#women's particpation
wtisd · 26 days
Launch of Report on Women in STEM and Higher Education in 9 Countries in Southern Africa (STI Forum 2024 Side Event).
This side event will discuss the role and contributions of science, technology, and innovation to sustainable development, with a special focus on women in Africa, aiming to alleviate poverty and enhance their involvement in STEM education and innovative solutions
Watch the Launch of Report on Women in STEM and Higher Education in 9 Countries in Southern Africa (STI Forum 2024 Side Event)!
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helluvaslut · 1 year
Open Starter : Fosters New Payment Plan [ Male/Female ]
It had been some time since the passing of Madam Foster. With Frankie inheriting the house along with all the bills and expenses needed to pay for all of the imaginary friends. However  the bills kept stacking up and becoming late. However with this new trend of teenaged boys coming up with imaginations of women ranging from cat, monster, and alien. It did bring up a new idea to young care taker. As she used some of the funds to create a seperate building for the new imaginations and possible patreons to particpate in sex. As well as this plan had gone well for her, the young red head had felt rather lonsesome.  And decided to include herself in the list of girls. As she waited by the check in desk for the next patreon to arrive.
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spnwomendaily · 1 year
Spn Women Week
Would anyone be interested in particpating in a new week since today here in Aussieland it’s International Woman’s Day
The Categories would be as follows
-Fave Female Character
-Spn Women Hunters
-Style of Spn Ladies (Hairstyles/Wardrobe)
-Best Quote from a Female Character
-Female Angels and Demons
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This would just be for the characters from Supernatural 
Thanks for some of the ideas @aborddelimpala and tagging some Tumblr buddies who I hope are interested @mad-as-a-box-of-frogs @jarpadandjensens​
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highvaluedating · 1 year
Where can I date rich men in New York?
Online. Assuming you're a young, physically attractive female, you can Google "Millionaire Match" to find one of at least several services that specialize in matching women like you with men who -- the site purportedly claims to have verified -- high net worth. Such services often hold social gatherings (cocktail parties, etc.) where members (customers? particpants? whatever) meet up to scope each other out. I presume it's up to you from there.
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sys-garden · 2 years
Im back its time for the second part of torah study
so 2: has G-d making Adam and Eve, man and women they created them and we learn that man are suppose to cling to their wives and be fruitful and multiply. Which are parts of jewish life that alot of queer jewish people struggle with.
For the issue of being fruitful and mulitplying we could see this in a different perspective. Are we really being fruitful and perserving our community if we abandon ourselves and enter marriages and have kids that we never wanted. are we going to have happy communites if our spouses and kids are unwanted.
as Nat El-hai writes in https://newvoices.org/2021/08/09/dear-jewish-queeries-my-mom-wants-grandchildren-but-i-dont-want-kids/, “once you are able to find internal and community support, you can share it with others and the cycle of queer and Jewish fruitful multiplication is ready to begin again.” by honoring our authentic selves by chosing what we do with marriage, relationships and children and by chosing non traditonal ways of relationships and or raising kids. we are creating inter happiness which then makes it easier to help our community and future generations of queer jews will see us and know that a happy future is possible. We create a future for ourselves and for queerness.
And for gender in judaism. Despite torah having many examples of gender fluidity (including adam and eve being originally created attacted back to back, adam had both genders), Halacha is alot more ridge in it’s gender binary. perisex Non-binary jews figuring what rituals they should do could take example from halachic rulings on intersex/andronyos people and say that generally you do duties of men and women but when you have to chose between something for men and women that you should do the thing for men because male characteristics over power the feminine ones.
The other point of view you could have is inspired by the early jewish femminists. They fought to be included in jewish life and to have a say in jewish communities. Just because for a long time rabbim were men and wrote with their male-favoring biases doesnt mean we have to continue that. and nowadays women are more included in jewish life and Judaism adapted more to the modern day. but maybe its time for another period of growth by including non-binary people who are often pushed to less observant denominations or pushed out of judaism entirally because they feel like they dont fit in and because of the transphobia they face. But while we wait for rabbis to acknowlegde non-binary people more we can take the answer of what rituals to do as “what rituals will keep you particpating” what if doing rituals that are gendered in a certain way makes you unhappy then don’t do them and find the rituals that do make you happy. You aren’t going to want to particpate in Judaism if it doesn’t make you happy.
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antmantrash · 1 year
Week 9 Social Gaming Summary
What is gaming?
Gaming is the action of completing a set of tasks or quests created for the purpose of a challenge and for entertainment, using problem solving as a way to stay within the rules of the game.
The evolution of gaming:
Arcade platform games such as Mario and Space Invaders
Single player and Online Multiplayer games such as Skyrim and Halo.
Gaming Culture:
A sterotypical Gamer looks either white or Asian and is Male, this sterotype has been created by the idea that for someone to have the ability to have first of all purchased their console and all the other gadgets that come with that then also having the freedom to sit online for hours on end meaning they must belong to a middle class or higher family.
The actual culture came around during the 80s when home computers became popping up in people's houses, with technology developing fast, the ability to create game with faster reaction times while also improving storage allowing for a more in depth and higher graphic game (Kirkpatrick 2015, pg.126).
Historically gaming has always been seen as heavily male dominated, examples of this are at E sport gaming events where majority of particpants and spectators are male. However statistics would suggest that in the US alone 48% of women play video games (Fox & Tang 2017, pg.110).
What first became popular during the 2000's to the 2010's was social games, which required participation from two or more parties, this would be games like wordle where you had to make a word out of random letter and the more complicated the word the more points you were awarded which made it more intellectually competitive.
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Eventually games became more indepth and massive corporations starting releasing quite a few popular games, the need for individual platforms arose, where many of them existed on either PC, XBOX or Playstation. The platformisation of games allowed players to switch between playing the game and watching professional gamers stream themselves playing, which really added to the whole social aspect of gaming.
Platforms such as Twitch, Youtube gaming and Mixer popped up during the peak of online gaming around 2015 and have maintained a steady audience of people to this day.
Competive Gaming:
This has become an extremely lucrative buiness for the Game companies as streaming not only bring audiences to their games, they can start partnerships with the biggest streamers, it therefore gives this company a good reputation as they working with a well respected gamer who endorses their game.
Streaming is such an interesting dynamic as its the fans that interact with the streamer that makes it interesting, and is what makes gaming so fun and dynamic, cause the content is shaped by the viewer.
Certain Knowledge communities have popped out of groups of people coming together to put their combined knowledge of a particular game together to assist each other with mastering the game and providing instruction and answering questions to new players who may not be confident with the games layout.
. Kirkpatrick, G 2015, The Formation of Gaming Culture UK Gaming Magazines, 1981-1995, 1st ed. 2015., Palgrave Macmillan UK, London, pp.125-130.
. Fox, J & Tang, WY 2017, ‘Sexism in Video Games and the Gaming Community’, New Perspectives on the Social Aspects of Digital Gaming, 1st edn, Routledge, pp. 110–135.
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Food may help those incarcerated "reaffirm ethnic identities, connect to life outside prison and out-smart the institution" (Smoyer, 2016, p. 192).
"Particpants described trying to secure extra cafeteria portions, hoarding food, smuggling and stealing food, and cooking and eating in the cells to resist prison power and gain some control over their lives by managing what, how, when and with whom they ate" (Smoyer, 2016, p. 192).
Smoyer. (2016). Making Fatty Girl Cakes: Food and Resistance in a Women’s Prison. The Prison Journal (Philadelphia, Pa.), 96(2), 191–209. https://doi.org/10.1177/0032885515596520 
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undervenus · 2 years
Various men during my economics lecture said that the reason there are less men in participating in the labor force is because women are “taking half their jobs”.
The proof? A decrease from 95.9% in 1953 to 90.5% in 2014 in labor force participation”. Guess 5.4% is half.
They chose to go with that explaination rather than the early retirement rate amongst men in Canada compared to other countries due to:
lack of access to education
health issues
lack of incentive to work instead of taking retirement income
And of course the simple fact that men now have greater freedom to opt out of particpating in the labor force due to additional household income!
Being ABLE to opt out of work because of illness and a good pension plan is a good thing. No one should have to work through crippling health issues or until the arbitary age of 65.
Just a wonderful reminder that even with every single fact or statistic presented to them men will always choose to blame women for everything
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jojosbizarreocblog · 2 years
Otis Brown (JJBA Oc)
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Name: Otis Brown Age: 18 in 2005; 24 in 2011 Sexuality: Straight DOB: June 19th, 1987 Relatives: Smokey Brown (grandfather); Claudette Brown (grandmother); Ronnie Brown (uncle); Deanna Brown (aunt); Warren Brown (father); Gladys Brown (mother); Miracle Brown (older sister); Ray Brown (older brother-deceased); unnamed sister in law; unnamed niece and nephew; unnamed cousins Occupation: Student; Theater Actor Headcannon Voice Actors: Kenn Michael (English); Yoshitsugu Matsuoka (Japanese) Residence: Atlanta, Georgia (originally); London, England Love Interest: Gwen Royce Personality: He is a very cool cat type of guy who always has a rymthmn and beat to him. He loves the stage and loves to give the best performance of his life. He also likes to provoke thought into people and leave an impression on them which stems from the fact that his grandfather's career as a notable black politician inspired him. He often shows a desire to make his own plays about the black experience and the challenges that face for many of his generation. He also holds in him great reverence for his deceased brother who feels he could have done more for if he could have been more powerful. He often times feels like he could do more and but is always held back. He really can cause himself to be reckless and do stuff that might end up with him getting ino over his head. He jells well with Aaliyah who understands what it feels like to lose a family member and feel you could have done more. They also share quite a jovial demeanor which makes them very close friends as well. He gets very protective of his friends and will fight anyone who tries to harm them. Before hooking up with Gwen he tended to be very flirty with women to degree of success, he even flirted with Aaliyah and Summer before deciding he wanted to be friends with them. He's also very supportive of them when they become a couple as well. Despite minor issues with Mannish Baby, he eventually warms up to him as he shows a kinder side as well to the group and cried when he sacrificed his life for them. Background: As the youngest grandson of Smokey Brown, he had family legacy of civil rights and political activists that ran in the family. He grew up with pride in his family accomplishments and emphasis on black pride. He also grew up looking up to his big brother who was studying in political activism and was one of the darlings of the family.  He also had a great interest in threater acting and was always particpating in plays and other musicals. However, despite his family's reputation contributations to the black community, it didn't stop some tragedies happening to them. His older brother Ray got caught up in a shoot out between gang members as he and him were riding in his car. Ray got him out of the car before he could be hit by the bullets. He was later found by the police and was taken back to his parents and the rest of the family arranged a funeral for his brother and after that he went into a deep depression and started to manifest his stand. During that time he tried to get back at the gangs who took his brothers' life, however, his family found out and curbed his plans due to not wanting to get himself further into danger and that is when they decided to ship him to Hugh Hudson University in England when he graduated high school. Even though he had mixed feelings about being shipped off, he did go just appease his family and maybe find himself after his brother's passing. He eventually met up with Aaliyah Jones, Summer Chan, Mannish Baby, and Gwen Royce as fellow students. They eventually joined the drama club together and took on Summer-Chan's father and eventually defeated him (Mannish Baby would give his life during the struggle). And later down the line graduated from college and formed their own acting troupe. Stand: Knock On Wood Power- D Speed- A Range- D Durability-A Precision- C Potential- A The stand allows the user to rearrange wood to any shape that the user desires. * He eventually hooks up with Gwen as time goes on. * He is considered the designated Jo Bro of the group. * His favorite food are chicken and waffles. He took some time to adjust to classic British food. * He is very close with his grandpa and loves hanging out with him even in his older age. * He wants do a play about his grandfather's life eventually. * Has tons of cousin stories that he loves to babble about. * He loves old school black music from Motown to Disco to older rap. * He is interested in Afro-Britain history as well. * His name is based on Otis Redding and James Brown. While his stand is based on his song "Knock On Wood". * He carries a lot of pencils to use in case he needs to fight and for classes. * He's a B plus type of student. Created through picrew.me/image_maker/1706331/…
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massivemiu · 2 years
Toko/Jill and Celeste somehow get into a gaining contest, and no one is safe
It all started with an idea. Desiring to flex her gambling skills but unable to find any willing particpants/card games, Celeste devised to use the school's near-infinite food supply to have a sort of eating competition. A crude display of skill, but another quick pump-up of her ego nonetheless.
But finding participants is hard. Nobody's exactly willing, and the only one who would actually be up for it (Hina) is too busy with tit issues.
So she lied. By planting the rumor that the Togami clan liked meat on their women, she roped Toko into her scheme, also claiming that winning would catch his eye. It wouldn't.
The time comes, and the first dish is served: pepper steak. Not the vegetable, the spice. The idea was simple: Toko would obviously pussy out after seconds, but Jill's masochistic tendencies will make her an admirable opponent.
How right she was.
Days of rounds later, and they're still going at it. Jill's stuck in this due to the ecstacy of a painfully stuffed tum and being weighed down to uselessness, while Celeste stays involved because she's unwilling to concede.
They're filling the cafeteria at a dangerous rate.
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httphyucks · 4 years
kinktober day 01 — public sex
the boyz kim sunwoo
— warnings: public fingering, implied fem!reader, brief mentions of food
— note: this was supposed to be kinktober day one, however i am not particpating. still, i had this and day two finished already, so i decided to post them. i will not be posting all 31 days.
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you squirmed in your seat on the bus, sunwoo completely unaware of how badly his words had affected you. that day, you’d worn a new dress you bought, because the heat was almost unbearable. when he’d seen you, he told you that you looked so hot that he almost wanted to fuck you then and there. and now, you can’t stop thinking about it.
the bus pulled up to the stop and you scrambled to get off. sunwoo trailed behind you, holding a folded blanket in one hand and reaching for yours with the other. the two of you walked to the park hand in hand.
once you found a nice spot to sit, sunwoo laid out the blanket. while he straightened it out, you called to order some of your favorite takeout to eat. they were a little backed up, they told you, so it would be a little while before they could get it to you. it was fine, though, because you were a little too distracted to be hungry right now.
sunwoo patted the spot between his legs for you to sit. you smoothed your dress down and plopped in the spot in front of him. as a reflex, his arms wrapped around you and pulled you against his chest. you almost immediately relaxed, but you couldn’t help hut fixate on the thought of how close his fingers are to where you want them. if he just moved them a few inches, he’d be right there.
surely, he knew how worked up you’d gotten yourself, as he moved one hand to ghost over your thigh. he drew random shapes that did nothing but work you up more, until finally, his hand was grasping your inner thigh. immediately, your legs spread just enough for him.
with a nervous look around, checking to see if anyone was close enough to see what you were doing, he ran his finger over your panties. his touch was almost light enough you couldn’t feel it, but was enough to have you jerking your hips. his free hand pressed tighter against your body, holding you back from moving around too much and getting you caught.
when he was sure it was safe to continue, his teasing fingers slipped underneath the waistband of your underwear. as soon as you felt the tips of his fingers brush against your clit, any and every thought about being caught out in the open dissipated — not that you were too worried, anyway. only thoughts of sunwoo and his fingers were drifting through your mind.
though you’d forgotten about being in public, he was quick to remind you once he slipped a finger inside of you. luckily, there wasn’t anyone near enough to hear the sharp gasp you let out, but sunwoo clasped his hand over your mouth anyway. he stilled his finger, leaning his head down to nip at your neck, jaw, and ear, and whisper a quick “be quiet.” just as soon as the words rolled off his tongue, he was back to fucking you with his fingers.
his pace was slow. you knew he was testing you, seeing if you’d let him get you off in a public place. you were too far gone to tell him no, and you quite honestly loved the thrill. as he slipped in a second finger and increased the pace at which he was fucking them into you, you began to become hyperaware of your surroundings. you noticed the women walking their dogs, the men on a jog, and the slight breeze rustling the leaves on the tree a few feet away from you. it fully sank in that you were in public and could get caught at any moment.
“sunwoo,” you whined. “faster, please.”
he nipped at your neck once more and moved his fingers to rub at your clit. you could feel your orgasm approaching and began to grind up into his touch. before long, with added pressure at just the right spot, sunwoo had you hitting your high. he held you tight against him to keep you from thrashing around, and gently helped you ride out your high.
just as you’d gotten your breathing back to normal, you received a call from the delivery man asking you to collect the food. you stood on your shaky legs, giving sunwoo a last look, and walking off as he slipped his fingers into his mouth.
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zuzuslastbraincell · 4 years
atla x star wars
aang: luke, obviously. both share the burden of being the *last* of a mythologised group of people, who are single-handedly trying to uphold traditions and methods considered lost (obviously these comparisons should be made lightly - the air nomads are a group of people & a culture that sufferred genocide; the jedi order is a religious-political order that served an increasingly corrupt government). sensitive, prodigious, but also contains a great degree of anger and grief at his loss and displacement. works *hard* to be compassionate, kind, and ultimately wise, balancing the needs of the world and the traditions of his role with his own ideals. effiminate / lacks a care for traditional modes of masculinity and is under appreciated for it.
zuko: luke, obviously. lost family for the sake of duty, was forced to leave his home and travel across the stars/seas to fulfil his destiny. maimed and traumatised by his authoritarian and distant father whose footsteps he aspired to follow in, and struggled with whether to follow him to the dark side or to fight for the side of good. ultimately rejects his father's fascist ideology, his family history, and the empire in the 3rd act to fight for good. also? he's gay!!
katara: leia, duh. a great sense of responsibility to her people (who were victims of genocide), expected to take on responsibilities beyond her age, deeply principled, stands up to authority, fights for the secret rebels, full of kindness and compassion, full of righteous anger, not above pettiness either, she's a rich character that is wonderfully flawed and layered and i love her immensely <3
sokka: a mix of han and luke. while han is the obvious choice here - han is our token non-force user, and let's remind people, he isn't as "cool" as his reputation in fandom, he's a total dork (see: how he impersonates a stormtrooper in episode iv). han has a strong sense of pride masquerading as a cool and mysterious bounty hunter type (when really he's a washed up smuggler). sokka shares that same awkward dorkiness, more realistic/cynical outlook, and chip on his shoulder/pride, but he's smarter, kinder, and also got a greater sense of responsibility towards the world rather than that cynical detatchment. in this sense he greatly resembles luke, especially in the sense that, especially in the early episodes, he is trying to follow in his father's footsteps.
suki: a mix of han and leia. suki isn't part of the magical world of the protagonists (initially), has her own priorities and goals, but ends up joining them like han. much like han, she is "what if han was as cool a badass as fandom advertises" (although how good a shot he/she really is depends on the plot) combined with how leia takes a leadership position and grows into her own with it at a young age. i think suki is principled but deeply practical, however, something she shares in common with leia (who is both idealistic and principled as well as grounded, task-orientated, & practical). i also think suki has a strong sense of pride (and is a bit of a sore loser) which you see in both han and leia.
toph: chewbacca. okay, seriously, she's *kinda* han, she's got that same sense of pride especially about flying solo vs being part of a team, her inability to accept help is also very han, but she'd insist on being chewbacca. she's as wise and as emotionally receptive as chewie, as well as able to clobber anyone, so who am i to judge?
azula: she'd 100% be leia, in a much better, kinder universe where she had her own bail organa :(
mai and ty lee: clone wars era lesbian bounty hunters asajj ventress & latts razzi, who are way too cool to be dealing with this jedi/avatar bullshit, and have a wonderful off-screen redemption arc and gay romance
iroh: obi-wan (except more war crimes). once a famously successful and clever general. now generally considered past his prime, has become a mentor with a tragic past where he stalwartly served the republic/empire but in his unquestioning adherance to that doctrine he lost his mentee/son. full of regrets about it, and refuses to do the same with his current mentee. i could hear an argument for young anakin given his blithe attitude to war crimes and enthusiastic militarism and imperialism - but honestly? considering how the late republic was just a mask for the empire, obi-wan fits iroh well enough. (iroh, sadly, is not gay, and thus is a poor man's obi-wan).
ursa: anakin (except he died like padmé). she has the silk hiding steel aura that padmé has but her plot arc is all anakin's. chosen on the basis of a very special heritage. will forgo socially accepted moral/ethical frameworks if her family are threatened, and will not hesitate to kill a man if her son is threatened. despite what people think, this hardly absolves her of being an active particpant of empire (simply makes her complex). massively favoured her son over her daughter (who she traumatised). differs from anakin in that, because she is a woman, and the writers of both of these shows are misogynists who barely give space for older women, especially mothers, in their narratives, she disappeared ~in mysterious circumstances~ and will never complete my ideal plot arc for her which involves throwing ozai down a garbage chute. shame.
hakoda: bail organa (except he's not dead). lifelong rebel? respected and admired leader of his people? as the only good parent in the whole damn show? bail organa.
ozai: low-budget palpatine who is not as competent or calculating. bzzt bzzt lightning go bzzzzt. awful. gets his ass handed to him. yeah. you may know his voice actor from batman: the animated series and nowhere else.
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madeofcc · 3 years
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Shirley Souagnon for Black History Month
Rather than choosing a historical figure, I decided to promote an actual french artist, still fully alive, who’s making the change we need .
Meet Shirley Souagnon .
Shirley Souagnon is a french lesbian humorist and also an entrepeneur.. She started young on a TV spot and an episode of a french serie called Navarro. When she was in highschool she got recruted by the Madison High School of Houston, Texas, in order to play in their basket-ball team.
Few years later, Shirley is back to France and starts to do stand-up comedy. She writes her first one-woman show Sketch-Up! in 2008 and starts to particpate to some famous TV show focused on stand-up comedy. She slowly but surely rises and starts doing radio, fictionnal tv show while still doing stand-up comedy. In 2019, she opens her own comedy club called the Barbes Comedy Club.
As you can notice by her last stand-up poster (Mister Shirley), Shirley loves to talk about how it is to be a black lesbian woman with an androgynous look. More than that, she’s doing a lot for several charities (LGBTQA+, feminist, african ones) and she also promotes a new wave of great artists such as Tahnee or KT Gorique (who are also great black lesbian artists).
Also, in 2018, Shirley and several other black women created an essay called Noire n’est pas mon métier (Black is not my job) who denounces the racism in cinema and society. I hiighly recommend you all this powerfull and important essay who will give some powerfull black artists testimonies.
You can follow Shirley Souagnon on Youtube and Instagram, and you can also see her on Netflix in Comedians of the World (France category, she got the first episode).
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Majority of anti-maskers are incredibly SELFISH and narcissistic, and they often display this through their behaviour.
Not all anti-maskers are this way. Some of them are here on TCF and may disagree with my pro-mask stance, but they are not narcissistic or antagonistic about it.
However, there is a special kind of anti-masker - who areclearly under some form of diabolical influence.
A woman commented on a post I made over a week ago, encouraging people to NOT endanger people's lives and in charity, wear a mask in public.
I also echoed the words of a traditional priest who said that wearing a face mask during a pandemic IS an act of charity, even if you do not believe in wearing masks.
Obviously, this woman disagreed and she decided to twist around my words (typcial NARC move, btw) and said that it is an act of charity to not wear masks.
When I see people twisting words or twisting statements calling for charity, even by a priest, I always ALWAYS remember the devil twisting words as the Serpent in the Garden of Eden and once again when he was tempting our Lord in the desert.
There were a few comments from other TCF readers gently reiterating to her and trying to get her to see common sense, and she always had some smart alec response.
This was over a week ago.
Most of you are getting so smart re handling toxic or antagonistic people and I am so proud of y'all.
One of the ways to deal with toxic, antagonistic or narcissistic people is to not engage any further with them when you see that they do not wish to see reason.
Most toxic people will leave it at that. But if they are also narcissistic, that will not be enough - they HAVE to win - at all costs and try to have the last word.
So guess what, after over a week since the last response, this lady returns BACK to the post and comments that it is not a mortal sin to not wear a mask.
Do you see how she diabolically tries to twist Catholic teaching?
I mean, if she has a death wish for herself, why is she so desperate to convince others and drag them with her.....even when no one has been responding to her for over a week??!
Not only does she have a death wish, she clearly wants to continue to perpetuate conflict, strife and discord - EXACTLY like a narcissist.
They do not stop and they have no limits.
They just keep poking and poking and poking until someone stops them.
I see many articles on FB that are pro-masks and I also see articles on FB from pages that are anti-maks.
You do not see me going on to the anti-masks pages and arguing with them. Lol! I have a life!!
Anyway, Mrs Smart Alec Anti-Masker, endangering the life of others when you KNOW what you are supposed to do to keep people around you safe is violation of the commandment "Thou Shalt Not Kill"
You may not kill someone directly, but if your actions or decisions lead to the death of another person, you are no better than pro-choice women who abort their babies, either through abortion clinics or contraception and the like.
They may not kill the babies directly, but they made CHOICES that led to the death of another life.
This also applies to those who consciously particpate in actions that cause the death of another human being ie racism, endangering the lives of people who you may consider opposed to your lifestyle ie liberals and leftists.
God's Word remains the same - THOU SHALT NOT KILL
He doesn't say: Tho Shalt Not Kill Only Babies .....Or the Unborn.
He said: THOU SHALT NOT KILL. Period!!
Consciously committing murder or causing the deaths of others, directly or indirectly through your actions or choices, is a violation of God's commandment and as such, A MORTAL SIN.
Okay, sunshine(!)
It is our social duty, as TRUE pro-life Catholics, to encourage the safeguarding and preservation of human lives.
Don't talk to us about being pro-life when you do not care about the lives of your fellow human beings.
I am beginning to think that those who spout about being pro-life but only care about unborn babies are part of the diabolical satanic cult that is interested in babies only to harvest adrenochrome from them.
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rikionpd · 3 years
Language and Gender Really Can Go Together
A few days ago, I particpated in a conversation on Twitter that stemmed from a Toronto Star article entitled, " Why Can't We Say Woman Anymore?" I wasn't able to read the article itself, as it was behind a pay wall, but the conversation was about political correctness in addressing gender.
I understand how some can be confused, with those who feel the need to announce their pronouns. I'm she/her, in case you are wondering. There are reasons for that, if you want to know, ask. With transgender and non-binary folk being more and more visible it might be hard to wrap your head around the language.
Language, and the understanding of it, is where I think the problem lies. English is a complicated language, and hard to master, even to those of us who speak it as a first language. The mistake that we are making is that we are equating the words "woman" and "female," and transversely the words "man" and "male."
This is how I see it, and it's also how I think people are getting confused. I am a person who identifies as a woman and who was born female. A trans-woman is a person who identifies as a woman who was born male. We are both women, however we are not both female. The same can be said about a trans-man, who would be a person who identifies as a man, but was born female. We are both female, but he is a man and I am a woman.
We can't change our biology. We can alter our bodies to match our personalities, but ultimately, we still have the X and Y chromosomes that indicate gender. Once we, as a society, are able to stop equating biology with personality, we will all be much better off.
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mbti-sorted · 3 years
#GetSorted 07 21 round-up
Very short this time!  Here it is:
i) Five participants this time, 3 men, 2 women - all EPs, except for one EJ.
ii) All particpants were typed by the end of the video, but I double-checked with @infj-zen to make sure we came to the same conclusions.  (We did.)
iii) What made me unsure about types? I was pretty sure this time around - and participants were more sure, too, with both ENFPs testing as ENFPs, and an ESTP who’d figured out all her functions (I’m not sure if I’ve mentioned anywhere before, but I get the feeling Ti people, particularly TPs, are much better at recognizing their own functions).  Again, lack of specific examples is to blame for any uncertainty.
iv) Were the questions effective? They weren’t ineffective, I guess, but because of the smaller number of participants, it’s hard to tell where I could have done better.  I do feel like I got fewer targeted answers this time around?  I think I will keep the same questions in the same order for the next time around, so I’ll save discussing any changes I made until then.  I think most of the questions I changed and the reasons I changed them were covered in the last round-up, anyway.
v) Are there any patterns by type as far as content goes? Nothing new, except for ENFPs (possibly?) preferring cats to dogs.
vi) Are there any patterns that were not content-oriented? Not enough people to make a comparison.
vii) Would I revise the challenge in any way?  I think I will stick to running the challenge once a year in the future - February 2022, mark it in your calendars!  I’m also not really sold on not replying until the end... I think it’s easier on me, but it also makes it less engaging overall.  Hard to tell.
viii) Anything happen I wasn’t expecting?  Just technical/security issues.  Google Drive, as it turns out, is not the most anonymous of video-hosting platforms, (your name shows up in owner info).  Luckily, everyone whose video was shared last time posted to youtube, so the only person who has more information than they should is me, and I can’t begin to stress how uninterested I am in stalking anyone on the internet.
Your questions:
Anonymous asked:has your recent getsorted led you to any reevaluations of your previous getsorted? or any other typings?
After the challenge ended, I found Lucy Dahl, who reminded me of Anne, and Hee Seo, who reminded me of Claire.  So new typings, yes, but retypings... I guess Jonathan Safran Poer from ENTP to INTP for SM291111.  I haven’t rewatched the original challenge videos, so I haven’t done much retyping with them in mind.
Thanks to all the participants for continuing to indulge me in this weird experiment!
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