#yanno bc ~fashion~
bigbrainbiology · 5 months
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Practicing drawing guys with help from Neuvi and Wrio <3
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Do any of u dykes ever see a cis man and wish you looked like him but in Distinctly Dyke Way?
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sanstropfremir · 2 years
which male idol in your opinion has the best style? if we exclude stylists’s outfits and group appearances. Also who do you think dresses up? Like maybe wearing clothes that are not them just bc it’s the trend. would love to read your opinion on that xx
oh dawn, 100%. he has some of the best understanding of fashion and specfically how to use silhouette and statement pieces. key obviously, also. all the guys in a.c.e are pretty well dressed but particularly sehyoon and donghun (whom i think dress the others actually lol)! both of them play around a lot with silhouette also, and sehyoon in particular loves accessories and will pull some insane combos that i am obsessed with:
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(that's his mom's watch in the second one btw)
suho also has really great taste, his instagram now that he's come back is just a parade of nice clothes. tbh it can be kind of hard to tell when idols are dressing themselves and when it's a stylist, especially just from pictures, if you don't know what event it is/have the context of what they were doing at the time. and added onto that, a lot of the items in idols wardrobes are gifts, either from sponsorships or fans etc, so in terms of 'people that wear clothes that they wouldn't normally', well that's just most idols lmao. you do also run into the phenomenon of guys with good pieces in their wardrobes but don't seem to be all that versed in fashion (minho, junhee), and this comes down to a grey area where a lot of guys just do not know how to dress. that doesn't necessarily mean that they aren't interested in dressing well, it just means that it's not something that they have much experience in and they don't know how to go about asking. so often they end up with those good pieces bc a stylist puts it on them/gives them advice and they either take it home or find something similar to it, which puts them in a kind of a limbo spot in this particular ranking system; they would not have known about or gone out and bought that item if the stylist had not shown it to them, but it also doesn't mean that they're 'dressing up' bc it's something that they do like. you can see minho talk about this in his devil wears jungnam episode actually!
#oh i probably shouldnt forget gd. his personal style is actually very good#i was debating whether or not to put hongjoong on here#bc he IS very well dressed and i know he often has a hand in his own stylings and is interested in fashion#but often when we see him 'off duty' he's wearing comfortable/lounge clothes#and you kind of run into a weird defining line here of: yes ppl are 'dressing up' for camera appearances#but there's specific instances in which people who do put a lot of time into fashion will wear specific things#and i know this from experience. i wear different things when i go out and know that im going to be seen than i do when im at home alone#is there some overlap between those two spheres? yes. but both are still true to me yanno?#kpop questions#kpop styling#text#answers#OH MY GOD I CANT BELIEVE I ALMOST FORGOT BAMBAM#junhee has a fucking killer pair of pants that he wears sometimes that i do NOT know where he got them from but they are so fucking good#and he wears them sometimes but he self admits to not knowing anything about fashion#tbh this is not exclusive to men it affects ppl of all genders#also i dont really think much about people 'dressing up' as 'not themselves' bc sometimes its fun to wear clothes you wouldnt normally#the only thing that i dont particularly like that is a part of 'dressing up' is obviously branded luxury items#but ive already talked about that before lol#and it looks doubly out of place in casual wear like come on you did not need to buy a prada bucket hat
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hollowboobtheory · 5 months
okay as a person who was raised on new wave but has gotten into goth recently. how the ever loving fuck did tiktokers think rock lobster was goth. how??? they out there listening to love shack and own private idaho and somehow thinking that was goth???😧
couple factors
tiktok kids do not seek out context generally. this is how we got any/all pronouns cartman. they engage with south park based only on the sound clips that become memes on tiktok. similarly, i think they just heard the song and accepted it at face value and didn't look into who the b-52d are or notice that these are the same people who made love shack.
goth is a very broad (group of) genre(s). rock lobster admittedly sounds like it could have been made by the cramps.
goth dad (@awfullysinister) has admitted to playing it at the clubs he djs for years
there are a lot of bands whose goth status is contested like strawberry switchblade and even the fucking cure.
in my opinion rock lobster on its own is goth purely because a lot of goths like it. same with strawberry switchblade even tho stylistically they're more like an early ancestor to vaporwave.
goth classification in general is quite complex tbh there's a lot of nuance. imo its more of a vibe check. and rock lobster passed the goth vibe check to those kids.
the blind leading the blind is kinda the guiding principle of tiktok and none of those kids talk to people older than them.
now now it turned into drama. hot takes coming.
i think a lot of them have tricked themselves into thinking that gothery is objective and easily quantifiable and not largely vibes-based.
they've tricked themselves into thinking that "music based subculture" means the music itself IS the subculture nothing else that grew out of the goth scene is important (they do this while stanning elvira and collecting bones and ofc wearing tradgoth apparel but ignore that doublethink is at play here)
i'm blaming the influencers with amazon affiliate links here. they're seeing girlies posting their looks plus a shopping list for how to replicate their life exactly plus affiliate links (or worse, tiktok shop links ew) and it doesn't pass the sniff check for them, but because they don't talk to people older than them and because the version of goth that's presented in mainstream media is stripped of its anticonsumerist ideals, they only way they can think to counter it is to parrot "goth is a music-based subculture" back and forth forever
not thinking about how the fashion being antique and vintage and reused and diy and gloomy and spooky are extensions of the ideals put forth in the music, as applied to a more everyday form of self expression.
they get that goth isn't something that you can buy but they don't know how to articulate that
um in case you haven't noticed, tiktok, a highly trend-based and consumerism driven platform, yanno with all its influencer shills and brand accounts and ads disguised as content and clones of each other and viral song of the week and they've recently baked shopping right into the app itself and every other video you see has that damn "eligible for commission" badge under it, where everybody is copying each other to sell shit or as an audition to sell shit, just might not quite line up with goth ideals.
which imo is more important than the music but obv the platform itself doesn't really lend itself to putting that into practice. again frankly tiktok as a platform is fundamentally incompatible with the goth subculture.
ok back to rock lobster bc the politics have been cut out all these kids have to back up their sense of gothenticity is music based subculture. meaning when they find out they've been dancing to a song that isn't even technically goth, that's really fucking embarrassing.
cue one zillion identical "um we can still listen to other genres and still be goth" tiktoks. which, like, true. still funny that you were preaching that shit while dancing to the boomer equivalent of like. idk old town road. what does the fox say. i don't fuckin know.
anyway now everybody's having a damn identity crisis calling each other posers and elitists and the influencers are laughing all the way to the bank. also setting their makeup haul videos to rob zombie who while liked by many goths is DEF not goth.
oh yeah and dollskill have been making the sponsored content rounds too. because this wasn't already enough of a shitshow
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ohshy · 4 months
You can ignore this but do you have any tempered glass (Joe x Bull) headcanons?
A couple ye !
They're both fairly introverted people (Bull especially), so it didn't take long for them to warm up to eachother. Bull felt attracted to Joe's calm and polite personality, and Joe in turn admired Bull's serious personality and strength. Both felt like a breath of fresh air to eachother, in the WVBA where most are either rather cocky or even crazy.
They had Very different upbringings. Bull is from a rich family, whereas joe's family had to live paycheck to paycheck. It's a huge relief for joe to finally have some financial stability in his life, thanks to Bull.
Bull was. Very oblivious to his own feelings, as well as Soda whom he initally discussed them with. It took Macho one day listening in and basically going ''It's a sign, you kook.'' to make him realize his feelings. Luckily Macho hasn't told anyone about it. He has SOME standards, trust me.
Bull has to be careful he isn't too rough with Joe, but it's something they're both working on.
Both Joe and Bull get cold very easily. They always make sure to warm eachother up when they get home.
Soda is a great right hand man for Bull, like when Joe and Bull try to have little one-on-one private dates with eachother. The paparazzi, yanno.
Their favorite types of dates are where Joe cooks a big meal and Bull picks out a good romcom or historical drama. Surprisingly, Bull is actually a very sensitive soul and loves romance movies, along with Joe.
One thing Bull loves doing for Joe is sing. He's tried singing french serenades (in very broken French) to Joe, and it makes the latter melt everytime. Joe's fallen asleep to Bull's singing quite a lot as well.
Bull sleeps a lot ever since dating Joe. Guy's so exhausted from dealing with people all day (esp the press), he needs all the recharging he can get. He also just feels very safe and at peace with Joe.
Bull is one of the few people Joe feels like he can tell about his frustrations, be they about other people's tacky fashion senses, his frustration with being the lowest ranking boxer, or w/e kaiser's said to him this time.
Of course Joe has attempted to fight off the paparazzi for Bull. He has to hold Joe back whenever he tries, cause yknow. Public scandal.
The way they butt heads is mainly from different upbringings. Like i said, Bull is from a rich family n is used to solving most problems with money or gifts, whereas joe came from a poor upbringing. Typically when joe tries to talk about his feelings, bull will chime in with a gift idea, which feels like a bit of sting to joe bc it makes him feel misunderstood. Dont get me wrong, Joe loves gifts (in fact, guy has very expensive taste despite his poor upbringing), but he needs the emotional connection in his relationships too yknow? Luckily, they do communicate well with eachother, so they never fight over things like this. The last thing Bull wants to do is push the few people he's close to away. Plus Joe has quite a lot of experience in the dating department, so he's no stranger to disagreements in relationships.
Bull has recurring nightmares about his relationship leaking into the press, and sometimes even considers breaking up with joe in order to not put him through the same hell he has to go through everyday. Joe however always succesfully talks him out of it, promising he won't abandon him and that every relationship hes had has had trials and tribulations, and this is no different to him.
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chromaji · 8 months
its very nice to know that OtL is liked, bc as an EO story, I know I don’t really hit on the natural dangers of EO yet. Which was yet another thing I was worried about going into it in 2019.
Sometimes I worried that when i had characters spend too many chapters outside of a labyrinth, or more specifically outside of any dangerous labyrinth situations (literally chapters 19-31), that it would be seen as boring… Especially in a time where “filler arcs” seem to be hated on more and more. Though i’m pretty sure that’s more in animation than written stories or even games.
And yanno maybe these moments of OtL have been seen as boring, I wouldn’t really know. Fortunately i’ve harnessed the power of “its MY EO STORY and I GET TO CHOOSE THE SCENARIOS” since then🗣️🗣️☝️
Like we haven’t reached the part where some of the guild starts learning sign language basics for Ruki. We haven’t reached “Tenmaar and 30 Wraiths Fashion Show”. We haven’t even reached the Shellbeast afterparty where Zandiel tries alcohol for the first time and it goes as well as you’d expect.
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sparklecryptid · 2 years
I have an amusing headcanon that lack of jewelry to the Noldor is viewed something akin to nudity. It's kind of an old fashioned sort of view, one you see especially in the oldest of elves, the ones that came over from Valinor and the generations born in Beleriand. (There's also an element of childishness? bc you don't put jewelry on babies and small children. I'm sure choking hazards are the same for elves as for mortal babies, yanno?)
So like, Elrond's inherited Feanorians take one look at Their Last Princess, and decide of COURSE Anordil needs jewelry ASAP, it's down right IMPROPER that she has like, one necklace and a handful of simple rings/earrings/bracelets when she shows up in Imladris.
(This, of course, means that most older Noldor find Lady Galadriel INCREDIBLY SCANDALOUSLY under-dressed at all times now. She's gone completely native with that Sindarin Lord of hers. *mutter mutter* *grumble grumble*)
Elrond’s Inherited Feanorians: so our Lady does not have any jewelry-
Anordil: I am right here! Also I have jewelry!
The Inherited Feanorians: *stare at her* you don’t have enough.
Anordil: …what
The inherited Feanorians: you Need More. You are a Princess of the Noldor-
Anordil: okay but that doesn’t really matter- *is stared down* okay. Okay it’s fine. It’s fine. Do what you want?
Anordil: *stares at the pile of jewelry on her bed that could buy several human settlements* …. This. This isn’t what I meant-
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tuesday again 9/27/22
pretty bad fatigue week! fewer in depth breakdowns of media, more naps
listening Faster Gun by Little Big Town, found through chase @pasta-pardner 's incredible bounty-hunters-to-lovers playlist. this is. hm. what is this. bluesier than is currently fashionable country? not meant as a dunk on the song, which i have had on loop for days, there's a very early twenty teens quality about the mix. what the fuck do i mean by that? fuck if i know!
honorary shoutout to the line "Put another bullet in the chamber with your smile" bc that's gotta be like twenty fic titles. if not i have a new mission.
reading pinging off a lotta stuff, which is not the fault of any of the works and more that i am unable to settle and concentrate on any one singular thing for longer than about four minutes.
luckily, i have read this article, which details the practice of sending your local boutique owner a bunch of links to the shit you want and then she places the shein order for you and you go pick it up at the store.
this is absolutely fucking fascinating to me. it is not detailed very well how/why/if they handle the infamously gnarly returns process as well? i also wish the article went into more depth about Why this is so successful, other than "uhhhhh online sales in Mexico are low for uhhhhhh...cash? reasons? haveyouthoughtaboutinvestinginalastmiledeliverycompany"
Both Sandon and the Précomas’ boutiques offer the same prices that users might find on the official app. The way they make a profit is by making the most out of the gamified discount system Shein offers its online customers. “The more items you buy on Shein, the better discounts you get and the more points you earn to exchange for other discounts,” Guarneros said.
we do gotta hand it to them and i do fully support these women leveraging their network of friends from previous pyramid schemes like avon and tupperware in order to make bank by gaming the fuck out of predatory gamified discount systems
watching the unbearable weight of massive talent (2022, dir Gormican)
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now, is this movie sucking itself off a lot? yes, almost constantly. however, i had fun watching it. i feel like nick cage The Guy is probably pretty chill and has a good sense of humor in order to agree to do this movie
i like pedro pascal The Guy very much and as an actor (one of the rare actors where i'm like "that's a hot guy! also, i'm extremely horny for him!" as opposed to a lot of actors that i do think are pretty [daniel craig, etc] but don't necessarily want to fuck) anyway it feels like pascal had a ton of fun making this. are we slowly returning to the tight ninety-minute movie???? i would have watched ninety minutes of cage and pascal riffing off each other. the plot in this thing was superfluous tbh
playing fallow week
making stock! i have two batches actually bc i inherited a bunch of stock fixins from the good roommate, who properly roasted the bones and saved the skin and everything so the first batch is really gorgeous and dark and glittering with fat. i skimmed some of the fat off but not all, bc the stuff i make never requires perfect crystal clear broth and i like fat. i did do the cheesecloth straining thing tho.
also feat. a whole bunch of my landlady's herbs (which have not had a very good time this summer) and an entire four-year-old bottle of bay leaves. can't hurt yanno. plus a parmesan rind from the aforementioned roommate. all items pictured here before transformation into stock
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the second batch is still on the stove as i write this, with somewhat fewer herbs and no bay leaf, but smells just as good. tastes slightly less good so i think roasting the cleaned bones or whatever the fuck she did to them really does make a difference, bc i fully just plopped a chicken carcass in the freezer after i finished getting most of the meat off it and gave it no more effort than that. HATE having to do more work to get a better quality final product!!!
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noblechaton · 11 months
hi so I kinda wanted to make this post earlier in the month but things have been really hectic and annoying so I didn't get to but I still wanna talk a lil bit before the month ends soooo
here's my ~*pride*~ post
so it's been a lil over a year now since I first like. realized I was trans y'know? I don't wanna say came out bc I sorta haven't - at least not to anyone in my day to day life. I'm not really worried about reactions - mostly - or anything but it's just like. I do not wanna deal with all it might entail even if it'd be positive, tho I guess I do view it as a coming out given I did it to a uh....a few thousand people (and porn bots)
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even just sort of realizing that the way I'd felt way back when, during the times I'd spent alone in kindergarten wondering and worrying that I'd been born in the wrong body (genuinely worded as I'd felt back then) and the moments where I'd stay looking in the mirror a lil too long convinced my face wasn't of the gender I'd been carrying myself as, that something didn't quite fit, all that, that it wasn't just some weird fear, that it was a valid thought, it's kinda done wonders for my mental health (even if other things ain't lol) and while I sometimes worry I'm somehow doing this wrong or badly or w/e, I've found myself more confident than I used to be, much more assured and happy
I like my reflection more, even with my imperfections and divots and dings. I'm kinda gentler about my body even if it doesn't look how I think it should, and in a weird way just accepting the way my brain's wired made me more accepting of my own body despite it not yet being what I wanna see, yanno? maybe not quite outgoing like I wanna be, but I don't feel as....nervous anymore, of my voice or appearance
I've also taken some steps in getting myself to uh....present in a manner I feel a lil more fitting? I've grown my nails out - which has the added benefits of stopping my bad biting habit and making some gunpla stuff easier! - and fashioned my face more like I'd want, I dress more openly in attire I feel is more fitting and comfortable too even if it's often like, beneath a jacket or w/e and talk in a way that feels truest to myself too
it's not a lot and I certainly wouldn't like, pass or anything, at least I don't think I would, but the little things have sorta helped all the same
and I do have some hopes for how things may go should my situation ever change and improve. I openly fantasize about going on hrt lol, while being able to wear more fitting clothing even just around my house is something of a dream for me. again my situation is thankfully way more accepting of things but there's just some stuff I don't wanna deal with if that makes sense - not to mention the cost, a big bump in the road for a poor gal like me lmao
so while maybe I doubt myself here and there and haven't been too outward with it just yet, and maybe it'll take me a while before I get to be - and longer still to start the processes of truly looking as I feel, I know I'll get there one day and in the meantime, I'm still happy I took the time to accept myself, to let myself be how I truly wanna be, even if it's kinda stifled right now and ultimately, either way
'm still pretty happy to be me
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now I'm gonna go buy a gay witch shirt and catch up on ml
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melancholyjones · 2 years
I don't get mh/eah fans' refusal to let the franchises die. "We have to support g3 otherwise they'll never bring back eah/make g4!" Like yeah...& that's okay. I adore both franchises, flaws & all. They got me thru tough times, sometimes they were the only thing motivating me to stay alive. But they can't last forever, nor should they.
Bc yanno what happened after mh & eah (& barbie) lost popularity? Toy companies, even 1s that hadn't been in the fashion doll game beforehand, started experimenting. Lol surprise, hairdorables, cave club, rainbow high, mermaid high & mermaze ‐ all of them brought something new & unique to the fashion doll market. Some have been more successful than others, but none of them could've happened if mh/eah (& barbie) was still hogging the spotlight. Aren't we always complaining about how movies/tv are mostly reboots & nostalgia bait, don't we want more original concepts on the screen? Why are dolls any different?
So I dunno about y'all, but I'd rather bury a good doll line than keep resurrecting it over & over. I wanna see what grows from the remains.
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sanstropfremir · 1 year
Just watched the new Taeyong music video and it's. So much. There's so much going on. It's nice that sm did something a little different but it's a lot, esp. combined with the song. Shoutout to greasy gamer god tho. What are your thoughts on it in case you've watched it?
it sure is A Lot!!! i think there's a lot of joy in it and it's super clear that there was a vision that had zero interest in being factual (the knight being from the year 1800 cracked me UP slkfjglkdfjglksdfjg) and instead reveled in the spectacle of it all, which i will always appreciate. the styling is so interesting and taeyong has historically had a pretty good fashion eye, but it's most the 'character' outfits that stand out like mr knight and yetti. we never actually saw anything that was that interesting in the actual stage styling which was a big disappointment for me. i think it's likely that it was more a practical issue bc a lot of the outfits from both the mv and the concept photos were big on silhouette and those can be hard to dance in, but imo that doesnt mean the promo outfits gotta be boring typical hiphop-esque fare. you can do better.
personally it wasn't a super successful debut for me bc i don't really buy taeyong as a soloist in the same way as gd or dawn, who are very much what this debut is modelled off of. maybe it's bc both dawn and gd actually push/ed beyond convention with their styling even for promotions, or maybe its bc dawn is leagues ahead of taeyong as a dancer, idk. there's something about it that just doesn't click for me as something that was truly 'taeyong', yanno?
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solemntitty · 8 months
i wish i didn't internalize the whole 'oh it's just a phase' thing of meaning whatever you're temporarily into is worthless if you don't pursue it/is trivial bc it seems weird. bc as an adult i've still had phases like just got out of my making rice every day phase and am considering a breadmaking or soup phase. got really into fashion for a bit and now i'm like eh! like there's merit in sticking with stuff but also there's a lot out there to enjoy yanno?
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menalez · 1 year
Thanks for your answer on the grammar question! In Swedish we have largely abandoned older grammar with gendered speech, it’s not required to speak corrctly but it can still be used. But I honestly think that is more out of laziness/modernisation than for a feminist reason. And in reality what we did is the ”male” or neutral version can refer to women as well.
For example if I say ”mina vänner” (my friends) that could be any gender, it could mean male, female or a mix. But if I say ”mina vänninor” (more old fashioned) that means specifically female friends. Same with occupations. A teacher, ”lärare” could refer to a man or a woman in todays language, but before, a female teacher was ”lärarinna”. One word where the feminine version is the norm is sjuksköterska (nurse), which is used to refer to both female and male nurses.
interesting!! it sounds similar to german!! in german teacher is lehrer (male) and lehrerin (female).. plural all female is lehrerinnen … v similar to the word u used!!!
but interesting,,, even tho it’s not so gendered anymore it’s male as the default still whereas female-typical occupations are female as the default.. i don’t like that much either bc it reinforces certain stereotypes imo. i wish language could just not be gendered in that sense at all yanno 😩😩 or like in german’s case, a separate one for mixed groups and male-only groups. or plural just being neutral in general. i just hate male-default language
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churchdotexe · 5 years
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Haven’t had time/inspo to draw lately(;へ:)
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i'm sure i just spammed your notifs but sis!!!! usurper!gojo!!!!!! i'm in love with your writing ugh and i have a question. have you thought about the reader in canon? is she a sorcerer? a civilian? are she and gojo still together?
ADJFHDB ur good i think its so cool when i can tell someone's going through a specific tag of mine, im flattered u like the concept & my work that much!!!! ironically up until i got this ask i hadn't thought abt that reader in canon but after some pondering i kinda fell in love with the idea n here's what i came up with.
i think she is a sorcerer! not like special grade, id put her at around nanami's level; that is to say, having achieved black flash but not Hugely powerful (have i thought abt her ability? no i do not have the brain power for that sorry kajhbdf). now in the au she n gojo r childhood friends—i don't rlly wanna apply that here, bc his childhood in canon is implied to be v heavily influenced by his status & his clan and i imagine her to have come from a non-sorcerer family (or perhaps one only vaguely involved with the society, like maybe one of her parents was one of those people who could see curses but not a sorcerer??? idk, trying to apply the low-ranking-noble thing here) but either way not someone who he would've known since an early age. however since they're the same age theyd be in the same grade in hs! so i like the idea of her going to the kyoto school, while hes at the tokyo one, and they meet at the goodwill event thing they do every year where he.....
well, in essence, falls in love right away and in classic gojo fashion decides the best way to express that is though aggressive pigtail pulling in the form of beating her ass 🙄 bc of course. so she Hates him at first, and he is Madly In Love
now i v much like the idea of them spending the next many years in that oh-so-classic frenemies situation where hes silently pining after her while being A Menace and shes slowly falling for him despite herself lmfao. maybe she even transfers to tokyo after their initial meeting for whatever reason??? idk! not gonna get too into it but i do think by the time they graduate it evolves from him pestering her while shes annoyed into a close friendship where...... he still. pesters her. bc hes gojo pfft do also like the idea of her becoming a teacher (or otherwise working for the school) when theyre adults as well <333 bc i am a cliche and i simply adore it <333 i love the idea of her being a radical progressive wrt the society much like him n nanami, n thats one of the reasons he's so head-over-heels (sometimes...... he gets her to rant abt how the higher ups suck and the system is broken...... and watches with heart-eyes as she's angrily rambling.....) but yeah. also i rlly like the idea of her n nanami being v close solely bc theyre very similar KJAHSBF (this is also true in the au btw hes one of gojo's royal advisors i just havent mentioned it lol).
ANYWAYYYY i think!!! round abt the time hes idk 25 he comes to her and is like listen so the elders in my clan r rlly riding my ass to get married and pass on my genes and shit (not a lie, he just doesnt really care) and like shoko said she wouldnt do it (blatant lie he never asked her) soooooo u wanna maybe get hitched??? n reader's hesitant at first but then hes like look u n i share the same ambitions abt sorcerer society, we both wanna change it, its good for us to get married yanno? i give u the gojo name and suddenly theyve got two of us to contend with, two of us to send off on missions if they dont want us around, whaddya say?
and as established in the au one-shots, miss reader is an ambitious lil thing. n sure this might pose some issues (despite herself she is in fact v much in love with this fucker shes not super sure her heart could take being married to him......) but hes right, marrying the strongest sorcerer puts her in a position to help him change their society for the better and also hes Loaded who tf Wouldnt want a piece of that gojo fortune so she says fuck it why not.
and cue the agonizing "we're literally married and pining but havent even figured it out yet" slow burn as shoko and nanami and megumi and literally everyone who even somewhat knows them is tearing out their hair watching them KSJDHFB
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zombinary · 2 years
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Alright here’s Mickey! More info under the cut~!
Michael "Mickey" James Starr -24, bday October 13th. Technically it’s October 12th, but he doesn’t celebrate it until the 13th. Reason why is his twin was born at 1:59, he was at 12:01. He’s weird about it. -He/it -Trans man, bi
-Family wise...He doesn't care for his dad and the likewise for him. He sorta left after his parents got divorced when he was like 12. He never really bothered to get to know his kids, which kinda started the whole deal with Mickey. -His mom, he loves her but she's more like Mitch but ten fold. She's super hyper and overbearing and tried WAAAY too hard so now he hates noseyness and opening up and REALLY values his privacy. -Has a twin sister named Mitchell, who he doesn't really talk to much. They're pretty different and just can't agree to disagree on small things. -THAT gave him his motto of "You don't bug me, I don't bug you!" when it comes to strangers! He's not easy to get to know, oops.
-Hobbies include watching horror flicks, perusing auction sites, drawing horror, reading comic books, and writing dnd campaigns. -First pet was a rock he fed with stickers. -Horror fanatic, has tons of props around his place that he takes GREAT care of. Some are even legitimate props from auctions! Yes he spends too much money on them. -Runs a blog that's him reviewing modern horror flicks or series. It's not that popular but he doesn't really give a shit, it's more for him to yell into the void. -His favorite horror is alien scifi. Thus, his favorite movie is Aliens 1985. He's got a crush on the Xenomorph
-Personality wise he's stone faced and quiet. Blunt and doesn't like to beat around the bush. He's honest to a fault, though. Just don't expect him to slam you with a bunch of ice breakers right off the bat. -He REALLY perks up when he's talking about horror n scary n gross things, he has this thing where he'll run on and on with just one breath. He'll get more excited with each word. He's a passionate dude. Kinda rare to happen though since he's so mellow, and doesn't outwardly show his excitement much. -Under all that stoic grumpness he's a huge cornball that reads romance novels and kicks his feet when the two people kiss after 10 chapters. He's also kept all of the crafts Mitch has made him, like the holiday cards or whatnot. He gets p upset if they get creased.
-Works at a comic book store in this megamall. He'll spend his breaks reading the most interesting looking ones! Shockingly hasn't been fired yet for his lack of retail smile n attitude. -Fashion sense is a lot of t shirts and dress shirts over those t shirts. Usually it's some kinda graphic shirt but he does have a spot for the goofy ones. Lotta boots and sneakers and converses. He doesn't really try to look his best, more so wants to be comfy and casual. Though, he does like matching colors a lot. -His types are mean stoic girls, desperate cocky men, and ppl who are generally tall. If someone he thinks is cute is nearby he'll just fucking. Leave as soon as possible HNHYTPJTYPYTKP -He hates being tall bc he wants to be unnoticeable as possible
-When he came out and started to transition, Mick didn't talk too much about his feelings. At least at first, but he did go out with his mom and lead her around to what clothes he wanted. More so a silent vulnerability for him, an action rather than talking. -He already had a wardrobe that fit him because yanno over time his style shifted. But he still wanted to do it with his mom. He was willing to share this thing with her, after all. -They helped choose his new name! His mom immediately started calling him "Mickey" because he's her lil mousey baby uguuguuuuu [she dressed them up as mice for their first halloween and ever since she's called them her Minnies] -ONLY Mitch and his mom and CLOSE FRIENDS can call him Mickey or Mick. He acts nonchalant about it but he likes his nickname.
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