#will dan discover the truth from amenadiel
mantra4ia · 7 years
Lucifer Season 3 and Beyond
Desires, Needs, Speculations (and questions):
Is Lucifer with wings a flashback to his fall from heaven, which I asked for last summer hiatus (it couldn’t be when he climbed out of hell to LA, because clearly that’s a desert not a beach) OR did he get dragged through the void into another world-universe?
It seems like each season our world and ensemble expands a little. Season 1 we examined the consequences of the devil making a playground, and eventual home, of Los Angeles. Season 2 we got a brief, but much more detailed window into hell.  I feel like we just got a glimpse into the architecture, it’s landscape and personal suites - so what is next? I deeper look into hell, a peek at silver city, or something teased in 2x18 only as “the void” where other universes are made? 
If we were going to step through that door into not just one world but the possibility of any number of them, how would we do it? Both eyes open, both eyes closed launching into the unknown? Are we ready to bridge the gap from the concrete world to the vast comic landscape, and to what extent?
Who knocked Lucifer out? Was it Azrael? Will we finally meet Lucifer’s sister, Angel of Death (and has she dealt with the heavenly patriarchy better than her mom has)? This was also a season one speculation slowly coming true, A+ fan service.
What did Maze do to Linda’s license investigative reviewer off screen near the end of s2? Will it come back to bite her in s3?
Ella’s family played an understated role in season 2, but there was a missed call from Ella’s brother in 2x17 that piqued my interest. Will her character, particularly family backstory, be more consequential in s3?
I really would like a father Frank reprisal, and can we make it a really good plot twist- thanks.
Now that Linda seems to have lost her credentials as I psychiatrist, where will Lucifer and Maze get their therapy from?
Will she get her license back, and what would that process entail? Will Lucifer muck about?
Or will Linda get resort to a job from her past, which we have yet to fully uncover? Will s3 dig into that? Her character has longevity priority, I need answers.
If she remains a counselor to some extent, can we please get Amenadiel on the couch next? Luifer and Maze has a good run. He’s been having an identity / purpose crisis last season, an unlike Maze who’s had the benefit of Linda’s help, Amenadiel has struggled, partly because he lacks the human anchors that Maze stumbled on. Can we get the Linda-Amenadiel dynamic back?
Dandielion (Dan and Amenadiel) are a great BroTP that I think Amenadiel could really use. Keep building that please.
Speaking of, Lucifer hinted at this near the end of season 2: has Amenadiel and Maze’s relationship got a spark left in s3, or has it cooled completely as they’ve both had to do a lot of work finding their own place on Earth?
So Mum has gone into the void to be her own independent goddess, and define herself within a universe of her own making. Will all that happen off camera (aka - is mum’s story completely finished for s3)? It would kind of be a shame if it does considering she only recently realized that she still, in some capacity loves her ex-husband and Lucifer has only recently realized (or rather Linda on Lucifer’s behalf) that as much as he enjoys the idea of his parents fighting to the death - minus the consequences to humanity - he is also fond of seeing them together. Not to mention Dad probably has his own opinion on the subject and it would be some kind of awesome to see them together. Is there an opening for mum’s return next season, family related or for her favorite human?
Speaking of, it seems that human Charlotte Richards survived celestial occupation, but sans recent memory. Will she still be a supporting figure in the lives of our central ensemble - particularly for Dan?
Dan is on the freaking precipice of discovering the secret of Lucifer’s family, particularly now that he had such a strange and intimate relationship with Charlotte, which she does not remember. Will he be the next to know and buy in? Will Linda need to catch him up?
Are there going to be any consequences to Dan and Maze’s team up from prior to the first s2 hiatus, when they exacted punishment on Chloe’s behalf on the corrupt warden involved with her father’s murder case?
Linda was the last person, presumably, to see Lucifer before that wicked cliffhanger. Also, he left a message for Chloe, but he’s ‘vanished’ on her before. Will Chloe be worried and search for leads on Lucifer as a night job, or will Linda need to steer the ship and guide her into seeking him out?
Will Lucifer be separated from the central characters for an extended period of time?
Going back to Charlotte a quick sec, there seems to be a parallel between her and God Johnson. As soon as mum’s celestial soul left Charlotte she emerged with no memory. The same happened with Earl Johnson. At the time, we attributed it to the celestial piece of the sword in his belt, but this new evidence begs the question - what if Lucifer was really talking to his Dad and the artifact was a conduit?
Also, what if God was one of us?
Lucifer with no shirt, no shoes, and wings in the desert. There’s an Heroes flying man reference in there somewhere. *fingers crossed*
Near the end of 2x18, Lucifer seemed to throw the first two pieces of the flaming sword into the void after Mum, without the key, thus ensuring a slim to none chance of her immediate return until she’s worked through some issues. Coincidentally in season 2, we also find that Lucifer, sick of either getting locked into or out of cars, has secretly copied the Detective’s keys. To a godly extent, does someone out in the universe have a copy of the key to the flaming sword and will that impact s3?
At some point in season 3, Trixie needs a pet, and Lucifer should be pivotal in that process, thus reaffirming the Trixstar dynamic. Since Lucifer does not like the idea of cats and litter boxes, I highly recommend a puppy be shared between them. Unless Chloe is allergic, which in itself could be an extra level of storytelling.
Also, after Trixie’s “wusses don’t get lollies” remark, I would pay a good many things to see Lucifer and Trixie duke it out in a thumb war. PLEASE.
Even though Maze pointed out that Trixie does a good job of cutting people with her words (as opposed to knives) will s3 present Trixie with an opportunity to kick butt with the rest of the #Tribe? Will she stand up to another mean girl or mean boy?
Trixie (Scarlett Espinoza) is a dream and has me heart. Is she going to continue to be the embodiment of goodness, or in season 3 and onward will we see any tween outbursts (possibly that Lucifer can relate to/ offer perspective on)?
On that note, I really would like to see more of pairings we don’t normally get. Dan and Ella, Trixie and “Uncle” Amenadiel, Amenadiel and Linda, Chloe and Amenadiel haven’t chatted in a while and they are quite fun, Trixie and Ella.
Oh, Ella as Trixie’s sitter, with a side order of territorial jealously from Maze. That’s a story.
Lucifer has become quite skilled at slight of hand and dodging about in two seasons, getting out of hand cuffs, cop cars, swiping keys. Is there anything that slight of hand will pay off for in season 3?
Chloe’s flashbacks to her dad and early days on the detective force were really some of the wonderful highlights in s2. Will we see more of her past in s3?
Will Lucifer serve Linda the (many) stiiiifff drinks that woman has earned? 
So far, we’ve uncovered Malcolm’s corruption in the LAPD and corruption of a prison warden. Any deeper levels?
I really would like to see more episodes a) with Dan as a uniformed officer, and b) solving cases. Because Alejandro is just a cool dude, in the words of wonderful Ella Lopez. 
I love Chloe, truly I do, but the more I see her goodness the more I want to see her on a bad day (aka - death by yoga mat part 2)
Season 1 and 2 walk an interesting line between comedy and tragedy/ dramatic, so I want to do some number crunching. Over the course of 13 episodes last season there seemed to be more onscreen dramatic and trauma related elements then over the course of 18 episodes in season 2, which still handled heavy issues but ultimately seemed lighter by a larger dose of humor. Will Lucifer season 3 tow a similar balance, be more lighthearted, or take on a darker tone? I am hoping a throwback to a more serious and mysterious tone. 
Well, we didn’t see Lucifer sick with a cold and whining as though he was dying in season 2 like I was hoping, but we did get to see him beat up and Trixie calling him a wuss, which is somehow even better. But it kind of makes me think about Lucifer injured and I’m curious. Given Lucifer’s growth, in season 3 would he cut off his nose to spite his face? That is in manner of speaking - given the opportunity to sever his wings again would he? Or do they mean something different to him now than they once did?
We’ve been speculating on and off since s1e1 that Amenadiel’s necklace had greater significance, along with Luci’s ring. One hypothesis paid off, will the other? I think it does has significance, but not in an imbued with power sense, more about sentimentality. After all, he gave away his wedding ring sans blinking, but this one he never goes without. I’m thinking perhaps it was a gift from a sibling - but that’s utter guesswork.
More to come surely…
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spirantization · 3 years
Looking Ahead to Lucifer Season 6
Now that we've got all of season 5 and season 6 is somewhere on the horizon, here are some thoughts about what the final season might look like and where I would personally like to see the characters go.
This posts contains no spoilers or BTS information for season 6. I don't know anything beyond a couple interviews with writers and cast members. Everything here is purely speculation. If you have been following BTS and have speculations based on them, kindly do not spoil me here.
Warning! This assumes you've watched all of Lucifer 5B. Do not read unless you've seen the latest episodes.
I get that season 5 was all about Dan's journey of discovering and coming to terms with the truth about the celestial world. Thinking about season 5 as a whole, it made sense not to do an Ella reveal, which would have only taken the focus off of Dan's arc. I very much get it and I agree that was the best choice to make. That being said: let Ella find out the truth. If Chloe is leaving the LAPD and they're not going to have homicide cases every episode, then Ella's role as case-of-the-week-infodump is obsolete.
I'd love to see a reveal that does not hinge on Lucifer's identity; ideally, I would love for them to bring back Azrael again and have the reveal happen through her. Season 5 went to great pains to establish that Boo Normal is canon; if that's the case, then they need to follow through on the rest of what that episode set up. Ella's life has been deeply impacted by interacting with Azrael. She's struggled with thinking she's crazy and dealing with her darkness, and all of that stems from that relationship. There are plenty of shows that throw out reveals for everybody by the end of the run; I don't think that is the case with Ella. At this point, it is doing a disservice to Ella's character not to do a reveal for her.
Dan died so that we could watch him get stuck in a Hell loop and find his way out of it. We know it's possible, since Lee is now in Heaven, and now it's Dan's turn. Of all the characters, Dan's story is the clearest to me in terms of how to move it forward. It's a natural continuation of the arc that was established in 5B.
This is a chance for Dan to relive his mistakes, realize he's in Hell, and then work on getting past it. The show is quite firm that Dan has to be the one to get himself out of Hell. I imagine we might see Lucifer (or others) visit Dan in Hell and try to guide him out, but I don't think it's as easy as picking up his soul and plonking it in Heaven. It has to come from him.
I enjoyed Maze's reaction to her newfound soul. She wanted a soul, she got one, and then whoops, actually, having a soul is really hard and uncomfortable and maybe she didn't realize what she was in for and now she wants off this rollercoaster.
I would like to see an exploration of what having a soul means for her. If she can self-actualize a soul, what does that mean for her brothers and sisters down in Hell? Are all demons capable of manifesting a soul? The show set up Mazikeen, Queen of Hell, but I don't know they'll actually follow through with that. If they reform Hell, ruling it may not be what Maze thinks it is. Less torture, more reform.
We know that Amenadiel is all set to join the police force, and the show wants to discuss BLM and examine its role as copaganda. All of this has the support of its writers and cast and I think it's an important story to tell. They touched briefly on the subject in S4 but, much like Brooklyn Nine Nine, came down on the side of "a few bad apples". This is a good opportunity to course correct and really dig deep into the issue, and Amenadiel is the only character who can do that.
Aside from his role in the police, I would like to see more of Amenadiel, his relationship with raising a human son, and his struggle between being a celestial and living amongst humans. Will living on Earth be a permanent decision?
We know that Linda is displaying some (not unreasonable) helicopter parenting. I would love to see Linda come to terms with that and examine how she can't control every aspect of Charlie's life, and that sometimes she has to let him fall.
I would also enjoy seeing Adriana return, and maybe explore how their relationship could develop. That would be a good way for Linda to dig into her guilt associated with abandoning Adriana.
I don't need a Michael redemption arc, and to be honest I don't think the show is interested in doing one, but I want to see Michael doing his forced, wingless penance on earth amongst the beings he despises. Maybe we'll see him briefly haunting the bar at Lux or trying to run a taco truck.
Trixie is a hard character to predict, simply because Scarlett is not able to be in all the episodes, or even most of them. (She was in 5 out of 16 episodes in season 5, and no doubt even fewer in season 6 due to COVID.) So I recognize right off the bat that my wishlist for Trixie most likely will not come to pass for reasons that have nothing to do with the writers. She will probably spend most of the season offscreen visiting her grandparents.
What I would love to see is Trixie dealing with losing her father, probably by lashing out at Lucifer and/or Chloe. I loved the Chloe & Trixie bonding we got in season 5, and would love more in season 6. It would also be great to see Trixie in therapy to deal with these issues. I don't think that a reveal for her is necessary (although I do headcanon that she already knows), but I would like to see her resolve her issues with Lucifer and come to terms with him a parental figure who is not a replacement for her father.
My girl. So, what does it mean to be a consultant for God? I don't know, and Lucifer & Chloe didn't seem to know either. She's leaving the LAPD, so her story does not have to be tied to a case of the week. That being said, is she going to be involved with police cases at all, as a consultant, or even a PI? Her story is very much tied to Lucifer's at this point, so it's hard to separate the two, but it would be interesting to see a Chloe-centric episode: what life is like when Lucifer isn't there.
Chloe has said several times that Lucifer makes her a better detective; I like to think that for Lucifer, Chloe makes him a better God. She has a strong sense of justice, right and wrong; I think it's important for her to continue challenging Lucifer and his decisions.
(So happy for Chloe that she's been promoted to God!)
I'm not interested in seeing a Deckerstar wedding (and I think Lucifer putting his ring on her finger was the closest thing to that happening) but they've fought so hard for each other. It would be nice to see the two of them enjoying being a couple. I don't ask for much! Some cuddles. An omelet. No backsliding.
Godifer has some choices to make. What exactly are his newly-actualized powers? Does he have all the omnis? If he does, what does that mean for his relationships with everyone else, and especially Chloe? How does he go about ruling the universe now that he's got the job? How is he going to reform Hell?
Season 5 left Lucifer in a good place, emotionally. Becoming God brings in a lot of new lessons to be learned.
Episodes I would like to see, in no particular order:
Lucifer puts himself into a groundhog day scenario because everything goes wrong and he keeps resetting the day to try again; Lucifer learns a valuable lesson that he can't control everything.
Lucifer tries to stop everyone from worshipping him; his divine appearances and miracles go unnoticed or mocked online. I don't know what the lesson would be, I just think it would be funny.
Lucifer tries to do something good, like save a life, which has unintended negative consequences later down the line; he learns that he can't interfere all the time, even if it means that people will suffer and die because of it.
Some of Lucifer's siblings (who were not invited to the super exclusive archangel voting ceremony) are unhappy with Lucifer being God and stage a mini-rebellion. Lucifer gains a new appreciation for his father.
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theleafpile · 4 years
Mazikeen and the Importance (and Frustration) of Sub-Plot Characters
Looking over Lucifer Season 5a and the frustration fans are feeling toward the writers’ treatment of Mazikeen has me thinking about the role of subplot characters. More than any other reason, Mazikeen exists in the Lucifer universe in order to be a foil for our titular character, and that is why when we see Lucifer rise, Mazikeen falls.
--- Warning: Spoilers For Season 5a ---
According to The Anatomy of Story: 22 Steps to Becoming a Master Storyteller by John Truby, there are four main types of characters that populate every story: the hero (or protagonist), the opponent (or antagonist), the ally, and the subplot character. These characters can be further differentiated by adding in second or third opponents, a fake-ally opponent, or a fake-opponent ally. The more complex the story, the more characters that are needed to populate it, and the more often characters change or overlap in their duties; for example, in Lucifer Amenadiel, Linda, Charlotte, Dan, and Eve flip between being allies and opponents depending on whose side they are on, which is usually determined by what they know and dependent on whose character POV we are seeing them from, generally Lucifer’s. From Lucifer’s perspective, Chloe can be an ally one moment and an opponent the next for the same reasons, and vice versa. 
So what, exactly, is a subplot character? According to Truby, 
The subplot character has a very precise function in a story, and again it involves the comparative method. The subplot is used to contrast how the hero and a second character deal with the same problem in slightly different ways. Through comparison, the subplot character highlights the traits and dilemmas of the main character.
Before moving on, let’s examine Mazikeen’s arching story lines over the years: 
Season 1: Maze is disdainful about the changes Lucifer appears to be undergoing; Lucifer is curious and takes steps to seek out what might be causing it. She consistently goads and riles him up to be the Lord of Hell she desires him to be, but her actions have a way of backfiring and pushing Lucifer toward further emotional development. As a result, she teams up the opponent (Amenadiel) against Lucifer.
Season 2: Lucifer’s mother enters as the opponent. Maze maintains her stance against her as Lucifer begins to befriend her. Mazikeen begins the process of developing emotional connections (notably with Trixie and Tribe Night), eventually moving toward allying with the opponent to spare Lucifer’s feelings, but becomes a temporary opponent toward him when she feels abandoned/wrong by his thoughtlessness. When the opponent threatens those she cares about, her actions ally with Lucifer’s (predominately in saving Linda’s life).
Season 3: Mazikeen sets out to discover her true self away from Lucifer. Amenadiel and Linda’s burgeoning relationship threaten Maze’s abandonment issues. She begins to demand more respect and care from Lucifer and others. When she doesn’t receive it, she desires to return to Hell. When that is denied her, she teams up with the opponent (Pierce/Cain) in order to get what she wants. Her emotional growth prevents her from taking further action, and she is allied with Lucifer once more.
Season 4: Linda’s motherhood story line brings up Mazikeen’s feelings about her mother and subsequent abandonment, causing her to project her insecurities onto Linda. As a result, she tries to discover her identity outside of the friendship, culminating in a desire to have a relationship with Eve. When Lucifer treats Eve badly, Maze teams up with her desire to have Lucifer return to Hell with Eve as his Queen, resulting in their switching over to become Lucifer’s opponent. When Eve’s desires threaten Linda’s well being, Maze returns as allied to Lucifer and helps defeat his opponent. 
Season 5a: in an attempt to distract herself from both Lucifer and Eve abandoning her and Linda’s focus on Charlie, Mazikeen works with Chloe in Lucifer’s stead. When that backfires, she lashes out and learns that Michael is masquerading as Lucifer. Though her anger at Lucifer causes her to contemplate aligning herself with Michael (the opponent), her ultimate refusal causes Michael to turn on her. When Lucifer’s return and Michael’s reveal about Lilith brings up her abandonment issues, she projects it onto Linda’s motherhood, attempts to reconcile her problems by imitating Ella, then ultimately decides to team up with Michael in the hopes of him giving her her own soul. When Michael goes “a step too far” in threatening her established relationship with Chloe, she turns on him and allies herself with Lucifer once more.
The fan’s frustration comes from Mazikeen’s story lines feeling repetitive, which they are. She begins and ends allied with Lucifer, but at some point switches to being allied with the opponent. 
However, each story line develops and challenges her emotional/character-driven issues in the same way that Lucifer’s are developed and enforced. Lucifer, too, backslides in his development and behavior, but the difference is that he is the protagonist and therefore is unable to side with the antagonist in an effort to get what he wants, because that would make the antagonist an ally. When it appears the antagonist is doing what Lucifer wants--Mum leaving of her own accord and Cain dying--these actions are taken because Lucifer has won the battle he set out to fight, making him the hero victorious.
Mazikeen is, essentially, one step behind Lucifer in terms of character development. Her role in season 1 was most similar to his opponent, and from that point on she is relegated with “chasing” him. Lucifer has also projected his issues onto someone else, desired to return to Hell, desired to feel wanted and needed in his job, imitated a coworker, felt threatened by others’ developing emotional connections without him, and so on. 
The difference between Lucifer and Mazikeen’s development, however, becomes most stark at the end of each season.
Lucifer wins, but Mazikeen loses. 
How so?
Season 1: Lucifer saves Chloe and Trixie, is brought back to life by his father, and sends the bad guy to Hell. Mazikeen uses her one ticket back to Hell to save Amenadiel’s life.
Season 2: Lucifer’s sends his mother away peacefully, reconciles with Chloe, and decides to move forward with the truth. Mazikeen’s final shot is of her unsure and in tears watching her loved one (Linda) bloodied and badly beaten being wheeled away on a gurney.
Season 3: Lucifer saves Chloe’s life, exacts retribution on those who would harm her, and kills the bad guy. Mazikeen, drugged, bloody, and badly beaten, is told by Linda that emotions are hard and then apologies for her behavior. 
Season 4: Lucifer is told by Chloe that she loves him; he returns to Hell to save the lives of everyone he knows. Mazikeen, after defeating the bad guy with Lucifer et all, is told by Eve that there is an emotional connection between them, but it is not enough to keep her around. 
Whatever season 5 will ultimately bring may or may not be similar.
But why is this the case? 
Truby continues,
The subplot character, like the ally and the opponent, provides another opportunity to define the hero through comparison and advance the plot. The ally helps the hero reach the main goal. The subplot character tracks a line parallel to the hero, with a different result.
(my emphasis)
Mazikeen is consistently denied her heroic, triumphant moment at the end of each arc, because Lucifer gets his. All her heroic triumphs are in relation to Lucifer, not her own character growth. As a result, her character is the most likely to slide back and/or side with the antagonist because nothing she does benefits her in the end. 
Despite Lucifer’s arguments otherwise, Mazikeen is still very much his henchman, his lackey, his subplot character.
At their core, Lucifer and Mazikeen share the same weakness: they are fearful of being left by those they care for. Since they approach the problem in different ways, we the audience get to see the pros and cons of each. It is important to note that the subplot character is rarely also the ally, and as a result they are allowed to change between being allied with the hero and opposing him.
It is because of Mazikeen that we understand Lucifer. She is our comparative tool. Her character showed us more about Hell and its dynamics than Lucifer. She showed us what Lucifer could have easily been, and throughout the stories, showed us what Lucifer has consistently grown from. Because of her, we know how far our hero has come. By comparing the two characters, we get to see how much each of them has changed in relation to where they began and where they stand in relation to one another at any given moment. 
Mazikeen’s role in important in Lucifer, but it is a subservient one. No matter what arc she is given, the story centers around Lucifer. It is the same with any other character, but because we compare the two more often, her pitfalls are more obvious. I love Mazikeen, but given the way this story is structured, she would be unable to be the protagonist and as such is often left bereft. 
The writers can change this by giving her happier endings at the culmination of each season, and the best way for them to do that is to not have to have her crawl her way back into our hearts after needlessly siding with the opponent again.
Give Maze a true happy ending please! Here’s to season 5b, and season 6!
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halloweentv · 4 years
Netflix Halloween
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A list of Halloween themed shows and movies available on Netflix streaming that you can play for Halloween! Enjoy!
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Stranger Things
S2e2 Trick or Treat, Freak
After Will sees something terrible on trick or treat night, Mike wonders whether Eleven is still out there. Nancy wrestles with the truth about Barb.
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Hubie Halloween
Despite his devotion to his hometown of Salem (and its Halloween celebration), Hubie Dubois is a figure of mockery for kids and adults alike. But this year, something is going bump in the night, and it's up to Hubie to save Halloween.
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Cobra Kai
S1e3 Esqueleto
Daniel volunteers to chaperone the Halloween dance so he can keep an eye on Sam. Johnny tries to recruit more students for his new business.
A Babysitter’s Guide to Monster Hunting
Recruited by a secret society of babysitters, high school student Kelly Ferguson battles the boogeyman and his monsters when they capture Jacob, the 5 year old boy she’s watching on Halloween.
The Babysitters Club
S1e2 Claudia do the Phantom phone calls
The spooky spirit of Halloween sweeps through Stoneybrook. Meanwhile Claudia explores budding romance and struggles to connect with her parents.
F is for Family
S1e4 F is for Halloween
Frank secretly torpedoes Sue’s shot at a real job and a bully leaves Bill afraid to don his costume.
Harvey Girls Forever
S1e3 Harveyween
Lotta faces her fears to save her friends on Halloween night.
The spooky tale of Captain Underpants Hack-a-ween
When Melvin tries to cancel Halloween, clever best friends Harold and George create their own spooky holiday—and it’s a huge success.
Chilling Adventures of Sabrina
Chapter one: October Country
While Greendale readies for a Halloween eclipse, Sabrina faces a crucial decision and Harvey makes an unexpected decision.
Legends of Tomorrow
S3e4 Phone Home
The Legends jump to 1988 to capture an anachronistic Dominator and save young Ray from being killed.
The Flash
S6e4 There will be Blood
Barry's efforts to prepare Cisco for Crisis are derailed when Cisco schemes to save Barry's life instead; Ramsey Rosso uses his deadly new abilities to save his own life, while sacrificing his humanity in the process.
S4e7 It’s the Great Pumpkin Sam Winchester
Investigating two mysterious deaths in a small town, Sam and Dean discover a witch is sacrificing people to summon a dangerous demon. 
S4e4 Halloween
Halloween comes to Riverdale bearing VHS tapes and creepy dolls of unknown origin.
Scream: The TV series
Anthology series that follows a group of teenagers being stalked and targeted by a masked serial killer. Halloween episodes: S1e9 tm”The Dance” and S3e3 “The man behind the mask”
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American Horror Story
Murder House
S1e 4&5 Halloween Part 1 & 2
The ghosts can leave the house on halloween night. Tate runs into some ghosts from his past.
S3e4 Fearful Pranks Ensue
the witches raise the dead on Halloween
Freak Show
S4e3&4 Edward Mordrake Part 1 & 2
the freaks don’t want to perform on halloween in fear of a ghost coming to visit.
S5e4 Devil’s Night
John receives an invitation to attend an exclusive Devil's Night Soiree, while Alex tries to diagnose Holden's strange condition.
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Parks and Recreation
S2e7 Greg Pikitis
Leslie enlists the help of Dave and Andy in order to catch a local teen vandal. Meanwhile, Ann struggles to make her Halloween party fun and gets help from an unlikely source.
S4e5 Meet n Greet
Ben is mad when Andy and April decide to throw a Halloween party at their house without asking him. Tom emcees an event for Leslie’s campaign but manages to also promote his company. Meanwhile, Ron and Ann give Andy and April an unusual wedding present.
13 Reasons Why
Tape 2 Side B
Its Halloween in the present and Clay strikes back at someone who wronged Hannah. In the past Hannah thinks someone is stalking her. 
Fuller House
S2e4 Curse of Tanner Manor
DJ attempts to throw the scariest Halloween party for Max. Stephanie works as a zombie at a haunted house.
Carmen Sandiego
S3e2 The Day of the Dead Caper
Carmen tracks a you g art thief on Dis de Muertos.
S3e3 The Haunted Bayou Caper
V.I.L.E. crashes a costume party hosted by a celebrity chef at his spooky mansion.
House of 1000 Corpses
Two young couples traveling across the backwoods of Texas searching for urban legends of murder end up as prisoners of a bizarre and sadistic backwater family of serial killers.
Star Trek TOS
S2e7 Catspaw
Kirk and the crew land on a planet with a spooky castle and witches.
Pac’s Scary Halloween
Sinister Dr. Pacenstein schemes to swap bodies with Pac during a Halloween party.
Pac Man and the Ghostly Adventures
S1e21  A Berry Scary Night
Count Pacula attempts to drain the last yellow orb in Pac World on Halloween night. 
S2e12 The Shadow of the were-pac
Pac and his friends are confronted by spooky space ghost pirates. 
Cult of Chucky
Chucky has some scores to settle with some old enemies.
S3e4 All Halliwell’s Eve
The sister’s go to the 1600’s to save a witch and her baby
S8e6 Kill Billie Vol. 1
While the Charmed ones are dealing with paparazzi and Halloween, armed and ready to vanquish, Billie inexplicably freezes and is flooded with childhood flashbacks when she sees her latest demon target, the Dogan.
Charmed (2018)
S1e3 Sweet Tooth
When Macy learns of a mysterious death in her lab, she informs her sisters, and together they devise a plan to flush out the demon; Maggie volunteers to throw a Halloween party at her house.
S2e6 Monster
Guilty and self-destructive, Lucifer clashes with Chloe during an investigation, leading her to team up with Dan instead. Meanwhile, Amenadiel bonds with Charlotte, and Maze takes Trixie trick-or-treating
Gossip Girl
S4e9 The Witches of Bushwick
Chuck throws a Saints and Sinners masquerade party.
Power Rangers
S1e25 Life’s a Masquerade
Isn’t set on Halloween but has a cool Frankenstein monster in it. and costumes.
S1e53 Trick or Treat
Kimberly goes on a Halloween game show…cuz those exist.
S2 e21 Zedd’s Monster Mash
Tommy faces some real Halloween monsters after he’s kidnapped by Goldar. 
Power Rangers Samurai “Party Monsters” and “Trickster Treat”
Power Rangers Megaforce “Raising Spirits” 
Power Rangers Dino Charge “The Ghostest with the Mostest” and in Dino Super Charge “Trick or Trial”
Big Bad Beetle Borgs
S1e24 Bye, Bye Frankie
Frankenbeans escapes into town on Halloween night, then the monster Grenade Guy is ordered to kidnap him.
Good show for the season but the Halloween episodes in particular are
Specials “The Haunted Mask” Carly Beth’s scary mask begins to change her.
Specials “The Haunted Mask 2” A boy’s creepy Halloween mask won’t come off and begins to harm him.
S2e15 Attack of the Jack O'Lanterns
Jack O‘Lantern aliens terrorize some trick or treaters. 
Goosebumps 2: Haunted Halloween
Two young friends find a magic book that brings a ventriloquist's dummy to life.
Creeped out
A series of spellbinding, enchanting and intriguing tales that will bring chills to the back of the neck. Different characters must navigate their way through the unexplained.
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Dreamworks Spooky Stories
“Scared Skrekless” Shrek and Co tell scary stories
“Monsters vs Aliens Mutant pumpkins” Ginormica and co battle mutant pumpkins!
Dreamworks Spooky Stories Vol. 2
“Monsters Vs Aliens: night of the Living Carrots” Picks up right after the previous special
Also included another MVA short, Megamind, and Shrek.
S2e5 The Rocky Horror Glee Show
the class attempts to out on a performance of Rocky Horror for Halloween. 
New Girl
S2e6 Halloween
Jess gets hired as a zombie at a haunted house.
S3e6 Keaton
Jess hosts a Halloween party and a Michael Keaton batman costume helps cheer up Schmidt.
My Babysitter’s a Vampire
S2e10  Halloweird
In a total “not rip off” of Buffy, a mask makes people turn into real-life versions of their costumes.
The Vampire Diaries
S1e7 Haunted
Matt takes Vicky to a haunted hous ebut the night takes a terrifying turn
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The Office
S2e5 Halloween
Downsizing leads corporate headquarters to order Michael to fire somebody by the end of October. Michael procrastinates until Halloween, when he still has not decided whom to fire. When he decides to fire Creed, Creed manages to convince Michael to fire Devon.
S6e8 Koi Pond
While on the way to a business meeting, Michael falls into a koi pond. The staff tease him so he holds an anti-bullying seminar. Pam and Andy go cold-calling to stir up some new business; they reluctantly use clients’ mistaking them as a couple to their advantage.
S7e6 Costume Contest
Michael freaks out when Darryl goes over his head by taking an idea to corporate. The employees partake in a Halloween costume contest in the office. Meanwhile, Pam tries to get the truth from Danny about their dating history.
S8e5 Spooked
Erin works to make a spooky, non-childish Halloween party, with help from Gabe. Dwight becomes friends with Robert’s son, and Pam and Jim debate the existence of ghosts. Meanwhile, Robert tries to figure out everyone’s deepest fears in order to culminate a ghost story.
Super Monsters Save Halloween
The Super Monsters use their powers to get their neighbors in the Halloween spirit, then help a nervous friend see there's nothing to be afraid of.
Super Monsters: Vida’s first Halloween
The Super Monsters share their Halloween traditions with Vida, then get invited to a Día de los Muertos party in the Howlers' backyard.
Super Monsters: Dia de los Monsters
The Super Monsters celebrate Día de los Muertos in Vida's hometown with her magical family, some new monster friends and a spook-tacular parade!
StarBeam: Halloween Hero
Greedy Captain Fishbeard is stealing everybody's Halloween treats for himself, but StarBeam and Boost have some tricks up their sleeves to save the day!
Monster Family
Dracula's spell turns a woman and her loved ones into a vampire, a mummy, a werewolf and Frankenstein's monster.
Highway to Heaven
S2e5 The Devil & Jonathan Smith
Jonathan recruits a con artist's help after Jabez Stone tricks Mark into selling his soul in order to save a little boy's life, but The Devil has another agenda - acquiring the soul of an angel.
S4e5 I was a middle aged werewolf
During Halloween night, Jonathan helps a little boy get over his fears (and in the process get even with his older sister).
Curious Creations of Christine McConnell
Christine McConnell, an artist and baker lives in a mansion full of monsters and ghosts. She loves to create morbid looking desserts like gingerbread haunted houses, caramel spiders and bones made of pretzel sticks, peanut butter and white chocolate.
Hotel Transylvania
S1e13 The Legend of Pumpkin Guts
Mavis and her friends learn the true meaning of Halloween
Scooby Doo Mystery incorporated
S1e17 Escape from Mystery Manor
When the gang goes on a quest to find out what happened to the original Mystery Incorporated group, they find themselves trapped in the underground Darrow Mansion.
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S1e7 Introduction to Statistics
Jeff must choose between a date and honoring a promise to Annie.
S2e6 Epidemiology
Halloween at GCC is ripe for zombie-inspired nightmares.
S3e5 Horror Fiction in Seven Spooky Steps
Britta discovers that an anonymous psych quiz proves that one of her friends is a psychopath.
Sleepy Hollow
Ichabod Crane is sent to Sleepy Hollow to investigate the decapitations of three people, with the culprit being the legendary apparition, The Headless Horseman.
Sister, Sister
S3e7 Halloween
Though grounded Tia and Tamera take Ray’s car in search of a Halloween rave.
S3e9 Halloween part 1: Kim’s Revenge
A three-way phone call among friends leads to hurt feelings for Kim, who overhears more than she bargained for concerning a Halloween-costume contest.
S6e7 The Nutty Moesha
While trying to juggle studying, taking care of her family while Dee's away and planning for her Halloween party, Moesha, along with Niecy, starts using energy-raising vitamins that have some peculiar side effects
The Parkers
S2e7 Scary Kim
Kim pulled pranks on Halloween on her friends. Her friends gets her back by pulling a huge prank
S3e7 Mummy’s the word
When Kim,Stevie and T rent out a woman's house for a Halloween party Nikki has to save the professor when they find out she plans to turn him into a mummy
Liv & Maddie
S1e5 Kang-A-Rooney
Joey ends up crushing on Liv in a kangaroo costume while practicing how to talk to girls.
S2e3 Helgaween-A-Rooney
A magic amulet creates a frightening triplet for Liv and Maddie named Helga.
S3e4 Haunt-A-Rooney
Liv and Joey travel to New York for Halloween
S4e3 Scare-A-Rooney
Liv takes Ruby to a spooky dinner and runs into an old acquaintance.
All Hallows’ Eve
As Eve celebrates her birthday on Halloween night, she discovers she's a witch and accidentally summons an old relative, who has nasty plans for the town.
S1e6 The Remains of the Date
Joan plans an elaborate scheme to get revenge on William for the latest in a series of Halloween pranks. Toni is put off when her date asks her to engage in a threesome--with a stuffed animal.
S2e7 Trick or Truth
Toni winds up suffering a huge breakdown after she discovers Greg took her back only to get revenge on her.
Sam & Cat
S1e16 #DollSitting
On Halloween, Sam and Cat are hired to babysit a doll, with unusual and creepy results. Cat also thinks she may have accidentally turned Dice into a monkey with a magic spell.
Gilmore Girls
S6e7 Twenty-one is the loneliest number
Since Rory was a tyke, the Gilmore girls have planned her 21st birthday: in Atlantic City, sipping martinis, playing 21. But with the estrangement, Emily plans the birthday party -and it's soooo not Atlantic City.
S6e6 Murder 2.0
In the days before Halloween, a rampaging serial killer posts cryptic clues online, which the NCIS team must decipher before he strikes again.
S7e5 Code Of Conduct
The NCIS team is called to investigate when a practical-joke-loving Marine turns up dead on Halloween Eve in an apparent suicide. Plus, DiNozzo and McGee share some of their favorite Halloween memories.
Criminal Minds
S6e6 Devil’s Night
The BAU go to Detroit to catch a man who burns his victims alive during the pre-Halloween celebration Devil's Night.
S10e6 Boxed in
A child reappears one year after he went missing -- but the team must work quickly when a trick-or-treater disappears under similar circumstances.
66 notes · View notes
reithel1 · 3 years
Lucifer: Revelations (Outline for a Movie)
Lucifer: Season 6.66
(How I Would Have Written Season 6):
I Love the actors, the characters and have deep appreciation for everyone in front of and behind the cameras… the story had quite a few good things… but parts were missing, some were confusing and some parts that were just plain mean… you naughty writers!
Lucifer Season Six was a disappointment to a lot of people. I swear, if I hear one more person say “bittersweet” I’m going to kick someone right in their dark chocolate.
It wasn’t “bittersweet” … much of the Chloe-and-Lucifer story was just bitter, period. (Also, a lot of folks are appalled at the way Trixie was snubbed…)
First, it’s obvious that none of your writers are old enough to understand the pain they are trying to write about…
They say, “it’s ok because they know Lucifer and Chloe will have eternity together”… This is something that a younger person would write… someone who has never had to live for several decades without that one person… the love of her life, raise his child alone… missing those milestones… first steps, first giggles, birthdays and holidays… it’s even worse, much worse, if he is somewhere else missing them too and she has to feel his pain too. And that is just HUMAN suffering.
Compound that with knowing your loved one is in a place where a month of your pain is a thousand years of torture for him, and it becomes unfathomable.
I have done the human part and wouldn’t even wish that pain on a fictional character.
That Time Travel nonsense just doesn’t work if it means that Lucifer has to sacrifice everything he has worked through, trying to so hard to come to grips with his own daddy issues. There is NO WAY that he would agree to walk away from his own child after all of that. NO WAY that he becomes a deadbeat Daddy.
So, I learned a new word… RETCON… it means “Retroactive Continuity”… something can be changed so that things that come after it can also be changed…
This can be corrected if it is shown that parts of the sixth season were just old, sick Chloe’s dementia, bad dreams, an injury or an illness-driven hallucination...
For one thing, once Rory returned to Chloe’s deathbed, couldn’t she have EASILY just sent up a prayer to Uncle Amenadiel aka GOD, and said, “I know the truth now, please tell Dad it’s time to come home, Mom needs him... it’s time!” and Lucifer could have been there within seconds! So the final scenes of Chloe dying without him don’t make any sense. Amenadiel not taking Chloe to see her Dad and Mom in heaven before heading to Hell also doesn’t make any sense… if she lived to be old, Penelope would have joined John by then.
NEW GOD: I would change the plot so that Lucifer initially ascends the throne, attempts being God, (people AND angels died for him to become God, you know), he discovers what a hard job it really is, (remember when he said he hated the cacophony of voices in his head? How hard would it be for him to have to deal with 7.79 billion people praying to him in different languages, almost all at once, and see how he handled THAT!), then discovers Chloe is pregnant and THEN figures out that he doesn’t want the God job... How hard would it be for him when he’s God to constantly hear what she is thinking and have to turn a “deaf ear” to it? Not comment on it out of respect for her... adjust to letting her have some kind of privacy? After awhile, Lucifer begins to take more and more time away from his God duties, as if pretending he’s deaf and turning off his “hearing aid.”
NO GOD: On a celestial level, the other angels get frustrated because Dad has vacated the throne, Michael was gone (being punished in Hell) and Lucifer is gone frequently because he wants to step down — spend more time with Chloe as she nears her due date, then with the baby and Trixie, settling in to being an “earthly” Dad, and sort of neglecting his “Father of the Universe” duties… and Amenadiel doesn’t want it either... New rumbling began regarding who should rule... Since earth is once again basically without a God, things begin to descend into chaos, both on the earthly plane and in Heaven...
MICHAEL: Lucifer’s counsel helps Michael understand that the same parental issues that caused him to be rebellious and mischievous has caused Michael to be resentful and devious… This revelation helps them both, Lucifer forgives Michael and after awhile, Michael finally forgives himself for being a dickhead, and finally self-actualizes his wings back. Michael returns to the Silver City, and is happily reunited with all his siblings who are pleased that he has found his way... but soon, he feels the tension of the empty throne, he considers trying to claim it, but he is a different angel now, feels that it is no longer his destiny or his desire to rule... he feels unfulfilled in Heaven and returns to Hell to help Lucifer with his giant new task of helping lost souls find their own way out.
Lucifer is surprised and very pleased to be working wing-to-wing with his brother and it helps lighten his work load, but is dismayed to hear of the unrest in Heaven and the disintegration of things on earth. Since Michael has made such a transformation, while Lucifer was still God, he fixes Michael’s wing and shoulder, removes his scar and makes him beautiful again, with shimmering gold wings. Now he’s just as lovely as Lucifer and has no further reason for jealousy.
AMENADIEL: I wanted to see Amenadiel in a situation where he saved that racist boss by stepping in front of him and deflecting a bullet… the same black guy he has been so horrid to has now saved him… Amenadiel could have a few choice words for him, maybe pulls his shirt open and show him there is no bulletproof vest… right before leaving to go back to the Silver City.
NEW REBELLION: Near the end of the Movie: Wouldn't it be great if Lucifer and Michael could return to Heaven for a battle scene and fight together with Amenadiel against a new rebellion led by someone other than Lucifer or Michael? Now Lucifer is finding out how his father felt when Lucifer rebelled against Him all those many years ago! Surprised? Betrayed? Angry? Hurt? (Maybe it could even be Rory or some as-yet unborn angel child that starts this rebellion against him... but this time, it’s not because he wasn’t a good Dad, but because he is not being a good God in their eyes.)
They would find a way to make their brothers and sisters stand down by stopping the rebellion by a show of wit and power but not fighting... maybe just as the battle is about to begin, Lucifer (who is still God at this point) slices a veil of clouds with the flaming sword, showing a brilliant white and diamond view of a Heavenly Host of souls, millions of them... (CGI) all the good souls who have agreed, plus all the souls that he has saved from Hell and ascended to Heaven who have vowed never to serve any angel who takes the throne by force... (this scene would be great close to the end of the movie for a chance to see everyone one last time as they all stand together in the clouds in support of Lucifer), and can include any/all main characters that have recently deceased — if any — Ella, Maze, Eve, Linda, Trixie... previous characters: John and Penelope Decker, Dan and Charlotte, Father Kinley/Dromos and Squee, Delilah, Jimmy Barnes, Father Frank, Candy Morningstar, Reese, Cain, Abel and LeMec and Mr Said Out Bitch and any angels like RayRay, Zadkiel, Sara, Gabriel, and any other fan favorites from the past that we’d recognize, anyone who is available and willing to do it for the right price), and it is an amazing, breathtaking sight to behold... and with Chloe, Michael, and Amenadiel by his side, Lucifer says, “What would be the point of sitting on a throne in an empty kingdom where the only ones to bend a knee will be a few of your own brothers and sisters?”
This has paved the way for the New God...
(Note: For a couple of seconds each, show a view of the couch back home in Hell’s Therapy Office: Julian and his dad Mr. Tiernan are waiting for their session, squabbling. In another room, Malcom is sitting in a lumpy chair in front of a big screen TV that doesn’t work, with a table of food looks beautiful but has no taste or smell, and a glance into another room with Pete surrounded by lilies, listening to angry women — Ella’s voice and his mother’s — screaming at him 24/7. He and Malcom are both staring at a sign above a Red Light that isn’t lit... “Come to Therapy Office when Lit”)
NEW GOD/OG GOD: The three brothers calmed the rebellion, but they still have an empty throne that none of them really want to ascend to... Lucifer is still technically God, and Michael and Amenadiel try to convince Lucifer that he should resume his duties but Lucifer and Michael are now humble enough to know that it is not their calling... their work in Hell needs them.
Big fanfare! Dad comes back, and Lucifer gladly returns the family business back to its rightful owner... ALL of Lucifer’s lessons are NOW FINALLY completed, FINALLY he has a whole new understanding of how tough God’s job was, he has a whole new appreciation and respect for his Dad and the two of them can finally have the relationship they have always needed and Lucifer has always craved and Lucifer will finally have the chance to have a real family with his Dad and Mum, since they worked out their shit in her dimension, (He’s GOD for Heaven’s sake, you damn well know He can travel between dimensions if He wants to, and I’m sure Goddess is equally powerful and can come and go as She pleases too... gimme a break!
PS: Uriel and Remi can make an appearance too, because I am quite sure Dad is very capable of snatching his children’s souls out of their bodies, or creating replicas or holograms or whatever… removing them from harm’s way just in the nick of time, or giving them new bodies up in the Silver City. He IS God!)
God tells Lucifer he saw him at the Colosseum and was practicing blinking his eyes at the end (we saw three quick black outs at the end of season five while Lucifer held up the flaming sword and said, “Oh my Me”... figured it must’ve been God blinking, but it wasn’t mentioned again).
The three brothers now understand the pecking order, Amenadiel is second in command and has his ability to slow time plus almost as many powers as God (but not quite all the “omni’s”), and Lucifer and Michael are 2nd and 3rd in line, having slightly less powers than Amenadiel but more than the other angels, are happy to facilitate the transformation of Hell while helping out in Heaven whenever called upon to do so — those rare times when God, Goddess and Amenadiel are absent, need extra help or errands run somewhere in the world. Lucifer is still the Lightbringer but that is about all that stands him apart from Michael at that point, as they stand together as matching archangels.
And maybe in the end, the seven of them, (Dad, Mum, Amenadiel, Linda, Lucifer and Chloe and Michael) all working together to make earth and hell better places, and raise Charlie, Trixie and Rory and any future angel babies to be the next generation so that Grandpa and Grandma, Moms, Dads and Uncles can actually take a Vacay once in awhile and visit Mum’s dimension... or... Boca maybe? French Riviera? And Michael helps cover the workload in Hell’s Therapy Office, while Lucifer is away.
LINDA: Speaking of Linda, Linda and Amenadiel should realize eventually that they miss each other and really do love each other. In my story, Dad returns and takes his throne back so that would give Amenadiel and Linda plenty of time to fall back in love, especially now that Maze has married and no longer has a reason to be jealous of them. God and Goddess may retire eventually, or at least lighten their load in this dimension so they can work part time in Goddess’s dimension, so it would be nice if Amenadiel wasn’t going to be alone for eternity since he will obviously be second in command, and in charge, when God and Goddess are busy elsewhere. Plus, there’s Charlie and maybe future angel babies???
DAN: I would have shown Lucifer spending more time with Dan but getting frustrated with him like he always did, (and like he did with Mr. SOB), until he finally takes Dan through a rewind of every important scene of the last days of his life, in reverse, to see why he was feeling guilty... he would have landed on Trixie and their game of unicorn armies soon enough. (And by the way... how is it that Lucifer instantly knew the source of Lee’s guilt, and the Professor’s, and apparently everyone else’s in hell, but couldn’t figure out what Dan was feeling guilty about???) The way Dan ended up in Heaven with Charlotte, waffles and chocolate pudding cups was pretty perfect. I wouldn’t change that.
They didn’t need the whole time travel bullshit to pull it off... and it would have made a much better story without it.
MAZE and EVE: Maze and Eve was pretty good... in a movie, we could see more of their daily life, find out if they have a dungeon in their basement... you know, for Saturday night orgies... (or for some quick, fun torture before turning in their bounty catches)... find out if they ever decided to raise a kid together... maybe Trixie went to stay with them when she turned 18?
Plot twist! Maybe something happens to Trixie and Maze sacrifices herself to save her and dies... ends up in Heaven after all. (See below.)
ADAM: I thought the guy they cast for Adam was an odd choice... Eve looked like she came from that region, but he didn’t look like someone who supplied a rib to make her... all things being equal and taking DNA into consideration.... He should have looked more like her.... But oh well, not my place.... Anyway... maybe God can park Adam in Mum’s new universe and see if She can “pull” something better out of him, LoL. Hopefully his first two sons in Her dimension won’t set us all up to be potential homicidal maniacs.
ELLA: Ella and Carol seemed to be getting along ok, we could find out if she finally found a good guy... or does she like tequila too much to stick with him? Does he backslide into drinking and become violent with her? Does she have to defend herself with the taser she keeps on her key ring these days?
LOL. Anyway, there should be a scene where RayRay comes for a visit... maybe two scenes... one where she stops by to say hello right when Ella finds out that celestials are real and then again at the moment of her death. And Ella should feel welcomed and comforted by her friend RayRay in that moment... which could be something violent and dramatic (and very poignant) if it happens when she’s young... like a shooter in the police station or something.
Then she could see Amenadiel and Lucifer when they welcome her into Heaven. After Michael redeems himself, he and Ella might be a great pair in Heaven... she’s always been attracted to bad boys, and Michael, being an ex-bad boy, might be just what she needs... and her heavenly brightness, might be just what he needs! Michael needs somebody to love him and give him the balance that Chloe gives Lucifer. Yes... perfect... and then Michael would also have his eternal mate. Michael could even fly her down to Hell at some point to peek in on Pete… just for shits and giggles.
One final note about Ella... once God returns, now that Ella knows the truth... she will demand a wedding. We all know Ella wouldn’t let Chloe’s baby be born without Chloe being married to the baby daddy... even if he is an angel... and even if the officiant is God... she would want the pomp and circumstance and the flourish for Chloe and for all their friends. (Because their police friends don’t know that Lucifer is an Angel and God-frey is GOD and Lucifer’s brother/aka Officer Amenadiel is an Angel...) she would want to put on the whole shindig as much for them as the for the happy couple! (The fans want it too!) And woweee what a wedding night!
TRIXIE: I would have shown a few short clips and bits or a montage of Trixie as she reached adulthood… not only milestones like getting driver’s license and a not-catholic-Chloe giving her the keys then crossing herself… first kiss, cap and gown pic of high school graduation, but also brief scenes of her holding pic of Dan crying… maybe even looking at her mom’s gun… sitting on Linda’s couch…
Maybe Trixie follows in the family tradition and joins the LAPD when she’s old enough... Pete has been in a mental institution but has conned everyone that he’s sane and is out now… Trixie is in the precinct when Pete shows up bearing a grudge and a semi-automatic pistol… Maze and Eve are there with their latest bounty, Ella is there with some evidence on a case, and is scared when she sees him… Pete shoots at Ella, but Maze jumps him, takes the bullet, starts fighting… Pete isn’t great with a gun (and he’s still crazy) so he misses Ella, but he keeps shooting… then RayRay shows up, tells Ella not to worry, to close her eyes, everything will be fine,(nobody else can see her of course)… Maze ends up saving Trixie and Eve and several other people in the office with her ninja skills, but during the scuffle, one of the bullets hits Ella and several others are deflected, but Maze takes two more hits that would have killed Trixie and Eve and a couple of other officers receive non-life-threatening GSWs. Maze is a tough cookie, but even she can’t survive being shot three times at close range… and RayRay makes sure Ella feels no fear or pain as she transcends then goes back for Maze who survives a little longer. Long enough for a tearful, heartfelt goodbye to Eve... maybe she sings a few bars of Wonderwall? Eve, who, being 13 billion years old herself, may follow her to Heaven with a broken heart (or an aneurism or a ruptured appendix) soon after. Who knows. She’s never been sick before... will she know what to do if she feels a pain in her right side?
Ooooo! I just added this:
As she is dying, Maze thinks Eve’s wound is superficial, (but is it?), and tells Eve she thinks she is “Done, ‘over-and-out” and probably headed for Squee’s chamber of torture in Hell since she’s not sure Lucifer ever finished making the changes regarding who could rule…
After RayRay drops off Ella in Heaven she returns to the precinct massacre… Maze thinks she’s there to take Eve and begs RayRay to let Eve live… To keep us guessing, the scene changes…. SO, did RayRay take only Eve back to Heaven? Or put one under each arm and fly away? Did she take one to Heaven and one to Hell? Stay tuned…
Trixie was saved by Maze’s sacrifice and ultimately becomes a Detective like her mom and dies heroically, in the line, years later, after marrying and giving Chloe and Lucifer a couple of grandchildren to dote over. Happy reunion scene in Heaven with Dad-Dan and Grandma Penelope Decker, meets Grandpa John Decker. Maybe it could do a quick view of the person Trixie gave her life to save who goes on to become a doctor and find a cure for a disease. Framed on the doctor’s desk is a newspaper clipping of a headline, “Ninja Cop Saves Kid” subheading “Officer Subdued Three Suspects Using Karambit, Freed Hostage Before Being Shot”
LINDA: It doesn’t have to be Rory that helps Lucifer figure out that he’s supposed to be a therapist is Hell... LINDA could be the one to point out to Lucifer that he offered Lee, (Mr. Said Out Bitch), some excellent advice, the same way she’s been offering Lucifer advice for the past five years, only Lee actually took that advice (unlike Lucifer who usually skews or screws up her advice)... And that’s why Lee was there in heaven to help him when he crash-landed... “And hey... wouldn’t it be wonderful if someone could give that kind of advice to other souls down in Hell? Because until the moment that YOU TOOK THE TIME to explain it to Lee, NOBODY DOWN THERE KNEW what was causing their hell loops or that they had ANY CHANCE or ANY METHOD of escaping them! Maybe they just needed somebody to give them that clue. What do you think Lucifer? Do you know anybody who might be UNIQUELY QUALIFIED for that job?” — you see??? No need for a friggin' time travel plot device... no need to torture Lucifer, who has already spent billions of years in hell, by taking him away from the love of life and his child for billions more years!
I could also see Lucifer having a standing weekly appointment with Linda both while still living and in Heaven after she passes, to discuss his most difficult cases and get her take on them and opinions on what he should say, which he will get right sometimes and spectacularly fuck up other times!
Linda loves her role as therapist to the celestial world, and her man is God and Goddess’s 2nd in Command now, her son is an angel... she is set for eternity! The doctor is IN!
CHARLIE, RORY, OTHER ANGEL BABIES: After Amenadiel and Linda come to their senses and finally commit to being together, they should have a set of twins, possibly more babies later. Lucifer and Chloe should have at least one more. Angel babies are smart… half humans start normal… get their wings around the time they are potty trained. Linda and Chloe provide discipline, human education… empathy, sympathy, joy, and as much human history as possible. The children would be extremely smart, could skate through school jumping grades… so being home-schooled seems more logical. Controlling excitable, hyperactive children who can fly will prove quite challenging for the human parents, but the angel Daddies are thrilled with their role… teaching them to fly, schooling them about celestial business… Also, they could grow in stature faster than normal human children. They would look grown up by the age of five, but would still be as immature as children and need their mothers to guide their emotional maturity to catch up to their rapid growth.
DECKERSTAR: In my story, we get to see Lucifer and Chloe happy together, raising Trixie and Rory... Chloe always trying to keep her devilish side in check while Daddy's always having fun. Rory has him wrapped around her pinky and he is a doting daddy. She’s a handful, brilliant in school.... Sometimes a little “spirited” and that gets her in trouble.
She gets bullied at school, she says, “back off Billy, you got no idea who my daddy is! Remember the girl that bullied Trixie?
I can picture her first date... Lucifer says, “have her home by 9:30 OR ELSE” and flashes his red eyes...
The first time a date gets fresh with her and she says, “No means NO!” and tosses them out of the car!
Oh hell, watching Lucifer and Chloe raise Rory and Trixie and any other little angels that come along would be hilariously funny... could be it’s own spin off “Devil Daddy Knows Best” or Daddy Devil Knows Best... I can’t decide.
NUDITY: In a movie, we can see more of Lucifer in the nude, and have hotter sex scenes.... Not x-rated or anything, but we could get closer to R-rated... definitely expand on that orgy scene in “Orgy Pants to Work”!!! (Tom’s wife looks enough like Lauren that with the right lighting and camera angles, they could do a lot together using her as Lauren’s body double and with editing, we would never know which was which!!!). And maybe he’d actually KISS HER.
Sure, the whole “Chloe growing older while Lucifer stays young” plot thing is a pain in the ass... for some of the years, he could dye his hair greyer to match hers until it was white, even though his face wouldn’t have aged.... People see what they want to see... but it would have been a lot more heart-wrenching to have a scene where an older-looking Chloe calls a family meeting and asks the children to please understand that society just won’t handle the truth, and they must fake Lucifer’s death so that they can start a new life someplace else where nobody knows them... that means they won’t get to see him very much because he will have to live elsewhere and they can only go visit and have to pretend he’s dead. At least that way, Chloe can see him on weekends and vacations, and he can fly in for quick visits in the middle of the night when either of them get too lonely. They can set things up ahead of time for rendezvous.
At some point, she can retire from the LAPD and announce that she is moving to Florida or Vegas (some place where folks are used to seeing older women with younger men), or whatever, and she can be a cougar and he’s her pool boy? Massage therapist? Chef? (Could be a running joke.)
When she reaches a certain age, it could be a tear jerking scene if she asks him to leave her because she is embarrassed about her failing body, but would he? Why wouldn’t he just agree to allow her to lie to people and say he was living with her because he was her nephew or male nurse or something? Or simply say he was her caretaker… which wouldn’t be a lie… At that point, nobody would know them, and it’s nobody’s business anyway...
And he would definitely be by her bedside when she died, and so would Trixie and Maze and anyone else that was still alive, (if any... or did she outlive them all because she was stuck with the Tree of Life??? Nobody told us if that, and being able to conceive angel babies were the side effects of being stabbed with the Tree of Life...) and upon her death there would be a tender, tearful, “see you soon,” then RayRay would show up, she would transform into her younger self, and Lucifer would fly her to Heaven to see Amenadiel and her Dad, probably her mom by then, and any of their friends if any of them died first.
We could dispense with the whole “she’s growing old and whatever shall we do???” problem, and just have Chloe die doing what she loves best.. protecting somebody in the line of duty. She could be approaching retirement... she and Lucifer could already be having the “I’m starting to look too old to be with you even though you’re dyeing your hair grey... what should we do?” conversation when one day, they are coming out of a fast food joint with the grandkids and bank robbers step out of the bank next door, she yells “LAPD!” they both step in front of the grandkids as she pulls her gun... RayRay shows up one second later… you see where I’m going with this right? Tearful goodbye scene… no rescue this time… Lilith’s ring is empty… this time, it is her human destiny.
After her death, Lucifer would carry her to Heaven to visit her dad and anyone who predeceased her, and then they would travel back and forth together where she would help him redeem souls part of the time in hell. Same outcome as Season 6.
Maybe, since she was a handmade gift from God (via Amenadiel) to start with, God will turn her into an angel and give her matching white luminescent wings so that she can stand beside Lucifer as an equal, and that way, they can also fly to earth now and then for vacations all over the world after all their friends and family members have crossed over (so nobody on earth freaks out from accidentally seeing them again, LoL, but if she outlived everybody anyway... problem solved.) Hey, He’s God, He can do anything, right? ;o)
Along those same lines, in special consideration for all the help and happiness they have brought to Amenadiel and later to Michael, I could also see God and Goddess granting wings and angel status to Linda and Ella so that they can be suitable mates for His sons for their eternity in Heaven, and able to enjoy all of the perks that go along with that… Maybe, if Chloe outlives them all and she is the last to arrive in Heaven, they could even have a little ceremony, where God and Goddess bestow wings and angel status on them all, including Maze and Eve, which might come as a HUGE surprise to Maze, who never dreamed she’s make it to Heaven to begin with.
They could keep the parts where Chloe and Amenadiel work toward cleaning up the LAPD… and we definitely need to hear Tom sing more… a lullaby to his baby… childhood songs when they’re older and of course, show him teaching them the piano and guitar… of course we must have full blown staged musical numbers… maybe have him sing softly to Chloe as she’s sleeping… and/or as she’s dying… it could be amazing. And I loved Bob the Drag Queen… Lux should bring the RuPaul Review and enjoy several of them… they put on a great show!
One more thing... we NEED a making-love scene with Lucifer holding Chloe in his arms while flying! Wings covering everything important, of course, but it is obvious what they’re doing! Joining the mile-high club! How about on the wedding night?!? Whooohooo!!!!! (If Chloe isn’t already pregnant when this wedding night flight happens, maybe this is when Rory is conceived???)
There’s enough there for a movie or about a dozen more episodes of the show... This is only an outline, but but I could write stories myself for some of these ideas… hell, they practically write themselves. Anyway, THAT’S how I would outline a Movie: Lucifer: Revelations… or Lucifer Season 6.66!!!
Now... let’s get busy and do it different this time (with no time travel nonsense and no sadistic torturing DECKERSTAR)! LOL
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aion-rsa · 4 years
Lucifer Season 5 Episode 5 Review: Detective Amenadiel
This Lucifer review contains spoilers.
“For now I’m going to stick to police work and avoid anything God related.”
Religious imagery, innuendo, and irony have long been part of the Lucifer gestalt even though the investigations rarely take the detective and the Devil anywhere near houses of worship. When they do, however, the depth of spiritual growth woven into the narrative typically reveals a profound level of character development. With that in mind, season five’s fifth episode “Detective Amenadiel” covers so much emotional ground and seems to provide closure to Chloe and Lucifer’s relationship problems that it���s easy to forget eleven episodes still remain in the season. 
The abandonment and deception themes remain focal points, and though there’s always the danger that some threads run too long, here we get some resolution with the most compelling arc of all – Chloe’s feeling that, like Lucifer, she’s been manipulated by God for His own purposes. However, it’s Amenadiel’s role in bringing Chloe and Lucifer back together that really drives the episode.
Putting Lucifer in a convent full of novitiate nuns just seems too easy, and the opportunity for off-color remarks and snide comments about his Father almost too juicy to ignore. But this investigation finds Lucifer sidelined at the precinct with Dan doing the boring detective work while Amenadiel goes into the field with Chloe to not only solve the murder of Sister Victoria of the Sisters of the Divine Path but to discover the truth behind Lucifer’s vulnerability around the detective. The sisters’ seeming lustful attraction to Amenadiel works because it’s so out of character for Lucifer’s brother, and once Sister Francine admits that when she looks at Amenadiel she feels closer to God, the pieces to the puzzle begin falling into place.
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Lucifer Season 5 Episode 4: It Never Ends Well for the Chicken
By Dave Vitagliano
Lucifer: God Takes Charge As Dennis Haysbert Joins Season 5
By Dave Vitagliano
It’s certainly understandable that those unfamiliar with the show might accuse the writers of promoting anti-religious values, but therein lies the fundamental irony of Lucifer. Once we get past the misconception that the nuns find Amenadiel sexually attractive, it becomes apparent that the powerful emotions they feel when they gaze upon his angelic face is actually their love of God reflected back at them. It’s this revelation that ultimately leads to Amenadiel’s conclusion that so beautifully reunites the Devil and the detective. Though he’s ordinarily on the periphery of most murder investigations, it’s Amenadiel’s inductive reasoning that leads Chloe to finally understand the true nature of her relationship with Lucifer. Sherlock would be proud. 
The impact goes deeper still once Lucifer and Chloe really open up to one another, but what gives this mini-arc its power is that along with Lucifer, we’re given hope that the relationship can be saved. “I want us to be together,” she tells him, and what makes this scene so poignant is that Lucifer doesn’t yet know he’s been relieved of his obligation as Hell’s warden. He’s learned from Dan that there are no shortcuts toward obtaining anything meaningful and selflessly tells Chloe to take all the time she needs even though he believes time is something he doesn’t have. 
Of course, it’s Amenadiel’s explanation about Chloe’s unique ability that compels her to accept the most startling truth of the situation – instead of thinking about herself as a manipulative gift, she now understands she’s been given something even more important in this scenario. The resolution of this tragic conflict is handled beautifully, and while Lucifer’s penthouse has provided numerous opportunities to present his devilish side, here, sitting alone at his piano playing a plaintive tune, the space takes on deeper meaning. Once Chloe sits directly next to Lucifer on the bench, his emotional vulnerability is unmistakable and the power that she’s always exerted over him, intentional or not, now becomes something they share. When she shows him the truth that “You choose to be vulnerable around me,” Chloe opens a door for their union to ascend to a much higher level.
Though detective Amenadiel doesn’t impact Mazikeen and Linda resolving their troubled pasts, the decision they make to help each other is just as captivating as Lucifer and Chloe’s story. It’s fascinating to watch the wall Maze has built around herself slowly dissipate as Linda relates her own guilt ridden history. It wouldn’t be Maze, however, if there weren’t some speed bumps along the way, and though she storms out after Linda bares her soul, we know she’ll be back. And when she does return, Maze has her own bombshell to drop in a way only Maze can.
We’ve watched as Dr. Linda puts her own emotional baggage aside to help any number of the celestial crew cope with the vagaries of life among the human race, and it’s become clear that something from her past has returned to negatively impact her relationship with Amenadiel and Charlie. While Chloe’s understandably been caught up in the drama surrounding her issues with Lucifer, and quite honestly has never really been that close to Linda in the first place, the bond the doctor and the demon have formed reaches a new level here. Once Linda reveals her teenage pregnancy and subsequent decision to give up her baby, Maze takes charge and the counseling roles reverse. “Is that why you think you’re going to Hell?” she asks, and though this afterlife scenario that Linda conjures up in her head has provided some interesting possibilities, the reality takes an unexpected turn.
She is, after all, a private investigator by trade, and when Maze lets slip that “she seems good,” we know Linda has a huge decision to make that could have far reaching effects on her life moving forward. Of course, there’s no question that Amenadiel will totally support Linda should he learn the truth, but the dilemma now centers around whether or not she should insert herself into her daughter’s life. Maze wouldn’t be Maze if she didn’t attempt to squeeze some information out of a witness, and for a moment, it’s unclear how far Maze will go questioning Adriana. And though it appears this mini-arc could resolve itself here, Linda suddenly realizes that this whole meeting is really about the ultra emotional Maze working out her issues with Lilith, leaving Linda and her daughter as potential collateral damage. 
The rather pedestrian murder-of-the-week follows the trend of cases that revolve around somewhat simplistic motives, but that really matter because Lucifer has become so much more than a police procedural. Yes, the secret room in the cellar has a certain Rosemary’s Baby cultish feel to it, but the highlight of the murder investigation occurs when Amenadiel allows Hank to shoot him multiple times before revealing his majestic wings. He tells the killer to “have faith,” and whether this is meant as preparation for prison or Hell isn’t really that important. He’s made it clear that he needs to help make the world a better place for his son, and while getting a murderer off the streets is certainly a good thing, Amenadiel establishes an even more significant role through his involvement with Chloe and Lucifer.
“You need to give your daughter the choice,” Mazikeen suggests to Linda, advancing the idea that remaining in the background constitutes a level of deceit. In this new age of split seasons and much hyped mid-season finales, “Detective Amenadiel” keeps the momentum going, and though the Lucifer/Chloe problem appears to be settled, at least for the time being, there’s still plenty of personal discord to fill the remainder of season five’s first half. Now, let’s see if we can get Maze sorted out and back on track. 
The post Lucifer Season 5 Episode 5 Review: Detective Amenadiel appeared first on Den of Geek.
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casimania · 4 years
Hi for the ot3 ask Chloe/Dan/Lucifer also your blogs amazing
Aw thank you! And thanks for the ask too!!
Also this now turned into A LOT of talking about AU ideas I tend to do this a lot, as long time followers and HINABN folks might know lmao
Who’s the vampire, who’s the werewolf, and who’s the human?: Lucifer is the old as balls vampire, Chloe is the regular human and Dan the recently turned werewolf. They’re private investigators here. The weight of hiding what happened to him to Chloe + how it happened (still got into bad shit with Malcolm) puts a strain on their marriage and they divorce. Things change when the mysteryous nightclub owner Lucifer Morningstar gets involved with Chloe’s job. Dan immediately sniffs out he’s a vampire and tries pushing him away from Chloe casue *DANGER*, Lucifer basically wipes the floor with his ass (older and more powerful), then implies Dan and his inexperience as a werewolf are far more dangeroud for Chloe and Trixie than Lucifer himself is. But then probably either takes pity or is worried Dan could lose control and mess things up for the other monster folk of LA and him (and could actualy hurt Chloe and Trixie) and sort of shows him the ropes. I’m imagining a Vampire: The Masquerade/Shadowhunters deal with the society, like, there is a more or less secret and organized one for beings like them. Dan just went under the radar (was accidentally turned in an isolated place with no witnesses left alive) and then was surprisingly good at dealing with things on his own for someone that basically stumbled into it. Also Lucifer still partners up with Chloe on the job, he just does it at night. Shit gets more fucked up when Malcolm who was previously thought dead turns up like some sort of ghoul or whatever. Also Chloe is pretty pissed at everyone for hiding things for her but this way she manages to have an honest conversation about what Dan has been holding it (cue emotional breakdown for Dan probs lol), also between the time spent working with Chloe and helping Dan Lucifer starts catching the Feels, Dan and Chloe do too for him but also feel guilty because now that they’re on the same wavelenght again and Dan is starting to make things up with Chloe (regarding Malcolm) they also start missing each other. Also Chloe is some sort of anomaly on which vampires Glamouring powers don’t work, instead of being a Miracle. Mama Decker had a spell cast on her or something and Chloe ended up being resistant to vampire mind tricks, and maybe their bite/blood isn’t addictive to her like to other humans.
Who’s the mermaid, who’s the marine biologist trying to capture the mermaid, and who’s the surfer who’s trying to stop them? Lucifer is the mermaid, Chloe is the marine biologist and Dan is the surfer. Lucifer is trying to hide from some Organization™ that wants to study him. Chloe gets hired by them and doesn’t know at first they actually want to do more than just try to interact with him for like science and friendly relations. Dan is her ex husband and local surfer dude who had actually met Lucifer many times before (but they both interacted at a safe distance, like left things around for each other or they both did swimming/diving/surfing tricks as the other watches, Lucifer may or may not have tried to take a bite out of Dan at first). Chloe manages to actually enstablish a dialogue with Lucifer (she’s not wary of him like Dan and actually figures out things about his biology/culture via her job, Dan sort of stumbled into the gift exchanging thing on accident actuall lmao), but then the Organization uses their growing bond to lure him in and capture him and when Chloe realizes he’s now caged and hurt helps him escape but also then tries tracking him down on her own to help him. Lucifer goes to Dan for help who’s lime “oh fuck oh fuck”, his first instict is to finally contact Chloe about the fish person he knows and ask for help BUT figures out she’s working for the Evil Organization, freaks out, and hides Lucifer. After some misunderstandings Chloe figures out Dan is not just being shifty and getting distant/giving her the cold shoulder for no apparent reason, Dan figures out Chloe actually knows the Organization is Big Bad and has been working against them just fine (he was first worried she was in the know, then calmed down and figured out she’s actually a good person and wouldn’t, but then got it into his mind that it meant she didn’t know at all and must be protected at all costs from the truth lest the big bads hurt her. unknowingly to him she’d been kicking ass all along. he tends to get his head up his ass a little bit in this au too lol), and Lucifer figures out Chloe didn’t know the ppl she worked for wanted to hurt him at first and was actually the one that helped him escape (either didn’t see her or was too hurt to remember). They tend kick ass all together and unexpected Feelings happen along the way (the high stakes situation with a lot of secrecy and working with each others thing in particular helped Dan and Chloe deal with the things than caused their marriage to fall apart and they actually manage to fix some of them, especially on Dan’s part).
Who’s the witch who just wants to live alone, who’s the (royal person) who ran away and imposed on the witch’s life, and who’s the knight/whatever tasked with hunting down the (royal person) and bringing them back to the castle? (Bonus: Why did (royal person) run away?): Chloe is basically some sort of sword wielding Witch Detective. Like she has a sword, she has a shield, she can turn you into  a frog, makes potions and wanders around and like catches bad guys and solves mysteries and then retreats to be by herself (she’s been hurt in the past, wanted to be a Knight but during like Knight Academy the Witchy Powers awakened in her and theh booted her out cause Witches should do Witchy Jobs and she said “fuck off” and went to do her thing on her own). Dan was her lover at the time and failed to stand up for her enough when she was booted out and just stood by watched her disappear. Lucifer is the Prince or something with a shitty family who runs away and seeks out Chloe to either help him defeat and Evil relative or just keep his presence hidden with her magic (like idk shroud him from other magic users who might be employed to look for him). Ends up his family and him have their own type of magic (like maybe they just develop a specific power, like he gets the Desire thingie and Amenadiel maybe can’t fully stop time but can slow it down or he can move faster through it or something) and ends partnering up with her (to her initial horror). Dan actually became a better person and capable Knight along the way and gets employed to bring Lucifer back. Manages to track him down to Chloe and they’re all like “oh what the fuck”. There’s a bit of a scuffle but Chloe and Lucifer probs convince him the family is actually shit and it would end up ugly for Lucifer. So he joins them in helping him (Chloe has growing feelings for Lucifer who has growing feelings for her, Lucifer thinks the Douchey Knight isn’t so Douchey, Dan is like “oh man I’ve regretted hurting Chloe for years and was lovesick and now I’m literally dying with her in front of me and holyshittheroyaldudeisFINE, Chloe also likes this improved Dan, like this is a Dan she can vibe with (there’s probably some emotional moment where he’s all fucking in for Chloe without question like he never was before and Lucifer is too and she’s like “I’m not crying you’re crying).
Who’s the dragon, who’s the (royal person) they kidnap, and who’s the knight tasked with slaying the dragon and/or the (royal person)’s betrothed?: (Ok I know Dragon Lucifer feels like the more obvious choice but wait) Dan and Chloe were married and both Knights. Dan went into expedition with some not so nice Knights (Malmcolm and co.) who stole shit from places secretly and he used to uneasily ignore it but then Chloe figured out something was up with Malcolm and followed him, Dan followed her because he knew Malcolm was super dangerous. Some cursed artifact was involved and Dan ended up breaking it trying to stop Malcolm from hurting Chloe. Cue big damn explosion, basically dead Malcolm, confused Chloe and cursed to become a dragon Dan. He keeps his mouth zipped and leaves Chloe to be given the stinkeye by everyone while slowly turning dragony. Chloe and him break things off and he ends up running away to go live in isolation and fully transform. Cue foreign Royal Lucifer waltzing in with his family and Chloe is tasked to protect him but he a Royal Mess. Once they start to have some sort of Understanding DRAGON DAN swipes in and kidnaps Lucifer. Everyone freaks out and Chloe freaking charges after because she doesn’t want to lose another loved one. Dan actually never became a man eating monster, just got a bit of a taste for human meat along other kinds (Lucifer totally makes a lewd joke about it) and a liking for shiny things and hoarding tendencies (Lucifer’s like “oh same”). He just discovered Lucifer’s family actually has magic and is knowledgable in curses and wants him help but could just stroll in and ask for help (maybe there’s a kill dragons on sight law idk) and needs it cause the curse is still progressing and he would very much like to keep his human mindset or even better go back at being human. Chloe probably barrels in ready to save Lucifer from the man eating dragon but he’s like…. lounging somewhere, mocking the dragon who’s off in a corner grumbling and immediately pipes up like “Oh! Hello Knight! We were waiting for you!” (He calls her Knight here) and then Dan’s yelling “CHLOE?!” and Chloe absolutely loses her shit over DAN BEING A FUCKING DRAGON. They probably embark on a quest to help him, discover Lucifer’s family is fucked up and likely won’t help and that Lucifer also has a weird looking form too (probs part of the magic and curses thing, Lucifer was sort of thrown into a magic lake of fire to harness its magic cause he was the only one with the right powerset to do it, like Lightbringer and all, got out all burned out and winged but more powerful, hated his parents for it). The quest becomes also to stop Lucifer’s family. Ends up with Dan ending being able to switch from dragon to human while keeping some dragon features. His dragony tendency are diminished so he’s fine with it in the end.
Who’s the vampire hunter, who’s the werewolf hunter, and who’s the awkward vampire/werewolf hybrid trying to conceal both their crush and their race?: Chloe and Dan are the hunters power ex-couple (Chloe is more knowledgeable on vampires, Dan werewolves. They actually broke off before marriage and may have separated but after a power ended up work together a lot again because they were lethal, doesn’t help the feelings off regret) and then there’s hybrid Lucifer who starts helping Chloe, meets Dan through her and after being a it of a lech with her and back and forth posturing with Dan is like “whoopsie daisies I may have the hots for them both”. Dan and Chloe are actually rather nice hunters and usually got after supernatural folk that has been leaving a literal trail of bodies behind them. But the general attitude of hunters over them all is “Yikes” and hybrids (espeically ones that have no human half) are seen as especially powerful and dangerous so Lucifer is suddenly not so open about who he is. While still trying to help them. He likes them and wants to figure out how much he can trust them (he usually doesn’t hesitate at defending himself over ppl attacking him for what he is, but he’s got this nagging worry about being rejected by Dan and Chloe and having to hurt them to defend himself, also probably has conflicting feelings over believing the treatment of his kind is unjust but also seeing himself as Something Bad and so they wouldn’t be that wrong to want to hurt him). Shit hits the fan when someone who knows what he is actually tries hurting him, Dan and Chloe go fucking apeshit on them and then fuss over Lucifer. A running gag is him being like SUPER GOOD at pretending he is a totally different kind of being at first, or maybe pretending he’s actual half-human and half vampire OR werewolf.
Who’s the person who falls in love first, who’s the person who tries cheering on the other two’s relationship, and who’s the person who’s just oblivious to everything slightly romantic? Generic human!AU where they are a little younger maybe idk? But Lucifer is the one manages to fall for both of them first and fails spectacularly at showing it. Dan just thinks he’s being mocked and Chloe thinks it’s just him trying to get into her pants and will cool off eventually. So Chloe doesn’t realize Lucifer is attempting Romance and than Dan never actually fell out of love with her (they were like high school sweethearts and Dan messed things up in a dumb way like hanging around the wrong people and turning Douchey and they didn’t know how to deal with it and ended up breaking things off and crying over it),mostly not her fault they’re both kind of emotionally trainwrecks at the moment. Dan is trying to be a good bro and help them but then realizes he took the bro out of bromance with Lucifer (Lucifer is actually kinda sad and thinks Dan is not interested in him at all since he’s helping him communicate with Chloe) and he actually really wanted things with Chloe to work back then but messed it up cause dumb teen. Chloe later is still not getting Romance vibes from either of them but seeing them together makes her realize how much she likes them. cue Sadness at thinking Lucifer probably was only in Lust with her at first and now only wants friendship and Dan was only into her more carefree, inexperienced and easier to swipe off her feet teen self (but Dan is less of a Douche now and totally into the total badass she’s turned into, like please swipe ME off my feet ma’am).
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hrfiction · 4 years
Chapter 19: Genesis
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#Lucifer #LuciferonNetflix #ChloeDecker #LuciferMorningstar
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Amenadiel and Lucifer look about getting Dan's soul back. Maze attempts to find out Natalie's secret, Calmos discovers his terrible truth, Chloe and Lucifer have their date and a literal blast from the past finds itself in the center of Los Angeles.
Chapter Length: 24,467 Words
Words: 280,991. Chapters 19/20, Language: English
Fandoms: Lucifer (TV)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M, F/F, M/M
Characters: Lucifer Morningstar (Lucifer TV), Chloe Decker, Ella Lopez, Trixie Decker
Relationships: Chloe Decker/Lucifer Morningstar, Ella Lopez & Mazikeen Smith
Additional Tags: Eventual Smut, Fluff and Smut, Drama, Supernatural Elements, Post-Season/Series 03
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mltrefry-ficwriter · 5 years
She and the Devil
Fandom: Lucifer  Length: 1649 Pairing: Lucifer Morningstar/Chloe Decker Summary: One shot taking place after Season 4
Chloe Decker had never prayed in her life, at least not intentionally. She probably cursed God now and then, even before Lucifer. It was more just a way to express her exasperation, but after the found out The Truth, she wondered how often those little curses and slip ups made it to Him. There was begging and pleading, too. But really, in the end, it was inconsequential.
He never replied anyway.
But then again, neither did Lucifer.
After he’d gone, after she managed to pull herself away from the balcony and out of the penthouse, she’d gone to Linda. Charlie had been kidnapped, after all, and she wanted to make sure everyone was as okay as they could be.
But Amenadiel and Linda, they saw through her put on smiles (though she was genuinely relieved and pleased that everyone was okay), and asked her if she’d spoken to Lucifer since the incident with the demons.
It hurt to say the words, it made her throat tight and her heart ache, but she got through them. It was better getting the initial question of Lucifer’s whereabouts out of the way with them first. Linda was tribe, and she knew, so the truth was spoken easily without the need of trying to come up with some sort of bullshit cover up.
That’s when Amenadiel explained two things: the time difference in Hell, and the act of prayer.
The first sparked hope that Chloe would see Lucifer again. After all, if two minutes on Earth could be nearly a day in Hell, he’d already been gone for months in his mind. How long did it take to really ensure that the demons behaved?
The second gave her an outlet, something to channel her thoughts and love into when it all became too much. Which, really, happened at least once a day. Amenadiel had explained that angels very rarely, if ever, got a prayer from a mortal. And you had to be very specific, so even if the Satanists tried to send word to their lord, chances are they weren’t doing it right. Lucifer would hear her, and while he couldn’t send anything back, she could help him through what would end up being centuries below.
God was quickly replaced by Lucifer for most things. Unless she really wanted to curse, then she stuck to tried and true. Maybe if she were lucky, it would give her a one-way ticket to exactly where she probably shouldn’t want to go when the end came. Not that she was in any sort of rush. There was Trixie, and she wasn’t about to throw herself in danger and leave her little girl without a mother. There was her own mother, whose heart she didn’t want to break by having her lose her husband and daughter in the line of duty, not if she could help it.
She wondered if Lucifer was more amused or annoyed by the little snippets that ended up his way. She wondered if maybe she somehow made him smile or laugh, if the demons worried for him or feared the possibility of his going made. She wondered if he heard or felt the love she filled her every word with when she prayed to him. Or, more likely, what it might look to someone who might have noted her pressed hands in the lunchroom or at her desk, or sitting in traffic on the way home.
But Chloe Decker didn’t really give a crap.
It had never occurred to her to communicate with him when she was in any sort of possible danger. Suspects frequently drew weapons or threatened violence, but she’d been facing them down for years, long before celestial beings came into her life and she fell for the devil.
At least, it didn’t occur to her before now.
She’d been working with Dan on a case. A murder of a chemistry teacher, the scent of drugs and gang activity, it reminded her so much of that case with Lucifer where he went undercover with Marcus. Cain. (No, Marcus. Marcus was an easier name to swallow in her mind. Especially after meeting Eve). But unlike before, it wasn’t an accident of an overly high suburban husband going after a former gang drug cook. It was a gaggle of rich, privileged teenagers who genuinely thought themselves as gangsters, getting back at the teacher who found out what they were really doing in the chem lab after school.
They tracked the kids down, discovering that they were going to attempt to make a deal in the half-built condo complex of one of their parents. There had been back up, there had been no place for them to go.
And yet, one still got away.
And Chloe had gone after him.
The problem was, he knew the area, the site, everything better than she did. And even with back-up, there weren’t enough unis around to follow her in pursuit.
He backed her into a corner without realizing it. The chain-link fence was high, much more flush to the building than she’d originally thought. The road behind her too far away for a passerby to really notice anything amiss. Construction materials concealed her location, and even if she yelled, she was unlikely to get help from anyone in time.
The suspect had hidden very carefully among the materials until she was in the trap he set, and then he came out.
“Drop your gun, lady.” He said, pointing his own at her.
Hers was trained on him. “It’s not too late, Devon.” She tried to talk him down. “If you weren’t the one who shot Liz Parker, it won’t be as bad for you.”
“I said drop your gun.” He added, readying his. “My father taught me how to shoot young, and I’ve gone to the range as often as I could for years. I may just be a better shot than you are. So, do as I say, and put the fucking gun down.”
He had that look in his eyes, that cold gleam which told her all she needed to know. She would put down her weapon, and he would still shoot her. He wasn’t going to let her live, and if she tried to fire, he would to.
Heart pounding, she thought of only one person, one being, in the entire universe.
Chloe put down her weapon, showing her hands to the suspect really quickly. Then, slowly, as she stood back up, she put her hands together. Without taking her eyes off the guy, she whispered words to her pressed palms.
He blinked at her, then laughed. “Are you praying? Really? Lady, God’s not going to do shit for you.”
She smirked wickedly as the perp’s hair fluttered, and a pair of red, glowing eyes cut through the dark behind him.
“Oh, I wasn’t praying to Him.” She said.
The suspect looked very, very confused before suddenly a red, clawed hand grabbed the barrell of his gun and bent it upward.
He yelped, and then screamed when those ruby red, hellfire eyes caught his. Screams became something near hyperventilation as the pitted, scarred face broke into a wide, toothy grin.
“Hello, you slimy little insect.” Lucifer’s melodic, rich voice greeted the suspect. As the man backed away falling to the ground and shimmy still, Lucifer stalked him, passing under the light.
Chloe didn’t know what she expected. He was the devil, but not the broad shouldered, bat-winged one she saw last. This was the devil she saw standing over Pierce. And she was immensely relieved that there wasn’t even a slight hint of fear fluttering in her heart.
“You really chose the wrong detective to point your gun at,” he said as he cornered the suspect. “You’ll go to jail, I’m sure. But don’t worry, it’ll be a pleasant experience before you kick off and make your way down to Hell. And that’s where the real fun will begin.”
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry,” the perp repeated, cowering and covering his face as he wept hard.
“Oh, you will be,” Lucifer promised as Chloe retrieved her weapon, prepared her cuffs, and strode over to Devon, securing him.
Once her suspect was secure, still quietly sobbing, Chloe turned to the Devil.
“Hi,” She said, trying not smile too widely.
“Hello,” he said warmly, his voice and eyes full of tender affection.
“It’s good to know you’re listening.” She said as she brought her hands together in front of her.
“I always hear you. Mind, it’s not like many pray to the Devil, not properly, anyway.” He smirked, boyish as ever.
They held each other’s eye as Lucifer’s pitted skin slowly changed to his pale, five o’clock shadow form. And when it was nearly gone, he took a step toward her, lifting his hand to caress her cheek like he had before he left the penthouse that night.
“I can’t stay long,” He said with a wistful sadness. “Time runs differently down there, but it’s only been a century or two.”
“I understand.” Chloe replied as she leaned into his touch.
“Try and keep out of trouble, Detective.” He teased. “I would hate for any topside visits to only occur when you need me to get you out of trouble.”
“Try my best.” She gave a small, restrained smile in return.
Lucifer hesitated before leaning in and gently kissing her, and Chloe put her hands to his face, lightly brushing her fingers over his stubble.
“Chloe!” Dan’s voice shouted, and there was a rush of air around her. “Chlo!” He shouted again, and then another whoosh, and Lucifer was gone.
She sighed, but did not cry. She would see him again, he pretty much said so himself, in his own way.
Chloe turned to Dan as he came rushing over, collecting a very compliant suspect as he babbled on about her and the Devil.
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wazafam · 3 years
Facing ordinary, non-powered criminals is bad enough but when supernatural beings enter the picture, working as a detective suddenly becomes even harder. Chloe Decker in Lucifer learned this the hard way but she's not the only one. All human characters had to deal with the fact that their lives would never be the same again once they discovered that angels and demons were real.
RELATED: The Flash Villains Ranked, According To Intelligence
In its five seasons, the show has introduced a fair share of villains, whether they are humans, demons, or angels. Some of them managed to get the best of the heroes while others failed, and more often than not, their intelligence had something to do with it!
10 Uriel
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Unlike Amenadiel, Lucifer doesn't get along with all of his siblings. That was also the case with Uriel, who had no problem with hurting the members of his family. Yet his plan to get Lucifer back to Hell failed. For such an old being, Uriel turned out to be surprisingly dense when he underestimated the lengths Lucifer would go to stay on Earth.
Even though Uriel had proclaimed he had the power to foresee things, when Lucifer stabbed him with the Azrael's blade, Uriel confessed he didn't see that coming. The lack of foresight makes him one of the least intelligent villains on the show.
9 Dan Espinoza
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Yes, even Dan can be considered a villain since he did some unsavory things that negatively affected the characters. Most notably, he tried to kill Malcolm and the fault for Palmetto Street later fell at Chloe which made her into a pariah with the police. Dan was able to get with it which means he can be quite cunning.
However, he's also somewhat naive and fell for Michael's manipulation easily, so it depends. Instead of taking the time and thinking things through, Dan acted hurriedly and it resulted in him shooting Lucifer - when Michael was the one Dan should have gone after.
8 Michael
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Michael is the latest major villain on the show - but so far, his actions haven't been all that impressive. He was determined to break Chloe's heart to make Lucifer suffer but instead, he grew to like Chloe.
However, Chloe knew right from the start Michael wasn't Lucifer and she eventually confronted him about it. Michael succeeded in Dan finding out the truth about Lucifer but his attempt to kidnap Chloe also failed when her friends found out where Michael held her and freed her.
7 Maze
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Maze is an excellent fighter but she sometimes allows her emotions to cloud her judgment. She's quick to anger and can grow bitter and vengeful if she feels like someone betrayed her. Maze has repeatedly stood against Lucifer, first when she teamed up with Cain and then when she worked with Michael.
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Even though Michael isn't as smart as other villains on the show, he was still able to manipulate Maze into betraying Lucifer by telling her all the things Lucifer had kept from her. Maze sometimes lets her emotion get the best of her, and when it happens, she stops thinking. If she took the time to talk to Lucifer about what Michael had told her, perhaps the conflict between her and Lucifer wouldn't have happened.
6 Goddess
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The Goddess is one example that even a villain can see the error of their ways and change for the better. She escaped Hell and was hellbent (pun intended) to get revenge for the way her husband treated her.
She managed to get hold of Charlotte Richards's body and it's quite possible her plan might have worked out if she didn't grow more attached to the Earth as well as her sons during her stay in Los Angeles. In the end, she was the one villain who wasn't defeated by the heroes. That means she's smarter some might believe.
5 Dromos
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Dromos didn't spend a lot of time in the show but he still managed to leave an impression. He devised a plan to get the Hell a new leader. Dromos managed to kidnap Linda's and Amenadiel's son Charlie and planned to bring him to Hell where Charlie would rule the demons.
And even though Lucifer stopped Dromos and the demons in the end, it did make him go back to Hell so one could say Dromos's plan succeeded after all. That took some careful planning and it shows Dromos can use his brain just as well as his muscles.
4 Sinnerman
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Sinnerman might have ranked higher but he turned out to be the puppet in Cain's hands. However, he was still intelligent enough to convince Lucifer that he was the brain of the operation.
RELATED: Supernatural: All The Main Villains, Ranked By Intelligence
He even managed to trap Lucifer at one point and when he knew he lost and Lucifer would get the truth out of him, he rather blinded himself than let it happen. Sinnerman acted like a fanatic sometimes but he was smart enough to trick even the Lord of Hell himself which is an impressive feat.
3 Pete
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Lucifer has had a fair share of murderers - but Pete was by far one of the worst ones. As a serial killer with no emotions, Pete pretended to be the perfect boyfriend for Ella even though he originally planned to kill her.
He was smart enough to fool both Ella and Chloe, but not smart enough to better hide the evidence of his murderous activity in his apartment. Ella found out what he was hiding and subsequently, Pete was forced to reveal his true nature.
2 Father Kinley
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Father Kinley is one of the few major villains who are perfectly human. Despite that, he presented a serious threat to Lucifer because he was able to hit him where it hurts. Father Kinley persuaded Chloe that Lucifer was evil when she learned the truth about Lucifer being the Devil. He then gave Chloe the instructions on how to banish Lucifer back to Hell. Manipulated by Father Kinley, Chloe almost did it.
Chloe is a smart person but father Kinley knew how to pull her strings to make her turn into Lucifer. He wouldn't be able to do that if he wasn't exceptionally intelligent. Father Kinley also tried to kill Eve and might have succeeded if it wasn't for Maze.
1 Marcus Pierce
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Marcus Pierce was a complex character. On one hand, he seemed like a man capable of true feelings, love, and remorse. On the other hand, he didn't shy away from murder. Combined with Tom Welling's charismatic performance, that made Marcus (or Cain, really) fun to watch.
He was able to trick Chloe into falling for him and pass as an ordinary human. Not even Lucifer initially realized who Pierce truly was. And even though Pierce later died, he still forced Lucifer to reveal his true identity to Chloe and managed to kill Charlotte Richards. After his long centuries of life, Cain was definitely one of the smartest villains on the show.
NEXT: 10 Smartest Horror Movie Villains (Ranked by Intelligence)
Lucifer Villains Ranked According To Intelligence | ScreenRant from https://ift.tt/3bP5WYn
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sanoiro · 6 years
1) What do you want to tell us about what's coming up for Maze this season on Lucifer?
It's interesting with this character ... Before a lot of it was exploring how to make Earth home now that she was stuck here, and in doing so she explored her own humanity through friendships like Dr. Linda, her relationships with Trixie and Chloe. Now that she's on Earth and she's established these friendships ... There's a side of Maze that's so childlike. She's a friend to Linda, she cares about Trixie, but she's still very much a demon. So the way she approaches things is really black and white sometimes, the way children are, where they just let the truth out without any kind of filter.
There's going to be some tests for Maze this year as far as relationships go, with some of her friends and how she handles that, especially around Dr. Linda. There's a friend that comes into their lives. Maze has never had to deal with this kind of feeling of "Well, she's my friend, and what about me?"
What's cool too is that they're teaming me up with a lot of characters that I didn't get to work with a bunch last year. So I have an episode with Ella, with Aimee Garcia. We have these two juxtaposed characters, like very different energy-wise, teaming up. And then I team up with Charlotte Richards as well, Tricia Helfer's character. Well, not necessarily team up, but we have a storyline, the two of us.
Amenadiel and I are going to blow up again. We're going to be at loggerheads, and there's a fight coming up between the angel and the demon, which D.B. [Woodside] and I are really excited about. The last episode to see that element was the third episode in the first season. So they've obviously gone through a lot together, and it's going to take something really huge for them to come back to that place. And like I said, there's this conflict with Linda and another person coming into the mix.
What they're doing with the show is integrating [all the characters]. We have such a great cast. And what's great about our cast is they're able to shine a light every episode [on some of the different characters]. Cause Tom and Lauren obviously lead the A storyline, but it's nice to have some of the other characters pop in the way Tricia Hefler did.
2) And you had a great episode where Maze was following a bounty to Canada, and there was a little romantic thing going on with her bounty, and Dan was around to help out.
You're going to see more of that with different characters. I think that just speaks to the strength of the cast. The writers have been smart to recognize that.
And there's a lot of things I don't know, that I can't tell you. Things I wish would come in. I wish Maze gets a girlfriend (laughs). I hope there's some more supernatural characters. Those are the big secrets they don't necessarily tell us, not in advance. But there is a character that is introduced that you wouldn't think would be a part of this even. This is the one I do know. There is a spanner in the works ... It creates a conflict between Lucifer and Amenadiel. Yeah. So it throws a wrench in the works.
3) In the end, what hopes do you have for Maze?
I hope that she finds her peace. There is a part of her that's very much figuring things out. And maybe not this season, or the next season, or the season after that, but I hope long-term-wise, she finds everything that bodes her well. And I certainly hope she finds someone to care about and to love. Who that may be, be it man or woman, I don't know. And I hope that she gets closer to her friend Lucifer again, the way they used to be. I think in the comic book they're just so tied into each other. I think right now she's the Lord of Hell herself. So she's a powerful, powerful character in that world. I hope she finds that power again.
There's actually an episode [coming up] where you see them when they first come to Earth. A little flashback. So yeah.
I always felt like in the first season it was a given that these two characters would be friends or former lovers or whatever, but we never actually explored it. So I hope we get to see a lot more of Maze and Lucifer.
4) What are the significant themes that are running through the season?
It's definitely jealousy, for sure ... Just looking at that whole Pierce, Lucifer, Chloe situation ... I imagine. That relationship's forming, and Lucifer's [feeling] threatened by it in some way. With Charlotte, it's about how to pick up the pieces. And there's such amazing empathy from Dan, who we like to poke fun of in the show. Dan is the butt of the joke sometimes, but he's a really good person. I actually have some really funny work with Dan and Charlotte.
5) Those three characters are so very different.
Yeah, Maze, Dan, and Charlotte, and then given the history of Charlotte's body. She's no longer Mom, but I still look at her and remember Mom. I'm just really lucky. I get to work with everyone this season. Obviously more Trixie. Lots of Trixie.
6) I love Maze and Trixie.
Scarlett is just a sweetheart. She's so not affected by the business, but she's so talented and professional and she likes to have fun. Maybe that's why she's got such a great career ahead of her. "For as long as she wants to do it." That's what her mother always says, which I think is such a healthy perspective to have. She's amazing.
I love the relationship between Maze and Trixie because Maze treats her like an adult (laughs), which is where the humor comes out of it. The episode with Ella, when Maze and Ella come up, there's this scene with Trixie that is just so funny. It's probably going to be the fans' most favorite Trixie and Maze scene to date, 'cause it's just hilarious. It trumps the Halloween episode or anything we've done before. {Sanoiro: We know from the spoilers that in that episode Maze teaches Trixie how to throw the knives}
7) What episode is that?
I'm not sure where it comes in, but it's a Maze and Ella episode.  {Sanoiro: I know but all in due time...}
8) How is Maze special to you as an actress?
For one, it's the first character that has actual source material for me to go back and look at, which is very helpful. I never judge any of the characters that I've played, but she's a character that is so easy to judge as just being the bad girl. But there's so much more to her. There's so many layers to Maze. And that's been really fun to discover as an actress.
I love that she represents the LGBT community. She's just like, "Whatever goes," and she doesn't apologize for it. And she's there for her friends and she still has a heart, and I love representing that in a positive way. But I think it's the one character, and maybe it's the character that I've had the time to discover because we're three seasons in, but I still discover new things about her all the time. And it's so easy to play her one-note, like I said, but there's nothing about her that's one-note. Just when you think like, "Oh, that's how she'll respond," she'll break your heart. Or just when you think she'll have empathy, she'll be like not interested. It's like, "Human emotion makes me sick." So she keeps me on my toes, which I love.
And then there's the physicality of her too. It's funny. It's the one character when I slip on my wardrobe and my makeup and my hair, I instantly just feel like Maze. It's the walk and the saunter and the way she speaks, and fortunately she fits really good in my skin. She fits perfectly. Sometimes you get cast in roles where it doesn't feel as perfect initially. But with her it was instant. When I auditioned I wore leather pants and boots [and a bra] ... 'cause I was like, this is who she is. She just does not give a f***. It's the character I've got to explore the most, just her entire life cycle, and it continues to grow.
9) She's so unapologetic.
10_ She just says what she thinks, she does what she wants. Even though she says she doesn't have a soul, she does have a conscience.
Yeah, and it's growing.
11) Especially because of the people she cares about.
Totally. She cares about them, and she genuinely gets hurt. So I think these discoveries are occupying her and keeping her busy and making her feel more at home. Bounty hunting certainly has, and she gets to unleash Hell on criminals.
12) It's the perfect job for her. She gets to beat people up.
Probably break some fingers when no one's looking. She gets her thrills with bounty hunting for sure.
13) How is she most like you and least like you?
She's most like me with how passionately she cares and protects the people that she loves. I'm like that. It's been like that since I was a kid. I was brought up to believe in standing up for my friends. So I think I'm most like that with her in that respect. I'm probably as explosive as her at times, about things and social things I care about. We're feisty. We're sassy. I do own sassy pants (laughs). So I'm least like her ... You know the whole torture thing, that's sort of not really my jam (laughs). I don't really enjoy tying people up and hurting them physically.
The way I relate to her is that she can make a mistake and learn from it and grow. And that I relate to as a person, as an actress, as a mother, as a wife, as a human being. We're not perfect. She's certainly not perfect, but she's doing her best given the circumstances and who she is and where she grew up and what she's used to. Mistakes will happen, but she can roll with it and move on.
14) Why should someone who's never seen Lucifer, or someone who hasn't been watching it lately, catch up and turn in this season?
Our show's a lot of fun, and it doesn't take itself too seriously. And I think, given where the world is at right now, we really need a good laugh. If you are familiar with the comic book, it's a depiction of what happens in those graphic novels. It's fun to see the characters from the comics realized on a television show.
And then if you're not into comics, the show has got a lot of humor, a lot of drama. It's really rooted in humanity. And even if you are a religious person our show is about humanity and the goodness of humans, and the Devil discovering that. And him discovering his own humanity. These characters who are essentially bad ... they're actually showing us the good that exists within our world, be it through Trixie, be it through Chloe, be it through Linda.
And it's a lot of fun, our show. It has a procedural aspect to it, but there is a storyline that is connected, and as you get into it and you see these characters develop and grow, the show just gets better and funnier and darker.
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NEWS - Lucifer - Final Season
NEWS – Lucifer – Final Season
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Lucifer’s sixth and final season will run a total of ten episodes.
Lucifer Season 5A, which is now streaming on Netflix, finds Chloe having to grapple with a shocking reveal; Maze discovering that Lucifer has been keeping something major from her for years; Amenadiel struggling with a truth about newborn Charlie; Linda disclosing a dark secret from her past; and Danbeing used as a pawn in a…
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theleafpile · 5 years
If I had control over TPTB this is what I’d like to see in a Lucifer Season 5....
In the beginning... 
Chloe, Dan, Ella have spent the last month or two solving cases, life continuing as normal, sans Lucifer. Chloe is struggling but she is strong, and all of her weak moments are in private. She and Ella are both having a really difficult relationship with God right now, and they are able to share a moment, perhaps at a crime scene on a hill overlooking the ocean, where they talk about their struggles and with the Big Guy. Ella is slowly healing; Chloe is not.
Amenadiel is out on a baby supplies run when he encounters two or more angels (not Remy) who tell him they have sensed a nephilim child. Amenadiel is ready to throw down immediately (picturing him throwing down shopping bags and baby supplies go tumbling out). They spar.
Back at home, we see baby Charlie, who is very much a baby, and Linda. Linda turns around to grab something, and when she turns back, baby Charlie has gotten older, perhaps to early toddlerhood. 
Eve is chillin at a party, seemingly having a good time, but we see privately that she is not. She’s starting to outgrow her party girl ways but feels like she has no one to turn to for help. Cue: murder at the party, and Eve is so excited because that means she’ll get to see her old friends again!
Then, the story continues with: 
- murder cases start showing the same strange signs as before: lots of blood, no bodies. Chloe fears she knows whats happening, but can’t explain it to Dan or Ella.
- if it is demons, then something has gone wrong in Hell, because that means demons aren’t following Lucifer’s orders.
- Maze and Amenadiel kicking angel ass, guarding Linda and Charlie, who continues to grow at a rapid rate.
- The murder where Eve was allows her to get entangled with Chloe and the gang again, and she tries to find herself/purpose at first through helping the police, but actually finds it more satisfying to help baby Charlie, who she has now bonded with after helping save him at the end of 4x10.
- We don’t see anything happening in Hell. 
- Then, one day, it appears that Lucifer has returned. He walks into the precinct, but something is... off. He doesn’t seem to recognize anyone. He’s not his old self. 
- It’s not Lucifer.
- It’s Michael.
- Michael is here because Lucifer has fathered the antichrist and begun Armageddon. There’s some laughter. There’s been a mixup, easy mistake. He learns it was Amenadiel, the first born, the strongest angel in heaven, who did this, and he. is. pissed.
- more demons rise. More angels appear. It becomes increasingly difficult to keep the truth from Dan and Ella, until its impossible, and something forces them to find out. Chloe is as supportive as possible.
- Trixie learns about the supernatural through Charlie’s strange growth, but we discover that she’s actually known all along.
- One day, in the midst of seeming calm, Lucifer springs up out of nowhere, bloodied up, walking out of a plume of fire and smoke, battered, falling into Chloe’s arms. Something has gone wrong in Hell. And that something has a name.
- Lilith.
- Lucifer and Michael, plus all the angels, must team up to push back Lilith’s forces. We learn about her through others, but we don’t see her for ourselves until later in the story. 
- Lucifer + Michael is a strange combination, considering Tom Ellis would be playing both characters. Lucifer and Michael argue incessantly, but there’s a strange brotherliness to it, even more than him and Amenadiel, making Amenadiel a little jealous of their relationship and strange truce.
- Charlie grows up. Demons and angels attempt to influence his upbringing, but Uncle Lucifer tells him he can be whatever he wants to be. There’s a lot of pain of not fitting in, and he might temporarily succumb to Lilith’s side, but love will be what ensures he turns back to the side of Earth and humans.
- The season/series ends with the throne of Hell being destroyed so no one can take over and try to start the apocalypse again. This destruction starts off a chain reaction that completely alters the hellscape, and whatever happens means that its still a home for demons and bad guys still get their comeuppance but Lucifer never has to return to rule again.
- balance is restored in the Universe. 
- Michael agrees to leave the nephilim in the care of the people who love him. 
- Lucifer and Michael make up. Michael returns to the Silver City.
- He invites Lucifer to join him. He tells Lucifer that Heaven’s gates will open to him now.
- Lucifer looks at Chloe, at his found family, and tells him Heaven could never compare to what he has on Earth.
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January 29 - February 5
Emerald City
Season 1: Episode 6 - Beautiful Wickedness
Dorothy's confrontation with the Wizard brings her closer to discovering the truth about her past. Lucas goes to great lengths to recover his memory, even if it means allying with West. The Wizard enacts his plan with Langwidere to prepare for the battle to come.
This episode shows us just how manipulative the Wizard can be, turning a bad situation into a good one. We often do not know what to make of him as he befriends Dorothy, but then using her offer of peace to arm his people with a deadly weapon for the upcoming war. The most touching moment of this episode had to have been when Tip was reunited with Jack, and she saw what had happened to him. We do not know really how to take it, because they were such good friends in the past. The part with the old king and the dog could have been left out, but it added a bit of character to him. Langwidere is by far the most mysterious character in this series, and it is curious as to why she wears a mask. I am hoping it is something spectacular. And we have yet to find our cowardly lion. It is curious to see who it might be. All in all, this was a touching episode and a turning point for our story.
Season 1: Episode 7 - They Came First
The Wizard launches an assault on a village as his power is threatened and he enlists West to help. Dorothy and Lucas fight to keep Silvie safe as they journey north to seek Glinda's assistance. After suffering a great loss, Langwidere grapples with her new authority as her relationship with Jack continues to become complicated.
Season 2: Episode 13 - A Good Day To Die
Lucifer must find the antidote to the Professor's poison before it kills Chloe. He travels to hell to find the Professor's soul and get him to turn over the antidote. While he's there, he is forced to confront his guilt about Uriel's death. Mom heads to hell to get Lucifer back, but Lucifer still feels betrayed by his parents because of something he discovers.
What an interesting mid-season finale. We see some very interesting combinations of characters from Dan and Ella, diving more into her backstory, to Amenadiel and Trixie having a bit of a heart-to-heart about why there are bad people in the world. The depiction of hell is interesting itself. People seem to have their own cells which are their own personal versions of hell. The story itself was interesting, be careful of your feelings of guilt, because they could easily be your downfall when visiting Hell. The whole idea of both Lucifer and Charlotte dying and being brought back by an AED defibrillator was a bit far-fetched, but in a show such as this, we need to stretch our boundaries of belief. It left us with a sad feeling in our hearts, but hoping that things will improve when the season picks up again.
Season 12; Episode 10 - Lily Sunder has Some Regrets
Lily Sunder steeps herself in black magic, honing her powers for over a century, waiting to exact revenge on a band of angels that murdered her family. Sam and Dean must work quickly to stop Castiel from becoming her next victim.
It seems that Castiel’s past has caught up to him. We are reminded of the kind of angel he used to be, before he met Sam and Dean. It is interesting to see how he was in the past and how he is today. Really, this was an episode about him. It is also an episode about not blindly following orders, but checking all the facts before making a decision that will ruin lives. It is also about forgiveness. After last week’s episode where Castiel made a life-changing decision with Billie, it was difficult for Dean to forgive him, until he saw it in someone else. The banter in the car was chuckle-worthy, we see Castiel more human than ever when he is emotional. The twist about who the antagonist was is interesting, though it seems like it was expected. But the reveal is heartbreaking. All in all, a great episode, and it feels nice sometimes for the Winchesters to step aside and let Castiel have an episode for a change.
Season 12: Episode 11 - Regarding Dean
Sam enlists Rowena’s help to track down an old world, powerful family of witches after Dean gets hit by a spell that is rapidly erasing his memory.
The 100
Season 4: Episode 1 - Echoes
Clarke and her friends struggle with how to proceed after the fate of the world is revealed.
Welcome back to The 100. And in true fashion of the show, it starts with action, or potential action. We thought we would lose Clarke in the first episode, but she manages to find a way to talk herself out of it. Thankfully her mother was able to save the king and the Commander’s coalition, including Skykru, was upheld. But now they have a new problem. As Abby says in this episode “And the youth have inherited the Earth, but have six months to save it”. The decision to hold off on telling everyone about the radiation that will wipe out the Earth’s population was a wise decision. Though it makes you wonder how many times in reality have people withheld that kind of information to prevent wide-spread panic. That is something to ponder on. It also gives the show a span of 6 months to work with, but as Raven says, they will feel it much sooner. It will be interesting to see where this season takes us. For now, this was a good start to the season.
Season 4: Episode 2 - Heavy Lies the Crown
The burden of leading weighs heavily upon Clarke and Bellamy when different challenges force them to determine who will live and die
Please be advised that the comic book shows will have their own weekly post this season, just changing things up a bit. Please keep an eye out for the Superhero Low-Down
If there are any shows that you think we should check out or that we have missed, please send us a private message or leave a comment below.
Until Next Time ...
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decembersylph-a-t-u · 3 years
Hi I love your ideas so I was wondering how would you feel about Friday the 13th crossover with Lucifer?
Interesting. Hmm ... a pre-people find out AU? Hmm, after Lucifer gets his wings back for plot purposes.
Maybe Trixie going to a summer camp that was formerly Camp Crystal Lake, but had been renamed because the new owner, even if it’s been years, wanted to cover up the camp’s awful past, some careless camp counselors go and do the dirty deed, waking Jason from his slumber, and Jason begins his killing spree.
Trixie of course is the daughter of two cops, she knows this is serious when some people start going missing and tries calling for help but the head counselor takes away her phone and other people’s phones saying that it’s nothing, no reason to cause a stir, because he’s a jerk like that and doesn’t want to be fired for allowing a ruckus over nothing, and that’s when she reluctantly has to let it go for now but tells the other campers to keep together and don’t go alone. Some believe her that this is bad while others don’t, saying she’s just paranoid, but Trixie knows better. When the first body shows up the kids go to the head counselor to get help, but the counselor says it’s an animal attack. It’s not. He’s in denial anything could be happening that isn’t just nature.
Trixie knows that if they keep burying their heads things are going to go badly for everyone, so begins praying to Lucifer to get his attention and tells him what’s wrong. He hears her prayer and Lucifer tells Maze to start heading to the camp to keep Trixie safe while he finds out just where it is Trixie got sent for the summer because he knows there’s something familiar with what she told him about what’s happening, he just can’t place it.
He asks Chloe how Trixie is doing at her camp since Chloe told him earlier that she sent Trixie to summer camp, and Chloe is surprised he’d be interested in knowing, and tells him that when she last spoke with her daughter Trixie said she was enjoying it. Lucifer asks how long ago that was and Chloe admits it was a while ago, and then asks why the questions. Lucifer tells her that he’s worried as Maze was heading in the general vicinity for a bounty when she heard of a body being discovered near in the area of Trixie’s camp, not naming the camp but the town, and Chloe saying that’s where Trixie’s camp is. Chloe is worried that Trixie is in danger, considering Trixie did get kidnapped by a corrupt cop before and her daughter is far away from her, and asks how sure Lucifer is if he heard right from Maze. Lucifer tells her that it’s better to be safer than sorry, and Chloe tells Dan since this is his daughter too.
Dan actually knows of the camp because he had family living in the area with horror stories of Crystal Lake. He didn’t know Chloe sent Trixie there and tells her and Lucifer they need to leave NOW because the camp has a bloody history. They won’t be able to make it to New Jersey because state lines, so Lucifer has no choice but to reveal his actually being the Devil to Chloe and Dan, but before they have time to process, Lucifer calls Amenadiel who is upser Lucifer revealed the truth of divinity, but Lucifer tells him that the situation is very dire, explaining that an abomination is killing humans, children. Amenadiel agrees to help, and the two take Chloe and Dan by air Angel to Camp Crystal Lake, meanwhile Maze arrives at the camp and finds it dead silent. What happened was that Jason was starting to kill counselors and older campers, the kids and surviving older campers were huddled up in a hiding spot. Maze found Trixie and the others and Trixie explained that when Jason attacked she got the others out, fighting back like Maze taught her. Trixie surprised a lot of people by taking charge even when the older kids were skeptic of her, but jumped to orders when she left no room for argument, having learned from the best.
Jason comes back attacking, the kids scatter and Maze goes to the defense, fighting back. Trixie told the kids to find some car keys, gas cans or alcohol (as if the careless counselors wouldn’t have had some stash somewhere), rags, some oars, knives, tape, and a lighter. They do, Trixie begins making weapons, breaking some oars, taping knives to the broken tops, with the other oars pouring some alcohol over them to light them, and making Molotov cocktails, much to the older kids’ surprise. Where the heck did this girl even learn all of this?! Maze. The car keys was for get away vehicles. The kids all take some weapons but don’t light the cocktails until they can get some space between them and Jason in case. They go back out and start helping Maze, who’s been holding her own.
Maze is impressed as Jason gets knocked back, but he doesn’t stay down for long and starts attacking again. He tries going after the kids but Maze won’t let that happen. The kids rush for the get away vehicles splitting up into different parties since car space, head out of camp intending to get adult help for Maze, Trixie sees her parents, Lucifer, and Amenadiel, tells them that Maze is fighting Jason, Lucifer says not for long and he tells Dan and Chloe to stay behind while he and Amenadiel go to help Maze.
It’s quick work when you’ve got one zombie with spite tethering him to the living realm going against an Angel, a demon, and a fallen Angel that is the Devil. But the killing shot is by none other than Dan as he wasn’t going to let Jason kill anymore people, especially after Trixie nearly got killed. Dan had told Chloe to get the kids to the police station while he helped since he knew the stories he knew how to dispose of Jason from his family - some family members actually having been witnesses to the murders a long time ago how they had the stories in the first place. The four get rid of Jason, with Lucifer making it stick.
Chloe doesn’t rush off to Rome because Lucifer helped to save her daughter, Trixie has to undergo therapy with Linda because the girl not only got involved in a camp killing but also led the charge in keeping the survivors safe which wow, okay, her demon training got found out and Maze had to be monitored in what she taught Trixie but it was still worth it, and that’s the aftermath of that. Well, that and Trixie and the other kids getting their own newspaper article for surviving a serial killer and ingeniously so because c’mon, let the kids have their own newspaper article singing their praises.
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aion-rsa · 4 years
Lucifer Season 5 Episode 2 Review: Lucifer! Lucifer! Lucifer!
This Lucifer review contains spoilers. We have a spoiler-free review here if you prefer.
“You are different, but sometimes change is a good thing.”
Though I’m generally not a fan of the doppelganger as a primary plot device, Lucifer takes a risk and trots out our titular hero’s twin brother in a story that gives the detective a chance to solve a case and pave the way for a welcome return to the status quo. The murder investigation takes a back seat to a crime of the heart perpetuated by the archangel Michael, but “Lucifer! Lucifer! Lucifer!” still puts Chloe at the center of this latest challenge and provides a solid bridge toward developing her burgeoning, yet seemingly ill-fated relationship with the Devil.
Tom Ellis gets to spread his acting wings literally and figuratively here, and while his American accent falls a bit flat, that certainly can be attributed to the director’s vision of Michael’s second rate status when compared to his infinitely more well known sibling. It’s a nice touch to have Michael employ fear rather than desire as his celestial superpower, and it’s particularly meaningful when we combine his conversation with Linda and the 1994 Polaroid of her holding a baby. To this point we’ve interpreted her approach to raising Charlie as that of a typical 21st century helicopter parent, but now it appears there may be a much darker reason for her actions.
Lucifer explains to Chloe in the season premiere that time has passed much more slowly for him during his stay in the underworld, so it at first seems understandably natural that it might take some time for him to reorient himself with his former life in Los Angeles. Like Chloe, we excuse the little white lies as simply the “new Lucifer,” since his inability to lie has been one of the fundamental ironies and delights of his character. It’s been awhile since we’ve seen Dan and his pudding, and when we observe Chloe’s ex puzzle over Lucifer’s compliments and the offer of Dan’s favorite snack, it ignites a spark of recognition that this is not really Lucifer. 
Watching a naked Lucifer preen and practice in front of a full length mirror should be enough to set off our devil-sense, but after the previous episode’s uncertain ending, the possibility that it might take Lucifer some time to adjust after thousands of years in Hell seems a reasonable assumption. Nevertheless, it doesn’t take long to see that this is yet another chapter in the celestial family’s dysfunctional existence, and it will be up to Chloe and the gang to unmask this jealous imposter. Once Mazikeen discovers Michael’s truth, the fundamental question centers around how long it will take the detective to decipher the clues.
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Lucifer Season 5 Episode 1 Review: Really Sad Devil Guy
By Dave Vitagliano
Lucifer Season 5 Part 1 Review (Spoiler-Free)
By Kirsten Howard
We’ve watched Dan take the first steps toward rebuilding his life after Charlotte’s tragic death, but life just refuses to cooperate when it comes to Maze and her personal relationships. After Chloe cuts her loose as a partner, it’s not at all surprising to watch her assist Michael in his plan to ruin Lucifer and Chloe’s lives and their relationship. She feels abandoned and mistreated by both. But then, despite the emotional pain she bears, Maze reveals a core value system that refuses to allow Michael to steal the purity that still exists between the Devil and the detective. We don’t know how long Chloe’s has known that Michael isn’t Lucifer, but that doesn’t matter; Mazikeen’s willingness to put her own hurt aside for her friend speaks volumes about this increasingly undemonlike demon.
In retrospect, Chloe’s understated response to Maze’s initial betrayal makes sense because, like her demon friend, she’s already concluded that the man wearing Lucifer’s designer clothes is not who he pretends to be. We get a wonderful scene between the two as Chloe reassures Maze that their friendship hasn’t been destroyed. “You’re trying to apologize in your very awkward demon way,” she tells Maze before confessing that she’s also decided to take her relationship with Lucifer to the next level. And speaking for much of the fan base, “I think we’ve waited long enough.” Yes, Chloe, we agree.
The theme of change runs continuously through the series, and even though Chloe’s insistence to Michael that she likes the new Lucifer, the subtext of her mini-speeches should become even more significant once the Devil returns to Earth. Michael  flips the script and conducts a serious interrogation of guest star Sharon Osborne as Chloe does her best to insert innuendo filled commentary into the process. Of course, Osborn thinks she’s talking to Lucifer when she expresses gratitude for the help the Devil provided her husband Ozzie – “From one Prince of Darkness to another.” Kind of cheesy, but I still like it.
That said, on the surface, it’s difficult to believe Amenadiel fails to immediately recognize Michael, but taken in conjunction with his preoccupation with baby Charlie’s safety, we’ll cut him some slack. The dynamic between Luci’s brother and his human wife is priceless as is the image of him carrying his son around strapped to his chest as Lux patrons go about their hedonistic business in the background. However, it’s Linda’s confrontation of Lucifer at the precinct that crystallizes her concern. “Who’s watching Hell?” 
On the other hand, Amenadiel can rest assured that Lucifer has the demon population of Hell well in hand, but his willingness to risk his family’s safety for the sake of the human race shows just how much he’s changed in his time on Earth. Amenadiel understands the havoc his siblings can cause and must feel it’s worth the risk to ask Lucifer to return to help prevent a potential apocalypse. It’s hard to believe Michael has given up his quest to bring his twin to heel, so we now wait for his next move and anticipate Tom Ellis’ dual portrayal.
The episode’s title makes a not so subtle reference to the 1970s sitcom The Brady Bunch, and the murder investigation of one of Anders Brody’s (sounds like Brady) participants in his Red Mars 2 project takes a back seat to the turmoil caused by Michael’s appearance. The cultural references work as Lucifer takes control in Hell while Brody backs a mission to put the first manned colony on the Red Planet. The revelation that Brody actually fears going into space and the project only serves as a publicity stunt in his competition with industry giant Jeff Bezos and real-life SpaceX founder Elon Musk seems a bit silly in hindsight.
Once Lucifer found its footing during its early seasons and established the complex web of interpersonal relationships engaged in by both humans and celestials, the procedural aspect of the show has gradually moved further into the background. Yes, the parallels between aspects of the criminal suspects and the challenges the core characters face in their personal lives continue to have meaning, and “Lucifer! Lucifer! Lucifer!” certainly continues that trend. It’s just that the complexity of the crimes and subsequent investigations don’t resonate as they once did. And that’s okay.
Needless to say, the episode bombshell Michael drops on Chloe as he slinks away, looks to drive the subsequent narrative, and her relationship with Lucifer faces perhaps its greatest test yet. Will Michael’s pronouncement that she’s merely a “gift from God” put on Earth to be Lucifer’s plaything resonate, or will she consider the vast body of work that comprises her history with her long time partner? 
While Michael’s interference may not be enough to sustain interest for very long, Lucifer quickly puts into motion several plot subsets that should have more staying power once the Devil returns to Earth. Lines are beginning to form, and yet again, Chloe finds herself caught in a web spun by others whose motives clearly do not align with hers.
The post Lucifer Season 5 Episode 2 Review: Lucifer! Lucifer! Lucifer! appeared first on Den of Geek.
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