#yeah this is prolly a mess but it was fun to think about and interesting
fried-eggs152 · 5 months
What are your Phineas and Ferb ships and how do you imagine their dynamics? Love your blog btw! :)
I saw this question and suddenly I wasn’t as tired as I thought I was I sat up and ran to the kitchen I felt like entrapta
(Thank you so much)
OK OKOK!! I have a couple in hand not much but some :D (I went on a rant I’m so sorry)
Let’s start with my two obvious favourites
1. Buford x phineas, sure bully x nerd cliche but this is a different type of relationship I see.
Slowly but surely they become close friends and even buddies, I feel like Buford would be a the same just less defensive with phineas and his random unhinged moments. Usually listening phineas rant about what seems to be a bug (or other things) and what type of bugs he’s allowed and not allowed to eat (summer belongs to you episode), and Buford would talk about his fish they both could keep each other going if they didn’t have their best friend (baljeet and ferb) they can remind each other of the small things they forget say perhaps phineas waking up as early as Buford does. Or reminding Buford to take care of himself once in a while that type of thing. As much as Buford tried to be a bully he has a limit of being a bully and honestly he isn’t so bad of a guy and I can see phineas reading that pretty well.
Their dynamic would be like..not like baljeet and Buford’s it just as much as a symbiotic relationship but a lil differently. Clownfish and anemones!!! That’s their relationship! Buford’s the anemone and phineas is the clownfish! (Ironic because of his shirt) it’s healthy and they keep each other going and safe! (Also phineas would prolly help with biff alot)
2. Perry the platypus x Peter the panda
Yeah I know I doubt Perry likes Peter after doof ‘cheated’ on him with Peter but when they work together (when they saved doofenshmirtz) I feel like Perry’s bitterness would fade slowly. (Also the time they went on a date when they fixed the balloon) as it did happen. Perry would find a way to get Peter in the picture, long term relationship wise. Their dynamic is kinda like ‘I secretly love you but I have to much of a lone wolf ego to say it’ and Peter ‘I know.’ Peter understands Perry’s relationship with Heinz and respects what was probably said boundary wise. The two having to listen to their nemesis or not listen it would be nice to just be with someone you can open up to even if it means in your own agency. And different species. It’s like a..hero x hero typa thing! They can keep each other up and going if their nemesis gets abit..much..I also feel like he’s be texting Peter on how stupidly naive Heinz could be and Peter rant about mysterious (what’s his name) being too closed off to open abit more.
Ok this one is especially weird- like ‘wtf 🤨’ weird
3. Lawrence x Heinz; OK hear me out (pls)
They had one interaction (when Lawrence temporarily became evil..it didn’t last) I didn’t think of it, it’s the dynamic I thought of.
Lawrence watching as Heinz talks to himself about it some platypus and the explosion leaving marks behind he would probably tend to the dirt and messes. Listening to Heinz rant and rant and rant- and when Heinz is done he’d ask for Lawrence’s info about antiques and such and they’d just share each others special interest (ADHD + Autism) and he’d take care of norm every once and awhile so Heinz doesn’t flip out on him. It’s healthy and Heinz would be so affectionate (probably) AND ferb would get to meet Heinz which works out to help Heinz make some fun inator’s (not evil Heinz’s attention would be on ferb and Lawrence’s safety his own is irrelevant) Lawrence would be oblivious to the evil but not to oblivious to see the inator’s. He’d prolly go “what is this dear?” -L
“It’s my new inator that vines down to a traumatic period of my life!” -H
“That’s healthy to put it in scientific technology. Do you want to talk about it over some almond brittle and tea?”-L
“You know me so well” -H
4. Buford x ferb.
Alright almost the same thing as BxP but ferb’s silent demeanour would probably have an affect with Buford’s bully behaviour. Like put them in a room together Buford would say a couple mean things then suddenly he’s quiet. Almost sleepy at this point. Then suddenly ferb says one fact and Buford adds on to that fact and suddenly they’re having a one sided conversation as Buford debates said fact and ferb debates silently.
One would be the voice of the other (Buford being ferbs voice) about what’s right or wrong.
(Not much on this ship tbh)
5. Baljeet x phineas the two’s dynamic is simple and easy!
Anddd baljeet would be there to fix little mistakes phineas would do (Audhd) and phineas would be sorta annoyed but literally happy he doesn’t think about that small mistake for the rest of his life.
Another symbiotic relationship. Unknown animals though I’d say Coyote and badger, both smart in their own ways.
Almost about It maybe Isabella one day attention for her x someone
Maybe a fireside girl
Alr let me think some more
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throwaway-yandere · 2 years
my random rambling about to explain why ["No" (Yandere!Albedo/Reader)] is a mess lmao (and no i didn't proofread this, enjoy reading my unaltered agony):
Edit: actually nevermind i edited just one word cause I couldn't take the misspelling lol. There rest of these texts are still unedited except for that one specific word ( which is troupe to trope lol )
Writing albedo's pretty much a challenge because i pegged that he's the type of yandere that you wouldn't figure out he's one unless he confesses everything. He's popular, but a recluse. He's eccentric, but he can be trusted. Those are some characteristics that can make create such a disastrous slowburn yandere. And he likely confess after a long time just to have a record of your reaction (with a scholarly purpose in mind.)
Idk if I managed to make him subtle at all ;;-;; My goal was to make the reader think albedo is a green flag for most of it all while dropping hints that he aint idk if that worked out but oh well no beta we die like __ right?
It's not my proudest work that's for sure, but it's an interesting ride writing it so I thought I'd share lol (꒪ヮ꒪)
The fic was supposed to be inspired by Love Hypothesis. A friend made me read it in a sleepover and I jokingly suggested doing a yandere albedo version and I guess I'm a man of my word(?). I unfortunately had to change a lot since I can't see Albedo having a very intense strict "I don't want to produce mediocre scientists" mindset, and the reader is gn! here so they shouldn't have women-specific STEM struggles. Albedo's loved by a lot of people and he's rather lax when teaching Timaeus so I really can't picture him playing the "grump" character troupe. I have a habit of constantly checking character voice lines in the wiki to get a gist of who I'm writing and I just can't see him as an Adam Carlsen. Send help. (´;ω;`)
And also a big "unlike LoveHypo" here is that this is a yandere story. It's bond to be toxic. It doesn't read like the source material anymore since it's not a grumpy/sunshine troupe, it's a reluctant stalker/suspicious individual dynamic, if that's a thing. Ironically, I think this is a first fic of mine where the reader lowkey wins in the end? Lmao. What. ರ_ರ
Also: I REVISED THIS FIC SO MANY TIMES YOU HAVE NO IDEA 😭😭😭 For unrelated reasons I got sick with quite the high fever in the middle writing the latter half as well LOL (≧▽≦). The fic was supposed to be more faithful to Love Hypothesis but of course that's scrapped due to reasons mentioned above but then I added that small ex-itto tidbit for fun and temporarily made the reader into a pure chaotic, reckless (and lowkey asshole) person so it'll be believable that the two were exes. Also SCRAPPED that partially because when I tried writing their dialogues with Albedo they're both going nowhere fast and it's turning into a real clownship ;;;;-;;;; wtf. Nearly had the reader call Albedo a dweeb in a dialogue.
Got writer's block with this story and tried writing something else and at that point I was writing 3 fics at once for no valid reason (and now an itto-focused side story for "careful, he bites" is nearly done lololol, I finished a short alhaitham fic before this as well, will prolly upload it tomorrow. The sagau au take I have might take a while). I'm very sorry for my absence! Life is absolutely hectic rn sigh
Also, here's the story header/banner i scrapped as well lololol:
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Ain't this a mess lol.
ya know what makes this more hilarous?
i enrolled in an educ course in a state uni before i finished this fic lmfao--
so yeah, "why did they not fake date like in love hypo--" cause im a coward and it felt weird for me to write something about that considering my future possible profession hAHAHAH--
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bbyboybucket · 5 months
So i see you reblog a lot of marvel stuff, and there's a lot of stuff i want to ask you, as a sort-of marvel fan myself.
for one, what's your favorite marvel movie? (for me, this is like asking me to choose a favorite child, and i can't pick just ONE, but some people manage to do that) and if you can't pick just one, top five?
second, do you read the comics? and if so, which ones?
third, are you aware of the upcoming thunderbolts movie, and if so, are you excited for it?
essentially, that's it. sorry if the wording for this is a little weird.
have a nice day! :)
Omg hey!!! I’m so happy you sent this you don’t even know
Okay you’re totally right that it’s hard to pick a favorite, especially because I feel like I switch up so much lmao. But I’ve gotta say, my number one is prolly GOTG 3 because literally everything about it was just perfect imo and I’m not even really an emotional person, and I cried like a baby both times. Like that’s the only movie I’ve ever went to see twice in theaters too, but it was just so damn good.
After it tho, I’d say TWS and Civil War are tied at second because I can never decide which I like better. Like as Bucky fan I wanna say TWS (and because it’s excellently written and has top tier action) but also Civil War is just so fun for me and the way it handled/introduced (especially introduced!!!) so other characters is just something I really really love. Then third is prolly endgame, most would disagree but it just holds a special place in my heart. And then 5th is prolly across the spiderverse, ik it’s not mcu but it’s another one from this year that was just so insanely good and that I’ve already watched more than once.
I do read comics sometimes, not as often as I’d like to bc I don’t wanna pay lol but I’ve read a few Bucky ones, I’ve read some spiderman and Wanda comics, just a little bit of everywhere I guess, mostly at random. Right now I really wanna start reading more fantastic 4 because I love them but I just need to get my hands on some lol. But I do try to at least keep up with what’s happened even if I haven’t read comics for it, bc I like to know that extra background info and know what’s accurate for what’s being adapted into live action. And I also like knowing characters that haven’t been/may not be adapted because there’s so much interesting stuff.
I am too aware of it. You probably don’t even want me to go into bc I violently hate what’s happening with that movie, every leak, scoop, and announcement on it fills me with rage bc not only are they doing Bucky dirty (I could write a ten page essay about that) but literally every other choice they’re making for it is also HORRID. Like the team lineup, the villain choice, the fact that the void is going become another dimension in the third act instead of just being personified (idec if it’s comics accurate it’s just not needed for this movie). Literally everything going on with thunderbolts is such a mess. And it’s kinda sad bc when I first realized they were setting it up, before any actual announcements were made, I was excited because I expected so much better than this. But basically I’m praying on its downfall and cancellation lmao. They’ve already had two actors quit and they cut the movie’s budget so I’m thinking there’s a chance. But yeah I’m sorry if this isn’t the answer you expected but if you do wanna see any of my rants on how much I hate they’re putting Bucky in this, just search my page 😂
Anyways, sorry my answer is so long, I didn’t mean to give you a whole book 😂 but thanks again for asking ♥️
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anarchistbitch · 8 months
well it's not like according to tradition I replied in a timely manner lmao dont worry about it
sfjkfjsdk me too, i dont usually make playlists, i just leave everything in my liked and shuffle it and let it be what the universe dictates but idk i felt like getting them into one playlist
well if you add pepa pig id burst out laughing in the middle of a call probably and one of my work friends would probably shout "send her to sleep" bc thats what we say when we send clients back bc we cant do anything from our end so it would be funny and we would just ultimately skip it lmao
im looking forward to whatever songs you add, the playlist is long as fuck already tbh so it might take a while for the oli london song to come on
SFGDSJKFGDS well in my defense I had to ask bc i didnt know how long youve been on tumblr so yeah (shiro's cloning and the episode about it and the fight with keith)
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anyways i motherfucking hated that they exploded adam and then tried to console us with curtis but anywaaaaaaay the fanfic is dirty laundry which if you were in the fandom i doubt you didnt end up hearing of it or at least the discourse around it but anyway it got deleted but i had it downloaded so have a google drive link https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BwU9LMiUJoN7RjFWSGZVUlJQd1U/view?
yeah, the whole not enrolling classes in uni is a mess and i try not to think about it too much rn (i am seeing a therapist and i hope that by next year i have figured out what i want to do) but i like my job, we(my team)'re actually planning to rent a house and stay there a weekend very soon to celebrate our supervisor's bday :'3
making choices that will greatly impact our futures is seriously so hard, and i also not qualified for any career advice but manifesting that whatever you choose in the end allows you to be happy
just last night it started raining hard so i got up to turn off the fan but then like two minutes later i got up to turn it on again bc even tho it was raining it is still so fucking hot, seriously hate the weather rn
god mountains are so preetty, specially when the weather is cool and they get all foggy
atsv is a masterpiece and it continues from itsv so damn well, i really do love it and i hope hollywood gets up it's ass and pays their workers what they're owed so we can see it soon
KJSDFJKSDFHJS i am still seeing so many miguel o hara edits everywhere for real, i gotta say tho im in love with hobie and pavitr
JKSHFJS i used to do something similar with fob, i had a lot of them printed out and would put them on my binder cover so that i could memorize the lyrics so i was all day everyday singing them until i memorized it and the changed it for another song
idk how id rank fob albums, its so hard when theyre soo good but i really do love so much for stardust, aside from that one i think my favs are save rock and roll and american beauty american pyscho, mania was the first album i was a fan of them when it came out so it has a special place in my heart as well
my special lyric is part time soulmates full time problem, ive always been a fan of soulmate aus and hhhhhhhh just makes my brain smooth, also we started off as shiny dimes but we got flipped too many times, we did it for futures that never came and for pasts that we're never going to change 🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹
cheers to us and our interesting meeting jdfshjf
love you and i hope you have a good week :3 get plenty of rest and fun and water!!
i feel like if we had a competition on late replies i would emerge victorious😎(crying inside)
honestly fall is prolly the best time to make playlists[not that im gonna, but sure is a nice time yk] but ahhhh anyway!!!! havent added anything but u will know when i add it <3
check hello tumblr user nonbinarymikaela pls provide access to the drive check [i checked out of any fandom drama cause i had so many exams that yr lmao. only time the edu system saved me]
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[this is me actually hi]
honestly idek if i like my degree rn, like i really wanted to go for a history degree a couple years back before i changed my stream[its a whole educational system thats actually fucking fucked in india i hope it dies soon💜] but on the flip side - it was pretty hard to get a spot in my uni anyway so now im just in a whirlpool of smth. bleh
thinking of how next year is so close is like skewering me and roasting me like a kebab😭😭😭😭[but like dont keep a strict timeline yk, ur like seriously cool and i think any decision you take will be the best as along as your the one taking it ] [i wish i had answered this earlier so i couldve wish you good time on ur retreat but i hope it was good anyway💜💜💜💜💜💜💜]
man i need to like seriously cope up with my decisions cause i need to take an exam for my career which is seriously sooo..... but yea thats how its going
omg its raining here too and my college[which is seriously just a reformated jungle] turned into a swamp ish and they STILL didnt cancel classes. and i forgot my umbrella. i came back home like a sad wet cat .
gotta love that near-to-the-equator ass weather with climate change [i need to kill billionaires rn]
hope the strikes come to a fruitful end soon[for saf-aftra & iatse !!! fuck the amptp!!] but also i wouldnt mind waiting a couple years for btsv if the animators need that time to like animate in a safe and healthy manner yk
OH wait also im on my halloween movies watch rn!! just finished the addams family and watching paranorman rn [i need a gomez man btw. need him to be silly and obsessed and intense.and mwah]
[also if u wanna watch an indian series made in heaven is pretty cool(its okay-ish in terms of writing but it covers some very important social issues + the main leads are hot and dubious. what more do i need to watch a show)]
hobie kinda scratched a very specific itch in my brain like i want to be him AND kiss him , pavitr is so slay, and o'hara needs like a massage session thing where they unlock the trauma in ur knees or like a stamlo 50mg.
me & my friends fav fob lyrics was the 'how the mighty fall' cause we would do that "fall out...boi" intro everytime lol
i dont think i have a fave lyric but i think immortals was a top contender for reasons[i like big hero 6 :3]
Song rec: nothings new by rio romeo (saw it in a reels animatic and .. yea)
to many more yrs of late asks 🥂(appy juice cause i dont like the taste of alcohol)
my love and hopes to u💜💜💜 and also an umbrella for this weather☔
p.s. drink water/soup/iced tea + i care for u+ W in the chats
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i-dor-u · 2 years
hii! I don't think my last ask reached you </3 Tumblr is seriously out to get me ugh. PRAYING YOU GET THIS!!
I fell really sick and had covid and all. but I'm much better now woohoo.
I think every person has that game that they played as kids? like for me it's been street fighter, gta lol. any time I play those games I feel like I'm a kid again.
I love Ichigo’s theme! but also battle ignition (if that's the name?) Any music from the soul society arc is really my favorite and I listen to it on repeat!!
holy shit the cyberpunk genre sounds so interesting?!! I'll have to look in to that. I mainly read fantasy, be it urban or historical. I'm currently reading two series simultaneously. “the poppy war” and “mistborn”. both are so good omg!! I love books that just mess up your head for a while and make you think from a whole other perspective.
oh hey again! yes, i’m afraid i didn’t get the ask, though i think i should also initiate conversations more often. i’m pretty sure i’m becoming an enemy of the deep tumblr state as well because i’m 100% sure they shadowbanned me hahaha so i have no idea in which measure my posts reach everyone.
oh wow, covid? it must’ve sucked so bad, sorry that you had to go through it and i hope you’ve made a complete well recovery. as a matter of fact everybody in my family had it at some point but i never did, it must be a dumb luck thing LOL
oh yeah, that’s prolly an implicit thing. i’ve had quite a handful, gta or counter strike happen to be among them. aside from that, i’ve played a grimace of facebook and browser games as a kid, it was a total mess. but i kind of miss them sometimes because it was probably the most peaceful period of my life.
battle ignition is also among my favorites, along with the precipice of defeat. they play really early in the series so i guess i have this tie to nostalgia with them. other than that, i really love clavar la espada and la distancia para un duelo, which makes me think about what osts we’ll get when the quincy war gets animated 👀 vewy exciting
i’m being pretty virtuos about cyberpunk haha, it’s also a great aesthetic to get by. i wish it’d have more literary uptakes on it, but in my experience the worldbuilding of a cyberpunk-centered universe might be significantly more difficult. i’m glad to know your picks are enjoyable reads, i hope you’re having lots of fun! my attention span is all over the place these days so i either read 100 pages a day or nothing an entire week, i’ve started the second book of can’t fear your own world by tite kubo and ryogo narita, the series has hisagi shuhei as the main character and this insight of his universe makes me love him a lot. on the other hand i’ve also resumed dune by frank herbert which i have on hold for almost a year haha, i got hooked into this book because one of my favorite music albums and it’s pretty fun, albeit a bit long and difficult
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Misc: My profile theme, music, and my identity (+ about 1000 other things..)
Definitely wouldn't be offended if this an easy skip for most. It is.. a hot mess, long and not particularly interesting. If you ain't supremely bored, you probably'd be better off not being curious on this one T^T
But hey I did enjoy writing it and I'm sure someday I at the very least will enjoy reading this so for me that's enuff boxes checked off to post 🤷‍♀️
This is another long post ngl. I've been on and off (mostly on 😭) writing since I woke up at like 11 am and its now 11pm. I wrote a few diff things so this one aint 12 full hours of writing or anything but I will admit it has been a long ass time on this one. Sorry in advance. i always seem to write a lot a lot when shit gets bumpy with R. Not even between us necessarily and the junk I be writing about don't be about her at all half the time I just be overexplaining and randomly going from topic wayyyyy worse than normal for some reason. I genuinely do not know why I'm like this bruh I used to write a little whiny vent note here and there pre R but now if i don't have one strict topic I'm talking/explaining I will write about any and everything that comes to mind as I'm going.
Oh god.. Me bringing this up reminds me of when she first said we had to talk less and I went nuts. That shit was so ghetto I deadass got fucked up on dxm so I'd stop freaking out over her dipping then DURINGGG the high I realized I was in love. I think after prolly.. 4ish hours of being like uh.. yeah there's no reason for me to be that damn tore up over us simply not talking as often... or her going through a breakup...... literally figured it out at the worst possibly time. THEN I was worried I just felt that way cause of the high so I just started writing everything out figuring like it'd wear off at some point when I was writing so I could see how I talked about it all throughout.
...which led me to write for damn near 24 hours straight....
I literally didn't sleep, eat, or do literally anything else for at least a good 16ish hours then took a small break cause I had to put away groceries and i got a single thing of pita bread, ate that shit plain, then got back to it. Lord looking back on that is so weird. I don't know what possessed me bruh I think I took another break around the 24 hour mark, either ate or sat there thinking for prolly.. an hour? 30 mins? Then did ANOTHER 12 hours of babbling. I had been using that notes app for literal years with no issue. But ofc.. all that time of writing straight had it crash on me a few times with one time wiping hourssss of writing. I wasn't saving all too often not thinking nothing of it but that shit crashed and I lost like 36k chars worth of junk and that changed ASAP. Plus.. I learned the shit had an 100k limit... so that was fun.
See? Overexplaining and RAMBLING. Deadass went from writing a quick head's up on the length of this post to talking about my weird ass drug induced love note shit. Why am i like this. ;-;
Anyway. Past this point is past me. Sorry for getting carried away in the warning
I wrote about this in a previous post but essentially, some random got the wrong idea and thought I was using Juice as my pfp as some sort of mockery? joke? i dunno
shits totally understandable and I'm sure anyone would figure out that ain't my intention after looking at my page for about .2 seconds. i mean.. if I were using him as the butt of some sort of joke you'd figure I'd mention it or something lol. Maybe that's only obvious to me though..
Anyway, I may change it to something new. I usually change my pfps for stuff fairly frequently if I'm on it a lot. When me and R were on the phone 24/7 I used to change my disc pfp at least 2-3 times within a 2 week period 😭
I dunno though I mean.. on one hand I don't really want this page to have all too many of my interests on it as for one I'm trying to stay at least semi anonymous but also I feel like it'd kinda be odd.. The Juice profile pic is one thing, as I listen to him all the damn time and I relate to a lot of his work. But I dunno.. wouldn't it be weird if I suddenly just changed my profile picture to a character that I like just cause they're cool? Wouldn't my page be more memorable if I have like. MY pfp MY username MY bio. Sorry it's hard to explain..
Like.. youtubers. They usually have a pfp and they keep it as that same one and people remember and recognize them off it. Or a few other types of influencers honestly. I feel like it's one thing when it's a personal acc where you really don't need people to recognize you off your pfp or user cause they'd just know you but my acc is kinda a grey area. I know damn well I ain't an influencer but I ain't exactly someone you'd just remember.
Maybe I'll compromise and only use Juice pictures.. I dunno
Speaking of Juice, I feel like now that I've been getting worse and worse his music became so much more relatable. I can't tell you how many times I've cried with my earbuds blaring 27 club. I wish I could share it all. I've never been a huge stickler for lyrics but growing up and going from understanding the story of a song to relating and living though the situations described has hit me so hard. I'm sure it ain't exactly a unique experience but still. It'd be cool to share my music and be able to talk about how I use each playlist and what it makes me think/feel
I would just link my spotify and keep it moving but ya know. More puzzle pieces of my identity
I think if I ever permanently kick the habit I might reveal myself but thats honestly a strooong maybe. I dunno like it aint so much of being ashamed/embarrassed of my addiction. Although, I won't exactly go around telling any and everyone I'm addicted to fucking otc allergy meds. i think R is the only one that knows specifically that I take dph. Everyone else I either never mention getting high or if I have I've only talked about weed highs. It just feels embarrassing given it's horrible hallucinatory effects on most people. While I don't get those, how th would they know that you know? 9 times out of 10 they're gonna google that shit, see mfs talking about having ghost conversations and the gosh dang hatman, then gon look at me crazy for continuing to take it over and over again. So yeah definitely a big factor, but I am honestly more worried about some concerned stranger finding my social media and telling my family/friends about this page or about my problem. That is my worst fear.
For one, this page is basically a diary. I go into specifics on shit that I would never tell anyone. Not that I'm particularly tooo ashamed of the shit I say about my personal life but
-A lot of it is not meant to be shit that just anyone knows. It's one thing when I'm just writing to the abyss/random strangers that wouldn't know who I'm talking about but if my family/friends were able to access this I'd have to be so much more guarded and careful about what I say on here cause they could more than likely guess or already know who I'm talking about
-Some of it is shit that I never want to discuss. I don't think I went too in detail on family dynamics but I don't even wanna bother opening that can of worms I'd rather pretend with everyone else that there is no issue and just do me once I leave
-Plus a lot of it is hypercritical shit I shouldn't even be thinking, let alone talking about. Just imagine finding out that one of your friends was out here telling everybody and they grandma that your boyfriend fucking sucks and you are clearly being blinded by their love for them? Or talking about how you know they won't last? Just like.. okay for one, even if they were right, you're not going to see it that way. You're gonna be questioning why they were doubting your relationship first and foremost but then I mean.. who wants to hear that? They're probably gonna tell you less about it and it'll strain yalls relationship, if not end it right then and there. Then by the time you can see it for what it is, it's 3 years later and it'd be awkward to become friends again
It does suck though. It would be real cool to make friends with someone cause of all my word vomit filled posts. I would love to show everyone all the shit I like to do in my freetime and beg everyone them cat/dog/literally pet pictures. Plus like, I dunno ever since R's been in my life I've learned to love any and all types of friendship
I used to be so offended when I'd have friendships that I only can get so close with. I'm so used to putting my all into all friendships and making sure to do whatever I can for them as long as it ain't hella inconvenient cause I always assumed that because I do, they'd do the same. But after seeing friendship after friendship fading as soon as I wasn't doing all that I used to be so mad. I felt like an outcast. But I think going through that time where my bsf and I were constantly texting or otp it made me a lot less available as far as doing all that extra to maintain friendships. I would be so focused on her I would damn near forget about talking with anyone. But even once we had to distance from each other some, I was still used to how I treated my other friends
I tried to cling to my less close friends trying to create that 100% on both sides thing but it kinda got.. hard. Ofc, the inevitable mental comparisons were nonstop. Literally couldn't breathe without thinking oh but if me and R were doing this I'd be comfy doing this or oh my god this game is borin if R were here we would prolly be doing our own thing by now and just talk instead or bruh I am literally on hour 459 of bubbly me if R was here I could probably get away with listening to whatever was going on in the background that day 💀💀💀
After I started doing that and started understanding my feelings, I kinda saw that I didn't even really want that sort of comfort with anyone else cause I didn't want them to expect all that and put me in a position where if me and my bsf started to talk more I'd be putting them on the backburner out of nowhere. I didn't think it would be fair of me you know? i don't want them to feel abandoned and unless Im in a place where I feel comfortable to not have to be one specific way with you I would prefer being alone anyway.
But feeling that way now made me see that it didn't really have to be one or the other. I've seen that no one really minded when I responded a bit late cause I was busy with R. And I would run to her with all my emotion stuff so I wasn't all too bothered if they never inquired about mine. And thennnnn I randomly got this dm from this girl I talked to when I was still at my dorm and that's when I really learned the joy of that shit
Hm ig you wouldn't really need to know specifics on that for the point I was tryna make. Maybe I'll talk about her someday. But yeah it was just so nice like. Hey I don't need you to be savior mode, human notepad mode, or hehe haha everything funny mode 24/7. We aren't close and you and I both know that. We can just have our fun when we happen to remember each other's existence and come back 8 mo later like nothing ever happened
Don't get me wrong, I love R so much and I love that we go out the way to talk to each other every day no matter what. It makes me feel really good to know that even with us not being able to be as close with each other now she still makes sure we don't lose contact with each other. Things are really different now and ofc I still miss how it was before but knowing that we can both acknowledge that our friendship had to change but still caring enough for each other to put in the effort to evolve into something else rather than letting it all go because it aint the same is something that is so precious. I wouldn't trade that for the world. But at the same point I've grown to love casual friends sm.
It's nice to not always worry about how they're gonna think if i do xyz or I don't reach out every so and so many days. I don't always need to hide or do the absolute most to maintain the friendship we can just enjoy each others company for a bit then go back on our separate ways til we reach out again. No hard feelings if we ignore a text or answer late cause we genuinely have no idea what we do on the day to day. And the pressure of only being one specific way with them gets lesser and lesser the longer yall stay apart inbetween. I think the biiggest example of that is this one long term but shallow friendship with this one girl I met in 9th grade that one year I lived in arizona.
I used hate that since I just got there she had all these older friends that she would talk diff to and generally be more close with. I thought once I moved back to Michigan we'd stop talking after a year or two and we weren't all tooo close so I didn't think nothing of it. But then I think like.. prolly 8ish months after that we started talking talking then we stopped. Then prolly another 6 mo later we did it again. And we just kept on doing that again and again and again. It used annoy me cause it felt like she only would remember my existence to tell me about her breaking up with one dude and getting with another or house drama or all that junk. It didn't help that she joked about my life being dry allllll the damn time too so I felt like she only talked to me to judge me and tell me all this shit as if I was supposed to gawk at all of it cause I didn't do anything intresting in her opinion. It didn't help that I never really felt comfortable telling her about any fr fr struggles i was having cause of how I thought she perceived me
It all came to a head when she got mad at me for pointing out that cycle one of these days. I think she texted me soon soon after all that shit with R was going down so I was salty already offrip. She usually starts texting first talking about some bruhhh YOU NEVER TEXT MEEE which this time was a lie. When we got back cool cool a few months back we started to taper off again. This time tho I made sure to text more often during that thinking things would ramp back up if I put more effort into showing I didn't forget her. It didnt really help as she was being dry 95% of the time so I stopped after like a month. I said that and kinda passive aggressively said that we do this all the time lets just get to the catching up part. Which was true but at the same point, so rude. I was still under that impression that she was gonna judge me and I felt like I had so much to look down on so I just was overly defensive and hostile for no damn reason
We skipped talking that time around which was honestly fair. I thought we'd never talk again after that and I forgot it even happened ngl. But then like 2 mo later she reached out again and with my new perspective on friendships I really saw it for what it was. I mean sure, she can be kind of a dick sometimes and she is kinda a magnet for drama at times cause she is pretty impulsive at times which leads her to speak before she thinks on shit but like.. she never means any harm you know? And plus, she is so caring bruh. Literally would do whatever she needs to for her friends. I genuinely forgot this happened but when my old job fired me for not attending this mandatory meeting on my day off (a blessing in disguise tbh I was thinking about quitting anyway) she was SWIFTTT to do a fake review on they shit. I'm sitting there like bruh chill it aint even that deep and by the time I got that out she already wrote a damn review saying they had shitty customer service (which was actually true lmao), racist ass manager (lowkey true as well 💀💀💀) and they ice cream be tasting like CARBOARD (now that I couldn't even support they shit be good good T^T)
Getting close with R and slowing down to where we are now showed me there's alot more to friendship's than opening up about each and every secret you've ever had you know? I still consider R my best friend, even with us not talking as much, both us not being as open, or us not hanging out as much. That all sounds like we don't even like each other more damn wth. LOOKKKK. Sure, there are times where I'm jealous and salty about how things are. And ofc I'm still mad that I KNOW she will get butthurt if I watch aggretsuko with someone else even though I have literally been pestering her about that shit for HALF THE DAMN YEAR. And at times she's overly territorial over me and I be sliiightly tempted to do shit just to watch her show out and other times she'll say the dumbest shit about herself that makes me wish I could teleport to her with a rolled up newspaper in tow.. But like, at the end of the day she knows me better than anyone ever has and I know her in a lot of ways that people don't understand. We're super similar and relieving to know that you know? At the end of the day I know that no matter what she'll be there for me and she trusts me to do the same for her which hasn't changed, even with how shit is now, her effort trumps everything.
Which is something I've grown to appreciate a lot more in general. Ofc including on and off friends like the girl from AZ. It grew to make a lot of the small annoying habits of hers feel a lot diff. I noticed how we really never had an awkward easing back in stage.
Every time, without fail we start with
*insert defense junk*
yeah yeah I dont wanna HEAR IT 🙄
Then boom we get to catching up. Plus 99% of the time she got a game she wanna play. We usually just go to that then continue on talking and junk for a few days. At max a week and a half. I'll send a message here and there and she be DRY so I stop and then we dip for another few months.
It's so weird to think about honestly. We've been friends for 5ish years now. I only have one other long term friend as my years of moving back and forth led most to forget I existed and I met him in 7th. I dunno to me her and him were completely different in my mind cause of the frequency and nature of our convos. But it's just like.. nowadays I tear up thinking about them sometimes. Sure they got they own pros and cons but at the end of the day, they're consistent. We've all changed a lot throughout the years and I know they've met soooo many people that'll probably not die off the face of the earth every two seconds and I'm sure they both have friends they're a lot closer with but they still bothered to keep in touch even when it woulda been hella easy to just move on
Bruh thinking about it now got me tearing up (...as you can see I've been drinking water today 🙃) They may not be the first people I think to go to when shit gets rough but they've made it clear that they care about me for more than what I can do for them and that is mooooore than enough for me. I hope I keep them around forever. I try to be a lot better on checking in on em nowadays. I'm not amazing with that shit still and I still'll go weeks without speaking but uh. We getting there T^T
Though AZ girl is the reason I say bruh so much.. I hate her for that TO THIS DAY. she used to say breh and bruh after every sentence and it would make the shit she be saying 20000x funnier. I tried to steal it for jokes too but then it just start slipping out and now I prolly say it more than she ever did ANDD she don't even say it like that no more 😭
I went on so hard of a tangent I literally forgot what I brought this shit up for.. I had to go back up and reread it's been like 6 hours since I said that junk 💀💀💀
SEE like talking with me is fun on one hand cause as long as we aint sitting there making small talk we gon go through about 70 billion topics within 5 mins but then on the other if you had something to say about a topic we already went past??
All that was all to say that I've grown to really appreciate distant but consistent friendship. To me, it at times shows a lot more care and appreciation than having someone listen to you rant about xyz. Cause I mean, it's kinda easy to not be a dick and listen but it takes effort to keep coming back no matter what we talked about.
Damn do you think I should give the girl from AZ a name?
Nah I kinda like that long ass name for her lmao
But look at her. I barely spoke to her for months and I basically swatted her away when she was just tryna catch up and look at us. Well. We in an off period rn..
OO actually she said she loved me the last time we were on the phone and I said it back thinking that she possibly was talking to someone else but just incase you know. BUT SHE GOT SO HAPPY BRUH OMGG
Shit was so sweet. I would say it more often if it didn't wear off the novelty so quick
But yeah like look at that. I've barely told her about any of my struggles and 5 years later we're still just as close. I can't even count how many people I've heard detailed and long rants from that just dipped from my life once they were doing better off and by the time they got back in that mindset they've already either forgot about me or think it'd be too awkward to get back in touch. Not to say it's easy to talk about that stuff, cause it aint. But venting to a complete random is not exactly risky either. I feel like it honestly has lost it's effect on me nowadays. I would rather have 400 distant and shallow friendships that last for years and years and years than the 400 deep and super relatable friends that just disappear once they find greener pastures.
I hope that someday I'll feel comfortable revealing my identity on here. I didn't mean to imply that any possible friendships from this are gonna be shallow by default ofc. More so was saying I'm a lot more open minded about a lot of different sorts of relationships you know? I wanna explore more types like.. as soon as humanly possible atp T-T
Anywho uh. I think that's enough vaguely pointed rambling for one post. Very sorry to future me reading this. I know you prolly gon wanna stomp me out for always leaving you so damn much to read..
me is withdrawing atp soooo I'm either gon try and sleep the shit off or get to solving that 💀
gn/gm depending on when youre reading this. I hope youre doing okay
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medschoolash · 7 years
What’s next for Bonnie Bennett?
So, I’m sure this is the biggest question we’re all supposed to be asking after Enzo’s tragic death (RIP). I have a theory about what’s in store for Bonnie with this storyline and how her story might end. 
Before I jump into it I have it issue a few disclaimers:
1. I don’t actually watch TVD lol the only time I’ve ever even watched even part of a season was the beginning of season 6 and I barely lasted a few episodes. Everything I know is from talking to actual fans, independent research, and watching youtube clips of some scenes. I’m giving this disclaimer because not watching means I’m not 100% about all the mythology and what not so there is a chance I’m missing something or I have interpreted something wrong. 
2.I ship bonenzo and I don’t actually care about anything else but bonnie and bonenzo
3. This is purely conjecture so read at your own risk. I have zero faith in the TVD writers, however I like to think that Bonnie isn’t going to be the only person screwed over in the finale, so for the sake of my sanity I have to be optimistic. Basically none of this will happen, some if it will, or they might shock the hell out of all of us and almost all of it will happen. So again, read at your own risk. 
Now that that’s out of the way here’s my theory: 
Under the cut because of length
Here’s my basic theory: Enzo’s death triggered dormant physic powers in Bonnie, powers that she’s had since season 1 that she mistook for being a part of her magic so she never explored them further. Her psychic scream created a new dimension, much like what happened with Cade when he created his hell dimension. This makes Bonnie extremely powerful and the key to defeating Cade. Bonnie will actually be the hero in the end, saving them all from Cade and she will get her happy ending when she resurrects Enzo using her new abilities. Bonnie will also end the series immortal, but not as a vampire, so she will get her forever with Enzo. 
In season 1 Bonnie thought she was psychic when she could sense that Stefan had a darkness. This was never really explored further and she then discovered she was a witch so I’m assuming bonnie just assumed that what she sensed was a part of her witchy powers. But what if it wasn’t? (we know it was at the time since TVD writers have like ZERO real foresight but let’s just pretend that was never supposed to be the end of that for bonnie or that it was the end and they are now gonna retcon). Bonnie always having this ability but never actually coming into the totality of those abilities would explain why she all of a sudden has this immense and strange power. Bonnie having the ability to create a new dimension would also make sense based on her bennett line. The Other side, which was basically a purgatory like dimension for supernaturals was created by Qetsiyah, the original creator of immortality and Bonnie’s ancestor. Maybe these powers need to be triggered by something really powerful, which for Bonnie was Enzo dying. Bonnie showed a level of despair we had never seen from her before when she screamed over Enzo. Her despair was DEEP and her feelings of grief was intense. 
I’m sure people who don’t ship Bonnie and Enzo would roll their eyes at the thought that Enzo would be her trigger over other things like her grams dying, loosing her other family members, loosing her closest friends, even her own multiple brushes with death, but if you think about the place Bonnie has been in mentally this season and where Enzo’s death pushed her it makes sense why it would be his death that triggers her. Bonnie has experienced enough despair to last multiple lifetimes. Her pain over the course of the series has been immense. However, every time she’s lost someone she’s always managed to find something to hold on to. There has always been some sort of light at the end of the tunnel. The only time the feeling of loss and hopelessness has even been close to this level of unbearable was when she was trapped in the 1994 other dimension and being tormented by Kai and wanted to kill herself. Even after that she was able to come home and reclaim at least part of her life. 
However during her last brush with death last season we learned that a part of Bonnie has been slowly dying inside. She was so exhausted with death that she wanted to give up when she learned she was poisoned and all she wanted to do was spend her last moments happy instead of afraid an in despair, When she lost Enzo at the beginning of the season we saw Bonnie confess to Caroline that her feeling of loneliness is so profound that it makes her feel like she doesn’t want to live anymore. Of Course we know that she went on a mission to save Enzo from sybil and succeeded but that doesn’t mean that those feelings Bonnie felt went away. A part of why she has been living in the moment with Enzo so much this season is because she’s lost almost everything in her life, and has gradually been loosing herself because of it, and she wants to hold on to what she has, which is this pure love with enzo that finally gives her the future that she always wanted. She told her grams that she was this close to having the life that she always wanted. That hopefulness is crucial for someone who has experienced as much as bonnie has and who has the type of deep feelings she expressed earlier this season. It’s been the only thing besides Enzo’s love that’s been keeping her going at this point. That’s why this loss is so powerful for Bonnie. It’s the final straw in a long list of painful moments for her. She saw a future in front of her, one that was brighter than the dark and painful past she has lived. It was right at her fingertips and she fought so hard to hold on to it because after everything else had been stripped from her it was all she had left and then it was gone. In the blink of an eye her it was stolen from her. minutes before his death bonnie heard him tell her he loved her, they talked about their future, she had bought a house for them, finally after all the pain and suffering Bonnie Bennett was going to get her happy ending even if it wasn’t the absolute perfect happy ending. Then it was gone. We can debate if it was fair to bonnie to be in this position (it wasn’t) but that doesn’t negate the fact that her feelings are real and are actually common when you’ve lost as much as she has. 
So bonnie, in her despair basically triggers her latent powers and creates a new dimension, we can call this dimension “heaven”, since it fits with the idea of Cade’s dimension being hell. Now if I understand Cade’s situation right he created the hell dimension via the psychic scream, being the creator of this dimension makes him immortal, and he can pick which souls he wants to take. 
So bonnie has without knowing it created this new dimension, and that’s where Enzo is. Bonnie is going to be unaware of this tho. In the still for the next episode bonnie has taken enzo’s body to a woman, the woman appears to be a witch, which means bonnie is more than likely trying to resurrect enzo. This is why I believe she didn’t get her magic back and instead made a new dimension, if she had her magic she wouldn’t need an outside witch. So bonnie sets out of a mission to bring enzo back and thinks she has to use magic. 
So how does she figure out what she’s done? Enzo appears to her. She might think she’s hallucinating him or seeing his ghost. I read some bts tea that said MN was still filming for some of the upcoming episodes and is contractually going to be a part of more episodes to come. Enzo communicating with bonnie via her psychic powers would explain that. Initially she mistakes it for a hallucination but then realizes that it’s not, that she can actually communicate with Enzo. I read some spoilers that said Cade starts to take an interest in Bonnie. Her ability and power would explain that. Bonnie would slowly discover the truth and how she can use that to bring enzo back and save her friends from Cade, and Cade tries to stop her. 
Eventually Bonnie would learn the truth about what she is now and she will be able to harness that power to defeat cade and bring Enzo back. 
Part of her journey to discovery will be learning that she’s now immortal. There have been spoilers about a potential deadly situation coming up for the MF gang. Bonnie has been wearing a vile of Enzo’s blood around her neck just in case for a good portion of the season. I think Bonnie might end up on the brink of death again (you know the writers hate her so of course they would subject her to that shit again) but she doesn’t die even though she didn’t drink the blood. So she would put two and two together and discover that she’s immortal. Her immortality is important because she and enzo recently had a discussion about their future, she rejected the idea of turning but they had planned on being human together and growing old together. They were bummed out that they weren’t going to be able to have their dream because they needed to use the cure on Cade. If bonnie does control this dimension then she can bring Enzo back, and she will be immortal, so they can live immortal lives together and Bonnie doesn’t have to turn into a vampire to achieve that she she doesn’t loose a part of herself that was important to her just to be with Enzo. That’s Bonnie’s happy ending but unexpected ending, an immortal life with the man that she loves. 
Not how Elena’s curse fits into that I’m not sure. I think that her immortality via psychic dimension might be a potential loophole around the curse. Since from what I understand the loophole said there was no magical loophole then technically it would work since Bonnie’s immortality wasn’t technically achieved via magical means. Even if it’s not then Kai is coming back so maybe he undo the curse even though I hight doubt that. 
The only other option is that....Elena actually doesn’t wake up.....which I think actually works better with this theory than her actually waking up. 
Based on the bts stuff a lot of dead characters are going to appear in the final few episodes. Elena is going to have scenes with her deceased father John Gilbert. We know quite a few other dead characters make an appearance as well. I think this might be explained by Bonnie’s “heaven”. Bonnie’s dimension is a world where the people she loves....like Elena can be happy and at peace. I think that Damon might actually die in the finale and that’s how he gets his happy ending with Elena. They both are taken to Bonnie’s “heaven” where they can be with the rest of the people they love and be happy and at peace with each other together. They did something similar on TO with the mikaelson family this past season only it was an astral plane. Freya designed it and made this world where they can all be together and safe until Hayley can cure them and bring them back. Bonnie could in theory do the same with her “heaven”. Damon and Elena get to be reunited, and Bonnie gets peace knowing her two best friends are together again and her life is no longer linked to Elena. She brings Enzo back from the dead like Cade did Stefan when Caroline killed him and she gets her happy ending. It won’t be the perfect ending, since Damon, who she cares about a lot and Elena both die, but she gets to live knowing they are at peace, and she gets to be happy for the rest of her immortal life with Enzo. They travel together, they buy another house, they live their own lives, no longer having to sacrifice their happiness for other people, and no longer having to deal with the ideal of possibly being without each other later down the line. 
Elena actually “dying” could also explain why some of the characters who aren’t dead....like Jeremy, return to MF. They gang would actually give her and Damon a burial, and Jeremy would come home for that, as would some other people we haven’t seen on a while but are alive. They all say goodbye to Elena, and say goodbye to damon, then everyone is finally free to move on with their lives. Stefan gets to live his life with caroline and Bonnie gets to live her life with Enzo. 
I know it sounds too good to be true but I prefer to Hope for something like this at this point, since I really can’t handle the thought of Bonnie being miserable and alone while all of her friends get their happy ending. This is my theory and I’ll hold on to it for as long as I can lol 
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luminnara · 3 years
I wonder what Dick would be like trying to flirt on the lead up if the mission, trying to be smooth and cool before screaming next to Weasel. The back track of trying to be cool again after than freak out would be glorious and I would probably fall for it, lol
Dick Hertz x fem!reader
This ended up way longer than intended and I am not mad about that lol
Sfw but raunchy!
Requests for oneshots and HCs are open!
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You were no stranger to the concept of the suicide squad.
Thanks to your own colorful past, and powers that you couldn’t always quite control at first, you were stuck serving out a long ass sentence at Belle Reve, the shittiest shit hole of them all. Your only escape from the mundane, high-security monotony was the occasional mission from Waller.
The Suicide Squad—more officially known as Task Force X—was the latest installment in Amanda Waller’s series of highly classified, top secret, black ops teams. She chose Belle Reve’s most infamous criminals, many of whom had extraordinary powers and even more extraordinary reputations, and tossed them together on incredibly dangerous missions. You knew she didn’t care whether you lived or died, but successfully completing such impossible tasks always cut time off your sentence, and with nothing else to do with your time, you always thought it was worth the risk.
And besides...you hadn’t died yet.
So when Waller approached you during your daily yard time, you already knew what to expect.
“Yeah, yeah.” You grumbled as you followed her into the exam room and plopped down in the same old chair. “I know the drill. I go off mission, you blow my brains out.”
“—with the explosive device implanted in the base of your skull. Correct.” Waller said, unimpressed.
“And what, you have to give me a fresh one?” You raised an eyebrow as the doctor made you lean forward. “Lose the button for the last one or something? Or are you afraid that just one won’t do the job?”
Waller looked even less impressed. “I suggest you put a lid on that attitude today.”
“Why?” You winced at the feeling of a thick needle pushing into the back of your neck. “Jesus, fuck! Seriously, how many little bombs do I need in my head?”
“Good luck, puppy.” The doctor sneered as you stood up to follow Waller back out into the corridor.
“This is a black ops mission.” She continued with her usual spiel. “Your commanding officer is Colonel Rick Flag.”
You gasped. “The Colonel Rick Flag?”
She turned to glance at you.
“I have no idea who that is.”
You could hear her sigh in exasperation. “Suit up and go outside to the transport. You’ll meet the rest of the team and fly out to Corto Maltese.”
You couldn’t help but roll your eyes. Yeah, the Suicide Squad was a nice distraction from your shitty everyday life...but putting your ass on the line for someone who didn’t give a shit whether you lived or died, and who was always hovering above the button that would splatter your brains all over the wall, wasn’t exactly the greatest feeling in the world.
Waller waited as you ducked into a room to change. There was a black box waiting for you, and upon opening it, you couldn’t help but grin at the sight of your old gear. The dark gray leather suit fit like a glove, and your gun had been cleaned and polished after your last mission, the painfully bright fluorescent lights reflecting off of the barrel with a gleam. You grabbed your gloves and strapped your ammo belts on before buckling a gray carbon fiber mask on.
Wearing your own stuff always lifted your spirits. It was the suit you’d been arrested in a few years ago back in Metropolis, and after seizing it, the feds had been nice enough to give it some upgrades with newer tech. Anything to make you a better government-sanctioned killing machine, you guessed, and it’s not like you were gonna turn it down. After all, killing was how you ended up in Belle Reve in the first place, and it was one of the only things you were good at...it just made sense for Waller to want to put your near-inhuman skills to good use.
You walked out to join her again, lugging a canvas bag of equipment and supplies along behind you.
“Pick that up and carry it correctly.” She snapped as the doors at the end of the hall opened.
“Why don’t you eat my—“
You interrupted yourself by groaning at the bright sunlight as it hit your eyes, raising a hand to shield your face as you managed to spot an armored truck waiting for you.
“You’ll have a lot of new teammates.” Waller called after you. “Be on your best behavior. I’m not responsible for anything they do to you.”
“Probably just a bunch of old farts like always!” You yelled back as you jumped up into the back of the vehicle.
Two guards sat down on either side of you as you got yourself settled in. There was another woman already waiting, her skin orange, her hair in a high ponytail that seemed to be pulled through the top of her helmet. She was regarding you with very little interest, and that was absolutely fine with you. You had a few friends within the Belle Reve prison complex, and you weren’t necessarily looking for more.
The ride was short and uneventful. You passed through a few gates that took forever to open, waited for a few security checks, the usual shit. When the truck came to a halt and you hopped out again, you were at a small airbase hosting a few hangars for planes and helicopters, one of the latter already sitting outside. Guards from Belle Reve were lining the circle of armored vehicles, and as yours joined them and the back doors were opened once more, you grimaced at the bright sunlight.
“Afraid of a little sun?” The orange woman laughed, baring her teeth at you.
“Hurts my eyes,” you mumbled, jumping down after her.
You landed on pavement, looking down at your feet in an attempt to avoid the oncoming headache you knew was imminent. When your shoulder rammed into someone, though, you had to look up anyway.
What you saw wasn’t exactly what you were expecting.
A good looking blond guy was looking down at you, a cocky grin on his face. “Whoa, didn’t realize we were getting a babe this time!”
You glared at him, grateful for the mask covering the lower half of your face.
He couldn’t see you blush that way.
“Little girl’s got some ammo, huh?” He reached for one of the belts strapped across your chest,
Your hand flew up to grab his wrist and you held him in a Vice-like grip, your glare more pointed now. “Touch me, and you can see some of it from behind your eyeballs.”
Blondie whistled lowly, relaxing his arm. “You’re tough, huh? I like that in a girl.”
You dropped his wrist and rolled your eyes. “Still gonna like it when I’m ripping your balls off?”
You could swear he was swooning on his feet. “Baby, you are a goddamn tease...”
“Oy, Dickhead!” An Australian voice rang out, “back off!”
His grin faltered for a moment, obvious disappointment flashing over his face. “Oh. Got a man already. Damn.”
“Who, Boomer?” You grinned, unclipping your mask as you turned to wave at one of your only friends. “Nah, I’d never fuck that wanker.”
“I heard that!” The gold-toothed Aussie yelled.
You let out a loud laugh as you looked back to blondie.
You were caught off guard by the actual, genuine look on his face. He was admiring your smile now that your mask was off, his eyes lingering on your lips for a fraction of a second longer than they should have. He was trying to be smooth, you could tell, and most people wouldn’t have noticed something so slight...but you were an assassin working your way through a couple life sentences, and you weren’t most people.
It all only lasted a moment before the cocky grin was back. “So, after this, you wanna come back to my cell, maybe we could, you know...” he waggled his eyebrows at you, making a hip thrusting motion you almost couldn’t believe a grown criminal was making.
“Maybe focus on not dying first, slim.” You patted his chest before turning towards Boomer, leaving blondie to stare after you—or more precisely, your ass—with a dramatic, longing look.
Your friend was regarding you with an amused expression. “Flirtin’ on the job? Didn’t think you had it in ya.”
“Shut up.” You punched his arm a little too hard and he winced. “Who is that guy, anyway?”
“Dick,” Boomer said, rubbing his arm.
“Don’t call me a dick—“
“No, dumbass, that’s his name. Richard Hertz.”
“...very funny, Boomer, but there’s no fucking way his parents named their kid Dick Hertz.”
Boomer shrugged. “Believe me or don’t, I don’t care. Either way, it’s the truth.”
You scoffed and stole a glance over at your new admirer. He was tall and pretty well built, platinum blond hair short, lips pulled back in a grin that showed off straight white teeth. He was dressed in all black, two guns holstered to his chest, and as he messed with a Belle Reve guard by pretending to reach for one, he looked like an overgrown child who should not have been allowed to hold onto firearms.
“Please tell me he’s got a cooler name,” you groaned.
“Why? So you can scream it at night?” Boomer cackled. “He goes by Blackguard. He’s pretty strong from what I hear. Prolly pretty fun in bed, too.”
You wrinkled your nose and rounded on Boomer. “Shut up.”
“You like him.” Your friend grinned. “Don’t worry, your secret’s safe with me. Just remember to name your kid after good ol’ Uncle Boomer.”
You gave him a rough shove and he stumbled back a few steps, laughing like a madman the entire time.
“Hey!” One of the guards barked at you.
Rather than pushing your luck with your armed babysitters, you huffed and crossed your arms over your chest. More cars were pulling up, dropping off the rest of your comrades, and while Boomer was distracted with them, you stole another glance at Dick.
He was still messing with the same guard, and was receiving some harsh warning glares in the process. Was he a complete idiot, or was he so cocky because he could actually handle it? He had to have ended up in Belle Reve for a reason. It wasn’t the type of place you went to for innocent misdemeanors. And if he was chosen for a Suicide Squad mission, that meant that his sentence was long enough to warrant risking his life to lessen it...and it also meant that he was useful.
When he winked at you, you realized with a start that he had totally noticed the way you were checking him out.
“Time to load up!” A voice yelled, saving you from any further embarrassment.
A few minutes later, you were strapping yourself into your seat on the chopper, pretending not to notice as Dick struggled with his seatbelt across from you. The guy sitting next to him had to help, and when you finally couldn’t help yourself, you let out a quiet laugh from behind your mask.
Dick’s head shot up to look at you, that cocky grin plastered to his face again.
“Wish you were over here helpin’ me,” he said bravely. “Rather have your hands down by my—“
“Dick.” Colonel Flag warned as he stood above you all with his gun in his hands.
Boomer let out a loud laugh at the unintentionally dirty euphemism and you snorted.
“What? Just makin’ some conversation,” Blackguard said, leaning towards you with a wolfish glint in his eyes. “You don’t mind, do ya, Princess?”
Your cheeks were heating up behind your mask, and he could see the way your eyes crinkled slightly with your smile.
God, he wished he could see your smile again.
“Hey guys, sorry I’m late!” A familiar voice said. “Had to go number two.”
“...Good to know.” Flag sighed as none other than Harley Quinn herself hopped in.
“Harley!” You called, reaching for her with grabby hands as she looked for her seat.
“Hey there, baby!” The pale blonde woman greeted, slamming her equipment bag into Savant’s head. “Hey, Boomer!”
“What’re you doin’ back in prison, Harls?” Boomer asked, hanging onto the nylon mesh cage behind him as he stretched his arms out.
“Got road rage. In a bank.” She finally found a spot between you and Javelin, and as Flag checked everyone over, the chopper took off into the air.
The lighting was dim and red, the thrumming of the helicopter blades blending in with the white noise of the pressurized cabin. Save for that, it was quiet for a while, everybody either sizing each other up, or, in Dick’s case, imagining how you looked under your suit.
“So, uh...how much longer you in for?” He asked you.
You raised an eyebrow. “Why?”
“Because I don’t exactly think I should be talkin’ about sneakin’ into your cell while Flag is here to rat me out about it,” Dick grinned.
You caught the colonel rolling his eyes.
“Hey, that never stopped anybody,” Harley said brightly.
“Boutta be in a whole big ass jungle,” Boomer elbowed you in the side. “Plentya room in there to be alone.”
You groaned as Dick gave you a sly grin.
“Y’know, this mission’ll be over in no time.” He said, stretching his arms out behind his head. “I’ve got some wicked ass powers. I got this.”
“Oh yeah?” You asked, recognizing the way he was trying to peacock and impress you. “Not worried about anything?”
“Baby, I’ll carry this whole team. Just you watch.”
“I’m looking forward to it, Dick.” You bit his name out as more of an insult, but he didn’t seem to care, giving you another wink.
He obviously thought that his flirting and posturing was working...but you were pretty sure he was just annoying. Cute, but annoying. Maybe good for a hook up here or there...but that was about it.
“We’re in a butcher’s freezer, Harls!” Boomer called from the other end of the bench. “Surrounded by dead hogs hangin’ on hooks. Only they don’t know it yet.”
“Leave ‘em alone, Boomer!” She called back with a laugh.
You chuckled at your friends, leaning your head back as you settled in for the flight. Harley was complimenting Javelin’s accent, you still didn’t know what TDK stood for, and Boomer was just starting to mess with him about the fact that all names were made of letters when the freaky weasel-thing next to Dick stole everyone’s attention.
It was one of the strangest creatures you had ever seen. Human height, covered in mangy brown fur, with big bulging eyes and a mouth full of sharp little teeth all made it both fascinating and concerning to look at, and as it made a few disgustingly wet retching sounds, Dick nodded towards it.
“Yo, is this a dog?” He asked.
“...What?” You asked in disbelief. He had to be fucking with you, right? There was no way he meant it.
“Is this thing a dog?” He repeated.
“A...a dog?”
“What...what kinda dog do you think it is, mate?” Boomer asked.
“I dunno, I’m not familiar with all the breeds.” Dick gave him an incredulous look.
“I’m gonna go with Afghan hound.” TDK said.
“Since when does an afghan hound have bloody thumbs?”
“Oh my god, is it a werewolf?” Harley asked excitedly. “I’ve wanted to meet a werewolf for ever!”
Dick was already up and struggling against his restraints. “Yo, they sat me next to a werewolf?!”
“That’s not right,” TDK agreed as his neighbor slammed into him in his desperate attempt at an escape.
Boomer was laughing loudly, and you couldn’t help but join in. “You’re seriously scared of werewolves?”
Dick glanced up at you as he tried to unbuckle his seatbelt. “Yes, I fuckin’ am! So fuckin’—get me out! I do not fuck with werewolves, there is no fuckin’ way—“
“Maybe you should hop onto your new girlfriend’s lap!” Boomer cackled, jabbing a finger towards you.
“Poor baby,” you cooed, and as you saw the look in Blackguard’s eyes, you were pretty convinced that he was about to try to tear his way out so that he actually could.
“Hey, hey, he’s not a werewolf!” Flag yelled over the commotion. “He’s a weasel, he’s harmless! I mean, he’s not harmless, he’s killed 27 children, but I—I think we got him to—I think he’s agreed to this, so relax.”
“Thought you were super tough?” You asked as Dick calmed down and caught his breath. “Gonna carry the whole team?”
Rather than the snarky flirtation you expected, he actually looked a bit defeated. When you raised an eyebrow, though, he took the prompt, and the most desperate backtracking you had ever seen began.
“Yeah, well...” he scoffed, trying to give you a cool look. “Caught me off guard, that’s all. No big deal.”
“Off guard? Isn’t guard, like, in your name?” You teased, your smile genuine behind your mask. Alright...he was winning you over now. He was an idiot, but...maybe he was a lovable one.
He faltered for a second. “I-I mean, yeah, well...”
Flag was shaking his head. “Get into position to drop!”
Everyone unbuckled themselves and collected their things, lining up to jump into the ocean off the coast of Corto Maltese. When you saw that Dick was back to struggling with it, again, you smiled to yourself and leaned down in front of him.
“For what it’s worth...” you said as you pulled up on the metal tab, your hand dangerously close to his crotch, “I wouldn’t mind shacking up somewhere in the jungle with you.”
He stated at you with wide eyes, disbelief written all over his face. He really was cuter when he wasn’t putting on such a dumb, cocky facade, and he jumped up as quickly as he could to follow you.
You just laughed as you straightened up and walked away, Blackguard right on your heels. As the door opened and the big, dark ocean came into view below you, you felt a hand brushing against your hip and a firm chest press up against your back. You realized you could have stayed right there forever, patiently waiting to see how far he was brave enough to go...but you were both members of the Suicide Squad, and you had a job to do.
“I’ll see you down there, Dick,” you said, turning your head slightly to glance at him.
“See you on the other side, baby,” he grinned.
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swindle-comic · 3 years
Hi, I've been reading your comic and I really like it.
My question is: how Ty was created? I don't mean biologically, no, I mean what came to your mind while creating a bear oc. I'm a huge fan of bears myself, so Ty being one got me curious.
If you feel comfortable, could you tell his origins? That's prolly some stuff that are gonna be shown ahead in the comic, but I wanted to ask nevertheless.
The simple answer is it was like 3am and that’s usually when stray ideas spiral out of control.
Okay if I remember right it began almost two years ago when I was very very lost in the ducktales sauce and we were talking about the characters constantly. So we had been on the topic of the triplets and how they’d develop as teens to adults and then the subject drifted into romantic orientation or lack thereof and potential relationships they might have in the future. When it came to Louie we were just like “ye he gay.”
While we were talking about that, I brought up a silly little scenario about Louie having a notable interaction with some boy at school. I guess what the notable interaction entailed would be a spoiler. The angle that hooked us on this relationship dynamic is a spoiler. (Even if plenty of people who went deep diving have found their answers on the matter. I’m still gonna try not to bring it up on the blog.) but you’ll find out soon. So the idea of Ty’s character started with “Somebody who could work off Louie.”
But then I was like “yeah ok sure fine I know I just brought this kid up to be funny but now I’m invested in him. Who is he? Lets flesh out this Boy At School. It’s 3am let’s go apeshit.”
And then I wondered if I could make this kid a canon character. Maybe a lesser used one. And I remembered that some of the talespin characters were intended to appear in season three. Now I hadn’t watched talespin much at the time so I didn’t pay much attention to the announced characters. For some reason I thought they were Baloo and Rebecca? I had just briefly looked at the image of them like once. So then my train of thought was like “okay so if Baloo and Rebecca exist in dt17, so does Kit Cloudkicker.” I knew a little bit about Kit Cloudkicker. And from what I knew, he matched the personality of this Boy At School that we were messing around with. I thought it was a perfect.
I figured out like a few minutes later that the adult bear I thought was Baloo was actually Kit so we had to regroup. But I was already attached to this angle we had so the regroup was basically just
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(I just think Artsy with their Kit icon being like “idk him” is funny)
The name “Kit Jr” did not last long because it was stupid as all fuck but by this point it was 4am so be nice to me.
The fact that we made Ty into an OC made things WAY better cuz it opened up for way more creative freedom. He wasn’t confined to the restraints of canon characterization and I could do whatever I wanted with him. This early stage of his characterization was definitely inspired by young Kit from Talespin but he became so much more than that. Artsy had started designing him the day after and then drew up a bunch of him. Which just added fuel to the fire. The next few days I spurted out essays upon essays about Ty. Everything about him. He was a fully realized person within a week. There’s so much life to this kid, I stg. I’m really excited for the comic to explore every facet of him. He has a lot of facets.
But yeah that’s why he’s a bear. He was based off a bear character. If he had just been an OC with no links to any other character, a bear probably wouldn’t have crossed my mind.
I’m guessing by his “origins” you mean where he came from, in universe. Like before he landed with Kit and whatnot. I’m delighted you’re interested but that’s private information for the moment. But we will get to that.
Thank you for your question! This was fun to talk about!
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broqkenhearted · 3 years
𝕸𝖞 𝕭𝖑𝖔𝖔𝖉𝖞 𝕷𝖔𝖛𝖊
𝕸𝖞 𝕭𝖑𝖔𝖔𝖉𝖞 𝕷𝖔𝖛𝖊: Chapter 2
𝕹𝖊𝖝𝖙: Chapter 3
𝕻𝖗𝖊𝖛𝖎𝖔𝖚𝖘: Chapter 1
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𝔖𝔲𝔪𝔪𝔞𝔯𝔶: An innocent school girl is new to SOPA. She becomes friends with the President of the school and his group. Y/N sees this one group of boys and one of them intrigues her. These boys are the “badasses” of the school and act all cold. But there is more to this boy than what is seen on the outside. This boy is no other than a vampire who is in the gang named Ateez, and finds his mate, who is none other than the innocent school girl. What love will blossom between these two?
𝕲𝖊𝖓𝖗𝖊: bits of fluff, smut, angst, highschool au, vampire au
𝕻𝖆𝖎𝖗𝖎𝖓𝖌: vampire!san x reader
𝖂𝖔𝖗𝖉 𝕮𝖔𝖚𝖓𝖙: 2,082
𝖂𝖆𝖗𝖓𝖎𝖓𝖌𝖘: blood, swearing, mature content (warnings beforehand)
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???'s POV
Tf?!?!? Did she really just LAUGH at me? That bitch better learn her place before I force her into it. I thought to myself as I was walking back to my seat with the guys. Every girl here would fucking murder each other just to get  damn look at us, and that bitch gets the opportunity of being in class with us and decides to fucking laugh.
"Y'all is it just me, or did newbie over there chuckle at us?" Yunho asked, glancing over at the weird girl.
"So it wasn't just me, she interesting tho," Wooyoung stated giving her a seductive look.
When Wooyoung looked over at her, the girl threw him a wink.
"She prolly not any different than all the other hoes here, Wooyoung," Honjoong pointed out.
"Yeah maybe, but this one seems like a lot of fun to play with," Wooyoung said, still admiring her.
"What do you think about her, San?" Mingi asked me.
"I don't," I responded blandly.
All the guys nodded and started to converse with one another. I was bored out of my mind, so I decided to pull my phone out. The teachers here know better than to mess with us, so they gave up in trying to punish us.
"Good luck with her, Wooyoung. She's gonna be a difficult one to get," Seonghwa started.
"Why do you say that?" Wooyoung questioned.
"Look at who she's with. Pretty boys over there are basically giving her no room to breathe," Yeosang chuckled, looking at the girl who had Eunwoo basically plastered to her hip.
"Yo Wooyoung," Jongho called out.
"What's up?" Wooyoung answered.
"You should ask the teacher to get you two to dance together. I doubt she'll say no," Jongho pointed out.
"Jongho how the hell are you this smart?" Wooyoung asked smirking to himself.
"Wooyoung you're acting like you're fucking obsessed," I said giving him an eye roll.
"Chill dude. I told you, she'll be fun to play with."
"Yeah, ok," I said under my breath.
Third Person POV
Wooyoung walked up to the teacher and everyone's eyes were on him. the only thing the class could hear was the teacher asking, "Are you sure?" and Wooyoung nodding his head.
Wooyoung walked back over to the guys almost as if he was preparing something when the teacher looked over to Y/N and asked, "Y/N, can you perform a partner dance with Wooyoung?"
"Y/N, can you perform a duo dance with Wooyoung?"
Ummm who the fuck is this Wooyoung guy, and why does he want to dance with ME?
I could hear Astro sigh and mumble a few curse words when I got up and headed towards the middle to meet this "Wooyoung" guy.
"I'm Jung Wooyoung, nice to meet you," Wooyoung started.
"I'm Y/F/N Y/L/N, nice to meet you too," I responded. "What are you planning on having us dance?"
"Do you know this one?" Wooyoung asked pointing to his phone.
"I do," I said looking up at him.
Wooyoung smirked at me and I gave him one right back. Bitches boutta be real pissed at me.
*Stop the Video at 1:39, unless you wanna see the whole thing lmao*
Both Astro and Ateez were looking at the two people dancing with their jaws dropped.
"Why the fuck did Wooyoung choose Y/N out of all the other girls here?" Jinjin questioned.
Jinjin already knew the answer to his own question. All of the guys did. Wooyoung was interested. And Y/N was playing along.
"I didn't think she was so outgoing?" Moonbin stated.
"Moonbin, I don't think anyone did," Eunwoo sighed.
As expected, all the girls in the room lost their shit.
"You bitch! Get your hands off of my oppa!"
"He belongs to us not a whore like you!"
As Wooyoung and I were dancing, I could hear the screams of the girls in the classroom. Damn, I didn't expect their words to hit me as much as they did. The dance ended and I tried my best to hurry away from Wooyoung as quickly as I could. However, he saw how I was feeling and pulled me back.
"You did great, princess. Don't let those delusional bitches get into your head, ok?" Wooyoung whispered into my ear, comfortingly.
"Thanks Wooyoung," I replied sincerely.
"Anytime princess," Wooyoung winked walking away.
I chuckled as I headed to my own seat, only to be bombarded by Astro with questions like, "Are you ok?" "Did he make you uncomfortable?"  
"I'm fine, guys. He was actually really caring."
The guys cringed.
"What? Did I say something wrong?"
"No....it's just that Wooyoung is so....fake," Rocky replied.
"If you guys are trying to hint that he's a playboy, I know that. I can take a hint ya know," I smiled at the guys relieving their stress levels slightly. "And you don't have to worry about me, I'm not interested in him."
At that moment all of the boys let out a deep breath and gave me a massive group hug.
"We were all worried that he'd play you and break your heart!" MJ stated.
Ateez POV
"Damn dude, I didn't know you would go with such a sexy dance," Mingi chuckled.
"I honestly thought she wouldn't agree to it, but she did. And holy fuck she's good," Wooyoung said looking back at the smiling girl.
"Bro are you catching feels?" Seonghwa questioned.
"Nah, I don't even think I wanna play with her anymore. She's just so..different."
At this point San decided to look up from his phone, as he was slightly intrigued at what Wooyoung just said.
"Did I hear that right? the infamous Jung Wooyoung not wanting to play a girl?" San piped up.
"I don't know, guys. I just felt like I wanted to protect her like a sibling. It's weird." Wooyoung sighed.
"Well, I don't know about y'all, but I wanna at least get an introduction." Yunho hinted.
"Fine," Wooyoung huffed, getting up to go retrieve the girl.
"I'm coming with you!" Yeosang exclaimed.
The teacher let us do whatever we wanted for the rest of class, so Astro and I were just playing around and getting to know each other better. Soon I heard my name get called out by a familiar person.
"Hey Y/N?" Wooyoung asked.
Before I could answer, Sanha stepped in.
"What the hell do you want?' He asked annoyed.
"Chill dude, we aren'g going to fucking kidnap her," an unfamiliar boy spoke.
"And we're supposed to believe you?" Eunwoo asked raising an eyebrow.
Wooyoung rolled his eyes and look back at Y/N, "The guys want to meet you."
"Hell. No," was all that Rocky said before pulling me into a hug. I giggled slightly.
"And now you have the ability to control her?" The unknown guy remarked.
"Yeosang, I'm not controlling her. I'm protecting her from fuckers like you," Rocky spat.
At this point I was over hearing them bicker between one another so I broke it up.
"Alright, that's enough. First, Rocky isn't controlling me. Second, I'm a grown ass woman and I can talk to who I want to talk to. And third, I'm not going to deal with either of you if all y'all are gonna do when I'm around is bite each others' asses off. Are we clear?"
The room went totally silent after I finished my rant. Everyone was shocked that I said that. In return, I gave everyone a "what are you looking at?" face.
Well, the room was silent until one of the kids in the Ateez group yelled "yes ma'am!"
At that point, I broke down laughing. "Oh come on, I'm not THAT mean," I chuckled.
The mood lightened up, and I agreed to go meet Wooyoung's friends.
Before I left, Eunwoo pulled me over and said into my ear, "If he tries to pull something, tell me IMMEDIATELY."  
I nodded at Eunwoo as acknowledgement and followed Wooyoung over to his group.
"Now guys before you-" Wooyoung started, but I was already bombarded with questions and compliments.
I laughed at their words and spoke up.
"Before my brain explodes from all y'all talking, I'd like to know your names," I said taking a seat next to Wooyoung.
"Well you already know who I am," Wooyoung chuckled.
I chuckled back at him and looked over to the boy that was arguing with Rocky before.
"Kang Yeosang," he said.
The boys went down the line and they all gave me a quick introduction.
"What about you?" Yunho asked me.
"Y'all already know my name," I replied.
"Well yeah, but like where are you from?" Mingi piped in.
*I'm just gonna use where I'm from lmao*
"I'm from Glendale, Arizona," I responded watching their puzzled faces. "It's the state next to California."
When I said that, the confused faces eased up a bit.
"So you speak English?" Jongho asked.
"Yessir," I said in perfect English.
"Are English and Korean the only languages you know?"
"Nah, I can also speak Spanish. I only know it because I was forced to take 2 years of a foreign language in school in America."
"So you speak 3 languages, can dance, and have a great bod?" Seonghwa asked.
I could hear San scoff behind Seonghwa.
"Jesus, San. Who pissed in your cereal this morning?" I could hear Hongjoong sneer at San.
I chuckled and got up to go retrieve my stuff. Class was coming to an end, so I just stayed out of everyone's way, not wanting to get mixed up with the crowd.
The bell rang, and everyone headed out. I stayed behind, waiting for the crowd to clear. I headed out and was starting to walk away when I could hear a voice call out my name.
"Hey, Y/N!" The boy called out.
I turned around prepared to see one of the Astro boys, but I was wrong. Ateez was standing there.
When the boys called out my name, everyone's eyes were on me. Again.
"What the actual fuck? Can't people mind their own business for once in their lives?" I thought to myself annoyed.
I decided to ignore the guys and keep walking out of the school, only to hear footsteps behind me.
"Hey! Why are you running away?" Hongjoong asked me.
"I guess I forgot to tell you a small fact about me," I said and the boys raised an eyebrow intrigued. Well everyone except San. He could care less. "I hate attention and crowds," I muttered.
The guys whispered small "Oh's" and looked at each other. The next thing I heard were a bunch of voices yelling behind me.
"Well fuck," was all the Yeosang said before growling.
I turned around to see a group of nine girls glaring at me and giving smiles to Ateez. "The hell is their issue?"
"Oppa, why are you hanging out with the newbie?"
"Nayeon, get your nasty ass hands off of me," Seonghwa spat.
"Y'all must be the 'Twice' group I've heard about," I said unamused.
"Yeah, what about it bitch?" another girl responded.
"Before calling me a bitch, you should take a look at yourself in the mirror first, sweetie," I said.
Both Ateez and Twice looked at me in surprise.
"Well newbie, you're just an attention seeking whore! Look at you! You went from Astro to Ateez on you first damn day here."
"It ain't my fault they came up to me first. And Imma head out, hearing all this bullshit makes me sick. See ya later," I glared.
Third Person POV
Yet again, the guys gawked at the foreigner, but snapped out of it, returning their attention to Twice.
"That slut! Who does she think she is talking to us like that?!"
San was getting annoyed so he stepped up.
"Hey Tzuyu? Can you do us all a favor and shut the fuck up? It would also be appreciated if you and your group leave us the hell alone. We don't need or want y'all attached to us all the damn time!" San snapped.
After hearing San's words, the girls quickly ran off.
"Finally, some damn peace," San said, and all the guys sighed.
"Y/N ain't scared of SHIT," Mingi started.
"Why do you say that?" Wooyoung asked.
"She just back talked to Twice. Y'all know how those girls get when other girls talk to us. They lose their shit! Anddddd she was willing to talk to us," Mingi answered.
"He's got a point," Yeosang stated.
Ateez was the kind of group that most people wouldn't want to get associated with. They're a street gang, so drugs and alcohol we baby toys. Tattoos and piercings were all over the boys's bodies. Some could even say they are demonic. Yet, Y/N decided she would talk with them.
"I swear to god, people are so damn nosy!" I thought to myself agitated.
I was walking home when I felt drops of water land on me.
"You have got to be fucking kidding me right now," I sighed.
I was about to start running home when I heard the loud roar of multiple engines growl behind me. I turned around to see a group of guys wearing bandit-like outfits.
The mysterious men were about to drive past me, but when they saw my face they stopped.
"Y/N?" One of them asked. "Omg, get on! You're gonna get soaked!" One of them called out to me.
"Ummmm who are you?" I asked, not being able to see who the man was while he was wearing the brimmed hat and spiky mask.
"Oh shit!" The man said while he took his mask off.
It was Yunho.
"Yunho??" I asked confused.
"Yeah, it's me. But if you're planning on staying dry you'll get on!"Yunho said referring to his motorcycle.
Without another word, I hopped onto the back of the bike.
Yunho handed me a helmet, and before he took off he told me "Hold on tight! We're gonna try to beat the rain!"
I nodded my head, and damn when he said he was going to beat the rain he meant it. We went flying down the street.
"Yunho, where are we going?" I asked.
"To our place."
"What? Why? My house isn't that far!"
"It's just easier for us to stay dry by going to our place. Also, I don't think your driveway would be able to hold 8 motorcycles," he chuckled.
He was right. I didn't even think about that.
I decided to enjoy the rest of the ride. I snuggled into Yunho and held on tightly. I couldn't see his face under the mask, but there was a definite smile under it.
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jajanvm-imbi · 4 years
Headcanons of Krel living on earth because he’s my favorite and I love him and I haven’t seen anyone do this yet so I feel like I have to
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^^^^^because of this very moment I love the idea of Mary and Darci befriending Krel.
Since Aja,Vex and Eli went back to Akaridion-5, Mother was destroyed, and Claire was busy with Trollhunting stuff, earth gets pretty lonely. So Mary and Darci adopt him into their friend group. 
At first Krel was a little apprehensive to joining their friend group, but he quickly warmed up to it because, he, being Krel, loves the attention.
like I can totally see Mary and Darci taking Krel to like a mall or something and doing those like teen romcom movie shopping montages where he goes into a changing room and the girls judge the outfit until they find the perfect one.
I personally believe Krel would adopt a soft boy look, with like oversized button ups and t shirts tucked into jeans, but thats just me.
anyway, because he’s friends with Mary and Darci, Krel has a new found social popularity in Arcadia.
because of this, Krel would prolly get nominated for Spring Fling king and shit
I would say Krel wouldn’t really care about being nominated, but seeing how he cared so much about the science fair and the Battle of the Bands, he would definitely care
Steve is conflicted because he wants to be Spring Fling King, but he can’t mess with Krel like he did with Jim and Eli cause Krel is his girlfriend’s brother 
Krel notices this and takes advantage of it to mess with Steve and actually tries to win.
like Krel would just dominate the contests, and his theme presentation would be the flashiest and most appealing and people would just generally like him, and that would really worry Steve
like Krel, with four arms would be really good at the Touch-a-Truck-athon or whatever its called.
Krel would prolly let Steve win anyway because watching Steve squirm and freak out over prolly losing the crown and not being able to do anything about it cause he's Aja's brother is much better than any highschool dance crown
also the school 100% asks Krel to DJ future dances and events to save money, and Krel absolutely loves it
He would also definitely do the school play. Seeing how much he enjoyed being in Toby and Eli's short film, and again, he loves the attention, he would totally be down 
Also it would just be another chance to mess with Steve to be the lead. 
Because of this, Ms. Janeth would do another Shakespearean play, but do one of those modern renditions. Like it's the same play just in a modern setting, to take advantage of Krel's Akaridion form like they did with Jim's armor. 
If not in the play he would do stage crew/tech.
Like he would create elaborate settings for them using A5 tech and Ms. Janeth would adore it 
moving on, because home life is pretty lonely with just the Lucy and Ricky for company, Krel loves to host his friends for parties and sleepovers and whatever
and since Krel lives in the coolest house on the block, they love coming over
He hosts girl’s night every other week with Mary, Darci, and Clarie (becauuse she deserves a fucking break) 
since we’ve all agreed that Krel is 100% a gaylien, I love the idea that he casually comes out during a girls night
like Mary would be like “So Krel, are there any girls you like?” and Krel’s just like, “*snort* Girls? Who ever said I like girls?” and the others are like “….....?“ and Krel just rolls his eyes and says "I like boys, ladies” and they’re like “ooooohhhh, okay. Cool.”
So now they spend girls night talking about boys. Claire and Darci about their mans and Mary and Krel about cute boys.
One day the girls give Krel a little rainbow pin and Krel’s just like “what’s this?” And the girls tell him that it’s an earth symbol for the gays and he’s like “theres a symbol for that here? I didnt think it was that big of a deal. On A5 it’s pretty normal” and the girls explain why theres a symbol and he’s like “oh shoot wow, thanks" and he put it on his backpack.
He’s pretty confused the first time someone is homophobic towards him cause like that kind if behavior doesnt happen on A5 and hes just like, “why does this bother you? I hardly know you” and just brushes it off. Its doesnt really bother him, mainly cause he doesnt know the earth insults towards gay people so he doesn’t even realize, but if the girls (or Toby, or even Steve, too) catch anyone being homophobic towards their friend they will attack that asshole on sight. Especially Mary and Steve
Random person on the street: Ha, *slur*
Krel: Marry its fine, it’s not that big of a dealoHSEKLOSANDGAYLENMARYGETOFFOFHIM
Claire and Darci: *trying to hold Mary back* maRY NO
Toby: *now chasing after Steve to stop him* stEVE NO
Mary would 100% find out who the rando is and destroy their life on social media. Like she would leak their job, phone number, email, school/college (if applicable) to her thousands of followers and absolutely ruin them with no remorse. And honestly, good for her
Also whilst on the subject, Krel can not drive or cook for 2 reasons: 1. Hes gay and 2. He’s a prince so he’s never had to do either before
Like he can obviously do math but that’s it.
Proof? That one scene in Wizards when Douxie had him drive the airship. You know the one.
Coach Lawrence refuses to get in a car with him at Drivers Ed after the 3rd day Krel shows up.
Krel gets addicted to sugary coffee shop-esc drinks thanks to Darci. Not coffee cause we saw in 3Below Part 1 that he doesnt like coffee, but refreshers, coolattas, frappuccinos etc…? Definitely.
As for warm drinks, he’s more of a tea person.
Moving on
He face calls Aja everyday because he really misses her
He tells her all about school and his friends and whatever and Aja tells him about the changes she’s making to the A5 government
Thanks to the wormhole they visit each other often. Sometimes Steve tags along cause he misses his ninja kicking space queen angel girlfriend. (And Eli, but that's also for another post)
They take turns housing Luug.
Krel genuinely loves it on earth, but he hates the primitive technology so he begs Aja to send him supplies and materials for his projects. 
He would 10000% apply to HexTech for an after school job. Seeing his reaction to HT in Wizards and the fact that “Akaridion tech and magic are so compatible”, he would be the perfect addition to the HT staff. 
The Wizards wouldn’t be sure at first but after he shows them A5 tech and Douxie’s email of recommendation about the time loop thing they made together, the wizards are like “oh yeah we definitely keeping this kid. This is going to be so much fun.”
Their inventions become more and more extravagant because Krel can and he's just extra and the wizards love it.
He would definitely find a way to use magic using A5 tech. But he would have to study magic in order to figure out how, so the wizards help him learn all about magic. And since he's learned everything there is to learn about science and technology and whatever, he's super excited to learn about something completely different and interesting. The wizards are happy to teach him. He would be the first Akaridion to learn and use magic
Like he would make his own staff with his serrator and everything. He's like "earn a staff? Nah fuck that going to make my own"
Speaking of which he really likes human swear words. But he doesnt know when it is and isn't inappropriate to say these swear words so he's gotten in trouble a few times for swearing at the wrong time
For example:
Ms. Janeth: excuse me Mr. Tarron?
Krel: what the fuck do you want?
Everyone in the room: krEL NO
Anyway, back to Krel at HT, thanks to Toby, he would definitely have a bowl of candy in his little lab. More like multiple jars of different candy just scattered around the room. Small candy like fun sized chocolate and skittles and jelly beans and whatever
And a mini fridge, of course.
Steve, Toby and Arrrgh come over to the lab alot to mess around.
Toby has a lot of sci-fi requests for Krel to make
Toby: do you think you can make a shrink ray? Laser blasters? Invisible ray? My own hoverboard? My own serrator *gASP* WITH A WARHAMMER SETTING???? WITH SPACE ARMOR TO MATCH???!!!???!
Krel: Toby you already have a warhammer and armor why do you need more?
Toby: I dont have a space warhammer and armor Krel!!!!!!
Going back to school life, I feel like Krel would take an interest in Spanish class. I mean, his human form is latino and in Trollhunters (I'm pretty sure the lightning in a bottle episode) he said "Si" in response to a question someone asked him, so I feel like he would like to learn another human language. 
I also feel like he would just like to learn about Latin American culture in general since Mother gave him that form. He'd like to get in touch with his human self. 
Claire (when she isnt busy Trollhunting with Jim and the gang) is happy help him learn about Latin American culture and help him with his Spanish. 
Krel, being a fast learner, becomes fluent quickly with a perfect accent. 
Señor Uhl, who already liked the Tarrons to begin with, would really appreciate this. 
Claire's dad would also appreciate this.
Since he has such a fascination with human music, Krel would especially love Latin American music. Specifically reggaeton, since its kind of like techno music in a way and he already likes techno music.
And naturally, he learns to dance. All the styles of latin american dances. And he becomes quite the favorite on the dance floor.
He and Claire become great dance partners cause they both have the natural Latino rhythm and because Jim respects and trusts his girlfriend he doesnt mind them dancing together at parties and stuff
Although, Jim does ask for dance help at some point cause it looks like fun and he wants to dance with his beautiful talented incredible amazing gf and Krel is happy to teach him and anyone else who wants dance help. 
GUITAR LESSONS with Douxie cause in 3Below Krel said he really wanted to learn how to play guitar, steals Shannon’s guitar from the bonfire and is seen multiple times strumming it throughout the series. So of course this is included.
Toby introduces Krel to YouTube and Krel instantly makes his own channel.
of course his channel is called DJ Kleb and he posts his tracks and remixes. and maybe even some vlogs
its a little slow at first, only Arcadia Oaks students are subscribed to it but Mary blows it up by posting one of Krel’s tracks on her own social media and now he has thousands of subscribers
he also gained other forms of social media like Instagram and Tiktok, platforms to post his music
At this point every girl in school wants to be friends with Krel but not in the toxic GBF (gay best friend) way, girls just genuinely think he's 10x more interesting than every other boy in Arcadia Oaks
I think that's it for now sorry this is really long I just really love Krel and I had so many ideas. Feel free to add on!!
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dajaregambler · 3 years
HeliosR -  Ren Kisaragi Card story “Maestro!”
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Translation of Ren Kisaragi’s 3* “Waterfront City Guide” card story from ‘Helios Rising Heroes’.
Gast: Yo, Ren♪
Ren: …….
Gast: Saw you weren’t in our room but you’re here in the lounge. Studyin’ about Venice here too?
Ren: …… I am…..
Gast: Ah, haha… Clear as day that I’m botherin’ you
Ren: It’s whatever…. It’s a communal space, I can’t actually complain about you being a bother
Gast: Not that you’re denying it…
Ren: …….
Ren: (....And yet I had left our room to avoid him.)
Ren: (Being in the same room feels as if I’m being coddled due how he asks what I’m doing and whether he could help or so.)
Ren: (No… perhaps I’m worrying too much? So far he hasn’t actually approached me like that yet…)
Ren: (I can’t help but feel that something has changed since the shooting tournament from the other day.)
Ren: (Or maybe it’s because he stopped bothering me even when it looks as if I need help with something …..Unless I’m overthinking it----)
Gast: Guess I should go hit the gym to train for a change maybe
Ren: Ah…
Dino: Huh? If it isn’t Ren-kun
Ren: ….Dino?
Dino: Woah, together with Gast-kun. Haaai, North rookies♪
Gast: Yoo, Dino. Done with work?
Dino: Yup yup. Thought to stop by the gym on my way back but, looks like it’s pretty crowded today….
Dino: Since it was a bit too much I wanted to head back and then I spotted someone here
Gast: Got’cha, so the gym’s jam packed. Glad you told me about it ‘cuz I was wonderin’ if I should go
Dino: A bummer for the both of us. ….Oh, Ren what are you doing? Some reading?
Ren: ….I’m researching Venice
Dino: Venice? How come…
Ren: ………
Gast: Uuuh, we’re gonna be doin’ a sightseeing tour in Blue North soon
Gast: And with that… I’ll keep it pretty short but, with this and all that it’s necessary to know ‘bout Venice
Ren: That was pretty short.
Gast: C’mon, it’d be a mess to go on ‘bout it in full detail! 
Dino: Ahaha, there’s some reason for it then.
Dino: Though… Venice, huh….
Ren: ? Dino, do you know about it?
Gast: Ah… Thinkin’ of it, Dino’s family name “Albani” is Italian. You familiar with it ‘cuz you’re Italian yourself?
Dino: Nah, not really?
Ren & Gast: …….?
Dino: “Albani” comes from my foster parents… from grandpa’s side. There’s no doubt about him being born in Italy
Gast: Then, why did it look like you were reminiscing right now?
Dino: I mean~ With Venice, Italy comes to mind right? And then with Italy…. pizza!
Dino: Everything popped up in my head all at once, and unconsciously starting thinking about how I wanna eat pizza.
Gast: Pi-pizza….
Ren: Should’ve seen it coming
Gast: Kinda feelin’ like you got plenty of Italian blood in you
Gast: Leaving the pizza loving part aside, you’re always pretty cheerful, yeah?
Dino: Eh, really? Liking pizza definitely, but dunno about that part….
Ren: You’re the type that’s more than enough cheerful
Dino: Aah, really….?
Gast: I’ve been to Italy before and everyone there is for real friendly
Gast: Prolly an exaggeration to say that it was everyone but you could talk about with just anyone, like people from shops and restaurants, or just straight up strangers 
Gast: There’s times where we’d take pictures together without asking them if we should
Dino: Heeeh~ That’s interesting♪
Dino: Doesn’t sound too different from how my grandpa’s like. He tends to often hum and all...
Dino: He loves it when things get lively too, and on days where my friends came over he would make a whole festivity out of it…. Ahaha, that was really fun now that I think back on it
Gast: You’re prolly that cheerful yourself ‘cuz of your grandpa that raised you
Dino: Hehe, maybe so♪
Ren: ….Dino, don’t you know more about Italy? If you have anything you know from your grandpa, I want to hear it 
Dino: You want me to tell you?
Ren: Yeah, I do
Dino: Hmmm, right….
Dino: Isn’t there a better teacher than me here, one that’s pretty close actually?
Ren: Eh….
Dino: Talking about Gast-kun. He’s been to Italy himself before and looks like he’s able to tell you more in detail about it too.
Dino: Pretty lucky that you have a teammate that’s knows the most about it♪
Ren: ……..
Gast: Eh, uum….
Dino: Huh? What is it?
Gast: No, it’s just… lately I’ve been kinda needing to hold back-----
Ren: Tell me
Gast: Eh?
Ren: You’ve seen it with your own eyes, and I do think that hearing from people’s first hand experiences proves to be the most resourceful so… that’s why….
Gast: !! Ren….
Dino: Ahaha. Yes yes, just like that
Dino: Alright, I’m gonna…. oh yeah, how about I bring some pizza? Might help you get more of a taste for Italy♪
Ren: …..It all comes back to pizza
Gast: How ‘bout it, Ren?
Ren: Well… I’m a bit hungry, and guess I should try this taste of Italy
Dino: Nice, it’s decided! Now then, study well you two
Dino: I’m gonna go and prepare the “Love and Peace Italian Lecture with Pizza!”....☆
Gast: Love and peace Italian lecture….
Ren: With pizza….?
Gast: Don’ really get it but… do feel like it’s gonna be fun
Ren: ….Yeah
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ye4gerismarchives · 3 years
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the bachelorette chp 4 final part: elimination
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an: yeah...y'all are prolly not going to be happy with this one...um link at the bottom today
tags: black, fem reader
tag list: @taybird
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So, elimination day. You got three days to see your future fiancé's' family life and Levi was giving you until TONIGHT to send someone home. You truly didn't want to eliminate anyone. You, Connie, Jean, and Bertholdt could run away and live in a cottage and pretend to be fairies or something.
You were supposed to have breakfast with Mikasa and Sasha but you were still in bed, in the outfit that you had on for Jean's date. You groan into your hands. Mikasa and Sasha weren't in the mansion, so it's not like they would be here lightning fast. You hoped Levi would pity you for being so late.
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So, turns out Mikasa and Sasha were here earlier than expected. They were in the living room which was covered in the smell of pancakes and syrup. You walked in, not feeling as confident as the last time you confronted them. Mikasa took notice of this.
"Hey...you don't look alright? Is everything ok?" she asks. You were surprised by her niceness. After the way you came after her and Sasha, you'd think she wouldn't say anything at all. Mikasa was really trying to save your friendship but there was no way to turn back the clock.
"Well...I have to send one of those three men home tonight," you say, "They're all so good but I have to decide."
Mikasa and Sasha remain silent. You had another thing to deal with. "As much as I want to eat with you both, I can't. You've both hurt me a lot. I understand some of the things you've done were all a part of the show but it really hurts that one of you went along with it..."
Mikasa looks away.
"...and that one of you actually did it on purpose...well, you were drunk...but because I had to find out about what you did from one of the contestants is ridiculous."
Sasha, who hasn't made eye contact with you at all, starts to fidget with her fingers.
This was terrible. This show had messed with your friendship...or maybe it fixed it. But either way, things would never be the same. You, Connie, Sasha, and Mikasa would never be the quartet you were before the show started.
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You managed to get something to eat but you ate something small because every time you thought about eliminating someone, you felt everything inside you slowly rise.
The clock ticked faster every damn minute and like magic, elimination time was here. You still haven't made your decision. These boys were going to have to play rock paper scissors or something because you could not come to a conclusion.
You got your hair and makeup done and had your outfit on (you look great btw!). Don't even worry about these men🙄 You're the baddest b. No need to throw up about these guys. Anyway, back to the story lmao.
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In front of you were your three men. You all stood in the living room where you determined the fate of your friendship with Mikasa and Sasha. It wasn't hard to make...and this was a decision-making room. This whole thing was supposed to be easy.
You took a deep breath, barely managing to look them in the eye. "Boys, I really did have fun with you all...so this is as stressful on me as it is on you and-"
"y/n, can we talk?"
You look up, scanning for the guy who said that. Connie is giving Bertholdt a confused look and Jean is staring at Bertholdt as well. "Yeah, Bertie, um, let's step outside."
Bertholdt steps out of his spot and you notice he does it with a lot of confidence- which was a shock to you. Levi was leaning against a wall watching the whole thing play out. After the accusations of him being against you, he's gone radio silent, which did concern you. But this isn't about Levi 🙄
You pull Bertholdt into the hallway. "What's up?" you ask. "I can't stay here. I can't marry you," Bertholdt says suddenly. You stand there and just stare at him. Did he just say he can't marry you?
"I know this is all sudden but I can't be completely yours. With everything going on with my dad...I just can't. I should be there with him instead of trying to impress him with my goals during his last days. Completing my book or marrying you would be the greatest thing ever but...I need to be with my dad."
Bertholdt takes your hands and cups them in his own. "I love you, y/n. So, believe me when I say that Jean and Connie are good guys."
Your jaw has been on the floor since Bertholdt told you all this information and you still don't know what to say. Bertholdt gives you one regretful look before letting go of your hand and leaving you alone in that hallway.
Your eyes water but you have two men to congratulate. You collect yourself and walk back into the living room.
"Jean, Connie, congratulations. Bertholdt had to drop out for personal reasons, leaving you two. Levi will give you information about your final task to win my heart," you explain. You manage to crack a small smile, just for them. Jean is trying to hide his own but Connie is all teeth. You wish them both a good night and they leave the living room. You and Levi remain.
"That must have not been easy for you," Levi says. He gets off the wall he's leaning on. Your smile drops. "I mean no harm, y/n. Watching you grow during these four weeks was very interesting. Maybe someone can do a science project on you," he snorts. Before you can snap back, Levi's shrimp self leaves the living room.
You decide to brush off his silly comment. You wouldn't be seeing him again very soon and besides, you had better things to focus on.
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confessionals(i forgot this!)
bertie: i honestly didn’t want to do this but my dad is going to die at some point and i need to be there with him. congrats to jean and connie though. they’re good guys and i wish nothing but the best for them.
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sorry bertie fans 😕 i know a few of you wanted him to stay because his family situation hit y’all hard but some of you guys weren’t fazed by that😭 here’s a new link with new questions that will help me plan your proposal, wedding, and future!
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reynie-muldoons · 3 years
'The Art of Conveyance and Round-Trippery' Liveblog!
Sorry this is a few days late!! I moved across the country this weekend, we drove like 13 hours within 2 days and we did a lot of heavy lifting. I'm exhausted, but the boxes are slowly emptying and I've been wanting to watch this episode so gd bad, so LESGO
Over halfway through the season!!!! That's absolutely surreal
1:11 oooh they're getting their royal fitting
1:22 LMAOO WTF 😂😂 Princess Diaries vibes
1:52 Alfonse is a perfect name for that guy HAHA
2:05 Nathaniel, my guy, you've made some points
2:11 "do you feel your power?" POWER RANGERS, GO
2:24 no no hesitation just prolly thinkin bout how he was caught cheatin
2:39 "can you not allow yourselves luxury?" okay fr I feel that I get Nice Things Guilt(tm) too easily
2:52 dayummmm let's talk about Sticky being a hat stall between Hufflepuff and Gryffindor, mans is brave as fuck under extreme pressure and loyal to the point of putting himself on the line
3:15 bro Sticky getting some recognition. Love to see it, he deserves it
3:19 "is that a coincidence? Or written in the stars?" IS DR. CURTAIN CATCHING ON THAT THEY KNEW EACH OTHER BEFORE OR LIKEEEE
4:09 why doess the action of Dr. Curtain putting the sash on them seem so nefarious
4:36 I dont really understand the whole pastel yellow, blue, and pink palette of the school but the boys both look pretty okay in their vest-sash getup
4:42 THE OPENINGGGGG. This shit slaps.
5:41 Kate and Constance look so fucking cute in that shot, dont ask me why but hnnggggg
5:54 sash rope 😂😭 kate, honey, that's a reach
6:09 it might feel buttery, but, my guy, it also looks buttery. It's literally the color of butter. Get yourself some crisco
6:24 I find it kinda interesting that they made up new riddles for the show, I'm almost positive that that one wasn't in the book. Correct me if I'm wrong though
7:03 "I'm not gonna apologize for knowing things" the sass. the ✨confidence✨. living for it
7:03 If they build on that it sets Sticky up really nicely for the arc in the second book where he starts to show off a little
7:15 tiny Constance who is constantly dressed in pink with cute little braids is the perfect medium for the most morbid comments 😂😂
7:55 Martina's hot in her uniform. Can't prove me wrong.
8:15 why does that make me sad 🥺 eat with your friendssss. iirc they only talked about eating at the Messenger table in the books
8:26 dipshits forgot their lunches. Seems Constance is holding the communal braincell atm
8:50 anyone have Guiness on speed dial? Reynie and Sticky have a submission for them
9:25 oh hello this was alluded to in the preview!!! Morse code is compromised, rip
10:05 so are Jackson and Jillson stuck with night guard duty all the time?? They've been outside at night a lot
10:18 ahhhhhh the little blinkie light, stopppp
10:25 so is this the point where he starts staying on the island with them????
10:39 so are they just like "fuck it we'll do it right before sundown" ???? Like Jackson and Jillson are still gonna be on the lookout, they aren't gonna chill just because it's not fully dark
10:50 did the kids.....just not tell them that Mr. Bloom was on the island 😂 nice oversight guys
11:05 remind me to tell you guys a story about Madge, I may or may not have done something irl a few years ago that would make y'all proud 😂😂😂
11:16 idk why but it makes me so happy that they kept Madge as a peregrine falcon
11:37 Rhonda, my love, you have my heart in your hands
11:46 roll credits
12:06 Awww man, I was so excited for Milligan to be on the island .-. He must have been scoping out the inlet
12:07 "they're quite regal" A. I read the subtitles as "legal" the first time and that's somehow really in character for him, and B. IS MILLIGAN GOING TO NAME HER???!? HER MAJESTY???? PLEASE I WOULD LOVE THAT SO MUCH
12:15 his grimace KILLS ME
12:17 the hard cut from Nicholas in a brown setting and brown suit to Nathaniel in a blue setting and blue suit was lowkey striking
12:36 are they looking up Morse code 😳 can you imagine if they wrote down the message and are now decoding it
12:41 omfg all that for a HAT 🙃 I feel stupid
12:51 two things: 1. Those walls are atrocious, and 2. Yeah, talk about Morse code in a louder voice Connie girl, you're just in a public hallway
13:03 I'm sorry but those orange pillar things are not the vibe
13:03 the golden gate bridge called, they want their arches back
13:10 please let Kate climb the tower before the end of season 1. please.
13:22 y'all are about to be flying something else 😎
13:33 cleansing breaths
14:06 what the heck is that teal pole for 😭😭
14:12 blindfold timeeee
I'm so sorry but I'm exhausted, it's 11:30 pm on Sunday night right now, I'll finish this episode tomorrow morning after I get some sleepies
Good morningggg lesgetatit
14:50 "vomit of metal" ashhdjdjd
15:16 a wild Martina appears!
15:36 and if you folks look to your left, you'll see a wild Constance being the voice of reason once again
15:57 "lose the bucket" "I'm not gonna do that" HELL YEAH KATE
16:07 I get not having the bucket on the court lolol, I thought Martina was telling Kate to lose the bucket in general. Like, yeah, good luck convincing her to so that
16:35 show!Kate is much angrier than book!Kate and I'm still deciding how I feel about that. The Kate we've known from the books is a sunshine baby with looots of repressed trauma.
17:03 ......what is that. why is that.
17:15 HI MADGE
17:41 the grand swell in the music makes me think it's going to go comically wrong
17:51 she's majestic because she's a queen 🥺
18:14 Rhonda and Number Two getting at each other is such a sisterly thing to do 😂😂😂
18:37 ohhhhh? Someone's approaching? Miss Perumal perhaps????
19:22 THEYRE SO PRECIOUS 😭😭😭😭 I feel like I've been subconsciously starved for her and Mr. Benedict's interactions
19:36 died at that line in the one trailer
20:00 so Miss Perumal pulled a Sherlock Holmes. Love that for her
20:20 Cheri Tupintown??? Of all the aliases they could pick, Cheri Tupintown???
20:33 "Power in Truth Inc" that HAS to be something Rhonda came up with
21:01 you can literally watch Mr. Benedict realize that this is a woman not to be fucked with and he is CORRECT
21:23 "he's fine. Perfectly fine." At this, Mr. Benedict's pants caught aflame.
21:52 something about Constance sitting in on practice!!! It scratches an itch!!!!
22:19 "incorporate the helix. Live in the helix." Lord Helix is pleased with this offering.
22:26 so what I'm hearing is Kate is going to blow up on Constance for messing with the bucket
23:13 unrelated but Jillson'a shoes are cute
23:29 why does this room give off Johnny Depp's willy wonka vibes
24:13 that looks like a chair from a doctor's office waiting room 😭
25:29 they do be egg heads tho
26:02 baby girl, I have no idea why you're crying at weird art but let me dry your tears 🥺🥺
27:27 okay Indiana Jones, go off
27:46 why did that kinda sound like Miss Perumal
28:43 the return of everyone's favorite, "enjoyable"
29:05 not that I'm not loving the ice breaker questions and the one-sided conversation, but I'm not loving it
29:22 oh so we're getting right into it aren't we
29:54 his eyes being open again makes this infinitely creepier
30:36 "where's your proof?" Miss Perumal doesnt fuck around!!!
31:29 you're telling me Constance has been there all day?? And Kate went to find her???? 🥺
31:58 oh so we're getting right to it then?? Kate addressing her independence and trust issues arc????
33:29 NEWS!!!!
34:04 okay, so they opened the murder hole, what are they gonna do now
34:59 Italian? 🤨 m'sir that is so fancy
34:59 fun story I learned Italian diction in college, so I know a little bit
35:16 "take your time" the whisperer says, immediately repeating the prompt to get the answer sooner
35:31 theeeeere it is
35:46 SOMETHING ABOUT THE WHISPERER SAYING "YOU ARE HOME" 😭😭😭 the show really played up the cult shit!!
36:02 Kate being protective of Constance 🥺
36:20 ohhh shit is it time for Connie girl to have double Reynie? Double Sticky?
36:36 STICKY
36:52 "what kind of nonsense?" HAVE THEY NOT ASKED THAT BEFORE THIS?????
37:14 "and your tiny brain can somehow pick it up!!" KATE STOP 😂😂😂
37:16 "I knew you had to be special in some way." WE DONT HAVE TIME TO UNPACK ALL OF THAT
37:51 she's right, this is disregard for their safety. The show made Mr. Benedict and his team a lot more back-alley and dishonest, and Miss Perumal has every reason to be pissed
38:30 oh good they finally remembered he has narcolepsy
39:38 and the best mom award goes to:
40:38 I was gonna say that this hallway is how I imagined the KEEP in riddle of ages but then I remembered that (spoilers) the Institute is the KEEP
40:46 oh, hello propoganda
41:10 that's the other person Rhonda couldn't contact, along with Mr. Bloom. This has to be the brainsweeping process
41:22 yeppppp
41:44 this dark doctor's office theme gives me horror movie vibes
42:22 ohhhh, so that's how they replaced that scene where the four of them jump in a crate to hide and Sticky drops his glasses in the open
42:47 and so we've come to the part of the story where Sticky and Reynie become infinitely more conflicted
42:47 and since we've reached that point..... can we have the white knight scene? Pretty please? Please Disney I'm begging you-
43:12 so Reynie just figured that out without Constance? :/
44:03 love the manipulation
44:31 I'm sorry, the farm?
44:35 farm and forest????
45:16 "the Emergency has served its purpose" 😳 well okay then murder man
45:39 "one thought, one purpose" the hive mind rises once more
46:07 "what have you done to earn anyone's trust?" VALID
46:26 "please do!" WHY AM I EMOTIONAL
47:06 "we still have the falcon" that you do 😂
47:19 AYYY HERE WE GO!!! Time for Milligan to stay on the island??
47:49 ohhhh Constance, casual telepath strikes again
48:16 "stop it, Kate!" OOOOHHHHH
48:53 that line ("it would be nice to be unburdened") would be funny as shit if not for the fact that Constance is a telepath unbeknownst to herself and can both subconsciously perceive people's thoughts and hear the subliminal messages
49:20 HI MRS. PERUMAL!!!
49:25 wow, she's really going through with it 😳 not that I doubted her, but still, that's dedication
49:39 OH SHIT
50:17 oh, so he's an asshole to SQ too. Got it. Torches and pitchforks? Ready to kick his ass?
50:40 "for the moment, anyway" FUCKIN WHAT
This episode was really good!!! They covered a LOT. I hope Miss Perumal comes back to the group and talks about her findings, I hope Milligan goes to get the kids and they tell him no, and I hope they get that classic 4-person Society brainstorming and binding time that hits that sweet spot
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care to elaborate on your statement?  kinda tough to tell how you took it.  i hope you didn’t take it negatively.  that wasn’t my intent.  i prolly could have said worse when explaining things and what i see/feel but i tried to keep it as level as i could without letting the biased side in me point out all the negative/toxic things i see/feel that is wrong there.  i can be unbiased and object for your sake in order to talk things through with you.  but you know how i feel and what is my end goal and of course i’m going to always try to give you the best chance in reaching/achieving what it is that desire in your heart and mind.  
so...any chance i steal you away for a kiss? :P  just being true to what my heart wants/desires and i figure i take a chance...*shrug*  i mean, like i say in most other scenarios, worst thing you can do is say no, nothing happens, and i/we are right back with what we started with.  good/best case, you entertain the idea and possibly reach out to me.  you know, dreamers gonna dream...but actions influences reality with the possibility of making those dreams come true.  heck...look what we’ve been able to create together when all this started with just taking a chance...*ws*
i’m thinking you prolly have a lot to think about and maybe reassessing your situation there and within yourself after what i wrote out.  i’m guessing that’s the reason for the one and done statement.  it’s okay.  i know if things were different, we’d have the chance to have a fluid back and forth and we’d be able to figure things out together.  i feel/know that you may be timid and scared but i also know that you are a different person than you were at the beginning of this year.  i know you are still a work in progress but if i’m being truthful...i don’t see him or that situation giving you the best chance to achieve what you want and helping you reach your full potential.  i’ know you’ve shied away from those words and have sometimes felt that people were pushing before you felt you were ready.  that’s not where i’m coming from.  i saw glimpses of it even before i knew your name.  i did admire you from afar and what i liked about you was your humble low key confidence.  from the moment i knew of you to today, when i say i want you to reach your full potential, it’s not to push or antagonize you to do it but more of a supportive role in wanting it as much as you do and to help you reach it. 
i know that he’s said that i’d be better for you.  i don’t know where he was coming from when i said it or how many times he may have thrown that or me into your face.  if it was out of pity for himself, out of spite and anger for me, or from a glimmer of truth he didn’t want to accept, i don’t know.  without sounding like a conceited asshole, i agree with that statement.  the thing is, he may have said it but i don’t think he fully realizes the depths as to why i feel/know that statement to be true.  he may have pointed out reasons but i don’t think the reasons he’s given touches on the actual reality of that statement.  i know in my heart that with all the reasons he may have given, there is more to it than that, and i know you know it too.  he may have somewhat of a grasp of what we are but i don’t think he will ever know the depths and magnitude of what we truly are. we have a past t0o, although not as long, but fiercely connected to the point that we still are what we are today, despite what is going on there.   i can’t discount your past with him because i know i can’t touch that nor will i even try.  but i’m not talking about living for the past.  i’m talking about living for the now and for the future.  and for those reasons along with the unspoken ones he will never fully understand and that only you and i know...that’s why i believe in my heart that i am better for you.  i honestly do believe, together, we give ourselves the best chance of being better for ourselves and for each other.  sooo...yeah.
btw...i gave him the money and he almost cried.  he gave me a promissory note on the agreement and how he’d pay me back with interest on this and that date.  i told him we didn’t have to deal with the interest and we could just figure it out as we go.  he was so grateful and you could see like a burden was just lifted off his shoulders.  i know it doesn’t fix everything but it’s one less thing he has to worry about in order to focus on other things in his life.  apparently he cooks good food.  maybe i make him pay me back in food? one lunch every two weeks...for the rest of his tenure as long as we work together...bwah hahahaha.  you see where my priorities are.  yeah, it was definitely a weird situation and request with such a finite rapport but then again, this isn’t the first time i’ve done this and prolly won’t be the last?  i honestly don’t know how i even get involved in situations like this.  maybe after he’s paid me back and some time when he’s good, maybe i’ll ask him what made him/why he came to me.  wonder after we become “friends” if he’ll say that he was desperate and i just so happen to exist at that very moment.  that would be a bit anticlimactic...*shrug*
how’s your mom and family?  she/they doing okay?  does you niece help keep things manageable?  you want a child to dote after if that’s what helps bring a smile to your heart?...*nudge nudge* :P  i mean, you’d have your hands full with me to begin with.  they’d just be a bonus to add into the mix when the time is right :)  any plans for new years/weekend?  could we just watch a movie, cuddle, kiss, and fall asleep in each other’s arms?  
oh...i had a dream about you last night.  but it wasn’t a typical dream.  maybe my “internet history” is playing a factor because it was about you and me and a unicorn.  i’ve never had a dream like that before.  it wasn’t someone i knew though.  the thing that struck me was how “natural” everything was.  there was no pause of awkwardness or what not.  it was quite surreal from the moment we all met, to getting started, and the act.  i have to admit this was one of those times where i hated my alarm.  but yeah.  it was interesting to say the least.  
well...hope you have a good day at work tomorrow.  i got smashed and i messed up with someone.  i was doing the work of an LPN and RN and it was honestly the first time i’ve worked at this capacity.  my preceptor is nice but i think she gives me way more credit than i deserve.  she thinks she can just tell me what to do and i can go and do it but i’ve never had experience doing what she is asking me to do so i end up having to telh/asking her if she could do it while i observe.  she helped when she felt i needed it.  unfortunately, i needed her help more than she realized and my provider could tell the difference of not having the LPN.  i felt so bad but he was understanding about it and told me i was doing a good job.  he even came over to me before the end of our shift to let me know how much he enjoyed working with me and that even though i may not have known everything, he said that i was coming along well and that i will do a good job in the future.  i thanked him for working with me the way he did and he thanked me for helping him with his workload and making things more manageable for him.  we then said fingers crossed on the new provider that i will be working with.  truth...their plan for my workload...it’s not looking fun.  i’ll be inheriting two part time providers and it’s looking like my vet load will triple by next year.  if i thought today kicked my ass, i can only imagine what 2 new providers who i have to learn how they do things all over and still cover the LPN and RN duties, all the while i’m still asking people for help and assistance.  guess this is what i get when i say that i like a challenge.  i barely survived today and one of my officemates asked me why did my eye look the way they did.  they were half closed and pretty lifeless because of the workload i had to deal with before the end of my shift.  fun fun fun.  in the immortal words and deadpan expression of kuzko, “bring it on.”...*ws*
btw...did you figure out that “secret” i was referring to? :)
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just-a-creep-babe · 3 years
Commissioned by @1that-one-person1 Thank you so much bby 😘❣️
Requests are closed
Masterlist: x
I match you with: Stephanie
Steph has been through a lot
Her world has been shrouded by fear, paranoia, hatred and misery for as long as she can remember
Which is why she’s almost immediately attracted to your calm & quiet demeanor
You seem like such a soft & welcoming safe-haven from the stress that she usually has to deal with
It makes her wanna stick around your side from day one—even if part of her is afraid of dragging you into the mess that is her life
She just can’t resist wanting to be around you tbh
And the more time she spends with you, the more she notices the little things—like how you tend to keep to yourself & you seem a bit shy
But she also notices the way your eyes light up when someone mentions a thing you like
And it’s just so dang endearing; it makes her wanna get to know you a lot better :>
She isn’t exactly super extroverted herself, but she tries her best to chat you up whenever she gets the chance
She specifically tries learning about the nerdy stuff you’re into so that she has something to talk to you with
And she‘s sort of a huge nerd herself, so her interest is pretty genuine ^^
Once she starts getting to know you better, she absolutely adores how kind & funny you are
You go from being this cute ray of sunshine to her best friend that never fails to make her laugh
Her day always seems to get better when you’re around <3
And the little crush she has soon turns into a full-blown I-think-I’m-in-love-with-you-but-I-don’t-want-to-ruin-our-friendship-or-make-you-uncomfortable situation
She becomes terrified that you find out she’s in love with you because she doesn’t wanna lose what y’all have
And the fact that you tend to be naïve sometimes only makes things so much worse because she’s scared of deceiving you
It’s only when one of the guys prolly Jeff talks to her that she finally manages to build up the courage to confess
And she’s so relieved when you reciprocate her affection ^^
She’s also hella nervous too because now she‘s gotta open up & be vulnerable with you
She’s not completely jaded to the world, but like I said, she’s pretty traumatized, so normal things like intimacy up can be a bit difficult sometimes
It helps that you’re so kind & caring though uwu
Homegirl really, really likes you, and she wants to make your first date special, but she isn’t exactly good at that sort of thing
It kinda freaks her out a bit ngl
So Jeff helps her out again
He’s honestly a great wingman lmao
With his support, she sets up plans for a cute movie night with some good food, fairy lights, scented candles & lots of blankets & snacks
By the end of the date, y’all end up stuffed with junk food, listening to music together with your pinkies linked 😚😚
Speaking of, she fucking LOVES music, and because she’s a bit shy at first, she’ll express how she feels through the different songs she shows you
It becomes the way you communicate deeper feelings sometimes, and it’s honestly so cute 🥺🥰
While she is terrified of intimacy at first, she’s also a hopeless romantic
So she gradually becomes more comfortable with the whole dating thing over time
She sets up the cutest activities for you to do together
Including, but not limited to; stargazing, going to planetariums, petting zoos, aquariums, museums, art galleries & a BUNCH of other places
She likes art as well, so whenever you get the urge to doodle, she’s right there with ya ;)
You end up working together on bigger pieces and they look ✨bomb af✨
She can’t animate, but watching you work your magic makes her wanna try it out
She’ll be eternally grateful if you teach her, and she’s a great student, too—she’s a super fast learner :D
She’s also dabbled a bit in cosplay, but she’s a bit shy about it
So seeing you so open & enthusiastic about it is sUch a confidence boost :>
She’ll shyly try it out with you again—and she gets all cute & flustered when you compliment her outfit, it’s super adorable 💞💕
Still, she tends to prefer sticking to the sidelines & helping you out with your costume though
And she’s a relatively good seamstress, too, so she can take care of any outfit modifications needed uwu
Because she’s sort of a dork, she’ll go with you to conventions too—no doubt about it ;)
~Loves~ buying art & cute trinkets as souvenirs, so expect to come back w lots of merch lmao
And she almost always ends up buying you some kind of cute plushie, just cause she can 😌💖
She thinks you’re an amazing person with a heart of gold—which is why she hates it when anyone makes fun of you or tries to roast you
She’s not super confrontational, so she won’t jump in & snap at them, but she’ll definitely give em “a look” & be super passive-aggressive with them
She’ll get you out of any uncomfortable situations as fast as she can, and then she’ll do anything to reassure you and/or distract you
Because of everything that’s happened in her life, she hates hospitals, but she’ll still go with you to appointments/check-ups because she wants to give you her full support
And she also does her best to keep up with any medical info she might need—so if some kind of emergency happens, she’ll know what to do
She’s on & off medication, so if you have to take some as well, you’ll always end up reminding one another to take 👏them 👏meds👏
Honestly, while she does still have her bad days, having you by her side makes everything so much better
She’s eternally grateful to have met you <3
Homegirl isn’t the most dominant person in bed tbh
She’s sort of a switch, leaning towards bottoming or being a power bottom
So the first few times you’re together, it ends up being that meme
You know the one… yeah, that one
But just like how she learns to be more vulnerable over time, she also learns to enjoy topping a lot more~
You just look so cute & endearing beneath her, how could she not want to take control & make you feel good, y’know?
She’s relatively vanilla, but also down to try some BDSM stuff
Wouldn’t mind tying you up & teasing you until you just can’t take any more~
Like, despite being vanilla, if there’s one thing this girl loves, it’s being a tease
She adores how desperate you grow under her touch while beg because you’re just so needy
She’s a bit iffy when it comes to degrading you, but she’ll definitely praise you a whole lot
Loves worshipping your curves with her hands & mouth while murmuring how soft & sweet & perfect you are
Overall, she really just wants to make ya feel good
Sex is how she enjoys showing her love & dedication to you, so she always tries to make it as enjoyable as she can
Things always end up super steamy & sensual
But she also likes being goofy sometimes, so there‘s never too much pressure or anything ^^
On special occasions (or just when she’s feeling a lil frisky ;)) she’ll dress up in cute lingerie
And she’ll absolutely love it if you do too~
Definitely be ready for a bunch of compliments—especially if you get flustered easily ;3
She enjoys being a bit risqué when it comes to teasing you in public 👀
And if she’s not there to do it in person, she’ll send nudes instead ;)
She sends some lewd ass pics when she knows you’re in the middle of something or surrounded by other people, just to get you all riled up :p
It’s not fair—and she knows & loves it~ >:)
She always wants you to be happy & comfortable though, so she won’t do it if you tell her not to
Your comfort has ultimate priority over anything else
Which also means y’all have a bunch of established safewords—just in case
Loving & caring gf
You’re at the center of her attention during sex; she does whatever it takes for you to have an enjoyable experiences
Please cherish her & return her affection cause she’s been through a lot & deserves it too :”)
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