#y'all let me know if there's something important i need to include bc i am just kinda ??? what else do i need to exactly say??
tvrningout · 6 months
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you remember now. foraging for herbs, goblins swarming you, a painful blow to your skull, and then... nothing. how is it you came to be aboard a nautiloid?
you are more concerned about the tadpole in your head than how it got there. you are more curious how you are not a splatter of viscera upon the beach. who cares how it happened? you have no idea where you are and ache all over. ► could the goblins have something to do with it?
you have never known goblins to align themselves with illithids, but you suppose there is a first time for everything. no matter your theories, the pressing matter of your tadpole hangs over your head; you need to find a healer. soon.
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born to a drow mother and human father, chiyo grew up in a small village in the wilds of faerun. she felt more at home among the flora than people who eyed her warily, though, often exploring the forest, marking paths to pretty fields and little hideaways. it seemed to come natural to chiyo, like she belonged among the bubbling brooks and whispering leaves. it felt natural.
noticing her affinity for nature, her father taught her how to harness its magic and how to honor and serve silvanus; her mother, too, taught her the teachings of eilistraee, the goddess who had wished for the drow to return to the surface as well as the deity she had once served as a cleric. the young half-drow sometimes doubted that the gods would truly watch over someone so insignificant, but she learned and worshipped them nonetheless.
there came a day when her father decided it was time that they return to the circle he left long ago. his attempts to create one of his own had been unsuccessful over the years, and chiyo could learn from the druids there, find a community that she would never find in the village they currently lived in. so they left for the emerald grove, and there they have stayed.
additional notes:
chiyo is a druid of the circle of the land, focusing more on magic that manipulates the elements than wild shaping; eilistraee also plays a part in her magic/combat, making her partial to blades and allowing her to use spellsong to heal and buff/debuff those around her. she may wield moonfire as well, though this spell is mainly intended to provide light rather than having any combat use.
she and her family have lived in the emerald grove for the past 8 years, making chiyo 28 in this verse. she's familiar with the druids and tieflings, most likely on good terms with most of them, but i won't assume close friendships unless plotted/given the okay!
she still has similar issues to her original verses, such as struggling to make real connections and opening herself up and being vulnerable. even so, she makes the decision to continue travelling with her companions not only because it's the right thing to do and her fate hangs in the balance, but because she grows attached to them.
i'm writing chiyo as " tav, " but i don't mind one bit writing her as a companion -- basically if you want your muse to be the group's leader, just let me know <3
i won't be using icons for this verse, but i'll have a screenshot of chiyo's appearance below!
i'm sure i'll add more here as things come to mind!
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headcanonenthusiast · 4 months
COD characters and their opinions on toys
Includes Valeria Garza, Alejandro Vargas, Rodolfo Parra, Simon Riley, König, Kyle Garrick, John Price and Alex Keller.
All headcanons, besides Valeria's, are gender-neutral.
Ladies, gentlemen and everyone in-between, I got an ask from an anonymous user that gave me an absolutely devilish idea. They suggested a multitude of things, but one thing they requested was another COD characters x reader headcanons, but specifically, how they feel about using toys.
Also, if you've been following me for a while, you'll know that I've never written for Price before. He's literally my grandpa but imma do my best to deliver for you Price lovers 🙏
NSFW under the cut.
Valeria Garza
-Sooooo, yall know how I said she'd encourage the use of toys when away, but when she's with you she won't let you touch one? She still does that.
-Her view on toys is actually quite positive despite restricting your use of them. She kinda just denies you the right to use any toys she hasn't picked out for you specifically bc it turns her on (and bc she's a bitch ❤)
-If she catches you using a toy that she didn't permit you to use, she'll crank the intensity on said toy up to 100 and basically overstimulate you until you're complaining and crying. (Consensually, ofc. Consent is important y'all 🙏)
-"What did I say about using toys without my permission, hm? That's right-I said not to. But, you didn't listen, did you? No, no, you stop that shit. If you didn't want me to punish you, you never would've picked up that vibrator in the first place."
-Shes absolutely RUTHLESS if you use a toy without her permission.
-But, when it comes to toys she DOES want you to use, she'll either intruct you how to use them or just control the toy herself.
-Personal favorite toy is a vibrator, but she also loves using a strap, but only on you. She'll never let you use any type of strap/dildo on her.
-Will occasionally use a vibrator if you aren't there/in the mood on herself, but will never let you use one on her.
Alejandro Vargas
-If you suggest the use of toys, he'll look at you like 🤨
-"Toys? You wanna start using toys? Am I not enough for you anymore, mi chula/o? (Girl/boy)"
-He'll probably think he's not satisfying you enough if you suggest it, but he's open to trying it after you insist that he's still able to satisfy you.
-When he does try them out with you, they become a staple in your sex life. Specifically a vibrator for each of you to use.
-Does prefer it where it's just you two, though. Sex toys are kinda like a special treat he likes to indulge in on occasion.
-After you introduce him to vibrators, though? He uses them all the time for masterbating.
-May or may not send you videos of him pleasuring himself with the toys yall bought together 🤭
-Also may or may not eventually want to get a vibrator that has his name engraved on it for you, so you can use it whenever he's out on missions :)
Rodolfo Parra
-Kinda like Alejandro, where he only uses them sometimes, but has probably used at least a fleshlight before yall got together.
-He's honestly a sucker for vibrators, but it's become something he only does with you. Won't use them to please himself because he needs to hear your voice for it to feel really good.
-His opinion on toys is more positive as opposed to Alejandro's in the beginning, though. He's perfectly fine with the suggestion and doesn't feel embarrassed when you two (obviously) may not know how to use a specific toy for the first time.
-"Don't worry, amor (love). It's only our first time. If we like it, we'll use it again, and the more we use it, the better it'll feel."
-Very encouraging of you if you wanna buy a new toy. And he doesn't necessarily mind what it is, either. Fleshlights, vibrators, straps, most toys he's open to trying.
-Would totally send you videos (or more so, just the audio) of him using any toys you bought for him. Very vocal about it, too. (I'm a firm believer that Rudy has a voice kink)
-Will occasionally send you links to toys he think you'd like on Amazon or something and be like "if you give me a bj I'll buy you this for Christmas " (you don't have to give him a blowjob. He'll buy it for you anyway)
-I feel like he'd be a biiggggg fleshlight enjoyer.
-Would love to use one and pretend it's you when you aren't there.
-He's kinda ehhh about other toys, though. Mostly because his fleshlight satisfies him enough without the addition of others.
-If you wanna use them on yourself, that's fine. König just wants you to be happy.
-But, if you wanna use one on him? May Lord have mercy 🙏
-Will probably manhandle you for the suggestion, pinning you down and punishing you how he sees fit.
-Maybe, when he finally loses all self-respect for himself, he'll try it out.
-"But only once." He says, not willing to admit how much he learns to love vibrators.
-Will totally use one when you aren't home. Wouldn't be caught dead by you with one, though. If he asks you what time you'll be home, there's one of two things going on.
-#1: He just misses you
-#2: He's using a vibrator and wants to know if he has enough time to cum before you get home
John Price
-Not a big toy guy honestly, not even with fleshlights or simpler toys.
-Like...I feel like he'd be okay with trying something like a vibrator or sex doll, but he just won't like it as much.
-"These toys aren't anywhere near as good as you, darling."
-They really just aren't for John, but he doesn't wanna deprive you of using them. Most of the time, anyway.
-Sometimes, he'll catch you with one while he hasn't had the best day and is desperate for you. So, he'll take control of the toy for you, gently edging you before taking you for himself.
-"Can't believe you thought that that little toy could compare to me, love."
-Despite barely using the toys himself, he's the one who insists on washing yours after you use them around him. He knows how sensitive the combination of him and toys must make you, therefore, he doesn't want you to move an inch afterwards.
Kyle Garrick
-He's a big toy enthusiast. Loves them, anything that vibrates in particular. Probably has a cockring.
-Gaz is also more than happy to let you use whatever toys you want. On yourself, on him, he's pretty open to when it comes to the use of sex toys.
-On the occasions where you aren't there, he'll send you a video or picture of him using a toy (Totally not to tempt you home, totally not).
-"Look at what you do to me, baby. Can't keep my hands to myself when you're not here."
-I feel like he'd like mutual masterbation. Just watching you use a toy of your choice is enough to make him cum.
-He'll also place any toys on the bedside table to be washed the next morning (which is important btw❗❗) and may or may not get the biggest smirk on his face seeing whatever mess y'all left behind.
Simon Riley
-Appreciates a good fuck with a fleshlight or pocket pussy.
-But besides those types of toys? Ehhh..
-Not really his thing. Like I said in the Simon specific headcanons, he's not really that crazy when it comes to sex. He's not the type to judge his partner if they use toys, but if they manage to piss him off, I feel like he'd hide them. (Would probably just put it on a high shelf or something if you're shorter 💀💀)
-"You're not getting that stupid toy back. Not till you say sorry."
-Might even tease you with the toy, like drawing it over your dick/pussy and chuckling when you demand he give it back.
-"Oh, you want it back, do ya? No, no, no. Sorry, love, but I think I'd like to see why you like this little thing so much before I hand it over."
Alex Keller
-He loves anything that vibrates.
-Almost as much as he loves you, actually. Uses them religiously whenever you aren't in the mood/there.
-Like Gaz where he likes to use them during sex, but not really with mutual masterbation.
-Instead, he'll have a vibrator or even an anal plug on himself while he eats you out/sucks you off. (Totally moans against your cock/pussy btw, he's fairly vocal 🤭)
-Or, you can use a toy on yourself while you give him a handjob and he'll praise you endlessly for it.
-"Aw, does that feel good, baby? Yeah? Good, good girl/boy."
-At the end of the day, though, he'd much rather be cumming from your touch than a toy. So, he'll put them aside so he can have you all to himself. You're absolutely irresistible to him, afterall. How could he choose a toy over you when you're so perfect in his eyes?
Yall I'm SO sorry that this took me forever. Life has been absolutely slaughtering me, but I'm trying to get back into the swing of things. Next up will be COD men x male reader headcanons, so be on the lookout for that!
Feel free to ask me what I should do next! My inbox is always open.
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blackjackkent · 7 months
Went into the owlbear cave near where Edowin was killed, because a little bird (@morganaseren) told me there was a pet we could obtain here. (Y'all know my priorities so well. :P )
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And there it is! IDK if this is actually the pet - I'm guessing probably not, but I wouldn't mind if it was. It's cute! What a chonker.
Also distressed. Hopefully we can help it and not get horribly mauled.
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I don't think it likes us being here.
Hector completely biffed his attempt at an animal handling check, but did roll a Nat 20 on survival which allowed him to back the fuck up and not engage in combat (which his companions all approved of, presumably because it means they did not become owlbear food).
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It's so smol and round look at it.
IMPORTANT DEVELOPMENT however - when Karlach leveled up, she took the Wildheart barbarian subclass which, among other things, gives her (trumpet fanfare) Speak with Animals! (Once a day.)
Unfortunately, no one in the party has a very good charisma score and hers is not top of the pack, but we'll give it a go.
The owlbear once again goes into a defensive stance as they approach - but this time, Karlach can hear its voice resonating in her head along with the clicking of its beak.
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"What's this? Something weak...something tender... Won't even have to chew you before I feed you to my son, softmeat."
(A/N: And she comes precooked too!)
With the ability to communicate, even if all the communication so far is threats, Karlach is able to draw a little closer - and identify why the creature is so agitated.
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"You're injured. There's still half a *spear* lodged in your head."
Acknowledging this, however, does not improve the owlbear's disposition. "It's a splinter. I've gutted bigger threats than you with worse."
OK this isn't working. Reload. (Some googling indicates that without the Animal Handling check or killing the momma owlbear we're not going to get anywhere.) Once again I end up using an inspiration on gaining animal friends and I'm okay with this. :P
(I can't wait to do a druid playthrough, bc I am going to speak with animals ALL THE TIME. XD )
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Narrator: The owlbear's one good eye flicks away for a moment. You follow its glance...and see an owlbear cub.
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Hold out your palms - you mean no harm.
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Narrator: The owlbear stars, then sharply inhales your scent. It sits back, its eye still fixed on you. A silent ultimatum...you can leave now, or step closer and die.
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OK fuck it I'm looking up how to do this. XD
Apparently we have to leave here, having made contact with the momma owlbear. The baby will now appear at the goblin camp of all places. So let's go over there.
Tragically, this does mean fighting all the goblins we avoided dealing with previously. BUT IT'S FOR A GOOD CAUSE.
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...I think.
This was an extremely challenging battle and I'm honestly pretty proud of us for making it through. No sign of the owlbear cub though, so we'll take a long rest (which after that we really needed anyway).
(And then a whole bunch of stuff happened involving Astarion and blood which we will get to in another post because wow.)
A second long rest, however, and...
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Narrator: You recognize the feathered creature - it's the owlbear cub you rescued.
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Hector thinks so too.
Quick glance at the IGN guide because it's 1AM and I need to finish this post, which yields this incredibly excellent tidbit:
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That's fkin adorable.
Also adorable: basically everyone in camp INCLUDING ASTARION approved when I brought it some food. Lae'zel was the only one unmoved by the the small friendshaped ball of fluff.
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It ate the food we offered it, and then scampered off into the woods when Shadowheart spoke and startled it.
One more long rest...we're investing a lot of camp supplies in this process. :P
(Also cut for time: a giant fight between Shadowheart and Lae'zel which will also get its own post. I hope everyone's enjoying all the foreshadowing.)
(Also Scratch brought Hector a ball which was adorable.)
Finally! The final scene!
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Hi again bud!
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Narrator: The cub holds out his leg, revealing a ragged wound.
Aw buddy. :( Let's see if we can help with that.
[MEDICINE] Attempt to heal the injury.
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Narrator: As the wound closes, the cub begins testing his weight on the leg.
Yay! Mission accomplished! We're frenz. c:
And now he's in the camp and we can pet him whenever we want!
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I hereby dub him Buddy and love him forever.
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pcrfectstorms · 1 year
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Send me a “ 🔥 “ for an unpopular opinion. Bonus points if you include a topic. ( IE. shipping, roleplaying, ect. )
ok, so lets talk shipping, and what i mean by that largely is lets talk this fandoms lack of naunced takes when it comes to arguing for your favourite f/m ship over a queer one. firstly, lets not pretend the fetishization of mlm ships isn't real, i've been in famdom long enough to know and have witnessed that. but lets also remember that there is NAUNCE to what is and isn't fetishization. i, a queer, nonbinary person will ALWAYS prioratize queer ships over cishet ones, that includes lesbian, gay, t4t ships and anything in between, anything that isn't cishet is always going to be more appealing to me bc i am queer, and i write what i know which is gay, gay and more gay. this argument that the popularity of mlm ships like steddie and harringrove are 'only' popular bc the cishet girlies be fetishizing gay men isn't the hot take you think it is, not when:
1) fandom on tumblr is and always has been dominated by queer ship and queer muns 2) if you're arguring a m/f ship in favour of a NON-PROBLEMATIC (and frankly i'd argue that both steddie and harringrove are, come at me all you like two boys having a fight doesn't make their romantic compatability nul and void, they're teenagers ffs) gay ship that's ALWAYS going to come across as homophobia lite, and always gonna give me the ick.
3) not every mun on this hellsite is a women, there are plenty trans, nonbinary and cismale writers who ALSO want to represent what they know and love, how are y'all gonna arugue that queer people are 'fetishizing' other queer people bc of their shipping preferences? do you know how dumb that sounds?
i also wanna talk about why i don't ship stancy > steddie, and newsflash it's not bc i'm horny for gay men. stancy for me has never really been appealing, Nancy represents something Steve is not anymore, she represents something he has worked so hard to distance himself from and grown from, nancy will always be steve's first big love, she will always be important to him, but ultimately they are not compatable for a number of reasons. nancy lacks the emotional vulnerability (through no fault of her own, thanks for that karen and ted wheeler) to give steve what he needs, he comes from an equally fucked up family life where love has clearly never been given freely, steve is so touch starved and wants to be loved so bad, you can see it in the scenes from when him and nancy were dating, the way he would always be touching her in some sort of way, he craves love and emotional intimacy so badly but he doesn't quiet know how to seek it out. for steve, nancy represents this thing that got away, this loss, this love he wasn't worthy of, and i think at least from how i see it that is why he is still hung up on her (although, i argue that's mostly down to POOR WRITING since steve moved past nancy in s3).
steve and nancy want different things in life, nancy is career driven and focused (at least she use to be before she was victim to the duffers inability to give her any fucking developement beyond the same boring love triangle) steve is very family focused and he craves that bc of how his parents never really gave a shit, he has something to prove, he wants to be the dad he WISHED he had, that whole 'six nuggets' thing made me want to scratch my eyes out, because it was so OOC for one, and for two Steve fucking knowns nancy wheeler BETTER THAN THAT, steve knows nancy has a fucking boyfriend, and frankly the fact stancy shippers seem to forget this is astonishing to me.
nancy and jonathan are together when her and steve are on their end of the world longing looks bullshit, at the end of the day neither steve or nancy are capable of being in a relationship in canon as it stands in my opinion, they both have a lot of emoitonal growth and things to work though before they should be jumping into a relationship with anyone, much less each other, they have spend the last four years thoroughly traumatized by everything they have gone though, and that i think is what lead to the misplaced emotions and feelings in vol 2 between Steve and Nancy. they're trauma bonded, and while they can see comfort in each other in ways that outsiders couldn't give them, it doesn't make it healthy. Nancy deserves to go to college and live he dream without the same two fucking high school boyfriends, who frankly don't deserve her, she deserves to have a storyline that isn't centered around two boys who she can't even communicate affectively with, like steve and nancy dated for a few months when she was in sopphmore year, steve is now almost twenty, nancy is about to go off to college, they both need to move on with their lives and stop living in the past.
steve and eddie for me represent something new, a new beginning, in every sense of the word, for me, steve was so facinated by eddie in the sort of way that eddie was everything he wishes he could be, so unapologetically himself in spite of how he was treated for it, steve seen a bravemess in eddie he doesn't see in himself. they had to much potential for a beautiful, naunced love story, a chance for steve to find himself, and in eddie find that emotional intimacy and love he has craved for so long. and the fucking tragic 'almost' part of steve and eddie is what has me crying about them 7 months later, that almost tope will never not fucking destroy me, and ironically my another favourite almost ship is a cishet ship, its addison and mark from grey's anatomy, so hey ho will you look at that i don't hate the hetties after all!
anyway, this has been my hot take, unpopular opinion, however you wanna call it, cancel me for all i care i'll never stop shipping my loves, and ya know what, they do have hot sex, bc they're hot people. personality wise > looks wise too. personalities? sexy as fuck. hair? sexy as fuck. XD and while we're at it T4T steddie will always be steddie supremcy for me, so suck it up bitches i hc your two fave cis boys as trans on the daily lmao.
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rhydium · 3 years
Info dumbo about the StarFinite story?
aright u asked for it anon GET READY [cracks knuckles] this is gonna be long so obligatory cut in 3, 2........
so the uh, the au! the story!! w/e yall wanna call it! full disclaimer, i only began working on this whole thing a while ago, but it's totally taken over my fukn brain. like, we're talking big hyperfixation hrs. am i cringe for being this invested in my own content? yes? cool i do not Care >:3€
i should also throw it out there real quick that i am kin w/ infinite, n this is actually one of my two canons (both of which are my own aus lmfao wow). i didn't go into it expecting it to be but sfsfsgdfs here we are ig!! for that reason it's got extra importance to me n this definitely contributes to the euphoria i get from it!! it's a lil odd writing ur own canon,,? but i kinda just go w/ the flow!
the au n, the story that i will start Eventually, revolves around infinite n starline (obvi) n it's honestly just ... the tl;dr is big healing momence n, what's this? uh oh sisters !!! they are falling in love 😳😳😳
uhhhh so infinite is an android, made by eggman. that's like, the most notable canon divergence here! super important context to have. i've got a whole big theory on the possibility of sega originally intending infinite to be an artificial being (which i explored in the works for my Other canon too), stemming from not only the scene in forces wherein infinite comments on sonic's "data", but a line of dialogue from tails in one of the last stages of the game where he Literally Says "so this is where eggman built infinite". that ... i mean. that contrasts w/ episode shadow pretty hard don't it?? would explain why that dlc was so rushed, n the comic too. ANYWAY adsfsfs um that's a seperate ramblepost. yeah!!!
they are also agender n use they/them (primarily) as well as he/him!! so i'll be refering to them w/ those pronouns!
after the war, infinite is taken in by the resistance n, instead of being dismantled, they're basically given a chance to rehabilitate themselves. it's agreed that they won't be reprogrammed, as despite the potential risks, it feels wrong to do so; like a violation of their free will, individuality n thinking. if infinite is to be a good person, it's not gonna be bc other ppl recreated their entire personality, it's gonna be bc it's what they themselves truly want. robot ethics idk man!! u can't tell me that sonic n co wouldn't offer this to infinite if they offered it to metal in IDW,,,, i am Standing By This!!!
it's, yknow, a bit rocky, at first. infinite has to really fight the urge to return to eggman (something they already tried once, before the resistance found them; they were cast out). it's a struggle against what they were built to do, against giving into unhealthy familiarity over facing a, while healthier, unfamiliarity. new faces, a new life, turning their back on their mission n creator, it's like, a lot.
they work for/with the sonic crew, rebuilding the world they tore down as deemed fitting justice, being closely monitored for a bit as a natural precaution. as it becomes apparent infinite truly no longer has any ambition to harm others (they don't have much ambition for anything, really), they're then granted more freedom, n start taking on more important missions!! it at least gives them something to do, keeps them occupied. they have issues with dissociation, unreality, whether they're truly a real person bc, well, android. feeling purposeless, n a lack of worth, especially. a need to prove themselves. heavy stuff. i'll kinda go into that a bit more in a sec. their work grounds them, if only temporarily.
n soooooo... IDW comic stuff happens. metal virus time. starline gets kicked out of the empire.
now, as the comics are ongoing, n as this is already an au, there's gonna be divergence, n i must admit i haven't planned out all that yet. there's a lot i have to consider!! infinite being w the resistance/restoration is a big game changer ... tho i Do believe that they were absent, likely on a far out mission during most of the chaos. eggman doesn't know abt them, nor does starline or anyone else other than the sonic crew; n some civilians that recognise them.
i'm not 100% sure of Exactly when it happens, but i think it's just after bad guys, that infinite is sent to locate n bring in starline. it doesn't prove too difficult. there's a whole, starline realising "oh fuck it's you???", some bickering n, the two don't hit it off right away. they're both kinda like. not mentally stable ddgddgdds,,,
so uh. starline ends up essentially going thru the same sorta shit as infinite. careful watch, rebuilding, all that jazz, making sure he can be trusted. he's like... very very lost, quite like infinite is. the world has kinda calmed down, in the meanwhile.
it's at this point i'm gonna go ahead n drop a bit of a ramble i subjected my friends to a while ago, to articulate the way i see the two, n their dynamic together!! i was considering making this it's own post a while ago!
analysing their characters a bit... let's look at starline. Like. so we have this, in bad guys, which SENT ME tbfh;
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i feel like it's the moment that triggers starline onto the path he is rn canonically,,, he's clearly like. rly mad n bitter. the core of this?? he wants his work n his efforts to be acknowledged.
he's big angry. still kind of in denial at this stage. he has himself obsessed w/ the idea of making eggman see him as Worthy, that if he just tries hard enough, that'll happen. he's dependent on eggman's validation, n i mean, it's no surprise; he's followed him a Long Time by the sounds of it.
then in the recent issue, hold the fuck up, bc we got, This;
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god. my god it's all comin together now homies. this???? this right here??? it is the CLASSIC "i have to do this to prove i'm strong n powerful n smart n worthy n should be respected please Give Me Acknowledgement" ..... n who else is Like That? can u see where im going w/ this?
i think most ppl are aware of infinite's character being extremely indicative of self worth/esteem issues n the need to prove themself, right?? the extreme adversity, repulsion, perhaps even fear toward the idea of being weak. the compulsion to prove otherwise, to show their strength, to become powerful, to conquer to make a point. their theme exudes this same energy as their behaviour in-game; an aggressive attitude, trying to assert themself, while if u rly listen...? the lyrics are actually really sad in places. it reeks of cover up, although composition wise, a v interesting thing to note is a lot of the more telling lyrics are prominent while some of the affirming ones are in the background. indicative of a desire to have their true feelings be heard but caught in a vicious loop?
okay okay that's yet Another different analysis. AHEM.
not to get deep on main (oh who the hell am i kidding that's the point of this entire thing) but i think starline has issues w/ his worth in a similar way to infinite. they both seem to have this need to Prove something, whether it's to others or themselves, n get caught in a toxic spiral of doing worse n worse things for Some kind of validation or acknowledgement. they'll go to really big lengths chasing that, n both of them ultimately sought validation in the wrong place n wrong way.
this is a big part of my starfinite dynamic,, n so, what happens, as they get closer n open up??? we have them BOTH realising together that they don't have to do fuck all to prove anything to anyone. they don't need to do all this to show they're strong n smart n worth something, not to anyone else OR themselves. they're enough as they are. they bond over that shared feeling that they have to do xyz, to prove themselves, n that desire to just finally be acknowledged n appreciated n help each other thru it. to help each other understand that other ppls approval, or lack thereof, doesn't define them, their strength, intelligence, and worthiness.
i feel like they have an interesting parallel between them in like... the above could be taken as a general analysis, but to go more in depth on this au specifically?? ...
starline followed eggman for presumably a long time n it no doubt left him feeling a heavy and deep regret for all that time wasted n spent on an unhealthy path. infinite kinda teaches him that what matters is what he's doing Now n also reminds him that if none of it happened, starline wouldn't have learnt a lot of the serious skills he has. n while starline still feels bad, he also realises himself that, he likely never would have crossed infinite's path if none of it happened. for that reason, he wouldn't take it back.
infinite has only been recently made, on the other hand. they haven't really existed long, yet, but so far their experiences haven't been very positive n it can be .... discouraging. starline sorta, shows infinite their limited experiences w/ the world are a very tiny fraction of what's out there, n things can absolutely change, yes, including for the better; that's the essence of life, a neverending, constant flow of change.
it's a big tale of moving on n letting go, honestly; made easier as they're doing it together. n as they heal n grow, well... these bitches gay. sfshshdgds like, ig that's putting it p bluntly but!! they start to trust each other, understand each other more. as they get to truly know who the other is, they both start developing The Feelings. they're both pretty oblivious n the reveal is totally unknown so far!! yeah, i know, bummer. i suck. boo. adafsfsds however i can say there will be lots of content in the making!! if that soothes the soul! i've got of ideas i hope to bring to life.
ofc there's still a lot of more specific things i haven't covered here so! if y'all want more juice hmu w/ more focused questions but !! this is the overview n i hope it was a decent read now that gave some uhhh! Cool Insight! yea!!! ✌
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thatwitchrevan · 3 years
So I wanna talk about labels for a sec because I struggled with them a lot and I'm just having a lot of happy gender feels right now!
so I'm very much leaning towards 'genderfluid' right now because while in the past I distinctly did not identify with masculinity or being a boy/man that has.. started to change. Idk if it's that being a guy is something that I've genuinely only begun to experience or if it's just that I was stuck in the idea that I couldn't be masc or male because of my agab and presentation. But either way I've started to find he/him pronouns and terms like 'boy' really euphoric. I still don't feel like A Man in a similar way that I don't feel like A Woman and also like, my version of masculinity involves a lot of pink and makeup bc fuck it, I can have glitter eyeshadow and call myself a boy just as much as any cis gnc man can. So me being genderfluid wouldn't mean I have a strong sense of being either a man or a woman at any point, just that I kind of slide around on the spectrum willy nilly only that spectrum now includes masculinity along with femininity and androgyny. I would like to experiment with more traditionally masc presentation in the future but rn I'm pretty much just vibin.
Also I think nonbinary is still my primary label, but rn I'm just enjoying the specific implications of genderfluid. Nonbinary is home base bc no matter what I know that is accurate and unlikely to change. Also I just like feeling connected to nb people in general and being able to go by just nonbinary if that's what's comfortable has been v important to me. as far as demigirl, I wouldn't say that's totally innacurate at this point but it just really doesn't fully fit me anymore... but it's still really important to me and I appreciate it for being the label I needed and was comfortable with in the past 💖
the only constant with me is not knowing what the fuck I'm doing because gender is weird, but I'm much more content with that now and happy to let myself be who I am in the moment instead of worrying about 'figuring it out' for all time. if next year I feel completely agender and only use they pronouns that's cool. if I end up being a trans guy that admittedly sounds like a big change which is scary to me, but that's also cool. rn I'm genderfluid and I use your standard variety pronouns and I'm very sleepy ✌🏻 I'm glad I let myself exist. I hope y'all are doing well and remember you're awesome!
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krawalito · 5 years
Pep talk (be carful might include spoilers)
there is a lot of negativity floating around in our relyo community and i think y'all need some pep talk.
first of all stop giving leaks too much credit. anyone can post leaks and can call them legit. i can, you can. just bc its called a leak doesn't mean its legit. if you read them don't let them consume you. 
1. watch the movies again, what are they telling us? what do you see? that is what you need to concentrate on. not promos or media or merch. its the movies and anything else which is canon. comics, novels etc. i am saying this bc all the promo and merch is not created for reylos only or any other SW fandom group, its made for the GA which is still the majority of people watching the movie. so you see all kind of things in those promos. fighting reylo is one of them. they want to give hints to anyone so that all kind of people want to watch the movie.
2. ben solo will die. well yes, there is a possibly but how high are the chances? pretty low from my perspective. and here is why. Chris terrio said, the movie has a conclusion but it can continue? something like that i don't recall the exact wording. what does that mean? there is a high chance that DLF wants to keep another sequels door open. not just the same universe or another universe, these plans are already there. no he is referring to this saga. how can this saga continue in the future? def with rey and most likely with ben. how? well that depends on their creativity but there is the possibility of a Solo Saga, which means there will be Solo Babies. which means they make love and they can only make love if ben survives bc i highly doubt we will see them hooking up in TROS before he dies. and again there is a chance that the story continues with rey only. chances are there. but very low from my perspective. i would rather watch another Skywalker/solo SW movie than a rey based story i am totally honest here. 
3. ben solo will die. the problem is that many people just look at it from Bens perspective. if you look at it from his perspective he might die, yes. it will be tragic yes. but will it only be tragic for his own character or is there more? what does this mean for Rey? what is it what the force awakens tells us about rey? the belonging she seeks (a family) is not behind her, it is ahead. whomever (she thinks Luke, we all know it wasn't him, bc he did not really come back. he died) you are waiting for on Jakku, they are never coming back. but there is someone who still can. well she is not talking about palatine here either. there is only one person who needs to come back. Ben Solo. what did we learn about her in the last Jedi? that her greatest weakness are her parents and that she needs to let the past die. why is this so important? again bc she has to find her belonging which is lying ahead. if ben solo returns, which he does (i'll come back to this one) and dies after all what exactly were the movies telling us? what exactly did rey get? NOTHING! this arc is too important to be left aside. Rey wants a family and if she is not nobody and has a family indeed we will not connect with it bc there was no proper built up. apart from rey we also have Leia. i want Leia to have at least one happy moment before she dies. she lost so much. her parents, her brother, her husband and her son. it would leave me brokenhearted to see her arc ending like that. women suffered so much in this saga. i don't want to be tortured when i see TROS. 
4. and for all the reylos who still doubt bendemption. this is 100% happening. palp will try to seduce rey. he will bait her with her parents and the question who they were and where they are (this is my head canon) we saw that in the last Jedi. that was one of the core themes in that movie. she is still looking for answers. with this being said and to keep in mind what i have written above there is absolutely no other way for ben solo to turn. he will save or team up with rey because he loves her. its very simple actually. he loves her. love has a lot of power and can move mountains.
5. there is another very important theme throughout the sequels. NO ONE IS REALLY EVER GONE! keep that in mind. 
6. i do not follow leaks but it was hard to avoid them. however i want to give my five cents to two of them. Rey takes the name Skywalker in the end. okay??? why? what's the benefit? what's the story here? Daisys interview yesterday was quite interesting. she said that rey did not find a father figure in Luke and besides she knew Luke for a week. she also says something about Leia which gives zero indication of her being a mother figure to her. Leia doesn't even carry the name Skywalker. unless she will be the one changing her name in the end (that would actually be cool. bc then she would be the Skywalker who is rising.) ben solo doesn't carry the name Skywalker either he doesn't even carries his own lol. so why would she call herself Rey Skywalker? it would only make sense if there is a total other meaning behind it. like new Jedis will be called sky walkers (i don't like it but then again i would be okay with it) rey is a palatine. hm. in what way, how? he is how old now? when exactly did he wed a wife and impregnated her? when he was already gone? i don't think he was a living form when Vader tossed him in the shaft. he probably became something else. the only idea i could live with is some kind of cloning or any other science fiction idea. but she is not his granddaughter in an emotional way. 
7. reylo happens. others have done a great job explaining why. there are plenty of metas, passionate reylos answering all of your questions patiently, podcasters..... the list is long. if you need recommendations, dm me. 
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dyketectivecomics · 5 years
Are you even aware that Jonah Hex fought for the confederacy sold black people and treated them like crap and his books was knee deep in racism and freaking Bendis is trying to scrub that under a rug by giving him a queer legacy? Lgtb deserve better representation than granddaughter of slave trader (who apparently got cause let's keep all the stereotypes around while we're at it)
Are YOU even aware that Jonah Hex was sold into slavery by his father, and defected from the confederacy after learning that supporting them meant supporting that very same system of oppression that he himself was a victim of?
No, I guess not. Because that would require you to actually read his wikipedia page. It seems a miracle you can read or write at all, anon, since all of your brain cells can’t seem to function beyond sending trolling asks to try to stir up drama.
(I’ll dive a bit further, since you apparently want a Reaction. But the rest of y'all don’t have to worry about this clogging up your dash, since I’m putting a cut right here. If i get any more clownery about Jonah &/or Jinny Hex in my ask, you’re getting a thorough mock & a block. blacklisting and the block button are there for a reason guys. If Jinny or Jonah ain’t your cup of tea, regardless, I suggest using those tools &/or unfollowing me, because I can and will continue to reblog content with them (Especially Jinny, because, well. Jinny).)
Any story, in ANY medium, that covers an historical time, would need to address the racist (& if applicable, misogynistic) attitudes of the time period it is set in. Are those stories going to always be handled 100% unproblematically? Hell no. There’s lots of things that make me uncomfortable with any western movie/book/show that finds its origins in the antebellum south. Do I enjoy them regardless? Yes. Because I can separate the things that make me uncomfortable from things that are used to highlight a change in attitudes towards race &/or women, versus an author using the time period as an excuse to act out racist/misogynistic power fantasies.
But I’ll go ahead and bite one tidbit at a time here. “His books are knee-deep in racism.”
It’s been a LONG ass time since I’ve read a Jonah Hex comic. Or rather, had it read to me, since Dad read a few of his comics to me when I was TINY ass kid (god like? When I was 6/7? I had a very brief Western Phase then.) We ended up watching more westerns than reading them. I’m sure there’s plenty of #Problematic things to be found in the comics themselves. Hell, even just his origin with being ‘sold as a slave’ to an Apache tribe & subsequently ‘taken in’ by them is something we could spend hours and paragraphs tearing apart.
Recognizing something is wrong & calling it out is perfectly fine. But something so many ‘fans’ on tumblr fail to realize is that nothing will be 100% pure. Older comics especially are riddled with racism, and it’s important to recognize those tones. But if you expect me to preface every post I make about Jonah Hex from now with “sorry sorry, I know these comics were racist tho” you must be out of your damn head. 
Now for “Bendis is trying to scrub that under the rug by giving him a queer legacy”
Hon, no one is saying that Jinny’s existence automatically erases everything the writers have done with Jonah’s character. Hell, most people (fans included) aren't even aware of Jinny’s existence at this point in time unless they’re involved with reading comics. Jonah Hex’s “legacy” will survive well past whatever Bendis chooses to do with Jinny. Hell, I won’t be surprised if, after this run of Young Justice is over, she’s swept under the rug by DC & promptly forgotten. Because that’s usually what happens with next gen/legacy characters. People would rather read on ‘The Originals’ not their descendants. (the only hero I can think of off the top of my head who surpassed the legacy of their predecessor would be Zatanna vs Zatara. But she’s also had 40+ years to work to that point.)
What has been done with Jonah’s character in the past, and what Bendis & other writers choose to do with Jinny’s character in the future have nothing to do with one another. If Bendis chooses to integrate more of Jonah beyond just “here’s a weird old truck from his adventures, have fun with that!”, I’d love to see it & dissect it. Until then, there’s really only the name, and what’s looking to be the fantastical side of his adventures, rather than anything with historical weight.
“The LGBT community deserves better” (again, let’s keep in mind that your little ‘slave trader’ line there as a complete lie & the rest is just incomprehensible gibberish bc I’m gonna give you the benefit of the doubt and say you pressed ‘send’ too soon in your haste to troll.)
As a queer, hispanic Texan, I could not disagree more. Who’s ancestor HASN’T done awful things in the past? Show me someone who has a completely pure legacy free of benefit from oppressing those of another race/gender/origin/etc. We all have a fucked up history. It’s our collective human history.
LGBT history itself is built on the backs of trans women of color.
Including one more (presumably, but she IS Texan so we’ll see if they expand to make her hispanic) white wlw character is hardly new, groundbreaking representation here in 2019. But it’s progress. It’s progress where there could have JUST AS EASILY been absolutely NO representation. This shouldn’t be something that I’m absolutely ECSTATIC to see. Queer representation off all kinds should be standard. 
But they aren’t.
So am I going to celebrate the fact that DC has given me a queer wlw character from an area very close to the one that I am from? An historically conservative place, mind you, where being LGBT+ can just as soon mean putting yourself in danger on the day-to-day when you live in a small, conservative Texas town?
Abso-fucking-lutely, I am. 
(And not that I believe that you are, anon. But if you’re following me, I kindly suggest you hop the fuck off my blog and go follow someone else. I’m gonna be over here celebrating what representation I can. And if I feel like sharing an analysis on racist overtones of older/newer comics, I will do so because it interests me to discuss it or because I decide to. Not because some ass decides NOW needs to be the time to ‘discuss’ it, if we can even call this pathetic attempt at trolling a ‘discussion’.
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spicy-ahjumma · 5 years
✨My Unpopular K-Pop Opinions; (part 1 probably)
Y'all can come for me if you want, but these are my own personal opinions and I'm fully entitled to have them.
Disclaimer: I mean no hate or bad-will toward any of the groups mentioned here. These are my own opinions, but of course they are not the opinions of everyone and I'm fully aware of that. I acknowledge the success of all groups. Thank you.
>kpop bands are slept on way too much - at this point y'all are just hurting yourselves because you're missing out on some amazing groups and some top-quality music; day6, n.flying, the rose, lunafly, cnblue, ft.island, and so many others
>day6 has not put out a single bad song. this isn't even an opinion, it's a fact. if you don't stan them, i honestly don't know what you're doing with your life.
>hyuna and e'dawn have paved the way for other kpop artists to be openly in relationships. they made a huge sacrifice, don't think for a second that they didn't know how things would go down when they came out about being together; they made a sacrifice and now other idols will hopefully have the courage to do the same
>related to above point: hyuna and e'dawn are a total power couple. when they do join a new label or possibly form their own, they will be unstoppable and cube can choke
>jyp ent is the best of the big 3, and probably one of the best labels in general. as someone who stans groups/artists from pretty much every label there is, i have to say that jyp really impresses me. despite being a large label, they really care about their artists and let them have a lot of creative freedom.
>i don't like the fact that bts win every single award these days. (i already know i'll get hate for this) bts are a talented group, don't get me wrong, but i literally don't understand where all this attention has come from bc there are groups that have way better vocals, rappers, visuals, songs, etc. i have been an army since debut and ofc it's nice to see them do well, but we might as well just do away with award shows now since bts win everything every year anyway.
>loona's ot12 debut was disappointing. i love loona, have followed every single solo debut and unit, and i think their concept is so unique and interesting (props to blockberry) but i was expecting something more from their group debut. fav0rite was good, but hi high was a bit... i just felt it wasn't up to their usual standards so i hope 2019 will be a better year for loona
>chung ha is kinda boring. she has amazing facial expressions onstage and i know she's super talented, but it's the weirdest thing - i've never come across it before where someone with so much charisma manages to be so boring onstage at the same time. i'm sorry, i've really tried to like her, but i just find that her songs end up being kinda flat
>nine muses' gyeongree's solo debut was slept on. blue moon was a really great song with great presence and choreography, and it was basically the female equivalent of taemin's move, but y'all let that one flop.
>jennie has been lazy lately. i am a blink, i was jennie biased up until ddu-du ddu-du, and i have been a jennie fan since she joined yg years ago. but we can't deny the truth, for whatever reason, she hasn't been putting effort into her group performances lately. solo performances, she's been fine, it's just the group stages. my opinion: i think blackpink peaked too soon, they got too popular too quickly and now jennie doesn't feel as though she needs to put the effort in anymore bc people will support her anyway
>stellar deserved so much better, they cried for help so many times and tried to make changes in the industry so that girl groups wouldn't keep being exploited but people didn't listen, and instead chose to judge them for their sexy concepts (that they literally didn't want to do) and now the members have ptsd and struggle with their daily lives
>mental health still isn't being taken as seriously as it should be. after my sweet baby boy jonghyun left us, people were finally starting to pay attention to the importance of mental health, but i think it's starting to slip again now
>bam is the same as bboom bboom, and that's ok. momoland clearly found a genre that works for them, and given the success of bboom bboom, of course their company would try to cash in on a similar song. y'all have no problems when other groups release really similar songs, like gfriend (literally all of their songs sound the same to me) so why is everyone attacking momoland?
>imfact are some of the most talented idols, but they're not getting any recognition. literally, watch any of their live stages or listen to any of their covers or songs, including their solos they've been releasing lately, and try and tell me they don't deserve the world
>holland can sing. he has a unique voice that isn't very idol-like, but that doesn't mean he can't sing. yes a lot of his fanbase is there just because he's gay but if it'll help his career take off and if it means important conversations start being had in korea, then so be it.
>the way bighit handled jimin's t-shirt controversy wasn't good enough. they donated to korean victims of the atomic bombs but it wasn't the korean victims who were offended, and the t-shirt was clearly an anti-japan propaganda (and yes, i know how bad japan was during their occupation, they were evil and that is another issue in itself but that doesn't excuse the t-shirt)
>labelling a group member as 'visual' is kinda unnecessary bc they're all visually perfect and it puts added pressure onto the member given that title
>shinee are one of the greatest kpop groups of all time. yes, i am quite biased as i've been with them for 10 years now but i honestly never get bored of their music, personalities, tv shows, etc. they are such versatile artists and they have been through so much & deserve so much respect
>starship are doing boyfriend so dirty but nobody is paying attention so they're getting away with it. let them have a korean comeback you cowards.
>cube are never going to promote clc properly, and they will probably disband them soon. they have (g)i-dle now, the group who gives them everything clc unfortunately couldn't, so they have basically cast clc aside. we all saw what happened with la vie en rose.
>iz*one should have a different center. i have nothing against wonyoung she's so tiny and smol and young, but to me she is quite plain and she doesn't have that charisma that i've come to expect from produce groups. i didn't watch all of produce 48 so to begin with i didn't even realise wonyoung was the center, i legit thought it was sakura, i'm sorry
>taemin is one of the most talented idols. he is the best dancer in kpop right now, and not only that, he isn't afraid to experiment with different genres. his japanese music is stunning.
>exo have one of the best vocal lines, every live performance is perfect
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bakudekuficlibrary · 6 years
hey, can i ask for a fics where bakudeku are texting each other? if not, thank you anyway ;*
Here’s a mini-list of the fics I could find with texting/messaging between bakudeku! Because you specified bkdk texting each other, I excluded group chat AUs. AO3 also has parent tags that include variations of the tag, so many fics with sexting tagged instead of texting came up. We decided to separate those from the fics with just the texting (or the texting and sexting) tags.
- Jay
20 Works.
BNHA Grindr AU No One Asked For by HatakeJory ( E | 70,979+ | 37/50 )
Izuku is a second-year at U.A. and ready for his first relationship so he downloads the gay dating app known as Grindr. He meets pro hero and U.A. graduate Bakugou Katsuki who is looking for a cute boy to spoil, and eventually someone who’s awesome enough to run his Hero Agency with.
Who knows what they’ll find in each other?
I’ll share this with you, so leave it behind by yabakuboi ( G | 3,508 | 1/1 )
For the sake of the story, All Might is never in need of a successor, and, when Izuku saves Katsuki from the sludge monster, encourages young Midoriya down a different path. Thus, Katsuki and Izuku part ways after junior high, as Katsuki enters U.A. and the Midoriyas move overseas. It’s later that Katsuki realizes that there’s something missing, that he drove that something away.
Years after, Katsuki finds him in the last place he looks, in the cereal aisle at the local grocery store of their childhood neighborhood.
[Abandoned] They Say 3 a.m. is the Hour of the Wicked. They Weren’t Wrong, but I Didn’t Expect “Wicked” to Mean This. by Celestial_Hero ( T | 16,085 | 13/? )
Remember the last time you actually slept before 3 in the morning? Neither does Izuku, thanks to the #alwayslit conversations from the hellhole known as the group chat. Where the pizzas are always b o n e l e s s and the shade constant, Izuku wonders what he’s done wrong in his life to deserve the constant salt from the active landfill.
Not Who You Think by SinaBrosLN( E | 6,406+ | 4/? )
Who knew one simple photo of you and your best friend could have your crush messaging you, asking for you to date them! It was too good to be true!
A story where Katsuki thinks Izuku is the cute girl in his profile photo and not the nerdy guy with messy hair.
Smile, Sunshine boy by Abyssale( M | 13,269+ | 4/? )
In another world, in another universe, Midoriya Izuku is born the only child of Toshinori Yagi A.K.A All Might. To protect his little family, he decided to go back to America after a villain attack. In this world, Izuku is not born quirkless, but his quirk can help him to be a superhero. With All Might as his role model, he decided to train, and do what he can to become someone his dad can be proud of.
This story begins some years after this, in California where Midoriya Izuku met U.A. students on a school trip. This is the story of a sunshine boy, who will find friendship, love and other things along the way. It’s the story of a family who can move mountains to protect each other. It’s just another story about the life of Midoriya Izuku.
[Graphic Depictions Of Violence]
Rain by naths( G | 1,335 | 1/1 )
Midoriya woke up to the sound of light rain pattering against the window. Lazily he rolled himself onto his back and rubbed his eyes before he glanced at the clock. 10 am. Bakugou was at work by now. But he had the day off. So he had their apartment all for himself.
He snuggled down into the pillows and pulled the blanket further over him again. If he just stayed a few more moments in bed then that would be fine. He grabbed his phone and checked it for some messages, but the only one he had gotten was from Ochaco and Kacchan.
He opened Kacchan´s first.> Morning Nerd! It´s raining so put on a coat if you go out. Be back around 5 pm. Take care of yourself.Midoriya chuckled to himself and texting a quick reply> Thank you Kacchan, will be. Love you.
I don’t think you care, but do you? by confused_atm( M | 5,577 | 5/? )
Izuku is still scarred from his relationship with Katsuki during their childhood, and maybe they try to fix it. Together.(I’m bad at summaries y'all :’) help idk what I’m doing)!!TRIGGER WARNING!! There is self-harm, but only in like the first chapterThis is rated M bc of ^ and underage drinking uwu
[Self Harm]
Not Worried, but Katsuki’s a Liar by DeathByShyKid( T | 1,781 | 1/1 )
Katsuki tried not to resort to anger, tried to control it, he really did but Izuku was not answering his texts.
He wouldn’t have needed to text him if Izuku had shown up to school like he’s supposed to. By the time he’d already been seated and turned to look at where his boyfriend should have been sitting, Katsuki realized that the brat wasn’t even there. So, he was not worried but definitely shot a text Izuku’s way.
The Domestic Life Of Married Heroes by The_Crafty_Cracker( M | 2,642+ | 2/? )
Izuku smiles at the messages, he adores and loves his friends so very much, of course, he’ll go and help them out-wait!
This was the week that he and Kacchan had specifically placed a holiday in for at their agencies so that they could go out on a few dates and spend some time together without interruption.
But right now his friends need him…
Kacchan would understand, right?
[Abandoned] the space between by ruche( T | 4,707+ | 1/? )
Deku shifted weight back and forth on his feet. “Is it alright if I text you while you’re away?”
“Hah? You already text me.”
Or: with the gift of technology, Izuku manages to bug Katsuki even when he’s in another city entirely and has more important things to do. But alright.
Don’t Call My Boyfriend A Cuck, You Cuck by mearows( T | 294 | 1/1 )
1 New Message Kacchan’s PA: Good morning, Midoriya-san! Please don’t let Bakugou-san near any social media for today. If possible take away his phone and/or laptop. That’s all, thank you! 
Dear Future Boyfriend by peacheszxcx( G | 2,055+ | 16/? )
Dear Future Boyfriend,You probably don’t know even know me yet, so I guess I have to introduce myself. Hi! I’m Midoriya Izuku, your future boyfriend. I hope I could meet you soon! Love,Izuku
It’s Not A Date! by otaku916( M | 3,672+ | 1/? )
“If he doesn’t attack you the moment you walk through the door his dick is broken.” Ochako interrupted, making Izuku and Iida both choke on their spit.
What happens when you have the emotionally constipated, gruff, socially inept guy ask out the oblivious nervous wreck? An awkward disaster of a date that’s what. Go through the pain of first dates, hormones, and running away from your feelings that comes with going through puberty - all while training to be a hero!
The Only One Who Can Receive His Feelings by dracofides( G | 1,744+ | 1/? )
Izuku gains the courage to text his crush to congratulate him on winning the game because he had nothing to lose, but Katsuki doesn’t take this very well and lashes out, demanding his name and purpose. It leads to Izuku telling him a story. After hearing, Katsuki suddenly feels guilty, so he lets Izuku stick around.
They bond.
A BakuDeku Text Story [Encoded like a text message]
“Yeah…” I turned back around and he was waiting for me ( Not Rated | 1,180 | 1/1 )
“Sorry.” I hide my head from his face which was slowly turning into a smile.
“Did you think I’d believe that?” He questioned.
“I didn’t, I know you Kacchan.” My heart ached. Was this lie bringing us closer together?
Fuck yeah.
I just nodded, my face red. He’s the only one who can call me that.
Swipe Right by Cellaira( E | 9,180 | 2/2 )
Kirishima had another stupid idea, and Katsuki had nothing to lose. Then, he discovered a witty, freckled, attractive stranger, and he had everything to gain.
(Like some damn good sex.)
In other words, the Grindr AU no one asked for but everyone secretly needed.
[On Hiatus] dick pic epistolary by animeboybuttsex( M | 10,113+ | 8/? )
Bakugou Katsuki? Needing FRIENDS? pfft nooooo
OR the original “accidental dick pic from a stranger” fic that there’s at least one of in any fandom
told in mostly texts at first
How Am I Getting Out of This One? by AniseTokunaga( E | 3,178+ | 2/? )
“There’s something he wants to try– actually, maybe a couple of things, if he’s being honest…”
Izuku fantasizes about Katsuki; a couple of mistakes in the making might make things more interesting, much to Izuku’s embarrassment.
More tags to be added if/when I update.
Claiming Deku by Kyna_Winchester( E | 8,245 | 1/1 )
It’s been two weeks since Izuku last snuck into Katsuki’s dorm room and he’s growing desperate. Can he make it through a day full of classes with his mind unable to focus on how bad he wants Katsuki?
The Selfie Challenge by errant_rivalry ( E | 3,902+ | ½ )
Frustrated by his separation from Katsuki due to incompatible work shifts, Izuku takes Ochako’s advice and downloads a little app called Snip Pic to help improve communication between the duo.
Things, inevitably, get a little out of hand.
147 notes · View notes
Health insurance?
"Health insurance?
if I wanted to buy my own health insurance (dental. medical, vision) not though my job. Where would i look online?
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://financeandcreditsolution.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Does Wal-Mart have better and cheaper insurance than Obamacare?
http://www.examiner.com/article/washington-examiner-walmart-s-health-plans-are-better-than-obamacare On Jan. 7, 2013, The Washington Examiner released the results of an investigation finding Walmart's employee health insurance is significantly better than Obamacare. Walmart has come under mega union labor union criticism as a retailer whose employees are both underpaid and mistreated. Like many insurance plans which have been canceled as a result of Obamacare benefit regulations, Walmart's health insurance has been called substandard. However after an in-depth comparison, the watch dog team of the Washington Examiner discovered employees of Walmart receive a better bang for the buck than Obamacare. In comparison to Obama care, it was discovered that Walmart plans were a whopping five to nine times less expensive. Full-service individual coverage in a Walmart HRA plan is available through a Blue Cross Blue Shield preferred provider organization for as little as $40 a month while family coverage averages $160 a month.""
Maternity Health Insurance?
I am in the state of MI..I am looking for some really good health insurance for pregnant women..I already spoke to blue cross blue shield and all there plans only cover the delivery..I need something affordable that covers everything from prenatal-going home from hospital..It doesnt have to cover it 100% but at least the majority. Thank you
What exactly is an insurance quote? ?
if i wanted to buy a car and get some insurance how would i go about doing it?
I need health insurance?
I am a 21 year old women, healthy.. And I am in need of health insurance that wont cost me an arm and a leg. Does anyone have any suggestions.. I looked online, and every site suggested that united health one.. Does anyone have,or has had this insurance. Thanks""
Car insurance for a japanese import?
I am looking for car insurance for a japanese import car and I am trying to find companies which will deal with imports and are cheap. I am only 18 so I know that the insurance will be pretty expensive but if anyone has had any experience with imports at this age and can tell me some companies to try that would be great. The car I am looking at is a Mazda mx-3 1.5i . If anyone knows how to get cheap insurance for this I would like to hear from you. It would be cheaper if I was a named driver and could earn no claims discount but I don't know if any of the companies who do that accept imports. Any help or advice anyone could give me would be very much appreciated. Thanks
""I'm 18, I have a question about finding car insurance........HELP!?""
I'm 18. I currently drive my parents extra car, and I am on their insurance. Right now they pay for all the insurance. Ok, so here's my question. I want to buy a car sometime later this year. I know it will be kind of a lot because of age (I'm female btw) and I just am confused about how I find insurance. Do you have to buy the car and then find insurance or should I be looking for insurance BEFORE I even buy the car ( I know what car I'm going to buy, it's just a matter of saving enough money and finding one available) Anyways, do I find an insurance company willing to cover me or do I put it in my parents name under their insurance? I'm so confused, I just want to be prepared and know all the facts for when I do buy my first car. Thanks for your help!""
Can anyone help me regarding a huge fine for driving without insurance.?
Man, Im screwed. A few years ago I let my insurance lapse on my vehichle and didnt hand the license plates in. Failure to do so means an instant 150 dollar fine for the first month and 7$ a day afterwards. Ok, I was being a complete jackass at that time in my life and figured I would deal with it when the time comes. Well, its that time. I finally got my license back and went to buy a cheap used car. The dealer told me he cant get me plates for it cause I have a violation due to a fine for driving uninsured. The fine is off the charts, $4,455.00. Has anyone ever gotten the MVA to reduce this fee or waive it. I havent tried yet. They offer payment plans at 20% down and the rest must be paid within 2 years. I dont want to do anything illegal per say but just wanted to know if anyone has any ideas. I know, im a jackalope for letting this happen. anyone, let me know""
""What is the cheapest insurance for a teenager in alex,la for a motorcycle?""
What is the cheapest insurance for a teenager in alex,la for a motorcycle?""
How much does your teen's (19 y.o.) car insurance cost?
My dad's been footing the bill for my car insurance the past few years. Now that I've been driving for a while and got an internship, he wants me to pay. I'm not complaining, but I'm just want to compare how much you pay for your insurance (if you're a teen) or how much you pay for your teen. Also, I've not been involved in any accidents at all.. and no tickets as well, including parking tickets. For three vehicles and a travel trailer, my portion of the insurance is about 55% of the entire bill with a brand new car on the list.""
Insurance for teen when borrowing parents car?
My parents and i are very confused on whether I need to put on my parents insurance policy since i am technically borrowing their car. All of the people my parents have talked to have said that i don't and that they never did for their kids and it was fine. When my mom called about my sister they told her that she HAD to be put on their policy and that I could not receive my license until I was put on the policy. I am 16 and my sister is 18 and it would cost around $750 per month more to insure us. Do we need it if we are borrowing my parents car? Thanks:)
How much will my insurance be?
If I am a 16 year old male, and I want to get a 1992 Mercedes-Benz 190E 2.6.... About how much should insurance cost?""
Average motorcycle insurance?
how much is average motorcycle insurance in Louisiana, if 23 years old bike with 500cc have never crash or get ticket pretty good credit bike use only for leisure and to college help me y'all""
How much will my car insurance cost me?
I am 18 years old, and live in Northern BC. I have had my N license for just over a year, I have had NO accidents or tickets. I have a 1995 Honda Civic 4 Door. I am a very safe driver and I have been unlucky to find a good quote. Do you think it would be around $100/month?""
If I cancel my car insurance will my rate go up later?
I'm going to sell my car and use public trans and my bike to get around. I'm wondering if/when I get a car again will I have high rates because it will look like I had a laps insurance.
Is There A Way Of Finding Insurance Prices Without Owning A Car In The First Place?
Ok ill explain it better here. I'm after a car but i will need to know how much the insurance is for different cars. So for example if i wanted a car in insurance group 2, could i find out how much that specific car and insurance group would be for me? I know there's go-compare and all the other comparison websites but they are expecting you already have the car and just need to insure it. I need to know the prices before i get a car so i know i will have enough! Help please? Cheers""
What is title insurance?
I will like to know more about the title insurance and how is it that important when we buy a propety. Can you please help me with the information. Thanks
Violations that show up on insurance quotes in nj?
About 2 years ago i got a ticket for not stopping at a stop sign. I went to court and they knocked it down to something so i wouldn't get any point and just pay a fine. I don't remember what they knocked it down to. But why is it still a concern on my auto insurance. I didn't get any points so should it matter?
What does it take to commit a minor and how do you afford it if you don't have health insurance?
My uncle and aunt are struggling with my 16 year old cousin who suffers from anorexia and she will go up to 3 weeks without eating anything. I am not kidding she only drinks water and then she will slowly puree some fruit into her water again for about a week or two before she binges for a few days and then goes back to this cycle of starvation. She looks pale and has no energy. Her eyes are sunken in and she hides in her room. My aunt and uncle are immigrants and they don't speak english that well. They don't have a lot of money or health insurance and I have no idea what to do but they are asking me to help! I've never dealt with this type of situation before and I'm just thinking they should call an ambulance and maybe they'll commit her to some state institution? I've been googling this and I come across all kinds of conflicting information. How can she get help in the state of California and is there any way if they are not insured to pay for her treatment? Is there any state aid related to extreme cases of anorexia?
Car Insurance questions for quotes?
on insurance websites where they do lots of quotes from different insurers, the question they ask bout your licence is what type is it, ie full or provisional or full or automatic etc and how long have you had your licence. On the norwich union website, it specifies that it wants you to say how long you have held a licence from the time you got your provisional licence. The others dont say whether this is what they are asking or not. Ive had a provisional licence for 18 years, but when I pass my test (hopefully this month) I will then have had a full licences for less than a year. What answer should I give for the question, how long have you held a licence? Its not clear on the websites....""
How much would a car insurance agent in alberta be expected to make?
How much would a car insurance agent in alberta be expected to make?
Is the Honda civic si considered a sports car with insurance companies for a new young driver?
I was wondering if a 1995 1996 1997 Honda civic si would be CONSIDERED A sports car with the insurance company? I'm 16. Thanks
Can you get motorcycle insurance in NY with just a learners permit?
Can you get motorcycle insurance in NY with just a learners permit?
2008 Toyota Camry Insurance?
I much am I looking to pay for insurance on a 2008 Toyota Camry. I am 18 years old with a clean driving history.
How is the health insurance subsidies calculated?
Just wondering how the affordable care insurance tax subsidies are calculated? Is it based on last years wages or estimated wages of the year you are applying for the health insurance. Let's say I made $100,000 last year and retired this year and applied for the affordable care insurance. Say my estimated taxable income for 2014 was $40,000 with family of four, can I get government subsidies?""
Part-time job enough to pay car insurance?
Would a part-time job at a mall store or movie theatre pay enough to cover an 18-year-olds car insurance? How old are you and how much does your car insurance cost monthly?
Health insurance?
if I wanted to buy my own health insurance (dental. medical, vision) not though my job. Where would i look online?
""Can you get cheaper insurance, if you are driving on behalf of a disabled family member?
i am currently 19 and just passed my test - my friends of same age - pay 500-700 a year on car insurance and they say they get cheaper because they are acting as carer driver (e.g of grandfather or disabled brother)- basically you say to insurance companies that i am caring for them and need me - my dad just had a eye operation - just got blue badge and had heart attack 3 times - and yeh he gets mobility allowance - (because he had some other problems - not surely no what) - do you think i can use him to act a carer of him - he is driving at the moment so do you think he needs to give up driving is this possble or they mis-understood
Cheap car insurance in ontario?
I am thinking of getting my own vehicle this summer... Does anyone know of any plqce where there is cheap or reasonably priced insurqnce for teens?
""Does your car insurance go down when you turn 25? If so, how much...?""
Does your car insurance go down when you turn 25? If so, how much...?""
Is my son covered on my car insurance?
If I get Insurance on MY car, and my son drives it sometimes, if he has a wrek in it with him not being on the policy, will my insurance cover the damages?""
Which of these cars are cheap on insurance and also reliable?
1995 Audi A6, 1992 Nissan 240sx, 1995 Acura integra(2 door), 1992 Nissan 300zx, 1996 Bmw 318i, 2001 Lexus IS300, or 1992 Mustang? I'm looking at these kind of cars and was wondering which of these will have a cheap insurance and also a reliable car. Thanks for info.""
Homeowners and health insurance?
We have Nationwide homeowners insurance, which is just added to our mortgage. If we get health insurance through them too, do you think they can just add it to our mortgage also?""
""How do I obtain cheap, good health insurance in South Carolina?""
I currently live in Conn. but I am moving to SC in the middle of Oct, but I won't have health insurance when I get down there because I am currently on state insurance, which is up at the beginning of Oct. But I really need insurance because I have monthly prescriptions that I need. So does anyone know how I can get insurance just intil I get a job with benefits.""
Car insurance question?
I have been driving for three years and am looking to upgrade cars. I drove a Vauxhall Agila for 2 and a half years and the last six months iv had a Pegeuot 206. I am 22 and my partner is 21. I have one years no claims and she has 0. The smaller the engine the cheaper the car is there a list some where that I can look through to find the cheap insurance cars? I want a 1.6 Astra but the insurance for the two of us is like 3k and I dont want to pay more then 2 really. As well as this, she had a bump not long back. She is on my insurance and if this guy claims do I lose my annual bonus or is it just her who loses it?""
How much insurance costs for Yamaha YZF-R125?
for 21 old male as a learner in uk ..
How would limiting expenses in the health care sector assist with making health care affordable?
and increase accessibility to care, while reducing the need for insurance?""
Why do car insurance companies do credit checks?
I have just renewed my car insurance and made a massive saving from 162 per month to 79 per month. But the first few wouldnt let me pay monthly because of my credit history. Why ...show more
AIG car insurance in west coast?
hi i recenlty moved from east coast to west coast...i used to have car insurance with AIG while at eastcoast....does any one know if AIG serves car insurance in westcoast also.....especially in Los angeles
Will my parent's car insurance go up if I get my drivers license?
Ok I am 17 years old and will turn 18 soon. I have a lerners permit at the moment. My parents have Geico auto insurance and they will not let me get my drivers license because they said their rates would go up as long as I live at home and they can't afford to pay for my insurance. I called geico and they said it would go up,and they asked me what vehicle I would be driving. I told them that I don't have a car, and they said you have to be assigned to a car as a 'part time driver'. But the problem is, I don't need a car right now, I can drive a motorcycle. In the state of florida, motorcycle insurance is not required, but a class e drivers license is required to operate the motorcycle. So if I get my drivers license, why should my parents car insurance go up if I were to drive a motorcycle that does not require insurance at all?""
Legal question about car insurance.?
My son was at a party, an aquaintance asked for his car keys to get some drink out of the boot. He then stole the car and crashed it. Only a provisional licence. The car, which is a company car, is a right off. The insurance company are saying that they may not pay out. Who ultimately is responsible.""
New truck insurance business law?
THE NEW TRUCK David Simpson purchased a new truck and titled it in his name. City Bank loaned David money for the truck. City Bank is named on the title and kept the title to the vehicle. David went to National Insurance and paid to insure the vehicle. The agent at National gave David a paper to prove the truck was insured until the policy issued. One day, when the truck was parked at Davids work, vandals slashed the tires. David had the following coverage on the truck. Bodily Injury Liability $ 100,000/300.000 Property Damage Liability $50,000 Uninsured/Underinsured $100,000/300,000 Medical Payments $2000 Collision with $500 Deductible I. Comprehensive with $50 Deductible 1. What is the contract between National Insurance and David called? 2. David is what party to this contract? 3. National Insurance is what party to the contract? 4. Why did National keep the title to the truck? 5. When will David get a clear title in only his name? 6. What is the paper that David received from National? 7. What is the money David paid to National called? 8. The insurance is expensive. Why does David insure the vehicle? 9. Why does David have the right to insure the vehicle? 10. What factors determine the cost of Davids truck insurance? 11. David called National to tell them about the accident. What is this called? 12. David expected National to pay for the damage to the truck under which coverage? 13. Will David have to pay any money for fixing the truck? 14. Will points be charged to David? 15. David gets the insurance check to pay for the damage. Why is the check is payable to both David and City Bank? 16. A friend tells David that he can make money off the insurance company if he exaggerates the damage to include a scratch made when David swiped a mailbox. Can David legally include the minor scrape too? 17. A hit and run driver sideswiped David. Which coverage will pay for the damages? 18. The owner of the mailbox got Davids tag number and called the police. When David called National to report the damages, which coverage will pay for the damage?""
Where to get car insurance quote?
Where to get car insurance quote?
Does one speeding ticket affect your insurance rate ?
i got my first speeding ticket , i live in Utah , and i have state farm insurance so will it affect my rate ?""
Cost of insurance for minor with acura rsx-s?
oh fyi I am not trying to get my own insurance plan I am adding on to my family's
Affordable Health Insurance in California?
We're TTC and having a bit of trouble so I was wondering if anyone could recommend a good health plan that covers maternity and possibly specialists.
How much would car insurance be under my dad's policy? Or by itself under my name?
I'll be 21 in September and I'm getting a car really soon. I just have no clue how much the premium is going to cost me. I'm getting an older car. 100,000+ miles. So my question is, if I insure my car under my dad's policy and put it as one of those cars that is occasionally/rarely used , how much would a premium cost? If I decided to not join my dad's insurance and just get my own, how much would it cost? I'm not looking for sure good insurance because I'm a very safe driver- but I'm also not looking for crappy shady insurance either. Thanks!""
How do you find an insurance quote for a car you may get?
I am looking to trade my Car, which is just a Sedan for what would be considered as a sports car. The car is older, but I'm certain the price will go up because of the fact of it being a sports car, I can't find anywhere that will give me a quote on what to expect insurance price wise if I were to complete the trade. Does anyone know of a place to find this out? I am trading a 2003 Ford Taurus SES for a 1997 Mitsubishi Spyder Eclipse GST Convertible""
How does car insurance work?
Ok well im 16 i just bought a car and i have a job so im going to be paying for my car insurance.... i also paid half of the car.... so anyways i want to know how it works? Does it go underneath my dads car insurance? and make his go up... ? he pays 600 for every 6 months. i think.. How much will my car insurance be around what price rang??? i have a 1996 pontiac bonneville SE.
""Question about McCain's $5,000 medical insurance plan?""
I want both sides of the story. Is $5,000 the only thing McCain is going to do for medical insurance? I mean is that the bulk of his plan? Is that the only direct change you will see in medical insurance? P.S only talk about this issue. I don't want you to blabber on about the war or about anything irrelevant.""
How much will 1 point affect my car insurance???!?
I got a right turn violation about 8 months ago and i took traffic school so im assuming that my insurance won't penalize me. Now i got another ticket(stop sign violation), how much would you estimate the percentage of my insurance? I live in California btw and im 20 years old.""
Can someone help me find car insurance for my dad?
my dad is looking for a car insurance company that insures anyone who drives his car, ie. his children. is this possible? what insurance companies offer this type of insurance?""
Health insurance?
if I wanted to buy my own health insurance (dental. medical, vision) not though my job. Where would i look online?
How can I get some insurance?
I received a brand new bike a week ago but I dare not give it a try because I have not got it covered by insurance yet. I have tried multiple insurance companies online but every one I tried there would be a snag. Mainly it would be, 'what kind of driving licence do you hold'? I personally hold a clean driving licence for a car, but in the drop down list of different driving licences 'car' was not among them, so I could not go to the next section to continue trying to insure my bike. I live out of the city so applying for insurance and paying for it online would be the easiest option.""
Factors that determine the price of insurance?
i would like to know how certain factors determine the price of insurance. 1) how does costs affect the price of insurance 2) how does amount of claims affect the price of insurance 3) how does risk levels affect the price of insurance 4) how does predictability of risk affect the price of insurance 5) how does return from investments affect the price of insurance 6) how does level of interest rates affect the price of insurance 7) how does profit margin affect the price of insurance 8) how does competition affect the price of insurance 9) how does goverment regulation affect the price of insurance
Should I buy earthquake insurance in california?
I've lived in the Bay Area for 20 years and never purchased earthquake insurance for my home. I heard rates were going down, and AAA quoted me a rate of nearly $1200 for earthquake coverage- there is 75,000 deductible, and they will cover up to $525,000 to rebuild. What is the consensus on this issue?""
Can you get car insurance for 1 day?
Im 18 years old and i have 1 years no claims. Is there a company that will insure me on a car for one day?
Car insurance coverage question...?????
I have state farm. there's an expectation of a severe storm with softball size hail heading our metroplex. I'm in the middle of switching car insurance. The coverage will expire april 10, 2008. Will state farm covers me if I have hail damage on the same day it's expired?""
Are older cars cheaper to insure?
I'm going to be 17 soon and are looking at cars, and was wondering if older cars would be cheaper to insure than newer ones, i'm quite a fan of old skool cars.""
Will my insurance be raised because someone else got a ticket in my car?
My boyfriend was driving my car and got a texting ticket. Will my insurance rate increase?
Cheapest car insurance company?
im switching car insurance companies. where will i get the cheapest price?
Car title and insurance question?
If my name was put on the title of a car (I'm 18), would it affect the insurance rates even if the car was insured under my parent's policy as a occasional driver? Does the insurance company have the right to change the rates on a car depending solely on whose name is on the title?""
How much does it cost to add a teenager to a car insurance policy?
Teen in question has a 4.3ish GPA and is involved in many extracurriculars.
How much does car insurance cost in a month?
How much does car insurance cost for inexperienced driver? I'll be a newcomer in Winnipeg. I'd like to buy used car to drive to college. Can I buy a car and get a drivers license with a student visa? Thank you.
Do you need auto insurance in florida?
Do you need auto insurance in florida?
I am 16/m and looking for a cheap car insurances?
Im currently living in nyc, I am 16/m and looking for a cheap car insurances. Does anyone know of any?""
Insurance questions?
Insurance questions? I got into an accident yesterday but my insurance was cancelled because i missed the last Three month's payment. Do u think they will cover the other Guy damaged vehicle? if not would he come after me , or would he be able to sue me?, it was my mistake to cause the accident.?""
Is my life insurance cheap or expensive?
I pay $4 a week and I get $30,000 insurance and I'm 22 years old, male, is this a good or bad deal?""
Which is cheaper car insurance in newjersey?
Which is cheaper car insurance in newjersey?
Paying car insurance annually?
I want to pay my insurance annually. I read something about rates being subject to change for many reasons. If this happens, will i receive a bill saying i owe more money? or if it goes down do i get money back? Im confused lol. Someone help?""
Health Insurance claims in LA?
How long must health insurance claims be kept on file in Louisiana hospitals and healthcare facilities?
Car insurance for adult first time driver?
Hi there! I am 29 and still don't have a car and car insurance of almost 4 yrs of living in states. I think my husband is scared of the cost since I have never driven before even in my country of origin since we don't really need cars there. I just want to ask how much does it cost for an insurance for first time adult driver, i mean any idea? thanks! I just want to take my child to the park or somewhere since we just stay almost all our time in our house.""
Car insurance help in northern ireland!!!?
i am a 17 year old living in northern ireland and i am practicing for my driving license but i hav had quotes on cars and they are in the region of 2000 pounds which i cannot afford. my dad has 30 years no claims on his insurance but he will not let me on his insurance in case som1 claims against me and he loses his no claims bonus. can someone please help me because i really want to drive a car of my own that i can afford the insurance on???
Car insurance?!?!?
last week i crashd my car =( and its pretty much a write off ... just got to wait for my insurance to confirm that it is. anyway im wonderin if anyone knows on avarage how long it'll take for insurance to pay out?? cheers
AAA Insurance In California & Speeding Tickets?
Does AAA insurance allow you to go to traffic school so your insurance rates don't go up? it's my first time offense
Inestment in Gold or Life insurance ?
it is better to invest in gold or invest in life insurance / same amount
Car Insurance discrimination?
I was filling out a car insurance quote form online , I put my mother as the main driver and me as additional but accidentally put me as a spouse , the quote came back as 400 pounds. As i reviewed the quote i notice my mistake and changed it to Other ( Spouse , Partner , Other only listed ) and then my quote came back as 2000 pounds. I am 18 years old and getting car insurance is hard but my question is how does being married make me a safer driver and is it possible to take insurance companies to court because of there overlooked age discrimination""
17 year old getting insurance in NY?
I am planning to buy a car in a couple of months. Probably a Honda Civic/Accord from 1994 and up. I dont have more than 3500. How much will insurance cost to pay by myself? Added on my parents?They currently pay 130 a month. I have 90 average in school and a 10% discount fot compleating a drivers ed program.
Health insurance?
if I wanted to buy my own health insurance (dental. medical, vision) not though my job. Where would i look online?
Can my wife and I have a joint car insurance when we are in two states?
Hi, I am at MI and my wife is at DC (I think DC will have a high insurance rate. I'll move to DC after a year). We have two cars. Could we have a joint car insurance if one car is registered at MD and one car is registered at MI? Thanks for your attention
How does the good grade discount work for auto insurance?
I am a teen and going to be driving soon, but i was wondering how does the good grade discount work im asking two questions: What does your GPA need to be? (generally, i know maybe ...show more""
How long does car insurance process take for collision?
So my mother was involved in a collision several days ago and actually hit a police car on the highway. Her car has some serious damage and had to be towed. Now we're left wondering how long it will take before the insurance company determines whether it's totaled or fixable. It's an '09 Nissan Sentra and the passenger side airbag went off, the front passenger door's damaged, and the front right tire looked to show some axle damage. She was definitely at-fault but the the officer was kind enough not to cite her since she lost control of the car. Now we're left wondering how long it will take before the insurance company notifies us what they've decided. I was informed an appraiser went to look at the car two days ago though. Any comments on what the process will be like from now on? Thanks.""
18 year old, male, 2010 camaro ss with 4000 miles on it. had a few speeding tickets, no wrecks LOOKING FOR INSURANCE QUOTES PLEASE""
""What is the definition of a total loss car by the insurance company?, Is it possible to get my car back?""
Florida-A couple of months ago I was involved in an car accident that my insurance said they would not fix, due to certain circumstances. The insurance company told me the car was a total loss. The buy here Pay here who financed the vehicle told me to bring in the police report info and that was it. you have to get a new car is simply what I was told, I asked about payments and he told me to call him in a few days- few days turn into weeks and he is never available to discuss with me payments. Almost 2 months and there is still noone willing to talk to me?, looking through some car ads yesterday I saw the car listed at a different location owned by the same Buy Here Pay Here it was all like new, Fixed and being sold? If my car was fixable couldnt I have just paid out of pocket to fix it? what is the definition of a total loss from the insurance's view? Is it possible to get my car back? BTW I have no issues with paying the finance company- I just cant get anyoone to talk to me. Please try and answer all of the questions here, so I dont have to repost separately Thanks in advance for the advice.""
Will my car insurance go down when i turn 18?
I got my license when i turned 16. I was driving a 2001 mustang. Within 6 months i got into a car accident. Long story, but wasn't my fault so don't judge me because i'm not some stupid teen who was handed a mustang and went around speeding and wrecked. I'm not like that. I was raised way better than that. Anyway... Now i'm about to turn 18 and i'm still under my parents insurance. I was wondering if my insurance will go down when i turn 18.""
Why is mandatory auto insurance to make sure other drivers can be reimbursed for my actions ok?
But mandatory insurance to make sure doctors and hospitals can be reimbursed for my healthcare is considered socialism?
The longer you have your motorcycle license..the cheaper your insurance is going to be?
I'm 18 and if I get a motorcycle license right now....but not ride a motorcycle till say....20? will my insurance be cheaper because i've had it for 2 years?? (i live in los angeles california by the way)
If I get car insurance will my parents' rates go up?
If I get my own car insurance with my own policy from a completely different insurance company than my parents', but use the same address, would that cause my parents' rates to go up?""
2008 Nissan GTR Insurance/Maintenance?
I'v been saving up some money now and want to get a used car when i turn 21. had my license since 16 I'm debating heavily whether to get 2008 bmw 335i coupe or 2008 nissan gtr. i'm sure nissan gtr insurance and maintenance would cost a lot but about how much should I be expecting? iv been searching around and this is the number i got to guess but iono 4000 a year for insurance and 2000 a year for maintence...is that a good estimate? if it's more than that, i don't think i should really get one. should i just keep saving and buy a 335i and treat myself with a nicer one after college? or should i just go all out right now?""
""2012, 17 Year Old Insurance?""
Looking to pass my test in Feb. (3rd) And all threads and posts I have looked at are from 2010 or something. Just wondering what the best sort of car is for my age and insurance provider and any tips to lower my premium as the lowest I have come out with was with elephant.co.uk at 2900, third party fire and theft on a citroen ax. Which is above my budget... Any Clues Anyone ? Thanks""
What is the average deductable on car insurance?
What is the average deductable on car insurance?
""I need cheap car insurance, which company would be best?
I'm a freshman in college getting a car and I have a tight budget. Please help.
Can you be insured by more than one auto insurance company?
I am thinking of buying a car and currently I am under my dad's plan for his car. I want to have a different insurance company for my car. Would I need to go off of my dad's insurance policy for his car for this? I am thinking the only problem would occur would be if there was an incident that didn't involve the insured car itself but where my auto insurance would cover whatever it is (e.g. as a pedestrian I am hit by a car in a no fault state). Thanks
Does State Farm auto insurance round the GPA for good student discount?
I have a 2.998 GPA and need a 3.0 for good student discount. Will they round up to a 3.0?
Car insurance companies?
with low or 0% interest if paying monthly? is 8.5% too high or average? can they increase the interest or does it have to stay the same? does it matter if all your paying is 35 per month with interest? please help
Do I need public liability Insurance ?
We are starting a service that matches companies to website designers. Its an online service. Theoretically there could be issue between the companies meeting through our service. Would we require some sort of public liability insurance to cover us for such issues ? or maybe some other sort of insurance.? regards Ashley
Fully comp car insurance?
Hello wondering if I am covered to drive another car if we both have fully comp car insurance and if engine sizes have to match thanks
Car insurance spouse dui?
how can i get affordable car insurance after my spouse has DUI ? What if he choses to never get a license again? Do I have to kick him out so I can afford car insurance? I have a great driving record. HELP !!!!!!
What would be the car insurance group for a renault megane cabrio dymanique 1600cc?
I am selling my car and have been asked what insurance group it is please.
What is the cheapest auto insurance in california and can you please tell me the monthly rate for liability?
What is the cheapest auto insurance in california and can you please tell me the monthly rate for liability?
How much would insurance be for a 16 year old with a Honda Civic coupe?
I live in California and wanna know about how much the insurance would be
Affordable Health Insurance Florida Question:?
So I'm looking up affordable health insurance florida sites for more information. Found nothing useful so far. Can anyone help? I just need the best or most reliable site you can share.
Car Insurance in CA with AZ vehicle?
Ok so I have a multi part question. My dad is about to get his car reposed. He lives in Phoenix AZ and obviously bought the car there. Its not under his name yet cause hes still paying for it. So he wants me to take over the payments and give me the car. I live in Los Angeles. So my question is, can I get insurance here in Cali even though its a AZ car and its still under the peoples name? If not, he can get insurance there. Also, isn't there a period of time an out of state car can be here being out off state still? What should I do? I don't want to get all sorts of fines or tickets. Thanks in advance""
What is the cheapest car insurance for 25 year old female in Florida?
What is the cheapest car insurance for 25 year old female in Florida?
Health insurance?
if I wanted to buy my own health insurance (dental. medical, vision) not though my job. Where would i look online?
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asylvermoment · 7 years
Below is yesterday's post from a local leader I deeply respect. I've been guilty of this too and her post resonated with me at a core level. It's easy to get swept up in divisive hatred, blame, and anger. Especially when you have experienced it directly or are in an environment saturated by it. But messages like these are so important. I felt torn yesterday at the march because there were factions represented and groups uniting against a common enemy... a variety of chants and attacks ranged from outright attack to messages of solidarity, unity and love. We need to establish common ground on the merits of what we hold dear and support, instead of belittling others for not seeing things the way we do (the tension of those mixed messages was felt in yesterday's march). We need to open up and listen-- truly listen-- to the experiences of others, without judgment, in order to coalesce and understand. So, thank you Azuka for reminding me to look beyond the suffering and anger-- my own included-- and work to unite through inclusion, embracing difficulties, and establishing community. "This may be an unpopular feeling I'm About to express...... But I want to share this just to leave a space to be able to observe and question how we are going about it all. This picture was taken at the mall. It was a group of people in silent meditation and prayer. I was walking by and it was like the air changed and I had to stop. In that space there was a big energy shift and you stood in it and it was as if you stepped into a crystal like power surge. People walking by would fall silent and I could see they were being affected by this beautiful practice. It was such a blessing to breathe there for a bit and pray on love and peace. That was the only group like that though in the whole march I was able to see. (Ok I'm Sure there were more- would love to hear about it from you guys!) I don't know if this is a personal trauma of mine Bc I particular dislike attacking individuals So much especially to the point of dehuminizing then Bc I have personally been attacked in those ways. Or maybe. I am feeling this Bc I just think we can do it better. And seeing this prayer circle. Observing and keeping up with standing rocks water protestors and how they have made the resistance so sacred and peaceful. I feel like maybe we are missing out on a much more powerful way of makin change by focusing on building the beautiful rather than focusing on just attacking "The enemy". I also know sometimes the world needs revolutions. I know some people have to be stopped. But as I walked through the march Ifelt like each sign dehumidify and hating back this dude was a loss in power Somehow. I feel like we could have jumped way beyond and higher than that. Maybe I'm crazy. Maybe I'm too much of an idealist and don't have my feet on the ground (I'm kind akmown for that hahaha) . But I dream of empowering women through EMPOWERING WOMEN. I've never been a fan of rising up by stomping down others (I fucking hate that in business too! . I still in my heart want to believe that we can overthrow hate by actually LOVING more. Not hating back. I actually think LOVE could work. But I know a lot of the world is afraid and angry. I understand. I can't really get myself to say that T word. This is why I was silent during the campaigns. Bc all the back and forth hating is totally draining and feel unproductive and no one is focused on their power and source of love to make transformations in the world. I want to keep trying. The LOVE Way. I refuse to generalize republicans. I refuse to generalize those "religious" people. I refuse to generalize even the uninformed people that don't get a chance to be around all us cool Diverse people where they grow up. I want to build bridges to help people understand and learn from each other. NOT condemn and judge based on beliefs right from the get go so the defensiveness and wall is placed between us before we even got to find a solution! . Some people just come from different places. Different families. And need a chance to meet people that can give them the opportunities to open up to the ideas of love and acceptance we are standing for supposedly. I want to be love and acceptance. I don't want to reject Judge and condemn - that will just build more walls. I am fucking tired of walls. I want to love more and pray more and reach out to more people no matter what their belief is. I'm gonna keep trying , this is why I went underground with my business. Something felt wrong up on the ground there - I needed tot figure it out for myself without people influencing and I did! The gremlin community I have is a dream come true and I can stand here and say with full conviction that we have worked hard to create a culture of love and acceptance. I have two big rules and these two big rules felt conflicted yesterday. 1) golden rule - I don't want to DO what I don't want done to me. 2) when you wag your finger at someone else - wag it equally towards yourself to see what it is reflecting in you. Its always a mirror. Always. You see this pic of people praying. Imagine if the millions did this together. Yoooooo!!!!! And maybe I'm just a dreamer - let me dream on. I'm gonna keep making them come true! I'm gonna keep fuckig trying. I'm not hating a single person more. I am not partaking in being mean. I will join up if it's about awesomeness of humans!!!! I love you people. Even the ones I have a hard time loving. I'm gonna try to love you even harder! Ps. That sign reads "an era of compassion". I'm down to exercise that!!!!! Y'all were the ones holding the signs!!! 🙄"
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