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Hey Wynoc, does that mean Galina Edgecrusher is your step-mom?
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kerra-and-company · 3 years
Hello! Here is an ask for you if you would like. I’d love to know Kerra’s thoughts on Wynoc Burntrazor, a strange, intimidating sylvari found and raised by charr in Iron Marches, who didn’t even know that Pale Tree existed for the first year of his life, who left the Grove to join the Order of Whispers to find his place in the world. (Who’s also secretly a Mordrem shhhh don’t tell him)
From @commander-coppercogg
I would certainly like one, and sure! One Kerra opinion coming right up! :D
Kerra on Wynoc:
"Well, he's arguably had a stranger start to life than Rel and Nish, and that's saying something. I'd be interested to meet him." [She pauses, then laughs.] "I feel like I've been saying that often today, but it does not make it less true. He may not want to meet me, though--is he comfortable with other sylvari? I hope his time in the Order works out well for him. As someone who joined for a similar reason, I can...certainly say it helped me find my place." [Her eyebrows furrow a bit. She seems to be thinking.]
Kerra's overwhelming first impression of Wynoc is more or less "this is someone I'd love to help, if he'd accept said help." She doesn't know the details of his interactions with the Pale Tree, but she's made the educated guess that they weren't good. She has a rocky relationship with her Mother, too, and if she ever learned exactly what happened to Wynoc, she'd most certainly be angry on his behalf. It's also important to note that she doesn't see him as someone to pity or as someone who's incapable, but parts of his trajectory remind her of herself as a sapling, and if he ever wants tips or someone on his side, he now has this strange commander from another timeline, for sure. (I wonder if he'd be surprised at the fact that she's--mostly--not that intimidated by him.)
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Filling in high level map content for max leveled Wynoc and wondering why I’m having so much trouble killing enemies…….
Opened up my equipment tab to realize I’m still using the cracked harpoon given to me at level 7…..
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So my bf has finally made a sylvari he’s happy playing! He’s been trying to make one for ages now but keeps not liking them and deleting. He’s truly an asura main at heart. But! There’s a new boy in town! His name is Gharavain and he’s a guardian. He’s gonna be hanging out Wynoc in his storyline and I can’t wait to yell about the two of them
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Wynoc Burntrazor found dead in Wayfarer Foothills
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47 from the character asks, if you're still taking them, for all of your characters
Hi thank you for the ask!
47. What is your character's reaction when someone does something nice for them?
Bertie tends to get a little flustered and then extremely polite. He wants to make sure the person knows how much he appreciates the action so he often ends up saying, "Thank you very much" over and over again.
For Syrryl, if it's someone he doesn't know very well, he tends to get suspicious. His first instinct is to look for some kind of exterior motive, so he usually just gives a bit of long look and then a nod in acknowledgement. If it's someone he knows and trusts, he's a bit softer about it, giving a quiet “thanks”. 
Wynoc...isn’t used to people doing nice things for him really. So when someone does something nice for him, his reaction is a blanker than usual stare. Sometimes he’ll even just straight up ask “why?’ because he doesn’t get it. 
Wardd is very flustered by any sort of attention and would just stammer while blushing. 
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Guess who’s got a fully upgraded character page! Come check it out here: https://commander-coppercogg.tumblr.com/characters
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I think I’ve mentioned a few times that Wynoc was only given that name when he arrived in the Grove for the first time, almost a year after he emerged from a chasm in the Iron Marches. So he had a different name while roaming around with Snarl Backdraft and his warband right? I figured out what it was today. Everyone in the band had a code name and due to a Who’s on First style confusion between Snarl and the baby sylvari, he ended up being called Codename for the first year of his life. Cody for short.
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This feels illegal
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Let's do ✂️ , 🎁 , and 📎 for Wynoc! (from @synchrosgw2)
Here you go! My favorite planty boy:
✂️ SCISSORS - what is the "last straw" for them to cut someone out of their life? how easily do they let go of people?
Hmm this is a tricky question for Wynoc. He’s very much of the mindset that you shouldn’t fully burn bridges with someone unless absolutely necessary because you never know when that person might be useful or helpful to you. Very Ash Legion/Order of Whispers way of thinking. However, as he grows as a person Wynoc learns to set some boundaries. His breaking point is someone trying to use him as a tool and not seeing him as a person. And he will cut someone out very easily with very little guilt about it.
🎁 PRESENT - what types of presents would they be most happy to receive? are they good at gift giving?
Wynoc would be most happy to receive food or cooking ingredients as gifts. When Canach was traveling around with the Shining Blade, he always brought Wynoc back some nice spices. Because of course Wynoc would then have to use to cook for him, it would be only fair. Wynoc on the other hand is not very good at gift giving. He wants to be but just doesn’t have the time or access to nice things to give people. Aside from his cooking.
📎 PAPERCLIP - a random fact.
After the events of Heart of Thorns, Wynoc spends some time attempting to reach both Wynne and Rhiannoc through the Mists. He not quite sure what he wants to say to them, these people the Pale Tree named him after. But he at least wants to tell them that the threat they had both fallen to was gone. He never gets the chance though. No matter where Wynoc searches in the Mist, he can’t find them.
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Finally got around to writing up Wynoc’s new backstory! Just in time to, as I’m putting the finishing touches on my new character page. Feel free to check it out and I hope you enjoy reading this.
Discovered by an Ash Legion warband lying in a shallow hole in the middle of the Iron Marches, Wynoc spent the first year of his life assisting with their scouting missions and exploring the ghost filled ruins of Ascalon. It wasn’t until the High Legions discovered his presence and ordered the warband to the Black Citadel for an inquiry that Wynoc was introduced to other members of his kind and taken, somewhat reluctantly, to the Grove. His first night in the Mother Tree’s shadow he Dreamed of fire and death, rising dragons and restless undead. The Pale Tree decreed him her Champion and entrusted his training to Caithe, who Wynoc quickly came to view as a sister. However, Wynoc soon ran afoul of the Nightmare Courtier Gavin. The two clashed and, though Wynoc won, Gavin uttered a powerful curse with his dying breath, one last spiteful attack. And Wynoc burned. For weeks afterwards, he remained in a deep coma, one foot in the Mists, clinging to life, waking only briefly to rave about voices and dragons calling to him. Upon waking, the voices did not cease. The Pale Tree, wary of a sylvari that claimed to hear a dragon’s voice, quietly insisted that Wynoc leave the Grove. Returning to Ascalon, Wynoc Burntt once again traveled the ghostly ruins, this time alone. However, now he could see and speak to the spirits and began to hone a new set of skills, guided by the hand of a new teacher: Kalla Scorchrazor and her warband. Feeling a strong connection to another warrior who had been deceitfully betrayed by a defeated foe, Kalla and Wynoc gained a deep respect for each other and became strong friends. And, after Wynoc assisted Logan Thackery and Rytlock Brimstone in taking down Gaheron Balefire, Kalla officially inducted him into the ghostly Razor warband, bearing the new name Wynoc Burntrazor. 
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Wynoc headcanons pls?
Edit: I put the wrong thing here the first time around but I fixed it! Here you go some headcanons about Wynoc
Headcanon A:  realistic
Wynoc's main hobby is cooking and he's always put in charge of food whenever he and a group are on the move.
Headcanon B: while it may not be realistic it is hilarious
Wynoc sees the leader of the Ash warband that picked up him, Snarl Backdraft, as his dad. Snarl does not know how to deal with this and one Galina Edgecrusher thinks it's hilarious.
Headcanon C: heart-crushing and awful, but fun to inflict on friends
At least one of Wynoc's old warband is going to defect during to the Dominion during Icebrood Saga and it's gonna hurt.
Headcanon D: unrealistic, but I will disregard canon about it because I reject canon reality and substitute my own.
As they're both revenants and thus both connected to the Mists, Rytlock and Wynoc share a somewhat telepathic bond. They mostly use this to annoy each other and send the occasional meme.
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For the ask game, could I maybe get Bertie’s opinion on Floppy, and Wynoc’s opinion on Link? (My Sylvari who left the grove and has almost no connection to the dream)
So yknow when you’re just starting to figure out that you’re gay or trans or whatever and you run into an older queer person for the first time and you’re just kinda like 😲🤯🤩?
Yeah that’s Bertie meeting Floppy. He would be so excited to met her, this other Commander who’s been through so much and is still moving forward. He’d be a little in awe of her and probably call her “ma’am” unless she wouldn’t like that. Bertie would be a bit surprised at her mothering him but would honestly probably love it. He and his mother had a distant relationship, not abusive or negligent just were never very close. So then first time Floppy acts motherly to him, Berties brain would short circuit a little and he’d quietly and happily accept the attention.
Wynoc would have no idea what to make of the sylvari standing in front of him. He’s so cheerful, so wide eyed, so…..pink. The tall, taciturn sylvari would be polite but a little off put Link’s enthusiasm. He would start up a nice conversation while attempting to determine where Link’s loyalties lie. If Link brought up the fact that he’s not really connected to the Dream, Wynoc would open up a bit more. He’s always felt very excluded due to his own lack of connection to the Dream which he’d confide in Link about.
Also I can see Wynoc interpreting Link’s friendliness towards him as attraction and thus he might respond in the only way he knows how to flirt. A very straight forward, blunt, charr approach to romance.
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Three pens, three quick little character facts!
Bertie: I think I’ve mentioned it in passing before but Bertie is a huge Snargle Goldclaw fan. He found a few of his books tucked away in a corner of the Eye of the North while he was stuck there healing after Bangar shot him. He spent most of his recovery period curled up in a little blanket nest next to Aurene’s scrying pool, secretly reading about love and romance and trying to sort out his feelings about Syrryl. Bertie’s never been in a relationship before and what else is an asura gonna do if they don’t know about something but research it. Extensively. Since then he’s made it his mission to track down and read all of Goldclaw’s books. He was absolutely overjoyed to receive Commander of Your Heart. At least until he opened it. Then he was a little weirded out.
Syrryl: Ok hear me out. No one on Tyria has any idea what Syrryl Silverset wears to bed. This is despite the fact that he and Bertie shared a tent in Orr and despite the fact that he’s shared camps with all of Dragon’s Watch and despite the fact that there’s absolutely been nighttime attacks where everyone else has come running still in pajamas but nope. Syrryl’s already there fully dressed and ready to go. Taimi is convinced he just sleeps in his clothes but this can’t be confirmed because on the rare occasions someone does catch Syrryl actually visibly asleep he’s always curled up in so many blankets you can barely tell he’s there. And no one is gonna try and pull those blankets off because everyone is 100% certain that if anyone ever did, their body would never ever be found.
Wynoc: He’s scared of Caladbolg. The first, last and only time he ever wielded it, its magic canceled out his own and cut him off almost entirely from the Mists and his revenant powers. Suddenly he couldn’t dodge and move the way he’d become used and it nearly got him killed. Just like Riannoc. He’s terrified of being made powerless like that again and even more terrified by the idea that maybe the Pale Tree sent him to die. He’s pretty sure that’s just his suspicious nature though. Pretty sure…
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you get three pens (pencils? whatever these are, i think they're pens though) 🖊️🖊️🖊️ for three folks of your choosing! :) @kerra-and-company
I’m pretty sure they’re pens but I’m not sure I’m not good at emojis lol. I’m gonna answer for Wynoc and the two Pact OCs I invented recently Aquila Chainrazor and Theodric Kastel.
Wynoc: Is very wooden, even for a sylvari. His face is made of very stiff bark and is difficult for him to move so he can’t really change his expression. All of his emoting comes from his voice. He’s rather unsettling to look at honestly, a bit like a scarecrow. Tall, angular, a bit too skinny and with deep set shade eyes that follow your movements from inside an impassive face. Despite all this, he’s got not poker face/can’t bluff to save his life.
Aquila Chainrazor: Might actually be descended from the charr hero Kalla Scorchrazor. Possibly. As a member of Ash Legion, Aquila is used to keeping her secrets close to her chest. She joined the Pact at the time of its forging to help take down Zhaitan. Her skills would have seen an instant recruitment into the Order of Whispers but she was worried about a conflict of interest between the Order and her Legion. So instead she joined the Vigil as a scout. It’s not where she thought she’d end up but it enables her to still send information back to her superiors and General Soulkeeer doesn’t seem to mind so things could be worse.
Theodric Kastel: a human Mesmer originally from the village of Garenhoff, you’d expect him to be a follower of Lyssa, but he’s actual a discipline of Kormir. He says that memsers should be able to see through illusions just as much as they make them. His desire for truth and knowledge and his skill at magic lead him to joining the Durmand Priory. He participated in several expeditions to Orr in the aftermath of Zhaitan’s defeat and then joined the Pact to help fight Mordremoth.
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Hello! Pinned Post Time
Hi there! My name is Connor (he/him) and welcome to my GW2 side blog. I started playing during the 2020 quarantine and since then Guild Wars has become a very big part of life. I play with my boyfriend (he/him) and my sibling (they/them/any) and so mention them a lot. I made this blog to have somewhere to share the small bits of content I sometimes make: posts talking about my characters, short fics, some crafting and lots and lots of memes. 
I’m always happy to chat with people so my DMs and ask box are open, though I’m not very familiar with tumblr etiquette. 
Tag List:
Connor’s Stuff: a general tag for the content I have created
Rambling: a general tag for me talking to myself
My writing: the short little fics I’ve written about my characters
Memes: memes that I’ve either created or reblogged
Crafting: tag for all of my Guild Wars 2 related crafting projects. Usually cross stitch with a side of crochet. 
Ask: tag for asks
Characters: the main characters I talk about are Bertie and Syrryl, me and my boyfriend’s asuras. Other characters include: Wynoc, Wardd, Biarr, Bjazz and Mortt the Bulwark. Tags for all of them can be found below. 
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