#yes i watch both critical role and dimension 20 don’t @ me
foggysirens · 3 months
dinluke d&d romance where din and luke are both pretty popular players from two different online shows - dins group a bit more classic d&d and luke’s table plays a more relaxed, experimental game- but they end up collaborating together as a players in a mini charity campaign and from the moment they meet luke is just smitten with din’s quiet charm and encyclopedic knowledge of the game that makes him the more chaotic player in the room and he’s so immediately attracted to him that luke makes it his mission to make din’s character fall in love with his - only to remember he made a joke character that was voted on by fans- so instead of trying to romance din’s stalwart half-elf paladin as a fire genasi bard named Burnz Stuph, luke just really earnestly tries to make them best friends while also letting the story-telling happen naturally, following the dice and having things play out as they may and whatnot- and he gets so caught up in just playing the game he loves that it takes him by complete surprise when at the end of their little campaign din’s characters asks his out that luke ends up falling off his chair (yes, it becomes a meme)- cause it turns out that while he was so engrossed in the game he failed to notice that he was, indeed, successfully romancing both din and his pc and that both of their collective fandoms have been freaking out over their chemistry and the pc romance and luke. hadn’t. noticed. anyways, at the wrap party afterwards din asks luke out for real and they become one of those beloved d&d couples who play in campaigns together every now and then and one day in the future they hold another charity event where they bring back their characters from that first one they ever played together and din surprises luke by proposing and they break the nerd internet for a bit
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imthecleric · 2 years
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name : bas
star sign : leo
height : 5′9
spotify shuffle :  i don’t have spotify
ever had a poem / song written about you ? :  hahahaha lol no
when was the last time you played air guitar ? :  last time i listened to Queen so like a month ago
celebrity crush :  right now? its between Mike Faist and David Alvarez
sound you hate and a sound you love ? :  hate - one of my parent’s dogs barking, love - fire crackling
do you believe in ghosts ? :  yes
how about aliens ? :  yep.
do you drive ? :  yep, i actually need to get my tires looked at LOL
what was the last book you read ? :  Panic. Watch the show on Amazon you’ll save yourself time and money (both are written by the same person)
do you like the smell of gasoline ? :  No
what was the last movie you saw ? :  Uh i believe it was Downton Abbey 2
what’s the worst injury you’ve ever had ? :  Either when I broke my ankle falling down stairs, or when I busted my chin open flying over the handlebars of a bike because i got the back and front breaks confused
do you have any obsessions right now ? :  Stranger Things, Umbrella Academy, Critical Role, Dimension 20, Panic, Descendants, and PJO
do you tend to hold grudges ? :  no
in a relationship ? :  single as a mother fucking pringle
tagged by (stolen from): stole it
tagging: steal it from me
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karmicpunishment · 3 years
Roleplay Conduct in the Dream SMP
just want to forwarn, this is throwing no hate to any cc involved with the DSMP, i just think this is something that needs to be talked about. For example, I will be mentioning cc!phil quite a bit, but thats just because he’s a good, recent example of what i want to talk about. this has no hateful intent, just hopefully helpful critisism.  also if there are any spelling errors or something, ignore them please <3 ---- I think there’s one major thing that bugs me about the DSMP, both on the side of the content and the fandom, and thats the lack of understanding of the basics of roleplay. it’s clear that most people involved (both cc and fandom wise) this is their first major experience with rp. and while thats not a bad thing per se, it does majorly effect how the proccess runs and the content produced. 
with the dream smp its incredibly clear there is a lack of awareness relating to rp experience, especially when it comes to etiquette. and to some people that may sound silly or to complicated for something like a blockman rp. i promise it’s not. 
rp etiquette is a vital part of ensuring a roleplay experience is enjoyable (for the rp’ers and the viewers if there are any), consistent, and understandable. this applies to things like dnd campaigns, improv shows and yes, the dream smp. 
there are several different versions of rp etiquette, depeninding on medium and what you want out of it, but there a few that stay pretty consistant. things like “show respect to your fellow rp’ers”, no godmodding, no metagaming, keep irl drama outside rp, and more. but the ones i really want to talk about today are: retconning, powerplay/imposing your ideas onto other’s characters. these three things are all major problems i percieve in the dsmp, and for the most part, this has to do with lack of rp etiquette. 
examples of these things: retconning: c!jack manifold’s canon deaths, c!phil’s not knowing about l’manburg/schlatt/the festival etc and the letters, the various age discussions, three canon lives and the many retcons attached to that, family sbi dynamic being canon and then not (also falls under powerplay)  powerplay/imposing hc’s onto other cc characters or the story at large: cc!phil talking about c!wilbur as a child, tommy posting to twitter about c!wilbur smoking (though this was more a joke the fandom took as canon),  puffy canonizing horns for tubbo 
and look, no one is expecting them all to be master rp’ers, especially considering for most of them this is their first time. but to engage in a media form like this, with an audience the size of the dsmp, there has to be expectations that people will educate themselves and learn as they go. you don’t see these breaches of etiquette on other rp media like critical role or dimension 20, you simply don’t, at least not on the scale you see it in the dream smp. and this damages the media, making it incredibly difficult to follow, especially when depending on who you watch, facts about the story change. the dsmp suffers from not having a headwriter(s) and set schedule to keep it in check, as well as its actors having a deep lack of understanding of rp culture, especially in terms of etiquette. 
and these problems spread to the fandom as well. there’s a real problem with people making headcanons that are actually au’s (and yes there is a difference between the two) and letting it influnce how they view canon. this also stems from the problem of not listening to cc about their own characters (ranboo and tubbo saying michael will not be hurt, killed or involved in angst, as well that beeduo won’t divorce, are things commonly thrown away by the fandom) and letting their favorite “hc’s” influence how they percieve canon and its characters (especially see it with characters like wilbur, dream, niki and fundy)  once again, none of this is intended as hate, neither to the cc’s or to the fandom, just some honest criticism. also im sorry if this was very rambly, i can’t stay on topic for the life of me  tldr; the cc’s (and the fandoms) lack of experience in rp and its etiquette is actively hurting the story. please go play a dnd game and learn /lh 
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kim-lexie · 4 years
record of youth.
seriously when i say i was awaiting this drama, i was WAITING. park bogum’s dramas are always stellar and next level. he knows how to pick them, so as soon as i knew bogummy was on the project you best believe i was counting down the days to the release. they got an incredible cast and this drama did not disappoint. and now that it is over i will miss these characters that i have found myself attached to over these past few weeks. i would 10 out of 10 recommend this gem.
plot synopsis. 
this drama is a record of the moments between a group of people in their 20s. (get it?! basically a record of their youth in their 20s) jeong-ha an aspiring makeup artist with a day-job as a makeup assistant and a youtuber street artist at night. hye-jun an model/aspiring actor, who is deciding what to do with his little time before enlistment. and hae-hyo as hye-jun’s best friend also in the same career field. with this as our backdrop it follows jeong-ha a fan of hye-jun as they meet and grow in their relationship.
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thoughts. *spoilers ahead*
i must say that i loved the premise of this one. it was just unique that i was able to see some new sides to this aspiring actor dimension as well as see the side of the makeup industry. but also familiar with the aspects of the family and wanting to do what is best for those around you. 
i thoroughly loved seeing how hye-jun’s family grow into their new role as he became more famous to see that it was not going to go to their heads. his family, and eventually his brother came to find this answer after the shine of it went away. as they stayed in their house, and even hye-jun wanting to do more where he had been planted was beautiful and made me love his character more. 
i cannot say how much i loved hye-jun’s mother. she was the sweetest most precious bean. keeping her husband honest. supporting both of her sons, and encouraging her father-in-law’s new dream. all while working for a well-off family and slaying it. what a queen. we stan. i think that if jeong-ha and her had met at that family dinner (they spent episodes try to plan) it would have been a different story. they would have been the best of friends. because they are both encouraging people with their own dreams to see their people succeed in life. 
i loved the grandfather’s role in all of this. from being quite and timid because of unfulfilled dreams. and hye-jun allowed him to dream and realized that he was not finished yet. to having him go to modeling classes, and get head shots, to winning awards for his modeling after a few years. truly inspiring. and i loved that completed character arc, because we all live for those great shiny stories.
loved his father’s redemption from being critical and cynical and slapping hye-jun at one point to eventually being his father’s manager, to apologizing to his son. yes, yes. and same with his brother, writing malicious comments back saying only i can be rude to my brother and no one else, to asking for forgiveness. 
it was interesting to have the juxtaposition of hye-jun’s family with hae-hyo’s family because the dynamics were so different. and we saw how the two mother’s approached their sons very differently. and hae-hyo’s mother saddened me throughout the drama because of her lack of trust in her son. and when hae-hyo came to find the truth behind his career it devastated him. 
i wish we had seen more of jeong-ha’s family because the relationship with her mother was so drawn and weary i understand why there was not a ton in it. but her father seemed so nice and encouraging of her, i would have loved to seen him more. as well as getting the families together in general. we never got to see jeong-ha meet his mother. and i am so sooooo sour about that. because we all know they would have been the best of friends. 
i feel like jeong-ha’s family explains a lot about her approach to things from her living alone and owning a house of her own at a young age. to the way she wanted to hold on to the friendship with hye-jun. to her ending their relationship because she wanted to not be a burden on him. it kind of all fits. and i wish we had more development from her. she constantly mentions that she loves living unpredictably now because hye-jun literally turned her life upside down and made her grow, which she did grow alongside him. but still she was so dead set on not burdening or sharing how she honestly felt that she didn’t allow herself to fully fall in love. but then again it also speaks to what is love to you? is it never depending on your person and doing it all alone because that is all you’ve known, or is is understanding that you both will have hardships and need to be honest with each other to help one another get through those moments in life...unfortunately she did not see it to be the latter. 
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the siblings here took on an important role in this drama. from hae-hyo’s sister hae-na dating his best dude jin-woo, to gyeong-jun taking on new roles and the family realized hye-jun’s importance. they both came to be extremely important in the family relations and dynamics changing. and i must add that i wish we saw more of the relationship between hae-na and jin-woo because they were cute, and i liked them. also while i’m on my soap box i must say that at the end i was kind of wanting min-jae and gyeong-jun to end up together, because they are seriously opposites and they would make a quirky pairing. 
their workplaces were interesting, and i must say that i could have done without all the focus on tae-su, the horrible ex-agent of hye-jun, and his artist do-ha. like we get it you don’t want him to be successful because he dumped you. also could have done with out the focus on the journalist for the tabloid plot like okay we get it you’re out to get our man. you need to get a life. and if we removed these nonsense plots that did not add too much to the overall story of our characters we could have gotten so much more, i.e. a FAMILY DINNER. sorry really just sour about this. 
their relationship was soooo cute. i loved how it developed from her being like ‘nah boo you got it wrong i’m not a fan of you’ to finally owning up and being like ‘yeah, honey you’re the one’ to being like ‘i want to stay friends, and not ruin this beautiful thing’ to hye-jun confessing being like ‘you’re my boo’ to them finally together. it was great, i loved it. wish i didn’t get second male lead syndrome so early on, because you could see that hae-hyo liked her too because she was honest and raw compared to all the people around him, kind of like how hye-jun was with him. 
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but yeah it was a great ride, and i freaking knew the writers would screw over the beautiful story i had in my head and have them break up because their timing was off. but in reality i think it would have been fine. like seriously girl, he is enlisting you will be a better person in 2 years no need to fret saying, it’s not our time i want to be a better person because you’re already a better person. so the double standard she put up was there, because our boo was a nobody when she met him. but you know with that open ended ending i totally say they got back together, had a good ole family dinner, everyone got along great and they lived happily ever after. i did love how they added the same scene again at the closing because he was saying goodbye to us for the time period because he was a part of our ‘record of youth’ just as we were in his. 
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i must say i kind of liked the time jumps that this drama stacked up. like it was interesting to see the ending the episode prior, then get to see the events from another’s perspective that led to the prior event. kind of liked it in the end. at the start i was really confused, but i caught on eventually. also wish we got more of a time jump into the future with them together, but you can’t always get what you want.
it is also important to mention how much i loved all the guest appearances. like i know that isn’t that important for our characters, but seriously it was uplifting to see the familiar faces every so often in this drama. from park seo-joon, to seo hyun-jin and lee sung-kyung. i thoroughly enjoyed it. also loved seeing the random tidbit of fake dramas that hye-jun was in, like boo i would definitely watch those...
the ost.
‘go’ by my boo seungkwan. we stan because this is literally a gem and i play this all day every day. it’s encouraging and makes me want to smile and jump around. 
‘shine on you’ by whee in. this one delivers all the feels from the precious good moments to the tearful moments. 
‘what if’ by kim jae hwan. THIS ONE. I LOVE IT. this man’s vocals are stunning, and i loved this one. it was beautifully utilized in the drama to express the special moments that they were having. and made me nostalgic for the past moments they had because they did not realize all they had. and makes you want to treasure the now you’re living in. 
‘just you’ by j rabbit. they have such sweet vocals and i loved this dreamy track.
now don’t get me wrong these songs were great, however i would have LOVED a park bo-gum on a track. like seriously. like for real, the voice of an angel would have made a lovely addition.
anyways, i really loved this drama and i tried my best to be cohesive about my thoughts but i’m writing this late the day it ended so i’m still little emotional that it is over. and i shall patiently await for my park bo-gum to come back from enlistment and i shall watch all his dramas once again. 
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i will also post my weekly play-by-play because i knew i would have a lot of feelings and thoughts to short through with this one. so if you want you can check it out here. 
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iamalivenow · 4 years
Could you rank the Actual Plays you listen/watch? Either in terms of overall narrative quality or personal enjoyment.
uh jesus sure so like preface of i only listen to stuff i enjoy so i think its inherently good if its on this list (also also this isn’t like a narc list of people who don’t know how to follow rules i dont give a shit about dnd rules if the plot is good its good)
8: the adventure zone - right so like taz is a classic, and if you dont have any other actual plays its great but. it took me a real long time to get into it? and there are two other shows on this list that also took me a while to get into into but that was a case of me bouncing off of the first episodes, taz was more like. the first three arcs are. fine. you know? i still listen to every episode though. also and. i dont know how to explain this part but im like an edgy nerd who likes to be sad and griffin is really saccharine?
7: critical role - hey listen. listen. it’s fine. i like it. i like it enough to write 37 fics about it. why is it so low on the list? do you want to know how many times i tried to listen to campaign 1 and then just. gave the fuck up? 6 times. campaign 2 grabbed me pretty quickly, maybe two episodes in? but if half of your catalogue is just impenetrable what are we doing you know?
6: neoscum - neoscum good listen to neoscum but sometimes there are lulls and sometimes the goofs aren’t for me but... i still cry over every character... current episodes.... aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
5: dimension 20 - only by virtue of it being shorter than everything else on this list because i need the time for escapism. brennen is my second favorite dm on this list. fantasy high and unsleeping city are both... very powerful... please check them out.
4: rusty quill gaming - yes fuck me up only actual tragedy on this list. god alex really swings for the fences i love it. it’s beautifully crafted. why isn’t it lower? the fighting is. despite me inhaling 100 episodes in a week? bad. i always prefer rp but like. hm.
this is where the list becomes interchangeable i think
3: friends at the table - austin if you’re out there.... honestly i just listening to them talk they make me feel smarter. the narratives here are the most out there and austin really pulls no punches. the current season is honestly so phenomenal the episodes are 3 hours long but i still stay up until they’re released and listen to all of them at once.
2: campaign - oh campaign.... i love you... campaign was the first actual play i really truly enjoyed starting from their star wars campaign. “make brave and heroic decisions” is such a simple line but it. captured me entirely. leenik.... tamlin......... aava.............. i am on record saying that campaign starwars is the only good star wars out there. i love all of them i really do. and now with skyjacks its like what’s next what wild thing are they going to come up with? it makes me happy to listen to it you know?
1: not another dnd podcast - okay how do i explain this. naddpod to me is what i think taz is to a lot of other people? this is classic dnd and their first campaign is almost over but theres just. so much good in naddpod? it takes classic what you imagine about dnd tropes and somehow inverts them and makes it so joyful? and you can really tell that the characters and the players all adore each other and its funny? where taz took three (maybe four) arcs to actually grab me, naddpod got me one episode in. its just, its the perfect mix of emotions and comedy and grand over arcing narrative that i love and adore and i hope more people check it out.
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utilitycaster · 4 years
Welcome new followers! Many of you have joined which is great! I have a bit of this in my bio but here’s the rundown:
This is a sideblog so if I never like or comment on your posts or I do weird Xkit things to respond to your replies, this is why.
I consume far too many actual play things, only in part due to quarantine. Currently I’ve watched/listened to all of the main campaigns (but not all one-shots) for TAZ, Critical Role, Dimension 20, Relics and Rarities, and Rusty Quill Gaming, and I’m right in the thick of binging NADDPod (as of writing, I’m about to start episode 74). I also put general D&D and RPG things here, and occasional things from other fandoms in the general fantasy realm.
I am very spoiler-averse and try to respect that for others, but this fundamentally isn’t a spoiler-free blog because I want to talk about what I’m watching. That said, I tag Critical Role spoilers (#critical role spoilers) from the Thursday they air until Monday when the YouTube video is posted, I tag the current Dimension 20 campaign spoilers on Wednesday night (#a crown of candy spoilers), and I generally tag podcast spoilers the day they come out.
Usually I watch Critical Role to the break or like, an hour and a half to two hours in, go to bed, and then watch when I can on Friday which might be before I leave for work or might not be until that evening. From when I go to bed Thursday until I finish the episode Friday, I block the CR tag completely as well as spoiler tags; please respect that and don’t reblog/reply/send in asks with spoilers. The same goes for other shows in that I usually block the tag from when it comes out to when I get a chance to consume it.
Speaking of tags if you have questions about any of mine please feel free to ask, which will probably be more efficient and useful than me posting a lot of rambling nonsense about my tagging system as it semi-exists.
I also play D&D and DM! I currently play a bard who has just hit level 9, I DM one very infrequent game and I’m about to start DM-ing a new game that I hope will be regular (every other week), and I’ve been intermittently writing about the process. Expect more very soon - our first game is next week and I’m NOT READY.
Outside of D&D: I’m an adult, I’m a physicist, my pronouns are she/her, and I live in the Eastern time zone of the U.S., which I say to explain both why I can watch CR to the break but usually can’t stay awake past it, and why I’m the self-appointed secretary of the Yes I Play D&D, Yes I Can Do Math, We Exist support group.
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lizardfina-blog · 6 years
V Bad Story Endings Days 1-5
Days 1- 5 are the same for all three bad ends, except for the last chat of the day. Bad End 1 Days 6-7: https://lizardfina.tumblr.com/post/176608511607/badend1 Bad End 3 Days 6 - 10: https://lizardfina.tumblr.com/post/175732683372/be3
There are many different paths to a bad end, this is just what I did. I can’t guarantee that choosing different answers or missing chats will lead you to the ending you want, so it’s best to just follow exactly what I did. I got really tired of typing really early on, and started paraphrasing. It should still make sense and the answers you want should be obvious ...oh, wait, looks like the line spacing didn't carry over, so some of the longer answers are two lines long >.< So, if it looks weird as the beginning of a sentence, it’s probably the ending of the line above it. Sorry for the mess ^^;
Day 1 – 27% 20:02 Subject of Interest Seven Welcome Jaehee Are you organizing what you found about me? Such aspects should gradually improve All I have to do is invite many people and raise the scores for my meter Your psychological settings are so complicated But why is this place off limits to outsiders? I’m a bad person How come? No one’s exploiting me I hope you’d start to trust me more Your looks are already more than enough ….. You do make sure you facial pores are open? Bye, sexy 21:34 Richness in Wine Good night. The stars are beautiful Do you like wines? It’s not a scandalous photo, is it? Congrats! Are you going to say yes? But aren’t you delighted? I think the question is not  whether you’d be a fine model, but……efficiency in relation to budget I’m curious too. Could you let me know the results? I see V likes wine too What were you two like in the past? I’m sure those days will come again Don’t worry. I’ll make sure to finish as a happy ending You two are such good friends Do you have an automatic timer in your head? 23:25 Intriguing Person Here comes the final boss You two make a lovely couple It’s a secret. Shh! You must be curious about my world I’ll call the police if you violate my portrait rights They were so wary of me The purpose of life is my bias Are you warning me? Is this a bug? Goodbye Ray VN: Come in I’ve been waiting for you It was fun! It felt like talking to actual people The black haired man in a suit Now that we talked about games, I want to talk about you Day 2 – 60% 01:19 Expectation and Uneasiness I’m sure he’s inside the phone Aren’t you going to sleep, Jaehee? Do you have a hidden backstory? You know, you’re actually the CEO’s daughter That’s a true businessman A rich man and a celebrity? They sound otherworldly You can’t log in from abroad? That’s right! Please trust me! Why don’t you investigate that on your own? That can’t get any more suspicious. Do you know what those two shared? What about me? I like hearing about RFA You’re mean You must feel so complicated I agree. I doubt you can gain anything by suspecting each other You must be a grand master in handling Yoosung Don’t you suspect V? But you can’t tell people to do something about their sorrow I should go sleep too 02:44 Night of Reminiscence Good evening Jumin I’m currently holding information superiority What’s so bad about questioning I actually came from another dimension That’s the spell for teleporting, not shapeshifting That’s one elegant sense of humour Is that what you think? You’re cute I vote for a chat on RFA Was that spell for summoning V instead of shapeshifting? You’re drunk, Jumin I wish I could get a glass of wine too Do you have a drunken habit, V? Perhaps he’s sleeping while chatting Your memories are too detailed, Jumin I know no such thing as sloppiness boy You two look just like you do now You asked him to be your friend? You were cute when you were young, V So this is Jumin’s drunken habit I think both of you should go to bed What’s that matter? Bean sprout is good for hangovers You two share a lot of memories Looks like Jumin trusts you a lot Do you think there really is something you can do? I don’t feel like sleeping yet 15:24 Recommendation of Trust Jumin have you read what V said Really? What is it? Jaehee ordered them for you? You collect antique books? That’s an elegant hobby Sounds great! Thou who art deeper than even blood Jumin you don’t actually trust them, do you? What matters isn’t the background, it’s the person V looks like a trustworthy person Recommendation please! They can take the cab You can find a guest that can match the vampire Jumin, epitome of trust Why don’t you like reading, Jumin? Why don’t you try trusting V? I think it’s good to direct your thoughts somewhere else Clear your head and come back 18:26 The Universe and the Sun Hello Is there actually such creation? I’ll invite it beep What is it Seven? Is something bothering you? Try me Here he is! My secret buddy! Can I get your autograph? I didn’t know you sell your autograph Don’t be so mean to him! That halo comes from your face Doesn’t matter if you’re Catholic Can you count me in? Those left behind should carry on But if that’s our current situation, we should work together and prepare for the party He’s gone Does V like the sun? Maybe the sun holds a special meaning Isn’t he busy? Go and call him now 20:13 Party at Saturn? Good evening Jumin But it’s just a day. He’ll be fine You two must be quite close! Pluto will feel lonely by itself. I understand. I don’t wanna do anything I think it’d be one exciting party You mean the dish itself? Sounds delicious Are V’s photos that high in quality? Wow I’ve never seen your selfie Cheer up Jaehee Really? I wanna see too I wanna see too! She’s so cute Can I have more picture of Elizabeth Maybe he’s an android? You can watch Zen’s DVD What too you so long, mr gorgeous? Did you de-stress at the spa? I thought those flowers bloomed from your face Zen do you know we’re having a party? You just had to hibernate today I wonder what kind of recommendations I’ll get Let me know what you think of the new DVD Your looks will bring better things to you Let’s have a nice party Me too! I’m so excited 22:38 Congrats I was sightseeing in the other room I don’t like flowers I’m just getting started? When will I see the ending? I wish you would focus on developing the game If you’re glad, why not materialize it than speak it? I prefer my home Ok, but only until the party is held This isn’t an illegal pyramid scheme is it? We didn’t chat much, you’re leaving already? Day 3 – 100% 00:31 Under the Shimmering I wanted to chill out more Your biorhythm will break I want to see V’s photos Are you in a motorcycle gang? That’s the thing, you can never find your license when needed Wow! It’s you when you were younger I want to chat with everyone Aren’t motorcycles dangerous What if something dangerous happens? How did the crash occur? It would have been serious if V didn’t follow you V, you should take photos of me Flowers? Where you Zen’s fan? You still look promising I lie low for a while You seem to be coming in at late hours. Are you okay? V you go well with wine! Don’t drink too much I’m like that as well I’m going to stay up late 02:46 Paradox of the Survival Ray why aren’t you sleeping You seem to have a lot of work There’s the modern convenience called the phone Wonder why it grew in two stalks One of it is like an extra giveaway I want to save the weaker stalk Rescue both A flower gained from the other’s sacrifice It was fun, with hidden morals and all Are you going back to work? 07:00 Take Care of Your Health Why don’t you lower the brightness I’ll get ready to write it down Can I taste it It’s not like the stakes are…. Send in an ingredients review Seems you have an innocent spot Jumin Throwing it out down the drain…something made with great difficulty Catching your breath is important Tell me more of this cleaning fairy Awesome! Why don’t we learn its secret Jaehee good morning Too bad, you were this close You just came in. Already leaving? Isn’t it enough to have one friend like V? Can someone translate what Seven’s saying I thought it was funny Don’t forget to bring Sevenstar Drink V2 09:13 Back in the Days A morning meeting of beautiful people I’m ready to hit save When did you debut The story goes it was your girlfriend What photo did V debut with Zen, I invite you to the room of mirrors I wanna be – most very best Great! I’ll catch Backpack Monsters My eyes are screaming with joy Jaehee, our professional Zen critic And like this, the number of photos in my folder… AI role? It must have been easy for an AI to play an AI Jaehee have a glass of cold coffee right now It’s a meeting with V’s acquaintance right? V’s dad… I wonder what kind of person he is He would have received hardcore education I like V’s humble attitude I think they pair well together You do know beer isn’t brunch Does V know about this I want to be friends with V Jaehee have a great day! 12:22 My Best Friend Not yet Of course! Friends are really dear You’re friends with flowers Daffodils I think I feel more close with friends inside the game I’m jealous I don’t feel it at all… I wish you’d be more obsessed Ray, are you working for this person? I think I would want to leave here Bye! 14:09 Small Cute Adorable Oh Savior of Justice! What’s your real job What a dangerous mission…. I understand her. She must have been surprised your mission is dangerous I pray for your successful mission Do I need to feed the fairy Is three days enough Got it I was about to recommend the first one Cars are dreams! Since it’s largely influencing the national economy… Okay… good bye What is it Not really Wouldn’t V’s mother’s hair color have been mint I wish a dragon would come Let’s make an equal world It looks like a strong name Okay let’s invite it Wow How is that person related to you We cannot decline someone like that Whoa are you going to fall now I want to try that I’d expect nothing less from someone V appointed Didn’t he invite vampire and udon I’m worried V might become baffled I’ll start my grand afternoon 16:32 Precious Friend V! Hi I think it’ll be fun Two friends gathered What kind of person is V’s father? Ah, you two should enjoy your conversation through the phone Oh…you’ve become estranged I think it’ll be a good occasion to get together V you seem very uncomfortable with your father You must have seen each other often I want to hear memories Cute! I think V won Please don’t say that It’s going to get better little by little V don’t fall into too much despair and cheer up Though he looks very cold on the outside Is there anything I can do for V? I’m going to think of V 18:24 Explosion of Emotions Yes I did Yoosung you must be in pain Welcome Zen the gorgeous Yoosung is exploding with emotions Aunt and uncle? woah…isn’t that harsh? Rika was adopted? I didn’t know since Rika had a bright image V’s trying hard, too. Leave him alone for a bit having someone next to you would help yup. It is a heal all potion don’t treat yoosung like a child I don’t think it’s a good idea to enforce your method everyone might become lighthearted when everyone reveals the truth his way of grieving might be out of this world if you ride the motorcycle, v will get worried zen you’ll look gorgeous even after sweating 20:11 Reason Behind the Curiosity why does the background look different when you log on? I’m not in my room yet um…don’t we need time to learn about each other? I feel a tad suffocated I acted naturally, not trying to pry out secrets give me a second… Ray VN: aren’t you busy? you said you needed caffeine I’m not an idiot it’s a little chilly but…just what is this place? already? I don’t want to go back, I feel trapped 21:49 Power of the Coordinator cleaning fairy! yes it was great talking to v and all yes! when can I receive the reimbursement? I’m holding the phone right now I’m embarrassed wow! sure-- feels great that he’s looking out for me v said not to advertise I want to buy one for v bye, mr. advertiser 23:07 Another Level of Salvation jaehee you should have some sevenstar drink seven will be able to avoid them without a problem} why don’t you go to a shaman? yes…I hope they stop before they create more victims yoosung, what have you been up to? no.. we must stop him! did you fall into the world of gaming? isn’t that a virus? sniff…I smell something…the smell of a spaceship burning start binge gaming I believe it’s a problem you eventually have to return to and solve sounds like good words, but it’s always better….. I can see how dangerous it is just by hearing it why don’t we, the rfa, inherit and continue? yoosung, it might be time for professional help whoa, interesting let’s invite him! vent out your stress by gaming I think he just needs a way to vent I think I should get some rest too Day 4 – 91% 00:16 I Keep Thinking of You what brings you here? that’s the one we saw in the corridor umm I think you got too excited that sounds a bit creepy all members of rfa are fabulous I’m sure v will tell me his plan it’s good I get to help those in need no, money can’t solve everything don’t you think it’s natural they overcome their concerns/become better people? the period of unsteady anxiety is meaningful, for the sake of overcoming pain can I save everyone if I see the endings? that is a happy ending, right? actually…yeah, sometimes what’s the enrollment procedure? I’m gonna stay up for a bit 08:15 All-Nighter jaehee have you seen seven’s picture? I will immediately set it as my background tell me about it, health is everything welcome cutie boy of rfa you didn’t stay up all night thinking about rika…? I’m also staying up all night for a game with a bunch of AIs congrats! napping on a bus? what kind of friends did you meet?           I’m jealous, I wanna be rich how did you deal with your stress, jeahee? hiking? hehehe… I gotta finish what I started let’s meet nice and happy at the party shouldn’t we trust v and wait for him? I think there’s a good reason… from now on, play just about right I hope you dream about LOLOL I think he deserves an applaud…. sure I’ll see you later! Leave yoosung to me 10:22 understanding and respect welcome v! is there anything you’d like to know about me of course! Not matter what happens I don’t think it’s too late we’re getting to know each other are you jealous? I can’t tell you anymore. There’s a good reason. That’s why its frustrating interest…? Wait, are you? is there something wrong? if that’s the case, it’s a bit sad it's ok. Everyone has different history there is no good or bad family, there is only my family you’re also a proud son, v count me in! I hope my joining can help rfa progress in a good way I think you can do a good job, v goodbye! privilege of a friend! why are you making secrets? They must be a burden… even though you might not suit him, you’re charming on your own thank you v, have a good day 12:00 I really want to see you huh? You’re back you should go to the hospital I can take care of myself he sounded like…you’re a threat to rfa I don’t think v is a bad person looks like you hate all members us…? I can start all over! what benefits do I get if I make the contract? you mean yoosung? did you screw up? what kind of surprise? I’ll get to enjoy the game only when I keep good relationships with the AI bye now! I’ll try 14:41 portrait of the youthful days are you awake now yoosung? you poor dear but it’s been barely a year holding the party to success? you don’t have to get into a big company that’s not a simple problem…it’s difficult to fix you’ve been whining a lot today maybe jumin will hire you whoa! That’s one knack of timing whoa that was brave some people get jobs because they wanna make money I hope social discrepancy will be gone soon it's somewhere around average a group of people who don’t believe in IQ why do you want to use him as your intern? so you want someone obedient the smiley face of horror you guys have a complicated relationship right he is I’m sure this is sensitive, but why not have v as your role model? you can’t choose what family you’re born into he’s a good man who could it be? is it time for your class? I don’t think he mentioned rika for once don’t you think v needs a way to let off steam? good luck on your work jumin! 17:36 an afternoon of anxiety me? No, nothing. it looks like the messenger is working fine you’re popular v what emails? maybe it will work a few minutes later I hope it’s nothing bad I hope nothing bad happens to you seven I shouldn’t have come here, I’ve only pressured seven him? no he must’ve been shocked to his bones that must be quite a burden you carry alright. Please take care of seven Ray VN: come on in you mean this email incident with 707? I didn’t feel good seeing them anxious I’d prefer life that can be predicted I’m not sure about that 18:42 mask made of glass will seven be okay? v's burden is growing heavier every minute did you call v? what happened to… don’t pretend you’re okay. It’s heartbreaking I’m worried about you I didn’t think you’d be like this, seven you sound a bit uneasy I think you should rest c language? if inviting this language can help you calm down…. ice cream? juicy melon bar have a good one and refresh your mind v, seven, yoosung….all seem to have concerns I guess time is the answer do you report every thing to him? 20:10 zen’s worrisome looks welcome, zen the beautiful I hope he’ll cheer up I recommend sevenstar drink exercise until you pass out how was school? for now I’m cheering for v yoosung is still young only basics what kind of mask you’d better take zen’s advice when it comes to skincare hindow10 update T-T it’s annoying let’s invite him! I wanna get masks! I’ve been hearing you talk and it sounds like showing off you’re off to play but I think yoosung’s getting energetic again I can knock you out and lock you in a room I remember what jumin said…you need to be calm see you – goodnight the chat room’s dazzling! I want to see V’s pictures too you’re so sweet zen 21:53 nice v! does your phone work now? how did you know I have one? There’s an important decision I should try harder I can see how much you value RFA it hurts so much to see him in pain thank you…! yes, I like RFA! umm…I’ll look around some more when is it? will I manage to make all the preparations until the deadline? it was nice talking to you 22:49 what I want to say you’re here… I haven’t made my choice yet… that must be horrible… this is so sudden… those AIs…they’re programs you made…right? I think you should trust yourself rather than expect me to trust you you sound a bit sad I’ll think about it… VN: no thanks, I’ll return when the game is over this is a bit weird. What is it? What are you trying to do? pardon? where are we going? there are a lot of computers special elixir? what is this? it looks very suspicious you’re not telling me to drink this are you? this isn’t the time to be suspicious. Hurry up and go! who are you? What’s going on? you weren’t an AI? Were you an actual person? the RFA wasn’t AI so you’re the one who hacked the actual messenger who is this savior? none of your words agree with what you said before Day 5 – 100% 00:03 Truth Revealed ray, explain yourself about what happened! I don’t believe you, he looks and sounds like the V I know why did you lie to me? promise me you won’t do anything bad to V are you threatening me? I think I need a moment to clear my thoughts 02:00 Data Filled With Riddles looks like the hacker who sent me here doesn’t trust me anymore is V safe? do you think it’s related to me? the connection seems unstable… I’m worried that man I saw was you, right? may I , V? why would you hide him? Alright, I’ll keep a secret about what happens here seven, do you invent things a lot? you’ve encrypted them since you can’t tell right now where you are, right? did he forget the word he input? can’t you tell him you input word after a week? v shouldn’t you get help from the rest of RFA? so what about our party? V I really want to know what you’re thinking I understand that you’re trying to do this alone, but promise you’ll be safe seven thank you for understanding v I’m fine. You came to save me ok please call me as soon as you can 07:30 Trust good morning zen! I’m fine V sent seven his location in encrypted form I’ll feel so safe if you come to rescue too! I’m safe right no so please don’t worry. V will save me. I’m sure there’s a complicated reason for v…. I’ll do the best I can for the party too who is this candidate? sounds interesting! so you want us to trust v! I see! Now I get it but even if we trust him, what should we do about this weird feeling? yes I know very well that v values RFA I’m sorry I can’t tell you that… you’re so thorough. Thank you jumin! they’re very special friends yes I’m going to wait, too I will. Thank you for your concerns zen! 10:52 V’s Insecurity v does your phone work now? I’m fine! are you okay? I’m fine! nothing happened yet you had no choice. I’m glad you’re safe no thank you. For not abandoning me you’re telling me to sell you out! I can’t do that don’t blame yourself too much. Everything will be okay. It’s partially my fault I’ll trust you. And I’ll be waiting. Take care of yourself v 12:47 Lies and Two People my goodness! Where did that come from? first of all, I’m safe yet. Don’t worry about me I’m not sure… you should look at the image yoosung uploaded hold on…it might be somebody’s mistake so this person came in person to put that in your mailbox? like blackmailing letter for example… let’s not suspect members of the RFA it's written LIE on the image…this person must hate these two I agree… just who would do this? that’s a great idea watch out on your way! And be careful of alleyways maybe this person is trying to throw RFA into confusion my heart is breaking. Looks like v is going through misfortunes and mishaps please take care of yoosung gotcha. You don’t have to worry about me 15:11 Ill Will and Hypocrite you didn’t get that bizarre image too, did you? seems like it. Who could hate v that much? I’m more worried about v. there’s no doubt he’ll see this jumin, jaehee also got that photo wait…could it be? that was…an important task jumin is your work all done? jaehee… wish I could send you sevenstar drink is this person planning to send everyone at the RFA these images? why does no one know where seven lives? shouldn’t we get outside help? the eminence of the overtime all nighter wow I never knew such unit exists in C&R congrats!! Wow!! We’ll have one fabulous unit I can only see a Niagara of tears jaehee T-T is there anything I can do to help? is it okay to do without telling v? but is it okay to have our party? It’s going to be okay, right? good! Please tell him to contact me I hope v will pick up I’m so excited about the C&R intelligence unit I believe RFA will make it through this I’ll see you again! 17:59 Seven’s Plea seven did you also get a weird photo? ugh…looks like someone really hates v are you suspecting that hacker? there’s no way v is a bad person if he did, then I bet he’s heartbroken we’ve trusted him so much until now. Let’s not think bad things I’m sure it’s because he doesn’t want to put you in danger maybe there was no other choice for v I’m not sure if it’s okay to tell you that you sound tired, seven so you want v to tell you where he is, right? bye. 19:36 Zen’s View how’s yoosung doing? I’m worried we’re hearing nothing from v yet what are we going to do with v? rather I think he’s a heavy get-drunker but are you feeling better now? that’s impossible… are you going to take this opportunity to get close to jumin? there you are….finally are you really coming? Don’t you think it’d be dangerous? did you see the images? What do you think about them? v… I hope the time comes soon that’s right! You’re a hero zen I’d like to trust you, v what is this truth? yoosung, please calm down yoosung, what’s 78+544? a human relationship isn’t something you can define as one or the other yoosung I think you’ve gone too far you’re taking great care of yoosung v i hope you’d tell us the truth some day he's right! So please think about it v I think you should take care of him actually I’m having a great time. I got to meet you and a group of new people you’re still grieving a lot for Rika’s death? getting what you want doesn’t always lead to happiness v, rika’s choice is her own. It has nothing to do with you you’re saying the deceased will come back? do you think you did? v please hang in there! 21:00 How We Take in Sadness thanks for showing me what you’re like when you’re drunk It'd be fun if you two became roommates I wish I could talk to v too hello, jaehee are you awake to play games? zen T-T he’s fought bravely and fallen she’s right. I hope you understand how v would feel may I ask you why? that’s not what I was expecting to hear…but I think v had his own reasons so v was so sad he couldn’t cry that’s called the process of parting with your pain I hope that’d be the case I see…v still loves rika…it hurts a bit yes, do think about it yoosung! no, you’ve done well! I agree… let there be peace! please make the best unit. You should elevate the corporate’s value 22:22 Secrets Revealed I wanted to talk too…! I trust you you will tell us everything soon, won’t you? you mean that the person who sent the images is this hacker? but why would you try to handle this on your own? so is this hacker related to Rika? but why would you tell us all this now? so you’re here to tell us to not let ourselves waver, right? you’re saying this is something you need to do alone, aren’t you? yes, I promise I’m counting on you!
******the above chat rooms are the same for all my V bad ends. The last chat of day 5 varies slightly between the routes. Proceed to the ending you’re looking for.****** BE1: https://lizardfina.tumblr.com/post/176608511607/badend1 BE3 (yeah, again):https://lizardfina.tumblr.com/post/175732683372/be3
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justaweirddruid · 3 years
More than anything it really bugs me when people stick character classes into specific role boxes. Clerics have the most sub-class variety for a reason; yes, they’re a support class, but there are many ways to support other than just heal and Jester was constantly supporting the party in both heals and offensive/buff support. It’s the same as people acting like Paladins have to be these rigid sticks in the mud that can’t have any nuance to their personality or decision-making. People got so mad when Fjord used the Rangers as a distraction as if his 3 levels in Paladin meant he was behaving out-of-character. I love Critical Role, but D&D players can be some of the most annoying people in the world in terms of rigid belief of how the game is “supposed to be played”.
Sorry, anon, I totally thought I had answered this already but I left it in my drafts.
I know this is about my post where I said I don't like all the "Jester is not a healer" jokes
And yeah, I agree, I don't like it either when people try to put classes into specific roles and complain when the cast try to do something different with their characters
The whole "Fjord is evil" discourse because of the rangers was so annoying lmao. But we all know the real reason why that whole thing blew way out of proportion and it wasn't his decision.....
I don't know if you watch Dimension 20, but they're even more flexible with the characterization of their classes and I feel like some CR fans would have a heart attack watching it
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