#you don’t have to know anything about the utmv because like
scared-cr0ws · 24 days
hi everyone! i have seen a lot of arguments recently unwillingly on my feed about pro proship (in particular the supports incestuous or pedophilic media kind and not the ships crackships kind) despite having numerous tags blocked for it. so perhaps for the chance that i reach just one person on the fence about the whole ordeal i suppose it to be only fair to speak my mind. that and to clear up any misunderstanding by anyone who supports my art.
i do not support proshipping and i encourage anyone who does to block me. i do not want you anywhere near my work. these types of themes run RAMPANT in the utmv community and it breaks my heart knowing how many younger people are often active here. it is SO demoralizing to see that even the most morally sound and seemingly at-least-semi-aware of consequences people would sit there and not be able to put 2 and 2 together and understand that they are going too far. that being able to mentally justify any representation of incest or pedophilla in any way that isnt condemning it is WRONG. It could be as fake as you want but youre still perceiving and enjoying, or even worse, using your talent to CREATE the type of media that makes genuine scum of the earth feel like they have a place in society and the fact that you either refuse to acknowledge that or just simply dont care makes you just as vile as those who partake in it..
i often see this “if you don’t enjoy something that someone else enjoys just move on” argument but its not about enjoying it versus not enjoying it its about not having the backbone of a soggy piece of paper and knowing that the things you think you shouldn’t romanticize in real life are things you shouldn’t romanticize through the media you consume just because you repeat the fact that its ‘fiction’ over and over.
you FUNDAMENTALLY shouldn’t enjoy seeing two related characters in romantic relationships
you FUNDAMENTALLY should not enjoy seeing an underaged character with an adult
and if you DO its NOT good. it is not good for your psyche and your perception of life and i urge anyone who DOES enjoy these things to seek therapy especially if it comes from a source of past abuse because it is NOT HEALTHY.
i don’t care about crack ships or ‘unhealthy’ ships or literally ANYTHING as long as you aren’t enjoying media of literal ILLEGAL and IMMORAL relationships because of all the media you could consume WHY consume the media that normalizes such awful things and produces content for people who would do such things in real life
and what draws the line between you and them. truly.
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sprout-senior · 28 days
my personal headcanon for how monsters procreate in utmv/utdr: the babies just appear.
enough magic and intent from minimum two monsters will make a baby, it doesn’t matter what kind of intent etc(thinking of how PJ happened as a result of a battle between an alternate ink and error)
so there’s no incubation period. due to this, babies are that much more reliant on their parents for the first couple years of their life. basically proximity to their parents is vital to their physical and magical development; they CAN survive with only one parent’s presence, but it causes problems(i am yet again bringing up PJ and how they were raised primarily by ink for the first few years, don’t have a super solid physical form, and aren’t very powerful despite having two gods for parents. obviously my personal reasoning for this is not canon btw)
this period of necessary proximity to their parents does not HAVE to be the original monsters responsible for their creation. they can develop just fine with “surrogate” parents, given the magic bonds successfully. they CANNOT survive without consistent parents, for lack of better phrasing. if left alone or passed between caretakers too much over a long enough period of time, the baby will Fall Down and subsequently dust. fucked up i know but it’s my worldbuilding headcanon and i get to pick the rules
babies can bond with more than two parents! there isn’t a known maximum amount of parents, since no one has really tried to push the limits, but with several parents the baby will paradoxically take longer to develop their specific type of magic(their physical development is not stunted, but their personal magic takes longer because their soul has to “pick” between several different types of magic to base itself on)
once they’re around two, the baby’s magic type is “locked in”, so to speak. if there are several parents, it can take as long as three or four years in comparison. their power level is influenced by their parents, but not entirely dependent on them. some kids just have more of an affinity for magic, for no discernible reason.
part of what i really like about this headcanon is that gender and species are not factors in making a stable child! incest is still weird tho, i am not a fan of incest in any capacity. also, this means no monster has to deal with the absolute nightmare that is pregnancy. no morning sickness, extreme pain, risk of life, etc is involved. lucky bastards (obligatory “disclaimer this is not to discount the experience of anyone who has had good experiences with pregnancy and have things they really like about it. just bc i can’t personally empathize doesn’t mean i can’t understand that y’all’s experiences are vastly different than mine and you have a perspective informed by things i’ll never have the same level of knowledge and understanding of”)
uhhh that’s the main stuff, i think. literally the entire reason i came up with this idea is because i am just. deeply uncomfortable with mpreg and skelepreg. i don’t have any problem with people who DO like it, i just personally can’t deal. this will not affect my opinion of anybody, i need to make that abundantly clear.
in any case, any utmv/utdr monsters i make will have been born and developed this way. yes this applies to female mammal monsters, it applies to ALL monsters in my personal headcanon. maybe i don’t need to clarify that but whatever
if you like this idea, you’re more than welcome to adopt it! i think it’s an interesting piece of lore to incorporate in stories. i might even apply this to magic centered original works, unrelated to utmv/utdr, because i have become attached. i might not end up pursuing original stories, that’s not really what i’m interested in at this point in time, but i’ll always keep the option open.
if someone else has come up with an idea similar to this, that’s awesome! i promise i did not intentionally steal anyone’s idea, i am not currently aware of anything like it, so please extend some courtesy and understanding for me in the event that there’s a coincidence. i would request the same for if someone comes up with something similar AFTER this is posted, especially since i’m such a small creator without a whole lot of reach.
finally, if i’ve accidentally done something problematic here PLEASE tell me so i can fix it! i never want to cause harm with my work :)
if you’ve read this far, thanks! id love to hear your opinions and/or additions if you’ve got any!
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forfluxsake · 5 months
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a personal slash solitary blog where i publish my doodles, have hobbies, and do anything typical of the average person
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utmv server ad
before i write anything else, i’m promoting my utmv (undertale multiverse) server. JOIN PARTYCHROMA TODAY! FOREVER LINK: https://discord.gg/sATaZ8WZDh
if you aren’t sensitive to bold text, fonts, weird symbols, and eyestrainy gradient rainbow themes, join partychroma. it’s a neverending party for people who’re into undertale or deltarune aus and the like. it’s quiet for the time being, which is why i’m hoping people find this post
we are welcoming of anybody who’s willing to have a good time. the server provides funny roleplay channels, a place to showcase your creations, roles, incredible people, and more. i put effort into it and stuff so that’s great
…a better, less half-hearted advertisement can be found on disboard. hope to see you there!
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about me
if you’re wondering who i am, hi
i’m flux.
i am a male and i use he/him/she/her pronouns. that’s all you need to know to respect my existence. if you have any questions direct them to the asks feature i just enabled
what do i like doing? doodling, writing, listening to some funky tunes; learning… i’m not picky about creative activities, but i do tend to procrastinate. my hyperfixations are seasonal and i suffer from being unable to let go of past phases. the list of my interests is infinite. if you care, i enjoy a variety of indie rpgs, object shows, args slash creepypastas, webcomics, and television shows.
cartoon series pique my interest the most.
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(be my friend)
i’m a minor. this much information is self explanatory as to how you should approach me. obviously don’t interact with me if you are a nsfw age-restricted page, but also don’t attempt to send me weird asks
i don’t talk about politics.
i think being friends with me requires a lot of patience. sure, you may friend me on my discord, o5fo, but understand that i’m terrible at one on one conversation. if you don’t get straight to the point, i will most likely not respond.
preferably keep contact with me through our shared communities or mutual servers and not direct messages.
if i’ve crossed a line, i encourage people to express their discomfort. nothing is gained from radio silence. (it’s not like i’m not anxious as well LOL don’t be shy to contact me [on dis] if it’s important)
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what to expect
this blog is sfw, though it’s prone to having violent and dangerous content, mostly because i’ve drawn a fair amount of works with blood or upsetting themes. be wary of who you follow, always, and take steps to protect yourself online. take advantage of the filter tool to block tags that trigger you.
i will occasionally open art requests. but i won’t do too many at a time.
i might touch on some uncomfortable topics while i’m maintaining this nostalgia-seeking blog, especially about past controversies in the communities i was in since i was a child. and depending on the post, i will treat the flaws in said communities seriously or jokingly. please do not take it the wrong way if i redraw those memories.
assume everything i say is light-hearted for the sake of everybody; spare yourself the trouble of thinking i’m trying to invalidate people’s experiences. i never want to come off that way
fanart. expect a handful of art in general. uncolored/whiteboard doodles are abundant. i have ocs- but i’m anything but organized.
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that’s a wrap
i wasn’t prepared to end this post
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carlyraejepsans · 2 years
this is just because i need to rant ab this BUT all those edgy sans aus are so hard for me to get into because they completely misinterpreted sans’ character and motivations. like! this man only fights us when he thinks we’re going to not only destroy the world, but annihilate the entire timeline so that there’s literally nothing left. sans doesn’t fight us because we killed his brother, or all those other monsters in genocide (strictly speaking, you could kill the same amount of monsters in a non-genocide way and NOT fight sans). sans kills us because the literal fate of the world is at stake.
i’m not saying that there’s no world where sans would kill us (ik you just made the post ab that and how it’s his promise to toriel, etc etc), but the problem with so many aus is that sans is portrayed as proactive when he’s really not, unless the world is gonna be destroyed. they often completely warp his character for the sake of angst, and ignoring the fact that there’s SO much to work with for angst that’s rooted in canon, it makes the characters feel unrealistic. i can’t get into a story where i’m constantly being like “no, he wouldn’t do that” or “that’s not something he would say.” (this can be applied to other characters as well, but let’s be honest we know sans is at the helm of most of these popular aus).
when i say i mean no disrespect to these aus and the people who enjoy them, though, i mean it. it’s just not my cup of tea. people enjoy different things and that’s awesome! i’m glad so many people have been so involved in the fandom to make their own worlds and stories- it really has helped keep undertale alive! just bc i can’t personally get into it, doesn’t mean it’s bad or unenjoyable (obviously. they’re popular for a reason).
but idk this is just something that always sticks in my mind when people ask what you don’t like about many aus. and like, you don’t need to respond to this or anything but i just needed to rant lmao
nothing more to say pal. i agree with everything you said. my real issue with stuff in the utmv fandom stuff isn't the characterization. sure it annoys me, but at the end of the day i can't control how people engage with the text. or uuhhh don't. you'll just go nuts
the actual problem here is that... they do it in a way that drowns out the majority of the new canon-adjacent content being shared at the same time by using the same tags and fandom spaces. even when (by many au authors' own admissions) they're stories and characters made specifically in the context of the mv and thus have next to nothing to do with canon save for like, the character design. sometimes. THAT'S the real issue here.
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paintedkinzy-88 · 9 months
I have a question if you don't mind answering, I am a bit new to your work and your Tumblr so truly sorry if this question is answered many times already, would you be updating Winged AU and Tipping the Scales? Note: I just started yesterday and already finished both winged au and tipping the scales and I must say.. THEY ARE BOTH AMAZING HOLY FU- CRAP XD AND THE ART IS AMAZING TOO!! ((Amazing art and story telling? You are on a roll!! XD))
Well first off hi hello welcome! All questions are good questions, no worries. And thank you so much! I’m glad you liked them ahhhh 。:゚(。ノω\。)゚・。
In the case of TTS, yes, I really want to! I’ve been lacking writing motivation in general, but I have a lot planned for the dragos and I genuinely do want to continue making content for them! They make me happy, even if I don’t post much about them rn ;w; Violet 4 will be released if I fuckin die doing so—
For Winged… probably not much sobbinggg. I had an overarching plotline for Classic that I know I was totally building up for, with Sci and Noots and Ink and everyone getting dragged into his shiz. But to be completely honest, even then I was a little uncertain about how to go about it?? Not that I didn’t know exactly what happens, but more just having massive doubts that I could pull it off the way I wanted to???
So, like, with everyone throwing all these ideas at me rn, it HAS rekindled my love for the AU, but not to the point of continuing the main main story. You may see one shots in the future, most likely of side plots, but I’m not gonna promise anything ._.
If it isn’t very obvious by recent posting, I’ve kinda fallen out of UTMV a bit… but mostly in the way of like, not reading anything or consuming other people’s content much. I still want to make stuff for the stories I have up currently! Like LAN and TTS, specifically. But, I understand that the absence of new posts is a bit concerning.
So! General tldr, just because my focus has shifted, doesn’t mean my UTMV projects are abandoned. (ノ´ヮ´)ノ*:・゚✧ You’re all still stuck with me—
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slimesomniac · 2 years
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They’re finished!
If these characters look a little familiar that’s probably because you know about a certain au I made back when I was still in the utmv fandom, lofi dreamtale. Now this isn’t me falling back into the fandom itself by any means, I was simply going through some old art when I got the idea to revamp the story. Fandoms aside, I had a lot of ideas for this story that never ended up being posted about after I left, ideas I still like and plan on keeping.
The reason for the redesigns might be a bit obvious. One I no longer draw skeletons, two I want this story to be it’s own separate from utmv. (Disclaimer: if anyone that was previously interested in this au still wants to portray them as skeletons go ahead, totally fine by me. Just be aware any canon content I make won’t really be related to utmv)
As of right now I don’t plan on making a full blown comic or anything on a grand scale, but I do hope to make content in general. Feel free to ask any questions if you have any✨
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still-got-no-idea · 3 months
questions :3 1- Whens your birthday [dd/mm] [[<-the only reason i remember america has [mm/dd]] is because the teacher gave us a lecture lol]] 2- What time period would you want to live in? You can choose future or past for any length of time 3- Do you have any headcanons ? [utmv or other] 4- What made you want to choose human services? Any specific jobs in mind ? 5- Do you have any music reccomendations [im not sure if i asked this one yet but the more the merrier lol]
1) July 15th (15/7)
2) I… don’t really know. I never really thought about it. Maybe something like the 1980s-1990s, since that would probable be around the time where I’d have to know how to do certain things to make certain parts of technology work, and I honestly really do feel like it would be good to do that so that I just kinda know these things, at least
3) not really lol. I only ever really come up with things like that when I’m writing certain things, but it’s not really something that’s ever come up in my brain in any sort of obvious way
4) I wanna be some type of therapist. That’s… about it, really. It was a job that I kinda wanted, so yeh
5) genuinely the only music I’ve been listening to for the past several months is just Will Wood so I don’t have anything other than just Will Wood in general-
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nashdoesstuff · 1 year
! welcome to my blog !
greetings! i go by both nash and ashara, and i run this blog! i'm a multi-media creator, who ranges from writing, drawing, and crafting. a lot of people know me for hosting the dream tournament alongside others in the future.
i have an unset post schedule and mostly just reblog, but you'll see me posting original content every now and then!
click on keep reading to know more about me :]
i'm a creator of which specializes in the UTAU community and various neil gaiman universes. you can find a brief description of me under my tag on my blog page, but here i am in detail!
~ my name is nash/ashara. ~ i'm enby and go by they/them pronouns! [i may like pink and dresses and heels and makeup, but that doesn’t do anything to make my gender identity any less important. please don’t invalidate my identity because i depict myself in feminine fashions please and thank you] ~ i'm a proud puertorican and speak both spanish and english. ~ i’m neurodivergent and have an anxiety disorder so if i act strangely i promise it’s nothing against you, just let me know as i just may be panicky </3 ~ my time zone is EST [Eastern Standard Time]. ~ a proud shattered dream supremacist and self-declared his ultimate fan <3 ~ i have various otps, my main few being shink/dark drink [shattered x ink], bleam/dreamberry [dream x blue/swap], the ineffable husbands, dreamling [morpheus x hob], and kross [killer x cross] ~ i love all alternative genres and rock! i've been binging fall out boy recently :] ~ i have a bit of an addiction to hot chocolate and sweet tea. ~ i'm an infp! my dominant function is introverted feeling. [Fi] ~ once you get me hooked onto something, you will not know how to get me to shut up. ~ i do not identify as a proshipper, but i will not stand for heavy ship discourse or harass those who do. i will stand up for proshippers getting harassed for shipping what they want to ship. i believe fiction is fiction, and that is it. ~ i try to keep my asks open, but if they get out of hand anons will be turned off and/or i'll just close them.
what are my tags?
i typically do not check my tags, but anything i post and/or affiliate myself with you'll find under the tag of my username [#nashdoesstuff] or #nash's shenanigans [this tag is used for my original posts.] i also have my fandom tags! ↳ #nash's ineffable obsession is my good omens tag! [check #good omens, as well] ↳ #nash's spiderverse addiction is my spiderverse tag! ↳ #nash's tremendous tunes is my music tag for anything music related, including artists [like gorillaz, lovejoy, tally hall, etc], musical theatre and more! ↳ my utau tag is #utmv stuffs! ↳ my doctor who tag is #nash’s time in the tardis! for any friend or mutual interactions, look for #friend!! or #mutual!!
if there is any content you want me to see, tag me! [@nashdoesstuff]
do you have any more blogs?
i have my swap!cult au ask blog, @swap-cult-au! for any info on that au or asks for its characters and/or story, head there. i also have an account explicitly for tournaments. this account is @nashdoestournaments. feel free to send asks about any of the tournaments i host there! i have a roleplay blog for some of my characters, which is @nashs-au-rpblog. if you want to learn more about my ocs and characters, head here!
do you have any characters?
yes i do! i have vou, my shattered!dream variant and rêve, a positive guardian incarnate who’s apart of a universe me and my pal @/denieatsart share. i do have more characters of which i plan on publicizing in the future. [p.s., you should totally ask me about them /gen/silly/nf/np] aside from characters, i have the primary fic series i’m working on called the doctor and his demonic companion, following a heartbroken crowley becoming the doctor’s companion. the opening fic is yet to be finished, but you can find it on my ao3!
what about the dream tournament?
the dream tournament is an annual event i host. it is a recreational bracket made to determine the best utau dream au of that year. the original one was hosted on this account, but now it had transferred to my tournament account. i answer asks about the original tournament on this account, but otherwise everything goes to the other account.
if you are looking for brackets and results on the first polls, refer to the announcement post. if you are looking for content on the original DT, refer to the Dream Tournament Masterpost, which contains all fan-made content for the event. you can also search the tag #dream tournament to find all content made for the tournament over time!
do you have a discord server?
though i don't have a personal server, i do moderate [with the help of @/consumeroflemoans and other community mods] a small utmv roleplaying server that's open for all to join! the join invite is right here if interested <3
here are my fandoms!
~ undertale mv [utmv] ~ good omens ~ doctor who ~ david tennant in general ~ our flag means death ~ the sandman ~ my ocs? other fandoms i like [inactive but enjoy] ~ ddlc ~ gorillaz ~ the spiderverse ~ avatar: the last airbender [atla] ~ harry potter [fuck jkr‼️] ~ musicals like hamilton, heathers, six, bettlejuice, dear evan hansen, mean girls, etc.
i usually don't associate myself with anything aside from what's listed here. please don't request content from me that are from unlisted fandoms.
thanks for slipping by, and enjoy your stay on this chaotic side of tumblr called nash's blog!
last updated 6/02/24
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『 Backchannel Addict 』 Undertale - UTMV | Error / You; Reader Insert, Second-Person Point of View
Warnings: Stalking, Unhealthy Relationships, Obsessive Behavior, Possessive Behavior, Suggestive Language
Info: So this is a plot idea that came to me a couple years ago. I got really excited about the thought of a real world player who wasn’t necessarily a creator getting a wrong number text from Error. Reader of course thinks he’s just joking when he admits to being... well, himself, but they enjoy the interactions with this stranger nonetheless. I started writing it out but considering it’s not been touched since 19 June 2020, I have no idea when/if I’ll be able to write a proper fic for it at the moment. So here’s the premise at the very least.
What if you looked at your phone one day and there was a strange message on it?
It looks… weird. Like someone sent the text through one of those Zalgo text generators.
Curious, and against your better judgement, you message it back.
hello? your message reads.
The reply is instantaneous. .̈́͋̾.ͩ̎̓.̾ͩ͑h̐̓̿eͫ̇̑҉̡̟͜lͩ̓̾҉̬͚̬l̓̍̐oͪ̂͆
This mystery person quickly becomes your mysterious texting friend. He never gives you any information about himself, says he isn’t anyone interesting, doesn’t do anything interesting, and besides, he likes hearing about you. He’s always eager to hear from you, to hear about your day.
Your friend always gets a bit… odd when you bring the game up. You asked him about it once-—if talking about it bothered him, if he didn’t like the series and if it would be better if you didn’t talk about it with him, but he tells you, 
Ñͫ͂o͆͂ͤ,̾ͥͣ ̉̍̃ȉ́͆t͂̂̋'ͦ̃̒śͦ̇ ͑͗̇o̊͛ͥkͨ̔̀҉͉̪̙ä́͐ͪy͌̒̅.̀̾ͫ ͦͬ̌Iͧ̀̒ ̈́̍͑d͋̔̚҉̳͕̳o̔ͫ͂n͂ͤ̄'̉͆̎t̅ͭ̏ ͨ̍͂mͯ̐̃i̊̾̋҉͙̝͕n͒͒̅d̒͂̋.̇̌̉҉̸̘̰
You ask him for his name, one day after nearly two weeks of talking. And that caused you to pause a moment because wow… had it really been that long? 
His response is a simple: Error
Error? Really?
It's just. There's an 'Error' in the fandom. I just find it ironic. Kind of funny, like imagine if you were REALLY Error!
Hͪ̉̐eͥ̊ͧhͣ͌̀ȅ͑͂h̓͗̀e̊ͬ̚.ͮͭ̀.̇̈́̆.͆̇̍ ͑͊̇҉̴̢̧yͩ̄̇eͭ̓ͦa̾̎̆h̒̅̈,͌̇̅҉̣̗̱ ͐̌̍҉̨̞͕ẃ̎̋ỏ͆̿ȕ͗̉l͆̅́҉̣̲͟d̽̐́nͪ̿ͨ'ͪ͒̆t̀̊ͬ ͧ̊̚t͐̉̄h̉͗̔aͫ̂ͥt̀ͥͨ ̿͂̈b̄͒̏e̔̈̽҉̵̙̮ ̿͂ͮs͂̿͂҉̪͓̺o͌̓̉m̐̀͐e͆ͬ̊t͂̒ͭ҉̵͕͠hͪ͐ͫì̈̊n͋̎ͣ҉̟͔ͅ'̔̇
S̈ͮ̐҉̱͇͜o̾ͤ͊ ͂ͬ̆w͆̓̆h́ͪ̇á̏ͥ҉̢͉̖t͊ͦ͗ ͦ̀͌wͭ̿̒҉̴̼͝o̎͊͌u͒ͯ̌l̀̉̋d̄ͥ͌ ͬͦ̉yͩ̐̓a̔ͬ̈́ ̈́̅́d̃̇͌oͭͪ̈
Ĭ̏̉f̿̑ͧ҉́͟͝ ̆̅̒Ȋͧͯ ̓͊̉ř̑̔e͒̔̂a̋̈́̐l͂̋̋҉͔͚ͅl͆͋̍yͨͩ̈҉̛̙͝ ̄͗̃҉̷̸̡w͒̓͛e̽̄ͤr̉ͩͬeͬͫ̚ ̒̈ͩh̎̏ͭï̋ͨmͯ̉̋?ͦ̎ͬ
well first of all I'd tell you to tie me up in your strings, hot stuff ∠( ᐛ 」∠)_
He doesn’t respond for nearly a whole day.
. . .
hey... hey???
Are you still there???
Shit, sorry, did that make you uncomfortable??
dude, I'm really sorry, come back!
 A̒ͧͨn͋ͩͩd ̂͂̋t͋̆̈́hͩͨͨe̐͌̚n̔ͯͩ ̌ͤ̚w͑ͣ̂҉̨̩̤ĥ͌̚҉̷̸͈a͂̄̓҉̵҉̨͙́t̓̆̎?ͯ͒̃
W̋̑̎h̆̂̋ã̓ͪt̂ͧ̀ ̈ͧͣẃͯ̅o͑̒̐ū̉̓l̂ͯͣdͮ̈́̿ ͣ̌̒ẏ̊̚o̅̅̉u̽̉̆ ̒ͥͩ҉̷̴̛hͮ͊ͥáͣ̚v̍ͬ͋eͣ̍̈́҉̨̪̳ ̅̍̚mͣ͒͆eͩ̔͑ ̀̓̆d̾͆ͩò̍̅?̈́͒̊
T̃̈̓o̿͆ͨ ̓ͬ̿y͑͑̎ő͒̓ũ̑͒
oh, thank god you're back. I thought I scared you away. Sorry
uh. Well. You know. I figure we could just. Hang out ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Y͌ͤ̑o̓̃̚u͗̍̚'̔̂̇҉̺̘̩ř̅̃҉̛̼̕ẻ̒͆҉̢͖͟ ̇ͦ̏s̔ͮ͗ȍ̆̾ ̄̈́̏҉̪͖̲dͭ̎͆uͭ͐̂m͋̇̓҉̧͍͜ḃͤ͐
no you!!!
You’re really glad you met “Error” and silently thank your lucky stars for whatever had enabled that first, strange, garbled text to land on your messenger. You relay this to your friend.
W͛͊̍h̋̋̓ȁ̉̈́t͆ͯ̚ ̂̈́̈́iͫ̃̈f̈͗̌҉̸̘͠
W͛͊̍h̋̋̓ȁ̉̈́t͆ͯ̚ ̂̈́̈́iͫ̃̈f̈͗̌҉̸̘͠ ͥ̈ͤwͩ͌ͪe͊́ͬ ͦ̀ͪm̓ͦͮe͛̉ͬẗͯͥ ̾͛̇uͪͧͪp̿̿̂҉̧̮̯'
He wants to meet up? There’s a flutter in your chest as butterflies flit and twirl about within you. The idea of meeting someone who brings you such happiness, who has kept you company these last few months, excites you.
that'd be super NEAT!
but I don't even know where you live. I bet it's far?? That always seems to be my luck...
Ȳ͌ͯŏ̄̚u͂̎͗ ͂̿ͤc͛̎̉oͩ̅͆u̍ͣ́l̓ͭ̉҉̰̮͠d̆̑ͨ ͑̃ͬs̈́̿̿a͗̐̍y̍̋̉ ͩͯ̀t̉ͣ̒h̔̂ͩa͂̈̌tͬ̇̾
are we even on the same /continent/??
Wͥ͊ͣê̋͌ ̓͆͒҉̠͕͡c̆̑̓҉̦̖͟o͂̋̔u̔̋̏lͭ̑ͭd̐ͩͭ ̽ͧ̒b̽̿ͭe̒̑̀
Unbeknownst to you, you are teetering on the precipice of a very dangerous cliff.
Error has grown attached. And he thinks… he wants more.
Sometimes he finds himself thinking about you. It’s happening more and more often, actually; him thinking about doing things with you… to you. He imagines tying you up (just the way you want—you said you’d like that, after all), imagines bringing you to the AUs—the filthy glitches—you seem so enamored with, and letting you watch as he scrubs away all the filth because you should only have eyes for him. He’s supposed to be your favorite, and if nothing else exists, then he will be.
You won’t have a choice.
He hums in thought. Taps a phalanx against his cheek.
It won’t be easy, he realizes, to break the fourth wall. But he might know just the asshole to help him with that.
He scowls at the thought of owing that bastard a favor, though. Nightmare never does something for nothing.
“so whadda ya want?” Error manages to grumble out between his clenched teeth, hands fisted.
Nightmare just grins, his crescent smile thinning.
“in return for your help, ya damn tarpit.”
That chesire grin stretches wider, “don’t go getting your strings tangled, error. you’ll know when the time comes.” His smirk is devilish, his single socket lidded.
“tch. yeah, yeah, whatever, you overdramatic slug. just get on with it already, wouldja?” 
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Utmv fic wip
You teleport, making sure to stay quiet.
You wouldn’t want to have any loud sound effects that normally play, as you don’t know if it’s safe yet.
It’s dark, so the whole gang is probably asleep. As you get your bearings, you look around at your surroundings. You’ve only been there a couple of times, but your pretty sure you remember where Nightmare’s room is.
You find the door that looks right, and open the door to his room, quietly. You’re not sure who’s awake.
You sense movement in the dark and looks over to find that Nightmare seems startled. He has one tentacle shakily raised up in a defense position.
“Who- Fresh? What are you doing here? Aren’t you sided with the Star Sanses and Core Frisk?”
You thought carefully about what the best answer would be. You wanted to be taken seriously, so you decided to drop most of the slang.
“They were gettin’ too comfy with me on their side. They’re starting to think we’re friends or somethin’, but I’m just with them because of what they get me. I had ta show em who was boss. So I left. I’m on no one’s side.” 
To your surprise, Nightmare seemed confused. You were worried for a moment you’d worded something wrong, but brushed it off. He probably wouldn’t hurt you, for fear of angering anyone on the other side.
“So… are you telling me you want to join us?”
You were glad he didn’t seem upset at you. It would make things easier. You decided to try using more slang, in the hopes of convincing him you really did want to help. Also, the lack of slang might have actually freaked him out before. You don’t talk like that often.
“Yup, you got it Night-homie!” You smiled wide. “I’m all yours, until I get bored of course, haha! I need a change of pace, ya dig?”
Nightmare sat up in his chair. 
“… so you really do want to join. Alright. I’ll find a job for you in the morning, but for now we need our rest. You remember where the spare room is, right?”
You flashed him a thumbs up and smiled.
“Good. Well, good night then. I’ll see you in the morning.”
Huh, he was more sentimental than you thought, wishing you goodnight. 
You weren’t planning on sleeping that night, but you don’t tell him that. It would be rude, after all.
You quietly make your way around the castle to make sure you have the layout memorized, just in case.
Then you enter your room, lock the door, and sit down on the bed. It’s softer than you were expecting. The sheets are even purple, which is practically your favorite color. 
You don’t actually feel anything towards one particular color or another, but it’s kind of your signature color, so you act like it’s your favorite. People don’t notice the difference.
You feel safe enough to lay all the way back, but keep your eyes open. Some of Nightmare’s lackeys are dangerous, and it would be foolish to trust them right off the bat. 
It’s a while to morning, so you decide to plan what you’ll do tomorrow. You need to prove you are strong enough to survive alone to all the gang, but you can’t seem so strong that you’re a threat. That could endanger you. 
Maybe only show off some of more skeleton-y powers. Your… other moves might be too strange for them, and you shouldn’t scare them right away. You need them to come to trust you.
 Actually, you should probably just stick with the more lighthearted magic, like the clothing thing, now that you think about it. It’s the safest. You’ll feel it out, and maybe show off some more powerful stuff if anyone seems like they’re thinking you’re weak.
The bed is really comfortable. You close your eyes for a moment. You don’t have anything left to plan, it might be fine if you rest for a bit. 
You were, in all truth, incredibly tired, but…
You flinched, a jolt of fear going through you as you recalled why you hadn’t slept in weeks. That dream.
You were stuck in your parasite form. Strapped down to some kind of operating table, a bright florescent light straining your eye, sharp tools intended for you just in view. No matter how you struggled, you couldn’t get loose. You were weak, useless, pathetic.
And worst of all, something was wrong with you. Your chest ached with an odd sensation. It wasn’t fear, but something else, some strange hurt. 
You shake off the memory and adjust your glasses, finding that your face is wet. 
You cannot ever let yourself be trapped like that. You have to be stronger.
The next morning, you decide it’s best to casually come down for breakfast and see how the others respond. 
Nightmare’s boys have mostly ignored you in the past, minus Horror. 
The one time you met him, he kept hovering over you and offering some snacks. 
Actually, now that you think about it. Nightmare typically invited you over when most of them were busy. Weird.
You sit down, not even bothering to take one of the waffles that Horror probably made. You don’t need them.
Horror seems to be studying you from his spot around the table. You spot, in addition to him, Dust, and someone you’ve never seen before. They’re a skeleton with a red scar on their right cheek, and black and white, layered clothes. You’ll have to keep an eye on them.
Nightmare and Killer walk up, interrupting your thoughts. 
“… thought you wouldn’t show up.” Horror said, cracking a smile that revealed the statement to be a joke. 
“You know I would never miss your meals, Horror,” Nightmare said succinctly (but not impolitely).
Horror sits down at the table, plate heaped with waffles. He eyes you. You think you sense worry in his face, but it’s hard to tell. Horror doesn’t emote much. 
What could he be worried about? Maybe he thinks you’re a threat?
But then you see his eyelight flick towards the plate of food, and piece it together. He’s the chef usually, you’ve seen him cook, so he probably made the plate. He’s probably upset you didn’t take one.
You grab a plate and get one of the chocolate chip ones from the top, slathering it with syrup.
 Horror seems to relax his posture and starts eating. Good.
You cut off a piece, raise it to your mouth. Then stop. You’re suddenly aware of your host’s presence. You can feel his eyes on the piece of food. 
It’s distracting enough that the fork is stopped brought up to your mouth, something you quickly correct by putting your hand down, fork on plate. 
You for some reason don’t want to pick it up, seeing everyone at the table. They might be watching too. You only eat food when strictly necessary, what if they notice your odd ways and figure out what you are? What if they kick you out? What if they want to hurt you when they know what you are?
Your hand’s shaking. Why is it shaking. 
You have to get out of here.
The fork clatters to the table and you poof back to your room. You hear Nightmare letting out a surprised yelp and the others talking just before the connection through space closes. 
You lay down. That was an awful introduction you made. You don’t know why that happened. They wouldn’t find out just because of the way you ate, thinking about it now. 
And if they found out somehow, you’d escape, like always. 
You should go back to the table. 
You go back to the table. You sit down. Now everyone’s eyes really are on you. 
You have to say something, but your voice is stuck in your throat. You say nothing. The lapse of silence lasts long, but you can’t tell how long.
Finally, Nightmare speaks up. 
“Fresh, is everything alright?”
You can’t think of how to talk like you normally do, somehow. 
That was a weird response. He’s probably thinking you’re being weird.
Nightmare eyes turn down in something you can’t read, maybe sadness? But why would he be sad? 
Maybe he’s upset at you for being rude?
Nightmare leans toward you.
“would you like to talk privately? i understand if you wish to talk away from these people, as they are strangers to you.”
You’re tempted by the offer. You don’t know why, but it sounds appealing.
“Nope, I’m good, but thanks for the offer.”
Nightmare makes an odd face, but drops the topic.
Conversation resumes around the table, and you go back to eating breakfast. Horror must be a very experienced chef, because even something like you can tell they’re well made. 
It’s the second day you’ve spent in the castle. Nightmare has announced that today you are getting supplies, so everyone is grabbing packs, excluding you. You’re planning on simply putting anything you might need or that looks interesting in your fanny pack. 
For some reason, when Nightmare told you about the supply run he seemed embarrassed, mumbling about hospitality and apologizing. You were completely fine with the plan though. 
You were starting to need supplies of your own, supplies you wouldn’t want anyone to know of. Sure, Nightmare knew and was still an ally to you, but how would the others react? They have a dangerous reputation for a reason, after all.
Your host screams as you chase it. Of course. This time was really starting to be original.
You’re really just going through the motions today. Catching a host had stopping being entertaining ages ago. 
It was just a chore now.
As you finally catch up to the host and put your hand on its shoulder, you don’t even feel a bit of excitement from having a fresh  soul within your grasp.
Welp, that was a bust. Your hands are shaking again. You make a portal and jog back towards the rest of your group, as if you were coming back scavenging supplies.
“Hey, ‘Mare-y. How’s your group been hanging?” 
Your voice sounds flat, even to you. And if you can tell that’s probably pretty bad, considering your were just a soulless parasite. 
Oh my creator why is Nightmare making that face at you again. He’s looking at you with something weird in his eye, what does he want? 
Does he feel bad for you?
‘Bad for you.’ What a weird phrase. It took you a while to figure out what it meant when you heard it first. Some kind of feeling that others got when they viewed someone else’s pain. 
You jump as you feel a hand on your shoulder. It’s Nightmare. You didn’t even see him approaching, that’s how lost in thought you were. That was dangerous.
He seems to be trying to comfort you. Seems like he didn’t get the memo about you being soulless. Didn’t he have enough examples? You, Ink, any Flowey, you were all were just selfish and unfeeling, it was so obvious! 
You should tell him that, tell him to just step away, that he could change nothing. 
But you don’t want to. You’re not sure why.
Instead you lean into his shoulder.
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novainthevoid · 1 year
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I posted 1,630 times in 2022
That's 1,495 more posts than 2021!
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Only 40% of my posts had no tags
#sanders sides - 219 posts
#utmv - 173 posts
#logan sanders - 168 posts
#ink sans - 148 posts
#nova speaks - 57 posts
#janus sanders - 51 posts
#virgil sanders - 48 posts
#dream sans - 41 posts
#error sans - 40 posts
#incorrect quotes - 38 posts
Longest Tag: 124 characters
#i see a discourse post about a blorbo and my knee jerk reaction is that one meme where the person holds another protectively
My Top Posts in 2022:
The dawning realization that Mei and her friends would be in their 30s right now.
85 notes - Posted March 17, 2022
Y’all I was rewatching some sanders sides videos (most notably the puppets one) and like… have y’all noticed how Virgil and Logan check up on each other? Like the whole “only if you want to” thing is so sweet?? Like they’re acknowledging and being kind about each other’s boundaries and it’s just very sweet I love them.
101 notes - Posted February 15, 2022
Listen you guys. I love space Logan. I really do. But there are also so many other nerd things he could be. A chemical engineer, for example. It’s right there! We already know how he felt about chemical engineering vs theater and like all I’m saying is just. Chemical engineer logan.
Or if that’s not your thing, other kinds of engineer Logan! Biologist logan! Chemist logan! All I’m saying is I think we limit ourselves sometimes. My boy is so versatile. He can be into so many things. None science-y things as well. Librarian logan. Author logan. Detective logan. Absolutely deranged mad scientist logan. I love him.
118 notes - Posted May 8, 2022
Not to be discourse on main or anything but the school for good and evil isn’t queer baiting because Agatha and Sophie don’t get to together, it’s queer baiting because of the way they’re literally revealed to be sisters in the third fucking book after ALL the stuff they’ve been through and done for one another. Idk I’m a big proponent for strong platonic relationships but god they came across as not only queercoded but in some way queer with one another.
Edit: y’all should check out my reblog of this post for a more in-depth explanation
119 notes - Posted October 22, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Listen you guys… I just… I just need to talk about Logan. I need to talk about my boy…
Because I see a lot of interpretations of him that have him being kind of a dick/not caring about anyone or anything and that’s totally fine! The fun part of fandom is getting to interpret characters in tons of different ways and it makes it so much more interesting. But you guys…
Okay, so the times that I think make ppl see Logan like this come from times where he doesn’t realize how (or the extent that) his words/actions might hurt others. Like in Moving On when he’s trying to get them back to a healthier mindset and he accidentally hurts Patton’s feelings. In these situations, I think that Logan demonstrates low empathy: he has a hard time comprehending how his actions might make other people feel. It’s a pretty common trait in some neurodivergent people and though it’s pretty regularly demonized, it does not mean that someone is a bad person.
I saw a post a long time ago talking about empathy vs sympathy vs compassion and while Logan may have a hard time with empathy I think he genuinely shows a lot of compassion. Logan consistently tries to right his wrongs once he realizes that his actions hurt others: he may not realize that they would hurt beforehand, but once he does realizes he puts in the effort to fix that. He’s one of the most accepting sides and he often notes that all the sides are important parts of Thomas, including the ones that no one else seems to like. And he often puts his knowledge to use in helping others, like in ways to help with anxiety and respect of others boundaries (cough cough Virgil’s name reveal cough cough).
Anyways, tl;dr I love Logan and though he might struggle with empathizing with others, he shows a lot of acceptance and compassion towards others and clearly cares about them in his own way.
485 notes - Posted March 22, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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onebizarrekai · 2 years
what's ibvs???
it stands for isaac beamer versus the supernatural! it’s an ao3 story that I’ve been working on since 2016. it started out as a utmv project but all of those specific characters became ocs pretty quickly due to them diverting from having any similarities to the characters they were inspired by, so anyone can read it 👍 if you click on the readmore of my directory post, you’ll find a link pretty easily.
it’s a melodramatic comedy about a bunch of idiot teenagers who coincidentally happen to have powers that they’re trying to keep a secret all while trying to figure out what’s wrong with their town. although there are a lot of characters who take turns being the mc, the real mcs are isaac and edward, an ostracized artist and a popular jock who do not get along but become unlikely friends because of their curiosity towards the unknown and their similar secrets. also this story is very gay.
by the way, this is basically my pitch for ibvs towards all my followers who don’t read it 💦
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annaraebananawriter · 3 years
1: Just a Bad Dream; Dying in LA
Yellow everyone! I just wanted to warn you that I’m still kind of recovering from burning myself out, so don’t expect anything too awesome this week. I think Day 1 is actually the best that I’ve written for it, so far, so...It’s really just for me to stretch my muscles out again and get back into the flow.
With that said, this is Dy 1 of Dark Cream Week by @zu-is-here
Fandom: Undertale, but specifically UTMV
Characters: Shattered Dream (Who belongs to Galacii), Cross (Who belongs to Jakei) and mentioned Nightmare (who belongs to Joku)
Pairings: For now, implied Cream/Dark Cream
Warnings: I can’t remember, so let me know!
Word Count: 2096
The moment you arrived
They built you up
The sun was in your eyes
You couldn't believe it
They say that fate determines how you end up in life.
They say that destiny determines what you do in life.
These two things work in harmony with each other, one influencing the other around and around in a never-ending circle. Everyone was touched by them before they were born, the seed for skills necessary to succeed planted in them, waiting to be grown. No matter what happens, nothing pushes you away from what fate and destiny have determined for you.
It does not matter if your actions are good. If you give everything away and help everyone you come across. If you love your friends and family and strangers unconditionally. If you ignore yourself in favor of others.
It does not matter if your actions are bad. If you spit and sneer at everyone around you. If you yell and hit in anger and hate. If you hold your needs in front of everyone else and ignore those who should have just a little bit of attention too.
It simply does not matter.
Your fate and destiny have been determined already.
Why bother changing it?
Riches all around
You're walking
Stars are on the ground
You start to believe it
Cross was familiar with loss and guilt. When you kill your family and friends, try to delete other worlds, you tend to do so out of pain, driven only by a desperate hope that you can fix what you’ve done. But you can’t. Actions have consequences and the world will not let you go without them. He knows this well, almost too well.
Nothing stops the hurt, though. He’s tried. It was still there, stinging through every bandage and healing balm. If it shrunk, it only grew stronger. Other people tried to help as well, but their efforts were also in vain. Guilt comes from the loss that his actions have caused and that guilt causes this pain that will always be there, no matter how small and weak it eventually becomes.
This was his consequence. He’s learned to accept that now.
He’s learned to walk through the hurt and try and be better.
It was hard, yes. Stumbling and tripping over his feet, hesitant to make any decision lest it be the wrong one and reset his progress. There were many times where he thought that he’d stepped over the line and that they were going to quit on him, leaving him alone again. But they didn’t. They stayed, and the stumbling smoothed out to captiousness, the hesitance smoothed into nervousness. He would not be as confident as he once was, not for a while yet, but it was a start.
He was trying. That’s all that mattered.
And now he can stand on a hill, look into the blue sky and see the colours surrounding him and he can smile. A small, serene smile made of pure content, pride for himself. He can relax his shoulders and just breathe for a moment or two.
Everything was getting better.
Until he looks to his left and see yet another consequence to his newer actions, what his pained words snarled in a patient yet hurt smiling face.
Until Dream takes that step off the edge.
Every face along the boulevard
Is a dreamer just like you
“Don’t touch me! Just…just stop trying to help!”
“I lost my entire family, my home, and he gave me the hope that I could get it back. Why should I believe that you’re not just giving me the exact same false hope?”
“Some guardian you are…”
“You don’t know anything about what I’ve been through!”
But Dream did, Cross realized it now.
Dream had lost his family, his home, too, in the blink of an eye. Not only that, but he was put in a position to fight his brother, whom had changed so much he might as well’ve been a stranger, over and over again. The pressure to do that and still be happy, or at least act like it, must’ve been immense. Cross couldn’t begin to imagine it.
They had both lost their family and been hurt in very similar ways.
Cross just wished he realized this sooner.
You looked at death in a tarot card
And you saw what you had to do
Cross didn’t try to stop Nightmare as he ran away.
He was focused on the skeleton in pain in front of them. The one who was crying, black sludge spilling down and covering his bones, tinted gold as if in reminder of what it used to be. The one who reached a hand up, to try and stop his brother from leaving, but didn’t get far before dropping it to the ground, another pained noise escaping him.
Cross was frozen. He willed his legs to move, instinct in his mind saying to turn and run away too, away from danger, away from him. But he didn’t. He stayed put, legs not listening and just watched.
Underneath the instinct was a different kind of pain. It burned instead of stinging and left his soul aching in a way he had never felt before. He was suddenly all too aware of the ring he kept in his pocket, one the skeleton in front of him had turned down. It made a lump grow in his throat and he swallowed, clenching his hands.
Dream hunched over, arms wrapped around himself.
And all at once, Cross realized something.
If his words had had any part in leading up to this…
His legs finally moved and he rushed forward, reaching for Dream, for the one he held so close to his heart, wrapping his arms around him, even though he could not shield him from something within.
If his actions had this consequence, if his consequence had given up on himself, then he would have to be the one that stayed, that brought him back.
He’ll do it, or die in the process.
But nobody knows you now
When you're dying in LA
And nobody owes you now
When you're dying in LA
If fate and destiny have predetermined your story, then what does it matter how you act? If your good or bad, what does it matter? What does it matter if all your actions just bring you back to the path, no matter how far you try and stray from it?
What does anything matter?
When you're dying in LA
Good can be bad and bad can be good.
This is a fact.
But does it change anything?
What does it matter?
When you're dying in LA
“I’m tired.”
“I’m sorry.”
“Why can’t you see that I’m just like you?”
“Why do we have to be enemies?”
“I don’t understand.”
“I’m sorry.”
“I’m sorry.”
“I’m sorry”
“Please…don’t leave me alone again…”
“I love you.”
The power, the power, the power
Oh the power, the power, the power
Good is bad and bad is good.
What will change because of this?
Nights at the chateau
Trapped in your sunset bungalow
You couldn't escape it
Dream is familiar with emptiness and betrayal. He’s watched his home burn, his mother cut in half and his brother metaphorically die. All of these were caused by the villagers, people Dream once believed to be his friend, no matter how harsh they might’ve been at times. When you see everyone you care about die by the hands of someone you also care about, that is what causes the emptiness.
This emptiness did not mean he didn’t feel, no. He felt quite a lot actually. Happiness, grief, calmness, anger…love…he felt them all, some more so than others. They weren’t smothered or dulled in anyway by the emptiness. No, the emptiness was rather just a numbness he’s gained to certain situations. He can’t change it.
It was his consequence. He accepts this.
He hasn’t accepted fighting his brother nonstop until one of them is dead.
It was disorienting when he started, almost like he was trying to wake on quicksand and every step he took only dragged him further down. Everything was new. He had to learn fast how to shoot a bow, how to dodge, how to block, how to run. How to survive. All while his brother watched and laughed in amusement.
That was what hurt most of all. The amusement. Brothers were supposed to care for each other, help each other stay safe and heal from injuries. They weren’t supposed to laugh at you while you barely dodged the tentacle aiming for your soul. They aren’t supposed to be trying to kill you at all.
He hated it.
Apples are dangerous. They’re enticing. You want to take a bite of it, regardless of the effects it’ll do to your body and soul, in what ways it’ll warp your mind. They beckon you and lure you in, until all you can think about is what it’ll taste like, that savoury bite.
Nightmare wasn’t able to resist this temptation.
And if the saying goes that the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree…
Then it should only make sense Dream would follow in his footsteps.
Drink of paradise
They told you put your blood on ice
You're not gonna make it
Nightmare ran away from him.
The coward.
Dream doesn’t understand why. Brothers should support brothers when they decide to become better, to change how the world sees them, to try and prove they can’t be all good. They shouldn’t run, horror etched on their face as if this wasn’t supposed to happen, that he’d made such a terrible mistake.
“You can’t make mistakes, you’re positivity! You have to be perfect all the time.”
He runs his hands over each other, taking in the new coating of sludge while he waits for Cross, his lov—subordinate to wake up. It was just like Nightmare’s, the same consistency and everything, though his had a golden tint to it, rather than turquoise.
Of course.
Even corrupted, he was still positivity.
Every face along the boulevard
Is a dreamer just like you
He felt stronger. But weaker at the same time.
Was that a thing?
He felt like he could bend people to his will, make them listen just like he wants the entire multiverse to. He can’t stop thinking about people crying as he plays out illusion upon illusion in front of them, slowly dwindling their hope and love and any other positivity until it was completely shattered.
And yet, he can’t help but get the feeling that there’s a shakiness within him. Something is unbalanced, wobbling in his soul. It feels poisoned. He has no clue what it could be. He did everything the right way, he’s proven his worth, so everything should be fine now, right?
Everything was fine.
It had to be.
You looked at death in a tarot card
And you saw what you had to do
Cross groaned behind him, making Dream perk up. “…Night…mare?”
Were they really that similar now? Interesting. The thought that his brother and him can never stop being twins makes Dream giggle under his breath as he turns, smiling as Cross’s eyes widen.
“Not quite.”
But nobody knows you now
When you're dying in LA
And nobody owes you now
When you're dying in LA
Fate and destiny are predetermined things…but they are not a gift, no.
They are a curse.
Bad gets jealous of good and tries to prove he can be just the same as his counterpart, but only succeeds in cursing himself farther. Good is hurt by this and centuries go by.
Good gets desperate, nothing enough anymore, so he tries to prove tat he can be just the same as his counterpart, both succeeding and failing. He’s cursed himself, too.
Bad runs away, leaving good.
And now they’ve both strayed from their path.
When you're dying in LA
Good is bad and bad is good.
Or are they?
How can we tell? Who are we to say?
They will determine that for themselves, who is who.
When you're dying in LA
“…are you crying?”
“Don’t stop.”
“It feels amazing!”
The power, the power, the power
Oh, the power, the power, the power
Fate has bended and destiny is broken.
How will this change things?
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digglesgiggless · 3 years
Hey, same anon that the "idk if i love you or hate you", I'm still on anon because I'm a coward and people in the UTMV community aren't usually nice (but you knew that)
I didn't mean 'selfish', actually, but I'm not a native english speaker and I didn't know how to explain that feeling. It was more of... Well, especially in the jokeblog drama (just to clarify: I obviously hate joku), sometimes it just seemed like you were mean to her just to be mean and saying nothing actually constructive (I have no exemple in mind rn, sorry). And I just felt like you would never even care about other's arguments and you're always so convinced you're right, sometimes it just doesn't make sense. Like, that time joku said D&N were nb and you were angry because she was "rewriting the story", like... Makes sense. The story isn't fixed and she CAN still change stuff. And tbh that was a headcanon of mine for a while already. Ofc that doesn't change the fact that she's a terrible and awful person, but what you said about this just didn't make sense. Like you're so convinced she's always wrong, sometimes it just sounds weird. (Maybe it's just me, idk)
Tbh most of the time I absolutely adore you, you seem like a genuinely amazing person and I look up to you for a lot of stuff. Like I said, whenever there's a discourse (and oh my there are a LOT of discourses in this fandom) I'm always looking forward to hearing your opinion because I belive it's going to be the right one everytime. (I mean, not exactly 'the right one' but you understand what I mean, I think? Skdhkshs linguistic struggles)
I'm really sorry if my ask made you anxious, I wanted it very very focused on the 'I would litteraly listen to your every word most if the time' part more than anything else :(... I wouldn't be following you otherwise sldhlsjs
So yeah here the "apology letter" for my message earlier, I would've apologized much earlier but it was late in my time zone so I was sleeping. I'm sorry I'm still on anon, but I'm a bit too scared- And sorry for the extra-long-ass apology, I never know how to write these short ><
I hope you have a good day! :)
Thank you I appreciate it,
Okay so I really should stress, I don't hate Joku for clout or smth. I genuinely, legitimately dislike and unappreciate Joku as a person, when I dropped my bags at Joku changing NM and D to nonbinary it was because it was a really sudden change, and I know Joku would absolutely either just forget what NB meant and refer to one of them as he again(constantly) or go up someone else's ass for referring to them as he. Low hanging fruit but I don't see Joku as a person that has good intentions. Especially since Joku hasn't done anything significant with her AU except get angry when people do it better.
And I am sorry about the heat your ask caught btw, I would've just dmed you but, yanno. Anon and stuff.
I really only partake in the drama because uh, one, ADHD feeds off the social stimulation for all that crap and two, I like to make it known where I stand without showing any hesitation about it.
aka, yes I'm gonna come off dickish sometimes, especially if the drama has personally irritated me. so yeah i definitely would just be mean to be mean sometimes to joku to get whatever frustration was in my system.
don't get me wrong, I'd never doxx her or some shit but I'm definitely not gonna NOT use the "jokeblog" tag for her since I think it's funny. that kinda thing if it makes sense.
(and yeah take it from me, i agree this community do be kinda crazy 😳)
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quixlebug · 4 years
Hmmm, do you by any chance have a good utmv fic recommendation please-? I ran out of things to read and boredom is taking over please halp- T^T
Apologies in advance for the mess, I'm on mobile and I don't know how to make the links look neat and pretty. I'd also put a "keep reading" if I could, but again… I don't know how and I'm on mobile...
Oh boy, do I have some fics for you. 
"A Good Ol' Fashioned Hell-Raising" is one of my current favorites. I've never been crazy about either westerns or the Grillby x Gaster ship, but this story is just so fun to read. I read the first 17 or so chapters in one sitting, and when I was done I was sad there wasn't more. It's currently ongoing, and things are getting quite interesting. 11/10, highly recommended. Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/23756062
"Hey There, Angel Fins," is a longtime favorite of mine. Kustard and mermaids, what more could you ask for? The social and physical differences between shallow water and deep water mercreatures are fascinating, and the family and school dynamics are wonderful to read. There is a little bit of explicit content, but it can be skipped over very easily with no importance to understanding the rest of the story. Ongoing. Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/17948678
"Imaginary Friend" is actually one of the first works I read in this fandom, and it still has a very special place in my heart. The author has apparently orphaned it, but it's an Errink high school AU one-shot that managed to hit all of my feels in a very short amount of time. Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/17821253
"A Glimpse Into Forever" is another story I read when first coming into the fandom. There's a lot of NSFW, but the author's portrayals of Geno, Reaper, and some of the other characters who make an appearance as well, have strongly affected the way I interpret those characters in my own work. There's lot of feels- fluff, angst, hurt/comfort, pretty much anything you could ever ask for. Completed, although there is a kind-of sequel that updates occasionally. Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/18667033
"Beneath an Aurora Sky" is another story with some more mature content, but it's by one of my favorite authors of all time, who pretty much single-handedly made me love Spicyhoney. They've got a lot of different stories and AUs which I highly recommend  checking out as well, but this particular one is set at a North Pole research station. Although the story is centered around Edge and Stretch (UF and US Papyrus, respectively) my favorite character in the story might just be Red… or maybe Undyne, even. Ongoing. Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/18092474
"Despite Everything, It's Still You" is a modern-day human AU centered around Nightmare. Xunshine is a thing and it's nice, Killermare is a thing as well and it's lovely. Nightmare manages to get himself cursed, and life continues pretty much as normal, except with a few extra limbs he has to try and hide. Ongoing? Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/22580569
"Scars Like Constellations" is a Cherryberry fic where the universes all know each other exist and visit quite frequently- unless you're from Underfell, because those in charge don't know how to be nice, apparently. Mind the tags- there's a chapter with self-harm which is pretty intense, but Red and Blue's dynamic is quite honestly adorable. I'm very excited to see where it goes- and while I was grabbing the link, I realized there's a new chapter I haven't read yet and now I'm very excited. Ongoing. Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/17196635
And finally, "It's Still You," is another favorite of mine. It's a slightly different take on Dreamtale, with Nightmare and Goopmare as separate entities… but not really. It's a tad confusing at times, but the writing is beautiful and the story itself made me cry, multiple times. There's also a sequel that's ongoing, focusing on Ink and Error. I need to catch up on it, but Flowey is involved and it's all very very interesting. Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/23899465
Hope you find something you like from this list! I've got plenty more I could add, but for the sake of keeping this post relatively short, I'll cut it off here. 
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nightmarexcross · 4 years
an important message from original admin and starter of this blog:
aka, onebizarrekai, aka, mod killer–
I am not really interested in maintaining this blog anymore, as my interests are beginning to become more general and less directed towards just the undertale multiverse. yes, I certainly had a time here, and making this blog was just a thing that I decided to do. but now, with its inactivity, and my shifting interests, I thought it was due time to make an announcement rather than just let the blog continue to collect dust. because I don’t keep tabs on the state of the utmv fandom anymore, I don’t know how constantly active it still is, and if the shipping fanbase is still what it used to be.
okay, let me tell you a story, actually. the utmv fandom has been a CRAZY place. there was like, this huge, really uncanny shipping war. people were arguing over whether to ship cross with nightmare or dream, and I took the side of nightmare/cross because the comic that people were using as an inspiration for shipping cross and dream–in addition to motivation for their characterizations–put me off big time due to its infantilization of dream. in any case, I started this blog to make myself feel better, using a name that mocked the url of that comic.
regardless, this is a matter that’s long in the past, and I don’t think many people even remember that comic unless they’ve been here since at least 2017. at the time, this blog just gave me a place to reblog content for a ship that I liked. some people kind of knew me as the… ‘crightmoss lord’, or whatever it was, because I worked so hard to try to keep this thing that I liked on the surface of the fandom.
however, my interest in keeping this blog going and actively searching out content for a fandom I’m not really actively working in anymore has majorly dwindled beyond wanting to run a blog for it, much less run annual events. I definitely had an interesting time here, and that time between 2016-2018 was a very wild and certainly enriching experience–I met all kinds of people, learned a lot of things, and I also learned a very valuable lesson about minding my own business and just letting people do their thing sometimes and not allowing myself to be bothered by it.
in any case, as the other mods of this blog aren’t active on it either, I want to ask if anyone out there is interested enough in nightmare/cross to inherit and continue running this blog.
there’s a lot of fanart that this blog has accumulated that will disappear if the blog is deactivated, due to their original artists also deactivating. if nobody is willing to continue operating this blog in my place, then I’ll just delete it and not worry about it. not out of frustration, or spite, but with a heart to move forward from the things that I felt around the time that I started it, and honestly just getting it off my plate. and if you don’t want this blog gone because you like scrolling through it? please, offer to take it! you don’t even have to make it active, if you don’t want. you could just let everyone know that you’re holding onto it and you’re not going to post anything.
in any case, hit me up if you’re willing to hold onto it.
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