#xiao x Lumine
chastiefoul · 2 days
“i’d like to see me from your point of view.”
you in their pov. ft. wriothesley and xiao
wriothesley really thought he’s a man of patience and will, but when he was sitting on his office with no work done, his thoughts wondering whether you’ll visit him or not that day proved that maybe he’s just being an overconfident fool.
when your long-awaited sweet voice called him as you went up the stairs he couldn’t stand up and meet you at the last step any faster.
has he ever told you that you had the most beautiful smile? especially when the reason behind it was you’re just as excited to meet him.
since when the sight of someone sitting at his office brought him this much joy? also, he was never one to mind about furnitures and room decorations, yet looking at you there made him start to think. was the couch comfortable enough? do you like the height of the table? any colors you prefer for the decorations? was there something you dislike? say the words and wriothesley will get it changed in less than a day. all to keep you there a moment longer.
listening to your gentle chatters as the day slowly passed, wriothesley couldn’t believe he could get that lucky in life. an easy smile on his face as he stared at you, sometimes forgetting that he had to actually reply and not just stare at you in amazement.
wriothesley is just a man, a man of power sure. but for you he wants to be something more, everything you need him to be. damn it, he wanted to give everything that he is to you and if he didn’t have what you want? that you better believe he would build and make it.
as the day reached it end and when you left, wriothesley realized that his beloved cup of tea that he always drank until the last possible sip has remained untouched.
a feeling so soft and lovely, he never thought he was worthy of it. worthy of you.
yet he learned to stop thinking that after seeing you be so mad when he said that out loud.
for a yaksha who lived through 2000 years, he did not want to be associated with words such as naive and gullible. however if someone were to ask him to define love, his answer would be you. without a doubt.
he could’ve never known if it wasn’t for you that turns out the safest and warmest place in teyvat come in a form of your hold. your two arms that felt like a blanket, engulfing him with all the unfamiliar yet pleasant feelings.
your soft touch and gentle caresses. gestures you did as if he was a precious thing. did you know he just relentlessly killed every monsters and foes he could find? you did, but that never stopped you.
it’s unexplainable, it’s confusing, it’s strange. for someone who lived through a war and handling karmic debts on a daily basis, how could it be that he only took one look at you and everything would feel okay?
xiao who never believed in such childish concept such as fate and destiny, but if they’re really real, could he be selfish this once and ask for a meeting with you in his next lifetime?
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cilorine · 8 months
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xiaolumi 4.1 is very shoujo romance anime coded
thank you hyv for this event... my face during this scene was indescribable
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mythicamagic · 2 months
Xiao's birthday letters to Traveler summarised:
2021 birthday: I caught crystalflies for you. I visualised them in your hair
2022: I listened to starconches on the beach wondering if I'd hear your voice
2023: I visited a friend and they threw a party, please come if you have the time
This birthday, 2024: I dream of you. Do I deserve to dream so sweetly?
In conclusion:
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luxthestrange · 7 months
G.I Incorrect Quotes#53 Xiaolumi #1 Shipper
Zhongli*sees Lumine and Xiao together* Zhongli*Happy Dragon dad purrs* They're cute~ I would put them on a boat Y/n: Darling, You mean...you ship them?
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Hate to break it to you all XiaoLumi Shippers who think you are their greatest shipper...your wrong that title is Zhongli's-
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krisichiki · 4 months
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【 Beneath the Light of Lanterns 】
Happy Lunar New Year and Happy Lantern Rite!! ✨🏮Taking Xiao to see the lanterns! 😊
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dark-night-hero · 1 year
Imagine never in a thousand years of being with the Conqueror of Demons, Yaksha or Xiao as he is now called did you think the time would come where he would have to choose between you and one another.
"No shut up, don't talk to me."
"Xiao." This time you called him softly.
"Not now (First name) I'm trying to consen-"
"It's okay Xiao, let me go."
Imagine you never imagined this day would come. With the three of you, the traveller and him all bruised up and exhausted. The three of you might have defeated the enemy, but here you are in such situation.
Imagine your arms feels slightly numb upon hanging on for as long as you can remember from the cliff and yet the lingering warm touch of your lover was still felt, the same with his trembling touch. You know he was exhausted, and to make matters worst.
Imagine panting, glancing at your side. There was the unconscious traveller being held by Xiao preventing her from falling.
"What are you saying-"
"You knew very well in times like this decision.. decision must be made. Xiao." You smiled at him as you look at those trembling yellow iris of his.
"The others won't arrive until a while. By the time they arrive it would be too late for the two us." You added, swallowing a mouthful of blood.
"It's on you Xiao."
Imagine the way his eyes continued to tremble upon your words, glancing back and forth between you and Lumine. Strange, why is he looking at you like that. Have he made up his mind?
Imagine, it's not like you would mind if he chose her. But still, feeling a light pang on your chest. You want to cry, the sudden urge to cry was there and yet you continued to hold back your tears with a smile.
"Xiao?" Looking at your lover in daze, you chuckle. But soon stopped upon following his gaze, there was a woman.
"Xiao?" Unconsciously, you hold on into his arm, only then did he snapped at it.
"I'm sorry, what were you talking about again?"
Imagine you knew it from the way he looks at her from afar, you knew there was something. So why is he looking at you like that? Why does he kept looking at you like he was ready to let go of the traveller when she was the first for him to reach out a hand as you barely hang in there.
"Xiao. It's okay." You chuckle, a tear rolling down your cheek.
"It's okay, let me go."
"What are you saying- ugh."
Imagine, in the split second. The hand that was holding you loosen. Everything felt slow after that, the way his yellow iris widen, the way his jaw dropped. The way you look at your hand before taking it close to your chest, holding the place where his lingering touch was still felt. You smile, it was warm.
Imagine as you look up, strangely warm breeze blowing on your back. You saw Xiao frantically screaming in which seems at you, the way you saw tears running down those eyes makes you wonder why does he have to make it seems like he accidentally let go of you? Why does he have to make it seems like he was still in love with you. Why does it looks like he would jump off that cliff just to chase after you?
Imagine with every but of strength left. You smile at him.
"Don't come."
[ⓒdark-night-hero] 2023°
: Pano ba yan mga beh, mamatay na nga hindi pa pinili. Pain, pighati.
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qaanngi · 8 months
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‘Sweet Dream’ is no dream, yet it nurtures people’s dreams ✨
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tikay-kikay · 1 year
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Heroes will always look out for each other.
Based on their final conversation during the Perilous Trail Interlude Chapter.
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pastxlscorp · 8 months
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average Xiao event (it always ends with even more traveler tension than the last. also. the traveler smiling at Xiao fondly made me weep)
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verc0pa · 4 months
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they did not miss w the annual xiaolumi date im kicking my feet in the air rn
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primofate · 4 months
Lantern Rite 2024 Spoilers (Images)
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You can't tell me that XiaoLumi is not canon
Let me live in this delulu ship
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cilorine · 1 year
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so i was thinking: what if lumine promised xiao that she would be there for him too if he called her name? 😳
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mythicamagic · 8 months
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Xiaolumi crumbsss
Everyone else: pls Xiao. Pls pls pls pls pls come with
Xiao: no.
Traveler: *breathes*
Xiao: I'll be there at 6
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teal-moonlight · 4 months
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If this doesn’t scream canon then I have no idea what to tell y’all
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krisichiki · 2 months
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【 Xiaolumi Week Day 4 • Tender Touches 】
In a realm so cold and foreign, your warm presence is a comforting hearth 💚
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redfirefox-55 · 5 months
I saw these beautiful fanarts that @/fyuuu_14 on Twitter made of a crossover of Princess Tutu with (Genshin) Xiaolumi, so I had to go binge rewatch the anime, then draw my own fanart inspired by it lol
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Their fanarts were much better than my doodle, but I just couldn’t resist taking inspiration- the idea was rotting my brain for the past four days..
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Uh anyway, you should go watch princess tutu if you like magical girl type stuff! It’s a fun time!
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