonardo was about to go after him, but was stopped once more by the rat.
"Let him go. We will talk again when he'll come back."
As Vee got home, the first thing she did was to plug the USB key into her computer, verifying that all the files Donnie showed her were indeed present. Noticing the biometrics information, she paused, weighing her options.... In some swift clicks, she opened her conversation with her current client:
smooth_criminal: Here are the agreed files. And as a reason for my lateness, I may have sensitive information to offer for an additional price. I would advise not skipping that opportunity, especially if you want to stay ahead in the game.
... Sure, Donatello had told her not to share the information, but she could still try to sell it...! If the guy said no, that'd be it! Or else, it wasn't her fault. That seemed reasonable enough.
Her attention snapped when she heard a knocking sound at a window - the one that gave to the fire escape stairs. At a first glance from afar, there didn't seem to be any presence next to it. Vee frowned, cautiously getting on her feet and approaching the glass. It couldn't be anyone else than him....
"Donnie?" she said after opening the window and peaking out of it.
Did he forget to tell her something?
"I think ya better start forgettin' that nerd."
She glanced up, noticing a presence sitting at the level above in the metal stairs. As soon as Vee noticed the stranger's shape and their red accents, she gasped and instantly backed inside her living room. The large terrapin came down, then making his way in as well. Compared to Donatello, he was taking much more space, Vee instantly feeling smaller than she already was. Raphael first glanced around the room, taking in the view until he landed on the woman.
"I was expectin' more of an evil lair look, but I guess looks can be deceivin'."
"What do you want?"
Vee was trying her damned best to not appear afraid. The behemoth was only getting closer, backing the woman until she bumped her back into her kitchen table. Getting a sai out, the turtle placed the blade below her chin, lifting her face so she could get a better view of him.
"I wanna know what you know," he started. "We believe Donnie's been going behind our backs, and that ain't very professional of him."
"He didn't tell me anything," said the woman. "We were just hanging out."
A quick chuck left Raph: "Ya want me to believe that?" But he was quickly back to a serious look. "Do bettah than that, smooth criminal."
He got his blade away, prefering to look around the apartment some more.
"We know he wants your help in our... mission. But let's just say that right now not everyone in our party wants you included."
Vee was trying to calm her shivers, lightly rubbing under her chin.
"... What's your stance on this?" she dared ask.
The mutant took seat at her couch, the furniture creaking a little but still standing. His gaze followed her as she slowly made her way towards her computer desk.
"Frankly, I don't give a shit," he answered. "But the moment I find out you're goin' behind our backs, ya gonna regret the moment you were ever born."
Vee let out a weak laugh: "What, you'd kill a woman?"
"Do ya think I ever killed anyone?"
Their eyes locked, Raph obviously wanting to gage her reaction and thinking. The human could barely hold it, frankly a bit scared to truly know... And he indeed did not clarify.
"What do ya know?" he asked once more.
"Nothing important..."
"Woman, I swear, ya better talk-"
"I don't care about your damn 'taking the Foot clan down' mission," cut Vee, raising her tone. "Look, I only saw names and now Donnie thinks that the Purple Dragons are maybe kidnapping people. That's all I know." She pointed towards her opened window. "Now get the fuck out of my apartment!"
Raphael was back up again, his stance menacing as he approached Vee once more. In a flash, the woman grasped a pencil laying on her desk, holding it firmly as if holding a knife sideways, ready to strike. The terrapin stopped, first looking at the makeshift weapon with wide eyes. He instantly exploded in laughter:
"That ain't gonna do shit against me!"
Vee finally realized her position, frowning at her hold. Seeing the turtle still laughing, she prefered to then throw the pencil at him in a fit of rage mixed with fear. That stopped the terrapin right away, his frown instant.
"Don't try my patience, it's very short," he warned.
"Please, go away," she said in a small voice.
Raph tsked, gesturing her whole frame.
"Ya call yourself a villain? Look atchu; all shaken up and shit."
Vee could only shake her head a little, trying to calm her shivers once more: "... I never meant to become a villain. I had no choice. I didn't know what else to do."
... She never thought she'd acknowledge that in such a moment, especially with someone she barely knew. The terrapin frowned, as if disgusted by her weakness.
"Ya ain't no danger," he noted to himself. "Fuck, everyone's getting all paranoid for nothin'..."
He only needed to grab Vee's shoulder, getting her closer only to make himself clear.
"Keep yourself out of our stuff. If we spot you with Donnie again, it's not gonna be just me bargin' in here."
"Next time I'll be prepared," let out Vee.
That got a quiet chuckle out of Raph, letting go of the woman and gently tapping her cheek in amusement.
"Sure, doll."
He next made his way towards the window, giving a glance at the human before slipping out. Looking inside one last time, he pointed at Vee:
"Remember; stay outta our shit!"
And with that he disappeared. ...
Vee remained frozen for a moment, somehow expecting him to come back in at any second. Once she realized that was truly alone, she feebly made her way towards her couch, sitting down and letting her face fall into her palms. She really did say that outloud... She really did say that she had no other choice... At once the weight of many mistakes fell down on her, along the fear she just experienced. She felt like nothing more than a cornered prey, biting down on more than she could chew instead of running away and saving herself. Every actions she ever took had lead to this moment, this horror. This feeling that she was alone in the world, unable to escape this vicious cycle she had fallen into. Tears left her without effort, falling back into her couch, face still hidden in her hands after she'd remove her glasses in a swift movement. Her chest felt heavy, unable to breathe and get any clear thoughts. She wanted to escape. She wanted to run away. She wanted to disappear and never be found again.
She jumped, a hand over her heart as her eyes went instantly to the still opened window. Without her glasses Vee couldn't really make out the shape of who was there, but by the voice's tone she knew it was Donatello. He didn't even ask if she was okay. He must've noticed her tears. Instantly getting in, he removed his backpack only to make himself more comfortable and then headed her way, sitting down by her side. Vee squinted, trying to better decipher his traits with her shit vision.
"... What are you doing here?" she questionned, her voice raspy from sadness.
"Raph was here, didn't he?"
She vaguely gestured towards the window: "You just missed him. Go out and you should catch up to him."
"I won't."
"Then what do you want?" she asked dryly.
"I just wanna make sure you're okay," he simply answered, gently.
That shut Vee up, her harsh eyes now softening. She couldn't bare looking at him as she felt some more tears coming up, her chest clenching.
"... Why do you care about me?" she said in the tiniest, most broken tone.
That next got some sobs out of her, trying to hide herself once more. She barely heard a soft "come here", next feeling her frame get enclosed between arms and soon against the turtle's form. ... Vee never allowed herself to be this vulnerable in front of anyone, but this time she didn't hold back. It did feel nice at some point, the terrapin's hands slowly petting her in soothing motions, tenderly nuzzling the top of her head. At once, the woman felt safe.
She knew that he truly cared.
((Part 8))
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katyspersonal · 1 year
So for the « send me a character ask game » what about our dear Rya hm?
Oh and what about Damian too?
(From this ( x ) ask meme)
- For Rya
First impression: Was first introduced to her via fanart and plenty of spoilers, I thought she was adorable x) Both as a woman and as a snake!
Impression now: Still, not much to say about her, she is just a really cute snake girl! It is one of those characters with whom there is not much to do besides memes and fanart with them in wholesome situations! However, I have even more positive opinion on her now that I know she is one of very few characters who were able to bounce back from mental defeat and be optimistic and hopeful about their future! Really rare mindset in Elden Ring's broken, despair-ridden world!
Favorite moment: Ahahaha when we discover her as a snake xD She forgot to put on her human suit, this is so precious xddd
Idea for a story: Anything you can think up about her and Patches meeting again, after Volcano Manor cringed and failed. This might be awkward as Patches is like, moving on, so meeting someone so close tied with Volcano Manor and Tanith can be... a bit of heavy, to say so. But at the same time if they get through the tension, they could become basically best friends. Or they could build father/daughter-alike bond! I also saw a ship which is valid too (let's be real, Patches had 0 chances with Tanith from the start, and there was... well, just nothing.)
Unpopular opinion: ANOTHER character with whom there are no opinions in the community besides 'I just think they're neat' to BEGIN with, so I can't answer much xD
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Favorite relationship: She and her mother! This is such a sweet familial bond, holy shit. Tanith is absolutely in the right loving Rya so much, it is that one time when lack of blood relation didn't change anything about the family at all. True family bond is emotional and spiritual, and Rya is even inspired to carry on as her successor. Elden Ring spoiled us with too much wholesomeness for a Soulsborne game, especially the familial one!
Favorite headcanon: Not really a headcanon, but rather a logical conclusion. I LOVE seeing her E L O N G A T E D in fanart, like how other serpents can do that xD It makes the most sense that she is able to do that too in her serpent form x)
- For Damian
First impression: When I first saw Kris summon him for help on the stream, I mistook him (and summon dynamics in general) for one of those random-generated NPCs; some videogames do that! So at first I neglected him, in fact I was a little negative, and so it stayed until Val was the one to open my eyes on the fact that summons are unique and real characters...
Impression now: He is absolutely adorable, he looks like a sage but also like a male grandma (don't confuse with a grandpa xD), he is extremely interesting because without dialogue, he tells quite a story with his equipment and summon areas! Just... just peak performance of nonverbal storytelling, like Henriett. I currently do see him as sort of a 'dad' figure for other scholars, since my age headcanons for him moved a bit further, when I used to think of him as the same age as Mico, Laurence and Caryll back then. But like, he is COOL, you know? Both clearly very intelligent AND can kick asses of literal gods. x)
Favorite moment: When he arrives to "help" us with Rom after we died already HAHAHAHAHA! Thanks for help, asshole!!!
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Idea for a story: His dives in the Isz dungeons sound like a plan! With other Tomb Prospectors! Especially Gremia - another summon in that area! Many people have been noticing that Gremia fights especially aggressively and doesn't step away and heals all that much, and he is also the only summon that can sprint. Paired with the fact that he doesn't have Loch Shield, which WAS given to Isz Prospectors.... Well, perhaps he doesn't value his safety at ALL. Damian, on the other hand, has a shield, a long range weapon, a healing bell, and three long range attack tools. They are opposites, doing the same job! I think it'd make a cool slice of life fanfic - Damian and Gremia being a fun (dys)functional duo of explorers, just deeply resenting each other but also saving each others' asses by balancing one another out!
Unpopular opinion: He is still alive when we summon him, he is in Byrgenwerth and grew hostile with his friend Julie/Yurie, he did not die and we just summon his spirit ;-; Please I just KNOW it, Damian is ALIVE in the game' events ;-;
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Favorite relationship: I love him and Micolash so much <3 If only Edgar x Micolash did not take the spot of my OTP, that'd be Damian and Micolash <3 But Damian to Micolash is what Julie is to Rom, or what Brador is to Laurence, for that matter. Except, unlike other two "sidekicks", Damian would be the more reasonable one to detract, seeing they can't help their loved person out of spiralling insanity... But they were close for a long while, and I am dwelling on that period, a lot.
Favorite headcanon: I actually stealeded it from Saintmic and it is mine now: Damian was sort of biology professor, whose research and knowledge came up very handy to study phantasms and other weird creatures Byrgenwerth found. And he had a vivarium full of creatures, that Rom loved to find more abominations for xd It is an interpretation mistake of Damian being late for the battle because of a glitch since Henryk and Madaras Twin do that too, but I started to think 'lol he is late for battle because he is afraid of spiders' and it stuck... Sooooo he is not so happy when Rom brings him cool giant spider she found xD
Thank you for the ask!! Really unusual characters this time
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catwif3 · 13 days
speaking of being cis. if any trans people are wondering what that's like. have storytime:
the year is roughly 2009. there is a group on deviantart called the "manself/femself" group. the idea was just that you genderbend (nowadays more specifically it might be called a cisswap) yourself to the "opposite" gender, and make a character out of that, and then you posted them to the group with their form character sheet and had little interactive prompts. it was very cute!
anyway the thing about my manself. is that while designing him and doing a lot of thinking about him and stuff. i kept going "oh no i would still want to be really femme. like a guy in a skirt is peak performance."*
and then later had to go. huh. HM. would my manself just be a transgirl. like would i just still be a girl if i had been born like that. and went "maybe maybe not but i would DEFINITELY have more gender in that case than the current configuration"
fondly remember that time and also constantly wondering how many people in that group are trans now
*(at the time i was still experimenting with wearing male-presenting clothes like suits and things and was slightly peeved that it wasn't going great for me and the idea of wearing my preferred clothes but still getting the queer societal-boundary-pushing look i craved out of it was very appealing)
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seroqueldreamer · 1 year
Thinking abt Gilear and that meme, "you might not like it, but this is what peak male performance looks like." And my mental imagery is just Gilear curled in the fetal position on a floor surrounded by court summons, yogurt, and tears. He's so pathetic in my mental imagery and I am in tears.
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arb0k · 1 year
i elected to go for no nipple transplants and it keeps surprising me how surprised my friends all are by it. much easier recovery with more predictable results, mine were never sensitive and might never have regained feeling anyway, and there's no difference with a shirt on, so i really just didn't see a reason to bother... but also all practical reasons aside like. male nipples are a vestigial-ass organ. you may not like it but this is what peak male performance looks like, etc etc
the single downside as far as i'm concerned is if i ever decide i want to get some tattooed on i won't be able to get em pierced
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pegasusknightsonly · 1 year
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you might not like it but this is what peak male performance looks like
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uncaught-coolfish · 1 year
for the fandom meme, drakengard/nier!
OK. time to go full ADHD
Drakengard/NieR series spoilers below:
favorite female character: Devola from NieR:Gestalt/NieR:Replicant! Firstly, I love redheads, she’s a redhead, and as much as I don’t like how they “prettified” many of the models in the remaster, she looks adorable. Secondly… I just love her personality. That spunky, carefree yet kind archetype is one I love and she is that to a T. Reading “The Red and the Black” novella, as tough as that was, really made me love her more than I already did. And she’s got a great design. Second place would probably be Manah from Drakengard 1, who is also probably my favorite character in all of the games. She is iconic.
Favorite male character? Caim. Caim Caim Caim. Also my favorite protagonist of the games. Even if in comparison to the other games’ protagonists he might not be as “deep”, he’s just… fun. Baby girl. And a monsterfucker. Don’t forget that. Plus, he got the best cutscene in all of the games in Drakengard 2. Holy shit. Secondly would be Emil, given he’s been my profile picture. Emil is the sweetest little guy and I would take him to a Dairy Queen.
Favorite Book/Season/Etc(in this case, game IG): Tie between NieR 2010 and Drakengard 1. NieR 2010 is my favorite game of all time, while Drakengard 1 is my favorite of the 5 Drakenier games EASILY. I’d give an explanation, but I’d need like five other posts to do that :P
AND THE SHOT OF ALL THIS BLOOD GOING EVERYWHERE FROM WHEN HE KILLS THE KNIGHTS AND MANAH IS JUST STARING AT HIM…. -^]*]*\€]*\€|*]£]+\€|€]]<|£€|!|]>]€ it’s so good so good and the music they used was also amazing. Runner up is undeniably Kaine’s rant in NieR 2010. There is a fucking reason it opens Gestalt. Don’t even play the game, just watch that cutscene (in English) and you will be hit with impeccable atmosphere and voice acting.
Favorite Cast Member: Laura Bailey!! Her as Kaine floors me every time. I’ll also give props to the guy who voiced 9S because my godddd that was a startling performance. And Yoko Taro himself, for feeding my ADHD his stupid little games.
Favorite ship? As much as I don’t like Drakengard 3 nor Zero herself… Zero x Accord has won my heart. That’s probably just because Accord is very Homura coded but that’s ok. And of course, Angelus and Caim. Fuck Romeo and Juliet, I want what they have. (Dragon and Donkey coded)
A character I’d die defending? Uhhh since pretty much all of these characters are sucky people and the fandom is chill with it… I guess Lady One? Idk lol.
A character I just can’t sympathize with? Zero oh my god!!! I don’t like her. Sorry guys, I don’t like the lady who makes r*** jokes towards the men she takes after killing her sisters, no matter what “good reason” she has for doing so.
A character I grew to love? …Arioch. Fucking… Arioch. She is a horrible disgusting person… but she’s funny about it. Also Jackass from NieR:Automata, I’d go fishing with her!
My ANTI-OTP? Honestly, Kaine x Nier. No real reason why it’s just not my cup of tea lol.
Thanks for the ask!
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