#wittebane shack
witteautism · 1 year
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the-collector-blog · 2 years
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Only just noticed that kid Philip had Caleb fake-caught in a rope trap, as Caleb was pretending to be a witch. ... Just like he later finally caught his inner demons in a rope trap.
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kapuchino357 · 2 years
going insane about the kids making the old shack into their hide out
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luz draws hooty on the door!!!!
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fordpinesmpreg · 2 years
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“Thank you for providing us with shelter, sir.”
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boygirlctommy · 1 year
SOBS that was SP COOOL
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sepublic · 2 years
            We got ANOTHER promo y’all!!! It’s technically a trailer but it’s thankfully very brief, given the runtime it’s hyping up is only two episodes, compared to usual TOH trailers that are advertising at least nine episodes! This is an official release and NOT a leak!
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         First off, Luz’s laptop!!! She’s doing this 11:09 pm at just 20%, she’s got references to Stardew Valley and Hollow Knight on her desktop, and I think that one Hades game? The one with Zagreus? Anyhow the Hollow Knight references are REAL, coupled with the S1 intro, makes you wonder if it influenced stuff like Hollow Mind…!
         Luz also has a Good Witch Azura fanfic file! And she’s recently made art since her return to the human world; You can’t see all of it, but it appears to the Owl House’s roof, in a parallel to how the intro usually ends with Luz, Eda, and King on the roof when she ignites a light spell and pushes it into the sky! Augghhhh she’s coping…! And her username is @FriendofOwlsandTitans… Oh my GAWD! She accepts King as a TITAN she’s a friend to TITANS!!! Original art do not steal, just like her GF!
         “All I ever wanted was to be good at something”… Good lord, if that doesn’t summize SO much about Luz. Her feelings of inadequacy. Her initial dreams of being a chosen one. Her desire to help others and be of service to them. Her need to JUSTIFY her own existence, to quote her girlfriend… That hit hard. Like I know but OW.
         She’s making video diaries again as we guessed, but this time to HERSELF; Girl needs a place to vent, good for her! She probably stayed up and snuck to the kitchen to let herself indulge in her dark feelings and thoughts alone. Did Luz make a video for Eda and King and eventually give up, being forced to confront herself inward without any distractions? She says she knows what she has to do now, is… Is Luz about to do something rash? Something involving Belos? Babey don’t hurt yourself, or maybe she just means the general principle of making thing right!
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         Then skipping past stuff we DO know, we see Luz and Hunter dressed up for Halloween! Hunter has a HOOTY mask, likely meant to invoke his Golden Guard persona, and Luz is honoring King OH MY GAWD WAAAIIIIII!!!!! She’s MOURNING her Titan brother, just like she mourned Eda! They’re in a dilapidated house, the shack where the Portal opens? They’re armed… Probably investigating paranormal activity, AKA Belos. This fits with another shot of them entering a basement with the same coloring as the house, atop the stairs!
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         We get a proper look at Amity and Gus’ new designs in the show’s own art style! They look AMAZING… They painted Hooty’s face on the door, pffft, but also ouch. The longing. Treating this place as an earthly version of the Owl House because it kind of is with its role and even coloration! If they miss Hooty you KNOW it’s been a while. Willow must’ve grown flowery vines outside to spruce up the place, it seems to have been converted into a fulltime hideout! If this was the old Wittebane home, I’m sure Caleb would appreciate it… Philip on the other hand.
         The door seems to have just… Opened on its own as Amity looks back. Or did somebody, probably Luz and/or Hunter (seeing a glimpse of Gooplos?) quietly leave, and Amity only notices when she hears the door swinging behind them?
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         We have a hand, either Amity, Willow, or Hunter’s, reaching out to some glow-in-the-dark night decorations; Including a symbol of the moon and sun. This is likely one of the characters mourning and being reminded of the Collector, rather than in-universe connection.
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         We see our cast, sans Luz, looking at some sort of box with styling reminiscent of the Portal! Not only does it suggest it was actually Caleb and his wife who made it (and Philip plagiarized), but also! Caleb must’ve left it behind in the human world. When Flapjack was pecking at the floorboards, was it to find this? It must be a clue, perhaps on how to make a portal, a Titan’s blood rift, etc.! Is this distraction what got Luz to sneak out earlier?
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         There’s some sort of book page we see next, presumably the contents of the box the kids found given their hands! I’m not sure the significance of the symbols, but the bottom one reminds me of the curse… Or is it just a reference to Clawthornes loving birds, AKA his wife? Is that some sort of teardrop? Maybe it’s Titan’s Blood and that’s meant to be a FURRY arm of a Titan! And what even IS that thing to the right?!
         Hunter says “Did you know that HE was here?!” In a distressed voice. Is this him potentially confronting one of our protagonists for keeping information about Gooplos’ potential survival, regardless if they actually knew and were hiding? Or him talking about Philip and Caleb to perhaps Luz, with the realization that either was a town founder, and inquring as to how Luz didn’t notice!
         Then we get Gus and Hunter THE BROS dressed up for Halloween, Hunter doesn’t want to hear spoilers because Gus is likely talking about a recent human hyperfixation of theirs! Brothers.
         And then, finally… Luz and Hunter aren’t here, it’s just the other kids, maybe those two are at some other part of the zoo more personal like the aviary…
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         WE GET THE LONG-AWAITED ANSWER TO THE GIRAFFES!!! AFTER TWO YEARS, ARGUABLY THREE IF YOU CONSIDER WHEN THE FIRST TEASER THAT MENTIONED GIRAFFES WAS RELEASED!!! Since the very beginning, we have been haunted by this question and whether they’d answer it, but now… NOW…! It all comes to light.
        The kids are obviously scared and locking arms in preparation, that’s so cute, venturing into ancient territory that hasn’t been traversed for generations. WILLOW HAS HER HAIRCLIP FROM WING IT LIKE WITCHES!!! Was it a gift from Amity, I MISSED IT SO MUCH! She takes a picture and a Giraffe, recognizing natives from its home realm, FREAKS… 
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       We get one idea of why Giraffes were banned and it makes sense. God the kids’ reactions are so funny. Of course Willow the Bravest is bold enough to step ahead and take pictures for the rest! This is such adorable levity and I appreciate the closure, this is their one chance so of course they’d take it after two months of debating if they should risk it! Mayhaps they regret that risk now.
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diet-comet-soda · 1 year
Lore answers & info from the Post Hoot, which I’m organizing by the unanswered questions I had from my previous post. This may not be entirely comprehensive of all the info from the post hoot, could definitely be missing some things!
What’s the history of Hooty? Was he always a part of the the Owl House or did he move in at some point? Why was a mini-Hooty in the Titan’s eye socket??
Confirmed that an offhand comment by the YouTuber thethirdbill about Hooty in Papa Titan’s eye socket was right. Couldn’t find the clip of exactly what he said, but I think it’s something about Hooty being a tapeworm? Hooty hole?
What’s the history of the Portal Door & Key?
Mentioned that the eye in the Portal Door is the Titan’s missing eye.
What exactly is the Tower Glyph (the one that King carved on his collar) and where does its magic come from?
The origins of King’s Tower is related to a character we all know, who now has amnesia about it. Likely the Bat Queen considering she’s the only character who explicitly has amnesia (but I personally like to think it’s Tibbles).
What are the nitty gritty details of the Wittebanes & Evelyn's story?
Caleb and Evelyn had a super loving relationship... until it was ruined lol. Not much more info on that.
Is Evelyn a Clawthorne?
YES!!! The Clawthornes are all descended from Caleb and Evelyn! Hunter and Eda are not aware of this fact.
What are the details of Flapjack’s origin? Whose Palisman was he exactly?
As was depicted in the trailer ride in Thanks to Them, Flapjack was gifted to Caleb by Evelyn (as she found him more reasonable and less violent than everyone else in Gravesfield), and was essentially his first true introduction to magic.
To Belos, Flapjack is a representation of the corrupting force that magic, the Demon Realm, and Evelyn all had on his brother, hence the line “Goodbye, Evelyn” when he killed Flapjack. That line was never meant to be literal (as I have been saying this whole time lol).
What's the history of the shack in the woods? Does it have any direct relationship to the Owl House? Who used to live there? The Wittebanes? Evelyn?
Dana’s thoughts on the matter seemed to not be 100% final (so if it was actually incorporated into the show, we could have got something different), but she said maybe it was the Wittebanes’ house a long long time ago. And when Eda first entered the Human Realm through the Portal Door, she came out at the shack, which was even more dilapidated than we see it now. She then spent years fixing up the shack alongside fixing up The Owl House, one being her home in the Human Realm and the other her home in The Demon Realm.
Other things off the top of my head said in the post hoot that I didn’t mention in my last post:
“Snake Palisman is in the logo” theory confirmed real
Hunter is bi, Willow is pan!!!
Ratador is Alador’s Palisman ?!?!?!?!?
There’s another ending for the show that Dana has wanted to do since the beginning, but it didn’t work within the time constraints. Too much would need to be set up. If we ever do get a sequel show, she would use that finale to cap it off.
Collector ages too slowly to have a timeskip design
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theanonymouslightbulb · 4 months
Luz Noceda, Belos’s Guide to the Modern Day
What if Luz’s offer to Belos wasn’t a ploy to brand him with a sigil, but instead a desperate attempt to save her friends?
When the rest of the Hexsquad (and King) arrive, they’re shocked, but Belos uses the fact that Hunter only has so long (because he has a sigil) as a bargaining chip, and everyone goes through the portal door with Belos. Afterwards he keeps Luz to serve his hero complex and keeps everyone else as proof of the demon realm’s existence. They all live in the shack (he locks them in their rooms every night), Luz has to guide him through being in the modern day.
(Random but important detail: when Luz makes Belos mad she is not directly punished, rather she’s given a choice between punishing or Belos punishing Amity twice as hard)
(Another random detail: Eda and the owl beast start to keep each other company due to being very lonely after the day of unity (most of the Boiling Isles’ population died on the day of unity))
(Yet another detail: Belos doesn’t see modern technology as evil or weird, but rather as an example of human ingenuity)
Belos eventually tells his version of the story in front of the Wittebane statues. He lies a lot (obviously) such as saying that Hunter is the son of Evelyn and Caleb and he claims Evelyn committed date r*** before she murdered Caleb (he also blames all of Hunter’s trauma responses on Evelyn’s actions instead of his own). Jacob Hopkins records Belos’s speeches and puts it on his conspiracy blog. Soon Belos decides to let Jacob record him directly (so Belos doesn’t have to be at risk of someone who knows Luz stepping in). Eventually Jacob decides to interview the witches, demon (everyone makes very sure to not let Belos know King is a titan) and “Corrupted by witches” human. Luz tries to get secret codes out by saying things in Tumblr slang and Spanish. Jacob gets worried when Luz describes Belos’s treatment of them in a way that involves the phrase “Horse Plinko” (Jacob knows Tumblr slang, and yes he gets a redemption arc)
(Also Belos might run for mayor of Gravesfield.)
More to be added.
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animationadventures · 2 years
Thanks to Them hit hard.
It started out sweet with the reunion between Luz and Camila that everyone was waiting for. Then, they jumped straight into the montage.
It really sucks that the season was shortened so severely. They obviously had so many ideas for human realm episodes.
Setting up shop in the old shack
Luz coming out to Camila
Vee figuring out who she is outside of covering for Luz’s absence
Hunter getting his haircut to separate himself from the Wittebane brothers
Attempts at making a working portal
The witches figuring out a new wardrobe to fit in better
Camila figuring out how to support six kids
They had to cram all these ideas they wanted to explore in a 2-minute montage!
Flapjack helped them find a clue how to get back, but they had to visit the historical society to decode it. Vee had to pretend she didn’t know one of her camp friends with her new identity, and we got a cameo from Jacob later still trying to prove witches exist. He got tackled by police officers.
We got confirmation on the name of Luz’s dad. His name was Manny, and it sounded like he got sick and passed away slowly instead of quickly in a crash or accident. He gave Luz her first Azura book, which she obviously latched onto, and taught her the meat guts trick for plays. The thing with the Azura book likely parallels Dana’s own story of her father giving her the first Pokémon game before dying when she was young.
We also got confirmation for Caleb’s Clawthorne wife. Everyone who guessed her name was close to Eda’s, you got it right. Her name was Evelyn.
Just as some predicted, Philip found a way to possess Hunter and saving Hunter from his control was the climax. And because of the Titan’s Blood in the area, Luz was finally able to use her glyphs again. Her palisman hasn’t hatched yet. I thought it would happen here, but it didn’t. Maybe next part?
Philip somehow hasn’t died yet. Guy is worse than a cockroach at this rate.
The secrets about Hunter being a grimwalker and Luz helping Philip meet the Collector came out. Everyone understands how used both were by him.
The toughest part of this whole special?
Flapjack didn’t make it.
He had gave his life to make sure Hunter didn’t die from Philip’s possession. I never thought I would get emotional over a little cardinal that is entirely fictional, but here I am mourning him.
Should have guessed with Philip’s whole absorb palisman life force plot thread, one of the palismen would die.
The group did find a way back to the demon realm. Luz intended to stay behind as she promised her mom, but Camila instead chose to go to the isles with the kids. For the sake of her mental health, Vee chose to stay behind and cover Camila’s absence at work.
Only two more episodes, guys.
This can’t be real.
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the-owl-house-takes · 7 months
Flapjack is underrated as hell. Like I love Owlbert and Ghost and all the other OG palismen but Flapjack is THE thread connecting the main story to the past.
He's who guides Hunter at various points in the story to the Hexsquad. He found the rebus under the old Wittebane shack. And by his existence itself he carries so much history.
Like, the little guy literally witnessed the entire Caleb Evelyn story and probably definitely got his scar from the same fight that killed Caleb. Flapjack is carrying centuries old trauma from watching his owner die and seeing clones of him pop up, and he died by finally being able to save at least one of them.
I hear people talk about how important Flapjack was for Hunter a lot but not as much about how important Hunter was for Flapjack too. It's adorable and I really wish Flapjack didn't die 😭😭😭
Also Flapjack was definitely Caleb's palisman. I know Masha's story showed Evelyn with Flapjack but given Flapjack doesn't hang around the Clawthorne descendants like he does for Hunter, I'm convinced he was Caleb's.
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booboobuddies · 1 year
random, probably wrong, theory but could this shack in the human realm
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possibly be the former home of the wittebane brothers ?? i know it’s in pretty good shape for being abandoned for that many years but…if it was their house then it would all come full circle so well!!
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pra370r1an · 2 years
Caleb, Evelyn and Flapjack
So with the new episode, we’ve learned more about Caleb Wittebane and the witch that lured him away, Evelyn Lastname. 
After learning briefly of the Wittebane’s history in Yesterday’s Lie, the fandom believed that both Philip and Caleb came together to the Demon realm, accidently trapping themselves much like Luz did.
However, I’ve always been of the opinion that at least Caleb traveled between the realms several times. My evidence for this being both the statues which have been shown looking like Hunter and having the same hair as both him and Belos, and the cardinal (which we all assumed was Calebs) on Calebs shoulder in the book Jacob showed Vee in Yesterday’s Lie.
I believed, Caleb and Evelyn set the portal to the Wittebane’s old home (the shack) and stuck around long enough for an accurate description of them for the statue and for the cardinal to stick out for that book.
Now in Thanks to Them, it’s heavily implied that when the brothers crossed over they were never heard from again, which would invalidate my guess.
But then the statue wouldn’t make sense, cuz why would there be an adult description of two orphans that went missing? The cardinal wouldn’t make sense, cuz how would humans know of the palisman if they never returned? And how would Flapjack know where to find that map to the Titan’s blood if he never spent significant time in the human realm. And if flapjack was Evelyn’s palisman then why is he named after a human food?
But all this information we received? Its simplified.
It’s all presented like Caleb met Evelyn and immediately left for the Demon Realm.
Instead, what if it was gradual?
Evelyn visiting over a period of years, a relationship with Caleb growing naturally, A gift of a cardinal palisman, hiding both the relationship and Evelyn’s nature from Philip as best they can.
Which would eventually come out, Philip threatens to bring the whole witch hunting town down on top of them forcing Caleb and Evelyn to flee back to the Demon Realm with Philip being the only person brave enough to follow
This puts them firmly in adult age when they disappeared, resolves flapjack’s name and how the humans know of him, shows how flapjack knows of the map, And sets up a feeling of betrayal big enough for Philip to actually murder his brother, while the town knows most of the story behind them.
As for the shack, if Evelyn is a Clawthorne like people suspect then it’s not too big of a leap to think whichever ancestor made the portal knew of Calebs old home and set up the portal correspondingly
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lafemmedefxndom · 24 days
Yet Another Owl House AU
Hi. I'm new here and I'm over a year late to this hyperfixation but I'm exceptionally normal about this children's show, so here we go.
Take this cross between a Swap! and a Redemption! AU.
Premise: When Philip follows Caleb into the Demon Realm, things go initially as well as can be expected between two 17th c. Puritan brothers when one of them has been sneaking off and shacking up with a real-life witch for ages. But when the moment of final, fatal conflict should come for the Wittebane brothers, it doesn't.
Much later, Luz the Human finds herself indebted to the Emperor's mysterious, masked servant, the Hunter, as rebellion simmers on the Boiling Isles.
(Preview of WIP fic under the cut)
"I knew it!" said Luz, swiping leaves and protruding twigs out of her hair. She hopped on one foot to pull off her shoe and shake out a rock, then tugged it back on and whirled to face the end of the brand-new clearing. Smoke swirled from the wake-line of charred brush and branches they had cut through the understory as they crashed.
"I knew you weren't really trying! Before, all those times you should have gotten Eda! And me and King! You let us go, didn't you?"
The stooped figure ignored her. As they knelt, the odd shower of burnt leaves fell on their shoulders; the kaleidoscope network of embroidered glyphs that covered their midnight-blue cloak shimmered, and the debris fell away sizzling.
Luz laughed. "I knew I read you right! Scary, mysterious vibe. Competent enough to keep us on our toes, but then something convenient aaaalways happens that just barely lets us evade your clutches. I knew we couldn't be that smart." She snorted. All the markers of a Secret Good Guy. Even Lilith, for all that she said about wanting Eda to join her in the Emperor's Coven willingly, had never been this intentional about letting them slip through her fingers. Luz bet they even had a tragic backstory. She could even just bet on many artfully-composed layers of internal conflict.
She smiled. "And all this time, to think we were afraid of you!"
Their head did not lift, so much as snap like the flint of an old-fashioned pistol. They stood, turned, and stalked like someone with a great deal of experience in The Art of Intimidation thru Forward, Unfriendly Footwork towards Luz. Despite her sense of triumph, she shrank as they let their full height advantage do the work of Looming with Intent.
For a moment, they stood silent, the brassy, horned mask was still.
"How certain," they said, "are you of your safety at this present moment?"
Aaaand that's all for now! Less than a week in this fandom and this AU has completely taken over my brain. We'll call it The Hunter Belos AU for now. More will come as I'm able to clearly outline the most important scenes. Glad to be here, guys!
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fordpinesmpreg · 1 year
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pdaliceliveblogs · 2 years
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So. That happened. 
Belos is less dead than I thought, though who knows how much power he can actually have in about a cup-ful of phlegm. I’ve wondered before if this little shack was originally the Wittebanes’ house— it doesn’t look old enough, really, but it could be built on the same site— which means he might have an equivalent to his old home as his new home base. Oh boy. 
(This might be a little scattered; I’m careening headfirst into finals and I have a shitload to write some of which I probably should have done over the course of the weekend I was at the con oops)
Eda’s lost an arm. That’s gonna be permanent; the arm disintegrated. I wonder if she’ll get a prosthesis? Probably, right? Plus she’s right-handed, going by the shot of her writing her to-do list in Requiem, so drawing glyphs is going to be a pain in the ass for a while until she gets used to the prosthesis. Ow. Not that it’s clear there’s going to be an opportunity to get one, while outrunning a child chaos god.
Actually, that gives me a thought— when the Collector says they want to play Owl House, everybody’s kind of gonna turn to Eda to figure out what the fuck that means; they all know she’s the Owl Lady. So at least she’ll probably get to give King a hug at some point. 
Raine… god, Raine. I don’t think they’re dead, but I do think they’re in a bad, bad way. All the Head Witches are, probably. I know we all whiffed it real hard on expecting Raine to be scarred and fucked up from the cocoon Kiki put them in, but I do think that probably all the Head Witches are going to have some lasting effects from this. 
Darius putting his hands up when the Healing Head threatened Eber… ow. That hit me harder than I expected it to. That’s his best friend. And Hunter going immediately to check on him, too… goop man and his family matter a lot to me, and I didn’t expect that to happen. 
Hunter… has been through a lot lately. I mean, everyone has, but holy shit. In the past couple weeks he’s gone from fully worshipping his abusive uncle to finding a better father figure and making friends for the first time, discovering he was never loved by his uncle (who’s also a genocidal maniac), discovering he isn’t even the species he thought he was, nearly getting killed multiple times, being homeless, being kidnapped, losing said better father figure to the draining spell and not knowing if he’s alive or dead, watching said abusive uncle be splattered on the wall right before his eyes, and now he’s in a completely new world with only four people he knows. 
On the slightly lighter side, he was probably confused as fuck when Belos saw Flapjack and suddenly roared out… his flyer derby alias?
Assuming the Palismen made their way to the Human Realm with them (and we know they’ll function there bc Owlbert did), Flapjack can probably fill him in on some things, possibly with Gus’s assistance seeing as he saw some of Belos’s memories when he was using the mirror. 
God, Gus breaking down. That broke me. He’s so young. They’re all so young, but damn. And Hunter with his arm around him at the end, full on big brother instinct, just going to take care of that kid even though he really needs some taking-care-of himself. 
Luz trying to take on all the pain herself, and then King turning that around on her— that hurts a lot too. King might be a Titan, but he’s just a little guy. He’s taken so much on, playing along with the Collector. 
The Collector themselves is so fascinating to me. I mean, I already have a soft spot for jester/clown imagery and also sun/moon imagery, so I was well set up to enjoy him as a character, but holy shit. This casually cruel but also very honest and forthright little godling, immensely powerful and not really cognizant of how much harm their play does. Or, rather, they know it does harm, they just don’t really have a concept of why they should care. The musical theme that came on when they popped out into the physical realm, too! Fantastic stuff. 
Camila’s suddenly gonna have six teenagers in her house. Good luck, Camila. 
(My weird headcanon that Hunter has a human style digestive system and that’s why he’s so scrawny… what if he fills out and has a huge growth spurt on Earth bc he’s finally not malnourished anymore)
This is a hell of a place to end a season. 
They’re going to be fighting like hell to get back. 
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angelcloves · 1 year
So, in the end credits, it's revealed that the Noceda's bought the old shack (Which now no longer looks like an old shack, but rather has been fixed up to the point it resembles an adorable tiny house instead). That's all well and good. I love the idea! I've decided that Boiling Isles' citizens who take part in the Demon/Human Exchange Program stay there while in The Human Realm.
But my question is... Who the hell owned that old shack in the first place? I know it was/is a popular fan theory that it was the Wittebane Brothers' house, but presumably they still wouldn't have owned it after four hundred years of being missing and presumed long dead.
You think the city of Gravesfield took ownership of it and retained it all those years until the Noceda's approached the city about buying it? I'm laughing imagining how that conversation must've gone.
Mayor: "So, I heard that you wished to inquire about purchasing a piece of city property?"
Camila: "Yes. My family is interested in buying the old shack in the woods behind our house."
Mayor: "An old shack in the woods? I wasn't aware that the city owned any real estate fitting that description..."
Camila: "My children did some research at the historical society. The shack was built by a pair of brothers by the name of "Wittebane". They disappeared shortly after coming of age and after a period of months were assumed dead, so the city of Gravesfield took possession. Who have been the listed owner ever since."
Mayor: "Interesting. You wouldn't happen to have a photo of this shack, would you?"
Camila: "I do! Right here." *She hands the mayor the picture.*
Mayor: "Ah yes, I recognize the property now. Your children are correct, Gravesfield has owned that building and the land surrounding it for a very long time indeed. I believe the historical society is supposed to maintain it, along with other properties associated with Old Gravesfield. Clearly in-between the great flood of 1990 that swamped the old cemetery and the... unfortunate circumstances behind the firing of the previous head of the historical society, it obviously hasn't been maintained. May I ask you why your family is interested in acquiring it?"
Camila: "My children and their friends used to play in that old shack, they even converted the front room into a clubhouse as teenagers. Of course, they're older now, so they aren't doing as much "hanging around" it as much as they used to. But they have many fond memories of the place and are concerned that the city might one day choose to tear it down, so they talked me into asking about buying it."
Mayor: "I see. Well, obviously I'll have to put forth your inquiry to the city council before I can promise anything... But between you and me, I can't see any reason why the city of Gravesfield can't sign off on such a sale. Clearly nothing has been done with the property for quite some time and it's beyond what most would consider to be the outskirts of Old Gravesfield proper. I doubt it has any major commercial or historical value, but clearly it has great personal meaning to you and your family. If it were just up to me, I would sign the needed papers right here and now - But as it stands, I'll put the motion forth at the next city council meeting."
Camila: "Thank you so much for your help, my kids will be thrilled!"
this is very sweet and touching. theres an airbnb joke in here somewhere but im too lazy to structure it right now
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