#yandere house targeryan
greycloudsinwinter · 18 hours
Yandere Criston Cole and Targaryen female reader part 2(Vis and aemma first duaghter) . Let's say the reader married a man, but the man (prefers men). He resembles Criston in terms of hair color and eye color. (So the issue of the children's fathers does not raise any doubts.) All children, except the first son, inherit Criston's black hair. And their mother's violet eyes and pale skin. The first boy has the full Targaryen look. Moreover, he is his mother's heir.
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🛡️ criston was like a dog , he’s loyal and if you were to ask anything of him he would gladly do it with a spring in his step.
🛡️you being married to your husband nearly drove criston insane. The man wasn’t good enough for you however when it is revealed that your newly wed husband preferred men it gave criston a solution.
🛡️he became your ally and more importantly the sire of your children. Know one could question the children either considering your husband shared similar features too sir criston.
🛡️criston is even more devoted to you after seeing you give birth to his children he knows what the world is like and will do everything in his power to protect you and the children.
🛡️anyone who even becomes slightly suspicious will be met with his sword through there throats.
🛡️your daughter is however by far cristons favourite he loves her and becomes a platonic yandere for her because she is the spitting image of you. However you always come first.
🛡️he debates if he should or shouldn’t kill your husband regularly but chooses not too for your sake.
🛡️your children practically have two fathers.
🛡️is more possessive and protective of you when you give him children. He sees them as an extension of you and him. There perfect in his eyes.
Thank you ❤️❤️
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ladyempty · 2 months
Yandere Maegor, Daemon and Aegon I reaction to Reader running away and marrying someone else and having children?? Please 😭😭
° | This is a yandere work and may contain triggering behavior. I'm not in favor of that in real life. |
Aegon I
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Aegon Targaryen I is the definition of a conqueror, courageous, intelligent and ambitious, with a friendly and captivating personality, easily lovable and admirable, but with few close friends. A certain air of enigma surrounded his figure, making people try to unravel him, attracted like moths by his light of monarchical dignity.
The king was comfortable and accustomed to sycophants, women dragging themselves for crumbs, or simply a single night in his bed. He was unfamiliar with something denied to him. He had "conqueror" in his name for a reason that went far beyond the submission of the other lords.
So it came as a complete shock when he was so bluntly denied when he approached you at one of the numerous banquets hosted by the royal family. At first, Aegon couldn't even process it, the features remained the same with a gentle smile and analyzing eyes and no words uttered. Like a person who was suddenly punched and in the first few seconds didn't understand or simply didn't know how to react. He just narrowed his purple eyes and watched you leave in an elegant bow.
The first time he was seriously denied, you hadn't done it to pique his interest, but rather to preserve your own honor, not wanting to be just another king's case knowing that he would return to Rhaenys at the end of the day. He admired this. If his plans were to push him away, you were not successful, you only made a dangerous obsession settle in your being.
He began to pursue you subtly, with gallant and courteous gestures, he urgently wanted to erase the first impression you had of him. Forcing the Targaryen to reveal his personality beyond the superficial, rambling for countless hours about some common interest and constantly summoning his presence, whether to read to him while I work or simply enjoy his warm presence.
And when his barriers were still not lowered, the king had to resort to more drastic measures, asking for her hand in marriage and making it clear that he would not accept being denied.
You would be softer when you were a wife and had duties towards him. The conqueror thought wrongly. Never in a thousand lifetimes did he expect you to run away. As soon as he found out, Aegon simply went crazy, the image made up of himself falling down the moment he threatened to destroy the entire seven kingdoms again if he didn't get you back.
Stone by stone, leaf by leaf. Everything was meticulously investigated by the countless guards spreading even through the most forgotten places by the gods. The Targaryen king became somewhat paranoid and easily irritated by his disappearance, not even Rhaenys could calm him down or change his mind. It was two years of pure torment.
Ah... When he finally found you in a small house in pentos... Married and obviously pregnant... It was like the world was open beneath your feet again. A loving feeling of betrayal. How dare you? Did you think that pathetic man could love you more than him?! How stupid.
He coldly killed her husband and none of her tears and pleas could change his mind. His heart was partially darkened by his betrayal. He won't forget anytime soon, you'll have to regain his trust to have the slightest amount of freedom. Countless guards will follow you closely, if you are even allowed to leave your quarters.
And your son? Don't worry, Aegon will assume paternity of the child even if it comes with rumors about having deflowered you before the wedding. It didn't matter. He just wouldn't let you mother a bastard or have that other man as a part of your life. Aenys was his heir anyway.
Maegor, The Cruel
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You were certainly a very unlucky person to have caught the attention of the Targaryen king who was called cruel. You probably met at an event organized by him to celebrate one of his conquests, reaffirming his power and sovereignty as king, or you were one of his wives' ladies-in-waiting.
Whether you were from a big house, small house or even a commoner. It didn't matter. You were his the moment the king laid eyes on your enchanting figure.
Maegor was a man of few feelings, he didn't truly love any of his wives, it was lust mixed with the rational thought of creating heirs. But you were different, there was something special that made Maegor feel a bubbling sensation in his chest, a pleasant and addictive warmth like he had never felt before. It was something unfamiliar, one that he felt slightly hesitant to demonstrate or how to handle. But he just knew he wanted you and he would have you. At any cost.
Maegor was far from the definition of courteous, he knew little about the gallant arts or gentle love. Therefore, he had little knowledge about the courtship, the little he knew was from his mother's advice, who only knew about these things from the poets who surrounded Rhaenys.
Either way, he is not discreet. He doesn't even make an effort to appear less intimidating than he is. His eyes are fixed on you no matter the moment, his intimidating and darkening presence looming over you like a shadow. Once he even gave him a white fur coat, an animal he himself killed. It was his way of showing his interest. Something raw and rustic, without words, just proves to be worthy of you.
Either way, he wouldn't wait long. The moment he gets tired of waiting and the itch that grows in him is not relieved, he will attack. Demanding her hand in marriage from her, leaving no room for disagreement. He didn't expect you to run away in the middle of the night... Stupid little bird. Did you think he wouldn't come after you?
The man flew into a rage the moment he found out, destroying everything and everyone in his path, no matter if they were his wives, servants or important masters. Everyone should pay for his blinding rage. He turned the seven kingdoms into hell looking for you. A thick layer of blood, smoke, ash and corpse covering every corner of the kingdom.
And when he found you... Ah, dumb little bird, did he think he could hide for another year? Never.
He killed her husband the moment he saw the man, not even bothering to give him a painful death to pay for his crimes. He was as furious as a bull at the sight of any trace of red. He never thought about seriously hurting you, but he would have to punish you in a certain way to put you in your place. But his angry thoughts strayed the moment he caught sight of her swollen belly with a child.
A baby, that could and should be his. It was someone else's... It was an unforgivable betrayal. He could never fully forgive you. He would never forget or leave you alone for even a second.
He wouldn't kill the child, he would keep you away until you gave birth and then pretend that the child belonged to his lady-in-waiting, even if it was his child behind closed doors. It was a good way to keep tabs on you. Do you love your child? So better obey, you don't want something bad to happen, right?
Do not worry, dear. If you want to be a mother and wife so much, who would Maegor be to deny you that? You would be two things very soon.
Daemon Targaryen
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Daemon was never a man to love madly, he fell in love a few times. He rolled from bed to bed without a fixed commitment, just looking for momentary fun and vague pleasures. He indulged in his desires without shame. Bad luck for you to have been so captivating. He was hooked on you the moment their eyes met his.
Any slight affection he ever had for other women and men was forgotten. For you he felt love. Real love that went beyond lust. After all, he had never touched you intimately and he already had such overwhelming feelings.What was it if not love? You were his only thought.The first thought when waking up and the last when going to bed.
And Daemon had no intention of hiding his affection. His hands constantly find their way to your shoulders or start from your waist, a touch that lingers on a simple handshake and a look so intense that it would make anyone else tremble in fear.
As expected, rumors were created questioning his honor and how terrible the prince was. When his father went to confront him, Daemon just smiled mischievously and just said he would marry you. To everyone's great surprise, after all, the Targaryen had demonstrated his unhappiness during his first marriage.
But you weren't like that woman uglier than a sheep. You were perfect in every aspect and in the very definition of the word. Something to be admired every day.
It was a strong, stunning blow when you disappeared during the night, your maids only finding cold, wrinkled sheets when they went to wake you up that morning.
Where in the seven hell were you? He would find you... You couldn't run away.
He destroyed, killed, tortured and threatened. He spent days flying with Caraxes to every corner of the seven kingdoms just to find you. Unsuccessfully. A long year without having your favorite addiction... You.
He drowned himself in e wine while you were gone, nursing a bubbling rage and constantly exploding at everyone, scaring even Viserys, who thought he had seen the worst side of his brother.
But nothing lasts forever. He found you. He invaded your home in Essos without hesitation. He didn't kill your husband at first because his stunned mind simply refused to understand that you had betrayed him in such a disgusting way.
But the moment she saw the little newborn baby in her arms. He understood everything.The black sister ran through her pathetic husband without mercy, blood spatter staining his robes in small crimson droplets.The cold, darkened eyes like never before were directed at you.
For a moment you feared for the baby's life, placing the small bundle against your chest to protect it.
"Don't worry, I would never hurt our son." He smiles as he says each word slowly. He would legitimize that child as his and didn't care what he would say. A good way to keep you behaved and not tarnish his bloodline with bastards. Obviously he would love his own children more with you, but he wouldn't show it so openly. You're lucky the child looks so much like you…
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fragileheartbeats · 16 days
Hotd modern au
Y/n: I have a wife.
Rhaenyra: I didn't know you were a lesbian.
Daemon: can we see her?
Y/n: *showing them a picture of Aegon*
Rhaenyra: t-that's your uncle!
Y/n: yes.
Daemon: and he's a man!
Y/n: yes, a man who's my wife *smirks*
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gulnarsultan · 5 months
Hey I was wondering if you could do a yandere Daemon targaryen x fem reader where the reader is a knight but like a quiet and kept to her self if not that's ok and if this makes you uncomfortable an any way I'm sorry and thank you
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Hello. You don't bother me, dear.😊 I hope you like it.
Years ago, good Queen Alysanne ordered the creation of a female guard to prevent the attack she experienced during her first pregnancy from happening again. In a way, this union saved the lives of many women in difficult situations. Women from many places joined the female guards union. You were one of those who joined this union. Frankly, everyone's reason for participating was different and the goals were the same. It was his only duty to protect the women of the royal family. One evening, you went to the city to meet some needs. You accidentally hit someone. When you looked up, you didn't expect to see Prince Daemon in front of you.
"My prince. I'm sorry."
You started to walk past him. However, a hand stopped you by grabbing your shoulder.
"Why are you running away, beautiful?"
"I'm sorry, my Prince. I have to go."
"Next time I won't let you go so easily."
You didn't like the prince flirting with you at all. That's why you appeared before King Viserys tomorrow morning. You asked him to warn his brother. King Viserys took your request into consideration and warned his brother. But Daemon would not beg his brother. When had he ever listened to others anyway? Never.
After finishing your duties, you returned to your room in the evening. After removing your armor, you filled the tub with hot water. A slight moan escaped your mouth when you entered the hot water. You started massaging her shoulders.
"If you agree to be mine, you will never have to work for anyone."
You flinched at the sudden voice. You noticed Prince Daemon was in your room.
"What are you doing here ?"
"Did you think Viserys could stop me?"
"Come out, Prince. Now."
"Don't be so angry, honey. Besides, I think we can share the same bathroom. Women are ready to kill one by one for a husband who can provide a perfect life like me."
"If you don't come out right away, I won't hesitate to cut you in half with my sword."
"I'm dating. Calm down. You'll eventually accept me."
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dragons-and-handcuffs · 7 months
Daemon starts sneaking aphrodisiacs into Royce!Readers food and drinks and laughs later in the evening as she screams while getting railed by her uncle (much to her shame)
Poor girl can't even tell her uncle to not fuck her because she is so horny. She feels the shame but can't stop herself from cumming or even moving her hip. She will cry but beg Viserys to fuck her because the drug his not wearing off. Viserys will call her degrading names and use her as much as he wants.
The next day she wakes up naked, the drug has worn off but Viserys is not done. Just when she thought she could sneak out her uncle caught her and bent her over. Everyone could hear her cries and begging but they all know at the end she will cum like a whore
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del-thetiredwriter · 1 year
Close to you yet so far away
Part 2?
Warnings: cheating,swear words, my bad writing…
Cheater husband Daemon Targaryen x wife reader
English is my second language
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You entered the pleasure house with hard and fast steps. You went upstairs, ignoring the moans of the mens and womens making love around. The corridor was filled with the groans of a woman. You stopped. A bunch of prostitutes were watching a couple making love through holes in the walls. The woman's moans got louder.
“All of you leave! Now!” You shouted at the prostitutes.
When the womens saw you, they immediately ran away. You suddenly opened the door angrily. Your husband 'Daemon' and his beloved mistress Mysaria were together as always. Seeing them naked and together like that was enough to make you nauseous .
“Tch, can you leave . I have things to talk about with this man,” you said sternly to your husband's mistress.
"Why are you here Y/n" said your husband Daemon
“Don't worry, I'm not here because I want to. Tell your mistress to leave us alone unless you want me to repel my anger with you and her."
Daemon then gave you a cold look and Mysaria left you alone.
“So why did you come? Have you been so lonely alone, are you here to be fucked by a man?
“Don't confuse me with you or your mistress and the other womens here. Unlike you, I'm not a dog in heat. And put on something”
Daemon gave you a stern look and grinned.
"Well, my dear 'wife', why did you come?" ' Daemon asked sarcastically.
'My wife,' what would you give to hear this word from him with love and compassion. You grit your teeth.
"Are you stupid. What does ‘heir for a day’ means? Don't you understand how angry the king will be. He can take you out of the heir position. You think you're going to be his heir forever. You've seriously crossed the line this time! You will go to the king early tomorrow morning and give him your most sincere condolences, you understand? Pray that he doesn't take you from your position of Commander of the City Watch!"
Daemon laughed.
“My brother, the king has no heirs but me Y/n don't worry in vain.”
“I hope so but I don't think so. Right now, after these words, there is only one reason for you to be alive: to be the king's brother. Otherwise you would be dead right now. If there was anyone else, who made such a mockery at his time of pain, they would not be alive at all.” And you left in a rage.
When you get home, you run into you haven't seen in a long time friend Elaena, who is waiting in front of your room's door. When your friend saw you, she ran to hug you. You and Elaena have been friends since childhood. Your last meeting was three years ago, 1 day before you married to Daemon.
“Umm, Y/n I really missed you but is it okay if I sleep with you tonight? I mean your husband-"
“Forget him anyway, it doesn't even make sense him to come home, let alone come to my room. I also miss the time we fell asleep while drinking and chatting together like in the old days.”
Elaena laughed at your answer.
An hour later you were completely drunk. Unlike Elaena, you drank heavily in anger at your conversation with Daemon in the pleasure house.
You slammed your glass on the table.
“I can't understand it. Why is he treating me like I'm his enemy? I want to help him.”
You started to whine. Elaena looked at you pityingly. You didn't deserve to be in this situation.
Actually, you weren't that hard on him at first. When you were engaged to him, you worked hard just to be a suitable wife, went so far as to learn high Valyrian but you were eventually left alone on the wedding night. Maybe if you try a little harder, you thought that even if he doesn't love you the way you love him, maybe he won't treat you like you are invisible, but in the end you learned the hard way that he will never love you, no matter how hard you try, you will never get paid for your efforts. You caught him making love to Mysaria, but you did nothing. You couldn't. So you stopped caring for him and act coldly towards him but in the end you were still in love with him desperately.
“Do you know what’s the worst parts is, Elaena.in the end I’m still in love with him.I am in love with a man who will never love me, a man who is as close to me as he is far from me, the man who is my husband.”
“Sir, shall I inform madame that you have arrived?”The butler asked not knowing what to do.
"There's no need. I'll see her tomorrow." said Daemon.
“Close to you, yet so far away ha” Daemon laughed bitterly.
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lovelybrooke · 1 year
Platonic House of the Dragon x Maid Reader
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You've been a maid for Princess Rhaenyra since you were young. You mother was a maid, and you were subjected to the same fate as her. At first, you had smaller responsibilities. Cleaning clothes, washing dishes, making beds. As a maid, you weren't supposed to come in contact with any of the royal family, so it was surprising when you became friends with the Princess.
One of the other maids asked you to go and make the Princesses bed, she having other tasks that were more important. So were nervous since you never had any large responsibilities but agreed anyways as to not get in trouble.
The Princesses room was filled with gold and fancy dresses, a sharp contrast to your dirty rags you call clothes. You quickly went to straightening out the bed sheets, flattening the pillows, just making sure everything was in top condition.
You were almost finished when the Princesses door opened. You jumped back from the bed, noticing that it was the princess, and lowered your head in a bow. The princess was dressed in dragon riding garb and had a strong stench of dragon hanging around her. You excused yourself and went to leave when she stopped you. You halted, keeping your head fixated on the ground when she asked you for your name, claiming to have not seen you around. You gave her a straightforward answer, not replying with anything more. You could feel her eyes on you, waiting for her to let you leave. Eventually she excused you, allowing you to walk out of the room, finally able to breath.
Ever since that point, the Princess made it her mission to see you more. You served her and Alicent Hightower wine at a tournament celebrating the pregnancy of the queen, her encouraging you to sit with her and watch. At her request, you helped her prepare for her naming ceremony after the death of her mother and brother, and when it was announced that her best friend was engaged to her father after, you two were inseparable. You became her handmaid, Rhaenyra unable to deal with everything on her own.
You became her closest companion, more of a friend then a maid. She would share everything with you and would want your opinion on everything. She would take you to meet Syrax, who you were very afraid of, even when Rhaenyra told you there was nothing to be afraid of.
Because of how much time you spent with her, her father, the literal King of the Seven Kingdoms, knew a lot about you. Whenever you and Rhaenyra was forced to part, and she felt like talking to her father, she would talk about you, making it so that King Viserys wanted to meet you. Rhaenyra was excited, you were not. She wanted her father to like you so bad, she couldn't handle you not being with her, and even though she hated a lot of her father's choices, she wanted her father to like you as well.
Which he did, of course. He thought you were wonderful, and just what his daughter needed in these trying times. He appreciated your kindness, and deep down wished you were his child.
Rhaenyra would confide in you about Alicent, and how she hated Aegon. She believed Aegon was a ploy to challenge her legitimacy, and even though you told her countless times that her father wouldn't betray her like that, she couldn't help but detest the baby.
Her hatred for Alicent was what made you felt bad when Alicent, now the queen, would give you orders. They were never anything challenging, however ever since you became Rhaenyra's handmaiden, you haven't really had to do anything maid-like, Rhaenyra not allowing you.
Alicent wanted to be your friend. She missed the times when she and Rhaenyra were friends, and hoped that by befriending you, Rhaenyra would rethink their friendship. However, it didn't work, Rhaenyra just loathing your time being taken away from her. Alicent enjoyed her time with you though, not really having any friends since she became queen. She wanted to make you her handmaid, but Viserys refused.
You were aware of the lovers Rhaenyra had, from her uncle to her sworn protector. You never really knew Daemon, neither of you putting in the effort to know each other. However, Daemon was interested in you, he just never got the chance to do anything as he was exiled and fighting in the stepstones. Criston, in your opinion, was weird. You tried to tell Rhaenyra about your worries, however she was too blinded by Daemon's rejection to listen.
Rhaenyra's was engagement to Laenor Valeryon was when you properly met the Valeryon house. You got to serve the royals at the wedding, Rhaenyra pleading with you to dance with her, which you denied. You got to talk with both Daemon before all the chaos happened, having to eventually be dragged out by another maid when Cristion began to beat Ser Joffery Lonmouth to death. You could hear the screams coming from both Laenor and Rhaenyra as it happened, but you didn't see how much it affected her until she as back in her room, she immediately running to you and bawling her eyes out.
You remained friends with Rhaenyra as you both aged. You helped take care of her children, which you adored. You knew Rhaenyra's marriage to Laenor was not a happy one, so you didn't judge her for laying with Ser Hardwin Strong, you just wished she would be more honest to the boys. You also became closer to Alicent as she became more in tune to her role as queen. You helped raise her children and wished that Viserys would put more effort into raising his other children. Speaking of Viserys, age he got sicker and sicker, you would spend more time alone with him. You would help him with his miniatures as he told you the histories of old Valyria.
You liked the children; just not how needy they were. You didn't understand why you specifically had to dress them or serve them when there were other suitable servants. Like children, they would brag to you about everything, showing you their dragons and forcing you to watch them train. You would also spend time sewing with Helena, listening to her ramble about bugs, happy that she was happy. You felt bad she was engaged to Aegon, something she didn't fully understand at her age, but it didn't make it any sadder. Aemond was especially close to you, upset that all your attention was taken by his siblings and cousins. He hated he didn't have a dragon to show you, even though you told him it didn't matter. Baela and Rheana were great and like to spend time with you together. They liked to dress you up and goof around and compared to the other children were not as needy.
Things changed so quickly, eventually having to go to Dragonstone when Rhaenyra got fed up with the greens. Alicent forbade you leave though, insisting that her children required your presence. Rhaenyra was furious and promised you that she would come back to you. You didn't know how to feel about the whole thing, simply going along with the wishes of the queen and while it wasn't that bad, you could see that deterioration of Visarys health and how it affected the children and wish you were anywhere else.
(A/N: I might write a part 2 but I didn't really like this so IDK)
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lunarmoonanons · 3 months
The Second Quarrel
🌕 🌖 🌗 🌘 🌑 🌒 🌓 🌔 🌕
After Jaehaerys proclaims his son will be heir over his granddaughter, Alysanne and he have their second monumental quarrel. Separating YN from her dear friend once again.
🌕 🌖 🌗 🌘 🌑 🌒 🌓 🌔 🌕
YN skipped around the red keep, having finished her lessons with the septa earlier she was excited to find Daemon or watch him as he practiced his lessons. She wished Gael could come watch him with her, but she was slower with her studies so she had to stay behind. On the way to the training yard, YN had the brilliant idea to visit her father. Deciding that this was a better course of action, YN detoured and hopped her way to her father’s council. Knowing that her mother would be there most likely made her go a little faster. 
As soon as she was within earshot, YN slowed down. Having heard raised voices and seen the guards waver she questioned herself. The eight year old recognized her parents voices and started to make her way toward the room cautiously only to be stopped by the guards who showed a face of concern. 
“Best not to interrupt, little princess.” One of the guards kindly said. Though both guards felt bad when YN looked at them with sadness. “Perhaps you can sit outside and wait for the queen?”
“No. I’ll see mama and daddy later.” YN said sadly. Before she went she placed her ear against the door to listen for a moment. 
“... If your grace truly believes women lack the wit to rule, plainly you have no further need of me.” YN heard her mother’s angry voice. 
Before anyone could leave, YN turned away and started to find the training yard. She stopped when she heard a slamming door and saw her mother storming her way towards her. The angry look on her mothers face made her nervous and made her want to forget about seeing Daemon. 
“Mama…” YN tried to speak. 
“YN. Get ready. We’re leaving for Dragonstone.” Alysanne told her child as she grabbed YN’s tiny hand in hers. “I’ll tell your septa to pack your things.”
“I wanted to say hello to Daemon…” YN whispered and teared up. 
Alysanne sighed at this and ran her fingers through her daughter's silver hair. “Alright. Say your goodbyes to Daemon. Then come to your rooms immediately afterwards. Do not cry my love. I am not angry with you.” 
YN wiped her eyes and continued her journey to the training yard. She knew Daemon would be there, since he took his training seriously. If he wasn’t learning the history of their house and of Valyria. YN thought he was very gifted and talented. He was one of her best friends after all. After Gael of course. So she tried to think of all the things she wanted to say to him, everything that was going through her mind. She hadn’t seen Daemon since her brother’s funeral. Her mother and father still wanted to keep them apart. YN never understood why, she loved spending time with Daemon. And assumed one day that he would be married to her older sister Gael as they were close in age and in the tradition of their house. 
Eventually, after dragging her feet, YN found her way to the training yard. She smiled at the sight of her other brother Baelon with Daemon and Viserys. Baelon stopped his swordplay with his younger son to smile at his sister. Daemon followed his father’s gaze and instantly beamed when he saw his favorite person. 
“Ah YN. Has mother released you to us?” Baelon asked and knelt to his sister, accepting her kiss on his cheek. 
“I need to speak to Daemon.” YN stated and walked toward Daemon after Baelon nodded to her. 
“I’ve missed you since that day of the funeral. It is terrible that we were reunited under such a sad moment.” Daemon tried to charm. But as usual it went over YN’s head.
“I have so much to say but I don’t know how to say it.” YN said looking down at her hands. 
“You can say everything to me.” Daemon reassured. Then was taken aback by YN reaching forth and hugging him tightly. 
“Mama and papa got in another fight. And now I’m to go away to Dragonstone.” YN whimpered and placed her face on his shoulder. 
“So you'll be gone. Again?” 
“I hate being away. But I’m pulled like a toy between mama and papa. I only have Gael.” YN cried. 
“You have me.” Daemon pulled back and placed his hands on her upper arms looking at her sad face. “We’ll write. We’ll keep in touch. They can’t keep us apart from each other.” 
“You’re one of my best friends. Do you promise to write me? Even if I’m not that smart or interesting?” YN asked. 
“I’ll keep you in check of everything that happens here. You can’t get rid of me.” Daemon tried to kiss her on the cheek, but YN unknowingly pulled away and smiled at him. Before he could say anything else, YN walked away from him not paying attention to his intense gaze on her back. 
After saying goodbye to Viserys and Baelon, YN did as her mother said and made her way to her room. She sighed at the sight of her septa packing her clothes away in cases and did as the septa said. Staying out of the way and grabbing her toy carved clay turtle. YN asked where her mother was, but got her answer when she heard shouting from another room. Slinking away to the other room and regretting it instantly when she saw her beloved parents fighting once again. 
“YOU’LL NOT TAKE MY DAUGHTER FROM ME!” Jaehaerys shouted. 
“Why shouldn’t I?! You place no value in women! No value in your daughters!” Alysanne bit back. 
“YN is my youngest child! My most precious girl! I’ll not allow you to take her!” Her father yelled. 
“So you can force her to marry?! So you can hold her as less than a man?! I know your heart and you care nothing for our girls! You’ve not even asked about Gael!” 
Jaehaerys sighed angrily. “I have my reasons for what I do Alys!” 
“So do I! And YN is coming with me! I dare you to try and take her!”
“Fine! Take her! Separate her from her father and see how quickly she begins to hate you!” 
“You’ll never turn my daughter against me!” 
The argument ended with another slammed door. YN silently used the other door to leave. Silently sitting on her bed in her and Gael’s room. Bowing her head down and crying as quietly as she could. She didn’t want to leave. She hated her parents fighting, especially over her. Blaming herself for the fight and not being brave enough to stop it. She hated leaving Daemon, hated being put above her playmate Gael. 
Gael noticed her favorite sister crying on the bed. Making her way over and sitting next to her. She wrapped her arms around her younger sister and tried comforting her. Gael was not as fast or as witty as others but she could always be there for her sister. The two understood each other better than anyone. 
Humming a song, Gael calmed her sister down. Then hugged her tight.
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venus-maneater · 5 months
I was wondering since the little girl that daemon kidnapped, since she was basically raised stealing and stuff, I was wondering if she'll developed a condition called: (Kleptomania (klep-toe-MAY-nee-uh) is a mental health disorder that involves repeatedly being unable to resist urges to steal items that you generally don't really need.) I just thinks this suits her fir some reason?
Yes I’ve actually already talked about her kleptomania in a different ask but let’s expand some more!
It starts out kind of cute; her getting her hands on trinkets and jewelry, but as she ages it becomes a legitimate problem (esp bc daemon never really discouraged it.)
This DOES get her in trouble eventually when she tries to steal Viserys’ crown, which ends up kind of revealing a plot point about her biological father.
But luckily by age 14, she gets smart about it and outwardly acts right.
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blakeswritingimagines · 9 months
Yandere Rhaenyra falling for a maid
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Falling in love was the most powerful feeling she had ever experienced, it was like a storm. The winds blew her, her body and mind craved to be near her beloved at any moment. The world around her would feel as if it was moving more slowly, and yet she felt as if she moved much faster whenever she was with you. She cherished every moment with you, every smile, every laugh, and every kiss. Falling in love was something she could never have dreamt of, it was truly magical.
She would do anything for you, she would stalk you, kidnap you and keep you locked in her room to protect you from the world. She would threaten to kill anyone who gets in her way. She would even go as far as killing your family if they try to take you away from her. All so you would be hers and only hers. She would get angry at you for talking to anyone, even your friends, as she wants to be the only one who can make you laugh, smile or cry. She would be possessive, obsessive and jealous, and would try to keep you all to herself.
The first time she knew she loved you, for sure, was when she thought about you when you both were apart. She couldn’t get you out of her head, she would think about your conversations, your moments together, and even your smile. The feeling she had in her stomach just thinking about you, was enough to make her realize that she was in love. When you were together, it felt as if time stood still, as if the outside world didn’t exist. Everything felt so natural and comfortable, there was just you two and nothing else mattered.
She felt like the happiest person in the world. She could listen to you talk for hours and never get bored, she loved to stare into your beautiful eyes and get lost in them. When she is with you, she simply feels complete. No matter what you did, whether it was simply spending time together or going on an adventure, it felt like you were the only two people in the world. Her heart skipped a beat whenever you looked at her, your voice gives her goosebumps, and your laughter fills her with joy. Life felt more beautiful and vibrant when she's with you.
As she fell deeper and deeper in love with the maid, it was as if all her troubles faded away. She did not think of her duties, her responsibilities, the realm, or anything else but her beloved. You are her world, her everything, and she would've given anything for you. Every moment with you felt like an eternity, and the world around her seemed to stop when she was in your arms. She was truly happy, happier than she had ever been.
In addition to being possessive, jealous, and violent, another main feature of her being a Yandere is having obsessive, borderline irrational thoughts. She would have no doubt in her mind that her love for you was true and unconditional, even though it may be unhealthy and not reciprocated. She would be unable to separate reality from her own delusional, self-created fantasy. If she were so far gone, she would be unable to see the consequences and harm her behavior would cause, nor consider how it might affect the maid that she loves.
She would be completely dependent on the affections of her maid, and she would be highly possessive and possessive of you. If she felt that her affection or ownership were being challenged, she would become aggressive or even violent towards the challenger. The thought of losing you would fill her with a combination of fear, anxiety, and anger, and she would do anything in her power to prevent that outcome. She would become obsessed with you, unable to think of anything other than her maid, and she would become dangerously obsessive and even delusional at times.
She would shower you with love and attention. She would be overly affectionate, overly obsessive, and overly clingy. She would constantly be showering you with affection, giving you gifts and attention, and trying to do anything to please you. She would be constantly telling you how much she loves and cares for you, and how you are her one and only reason for living. She would become overly attached to you, to the point of being unable to function without you.
If you were to ask her to describe the feeling of falling in love with you, she would say that it is like a warm, gentle breeze on a summer evening. It is the feeling of the sun against her skin on a bright, sunny day and the sound of laughter in the air. It is the feeling of a fire burning in her heart that fills her with joy and hope. It is the feeling of peace and harmony that comes with knowing she is in the presence of someone special. And it is the feeling of home.
Her children have always been a priority for her. When they learned about your relationship and that she had fallen in love with you, their reaction was one of surprise and confusion. They want to understand what is happening and why. She'll explain to them that her relationship does not change anything about the love she has for them and that she will always be there for them. She'll assure them that her love for you is just another part of who she is and that it does not alter the family dynamic in any way.
Coming out is a very personal decision and something that should only be done when the person feels it is the right time to do so. For her, it was important to be honest with her children and with those close to her about her relationship with you, but she did not feel the need to announce it to the world. She is still the same person they knew and loved, and her love for you was just another part of her identity.
She would make it her priority to spend time with you. She would be constantly taking you on romantic dates, and trying to show you and just how much she loves you. She would make sure that every date was perfect and she would put a lot of thought and effort into making them as special as possible. She would try to make every moment memorable, magical, and romantic. She would be completely dedicated to making sure that you are happy and satisfied, and that your dates are always something that you will always remember.
She would want to dictate your every move, your every action, your every relationship. She would want to know where you are at every moment, who you are talking to, and whom you are spending time with. If you refused to obey, she would become overly emotional, potentially even to the point of violence. She would also be very jealous, and she would not tolerate you talking or spending time with anyone else, even if it was just platonically.
When she would look at you, she could see the depths of your soul and feel as if she had known you forever. She feels safe with you like nothing else matters but you and the moment. You are more than her lover, you are her best friend, her confidant, and her true love. Falling in love was a beautiful journey of discovery, something she will never forget.
She loves hearing you moan her name and strives to hear you every time the two of you are in bed.
Passionate quickies against a secluded wall as she's meant to be busy usually with her hand pressed against your mouth and her face buried in the crook of your neck making sure to leave her mark.
While you both usually don’t have a lot of time alone she likes to tease you a little when she gets the chance as if getting you ready. Little comments whispered in your ear and barely there touches that make you shiver is her favorite.
Every now and again she likes to hold your throat, not exactly choking but a subtle pressure that'll drive you crazy as she grins at you.
She makes you cum at least twice whenever you’re together. She likes to make sure you’re completely satisfied when she’s done with you.
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lady-ashfade · 9 months
Been fooling around with AI because I find it fun, and it came up with this! It’s giving me so many ideas for a targaryen story
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greycloudsinwinter · 1 month
Yandere Aegon i and female reader part 2. They have children with the reader. His other two wives cannot have children.How many children does he want to have?
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🤰he is heartbroken knowing his wives can’t carry his children.
🤰views you as his saviour when he finds out you can.
🤰hates burdening you with this duty .
🤰loves you being pregnant and seeing you waddle around.
🤰gentle kisses and words of encouragement in valerian.
🤰gifts the unborn babe wooden dragons and soft pelts for its cradle.
🤰when the child is born healthy and screaming he kisses your knuckles. He has never felt more content with life in that moment .
🤰after one he wants ten . But will compromise with five …
🤰his sister wives are resentful up you because you have what they can never have.
🤰aegon loves seeing your children running around.
🤰hates when they steal your attention.
Thank you for the request ❤️❤️
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koiiiiijiii · 9 months
i haven't seen such fic yet, but damn!! imagine being rhaenyra’s child who inherited her hair color and criston literally obsessed with you but he still has mixed feelings towards you, because he kind of hates your mother, and kind of hates you too, but he can't help when he feels a knot in his stomach and his throat dries up when he sees you sneaking around the castle, or on a dragon(vermithor the bronze fury?? omg!!)
so it’s hate/love relationship but in his head🫠
and imagine a scene where targaryen and velaryon boys are training with a bow, but you are ahead of aemond and criston is just furious (how dare you offend his favourit??) makes a remark to you that you should be at the castle with septa for sewing lessons, and you just smiled at all of them and run away, but he catch himself that he’s so in love with being mad at you…
hope you got what i tried to explain…
i need that fic omg!!
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fragileheartbeats · 2 months
"but he's a-"
dude I'm someone who been in mental hospital for like two years, you think I care?
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gulnarsultan · 1 year
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Daemon was silent as Lady Tyrell dressed the wound on his head. He was stunned by the care and kindness he hadn't experienced in a long time. As the Daemon's eyes lifted upward, he paid more attention to the Lady's beauty. For the first time, the man who had always put the Targaryen women above other women had set aside his principles. The moment the bandage was finished, Daemon was resting his head on the Lady's legs. The lady stroked his hair and began to speak.
"Are you hurting? Need something?"
"Just stay with me."
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sharararararara · 11 months
Yandere Jacaerys Velaryon x reader hcs
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Authors note: I made this because I do not see that many Yandere Jace fanfics so I decided to make one!
-He hates when people flirt with you, He would kill anybody who looks at you, even just for a split second.
-He likes to buy things for you, every single day he will get you something. It could be flowers, clothes, jewellery, anything. This man will get anything and I mean ANYTHING for you.
-Imagine that you have a dragon, He would not allow you to fly alone. He will say that it's too dangerous and you will get hurt. You can only fly your dragon with him and only him.
-Likes when you pay attention to him, any attention from you even just a glance is enough to make him have butterflies.
-Does not like if you are with Aemond, Aegon, or anybody he does not like. If he sees you with them he will pull you away and give you a long scolding about how you should not be with them, If he is too angry he would beat them up(or worse kill them).
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