#women's march Montpellier
conradscrime · 1 year
Cold Blooded Killer? Or A Woman Defending her Love? The Case of Gaston Calmette & Henriette Cailleaux
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February 03, 2023
Gaston Clamette was born in Montpellier, France on July 30 1858 (some sources say June 30). He became a journalist and worked for the Le Figaro in 1884. By 1894, Gaston became the editor. 
In January 1914, Gaston had began a campaign against Minister of Finance, Joseph Caillaux, who had brought forth progressive taxation and had made peace with Germany during the Second Moroccan Crisis in 1911. Joseph Caillaux was born on March 30, 1863, and was the leader of the French Radical Party. 
It was a daily occurrence that the Le Figaro was publishing evidence that was damaging to Joseph Caillaux’s reputation, often proving that he had used his position to facilitate speculation on the Paris Bourse. Gaston believed Joseph was a threat to France and wanted his reputation destroyed. 
Joseph of course had made enemies due to his pro-German policies but when he left office in 1912, he still was influential. Joseph was actually urged by colleagues to take legal action against Le Figaro but Joseph refused. 
Henriette Raynouard was a French socialite who had married Joseph Caillaux in October 1911. She was born on December 5, 1874. It was known that Joseph had actually left his first wife for Henriette after he became prime minister and they had both begun this affair in 1907 when they were still married. Henriette had married a writer who was 12 years her senior at the age of 19, and had two children together. The two divorced in 1908 but Joseph had a more difficult time divorcing his wife. 
However, things took a turn in 1914 when Gaston had published correspondence that was between Joseph and his first mistress, a woman named Berthe Gueydan. Joseph and Henriette’s private life was now in the public, and apparently there had been numerous love letters written back and forth between Joseph and Berthe. Many believed that Gaston was planning to publish those as well. Henriette did not want those love letters published as it made her public image look bad that her husband was already having an affair so early on in their marriage. 
However, other sources claim that Gaston actually had love letters between Henriette and Joseph, that would prove he had had an affair with Henriette while he was still married to his first wife, which would also destroy their public image. 
Henriette had had enough of Gaston and decided to visit his office on March 16, 1914. When she arrived she had a scarf that was concealing both of her hands. Henriette asked Gaston why he thought she had come to see him, and when he responded he had no idea, Henriette took a Browning automatic out of the scarf and shot Gaston six times in the stomach. 
Gaston was hit four times and was critically wounded. He did not die at the scene, but rather 6 hours later. 
Police immediately surrounded Henriette as she yelled, “Do not touch me! I am a lady!” Henriette did not try to escape, she simply asked for her own chauffeur to drive her to the police station instead of being transported in a police van. Henriette was charged upon arriving at the police station. 
Joseph had to resign from his post the following day, on March 17, 1914. 
Henriette’s trial began on July 20, 1914 and was extremely public in the French news. Due to political views, the public was split in half. The left believed that Gaston’s goal to ruin her husband’s reputation drove her insane, while the right side believed she was a cold blooded killer, perhaps evening murdering Gaston at her husbands request.
There were many people with power in society attending the trial. Henriette played on the stereotype that women are very emotional, and that her actions were due to an emotional state. The all male jury took less than an hour to reach a verdict of not guilty. Henriette was acquitted on July 28, 1914. 
Henriette went on to study art and write a book before she died on January 29, 1943 at the age of 68. Joseph died on November 22, 1944, at the age of 81. 
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volleytimes-com · 2 months
Coupe de France 2023/24 | Photogallery of Montpellier - Nantes
🇫🇷| COUPE DE FRANCE 2023/24 | FINAL 📍| Halle Georges Carpentier – Paris Sunday March 31, 2024 • 15.30 (Local Time) | Montpellier – Nantes 0-3 (16:25, 22:25, 24:26) 👉🏼Read more about the match here👈🏼 And more…. 🏐| FINAL WOMEN 👉🏼 MULHOUSE – NANTES — Disclaimer — Photos featured on volleytimes galleries are downloadable with our watermark for media and personal purposes if we are credited as the…
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glimmerofawesome · 3 years
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graphijane · 3 years
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Extrait des photos de la manifestation du 07.03.21 dans le cadre de la journée internationale de lutte pour les des droits des femmes, à Montpellier. Pour jeter un œil à la totalité des photos que j’ai publié, ça se passe par là : https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?vanity=graphijane&set=a.2436618043150180
Pour vivre la mobilisation au cœur de la manif et en vidéo, ça se passe ici : https://youtu.be/9MnfiP6j05s
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notes-to-tomorrow · 7 years
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Representing She's the First, all my American ladies & of course myself at the Women's March all the way over in Montpellier. All I can say is what a show of solidarity it was. 👭
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brajeshupadhyay · 4 years
PARIS — As the two women sat in deck chairs enjoying the last rays of sunshine near the Canal de l’Ourcq in Paris on Sunday evening, nearby loudspeakers jolted them with a reminder that they were in a new mask-mandatory zone. “You’ve got your mask?” Safiya Zenag, unmasked, asked her friend, who replied: “No, I didn’t bring it. I hate wearing it.” Faced with a recent resurgence of coronavirus cases, officials have made mask wearing mandatory in widening areas of Paris and other cities across the country, pleading with the French not to let down their guard and jeopardize the hard-won gains made against the virus during a two-month lockdown this spring. The signs of a new wave of infection emerged over the summer as people began resuming much of their pre-coronavirus lives, traveling across France and socializing in cafes, restaurants and parks. Many, especially the young, have visibly relaxed their vigilance and have not followed rules on mask wearing or social distancing. In recent days, France has recorded about 3,000 new infections every day, roughly double the figure at the beginning of the month, and the authorities are investigating an increasing number of clusters. But 30 percent of the new infections are in young adults, ages 15 to 44, according to a recent report. Since they are less likely to develop serious forms of the illness, deaths and the number of patients in intensive care remain at a fraction of what they were at the height of the pandemic. Still, officials are not taking any chances. “The indicators are bad, the signals are worrying and the situation is deteriorating,” Jérôme Salomon, the French health ministry director, told the radio station France Inter last week. “The fate of the epidemic is in our hands.” Mr. Salomon warned that the virus would continue to circulate and that people would have to adjust their behavior. “We have to live with it,’’ he said. France suffered 30,400 deaths from the virus — one of the world’s worst tolls — and experienced an economically devastating lockdown from mid-March to mid-May. Thanks to the lockdown, however, France succeeded in stopping the spread of the virus and lifted most restrictions at the start of summer. Philippe Juvin, the head of the emergency department at the Georges Pompidou European Hospital in Paris, said he was not surprised by the rise in cases. “You lock down people during two months, putting a stop to infections,” he said. “Once people are again allowed to go outside, it is not surprising that infection quickly resumes.” The course of the pandemic in Europe has followed a somewhat similar trend, with Spain also reporting new local clusters. But important disparities exist among countries. In the past week, as France reported 20,000 new cases, Italy reported 7,000, and Britain, 3,000, according to data collected by The New York Times. Mircea Sofonea, an epidemiologist at the French University of Montpellier, said today’s situation had “nothing to do in terms of imminent health risk” with the situation that preceded the European lockdowns because the number of hospitalized coronavirus patients and deaths remains very low. In France, the daily number of deaths has hovered around 15 in the past week. By contrast, at the height of the epidemic in March and April, hundreds died every day in France, with the toll sometimes rising into four digits. In April, intensive care units were at 140 percent capacity; only 7 percent were occupied about 10 days ago. Mr. Sofonea said all European countries were expecting a rebound of the epidemic in the fall, when people who have been away on vacation come back to work and when social interaction resumes. The French authorities fear that the rising number of infections in young people, many of whom are asymptomatic, may contribute to the spread of the virus to older, more vulnerable people. “Young people felt a little more invincible,” said Olivier George, a 36-year-old baker. “That’s probably what made them the most affected group.” Across the continent, crowds of young people are flocking to illegal parties organized in outdoor areas, regardless of the risk of infection. While the number of new cases in France has been rising steadily, it is difficult to draw comparisons with earlier stages in the epidemic. The number of tests being carried out across France has increased to about 600,000 a week — or about six times the numbers performed during the height of the epidemic. At that time, France suffered from severe shortages of test kits, making it impossible for many suspected of having Covid-19 to get tested. Raphaëlle Escande, 23, a business school student, said she fell ill in March with symptoms of the disease, including the loss of smell, a sore throat and fever. “That lasted three weeks,’’ she said. “I stayed home because you couldn’t get tested.’’ The Coronavirus Outbreak › Frequently Asked Questions Updated August 17, 2020 Why does standing six feet away from others help? The coronavirus spreads primarily through droplets from your mouth and nose, especially when you cough or sneeze. The C.D.C., one of the organizations using that measure, bases its recommendation of six feet on the idea that most large droplets that people expel when they cough or sneeze will fall to the ground within six feet. But six feet has never been a magic number that guarantees complete protection. Sneezes, for instance, can launch droplets a lot farther than six feet, according to a recent study. It’s a rule of thumb: You should be safest standing six feet apart outside, especially when it’s windy. But keep a mask on at all times, even when you think you’re far enough apart. I have antibodies. Am I now immune? As of right now, that seems likely, for at least several months. There have been frightening accounts of people suffering what seems to be a second bout of Covid-19. But experts say these patients may have a drawn-out course of infection, with the virus taking a slow toll weeks to months after initial exposure. People infected with the coronavirus typically produce immune molecules called antibodies, which are protective proteins made in response to an infection. These antibodies may last in the body only two to three months, which may seem worrisome, but that’s perfectly normal after an acute infection subsides, said Dr. Michael Mina, an immunologist at Harvard University. It may be possible to get the coronavirus again, but it’s highly unlikely that it would be possible in a short window of time from initial infection or make people sicker the second time. I’m a small-business owner. Can I get relief? The stimulus bills enacted in March offer help for the millions of American small businesses. Those eligible for aid are businesses and nonprofit organizations with fewer than 500 workers, including sole proprietorships, independent contractors and freelancers. Some larger companies in some industries are also eligible. The help being offered, which is being managed by the Small Business Administration, includes the Paycheck Protection Program and the Economic Injury Disaster Loan program. But lots of folks have not yet seen payouts. Even those who have received help are confused: The rules are draconian, and some are stuck sitting on money they don’t know how to use. Many small-business owners are getting less than they expected or not hearing anything at all. What are my rights if I am worried about going back to work? What is school going to look like in September? It is unlikely that many schools will return to a normal schedule this fall, requiring the grind of online learning, makeshift child care and stunted workdays to continue. California’s two largest public school districts — Los Angeles and San Diego — said on July 13, that instruction will be remote-only in the fall, citing concerns that surging coronavirus infections in their areas pose too dire a risk for students and teachers. Together, the two districts enroll some 825,000 students. They are the largest in the country so far to abandon plans for even a partial physical return to classrooms when they reopen in August. For other districts, the solution won’t be an all-or-nothing approach. Many systems, including the nation’s largest, New York City, are devising hybrid plans that involve spending some days in classrooms and other days online. There’s no national policy on this yet, so check with your municipal school system regularly to see what is happening in your community. France’s scientific council, a government body that advises President Emmanuel Macron on the coronavirus crisis, said in a report in late July that “the balance is fragile, and we can change course at any time to a less-controlled scenario.” The council warned that a second wave was “highly possible” in the fall, given the current trend. The sharp rise in cases has led the government to declare Paris and the region of Marseille as high-risk zones, effectively granting the local authorities power to impose new measures aimed at containing the spread of the disease. In Paris, mask wearing had been limited to public transportation and indoor establishments, as it was in the rest of the country. But the requirement was extended to crowded outdoor areas about a week ago, and further expanded across many more swathes of the city over the weekend. Prime Minister Jean Castex warned last week that the country had been going “the wrong way” for the past few weeks, and said he wanted “to extend as far as possible the obligation to wear masks in public spaces.” The government’s reliance on face masks as a main weapon in its fight against the virus amounts to an about-face in its strategy. Early in the epidemic, faced with severe shortages of masks, the government said they were useless against the virus — contradicting its own longstanding public health policies. “I didn’t find them coherent at all,’’ said Laura Castel, 31, a high school teacher. “In the beginning, it was, ‘Don’t wear masks, they’re not necessary.’ But that’s because we just didn’t have masks, in my opinion.’’ Now that France has more than sufficient supplies of masks, Ms. Castel said, the government was “singing a new tune.’’ Perhaps because of the government’s contradictory messages on masks, people were slow to start wearing them in newly mask-mandatory zones in Paris. Along stretches of the Seine over the weekend, only about half of pedestrians had their faces covered. The police will be enforcing the measures — which will be in place for at least a month — with a fine of 135 euros, or $159. In addition to masks and tests, France now has other tools that were unavailable at the start of the epidemic, including contact-tracing teams and a contact-tracing smartphone application — though neither have been fully tested yet. As the French learn how to live with the virus, health officials have adapted by quickly moving to extinguish local outbreaks and tightening restrictions as needed. The goal is to prevent local clusters from spiraling out of control and pushing France again into a national lockdown. Anthony Rasoloarimanana, 40, a travel agent who was walking under the elevated metro tracks of Boulevard de la Chapelle in northern Paris, a new mask-mandatory zone, said he was worried that the recent period of resurgence was similar to the one just before the lockdown in March. “Have the sacrifices we’ve made over several months been for nothing?” he said of the lockdown. “That would be terrible.” Théophile Larcher contributed reporting from Paris. Monika Pronczuk contributed reporting from Brussels. The post Beaten Back, the Coronavirus Regains Strength in France appeared first on Shri Times News. from WordPress https://ift.tt/3g0JpqQ
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forkickspodcast · 5 years
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Canada Soccer’s Women’s National Team will launch their all-important 2019 season with two matches in Spain including a training match against Switzerland on 17 January and an international friendly match against Norway on 22 January in La Manga.
Canada will also compete in its eighth Algarve Cup which kicks off in February. Drawn into Group A, Canada will face Iceland on 27 February and Scotland on 1 March before playing a final match on 6 March to determine its final rank in the tournament. Canada won the Algarve Cup in 2016 and placed second in 2017.
Seven of the 12 teams competing in the 2019 Algarve Cup are headed to the FIFA Women’s World Cup France 2019™ including China, Norway, Scotland, Spain, Sweden, and Group E opponents Canada and the Netherlands. The other five participating teams are Demark, Iceland, Poland, hosts Portugal, and Switzerland.
Canada’s first two matches of 2019 mark the start of its FIFA Women’s World Cup France 2019™ campaign which kicks off Monday 10 June when they face Cameroon at Stade de la Mosson in Montpellier, France. Canada will then travel to Grenoble for their second group match on Saturday 15 June against New Zealand at Stade des alpes. Canada then conclude the group phase in Reims on Thursday 20 June with a match against Netherlands at Stade August-Velaune.
“This year is all about preparing for the FIFA Women’s World Cup, so we are eager to get together in Europe and continue the momentum we built throughout 2018,” said Kenneth Heiner-Møller, Canada Soccer’s Women’s National Team Head Coach. “Switzerland and Norway are both difficult sides, so these two matches will serve as an excellent opportunity to test ourselves against strong European opponents.”
While Switzerland missed out on the 2019 edition of the FIFA Women’s World Cup, a strong performance brought them to the Round of 16 at the FIFA Women’s World Cup Canada 2015™ where they fell to hosts Canada 1:0. Norway will be preparing for its own FIFA Women’s World Cup campaign, having been drawn into Group A against hosts France, Korea Republic and Nigeria. Norway qualified for the FIFA Women’s World Cup France 2019™ after defeating the Netherlands 2-1, who Canada will face in the 2019 group stage, in their final group game of UEFA World Cup Qualifying.
“Heading into our first camp of 2019 we are working to establish a strong foundation from which we can build on over the next few months heading into the FIFA Women’s World Cup,” said Heiner-Møller. “We are certainly not starting from scratch, this team has been developed over time, but work remains to ensure that when we take the pitch in June, Canada will be at their very best, putting on a genuine FIFA World Cup performance.”
January 2019 Roster
Canada’s January 2019 match roster combines team veterans with standout young players. Captain Christine Sinclair will lead the team as she continues to close in on the all-time FIFA scoring record needing just seven goals to earn the top spot. Teenagers including Jordyn Huitema and Jayde Riviere, both 17 years old, recently helped Canada earn a fourth-place finish at the FIFA U-17 Women’s World Cup Uruguay 2018 and will be joined by Julia Grosso (age 18) and Deanne Rose (age 19).
Ottawa’s Vanessa Gilles will be making her first appearance in a Canada Soccer National Team camp.
Canada Soccer Women’s National Team January 2019 Roster
#1 GK Stephanie Labbe, age 32, from Stony Plain, AB/ Linköpings FC (Damallsvenskan)
#2 FB Allysha Chapman, age 29, from Courtice, ON/ Houston Dash (NWSL)
#3 CB Kadeisha Buchanan, age 23, from Brampton, ON/ Olympique Lyonnais (Division 1 Féminine France)
#4 CB Shelina Zadorsky, age 26, from London, ON/ Orlando Pride (NWSL)
#5 M Rebecca Quinn, age 23, from Toronto, ON/ Washington Spirit (NWSL)
#6 F Deanne Rose, age 19, from Alliston, ON/ University of Florida Gators (NCAA)
#7 M Julia Grosso, age 18, from Vancouver, BC / Vancouver Whitecaps FC Girls Elite/ Canada Soccer Regional EXCEL Super Centre (British Columbia)
#9 F Jordyn Huitema, age 17, from Chilliwack, BC/ Vancouver Whitecaps FC Girls Elite/ Canada Soccer Regional EXCEL Super Centre (British Columbia)
#10 FB Ashley Lawrence, age 23, from Caledon, ON/Paris Saint Germain (Division 1 Féminine France)
#11 M Desiree Scott, age 31, from Winnipeg, MB/ Utah Royals FC (NWSL)
#12 F Christine Sinclair ( C ), age 35, from Burnaby, BC/ Portland Thorns (NWSL)
#13 M Sophie Schmidt, age 30, from Abbotsford, BC
#15 F Nichelle Prince, age 23, from Ajax, ON/ Houston Dash (NWSL)
#16 F Janine Beckie, age 24, from Highlands Ranch, CO/ Manchester City (FA Women's Super League)
#17 M Jessie Fleming, age 20, from London, ON/UCLA (NCAA)
#18 GK Sabrina D'Angelo, age 25, from Welland, ON/North Carolina Courage (NWSL)
#19 F Adriana Leon, age 26, from King City, ON
#20 FB Shannon Woeller, age 28, from Vancouver, BC/ Eskilstuna United DFF (Damallsvenskan)
#21 GK Kailen Sheridan, age 23, from Whitby, ON/ Sky Blue FC (NWSL)
#22 FB Lindsay Agnew, age 23, from Kingston, ON/ Houston Dash (NWSL)
#23 FB Jayde Riviere, age 17, from Markham, ON/ Vancouver Whitecaps FC Girls Elite/ Canada Soccer Regional EXCEL Super Centre (Ontario)
#24 FB/F Jenna Hellstrom, age 23, from Sudbury, ON/ Växjö DFF (Damallsvenskan)
#25 CB Vanessa Gilles, 22, from Ottawa, ON/ Les Girondins de Bordeaux (Division 1 Féminine France)
Canada Soccer Women’s National Team 2019 Match Schedule
*Additional matches to be announced in Spring 2019.
Thursday 17 January – Canada vs Switzerland (Closed door training match)
Tuesday 22 January – Canada vs Norway – 18:00 local (12:00 ET/09:00 PT) at La Manga Stadium in La Manga, Spain (Closed door, international friendly match)
2019 Algarve Cup
Wednesday 27 February – Canada vs Iceland (Time and location TBC)
Friday 1 March – Canada v Scotland (Time and location TBC)
Wednesday 6 March – Canada v TBD (Time and location TBC)
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isadomna · 6 years
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She was the only daughter of King Manfred of Sicily, of the Hohenstaufen dinasty, and his first wife Beatrice of Savoy. Princess Constance was largely raised by Bella d'Amichi, who remained her favorite and confidante as queen. Constance was just over 14 years old when she arrived to Montpellier, where she would marry the Infant Peter, eldest son of King James I of Aragon, in June 1262. In 1266 the Count Charles I of Anjou, called by the new Pope Clement IV, defeated and killed King Manfred at the Battle of Benevento, and occupied the Regno almost without resistance. His victory over Manfred's young nephew, Conradin, at the Battle of Tagliacozzo in 1268 strengthened his rule. 
After the invasion of Sicily by Charles of Anjou, Peter’s court became the focus of opposition to the Angevins; and Constance is said to have maintained Sicilian customs -including recipes for dove- at court. She had never forgiven Charles for her father’s death, and always believed that the Kingdom of Sicily by rights belonged to her. Her husband agreed with her. By 1268, after the deaths of her father and her cousin Conradin, she was referred to as heiress in official documents. For some time, Peter and Constance had been secretly fomenting insurrection to Charles’s rule in Sicily through an agent who knew the island well.
After King James I of Aragon’s death in 1276, Peter III succeeded to the throne with Constance as his Queen. They were crowned in Zaragoza by the archbishop of Tarragona. After the revolt of the Sicilian Vespers in March 1282, Peter III claimed Sicily in right of Constance. The King of Aragon defeated Charles of Anjou, placed himself and Constance upon the throne of Sicily, and refused to do homage to the Pope. Charles I of Anjou’s son, Charles of Salerno fell into captivity. Constance of Sicily imprisoned him at the fortress of Cefalù. The Pope naturally opposed their rule and endeavored to have them deposed, and even the local nobility was opposed to the Aragonese takeover. The struggle to maintain their family’s right to ascendancy continued even after Peter’s death in 1285.
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Like his father, Peter III divided his kingdoms between his sons. He left Aragon to his eldest son, Alfonso III, and Sicily to his second son, James. The royal couple had a third son named Frederick and two daughters, Isabella and Violant. During Peter’s absence in Spain from 1283 to his death, Queen Constance governed Sicily, remaining there during the reign of his son James I of Sicily. The Pope continued protesting and demanding the return of the Sicilian crown to the house of Anjou. The Holy See got of the new king of Aragon, Alfonso III, the liberation of Charles of Salerno (Charles II of Anjou) in exchange for a truce with France. Pope Nicholas IV crowned Charles II King of Sicily and Naples. Constance felt betrayed by her own son, who would not live much longer, he would die in 1291. James of Sicily was now proclaimed king of Aragon as James II.
After James inherited the Spanish lands of the Crown of Aragon and tried to hand Sicily back to the Angevins, Constance attempted to make peace between James and his younger brother Frederick III, who was elected king of Sicily in 1296. Clearly, she had no enthusiasm for the idea that her own Sicilian inheritance might be given back to the house of Anjou. In early 1296, she faced the threat of excommunication by Pope Boniface VIII (with whom she eventually made her peace in person), but she was personally very devout. She had already founded a house of Poor Clares at Huesca in Aragon in February 1268. In her later years, Constance dressed as a Clarissa, and she retired to take up a religious life in Barcelona, where she died. Charles II of Anjou gave up all rights to Sicily and agreed to the marriage of his daughter Eleanor and King Frederick III of Sicily; the treaty was ratified by the Pope in 1303. 
Medieval Italy: An Encyclopedia by Christopher Kleinhenz 
Encyclopedia of Women in the Middle Ages by Jennifer Lawler 
Women Rulers Throughout the Ages: An Illustrated Guide by Guida M. Jackson
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Pour celles et ceux qui ne la connaissent pas encore, Caroline Barbarit est une photographe spécialisée dans les portraits et activiste des droits des femmes et des LGBTQIA+ qui a pour champ d’action Montpellier.
Intrépide, militante, aventurière, et avant tout un esprit libre, Caroline , femme et artiste engagée, avec un mélange de curiosité, de compassion et de militantisme, pose son regard aiguisé sur ses sujets, et nous pousse à travers ses clichés à aller de l’autre côté de la dualité et de l’identité.
Pour ce quatrième portrait de la série dédiée aux photographes de Montpellier et alentours, nous avons interviewé Caroline.
Peux-tu nous raconter ton parcours et tes activités artistiques ?
Depuis l’âge de 12 ans, je baigne dans le monde des images en cinémascope, en panoramique. J’oscille entre le monde du noir et blanc et la couleur. Je suis une vulgaire passeuse de rêves qui donne tant d’étoiles dans les regards.
Bien sûr, tout cela m’a amenée à collectionner des petits bouts de film, dus au montage de ceux-ci, telles des petites diapos que je gardais comme de vrais trésors et que je me projetais ou regardais à la lueur de ma lampe électrique. L'affichage des photos de plateau, des Stars des grands Studios dans ce grand hall ou dans les vitrines du cinéma a été l'élément déclencheur à cette passion « La PHOTO ».
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J’ai donc très modestement développé une deuxième activité de photographe, complètement autodidacte. Ces Stars m'ont tellement marquées que j'ai été à leur rencontre dans de nombreux festivals, mes photos ont été appréciées et de là j'ai participé à divers journaux nationaux et régionaux... J'ai joué à l'assistant pour des photographes, passé beaucoup de temps dans les labos de développement couleur ou noir et blanc, prof dans des photos club. L'arrivée du numérique à changer bien des choses dans mes deux activités principales, et j'avais des choses à régler aussi avec moi même donc j'ai tout quitter pour renaître tel un Phœnix.
Toutes les images que je prends forment un long film dans ma tête qui n'aura jamais de mot fin...
Quand es-tu "tombée" dans la photographie ? Tu te souviens de tes premiers clichés ?
Un bon souvenir, c’était avec l'appareil de mon oncle qui était mon premier guide dans la photo un Canon A-1, j’habitais la campagne donc des photos de la nature
Y a-t-il des artistes qui ont compté dans ta carrière ?
Bien sûr Philippe Halsman, grand photographe de Star, Robert Doisneau entre autre tout d'abord, puis est venu la découverte de l'univers de Jean-Loup Sieff, Nan Goldin, Guy Bourdin...
Aujourd’hui en France, 86 % des iconographes sont des femmes et 2/3 des effectifs dans les écoles de photographie sont des étudiantes. Nonobstant, seulement 12 % des photos publiées dans la presse quotidienne sont signées par des femmes, les photographes masculins raflent systématiquement les 2/3 des prix photo et, sur les 10 dernières années, occupent 78 % des expositions organisées par les grandes institutions françaises (MEP, Jeu de Paume, Centre Pompidou…). Last but not least; les photographes dames gagnent en moyenne 29 % de moins que leurs homologues masculins (source : FisheEye Magazine). 
*Ces chiffres, nous les devons en grande partie à une femme à la fois artiste, photographe et activiste : Marie Docher
On parle souvent de la misogynie dans le milieu artistique . Te sens tu investie d’un rôle par rapport à ça ?
Je milite beaucoup pour cette cause car au vue de mon parcours pour être passée dans les deux camps du masculin au féminin, je me suis bien rendue compte des grandes disparités qui existent donc notamment, je milite avec le mouvement HF qui a pour but de lutter contre les discriminations femmes/hommes dans le secteur de la culture et d'évoluer vers la parité professionnelle.
Et Women's March Montpellier, Me too, All Inclusive...
Et d'autre beaucoup plus LGBTQIA qui ont complètement mon soutien comme Osez le féministe 34.
En tant que militante LGBTQIA , en quoi est-il pour toi d'ajouter une dimension politique et militante à tes travaux ?
Pour vivre ce qui est encore trop mon quotidien. Il est important pour moi de le retranscrire par mon media préféré la photographie comme témoin de l’intérieur. Donc j'ai une série de photos qui n'a pas de mot fin sur le féminisme qui se base surtout sur mes rencontres ou je mélange les paroles des actrices de cette série et une photo soit dans un univers décontracté ou militantisme.
Une autre série sur La Transidentité, la mienne tout d'abord puis celle des autres.
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Et de tous les événements LGBTQIA de la ville de Montpellier et plus particulièrement des Sœurs de la Perpétuelle Indulgence qui me touche beaucoup en simple témoin des années qui passent.
La scène féminine a bien évolué en quelques années. Comment perçois-tu cette nouvelle vague, qui secoue un peu les choses ?
D'une façon très bénéfique car l’œil féminin dans la photo s'accroche sur d'autre détails de sensibilité, d'univers et on ose les montrer plus ou on ressort des trésors que l'on croyait perdus comme ceux de Vivian Maier.
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Le numérique a facilité une nouvelle approche à la photo,  moins onéreuse surtout, mais je remarque que certaines se tournent vers le bon vieux argentique avec des traitements bien spécifiques.
Tes artistes préféré.e.s du moment ?
Sur Montpellier comme photographes Cathy Peylan, Miss Buffet Froid et toujours Nath Sakura, un peu plus loin Chill O’kubo, Julie de Waroquier, Le Turk, Pauline Darley, Philippe Echaroux...
Musicalement je reste acrochée à ceux de ma jeunesse notament Police (Sting, Andy Summers) Mais Lou Doillon, Christine and the Queens, Simon-e Thiébault...
Avec quel autre artiste aimes-tu travailler le plus ?
Des artistes de compagnie de spectacle de rue,  Cie Les Nuits Blanches, les anges sucrés, Cie Meta' Plume... ou dernièrement l'artiste plasticienne Charlotte Carigliu dont son expo est au seaquarium de Grau du roi et vous pourrez y voir ma collaboration avec elle dans l'aquarium des requins.
Avec quel artiste aimerais-tu collaborer?
Ru Paul bien sur ! 
Ton artiste féminine préférée ?
Juliette Binoche
Une punchline / citation ?
De faire de notre vie un chemin où l’on est le plus honnête possible avec soi-même, de choisir et pas seulement d’exclure.
Des endroits que tu recommanderais pour faire la fête ?
Des soirées d'assos de Montpellier plus particulièrement, car non consensuelles, pluridisciplinaires comme celles des MartinE,  le 24 Mai qui se passera au Circus, 3 rue Collot a deux pas de la place Jean Jaures, ou celles des Biches le 14 juin prochain a la Halle Tropisme, sans oublier les Scènes ouvertes : Pimp My Queer,  que vous présentez chaque mois, et la prochaine qui aura lieu le 13 Juin.
Quel est ton spot à apéro à Montpellier?
Le Coxx 5 Rue Jules Latreilhe
Tes prochaines expositions ?
Apres avoir exposé pour la journée des droits internationaux des femmes avec mon Expo Féminin/Féminisme au local de Fierté Montpellier Pride et au Rock'n Cookie, Je recommence de mois ci dans les mêmes lieux avec cette fois deux expos bien différentes une au titre de Voyage dans Une Transidentité dans le cadre du 17 Mai journée contre homophobie et la la transphobie
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et la seconde au Rock'n Cookie UN ANGE A MA TABLE sur une série en majorité d'autoportraits en ange qui a une double symbolique pour moi et en aucun cas de narcissisme sur ma personne car si je suis derrière un appareil il y a bien des raisons. Ces Expositions seront visible du 10 Mai au 13 Juin aux heures d'ouvertures de ses établissements qui sont au 21 Boulevard Pasteur tram station Louis Blanc
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Que penses-tu de Support your Local Girl Gang  ?
Un très beau media pluri-culturel un fond soutenue et activiste dans sa ligne d’édition et dans ses actions.
Retrouvez Caroline dans tes réseaux : WEBSITE - FACEBOOK 
Emeraldia Ayakashi - Support Your Local Girl Gang
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tumblngdice · 5 years
Italy 2-0 China
Gianluca Lia, 06/26/2019 2:01 AM
Gli Azzurre win their first ever World Cup knockout tie to move into the last eight in France.
A rampant Italy marched on into the quarter-finals as they defeated Asian representatives China 2-0, in sunny Montpellier.
Gli Azzurre executed their game plan to perfection, forging ahead in the first half and dominating possession. An early goal in the second 45 minutes was enough to propel Italy into the next round.
Italy have now reached the quarter-finals for the second time after their last eight appearance in 1991, ironically, in China.
Milena Bertolini's team picked off where they left in the group stage and at this point they can be considered as the biggest and most beautiful surprise of this tournament.
Story of the game
The Great Wall of China was brought down by the Italians in a fantastic display by Bertolini's team.
With this win, Italy are also on course for a participation in next year's Olympic Games, in Tokyo.
Milan's Valentina Giacinti was on fire and she almost opened the score with a fantastic volley from the edge of the area but went wide. Moments later, the Milan forward thought she had opened the score but her one on one goal was ruled out for offside.
But she was not to be denied on the quarter of play when she profited from a China mistake at the back to put the ball into the net amid her celebrations -- a goal which she dedicated to her grandfather who was her biggest supporter and has passed away.
Despite dominating proceedings, Italy coach Bertolini still opted for a first-half substitution, replacing Cristiana Girelli with Aurora Galli.
Bertolini's decision paid dividends as the Juventus fullback doubled the score on minute 50, making it three goals from the bench -- a record in the Women's World Cup.
As time went by, Italy's custodian Laura Giuliani was called into action several times and her exceptional goalkeeping helped Gli Azzurre preserve their two-goal lead.
In the closing stages of the game, Juventus' Martina Rosucci made a cameo appearance -- another pleasant moment for Italy as the former Brescia player is at the back of a serious knee injury that forced her to miss most of the Serie A season in 2018/2019.
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I marched in Montpelier, Vermont today in solidarity with all women across the globe. I'm inspired that so many came out to support this movement, even good ol' Bernie Sanders.
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anastpaul · 6 years
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Saint of the Day – 30 June – Blessed Raymond Lull T.O.S.F. (c 1232 – c1315) Martyr – born in c1234 at Palma, Majorca, Spain and died – • some writers indicate that he died in Bougie, Algeria in 1325 • but he may have died of natural causes during the return ocean voyage from Tunis.   Also known as – Doctor Illuminatus,  Ramon Llull.   Raymond was a Philosopher, Logician, Writer, Poet, Pioneer in computation theory, Franciscan tertiary.  Within the Franciscan Order he is honoured as a martyr.   He was beatified in 1847 by Pope Pius IX.
Raymond was born into the noble Lull family at Palma, on the island of Mallorca.   At an early age, he was selected as a page at the royal court, and over the first 30 years of his life served the royal family in a variety of positions, eventually becoming the marshal and high steward to King James.
Raymond lived a life of luxury and worldly pursuits.   He was married and produced two children with his wife, although also had numerous affairs and engaged in dissolute activities.   One day, while writing a letter to one of the women he was seeing, Raymond was stricken with a vision of Christ, crucified on the cross.   Five additional visions followed and he was brought to the faith, converting and dedicating himself to the Gospel.   Soon thereafter, following a moving sermon by a local bishop who spoke about the contempt of the world and the love of Christ, Raymond answered the call of the Lord to forsake all things and to win for Christ the infidels on the northern coast of Africa.
Raymond wasted little time. He resigned his royal offices and dedicated himself to the education and care of missionaries.   He founded a college for the Order of the Friars Minor and devoted himself to the mastery of and instruction of others in, the languages of Northern Africa.   He became a member of the Third Order of Saint Francis and embarked on a nine year mission of solitude and contemplation on a  remote mountain, spending his days in prayer and study, hoping to prepare himself for inspire mission work.   During that time, he was graced with heavenly inspiration and extraordinary knowledge and was subsequently able to answer deeply complex philosophical and theological questions.
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Following his time in solitude, Raymond travelled extensively—to Rome, Avingon, Montpellier, Paris and throughout Europe—spreading the Gospel, founding seminaries, and establishing schools for missionaries.   At the age of 79, he journey on mission to Africa, as had been his calling.   While preaching the faith in a public square at Bougie, he was set upon by radical Muslims in the community, who stoned him nearly to death. Rescued by Greek sailors, he died shortly thereafter, en route to his home island of Mallorca.   He was buried in the Franciscan church at Palma and numerous miracles were reported at his tomb.
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Blessed Raymond Lull wrote over 300 works in Latin, Arabi, and Catalan during his life, on a multitude of topics including theology, logic, philosophy, poetry, fiction, alchemy, and natural sciences.   While his works were mostly academic in nature, he also strove to make difficult concepts accessible to all, illustrating points through fiction.
It can be documented that Llull was buried at the Church of Saint Francis in Mallorca by March 1316.
Raymond worked most of his life to help spread the gospel.   Indifference on the part of some Christian leaders and opposition in North Africa did not turn him from his goal.   Three hundred years later Raymond’s work began to have an influence in the Americas.
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cunninghamdiana · 3 years
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glimmerofawesome · 4 years
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graphijane · 4 years
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**Les épisodes audio/vidéo sont ajoutés au fur et à mesure de leur édition dans la playlist** Ce sont des épisodes brefs d’une durée moyenne de 2 minutes**
Fraîchement débarquée chez ma pote Wisi pour le week-end, je lui demande si ça la branche de faire un reportage à la Women's March Montpellier France. Je lui propose de filmer pendant que je me balade pour faire des interviews audio. 
Le lendemain, dimanche 08 mars 2020, on passe cinq heures en immersion dans le cortège de Montpellier à l'occasion de la journée mondiale de lutte pour les droits des femmes avec micro et caméra. Je choisis de ne pas filmer les interviewées. Les images sont celles de la manif où nous avons effectué ce reportage. Retrouvez tous les épisodes dans cette playlist :  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bcYVFrIcrOQ&list=PLOTBEsD3lAJ1EJtY-pg-__Bo4Nz8gOawA
Images : Wisi & Graphijane. Interview & montage vidéo : Graphijane. Musique : Christina & Graphijane.
Facebook : Graphijane. www.graphijane.tumblr.com
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maecoearthart · 6 years
News Lunar Eclipse Nouvelles Eclipse de Lune
Very soon, very soon, the lunar eclipse will take place. This year, I have the opportunity watching the second lunar eclipse, a time of transformation. The energies of transformation touch different life spheres and I will start a deep meditation on my terrace. At the moment, I am preparing a move. It means a lot of work; however, I think changing the house is beneficial for me, although the shift comes completely unexpected. There will be positive changes. Today, I have received good news. In March 2019, I will exhibit my photos of the women’s rituals in Village Goddess Festival in Tamil Nadu in the Gazette Café in Montpellier. Since 2006, I exhibit my painting. However, I did not very often exhibit my photos. In the future, I shall organise more photo exhibitions. In September/October, I will exhibit my paintings at the tourism office in Lalbenque. I will also visit some coffee house in order to organise exhibitions for 2019.
Bientôt, bientôt... l’éclipse de Lune aura lieu. Cette année, je peux déjà observer la deuxième éclipse de Lune, un temps de transformation. Les énergies de transformation touchent des sphères différentes de la vie et je vais commencer une méditation profonde sur ma terrasse. Pour l’instant, je suis en train de préparer mon déménagement. Assez de travail, mais je pense que le changement de la maison est bénéfice pour moi, même si ce déménagement est complètement imprévu. Il y aura des changements positifs. Aujourd’hui, j’ai reçu des bonnes nouvelles. En mars, je vais exposer mes photos des rituels des femmes aux fêtes des déesses-Mères du Village au Tamil Nadu à Gazette Café à Montpellier en mars 2019. Depuis 2006, j’expose mes peintures, mais je n’ai pas souvent exposé mes photos. A l’avenir, je vais plus souvent organiser des expositions de mes photos. En septembre/octobre 2018, je vais exposer mes peintures à l’office de tourisme à Lalbenque. En plus, je vais visiter des cafés associatives afin d’organiser des expositions pour mes tour des expos en 2019.
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Mulaipari Procession Tiruppalai Madurai 25-07-2018
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