#winter tourism centers
sheltiechicago · 8 months
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The Xinxiang Tourism Center In China
The huge-scale building of the Xinxiang Tourism Center in China sets like ice cubes on the water and consists of three large clusters of 9 small cubes. All of the lights here are designed by PROL, who further extends the design concept of exploring the hidden value of light to work out the urban artistic landmarks in the Central Plains, namely the winter wonders.
Photography by Arch-Exist
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munson-blurbs · 4 months
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Living After Midnight (Failed Rockstar!Eddie x Motel Worker!Reader)
♫ Summary: Being a perpetual people-pleaser meant that you were constantly putting others before yourself--particularly your parents and the eccentric guests who stayed at their motel. But when a surly and mysterious musician checked in indefinitely, he flipped your whole world on its head. (3.1k words)
♫ CW: slowburn, strangers-to-lovers, angst, drug use, parental conflict, poverty, eventual smut (18+ only, minors DNI)
♫ A/N: Thank you to my numerous beta readers, including but not limited to @the-unforgivenn, @lofaewrites, @lokis-army-77, and @corroded-hellfire, and to @hellfire--cult for the divider. I am forever indebted to y'all.
chapter one: room for one more
It was always the quiet nights, wasn't it? The ones where the only sounds came from cars barreling down Queens Boulevard and splashing through puddles left by an earlier rainstorm, or from the clock ticking on the wall. 
The ones where your mind wandered until you’d thought yourself in circles, overanalyzing every last decision you had ever made.
The ones where you allowed your guard just down enough that the slightest oddity threw you off-balance—something or someone out of place. 
It was during the quiet nights like that night where you should have expected the unexpected, because New York City never stayed still for long. 
The evening’s sluggishness was normal; tourism always slowed in the springtime. The newest shows on Broadway were already months old, not to mention the warmer weather brought both an uptick in crime and pollen count. If out-of-towners were going to schlep to the East Coast, they’d prefer to see the cherry blossoms hours south in Washington, DC than to get mugged on the 1 train. 
Business picked up in the winter months when people flocked from around the world to witness the Thanksgiving Day Parade, the Rockefeller Center Christmas tree, or Dick Clark’s Rockin’ New Year’s Eve, even though they were several bus and subway transfers away. Outsiders to the tri-state area struggled to differentiate between boroughs; it was unfortunate for them, but you counted on it to keep business alive. 
The only guests who consistently frequented your family’s motel were junkies looking for a place to shoot up away from the NYPD’s watchful gaze or affair-havers who were considerate enough not to sully their marriage beds—just their vows. You were in no position to judge; their money was what kept the lights on, but it was impossible not to compare your clientele to the suits who stayed at the Marriott down the street. They wouldn‘t even allow homeless folks to sit within twenty-five feet of the building, let alone stay under their roof.
You leaned on the desk, wood grain pinching your elbows. You tapped your pencil against your textbook as you read, its margins cluttered with notes about different types of parent-child attachment styles. 
Sleep prickled at the corners of your eyes, blurring the words on the page in front of you. Focus. 
Secure attachment occurs when—no, you’d already read this line. Twice. 
“Dammit,” you muttered under your breath, gently slapping your cheeks in a futile attempt to stay awake. Taking a full course load instead of your usual part-time was your academic advisor’s ill-conceived idea, bolstered by the prospect of an earlier graduation. In your haste, you’d neglected to consider two important factors: all of your studying now had to be done during your night shifts, and graduating meant telling your parents a truth they were unready to hear. 
They were so proud of the motel, regardless of its reputation. It might as well have been The Plaza from the way your dad boasted about it. The three of you shared an unspoken understanding that you worked the front desk because paying an actual employee would put them under. Maybe if finances weren’t so tight, you could have freely admitted that your future plans didn’t involve taking over the business. 
Your eyelids fluttered shut as your head rested on your book, a small puddle of drool pooling atop Bowlby’s theories. 
Ping ping ping ping!
Time slowly stretched out before you, your conscious brain clawing its way out of its hazy fog. It took a beat for you to recognize that the incessant noise came from someone repeatedly smacking the tiny bell that sat on the desk. 
“Hey, hello?” an impatient voice called out, jolting you from your impromptu nap. You blinked away the residual sleepiness and took in the sight in front of you: a curly-haired man, likely not much older than you were, a cigarette that had been nearly smoked down to the filter tucked between his lips. He had a patched guitar case strapped to his back and clutched a black garbage bag filled with what you hoped was clothing.
“Sorry,” you grumbled, wiping the moisture from your chin. “Need a room?” 
“Mhm.” You could practically hear his eye roll: no, I just stopped by in the middle of the night for a quick chat. Fancy a cup of tea and a scone? 
He plopped the garbage bag on the ground; its soft landing and the way it wrinkled told you that whatever was inside was, thankfully, not a body.
You nodded and turned around to the wall of keys behind you. There was no shortage of rooms; the only occupied one was being rented by Phyllis, a sixty-year-old self-described ‘entertainer of gentleman’ who paid double her bill in exchange for your silence. 
He stubbed out the cigarette in the ashtray on the countertop, grinding it into the base for good measure. “How much per night?” he asked, digging into his pants pocket and pulling out a wallet held together with duct tape. 
The man breathed out, his bangs fanning over his forehead. “Jesus.” He fished two twenties and a five from the billfold and placed them in front of you. “This should cover me until Friday, yeah?”
Nodding, you folded the bills and tucked them into the register kept under the desk, only accessible by key because of a series of break-ins during the late ‘70s.
The man lit another cigarette as you pulled out the ledger and a pen. “Name and date here,” you said, pointing to the ‘check in’ column. He took a drag before scrawling his name on the line: Eddie Munson, 5-4-93. 
“All right, you’ll be in…” you scanned the assortment of keys dangling from their hooks. The walls were thin, and this guy seemed decent enough, so you decided to spare him the theatrical sound effects of Phyllis’s room 10 endeavors. “…room 4. Make a right down the hallway, and it’ll be the second door. Can’t miss it if you try.” 
Your attempt at humor fell flat, both of you too exhausted to laugh. You strode past it, clearing your throat as if dispelling the tension. When you placed the key in his calloused palm, you couldn’t help but notice that the base of each fingertip is a half-shade paler than the rest of his skin. 
“Thanks.” Eddie mumbled. He tapped the cigarette above the ashtray, the gray flakes falling into a neat pile. His right bicep flexed underneath his denim jacket as he heaved the garbage bag over his shoulder, careful not to bang it against the guitar. 
He scuttled out of the tiny room masquerading as a lobby, shoulders hunched from the weight of the bag and of the burdens he inevitably carried. No one shows up to a motel in the middle of the night without a story or two. 
After years of greeting guests at the front desk, you liked to think you had a decent read on them. Eddie was quiet, maybe even introspective, but not necessarily shy. He was tired; no, more than that: he was worn down, like so many other people who had come through these doors. 
Most importantly, Eddie didn’t seem like he'd be much trouble. He didn’t stumble in wasted and reeking of booze or fidgeting as he awaited a fix. He wasn’t shouting or poorly concealing a wandering eye or making lewd comments. He’d made pretty much no impression at all besides being a bit gruff, which was just fine with you. Your personality wasn't composed of rainbows and sunshine at this hour either.
You looked at the clock and sighed when it only read 2:17. It’s already tomorrow, you thought grimly. Just under four hours until you could walk ten feet to your room, curl up in your bed, and sleep until it was time for your afternoon class. After years of balancing school and work, you were in the last two weeks of your final semester, and then…what? You casually inform your parents that you were leaving the family business–essentially forcing them to close it–to pursue a career in social work? 
That was sure to go over well.  
To their knowledge, you were studying hotel management and hospitality in order to “improve the business.” That was why they’d relented when you’d asked to start taking classes, switching you over to the night shift to avoid having to hire a new employee.
What they didn’t know is that your school didn’t even offer that as a major. Nor were they aware of the acceptance letter into NYU’s Masters of Social Work program that was stashed inside your dresser drawer, hidden from sight. That was a conversation for another day when you found the strength to face their disappointment.
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Chaos waited to strike until the end of your shift. 
Just as you packed your book back into your bag, a familiar, skunky odor wafted past your nostrils. 
Ignore it, you thought. Let it be Dad’s problem when he takes over in five minutes. But if you could smell it, so could any of the cops patrolling the boulevard. One more citation and the motel was in jeopardy of being permanently shut down, and you couldn’t take that risk.
With a frustrated sigh, you yanked open the desk drawer and reached in for a pen, instead pulling out an unopened box of crayons. A twenty-four pack of Crayola—the good kind. You plucked a waxy cornflower blue from its spot and scribbled Be back soon on a Post-It note, sticking it on the front of the desk. Grabbing the pepper spray canister from its spot next to the register, just in case, you started down the hall. Marijuana wasn’t Phyllis’s drug of choice, though it might have been one of her various gentleman suitors’, but the scent was too strong to be coming all the way from room 10.
Maybe this Eddie Munson was trouble, afterall.
You knocked on his door, firmly but without aggression. It certainly wasn’t the first time you interrupted someone’s buzz, and it wouldn’t be the last. You knew better than to go in guns a-blazing; it’s easier to catch flies with sugar than vinegar. 
Eddie opened it after a moment, cracking it halfway and revealing a lit joint pinched between his plush lips. One forearm was perched on the doorframe, showing off faded ink of a litter of flying bats and a dragon-esque creature. He was clad in only navy blue boxer briefs, but his lack of attire was no surprise. Many guests were shameless, not bothering to cover the holes in their Fruit of the Loom tighty-whities and showcasing faded yellow stains on the crotch. What confused you was the elastic waistband proudly proclaiming ‘Calvin Klein’ that cut off the soft hair trailing from his belly button. It seemed absurd that he would have been lugging around any designer clothes in that trash bag, but there was no other possibility. 
“Can I help you?” he asked, shaking his curly bangs out of his face. Half-lidded brown eyes scanned your form, trying to determine whether you were a narc or trying to bum some bud off of him. His window was cracked open enough to let in fresh air, which also meant that the acrid smell could easily be let out.
“You can’t smoke that here,” you reported matter-of-factly, just as you had a million times before. When he cocked a challenging brow, you continued. “Cigarettes are fine, but no weed. The police will come after us and you.”
He looked around the room, unbothered, and absentmindedly scratched at his bare chest. A demon’s head was sketched just above a sparse patch of hair. Under different circumstances, or maybe in another life altogether, you would’ve asked him about his tattoos; if they had some philosophical meaning or were the products of spur-of-the-moment decisions. You could have blathered on about the ideas you had for your own future tattoos, if you ever worked up the nerve to actually get one. 
“You mean to tell me that with all of the skeevy shit that goes on around here, the cops are gonna waste their time on a little pot?” He scoffed and took another defiant pull, holding it for a few seconds before exhaling away from you.
I guess chivalry isn’t dead, you mused, stifling an eye roll. “No, but they’re always looking for an excuse to ‘investigate,’’' you threw air-quotes around the last word, “so they can bust us for more serious things, and that is the perfect one.” You gestured to the joint only to be met with an eye roll. “Look, you can either put it out, smoke it somewhere else, or you can leave. Full refund, but you can’t stay here.”
His stare locked onto your steely eyes and clenched jaw, only breaking when you’d straightened your posture to stand your ground. “Whatever,” he huffed, but he snuffed it out. A glimmer of a smile danced on his lips, disappearing nearly as quickly as it arrived. Despite its fleeting nature, it managed to thaw you enough so that your arms weren’t held quite so tight to your body, your expression less rigid. “Just trying to relax and get some sleep, like you were while you were supposed to be ‘working.’” It’s his turn to supply the air-quotes, both in mockery and as a gotcha. A teasing lilt elevated his voice, smoothing out the edge he’d greeted you with earlier. 
“I wasn’t sleeping, just…resting my eyes,” you volleyed back, your smirk betraying any semblance of the tough façade you’d worn. 
Eddie crossed his arms and walked over to the garbage bag of clothes. He rummaged through it for a moment before procuring a pair of gray sweatpants, stepping into them hurriedly as though he just remembered his minimal attire. 
“Maybe if you chose more interesting reading material, you wouldn’t be sl—resting your eyes on the job,” he amended, gesturing to the textbook in your canvas tote bag. “Ever heard of Stephen King?”
“I live in a motel, not under a rock.”
He raised an eyebrow. “You live here?”
Shit. That wasn’t information you regularly divulged. Sure, this guy seemed harmless, but looks can be deceiving. Prime example: wearing designer underwear while using a trash bag in lieu of a suitcase. 
It was too late to double back, so you nodded. “Yeah,” you admitted reluctantly. The sole of your sneaker dug into the old carpet. 
Eddie looked like he wanted to say more, lips parted and eyes wide like there was a follow-up question sitting on the tip of his tongue. Before he could ask it, your gaze landed on the clock radio: six AM on the dot. 
“I need to go,” you said hurriedly. Shame at your sudden shyness burned a hole in your belly. Eddie Munson was a guest; for all intents and purposes, he was a total stranger. There was no reason to be intimidated by him. “Good luck falling asleep,” you added with a weak smile. 
The easy banter that had been building between you dissipated in an instant, taking his good mood with it. His goodbye was a sardonic salute, the mattress springs creaking wearily as soon as you closed the door behind you. 
Sure enough, your dad was in the tiny lobby, assessing some peeling wallpaper. “Gotta fix that,” he mumbled to himself, thumbnail picking at it aimlessly. He turned around when he heard the door open and smiled when he saw you. 
“Sorry, I was helping out a guest,” you rushed to explain, hoping he wasn't too anxious to find the desk left unattended. 
The wrinkles in your dad’s forehead became more pronounced. “Is everything alright?” The phrase ‘helping out a guest’ could range from unclogging a toilet to calling the police for a domestic dispute. 
“Yeah, everything’s fine,” you reassured him quickly, flashing an exaggerated thumbs-up. “No law enforcement necessary. Didn’t even need to use the pepper spray.” You waved the canister in your palm before placing it back. 
He beamed, leaning in and pressing a kiss to your scalp. “It’s times like this where I just know I’ll be leaving this place in good hands.” 
You swallowed the bile that crept up your throat and feigned a smile when  he pulled you in for a tight hug. The mingled scents of Irish Spring soap and drugstore aftershave tickled your nose, and tears stung along your lash line. 
If only you knew, you thought, giving him one last squeeze before you headed to your room. Disappointed wouldn’t even begin to cover it. 
Your parents would never say the word aloud; they’d look at each other and heave identical weighted sighs. Their lifelong goal of a long-standing family business would vanish in the blink of an eye. Dad would pretend there was a chance that they could afford a new hire, even going so far as to fumble through the years of financial statements before inevitably throwing in the towel; Mom would force a pained smile and hoarsely encourage you to follow your dreams, even at the expense of theirs.
You shook the thought away as you trudged towards your room, sneakered feet like sandbags below you.  Dwelling on this scenario had you teetering on the brink of insanity, so you’d willed yourself to focus on something else. Anything else.
Like the motel’s newest guest and his smile. The way it softened the hard lines on his face, offering you a glimpse of how he wore happiness. Something about it made you want to see him happy again. 
You can’t even figure out how to make yourself happy, you thought, peeling back the starchy sheets and finally crawling into bed, much less a stranger. For all you knew, he was just relaxed because his high was starting to kick in, and not from some warming presence you’d supplied. 
The sun cracked pink through the sky, visible through the paper-thin curtains hanging on the window. You had become accustomed to this backwards routine, able to fall asleep while daylight broke. It took a few extra moments this time; you were anticipating marijuana-tinged fumes to float through the vents when Eddie ignored your instructions. 
It was that flicker of a smile that had you almost certain he would spark up once you’d left. The smile of someone who so naturally flouted authority that he no longer bragged about it. Yet time ticked by without a hint of evidence that he was smoking again. 
Which begged the question: if the smile didn’t signify defiance, what did it mean?
Eddie Munson is definitely trouble, you surmised just before you drifted off, but nothing you can’t handle.
@theintimatewriter @mandyjo8719 @storiesbyrhi @lady-munson @moonmark98 @squidscottjeans @therealbaberuthless @emxxblog @chrissymjstan @loves0phelia @kthomps914 @aysheashea @reidsbtch @mmunson86 @b-irock @ginasellsbooks @erinekc @the-unforgivenn @dashingdeb16 @micheledawn1975 @yujyujj @eddies-acousticguitar @daisy-munson @kellsck @bewitchedmunson @foreveranexpatsposts @mykuup @chatteringfox @feelinglikeineedlotsofnaps @sapphire4082 @katethetank @sidthedollface2 @eddies-stinky-battle-jacket @mysteris-things @mrsjellymunson @josephquinnsfreckles @the-disaster-in-waiting @eddielowe @hugdealer @rip-quizilla @munson-girl @fishwithtitz @costellation-hunter @cloudroomblog @emsgoodthinkin
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nobodys-saviour · 3 months
Deepspace Messages
The (English) Deepspace Messages
Deepspace Tunnel
In 2034, a spacetime anomaly appeared above Linkon City. Bound by a gravitational force and filled with an abundance of barely detectable energy and matter, it raised many questions. From that point on, Earth started to see the emergence of alien creatures known as Wanderers. This event sparked curiosity throughout human society. Space exploration truly began in earnest, significantly advancing research in this field.
→ Chronorift Catastrophe of 2034
Fourteen years ago, with the opening of the Deepspace Tunnel, countless Wanderers invaded Earth and began attacking humans. Many lives were lost. Among the affected areas, Linkon City suffered the highest number of casualties.
Skyhaven is an artificial floating island hovering near Linkon City. A Protocore serves as its primary energy source. It is home to the most cutting-edge research centers and advanced tech organizations such as the Deepspace Aviation Administration.
→ Deepspace Aviation Administration
Located in the tallest building on Skyhaven, it is an aerospace organization responsible for research, combat training, and space exploration. Has many flight facilities and is the world's most advanced military aerospace institute.
Protocore Syndrome
A unique disease caused by Protocores. There are different types, and they harm the human body in various ways. Currently, the known types are A, E, and Y.
The Arctic
An area blanketed with ice and snow most of the year. It is a very popular tourist destination due to its stunning aurora and silvery, frost-covered ground.
Simultaneously serving as the Earth's magnetic pole, it is frequented by Wanderers. Numerous research institutions and relevant military forces are stationed here.
→ Snowcrest
Nestled in the southern region of the Arctic is a little town, home to warm, sincere locals and a unique winter-themed culture. It attracts many tourists year-round and boasts a thriving tourism industry. It's a must-visit destination for any polar adventurer.
→ Mt. Eternal
In the northernmost region of the Arctic is a place perpetually covered in snow. Humans rarely travel to it, and energy fluctuations often occur due to its proximity to Earth's magnetic pole. This makes it a suitable location for many research institutions. There was a wide-scale Wanderer attack that resulted in many casualties. Linkon City dispatched several medical teams to participate in the rescue efforts at that time.
Ever Group
With its roots in biotechnology, Ever Group has become a large company in industries such as biotech, aerospace, Evol Energy, and international trade.
The celestial body α-P0159 was discovered via the Deepspace Tunnel. It's speculated to be the core of a star. While this core no longer reacts to energy, research suggests that traces of life may very well exist within its galaxy.
Using the most vibrant colors of Deepspace, the galaxy where α-P0159 resides responded to humanity's lifelong vision of the universe. Thus, it was named Philos, a word meaning "love."
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Aight, welcome to world "The gods are stopping us from committing war crimes"
Used to be a supercontinent, then a massive fight between all mortal species broke out. The final battle was so bad the gods decided to just blow up the whole country to stop it. This fractured the continent into 5 main pieces and a few archipelagos, afterwards the gods realized that might have been overkill and sent down avatars to clean up their mess. And also balance out the climate change after it got a divine nuked. That One God was reasonable for the whole war, and after getting blipped out of existence is given a hell of a lecture from the Goddess of Death and God of Life.
Fast forward a few thousand or so years, and the 5 continents have grown with multiple countries on each.
Northern most continent: Relies on magic the most, they use fire magic to keep warm and light magic to grow crops. Covered in deep snowy plans and high mountains. Inhabited mostly by humans, who can adapt to any environment. They have an isolationist mindset, and only seek survival. Surprisingly, this doesn't mean "Raid others to get supplies", rather a shared mindset of "Pull your own weight" and "Make sure tomorrow is possible". This is where The Other Mage is from, as well as the Pegasus Knight. Their most popular religion is that of the Fire Goddess
2nd largest piece: Most varied climate wise, boosts the largest collection of races, from humans to beastmen and everything in between. They rely mostly on alchemy with some magic thrown in. 200 years ago, the coastal country began subjecting all surrounding land and kidnapping any long-lived species. When the gods found out why they ordered their dragon followers to burn its borders for several miles, greatly shrinking it in size. Then they build a sea wall surrounding it, effectively isolating them as punishment. However, the Avatar's descendants stationed there have gone silent, so no one knows what's going on. The Tactician is from the coastal country. The Twink's family is a distant offshoot branch of the Avatar's descendants. This is where most of the Twink's group is from, the most popular religion is the Twin Gods of Dark and Light.
Largest piece: Covered mostly in tropical climate, with a few savannahs. Inhabited mostly by beastmen, with some elves. They rely on the power of spirits, to help manipulate the environment around them to their advantage. They are the center of trade, sending out goods to most of the world, and housing the largest libraries due to most of the long living special being there. Their most popular religion is that of the Earth God. The Dark Mage Kid is from one of the islands between the two largest pieces.
Smallest and Southern most piece: Similar to the Northern most fragment, harsh, snowy weather. However, they mostly have tundras and frozen lakes, as well as a few volcanos, making shelter scarce. Because of this, they value physical might the most. There are very few inhabitants on this continent, in fact, they boost the largest dragon population and pray to the God of Wind. Mostly to keep the blizzards and storms at bay. The DMK's mom is from here.
Notable Archipelagos: Eyes of Wrath, the sight of the divine bomb. Even thousands of years after the incident, the weather is unstable and the laws of nature are often broken. This area has floating islands, water flowing upstream, fiery rain, and is off limits despite being considered holy ground.
Emerald Sea, found off the coast of the largest continent. The islands here are more akin to mountains rather than ordinary land. They are covered in greenery, resembling the massive trees of the mainland. The waters can change at a moments notice, but also is regularly the sight of fishing and tourism.
Winter's Hand: Five islands just west of the smallest continent. Only two are true islands, the other three are collections of massive glaciers that shift and flip, sometimes stretching as high as mountains. Hench the name.
Gonna have to send another... Again
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icestarphoenix · 2 years
Michigan and/or Tennessee headcanons please
Tennessee will be worked on after Michigan :D
Michigan Headcanons
Michigan’s State Spirit is blue snow or ice. When he’s in more of a Yooper mood, it becomes snow. When he feels more like a flatlander, it becomes ice. [#3391E4]
Blue is for water and the lakes as well as red vs. blue contrast with Ohio.
The snow and ice relates to freshwater ponds and lakes and the wintery vibe of being a northern Midwest state, the Mitten State, and the Water-Winter Wonderland.
Snow is for the upper peninsula because I thought of snow capped mountains, ice is for the lower peninsula because I thought of ponds and lakes frozen over (flat hehe)
The form having two distinct states relates to how Michigan’s shape has two distinct peninsulas that split it into two landmasses.
Ohio spitefully interprets his Spirit as proof that Michigan is a coldhearted and hostile [technical glitch].
Michigan’s fake human name is Michael Ford.
Ford is from the river crossing meaning the word and name has as well as a nod to the Ford Motor Company that was founded in Michigan.
He has been called Misha before to cover slip-ups, and this seems to be the only name of his that Alaska can remember, even more than his real state name.
He likes working on cars. As such, his clothes often smell of grease and oil. In addition, he also likes building model car sets and has a collection of his finished ones.
Detroit is also the Motor City for being the center of the American automobile industry.
Has a sweet tooth and loves chocolate fudge and cherry pie. A proud fudgie, he always comes back to the Statehouse with a big ol’ batch that he’s willing to share with anyone except for Ohio.
Mackinac Island is the fudge capital of the world. Ten thousand pounds of fudge can be made daily during tourism season.
Michigan is the top producer of tart cherries in the country as its climate is one of the best for growing them. Traverse City is considered the cherry capital of the world with its own week-long National Cherry festival. Tart cherries are more suitable for pies than sweet cherries.
Quite proud of having the University of Michigan being the Harvard of the West (before Stanford) and often holds this title over Ohio and his Ohio State.
The University of Michigan had been called the Harvard of the West so much that JFK jokingly referred to himself during a presidential campaign speech as being “a graduate of the Michigan of the East, Harvard University.”
California often holds their tongue whenever Michigan refers to it as they see Stanford as the Harvard of the West. Michigan hasn’t been that mean to them yet and they don’t want to give him a reason to.
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alexbkrieger13 · 9 months
I like this!😍
Matchen spelades inte på Piteås hemmaplan LF arena, utan på Boden energi arena.
Piteå vill bli hela Norrbottens lag genom att skapa ett bredare kontaktnät och nå nya sponsorer.
They want to play games spread out over Norrbotten (the north of Norrland, everything from Piteå and up so including Luleå, Boden, Haparanda, Jokkmokk, Gällivare, Kiruna) to reach a larger crowd. 2789 people was a season high attendance. Last year they did a midnight sun game in Kiruna. The thing with Norrbotten is that it’s sparely populated with large distances. Piteå and Luleå are close together, but Piteå to Kiruna is nearly 400 km. As a rule of thumb you drive through 100 km of forrest to get to the next city, especially inland.
But Norrbotten is a very important region in Sweden, although a lot of people don’t realise it or don’t care. You have LKAB, the iron ore mining company located in Kiruna which is state owned and makes a huge profit every year. It’s important enough that they are now moving the entire city of Kiruna to be able to extract more ore. With that comes SSAB centered in Luleå, they make steel using the iron ore from LKAB. You have the large rivers containing all of Sweden’s major hydropower plants (both north and South Norrland), providing up to half of Sweden’s electricity and all of the regulatory power. You have the forrest industry.
It’s also beautiful if you know where to go, with rivers, and mountains in the far north and north west, attracting both domestic and international tourism to hike, see midnight sun and northern lights in the winter.
Because of the energy situation in Sweden, with the north having all of the major hydropower plants and the south being a lot more populated (Stockholm, Göteborg, Malmö and Uppsala are all in the south of Sweden, the half way point is around Sundsvall) and not being able to produce sufficient electricity locally, all new major industries locate to the north, that’s the only way to have sufficient power. Right now there’s a lot of things going on, such as starting production of fossil free steel and factories for electric car batteries, leading to an influx of people as well.
So there is definitely good reason for Piteå to try and play their games a bit more spread out. Of course there is the aspect of rivalry, but neither Luleå, Kiruna or Skellefteå have a team in Damallsvenskan. In fact there is no team except for Piteå north of Uppsala. So hopefully their neighbouring cities would also be willing to support Piteå, for the region to be able to have a top tier league at all.
thats great
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It is Rammstein so we'll believe it when it actually happens, but it would be cool, wouldn't it..
googly translated
Rammstein plans New Year's Eve concert on the Theresienwiese
Aug 4, 2022 at 7:00 p.m
The band wants to give a concert in front of 145,000 spectators in Munich at the turn of the year. The official Yes of the city is still pending, politicians should decide in August.
By Heiner Effern
There could be a New Year's Eve party in Munich this year like never before: The Rammstein band wants to give a concert on the Theresienwiese for 145,000 spectators on the last evening of the year. The city has recently received an inquiry from the musicians, who have also been playing internationally in the top league of the industry for decades. According to information from the SZ, another location in Germany is said to be in the running: the Zollverein in Essen, a former colliery site in the Ruhr area.
"Munich would be the first choice," said economics officer Clemens Baumgärtner (CSU), who is also responsible for tourism in the city. A concert with a crowd puller like Rammstein would be "a wonderful opportunity" for the people of Munich and also for many visitors from outside who he would expect to attend such an event, he said. He doesn't think it's a major problem that the Winter Tollwood was being held on the Theresienwiese in the weeks before. The space potential there is shown every year at the Oktoberfest. The area is large enough to allow both events to take place. "There would even be a lot of interaction possible," said Baumgärtner. Both events could potentially benefit from each other.
Rammstein concerts are characterized by the fact that very hard music can be heard very loudly in the arena and beyond. In addition, there is usually no lack of pyro effects and the attention of the worldwide fan base. Rammstein fits New Year's Eve, on this evening there are not many people on the road and the mood is loud and exuberant, said Baumgärtner. And Rammstein, in turn, likes New Year's Eve as a concert date, in 2018, for example, they played in Mexico. At that time they performed on the beach, this time the big show should be in the heart of Munich. It can probably be ruled out that snow, ice or rain would keep the fans from attending the concert. Even the often high ticket prices usually do not slow down the visitors.
Baumgärtner hopes that the targeted high number of viewers will keep the prices reasonably within limits. In the Olympic Stadium with a capacity of around 70,000 visitors that is hardly possible, he said. In addition, the renovation would already start there. That's why Baumgärtner thinks the Theresienwiese is a good choice, although he knows that people look very closely there when concerts aren't staged in the city's big arenas. Modern technology would be used on the Theresienwiese, like the upcoming major concerts in the trade fair in Riem, which should keep the volume to the outside within limits, he explained.
In his tourism strategy, the business consultant focuses on positioning Munich as a top international event and concert location. This is one of the reasons why Robbie Williams, Helene Fischer and Andreas Gabalier will appear in Riem in the coming days . A Rammstein concert in the city center would also cause an international sensation, he is convinced of that. Rammstein has a worldwide fan base like no other German band.
The Rammstein concert is to be broadcast live
A live broadcast of the performance would also be planned, possibly via a prominent streaming service. Baumgärtner speaks of an "enormous advertising value" for Munich, and some things would also get stuck economically. The lucrative advance ticket sale could go through Munich ticket, the MVG should receive a combined ticket for arrival.
The task at City Hall is to form an opinion as quickly as possible. "Last exit August," said Baumgärtner. It was initially unclear whether and when the Rammstein plans would be put on the agenda. During the summer break there are three emergency sessions in which urgent issues are dealt with. The local politicians in the adjacent district committees are often critical of an additional use of the Theresienwiese. The city council would make such a decision anyway.
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traveltourguide · 1 year
Essential Travel Information for Visiting the Dubai in 2023
Before embarking on your journey to this vibrant city, it’s essential to gather some valuable information that will enhance your experience and ensure a smooth visit. This guide aims to provide you with the necessary knowledge about Dubai’s culture, visa requirements, local customs, weather, transportation, attractions, and safety tips. By familiarizing yourself with these aspects, you’ll be better prepared to make the most of your time in Dubai.
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I. Culture and Etiquette :
Islamic culture: Dubai follows Islamic traditions and customs, and it’s crucial to respect local traditions and sensitivities.
Dress code: Modest clothing is expected in public places, especially when visiting religious sites or government buildings. Beachwear is acceptable at beaches and pools.
Ramadan: If your visit coincides with the holy month of Ramadan, be aware of the cultural practices and the impact it may have on dining, entertainment, and dress code.
Greetings and gestures: Handshakes are common, but it’s polite to greet people of the opposite sex with a nod or a slight bow. Public displays of affection should be avoided.
Religious sites: When visiting mosques or other religious sites, dress modestly and follow the guidelines provided by the place of worship.
II. Visa Requirements :
Visa types: Check the visa requirements based on your nationality and the purpose and duration of your visit. Common types include tourist visas, transit visas, and employment visas.
Visa application: Apply for a visa well in advance through the appropriate channels, such as the UAE embassy or an authorized visa processing center.
Visa validity: Ensure that your visa covers the entire duration of your stay in Dubai. Overstaying can result in fines or other legal issues.
Passport validity: Your passport should have a minimum validity of six months from the date of entry into Dubai.
III. Weather and Best Time to Visit :
Climate: Dubai has a desert climate with scorching summers and mild winters. Summers can be extremely hot, with temperatures often exceeding 40°C (104°F).
Best time to visit: The ideal time to visit Dubai is during the cooler months between November and April when temperatures are more pleasant for outdoor activities.
Peak tourist season: Dubai experiences a surge in tourism during the winter months, particularly around December and January. Book accommodation and attractions in advance during this period.
Ramadan considerations: Visiting during Ramadan can provide a unique cultural experience, but it’s essential to be mindful of the altered schedules and restrictions on dining and entertainment.
IV. Transportation and Getting Around :
Dubai International Airport: Dubai’s main airport is one of the busiest in the world and offers excellent connectivity to various destinations. Familiarize yourself with the airport facilities and transportation options.
Public transportation: Dubai has an extensive public transportation network, including the Dubai Metro, buses, and water taxis (abras). The Nol card is a convenient payment option for using public transport.
Taxis and ride-hailing services: Taxis are readily available in Dubai and can be hailed on the street or booked through ride-hailing apps like Uber and Careem. Ensure the meter is used or negotiate a fare in advance.
Renting a car: Renting a car is a popular option for exploring Dubai and the surrounding areas. Familiarize yourself with local driving laws, obtain the necessary permits, and consider parking availability.
Traffic and peak hours: Dubai experiences heavy traffic, especially during peak hours. Plan your journeys accordingly and allow extra time for travel.
Dubai Metro: The Dubai Metro is a reliable and efficient way to get around the city. Familiarize yourself with the metro routes, timings, and fare structure.
V. Popular Attractions and Activities :
Burj Khalifa: The tallest building in the world, offering stunning views of Dubai from its observation decks.
Palm Jumeirah: An iconic man-made island featuring luxurious resorts, restaurants, and entertainment options.
Dubai Mall: One of the largest malls globally, housing numerous retail outlets, entertainment attractions, and the famous Dubai Aquarium.
Jumeirah Mosque: A beautiful mosque that offers guided tours to non-Muslim visitors, providing insights into Islamic culture.
Desert safari: Experience the thrill of dune bashing, camel riding, and traditional Arabian entertainment in the desert.
Dubai Marina: A vibrant waterfront area with stunning architecture, fine dining, and leisure activities.
Souks: Visit the traditional markets, such as the Gold Souk and Spice Souk, to immerse yourself in the local shopping culture.
Dubai Creek: Explore the historic heart of Dubai through a traditional boat ride (abra) along the creek.
Dubai Museum: Located in the Al Fahidi Fort, the museum showcases Dubai’s heritage and history.
Theme parks: Dubai is home to various theme parks, including IMG Worlds of Adventure, Dubai Parks and Resorts, and Aquaventure Waterpark.
VI. Safety and General Tips
Local laws and regulations: Familiarize yourself with the laws of Dubai and ensure you adhere to them, especially regarding public behavior, alcohol consumption, and photography.
Health and safety: Ensure you have adequate travel insurance and take necessary precautions, such as staying hydrated, using sunscreen, and following hygiene practices.
Currency and payment: The local currency is the UAE Dirham (AED). Credit cards are widely accepted, but it’s advisable to carry cash for smaller establishments and street vendors.
Language: Arabic is the official language, but English is widely spoken, particularly in tourist areas.
Photography: Respect people’s privacy and avoid taking photographs of government buildings, military installations, and locals without their permission.
Respect for the UAE flag: Treat the UAE flag with respect, as any form of disrespect is considered an offense.
Respect for Ramadan: During Ramadan, avoid eating, drinking, or smoking in public during daylight hours out of respect for those who are fasting.
Emergency contacts: Save important contact numbers, including your embassy or consulate, local police, and emergency services, in case of any unforeseen circumstances.
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Conclusion : Dubai offers a captivating blend of tradition and modernity, and by equipping yourself with knowledge about the local culture, visa requirements, transportation options, attractions, and safety tips, you can make the most of your visit. Respect for local customs, adherence to laws and regulations, and a spirit of curiosity and adventure will ensure an unforgettable experience in this vibrant city. Prepare well, embrace the unique experiences Dubai offers, and enjoy your time exploring the wonders of this cosmopolitan destination.
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four-suits · 2 years
Decadia and Her Factions
Hey all! Here’s a little world-building for you. There are three factions/kingdoms in Decadia: 
The Clune are members of a nomadic theocracy that heads Decadia’s major religion. This religion focuses on revering the power of the four Deities, each named for the seasons of the land: Calora, the Deity of Summer, Hibruma, the Deity of Winter, Nitaum, the Deity of Autumn, and Verneo, the Deity of Spring. At the turn of the season, they will host large festivals in major cities across Decadia, filled with worship and celebration while welcoming the coming season’s patron with open arms. In recent years, with the downturn of Decadia’s wellbeing and the rise of a new patriarch, the church has become more fanatical and manic. Lighthearted worship has turned to calls for repentance and piety. A once well-loved way to connect with one’s spirituality has become feared when the caravans enter a township. 
Lopatia is a country that prides itself not only on military prowess, but its wealth of farmland and agriculture. With a long lineage of proud knights and mechanics, the royal family rules with an iron fist and warm heart. Hard work and dedication can be found in everything a Lopatian does. There has been much scandal recently, however.  Shortly after his father’s death and sister’s coming out, the young Prince Regent took the throne. Many critics scorned and berated the Prince’s rise to power, saying that he was immature and unfit to rule. The tension has only become worse as relations with the rest of Decadia decay and food supplies run dry entering the harsh winter months. And as the young ruler keeps disappearing from the court outside of political trips, many claim there is something suspicious and treacherous afoot. Has the proud and stalwart legacy of Lopatia been lost?
The people of Koron are laid back and easy going. A financial giant and trade center, the few cities in this republic have little to worry about when it comes to resources for building and population sustainability. A vast land for numerous quarries guarantees a wealth of material to trade with the industrious Lopatians, who are more than willing to trade food and supplies to the desert kingdom in exchange for endless metals and jewels. Beautiful seascapes and riversides offer a wonderful tourism economy, as well. However, uncharacteristic and off-season hurricanes keep pressing deeper and deeper inland, washing out mines and flooding rivers. The unprecedented halt in work has all but drained the wealth and ceased trade with the Lopatians. Trying to maintain the power in their dynamic, the council that leads the republic has closed themselves in the capitol building, locked in endless talks of what to do about the situation. Spies are sent to Lopatian lands in an effort to find even the slightest edge, and to hide the slowdown of Koronthian materials behind any Lopatian fault. The council would update the public on their progress fairly regularly, but has fallen silent as of late. 
Thanks for reading, and I look forward to sharing more in the near future! -Pox
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docpiplup · 2 years
The capital of Cáceres has been one of the main settings for the successful and world-renowned saga produced by HBO, and inspired by the novels by George R.R. Martin, Game of Thrones and the recently released House of the Dragon. Within this framework, Cáceres City of Dragons will be an event that will serve as a meeting point for fans, content creators and other groups that have participated and enjoyed this blockbuster in some way. Enjoy the program of activities, experiences, meetings... for a fantastic and epic weekend.
Friday October 21
19:30 -20:00 Welcoming
Banners raising "City of Dragons" accompanied by music from the series, by The Flea Bottom Band.
• Place: City Hall of Cáceres.
• Open to any public.
20:00 Route House of the Dragon and Game of Thrones
Theatrical night route, in which we immerse ourselves again in the filming of the series.
• Location: Arco de La Estrella
• For speakers and guests.
11:00 p.m. Postparty in Garden and drinks, Las Caballerizas.
To celebrate the start of the Cáceres, City of Dragons event, we will travel to a unique place to enjoy the world that surrounds La Casa del Dragón in a relaxed way. A party set for the occasion, special treatment will be given to people who come dressed as a character.
• Place: Las Caballerizas, garden and drinks.
• Open to any public.
Saturday October 22. Cáceres, "City of Dragons" in the Monumental City
10.00 - 14.00 Escape Room The Dragon's Egg
Follow the clues and look for the hidden dragon egg in the Monumental City, the fastest to find it will find its reward.
• Place: Monumental City
• Registration: Tourism Office.
• Open to any public.
10:00 - 14:00 The best archer of the 7 kingdoms
The activity will consist of each participant shooting 3 arrows at a target, with the help and advice of the San Jorge Archers Club monitors. Obtaining with this a score that the next day can be consulted in a general classification, for children and adults, published on the Club website www.clubarquerossanjorge.com.
Place: Carvajal Palace Gardens
Open to any public.
• Registration: At the Carvajal Palace on the day of the activity.
10.00 - 11.30 Theatrical route: House of the Dragon and Game of Thrones
Join us through the scenarios that served as the shooting of the successful series by the hand of our crazy director and two clueless characters who refuse to end the shooting. Follow us and maybe you will be the next protagonist.
• Limited places.
• Open to any public
• Meeting point: Arco de la Estrella.
12:00 - 13:00 Knights School
Demonstrate your skills as a knight of the House of the Dragon, in this school you will learn to be a Golden Cloak.
• Place: San Francisco Cultural Complex.
• Open to all audiences.
• In charge of the Fencing School "Acero" of Cáceres.
13:00 - 14:00 Knights tournament
Exhibition of sword fights in the purest style of House of the Dragon
• Place: San Francisco Cultural Complex.
• Open to any public.
• In charge of the Fencing School of Cáceres
5:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. Presentation of the book "Winter is Coming, Game of Thrones Lessons for Life"
• Author: Jesús Nieto Quintana.
• Place: Belleartes. Art and action space. Calle Donoso Cortes 6.
17:00 - 18:30 Theatrical route House of the Dragon and Game of Thrones
Join us through the scenarios that served as the shooting of the successful series by the hand of our crazy director and two clueless characters who refuse to end the shooting. Follow us and maybe you will be the next protagonist.
• Limited places.
• Open to any public
• Meeting point: Arco de la Estrella.
18:30 - 19:30 School Parade and Cosplay Contest
There is no better way to make Cáceres the capital of dragons than with the participation of its educational centers and students.
• Meeting place: Plaza de San Mateo.
• Open to AMPAS and educational centers.
19:00 - 21:00 "House of the Dragon": scenes from the life of King's Landing.
In the different marked filming points of the Monumental City, the ESAD students and the extras of the series will recreate some of the scenes shot in the series and will tell us how its inhabitants lived these scenes.
• Place: Signposted points of the Monumental City.
• Open to all audiences
Round tables at San Francisco Cultural Complex
16:30- 21:00 - Exhibitors area in the Main Atrium of the San Francisco Cultural Complex. Open to any public
10:15 - 11:05 - Cáceres, Ville de Dragons Speakers and guests
Patricia Auneau and Cristophe Germier (La Garde de Nuit)
Patricia and Cristophe are the representatives of La Garde de Nuit, the French community of fans of the Game of Thrones universe, the longest-running community in Europe. It was born as a forum more than two decades ago and is also responsible for the saga's French wikia. Patricia is its president and Cristophe is an author with experience in events and media.
Matteo Barbagallo (Martin International Studies Network)
Matteo Barbagallo is an Italian writer, screenwriter and translator. He is the founder of the Martin International Studies Network, which seeks to academically study the work of George R.R. Martin. He is currently collaborating with Martin himself on the writing of the Wild Cards, science fiction stories that the American writer has been editing for 30 years.
San Jorge Square
11:15 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. The impact of Game of Thrones and House of the Dragon on Tourism
Maria Braun and Leire Juan (Dragonstone Tours)
María Braun and Leire Juan are in charge of Dragonstone Tours, the first tours in Spain specialized in visiting Game of Thrones locations: the enclaves of the Basque Country where the seventh season of the series was filmed. They have extensive experience after having lived in Northern Ireland and having seen the first tours of the series there, since Game of Thrones recorded most of its scenes on the island.
Montaña Granados (CEO Insertus)
Montaña Granados is responsible for the tourist company Insertus, with extensive experience in creating tourist experiences and activities, it was the first time the theatrical routes linked to the cinema and the Game of Thrones series, such as "A history of cinema" and "Game of queens" in Cáceres and the "Battle of the Dragon" in Malpartida de Cáceres.
Javier Marcos (Los Siete Reinos)
Javier Marcos is responsible for Seven Kingdoms, the largest website in the world in Spanish and the second in the world, only behind Westeros.org, on the Game of Thrones universe, George R.R. Marton and his television adaptations. After 10 years, the website has almost 400,000 followers on networks and a large community. Javier also has his personal YouTube channel, Javi Marcos, linked to the analysis of this saga.
17.00 - 17.50- Cáceres, Citta dei Draghi
Federica Bocco (Winter is coming)
Federica is an Italian journalist who writes for the largest American website about the series Game of Thrones, Winter is coming, but also for prestigious magazines such as Cosmopolitan, Tor, Netflix Life or She Knows or the Lonely Planet travel guides, with which he will publish a book soon.
Damiano Vandi and Valentina Bignamini (La Cittadella)
The Italian YouTube channel of La Cittadella is specialized in the analysis of the world of Ice and Fire, characters, places and outstanding events, as well as discussing series about the universe such as The House of the Dragon
Beatrice Sironi and Chiara Mendola (Il Podcast del Ghiaccio e del Fuoco)
The Italian podcast analyzes the A Song of Ice and Fire saga, on which Game of Thrones is based, in addition to commenting on series about this universe such as The House of the Dragon.
Matteo Barbagallo
18.00- 19.20 - House of the Dragon: a Show of Fire and Blood
Elio García (westeros.org)
The American based in Sweden Elio García is, together with his partner Linda Antonsson, the person in charge of the largest website and Wikia of the Game of Thrones saga, Westeros.org and the world's greatest expert in this universe, recognized by the author himself. from the play George R.R. Martin. In fact, the three of them, Martin, García and Antonsson, are co-authors of the illustrated encyclopedias on Westeros, the already published The World of Ice and Fire and The Rise of the Dragon, which goes on sale next October 25.
Adam Whitehead (The Wertzone)
Adam Whitehead is an English writer nominated for several Hugo Awards for his fantasy and science-fiction blog The Wertzone, one of the longest-running and prominent in the world. He is also responsible for the most comprehensive website on fantasy maps, Atlas of Ice and Fire, and is such a close friend of George R.R. Martin that the author has named a character in his work after him
Stefan Sasse (Boiled Leather Audio Hour)
The German historian Stefan Sasse is considered the best essayist on the world of Game of Thrones. His theories and texts have been praised and confirmed by George R.R. Martin himself. He has published in Tower of the Hand and has formed, together with the American journalist Sean T. Collins, the Boiled Leather Audio Hour podcast for a decade.
Federica Bocco (Winter is Coming)
Patricia Auneau and Cristophe Germier (La Garde de Nuit)
Javier Marcos (Los Siete Reinos)
19:45- 21:00 - The Council of Dragons
Limited capacity - prior registration
Jag Durán (Youtube channel Jag Durán)
The Mexican journalist Jag Durán has the largest YouTube channel in Spanish specializing in Game of Thrones and its spinoffs such as La Casa del Dragón, with more than 330,000 subscribers. Invited to the premiere of the series in Los Angeles and with extensive experience interviewing famous actors and directors, he also writes for the American medium San Diego Red.
José Signoris ( YouTube channel Frikidoctor)
The surgeon José Señarís, in addition to being a screenwriter for El Hormiguero, is known as Frikidoctor for having the largest Spanish YouTube channel specializing in the analysis of Game of Thrones and The House of the Dragon, with more than 220,000 subscribers. Famous for his mastery over spoilers, he also analyzes multiple series and movies on YouTube together with the brilliant screenwriter Fernando Acebedo through his famous Criti-Car.
Antonio Osuna ( YouTube channel EvilSmile)
Antonio Osuna is a Cordovan historian and content creator. His EvilSmile channel is famous for its analysis of Vikings, mythology, and especially Game of Thrones and House of the Dragon. Thanks to his videos on this series, he has exceeded 100,000 subscribers on YouTube.
Berta Golán, Beatriz Peñas and Santiago Gutiérrez (La Canción Continúa)
La Canción Continúa is the first podcast in Spanish to reread the Song of Ice and Fire saga. In just two years they have achieved extraordinary success and a very loyal community. Specialists in the narrative, psychology and history of the work of George R.R. Martin, also analyze the House of the Dragon series every week.
Dani Abades (YouTube channel Maglor)
Dani Abades is the greatest Spanish specialist on YouTube in content on the history and characters of the work of George R.R. Martin and the Game of Thrones universe, with more than 150,000 subscribers. His spectacular Chronicles of Westeros have created a legion of followers for the quality of their content and their wonderful narration.
Guadalupe Fiñana "La Abuela de Dragones"
Guadalupe Fiñana dazzled the world with her casual analysis of Game of Thrones, commenting on them as if it were a soap opera and becoming the famous Grandmother of Dragons. Winner of Masterchef Abuelos, she is also following La Casa del Dragón, and her more than 150,000 followers on Instagram make her a very special influencer.
9:00 p.m. Themed dinner and post party
"City pof Dragons" themed dinner in one of the places that was part of the production of the series, in a unique space in the heart of the Monumental City. In this unrepeatable banquet we will share with the guests of the round tables how much they have a lot to say about House of the Dragon: Elio García, Dani Abades, Javier Marcos ... and with the special presence of Guadalupe Faniña better known as "La Abuela de Dragones". A special menu has been created based on the recipes and dishes from the books in the saga and the series:
Gaje meat pie. Head Cook of Winterfell. (Northern style beef and bacon pie.)
Volantis-style beets. The narrow sea favorites (Spaghetti with beetroot, arugula and cheese.)
Fish in the form of King's Landing and the Thousand Islands. (Assorted fried fish).
Flea Bottom Partridges: Stewed Partridges
Sansa Stark's lemon cake with apples from the Red Keep
Wine, water, beer or soft drink.
• Limited seats.
• Open to all audiences • Place: The Garden of the Golfines
• Menu price: €38
• A dinner and a "Cáceres de Cine" Route will be raffled among the people who attend to the dinner with cosplays.
Sunday October 23 Cáceres, "City of Dragons" in the Monumental City
10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. Escape room The dragon's egg
Follow the clues and look for the hidden dragon egg around the Monumental City, the fastest to find them will find their reward.
• Place: Monumental City
• Registration: Tourism Office.
• Open to any public.
10:00 a.m. - 11:30a.m. Theatrical route The House of the Dragon and Game of Thrones
Join us through the scenarios that served as the shooting of the successful series by the hand of our crazy director and two clueless characters who refuse to end the shooting. Follow us and maybe you will be the next protagonist.
• Limited places.
• All public.
• Meeting point: Arco de la Estrella
1:00 p.m. - 2:00 p.m. Dragon's Followers cosplay contest
If you are a fan of the series and want to show off your best costume design and accessories, take part in this contest, our jury made up of the expert participants in the round table will give their verdict. Participate and win your reward.
• Place: San Jorge Square
• Prize: Weekend in one of the Hospederías of Extremadura for two people.
• Open to any public.
San Jorge Square (Church of San Francisco Javier)
12:00 - 13:00 "I was part of Game of Thrones and The House of the Dragon"
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vacationsinhanoi · 2 years
How About Spending Vacations In Hanoi
You will have a good time spending your vacations in Hanoi because there is so much to do there that you might never get bored. You will get an opportunity to experience the magnificent architecture and culture firsthand, savor the mouthwatering treats, and take part in a variety of thrilling activities. In general, there are a number of reasons why you should schedule your trips to Hanoi; and you can review the details below: 
When to plan your vacations in Hanoi
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Phung Hung street in Hanoi - Source: vntourist
When the weather is a little chilly and the flowers are in bloom, winter or springtime are the greatest times for visiting Hanoi. A lot of festivals and activities will be available for you to participate in, so that you can learn about the local culture as this is also close to the Lunar New Year. Another fantastic time of year to spend your vacations in Hanoi Capital is in autumn, when the atmosphere is pleasant but not oppressively hot, with calm and nostalgic surroundings. When you visit Hanoi in the fall, you'll get to experience tranquility, with cool winds, yellow leaves, the green vendors selling young rice and the mild scent of milk flowers, among other things.
>> Top things to do & see while in Hanoi:
Things to enjoy while visiting Hanoi
Travelers can enjoy a wide variety of activities and attractions in the charming capital of Vietnam. While having your vacations in Hanoi, you can visit dozens of museums, temples, cities, and other places. In Hanoi, there are a ton of fantastic sites to go sightseeing, a ton of fantastic places to buy souvenirs, and a ton of fascinating things to do. A special feature of Hanoi's geography is that in the heart of the city there are many lakes, typically Hoan Kiem Lake with an ancient turtle tower in the middle. Right next to it are impressive architectural works and valuable heritages such as Pen tower, Ink Slab, The Huc bridge, Ngoc Son Pagoda, and so on. Hanoi is the center of religion and Buddhism of Vietnam, so there are many temples and pagodas hundreds of years old in the inner city, namely One Pillar Pagoda, Bach Ma Temple, etc.
Cuisine in Hanoi
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Bun cha Hanoi - Source: Wikipedia
Spending your vacations in Hanoi, you should remember to check out the genuine beauty of this city, which is its exquisite cuisine. This is among the world's most delectable cuisines that has inspired many chefs throughout the world. You shouldn't pass up the opportunity to explore the city's streets in search of regional specialties - you can have a nice lunch for very little money because they are also extremely cheap.
>> More about highlights of Hanoi: https://zoimas.com//profile/vacationsinhanoi
Pho Hanoi is a substantial and tasty type of noodle soup that may be topped with various ingredients including beef, chicken, and so forth. When visiting Hanoi, there are numerous locations that sell pho, but if you want a fantastic, real version, try the Thin pho shop. Numerous foods such as bun cha, banh mi, La Vong grilled fish, etc., are also worth trying while spending your vacations in Hanoi.
Unique way to move while visiting Hanoi
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Cyclos in Hanoi - Source: Vietnam tour
While walking is a good way to discover Hanoi's tourist attractions, it's advised to rent a motorbike or bicycle to navigate the city's neighborhoods more easily. Particularly, one of the unique features of tourism here is the old town cyclo, which is the experience you should definitely not miss when having your vacations in Hanoi. Many visitors visiting Hanoi choose this vehicle to discover the ancient beauty on each street, weaving in the middle of a busy and bustling capital.
If cyclo brings ancient features, the tram is the means of modern and new “green tourism” of Hanoi, which will help you discover a civilized, polite Hanoi with a modern pace of life. The double-decker bus is another option, passing through the majority of the most prominent attractions of this city, convenient for you to visit them without worrying about being lost or finding your way.
Travelers who like to tour historic towns, consume good food, and take in picturesque views would definitely spend their vacations in Hanoi. This area is populated by quaint locals, historic structures, sidewalk vendors offering regional specialties, feudal and French colonial architecture. No matter where you are from in the world, traveling to Hanoi is simple and convenient because it is the center of importance of Vietnam.
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thesamsaraholidays · 14 days
Wonders of Leh Ladakh with The Samsara Holidays: Your Ultimate B2B Partner
Explore Leh Ladakh like never before with The Samsara Holidays' exclusive B2B packages!
Ladakh's unique landscapes, rich cultural heritage, and adventurous opportunities make it a popular destination for nature lovers, adventure enthusiasts, and those seeking a glimpse into Tibetan-Buddhist culture.
Ladakh is a region in the northernmost part of India, located in the state of Jammu and Kashmir. It is renowned for its stunning landscapes, high-altitude mountain passes, ancient monasteries, and unique cultural heritage. 
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Here is some information about Ladakh:
Geographical Location: Ladakh is situated in the Indian Himalayas, bordered by Pakistan to the west and China to the east. It is nestled between the Karakoram and Great Himalayan mountain ranges.
Capital: The capital of Ladakh is Leh, which is located at an altitude of around 3,500 meters (11,500 feet) above sea level. Leh serves as the administrative and cultural center of the region.
Landscapes: Ladakh is known for its breathtaking landscapes, including rugged mountains, vast barren valleys, deep gorges, and crystal-clear lakes. The region is often referred to as the "Land of High Passes" due to its numerous mountain passes, such as Khardung La and Chang La, which offer spectacular views.
Buddhist Influence: Ladakh has a strong Buddhist influence, with numerous ancient monasteries scattered across the region. These monasteries, such as Hemis, Thiksey, and Alchi, are not only religious centers but also architectural marvels, showcasing intricate artwork and valuable Buddhist relics.
Adventure Tourism: Ladakh attracts adventure enthusiasts from around the world. It offers various thrilling activities, including trekking, mountaineering, river rafting, and biking. The challenging terrain and high-altitude passes provide opportunities for adrenaline-pumping adventures.
Festivals: Ladakh celebrates several vibrant festivals that showcase the region's cultural traditions. The most famous festival is the Hemis Festival, held at Hemis Monastery, featuring colorful masked dances, music, and rituals. Other notable festivals include Losar (Tibetan New Year) and Dosmoche.
Local Cuisine: Ladakhi cuisine is influenced by Tibetan and Central Asian flavors. Popular dishes include Thukpa (noodle soup), Momos (steamed dumplings), Skyu (a hearty stew), and Butter Tea. The cuisine often incorporates locally grown barley, wheat, vegetables, and dairy products.
Climate: Ladakh experiences a cold desert climate due to its high altitude. Summers (June to September) are mild with pleasant daytime temperatures, while winters (October to april) are extremely cold, and many areas become inaccessible due to heavy snowfall.
Accessibility: Ladakh can be accessed by road and air. Major Indian cities are connected to the region by the Kushok Bakula Rimpochee Airport in Leh. The two primary highways that link Ladakh to the rest of the nation are the Leh-Manali Highway and the Srinagar-Leh Highway.
Inner Line Permit: To access some restricted regions in Ladakh, visitors who are not nationals or residents of India must get an Inner Line Permit (ILP). The Leh government's authority or authorized travel agencies can provide the permit.
Discover why The Samsara Holidays is your go-to choice for unforgettable B2B experiences in Leh Ladakh.
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With The Samsara Holidays, embark on a journey of discovery and adventure in Leh Ladakh that leaves a lasting impression on your clients.
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zanskarfeels00 · 20 days
The Zanskar River: Ladakh's Spectacular Waterway
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Nestled in the rugged terrain of the Indian Himalayas, the zanskar river ladakh stands as a testament to the raw, untouched beauty of nature. Carving its way through deep gorges and towering mountain ranges, this river is not only a lifeline for the region but also a hub for adventure enthusiasts and nature lovers. Known for its breathtaking scenery and the famous Chadar Trek, the Zanskar River offers an unparalleled experience of the great outdoors.
A Journey Through Time and Terrain
The Zanskar River originates from the Zanskar Range in the union territory of Ladakh. It flows through the Zanskar Valley, which is characterized by its high-altitude desert landscape, before merging with the Indus River near the town of Nimmu. The river's journey through the valley is a spectacle of natural beauty, with its crystal-clear waters reflecting the stark, barren mountains that surround it.
During the summer months, the Zanskar River is a popular destination for rafting and kayaking. The river's rapids, ranging from Grade III to Grade V, provide a thrilling challenge for adventurers. The journey through the Zanskar Gorge, often referred to as the "Grand Canyon of India," is particularly exhilarating. Rafters navigate through narrow passages with towering cliffs on either side, creating an adrenaline-pumping experience against a backdrop of awe-inspiring landscapes.
The Chadar Trek: Walking on Ice
One of the most unique and sought-after experiences on the Zanskar River is the Chadar Trek. Held during the winter months, this trek involves walking over the frozen surface of the river. The term "Chadar" refers to the blanket of ice that forms over the river, creating a natural pathway that connects remote villages in the Zanskar Valley.
The Chadar Trek is a test of endurance and resilience, as temperatures can plummet to -30 degrees Celsius (-22 degrees Fahrenheit). Trekkers navigate icy trails, often hearing the river flowing beneath their feet. The trek offers stunning views of frozen waterfalls, ice formations, and snow-covered landscapes. It also provides a glimpse into the traditional lifestyle of the Zanskari people, who have adapted to the harsh winter conditions over centuries.
Cultural and Ecological Significance
The zanskar river india holds great cultural significance for the local population. The river and its surrounding areas are home to several ancient monasteries, such as the Phugtal Monastery, which is built into a cliffside and accessible only by foot or on horseback. These monasteries serve as centers of Buddhist learning and meditation, adding a spiritual dimension to the region's natural beauty.
Ecologically, the Zanskar River supports a diverse range of flora and fauna. The valley is home to unique species such as the snow leopard, Himalayan ibex, and various migratory birds. Conservation efforts are crucial to protect this fragile ecosystem from the impacts of climate change and increasing tourism.
The Zanskar River in Ladakh is more than just a river; it is a lifeline, a playground for adventurers, and a cultural treasure. Whether it's rafting through its tumultuous rapids, trekking on its frozen surface, or simply soaking in the majestic views, the Zanskar River offers an experience that is both exhilarating and humbling. As more people discover its wonders, it remains essential to balance tourism with conservation to preserve this pristine natural wonder for future generations. The Zanskar River, with its untamed beauty and profound cultural heritage, continues to be one of Ladakh's most extraordinary gems.
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Aqaba Jordan: Unveiling a Relaxing Red Sea Escape
Aqaba, Jordan's sole coastal city, beckons travelers seeking winter sun, diving adventures, and a gateway to Jordan's captivating sights. This guide unveils Aqaba's charm, equipping you to plan your perfect Jordanian adventure.
Aqaba: A City of Two Worlds
King Hussein's strategic decision in 1965 transformed Aqaba. While the city thrives as a bustling port, it also beckons as a leisure destination. Luxurious resorts boasting private beaches and glistening pools line the shores, while the city center pulsates with authentic Jordanian life.
Planning Your Aqaba Escape
When to Visit:
* Pleasant weather (September to November & April to May): Ideal for sightseeing and outdoor activities.
* Prime diving season (May to June & September to October): Enticing water clarity and vibrant marine life.
* Winter sun (November to February): Perfect for poolside relaxation, with Petra potentially experiencing rain.
Flight Considerations (as of May 2024):
Direct flights from Europe to Aqaba's King Hussein International Airport (AQJ/OJAQ) primarily operate between October and March. EasyJet offers seasonal flights from London Gatwick and Manchester.
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Things to Do in Aqaba:
* Explore the Aqaba Jordan Marine Park: Renowned for its coral reefs, offering snorkeling and diving experiences.
* Indulge in Relaxation: Unwind at private hotel beaches or luxurious beach clubs.
* Embrace Local Culture: Stroll along the city's promenade, soaking in the vibrant atmosphere of Al-Ghandour Beach (remember, modest attire is recommended).
* Day Trips: Petra, Wadi Rum, and Israel are all within easy reach.
Where to Stay:
Aqaba offers a spectrum of accommodation options, from budget-friendly hotels to opulent resorts with private beaches. Consider your travel style and budget when choosing your haven.
Beyond Aqaba:
Aqaba serves as a springboard for exploring Jordan's captivating treasures.
* Petra: The awe-inspiring ancient city, a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
* Wadi Rum: The dramatic desert valley, offering breathtaking landscapes and overnight stays in desert camps.
Crafting Your Dream Aqaba Adventure:
Wonders Travel and Tourism is your one-stop shop for crafting your ideal Aqaba itinerary. Let our travel specialists guide you in selecting the perfect accommodation, planning exhilarating day trips, and ensuring a seamless travel experience.
Contact Wonders Travel and Tourism today to start building your unforgettable Aqaba adventure!
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market-news-24 · 26 days
Today's Current Affairs: Saudi Space Agency and NASA Collaborate to Build $2 Trillion Global Space Economy by 2035 In a recent announcement, NASA Administrator Bill Nelson revealed that the Center for Space Futures, hosted by the Saudi Space Agency, aims to send a mission to the moon and establish a $2 trillion global space economy by 2035. The partnership between the two agencies will bring together space industries, commercial companies, and government programs to accelerate space technologies and foster innovation. [ad_2] Download Latest Movies in HD Quality Downloading In 15 seconds Scroll Down to End of This Post const downloadBtn = document.getElementById('download-btn'); const timerBtn = document.getElementById('timer-btn'); const downloadLinkBtn = document.getElementById('download-link-btn'); downloadBtn.addEventListener('click', () => downloadBtn.style.display = 'none'; timerBtn.style.display = 'block'; let timeLeft = 15; const timerInterval = setInterval(() => if (timeLeft === 0) clearInterval(timerInterval); timerBtn.style.display = 'none'; downloadLinkBtn.style.display = 'inline-block'; // Add your download functionality here console.log('Download started!'); else timerBtn.textContent = `Downloading In $timeLeft seconds`; timeLeft--; , 1000); ); [ad_1] Question 1 - What is the goal of the Center for Space Futures hosted by the Saudi Space Agency? - A. To build a $2 trillion global space economy by 2035 - B. To establish a moon colony by 2040 - C. To send a mission to Mars within the next decade - D. To explore commercial space tourism opportunities Answer: A. To build a $2 trillion global space economy by 2035 Question 2 - When is the Center for Space Futures set to open? - A. Fall of 2024 - B. Spring of 2023 - C. Winter of 2025 - D. Summer of 2026 Answer: A. Fall of 2024 Question 3 - What was the focus of the agreement signed between the Saudi Space Agency and the World Economic Forum? - A. Establishing a moon colony - B. Establishing a Center for the Fourth Industrial Revolution focused on space - C. Launching a space station orbiting Mars - D. Exploring the possibility of space mining Answer: B. Establishing a Center for the Fourth Industrial Revolution focused on space Question 4 - What was the aim of NASA's Artemis II lunar mission? - A. To establish a permanent human settlement on the moon - B. To land the first astronauts near the moon's South Pole in September 2025 - C. To capture images of the dark side of the moon - D. To search for signs of alien life on the moon Answer: B. To land the first astronauts near the moon's South Pole in September 2025 Question 5 - How is the $2 trillion global space economy expected to be achieved by 2035? - A. Through government funding only - B. Through partnerships with international space agencies - C. Through the establishment of space colonies - D. Through commercial enterprises and government programs collaborating Answer: D. Through commercial enterprises and government programs collaborating [ad_2] What is the Center for Space Futures and what is its aim? The Center for Space Futures, hosted by the Saudi Space Agency, aims to bring together space industries to send a mission to the moon and build a $2 trillion global space economy by 2035. What partnership did NASA announce with Saudi Arabia and what is its purpose? NASA announced a partnership with Saudi Arabia on multiple scientific instruments to send the Artemis II mission to the moon for economic benefits and to better understand climate change. What is the significance of the Artemis Accords and why did Saudi Arabia sign it? The Artemis Accords are a set of principles for the peaceful uses of space. Saudi Arabia signed it to ensure safe, peaceful, and sustainable space exploration by following common principles, guidelines, and best practices.
[ad_1] Download Movies Now Searching for Latest movies 20 seconds Sorry There is No Latest movies link found due to technical error. Please Try Again Later. function claimAirdrop() document.getElementById('claim-button').style.display = 'none'; document.getElementById('timer-container').style.display = 'block'; let countdownTimer = 20; const countdownInterval = setInterval(function() document.getElementById('countdown').textContent = countdownTimer; countdownTimer--; if (countdownTimer < 0) clearInterval(countdownInterval); document.getElementById('timer-container').style.display = 'none'; document.getElementById('sorry-button').style.display = 'block'; , 1000); [ad_2] Today's Current Affairs are buzzing with the news of the Center for Space Futures, set up by the Saudi Space Agency, aiming to build a $2 trillion global space economy by 2035. NASA Administrator Bill Nelson shared his excitement during a recent visit to Riyadh, highlighting the importance of bringing together space industries and government programs. With plans to go back to the moon and partner with commercial and international entities, the future looks bright for space exploration. The Center for Space Futures, set to open in 2024, will facilitate discussions on space collaboration and accelerate space technologies. Saudi Arabia's partnership with NASA holds promise for economic benefits and a better understanding of climate change. Amidst the excitement, challenges such as space debris remain a priority, emphasizing the need for global cooperation in peaceful space exploration. Let's stay tuned for more updates on the exciting developments in the space industry! [ad_1] | Today's Current Affairs | |-----------------------| | The Center for Space Futures, hosted by the Saudi Space Agency, will bring together space industries to send a mission to the moon and build a $2 trillion global space economy by 2035, according to NASA Administrator Bill Nelson during his visit to Riyadh. The US space agency plans to go back to the moon with commercial and international partners. The Center for Space Futures, set to open in 2024, aims to facilitate public-private discussions on space collaboration. NASA's Artemis II lunar mission aims to land astronauts near the moon's South Pole in 2025. Saudi Arabia has partnered with NASA on scientific instruments to enhance economic benefits and understand climate change. Debris in space poses a threat to satellites and spacecraft, prompting efforts to address this issue. Saudi Arabia signed the Artemis Accords in 2022, promoting peaceful uses of space. The Saudi Space Agency, launched in 2018, aims to accelerate economic diversification and enhance research and development in the global space industry. The global space economy is expected to expand to $1.8 trillion by 2035, driven by various sectors benefiting from space-enabled technologies. Collaboration between public and private sectors will be crucial for the industry's growth in the future. | [ad_2]
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Outdoor LED Display Market To Reach USD 23,381.5Mn By 2030
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Outdoor LED Display Market Growth & Trends
The global outdoor LED display market size is expected to reach USD 23,381.5 million by 2030, registering a CAGR of 15.9% from 2023 to 2030, according to a new report by Grand View Research, Inc. The increasing demand for digital advertising and the rising popularity of large-scale events drive market growth. The expansion of exhibitions and sports events, ceremonies, seminars, and other similar events are the key factors for the market for outdoor displays. Sponsors can more efficiently present information about their company's products and services and reach a larger audience at a lower cost using displays at popular events to advertise and display their offerings to potential consumers.
The increased use of advanced technology tools and devices in human lives in recent years has resulted in a strong demand for electronics worldwide. Digital displays have grown increasingly important in a digital society, with tremendous improvements in display technology during the last decade and the introduction of interactive displays that can take user commands via touch, stylus, or other peripheral devices. Interactive LED displays are widely used in various sectors for a wide range of applications and their demand is expected to increase in the near future, thanks to a growing set of applications, increased investments in R&D, increased gamification, growing digitization, rising internet penetration, and changing consumer preference for technologies. The increasing use of touchscreen tables in the hospitality industry is also likely to drive the demand for interactive LED displays.
Advancements in LED technology have enabled vendors to offer high-quality displays that are bright, energy-efficient, and have a long lifespan. The proliferation of smart city solutions has increased in North America as several countries are implementing digital signage to provide real-time information to citizens. Outdoor LED displays are widely used in transportation hubs such as airports and train stations to inform passengers of flight schedules, arrivals and departures, and other important updates.
Request a free sample copy: https://www.grandviewresearch.com/industry-analysis/outdoor-led-display-market  
Outdoor LED Display Market Report Highlights
In February 2023, Daktronics Inc., a provider of visual communication and dynamic audio systems, partnered with Drexel University, in Pennsylvania, U.S. to manufacture and install an indoor audio system and twenty-two new LED displays at the university campus at the Daskalakis Athletic Center in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The installation features a five-display center-hung design completed ahead of the 2022 winter sports season.
The individually mounted segment is expected to hold the largest market share and expand at a CAGR of 16.7% from 2023 to 2030. The growing need for huge displays with long viewing distances is projected to push commercial builders and retailers to use this technology
The full color display segment is projected to exhibit the highest CAGR in the forecast period. The benefit of a full-color display is that it can create realistic, high-quality images, which makes it perfect for use in settings where visibility is crucial, including indirect sunlight
India, China and Japan are the main source market for outdoor LED displays. The demand for digital signage solutions is growing in the retail and tourism industries with the growing popularity of outdoor entertainment
Outdoor LED Display Market Segmentation
Grand View Research has bifurcated the global outdoor LED market based on technology, color display, application, and region.
Outdoor LED Display Technology Outlook (Revenue, USD Million; 2017 - 2030)
Individually Mounted
Surface Mounted
Outdoor LED Display Color Display Outlook (Revenue, USD Million; 2017 - 2030)
Monochrome Display
Tri-Color Display
Full Color Display
Outdoor LED Display Application Outlook (Revenue, USD Million; 2017 - 2030)
LED Billboards
Perimeter LED Boards
LED Mobile Panel
LED Traffic Lights
LED Video Walls
Other LED Matrix Boards
Outdoor LED Display Regional Outlook (Revenue, USD Million; 2017 - 2030)
North America
Latin America
Middle East & Africa
List of Key Players of the Outdoor LED Display Market
Daktronics Inc.
Electronic Displays Inc.
LG Electronics
Panasonic Holdings Corporation
Sony Corporation
Toshiba Corporation
Lighthouse Technologies Limited
Shenzhen Dicolor
Optoelectronics Co. Ltd
Browse Full Report: https://www.grandviewresearch.com/industry-analysis/outdoor-led-display-market  
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