#yeah idk if this counts as an unpopular opinion. but i would rather the show have ended where season 3 did
julesnichols · 2 years
Given how well season three’s ending worked as a series finale I’m gonna be super upsetti if season four ends on a cliffhanger or some bullshit when TNT got greedy, ordered a fourth season, and then axed the show, like it was Not Necessary
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fanficmaniatic · 2 years
For the ask: IDW or G1 Soundwave please :)
Okey! A bit of a disclaimer. There is much of IDW1 I have yet to read… like every thing before the death of optimus prime, and I have watched G1 just once, so instead of picking one, I am doing both, but just answering for the ones I feel I really can give answers to!
favorite thing about them
G1: Funny enough… His rivalry with Blaster. Just Imagine this single dad having to listen to EVERY SINGLE decepticon Comm unit, take care of his kids, and the only thing that he has to blow steam (not counting killing autobots- plus other stuff I’ll explain later) is making this red DJ know he is better than him. I love a good petty king.
IDW: … Wow, I am, where to beging? I know I am missing all the early stuff, but… Gosh, It kills me how loyal he is to the decepticon goal… I just… There is something so soft in IDW Soundwave that I don’t know how to describe.… He is admirable, and so noble, while still being that piece of scrap I love to pieces, you get it? I can’t even-
least favorite thing about them
G1: … Dont know, pal. Classics does no wrong.
IDW: … Okey, So I wouldn’t say that I 'don't like' this next point, but rather that it deeply pains me in ways I am no sure I can explain… but it is the fact that he doesn’t like music… And I understand why and…. idk man… makes me sad.
favorite line
G1:… About EVERYTHING that dude says is music to my ears, so I can't choose... but honestly? those moments when he is talking with one of the cassettes and he sounds a bit anxious????? YES
IDW: Dont think I have one for him in IDW… yet…
G1:… Blaster…. Okey… OKEY, I know I said I loved their rivalry… But HEAR ME OUT!!… What if they were friends?…. and that’s why I have my roomates au
IDW: … I really like to think he and Cosmos are amica endura….
Okey, so… Is the same person in every continuity, but for different reason, (Except TFA I don’t know how I would work out that ship in that show… yet…)
G1: … Is Jazz… Jazz/Soundwave.… While I see TFP Jazzwave as reluctant allies to enemies to lovers… G1 Is just lovers who pick oposite sides, are angry at eachother, but, hey, “we are still meeting in the fountain for cuddles at 3?” “Soundwave: will be there.” just…Soft cross faction lovers… who meet each other in private just to relax form a long day of work....
IDW: Also Jazzwave, but this is a more mischievous take I guess? this is the we are enemies but I really admire/hate how good you are at what you are doing. No prewar connection, just uncontrollable crossfaction admiration that cannon could only wish to live up to. Is Jazz being attracted to danger and Soundwave hating not having the answers. Is each of them being a puzzle the other can only dream of solving.… Oh, but if they just got the chance…
Soundwave with either Starscream or Prowl... This applies to all continuities and almost all of my favorite characters.
random head canon
G1: Some times Soundwave hacks radio stations just to see how many people enjoy his music... He, Jazz and Blaster also have a special comm link that is ONLY for music, they send each other remixes all the time.
IDW: ... Look, the problem here is that I wouldn't know if it was cannon, most of what I know of IDW comes from fandom osmosis... but always though IDW Soundwave to be the type of bot to get easily overwhelmed, be it by emotional or external in put. Thats why he prefers dealing with communications and screens... It is easier to deal with.
unpopular opinion
G1: ...idk, im sorry 🥺
IDW: Look... I feel like people are always describing IDW Soundwave in particular as a brick wall in sense of emotions... and Like, I AM SORRY, but that dude cries under his mask all the time, am I really the only one that gets those vibes?? like yeah, he keeps his EM field close to his chest and all that, but behind that mask? he is listening to everything people say about him, and he is really volatile. If he takes that mask off productivity goes down 70% because he HAS to make sure his emotions are not visible, and it takes a lot out of him to do so.
song i associate with them
favorite picture of them
G1: these ones
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neon-junkie · 4 years
unpopular opinion: Micah is terrible but he shows instances of having real, human emotions and completely erasing those moments to paint him as a 100% monster is a disservice for the fandom.
arrrrkajslkfjdsglk okay I'm gonna break Micah down and explain why I like him, just bc of everything going on and cause you've summed that up perfectly. Let's make one thing clear - I don't stan his actions, I never have, I never will. A lot of ppl seem to keep ignoring that lmfao. AND we all know that Micah is a fucking piece of shit. He's the devil. We know. Like the list goes on and on and on when it comes down to why Micah's garbage, but I guarantee you, there is NOBODY out there who actually *stans* him. He's a villain and damn good one. Now. Relating to what you've said, this man has just as much emotion as everybody else. I think the people who view him as an emotionless monster have either never seen ANY camp interactions with him, or they just choose to ignore them. For whatever reason. Idk. It is VERY obvious that Micah has 100% been abused by his father, probably physically as well as mentally and emotionally. He openly talks about the monster that his father is, and he KNOWS that he is just like his father. Now, Amos (his bro), on the other hand, has managed to break away from that lifestyle, straighten his ways, and settled down. Micah is so obviously jealous and even takes the time to write to his brother, probably to try and rekindle their sibling friendship or whatever you wanna call it. Amos basically goes 'NO' and slaps that idea right out of Micah's head, so I do feel bad that Micah was rejected. Amos makes it clear that he will only rekindle that if Micah changes, but he doubts Micah is able to change. So now his only 'role models' are gone - his father and Amos - Micah has nothing left to lose. He has no family, friends that encourage his chaos rather than help fix him, and no partner. He's a loose cannon, and without guidance, Micah will only continue to fire. That's why he sucks up to Dutch so much, because he STILL needs acceptance, praise, and guidance, and Dutch gives him all of that. Yeah, it's creepy to see, but that man must be dying inside if he'll literally lick Dutch's shoes just for a bit of acceptance. Micah clearly does try, like his approach to making friends is so cringe, but he's clearly never ever done this before, and he's only following the ways his father taught him. I mean, we see him still try to befriend Arthur at the start of the game, but Arthur barely looks at him and just continues to shoot him down. I know Arthur is probably following his gut, but people can't say that Micah didn't try. And we see him try it on with the women of the camp, he's clearly desperate to at least find a partner, and probably secretly jealous that his brother has that and a family. And if his brother can do it, then maybe he can too? and we do see him try. But Micah's no rapist, and it makes me cringe when ppl say that. There's a good post about it (here) that I won't go into detail, u can just read that for urself. So - Micah has nothing to lose. The camp doesn't want him there, so it's no sweat off his nose if he rats them out. Obviously, I don't agree with it and I think Micah should have just left, but then that'd be a very boring game lmfao.  There's nobody stopping him from causing chaos, and he's just going to continue to do what he was taught to do - be a fucking piece of shit. But to say he has no emotions? You sure about that? It's SO obvious that Micah still craves acceptance in any form, whether it's from a friend, a partner, his mentor, etc. He NEEDS acceptance and he seems very lost without it. And it's so clear that Micahs past trauma still controls his actions, and he clearly has no idea how to even begin accepting and moving past his trauma. That man just needs a therapist asap. Peter Blomquist said it himself, that Micah is essentially just misunderstood. (here) And well, if his own actors said that then why the hell do people continue to ignore it? Because they just want to hate Micah. They view him as an evil and racist piece of shit and just want to hate that, which everybody does cause yanno, it's bad. But they continue to ignore that Micah, like Bill, suffers from a lot of mental trauma and issues, and his past has resulted in the person that he is today. I’ll say this AGAIN, I’m not condoning his actions, far from it, I’ve said many times before that Micah is fucking garbage, we just find him interesting. Honestly, I think if the gang was accepting, or if Micah had someone to shove him in the right direction, then he would have redeemed himself and fixed his ways. Things like racism are taught, and if you can teach it, then you can unteach it, just like Bill begins to learn. Micah is a villain and that's why I like him. Again, I don't support or stan his actions, but it's just so refreshing to see someone so chaotic and loose. People saying that you shouldn't like Micah because he's racist, also choose to ignore the fact that Abigails abusive, so why do y'all still stan her when we see the way she speaks to John? or the way she physically abuses him? So abuse is fine but racism isn't? hmm.  But if we shouldn't like Micah because he's bad then why the hell do we like characters like Darth Vader or all the fucking Disney villains? Have you seen how much merch those criminals have? But a bunch of strangers on the internet having a wank over the ratman is bad? We're allowed to enjoy those but not Micah? big sigh. Peter also said that there's nothing wrong with liking Micah. You're allowed to enjoy villains, it's not a fucking crime, and it doesn't mean you support their actions, it never has done.
PLUS, this is a game full of mass murderers?!?! Arthur does a LOT that is considered questionable, such as beating a terminally ill man into his grave, but people choose to draw the line at Micah. You’re free to enjoy whatever fiction you want, but there’s no line you can draw. Well, you can draw a line for yourself, but you can’t rule what others can and cannot enjoy.
It's just SO tiring (personally) to constantly see happy endings and pure, wholesome, golden characters. I'm a sucker for bad guys and seeing them win, so when I played RDR I was like 'oh yeah, this is what I need' and that's probably why Micah's my fave lmao. It's so refreshing to see, and there's nothing wrong with enjoying it. Some people just enjoy villains, big whoop. We need to stop expecting characters to be pure cause that's just so unrealistic. Everybody has flaws of all different kinds, and that's what makes these characters human. Like, are we just choosing to ignore the fact that Arthur is the most wanted out of the gang, who has probably murdered the most people? Do we just wanna sweep his kill count under the rug and choose to hate Micah based on the one fact of him being racist? The whole fucking gang are outlaws, they're all essentially villains, even the babies like Kieran!! Micah is just as complex as every other character in this stinky game, and people who refuse to acknowledge his layers and just portray him as a monster are whack as shit. And remember, those who tell you what you can and can't enjoy are just as bad as Micah Bell himself. Especially the ones who abuse you over FICTION.
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mochuelovelli · 3 years
For one for something other than Ducktales and Owl House, how about Anne Boonchoy for the ask character thing?
Oooo! Hell yeah! (Thank u for the excuse for me to show that I have too much brain rot)
How I feel about this character:
When I first started watching Amphibia, I'm ngl, her being rude/ inconsiderate in the earlier eps didn't make me *love her*. It was only when the show made it known that she has those learned behaviors from her friends. As the show went on, especially in s2, I started to like Anne a lot more as the main character. Hell, I started to like Anne a lot more since the library episode in season 1. She's a healthy mix of sassy, stubborn and good hearted. I can't wait to see her evolve as we finish s2 and eventually 3!
Romantic Ships w/ this character:
I really like Sashannarcy! I don't have many polyships I really like but idk man, this one is super sweet! Why have a love triangle when u can just all date? Lol. I also inherently like Marcanne and Sashanne, however if you had to make me choose...Marcanne would win bc as much as I love angst, fluff gets me everytime. I've had my fill w/ Catradora angst. Gimme more fluff <3
Non-romantic ships w/ this character: Sprig 100%, I just really enjoy their friendship/sib dynamic so much! They remind me of me and my lil cousin when we were much younger. I like sprig a lot more than I initially thought so more shenanigans w/ him and Anne? Hell yeah!
Unpopular opinion w/ this character:
I guess this counts but it's kinda more of a complaint w/ amphibia in general. I know the show is very self-aware of its tropes and often used them to its advantage but, I found Anne considering the Plantars to be her family as well as the Plantars themselves (or more so Hop Pop). Like, yeah I want them to be a family and I like that the show is so explicit in depicting it as such but at the same time when it WAS said in the text felt waaaaay too early for me.
I liked the ep where Anne goes on the camping trip to prove she is tough enough to be a Plantar but I wish it was more of a gradual thing. Like have only Sprig call her family during the library episode then Polly later on then finally Hop Pop during the season finale after the climax as reassurance that he's going to take care of Anne because "they are family" which can be expounded upon in s2.
Hell, having Anne call Hop Pop "Mr./Old Man Plantar" during the earlier eps only for maybe a moment where Hop Pop snaps at her (in a light-hearted scene) to call him Hop Pop instead, even make the HP joke again after this, would have made me super happy.
Something I wish would have/will happen in canon:
lol, since s2 will be coming back let me talk about my wishes for what WILL rather than me complain about what did like the other asks rip. (And also in the above question bc I can't help myself apparently 😶).
I really want Anne to make a morally grey decision, maybe out of frustration from the combination of being lied to by Hop Pop, Sasha's whole deal, and Marcy's affiliations. Something that makes her question if she is becoming "like Sasha". I would really like the show to acknowledge that the girls are all flawed in their ways to varying degrees. What makes Anne a bit more morally good right now is that she is willing to own up to her mistakes much easier, so having to work through her stuff then turning around to help her friends is something that I would find very compelling.
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aeipathic · 3 years
ye baiyi for the character thing!
give me a character || accepting || @chordbound
How I feel about this character
listen, i’m feral for ye baiyi. i’m rewatching shl rn with a friend who’s watching for the first time, and we just finished ep 18, so you know i’m up in my yby feels. as much as i love so many characters in this series, ye baiyi might legitimately be my favorite. he’s an awful gremlin man and i love him for that, but he’s also got depth! love when i can balance rude feral energy with a deep well of sadness and regret :)
All the people I ship romantically with this character
god, idk, i mean, at the moment the only ship i have for him is his canonical yearning™ for rong changqing, and even with that i love that it’s unrequited (or at least unfulfilled). i totally would ship it requited with a rcq who wanted that, but it’s also fun for it to just be this thing he never had and also never moved on from! i like the way that shapes his character! so yeah except for rong changqing i don’t really have any other romantic ships for him (though that doesn’t mean i’d never be open to them in the future)
My non-romantic OTP for this character
man, give me all the nonromantic relationships for ye baiyi. he’s not exactly the easiest to befriend but listen, i want him to be everyone’s weird rude grandpa. i don’t know if i have one specific relationship i favor, but obviously i love him and wen kexing sniping at each other to no end, and i’ve yelled before about how i’m fascinated by him and rong-furen and their non-relationship for the past fucking. several decades. 
My unpopular opinion about this character
oh boy, i don’t know what i have that’s unpopular because i haven’t really seen many opinions about ye baiyi in general? i’m not really plugged into the fandom enough lol. uh, i’ll say that i don’t like the role he played at the end of shl; i prefer book canon where wu xi is the one to heal zhou zishu, rather than ye baiyi swooping in. i love his whole “i’m fed up, nobody’s allowed to die before me” attitude but then he immediately asks wkx to give up his life and that’s? a weird contradiction? and like i’ve seen people say “obvs he was just trolling wkx lol, since wkx lived anyway,” but the epilogue is a weird and unexplained add-on (i love it and all but it is) and the whole tone of the ending is just confusing and anyway i don’t have a good explanation for yby’s plan in the show so i prefer to just. ignore it lmao.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon.
well, i just talked about one thing i wish hadn’t happened, but uh, i’ll say that one thing i wish had happened was that it would have been cool for ye baiyi and xiyuan to properly meet in shl. he bursts in for two seconds at the end there, but that doesn’t count. and even in tyk, wu xi ruins it by explaining who ye baiyi is immediately, but just imagine if jing beiyuan and ye baiyi had spent more than ten minutes in a room together without knowing who each other were. i’m paraphrasing a tweet i saw here, but both of them being like “look at this kid, he hits his second decade and he thinks he can spout off ~profound truths about life~, i’ll show him,” and they don’t know. (and then ye baiyi finding out he’s talking to someone even older than he is.)
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aerltarg · 3 years
2, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 26, 27 from ask game
2. Are there any popular fandom OTPs you only BroTP?
oh, it's actually hard to answer bc pretty often my otps can work as brotps for me as well. it also means that when i can't ship some characters they don't work for me as friends either. not to mention that in asoiaf i'm open to many ships, and if i'm not very passionate about some it's not a sign i can't see them in romantic light.
5. Has fandom ever ruined a pairing for you?
may i say any sansa ship? 😭 as well as sansa herself lmao. idk generally i can't ship characters i don't like because i'm just not interested. and it's not to say i don't like book!sansa (show!sansa is another case 💀), i just don't find her arc as intriguing and epic as arcs of some other characters. however, it's absolutely her obnoxious fandom's fault that i don't want to touch anything about her now, pairings including. sansaery? pass. sansan? i used to have a soft spot for them in my heart but now? nah. sansa x anyone? pls have mercy, she's already a fandom bicycle.
and jonsa ofc. i would never mind some crack ship as i do this one if not for their obnoxious stans that did way too much to list there right now. but this burning desire to persuade every rock on the street that your crack ship is canon will never stop being ridiculous lmao
also braime. tbh i used to low-key like them but some of their stans weirded my away lol. i get that not all of them are like that but still. it's generally my great pain when i see braime/brienne/jaime stans who are also dany/targ antis. every time i see them i cackle and run away as fast as i can crying from disappointment lmao. it's really a pity because i'm either very neutral or like in my own way all three of them.
6. Has fandom ever made you enjoy a pairing you previously hated?
jonrya it is! i never hated them, you know, but they never were more than siblings and brotp to me. however, later i encountered the deluded crack ship fandom that shall not be named and understood that if there is any possible romance for jon with any of his sisters-cousins we all know which one it will be lmao. also their stans are very sweet and i really like many of their takes on arya and jon! i generally love relationships of jon and arya very much so it wasn't that difficult in practice to see them in a quite different light.
7. Is there anything you used to like but can't stand now?
meta culture lmao. reading different analysis and interpretations of the text used to be very interesting to me (and still is tbh but in other fandoms) though asoiaf is a different case. imo many people aren't honest in their so called theories and analyses. i get that all of us are biased but some "meta writers'" denial of their own biases influence fandom in a bad way. it looks like too many people run to them to get answers to their questions about any minor detail as if they were grrm himself. yk instead of using their own reading comprehension lmao. you see how this meta culture ruined fandom just looking at the most delusional stans and shippers who spread their agenda by writing endless text posts full of nonsense and bullshit but styled as oh so intellectual and thoughtful analysis. it's insane how many people actually buy it and don't check canon accuracy of such claims themselves. it got to the ridiculous point when random people try to argue with you with some far-fetched embarrassing "theories" as if they were canon facts or quotes straight up from a fanfic because they read somewhere some other confused soul's post and got from a context that this quote is canon (despite the fact that it wasn't written in grrm's style at all but some people can't use their brains even if their lives depended on it it seems).
anyway it's become too long and rambly already so tldr. because of such "neutral unbiased" analyses i got the habit of fact checking almost everything i see in such posts. there's only a small amount of meta writers from targ/dany/jon/arya stans that i trust because i know by practice and following them for some time that they don't pull anything out of nowhere, back up everything they say with canon quotes, don't decontextualize anything and (that is the most important thing to me) are reasonable and open to discussion unlike so many bnfs nowadays.
8. Have you received anon hate? What about?
ah, not in this fandom yet, god bless! i think i'm not loud enough for the needed amount of time to deserve it lol. but since i'm not going anywhere soon maybe one day i will 😂
9. Most disliked character(s)? Why?
robert baratheon and tywin lannister, obviously. tbh it's pretty hard for me to hate any characters because you know. they're fictional lmao. just lines on paper, they can't hurt you. and even such dudes as tywin or robert don't get real distaste from me if they're written well enough. my problem with them lies not only in their canon crimes and shitty consequences of those but in fandom's (or at least some parts of it) unwillingness to acknowledge that they're canonically written as shitty, not as stan/pity/worship material. tywin isn't as clever as some think and robert is a coward outside of battlefield, not to mention some absolutely disgusting denial of his nature from targ antis only because the man happened to be the most vocal targ hater in-universe so these folks feel like he is their main book representative and whitewash him completely lmao
10. Most disliked arc? Why?
uugh idk even. i'm either low-key interested (or used to be at least so i can stay pretty neutral for the sake of nostalgia lol) or too indifferent to really care.
11. Is there an unpopular character you like that the fandom doesn't? Why?
all my faves have their own crowd of haters i'm afraid 😭 but let me say rhaegar. even among some dany/targ stans my man is so misunderstood lmao. it's not even his fault i dare say it's fanon about his half-imagined crimes that somehow got widespread to the unbelievable degree. and when i say they're half-imagined i'm being very generous actually. ofc he isn't perfect, no one in asoiaf is. and yes, he's a pre-series dead minor character but almost all little information about him is actually positive, not to mention the narrative itself that doesn't paint him as a villain or just a shitty dude. on the contrary, he's an idealized to some degree dead prince who could've been a good king (like some other historical targaryens, jacaerys, baelor breakspear, aemon son of jaehaerys, etc.), a mysterious yet tragic figure. i have much to say about why it's so popular to shit on him in fandom but yeah. his haters should send their complaints to grrm instead, no one forced the man to write him like that lol. and i mean that no one has to like him ofc. but it's misinterpretation of the text to claim he was intentionally written as a villain or smth by grrm.
12. Is there an unpopular arc that you like that the fandom doesn't? Why?
i don't know if it counts as unpopular but i would say tyrion's arc as a whole because i enjoy his character and like in my own way. i can get why some people don't like him but this man will always have his own place in my heart i must admit.
13. Unpopular opinion about XXX character?
is this unpopular tho?.. ok but renly wouldn't make a terrible king. i dare say he would be better than both robert and stannis. yes, he wasn't shown as perfect and i don't claim this. he wouldn't be the best or the most brilliant or the most just or noble. yet still better than his brothers. his flaws weren't anything other high lords didn't have, his mistakes weren't anything other lords and kings didn't do. in many ways he would make a better job than robert or stannis, too bad he died so early, even though i get why it was important for the narrative.
26. Most shippable character?
well generally for me it's the ones i love the most lol. jonerys/snowstorm is my never dying otp but i admit my sins, sometimes i just see dany with other characters (often from other fandoms pls don't @ me). however, since dany is THE fave of mine it means i would rather twist the other guy or girl to fit into the good match for her than twist her for another character in my new born crack ship lol. and i never stay for too long with the ships with which i feel they don't really fit and don't do justice for each other lol. maybe that's the reason i'm not much of a rare shipper / crack shipper afshdjdb
27. Least shippable character?
everyone i don't like? 😭 as i've said sansa for the reasons above lol. you can insert many others in her place lmao
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soysaucecas · 3 years
oooh for the ask game 24, 30, and 44!
24. What are your favorite episodes?
The only episodes I've really watched are TMWWBK (which is my favorite episode and I'm certain would still be my favorite if I watched every single one because it has the only SPN character and the only SPN line), The French Mistake (which was funny enough but honestly in the Just Okay category for me, which makes me pretty sure I wouldn't enjoy actually watching SPN if this is one of the funniest/highest-rated eps), and Reading Is Fundamental (my best friend was watching it and asked me if I wanted to hop on Discord, I thought it might be fun to see Kevin's first introduction but instead this ep found the two of us taking like 90 minutes to get through it bc we kept pausing and screaming (derogatory) as the model minority stereotype jokes piled up and up and up... Unfortunately not a favorite even if we got Meg AND the "pull my finger" joke AND the "Sorry" shot). Other than TMWWBK, from clipping and transcript-reading, I like Wayward Sisters (who doesn't?), The Things We Left Behind (Claire!!!! Cas trying to be a dad! The diner scene aka my favorite destiel scene of all time bc being in love just looks so good on Cas! Also the parallels between Claire and Randy and teen Dean and the adults at that club in his story... woof.), Golden Time (Eileen gets to be HERE and be sad and loved and fight people with ghost powers and Cas gets to do a cool speech and a stabbing and do the Asian community a favor), and Lucifer Rising (just immensely sexy on all counts for Ruby, Sam, Cas, and myself). Also I am SO fond of Steve!Cas so I'll add Heaven Can't Wait even if I barely know anything about it.
30. What is an unpopular opinion or headcanon you have about the show?
Ooh okay hm I think. So I adore confession scene, but I don't think the "I cared about the whole world because of you" is like. The Objective Truth the way that most bloggers seem to take it. Cas was lobotomized tons of times before he met Dean, he was described as coming off the line with a crack in his chassis, he's always been the weird little angel who likes humanity too much! I don't think Dean came first, and although gay love was part of what helped Cas invent free will, he *Ruby voice* didn't need the feather to fly, Dumbo! I do think Cas believes what he says in the moment, but I also think he sorta... made himself believe it? This is probably just me deciding that cas-coding should go both ways, but like. I very much crush as a coping mechanism and I very much overascribe my actions to love because it simply seems more noble/poetic to do so. Being miserable because school is hard is cringefail but being miserable because of unrequited love is Good Shit. And I have been in unrequited love with my best friend for at least 7 years (probably 9 but I didn't realize it earlier) and if you asked I would 100% say that she taught me love and defined love for me and that she will be my first and last, but I also know that that is not entirely true; it's just the narrative that I like for myself. And I think that being in an Empty deal contingent on whether or not he LETS himself feel happy would lead Cas to do plenty of mental maneuvering, which I think involved intentional self-poor-little-meow-meow-ification via overascribing his choices and happiness to Dean (and I also think he'd already been doing that for a while just because of personal self-worth issues and because it's a nice narrative). I know as Cas's last Moment on the show it was probably written to be The Objective Truth, but I am perceiving him and I say no.
44. If you could write an episode of Supernatural, what would happen?
Oh scream okay! This is a fun one! I am going to start out with two ideas from other people:
1. Months ago Nate from the pocnatural discord had the idea of an episode from the "monster"'s perspective where the Winchesters are just clearly the antagonists while not doing anything different than they usually do. I think the idea was that all these supernatural beings live in a self-regulating community together and we have one Very Likable pov character who's a member of this community, but one of the newer members messes up one day and kills someone and the Winchesters come on a case and wreak havoc on this Very Much Functioning (there was going to be a whole rehab and reparations thing for the new member who messed up!) system and kill pov character and in the end you just HATE Sam and Dean for it.
2. It's hard to adapt anything from bad moon rising (aka my favorite spn fic) very well because the point of an Arab Winchesters season 1 rewrite is that it doesn't really work with the white characters we have now, but I think I could see a version of chapter 2 adapted as long as Haley (an Ojibwe hunter who lives in the area affected by what Sam and Dean are hunting) takes the lead. I'd especially like to see this section:
Dean laughs, a little disbelievingly. The question has never crossed his mind. “Do you like it?”
This gives Haley no pause at all. “Yeah,” she says. “I mean, it’s not really about killing monsters, though, for me. Or, it’s not always about killing monsters. It’s about community. Not violence. It’s a spiritual thing to build a home, you know?”
“Oh,” Dean says. He can’t think of anything else to say. It has never crossed his mind before that hunting could be compatible with a community.
I don't have any original episode ideas to add to the hunting discourse, so we're on to my ideas about character-driven eps. I think I would like to see a version of my sastiel possession fic (ty again for beta-ing that! you're a real one) as an ep around the time of 9.11 because Sam deserves to work through their trauma, but idk what the Dean plot should be for that. Another thing I would like very much is TFW drunk history storytime (so like. Tall Tales bass boosted), where for some reason they all need to go over what they were doing during Stanford era but each of them is telling someone else's story. It's gonna be either Sam->Dean->Cas->Sam or Dean->Sam->Cas->Dean. It starts out very funny (they all have terrible wigs and makeup in the flashbacks. Cas is Jimmy wearing a giant mask with googly eyes on it.) but as it goes on it gets increasingly sad how much these three don't really know each other.
In the Sam->Dean->Cas->Sam episode, Sam's telling of Dean's past veers wildly between "crushing pussy and killing things" and "feels like absolute shit all the time" and it's funny but Not Right and afterwards Dean goes "I didn't know you thought of me that way" and Sam says "... I am basically reading off the voicemails you left me back then" and Dean has to sit there and contend with the mythology he himself wrote for Sam to believe in. Dean->Cas provides the comedic beats for the episode as Dean awkwardly narrates Cas's Life As A Weird Little Guy who watches trees grow and heals babies and in the end Dean goes "so how did I do" and Cas is like "well actually I was either getting lobotomized or murdering people so like 3/10?" The moral of this plot line is that Dean is bi. Cas gives a fairly faithful retelling of Sam living her trans little life at Stanford and veering between trying to be Normal and being a total weirdgirl and feeling guilty and angry and happy and free. It becomes clear that Cas admires Sam a lot (but also feels like. guilt and some self-recrimination for not being that) for rebelling from their dad and exploring their queerness during a time Cas was still to his knowledge in total soldier mode, and Sam is having an a_good_soldier's Thesis 5 moment about how she failed the kid she used to be and how very sorry they are about all the things that happened to them, and Dean hates that this is the first he's hearing about so much of this but is also quite emo about the parts where Sam is struggling. The ep ends with them all in the same room not looking at each other and not knowing if they want to group hug or never talk again.
Dean->Sam->Cas episode is similar but the storytelling dissolves a lot faster as it becomes clearer way faster how much their own emotions are getting in the way. Dean is upset that Sam could leave their family so easily and probably swing a normal life, Sam keeps wondering what it would be like to live millennia just KNOWING that you were right and good and clean, and Cas is gay and veering between fitting Dean's life into a larger Righteous Man narrative and just being very tender (and sad and angry) about Dean's pain. Episode ends in a rather cathartic shouting match where they all end up apologizing to each other for many things.
Oh also I would like to see Cassie again but I don't have an episode in mind there. Also would love to see Kaia adjusting to life in Sioux Falls and befriending the others and dealing with Bad Place trauma.
tysm for the questions sorry for taking so long!
(ask game)
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baronmpontmercy · 3 years
Do the salty ask list but with les miserables
Like, all of them? Kay!
Under the cut bc this is long 
What OTPs in your fandom(s) do you just not get?* Logically I wanna say JehanParnasse, but then everyone has their weird Montparnasse ships, right? Including me. Javert/Cosette is another.
Are there any popular fandom OTPs you only BroTP?* Yeah, a few. Courfeyrac/Prouvaire is the one that first springs to mind.
Have you ever unfollowed someone over a fandom opinion? Yep.
Do you have a NoTP in your fandom? Are they a popular OTP?* E/R is a NoTP purely because the popular characterisation is bland and out of character. I actually like Enjolras and Grantaire’s dynamic in the book and musical, but the e/R seen commonly in fandom tends to be nothing like it.
Has fandom ever ruined a pairing for you?* See above. 
Has fandom ever made you enjoy a pairing you previously hated?* Ehhhh.... not really? 
Is there anything you used to like but can’t stand now?* ‘Can’t stand’ is a bit hyperbolic, but e/é. In my defence I was literally 11 when I did like it, and now I’m just wholly ambivalent. 
Have you received anon hate? What about?* HAHAHAHAHAHA. Where do I start? Some of my greatest anon hate hits include: - being told I’m misogynistic for cosplaying female characters - being accused of being racist because I thought a wardrobe decision made for an eponine actress was odd (I think it was that her hat was oversized and was swallowing her face or something like that) - being told I’m transphobic because I, a trans man, am not fond of how fandom as a whole treats trans headcanons - being told I’m homophobic because I don’t ship e/R - being accused of whitewashing my own eponine design because my design has some similarities with bbc Eponine’s despite the fact I’ve been drawing her like that since like, 2015. 
Most disliked character(s)? Why? Thenardier, for what I hope are obvious reasons.
Most disliked arc? Why? Fantine’s, purely because it makes me desperately sad. Yes, I know that’s the whole point. That poor woman deserved so much better. 
Is there an unpopular character you like that the fandom doesn’t? Why? Idk there’s so many characters in Les Mis there’s subsets of fandom who like everyone. Obvious ones are Marius and Cosette, though Cosette hate in the fandom has decreased a lot since the days of yore. 
Is there an unpopular arc that you like that the fandom doesn’t? Why? I don’t really know about this one tbh. 
Unpopular opinion about XXX character? No specific character was given so I’m just gonna... Eponine wants stability and a ‘normal’ life where she has enough food, a roof over her head, and nice clothes to wear. I don’t like how often she gets translated to a mean, salty bisexual in fanon, and I’m allowed to say that because I am also a mean, salty bisexual. 
Unpopular opinion about your fandom? I miss when people would be unashamed nerds about canon era. I remember reading threads upon threads on Abaissé (rip) about meta and research that people had done. The enthusiasm doesn’t seem to be much there anymore, but I think that’s also largely because fandom ballooned after 2013.
Unpopular opinion about the manga/show? BBC Les Mis sucked, we all know that. Shojou Cosette is one of my favourite adaptations and I recommend literally everyone to watch that instead. 
If you could change anything in the show, what would you change? Taking ‘show’ to mean the musical, give Cosette a bloody song! (Also get rid of the ‘new’ production and bring back the old one. Good god the nunn/caird production was so much better)
Instead of XYZ happening, I would have made ABC happen… Instead of Georges dying he gets to reconnect with his son ;-;
Does not shipping something ‘popular’ mean you’re in denial and/or biased? Nope, it just means you like different things. 
What is the one thing you hate most about your fandom? I have to pick?
What is the purest ship in the fandom? Eh... pure ships are boring. Unless they’re Valjean/Fauchelevent. 
What are your thoughts on crack ships? Crack ships are the best ships. Done well they are incredibly entertaining. 
Popular character you hate? I don’t really...hate any characters? Except Thenardier and Gillenormand, lol. And somehow I don’t think they’re anyone’s fave?
Unpopular character you love? Mabeuf, though he’s unpopular through lack of exposure rather than people disliking him.
Would you recommend XXX to a friend? Why or why not? Hell yes I recommend it! I get salty about stuff but Les Mis is my favourite story, like, ever. Not just my favourite show, not just my favourite book. It’s my favourite story. The characters, the plot, the themes. Everything about it has been a major part of my life for ten years now, if I think it would bring joy to someone else in that way, you can bet I’d recommend it.  I’m including the book in that. It’s a long read which requires a degree of commitment (it takes me months at a time), but it’s worth it. 
How would you end XXX/Would you change the ending of XXX? Does Valjean not dying count? ;-;
Most shippable character? Answered this already, still saying Marius
Least shippable character? Uh... Gavroche, I guess? Bc he’s a kid?
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nyndelion · 4 years
Fma for the fandom asks? 🤔
001 | Fullmetal Alchemist
Favorite character: Ling!!! also Alphonse
Least Favorite character: that Envy binch, but also i love hating on them so...
5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon): edling... a little ironically but also not that much xd
Character I find most attractive: mh... i remember i had a crush on Mustang at first but then Ling showed up and all my love transferred to him and doubled when he was Greed, so...
Character I would marry: mmh none of them xd
Character I would be best friends with: Alphonse!!!! we would walk around spotting cats and crying over how cute they are together. Also i’d bake muffins for him
a random thought: (serious voice) Full Metal Alchemist....
An unpopular opinion: idk if this counts but i am very torn apart with all the “fma is cop/military propaganda” bc nothing gets more clear from it to me than the fact the military will always be against the very people they claim to protect, and yeah, the main characters are part of it, but using their status as a tool for their own means and motivations rather than something to be proud of bc of “serving their country”, and hating every other aspect of it. But also there is the “changing the system from within” going on with Mustang et al. that makes me wonder anyway... idk its a very complicated topic and i’m stoopid but angry  
My Canon OTP: mh... ed and winry are cute together. Prodigy Dumbasses in Love. They are smart yet so, so dumb.
My Non-canon OTP: edling i guess
Most Badass Character: All of them are so badass, but i’d say Mei Chang is like what, 10 years old??? and fighting fucking homunculus and chimera alone? and getting scar’s paternal instincts show up???
Most Epic Villain: The Truth counts as a villain? he is fairly neutral chaotic at best but anyway.... makes me wonder about metaphysical stuff
Pairing I am not a fan of: anything fucked up and Wrong. y’know the ones also
Character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another): the characterizations for Lust and Gluttony for known reasons
Favourite Friendship: Hughes and Mustang bc i love crying and suffering. Also Mei and Al
Character I most identify with: Alphonse! i think i would react the same way as him in his situation and the things that happen to him in the story
Character I wish I could be: the Truth, i wanna be god
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sawyersick · 4 years
all the questions for that ask game!!! (or as many as you want lol)
holy fuck bee............................. ok get red E its a Lot
1. You woke up naked next to the last person you texted, what would you say?
Idk what I would say but I probably wouldn’t be that freaked out... the last person I texted is a good friend/coworker and I trust him
2. What’s going on between you and the last person you kissed?
I uhhh can’t remember who the last person I kissed was because it was years ago but let’s assume it was my ex..... he was a toxic pos who tore me down because he had low self esteem so yeah I don’t really like him
3. If your boyfriend or girlfriend was into drugs, would you care?
I would be upset if it was anything more than weed or the ocassional drink or if it was a full blown addiction and I would be mad if they didn’t tell me on principle...
 Also I would not be very comfortable if they did it around me because I’m a weenie despite hanging out in hardcore punk groups...... also I can’t stomach the smell of cigarettes im sorry
4. Is your last name longer than six letters?
5. Was your last kiss drunk or sober?
sober, I don’t drink
6. Have you ever wanted to have someone but you messed it up?
like..... as a significant other? I guess. I’m pretty bad at telling my feelings to people and I’m kinda clingy when I like someone. idk if I’ve ever *explicitly* messed it up tho
7. What does your last received text say?
“sick” and then the sparkly heart emoji five times 
8. How many times have you kissed the last person you kissed?
lots and lots and lots.... unfortunately. we were together for a year and a half
9. Where was your last kiss at?
fuck bitch I don’t remember.............. school? my house? his house? the pool??? man the last five months of that relationship were affection-less
10. When is the last time you saw your sister?
I don’t have one!
11. What do you drink in the morning?
water and sometimes tea
12. Where did you sleep last night?
the car and then my bed when I got home
13. Do you think relationships are hard?
I mean everything takes effort... I don’t find it hard to do things for people in my relationships but I get frustrated when it isn’t reciprocated and I burn out
14. If you could go back and change something in the past 5 months, would you?
15. You’re locked in a room with the last person you kissed, any problems?
yes....................... many..........................
16. Would you rather it be sunny or rainy?
I TRIED to be a good emo and like the rain but tbh I get really reasonally depressive so I prefer the sun 100%
17. Do you know anyone with the same middle name as you?
18. Are you wearing jeans,sweatpants,or pajama pants?
19. Do you think you will be in a relationship 3 years from now?
hopefully!! I met this real cute punk boy last night
20. Does anyone like you?
HA I doubt it......... I usually come off as the little sister type to most people
21. Have you ever kissed someone with a name that starts with an S?
22. Is the last person you kissed gay?
I suspected that he had internalized homophobia but also he was weirdly transphobic to me so I dropped it and pretended to be a cis girl around him which is weird because I think he liked boys??????????????????
23. Is there a person you CANNOT stand?
YES this girl from high school who talked about tentacle porn to school admins for no reason and did lots of other weird shit 
24. Have you ever considered getting a tattoo?
yes! I have a whale on my hip and I want to get tiny scissors on my arm soon
25. In the past week have you cried?
yes I watched queer eye and a disney movie lol
26. What breed was the last dog you saw?
I follow like 12 samoyeds on instagram but the last dog I saw irl was this ADORABLE black lab who was a service dog and he rested his head on his human’s lap when she sat down in the library and I wanted to cry
27. Do you dry off in the shower or out of the shower?
I have a towel hanging right out side the shower so I grab it, then step out of the shower
28. Have you ever kissed a football player?
hm idk I think so? I definitely kissed a guy who played tennis but he forced it on me so I don’t count it
29. Do you think you’re old?
yes because I hate tiktok
30. Do you like text messaging?
I don’t mind it!! The service at my house sucks tho so I prefer cloud based texting like instagram or facebook messenger
31. What type of day are you having?
A good but slow one! I had a really good night last night so I’m just resting now
32. Have you ever thought about getting your nose pierced?
I’d honestly rather get snake bites if I were to get a piercing but in general I’m afraid of facial piercings
33. Do you prefer warm or cold weather?
warm! then I can head down to the lake :)
34. Is there a person of the opposite sex who means a lot to you?
yes! he’s one of my best friends and I talk to him every day and he lives in scotland and I’d like to meet him one day
35. Would you prefer a relationship or a fling?
relationship! Flings personally make me feel icky and I’m over that
36. Are you a simple or complicated person?
I’d like to think I’m complicated but I’m a simple man..................... you show me whale, I like
37. What song are you listening to?
any song by Liily, all day every day
38. When you say you’re sorry do you mean it?
yes! I perpetually feel bad about everything!!!!!!39. Is there a girl that knows everything or almost everything about you?
there was! but not anymore because she ghosted me for no reason40. What made you start liking the person you like now?
This person is so cute and kind and creative and nice and sweet and fashionable!!!! and fun to mosh with!!!!!41. When did you last receive a text message?
half an hour ago ish???42. What is wrong with you right now?
I am constantly depressed and there’s nothing I can do about it exceot keep myself insanely busy but that means there’s no breather for me and also I probably have adhd but can’t afford a therapist43. How well do you know the last female you texted?
FeMaLe dude just say chick
pretty well! I like her favourite band and we talk like once a week at the very least44. Does anyone disgust you?
yes my ex was very nasty and tore people down to his level and also this one person from high school who fucked over my friends 45. Would you date someone right now if they asked?
depends on who.... eye emoji............. but probably yes I have low standards46. Are you in a good mood right now?
yes!47. Who was the last person you talked to in person?
my parents? but other than that it was thanking Nick from the band Unpopular Opinion for the lovely tabling opportunity last night48. What color shirt are you wearing?
white T shirt with a cat pink sweater with a cat49. Has someone recently told you something you didn’t want to hear?
yes one of my parents says nasty things when in a bad mood50. Anyone you’re giving up on?
yes my former best friend who ghosted me and this girl who keeps flaking on plans with me and also a boy who got mixed up in weird drama with me and his ex that I never wanted to be a part of51. Do you hate the person you fell hardest for?
I’ve never really falen hard for anyone, just periods of obsession. I guess I’m waiting for that one sPeCiAl sOmEoNe
52. Have you ever thought about giving up on someone but couldn’t?
yes, but I’ll settle for waiting53. Do you like rain?
a little of it!54. Do you care if your boyfriend/girlfriend drinks?
I’d rather they not be a alcholoic because I had a raging drunk coworker who scared the shit out of me once but I guess I’d be okay with the ocasional drink/drunk night as long as they’re safe55. Have you ever liked somebody and never told them?
So many times... I keep my mouth shut because it would never work for one reason or another...... also I’m so SICK of having to make the move all the time I just want to be fawned over I’ve never had anyone do ANYTHING romantic for me 56. Do you like to cuddle?
.......................yes57. Are you shy?
not normally! I LOVE being social but in relationships yeah because I’m insecure58. Do you get along with girls?
yes? girls who don’t get along with girls are lame...... lift each other up don’t tear yaselves down59. Have you dated the person you texted last?
nope! But I’ll admit I thought about it haha60. What do you carry with you at all times?
chapstick, money, and pepper spray
ya boy don’t mess around61. If you were paid 1 million dollars to spend the night in a supposed haunted house, would you?
depends on the haunted levels, as long as the “ghost” would only watch/appear and not scream or whatever or try to make contact I guess that would be fine? but if It tries to disturb me I’m yeeting mysef the fuck outta here because ya boy needs uninterrupted beauty rest62. Do you think you can last in a relationship for five months?
yep! I dragged one out for a year and a half when I really should have ended things much sooner than that63. Think back to October, were you in a relationship?
nope! Been single for around two years now64. The person you like kisses you on the forehead, do you find this cute?
YES HOLY SHIT65. Did anything “cute” happen in the last week?
I fired some pieces in my pottery class! my mugs and bowls came out so well
and I met the cutest punk boy last night!!!!!! he’s so cute and very my type and I got to dance with him in the mosh pit!!!!!!!!!! tell me that’s not the cutest punk thing ever
66. How old are the last three people you kissed?
19, 18(17???), and 21
67. Would you rather pay to get your nails done or do them yourself?    
I’ve only gotten them done once! It was very enjoyable but I’m a cheapskate so I’d probably rather do them myself68. Which do you like better- Zebra print or leopard print?    
leopard print I guess69. Do you have any stickers on your car?    
one! A turtle from the Maui Ocean Center. I’d like to add a few more sea-related ones and maybe a totoro I bought at a con a few years back70. Would you rather listen to Luke Bryan or Lil Wayne?    
literally who the fuck even are these people71. Blackberry, Android, or iPhone?   
android 4 lyfe72. When’s the last time you had pizza from Pizza Hut?    
never? my DnD group would get round table or little caesars73. Do you like diet soda?    
I guess? I like it the same as diet soda74. What color are the walls in your room?    
one purple wall and the other three are pastel mint75. Are you 16 or older?    
yeah baybee76. Do you watch Pretty Little Liars?  
nope  77. Do you have a job?   
yep! I’m a windsurfing instructor   78. What are your initials?    
but usually I go by SS79. Did you ever have braces?    
nope! I’ve got near-perfect teeth :D80. Are you from the south?    
81. What does your last status on facebook say?    
I talked about meeting my favourite band again!82. Do you still talk to the first person you ever kissed?
no because he forced himself on me when we were young and I think he remembers and is ashamed and also doesn’t live near me anymore    83. Are you closer to your mom or your dad?    
idk, I’m close but not in different ways with both of them84. Have you ever done cheerleading or gymnastics?    
I was really good at the tumbling unit in 6th grade85. What’s the last movie you saw in theaters?   
Once Upon a Time in Hollywood? I don’t go to the movies much 86. Do you smoke?    
no the smell of cigarettes makes me want to vomit87. Would you rather wear heels or flip flops?    
I love heels but I LIVE in flip flops bc california88. Is your phone touch screen?    
yes???? damn when was this ask game made89. Do you normally wear your hair straight or curly?  
straight.......... I’m too lazy to curl it  90. Have you ever snuck out of your house?  
nope! I’m a weenie  91. Would you rather swim in a river, lake, or pool?    
the ocean!!!!!!!! But I guess a pool bc I’m afraid of the flesh eating bacteria in freshwater lakes92. Have you ever made out in a car?    
no but I HAVE made out on some random person’s lawn lmao93. …Had sex in a car?  
no I’m a virgin  94. Are you single or in a relationship?   
single pringle who loves to mingle 95. What were you doing last night at midnight?    
selling my art and listening to cool bands and dancing with cute punk people!!!96. When’s the last time you saw fireworks? 
the day after the fourth of July   97. Do you like the camera on your phone?    
yes! I just got a new phone and the camera is way better than my old one
the low lighting setting is  c r i s p 98. Have you ever had a friend with benefits?  
I made out with this one friend of mine like twice and then I never did it again bc I felt icky  99. Have you ever passed out from drinking?    
no I don’t drink100. Are you friends with people on facebook that you actually hate?    
NAH BRO YOU GOTTA UNFRIEND THE FUCK OUTTA THEM NO RAGRETS 101. Have you ever had a pregnancy scare?    
nope I’m a virgin102. Name your favorite Kesha song:    
Liily? did you mean Liily???? my favourite Liily song is Wash, Toro, or The Weather103. Do you have any tan lines right now?  
yeah one from the ring I wear every day  and like a shorts tan from summer104. Would you ever wear cowboy boots with shorts?
hell yeah but ONLY if the cowboy boots are bright red or hot pink no exceptions
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kaz3313 · 5 years
001 BATIM 003 Summer - rnm (I don't often see you talk about her lol)
Thank you for the ask! It’s 
OOOOOOOOoooo Summer!
You are right I do not talk about her nearly enough, even though she’s somewhere in my top 5 favs (top 3 counting only characters from the show)! Also I’m kinda talking about comic book Summer and show Summer (s)
So, as I stated up top, love her but when I started watching the show I didn’t like her too much (she was okay but I thought she was going to be flat stereotypical teen girl)But that was beginning season 1 (which she was a side character) and then Season 2 came along and I said “Hell yeah, she cool” and I started really loving her as a character! Wasteland Summer was also cool to see and I was sad to see her frozen with not much more exploration on her character.
Hmmm as much as I ship and love to do so…I really don’t with Summer. The one universe in the comics where she’s a lesbian I totally support and I low key ship the crackship with the car. Other then that though I think she’s doing well on her own. I personally don’t ship her with Ethan since based on what’s seen not really compatible (of course when did I care compatibility-Eh I just don’t see enough substance for em). I’ve seen a few arts with her and Jessica which is cute but not really my taste either.
Now to non romantic relationship-
Well I feel like her and Rick get along well in the end, whether that’s good or bad I’m not sure, but I really enjoy her relationship with Beth? Like at first it sucked, it really really sucked. But I feel as though it got progressively better (especially the end episode where they’re shopping and doing daughter mom things). I hope to see the relationship in the next season and even her to grow a stronger bond with her dad as well (since that ones been shaky too. Honestly she doesn’t have stable relationships with anyone platonic and romantic which Is sad)
Unpopular opinion…
Hmm a lot of people show her as badass (which I love me some good ol fighten Sum Sum) But some people, when doing so, make her exactly like Rick. Now I’m not disagreeing she has some parallels to him (she definitely does especially showcased in season 3) but I think people need to remember she IS a different person. She CAN be a genius and strong and whatever but she will approach situations with her own twist! I also see (in fics mostly) them blow Summer off completely or make her stereotypical teen (doesn’t talk to anyone about anything ever, always grochy, and if does appear in said fic is just on her phone) which is an interpretation that I don’t care for.
Hmm, again explore more her relationship with her family (asside from Rick since I think that has been showcased in Season 2 and 3 a lot). Maybe even her teen/school life since she doesn’t blow off school as much as Morty does.
Fav friendship, hands down her and Morty. I feel like, at times, the top can work really well together (although not always- but that’s the complication with relations thier not always perfect). I also hope in future eps she makes some cool alien friends or something. I think that would be fun!
Crossover ship? Ehhhhh? Her and Wendy from Gravity Falls? I saw it once (or twice?) in fic/art and they seem pretty decent together. They would make a nice couple and also I think they’d also be pretty good friends! Yeah badass red heads unite!
BATIM!!!! Oooooooo boy! Also I’ll be doing lil more descriptions for the characters then RnM one since your less familiar with these characters 😊
Fav character, that is tricky. Staying strictly to canon game Wally (pure janitor boy) or Bertrum (local narssarsist finds someone who’s got an even bigger ego and now thier partners or AKA the octopus ride). I like Wally because throughout the whole game he’s got tapes and they’re always nice and cheerful which is a nice lil break (or poik(perk) as he’d say) from the horror and darkness. Also the whole probable he’s Perfect Boris just makes him better (I love Boris). And Bertrum; well for one he’s an annoying cool mini boss, I like that both him and Joey had big egos but he had one AND he seemed like a decent guy, cool design in general, and he’s got his motavations figured out Joey gipped him and now Joey’s gotta pay. As for everyone’s interpretation and also my personal hc? All of them! Even that bastard Joey!
No least fav’s. Some times I don’t like certain people’s interpretation of a character but I really like them all. If I had to pick one I’d say Allison since I felt in cannon she was a bit bland. But really in cannon we didn’t have much to go off of many of the characters.
Fav ships (in no particular order btw and one more then said but whatever)
Henry X Joey (like how can you not ship the protagonist and antagonist? Doesn’t every fandom do that? But honestly why else would you come back to mean bosses’ studio after 30 years if you two hadn’t dated or at least had a lil but more then a friendship. Also angst train woot woo). 
 Sammy X Suzie (ahhhh. I love em so much I just hsjaownjw. And it’s almost cannon and SO MUCH ANGST POSSIBLE HEHEHHE) 
 Tom X Alison (cannon but very cute). 
 Wally X Shawn (bring me the pure boys! Honestly this ship is kinda ‘random’ but also is a lil popular and has a toooonnnn if cute HC’s.). 
Ink Sammy X Projectionist Norman  (I love inky angsty boys!)
Lacie X female OC ( I love when she has a noice girlfriend)
Who do I find attractive: hmmm not really anyone (in game)Like Inky Sammy buff so I guess him.
Who I’d marry: ghanakjsjsks??? Idk! No one?
Best Friend: preink-Wally, no questions. Postink- Boris (so still Wally) because I’d just hide in the safe house and play cards.
Random thought:
Unpopular Opinion: Sammy, Henry, And Joey are all around same age and they grew up together. Idk if it’s unpopular but I’ve seen a lot of times Sammy is younger then the other two.
Cannon OTP: Samsie isn’t cannon? Maybe? it’s definitely alluded to but the only thing cannon cannon is Thomas X Allison so I guess by default them. 
Non Cannon: Wally X Shawn please and thank you
Badass character: based on cannon,Bertrum? Like I said he’s a heck of boss fight. Maybe Henry cause he’s had to dealt with everyone’s crap. Projectionist because he literally fist fights the ink demon. Based on personal hc Lacie.
Epic Villian: Idk if he counts as epic but Sammy was an interesting villian. I feel like he should’ve been explored more (so does the rest of the fandom) but I feel like straight up trying to sacrifice
Pairing I’m not a fan of: I used to not like Sammy X Wally but now I think it’s kinda cute. Maybe Wally X Norman just HC they have a more father son bond but I’ve seen some stories where it’s not the case sooo, it really does depend on people’s personal story. I also don’t care for Alice X Bendy (but some content of them is cute and I still enjoy some of it).
Character I feel like they screwed up: Sammy they didn’t do to much with even though he had a lot of potential. Same with Allison and Thomas who were kinda just bland especially Allison.
Character I identify with: when hc I project a lot on Wally but i don’t identify with anyone imparticular.
Character I wish I could be: I’m going to take this as if I could be one of the toons (and not in game toons, since I’d be trapped and I’d rather not) Boris. Who wouldn’t want to be a wolf who just eats all day. Or Edgar (spider boy) because he’s so cute!
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demonkinguwu · 2 years
Hi so I saw that funny little character thing you sent and all,, So i'd like to know, what about Mustache Girl? If you can't think of anything, perhaps the Empress, then?
Why not both? fkdsfs
Mustache Girl-
Favorite thing about them:
I love her comically ruthless behavior dsnjkd. I loved her plan about what to do Mafia and her digs at Hat Kid's Hat jddsk.
I also like how her turning on the lava faucets in Mafia town foreshadows the final level.
I also appreciate how she's basically a good-intentioned hero but obviously went at it all wrong and became a brutal tyrant that most of the bad guys think she went too far, and they're right. It's also kinda sad that despite what she did, she doesn't actually want to be alone once she realizes what will happen if all the bad guys went alway.
Least favorite thing about them:
Hmm.. I don't really have much I hate about Mustache Girl? I mean, I kinda hate how little of screen time she got and how her game sections got cut but that's more on game itself rather than the character...
Her character as an Anti-hero is pretty solid in my opinion tbh.
I guess if I do have one criticism about her it would be putting non-violent characters like Cooking cat or the nomad goats or the owls n penguins on the chopping block but then again she is shown to have clearly gone mad with power at that point, not fully realizing some of the people she's accusing are innocent.
Favorite Line:
'I don't need you. This planet doesn't need you. Nobody will miss you and nobody will care.'
Man this line went so hard, it gave me chills the first time I heard it dnfkjd.
Mu and Hat Kid, I really enjoyed their short-lived friendship fksdjnds. I loved the choice of whether or not to give her the time piece at the end even if don’t see what happens when she gets it. 
Mu and Bow, Ngl I like the idea of an angry little girl being calmed down by the sweet fancy bow girl uwu.
Kid Mu with any of the Adult Characters
This speaks for itself honestly.
Random Headcanon:
Mu living with Cooking Cat after Hat Kid leaves as she teaches her how to cook and help out in town by swapping out the mafia foods. She hasn't used the Time Piece yet due to what happened before but often looks up in the sky holding it.
Maybe one day taking over the Island and restoring back to what it used to be before in a peaceful manner.
Unpopular Opinion:
Idk if I should count this as a unpopular opinion since I only seen only a few times before but what the heck.
Yeah, she's done terrible things but do remember she's just a misguided kid who's all alone while a bunch of bullies took over her home and messed it up. She's cruel, yeah but she's not the devil and she shouldn't treated as such.
Song I Associate with Them:
Bad Reputation - Joan Jett & the Blackhearts
Favorite Picture:  Top Ten Moments Before Disaster
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Favorite Thing about them: Where to begin? fdskdlf She’s an amazing villain. She’s a little more intimidating than the Snatcher and Vanessa combined in my opinion. Having such a beautiful and threatening voice while showing she’s not above disposing her minions just on suspicion, and her design is amazing.  Also her theme is slaps. 
Least Favorite thing about them: Amazing Villain....So it makes it so very disappointing to see she doesn’t have a proper boss battle, especially if you consider how amazing the other boss battles are [no, I don’t consider ‘Barrel Battle’ a proper boss battle].  Rush hour is an amazing level, I will admit but I really, really wanted a boss battle with her.  Also the lack of lore for her. She’s an amazing Villain but doesn’t have a backstory in a game where the bosses have their backstories in the storybook rift due to that chapter’s rift being in the rumbi factory and tells rumbi’s story and point of view during the game. I don’t understand why when the chapter was clearly about the Empress. Though the rift was nice and the story was cute, I wish it wasn’t at the cost of getting Empress’ backstory. 
Favorite Line:  All of them, Please help me I’m Bi- ‘Are you enjoying your stay in my metro? There’s people from all over here..It’s a perfect place for a little lying. A little cheating... A little stealing.’
bOTP:  Empress and Bow I mean- She’s a scary boss like Snatcher, she deserves her own kid too dsknd. Bow is well-known in the metro due to the multiple magazines/signs of her. Maybe Empress attempts to have her be Hat Kid’s replacement kfdnds
OTP: Cooking Cat and Empress Popular ship but it would be cute to see this harden crime cat lady being soft cat lady who cooks for her uwu.
Snatcher and Empress Idk I like two horrible scary bosses hanging out or being rivals and I think she would find him useful as a scary lawyer and Snatcher gets free meals via eliminating her rivals dnkdsd
nOTP: I don’t really have one? 
Random Headcanon: She was a rich girl who fled from that life to be a criminal due to the restrictive life of a wealthy daughter. Idk, she just gives me that sort of vibe. Probably why the chief has their deal because her family name is quite influential. 
Unpopular Opinion:  Not a big fan of making her fear the police at the end. I mean yeah, it’s comical seeing the tough boss lady being nervous around two puny police cats and allows a proper conclusion to the chapter but I feel that takes away from her intimidation. We see her throwing a cat and poofing it into pons, why couldn’t she do the same to these two?  Idk, it’s funny but I would prefer if they kept her being intimidating through the whole chapter. 
Song I associate with them: Villain -KDA 
Favorite Picture of them: 
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I mean look at her, she looks amazingly evil dkmlsd
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vanogla · 6 years
got any vanogla headcanons? idc if its in au or not all i know is that I Need Vanogla Content Or I'll Die.
aw fuck don’t die i need every vanogla fan alive if i want to grow my empire 
ah jeez, this list is going to be a friggin’ mess so it’ll be under a cut-
general headcanons
here’s my base for hcs when i watch their videos. please remember that these are merely headcanons and may not be true!
*Evan’s only mean to David when Tyler is around; when they’re alone they laugh literally every other sentence and make harmless jokes and its all feel good banter 👍
*they’re both awkward in public and avoid PDA; if u ask them abt their (established) relationship they’ll be very tight-lipped abt it(・θ・)
*its not a headcanon that they’re both born in the same year :) you may have noticed that i draw Evan’s height in line with David’s caterpillar eyebrows so that’s my height diff hc :D
*imo Evan never uses pet names or terms of endearments with David, he’s not comfortable with it, and the furthest he’ll go is “babe”. David comes up with the shittiest, most obnoxious nicknames for Evan as much as possible to make up for it tho, and he’s not afraid to embarrass Evan in public with them xD however the only legit terms of endearment David uses are “dear” and “darling” cuz he’s an old man at heart
*this one is a rather unpopular one but i can never see Evan casually calling daithi “David” instead of “Nogla”. I know its like a relationship milestone to call him by his first name, but i cant see it happening unless its for a joke (e.g David Blaine from one of the vids) so imo daithi will forever be “Nogla” to Evan. (However if it’s AU im completely 100% all for it yes)
*Evan isn’t as smart as David thinks he is (tbh David puts him on a pedestal), and Evan doesn’t actually think David is stupid or dim (shown when he calls David “smurt” when he gives a good idea). i fuckin love it when they discuss solutions to the game together because they’re so quiet and serious in those moments :>
*surprisingly Evan overthinks more than David does; he’s actually a doubtful guy. David’s generally more impulsive than Evan, but he can form a black-or-white opinion depending on the facts he’s given. Evan on the other hand will stay in the grey area- he’ll find some way to balance out both sides (unless it’s morally wrong then hell no- he’s def picking a side)
*idk how to explain this one but i really love the way they say each other’s names. I noticed in some videos that David will keep calling “Evan” multiple times to get his attention and same goes for Evan repeating “Nogla” a buncha times to show or tell David something- and i just find it really cute and dorky.. if i could i would compile all of these moments together (T▽T)
*just sayin’: when they call each other ‘owl’ and ‘lobster’ it sounds flirty as fuck
*this is sappy but i definitely think that Evan is 100% himself when he’s with David. With David, he doesnt have to be the coolass-motherfucker-with-awesome-one-liners, and instead he openly giggles and asks for help/affection without having to filter himself to sound cool (i think this can be seen in some of their videos as well). although he isn’t as comfortable with David when other ppl are around, when they’re on their own Evan can always count on David to be encouraging, supportive and playing along with Evan’s jokes so that’s why Evan is so comfortable with David ( ´ ▽ ` )
*fuckin hell they’ll always come back together; whether as friends or lovers they could never permanently cut each other out of their lives because their lives are so entwined with each other- David having Evan in his thumbnails/in the title, Evan laughing at David’s shenanigans are the highlight of his videos- and no matter how harsh they seem with each other they’ll always bounce back in the end :’)
*i think that they have a closer relationship than casual viewers of the crew think, and so they are forever a memorable aspect of each others lives (ye, theyre my OTP and BrOTP ヽ( ´¬`)ノ) 
*despite all’a this, i dont think they need each other, of course they can be independent and go their separate ways. but i just know for a fact that sooner or later they’re gonna see something that reminds them of the other and the memories will remind them of good times ^_^
*err i have like, 1 solid nsfw one and that is neither of them like penetration so they rarely do it. Its not because i have anything against anal, its because i don’t see either of them as people who enjoy being penetrated. Generally I don’t see them as a pair who’d have sex often anyway (^_^;) -however when they do they’d be laughing so much thru it ◎▼◎ (ill be posting a list for this veryverysoon! [update: here it is])
additional headcanons
here’s some of my indulgent hcs ^_^ here’s where the good stuffs at, cuz the general hcs don’t necessarily apply to these ones:
*David pining is my favourite thing ever like he’ll write a lot of songs abt Evan and he’ll post them and say that it’s not for anyone in particular but its a fucking lie because he literally has only one person on his mind when he writes it and sings it but he’ll never tell anyone and he sure as hell won’t tell Evan
*Evan pining is also v good yes :’) He’s fuckin scared that David’ll know that he has a soft spot for the Irish prick so he hides it with jabs and insults. but sometimes his fondness slips thru and his laugh comes out a lot warmer than he’d intended and his eyes linger on David and for a split second it feels like he knows, he fucking knows and yeah it scares him so in the end both of them think their feelings are unrequited woohoo
*i have a love/hate relationship with whipped!Evan cuz it feels like i stripped him of his personality but its the only way i can get him to shower David with affection so Welp he’s staying for the fluff
*whipped!Evan snippets: Evan longingly gazing at David like David would disappear the moment he blinks + Evan being bold and chasing after David because ‘you’re a part of this mess, we’re in this together whether you like it or not’ will really fuck me up
*Evan isn’t as giggly in some of my AUs. i like playing around with his GTA or Gmod-roleplaying personality so he can get pretty closed-off depending on the au. most of the time when he’s in this character, David will be the lighthearted and cheeky one to balance it out c:
*i love to treat David well but i also love to wreck him so cynical!David or insecure!David are some of my fav angst hcs cuz both’ll make him very very frustrated lol
*following the last point, David’s usually the one to fall in love first, but he’s also the one to doubt their relationship- so he’s hesitant of commitment and he’ll say stupid shit just to see if Evan will stay with him despite his flaws. 
*lowkey hero/villain au: the way bad-guy-David taunts good-guy-Evan with “little owl” or “little bird” or “plucking/ruffling yer feathers” is like, h o l y shit yes. (And don’t tell me you cant imagine Evan yelling “YOU’RE GOING DOWN” xD)
*for one of my soulmate aus, they’re not soulmates. they’re just two people who fell in love and decided to stay together despite the fact that they’re not “meant to be” cuz they feel like their relationship is valid, even if it doesn’t match up to society’s expectations. another one is that they are soulmates, but despite knowing that they’re supposed to be the perfect complement to each other, their personalities are incompatible as fuck and honestly it’s a mess of misunderstandings hahaha.
*that nsfw hc mentioned previously does not apply to most of my AUs by the way- ngl there’s a lot of sexual tension in my AUs ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Aye that pree much sums up my main headcanons (ノ*゚ー゚)ノ 
ive got a few more headcanons for cop au but that’ll come out another day on another post xD also i have a lot of hcs for other aus that ive never fully developed, perhaps ill post those someday as well lol
also sorry for the wait, i hope ye enjoyed despite this being late (::)
holy shit im so obsessed with these two i spent 4 hours typing+editing this fuck
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