#wiggles answers
wiggles-mcgee · 3 months
a gee of the mc variety that moves in a wiggling motion
thats me alright!! I'll wiggle and wriggle my way over your dash if you're not careful...
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puppetmaster13u · 4 months
Prompt 216
“So we all know that Damian is trying to sneak in a new animal, right?” 
 “I mean, yeah, he only starts sneaking around like that when he’s sneaking something he shouldn’t be, and the box was pretty obvious…” 
“Are we going to ask about it or…” 
“Nah, plausible deniability when Alfred or Bruce inevitably finds it.” 
Later, Duke will regret listening to Dick and Steph, because there is now a massive fucking dragon glowering down at all of them from the back yard with nine heads. Each of which do not seem pleased. It might be time to question what Damian might have brought home this time…
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pearlcaddy · 1 year
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artist-block-alley · 2 months
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Moving and groovin to the sound of your own beat~
I suddenly decided to commit to animating a silly dance with Chetter and Chatter and boy was it fun. What do you think they're dancing to?
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notsolonelyygirl · 1 year
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Will I ever stop wiggling? 🤭
😘my links😘
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 1 year
"It's too silly to make jyl's cutie mark soup" - the artist who made an entire equineswap au with lore seemingly spontaneously
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ginavampina · 2 months
I adore that your art includes expressive elf ears like that honestly makes my whole day thank you for the cute!! :D :D :D
Thank you so much 😭🖤 expressive ears are my latest obsession tbh. I like to HC that Astarion’s ears wiggle when he feeds and that image just lives rent free in my head 🥹
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marquisedemasque · 6 months
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Ok so Dragula and Toot Toot are the opposite ends of the 'songs about cars' spectrum. I need to know what fills in the middle. Where do you think songs like 'Greese Lightning' and 'I Like Driving in my Car' would fall of the spectrum?
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originalartblog · 2 years
You appeal to my heart directly how could I ever say no
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captainsvscaptains · 6 months
scrolling the blogin anguish... no captain feathersword from the wiggles... he woulda swept!!!
I'm not even familiar with the source but by looks alone I coult tell he would have destroyed the other contestants. I couldn't have allowed that
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wiggles-mcgee · 5 months
every time i watch gravity falls now my brain keeps saying MAVITY FALLS in mabel's voice and then i laugh like a maniac for five minutes and then IT HAPPENS AGAIN
its what mabel would want, i think
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bugswapau · 1 year
So, in this au, what's up with Sprout? Strabby still? Or is he swapped with a different snak?
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In this AU, Sprout is Wiggle’s treasured Cinnasnail, Sticky! She’s a little slow, but Wiggle’s been training her to follow her laser pointer. She becomes a big help on Filbo’s journey through Snaktooth Island!
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tswwwit · 1 year
Does reincarnated Dipper ever go and work in medical? - as a doctor or nurse or pyschologist. I think that would be funny. I'm sure Bill would *looove* that.
He definitely could! Dipper does love helping people.
And it'd be delightfully frustrating for Dipper to try and navigate his chosen profession while hooking up with a guy who's into intestinal origami and mind-breaking. Bill might be knowledgeable, but he offers a lot of highly inadvisable advice.
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good-beanswrites · 4 months
By the way, about LCSyS, how are you dealing with the whole 'Es plurality' situation? Because it is a central part of their character that gets brought up on multiple voice dramas and seems really difficult to remove. Also, it is implied that some of our judgements may be our if character for Es because they seem pretty uncertain about it. For example, some people including myself suspect that if Es wasn't controlled by the audience they would have voted Mahiru innocent because they appear somewhat fond of her and would probably have not jumped to stalker based on no evidence (kinda bullshit people thought that anyway but whatever). This was asked by someone who is insane about Es and thinks about them constantly, BTW.
Ah, well I appreciate an Es expert (Espert?) weighing in on it!! :D
Because that element is very central to both them and the plot, even if it hasn’t been fully explored yet. Like you said, there are a lot of events that rely on these “other” voices, some actions and decisions that they themself seem unsure of! Not to mention their own dialogue using a plural first person pronoun! I’m already trying to distance the au from the audience interaction element, so I’ve definitely kept my eye on the plural Es theory >:3 
Since we have little to work with, I’ve tried to keep them pretty vague in the fic so far. They don’t appear in a lot of it because of plot reasons (everything is the same as canon to them, most of the time). And even in their pov chapter I try to steer thoughts and emotions directly to the prison. I only mention their identity near the end to make everyone say “Hmmmm we don't know who you are and neither do you!” Now, I'm prepared for three main options for endings: 1. There is a non-system, in-universe explanation for the voices. 2. The voices are directly confirmed as the audience. 3. Yamanka states that he hates me, personally, and doesn’t explain anything about Es. If it’s the first one, I’ll see how well it works into my fic and go from there! (If it’s overly supernatural/involves Es disappearing/dying, I might make some tweaks lmao. I’m committed to accuracy but this is a fix-it, at the end of the day.) For the second two, I plan on leaning into plural Es, with research and input from others to make the writing accurate 👍I’m hoping to go back revise earlier sections to drop more hints and make things consistent. I also want to write an epilogue once we get more context on the ending as a whole! Though, I guess they've already confirmed some feeling of plurality... maybe I add some lines in that last chapter now...
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regseekings · 5 months
QUESTION: Do we think Augustin Jordan can dance?
(there are no stakes, I'm not trying to establish fanon, I just would like to hear people's headcanons)
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tinknevertalks · 29 days
For the ask game: 🤩 for Abby, ❓, 📖 for Waves, please. :D
Eeee, thanks for this lovely! XD (I need to get better at answering these straight away.)
🤩a WIP snippet about or with dialogue from ________ [name of a character]. If you don’t have one for that character, choose someone else! - Right, this is tangentially with Abby, but it's Nikola and Will talking. (Yeah, it's the (Abby/Will) + Helen (and maybe Nikola, I still haven't decided) fic.)
“Well, William, you don't have to be a genius to figure out that Helen has plans for you,” Nikola muttered to Will. Will tried ignoring him, reading the file in front of him, but Abby had joined their boss and Will knew that smile. It was her I'm so happy to see you but please can we go somewhere private and fool around smile, one he thought was just for him. Since when did she smile at Magnus like that? And since when did Magnus smile back like that, a secret in her eyes and a laugh on her lips? Why at Abby? Sighing, he asked, “What do you mean?” Nikola smirked. “It seems to me like Helen has taken your Agent Corrigan under her wing.” Leaning forward, like he was giving Will super secret information, he added, “Helen doesn't like when her fledglings aren't treated with the respect they deserve.” Will shook his head. “Wha--” “When it comes to matters of the heart, Helen stays out of the way. When it comes to matters more base - sex, Scoot - Helen takes matters in hand.” Nikola grinned, leaning back. “Like I said, Helen has plans for you.”
❓ any WIP snippet you want!
Ooooooh. Because I really need to get back on this, have a section from In The Nice Part of Town. 😁
Weeks passed. Helen tried not to change her behaviour, to keep a respectable distance from Nikola, but she couldn't help delighting in being drawn to him. What did that Taylor Swift song say? His magnetic field being a little too strong? Something like that. Like a iron filing she was constantly edging closer to him. And really, when it meant having a cuddle at night on the sofa, and him stroking her shoulder absentmindedly, who was she to argue with physics? Kissing his cheek on her way to work was just being friendly. And if he happened to kiss her cheek as he handed her a cuppa when she got home, well that was just the reciprocal nature of their friendship. Because they're just friends. Doing friend things. As friends. Helen knew, on a scale of one to hopelessly besotted, exactly where she was.
📖 a published snippet from _________ [published work of theirs you haven't had read yet, but are curious about]
Waves? You wanted a bit of Waves? Eeeeeeee! 🥰🥰🥰 Okies, right. Ack. This is part of the way in, but just know Helen and Nikola haven't spoken here in like four/five years. Enjoy!
Saturday in the mall was not how Nikola imagined spending his afternoon, but he needed new shoes. If he went earlier in the day, he wouldn't have to deal with too many people, and he wouldn't get another headache. That was the plan. He didn't get there until after lunch. Some kids were running around, yelling and squeaking. Parents were standing around chatting, ignoring their children behaving like the monsters they were, and Nikola's foot was cold. He had known for a while his shoes needed replacing but there it was, a tiny hole. Sighing, his defences up, he strode in. Helen's morning had been busy. Between chores, playing and Ashley singing Old McDonald, the house had been cleaned, clothes in the machine, homework done and lunch eaten. Now it was time for the most important part of the day. Shoe shopping. The shop was busy, and children were running around like headless chickens. “Alright, we need some sneakers for you, Henry, and some boots for you, Will. No running around, please.” “Ok!” the boys chorused, before dashing to the kids’ section. Ashley was pulling on Helen's hand, wanting to follow them. Smiling indulgently, glad her mental barriers were firmly in place, they walked briskly after them, Ashley stomping ahead. “Ooooff!” Someone had walked into her and caught her elbow before she fell over. “I'm sorry, I-- Helen?” The world slowed down. Flashes of memories filled his mind – his laugh, her smile, that kiss – as her bright blue eyes drank him in. “Nikola?” she breathed, her lips already forming a grin. Her heart was clattering against her ribcage. “Wh-- what are you doing here?” Who was that squeaking in her voice? He held up his other hand, face and mind wondrously blank to her. “Shoes.”
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