#yes i'm joining the bandwagon haha
bugeyedfreaks · 1 year
Interesting Powerpuff Girls trivia: Sedusa’s alter ego, Ima Goodlady, was loosely based off of the duplicitous character Katya from Martin Scorsese’s film Goncharov.
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emcon-imagines · 8 months
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Living on the Bus as an Agent of SHIELD (based on my own experience traveling for work) (AGENTS OF SHIELD)”
requester: N/A // a/n: yes I was inspired by my current work travels and I LOVE to think about the reality of daily Bus life haha. Yes I would be open to doing a part 2?! also yes I'm back but not really? just writing whatever i feel like tbh
For the first few days, you’re weirdly formal about things. You don’t want to sit on the furniture or cook or anything because like… this Bus is NICE. you sit on the floor and eat off the coffee table
The team is gonna see you in your pajamas. You’re gonna see the team in their pajamas. It’s gonna happen. You all are living together and there’s no way around this.
For the first few days, you wake up early to get ready before even leaving your bunk so that no one sees you in any sort of unpresentable shape.
But finally you crack because everyone is staying up late and you want to change into cozy clothes so you change into your pajamas.
(It’s a pair of pink Snoopy pajamas)
You walk back out of your bunk praying no one will notice until someone (Coulson) says “aww I like y/n’s pajamas!”
At night, Coulson likes to watch movies on the  briefing room screen and Skye usually joins him. The others will stop in, but they are the constant.
It’s the worst movies, and the weirdest shit from whatever country’s Netflix the plane is in
Skye also has been personally trying to mess up Coulson’s algorithm so she watches tons of random things on his accounts
Usually the team is drunk during these movie marathons and exhausted after a day in the field
Most of the time, you don’t make it through the movie—you keep nodding off halfway though
Or you go to your bunk, and fall asleep to the sound of a couple teammates, usually Coulson and Skye, laughing their asses off at whatever movie they put on
The Bus is cleaned professionally once a week when you check in on a SHIELD base, but you still find yourself cleaning up all the time because you don’t want to be the “messy” roommate
Ward’s the one who scares you the most when it comes to cleaning because his bunk doesn’t even look LIVED in and he always seems to witness you dropping a napkin of crumbs on the floor, or trying to silently put a plate in the sink “to soak”
This might be a surprise, but there isn’t a chore schedule. Chores are done as needed, and usually quickly assigned. For example, if you trained with someone, the lower ranking people just kinda… automatically clean up and put the mats away and wipe things down after
The dishes pile up in the sink and after a day or so, someone just does them while they’re waiting for someone in the microwave. Usually Jemma or Ward.
You learn everyone’s shower habits really quickly.
Some people (Jemma) are morning shower people, others (Fitz, Skye) are night shower people, others (Ward, May) are post-training shower people, and Coulson just tends to shower before dinner, though he uses the bathroom attached to his office
Coordination is key because nothing is worse than when the bathroom is still wet from the previous person 😭😭😭
People calling dibs after a really long day/mission
Dinner is honestly usually takeout. You always talk about cooking and make plans to but never do. At some point in the evening, someone always announces they’re ordering and everyone else bandwagons on
Breakfast is the only meal that is sometimes cooked. Coulson makes a mean egg sandwich, but you gonna be up early for that.
The team often resupplies on base, but very often (at least a few times a week), someone makes a Cosco/Walmart/convenience store run.
So if you want snacks (or lunch stuff), you gotta tag along or ask REALLY nice
May somehow ALWAYS knocking on your bunk door 5 minutes before your alarm was gonna go off to “make sure you’re up”
Trying to put on your best “awake” voice because nothing prepares you for May knocking on your door asking if you’re awake. Ever.
Also, in that same vein, you’re going to try your best to be so closed off and professional and then one day, you’re going to break that illusion. For me, it was vomiting out the door of a car stuck in traffic 🤠
It’s weird how quickly the team picks up on your habits and idiosyncrasies. Like May getting your favorite chips from the store, or Fitz asking what you’re thinking about because you’re bouncing your leg again and you only do that when your thinking intently
The boredom is sometimes real, especially when you’re waiting on orders and just in standby for a day or so. You end up borrowing a lot of Ward’s books and they’re not the kind of thing you’d usually read, but hey, they fill the time
tag list: @ssswallow @sevpurisimp @the-kinnie-in-me @sweetjedi
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kimikoyukiart · 9 months
Hey! Idk if you remember, I'd talked to you about making your aymeric x estinien housing art into ffxiv housing. Ever since then, I have really fallen in love with your art style! I am also a noob artist and opened comms recently, but I haven't gotten any yet haha do you have any advice and tips for me to help gain an audience and commissioners? Thank you and goodluck with your shop!
Hello again! Yes, I remember gosh thank you so much for enjoying my art! Also I'm always super happy to answer art stuff since I'm in love with it, but I will open with a disclaimer specifically for the growing audience bit cause for a long time I've primarily been an OC / original art artist and it wasn't till I became cripplingly obsessed with estimeric that I grew some semblance of a following so I'm a pretty small artist by most standards ;;; With that said, here are my tips and advice which I'll separate into 2 parts
Putting this under a read more cause it's LONG
Commissions (mostly about expectations, best practices, and organisation to make it easy on clients)
Have some kind of commission page (here's mine for example) to make it easy for your clients to be able to reference something and for you to direct new inquiries to. This can be anything from a website/carrd to even just a google doc/tumblr pg. Will there be clients who never read this? Absolutely. BUT it's also great for clients who are shy and/or who like coming prepared
Have a Terms of Service section!! In our current day and age of tech bros and assholes trying to exploit and scam creatives I cannot express enough how just having a TOS will deter these ppl! It shows you're serious and that you know what you're about, making you less of a target!
MOST IMPORTANT! Be kind to yourself!!! Opening commissions is exciting due to the prospect of making money from something you love and it can be very disappointing and demoralising when you don't get any! It's also a very "feast or famine" type of roller coaster, so don't feel bad if you don't get any, even super large artists struggle!
Building a following (from someone who's doesn't actually prioritise this so take it as you will!)
You've probably heard this before but fanart is definitely better at drawing a crowd than original art so I feel obligated to mention it. (I'm a pretty classic case study of this imo lol) And the reason for this is that there's already an established audience out there that loves the content you're making unlike original art where you're starting from ground zero. Does that mean you should give up making original art if you want followers? ABSOLUTELY NOT! And honestly most of my advise will be from the perspective of growing an audience via original art because you can apply the same principles to fanart so here we go!
Consistency is key. Being a constant presence on your existing followers' feed means having consistent chances for them to share/engage with a piece of your artwork, which means more chances for new eyes to see them which means more chances for followers etc etc. But what's the pace? Well that depends on how brutal you're interested in being with yourself unfortunately....if you die hard want to grow as fast as possible then once a day (i've seen some artist do more;;;) but it's something I would NOT recommend for all sorts of risks. (you can mitigate the risk ofc but that's like a whole thing in itself) I'd advice you to figure out a pace that works for you so that you maintain a healthy relationship with your art
Join events/zines/bandwagons. Whether it's things like drawtober, ffxiv art parties, or zines, engaging with community/communal activities (especially those with hashtags/promos) can help you engage with people who might not have found you otherwise. If you're a social person it's a great chance for you to make friends who have similar interests too! Making art related to a piece of media that just came out is also great way of engagement since people are probably looking for it (for example spidersonas or dressing OCs in outfits to watch the barbie movie)
Make it easy to find your art when someone visits your page. It doesn't necessarily have to be a full portfolio, but giving viewers a place to see only your art posts is crucial imo. Tumblr is great since it's tagging system is fantastic making this part easy but places like Twitter for example only have a single media tab; so making a thread for art post or keeping your media tab clean is ideal. (you've no idea have many artists i've chosen not to follow cause their media tab is 1 awesome piece of art then just 500 cursed memes/reaction images lol)
HARDEST BUT MOST IMPORTANT POINT! Make compelling art. I follow artists who post a piece of art maybe once every....I dunno 3 months if even that, but when they do they get thousands of notes, why? Because it is a compelling piece of art. Something that touches the heart or makes you gasp in awe or swoon from it's vision or die laughing. And this is the hardest point because what that looks like is completely unique to you. Basically it is your answer to the question of "Why do I make art?" which artists everywhere all around the world, regardless of genre or industry, are trying to answer themselves. The one thing you MUST REMEMBER while you try to figure this point out is that it must involve Love. That means loving the journey; the grueling failures, steep learning curves, and all, because if even you don't love what you're trying to create other won't either. And that's not to say you have to be happy about a piece of art not turning out right (I still cry from frustration myself all the time) but it does mean be kind to yourself when you fall so you can pick yourself up easier when you stand again
THAT WAS SUPER LONG WOW! With all that said tho those 1st 2 points for growing an audience is what I would recommend focusing on! The internet is all about engagement and you can't have that if there's nothing to engage with! Also because it just bears mentioning that sometimes it is just a skill thing and you just have to get better at drawing BUT that is not to say skillful=complex! Nonono take a look at webtoons like "My Giant Nerd Boyfriend" by fishball or "Sarah's Scribbles" by Sarah Andersen. Or illustrator's like loonpflug or mmeiccaa. It's not complex but it's some FKIN GOOD ART!
Ok I will stop my ranting here GOOD LUCK AND DON'T FORGET TO BE KIND TO YOURSELF!! You are more than how many numbers you make on the internet and I hope that you always remember that 💖
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eilinelsghost · 10 months
hi! recently got hooked on the idea of finrod/beor and found your atandil series. almost caught up and low key feral about it. mostly this message is to say that,
but also to ask if you saw this post on the two of them (https:// www.tumblr.com/searchingforserendipity25/720667602423332864/hmmmm-ship-opinions-how-about-finrodbeor) and ask if this is how you see them too since you hit on some of the same philosophical angst from this post
weird ask probably but i love hearing different writers wrangle the same issues and i’m curious how you approach these
Hi anon!
Well first off thank you so much for the compliment and I'm so glad to hear you're liking the series! It has definitely taken over my entire brain at this point, so that is always nice to hear. 😂 Also always very pleased to hear there's a new person joining the Finrod/Bëor bandwagon. We are a small group, but we are mighty. 👊
Re the second, yes I did see @searchingforserendipity25's post (tagging because I feel weird responding behind their back so to speak? lol) and I think there are several aspects we read similarly and a few where we diverge. Those two are indeed canon. No question. Tolkien can resurrect and say what he wants, but it's canon. Period. I think I come down with a slightly more hopeful read (I interpret the Athrabeth as Finrod's lowest point in his grief and so don't really read him as the most accurate narrator there of his own former or long term feelings on the relationship), but there were a lot of good thoughts in that post! Truly love to see another Finrod/Bëor fan in the wild, or whatever we're calling Tumblr now haha. As far as how I'll approach those questions in Atandil, I guess I'll be the really annoying writer who says wait and see?
Thanks again for reading - it's so nice to hear that new people have found it and are enjoying it. 😄
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levi-supreme · 2 years
Hi 姐 i MISS U IVE BEEN DYING OVER EXAMS but for the game….can you do 3, 6 and 12!!!!
Hiiii Suz MY DARLING SISTER!!!! Joining in the voice asks bandwagon ahhaha please don't mind my annoying Asian accent HAHHAHAHA
[Voice recording deleted]
3: And because I know we're all egocentric, have you ever made yourself laugh out loud or cry with a fic you wrote?
The answer is yes!!! Recently I wrote and posted this thirst drabble titled 'Making Out with Levi' as part of my Happy Birthday Levi event. It actually started out as a thirst brainrot about Levi getting cockblocked while making out with the reader and HAHA, I just found this idea to be really funny. So I ended up writing and posting this drabble and I really liked it a lot!!
6. What is your favourite sense to incorporate in your writing and why?
Okay so I'm dumb and I had to google this before I realised they were asking about the five senses HAHAHHA. And for this, my answer would probably be my sense of sight.
I feel like I write a lot of description and the things that I can see in my writing, so I may tend to overly describe the scenery and surroundings, and also what the characters and reader sees. I feel like if I don't describe the things around the characters well enough, it is hard for readers to understand the setting and I want everyone to visualise what I see and put into writing.
Also, not sure if this is a sense, but I find myself liking to write dialogues a lot. Sometimes half my writings are dialogues and it makes me feel like I can personally connect with the characters when you read their conversation. Is this writing with my sense of hearing? XD
12: What headcanon will you keep implementing in your fics, even if canon ends up contradicting it?
Hmm, maybe this isn't really a headcanon per se haha, but I feel like the Levi I write in my fics is always really soft and gentle instead of how he's being portrayed in canon. I feel like Levi is a really great example of 刀子嘴,豆腐心 (someone with a harsh mouth but a soft heart) and I think I always indirectly write him as such haha.
Thank you for sending me this Suz, I love you so much!!!!!! Please stay warm and drinks lots of tea!!! I hope you get to eat durian too <3
Fanfic writer asks!
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jacksbutland · 5 years
ChriKra did an amazing interview, I think they overran by an hour, but it was sooooo funny...!!! They had people ask him questions. Jonas Hofmann asked "Hi Chris, it's Jonas. I'd really like to know: Do you like your own dressing style?" and Chris replied Yes! He does! He's aware he's a very boring dresser, with his trousers and basic t-shirts and long-sleeve shirts, but he's comfortable and that's his priority. "I sound like I'm > forty, don't I? WHO CARES!" interviewers: So the others in the
dressing room have more swag?“ Chris "I mean *obviously*! Just look at Ibo Traoré! He can pull off *everything*! To be honest, I’d love to be able to wear that, all that glitz and glam and gold that he does, but if I tried that people would say ‘look at the lanky German, what does he think he’s doing?!” He says some nice and wise things as well, and spends a good deal gushing about Thorsten Mattuschka, which is so cute. “To me it was love at first sight!”
He also he says he currently “can’tstand Dieter Hecking” for benching him. The reporter’s obviously a bit shocked and CK says “That’s normal, isn’t it?” and says he and Hecking get on really well personally; though you can tell he’s really miffed, & that Hecking’s not giving him good reasons for it (Hecking was actually asked about that statement by Chris and said he understood him perfectly & that it definitely wasn’t Chris’ fault. A bit weird.) 
His former Bochum coach asks a question, Kießling and Leno, Lars and Ginter, Knippiand Mattuschka and a comedian and the ZDF presenter that he did the world cup stint with (Breyer, who starts out “Hi my favourite colleague, 1st question, when will you hang up your boots and join me full time?”). HAHA! He’s asked if there are people who just know him as TV pundit, not as a footballer, because apparently Mehmet Scholl mentioned that once. CK “Well I can say, my presenting went over well with the ladies over sixty. I’ve got many elderly ladies telling me know what a cute littlelittle thing I am. I trace that back to the ZDF work, rather than football…” Apparently the cashiers in the supermarket say that to him “And I have to say I love it, every time! It’s the best compliment!" BILD reporter "It’s obvious, by the way, that you are quite well liked by your teammates and other colleagues, since every single person we asked to participate and send in questions agreed to do so immediately. Well, one exception. We also asked Max Kruse and he said he'd do everything for Christoph Kramer, but not for BILD. Which, well, ok, fair play to him, I respect that." .... 
oh, he's still keeping that diary. Düsseldorf game entry goes something like "sat on the bench again and it sucked, really annoyed. On the other hand we won 3-0, still up in the table, yay." Also he does NOT complain constantly about not playing "that would be really shitty for my teammates who do play, wouldn't it?" and the atmo in the team's apparently great, and heloves them all. Would he rather play for Dortmund or for Bayern? Neither, he wants to stay in Gladbach. What was the best offer that he seriously considered before deciding against it? Ever since 2014 he's repeatedly been approached by Italian clubs and he did consider it once, during the season at Leverkusen, but then Gladbach contacted him and everything else became irrelevant. 
"You learned to play the guitar -" "No stop it, shut up, I didn't." "What?" "Well. I can't. I really tried but I... I can't. It really hurt on my fingers as well, I was so told it was supposed to, but no. You know, if you have ten lessons and still can't play a single chord, you have to face the truth: you're not made out to play the guitar. I'll take up piano lessons soon, but I'll fail that, too." "Is that really the spirit?" "Oh, I definitely won't be able to play two-handed, but, you know, maybe with one hand. Actually I just want to be able to say, "care to hear a song?" and then play one." "Oh, so we'llsee you on stage soon on the piano." "No, you definitely won't. I have not a single musical bone in my body. Probably once my football career is over, when I can focus all my energy and concentration on music, I'll try really hard and learn to play the recorder." HAHAHA. He's really quite funny. 
Leno asks why, even after he left, there was a pair of shoes of his hanging in some room of the Bayer 04 premises. And he gets all emotional: those were his FAVOURITE shoes! A pair of white adidas running shoes, he loved them so much. And he stepped in dog shit with them!! "So, dissolved in tears, I ran into the showers with them and spent ages trying to clean them, but the material, and the surface structure was such..." He couldn't get them clean. Or rather, they looked alright, but they still *smelled*. He should have thrown them away, but he *really didn't want to!!!* So he hoped that if they could just air out they'd be alright & so he hung them on a hook in some little back room."So if, by chance, anybody from Leverkusen is listening and, hoping against all hope, those shoes are still there: I'd REALLY like them back!! ...But you've probably long thrown them away and I really can't blame you..." He is soooo funny, and really likable. 
The thing with the podcast is that he gets a squeaky toy (or whatever) and when he doesn't want to answer he can use it, he gets that option 2x2 times (2 for each part of the podcast) and he does use it once. The reporter starts "A littlewhile ago someone tried to blackmail you with pictures - oh ladies and gentlemen, there it is-" "[squeak]" Do you want to hear more? The entire thing is priceless. To the interviewer's great surprise, he's recently taken up golf. "Yes, well, my parents are both newly retired and to stop them from bashing each other's head in spending all that time together at home, I had to think of sth I could do with my dad so I gave him golfing lessons for his birthday. And it's much more fun than expected.""What about your mum?" "Her birthday's not been yet. But I have to think of something. I hope I will." 
The first part is about sports, Gladbach, Bundesliga, fans/ultras, world cup 2014, world cup 2018, his career, the second part is more personal. I don't know how long it's supposed to be, but in the first part, at some point, the interviewer says "to be honest we've already run far overtime but I actually have no intention of stopping you, I'm having so much fun...". It's called phrasenmäher (pun on "Phrasen" and "Rasenmäher") and I'd never heard of it before, but going by the reactions on twitter, ChriKra's was the best one yet and much more entertaining than the previous one with Lahm twitter com/DreiMannSturm/status/1062081498998824960. It's really extremely entertaining! (They also talk about some serious stuff, btw. I was quite happy with the big majority of his responses. But all in all, he's really very likable!)
thank you for sharing this interview w me honestly chris is such a babe and i really like that his personality really comes through in interviews like these
also lmfao at max drawing the line at bild but it’s so nice to see that theyre still close
i cant believe he’s getting on the golf bandwagon
kinda wanna know wha the question about the pictures is about but if he doesnt wanna talk about it fair play to him
maybe i’ll take a listen though i probably won’t understand much so honestly massive thanks to u for making me aware of his interview n translating stuff for me (one day ..... one day i’ll be able to understand enough german to listen to interviews and read articles but for now i shall have to rely on u my lovely anon)
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jojolovenotes · 3 years
Hehe, it's Jee here once again. I understand that yesterday was busy for you, it's alright! Thanks for the encouragement. Ever since I got Josuke's letter, my courage builds up little by little. ❤ Since many are gushing about their f/os, guess I'll join the bandwagon hehe. The first paragraph below is just some intro on my personality but it connects to the gushing part ehehe
I'm one of those people who enjoy being with a few trusted people, simply eating and maybe walking around, talking about anything from bizarre questions, "Would you rather get in a bath tub full of lotion or a tub full of glue?", to my interests (anime, for example), to extremely long random thoughts discussion, "I think it's possible for humans to start a civilization in another planet because...", and to topics I know how to explain well, "Have you heard of Polybius? Apparantly it's a game that dosen't exist..." So yeah, because I'm like that, I wouldn't go at the center and dance or perform something.
Oh gosh, sorry if it's too long. I'll split this into probably two asks. I'm also the type of person who gets sidetracked but I get back to the topic anyway (😂 I should be talking about the prom scenario I imagined). If you want to maybe get to know me better, then it'd be a pleasure. 👉👈
Hi Jee! It’s nice to hear from you again :) Yes of course, please gush as much as you’d like!! Ah i see! I can relate I prefer having a small group of few trusted people as well! Haha I also feel that about getting sidetracked :P of course I’d like to get to know you better :)
Alright on to the scenario...!
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