#xena reunion
markthexenaaddicted · 2 years
Bodecia: “It’s been a while, Xena.” Xena: “You got my message?” Bodecia: "Yeah, just a bit late."
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Lucy Lawless and Jennifer Ward-Lealand together again in My Life is Murder 3.01 (1/2)
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girl4music · 1 year
Honestly the greatest piece of acting I’ve ever seen in a TV show. I’ve wrote about it elsewhere so I won’t wax poetic about all that this scene represents for me. I just want to acknowledge how astounding I think it is in terms of acting skill and direction. You could seriously put this entire scene on mute and still see everything that it conveys in it. Remarkable acting!
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oceaninwinter · 4 months
Had a blast at Creation's Xena Convention this last weekend!
It was so fun celebrating a show that had such an effect on me as a little girl and as I go through a rewatch of it now.
I also got to attend Hudson Leick's emotional healing workshop again there this year and it is always one of the best, rejuvenating experiences.
And I made a new con friend! I love bonding with other fans over all the nerdy fandoms we share. I hope we get to see each other at other cons in the future!
Love this show and the community it breeds so much! Everyone was so kind and giving and it was lovely getting to be a part of it! 🥰
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olddirtybadfic · 1 month
mfw I find myself writing a scene in which Pinky is gleefully chugging a thimble of goat's blood because he's pregnant with a demon (who will grow up to look and act like Dark Pinky and probably try to seduce Brain while impersonating Pinky) due to one of Brain's world domination schemes while Brain watches in horror and fascination
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how many times will I inflict this Gabrielle's Hope-ass plot on a male character I like
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marley-manson · 9 days
The whole Twilight of the Gods arc straight up sucks all kinds of ass, but I'm still in a very positive mood re this show so I'm gonna talk about the things I did like:
-- I don't actually dislike a lot of the Xena/Ares stuff? Ares is an enormous dick but he's the antagonistic entitled god of war so it's not exactly unexpected, and I find the way it leads up to him making a genuinely selfless sacrifice ultimately satisfying even if the emotional continuity could've been handled better. Plus I'm a fan of Xena throwing him around and playing with his tits when she's pretending to seduce him ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
-- And I'm also a fan of Ares impaling himself on Xena's sword while getting all seductive in their first reunion in 25 years.
-- Also I'm glad they made it very clear that Ares didn't know Livia was Xena's daughter lol.
-- I like Athena as the main antagonist, like that Athena has a mortal girlfriend, like Xena killing her. There's a lot of fic where Athena and Artemis show up and are treated as good and wise and deserving of respect and even worship, especially in contrast to evil Ares, and I've never really liked that sisterhood solidarity by default vibe lol so I like them as antagonists in canon. The final battle between Xena and Athena ft Artemis was also satisfying - the way Xena wins fair and square, and it only doesn't take the first time because Eve died first.
-- And as much as the whole plot is dumb, I like that Xena takes on like five gods at once and kills them all. When she gets Hades with the fire blowing technique 🥰
-- Oh also I love to see Gabrielle holding her own against some gods like Hades and Hephaeston. Not the war gods, but the gods whose thing isn't really combat? It makes sense to me (not having seen Hercules so having little reference point for the gods' power levels and also not really caring anyway), and it's awesome to see.
-- "Sounds like you and Xena had some great adventures together dad." Genuinely heartwarming as fuck.
-- Livia was irritating and the way she acted like a 16 year old when she was supposed to be 25 was obnoxious, BUT Adrienne Wilkinson was successfully channeling Hudson Leick imo and it was fun to hear Callisto's cadence from her.
-- Love Hope making an appearance while the Furies are driving Gab insane (even if that IS outside their jurisdiction lol) and drawing the obvious parallel between Eve and Hope. I like to think it's Gabrielle's very buried resentment being voiced, and frankly I support Gabby's right to murder Eve <3
-- Also on that note, I love Gab being the one to conclude that Livia is beyond saving and needs to die. I like to imagine she did feel a little thrill of satisfaction in turning the tables on Xena there, somewhere deep deep down, and maybe that lingering resentment over Hope is partly why she can write off Livia.
-- While Xena did wimp out when it came to killing her daughter and that sux, I give props for the moment when she says she could do it if she had to, and for the fact that the blocking of the fight leaves it ambiguous as to whether she would have pulled herself together and done it if Livia hadn't taken advantage of her hesitation. Like, at least she didn't drop the chakram and go "i can't," or something.
-- The show's attempt to ground Livia/Eve's magical personality change in memories of Xena taking care of her as a baby didn't work, but they clearly did make an effort to have some emotional continuity and I respect it.
-- Aphrodite helping Xena and Gabrielle because Gabrielle is her friend was very sweet and it's nice to see her get a dramatic scene.
-- It feels arbitrary and annoying that Xena doesn't just kill Ares - even if Xena does have feelings towards him to some extent lol that wouldn't stop her - but it is a fun moment when Ares is like "you can't bring yourself to shoot me," and she immediately shoots him. And I'm free to headcanon that Xena was not so much sparing Ares, as she was so pissed off at Ares in particular for enabling Eve's mortal wound that she deliberately chained him up just to make him watch her kill his family before she kills him.
-- Dying Eve telling Xena she liked spiders as a kid, and the scene at the end where she's playing with a spider on the beach was also genuinely sweet.
-- "Looks like you got your daughter back." "No, we got our daughter back." Of course I remembered this exchange distinctly, but I hadn't remembered that it was the very last line of the season. Excellent note to go out on.
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strangesmallbard · 1 year
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xenaskywalker · 1 year
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timeandspacenovelist · 7 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
Thank you for the tag, @eriadu-in-the-wildwood!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
77 currently. Writing is one of my ways to relax so I've written a lot over the last three years.
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
A nice roundy 446,376 (so far)
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Doctor Who and some occasional jaunts into the world of WWE
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
You Must Remember This (one of my all time faves) 2. Bus Ride (unexpected, but still a fun one) 3. An Impossible Reunion (another all time fave) 4. Wounds (This was a cute one shot but it did so damn well) 5. Hopeless Romantic (another all time fave)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
As much as I can. I want people to feel as welcome in my comments, as I've felt in others.
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I'd say Replay. The ending does have closure but it's certainly not happy.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I'll say With You, I'll Stay As Long As Possible. It gave Yaz and 13 their relationship that they deserved with the promise of it being a decade long.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
I do not, no.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I don't, no. Don't think I have the skill for it.
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
I have in the past, yes! Doctor Nightmare features Rhea Ripley meeting the 13th Doctor, The Victorian Visitation has 13 and Clara meeting Queen Victoria (more specifically the version from the 2016 show), The Impossible Nobody had Clara meeting Rey from Star Wars, Bus Ride had 13 meeting Johanna Constantine from the Sandman and Warrior...Princess...Doctor had 13 and Yaz meeting Xena and Gabrielle. In terms of craziest? Probably Doctor Nightmare for how different both universes are.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
I don't think so!
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Not that I know of!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
I have! The on-going For The Woman Who Has Everything was written by myself and @anotherfrench. She's given me free rein to finish it however, so I'm on my own now!
14. What's your all-time favourite ship?
Might be a tie with Thasmin and Whouffaldi at this point.
15. What's a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
I've had this idea of the Doctor and Yaz and Clara heading back to the 90s, and stopping an alien who is using anti-aging cream to suck the youth from people. But I've never been able to make any sufficient headway with it. No matter how much I try.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Personally, I've no idea. But I've been told my dialogue is very realistic and sensible.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Descriptions are just not my thing. I cannot naturally do it and need all the help I can get. Which involves getting help books.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I've done it before, but just for small moments.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Gotta be Doctor Who.
20. Favourite fic you've ever written?
Jeez, that's a hard one. Umm...I'll give a finished and unfinished one (you'll understand in a sec). In terms of finished, it has to be You Must Remember This. Just a really fun concept that I really wanted to get right and I exceeded my own expectations for it. It feels so real and so powerful while still feeling true to both characters and their histories. Unfinished wise? Has to be Heaven Knows I've Tried. My first proper AU and it's been bundles of fun. I've come to just adore the characters and it feels like such a labor of love. I feel writing it has made me a better writer as it has gone on and for that, it has to be my favorite
I'll tag @lex144, @colemansdimple and @sweetbraveclara. Excited to see what you guys talk about! Thanks again for the tag, @eriadu-in-the-wildwood !
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shadlad24 · 2 years
Episodic Ficlet #21: Lifeline
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“Xena! …Xena, we’ve got trouble!”
An imperceptibly slow pulse instantly quickened. Gabrielle!
“Wait a second.”
A heart that had long known it was not whole thudded to protest the delay of its reunion with its newfound other half. Irritation spiked the warrior princess’s waning blood pressure. Step aside, you fool!
“Salmoneus, get out of my way!” that cherished voice echoed.
“Wait a second!”
Breath abandoned the lungs that were keeping two people alive.
No! Xena lost the little bit of consciousness she had left.
Am I dead? the woman wondered several seconds later. I must be, for she could hear each one of Gabrielle’s shattered, disbelieving thoughts as if they were rioting within her own head.
Xena, how could you? You promised me you’d be here when I got back! How- How could this happen? Why- …
Gabrielle, I’m here! she wanted to tell her companion. Do not be afraid. I have not left you. I am with you always.
This must be a dream. I’m dreaming…
You are a dream, my dream, my dream come true.
There were no words then, only soundless emotions; Xena, Destroyer of Nations and unfeeling warlord—dead, unfeeling warrior—acutely perceived everything coming from Gabrielle, the lively girl who had opened her friend up to feelings as only she could.
That unbearable and yet irreplaceable soft touch carefully albeit absently fixed Xena’s hair.
Soon, both pale hands were fussing with the long locks, the bard ruefully joking to herself that she could finally do whatever she wanted with them. Perhaps she’d spend the evening brushing them just to annoy their owner. Gabrielle smiled wryly and gave a slight head shake. The same irresistible compulsion that had drawn her to Xena’s hair in the first place, the warrior overall, drew the bard to her knees to kiss her friend’s cheek.
That smallest, lightest touch burned most of all. It banished the coldness that had settled into fast-stiffening limbs. 
But the response went unnoticed, or, perhaps, it was felt but not trusted. 
Gabrielle was only allowed a second to press her face to her friend’s before Salmoneus spoke and broke the spell that had been cast over her at seeing the impossible. 
Thus, the even more impossible happened. Following a last long look, the girl severed the connection between her and her soulmate with a simple, unspoken goodbye. Gabrielle stood and turned away from that which she could longer bear to witness.
Her warmth and light gone, Xena fell back into icy darkness.
400 words, minus those that are not mine. This is a new way of doing these, eh? What do you guys think? Should I just stick to “between the scenes” or mix in more like these that take place during the scenes? Lemme know! Thanks!
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dump-the-ashes · 2 years
Overthinking Xena: Warrior Princess #2- The Gods You Don’t Know
i always wondered about this. i was watching looking death in the eye and they switch over to olympus where athena’s having like a batmitzvah party with ALL DEEZ GODS???
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WHO ARE THEY. Did they just peace out during the twilight and drink wine all day while Xena was wrecking up their family?
Ares, Athena, Hades, Hephaestus and Celesta all check out. And there are obviously some other gods who didn’t get invited or whatever like Aphrodite, Cupid, Discord, Deimos, Charon, The Furies, and The Fates.  
So I’m gunna go pretty headcanon here but I tried figuring out who the rest were. I think these two peeps might be Apollo and Artemis.
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I know Artemis shows up later and looks totally different. But to be fair Hades and Hephaestus also have other actors AND are also in this shot. 
So, Apollo is the god of the sun, usually described as having golden hair. This guy is also wearing a lot of gold and blue, the colors of the sun and the sky. One of his famous quotes is “everything in moderation” which is important because he is one of the only gods here not chugging down some booze.
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His twin sister is Artemis, who he is very close to in mythology. It makes sense then that he would also be standing next to her during an awkward family reunion. This version of Artemis has blonde hair like her brother. She is the goddess of the wild, hunting, and the moon. Her clothes here are either silver or gold and have more of a leafy pattern. She is also a lot less moderate than Apollo and is drinking in pretty much every frame we see her in.
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Ok we all know Poseidon looks like a waterpark but I’m about to dive deep here. My thought is that maybe his giant CGI body is more like a powerplay but not actually his true form. Maybe he shows up like this to intimidate mortals or only looks like that while in the water. 
During the first episode with Ares in Hercules the Legendary Journeys, the god of war took the form of a giant ogre with glowing eyes. He also appeared as a skull in reflections or in the moonlight before we finally got Kevin Smith. So it’s not too out of nowhere to think that other gods might pull some of the same tricks. 
This guy in this Olympian party dorm has a crown and beard close to what we’ve seen of Poseidon so far. He also looks as old as Zeus did, which makes sense as being one of his brothers. Maybe Hades just got all the good genes in the family.
The rest of the gods were harder to figure out. BUT I’m still gunna make some wild guesses so here we go.
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The first guy on the left I’m going to guess is Dionysus. Bacchus had an episode in season 2 where he was the Tim Curry devil from Legend. This could be the same situation as the monster forms of Ares and Poseidon. This here is just Bacchus in his true form. Another thought is that the show does actually make a point a few times of mentioning the Greek name “Dionysus” a few times. So I feel like they are actually two different gods. The only reason I have for guessing this guy is Dionysus though is because he is holding a drink and his shirt looks like a bundle of grapes.
Behind him might be the goddess of the dawn, Eos. She is described a lot as having rosy fingers and this lady is wearing red gloves. Plus the red and gold in her dress do look like dawn colors.
Across from her is a woman in a black dress and blonde hair. If anyone, I would guess this is Persephone. As queen of the Underworld, it makes sense that she would wear black. As the goddess of springtime she was usually said to have blonde hair and to be surrounded by flowers. Unlike most of the crowns that the gods are wearing, hers looks like it is made out of black flowers.
Way in the back is another woman who is also in a black dress with blonde hair like Persephone is. I’ll peg her as Persephone’s overly protective mom Demeter. She is in mourning for half the year while Persephone is stuck in the Underworld so wearing black or trying to match her daughter at a party seems like a very Demeter thing to do. As the goddess of the harvest, she is also usually described as having long wheat colored hair.
The last two shots in the dark I have are the guy on the right being Hermes. My only thought here is that he looks kind of young and is wearing a cape, which as a god of travelers, Hermes is usually seen wearing or carrying.
The last one I have is the dude on the way left. He doesn’t have sleeves so I thought he might be a warrior god since that’s usually a look saved for fighters in XWP. But I went with Morpheus just because of the long dark robes that seemed very night-like and they reminded me a little bit of the Mystic’s robes in Dreamworker.
Ok that’s it. Everyone else is just a bunch of foreheads. But this always made me super curious and I wanted to know who was who. Does anyone else have any ideas? Or am I overthinking this?
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blowflyfag · 2 months
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Pro Wrestling Illustrated: March 2024
Text By Kevin McElvaney
Photos By Octopus Stretch Photography
ON DECEMBER 29, 2022, at Stardom Dream Queendom 2, Cosmic Angels expat Mina Shirakawa introduced the world to Club Venus. Originally consisting of Shirakawa, Xia Brookside, and Mariah May, the glamorous group made its debut in the inaugural TRiangle Derby trios torment. With a membership that swelled to include Australian grappler Xena, former NXT talent Jessie (Elaban/Kamea), and another ex-Cosmic Angel in Waka Tsukiyama, Club Venus quickly became a favorite of international Stardom fans. And that was due in no small part to the efforts of one of its charter members. 
Fashionable, charismatic, and athletic, Mariah May had all the making of a top star. May put in the hard work from the very start of her Japanese excursion, developing a notable chemistry with partners and opponents alike. Stardom’s competitive touring environs compelled the Tottenham, England-born wrestler to develop in-ring skills to rival those of her peer. And, in a massive vote of confidence, May was given the name “Foreign Ace” by no less than Stardom Executive Producer Rossy Ogawa.
With Shirakawa, May formed the impressie tag team Rose Gold, which reigned as Goddesses of Stardom champions for six weeks last summer. Her performance with the Club Venus unit in the 5STAR Grand Prix round robin tourney grabbed the attention of promoters worldwide. Indeed, after her Stardom contract expired in the fall, rumors circulated that May had inked a contract with All Elite Wrestling in the U.S. 
In mid-October, during a well-earned period of downtime, Mariah May checked in from her home country to chat with PWI Editor-in-Chief Kevin McElvaney about what she’s learned from her nine-month stint in Japan, the current U.K. grappling scene, and what she might be up to in the future.
McELVANEY: Your Stardom run has put you in the brightest spotlight of your career and earned you the moniker  “Foreign Ace.” Why do you think you connected so well with the fans of that promotion? MAY: I believe the reason I connected so well with the fans is because I love Stardom as much as they do. I’ve always held the belief the best training and performance for women’s wrestling is found in Japan. I think my passion, improvement, and dedication in moving across the world gave me their respect (And Ogawa-san’s when he named me the “Foreign Ace”). I know a lot of fans were happy to see how much fun I was having, too. I want my work to tell stories and make people feel something, and Stardom afforded me so many chances to do that.
McELVANEY: What did your 2023 excursion to Japan teach you? How did your craft improve?
[Mariah May holds out hope for a reunion with Rose Gold partner Mina Shirakawa, with whom she held the Goddesses of Stardom championship (left). A more surprising item on May’s wishlist: Facing Prominence’s Risa Sera (below, Bleeding profusely) in a deathmatch.]
MAY: My excursion in Japan taught me how important it is to take risks. Within a few days of being in Japan, I was offered to extend my tour, and I said I would stay there as long as they would have me. That chance and sacrifice allowed me nine months of dojo training, training at the Snakepit, touring a beautiful country, and more matches than any other woman up until I left! The repetition and grind helped me perfect my moveset, build chemistry–especially an amazing feeling when you don’t speak the same language. And being with Mina meant I had a mentor by my side who could give me advice. This is a chance for us girls to make our mark on history and prove ourselves.
McELVANEY: Speaking of Mina Shirakawa, Rose Gold was quite the successful duo. Do you think we could see the team get back together sometime in the future?
MAY: Mina Shirakawa and I have such a special bond. She’s the reason I finally got to wrestle in Japan. We said we wanted to wrestle teams all over the world. I’m hopeful we can reunite and do just that!
McELVANEY: I’d imagine one of the reasons you returned to England was to spend time with your loved ones. Do you have your eye on the current scene there? It seems to have evolved, with new stars in the making, even in the short time you’ve been away.
MAY: It’s definitely been nice to be hoke and spend some time with my family. I have my sights set on wrestling internationally. I have so many places I want to wrestle. I won four championships in the U.K. feel for the moment my time here is done and the next girls should come through! I’d love to wrestle on a big stage in front of my family in the U.K., though. Maybe one day!
McELVANEY: You’ve been accumulating more and more fans in North America, particularly here in the States. Anybody in particular you’d like to get in the ring with on this side of the pong?
MAY: It’s been incredible and humbling to have so much support worldwide, particularly North America has always been very vocal for me. There’s such a deep pool of talent in America. And I’ve only toured there once. So I have a pretty long list. I want to do intergender (matches) … there’s an open challenge!
McELVANEY: What’s next for Mariah May?
MAY: I am still deciding my next move. I love Japan, and I want to have a deathmatch there. (Risa Sera, if you’re reading this …) I also have a strong desire to travel more, as before Japan I had visited 5 countries in one year! There’s lots of opportunity and it’s really exciting.
[With some reports suggesting she is headed for AEW, the “Foreign Ace” tells PWI she is still considering her options. Looks for her to do quite a bit of travel in the future (And compete against some of the planet's top talent).]
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markthexenaaddicted · 2 years
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Lucy Lawless and Simone Kessel together again in My Life is Murder 3.10
She was Miss Messini in Xena's episode "Here she comes Miss Amphipolis". Fun Fact: in My Life is Murder she played the role of a former supermodel. This makes the MLIM episode the direct sequel to that Xena's one.
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valerie · 4 months
Twenty-Five Years Ago in Santa Monica
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Twenty-five years ago I was in Santa Monica for a Hercules/Xena convention. The cast from Young Hercules was there. Ryan Gosling, Dean O'Gorman, and Chris Conrad were on stage on January 23rd and I was in line to ask a question for them but alas, it never happened. Chris did come off the stage to give a little girl in front of me a hug and we ended up shaking hands when he said hi to some of us in the line. Later, I met all the guys during the autograph line. I was weirdly silly and asked about Erik Thomson. I took pictures of each of them. You can see them at my report from that weekend here.
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the very lovely Chris Conrad The next day, January 24th, Ryan and Dean were set to sign more autographs in the lobby of the venue, joined by Joel Tobeck. Chris wasn't available for a reason I can't remember. It was a bummer too because I had the other three sign the Young Hercules poster I had. I would end up getting everyone's signature on that poster, which I still have, except for Chris'. The missing autograph haunted me for decades. Then Chris sent me that vest jacket so my melancholy about not getting his signature has been eased a bit. After getting those signatures, my friends and I went back to our rooms to put away our posters and photos, then headed back to the venue. When we saw that the boys were taking pictures with the fans, we went back into that line. (Seriously, go read my report. It's embarrassingly detailed.) When it was my turn for a picture, we did the group shot and then Ryan and I took a picture together.
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Dean O'Gorman, Me, Ryan Gosling, Joel Tobeck - Santa Monica 1999 Back in those days, we had to actually WAIT to see our pictures because it was film. I'm not sure how long I had to wait for my pictures. I imagine that I had them developed right away and I was most likely VERY relieved to see that the picture of me with the boys was the most amazing shot ever. Look at my happy face. It's ridiculous how happy I look. It is my favorite shot EVER of me with people who are neither family nor friends. I love the picture so much that I used it later that year as my "now" picture for my 10 year high school reunion memory book. People at my reunion asked me if Ryan was my boyfriend because of that picture. It was probably the first time they ever saw Ryan Gosling's face and it was next to me. I wonder if anyone remembers that. Damn, it's weird to think of that way. It would take years before people recognized the talent and appeal of Ryan Gosling but some of my friends remember that I was the one raving about him for years before they realized who he was.
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Ryan Gosling Twenty five years later, this group shot is still one of my favorites. It was a favorite before Ryan became Oscar nominated Ryan Gosling. It was a favorite before Dean O'Gorman would play Fili in The Hobbit trilogy. It was a favorite while Joel Tobeck was wreaking havoc as Strife on Young Hercules. It's one of my favorite shots because it was the capper to one of my favorite convention going weekends. I had so much fun with my friends and meeting the guests was just icing on the cake. It was the convention weekend that made me appreciate spending time with my friends as well as enjoying the guests. Some other things of note: - I posted this photo to Twitter years ago and it was my most popular post. It got the attention of Joel Tobeck and he ended up tweeting a picture of him with Sullivan Stapleton to me because I was in my Sully stage at that point. The internet can be such a fun place. - It's also super interesting that I met Ryan on William Gregory Lee's birthday and that a year later, on Ryan's twentieth birthday, I would meet William Gregory Lee at a Xena convention in Palo Alto. It would take me years to make that connection. - Chris sent me the Hercules/Xena crew vest jacket sometime after I mentioned not having his autograph on my Young Hercules poster. Another example of when Twitter was amazing by connecting you to your favorites. I do have Chris' autograph on a Young Hercules still that my friend gave me years ago. I think it's in storage. Should I find it someday, I'll probably scan and post it somewhere. I would still like to someday get Chris to autograph my poster but not sure how that will ever happen. Then again, who knew I'd get a crew vest jacket? It's always fun to dust off the group shot and remember that weekend. It's super wild to me that this was twenty-five years ago. Time flies...
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with Ryan Gosling Read the full article
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equixen · 1 year
Equixen’s Master List
All my stuff grouped by fandom. Most links go to the related Tumblr post but a few of my older videos aren’t on Tumblr so those links go straight to YouTube.
The Chronicles of Narnia
Fan edit: Caspian/Peter
Fan video: Goodbye - Lucy, Edmund, Susan and Peter (gen)
Fan fiction: Our Hands Are Tied - Caspian/Peter
Fan video: The Great War - Caspian/Peter
Fan video: Run To You - Caspian/Peter
Poster - The cast
Fan fiction: Before You Go - Caspian/Peter
Fan fiction: Live With Me Forever Now - Caspian/Peter
Desktop wallpaper 2 - Caspian/Peter
Video edit: The Reunion - Caspian/Peter
Fan video: Immortals - Caspian/Peter
Fan video: Before You Go - Caspian/Peter
Fan video: What Hurts the Most - Caspian/Peter
Desktop wallpaper 1 - Caspian/Peter
Doctor Who
Fan video: Hold My Hand – 13th Doctor/Yaz
Fan video: My Once In A Lifetime – Doctor/Rose
Fan video: It’s Out of My Hands – 9th Doctor and Clara (AU)
Fan video: Beside You - Amy/Rory
Fan video: Hurricane – The Doctor
Fan video: You’re Everything – 11th Doctor/River Song
Fan video: Silence Is All You Know - 11th Doctor/River Song
Fan video: Here With Me – 10th Doctor/Rose
Fan video: I Do (Cherish You) – Doctor/Rose
Marvel Cinematic Universe
Fan video: Unconditionally – Natasha/Bruce
Fan video: Almost Love – Steve/Bucky
Fan video: Stay – Steve/Bucky
Fan video: Never Gonna Be Alone – Charlie/ Matteusz
Fan video: Sine From Above – Charlie and Miss Quill
Poster: The Cast
Xena: Warrior Princess – Xena/Gabrielle
Fan video: Space Between
Fan video: Who Knew
Fan video: End of The World
BBC Sherlock – Sherlock/John
Fan video: All of Me
Fan video: The Truth In Your Eyes
Adam Lambert
Desktop wallpaper 1
Desktop wallpaper 2
Desktop wallpaper 3
Queer As Folk
Desktop wallpaper – Ben/Michael
Desktop wallpaper – Brian/Justin
Fan video: Say When – Ted
Fan video: It’s Complicated – Brian/Justin
Fan video: Pride – Brian/Justin
Fan video: All That I’m Asking For – Brian/Justin
Fan video: Permanent – Brian/Justin
Fan video: I’d Come For You – Brian/Justin
Fan video: Lose You Now – How I Met Your Mother - Barney/Robin
Poster: Team Free Will - Supernatural
Fan video: Somebody To Die For – Good Omens - Crowley/Aziraphale
Fan video: Better Than I Know Myself – The Witcher - Geralt/Jaskier
Fan video: Always Remember Us This Away – Outlander - Jamie/Claire
Fan video: So Cold – The Book Thief
Fan video: All About Us – The Newtown Girls - Alex/Scarlet
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effingunicorns · 1 year
Hercules: the Legendary Journeys/Xena: Warrior Princess reunion movie where Ryan Gosling plays Hercules again and the only comments are things like "you haven't aged a day" or "oh, you cut your hair"
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lostkiids · 1 year
Updated Muses List (3/25/23)
7th Heaven : ruthie camden
9-1-1 : hen wilson. evan buckley. may grant.
9-1-1 Lone Star : charlie ryder. gabriel reyes. gabriella reyes (oc). marjan marwani. owen strand. t.k. strand.
Alexa & Katie : alexa mendoza. katie cooper. lori mendoza.
Bella and the Bulldogs : Bella Dawson. Newt. Sawyer.
Degrassi : zoe rivas. zig novak.
Emergence: Piper
Family Reunion : ami mckellan. jade mckellan.
The Fosters: jesus foster. jude foster. mariana foster. sophia quinn.
Full(er) House : donna jo tanner/fuller/hale. jackson fuller. joan gladstone. ramona gibbler. max fuller. michelle tanner. roxanne mahan. stephanie tanner.
General Hospital : brook lynn quartermaine. cameron webber. charlotte cassadine. emma scorpio-drake. josslyn jacks. michael corinthos III. oscar nero. violet barnes.
Gilmore Girls: lane kim. rory gilmore.
Girl Meets World/Boy Meets World : auggie matthews. ava morgenstern. cory matthews. isadora smackle. maya hart. riley matthews. topanga lawrence/matthews.
Glee : brittany pierce. quinn fabray. santana lopez.
Grey’s Anatomy : arizona robbins. derek bailey shepherd. ellis shepherd. sofia robbin torres. william george bailey jones.
The Goldbergs : adam goldberg. erica goldberg.
Insatiable : brick armstrong. patty baldell.
Jessie/Bunk’d : emma ross. gwen flores.
K.C. Undercover : k.c. cooper. marissa miller.
Love Victor: lake meriwether.
Once Upon A Time : aurora. belle french/lacey. dorothy gale. henry mills. ripley lucas-french (oc). ruby lucas.
One Day At A Time : alex alvarez.
One Tree Hill : lydia bob-scott.james lucas scott. lucas scott. millicent huxtable. quinn james.
Part of Five : beto acosta. ella barnett. valentina acosta.
Riverdale : betty cooper. cheryl blossom. veronica lodge.
Saved By the Bell : kelly kapowski. zach morris.
Sweet Magnolias : annie sullivan. kyle townsend.
That 70’s Show : jackie burkhart. michael kelso.
Victorious : cat valentine. jade west. tori vega
Xena: Warrior Princess : gabrielle. xena.
Zoey’s Extraordinary Playlist: zoey
Billy Elliot : billy elliot.
Dear Evan Hansen : zoe murphy
Falsettos : jason
Finding Neverland : peter llewelyn davies.
Heathers : heather duke.
Mean Girls : cady heron. gretch weiners janis sarkisian. karen smith. regina george.
Sierra Burgess is a Loser : veronica.
The Prom : alyssa greene. shelby.
Tuck Everlasting : jesse tuck. winnie foster.
Waitress : jenna hunterson. lulu hunterson.
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