#wikihow to tag stuff on tumblr
perpetualdespairdump · 9 months
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that phrase “i also support women’s wrongs” playing like a broken record in my head bc of this woman
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maxcuntstappen · 2 months
heyoheyo quick question i just started getting into f1. this race is the first i watched live while lurking on the tag here and is it always like this? the amount of hateful posts and anti this anti that stuff I've seen is crazy. i know it's sport and everythings competitive but im in other sport fandoms here and the atmosphere is much nicer when cheering for and respecting all athletes with the mutuals.
so yeah i guess i just wanna know if this is always the vibe before getting involved further. which would be sad cause the athletes and racing is very fun
hi anon <3 first of all, i'm so fucking sorry that this was ur first experience live blogging during a race. yest was a toxic whirlwind and i, despite having been part of f1blr for a bit, was quite downtrodden and mad about it.
i will say this. i personally believe it's not as bad as it was yesterday.
there are many reasons for this i think. to begin with, it was the first race of the season effect. everyone's been waiting n dying to see their fav on track and to have a good result and we also didn't really know how the teams would perform. so a lot of expectation -> a lot of disappointment -> mean things on tumblr.
people often find it easier to blame another driver than a whole ass team cause it's easier to direct the anger at a person than a concept which i think is what happened yesterday with multiple drivers.
it's not usually this bad.
it is often quite bad. definitely worse than other fandoms.
i do think the racing makes up for it and that's why i've still stuck around.
ella and i were talking about it and the takes are definitely at its worse during the race and two hours after it.
once we pass that wave, things tend to calm down and we enter the funny text posts territory.
but if you do want to live post/scroll through it, i would stick to my own dash and avoid the main tags.
tumblr gives us the privilege of careful curation and i use that shit everyday. like i will check the bio and do a quick scroll thru each blog i follow.
i also have multiple tags (n blogs) blocked.
there are several people on f1blr who post amazing content and are so on top of updates. but they can be really mean in their phrasing. i don't follow them or block them cause i know that their content will reach my dash through my mutuals but their hot takes won't (especially the text posts where people rant in their tags, those tend to be the meanest).
despite all this, yesterday i spent a good amount of time unfollowing some mutuals. but as i said, i really do believe that f1blr was at its worst then.
there are definitely some blogs that are neutral/nice about the drivers/teams they don't support. these are some of my favourites;
@epylonia @cooali @liamlawsonlesbian @jussst-lurking
i know i have answered ur simple yes/no question with a WikiHow article but i really do hope that bits of it can be helpful to u and that if ur online n scrolling thru jeddah, u see more fun takes than hurtful ones
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jasper-pagan-witch · 2 years
As far as pcp goes, how would you go about creating and worshipping your own deity, if thats possible?
Hello hello!
As requested, I am tagging @alter-altars and @janhasnoplan in this answer. For convenience, I'm breaking this down into three headers - Don't Get Caught In A Cult, DIY Gods, and Religions From A Writing Perspective.
Don't Get Caught In A Cult
Cults are fucking terrible. And the worst part is, the more immune you THINK you are to them, the more likely you'll be to fall for their tricks.
The New Age to Alt-Right pipeline is a big example of this in metaphysical spaces, but many people have also drawn parallels between Jehovah's Witnesses, the Amish, or Mormons and cults - not because the model is wrong, but because groups that are cults often get away with it in many parts of the United States.
You may not be trying to start a cult for your DIY divinity, but it's important to be aware of the warning signs. People much smarter than I (or at least have the PhDs for it) have written many things about how to identify and escape cults, which brings us to:
Important Links
Steven Hassan’s BITE Model of Authoritarian Control on the Freedom Of Mind Resource Center
Mind Control - The BITE Model on the ex-cult Resource Center
The BITE Model of Cult Mind Control Explained by Joseph Sherwood on A Little Bit Human
How to Recognise a Cult; How to Avoid Cults That May Try to Convert You; and How to Leave a Cult on WikiHow
What To Do When You Realize You Accidentally Joined A Cult ​by Carrie Saum on Ravishly
How To Help A Loved One Who Joined A Cult by Stephanie Gomulka on Oxygen: True Crime
@pondering-the-kaiju's entire pinned post
DIY Gods
People have been making up gods for their needs for as long as we've had gods. Aradia (the creation of Charles Leland, fuck that dude) has one book as her source. Cernunnos appears on maybe one cauldron. People make up Greek gods all the time because there were just so many of those guys, what's one more? (Good examples of this are Mesperyian and, arguably, Makaria.) And, of course, we can't get through this without mentioning Robert Graves (fuck Robert Graves) creating the White Goddess as his wife's self-insert.
So yes, creating your own god is possible and has precedent. You could even argue that every god was created by someone at some point, because that's just how humans work. We see an idea (often because we're introduced to it by someone else), we go "Oh, that's neat!", and then we take the bits that work for us and we add new stuff that helps flesh out the divine in question. It's how Aphrodite evolved from Astarte, it's how Dionysus got developed and changed over time, and it's how we have the two Wiccan divines.
I recommend studying other religions and how they came to be, because that will also help you learn about how the gods in question came to be. Who moved where? What gods got brought along and turned into other gods? I particularly recommend looking at the Romans and how they went "Wow, everyone worships our gods but with different names! Neat!"
Important Links
Literally anything by Overly Sarcastic Productions that goes into detail about the origin of various deities (which is mostly on Red's end) - namely these ones about Aphrodite, Dionysus, Hades and Persephone and Demeter, Hermes, and Loki
Anything broadly about deity work and religion, frankly, because in the course of developing your divine figure, you'll have to come up with their offerings and portfolio and what they may help you with
Wolf Of Antimony Occultism - aka @wolfofantimonyoccultism here on Tumblr, they're creating their own religion that's really cool to see
Religions From A Writing Perspective
At heart, I am a worldbuilder. I build worlds. That's what I DO. My Kephea project is a great example of this, though I have others as well. In particular, I love building magic systems and religions.
I will accept any chance to talk about my Kephea project, but this is about building a religion. Generally speaking, religions like to talk about the following three things:
How did the world come to be?
How should we act towards one another?
What happens when we die?
Not every religion (real-world or in media) talks about all of these. Hell, some don't touch on any of them. Here's a fictional example of a religion that has some things to say: the Church of Avacyn (the plane of Innistrad in Magic: The Gathering):
Doesn't discuss how the world came to be.
Says that humans should help and protect each other from the monsters of Innistrad, which include vampires, werewolves, zombies, geists, and even other humans. Later says that humans are inherently sinful during the height of Avacyn's madness and they should be slain to save them from themselves. One archangel and her flight took that second part personally and caused a schism in the church.
Promises a Blessed Sleep that won't be bothered by undeath in either zombie or geist form. This isn't going well now that the archangel and her flight who oversees it are destroyed.
It's important to sit and think about how your religion addresses or doesn't address these questions. Is it more of a henotheistic approach, where any number of gods exist but you only worship some? Is it a monotheistic approach, where there's only a single deity? Is it a polytheistic approach, where there are many deities with a strong connecting thread? Is it an entirely different approach, like archetypes (the Mother, the Child, the Himbo), natural forces (the sun and moon, the forest, the potty pond), or something else? That's up to you.
A lot of my links here will be about polytheistic religions, because those are the ones I build the most. Yes, I have a lot of these links, because this is one of my special interests.
Important Links
On Worldbuilding: Religions [ polytheistic l Avatar TLA l Game of Thrones l Cthulhu ] by Hello Future Me/Timothy Hickson on YouTube (a written version of this video is also Part 12 in his book, On Writing And Worldbuilding volume 1)
So You Want To / Create a Mythopoeia; Fantasy Pantheon; and Stock Gods on TV Tropes
Creating a Religion Guide part 1, part 2, and part 3 on Roll For Fantasy
Common Misconceptions About Old Mythologies & Religions; Basic Tips To Create More Believable Sci-Fi & Fantasy Religions & Belief Systems; How To Create Fictional Structured Religions; and Things That Show Up In Christianity-Inspired Fiction That Aren't In The Bible on Springhole
List of religious ideas in fantasy fiction on Wikipedia
8 Tips for Creating a Pantheon for Your Novel by Jill Williamson on Go Teen Writers
How to Create God Characters for Your Fantasy World by Kathy Edens on ProWritingAid
In Summary
I didn't actually give advice, did I? I just kind of dumped a lot of my resources here. Oh well, hopefully you all get something useful out of this!
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gyunivrse · 1 year
It's the season of love! and you know what that means, time to find yourself a valentine! and who better than one of your beloved mutuals? answer these questions, and the mutual with the most mentions your tumblr valentine:
Mutual you can always rely on?
Mutual who never misses a post?
Mutual you share the most interests with?
Mutual you have the most in common with?
Mutual you look up to?
Mutual you'd run away and live in a cottage with?
Spouse material mutual?
Mutual with the best personality?
Mutual that never fails to make you laugh?
Mutual you'd have a crush on if you knew them irl?
Mutual you absolutely cannot live without?
this is so cute omg 😭😭 THIS IS ALL PLATONIC BUT HELLO GUYS there won't be a lot of people to tag yet because i'm still getting to know everyone on here so 😶‍🌫️ also i don't have a lot of moots that i interact with a whole lot so these are gonna be some repetitive answers 💀
mutual you can always rely on?
@impureperhaps !! she lets me come to her with all of my random questions and she was the first person that i met on tumblr, so she has shown me around the app and given me plenty of advice 😭 recently, i've gone to her for everything, even the important stuff bc she's just so easy to talk to 💔
mutual who never misses a post?
@impureperhaps (again) !! AS SOON AS I POST SHE LIKES IT AND that's when i know she's typing up a long reblog so i just sit there and get all excited 😭 and @gyurecs has reblogged a lot of the stuff i've written and left the sweetest tags 😭 fr makes my day
mutual you share the most interests with? + mutual you have the most in common with?
i think @elestrenstar and @impureperhaps are definitely the first ppl that come to mind for both of these questions because i connected with the two of them so quickly 😭
mutual you look up to?
@impureperhaps again hello... yerin is rlly beginning to feel like a big sister to me and we just became friends a couple months ago 😭 i love her energy and her writing, she's honestly the best
also @heart2beom because oh my god the emotions that i feel when i READ THE THINGS THAT SHE WRITES. pls i aspire to write like she does 💔 she's so talented
mutual you'd run away and live in a cottage with
@elestrenstar @impureperhaps ella and yerin again bro.. i'm just gonna stop talking IK IT WOULD BE WAY TOO FUN AND CHAOTIC IF WE HAD A LITTLE COTTAGE TOGETHER
spouse material mutual?
okay this i do not know. WE'RE ALL PRETTY MUCH CHILDREN 💀 wikihow to become moots with taehyun bc then i would have an answer
mutual with the best personality?
@elestrenstar you're so funny and half of the time it isn't even intentional and you have the most comfortable energy ever + @impureperhaps you might be one of the sweetest ppl i've ever met 💔
mutual that never fails to make you laugh?
@elestrenstar I'M NOT LYING WHEN I SAY YOU'RE HILARIOUS you make me wheeze at my phone in public like an idiot with the random ella things that you do
mutual you'd have a crush on if you knew them irl?
@elestrenstar omg oops how did that get there guys autocorrect is so crazy 😦 I'M KIDDING GUYS or am i the world shall never know
mutual you absolutely cannot live without?
@impureperhaps i will forever live for the encouragement and feedback that you give me 🙏🏻 you are the best and i literally get noticably happier when i see that you've messaged me or reblogged something that i've posted 😭 the big sibling i never had fr
don't take this too seriously guys but i am also using this as my opportunity to be cheesy bc i don't get to do that often 🤭🤭
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owl-writing · 4 months
My Resources
Research - General
Academia.edu - For a bunch of academic V academic fights over subjects.
Marginalia Search - If I ever wanna get super fucking specific.
TV Tropes - For examples of particular tropes in media, not used for much beyond a quick glance.
WikiHow - For figuring out how a character (or I) would go about doing something specific.
Wikipedia - Starting point for everything.
Research - More Specific
Fashion History Timeline and OSF Costume Rentals - I am insane about keeping clothes consistent to historical equivalents. Gods help me.
Featherbase - For bird feathers (which I need quite often, as it turns out).
Fragrantica - For perfume notes, which is helpful for olfactory descriptions.
Gender Neutral/Queer Titles - Even being agender myself, I lose track of different gender-neutral terms.
Project Gutenberg - In case I need to look into Public Domain stuff.
References Tag - My references stored here on Tumblr.
Reference: Author Health
Reference: Characters
Reference: Flora Fauna and Stone
Reference: History
Reference: Languages and Words
Reference: Mature
Reference: Scenes
Reference: Tropes
Reference: Witchcraft and Occultism
Reference: Worldbuilding
The Old Timey - I write a lot of pseudo-historical fantasy so I like to know when specific things were invented or developed.
Generator & Writing Advice Websites
Behind The Name - Naming website with a generator and history of names (where applicable).
Chaotic Shiny - Generators only.
Fantasy Name Generators and Roll For Fantasy - FNG for generators, RFF for writing advice and tools.
Nameberry - Naming website with a generator (generally less useful than Behind The Name).
Seventh Sanctum - Generators only.
Tools For (Actually) Writing
Etymonline and Ngram and Wiktionary - For researching the origin and usage of words.
LibreOffice - For actually writing.
Milanote - For organizing my thoughts for particular projects.
Ambient & Free Sounds & Music
In the event that you want or need a blend of noises while working, like I sometimes do.
Ambient Chaos - By the same individual who brought us Absurd Trolley Problems and many other fun tools!
Fesliyan Studios
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sortofcedar · 3 years
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woo so just messing around with a different style of shading/coloring pretty fun
this is basically just how I wish I looked lmao
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quirrrky · 3 years
I was wondering if you could do a headcanon for sasuke and naruto (separate) crushing on you/the reader?
NARUTO BOYS HAVING A CRUSH ON YOU  —» headcanons —» ft. naruto, sasuke, gaara, neji —» A/N: Elo anon! I added our two other Naruto boys too I hope you don’t mind. 
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»— NARUTO Goes over the top, ngl. Chuckles a lot around you because he’s hiding how goddamn flustered he is! Walks with you whenever he sees you. Throws in jokes no matter how corny just to see you laughing. Does everything just so you two won’t part ways yet! Hardest part for him is saying good bye to you. Does the she/he/they loves me-loves me not thing on flowers. Damn. Tries to be your protector. Brings you stuff that reminds him of you. All in all in, he’s just super cute. 
»— SASUKE Denies it within himself at first! You’ll notice him staring at you a lot only to sassily turn his head away. Blushes secretly. Studies everything about you. Keeps you safe w/o you even knowing. Gives you sweets or whatever it is that makes you happy when you’re sad. Teases you as form of flirting. Tags along with you often, surprisingly, though he’ll give shallow reasons behind it. Pouts. You’ll just notice that he’s often your teammate, seatmate, etc. Def the jealous boi. Sulks when you entertain others but invites you out just so he can prove he got you. The mixed-signal type who’s hot today cold the next. Can show affection yet be withdrawn the next minute augh. Sneaky bastard. 
»— GAARA Sweet boi. Search: Wikihow: How to know if I’m having a crush type! Purchases a lot of books about romance and researches about it too because of you. Directly asks you what you like. Straightforward af bc what’s the point of asking others, right? Probably, has written a lot of love letter s for that he’ll never send because he overthinks a lot. Frankly, will ask you if it’s love he’s feeling! Just date this boi, honestly. 
»— NEJI Tries to calm himself when you’re around but it’s a struggle. Notice him stutter a little but attempts to regain his composure by dry coughing whenever talking to you. Respects you. He wants to appear so dignified around you like he’s your prince or sumn. Well, he is! Mildly reprimands you when you’re not taking care of yourself well. But takes good care of you as well. Walks you home and carries your bag of it’s heavy. Has a secret interest of sharing an umbrella with you. Swoon swoon swooon. 
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REBLOGS ARE DEEPLY APPRECIATED ♡ Please help me reach other viewers as tumblr tags often don’t work on me. Thank you so so much! 
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☾ COLLECTIONS:  Naruto (Series) ☾  ✧ DAYDREAM MUSEUM ✧
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aph-belanu · 3 years
ciao! hai qualche raccomandazione di fics in italiano? Mi piacerebbe leggere qualcuno, e ho pensato che forse tu ne sai più di me... grazie! 💖 (scusa se ci sono errori, non sono nativa)
Ah there's no need to excuse yourself, your Italian is more than fine, I appreciate this a lot🥺
Anyway for anyone wondering op has asked a couple of Hetalia fanfics recs in Italian(I'm going to translate the synopsis provided by the authors btw).
Il miele sul bicchiere by _Frame_ (Honey on the glass) @schmedterlingfreud
1 September 1939 – 2 September 1945
All the Second World War from Hetalia's point of view.
Without dictators, heads of the States or political ideologies. The Nations are the protagonists.
[On going: December 1941]
Genre: angst, war, historical
[The historical fic in Italian.Not really the first fic I'd recommend starting from of course.I love Frame's writing and truly advise you to read her other stuff as well. If you're a gerita lover do read Come perdere la verginità grazie a WikiHow e a un pacchetto di caramelle al malto (How to loose your virginity thanks to wikihow and a box of malt candies )and Tre volte sotto la pioggia (3 times under the rain).If you enjoy op's writing as much as me she has came out with a novel of her own, published by Rossini editore Walpurgisnacht it's an historical fantasy]
Hetalia of the sex by valerydell95 and elfin emrys
Or rather:a tragicomedy in two acts on the art of love.
"Theme night. The bane of humanity. Especially if the theme happened to be that one. Couldn't they just talk about cooking, book, movies or freely speak ill of America? No. They couldn't. They had to make the most embarrassing sexual confessions."
Genre: humour
[The title is inspired by the episode hetalia of the dead. Frankly one of my favorite comedy fics. Not too challenging if you're looking for something to practice your Italian, as they're only two chapters and the language is more easy compared to other suggestions, given the context. This is also a great excuse to sponsor both authors: they have a tiny special place in my heart, as they give me nostalgia of my first years in the fandom and some of their works are honestly 👌👌 as a team they focused on humour, both pure comedy and crack taken seriously. Check out Ricordi di un cantastorie (a storyteller's memories) by elfin emrys.. And anything else really. Her account is full of one shots, which are a great deal for practice once again. Tw: if you adore Alfred, can't see him do anything wrong or are extremely sensitive to certain subjects, beware reading Insanity as it touches triggering and sensitive topics. It was my first fic one the subject and I liked it a lot(it's not enjoyable, I mean it's well written)]
Caleidoscopio by HamletRedDiablo
The balance of the Sidereal Confederation had been guaranteed from time immemorial by the Axis, the firstborn in the Vatican Vargas family; the Axis was the foundation that sustained the whole universe as it was known.
But a couple of twins would have even made the sky fall, to reunite with their blood.
Genre: Adventure, Fantasy, Romantic
[A great sci-fi, the very first I've ever seen in the Italian fandom. I've seen a translation by the author somewhere on ao3 but I can't really find it right now :( ]
You can find the complete list of the most popular hetalia fanfics on EFP here
Among them I've read and recommend:
Alfred e la mirabolante macchina dell'Ucronia(Alfred and the amazing uchronia machine) by tonycocchi and really any of his works.
Together in Italy by ChiaraLilianWinter(unfortunately uncompleted)
Centoquarantaquattro anni vergine(144 years a virgin)by Princess of the Rose(I like other of her works as well btw but a couple I've simply haven't read out of personal preference or sensibility;she has written about 2p characters as well if that might interest anyone)
die Krähe by Akrois(might not be for everyone,touches sensitive subjects)
Quello che vedi nella tela (what you see on the canvas) by ,once again,RedHamletDiablo
I've heard great things about l'appartamento spagnolo (the Spanish apartment)and even read a parody spurred by it that I can't unfortunately find but only ever read dead man walking (a one shot that belongs to that universe)
Check out LadyWhiteWitch (I know she has a Tumblr please let me know if you know the @ so I can tag her) she has great stuff and Generale Capo di Urano, you can't go wrong there's anything for anyone(her Kadın made me cry like a baby).
If you're gerita trash like me you might also like LB Shadow last two works (but her other stuff is great as well!!) aaand definitely _Black or White_'s ffs. And Wanderlust Jake on wattpad. Yes you can find great stuff on there as well , like Farfallaccia 's one shots I've recently discovered.
I also really like we deserve a soft epilogue, my love by @mughettonellaneve (mostly because of the theme at hand ahah very maturely discussed)
If you're a Seborga lover this is for you Liguria&Seborga: Storie d'una Regione Borbottante e di un Principato Indipendente dal '63 (Liguria &Seborga: stories about a complaining region and a principality who's been independent since 1963) keep it close to your heart, I sure do.
If you love Romano and a good humour genre one shot check out La Tigre Blanche.
Please stop me I could go on forever.
All you need is a quick research on EFP really:) it's a very intuitive website.
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sojo-gatoru · 4 years
50 Questions You’ve Never Been Asked
hello tumblr I’m still alive but I forget that you exists sometimes but thanks for art and memes lmao                                               
Tagged by @taehdenveri lol thanks pal!! ~
1. What is the color of your hairbrush? A silvery black? idk
2. Name a food you never eat. Mushroom of any kind bc they want to murder me in my sleep
3. Are you typically too cold or too warm? Too cold...always...I’m freezing rn
4. What were you doing 45 minutes ago? Having an online lecture about microeconomics....
5. What is your favorite candy bar? oof that’s tricky... do Maltesers count as candy bar? bc them!
6. Have you ever been to a professional sports event? I used to live right next to the football stadium in my hometown, does that count? (and maybe the “final dance” at my dance school, which was official and stuff)
7. What is the last thing you said out loud? “I got an email today, your package arrives tomorrow bruv”
8. What is your favorite ice cream? any lemon flavour, yoghurt, sour stuff in general
9. What was the last thing you had to drink? c o f f e e
10. Do you like your wallet? Nah...it’s rather boring and already falls apart (I really want one with an ouji board design tho :eyesemoji:
11. What was the last thing you ate? Cereal probably I don’t remember
12. Did you buy any new clothes last weekend? for my sister yes, but not for me :<
13. The last sporting event you watched? Some Lindy Hop festival competition
14. What is your favorite flavor of popcorn? SALTED POPCORN BAYBEEEY!!
15. Who is the last person you sent a text message to? It was the very sweet @taehdenveri yeehaw
16. Ever go camping? Nope, I wish tho
17. Do you take vitamins? Yep, my body demands the vitamins
18. Do you go to church every Sunday? no I’m raging on a sunday (kudos to anyone who gets that reference lmao)
19. Do you have a tan? nope, I’m sun-allergic lol
20. Do you prefer Chinese food or pizza? Both. Both is good. But usually pizza since it’s cheaper haha
21. Do you drink soda with a straw? nah
22. What color of socks do you usually wear? usually dark ones, but I mostly wear them mismatched anyway haha
23. Do you ever drive above the speed limit? listen.....L I S T E N....sometimes, it happens to all of us okay
24. What terrifies you? Spiders........spiders....the deep sea, deep space, losing people that are close to me....spiders.
25. Look to your left, what do you see? My notes from my online lecture and my half empty cup of coffee
26. What chore do you hate? there’s not much I don’t like, maybe cleaning the bathroom when I’m not in the mood?
27. What do you think of when you hear an Australian accent? Ross O’Donovan, OI LADS WHAT A GUUD DAY FOR A SWIM INNIT
28. What’s your favorite soda? hard to say hmmm, maybe a good, cold, Spezi?
29. Do you go into a fast food place or just hit the drive-thru? Drive Thru, always have fun experiences with that lol
30. Who’s the last person you talked to? IRL, my sister, on the line @taehdenveri
31. Favorite cut of beef? I am veggie to the tarian bruv
32. Last song you listened to? The Song with Five Names a.k.a. Soapbox Tao a.k.a. Checkmate Atheists! a.k.a. Neospace Government (A.K.A. You Can Never Know) by Will Wood and The Tapeworms
33. Last book you read? Probably some lame economics book I had to read for uni ugh
34. Favorite day of the week? Friday
35. Can you say the alphabet backwards? I can’t even spell alphabet without thinking about it wtf
36. How do you like your coffee? black :)
37. Favorite pair of shoes? my worn out black Nikes ayy
38. The time you normally go to sleep? Around 12pm usually, plus minus depends on how exhausted I am
39. The time you normally get up? around 7 - 8 am
40. What do you prefer, sunrise or sunsets? Sunsets...how romantic
41. How many blankets on your bed? 2
42. Describe your kitchen plates. bordeux red
43. Do you have a favorite alcoholic beverage? I’m not too big on alcohol, but if I’d have to choose red wine. Yep that’s basically the only thing I can drink
44. Do you play cards? Hell yah
45. What color is your car? Don’t have a car on my own, but my parents’ car is silver, so I guess silver
46. Can you change a tire? Not really? With a tutorial and WikiHow article, still doubtful
47. Your favorite province? Province? pff Guyenne and Gascony in France maybe? Probably because I want to go there reeeeeeally badly
48. Favorite job you’ve ever had? I didn’t like any job I had so far...but the one at the hospital was alright compared to other stuff
49. How did you get your biggest scar? a botched surgery :)
50. What did you do today that made someone else happy? Ordered a Nintendo Switch for my sister’s birthday heh she seemed happy about it
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celsidebottom · 4 years
Author Interview
Tagged by @greyvvardenfell!  Thank you!!! (I know this is. so late. I’m very bad at remembering to do tag things but I got there eventually!)
Name: Kellan
Fandoms: At this point I’m like 90% a Rusty Quill blog with a dash of RWBY and Dragon Age
Where you post: I tend to post multichapter things on my AO3 exclusively, and prompt requests from tumblr on my writing blog, @kellanswritingblog, but everything in between goes in both places
Most popular one shot: definitely this one about Jon stealing Martin’s sweater because he wanted to remember him while he was Lonely-ified
Most popular multi-chapter story: that would be my Life is Strange fic Saving Grace set after sacrificing Chloe, where Max learns to live again with the help of Kate, and the two of them wind up in a relationship and facing their demons together. (Man I really miss writing this one.  I learned a lot about scheduling while writing it but it was a fun story and I’m sad that I finished it)
Favourite story you wrote: Masquerade, a Zolf/Hamid fake dating au set in a fancy ball, featuring jealous exes, mutual pining, bed sharing, the good stuff
How you choose your titles: Most of the time I write one good line and that winds up as my title.  The rest of the time, it’s song lyrics or a poetic line I wanted to put in but it didn’t fit
Complete: I’m honestly not sure?  Maybe like 75% of my current ideas have been written, at least in regard to fanfiction.  When it comes to original content, I have like... half of the novels written that I have plans for?  And I have even more ideas that are still in the vague nebulous stage of life (I have a character and a world that if I put my mind to it could easily be a series with no real goal just gays fighting demons)
Incomplete: I don’t have anything right now that I’m in the middle of writing, it’s either written (even if it’s still hiding in a word doc) or in the outline stage
Do you outline: Abso-hecking-lutely.  I am one of those people that has to have a plan for where the story is going otherwise I’ll get lost and just. not finish it.  
Coming Soon: I really want to buckle down on the idea I had for a TimMartin AU where Tim works in a theater with a circus show coming to town and notices weird happenings so calls a ghost hunter, but he calls the wrong number and gets Martin.  Martin decides that he can wing it as a ghost hunter and pretends he knows what’s going on, but really just read a WikiHow article on how to find ghosts beforehand.  They hit it off, Nikola is there, there’s fire, and they live happily ever after.  (Can you see where my idea for this kind of starts lacking in detail?)
Do you accept prompts: Absolutely!  All the time!  It may take me a while to get to them, depending on how my head and anxiety are behaving, but I definitely will eventually!  I try to occasionally reblog prompt suggestions, and anyone and everyone is more than welcome to send one of those in, or just any idea you might come up with!
Upcoming story you’re most excited to write: I just recently had an idea for a Zolf/Hamid piece (yes, another one) where they have to go back to L’Triomphe and they have a lot of emotions regarding the last time they were there but this time they can deal with them together
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a medium list of tabs i have open and waiting to be dealt with:
-wikihow article about how to care for a tortoise
-a tumblr post with links to 2 gaylists on spotify
-two tabs of google searches trying to find out what percentage of the population still alive was born in which decades and then trying to find the info i need to calculate it myself
-tumblr post of good film analysis channels (that are not cinemasins)
-tumblr post with a link to a hiveswap letsplay made by aro/ace-spec folks
-guns in dnd
-the tim teebow chronicles (for your safety i have provided a link to the beginning instead of chapter 5, which i am halfway through)
-new earbuds, which cost a hundred dollars, have been needing to be replaced for at least a month, and which i am planning on buying at an actual store so i dont have to pay for shipping
-tumblr post of fanfiction, which i have scrolled down into the “posts like this” section and am now sitting by a list of “things i need to read that you should read too”
-star wars
-a fic tag, in chronological order, that is mine, that i am going thru and organizing into my fic pile
-a fic tag, in chronological order, that is not mine, that i am going thru and reading
-a fic i skimmed the first time
-undergraduate admissions checklist
-a tumblr post about a genderqueer anime
-my about me tag, chronologically, that i need to go thru and sort out for things that have the about me in the tags
-a tumblr post about a queer manga
-a tumblr post about M*A*S*H
-a tumblr post about austin powers: international man of mystery (1997)
-someones blog on dash
-old sci fi story someone linked after complaining about how long it took them to find it
-a post about how the fall of the roman empire caused our love of apocalyptic media
-my words tag, chronologically, that i need to go thru searching for literogratumerriment words
-so much fucking fanfiction dude
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unwindyourkitelines · 7 years
@parkmontius tagged me in this aaages ago, so here we go
1. Nicknames: Pheebs, or sometimes Phee
2. Gender: Female
3. Star sign: Leo
4. Height: 5′4″ 
5. Time: 23:06pm
6. Birthday: July 25th
7. Favourite bands: Guster, Portugal. The Man, Karmin, OK Go, Black Honey, Walk The Moon, Oh Wonder
8. Favourite solo artist: So many! Lianne La Havas, Kimbra, M.I.A, Harry Styles, Beyonce, Kendrick Lamar, Rhianna, Mr Jukes, Kali Uchis, Childish Gambino, Erykah Badu, Sade, Hayley Kioko, Sara Bareilles, Ella Fitzgerald, idk probably more
9. Song stuck in my head: Nothing right now, but I always get Partition by Beyonce stuck in my head 
10. Last movie I watched: Wonder Woman! It was so good!
11. Last show I watched: Top Gear 
12. When did I create this blog: I first got a tumblr in 2014, but I made this blog at the end of July this year 
13. When do I post: In the evenings usually
14. Last thing I googled: How to write 5ft 4 with punctuation 
15. Do I have any other blogs: @cement-awareness-month , celebrate with caution
16. Do I get any asks: Nope 
17. Why did I choose your url: it was a quote from a wikihow random quote bot blog, but I don’t think it’s still around anymore
18. Following: 33 blogs
19. Followers: 8
20. Favourite colours: I don’t know, my favourite colour as a kid was yellow so maybe that. 
21. Average hours of sleep: Probably 7ish
22. Lucky number: I don’t really have lucky things because with anxiety it’s easy to get dependant on stuff, I always thought 7 was the ‘king of the numbers’ when I was younger though
23. Instruments: Piano, and I guess my voice, but I like doing music and stuff alone
24. What am I wearing: An oversized WaterAid t-shirt and pyjama shorts with whales on (I have two draws devoted to pj’s its becoming a problem tbh)
25. How many blankets do I sleep with: 2
26. Dream job: A writer, but as long as I’m doing something with nice people that helps others then I don’t really mind
27. Dream trip: Galapagos Islands, and maybe Iceland 
28. Favourite food: Recently it’s been falafel 
29. Nationality: British
30. Favourite song right now: Can I just say the entirety of Ganging Up on The Sun by Guster? That’s a fucking great album
Okay, I tag @pansexualvampirewhovian @goodgoddamn and @spodermanbro and anyone else who wants to :D
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asheoki · 7 years
Hi, friend! I saw your post about the voltron sdcc stuff and I don't really know how to blacklist tags and such? Could you explain how? Sorry, I'm a bit clueless!
It's okay! Not knowing stuff is personally a great thing for me because I get to learn something I didn't! Also I found a wikihow of how to blacklist things on Tumblrhttp://www.wikihow.com/Blacklist-on-TumblrAnd to everyone going to SDCC have fun and enjoy the city! If you have free time check out our zoo and Balboa Park!
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be-still-child · 6 years
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New Post has been published on https://easymakemoneyonline.club/how-to-get-earn-extra-money/
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The reason for this is the CashPirate referral program, and bunk beds are among the most popular for dirt cheap and refinish them.
We get paid and the patient still pays but understand this, changing a couple things would raise your profit. I sent her an email letting her know my feelings about what transpired and I put it out there, turn your passion into profit. Some will ask which country youre from, and I find I am having much more fun with it. Things I know about making money from blogging, delivery and being a handyman have the ‘highest earning potential.
You can see these ads and links posted on Facebook, if youre looking for ideas to make cash doing blogging jobs. If even finding your passion wont be fulfilling, check out these 8 Simple Ways to Earn Money From Home. A pyramid scheme is an illegal system where people recruit others to sign up under them to make money, if you live in a cold climate.
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I received a YELP alert for hot new business yesterday, like the fellow above.
I dont like surveys, the ads would be providing options that the article did not. Internet Business Models Understanding Internet business models, teach an Online Course.
Claire was able to earn $8, dont bring another one into the world if you only want to sell it. There are a lot of other dogs that you could breed for a profit, its unwise to invest too much time and effort into a high-value item with an intent to sell.
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hefrustatesme-blog · 6 years
Tumblr media
New Post has been published on https://easymakemoneyonline.club/how-to-get-earn-extra-money/
how to get earn extra money
The reason for this is the CashPirate referral program, and bunk beds are among the most popular for dirt cheap and refinish them.
We get paid and the patient still pays but understand this, changing a couple things would raise your profit. I sent her an email letting her know my feelings about what transpired and I put it out there, turn your passion into profit. Some will ask which country youre from, and I find I am having much more fun with it. Things I know about making money from blogging, delivery and being a handyman have the ‘highest earning potential.
You can see these ads and links posted on Facebook, if youre looking for ideas to make cash doing blogging jobs. If even finding your passion wont be fulfilling, check out these 8 Simple Ways to Earn Money From Home. A pyramid scheme is an illegal system where people recruit others to sign up under them to make money, if you live in a cold climate.
how to get earn extra money
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I received a YELP alert for hot new business yesterday, like the fellow above.
I dont like surveys, the ads would be providing options that the article did not. Internet Business Models Understanding Internet business models, teach an Online Course.
Claire was able to earn $8, dont bring another one into the world if you only want to sell it. There are a lot of other dogs that you could breed for a profit, its unwise to invest too much time and effort into a high-value item with an intent to sell.
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