#y’all stress me out
5millioncatipilars · 1 year
Tips for playing Overwatch, to dps and tank mains, from a support main
I’m in an overwatch mood tonight so I’m just gonna spam some thoughts before I go to bed.
As a support main, fuck you
Protect me if I’m getting targeted, I can’t heal you if I’m dead and I’m very squishy
I also can’t heal you if you’re halfway across the map, stay with the group. I don’t play Kiriko so I can’t just teleport to you and most support characters are slow af.
If you charge into the enemy team alone, I’m not following you. Don’t even ask for heals.
Supports’ main priority is to keep ourselves alive. I will leave my last teammate with low health to die if the enemy team starts to turn to me. Call it a tactical retreat.
Again, I can’t heal you if I’m dead.
Stop feeding the enemy team. Wait for at least one support before you go charging in so you don’t just die again.
I have to turn off game chat periodically bc if someone’s being an asshole to the supports in chat I will just stop healing them. Even if it means we loose. Be an asshole —> get no heals.
Sorjorn you do not need heals. Stop asking
Ash you do not need heals. Stop asking
Genji you are actively dying. Come back here and get some heals
Someone please remember the point of the game and go to the objective, I’m alone on here and the enemy team is on their way
Tank you do not need heals you still have half health I’m trying to make our dps with less than 10 health stop dying
Widow you can’t just stand in the middle of the road and snipe. Also if you’re getting shot at, you need to move positions, they obviously know where you are now.
Stop standing in Sorjorn’s ouch bubble. Please
Reaper I love you. You always shadow walk to me when you need heals
Hanzo that was real polite of you to just stand behind me until I noticed you but next time please ask for heals you are at 20 health and I did not know you were there
Reinheart I love you
Winston your bubble doesn’t make you immortal. If you jump into the enemy team and die, it’s not my fault. I tried
Doomfist you’re pretty squishy for a tank. Stop charging in without your heals
Roadhog if I’m actively healing you don’t use your health pack thing. Save it for when you need it
Why is Junkrat always dying? Like they’re always at critical health. What happened I healed you two seconds ago
Stop asking for heals right when there’s a break in the fight. I’ll top you up just gimme a sec to see who’s the most dying
If the support is doing more dps than you while also having more than 5000 heals you’re playing the game wrong
If the support switches from mainly heals to dps, you’re doing something wrong and they have taken on a “if you need something done right, do it yourself” attitude. Good luck finding health packs for the rest of the game
Don’t yell at me before you see the 11000 heals I’ve done. It’s not my fault you’re bad at the game
Don’t get mad in casual play. It’s just a game, we’re here to have fun. If you want to be sweaty and get mad about it, go play competitive mode
Stop dying. Just like, chill out.
Can someone come kill this dps that keeps flanking us and targeting our support? No? Ok.
Fyi: Baptiste’s lantern stops you from dying. If I put it down by you, stop moving. I’m gonna heal you, but you have to stay right here so you don’t die while I do it.
Fyi pt, 2: Baptiste’s ult amplifies healing and damage that goes through it. It’s like having Ana’s ult on the entire team of you use it right. Stop walking through it to charge into the enemy team. I can kill a tank at full health with a pocket healer on my own as a support character with that thing. It’s pretty op if you actually use it
Moira has very limited healing capabilities, so sorry if I’m not healing you right now, it’s recharging
As Anna, if you’re not getting any heals from me, one sec, I lost line of sight, I’m very slow, just give me a minute
Ana’s splash grenade stops the enemy from healing. Target whoever I just splashed
Lucio’s healing is passive. If you need heals, come find me
Stop running from me you fucking idiot I’m trying to keep you alive
Phara and Echo, pretty please with a cherry on top just land next to me for two seconds so I can heal you. You’re really hard to heal in the air, and for some characters impossible
Supports that heal other supports I love you. Come kill the flanking dps with me it’ll be fun
Support isn’t just there to heal you. That’s why it’s called support, not healing.
Goodnight 😌
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grahoriasfancave · 4 months
Thinking about how in a single gameplay Jason (who already has blood on his hands and conscience from an incorrect call) can be faced with the decision to:
let Merwin face the vampires alone
stab Joey
shoot or abandon Clarice
shoot Rachel
lie to Nick about his chance of survival
leave Salim to die
And then thinking about how they find Balathu or Kurum half preserved and suffering and Salim decides they must put him out of his misery. And how when Jason automatically moves to follow through, Salim puts a hand on his gun and says “I’ll do it.”
It’s a choice born of practicality, not kindness. But to Jason, who’s made the call so many times he’s gone numb, it must also be a lifeline.
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ask-shane · 22 days
that’s what i signed up for when i made this blog.
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whenever my asks are open, they fill pretty fast. it’s entertaining to watch in real time.
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sarah-yyy · 9 months
first year on the job: these transactions are so boring, i didn’t go to law school for this, i need some CHALLENGES
fifth year on the job: god…………please…………give me ONE (1) easy task…………i am begging
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trying to persuade my mom to get ducks instead of chickens
1. bigger more nutritious eggs
2. better fertilizers
3. less scary and vengeful
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77dekiru · 9 months
Why are people acting like All Might’s story ends here…. Like Hello? What are y’all onnnnn
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sluttyten · 6 months
My afraid-of-romance ass has just been asked by another regular customer for my number and the stupid thing is that again I do think this guy is kinda cute and I really probably should say yes
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kathybluecaller · 7 months
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Flipping flapjacks I’m a year old tup tup!!! (+1 day)
Yesterday, November 19th, marks the day I ran into this wonderful band through the Starlight Brigade music video. Can’t put into words how many good memories I’ve been making since! Ranging from it being another thing to bond over with friends and family, seeing them perform live, to even meeting new people. Their music and the community people have built is just so welcoming, funky, and positive! Couldn’t have asked for a better band to call my favorite
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my-fall-from-grace · 1 month
idea for paul maurice: give bob a knife to chase the fla panthers around w during practice in preparation for wednesday night
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drudyslut · 2 months
anons are back off. if you wanna talk to me, DM me 😚
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starbuck · 2 months
second night of Murder Mystery DONE all went well i am FREEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!
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valoale · 6 months
Wish me luck today I’ve got a photography gig for the longest time and of course it’s an outdoor location and of course it’s -15 degrees Celsius outside and on top of that I need to drive over 100km and the roads are icy as fuck and I still have the shitty winter tyres I’ve been bitching about for weeks lmao
Let’s see how I’ll survive, running on faith at this point
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cairi-fruit · 9 months
Nadine Ross is often characterized as butch/a stud, especially when compared to Chloe in their relationship… because she’s a black, muscular dark skinned woman. Am I gonna talk about this???
I guess I chose violence today, especially since I rarely text post on here, mostly jokes and ideas when I do, but this is has been on my mind for years tbh. I know people often talk about persons trying to fit queer relationships in a heteronormative lens, making one partner seem more masc and one seem more fem, when that may be the case sometimes, but sometimes partners are also equally fem, equally masc, equally stem etc. Its also the case that black/dark skinned characters are often painted with the masc brush more.
I’m a black dark skinned sapphic. Hi. Maybe I’m projecting? (I mean I project autism onto Nadine too as an autist myself, heyo.) Personally, I don’t see much of a reason in canon to assume Nadine is butch or a stud, she’s not dressed super fem whenever we see her, but we literally only see her when she’s working. It’s in her character to dress practically while Chloe is more chill about that sort of thing. Sure she wears a pantsuit instead of a dress in Italy (uncharted 4) but she was still working and expected worse than Rafe did. Pantsuit is still practical there. She still did her make up and wore cute rings tho. I just don’t see why some people characterize her as allergic to make up, or dresses, or feminine underwear or anything of a similar sort.
Don’t take this as me having an issue with studs or more masc presenting black women, I love them I’m friends with many irl. But as a black woman I can speak to the way black and dark skinned women are often kept from femininity, that femininity is more closely tied to pale skin, “neat” (ie long flowing straight) hair, daintier fames and Eurocentric facial features which Nadine has none of, neither do I. I don’t expect the people who this post will reach to be the ones who still to this day call Nadine trans slurs even because she dares to be muscular (something I have also dealt with irl and showing my face online in the past), but I can’t help but wonder how her race affects this when those people often use racialised language as well.
Think of how women are often slut shamed for what they wear, based on their unchangeable body more than the clothing itself. A thin white woman in a camisole and shorts is comfortable, and a curvy large chested, big booty black woman in the same outfit is a thot. It’s kinda similar in that way, that a small framed white (or lighter skinned, straight haired) woman in a simple shirt and pants is just wearing basic clothes, but a black woman in the same outfit is butch. The way black women who are anything other than HYPER fem with long acrylics, wigs/weaves/braids, complex pretty dresses (which are ALL lovely don’t get it twisted) are immediately coined a masc is just… weird to me. It’s like we have to put more effort into proving we are women and can be feminine too.
If you ask me Chloe and Nadine come across equally stem, I don’t see either of them more or less likely to engage in traditional femininity than the other. Even simple things like the fact that many people write/draw Nadine as taller than Chloe, when being taller is associated with masculinity when Chloe is canonically 5’8 and Nadine is only 5’5. So I begin to wonder why no one portrays Chloe as possibly being more masc in turn. Or even Elena, who we only see look pretty “fem” or whatever, opposed to practical, in her wedding photos.
TLDR: Ask yourself why you might picture Nadine as being more masc than Chloe. Is it just a fun headcanon? Is it seeing yourself in her character? Is there reason you believe that cause of things she actually says and does in Uncharted? Or if it was reversed, that Chloe, or he’ll even a white woman acted the same way as Nadine, dressed the same way as Nadine, would you still assume that she was butch? Or does her hair, build and skin tone add to why she comes across more masculine, because this is a thing many black women, especially sapphics, who don’t present as hyperfem have to deal with irl, myself included. We are often perceived as more masculine, trying/wanting to be men, being called trans slurs or being seen as too masculine in our bodies to be AFAB/being “transvestigated” (which people do do to Nadine), all these things that try to keep us at an arms length from womanhood and femininity. So keep those things in mind when you portray a character (particularly in transformative work, your own OC is a little different).
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yeehawbvby · 4 months
My ACNH island is VERY slowly coming together (been working on it since.. I think July? Maybe august?)
I’m really happy with the progress I’ve made except I’m now one of those people whose island lags because of the amount of stuff in some spots lmao 🧎🏻‍♀️ it’s a worthy sacrifice though imo because my orchard is the culprit and it looks banging!!
Either way. BEHOLD
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kazoologist · 3 months
I have decided I hate the Australia race bc for real this weekend has literally just started and baby I am *cursed* cursed
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thesixthimmortal · 5 days
Fanficton isn’t enough I need to kiss that motherfucking principal
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