#world of twelve
dofus-to-tofus · 4 months
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TWELVIANS, the time is NOW! Contributor Applications are now OPEN!
We're so excited to see what you create!
Artist Apps: https://forms.gle/9Tt4gncdbgoqJfYk7…
Writer Apps: https://forms.gle/V6re5VGHuRaXG6My7
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geekgirles · 2 months
I didn’t read chapter 2 of “The Doll and the Dragon” yet but I just wanted to say how good it felt to have been notified that you updated it today!
I only read the summary for the second chapter but I don’t blame some of the council members for having some doubts on what the gods’ intentions are. Or rather doubts of her existence.
Because there’s a very good reason that can pop up in the primordials’ minds to think that she might be a problem for them.
Let’s look at it from a Twelvian’s perspective on the matter :
The gods are the divinities that we treasure and pray to. We have been doing this since the dawn of time and we all believe nothing, absolutely nothing, can beat them let alone make them quiver.
So when a random race from outer space decides to land on the World of Twelve, we all learn that this race is not only far advanced in technology, but it is also composed of six demigods, each with a dragon sibling, acting as a council with their king.
We are understandably terrified by the amount of power they have so we pray for the gods to help us get rid of our peculiar but frightening problem.
Days pass and we eventually learn that our divinities, instead of kicking the eliatropes as we have demanded, decided to give these eliatropes a Sadida doll as a peace offer to get along.
Why would the gods do this? Can’t they just kick them out? The gods should be stronger than some demigods and dragons so why would they just let them stay?
Are they also afraid? No that’s impossible, they can’t be! Unless they know something that we don’t know?
If the gods decided to appease the eliatropes instead of answering our prayers then we should fear the eliatropes even more.
The gods have been genuine on their offer but what really counts is the twelvians’ reactions to it.
A lot of them just want the eliatropes gone so if the people learn that the gods have offered these eliatropes a Sadida doll, they might see this action as a peace offering. This would make the Twelvians assume that the gods, the most powerful beings in the krosmoz, are scared and don’t want trouble with the eliatropes so instead of trying to kick them out, they simply try to get along.
First of all, don't worry! Read at your own pace/when you have time!
As an enjoyer of long chapters as well as a provider, I understand not all stories can be done with in a matter of minutes. In my personal experience, it usually takes me up to an hour to read a 10k words long fic and about two to read a 20k words long one. It's okay.
But thank you so much for the enthusiasm and insight as well! It's always such a pleasure to be able to notify someone of a new chapter.
(It also blows up my notes lol)
As for your ask, while I must admit I have yet to give much thought to the Twelvians' reaction to Amalia (since, despite its interconnected nature, technically speaking, each chapter is a one-shot instead of an actual chapter aiming to build a whole, collective narrative), there are definitely people who're more accepting of her, and people who're more wary of her presence.
After all, it's a bit like you said. As far as we know, the gods' intentions are simply to make sure the Eliatropes don't feel the need to attack their followers, while said followers are supposed to relax and read Amalia's existence as a sign that there's nothing to fear.
Because if the gods are chill enough with entrusting one of their own to these new visitors, then surely that means everything's okay, right?
But still, the whole thing is also super weird. I mean, the gods have gone centuries, maybe even millennia, without creating a new Divine Doll and when they finally do is to hand her over to the Eliatropes? I dunno, it's all kinda sus.
Of course, there's also the Eliatropes' point of view on the whole thing.
In their case, their reasons for being wary are more of a "What are you up to?" kind of thing. After all, they've been on the World of Twelve for months, their presence has clearly caused a lot of commotion among the gods' followers, and yet the gods spent months completely radio silent until, one day, without warning, completely out of the blue, they send a Divine Doll to their doorstep as a bride to their king????
It all reeks of the gods having ulterior motives behind their "generosity".
The only question is, is Amalia aware of said ulterior motives? Or is she just a pawn to an overly-complicated, high-stakes game of chess?
While I mostly want to focus on the fluffy aspects and Yumalia's development, it's also true Wakfu's own nature as a show and all the lore surrounding it also call for quite a bit of drama. So I'll have to see how I navigate it all and what decisions I want to take when writing the narrative.
Thank you so much for this mini-analysis! Hope you enjoy chapter 2!!
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unoolih · 4 months
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I finally managed to motivate myself to "finish" that piece! (I say while blatantly knowing that I got tired of working on it + forgot to give light and shade to the left leg)
I wanted to post that for Christmas, but I'm super late.
Anyway, that's just me being horny for my Dofus/World of Twelve OC/fancharacter Ayveris and giving her an OOC facial expression.
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eurydicees · 5 months
i spent THIRTEEN YEARS waiting for an age accurate casting of percy jackson but now that it's here and i am no longer a child looking at heroes my age, i'm just plain HORRIFIED on behalf of these children.
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mahiloo · 1 year
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Trying out something new, in terms of artistic techniques : Drawing the sketch, coloring and then lining.
So far, I feel like it's really giving some more life to the result. I noticed it when drawing on my sketchbook: the sketch and the line together look pretty nice, but then erasing the sketch removes quite a bit of the charm.
24 years old Ayveris (Feca) on the left, 25 years old Adashi (an iop whose name likely to change) on the right.
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thefiresofpompeii · 4 months
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the composition of this shot... finger pointed at the doctor in accusation, bill is speaking the words but both masters are talking through her, surrounding her as witnesses as she channels their bitterness, their rage, their abandonment. the master waited for him. jack waited for him. older amy in that hospital waited for him. bill waited for him. ashildr-me waited for him. but he always came back too late. the man whose ship's engine noise is a sound that heralds hope wherever it lands left the ones he cared about behind. when hope itself leaves you behind, what redemption could you ever dream of?
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holly-xenos · 1 year
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Wakfugender !
(COINED BY ME, PLEASE CREDIT IF USED OR REPOSTED) a gender related to wakfu. this could be related to the show as a whole (NOT the game), the animation, species, sets/world of 12, studio behind it (Ankama), characters, colors, wakfu, etc. can be related to any of the seasons. user can put -girl, -boy, -neu etc to make it more personalized. use however you want. name comes from wakfu (wakfu). a few pronouns suggestions: wakfu/wakfuself, 12/12self
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ylissebian · 4 months
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@amazingphil thanks for shaping my personality for the last decade may u have the loveliest birthday ^_^
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stephank · 2 months
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Decided to take a crack at designing @quiddie's character Leah/Lia(sp?) from the latest @worldsbeyondpod Patreon-only story "Twelve Brooks" for fun!
If you haven't listened to Twelve Brooks yet, go give to the WBN Patreon and give it a go. It's already pretty fun and cozy!
Tbh it's very possible I missed some details, but I threw in some deer-like features in addition to the goat/spider stuff due to the antlers brought up when she was first introduced.
Also wanted to include her features from her human glamour that was described, so some of that is in there too. And I included clothes that I figured would accommodate both forms, because my peace of mind requires it haha
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simplykorra · 1 year
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nobody does it like her
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pjowasmy1stfandom · 13 days
I feel like some PJO fans think of the original trio or Percabeth like this:
Percy: *acts impulsively*
Annabeth: Percy, no!
While others might see it like this:
Annabeth: *acts impulsively*
Percy: Annabeth, no!
Meanwhile, the true relationship is:
Percy and Annabeth: *act impulsively*
Grover: Guys, come on! *ends up joining in at some point*
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thelilylav · 2 months
What do you mean this isn’t how The Hidden Oracle happened?
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Jay, Leah, and Salmon from the new Umora Worlds Beyond Number oneshot "Twelve Brooks." I had to draw them immediately. I based Leah's antlers on those of Nara deer, and I gave Salmon the kind of scarf/hood I thought might be an Umora version of PHD professor regalia that he would still be wearing in this tiny festival town.
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ofswordsandpens · 5 months
I'm sincerely very happy for anyone who is enjoying the show but every time I see takes that the show has improved the book characterizations or that the book characters are underdeveloped in comparison to the show...
#our experiences are very different lmao#pjo show crit#sure the show isn't completely out yet#but id argue that the characters (namely the trio) seem way more developed and well-rounded in the book by this point in time (episode 4)#and look im not saying every change the show has made is bad#but by and far there has yet to be a change to characterization that feels like an IMPROVEMENT from the source material lmao#the closest contender I'd say is show Percy does seem a tad angrier than book Percy#but again I wouldn't call that an improvement... its just different and I think that /change/ works because it feels like the same essence#but even that has had some issues because I feel like the show has inadvertently cut down some of Percy's canon book empathy here and there#I think the show has nailed Annabeth's pride and intelligence and her warped worship of her mother#... but they've also made her hyper competent to the point that she's not making half of the mistakes she did in the book#which ISNT good because book annabeth is smart but she isn't infallible#its a big point that she has the theoretical intelligence but none of the real world experience/application#she gets tricked by medusa and goes to visit the Arch just cause she loves architecture and that's okay!! she's twelve and a nerd!#I also dont like that they've cut/toned down her little crush on Luke#actually they've not even showcased the familial bond between annabeth and Luke either in the show so like lmao#and then grover#by now grover's fear of failure and repeating this past mistakes and wanting a license has already been acknowledged in the books at least#in the show?? not so much#and his canon book suspicions and wariness of medusa... were given to annabeth#like medusa in the book was Grover's moment to shine cause his instincts were right!#and in the book fight he even very intentionally attacked medusa#but his highlights there were cut completely in the show#and finally sally#...idk who that is in the show but that's NOT my sally jackson#percy jackson#mine
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gnomgnomovich · 1 month
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Every fokin' time...
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mahiloo · 1 year
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Updated version of a wip for my wallpaper.
She's one of my main fancharacters/ocs.
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