#yes her way to stay alive is a bit unrealistic but I read fics with worse explainations
aucupariaart · 5 months
As already teased: here is the first chapter of my friend @deuslexlmachina and my fanfiction! We did our best and there is a lot of passion in it.
Here Trafalgar D. Water Lami survives Flevance and by sheer luck finds a way to stay alive. She will witness some parts of the main story, but mostly has her own path and will meet many familiar characters.
The first chapter is just a teaser what's to come! We are very excited to post it and hope it will find the right people. :)
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darthbecky726 · 3 years
Bad Batch 1x01 spoilers
I've never done something like this before, but I figured I'd start. Reactions to the first episode of The Bad Batch. (This ended up being a lot longer than I intended, but whatever)
Spoilers under the cut
Red logo burning away starts strong
Yay narrator dude!!
Feels like clones wars
Animated rots scenes!!
And what grevious did after the rots beginning
And caleb right???
And we're in
Omg who voiced young caleb bc it sounds a lot like fpj but aged down and he def doesn't sound like the 14 I know he was when this happened
I like how we started out on familiar characters but not ahsoka or anyone from tcw. We started w young kanan and his master and we know what happened to them and all but if anyone watching hasn't seen rebels they wouldn't be lost as to who caleb and depa are, they'd just assume they're random jedi in o66
Good ol droid screaming as it falls off a cliff
Wow. Them.
I love crosshair
And wrecker
And tech
And echo
And hunter
B1's are so dumb
Lmao the salt from hunter
I feel like depas forehead pearls are a bit unrealistically large but I have no cultural standpoint to really know so...
Caleb's voice is too deep in the same way that jack frost from rotg's voice doesn't match his character model
Ah wrecker not really knowing what she means and echo, the one who has been trained to deal w people and hung out w ani and obi is just like 'thanks general'
Obes kenobes mention
Why is echo so pale
Depa and caleb feel a little too pale too tbh I wonder if it's the lighting or the whitewashing
Wow caleb is a lot like ezra, I can see why kanan wanted to train him lol
Is this what separates caleb and depa, leading to her telling him to run??? Do I need to read dume???
Oh no
Bb didn't get the order!
Oh caleb nooooo! Nooooooo they didn't receive that order, they can help you!!!
And he's gone
Oh I need an au where caleb stayed with bb and they helped him after depa died
Hunter sounds so much like rex it's weird like ik they're supposed to sound the same but it feels like wrecker is replacing rex or something. Even tho ik rex's story is over for the time being
Crosshair, no! Don't shoot at him! He's baby
Oh no did crosshair get o66???? It didn't seem to trigger anything in any of the rest of them, but is crosshair close enough to 'reg' for it to have triggered???
😭😭good soldiers follow orders
"sure thing, boss" "hey hunter got a sitch"
Crosshair acting sus
Oh I love watching padawans fight, they're so good!!
I hope that hit to the tree did a lil cognitive recalibration for crosshair, he was acting crazy
Caleb looks so scared!! He just watched his master get gunned down by his friends and now strange clones are trying to kill him/confusing him
Oh caleb
Oh no crosshair don't try to kill him!! Hunters trying to help!
Also hunter doesn't sound as much like rex w the helmet off, but it's weird bc most of the clones are distinguishable by voice even w helmets on. I guess it's the 'im in charge' voice
Star wars if caleb had gone w the bb
Oh hunter u sly dog lying to crosshair so he doesn't go after him. U gotta figure out why crosshair responded to o66 and no one else in ur unit did
Oh crosshair knows he's been lied to
I will always love coming-out-of-hyperspace shots
Ooh kamino, always nice this time of year
Echo is done w wrecker
Why hasn't crosshair taken his helmet off yet, lil bit sus
They better get his chip out on kamino, I don't wanna deal w this
Oof hunter 
Oh who’s that, giving me cloud city vibes
Extreme cloud city vibes wow
Never realized how many clones are just on kamino
Coruscant guard?!?! FOX?!?!
The vibes here, omg
‘The war is over’ wow
Oh no who was that
A female jedi, doesn’t appear to be shaak, couldn’t see any montrals but never know, we don’t officially know how or where she died
Ok wow none of the bb has their helmets on except for crosshair, who got the order. The regs around kamino all have their helmets on. That scene in victory and death when ahsoka took rex’s helmet off- 
And crosshair, he’s actins strange too
Oh tech, do u guys get bullied by regs a lot??
I love their barracks
Lol he finally took his helmet off only to stick a toothpick in his mouth, can he get anymore cliched?
Wrecker is seeming a lot more infantilized than he was in the s7 eps...
Yeah crosshair’s being sus
Ooh, he shifted his toothpick
Lmao ‘what programming’
Well documented my ass
Tech’s speech patterns are so stiff and robotic, it’s like he has to remind himself to talk in basic instead of binary or some shit
Tech throwing shade at crosshair
I can’t quite tell if we’re supposed to like crosshair at this point
Lmao we been knew
Oop ‘more machine than man’ the vader parallels are serving folks
Ugh sheev
Crusty ass bitch
Straight from rots wow
Who is the mystery child and why does he look mandalorian
Ooh he gone
Oh no, the beninning of the empire
Cheering?? Why?!?
That imperial march fade in tho
Thank you echo
Oh shit mystery child is female
Omega, I would not have guessed the pronunciation of your name by reading it wow
She def seems mandalorian
Ugh kaminoans
Oh the kaminoan pronounced it as it usually is, huh.
Omega’s character model def seems more masculine than female, I now headcanon her as trans
Ugh tarkin, I hate that crusty bitch
Empire politics ugh
I love how much shade is being thrown at tarkin and his stormtrooper proposal lmao
Why do all these clones have the standard haircut?? ik them boys like their variety, even if these boys are still under o66′s programming
Wrecker you’re being extremely loud
They’re all being loud in the mess, why
They remember, kid
Lol child
Oh my sweet summer children
The dad instinct was clearly passed genetically from jango lol all these clones got it
Why are background characters so mean? What about it, shiny? Why is ur hair regulation, reg??
The Sad Batchn omg the slander
Lol the food fight I’ve read about in the fics, its finally happening!
Is she.... australian??
The over-animation of character movements in this is reminding me of the looser style of rebels, as opposed to the more clunky style of tcw
Lmao he’s still got food on him
Food fight!!
‘Not again’???!!! Echo!! Wdym not again?! Food fights have happened before?!?? Wait. W bb or w torrent, bc I can see torrent having food fights on the resolute-
Crosshair’s just eating his food until someone messes
I like how echo still has his kamas
Oh no echo!!
Oh echo’s trauma, he doesn’t trust medical droids! Where’s kix when u need him, huh?
Lol, comically long name for a robot trope is alive and well, huh
Lmao the droid lowers his voice like ik this is a perceived bad thing, but I will not tolerate this slander, boys u need to get off kamino
‘The shock’ lmao whyyy
Lmao tech!!
Oh, echo recognized tarkin from the citadel!
‘When you blew up’ lmao
Oh they make me sad
Aaaaah fox!
Man the domino squad nostalgia
Those droids look cool
This is a neat scene, I like seeing them in action
Wrecker reminding me of hevy, but he’s got the training and success to back it up
Live fire???? No!!
Ugh I hate tarkin
Oh no wtecker
Did he just get shot!???! 
Oh no crosshair, be careful!
Tarkin’s trying to kill them!!!
Lol wrecker I love you
Echo using his mech hand as a weapon, truly an arc
Now I wanna see what happened on felucia
I like how tech’s just sitting on the droid’s shoulders
And hunter just had a knife
These boys, I love them
Oh no tech bby
Hot damn that was cool
Wrecher things so too lmao
Tarkin’s like “why didn’t that work??’
Oh new baby clones
No tf they could not, they would never serve the empire and those bitches
I love that they have a window apartment lol
Ugh tarkin u shifty
They all stand at attention, only after glaring at tarkin
Oh no onderon
I hate tarkin, he’s a bitch
How quickly could bitch lord and darth sad have replaced the armory on kamino??
Crosshair still acting sus
Neither does echo, kid
I like omega.
Crosshair, with the sassy hand on the hip-
What does that even mean?? Or elude to??
Lmao tech messing w wrecker, they rlly r bros
Its prob the vegetation
Oh, I missed onderon, but not this much
Lol the put-upon sigh
Its clearly saw and his rebels
Saw! Looking sharp, what’s w the hair....
That’s a very geometric beard, saw
They didn’t kill any jedi!
That’s not what happened, tech
‘The clones’ bitch that was rex and ahsoka, check urself
Aw, I’ve always like the design of imperial probe droids
Thank you, echo
It seems like crosshair’s o66 programming and his mutation are warring w his morals
Lmao the shade
I knew she was an enhanced clone!
Oh, so she is (at least on paper) trans! She’s a clone of jango, and yet she’s female! That must be her modification, but it makes me wonder why
Lol *flicks toothpick*
Aw, they have a picture of themselves! Recent-ish, too, its got echo!
Oh no, AZI!
The difference between them arriving earlier and now, the lack of escort...
Creepy how they had to open the hanger door themselves
Oh no! Everyone!
The coruscant guard, I wish they had gotten better
Tarkin u dramatic bitch
‘The brig’ this ain’t some tallship
Lol echo that shade
Their blacks are different from the ones seen in the past
Crosshair, stop being a bitch
Oh, I don’t like that phrase!! And the fact that crosshair screamed it in echo’s face makes me uneasy. Did rex fill echo in on why fives died?? I hope so...
Crosshair, ur chip hurting??
This child, I like her.
No! Don’t hit hunter!
No crosshair!!!!
I dislike this immensly
So they do still have inhibitor chips!
Tarkin you monster
Oh poor crosshair
Lol tech I love you
Wrecker you sweet pea
Lol that’s adorable
I love how they form a “wall” its so suspicious 
He was about to say that, omega
Aaww, echo protective boi
Wrecker shut up tf
That was cool
Sneaky bois
This reminds me of rex and ahsoka sneaking around in v&d
Echo runs so stupid
Oh no they winter soldier’d him!
If he says who the hell is crosshar, I will lose my shit
Yes, he has. They took it from him.
The toothpick
I wonder how they’re gonna get crosshair back to normal
Not good that they nabbed the sniper
Oh, crosshair shot him in the same place he got hit during training!
Ooh, a kaminoan on their side!
I hope omega doesn’t die
Poor trigger etiquette, crosshair
Wonder if omega has any speciality training
They’re just gonna leave him there!?!?!?!?!
Omega reminds me of young boba 
Oh, so its in her dna
Go back for crosshair!!
Holy fucking shit that was amazing! I didn’t expect it to be that long, but I’m not complaining! This ended up being a lot longer than I anticipated, but I don’t feel like cutting anything out, so sorry for the long post but at least I put it under a cut.
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Asylum- Part 2
Pairing: Eventual Dean x Reader
Word Count: 1,975
Warnings: Typical Supernatural violence, angst, language, minor character death, blood, you know the usual
Author’s Note: I do not own anything from Supernatural. All credit goes to their respective owners. Please, if you want to be tagged for this series, let me know and I’ll add you! If you want to be tagged for my other fics, I’ll add you! I want to hear what you guys think about this. If you want something requested, send it in!
Feedback is always appreciated
Tags at the bottom
Part One
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You were glad it was daytime; it made the asylum less creepy with rays of sunshine peeking in. The place was filled with graffiti, not a single spot was left untouched by paint. It was dirty and messy, like it hadn’t been used in a while. You hoped that you didn’t have to come here at night because places like these freaked you out. And you call yourself a Hunter. Get a grip, Y/N!
“So, apparently, the cops chased the kids here.... into the south wing.” Sam pointed to a sign above two doors that said ‘South Wing’.
“South wing, huh? Wait a second,” Dean said, getting out his dad’s journal from inside his jacket. That man could hide anything in that jacket and get away with it. He flipped some pages and started to read. “1972. Three kids broke into the south wing, only one survived. The way he tells it, one of his friends went nuts and started lighting up the place.”
“So, whatever's going on, the south wing is the heart of it.” You said, looking at the doors that had chains on the handles but they looked broken.
“But if the kids are doing some damage to the asylum, why aren't there a ton more deaths?” Dean wondered.
“Looks like the doors are usually chained. Could've been chained up for years.” You pointed out, pointing to the chains.
“Yeah, to keep people out. Or to keep something in.” Dean said, looking at his brother.
“Great, the ghosts of psychopaths. Nothing creepier than that,” You sighed, watching as Sam pushed the door open slowly. “No, Sam, don’t do that.” You groaned when both boys walked through the opening. You had no choice but to follow. There was no way in hell you were staying by yourself.
You walked down the crowded halls with the boys, looking at the chairs and desks that filled the empty spots. You didn’t like this the more you walked in.
“Let me know if you see any dead people, Haley Joel.” Dean joked with his brother.
“Dude, enough.” Sam sighed, looking at Dean.
“Yeah, Dean, leave him alone.” You smiled at Sam, walking next to him.
“I'm serious. You gotta be careful, alright? Ghosts are attracted to that whole ESP thing you got going on.” Dean looked down at the EMF meter he pulled out.
“I told you, it's not ESP! I just have strange vibes sometimes and weird dreams.” Sam tried to explain it away.
“You get any reading on that thing?” You asked Dean, looking at the device.
“Nope. Of course, it doesn't mean no one's home.”
“Spirits can't appear during certain hours of the day.” Sam said.
“Yeah, the freaks come out at night.” Dean chuckled.
“That’s awesome.” You said in a deadpan tone. You were kind of hoping that you didn’t have to come here at night.
“Yeah.” Sam sighed.
“Hey Sam, who do you think is the hotter psychic: Patricia Arquette, Jennifer Love Hewitt, or you?” Dean teased his brother. Sam scoffed and pushed his brother out of the way and you couldn’t help but smile. You loved these two and sometimes, you wish you had a sibling to bicker with.
You continued to walk down the hall until Dean and Sam decided to check out a more lit up room. You walked in and you did a scan around the room. Inside were tables, dust, chairs, medical equipment, stuff that didn’t belong there, and containers with things inside you didn’t want to know.
“This is why I don’t come to asylums.” You said, looking at the containers more closely.
“Man. Electro-shock and lobotomies. They did some twisted stuff to these people. Kind of like my man Jack in Cuckoo's Nest.” Dean’s eyes widened and he looked at Sam who ignored him. He looked at you and you stifled a smile. Dean was so adorable and he didn’t even know it.
“So. What do you think? Ghosts possessing people?” You asked when you were done staring at Dean.
“Maybe or maybe it's more like Amityville.” Sam said.
“Spirits driving them insane. Kind of like my man Jack in The Shining.” Dean said with the crazy eyes again. You giggled but Sam wasn’t having any of it.
“Dean, when are we going to talk about it?”
“Talk about what?”
“About the fact Dad's not here.” Sam sighed.
“Sam, I don’t think he’s coming. Why would he show for a small case like this and not for your mom or childhood home?” You bit your lip.
“I'm being serious, guys. He sent us here...” Sam chose to ignore what you said.
“So am I, Sam. Look, he sent us here, he obviously wants us here. We'll pick up the search later.” Dean commanded.
“It doesn't matter what he wants.”
“See, that attitude right there? That is why I always get the extra cookie.” Dean grinned, obviously making jokes to cover up how he really feels.
“Dad could be in trouble; we should be looking for him. We deserve some answers, Dean. I mean, this is our family we're talking about.” You decided to stay out of the conversation. As much as John was like a dad to you, he wasn’t yours and this was a conversation between brothers.
“I understand that, Sam, but he's given us an order.”
“So, what, we gotta always follow Dad's orders?” Sam scoffed. You looked around the room, trying to ignore the brothers and your eyes caught sight of a sign.
“Of course we do.” Dean said. You picked up the sign and bit your lip, reading it.
“Sandford Ellicott.”
“What was that?” Dean asked you, apparently done with the conversation with Sam.
“We gotta find out more about the south wing. See if something happened here.” You looked at the boys and held up the huge sign. You set it down in front of the boys and walked to the door, waiting for them to follow. Like you said earlier, you weren’t going to be alone in this creep hole.
Your search actually took you to a Dr. James Ellicott who worked at the Clinical Psychiatry in the town. Sam was the one who made an appointment with this man and you thought Sam should be the one to talk to him. You and Dean would just have to wait. You were currently waiting by the Impala with Dean when you pulled out the letter.
“I want to read this now.” You looked at him.
“Really? You want to share it with me?” Dean wondered.
“That’s the only way I will be able to read it.” You opened the letter carefully and with shaky hands, began reading it.
My dearest Y/N,
It is with great displeasure that if you’re reading this, it means I am no longer alive. There are things you don’t know and things I wish I could have kept you from but I guess you’re ready now. I won’t know how old you are when you read this but I pray you’ve already grown up. I wish I was there to see you go off to high school and meet a nice boy but I wasn’t. I know you have a lot of questions and I am here to answer them. I’m sorry if this won’t make sense but here I go. The key I have given you belongs to a very special car. John Winchester owned it once and he passed it onto his son, Dean. John and I knew each other very well and he thought it would be nice if you could both share the car. On another note, I do have information about your father. His name is Robert S. I’m sorry I can’t give you more but ask John Winchester, he will know who he is and tell you everything that I can’t. I’m sorry I can’t be with you right now but just know that you’re involved with something dark and evil. Please stay with the Winchesters. John will be able to help you.
Love, mom.
“What the hell is this?” You suddenly became upset and looked at Dean with tears in your eyes. The last name of your dad was smudged, as if it’s been erased over and over so you only got the first letter. The whole letter looked old and worn, as if someone wrote on it over and over again, erasing and tearing the edges slightly. You knew there was more to the letter because it was ripped, as if your mom tore the end off it to keep whatever she wrote away from you.
“This car is yours too?” Dean said. Apparently, he got that from everything you said.
“How did my mom know your dad? This is what I get after all these years? This is fucking bullshit!” You crumpled the letter and threw it on the ground.
“Y/N, your mom was just trying to explain it. When we find my dad, you can ask him more about it.” Dean picked the letter off the ground and folded it back up.
“This is everything my mother has to say to me? There’s got to be more than this. We have to find John.” You sighed, not wanting the letter anywhere near you. Dean put it in with his dad’s journal and sighed to himself.
“Seriously, does that key work?” Dean looked at you. You looked at the key and shrugged, walking over to the driver’s side door and opened it, getting inside. You slid the key in the ignition and it fit perfectly. You turned it and the car started to life. Oh, hell yes, this was awesome.
“Oh come on, that isn’t fair. Sweetheart, this car is still mine.” You turned off the car and got out, walking over to Dean’s side again.
“You can have her. I don’t know what to think anymore.” You sighed, looking at your hands.
“We’ll figure it out. We always do.” Dean put an arm around you to comfort you.
“I’m not so sure I want to.” You muttered to yourself but it didn’t go unnoticed by the green-eyed hunter. Shit was so much better before you went back to Kansas. At least, you blamed something unrealistic instead of knowing what. What was your mom trying to tell you?
A little while later, you were leaning against the Impala, starting to get bored when Sam walked out of the building and walked straight past you.
“Dude! You were in there forever. What the hell were you talking about?” Dean complained, walking around the car to his side.
“Just the hospital, you know.” Sam shrugged. Something happened in there but you couldn’t quite place what it was.
“And...?” You asked when he didn’t say anything more.
“And the south wing? It's where the housed the really hard cases. The psychotics, the criminally insane,” Sam explained. “One night in 1964, they rioted. They attacked the staff and each other.”
“So the patients took over the asylum?” Dean asked.
“Any deaths?” You wondered.
“Some patients and some staff. I guess it was pretty gory. Some of the bodies were never even recovered, including our chief of staff, Ellicott.”
“What do you mean, never recovered?” You asked, glad to focus on the case at hand rather than your mom.
“The cops scoured every inch of the place but I guess the patients must've stuffed the bodies somewhere hidden,” Sam explained. “So, they transferred all the remaining patients and closed the hospital down.”
“So, to sum it up, we've got a bunch of violent deaths and a bunch of unrecovered bodies.” Dean summed up.
“And a bunch of angry spirits.” You sighed softly.
“Good times. Let's check out the hospital tonight.” Dean said, getting in the car.
“Of course we will.” You said grimly and got in the backseat.
Part Three
Masterlist // Series Rewrite Masterlist // Buy me a Coffee?
Series Rewrite tags:
@helllonearth @amyisabellal @deanwnchstr @caseykitten6 @roxalya19 @quixoticcat @supernaturalblogging
Forever tags:
@maddieburcham1 @ginamsmith @mogaruke @jarpadandjensenaremyheroes @whit85-blog @inlovewithbja @spn67-sister @kdfrqqg
Dean tags:
@akshi8278 @mega-mrs-dean-winchester @winchesterandpie
Other tags:
@jensen-jarpad @notnaturalanahi @deathtonormalcy56 @27bmm
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