#with a voice over of lmm saying love is love is love is love
feerz · 2 months
Ranking all the Jesuses from every version I've watched/listened to so far
without further ado let's get into it 🙌
Ian Gillan - 1970 Original concept album
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The True Doer that you cannot outdo. The og who made this role what it is today. And since the og album was were I got my start and obsession with jcs, I have a huge fondness for him. There's just something so- so... about him. His vocals? Insane, fantastic, the golden standard. His Gethsemane is Everything. He raised the bar so high (literally lol) and made this role harder for everyone that came after him and I respect that. I also love his characterisation. He is a rockstar and he knows it. Adore this whiny ass messiah and his dramatics. 9/10
Ted Neeley - 1973 movie
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Sad little mouse man. He's like some small rodent to me. His gethsemane is iconic, but beyond it I don't care to much about his Jesus. He's perfectly inoffensive, but I find him a bit boring. Poor guy also had the disadvantage of performing against Carl Anderson, who's too powerful and who commanded every scene he was in, outshining Jesus. Tedsus is not for me personally, but he's definitely not bad. 6/10
Camilo Sesto - Madrid 1975 album
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I like him! He reminds me of Ian's Jesus but sadder (love to see it). Really good vocals. That 'POR QUE' ate. And his Gethsemane in general too. I don't have that much to say besides that, but Señor Sesto is really good in this role. 8/10
James Whitson - San Jose Civic Light Opera's 1990 production
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Uhhhhhhh. Watched this in a discord watch party and for half of it we were thought this was Ted. It wasn't. Don't really know what to say, there wasn't anything really memorable or notable about him. Also has the disadvantage of being pared up with Carl Anderson, except it's even worse here. If Carl was anywhere near him, no chance I was paying attention to Jesus. Um... he chased Santa out of the Temple! That's something! 3/10
Steve Balsamo - 1996 London revival album
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Steve Balsamo Jesus, my dearly beloved. How can you not love him. Just rewatch his Gethsemane for the 1000th time. His vocals are out of this world, man has organ pipes in place of vocal chords. Props to him for actually crying in gethsemane and still killing it. Absolutely fantastic. And his beautiful hair and those brown eyes really add to it. He's such a sad pathetic man, it's great. No complaints 10/10
Glenn Carter - 2000 movie
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I'm shaking, please buy him brown contacts. I am a glensus hater, although I have to admit that during my second viewing I didn't dislike him as much. Easily my least favourite gethsemane (lmm excluded), except his delivery of "what you started, I didn't start it", that was surprisingly good. Again, I'm a hater but bonus points for the entertainment factor. 4/10
Paul Nolan - 2012 Broadway revival
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BORING! Sorry your trouple doesn't save you from being so incredibly bland. It's like looking at a white wall that has just been painted over and you're watching it dry. Gethsemane is solid vocally, I like his interactions with others. But Jesus himself? No thanks. The staging of the crucifixion was so great, but then there he is with his mouth agape like a baby bird being fed and unconvincing "suffering". Also, no blood? 3/10
Ben Forster - 2012 UK Arena tour
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THIS IS THE ONE. My roman empire. My most dear blorbo. He's been living in my head rent free for months. I love him so much. He's just so incredibly stressed out and angsty and pathetic and constantly on the verge of a complete mental breakdown. His gethsemane is my favourite. Just pretty much everything I could want from a performance of it. The way he curls up on the floor? The little moments when his voice breaks a bit from emotion?? The knee thing??? Great, fantastic, stunning, no notes. Also I adore his costuming, finally Jesus is given something more interesting. 11/10
John Legend - 2018 NBC
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Hot take, but he's not nearly as bad as people make him out to be. He's just fine. I do enjoy his voice, Poor Jerusalem is especially good. Although I don't love his acting in the second act, but I really liked him in the first one. This Jesus just seems really nice and friendly and I love that. Gethsemane is solid vocally, even without the G5. Anyways he's not bad at all! 6/10
Andrew Latobesi - 2018 Villanova College
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This was another wildcard from the watch party. Jesus didn't stand out much because we were all a bit distracted by Judi. And Mary. He was bland and the acting was not fantastic, but this is a high school prod, and for what it's worth he's not bad. Gethsemane was solid enough considering everything. The crucifixion surprisingly hit, good crying there. ??/10 since I don't think it would be fair to rank him against all those adult professional performers.
Jack Hopewell - 50th Anniversary North America tour
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The only Jesus that made me cry while watching. He suffers real good (and looks very pretty while doing so). He's just so- so... I just wanted to wrap him up in a soft blanket and give him a kiss on the forehead and feed him soup. Tbh I think he's one of the best vocally too. His high note is my fav. Gethsemane in general is just great too. Love how much he's just some silly guy who then has to face the Horrors. He's just very cute :] 10/10
Jeangu Macrooy - 2024 Netherlands national tour
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The most poor little meow meow Jesus ever. He's so pathetic it's great. Him smiling and being happy was also so cute. Really good vocals too, man killed those high notes. His gethsemane too... Jeangu Macrooy absolutely steels the show and it's fantastic and incredibly heartbreaking. Want to see his performance again so so badly. In the meantime everyone should check out a snippet of his performance 10/10
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keefessketchbook · 5 months
Lets talk about episode 3
I enjoyed episode 3, honestly. It was good and i just have a few things i want to talk about.
I loved percy's line about the golden drachmas being Canadian or from Chuck E Cheese
I loved Medusa. I loved how she talked about Percy's mom and said they were like sisters. There's a YouTuber I follow, Crazy Cae and she has great adaptations of what happened to Medusa, and I thought the show was gonna talk about the interpretation that says Poseidon sa'd medusa in Athena's temple and it definitely felt like that with her words of how sally and her were haunted by the same monster (I dont remember the exact wording, dont come for me) and how she was punished not him.
I loved how they used the head on Alecto and didnt just send it straight to Olympus
I felt it when Percy said he chose Annabeth because he thought they never could become friends and grover because he could never see Grover betray him
LIN MANUEL MIRANDA. I knew he was gonna be in it and I was so excited. I dont know why people are bashing him, but i love him. Him hand delivering the head and his little smirk. i love LMM and nobody can stop me
"I am impertinent" yes you are
Annabeth grabbing all the candy in the store just shows how she's never left camp and is just trying to have all the experiences she can before she has to go back
I loved how Alecto and Medusa played on Percy's and Annabeth's fatal flaws. How Alecto would make the quest easier if she just gave up percy and how percy could get his mother back if he gave them over to medusa.
The oracle scene was okay, but i liked how the remembered to have Gabe voice the prophecy to Percy
I enjoyed how Chiron picked out people he thought would be best for the quest, and percy was like "nah, i chose my best friend and the girl who has been stalking me :)"
I was talking to my mom after and was like "the show is so visually dark but hey at least i know where the actors are because of those orange chb shirts"
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Oh shoot, I just realized that Kilmeny's climactic moment isn't actually in the next chapter. In my defense, her dialog is centered and bolded and several font sizes larger than the rest of the text, so it really looked like a chapter heading. Also narratively I was absolutely expecting it to be a new chapter.
Anyway, so Kilmeny doesn't just speak, she yells! And it is clearly understandable and complete sentences! I don't think this is how that works, but I will admit that I know nothing about adults who have had medical conditions that prevent them from speaking learning to talk. Maybe you are able to form words without issue if you grew up hearing and understanding the language. I do feel like at minimum she's going to have kind of an unusual accent. But again, this is a book where a woman is mute because her mother sinned against her own father, so I'm not sure it's terribly science based, you know?
So Kilmeny yells to warn Eric and Eric doesn't realize who yelled but looks behind him on instinct and sees Neil, who did see Kilmeny speak. Neil drops his axe in horror and runs away -- we assume that he knows that everything is lost for him now.
But we ignore him for a hug, because Kilmeny can speak now! End of chapter for real this time, and frankly not as good of one. Come on Maud, give me one cliffhanger!
Moving on to chapter 18 for real. Eric and Kilmeny run to tell the Gordons about the miracle that has happened. Only Eric hastens to assure us that it is not at all a miracle, David Baker had said such a thing might happen, it is all very scientific and explainable. Eric Marshall is going to move to fairland and run a steam train across it.
Thomas Gordon is having none of it though. It is a miracle and he's going to appreciate it as one. I wish we had gotten more of him -- he's one of the few characters who takes none of Eric's nonsense. Which I guess is why he doesn't get to talk on page much.
She spoke naturally and easily. The only difficulty which she seemed to experience was in the proper modulation of her voice. Occasionally she pitched it too high—again, too low. But it was evident that she would soon acquire perfect control of it. It was a beautiful voice—very clear and soft and musical.
Confirmation that Kilmeny does not have a noticeable accent. Sure. Fine. I'm with Thomas Gordon -- this makes much more sense if it's just magic.
Thomas asks what to do about Neil, and Eric, because he is a benevolent colonizer, says they must forgive him. Because Neil isn't an adult, who can be held accountable for his choices, he's half boy half wild animal and as such it's not his fault that he reacted accordingly to heartbreak. (I will note that I am paraphrasing here -- they don't quite say it like that. But it's the vibe.)
“That is true, Master, but it does not alter the terrible fact that the boy had murder in his heart,—that he would have killed you. An over-ruling Providence has saved him from the actual commission of the crime and brought good out of evil; but he is guilty in thought and purpose. And we have cared for him and instructed him as our own—with all his faults we have loved him! It is a hard thing, and I do not see what we are to do. We cannot act as if nothing had happened. We can never trust him again.”
I am going to strongly dispute the proclamation that the Gordons loved Neil. The only time they talk about him is to say bad things about him. Only Kilmeny ever had anything good to say. And, I was thinking back, and there is zero mention of him in any of the stories about Margaret's return and Kilmeny's childhood. Neil would have been four years old when Margaret came home after her marriage. A four year old child is going to be deeply impacted by the heightened emotions and tension in that house during those months of Margaret's silence. I think LMM just forgot about him, but what it conveys is that the Gordons forgot about him, or didn't care enough to mention him.
Neil was like their weird charity case kid that their dad insisted they keep. He doesn't seem to have been considered part of the family at any point except, again, by Kilmeny.
Conveniently, Neil has solved their problems by leaving town of his own initiative. Probably the smartest decision he has made all book, not going to lie. Eric learns this from Robert Williamson, who wants to know what on Earth has happened over at the Gordons. Eric tells him part of the truth -- that Neil scared Kilmeny greatly and in the process she gained her voice. And then Eric goes off to bed and Robert leaves us with this delightful line:
“Well, I never heard anything like this in all my born days—never—never. Timothy, did YOU ever hear the like? Them Gordons are an unaccountable lot and no mistake. They couldn’t act like other people if they tried. I must wake mother up and tell her about this, or I’ll never be able to sleep.”
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batrachised · 1 year
Did you say you recently read/re-read Anne of Ingleside? What did you think of it?
Anne of Ingleside marks a change for me in the AoGG series, kind of a "before" and "after" marker. Before, every book focused on Anne's perspective throughout, with the exception of the first. In Anne of Ingleside, the focus of the story begins to shift from Anne herself to her children. Anne still features prominently in the book--unlike say, in Rainbow Valley--but her children get their own voice and narrative attention. This splintered attention only grows more prevalent in the remaining books of Rainbow Valley and The Blythes Are Quoted. (I didn't include Rilla, as Rilla of Ingleside has Anne, but also, it's about Rilla).
The introduction of the children means that much of the plot of Ingleside focuses on Anne's role as a mother and a wife. Looking at goodreads, this rubs a lot of readers the wrong way. Brilliant Anne Shirley, reduced to yet another happy wife happy life stereotype. I don't really agree with this conclusion, but I understand it. While I think choosing motherhood shouldn't be looked down on as a lesser choice, I think it's valid to find it less interesting from an entertainment perspective. (It's also impossible to separate from the historical context flavoring similar stories with "the home is where women belong!" although I don't think we really get that with Anne--in fact Gilbert explicitly acknowledges feeling guilt over the fact that he stole Anne's talent from the world in TBAQ). I also do think complaints of this ilk can be somewhat silly, because LMM novels are romantic slice of life books about young women on PEI in the late 1800s thru early 1900s--what did you expect the book was going to be about? There's a discussion to be had about female characters deserving more than what the time period they were written in afforded them (ie Jo March), but I think LMM does her characters justice most of the time. Anne isn't Emily, and Anne doesn't need to be.
Personally, I find Anne's new stage of life interesting, but I can find the focus on her children boring. Although I love the Blythe children as they grow older, half of them read too similar to Anne in this book for me to care about them as a unique voice (looking at you, Nan and Di). There are moments I do love--the glimpse at Walter's and Gilbert's relationship, Walter helpfully saying "his bottom," (all time favorite LMM moment), Jem flooring a playmate by saying dog's legs are supposed to reach the ground--but squinting at the children-focused parts of the book overall, I can't say they captivate me.
I do, however, love Anne's role as matchmaking matron who provides guidance to her children, the tension between her and Gilbert at the end of the book, Anne laughing at how women flirt with her doctor husband, her and Diana discussing the ups and downs of motherhood (someone here described them as wine moms and I loved it), and overall our look at a more mature Anne. LMM provides an engaging look at an older Anne and Gilbert with her delightful brand of whimsical realism. Sure, Anne and Gilbert got their happily ever after (ish, considering TBAQ and Rilla), but you know, happily every after can put you in a rut, and sometimes it comes with nasty in-laws, and it always comes with great loss to share. I enjoy the continuation of Anne's story; I less enjoy the handing off of the story to her children.
Where Ingleside really shines for me, though, is its foreshadowing. Ingleside was written last of all the Anne books, barring TBAQ (which really isn't an Anne book, but it so directly continues the storylines I count it as one). Rainbow Valley was published in 1919, Rilla was published in 1921 and Ingleside in 1939. That's a pretty significant gap of time, and it shows in Ingleside. As I've written before, WWI is foreshadowed in Rainbow Valley but it's from the perspective of a childhood daydream, albeit a chilling one, about a pied piper. Anne of Ingleside is much more blunt in foreshadowing the war. Diana tells Anne her son wants to be a soldier, and Anne laughs it off and says war is a thing of the past; Anne sees the shadow of the cross over Walter's bed and wonders at it in the future as she grieves; there's our subtle poppy moment, where Walter spills poppies, the symbol of WWI, and Anne muses on how they only have a day to live. Anne of Ingleside reads like one last happy summer day before the long gray winter of WWI, which saves it from being too humdrum a story.
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pop-pop-pop-popculture · 10 months
I don't know why you are so against lmm working for disney or doing musicals/voice overs? He adores musicals and I'd go as far as to say he has been the best writer that disney could've gotten in recent years. He is so good at writing songs that everyone will love (not talking about songs like scuttlebutt, which has been controversial, but rather stuff like wdtab). He has a distinct music style, yes, and people who have already decided they don't like him, hate on that but that doesn't mean for a second that he's bad at writing it (not saying that you ever said he is, but bare with me). I don't see why disney wouldn't want to hire him.
Also, he is a very animated person, which is perfect for voice acting. He also has a unique, cheerful, excitable voice— which does wonders with the target audience for the films he has worked on. Again, I don't see a reason why people won't be adamant on hiring him for this stuff. (+ I can assume he wants to be apart of things his kids can continue enjoying even as they grow up and maybe even want to show his grandkids, but that's not for certain)
I do like lmm's more mature and softer side, so I can see why you or any of his fans would want to see him in roles that reflect that part of him, I've been dying for him to take on a romcom role again.
but that all being said, at the end of the day, I don't see a problem with him going after roles, or letting himself be cast in roles and jobs, that fit into the "stereotypical" lmm formula. I'm mostly fine with it because he clearly only chooses to be apart of projects that he is passionate about and I think saying he "sold his soul to disney" is just not correct at all. The passion he puts into his work is everything. He worked hard to be in a position where he is able to pick projects that speak to him and I love that for him.
P.s. I apologise if this comes off as aggressive, truly, because that's not my intention. I just have seen multiple posts from you talking about this topic and I just wanted to give my thoughts as well. I'd love to hear your reply :)
Hi, I apologize for how long it took for me to reply. You didn’t sound mean, it’s all good!
I don’t mind him writing music and starring in musicals, because I know that composing music is something he’s genuinely passionate about and has a natural talent for. I I hope he continues that for the rest of his beautiful life! As for Disney, however, I feel that he just needs to step away from the company for a while so he can focus on writing mature music - musical films or not. In other words, for example, I’d love for him to write songs for original films. Like what Taylor Swift does. I think he’d do great! I agree with you, though, and everything you said really is spot on, especially about his uniqueness. One of the many things that I love about Lin is how passionate he is about his work - you can just see and hear the excitement in his tone during interviews! 🌞 As far as acting and his roles go, while I do, too, love how animated he is, I just feel he has potential to be more versatile. I don’t hate any of his work, though. I know he has kids and wants to have some movies and shows for them to watch, so it makes sense why he often does voiceover. If he’s comfortable with stereotype roles, then that’s his choice. I just wish he pushed himself more is all. I mean everything I say out of tough love.
(And yes, I want him to star in a rom-com too!)
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parisstreet · 1 year
How To Write A Song Called 'A Flash Within A Flash'
The newest Paris Street EP, Brief Feelings, is out now. As I've occasionally done with Paris Street releases, I'm going to spend this week rambling a bit about each song on the EP. Enjoy!
The song: A Flash Within A Flash
Original song title: ‘Surely To Love’. This is the second time I’ve tried to write a song with that title. The first attempt turned into a song – released for a tiny while last December – called ‘Cuban Bones’. I currently have a third song – one that is teetering very close to the Delete pile – with that title. Have no clue why I’m so hung up on it, or what’s making it so difficult to finally complete.
When was it written? The original notebook scribblings were in May of 2021. Things got fleshed out and structured in September of that year.
Where was it recorded? A demo was recorded – mostly free of any ornate touches – in Sacramento around September of 2021. From that point on, I knew it would be the final song on this EP. The song then stalled out for a long time – mainly because I was afraid to mess it up – until I finally re-recorded it in November and December of 2022, also in Sacramento.
The instruments: Classical guitar, LMMS.
There is a song by The Divine Comedy called ‘Other People’. It starts off as nothing but a voice memo, but then swells and swells with orchestral lushness, then ends abruptly after barely 90 seconds. That’s kinda the vibe I was aiming for with this one.
What’s it about? A relationship that burned hot for a couple days. It ‘briefly felt’ like something different, something that would last. And then it ended.
Anything else to say about this song? But it didn’t really end. Again, something felt different, felt like something worth fighting for. And so a fight was had, to overcome the ‘over’ of it all, to take the ‘brief’ out of the brief feeling, and to once-more find that something that would last.
And it did last. Not forever, but long enough to make all those scribblings about ‘over’ feel a little silly. It lasted and became nothing more than a normal relationship, with all its attendant ups and downs. And like a lot of normal relationships, it ended eventually. And unlike a lot of normal relationships, there was no acrimony, just a weird little harmony and memories that both parties could look back on fondly.
Which would all make for a really boring song, so I’m very glad I scribbled all that nonsense about things being over too quickly.
Brief Feelings can be found on Bandcamp, Spotify, Amazon Music, and all other streamers of note.
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hoediaz · 2 years
how could you say your school had no online system when they created the video of all time
HELP ME LFMLKSG very true we might not have seen our timetables online but we did enact a social media campaign to deny the (true) rumours of a fight club
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cristallsnoww · 2 years
Listening to the Voice Actors of 4*town:
I'll be commenting my thoughts from me listening to the voice actors of the 4*town members individually
I’ll be mentioning the 4*town members a lot and comparing them to the voice actors + making some headcanons along the way
I'll link the videos I listened to
Let’s gooo
(Warning: this is kind of a long post)
Jordan Fisher (Robaire)
I’ve heard of Fisher from Dear Evan Hansen, he was playing the lead role Evan in 2020, and so I was surprised he sang for Turning Red, I mean his voice suits anything ffgk 
He’s a man of talent and sang with LMM (Lin Maneul Miranda, who is a musical god)
I definitely see the charm in Robaire from Fisher, I SEE IT
Fisher’s voice is to die for, I’m not exaggerating
His control is great, sir can hit high notes !!
Jordan Fisher - All About Us (Official Video)
"If I Could Tell Her" | DEAR EVAN HANSEN
Jordan Fisher - "Into You" Ariana Grande Acoustic Cover | Elvis Duran Live
Jordan Fisher Covers Troye Sivan's "Fools" + Peforms His Single "All About Us"
Finneas O'Connell (Jesse)
Finneas’ voice is calming and quite deep, I like it, sounds mature and suiting for Jesse.
Literally Finneas and Jesse share the same hairstyle..I just noticed kdjg
His voice suits sadder/serious songs, it makes me imagine Jesse writing the edgier/sadder songs for 4*town. But also romantic songs too.
Not only does Finneas songwrite and produce, he sings! And not only does Jesse do art, he sings too! (not to mention dance) That’s a whole package (we’re not even talking about visuals man omg ok anyway-)
Also hearing Finneas’ voice sounds like Jesse could sing lullabies, like his voice could be soothing and put you to sleep.
FINNEAS - Only A Lifetime (Live)
FINNEAS - What They'll Say About Us (Official Video)
FINNEAS - Die Alone (Audio)
Josh Levi (Aaron Z)
Levi’s voice is so HOT.. ILLEGAL. Also Levi dances pretty good, I see why Z is the best dancer in 4*town.
If I were a boy in the 2000s, I would be an Aaron Z stan no doubt, I get you Tyler ;)
I can’t comprehend Z being stoic offstage but his voice is full of emotion and smooth like honey on stage…THAT’S ILLEGAL.
I can totally see Aaron Z and Robaire being rivals with each other because they got vocals and style.
I think his voice impressed me the most, Topher Ngo’s being second place. The Aarons GOT IT !!
Josh Levi - NASA (LIVE)
Josh Levi - What's The Use (Live Performance)
Topher Ngo (Aaron T)
I can’t believe Aaron T is a bass, I didn’t expect for him to have a deeper voice rkdfjgns that’s so attractive
Ngo being Vietnamese makes me glad, he’s representing us Viets!!
Also his control over his voice is insane, literally I am in love??? Ocean deep y'all
Ngo being an ARMY (BTS fan) totally makes me convinced that T would definitely be a fan of BTS too, I don’t make the rules xD
Another soothing voice I would like to hear if I ever feel stressed.
billie eilish - my future (but a little riffy)
The Black Keys - Lonely Boy (Cover) | Topher Ngo
Ain't No Sunshine (A cappella Cover) | Topher Ngo
Grayson Villanueva (Tae Young)
Villanueva’s voice is so bright, I see why they casted him as Tae Young, instant serotonin listening to his voice oml
Also Villanueva plays guitar = Tae Young is a guitar player too (it just makes sense!)
(Fisher and Ngo also play guitar, while Finneas plays piano..Aaron T + Tae + Robaire the guitar gang, while Jesse the piano player)
He’s a literal incarnation of an angel.
Also Villanueva said he did beatboxing for the song (I’m guessing Nobody Like U or U Know What's Up?), yo then Tae must does beatboxing for the group too
I Want You (prod. AYCBeats) - Grayson Villanueva
Fantasy (prod. AYCBeats) - Grayson Villanueva
GRV - WATERMELON SUGAR by Harry Styles (Official Music Video)
Bonus: Topher Ngo and Grayson Villanueva collab on “You're A Mean One, Mr. Grinch” 
( which totally sounds like an Aaron T and Tae Young cover that they would 100% do too omgkmrgslkr the pure talent and comedy)
As I listened to these artists individually, I see the resemblance in their 4*town characters, Pixar captured their auras and personalities SO WELL
My favorite voices might be Jordan Fisher (Robaire) and Topher Ngo (Aaron T), but the others are super good voices too. All of  them work well together as a group and sound breathtakingly beautiful in their own unique ways in their individual music/covers.
In K-pop, usually artists debut in groups and they don’t have solo debuts in order to focus on the group projects (mostly solo covers at most) and it builds the hype whenever one member does make their solo though. 
It was actually nice to do the reverse in this case, where I listened to the group first (4*town), then I listened to their individual voices (the voice actors’ solo works).
This was pretty fun, please do check out the voice actors of 4*town and support their work as well.
They’re all so talented and I’m grateful to have them come together to bring 4*town to life 💗
Who’s voice you like the most? Does it differ from your 4*town bias?
Drop some headcanonss if you made new ones after listening to their VAs, I would love to read some too
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pika-ace · 3 years
My skin is clear, my children are fed, and my crops are thriving and I have SO MUCH TO SAY ABOUT IT
SPOILERS UNDER THE CUT! Seriously, do not read if you want to see the movie, I want you to experience this emotional ride yourselves
- I don't really need to talk about the music because, as expected, it was top-notch. Everyone was great, great voices, god-tier dancing, just good shit all around
- Songs are cut and things are changed, but honestly, NOTHING was lost so there's no need to worry. For every story element they take away, they add SO MUCH MORE with the changes they made to make up for it. It's like ITH for the first time all over again :D
- First up, Usnavi. MY GOD ANTHONY RAMOS, I AM SO SORRY I'VE BEEN SLEEPING ON YOU FOR SO LONG! I never paid him any mind back in the day because his face was just plastered all over Lams stuff (UGGGGH) so seeing him doing his own thing SEPARATE from that? I WAS ONCE BLIND BUT NOW I SEE
- The whole beach story-telling thing was throwing me off the whole time. I remember how PETRIFIED everyone was when the trailers showed that, but I had faith that there was a point to it and I WAS RIGHT!! The SECOND Sonny pointed out that green crab he painted, it was like a slap in the face, and when Usnavi started his whole 'There goes my flight' part, my cousin and I silently fist pumped in pure joy
- Also, USNAVI👏AND👏VANESSA👏AS👏MARRIED👏BUSINESS👏PARTNERS👏FUCKING👏ALL👏MY👏YES (Why did none of us think of this before????)
- Next, Nina. Just...OH her voice...so soft...so gentle...I could fall asleep to that shit...
- The extra details of her being discriminated against at Stanford, just...DAMN, that shit HURTED. Best Girl doesn't deserve that shit!!!
- And her deciding to go back after learned that Sonny wants to be like her but can't due to discrimination just...BEST GIRL
- Benny just...OOZED charm, man. It almost makes me sad that he and Nina didn't play as big a role in the movie as they did in the play compared to Usnavi and Vanessa. ALMOST.
- Speaking of, Vanessa got an expanded role, HELL TO THE FUCKING YES. (She got a last name change from Otilla Garcia to Morales, but hey, her last name was just a workshop thing anyway so it's JUST not-canon enough to make changing it acceptable)
- Vanessa being the one who decided on the mural thing and getting Pete and Sonny to help just...BEAUTIFUL. That's TRUE LOVE right there
- Lin as Piragua Guy and Chris Jackson as Mr. Softee; that was the funniest meta shit I've EVER seen.
- I?? Did not expect?? To come out of this LOVING Kevin Rosario??? Like, he was SO MUCH BETTER and less antagonistic??? And I LOVED IT??
- Seriously though, getting rid of his prejudice against Benny was THE MOST WELCOME CHANGE in this whole movie (to me at least). When those two were together in the dispatch during the Blackout and helping people, that was just *chef's kiss* That was the pseudo-father-son shit I have been CRAVING for those two!
- Blackout was much less scary and chaotic than we were led to believe in the stage play; a part of me was disappointed, but the way they made it with everyone taking it in stride made up for it. It was like 'Aw dammit, blackout! Welp, bust out the fireworks and the Bingo boards, we're gonna be in the dark for a while, you all know the drill.'
- Also, lights turning back on RIGHT after Carnival del Barrio? Nice touch 👌
- Pete was SO GOOD. Favorite scene:
Usnavi, with Sonny: You're out here; who's watching the store? *points to Pete who's booking it out of the store having stolen something*
Sonny: *runs after him* PETE NO, YOU CAN'T JUST DO THAT!!!
- Age gap still seems a bit ambiguous between Sonny and Pete, so until confirmation is given, this pairing is staying EXPLICITLY in the stage version tag on Ao3 XD
- Also, appreciate Usnavi being MUCH less antagonistic towards Pete, just treating him as an annoying kid that enjoys getting a rise out of him rather than a vandal that's a bad influence who Usnavi WILL call the cops on if pushed.
- Daniela and Carla were REALLY awesome together and I'm DOWN for them being a couple, even though Hollywood STILL decided to be cowards about it with no on-screen kiss or mention that they were girlfriends (come on guys, it's 2021, stop hiding the gays!!)
Usnavi: I wanna take you and Sonny to DR
Abuela: I'm not leaving without Sonny
- When I saw her lying down during Blackout and staring at Usnavi and Sonny and then started transitioning into Paciencia y Fe, my writer brain IMMEDIATELY began putting those metaphor pieces together and was like 'No...no no no no NO, don't you do this to me, DON'T YOU FUCKING DARE DO THIS TO ME-'
- Alabanza had me sobbing; no comment.
- The lotto money twist was SO GOOD??? Like, my cousin and I were VERY concerned when it wasn't brought up AT ALL, but then when it turns out she saved the ticket to give to Usnavi as a final gift after her death just...TEARS EVERYWHERE
- And last but not least...Sonny. Sonny Sonny Sonny Sonny SONNYYYYYYYYYYY! My son, my child, the light of my life, the stars in my sky, was given justice on this day!!!
- HE HAS A DAD!! IT'S A SHITTY DAD BUT HE HAS A PLACE TO LIVE!!! IT'S BETTER THAN WHAT WE HAD BEFORE AND I THANK BASED LMM FOR GIVING MY BOY THE BACKSTORY HE DESERVED!! (Fanfic writers, I expect MOUNTAINS of angst and hurt/comfort from you all with this new material!)
- RIP Smol Sonny, but that baby face of his MORE than made up for it :3c
- Usnavi WANTING to take Sonny to DR right off the bat, just...THANK YOU. That was DESPERATELY NEEDED and was even wrapped up early and neatly with Sonny saying to Usnavi 'Nah, I grew up here in NY, I have no memories of DR but YOU do, so if you wanna go, then go, I like it here.' and since he HAS A FUCKING HOME here, the worry for his well-being is GONE and it feels GOOD.
- Learning Sonny was undocumented was a PUNCH IN THE FUCKING HEART! My mind IMMEDIATELY reminded me when his dad asked Usnavi why he only paid Sonny in cash and the FACE HE MADE when Nina said that undocumented kids can't get in college just BABY NOOOOOOOOOO
Do I have ANY gripes with this movie? Yes, I do.
Other than that though, this movie is a 10/10, go see it. Right now. I mean it.
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sunflowersturn · 3 years
I had a long day where I felt very clingy so this is...mostly for me. It’s written in second person because that’s just what I’m comfy with but these feelings are pretty specific to me so just be warned. Kind of focused on my recent LMM hyperfixation? Idk just a word dump really.
You’re one of those people who has a hard time putting yourself into daydreams. It’s easy to imagine a character, someone who is Not You, someone who fits a mold you’ve never come close to squeezing into, but putting your own name in the mouth of a fictional character has never been easy. Imagining your own hair, your own eye color, your own body—
It’s just impossible. Your brain is too sick. Any time you try to imagine yourself a David to hold you or a Jack to dance with or a Lee to take you flying, the poisonous voice in your head is the loudest and it has plenty to say.
They wouldn’t want to be near you if they had the choice. Even as constructs of your imagination, they don’t deserve to be stuck with you. They’d only be nice out of pity. Who would want to hold you or touch you or take you anywhere? Imagine being forced to spend time with you, and act happy about it.
So you don’t daydream. Not about yourself anyway. You invent a placeholder, you make her everything you’re not and everything you feel. Small and quiet, overlooked and sad, desperate for a gentle touch and a kind word. You try desperately to fit herto the mold of the writing of others because it’s just so hard to muster up your own energy anymore. You write beginnings on your phone from your bed and fall asleep planning your next move, thoughts circling the drain until they fragment and fall apart. You open the note and reread it and close it without adding anything new. Rinse and repeat. And repeat. And repeat.
(A hundred words in a week is still a hundred words right?)
And you don’t daydream. You can’t. Someone like David, obnoxiously perfect David, showing an interest in you? Laughable. Jack the lamplighter might take time out of his day, but he’s got more important things to think about than your stupid anxiety attack. It’s ridiculous. It’s your own mind, you should want to comfort yourself, you should want to be nice to yourself, but your toxic brain still believes a construct of your own imagination could resent you.
Open the note. Add a couple sentences. Close the note. Open a different one, reread it, try to figure out how to put words together properly, give up, close the note. Someone wrote a forty thousand word fic, have an existential crisis about whether you’ve written forty thousand words in the last year let alone however long it took them.
(Get accidentally spoiled on the plot twist of the fic and feel really grateful you hadn’t gotten emotionally invested yet—)
You still can’t daydream. You try. You try as hard as you can to just imagine meeting him. Just meeting him, the man himself, and how that might go—probably at a convention or some kind of fan meet and greet, and you’d probably end up gushing, and you’d be a face in a sea of millions, and that would be okay in real life but it’s your imagination, right? You should be able to imagine his eyes lingering, his smile widening, him needing to stop and pause because he saw something in you that he liked and he wants to know more. Platonic, can you do platonic? Can you just imagine someone you admire actually liking you for a change?
Now you’re tired of your placeholder. She’s too passive, she’s too boring. You always write the same thing. She’s so shocked anyone could love her, but you’d be shocked too and that’s why it works for you. But you’re tired of yourself. You’re so tired. All you want is to feel someone’s arms around you, for someone to touch your hair, to touch your face, for them to tell you that you’re enough but you’re not, not even for yourself—
What you can imagine is people pulling away. Eyes glazing over as you talk, people seeing you and ignoring you because they just don’t want to deal with you right now. The vague recognition of someone who’s seen you before but didn’t care to remember your face. Those are things you have plenty of experience with, those are things you’ve seen enough to replicate perfectly in your head.
You don’t daydream. You can’t.
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entity-of-the-opera · 4 years
Hamilton Musical Essay
First off, I want to say that if you like the musical, that’s fine. I’m not trying to tell you not to like it. I’m simply expressing my thoughts about it.
Secondly, this is mostly about things the musical got wrong, but there is definitely going to be some bias and opinions in here. So don’t take anything I say (unless I have provided a source) as fact.
Now, let's go through this show one song at a time.
(quick warning, this post is long. very long. and will take a while to read. i apologize in advance)
Alexander Hamilton
I don't have much of a problem with this song, and it is pretty good. However, I do wish that they hadn’t glossed over his early years. I get that they were not that interesting, but they played such a big part in his life, especially in his later years when he was in politics. 
“Me? I loved him” haha no. that line should have been said by Eliza and Laurens. Not Eliza, Angelica and Maria/Peggy.
Aaron Burr, Sir
Oh boy, oh boy, I have quite a bit to say about this one.
I strongly dislike the portrayal of Burr throughout the whole show. I get what LMM was going for with the whole “it’s how history sees him” but, you could’ve given him a bit more character. 
Burr singing “Fools that run their mouths off wind up dead” and then Laurens walking out immediately after is clever, because Laurens really was a fool who ran his mouth off quite a lot. Like the time he yelled at the king of France, King Louis XVI.
There's the obvious mistake that Hamilton met John Laurens, Hercules Mulligan and the Marquis de Lafayette at completely different times. He didn’t even meet burr in 1776 as we see here. He met burr in 1772-1773 when Hamilton briefly went to Princeton.
Laurens, Mulligan and Lafayette have very little character (which is something a lot of the people in this show struggle with.) for people who were pretty close to Hamilton, (especially Laurens) they don't seem like they were written to be very important characters. Their personality in this show can be summed up in a sentence.
And there's the other obvious mistake that Lafayette (and probably Laurens as well) never met Mulligan.
My Shot
The foreshadowing is good, I'll give it that.
For some reason, the chemistry between Lafayette and Mulligan-- who, again, never actually met-- is better than the chemistry between Hamilton and Laurens. What's up with that, huh?
“Wait ‘til I sally in on a stallion with the first black battalion” Laurens never got his black battalion. Congress approved the plan, but the South Carolina Legislative Assembly did not.
“Laurens, I like you a lot” get outta here with that crap. Either make their relationship a bigger part in the musical or keep it out completely. I hate how subtle and glossed over their relationship is in this show.
I do like Laurens’ little part in this song, it’s a rare part of the show where we see his actual personality instead of just “grr slavery bad alcohol good.” Anthony Ramos is a very good singer.
This song is pretty good story-wise. It is very well written. Hamilton’s monologue is surprisingly accurate to the real Alexander Hamilton and his beliefs.
The Story of Tonight
It has a good vibe, and I think it’s the closest we see Laurens and Hamilton throughout the entire show, which is kinda nice.
Again with the Lafayette-Mulligan thing LMM why???
The Schuyler Sisters
LMM unintentionally created a monster when he wrote that “and Peggy” line. That joke is one of the most overused and unfunny jokes in this show and its fandom.
Having Angelica be the “strong woman” in the show was a good idea on paper, but it’s not all that accurate to the real Angelica Schuyler, and it’s like her only personality trait (aside from the whole Hamilton and Angelica thing but I’ll talk more on that later)
I'm gonna say this a lot but oh my god these people have no character to them. Not even Eliza Schuyler-- Hamilton’s frickin wife.
Listen ok I am strictly attracted to men but Phillipa Soo is an absolutely beautiful and amazing and talented person. She has full permission to step on me.
Farmer Refuted
The farmer refuted was a pamphlet published by Hamilton in 1775 in response to something Samuel Seabury wrote about how the congress in Philadelphia was bad. Not an actual public debate like you see in the show. But I’ll let this one slide because having the actors read pamphlets onstage would be a lot less entertaining.
That’s pretty much it the song isn’t that interesting.
You’ll Be Back
This is probably just me but I don’t like how King George III steaks the show and is the main source of comedy. When I asked family members after their first viewing of the show who their favourite character was, almost all of them said the King. 
Mr. Groff, please keep your spit to yourself.
As far as my knowledge of King George III goes-- and I do not know a lot about him so don’t take this too seriously-- this song is a pretty accurate depiction of ‘The Mad King.’
Redcoat Interlude
Just gonna put this here to say The Bullet is a really cool character.
Right Hand Man
Chris Jackson has the voice of an angel.
I don’t like the way Washington is characterized. At some points, he’s over-glorified, but at other parts of the show, he’s downplayed a lot, and it doesn’t at all seem like the real George Washington.
Washington and Hamilton’s relationship in this show is so off from what it would’ve been historically. You don’t see it much in this song so I won’t say much here for the sake of keeping things organized, but I’ll discuss it later when it’s more obvious
Mulligan is shown in a continental uniform, yet he was not in the army. He was a spy. He wouldn’t have worn a uniform.
As with a lot of songs in this show, the music and choreography are amazing. The ensemble is so so talented. 
This scene where Burr is meeting with Washington isn’t entirely wrong, but it’s not exactly how it happened. According to Wikipedia, “In the spring of 1776, Burr's stepbrother Matthias Ogden helped him to secure a position with George Washington's staff in Manhattan, but he quit on June 26 to be on the battlefield.”
Hamilton did not meet Washington at the same time as Burr. He joined Washington’s staff in the spring of 1777.
I’m not exactly sure what he’s referring to when he says “I have some friends, Laurens, Mulligan, Marquis de Lafayette” but I do know that Laurens and Lafayette were not his friends at this point. They weren’t even in America at the time. Mulligan was, and he was good friends with Hamilton.
A Winter’s Ball
The formatting here is wild. This happened in 1780, I don’t know why LMM skipped ahead to this.
“We’re reliable with the ladies” ok that is true I’ll admit.
What is Laurens doing here? He was a prisoner of war in Phillidelphia when Hamilton met Eliza.
Eliza was not “helpless.” If anything, Hamilton was the one head-over-heels for her. 
Hamilton. Was. Not. Into. Angelica. Angelica. Was. Not. Into. Hamilton. 
Hamilton’s little speech to Eliza after he gains her father’s blessing is kinda cute and pretty accurate.
A lot of the people shown in this scene were not at Hamilton’s wedding. 
Laurens is shown as Hamilton’s best man, but at the time of Hamilton’s wedding, he was travelling north to meet with Washington after finding out he is to be sent on a diplomatic mission to France. James McHenry, a fellow Aide-De-Camp to Washington, was Hamilton’s best man.
I hate how this is such a good song because what it’s about is probably my least favourite part of this show.
There is no evidence of Angelica being romantically attracted to Hamilton. They likely had a brother-sister kind of bond.
Now, having Angelica as the side love interest wouldn’t have been that bad if it was a real thing, but it wasn’t. LMM intentionally re-wrote a part of history to have her in it, when he could’ve kept the same storyline, and have Laurens be the side love interest. If he had given Laurens that role, he could’ve made the show more historically accurate, and it would bring to light a part of history many people try to erase. But in giving Angelica that role, he has not only completely changed a part in history but has also erased the fact that Alexander Hamilton-- nor John Laurens, for that matter-- was straight. LMM had so much power. He was writing a musical about a founding father. He could have brought so many things we didn’t know to light. And yet, we’re stuck with this.
Angelica was not the person who introduced Hamilton to Angelica. It was most likely Cathrine “Kitty” Livingston, a friend and possible love interest to Hamilton that he met before he joined the army.
Angelica had brothers. 
The Story of Tonight (Reprise)
“I’ve seen wonders great and small” *gestures down* I’m sorry sir what?
They were all married before Hamilton. 
Wait For It
This is a beautiful song and it doesn’t have much wrong with it. 
Stay Alive
Sweet lord the timeline is terrible. The battle of Monmouth happened in 1778 before Hamilton got married.
Here is a better example of the strange portrayal of Washington and Hamilton. The real Washington wouldn’t have called Hamilton “son.” He wouldn’t be as friendly with him. Their relationship was professional.
Mulligan was already in new york, so he wouldn’t have to “go back to new york and [his] apprenticeship.”
“Instead of me, he promotes Charles Lee” Hamilton did not ask for a command at Monmouth. What happened was Lee was given a command, declined, and then it was given instead to Lafayette. Later, Lee requested the command be given back to him because Lafayette was very young and didn’t have much experience. Washinton blindly trusted Lee and agreed to give it back to him.
After Lee was court-martialed, he kept running his mouth and slandering Washington. Hamilton originally wanted to duel lee, but Laurens told him not to, and to just let him say what he wants. Later, after Lee kept running his mouth and the insults got worse, Laurens decided to duel him. 
Washington didn’t know of the duel. He didn’t even know it happened until the day after.  
Ten Duel Commandments
Hamilton was not the one who was super giddy and impatient for the duel to start, he was kinda the opposite. Laurens was the one who challenged Lee and was the trigger happy one. 
Burr was not Lee’s second, Evan Edwards was.
Again, Hamilton was not as enthusiastic as shown here. He was the one who tried to call off the duel and actually prevented Laurens and Lee from firing a second time.
Meet Me Inside
Laurens was not satisfied after he shot Lee, and demanded them to shoot again.
Washington saying “these young men don’t speak for me” isn’t that far off from how he reacted, but we can’t be 100% sure because there’s not a lot that was documented about his reaction to the duel.
Washinton was more upset with Laurens for holding a duel in his honour. So he wouldn’t have lectured Hamilton as he does in this scene.
As I said before, Washington would not be calling Hamilton “son”.
I really wish LMM wrote this scene differently because it’s entirely wrong. Hamilton didn’t leave the army until March of 1781, after being so fed up with Washington continuously denying him a command. 
“Charles Lee, Thomas Conway, these men take your name and they rake it through the mud” that is true, and he’s referring to the Conway Cabal. More info on the Conway Cabal can be found here if you’re interested.
The timeline is so confusing here. “Your wife needs you alive” technically, at the time of the duel he didn’t have a wife, but by the time he left Washington’s staff he did. But in the show, I'm assuming this scene takes place in 1778, so, historically, no wife yet. But in the show, he also gets married before this scene. So I don’t know what’s going on here. 
That Would Be Enough
For the sake of simplicity and not driving myself to insanity, I’m just gonna assume this takes place in 1781. Because I don’t want to try and figure out the timeline.
Eliza was not a month pregnant yet, in fact, she wasn’t pregnant at all at the time. Hamilton went home in march 1781, and their first son Philip was born in January of the next year. Doing the math, Eliza wasn’t pregnant until May 1781.
This song is actually really sweet aww.
Guns and Ships
Ah, the timeline finally smooths out.
Lafayette wasn’t really a “secret weapon,” he was just a General
Nevermind the timeline is messed up again. “I go to France for more funds” he did that in 1779, and he went back to France on leave, apparently missing home. He ended up working with Benjamin Franklin to send more troops and ships to America.
I wish Laurens was mentioned here. He went on a diplomatic mission to France in February and convinced the french congress to gift America 6 million livres.
Lafayette was not the one to tell Washington he needed Hamilton to come back. What happened was in July after he left, Hamilton sent a letter to Washington threatening to resign his commission. Washinton panicked and sent Tench Tilghman-- a fellow Aide-de-Camp beside Hamilton-- to go to the house Hamilton rented with Eliza to tell him to come back to the army and that Washington will give him a command. 
You can see in this scene Lafayette running with a letter, but he was not the person who did that. It was Tilghman.
History Has Its Eyes On You
I can’t think of anything wrong with this song, it’s pretty spot-on and sounds beautiful.
Yorktown (The World Turned Upside Down)
“We’ll be with you when you do,” ehehe no they were not. The Americans did almost nothing to help France during the French Revolution.
“Take the bullets out your gun” was actually something Hamilton did with his battalion when they were sneaking through the trenches on their way to attack Redoubt 10.
Laurens was not in South Carolina, he was at Yorktown-- fighting under Hamilton’s command-- after just returning from his diplomatic mission to France. 
Lafayette was not “there waiting in Chesapeake bay,” he was with the other french troops attacking Redoubt 9.
Again, Mulligan would not have been in uniform.
Mulligan might have “taken their measurements, information” but he sure didn’t “smuggle it.” That was done by his slave, Cato. He and Mulligan were working with the Sons of Liberty and with Hamilton’s spy ring-- of which we do not know the name of-- and smuggled intelligence to General Washington.
The instrumentals and the choreography make me very happy. I really enjoy the short little instrumental break.
The siege of Yorktown lasted three weeks, not just one.
They act like this was the end of the war. It most certainly was not. The war didn’t officially end until 1783 with the signing of the Treaty of Paris. Yorktown was the last major battle of the war, but not just the last.
What comes Next
I’m very picky about this but I don’t like the king purely because I feel like he steals the show and is the automatic favourite.
Dear Theodosia
Philip Hamilton was born a year before Theodosia Burr.
I don’t know much about Burr, but I can say that Hamilton really did love his kids and his family, and I'm upset that we don’t see that in the show. At least we see a bit of it in this song.
Laurens Interlude (Tomorrow There’ll Be More of Us)
“It’s from John Laurens. I’ll read it later.” This makes me sad because the last letter sent between these two was sent from Hamilton on August 15th (and most likely never reached Laurens before his death,) so Hamilton was probably expecting the letter Eliza brings him to be a reply.
We don’t know exactly how Hamilton learned of Laurens’ death, but we do know it was not from a letter from Henry Laurens (John Laurens’ Father.) He most likely learned of Laurens’ death from either Washington or General Greene.
I find it a bit odd that Laurens sings the line “and when our children tell our story” because he never met his daughter, he left his pregnant wife in England (she moved to France a few years later)  to sail to America to join the revolution, and never visited them (not even when he was in France for his diplomatic mission.) But I get it, it’s a reprise of “The Story of Tonight.”
The war was not over, but it was close.
“His dream of freedom for these men dies with him.” Yep. Unfortunately, he never got the black battalion he worked so hard for.
I hate how fast it moves from this emotional scene, where Hamilton learns of the death of his closest friend-- the man he loved-- to “after the war I went back to new york” like geez, LMM. give the man some time to grieve.
The trial of Levi Weeks didn’t happen until 1800.
There is no record of this midnight meeting of Burr and Hamilton.
Burr didn’t actually support the constitution.
Angelica was married long before this, so I don’t know why it’s just being brought up now-- oh wait. LMM is back on his hamgelica bullcrap.
John Jay got sick after writing four, came back to write the fifth, then got sick again and ditched Hamilton and James Madison. 
Hamilton did not write all 51 essays on his own, he collaborated on a few with Madison.
Hamilton was not immediately offered the position of Treasury Secretary. It was first offered to Madison, who declined, and then it was offered to Hamilton.
Most of the time, Hamilton was upset that he had to leave his family for work and wrote them often when he was away. From this point onward in the show, Hamilton’s character and personality are getting more and more inaccurate. He was not the selfish, self-centred man we see in the show. In reality, he was a kind man who loved his family but oftentimes made bad decisions due to his bad habit of acting without thought or planning.
What’d I Miss
Daveed Diggs is cool, but I don’t understand why so many straight girls are so obsessed with him.
“Pissed him off until we had a two-party system” that’s pretty much true and it’s stupid.
He was in Paris for 5 years. It's not that long.
The “Sally be a lamb” line makes me so upset because it is so disrespectful to Sally Hemmings. I wish LMM left her out completely.
“I am to be the secretary of state, great!” Jefferson was not very happy about being appointed to the secretary of state because he wanted to stay at Monticello and do his own thing.
“I can’t believe that we are free” it’s ironic that Jefferson of all people says that line.
Mr. Madison, that’s not very COVID friendly of you.
Jefferson knew Hamilton for a bit before he went to France, and they did get along outside of politics.
Cabinet Battle #1
I hate how cocky and self-centred Jefferson is here because 1) it’s annoying as hell, and 2) the real Thomas Jefferson was not. He was quiet and shy.
“Imagine what gon’ happen when you try to tax our whiskey.” funny you should say that, Mr. Jefferson. Neither Jefferson nor Madison were not involved with the whiskey rebellion. They were silent on the issue because they made a deal with Hamilton (which I will talk more about in a few songs.) However, Hamilton-- the guy Jefferson is talking to in this scene-- was involved in the whiskey rebellion. He doesn’t have to “Imagine what gon’ happen,” he was there. More info on the whiskey tax and rebellion can be found here.
“We almost died in a trench, while you were off getting high with the french” Jefferson wasn’t in France during the war.
I’m glad the topic of slavery is being brought up, but it could’ve done in a different way instead of just a clap back in a rap battle.
“Madison, you mad as a hatter, son take your medicine” Hamilton is such a hypocrite here. Did he forget the time he almost died of a fever when he was 10? Or when he almost died of a fever in Albany in 1778? Or the fact that on multiple occasions he overworked himself so hard that he got sick? Or his kidney problems? Or-- 
“You’re gonna need congressional approval and you don’t have the votes!” Jefferson and Madison literally helped him get the votes. (again, I’ll explain later.)
“Well, James Madison won’t talk to me.” He used to. A lot. Hamilton and Madison used to be really good friends until Jefferson returned from France and Madison drifted to his side.
Take a Break 
I don’t know how long her trip lasted, but I doubt that Angelica was with Eliza and the kids on their trip upstate. She came to visit in 1789, and the Reynolds affair started in 1791. However, I have no concrete evidence that she left before the affair started, so maybe she was there. I don’t know.
Ah yes, Alexander “I Don’t Care About My Family” Hamilton. 
“I have a sister but I want a little brother” by 1791 (when this scene takes place using Philip’s age as a reference) Phillip had 2 brothers already. 
While the Schuyler Mansion is near a park, there’s no lake. Today, at least. There’s a swimming pool though.
“I noticed a comma in the middle of a phrase,” shut up shut up shut up.
“With a comma after “dearest,” you’ve written: “My dearest, Angelica”” I hate how obsessed LMM is with this stupid comma, yet doesn’t say anything about the multiple suggestive and romantic letter between Laurens and Hamilton.
Speaking of the comma situation, it was meant as a joke. What had happened was Angelica sent a letter to Hamilton with “my dearest, Alexander '' and put the comma by mistake. She just slipped up with her grammar. And in response, Hamilton wrote “my dearest, Angelica” as a joke to tease her about it. It’s not romantic. It was meant. As. A. Joke.
John Adams was vice president. I'd say that’s a real job.
Angelica, stop being all “I came all this way :((“ he doesn’t want to miss out on the trip, but he has to. If he had a choice he would definitely go with his family.
Say No To This
I hate how this song demonizes Mary Lewis (more commonly known as Maria Reynolds) like she was trying to get out of an abusive marriage??? And Hamilton was like “oof that sux wanna bang?”
The heterosexual energy in this scene overwhelms me (/j)
The first letter (that I have found) from James Reynolds to Hamilton was sent on December 15, 1791, so not “a month into this endeavour.”
I will note here that in the letter mentioned above, it sounds nothing like what we hear in the song. Which makes me question if the above letter is even the one Hamilton the musical is talking about.
Because of limited information, I cannot say whether this scene is accurate or not.
“I don’t know about any letter!” she most certainly did. Mary and Reynolds both sent letters to Hamilton concerning the affair.
The Room Where It Happens
This is the song I was talking about when I said I’d talk more about the deal between Jefferson and Madison and Hamilton.
Washington was the one who proposed that this dinner happen.
Clermont street was renamed Mercer street in 1799, the dinner table bargain (what this song is about) was in 1790. Before the Hamilton-Reynolds affair. Yet another wrinkle in the timeline.
“Now how you gonna get your debt plan through?” “I guess I’m gonna finally have to listen to you” well, Hamilton didn’t really “talk less, smile more” his way through the issue. He did-- as he usually does-- quite a lot of talking
“Well, hate the sin, love the sinner” doesn’t sit right with me because it is sometimes used as a homophobic remark.
Jefferson’s account of the bargain on the assumption and residence bills is what this scene is about.
Madison did not hate Hamilton until Jefferson returned from France.
Leslie Odom Jr. is so, so talented.
There is nothing to suggest that Burr wanted to be there. I don’t even think he knew it happened. 
Schuyler Defeated
Not much to say here, it's a short and forgettable song.
Cabinet Battle #2
I don’t like how much Jefferson says “we.” He wasn’t there. He wasn’t a soldier.
“Smells like new money, dresses like fake royalty” Hamilton was known for his colourful clothes, while Jefferson was known for dressing sloppily.
“Lafayette’s a smart man, he’ll be fine.” yeah, uh, he was imprisoned in Austria at the time… 
“You’re nothing without Washington behind you.” Hamilton was a very powerful man. One of the most powerful, next to Washington. Even with Washington gone, he still held a lot of power and was pretty well-known.
Washington On Your Side
“Thanks to Hamilton, our cabinet’s fractured into factions.” Hamilton is probably one of the biggest reasons the two-party system exists, but Jefferson did play a role as well. To put it simply, Hamilton and the federalists disagreed so much with Jefferson and the democratic-republicans that everything just got split in two.
“And dresses like the pits of fashion” look at the point from the above song.
“Somebody gives me some dirt on this vacuous mass” it really wasn’t that hard to find dirt on Hamilton. He had a controversial past, and could sometimes be a really shady guy. However, it was all for-- at least in his own head-- good reason.
Because of how close Hamilton and Washington were, Hamilton had a lot of power, and Washington backed him up quite a lot.
James Madison gets so little lines in this show, and it makes me kind of upset. Hamilton and Madison were pretty close friends for a few years, so I don’t know why LMM didn’t talk at all about that.
“This immigrant isn’t somebody we chose” yes, but Washington chose him. Don’t like him? take it up with Washington.
One Last Time
Jefferson did not step “down so he can run for president,” he stepped down to go home. To relax at his mansion, to get away from politics. He stepped down in 1793 and didn’t run for president until 1796.
This song is actually really good, and pretty accurate. And good lord Chris Jackson can sing. Gives me chills every time.
I Know Him
Adams did know King George III. and from what I have read, he was very nervous to meet him.
“That’s that little guy who spoke to me” of course he’s little to the king, the king was like 6’6”.
The Adams Administration
The Adams Pamphlet was published in 1800.
The new york post wasn’t founded until 1801, so I find it odd that they’re bringing it up in this song, in 1797.
Adams did not fire Hamilton, he stepped down on his own in 1795. 
Hamilton’s response to Adams’ taunts hurt Hamilton’s reputation a lot more than it hurt Adams’.
We Know
This takes place in 1792 before Adams was president.
Jefferson, Madison and Burr were not the people to confront Hamilton. It was James Monroe, Frederick Muhlenberg, and Abraham Venable.
The whole situation with the speculation of embezzled funds is pretty off from what we see here. What happened was James Reynolds embezzled $500 and tried to get his way out of imprisonment by saying he had dirt on Hamilton. Monroe, Muhlenberg, and Venable went to Hamilton and Hamilton explained “no, I didn’t embezzle government money, I just got my dick sucked.”
“Yes, I have reasons for shame,” yeah you think?
The workshop version is better, and it has Laurens in it.
The Reynolds Pamphlet
Gotta give Hamilton credit for not publishing this until after William S. Hamilton was born and then waiting for the stress of a new baby to be gone. Y’know at least he’s considerate.
Eliza was only gone for the summer of ‘91, so I don’t know why everyone’s acting like she was gone the whole time. 
Hamilton didn’t even want to be a president, and never showed any interest in the position. 
Angelica was already in America at the time, she didn’t just travel because of the affair.
The king has no reason to be here. I get that he’s the comedic relief, but this isn’t a scene where comedic relief is needed. It’s a serious situation.
“His poor wife” yeah, but have you ever stopped to think about what Mary Lewis is going through?
“You have ruined our lives.” The ‘our’ is referring to Eliza and Mary Lewis.
Blow Us All Away
George Eaker said many bad things about Hamilton in a fourth of July public speech, but Philip Hamilton didn’t meet him and challenge him to the duel until late November of 1801.
Speaking of 1801, this happens way after the Reynolds affair and the election of 1800. 
Hamilton didn’t know that the duel happened. Philip lied and told his father that it had been resolved. Hamilton later found out that it happened when John B. Church and a few others told him after it happened that Philip was shot and dying.
“Everything is legal in New Jersey.” duelling was illegal in some form or another in every state, but the punishment was less severe in New Jersey.
The guns Philip (and his father 3 years later) used in the duel belonged to John B. Church. They were not Hamilton’s guns.
Eaker didn’t shoot on 7. They both counted to 10 and stood still for an awkward minute before Philip raised his gun to fire into the air, and Eacker got scared that Philip would shoot him and shot Philip.
Stay Alive (Reprise)
When Hamilton arrived at the home of dr. David Hosack (the doctor treating Philip) he reportedly fainted from anxiety.
Eliza’s scream should have been Angelica Hamilton, as she had a mental breakdown after the death of her brother, and was arguably (out of the rest of her siblings) the most hurt by his death.
It’s Quiet Uptown
Hamilton was really hurt by the death of his son. It was probably what broke him the most out of every death he’s seen in his life-- and he’s seen a lot.
“I take the children to church on Sunday,” after Philip’s death, Hamilton and his family became a lot more religious.
“His hair has gone grey,” there is a portrait of Hamilton shortly after his son’s death, and he looks like he’s aged 10 years. He looks old and sad and in grief. It barely looks like him. 
Eliza would have forgiven Hamilton at this point. She forgave him not too long after the Reynolds pamphlet was published.
The Election of 1800
This happened before Philip’s duel, but you already knew that.
“I’m going door-to-door.” “You’re openly campaigning?” “Sure!” Burr was the first presidential candidate to openly campaign and set the standard for modern American politics.
They were tied for a stupidly long time. And when they finally got untied (by Hamilton and the federalists’ promotions and persuasion) it was by just a few votes. Not “in a landslide.”
Burr did end up being Jefferson’s vice-president. Jefferson didn’t change that.
Your Obedient Servant
This is a situation, much like the Reynolds affair, where no one is in the “right” or the “wrong.” Was it wrong for Burr to shoot Hamilton? Yes, absolutely. Was it wrong for Hamilton to say bad things about Burr and constantly keep him away from what he wanted? Yes, absolutely. But on the other side, was it wrong for Burr to be mad about what Hamilton did? No, he had every right to be angry. Was it wrong for Hamilton to speak his mind? No, freedom of speech and all that. It’s a very fuzzy situation and that’s partly why it’s unclear what exactly happened on the duelling ground.
While Burr’s loss of the elections was a reason for his duel with Hamilton, it was not the main reason. There were a bunch of little things that led up to this. A question I’ve been asked before (quite a few times, honestly) is “if Burr won the election/if Hamilton promoted Burr, would the duel still have happened?” and in my opinion, I think it still would have happened, it would have probably just happened later. Because the duel wasn’t the “breaking point” for Burr, it was just one of those little things that led to it.
Also while I’m on the topic of the election, it happened a few years before the duel. The election of 1800 was on March 4, 1801 (yes, 1801. It was tied for a very long time.) The duel was on July 11, 1804. So not directly afterward.
“Just to keep me from winning.” it is true that Hamilton did not trust Burr to be in power, and did everything he could to stop him.
The workshop version is cooler and more accurate. (if LMM had just kept the workshop version and what was in it I probably wouldn’t be writing TBH)
“I am not the reason no one trusts you,” in a way, yes, Hamilton is the reason no one trusts Burr. Hamilton had a lot of power and a lot of people listened to him. A good example of this would be his role during John Adams’ presidency. Hamilton constantly whispered into Adams’ cabinet members’ ears and basically told them what to do. And they believed him, and did what he said.
“Even if I said what you think I said, you would need to cite a more specific grievance. Here’s an itemized list of 30 years of disagreements.” Hamilton and Burr argued so much and Hamilton said so many bad things about him that when Burr asked him to admit to saying these things Hamilton essentially said “yeah well I’ve said a lot about you so you’re gonna have to be a lot more specific because I don’t know which time you’re referring to.”
Best of Wives, Best of Women
The title (and the line in the song) are a reference to this letter. 
Hamilton was not with his wife the night before the duel. He was at a house he had rented in new york city that he stayed in sometimes while away for work. A few of his older sons were with him, though, including John C. Hamilton, who was interviewed many years later and gave a retelling of what happened the night before. You can read it here.
The World Was Wide Enough
“A doctor that he knew” was David Hosak, the same doctor who treated Philip after his duel just 3 years earlier.
“Now, I didn’t know this at the time but we were near the same spot your son died,” I’m fairly sure he knew, Philip’s duel was a pretty big thing and a lot of people knew.
“My fellow soldiers tell you I’m a terrible shot.” Burr was actually a very good shot. There’s even an account of him doing target practice a few days before the duel.
“But look it up, Hamilton was wearing his glasses,” Hamilton put on his glasses because he was old, and had bad vision from his years of service in the revolution, and from how hard he worked. Fun fact, he was facing the rising sun, which meant the sun glared off his glasses, rendering him unable to see clearly. He wouldn’t have been able to shoot Burr if he tried.
“This man will not make an orphan of my daughter.” Burr’s daughter, Theodosia, was 22 and married. I’m sure she would be fine. On the other hand, Hamilton’s kids were very young. The oldest, Angelica, was only 19, and the youngest, Philip II, was only 2. These kids all needed a father figure in their life, but apparently, Burr didn’t consider that.
In the lines "Laurens leads a soldiers’ chorus on the other side / My son is on the other side, he's with my mother on the other side / Washington is watching from the other side," it seems like they’re being listed in a very particular order but I’m not sure what it means or why they’re in that order.
Hamilton quotes Laurens’ lines right before he dies and it makes me think of a conversation I had with a friend. She was telling me about how for some time after Laurens’ death, Hamilton didn’t really speak that much in congress and such. At first, I thought “oh it’s because he’s dealing with the death of his closest friend and possible romantic partner,” but then my friend explained that that’s not why he was quiet. It’s because when Laurens was in South Carolina, trying to convince the house of representatives to give him his black battalion, he didn’t talk that much. He waited for everyone else to talk, and then he jumped in and talked. That’s why Hamilton was silent for a lot of the time. He was doing what Laurens did. He was quoting Laurens.
“They row him back across the Hudson, I get a drink.” After shooting Hamilton, Burr went to his cousin’s house as if nothing had happened.
Burr showed seemingly no regret for shooting Hamilton, and even bragged and joked about it for years after.
Who Lives, Who Dies, Who Tells Your Story
“Every other founding father’s story gets told,” it really is kinda sad how little people know about Hamilton. He’s not taught about in school. He wasn’t a president.
I do wish that the musical talked a bit more about Hamilton’s kids and their contribution to keeping Hamilton's story alive. Especially John C. who went through all of his father’s papers and wrote the first biography on him. 
I really wish the Laurens-Hamilton relationship was a bigger part of the show.
The actors are amazing, but the people they play have little to no character/personality, and it kinda brings the actors down.
I love Phillipa soo.
There are so many inaccuracies that could have been easily avoided, and I genuinely don’t understand why LMM did some of the things he did. Like there was no reason to make Angelica the love interest. Absolutely no reason. And yet, here we are.
Hamilton, the musical was a great way to make more people interested in history, but unfortunately because of how wrong the show is, a lot of people who gain an interest in history from it think that it’s 100% right and treat it like a documentary. I would know, I became interested in American history because of the musical and I didn’t know how many things were wrong or left out until recently. 
The workshop version was better and more accurate. 
And that’s it! I’d like to give a big thanks to my friends who helped me, especially my friend Mary. 
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hamiltonimagines · 4 years
Everything Will Be Okay
Pairing: Lin x Reader
Request: “Hi! I'm in need of some LMM love pretty please 🥺 where he and the reader are together, and her mother is sick and in the hospital very suddenly. She calls Lin from the hospital and he rushes to her side and he comforts her and spends the night with her in the waiting room just cuddling her and trying to keep her distracted and making her smile. Just some fluffy comfort if you can/want, please and thank you much!!” - @stelle-tenere
Word Count: 1.6k
Warnings: Very vivid description of having a loved on in the hospital. Multiple descriptions of panic
I looked over at the clock and saw that it was 4pm. I realized that I should probably start getting ready for my date. Lin and I had been dating for about four months and we had a date tonight.
I got up from my couch and walked into my room to find an outfit to wear. I was standing, looking at all my clothes, when I heard my phone start ringing.
I didn’t know who would be calling me, so I walked over to my phone. I saw an unknown number. I wasn’t expecting a call, but I picked it up.
“Hello?” I answered the phone. “Hello is this Y/N?” The woman on the other end asked. I sighed to myself, it was probably another one of those fake phone calls, where they tried to get your credit card information.
“Yes it is” I replied, simply. “This is the New York General Hospital, your mother was just admitted to the hospital. She had a bad fall, and she’s currently in surgery” the woman told me.
I could feel my heart drop. I could feel my whole body fill up with panic. I had a million questions racing through my mind. I had a pit in my stomach and I couldn’t get rid of it. I didn’t even notice that I hadn’t responded.
“Ma’am, are you still there?” The woman asked. “Yes, I’m sorry. I will be right there” I said, hanging up the phone and grabbing my keys. I raced to the hospital, faster than I’d ever gone anywhere before.
The whole ride there, the only thing I could think of was my poor mother, laying on the floor, hurt. I couldn’t bare to think about how scared she must have been, waiting for the ambulance.
I pulled into the hospital parking lot and raced inside. I ran up to the front desk. “Hi, my name is Y/N. You called me because my mother had a fall. You said she was in surgery” I told the woman at the front desk.
“Ahh yes, your mother is in room 742. It’s the first door on the right, down that hallway. She might not be awake from surgery yet” she told me. “Okay thank you” I said, and walked to the room as quickly as my legs would carry me.
I walked in and saw my mother, still asleep. It broke my heart into a million pieces. She looked so fragile, and she had so many wires attached to her.
I could feel the tears start to well up in my eyes. Then, I felt my phone start buzzing. I saw that Lin was calling me. I stepped into the hallway and answered it, I needed a distraction.
“Hey Y/N? Where are you? Is everything okay? You were supposed to be here 30 minutes ago, I’ve been texting you” he told me. “Hi Lin, everything’s fine. I’m at the hospital” I told him. “Wait, the hospital? Are you hurt?” He asked me, his voice laced with concern.
“No, it’s just my mom. She had a fall. I have to be here with her, I can’t come tonight” I told him. “No, I get it. You have to be with your mom. What hospital are you at?” He asked me. “New York General” I told him, not even thinking about it. “Okay, well I’ll let you get back” he told me. We both said goodbye and I hung up.
I glanced back in the room and saw that my mother was still asleep. I decided to call my siblings and let them know what happened. I was the only one in New York, so there’s no they could come.
I finished making my calls and I walked back into the hospital room. I sat down in the chair next to my mom’s bed. I looked down at my hands, I couldn't do anything, but think of the worst case scenario.
I could feel the tears start streaming down my face. I grabbed a tissue and started to wipe them away. Then, I looked up and saw Lin standing in the doorway.
I stood up and ran over to him. He pulled me right into his arms. He felt warm and his embrace was comforting. He rocked me back and forth as I quietly cried in his arms. “Shhh shhh everything will be okay” he whispered to me.
“She must be in so much pain, I just want to take all of it. I would take away all her pain, if it just meant she would be better” I told him, trying to stop crying. “Well you can’t do that. But what you can do is love her and be here for her. And I know that she knows how much you love her” he told me, kissing my temple.
“I just feel so useless, she’s just laying there and I can’t do anything to help her get better” I confessed. “Do you need me to do anything?” He asked me. “Can you stay here? I need to go find a nurse and see how my mom’s surgery went. Can you come find me if she wakes up?” I asked him. “Of course” he said, giving my hand a a reassuring squeeze, before I walked away.
I walked down the hallway and back for the front desk. “Hi, I was just wondering if you knew how my mom's surgery went?” I asked her. “One second, let me check the file” the woman said. She looked through a folder and looked back up at me. “Her surgery went well. She had a large cut on her leg and they stitched it up. She has a prescription for the pain, but she should be able to leave tomorrow” the woman told me. “Okay thank you so much, you’ve been really helpful” I thanked her.
I walked back to my mom’s room and saw Lin walking toward me. “What’s wrong?” I asked panicking. “Nothing’s wrong, she just woke up. The nurse said she might be a little groggy” he told me. I could feel my whole demeanor change. I felt so relieved that I could finally talk to her and see what she needed.
I walked in and her eyes lit up when she saw me. I sat down next to her and we talked. She said she didn’t anything. Then the nurse gave her some medicine to help her sleep. The nurse said it would help her heal faster.
I grabbed a magazine off her bedside table and started to read it. Lin peaked his head in and saw that she was asleep. He quietly walked over next to me and sat in the other chair.
He set his hand on my thigh, and he started to draw little shapes absentmindedly. I leaned my head on his shoulder and he put his arm around my shoulders. I continued to read the magazine, mostly as a way to focus on something else.
I started to feel a little tired, but I knew I had to stay up, in case anything happened. “Are you tired? You could go take a nap in my car if you want, I’ll stay” Lin suggested. “No, I need to stay awake. Let’s go get some coffee” I said, standing up. “Okay” he said nodding.
He interlaced our fingers and we walked to the cafeteria. It was taking all of my will power to not burst into tears.
I didn’t say a word to Lin, the whole way to the cafeteria. I had too much on my mind. “So how are you holding up?” He asked me, as I poured the coffee into my cup. “Honestly, I don’t know. I feel like I’m going to fall apart every time I look at her. And I know she got lucky and it could of been much worse, but it’s mind-numbingly terrifying” I told him, honestly. “Listen, you would be crazy if you felt fine. But I’m here for you and I will do anything you need. And I’m also here to tell you that everything will be okay” he told me, putting his arm around my waist and kissing my cheek.
“Did you know that Hawaii is the only state in the US that grows coffee” Lin said, trying to distract me. “I know what you’re doing” I told him, and looking up at him. He had a dumb smile on his face.
“Thank you, for trying to distract me” I said, as we started to walk back to her room. “You don’t have to thank me. I’ll always be here for you” he assured me.
We got back to the room and sat back down. Lin draped his jacket across his lap and used it as a blanket. He slowly started to doze off. I picked the magazine back up and started to read it.
Before I knew it, I was yawning and I couldn’t keep my eyes open. I stood up and started pacing around the room, trying to stay awake.
Then, Lin stirred in his seat. “What time is it?” He asked me. I checked my watch. “Almost three in the morning” I answered. “Have you slept yet?” He asked me, concerned. “No, I’m fine. I have to stay awake” I told him. “I’ll stay awake for you, if that’ll make you feel better” Lin suggested.
“Okay fine, I’ll sleep for a little bit. But you have to wake me up if anything happens” I told him. “I promise, now come get some sleep” Lin told me. I walked over to my seat and laid my head down in his lap. I was finally able to relax. He stroked my hair, until I feel asleep.
taglist: @someinsanefangirl @outcasted-aloy @geekycatlover @fanfic-addict-98 @romanoffs-heart @multifandomwriterx @andreasworlsboring101 @criminallyhamilton @imatyoursurrvicesurr @irlydontknoanymore @sayweird99 @nyxie75 @elizard-hamilton @twix-baby @trost-town @notebookgirl30 @teenag1jealousy @royalreadery @elizasfaith @kmsmedine @brunadesuu @grandpa-agustd @athenawinchesterx @labellapeaky @rthoney @nerd-88 @theatrenerd86 @riiyy @ahhahahhh @sleepylunarwolf @khaylaloves @kissthehomiesgoodnight @alexander-hamilhoe @hj-creates @thomasjeffersonisntcominghome @kileynoelle852 @sinfulwrld @shadows-and-padlocked-hearts
Let me know if you want to be added to my taglist for all my imagines!!
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pansunset · 3 years
okay time for a theatre hot take about historical musicals. im gonna split this into two posts, one about hamilton and one about six. because while the easiest way to put it is “hamilton bad six good”, there’s a bit more nuance to my opinion on them both than that.
First off, all the cast members are insanely talented, especially Leslie Odom Jr, Daveed Diggs, Christopher Jackson, Phillipa Soo, and Reneé Elise Goldberry. Even though the people they played were varying degrees of assholes, they managed to make them feel compelling. Credit where its due.
anyway, lmm is a good songwriter, the issues with hamilton come from the glorification of the historical figures portrayed. if hamilton was more critical of these individuals, it might not have been such a... yeah.
the hardest hitting songs are the songs that delve into the personal lives of the individuals rather than politics. Satisfied, Wait for It, Helpless, Burn, Dear Theodosia, It’s Quiet Uptown... these are all incredibly emotional and raw. Aaron Burr was a fascinating individual and all of his songs reflect this, honestly. IRL, Burr was actually one of the least scummy of the cast, though because he wasn’t very fond of Hamilton, he is villanized. unsexy. Leslie Odom Jr. has such a powerful voice and does an incredible job as Burr.
some of the songs about the war are also decent works. Stay Alive talks about the actual conditions the American militia put themselves through, and The World Turned Upside Down, while it’s a very patriotic (ew) pov, is still a well written victory anthem. the most interesting one is History Has It’s Eyes on You, and having Washington sing it was a great choice. it’s one of the few songs where a founding father is looked at critically for their failings, and said founding father point blank says that those who come next will judge whatever you do. Christopher Jackson is an amazing vocalist and he actually has talked about his struggle to play Washington despite Washington being a dick.
the songs about politics tend to fall flat because they oversimplify the actual views of the main character and paint everyone around him as either a villain or ally based on whether they liked Hamilton. the cabinet battles especially are pretty cringe. there are a couple exceptions that I’ll discuss in a moment, but first, a character analysis tangent.
Thomas Jefferson is... an interesting case. Irl, the man was a disaster of a person. He came down with migraines from talking to women, was generally considered a weirdo, and was the original “rich person who buys expensive versions of the ugliest clothes and acts like he’s presentable”. Yet aside from one line in It Must Be Nice, he’s portrayed as a extravagant, dramatic, yet mildly charming asshole. His costume is bright purple, he carries a fancy cane. Like, ignoring the fact that its inappropriate to ever make Thomas Jefferson seem charming, this isn’t even accurate to who he was as a person. He was less sociable than Isaac Newton for fucks sake. The only accurate thing is being a france weeb and being a worse debater than Hamilton.
Anyway, speaking of It Must Be Nice, its one of the few good political songs. It’s critical of Hamilton and it explains why the Madison and Jefferson hate his guts (though for stupid reasons). Furthermore, it also explains the political climate of the day better than other political songs in the musical. The other two good ones are, of course, The Room Where it Happens and Your Obedient Servant.
The Room Where It Happens is not only an amazing breaking point for Burr to stop waiting around, it’s the one time in the musical where the real Alexander Hamilton is best represented. (Hamilton in yellow, Burr in blue)
“Or did you know even then it doesn't matter where you put the U.S. capital?
Cause we'll have the banks, we're in the same spot
You got more than you gave
And I wanted what I got
When you got skin in the game, you stay in the game
But you don't get a win unless you play in the game
Oh, you get love for it, you get hate for it
But you get nothing if you wait for it
God help and forgive me
I wanna build something that's gonna outlive me.”
This is the real Hamilton. The facade of caring about ideals is gone, and the truth is bared; Alexander Hamilton was a smooth talker who only did things when he saw it could benefit him in some way. The man was obsessed with his legacy, and anything that got in the way of him building one was just collateral. Yes he was crass and loud, but guess what? That usually meant he was heard over everyone else. Burr only just realized that the whole “scrappy underdog” act was just that; an act
Your Obedient Servant is Burr calling out Hamilton for going back on everything he claimed to believe just to keep Burr from the nomination. Fun fact: the 1800 election was not a landslide victory. It was incredibly close. Hamilton’s endorsement was probably what kept it from being a tie.
Hamilton tries to defend himself by projecting his flaws onto Burr. “I am not the reason no one trusts you, no one knows what you believe” isn’t an accurate depiction of Burr in the slightest. Burr actually quite enjoyed politics and debates, and none of his setbacks ever kept him down for long. He cared very little for what his contemporaries thought of him though: He relied on the merits of his points. A lot of his correspondence was left to his daughter, Theodosia, and was lost on the shipwreck that killed her, so theres a lot we don’t know about him. But the musical depiction of him is not really accurate.
The problem with Hamilton isnt that it’s a musical about the founding fathers. Its that it grossly misrepresents those founding fathers. It never considers the thoughts of the slaves of any of the main characters. It never considers the Native American perspective on the Revolutionary War. It mocks John Adams, despite him being one of the few founding fathers who not only didn’t own slaves, but publicly berated his contemporaries for relying on slavery. It does a great deal of injustice to Burr. It woobifies the Schylers. For fucks sake, it forgot Benedict Arnold. Ya know, one of the most famous spies? Who almost cost America the War?
Its impact on modern political discussion and internet culture is also kind of a net negative, save for the production “The Haunting of LMM”. Its status as a fucking joke these days is earned. Though it has some good songs, and the fact that it got an official recording means good things for the future of Broadway accessibility, it’s a hot mess and is an example of how not to do a historical musical.
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Do you think that it's a bad or childish thing of me to not want to get into things like Hamilton discourse, because the musical itself was really important to me in high school and so was the person that I knew/saw Lin Miranda as? I feel like it's immature to just be like "I can know that the real people were not necessarily good people and I can like this musical as a musical" and not take rigid sides one way or the other...but I also don't want to lose the happiness I got from it, you know?
i think that’s a completely understandable way to feel. i don’t think it’s inherently bad or childish; if i found out that one of the stars of a fandom that meant a lot to me was actually an awful person, i would be devastated, and it would be really hard for me to let go of what it all had meant to me. i would still want to hold on to the happiness and the encouragement i got from that fandom.
i don’t think you’re a bad person to have felt that way about hamilton, especially considering how young you were and that you simply didn’t know better. and i think it’s completely okay for you to keep the feelings it gave you, because regardless of anything else, those feelings were and are real to you. the tainting of the source material doesn’t change the facts of how it made you feel.
i don’t blame you for wanting to avoid the discourse, i’m sure it’s painful. i never got into hamilton (the rapping/singing style disagrees with my autism in a big way), but i had generally positive feelings about lin manuel until i first heard about all this a few weeks ago, and even just with those vague positive feelings i was really disappointed because i thought he seemed like a good guy. i can’t imagine how it would feel if you were a big fan of his.
but at the same time, you can’t let your own feelings and your nostalgia obscure the truths of the situation, or the truths of how others feel. while your and other fans’ happy feelings are real and valid, so are the angry and hurt and frustrated feelings of all the Black and native people who see the play as a horrible slap in the face, a glorification of colonialism and a rehabilitation of slaveholders. their feelings are just as important as your feelings, and we need to amplify their voices no matter how much it might go against our wishes to preserve the positive feelings we had.
you don’t have to turn around and swear your hatred for the play or for lmm, you don’t have to throw out or delete everything related to it that you own, you don’t have to never sing the songs again, but you need to find a way to rectify your nostalgia with the truth of history and the truth of the present. you need to understand that while your feelings belong to you and no one can take them away, truth and injustice still take precedent over your feelings. 
i think the way you feel is perfectly understandable, but you do need to face your discomfort and work through the painful growth of realizing that the people you looked up to weren’t heroes, and the media that made you happy caused other people harm. that doesn’t make you a bad person, and it is certainly a difficult task to have to go through, but unfortunately it’s a necessary one.
you don’t need to take the black/white stance of “everyone who likes this is bad and i now spit upon everything i once loved.” you can keep what something meant to you when you didn’t know better while today looking at it with greater understanding and condemn what you didn’t understand before. i think it’s reasonable to say, “this meant a lot to me when i was young, but now i can see that it wasn’t what i thought it was. i’m sad to have lost something that i thought was good, but i recognize that it has hurt already marginalized people and that is more important than my feelings.”
it’s okay to take some time to sit with this and process it, to let the sadness happen without shaming yourself for it. it’s okay for it to be hard to let it go and to wish things were different. work on it, and i think you’ll be able to find peace between nostalgia and truth.
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seawolvesanddragons · 4 years
Critical Role Character Study Songs - The Mighty Nein
(all songs taken from my 2008 ipod that hasn’t been updated in literal years)
“I hear the voices when I’m dreaming/I can hear them say,” 
Carry on my Wayward Son (Kansas)- All but esp Yasha and Fjord;these two have both had arcs on the campaign where it feels like they are just trying to get through to better days, and relying on their deity for strength, and this whole group needs a break. 
“I want to hide the truth/I want to shelter you//Don’t want to let you down/but I’m hell bound,” 
Demons (Imagine Dragons)- Caleb/Veth/Beau/Fjord look all of this group has a bit of a fucked up past with demons following them into their present, but I felt these four had them the most. 
“Let that lonely feeling wash away/cause maybe there’s a reason to believe we’ll be okay//raise a glass to all of us/tomorrow there’ll be more of us,” 
Found/Tonight (March for Our Lives Mashup by Ben Platt and LMM)- Group feels. Look if this isn’t the whole damn theme of this group - a found family of misfits with a lot of trauma in their past and trying to make the world better not for the kings and queens but for the little people, for Kiri and the Brenattos and Nila and everyone they met along the way. 
“Nothings quite so clear now/do things, fight things/feel you’ve lost your way//someone is on your side/no on is alone,” 
No One Is Alone (Into the Woods)  - group but esp Jester, Fjord or Beau. An ongoing theme in this campaign is them all reminding each other that they are no long alone, they have each other. Even if they aren’t always going to make the best choices or something goes wrong, they will support each other. I feel like Jester, Beau and Fjord are the ones saying this the most. (This was originally just a Jester song, but upon reflecting on how often Beau and Fjord say similar things (usually Beau to Caleb and Fjord to Beau) and how its too the whole group I moved it here) 
“No more moves oh yeah/the dead end zone//totally fucked will they mess you up/well you know they’re gonna try,” 
Totally Fucked (Spring Awakening) - group theme song tbh. The High Richter. The docks. Avantica//Darktow. The Happy Fun Balls’ Dragon. The Bright Queen. Obann. King Dwenden/Trent Ikithon. The list goes on. 
“Did you ever deny/were you ever a traitor//ever want to be free/do you even remember?”
Vox Populi (Thirty Seconds to Mars) - Look, they may have stopped a war for now but there is something equally big coming their way and the way the M9 works, they may bring about a whole revolution before this is over. Also, I love them, but they (at least, Veth Caleb and Beau) were literal traitors in a technical sense to the Empire. 
“It’s the moment of truth and the moment to lie/the moment to live and the moment to die,” 
This Is War (Thirty Seconds to Mars) - Because mark my words that war is only just barely avoided and bigger stuff is brewing. Bonus analysis!: 
Soldier - Yasha
Civilian - Caleb
Matyr - Mollymauk 
Victim - Yeza/Veth 
Leader - Beau
Pariah - Nott 
Victor - Fjord
Messiah - yaaashhaa? Or possibly Jester she’s practically a demigod already. Maybe all of them. Or none of them. Maybe it’s Shakasta, that seems accurate. 
Prophet - Jester 
Liar - Essek 
Honest - Caduceus
“We’ll keep on fighting to the end/cause we are the champions,”
We Will Rock You/We are the Champions (Queen)- during/the immediate aftermath fighting pits of Zadash. That was the energy here. 
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haveyouseenthis · 4 years
You’re Already Beautiful - Maria Review
Maria Tracklist: 1. Intro: Nobody Else
2. Maria
3. Kidding
4. WHY
5. I’m bad too (Feat. DPR LIVE)
6. LMM
Maria Hwa Sa: A queen and saint. 
Are any of us over “Twit” yet?
But now. Oh now we get “Maria”.
I was blown away. Utterly and completely.
I normally watch music videos with subtitles/captions, but for “Maria” that wasn’t an option. Without the subtitles I got to focus on the song stand alone the first go round: how it sounded, all the lilts and beat drops. Because of this I was really able to fall in love first with the sound of it, the actual construction of the song before being bias due to meaning.
I’ve been wondering recently how many songs I only like for the meaning. That’s not a bad thing, but there definitely have been tracks that I did not like the sound of and then slowly fell for them after reading a translation. I have to remind myself why I like the song before my ears bleed with an awkward dance break or something of the sort.
With “Maria” I don’t have to do that. It just sounds good. Her vocals are heavenly, and once you find out what she is singing it adds to the experience.
Hwa Sa wrote this song for herself. She says as much in the chorus.
“Maria, Maria
I’m saying this for you
It’s a shining night
Don’t torture yourself
Oh Maria, I’m saying this for you
Why are you trying so hard
You’re already beautiful”
I’ve only cried once reading lyrics for a song and it was to Stray Kids’ “Another Day”. This song came pretty dang close to making it twice.
The song is unfiltered, sexy and a fricken BOP. I can’t describe how the lyrics make me feel. Understood? Melancholy? They inspire a bittersweet sort of happiness in me; joyful because of the song’s raw honesty, but saddened by the situation of the lyrics. 
“I’ve been criticized so much, I have indigestion / But even if I’m upset, what can I do, I do”
I love the music video. There’s so much I could talk about with it. Hwa Sa is serving up the deceased Maria’s guts to displeased patrons unapologetically. There is also the beginning to talk about -  when Maria is found dead in her bath. The media is frenzied, enamored with the deceased star; the drama of her death. (Maybe a nod to how the media has glamorized the suicides of idols in the recent years. The true tragedy of their - or in this case Maria’s - death is lost in the glitz and glam coverage.)
Or they are, until the aforementioned serving of the guts. Hwa Sa’s “this is who I am, deal with it”.
“If you really wanna / See me cry / Fine, here are some tears”. 
“Kidding” is different and fun. It’s a sassy song sung by someone left behind by their significant other who cheated on them full of rhetorics. 
I am in love with “WHY”. Even before I hit the English phrases, I could tell what this song was: a messy, pining wreck. “WHY” is sitting in the dark corner of a room by torn curtains and spilt milk after they walk out the door. It’s the wondering what you did wrong and what exactly is wrong with you for them to not need you as much as you need them. In “WHY” you can hear the confusion and pain through the way Hwa Sa’s vocals perfectly compliment the backing track. It’s a gorgeous song.
“I’m bad too” is so catchy. DRP LIVE was the perfect choice to collab with. Both of them can have those relaxed -  almost whining - vocals that fit the track so well and mesh perfectly. They drag their voices slightly for most of the lyrics and it adds a lot character to the song.
 is a song I never knew I needed. It’s so beautiful, truly. From the track to her voice and the vocalizations in the pre-chorus. It perfectly captures that feeling of fleeting bliss - the bittersweet taste in your mouth when you know something good is going to come to an end. 
Final Song Ranking:
I’m bad too*
*this rankings are ridiculously close. “I’m bad” was almost 2nd, to give you an idea. They just all hit different depending on my mood.
"Maria” Lyrics CCL (Han, Rom, Eng)
Stray Kids’ “Another Day” CCL (Han, Rom, Eng)
“Kidding” Genius Translation
“WHY” Genius Translation
I’m bad too (feat DPR LIVE) Genius Translation
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