#without changing much about the story
zhoras-bitch · 1 year
I just can’t take the way KoD is trying to paint Vic and MC’s relationship as some tragic lovers turned enemies story seriously. ‘This doesn’t sound like the Vic I know’ girl you don’t know Vic. You’ve met them once when you were 15. What the fuck are you talking about.
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front-facing-pokemon · 5 months
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asaka-lucy-dr-rc · 3 months
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Although we can't see it in the game, I like Halara's outfit without the raincoat. (You can see it in the digital art book.)
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Lines: Yakou: Hey, Halara... I know I said you could use it, but don't you think it's about time to give back the seat to your chief?
Halara: I don't think so.
Yakou: Ah... I see...
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Little Sonic very much was a little shit with an additude[affectionate] that had only himself to take care of, to pick the most dangerous and coolest path perceived to him and never let himself be hindered by bystanders. But then suddenly he had another kid to take care of. He had to learn to be responsible for more than just his own survival, he had to ration his resources better, to take the needs and desires of another person into account, to slow down explain and be patient, and realizing that having people around that he can lean on is a good thing sometimes. (even if he doesn't really carry that lesson with him. He knows it's there but a dunce hat on you if you think he'd remember it's there for his own sake)
But what if he met Tails way down the line or never at all? What would their relationship be like then, when Sonic mostly figured himself out with no strong outside influence.
I believe he would still go from doing what's cool to what he believes is right, beat Eggman along with any villain that crops up in his path, and make friends all over the world, but without Tails by his side so early on, I don't think any of the relationships he could hold would be as deep or meaningful to him because he only ever had himself to worry about, never feeling the need to connect with anyone beyond friendly hello's and occasional team-ups to defeat the big bad of the week. He would be friendly, but without a little guy around to always keep an eye on, also double the reckless and additude heavy speedster one would be usually accustomed to.
Always at arm's length and never quite reachable, no matter how close he holds his friends when rescuing them from a mad doctor's trap.
Always feeling there's something missing.
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3cosmicfrogs · 3 months
im gonna be real with you chief, i may not like the natla, but i enjoy natla zhao even more than OG zhao. og zhao was a sleazebag but natla zhao is like your bitter workplace enemy Michael who works in middle management. entirely and utterly pathetic, serving officecore loser. giving a bit of a gay-but-votes-conservative vibe. which to me is very enjoyable, i liked having him on my screen.
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novelconcepts · 2 years
There is so much nuance to the ep 6 scene between KJ and Lauren, I can’t get over it.
the motion older!KJ makes as they walk out, reaching for Lauren, realizing just in time that they are, in fact, in her hometown in Ohio and cutting short before she can land what was probably going to be an instinctive kiss
KJ coming in hot with the world’s most polite “hello!” and managing to make what must feel lightly like small talk for thirty seconds before dropping her voice to this shy, slightly-terrified question
the inability to hold eye contact. the faltering, wordless noises. the way she blinks like she’s seconds from just passing out in the middle of this theater--that is exactly how it feels to come out to someone for the first time. the edges of your vision go a little fuzzy, your heart is in your throat, you genuinely feel shaky, and all of that is so present in this performance
the sense of mild defeat in how she just lands on “movies” instead of “girls”, like she’s embarrassed she can’t just say it
the gentle ah hah expression on Lauren’s face as she realizes what this petrified kid is trying to ask her, and how smoothly she doesn’t correct her--just rolls with this safe code word
KJ’s nod and very tiny “uh-huh” without moving like any part of her face. like she’s reverting to standing as still as possible, protective coloring coming up in every inch of her frame
Lauren actually taking a minute to think about it before answering. and and then not giving the answer KJ asked for--”how did YOU know”--but what KJ actually needs to hear. what any kid in her position would: not everyone will get it, but everyone’s journey is their own, and there is no rush
(again, this is why I’m so delighted they wrote it the way they did--KJ and Lauren, not KJ and older!KJ, because older!KJ would have a definitive answer to give. it might be “I always knew, in the back of my mind” or it might be “when I was eighteen and kissed a girl for the first time”, but whatever the answer, it would cement KJ back into a box. this is your future, immutable, and there is no journey you could take that I haven’t already gone on. I’m so fucking glad they didn’t do this, that they let her have the reassurance that any timeline is the right one if it’s hers.)
again, that flutter-blink/quick breath combo that looks like she’s gonna pass out--but this time, there’s relief in it. it’s less “how do I say this Huge Thing” and more “oh thank god, she knows what I’m asking, she knows without me saying, and she’s being kind”
It is beautifully put together, such a gentle way of saying to this baby gay, “Nobody can tell you who you are except you, but whoever that winds up being is so okay. Listen to yourself. Trust yourself. You will be happy, I promise you.” It is a critical bit of advice so many queer people just don’t get, and to write it into KJ’s story is one of the show’s biggest kindnesses.
#paper girls#paper girls spoilers#kj brandman#i love this scene so much. i love that lauren doesn't try to make it about herself in the least#she could tell her story here--but that isn't what KJ actually needs#so instead she gives her reassurance that there's nothing wrong with what she's feeling and that it really does feel amazing to be in love#even if that love isn't what she might have expected for herself#i also just love that lauren is in her early 20s and maybe has never HAD a young kid ask this before--and you can kind of feel it#in the hesitation and the slight fumble before she lands on what is most likely what she would have needed to hear at that age#admittedly--god love her--she clearly lacks a few passive perception points#because there are so many pictures of young KJ in her girlfriend's house that she HAS to have seen them#but we forgive her this observational oversight because she's so lovely in these scenes#and it really does a great job of painting the feeling that she's drawn to this kid--who is the child version of her girlfriend--#without EVER once being creepy about it. it's just 'oh this sweet kid i want to protect her'. a lesser show would have fucked that up#'ah she says she's KJ's cousin. they have exactly the same face at different stages of pokemon evolution but sure yeah that tracks'#'how can i help?'#again i LOVE the comics. i love them so much. but this is the same kind of gentle change as giving mac her brother for a while#it's screaming from the rooftops that these kids are not as alone as they feel#and i'm so soft about it
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strawbubbysugar · 9 months
Ough as the end draws near I’m seeing more and more comments that are making me nervous that the ending won’t live up to all the hype & expectations aaaa aa
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Unfortunately this will never be finished BC I suffer with project halting depressive episodes. But whatever, here is what I had so far and I had fun making it. That's what counts. Some art is LOL, some I love. I wanted it to feel like a musical number more or less for ched to try to actually admit his feelings but in a more of less ched man bro kinda way. I still do have lovely lil thoughts about these two ending up together, even if it's not canon lol. I just want lil cheddy boy to have his dreams come true haha. I am a sucker for giving my faves what they wanted and were denied I guess 🤣
I just gotta know? I have an insatiable lust for what ifs.
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socksandbuttons · 6 months
In the "a day in the life of eclipse" it wasn't the first time Solar's Moon treated him badly. Remember when Lunar first showed up in Solar's dimension, Solar told Moon that there's a dimensional traveler and he'll deal with it. And his Moon responded with "good because I don't care!" it looks like his Moon has been aggressive/treated him badly to him from the start. Sorry, I just didn't understand what you meant by you ignoring the lore from a day in the life of eclipse because it is part of the lore now
You're new on my blog which i frequently ignore things in my headcanons from time to time. And that canon changes from how its interpreted. Anyway, stems from Solar's explaining his moons situation. The lore SLIGHTLY changed. In terms of Moon, being slightly Glitched due to killcodes removal/memory loss. He never mentioned Moon being mean before that (at least not on the terms before he left his dimension). Not unlike things to be slightly aggressive from Moon tho, just it wasnt PERCIEVED moon was a jerk to Solar UNTIL Solar reveals this later on (after Lunars death). They didn't really develop his story until later a little more. So I'm sticking to my previous headcanon of Moon having a glitch, which is canon to s degree? SOLAR himself has mentioned he wanted to fix his MOON AND SUN. Which was forgotten/changed and turned into just sun then into Solar leaving forever.
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bonojour · 9 months
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russell crowe promo interview for gladiator (2000)
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pandora15 · 7 months
I wonder if I'm getting a bit sick of star wars
like there are the things that make me happy about it, especially obi-wan and the prequels and tcw but also like
I'm frustrated about what they did with ahsoka, and then I'm also just not finding fic that I can vibe with and the fandom just feels so…empty?
which is wild because it's definitely got bigger since I joined, but idk, it just feels like in the obi-wan fandom circles, it just feels like it's shrinking. and I think part of it is everyone being really busy with irl things (myself included) and then whatever is left in the sw fandom in general is just stuff i don't vibe with
but then I keep seeing it over and over and over again so now it's just irritating to me
like. yeah there are ships/tropes that I don't vibe with at all and I usually try to steer clear of them when looking for fic to read, but these days it feels like that's all I can find. so now I'm frustrated and tired and not really getting the fic fix that I want
and normally my solution to this is to just write what I want to read, but I don't have the mental space to do it, so I'm just. stuck.
a part of me feels bad to complain about this, but idk I'm gonna put it out there anyways. it's just like the fandom feels completely different than it did when I first joined, or even like 2-3 years ago, and I'm not sure if I'm happy about it.
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13eyond13 · 2 years
It's interesting sometimes to think about how much the implied message behind Death Note is almost very much "maintain the status quo and it's foolish and fruitless to attempt to actually change the way things already work," even though it's also seemingly quite focused on challenging and questioning a lot of norms and values and institutions as well
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aquapede · 5 months
the narrator tsp and the princess stp would hate each other's guts for what the other is an abstracted representation of but theyre so so alike. looks like SOMEONE is the foundation upon which their other half builds atop but is locked in eternal struggle with them because that is the nature of existence!
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starlit-mansion · 5 months
it's kind of wild that jessie gender used the word transandrophobia in a youtube video. i've never seen that happen before. people gotchaing you know who for blatantly misgendering rebecca sugar and nate stevenson was the most callout of actual transmasc or afab transneutral erasure i've seen from the video essay space in memory, and even that was mostly just to pad out the callout post
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tea-cat-arts · 1 year
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(Image found on Haresbeloved's page over on Instagram)
WE WERE ROBBED!!! It's not perfect, and it still has some "limited range of color values" issues, but with a couple more revisions I think the one on the bottom right really could've turned into something special
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redysetdare · 6 months
I think a lot of stories would be a whole lot better if their main plot wasn't constantly having to compete with a romantic subplot.
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