#wipe your nose
addsalwayssick · 4 months
i work with kindergartners a lot and they are so ruthless. I was talking to one about their project and they look at me and say “You have really big eyes. They match your nose. And those red dots” Okay you little twat you look like a bug dipped in vinegar and your nose is running a river but i didn’t tell you that, did i?
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Inktober Day 23 - Booger
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fallingforspring · 2 days
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I got so distracted by rotmhs that I forgot to share this Cale
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sapphicsnzs · 2 months
kissing someone with a drippy nose who’s very apologetic and keeps pulling away. after a while you tell them you love them and their runny nose and kiss them harder (not caring one bit if the kiss gets messy from their cute nose)
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missriyochuchi · 1 year
The cop who didn’t hold the door for Trump was literally doing what you’d normally do? Like when you walk through a doorway with a group, you assume the person behind you is gonna put their hand out to keep the door open for themselves once you’ve walked through. This isn’t the diss y’all think it is lol If anything, it shows how insular Trump’s been living, how used he’s become to people bowing to him. Don’t let your hate for Trump negate the older hate for the NYPD.
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gemkun · 19 days
trying to work out veritas' actual name is so funny like one second it's aurelius then next it's bob. what do you guys think his real name is ?
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recitedemise · 5 months
𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗻𝗲𝘁𝗵𝗲𝗿𝗲𝘀𝗲 𝗼𝗿𝗯 𝗮𝗰𝘁𝗶𝘃𝗲𝗹𝘆 𝗿𝗼𝘁𝘀 𝗮𝘁 𝗚𝗮𝗹𝗲'𝘀 𝗯𝗼𝗱𝘆. And it is excruciating. On his chest, one can trace its ugly mark, the brand less discoloration and more, unfortunately, a deep-grooved scar. It is unavoidable and impossible to ever miss. Similarly, the way it eats at him is obvious, too. Gale, especially at the start, when his condition, fresh and disorienting, was still abundantly new, the effects of the orb were frighteningly worse. At that time, he little knew how to quell it, that feeding off the Weave would balm the pain, and so for all those days and weeks of panic, he rotted and ached at a terrible pace. He had decayed. And he had bled. Gale's body oozed black, skin, especially at his casting arm, rupturing like cracks in terracotta. He tasted filth always, the bitterness of wasting flesh thick in his throat, nose perpetually leaking with the ink-dark of bleeding. He'd labored to breathe, a feeling like devouring maggots pulsing in his chest. In fact, at the lowest point by then, wallowing and stuck in his tower, Gale began to lose hair, his nails loose and cracking as he scrabbled at the floorboards, knees weak and pain bolting when he collapsed to the floor. He was a pitiful sight. And a worrying one. And even now, with the consumption of magical artefacts, one can still see the way he bows to the blight, heaving for breath when it takes his chest again, sweat at his temples and mouth gone dry. It's all-encompassing. The agony is chronic. It feels like being eaten, being hollowed to his barest self right from the inside. He's a vessel of magic, and the orb means to consume him down to his every last molecule, teeth bared, hackles raised, and appetite crushing. It's like--dying, stolen away to be but swallowed down whole, surrendering to the suck of a hungering vortex. He's unsightly. As well, too, as a burden, he thinks, to the very naked of his bones. But when someone hangs back, touches him despite his rot, he thinks, you shouldn't have to handle something like this. This mere shamble of a graveyard--he's so sorry to dirty their hands.
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frogseasons · 4 months
doomed by the narrative (potential squandered by the writer)
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outsockk · 18 days
Heyyyyy howzz it goinn XDD?? so uh I was scrolling through ur profile and stuff and I saw ur oc's and I thought it would be fun to draw them so I gave it a shot and I re-drew a little something!
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Ik it's not the best and the quality of the photo kinda sucks, not my best job that's for sure, but uhh hope u appreciate the effort! I'm having kind of an art block now so thank you ig :33? Hehe have an amazing day I might draw more of ur oc's!! (if that's alr ofc)
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yallemagne · 20 days
I cannot get behind any depiction of vampires where the vampire is an angsty self-loathing bastard. Especially not if their angst is meant to engender pity in the reader/viewer. Catholic guilt just ain't sexy dude, it's pathetically annoying.
"I'm a monster! WAH!"
Okay, what are you doing about that? Any self-improvement in the works?
"Nothing! I'm too bad to change!! I don't deserve to be better!!!"
Oh, no. No, no, no. There better not be a brunette empath on the horizon who has come to fix you, I swear to--- DAMMIT.
Like seriously. You feel bad? You feel bad? Dude, how do you think your victims feel? Oh, wait, no, you weaponize how your victims feel. You bathe yourself in their tears, crying out because the salt stings your self-inflicted wounds. Your apologies are solicitations for reassurances, and it's just so annoying.
It's pathetic enough when a real human person pulls the reverse victim schtick... but a vampire?? Dude, you are hundreds of years old, either start obscenely relishing the misery you have wrought, your morality twisted by the fatal flaw that made you a monster in the first place, or just let someone kill you already. Your wallowful despair does not make you noble, it tells on you.
Honestly, this applies to any monster, really, I was just thinking about human leeches in particular for whatever reason. But all that I have said here also contributes to why both I and Robert Walton scoffed when the Creature whined about how bad it feels to be a murderer. S'like, cool, did that ever stop you from committing more murders? No? You just blamed your guilt on your victims for inadvertently making you a murderer by getting murdered by your hands? Okay, girly.
If that's anyone else's cup of tea (lol "IF"), so be it. It's not intended to be a very nuanced set-up, it's just a lil wish-fulfillment for someone who wants to feel empowered by fixing a bad person. I just... know people who are like that: the same person who hurt you begging you to cosign their identity as a "good person". If you tell them that goodness is in action, not intention, you are framed as being too harsh and unforgiving for not digging for the good buried deep deep deep down inside. So you say, hey, hand me the shovel, then. And then they bury you alive when you get six feet deep.
... and I just don't need that sass coming from someone with a literal trail of bodies behind them.
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refinedstorage · 10 months
I swear I see one more snotty kiryu on my feed
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satanfemme · 1 year
why is my dog so perfect, he gets more and more cuddly by the DAY. just nonstop attacking me with kisses today! it's disgusting! it's very cute too!!
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girlsn0t · 11 months
dunno if there are any other cr*tic*l r*le snzfuckers round these parts, but i implore you all to consider: mollymauk regularly startles at his own sneezes and is TERRIBLE at remembering to cover.
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artekai · 4 months
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Astraea: you know who else is a computer science prodigy?
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ectocosme · 4 months
I think the next time I go to my Dr I'll just write "Elher-danlos syndrome, ever heard of it you white-coated buffoon!? (or smth close)" right on my forehead bc I get so hesitant and go "mn, mayhaps, perhaps, i'm not sure, it's not just anxiety and more sports won't help?"
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fazcinatingblog · 5 months
I gave Charlotte a Collingwood premiership teddy bear for Christmas and she liked it when she opened it but when it was time to pack up her presents and go home, she took the teddy from the bag, put it on the couch and said "I don't want this" like rude?????? IT'S GOT A MAGPIE ON IT, CHARLOTTE, YOU HAVE TO LIKE IT
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