#why is crabgrass bad
mortiz888-blog · 6 months
Crabgrass Conundrum: Understanding Why This Weed is Bad for Lawns #LawnPorn #SexyLawns
Introduction: A lush, green lawn is the pride of many homeowners, and the last thing any gardener wants to see invading their carefully tended turf is crabgrass. This relentless and opportunistic weed has earned a notorious reputation for wreaking havoc on lawns. In this blog post, we’ll explore the reasons why crabgrass is considered a formidable adversary for your lawn and why it’s crucial to…
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flcwerofevil · 1 year
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the sclera visible below the iris; the jarring change of winter daylight; afghan blankets half unspooled; a thousand yard feast, a woman at the end of the table without a fork to be seen; green apples discarded, half-eaten; dog-eared books folded to the center of the page, stained; a smeared portrait with its lips dyed a vicious stain of red; a dulled kitchen knife glinting in the afternoon sun; the mouth of an envelope torn open like a wound
—  IRAJ KOBEISSI  /  flower of ice  ﹒  full application   ﹒   pinterest
I. TL:DR cw: familicide, death, suicide, cults, mass murder, arson
Trains to become a sword master to reclaim family honor. Doesn’t give a shit.
Kills her family and starts exploring the world to find herself. She is an artist, a clown, a cult member, a bodyguard, security to a ship, etc. She takes on miscellaneous jobs wherever she goes. 
Insert a long and growing list of the atrocities Iraj has engaged in for people’s hands in love / curiosity. Notably setting fire to a village for Madame Massacre’s favor, killing Child of Flame’s spared victims, killing people for their blood so she can turn it into paint, becoming a circus clown and terrorizing children (pennywise fr), joining a cult and actively recruiting people, and much more!
Finally, Iraj has a love affair with a woman she refers to as OXEYE DAISY, Iraj attempts to kill a love competitor but fails. Daisy manipulates Iraj into turning herself in. She accepts every charge against her whether it is true or not.
Iraj has a former mentee, CRABGRASS, kill Daisy as she mistakes a letter sent to her jail cell as a plea for death.
Iraj is straight chilling in prison, finding it a little cramped but OK. Is getting a tiny bit antsy.
monster clown ( quite literally, but also psychologically )
in another lifetime she is both the discord mod and discord kitten
deeply embroiled in the absurd but not quite understanding it. she is the first half of the ‘myth of sisyphus’ without cause to finish
if she were to create a movie it would be something like ‘the girl in the house across the street from the girl in the window’ or ‘the birds’ 1963
pinocchio - “I have the whole world to see!” / wait damn i didn’t realize a parallel to iraj is this wooden hoe. yonkers scoob.
it’s the not caring to be human while still deeply caring about being called inhuman but not understanding why you care and so you try and mimic those around you while also feeling superior that you’re not engulfed in grief, but also feeling like you’re missing out on something vital, and you attempt to induce it artificially but it leaves you feeling unsatisfied because it’s not real and therefore you don’t actually experience the full emotion, but not knowing how else to go about it and so you continue doing what you’re doing and hoping one day it will produce the results you want, but this is just creating a cycle of emptiness and widening the chasm without a real need to do so
iraj is the immortal snail meme
Every unhinged woman needs a logical partner. This type of affection isn’t romantic and I like to think it’s the kind of feeling childhood friends have for each other even when their interests begin to diverge. They’re an unlikely pair and that’s what makes everything fit. It leaves you saying “huh. When/how the hell did this happen?”
I just think it’d be fun if she and someone else were friends and bonded over being Evil together. Imagine Hikaru and Kaoru kind of playful mischievousness but obviously much worse because they’re all bad people lol. maybe your character is manipulating mine and while Iraj might have an inkling as to what’s happening she doesn’t give a shit. As long as it’s kinda fun!
Someone Iraj feels compelled to save without the desire to have something paid in return. She can’t explain the feeling, and it quite honestly makes her feel uncomfortable. I’d love to hash this out with someone while we gnaw on each other’s bones.
I don’t know if we’re allowed to have cellmates in prison, but damn I think it’d be fun if they could. Maybe they were cell mates at the beginning of their sentences but shit happened and now they’re separated. Were they friends, enemies, gossips — did they try to carve a hole in the wall with a spoon together? Who knows!
You saw her at her silliest. (Clown Era)
You saw her at her most Depressed ™ (Cult Era)
Iraj was your sidekick for a while. She helped you do whatever it is that you did but parted ways eventually. I would like for this to be a mutual / didn’t-leave-on-bad-terms connection but I’d be fine with them being enemies as well. I think her sidekick era came right before her clown era, so imagine one day Iraj wakes you up like “Hey, uh, I’m leaving tonight. You remember HEMP and how they said I wouldn’t be a good clown? I’m about to prove them wrong. I’ll catch ‘ya later, ok? We’ll reconnect when life gets less busy. Wish you all the best love!”
Straight up, I don’t know why anyone would willingly be her muse but I think it’d be really funny for either A.) you really wanted to be her muse and thought her art was cool even if it was weird or B.) jk I don’t have another idea, but I could come up with more on demand like trained monkey.
Iraj thought [LOCATION] was a place to confess your sins. You listened but not because you wanted to. You two never saw each other, and politeness maybe kept you there while she poured her “heart out.” Now you have the secret code to her journals and to every weird thought she’s ever had. I think she would try and talk to you during this confessional as well, even if that’s not how it’s supposed to go. Regardless if you answered though, she would have continued.
Iraj accepted every charge she was accused of. What if she pleaded guilty to one of your character’s actual crimes?
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3d10fire-damage · 1 year
Colors That Run Highlights 30
the big three-oh
For the second time, the party woke up in the “salty spittoon” and proceeded to breakfast. A elementally-dressed guard from Harmonce came in and presented the party and the bartender with a sketch of who appeared to be Luna, and asked if any of us had seen this woman. Of course, no one in the group had seen her, ever.
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Once the guard left, Calypso retrieved Egg from her hood to impart an important lesson to him: snitches get stitches. She had to explain what a “snitch” is, which was informative not only for Egg, but to Valor as well, who noted the information in her book. (Also, the pun of “ratting someone out”)
The group headed back onto the road, and stopped off in Agar again. Due to the current date, which was Dave’s birthday, Slim was a bit off, and rather quiet. Valor gave him a silent hug and Calypso instructed Egg to go be with Slim and cheer him up.
Slim split off to find Chloe and see if she had any updates about Daniel (she didn’t, apparently). Meanwhile, Fea purchased a scarf and gave it to Valor to officially welcome her into the party. Calypso and Kattie just sorta vibed until everyone gathered again.
On the road the party was given pause by somewhat familiar laughter following them. The source was revealed to be two of the three nymphs they had encountered in the Feywilds-- specifically the ones that had gotten somewhat personal with Fea and Calypso. Apparently the third nymph was elsewhere, seeking Corrin. The nymphs claimed to have tracked the group by their scent, which prompted Calypso to do a smell-check of her jacket. Valor was... apprehensive, when one of the nymphs approached her, curious about her “pointy hat.”
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While the nymphs and their faves caught up(?), Slim started “gossiping” with Xio, and he only momentarily stopped when Kattie called him out on it.
In being endeared by the nymphs, Calypso offered to show them Egg-- only just avoiding actually giving him away to them for real. 😥 But little Egg got overwhelmed by the nymphs’ attention, and was hurriedly returned to Calypso. Much like Henry Crabgrass, Egg teaches the importance of consent! Afterward the nymphs promised they would see the party again and left.
Valor, still kinda freaking out, demanded why the group was so cool about those women from the Feywilds. Calypso countered by asking why Valor was so uptight about it, and Valor began to point out Calypso almost gave up Egg. But Egg spoke up, reminding Valor that snitches get stitches.
Next stop was the nearest Care Club building, run by good ol’ Jane. This time however Jane was holding a strange baby in her arms. This baby was like a living shadow, with skin like a void and little white pupil-less eyes. She introduced him as Escar, was rescued from the whole White Lady situation, but no one had located his family, so Jane had taken him in until the Duong family found a place for him.
Calypso, insisting she wasn’t meaning to be an asshole about it, asked what Escar was, and caught some heat from the rest of the party (and some pouting ensued). Jane explained that Escar was a voidling child, voidlings being Calamity’s version of changelings.
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Valor got bad vibes from Escar, but naturally Slim melted at the sight of him, and took some time to hold the baby. Kattie played some calming music for Escar as well. Eventually everyone came inside and settled in for the evening.
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(when u live out in the sticks and don’t bathe)
The following day everyone packed up to return to the road. Goodbyes were said to both Jane and Escar. Calypso patted the baby’s head, and Escar took hold of her little finger. Calypso told him that was hers, and he babbled back at her. Baby to baby communication
On the way toward Old Fuero, the weather took a turn for the worse, and soon enough a full-on blizzard had blown in. Slim, who is vulnerable to the cold, winced at this immediately, but thankfully Valor had some prior experience with this sort of weather. She instructed the party to dig into the snow and form a sort of igloo so they would have shelter while they waited out the storm.
Most of the group either gave some blankets or huddled up close to Slim to help keep him warm. Fea, who would not offer any warmth, kept an eye on the outside conditions.
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The blizzard ended up continuing for a couple of days. During that time, Valor brought up the discussion of inter-party cannibalism, should the need arise for such a thing. At some point Slim hotboxed the igloo. Slim and Calypso played rollies, without betting any money, which is good because Slim was secretly using his charlatan’s die to win nearly every round. Fea joined them as well, though she couldn’t really read the dice (Egg offered to read them, but Egg doesn’t really know what numbers are either).
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Once the blizzard died down, the group made their way out of their shelter. Fea did so first so that she could ambush Calypso with a snowball the moment she poked her head out. Unrestrained winter fun. Toward the end of it Calypso shoved a pile of snow into Fea’s mask, to which Fea sarcastically agonized over how cold she was.
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Eventually the party reached Old Fuero, specifically a large crater left by the battle that killed the old champions about 300 years prior. Everyone fanned out to go looking for anything of note that could be scavenged. Rolls were all over the board for this one, with two nat 1s but also a nat 20. Kattie found a saddle, Slim found a quiver, and Calypso spotted a shield, a club, and some kind of potion that was perfectly intact somehow.
But then... the ground shook, and a huge purple worm burst from the earth of the crater.
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Naturally, combat ensued. Slim hung back, trying out his new shotgun a bit more (good ol’ Bessie), while Kattie, Fea, and Calypso strode into melee with the worm. Despite some good hits, the worm chomped onto ol’ Caly and swallowed her, yikes.
BUT THEN, one of the coolest dudes ever, a stylish cowboy-ish tiefling, hit the scene. He brandished a scimitar and attacked the worm, slicing Calypso free from the worm. Slim set his eyes upon this man and recognized him-- it was Earl!
After a few more rounds (and Fea also got eaten, yikes), the worm was slain. Slim and Earl hugged it out, obviously very happy and surprised to meet up again like this. Valor attempted to heal Fea’s wounds, but here’s where she learned that that doesn’t work on Fea. After a bit of explanation (and the revealing of Fea’s lack of a head), Calypso proudly demonstrated what would heal Fea by casting Inflict Wounds on her.
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Some of the group noticed something sparkling within the tunnel the worm had created, so Fea and Calypso slid down there to collect some of the gems that had formed there. Meanwhile, Valor busied herself with harvesting various materials from the worm itself.
Earl and Slim caught up a bit, which involved Earl telling a story of how he got caught messing around with someone’s spouse which resulted in him being thrown off of a ship. He apparently had to fight off an aboleth. Calypso commented that she had also gotten in trouble for sleeping with married women, rolling her eyes like “hey, if they gonna fuck their wives right, then.....” And Earl heartily agreed. Mutual understanding and respect. They vibe.
The group then proceeded to the nearby town to settle down for the night, and soon after they’ll be traveling to Aegis to deliver their findings.
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middlestock98 · 2 years
Precisely why Organic Lawn Health care Services Are Better For Your Lawn, Children, Pets, Finances, plus the Environment
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The intoxicating scent of freshly mowed grass excited my nostrils because I proudly viewed at my lavish green lawn. The flush of pleasure soothed my human body and mind since That i knew of the sight I was staring at was the response to organic fertilizers plus absolutely no garden pesticides. I believed confident that We had overcome issues and was now performing a brand new, much better way of lawn care. A technique of lawn preservation that was saving cash on my normal water bill, keeping neighbors children and household pets safe, and safeguarding the surroundings while nevertheless creating a beautiful wholesome lawn that produced my jealous neighborhood friends wonder why they will haven't made the switch to organic grass care yet. The particular debate continues whether or not lawn pesticides are usually harmful to young youngsters, pets, along with the environment. It isn't a great deal of debate these days and nights with numerous new studies coming out there providing evidence that will many of the particular materials that were and still are being used in "traditional" lawn care will lead to cancer and various other health problems while harming our environment. Come about of this specific article isn't to scare homeowners in to using safer goods or to supply statistics and clinical research on in case lawn pesticides happen to be bad. My aim is to inform, enabling folks know that there exists a much better way of keeping a lawn with the use of organic materials plus inform them why its beneficial regarding them to make the switch. Hopefully by making use of this education, customers will start requiring that companies many of these as Scott's start to put really their large R&D budgets toward safer and more organic products that are usually as effective because the chemicals we have been blasting our grass with for yrs. The first thing I would certainly suggest is to be able to adjust your thinking to what an ideal lawn looks like. Non commercial lawns are never heading to look like the fairway in your local country club. The sooner you recognize this, the particular better. A number of dandelions showing their green heads is just not typically the end of typically the world. It is actually healthy and common perhaps on the most high-priced lawn program on the market. I'm not saying your lawn can't look similar to be able to that fairway, yet weeds come and even go. That's character. Work with that and not against it. The second thing I might suggest is adjust your cultural methods such as mowing and trimming and watering approaches. Without practicing these kinds of two things correctly, your lawn will certainly continue to battle nature instead associated with working with it. Mowing your lawn to be able to short lengths like your residential area fairway is not helpful or correct. Those fairways are normally bentgrass and the particular correct mowing elevation is under an inch. Most residential lawns within the Midwest and the northern part of typically the U. S. are usually blue/rye/fescue cool season grass mixes. These kinds of types of grasses needs to be mowed from 3-4 inches after being cut. In https://bayarealandscapepros.com that they are cut down to plans below this a person will exponentially generate an environment which is more prone to be able to crabgrass, broadleaf weeds for example dandelions, in addition to a shallow main system that cannot fight off drought, insects, and disorder very well. Sprinkling your lawn every day is just not smart in addition to your root method will hate a person for it. The particular roots of the grass want to dive deep directly into the ground to search for minerals and water. By watering everyday you are preserving those roots close to the surface and creating a new weak root system more prone in order to stresses. The optimal way to drinking water if you want to, is always to give the grass using water when that needs it. Every single lawn is distinct, but I advise watering every 4-7 days for approximately 1-1. 5 hours per spot. You need to water deeply and infrequently in order to train your origins to dive full into the surface. Now let all of us get into the enjoyment stuff. How could switching to a good organic lawn preservation program help you save money? This is exactly what we all want to know these days with the economy struggling. Effectively, the main reason you can conserve money through a new more natural program is because you will be actually improving your current soil structure alternatively of just juicing the lawn plan unsustainable top development through synthetic fertilizers. How does this particular occur? A grass is merely as great as its bottom, the soil. You could grow grass about concrete, but this would cost a new lot of money, cause you plenty of headaches, and it would become silly since expanding grass in 6-10 inches of top quality soil is much easier and fewer high-priced. So let's deal with the issue involving how to develop a substantial quality soil very first and then We will explain exactly how this can help you save money. Get the soil tested. This specific can be made by a local qualified lawn service provider, yourself, or if your nearby county extension office. Getting your ground tested is not necessarily only smart, but also the right action to take. The outcomes will provide a person with the particular dirt needs, in order to preserve money putting the particular necessary materials down. Once you possess this information, you can then develop a feeding plan around precisely what the soil is usually deficient in. Presently there are many organic fertilizers out right now there that provide lots of the same nutrients while chemical fertilizers. The way they work is slightly different, but the end result of feeding the grass plant the particular necessary nutrients is the same. Chemical manures feed the lawn plant mainly through the tips of typically the grass, while natural fertilizers feed typically the grass plant by the soil upwards. Organic fertilizers supply the soil existence, which in change feed the grass plant. So just how does using organic and natural fertilizers save you funds? With organic fertilizers you are really improving the garden soil structure with typically the organic matter while also feeding typically the grass. This mixture of benefits is the reason why organic fertilizers happen to be superior to chemical substance fertilizers and precisely how in the very long run it eventually will lower your water bill by providing a much improved garden soil structure with further roots. It looks so simple mainly because it is. Bettering the soil biology aspect of natural lawn care is usually a little more complex, but how this reduces your need to have for lawn insect sprays to control disease and insects can be quite simple. Improving your current soil biology as an alternative of depleting this will create a setting that allows mother nature to fight away pests that injury your lawn. Nourish the good folks down there, so they can overcome the bad guys and eliminate your own requirement of insecticides and fungicides. Again, this specific means less money a person have to invest in order to keep lawn the particular envy of the particular neighborhood. That appears good right? Therefore why isn't everybody doing organic lawn care instead of "traditional" lawn care? The primary obstacle having the movement back again could be the absence of a selective organic weed control. This particular is where the adjustment of the mindset is necessary. No longer let this study you though. Your current organic lawn does not have to be the plot of weeds with some turf surrounding it. There are ways around this particular, but sometimes that takes a small patience, adjusting your own mowing height, a little seed, and actually possibly some extra work. Uh oh, did I recently reduce some of a person with that "extra work" comment? My partner and i hope not, nevertheless don't worry that isn't that much extra work. Using this statement that will may seem a little hypocritical, I can present you with some ideas that will keep the lawn weed free of charge without using grass chemicals. First though, allow me to state that will some lawns may need an app or maybe more of place treatments of some sort of selective broadleaf herbicide before the turf can start in order to naturally crowd out and about the weeds. This doesn't have to be able to be done, yet often times can satisfy the considerably more impatient homeowner looking for an even more weed free grass quicker. Many religiously organic lawn teachers will curse myself for stating that, and honestly We hate stating that, but on several occasions it may well be required to prevent drastic lawn makeovers that completely destroy the lawn and even then you would likely have to start more than. If you carry out use spot treatments of herbicides, create sure to simply use them where they are needed in addition to stick to the instructions that will the label gives because these pesticides can cause injury to humans in addition to animals. Make use of the appropriate safety equipment plus please make sure to take care of children plus pets off the particular lawn for 24 hours after the application if at all possible. That is some sort of last resort method and should only be used after testing out the following tips to reduce and even get rid of the weeds in a safer more natural manner. Therefore what are these safer methods of controlling weeds? The particular first and most significant tip I am able to offer anyone looking to handle their weeds obviously is to mow high. A solid lawn will have less weeds and this form of garden is produced by mowing properly. Remember the particular mowing tips explained earlier? Follow these types of and it can help drastically in order to reduce the range of weeds that thrive inside your grass. Another tip will be fill in any kind of bare/thin areas with new grass seedling in September or perhaps October for awesome season lawns. Both of these tips will aid you build a thick lawn which could "crowd out" the weeds. Even a solid lawn will possess some weeds although, exactly what do you perform then? Hand pull or utilize a device that makes manual weed pulling effortless. Make sure you get the entire root of the particular weed and don't get discouraged when the weeds keep popping up. In case you keep at them, they are going to lose their energy at some point and die away. The main factor with weeds is definitely to stay established and remove them just before they have an opportunity to seed. If typically the weeds seed, the particular vicious cycle regarding perennial and total annual weeds will carry on. Sometimes this may well mean collecting the clippings while mowing your lawn to avoid spreading typically the weed seeds over the lawn. This is definitely the only moment I would suggest bagging your clippings because those clippings provide extra natural matter and recycles a similar nutrients an individual provide with typically the fertilizer being applied. This is yet another way of keeping money because if you collect those clippings when it basically necessary you will have to deposit more fertilizer. Organic and natural lawn care is the new, better method of maintaining your grass. There are a new plenty of reasons that places such as Harvard University are now caring for their very own property organically. Vehicle money is one particular reason, but helping the planet and providing a safer spot for children and even pets are various other reasons. Provinces almost all over Canada will be banning the usage of plastic lawn pesticides. Spots like day care centers, schools, and areas where animals an environment are beginning to use organic lawn care due to the in the past stated reasons. So why not come to be one the thousands joining the organic and natural lawn care family daily? Soon, you too can stink the scent regarding freshly cut turf like myself while wearing the peace regarding mind that you will be undertaking something great for the planet. Oh yeah, and you can save some money so an individual can enjoy that gorgeous healthy garden of yours. We are the Owner of PureLawn Organic Lawn Care. PureLawn is a yard care service provider that maintains Dayton and Cincinnati yards in an environmentally dependable manner. While working for a traditional chemical substance lawn care firm in high school in addition to into my high seasons while attending The University of Dayton I saw a lot of unnecessary lawn insect sprays being applied. I thought there has to be a far better way, so following graduating from U. D. with a business degree, I began PureLawn. I was forward of my period with this kind of lawn service now enjoy a quite healthy growth yearly using the happiness to know i was undertaking this before "being green" was great. I love the smell of recently mowed grass. When you drive through a neighborhood in the spring, you may possibly smell the best aroma of your mowed lawn or the solid distinct smell involving lawn pesticides getting applied. My objective and goal with PureLawn, would be to help make sure in the particular future that youngsters and homeowners can have the priviledge of smelling the beautiful smell of recently cut kentucky bluegrass instead of the toxic scent regarding pesticides.
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epochstock95 · 2 years
The reason why Organic Lawn Health care Services Are Far better For Your Lawn, Children, Pets, Finances, plus the Environment
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The intoxicating scent of freshly mowed grass excited my nostrils since I proudly seemed at my luxurious green lawn. A flush of delight soothed my body and mind because That i knew the look I was staring from was the consequence of organic fertilizers in addition to absolutely no garden pesticides. I believed confident that I actually had overcome difficulties and was now performing a fresh, far better way of lawn care. A method of lawn upkeep that was lowering costs on my water bill, keeping neighbour children and domestic pets safe, and guarding the surroundings while nonetheless creating a beautiful healthy and balanced lawn that manufactured my jealous neighborhood friends wonder why they will haven't made typically the in order to organic grass care yet. Typically the debate continues whether or not lawn pesticides will be damaging to young youngsters, pets, along with the environment. It isn't much of a debate these times with numerous new studies coming out providing evidence that many of typically the materials that have been and still are utilized in "traditional" garden care will cause cancer and additional health problems although harming our environment. Come about of this kind of article isn't to scare homeowners in to using safer items or to offer statistics and scientific research on when lawn pesticides are usually bad. My target is to educate, and let folks understand that we have a much better way of sustaining a lawn by making use of organic materials in addition to inform them why its beneficial intended for them to make the switch. Hopefully by making use of this education, consumers will start requiring that companies such as Scott's get started to put really their large R&D budgets toward safer and more normal products that are as effective while the chemicals we have been blasting our lawns with for many years. First thing I would certainly suggest is to adjust your mindset to what an excellent lawn seems like. Residential lawns will never be heading to look such as the fairway in your local region club. The sooner you understand this, the better. A few dandelions showing their orange heads is simply not the particular end of typically the world. It is actually organic and common actually on the priciest lawn program available. I'm not declaring your lawn can't look similar in order to that fairway, but weeds come and go. That's mother nature. Bay Area Landscape Pros with it but not against this. Second I would likely suggest is adapt your cultural techniques such as mowing and trimming and watering approaches. Without practicing these kinds of two things effectively, your lawn will continue to deal with nature instead regarding dealing with it. Mowing your lawn to short lengths just like your country club fairway is not helpful or correct. Individuals fairways are normally bentgrass and the correct mowing level is under a good inch. Most home lawns in the Midwest and the northern part of the particular U. S. are blue/rye/fescue cool time of year grass mixes. These kinds of types of grasses ought to be mowed from 3-4 inches following being cut. When they are mowed down to plans below this an individual will exponentially produce an environment that is more prone in order to crabgrass, broadleaf weeds for example dandelions, plus a shallow main system that can't fight off drought, insects, and disease very well. Providing water your lawn everyday is simply not smart and even your root method will hate you for it. Typically the roots of the grass want to be able to dive deep into the ground to search for minerals and water. By watering daily you are trying to keep those roots close up to the surface area and creating a weak root program more prone in order to stresses. The proper way to normal water if you need to, is to supply the grass with water when this needs it. Every single lawn is distinct, but I advise watering every 4-7 days for about 1-1. 5 hours for every spot. You want to waters deeply and sometimes to train your root base to dive heavy into the floor. Now let all of us get into the fun stuff. How could switching to an organic lawn upkeep program save you funds? This is exactly what everyone wants to recognize these days with all the economy struggling. Properly, the main purpose you can save money through a new more natural program is because you might be actually improving your own soil structure rather of just juice fasting the lawn up with unsustainable top growth through synthetic manures. How does this specific occur? A grass is just as very good as its foundation, the soil. You are able to grow grass in concrete, but it would cost a lot of funds, cause you plenty of headaches, and even it would get silly since increasing grass in 6-10 inches of top quality soil is very much easier and less pricey. So let's deal with the issue involving how to build15447 a higher quality soil very first and then I actually will explain precisely how this can save you money. Get your current soil tested. This specific can be done by a local specialized lawn service supplier, yourself, or your local county extension office. Getting your soil tested is certainly not only smart, although also the proper thing to do. The outcomes will provide you with the particular dirt needs, so you can save money putting only the necessary materials lower. Once you include this information, you can then develop a gemination plan around exactly what the soil is definitely deficient in. Generally there are many organic fertilizers out right now there that provide many of the same nutrients since chemical fertilizers. The way they work is different, but the outcome of feeding typically the grass plant the particular necessary nutrients is the same. Chemical manures feed the grass plant mainly from the tips of typically the grass, while organic fertilizers feed the particular grass plant coming from the soil way up. Organic fertilizers supply the soil existence, which in change feed the grass plant. So just how does using organic and natural fertilizers save cash? With organic fertilizers you are in fact improving the soil structure with the organic matter when also feeding the particular grass. This combination of benefits is the reason why organic fertilizers will be superior to chemical type fertilizers and how in the long run it eventually will reduce your normal water bill by giving some sort of much improved dirt structure with much deeper roots. It seems so simple due to the fact it is. Increasing the soil the field of biology aspect of organic and natural lawn care is a little more difficult, but how this reduces your need to have for lawn pesticides or herbicides to control fungus and insects can be quite simple. Improving the soil biology as an alternative of depleting this will create an environment that allows nature to fight off of pests that damage your lawn. Nourish the good fellas down there, thus they can protect against the bad men and eliminate your own dependence on insecticides plus fungicides. Again, this means less of your budget an individual have to invest to take care of lawn the particular envy of the particular neighborhood. That appears good right? Thus why isn't every person doing organic lawn care instead regarding "traditional" lawn treatment? The main obstacle possessing the movement back again is the absence regarding a selective natural weed control. This kind of is where the particular adjustment of your current mindset is necessary. Avoid let this distress you though. Your current organic lawn does not have to be a plot of weeds with some grass surrounding it. There are ways around this kind of, but sometimes it takes a little patience, adjusting the mowing height, a bit seed, and actually possibly some additional work. Uh oh, did I just shed some of a person with that "extra work" comment? I actually hope not, although don't worry that isn't that much extra work. Adhering to this statement of which may seem somewhat hypocritical, I will give you some suggestions that will keep your lawn weed free of charge without using lawn chemicals. First nevertheless, let me state of which some lawns may well need an application or maybe more of place treatments of a new selective broadleaf herbicide before the grass can start to be able to naturally crowd out the weeds. This specific doesn't have to be done, nevertheless often times can easily satisfy the considerably more impatient homeowner looking for a more weed free garden quicker. Many religiously organic lawn experts will curse myself for stating of which, and honestly We hate stating that, but on some occasions it may possibly be required to steer clear of drastic lawn makeovers that completely destroy the lawn in addition to then you might must start above. If you do use spot treatment options of herbicides, create sure to simply use them wherever they are needed and stick to the instructions of which the label supplies because these insect sprays can cause damage to humans plus animals. Use the correct safety equipment and please make positive to keep your children and even pets off typically the lawn for 24 hours following the application if possible. That is the last resort technique and should simply be used following testing out the following advice to reduce plus eliminate the weeds throughout a safer more natural manner. Thus what are these kinds of safer methods of controlling weeds? The particular first and the most essential tip I am able to provide anyone trying to handle their weeds naturally is to mow high. A thick lawn will include less weeds and this form of yard is manufactured by mowing properly. Remember the mowing tips stated earlier? Follow these types of and it can help drastically to reduce the amount of weeds that will thrive in the grass. Another tip is usually fill in virtually any bare/thin areas together with new grass seed starting in September or even October for cool season lawns. Those two tips will assist you develop a solid lawn that could "crowd out" the weeds. Even a thick lawn will have some weeds nevertheless, exactly what do you perform then? Hand draw or make use of a gadget that makes tutorial weed pulling easy. Make sure you get the entire root of the weed and avoid get discouraged whenever the weeds keep popping up. In the event that you keep from them, they are going to shed their energy sooner or later and die off. The main factor with weeds is usually to stay decided and take them off before they have a chance to seed. If typically the weeds seed, the particular vicious cycle of perennial and gross annual weeds will carry on. Sometimes this might mean collecting the clippings while trimming your lawn in order to avoid spreading typically the weed seeds above the lawn. This is the only period I would advise bagging your clippings because those clippings provide extra organic and natural matter and recycles the same nutrients you provide with the fertilizer being applied. This is yet another way of preserving money if an individual collect those clippings when it isn't very necessary you will certainly have to undervalue more fertilizer. Organic lawn care is the new, better way of maintaining your grass. There are a plenty of reasons that places just like Harvard University are actually caring for their own property organically. Saving money is one particular reason, but supporting the surroundings and delivering a safer spot for children and even pets are other reasons. Provinces almost all over Canada are banning using aesthetic lawn pesticides. Places like nursery centres, schools, and locations where animals environment are beginning to be able to use organic lawn care because of the formerly stated reasons. Thus why not turn into one the hundreds and hundreds joining the organic and natural lawn care household daily? Soon, a person too can notice the scent involving freshly cut lawn like myself with the peace of mind that you are carrying out something great for the planet. Oh yes, and you could save some money so an individual can enjoy that gorgeous healthy grass of yours. I am the Proprietor of PureLawn Organic Lawn Care. PureLawn is a lawn care service company that maintains Dayton and Cincinnati lawns in a environmentally liable manner. While doing work for a conventional substance lawn care company in high school and into my summers while attending Typically the University of Dayton I saw a lot of unnecessary lawn insect poison being applied. I believed there has in order to be a much better way, so after graduating from U. D. with a business degree, I began PureLawn. I was ahead of my moment with this form of lawn service and now enjoy a very healthy growth each year together with the happiness in order to know we were performing this before "being green" was great. I love typically the smell of recently mowed grass. When you drive via a neighborhood during the spring, you may smell the best aroma of a cut lawn or the solid distinct smell associated with lawn pesticides becoming applied. My mission and goal along with PureLawn, is always to help make sure in the future that children and homeowners may have the priviledge of smelling the pretty smell of fresh cut kentucky bluegrass instead of the toxic scent associated with pesticides.
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antimony · 3 years
tagged by @kallistoi! been a while since i did one of these, so why not. tag nine people you want to know better/catch up with!
last song: lauryn hill - final hour. i'd never actually listened to the whole album before and i'm glad i finally got around to it.
last film: moonlight with @untilnowgiveswaytothen, i think
currently reading: crabgrass frontier: the suburbanization of america by kenneth t. jackson / ferdydurke by witold gombrowicz. crabgrass frontier is v informative and stoking all of my latent interests in why the suburbs are like that (as someone who grew up in one), although it is a bit dated, coming out in the 1980s and all. ferdydurke is...an experience. not sure how i feel about it yet.
currently watching: i'm bad at sticking with tv shows, so i've spent months intermittently watching a few episodes of the sopranos or better call saul and then forgetting about them. reading crabgrass frontier is making me consider going back to show me a hero, the HBO miniseries about NIMBYism
currently craving: oysters. crab legs. seafood in general. look, i just want to be on the coast and eat fish that was caught an hour ago. is that too much to ask?
tagging @untilnowgiveswaytothen, @alyssterinec, @breakerbreaker, @clarith, @elaphaia, @peonygraduate, @somethinginthebasement, @utoplennitsa, @zoloftzeal
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cadaceus · 4 years
This time on Critical Role Liveblogs: I watch an episode live for the second time ever, there is a rollercoaster of emotions that I was not expecting to go on, and I use A LOT of caps lock. This was honestly so much fun, and literally some of the moments had me yelling, or grinning, or taking a walk around my room because ohmygod. Liveblogs and excessive emotions beneath the cut. Spoilers down below, so beware!
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- Only my second time watching live, and it’s my first time seeing the chat during an actual episode.... damn it scrolls by quick!
- SENDING HIM A MESSAGE OH MY GOD JESTER I LOVE YOU (also Yasha’s desperation oh my dear love)
- This crabgrass is so precious but also the fact that Molly was “revived” 50 days ago I’m sadddd what were the Mighty Nein doing 50 days ago, I’m  😭
- Aw, it’s too bad that they left Molly’s cloak, I really wanted Yasha or someone to take it!
- What was that in the painting?!?! Fjord making more and more enemies by the day hjfklhdjkdl
- Molly Lore!!! Tomb Takers Lore!!! 
- “Caduceus, I think you should get your armor, you are our only healer.” CALEB PLEASE FHJKFL
- “Current events are weird” one could say that, yes
- oh my god there was only one bed,,,,,  👀
- “I want to kiss her so bad, but it makes me feel guilty” My emotions Ms. Johnson please  😭 😭 😭
- I love this Jester and Yasha moment so much oh my god I love them I’m grinning so hard right nowwwww
- Wait Caduceus workshopping a poem to write about Fjord right after Yasha workshops her Beau poem,,,,,,,,, mr Clay,,,,,,,,,,, hmmmmmm  👀
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- The chair, y’all pls dfghjdkld
- Poor Pumat Sol :((((
- Caleb is so determined to keep Veth with them, I’m so sad.... also “Help the Empire, save the world, see your family” oof I bet he’s heard that rhetoric before and is repeating it to Veth now because he can’t do this without her I’m emo :(
- They’re in Eiselcross let’s goooo
- Molly has been sliced, confirmed  😭
- Uh oh, why roll a d10???
- Veth rolling a 35, we have to stan!! (Also I feel like there’s been so many Nat 20s this episode!)
- Wait I 100% thought this would be a cliffhanger but he’s going into combat I’m excited!
- Sam what have you done dfghfjkl;d
- “I cast Disintegrate!” LIAM ITS STILL TOO SOON LMAOOO
- wait we know the humanoid figure he said? chat seems to be implying its the uka’toa follower guy again hmmmm
- AVANTIKA????????????????? OH SHIT
- oh god oh no
- If I had a nickel for every time Matt Mercer ended an episode on a cliffhanger involving an NPC we definitely thought was dead, then I would have two nickels. Which isn’t a lot, but it’s baller than it happened twice.
- Okay this was such a fun episode. The Beauyasha moments, the arrival at Eiselcross finally, the RETURN OF FREAKING AVANTIKA DFGHDJKLDDJHDJKL. I literally cannot wait until next week, and being all caught up with everyone is so much fun!!! Thanks for letting me ramble <3
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lawncareriverviewfl · 3 years
What to Look For in Lawn Care Programs to Get the Best One for You
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The intoxicating perfume of freshly mowed grass tickled my nostrils as I proudly looked at my lush green lawn. A flush of happiness soothed my body and mind because I knew the sight I was staring at was the upshot of organic fertilizers and absolutely no lawn pesticides. I felt confident that I had overcome challenges and was now rotate a option, greater than before mannerism of lawn care. A method of lawn keep that was saving part harshly speaking my water report, keeping neighbor children and pets safe, and protecting the atmosphere even if yet having a beautiful healthy lawn that made my jealous neighbors astonishment why they wharf't made the switch to organic lawn care yet.
The debate continues whether lawn pesticides are harmful to minor children, pets, and the character. It isn't much of a debate these days following numerous option studies coming out providing evidence that many of the materials that were and yet are mammal used in "usual" lawn care will cause cancer and added health problems even if harming our setting. My try of this article isn't to terror homeowners into using safer products or to offer statistics and scientific research re if lawn pesticides are bad. My direct is to educate, and consent to folks know that there is a greater than before pretentiousness of maintaining a lawn through the use of organic materials and recommend them why it is beneficial for them to create the switch. lawn care riverviewfl Hopefully following the by now up of this education, consumers will creation demanding that companies such as Scott's commencement to put more of their large R&D budgets toward safer and more natural products that are as functioning as the chemicals we have been blasting our lawns past for years.
The first event I would recommend is to change your mentality to what a unqualified lawn looks following. Residential lawns are never going to see subsequent to the fairway at your local country club. The sooner you reach this, the augmented. A couple of dandelions showing their yellowish-brown heads is not the subside of the world. It is actually natural and common even upon the most costly lawn program out there. I'm not proverb your lawn can't see same to that fairway, but weeds come and go. That's flora and fauna. Work behind it and not neighboring-door to it.
The second situation I would suggest is footnote yourself your cultural practices such as mowing and watering techniques. Without perky these two things properly, your lawn will continue to stroke flora and fauna on the other hand of in doings when it.
Mowing your lawn to hasty lengths as soon as your country club fairway is not beneficial or precise. Those fairways are usually bentgrass and the exact mowing summit is out cold an inch. Most residential lawns in the Midwest and the northern part of the U.S. are blue/rye/fescue cool season grass mixes. These types of grasses should be mowed at 3-4 inches after creature scratch. If they are mowed the length of to lengths below this you will exponentially create an vibes that is more prone to crabgrass, broadleaf weeds such as dandelions, and a shallow root system that can't accomplishment off drought, insects, and chaos enormously skillfully.
Watering your lawn mysterious is not speculative and your root system will hate you for it. The roots of the grass nonexistence to dive deep into the sports ground to search for minerals and water. By watering ordinary you are keeping those roots unventilated to the surface and creating a feeble root system more prone to stresses. The proper habit to water if you dependence to, is to find the allocation for the grass behind water gone it needs it. Every lawn is rotate, but I usually suggest watering all 4-7 days for approximately 1-1.5 hours per spot. You nonattendance to water extremely and infrequently to train your roots to dive deep into the auditorium.
Business Name: The Ethos Group
Business Address:
 1)      New Port Richey 34653 Florida
2)      Tampa 33623 Florida
3)      St. Petersburg 33716 Florida
4)      Sun City Center 33573 Florida
5)      Ocala 34475 Florida
Business Email: [email protected]
Business Contact Number: (540) 268-0718
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ashintheairlikesnow · 4 years
The Freedom to Run
Challenged myself to two “set a timer and see what happens” writing sprints tonight. This was the second. Future Kauri, set shortly after he gains his freedom.
Tagging: @maybeawhumpblog, @pepperonyscience, @haro-whumps, @18-toe-beans, @burtlederp, @finder-of-rings, @giggly-evil-puppy, @whimpers-and-whumpers, @whump-it, @lumpofwhump, @pumpkinthefangirl 
CW: Reference to past violence/knives/blood, shitty dismissive/judgmental language about an abuse survivor
“Look, no one wants you here, so you should just… just go!” She slams the front door open and it hits the wall with a thwack. Kauri flinches at the sound of impact, clutching his backpack closer to himself, swaying on his feet as the ache continues to spread through his chest, into his brain.
There’s a fuzz creeping around the edges that he’s worried might take over, that slips in and then recedes along with his pulse. Like the tide, like waves. Will I faint? No I won’t. Maybe now? Nope, not yet. How about now?
No, still standing.
So far.
He’s bleeding through the bandages again, but he can’t go back to Jack’s place, not yet. He’d seen handlers hanging around the neighborhood, seen them pretending to be paying customers, and he’d simply turned on his heel and walked away.
Of course he’d been tracked, of course. Not to Jack’s apartment, maybe, but to the neighborhood, to the area. Someone had been slipped some money to talk about the stray Jack had brought home bleeding and beaten up and decided, as far as anyone could tell, to keep around.
Jack could handle himself - Kauri trusts him to talk his way out of trouble and somehow charm the pants off the handlers, probably literally, in the process - but Kauri had needed to go, and go fast.
He’d asked Keira to find him somewhere safe to crash for a few days, and Keira had led him here. 
When he’d shown up, they’d been nice enough once he showed them his bar code as proof of what he was, but one of them had been watching TV and Owen had come on.
He’d been giving a press conference with her standing just behind him, begging the pet liberation groups to give back his scared and stolen pet, begging Kauri to find a way to come home. Karen Renford’s face was implacable, cold steel layered underneath human skin, but Owen looked awful.
If you can hear me, Kauri, I’m still looking for you... I’ll never stop looking for you. Just come home, if you can, if you can get away from them. It’s okay if you can’t, I’ll still find you... don’t you worry, I’ll find you...
The tears in Owen’s face had looked so real and Kauri had come to a stop right in the middle of the living room, watching him. The shaggy, sandy blond hair was hanging in Owen’s eyes unkempt, he had stubble on his chin, those eyes were red-rimmed from tears. No one was taking care of him, at home, no one at all. Kauri had been there to soothe bad days and now there was no one to do it.
Probably no one watering the plants, either.
Come home, honey.
Kauri felt a breath like a gasp at the words. Owen had never called him honey before.
I miss you. I love you. Come home.
Kauri had stood there, a throbbing agony all along his collarbone underneath the hooded sweatshirt Jack had bought him the night he found Kauri, beaten and bloody, curled up in an alley. 
He had memorized every detail of the sadness in Owen’s face, so genuine and sincere. Kauri had never seen someone look so much the part of the grieving, frightened owner and maybe... maybe more than owner. He loves me. He said he loves me He’s never ever said that before. It twisted something inside of him, something as deep as the training could go, more instinct than thought.
He loves me and he misses me.
He had said, softly, thinking it was quiet enough that the other rescues wouldn’t hear, I’m sorry, Mr. Owen, I love you but I can’t come home yet.
He hadn’t meant to add the yet. He hadn’t even really meant to speak at all. Still… that was where it had started. He’d felt the room go tense and silent as soon as the words were out. That had been his first mistake - and everything he’d said since had only made it worse. 
Now they want him to leave, and Kauri can’t go back to Jack - not until it’s safe - and he has nowhere else to go.
The rescue, tall, blonde, and willowy, gestures with a wild swing of one bare arm (Kauri sees but tries not to stare at the patch of scarred skin where she’d flayed the barcode off of herself), staring him down with narrowed green eyes. 
She named herself Jenna and she’s wearing a thin tank top and long jeans. If she turns around he’ll see the caning scars on her back, and know that the fact that he doesn’t have any is part of why she hates him.
“No one wants you here,” Jenna repeats, colder this time. She jabs one finger at the open door, towards a front lawn that was mostly dirt with patches of yellow-green crabgrass, a set of tiny cactuses in little colored planets lined up along the porch railing and down both sides of the front steps. “This is a safe place for rescued pets, and you’re still standing around daydreaming about your fucking owner! Just go back if you don’t want to be free, the rest of us worked hard to get out of the fucking system!”
I took a knife to myself, is that not hard enough? Kauri bites his lip against the protest, forces it back down his throat, words that can boil and blister in his lungs and not out loud. I bled all over garbage bags on Jack’s clean fucking floor, was that not enough work for you?
“Hey! Voices down!” One of the others, sitting at the kitchen table, smacks his hand down on the cheap shiny plastic top to get their attention. Kauri flinches again, and then hisses as it aggravates the pain over his chest. Gonna faint now? Nope, still not. Maybe this time? Hey, still awake. The fog crept in and out on little cat feet-
“Jenna, I swear if you get the cops called and we have to evacuate this house-”
“I’m just trying to get the goddamn Romantic to stop putting the rest of us at risk! His face is all over the fucking news, they’ve got a fifty thousand dollar reward out for him, and he turns up here with that stupid backpack and moons over his fucking owner! He said he loved him! And went into the bathroom to fucking cry about it!”
“I’m not mooning over him and it wasn’t Mr. Owen I was crying about!” 
She raises an eyebrow. “Mister Owen. You really are still a pet. Look, you being here? It’s bad for our recovery. You’re going to give me fucking flashbacks, man. Clearly you were figuring your shit out well enough before you got to us… go do some more of that and do it somewhere else. If you love him so much…”
“What?” Kauri snaps, but he can’t find it in him to shout, his voice stays low and too quiet, too weak.
Fog in, fog out, the pounding tide alongside his heartbeat.
I saw the ocean once and Keira got knocked over by a wave
Jenna shrugs. “Then you don’t need to be in recovery and you should probably go blow your fucking owner and leave us in peace.” 
“Jesus, Jenna,” The man at the kitchen table says. “That’s harsh.”
“What? That’s literally what the Romantics are trained for.”
“Yeah, but... still.”
Jenna turned back to Kauri. “Just go. You’re all over the news and you’ll just get the rest of us hauled back for r-refurbishment. You pretty clearly want to go back to him - I saw your fuckin’ face when you looked at him. Just go.”
“It’s, it’s not like that. There’s-... there’s training, so that you care about them, so that they’re safe-”
“Yeah, we know what your fucking training is,” Jenna says, dry as a desert, crossing her arms in front of herself. “Seventeen different ways to spread your legs, that’s what your training is. Lucky for us Domestics and Platonics, we only had to learn five or six. Of course, Romantics get to be pretty little whores, nobody made you scrub floors with a fucking toothbrush or change an old man’s diapers or spent their free time marking up your fancy pretty skin-”
“Yes he did! He did, I can show you, I-” Kauri’s hands go for the hem of his sweatshirt, thinking to pull it up over his head to show them the bandages, to show them the aftermath of what Owen had signed him up for, what he’d given the Director permission to do.
Then he drops his hands. 
He doesn’t owe her the proof of what Owen’s real anger looks like. She won’t like him anymore if he shows it to her, it won’t make him suddenly trustworthy. It won’t make any of them in this house forget watching him see Owen on TV.
They won’t forget his whispered I love you.
It won’t make Kauri forget it either, how he fights the part of him that still wants to go home. He fights it with the larger, louder part that hates him and wants to go so far away that he will never, ever be found.
Jenna snorts. “Yeah, that’s what I thought. Unmarked and all you had to learn was how to spread your fucking legs. Did you get to pretend he was your boyfriend? Full-on girlfriend experience, is that what you provide? Maybe he was gonna buy your freedom and marry you, huh? Make you all legit. Come on, what’s the worst thing he did to you, huh? Mine put out fucking cigarettes on my legs.”
Kauri stares at her, feeling his jaw tremble, holding himself together by shifting to stretch his muscles, to force the ache in his chest to get worse and worse, give him something to ground himself with. His legs wobble but he stays up, he keeps himself together. “He, he made them take someone away from me, someone I’ll n-never see again. That’s the, the worst thing he ever did.”
If I’d just kept my fucking mouth shut and been good, it wouldn’t have happened. 
There’s a silence, and then she sighs. Some of the tension drops out of her - and the man at the table relaxes, just a little bit, too. “We’ve all lost people. We all have families out there we don’t remember, you know? All of us. Girlfriends, maybe… you’re not special, pet.”
“My name is Kauri.”
“No,” She says, almost gently. “That’s the name he gave you. Until you want to answer to a different one, you’re not ready to recover and you’ve still got one foot back in his direction.”
“I don’t,” He whispers, but he’s not sure he believes himself.
Kauri can be who I am, too, not just who Owen wants me to be.
She shakes her head, and points again. This time he nods, shifts the heavy weight of the backpack on his shoulders. There’s a thumping from further in the house, the sound of another rescue or maybe a lib person coming down the stairs, probably to check on what all the shouting was about. “Listen, look… it sucks to be you, I get that, but you need to go. We’re not safe with you around. A neighbor sees you and calls the cops, the whole safehouse gets fucked because of you.”
Kauri licks at his lips, thinks about asking to stay just long enough to change his bandages, maybe - he can feel his sweatshirt starting to stick - but then he just grinds his teeth against a pain he’s starting to become very used to and nods. “Okay, fine. I’ll, I’ll go.”
She stops him before he makes it out the door. “Hey, pet.”
He pauses but doesn’t turn to look back at her.
“Why’d you go, if you still like him so much? Why even run, if you want to go crawling back to Mister Owen now?”
Kauri’s eyes close against a sudden heat, the weight of guilt layering over the way he can feel the wound bleeding a little more with every beat of his heart. The fog creeps in, and then back again, but it’s a little closer to taking over every time.
“He tried to make me… make something terrible happen to someone else, just to prove he could make me say the words.”
He pulls the hood up over his head, hiding his recognizable face, the black curls in every photo on the news. He can hear the third rescue, the one that came down the stairs, talking to the man in the kitchen, two deep male voices in hurried, hushed conversation. Better to get moving before there’s yet another person here to judge him for what they made him into.
Seventeen ways to spread your legs.
She leans out after him as he moves out onto the porch. “Did you?”
“Did I what?”
“Did you do it?”
“Yeah.” Kauri jams his hands into his front pockets. There’s a good shady spot about a mile and a half back the way he came, and he could maybe lay down there for a while, let the fog take over, let himself bleed into the grass If he curls up in the bushes, no one walking by will see him at all. “Yeah, I did.”
He starts walking. She ducks back into the house and closes the door, so the last thing he says not to her, but to himself.
“Then I threw myself out of a moving car to save Keira.”
A faint little beep comes from his backpack. Keira gratitude express. Recalculating for next nearest secure location.
The door closes behind him, and just as quickly opens again, but Kauri ignores the sound, walking fast enough that he doesn’t hear if there are footsteps on the porch, if a lib worker has decided to come after him. He never listens to them, anyway. 
He’s already gone. 
He ran away from Owen and he’s had to run from Jack and maybe he’ll just keep going, running and running and running, until Owen doesn’t want him to come home any longer. Until he doesn’t sort of wish he was still curled up on the couch with the only person in the world who wants him.
Someone says something, back at the house - maybe calls out to him - but he just hunches his shoulders and walks faster. His legs keep wobbling, but Kauri doesn’t stop moving. 
He has everything to run from, and nothing to run to.
But at least he has the freedom to run.
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estelanel · 3 years
Mighty Nein 112
Okay, fine. I get why Henry Crabgrass is a fan favourite.
Tomb Takers II... may I suggest... the Twomb Takers.
Interactive art. Please. Can Fjord please. Start touching random objects more often again.
Yasha is The Absolute Softest, my gosh. Buff, gentle, and awkward. Every time I think I couldn’t possibly love her more than I already do, and every time she proves me wrong.
Oh my god. Idk why I got so emotional all of a sudden, but I just felt so bad for Pumat. Like, SO bad. He’s the biggest sweetheart, and they just totally threw him under the bus - and even then he remained such a sweetheart, I cannot... I legit just squirmed bc I feel for him so much. Pls be more gentle in the future.
“Frozen Deadwood.” - “Anchorage.” - sometimes Taliesin is just on point. XD
You’ve heard of rough terrain, now get ready for... unhappy terrain.
I will legit never get enough of Fjordy on or in the water. It’s just so natural to him. He gets a very special energy on the ocean.
I totally called that.
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water-melling-ia · 4 years
ep 136 - the mudstone abyss part 2
wait Charles and Kevin have already been on a date!? 
wow Kevin dresses just as bad as Cecil, also why was Charles wearing shin guards? has he also picked up on the bad fashion sense of the desert?
excuse me they talked about sex on the first date dam- WAIT THEY HAD SEX ON THE FIRST DATE?!
lmao Banksy built Stonehenge 
wait they’ve been on multiple dates ahhhh.
awh Charles has a son. AWH he’s insecure about people not staying with him because of it.
oh no I don’t think Kevin likes Donovan...
okay everyone’s going mad. ‘crabgrass to the petroleum’ 
OH MY GO D CHARLES VOICE. lmao Charles going through Kevins stuff. it’s ‘the phone call’ all over again. ‘DONNIE’. Oh I really like Charles he’s very honest and emotional which is very much what Kevin needs. Oh shit Charles has gone mad now.
oof I really liked that episode.
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aldysfool · 4 years
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who the fuck swiped my capri-sun?, an intro.
hey all you cool cats & kittens, i hope you enjoy getting an abridged version of this lil’ shit. xoxo, gossip girl. (sorry, i re-watched the season finale the other night.)
name: nathaniel “nat(e)” palmer as the comic.
gender & pronouns: genderqueer & he/him.
age & date of birth: 22 & dec 2nd. (sagittarius, babyyyyy)
sexuality: pansexual
hometown: in ur heart
nate, a vine collection: yup, this one, uh huh, also this & one more! 
character parallels: phillip gallagher (shameless), donkey (shrek), jughead jones (exclusively archie comics), nathan young (misfits)
full app. |  pinterest.
alllllright, so nate was born with some hearing loss & just when the doctors thought he was going to live a life of rapid hearing loss, his adopted parents swooped in & turned all that shit around for him. in those early days especially, he was so obsessed with being all of what they could hope for and more, that he undoubtedly absorbed so much of their love & support in comparison to his brother.
but anywho, he had surgery for two cochlear implants before age 6, and it’s worked out for him, especially because he was (and still is) a quick study. kid’s got a knack for learning/adapting like nobody’s business. but hey, he’s a human - he’s bound to make mistakes and the expectations got so high that he got frustrated with himself and decided enough was ENOUGH. the golden shine he had was starting to wear off.
so, then’s there the Age of Ethan Crabgrass  - which yes, is someone from nate’s past that caused a lot of trouble for him - but honestly, the name is more of a representation for all the discrimination and bullshit nate had to fight against. and fight, he did. in a small literal way, but mostly in a social way. humor is his best and sharpest weapon, and he’s had lots of practice wielding it.
found theatre in one of those moments ya see on the movies where the character is walking by the auditorium and the magic of the stage just pulls them in (like glee omg). it’s also where he started drinking alcohol, smoking mary & juan, and exploring his gender/how he wants to present himself to the world. the love he felt there led him straight to alderidge.
so yes, he kinda blackmailed orson after he found out - through his connects in the art department - about the extent of orson’s drug habits & took this spicy info. straight to the source. i imagine their conversation left nate feeling like he was going to Soar in this dept. troil & cress gave him a little more to work with, but he was still hungry to do something different. but then orson dies, and nate has...lots of feelings.
speaking of which, he has a therapist he’s seen since first year, dr. june, but for the last month or two, he hasn’t spoken to her. he’s too busy doing more drugs, having lots of sex, and being a Shit. to sit down and unpack that entire night and what it means is something he is putting off until...? he’s not sure, tbh. orson’s death has him Shook.
aldy (as he fondly calls alderidge) has been some of the best years of nate’s life. which is probably why he’s trying his hardest to soak up every single moment while he still can. he knows he and the rest of his classmates might not be bffs after this is all said and done, but he wants to create some lasting memories (read: be more Annoying than usual this semester).
so i did this thing here that’s my interpretation of potential connections for nate to all of his peers. from the chameleon to the villian, nate’s thoughts about everyone is there! feel free to read & if you dig what he had to say, let me know! if you hate what he had to say, let me know! (if i don’t reach out first!)
fluent in ASL (let him teach you, it’s his favorite thing) & knows lots of bad words in different languages
gives “cute” nicknames to lots of things, because hey, words are hard and sometimes his mind runs faster than his mouth. there’s probably a dictionary of these words collected over the past few years. (e.g., supe effin awk, ors ho, cae sal, mary & juan)
wants the chance to be a Serious Actor, for once in his academic career. with orson dead, maybe that has a better chance to happen. and...if nate’s honest, he’s not as sad as he should be.
especially since he still has jason’s watch, nate’s spidey senses have been tinglin’. like, i imagine he’s gonna be nosy and want to figure out what the hell went down that night. not to snitch, but to protect whoever he can. if he can.
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cookies-sims · 4 years
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 “Dreams, after all, are insubstantial things, like mist itself.”
               January 15th, 2020 -- Journal Entry #10 #15: New Beginnings
NAME: Rosa Wendell.
AGE: 23 years old.
WHO ARE YOU TODAY?: My Core personality as a young adult? Ha... I still don’t know. I’ve been trying to fit in those pieces for a while but I keep coming up empty handed... I can only write them down based on these past journal entries and from what other people have told me... which i completely dislike. But to not make this beginning part long, since I have to keep moving things into my trailer from my truck, I guess:
“Scribe” because I literally like to write anything down. Writing, does in fact, keep me (fairly) happy (which is why I’m writing now) and I can’t imagine myself doing anything better than writing...
Definitely Insecure due to how meeting new people, public speaking, making friends, and dealing with people, in general, is all nearly impossible for me. I definitely realize, now, that I’m more of an introvert than I used to think. I, as well, seemed to haven’t let go of my long-rut of teenage anxiety... I just do a good job of not showing it (ha...)...
An “Egghead” since my peers, mother, and scholars christened me with that every year and at every academic institution. Personally, I don’t necessarily feel that that way but I guess -- like my old therapist told me to do -- need to reassure myself. I guess I do see that I tend to piercingly focus on my projects and get them done with ease unlike people who procrastinate... but whatever.
Lastly? Intuitive? I assume this one by majorly estimating -- and I know I tend to stay out of trouble, but I personally believe that’s just because I am more inclined to avoid all types of people at all costs. Unless, I have some kind of curiosity in finding out their personalities... but that barely happens -- off the basis of my father telling me how “intuitive” I was until I was about fifteen. I guess because I have my wits about me unlike others who attract or are attracted to crisis 24/7.  
WRITE WHAT YOU FEEL: I guess this “move” was what I needed. Needed for what? I don’t know.... I guess to “start over” as cliche as that is. To “get away” from the toxicity of my friends and parents that was all around me back home. Although, from therapy, I can hear my old Doctor say, “that running away or “getting away” from the issues in your life does not make those same issues unavoidable.” ... Nevertheless, the toxicity and the upmost pressure of always needing to stay afloat, do better than before, strive for more, while having others keeping their dependance on you in all areas of your being was allotted stress! Too much stress in fact!
The people and suburbs of Tusken, Aridzona are... okay, though... seemingly. I mean, not everyone is bad and I know the people in my life behave and come from a good heart/place, but they’re paving the way for my unforeseen hell. It’s like I keep getting deeper and deeper down the stairs of the nine circles of Hell (consciously and subconsciously). Nonetheless, the mordancy of my hometown’s situation is that the look of the neighborhood is also representative of the people snuggled within it. Half-worked fences and exterior trusses. Crabgrass and weeds escaping out of the fake faded turf. Chipped and ‘three-quarters-of-the-way’ scrapped-offed paint of “renovated” early-21st century homes. The small society of birds and stray-cats living present within our community while everyone continues to not clean up the spoiled food that spills out of their ripped trash bags and cans; while all the houses, pavements, driveways, etc. appear to clutch onto each other for dear life...... It’s a Jungle masqueraded as the ‘Simamerican Dream’. And of course the people are doing the d**n near same thing; Clutching onto one another. Hoping their life’s work, dreams, interests, goals, and more are all readily staying alive for and attaching to the next generation and the next... I really just want to scream sometimes, “Stop Projecting!!” but I very much believe that my screams won’t be heard...
Now, the irony of my situation is this place (aka StrangerVille) is just as okay as back home... I guess that’s God’s punishment or something but this town is just so erringly similar to Tusken... but with a greyed sepia photo filter plastered in the clouds. It’s also pretty dead, too. Dry, as well... and dirty... BUT unlike Tusken, there is something quaint and inviting about StrangerVille. It’s so inviting to everyone who drives through it or by it, on Highway 55. I wasn’t even planning on stopping here since I was just driving until I couldn’t drive no more or ran out of gas. But something drew me in... besides, I just finally need to get some peace and quiet. Particularly so I can really use that “egghead” sense of mine and tap into my calling. Maybe write a few novellas, or something, leading to my great authorship in my middle-age... Anyway, hopefully, this is the place that’ll get me on my feet and into the person I am meant to be, so that the next journal entry I can write down actual traits that reflect the real me. I just need time to get myself together. Regardless I don’t plan on making a life here, anyhow. This is just a place to stay out of trouble even more so than back home. I’ll move again after a couple of weeks or so.
TOMORROW, WHAT CHANGE DO YOU WANT TO MAKE THAT YOU COULDN’T MAKE YESTERDAY?: Not really ‘tomorrow’, but starting now and for the rest of my being, I’d like to say, “Hello” to new beginnings... new starts... living away from others’ dependences and expectations... more creations and creativity... no more stress... and definitely no more surprises...
ANYTHING SPECIAL TO SAY? TO WRITE? ETC.?: Well, what’s baffling to me about StrangerVille was seeing that oddly but sensibly placed Vendor Stand(??). I wonder what he was selling... maybe touristy knick-knacks, but who visits here? ... I mean, after all, I have heard of Lab 41 being somewhere in Aridzona. It’s rumored to be cluttered with a bunch of thrashed aliens, kidnapped Sims, and what not. A whole bunch of Conspiracy theory bull. There is a Military Base close to here, however. I guess the folks here would make a lot of profit off of the conspiracy attention since they’re in the middle of nowhere. Odd though since again, this province is completely sparse with other newcomers like me... the guy at the stand was pretty adorable though... hmph?...
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quietlydiabolic · 4 years
“The Quick and the Undead” - BassRock short oneshot fanfic
By: Jixie Fandom: Mega Man Classic - Frankenstein-esque AU @bassrockweek : May 15 - Zombie Rating: PG Words: 972
-A/N: That's right, two entries for the same prompt! This non-shippy fanfic of a fanfic is an alternate timeline for MiggyBird's "Rock on the Scorching Sand", a post-apocalyptic Frankenstein monster/corpse golem AU, which is a really rad story you should check out. (Link in comments.) It's unfinished but I have the feeling that no one is getting out of that story alive, so this is a fantasy happy ending.
"You've had a good run, but it's time to face the music."
Or at least, that's what Rock was pretty sure Bass was trying to say. Mostly it was a sort of unintelligible mumbling. Drawing his pistol as he spoke, he aimed with an unsteady hand, and—
click. click. click.
Rock slowly climbed to his feet, having thrown himself in front of Dr. Light to shield him, and helped the old man up. Glancing back at Bass, he shook his head in disbelief.
"How— how are you still—?" Rock could have sworn he'd put an end to him. No, he definitely had killed Bass. Even now, the other golem was in no shape to be talking, much less walking, to say nothing of trying to attack. He honestly reminded Rock less of the skilled fighter he'd faced before, and more of the shuffling 'zombies' from the picture movies Otto had told him about.
At the time, he'd been quietly offended by the comparison.
"How in Sam Hill are you functioning?" Dr. Light asked.
Sneering, Bass attempted to fire another round. click. click. click.
The answer appeared to be 'grit', or a dogged, singular drive that superseded death itself.
Strolling over to him, Rock reached out, grabbed the barrel of his gun, and yanked it away. Bass looked confused. He glanced at his empty hand, then at Rock, then back at his hand. Made a fist. Took a swing. When Rock easily side-stepped the thrown punch, Bass stumbled from the momentum and face-planted on the ground.
They'd taken him back to Dr. Light's workshop, at first. There was no reasoning with Bass but they tried anyway, and Dr. Light even began some repairs. Somehow— no thanks to Otto, built like a bear and just as bright— Bass managed to escape.
He didn't go very far. Instead he proceeded to hang around, hounding Rock and generally making a nuisance of himself. Attacking whenever the opportunity arose.
Which was to say, whenever Rock was minding his own damn business.
Bass lunged from behind another building, but Rock still had enough time to set down the box he was carrying, turn, and clock Bass in the jaw. He went down hard, and Rock almost felt bad enough to help him back up.
"Stop. Please." Silence. "Dr. Wily is dead," he explained for the hundredth time. "You no longer have a duty to follow his orders." His patient explanation went over as well as it did before:
Not at all.
"Kill… you…!" Bass shouted from the ground, rolling over in an effort to get to his knees.
With a sigh, Rock looked around, found a broken fence beam, dragged it over and dropped it on top of Bass, pinning him to the ground. Half the reason he hadn't just finished him off (again) was because Albert was gone, and as far as they could tell, that should have released him from his old orders. The other half was because, honestly, Bass wasn't bothering anyone else. He never even went after Dr. Light.
"There," Rock said, dusting off his hands. It ought to buy them a few days.
The only response from Bass was a howl of rage and indignation.
They didn't heal physically, but Bass seemed to return his senses as days turned to weeks.
Still, he was unrelenting.
Worse yet, he started fighting smarter, not harder.
Which is how they ended up in this mess— wrestling with each other as Bass tried to choke Rock out— which was physically impossible, it wasn't like he needed to breathe in the first place.
A dry chuckle stopped them both in their tracks. Rock glanced up at Blues and sighed. There was no point asking where he'd been, or why he'd chosen to return now. "Could you give me a hand?"
"Oh I think you can handle him on your own." He looked… amused. It left Rock with a strange feeling.
"You didn't have anything to do with this, did you?"
Holding his hands up Blues shrugged, neither confirming nor denying anything.
Bass growled and attempted to gouge Rock's eye with his thumb. Renewed by Blues' presence, Rock shoved Bass off of him, then trapped him in an arm hold. He struggled to keep his footing as Bass tried to jerk free.
"Well, thanks for nothing. He doesn't understand that Dr. Wily is gone—"
"Nnnnnuh uh!" He attempted to throw Rock, and failing that, dropped his weight backwards, sending them both to the ground in a heap. "Not… doin' this… for Doc," Bass said, his words barely coherent. "Kill you… for myself…!"
It was the first real response anyone had gotten from him since his return from the dead (so to speak).
"You! You… ruined… e’rythin'!"
That gave Rock a pause, because from Bass' perspective, it was absolutely true. Taking advantage of his hesitation, Bass landed two good punches to his face.
Rock grunted and shoved him away. "Quit that!" Then he sagged. "…that’s… that's fair, I suppose. But I had no—"
"Revenge won't change what's past," Blues interrupted.
Bass shot him a dirty look. "N’one… asked you."
"All that you can do now is move forward. You don't have to keep fighting."
"If you— Dr. Light could patch you up if you weren't trying to kill me," said Rock.
"No. Shhhhuddup!"
"Come on. Let us help you." Blues still wore an amused expression. "There's got to be something else you want from life."
At first Bass continued to seethe, but then faltered, a distant look creeping in his eyes.
"What is it?"
He scooted away from Rock, refusing to meet either of their gaze. "I…" Hesitant, he punched the ground, then started absently tearing at a patch of crabgrass. "It…"
There was a long, uneasy silence.
"T-think… th' syst'm can… think it'll work… on dogs?"
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SPOILER ALERT: The Walking Dead Seasons 1-5 + New Viewer Thoughts
so i started watching the walking dead last month and i have so many thoughts, so i decided to compile them into one place so far. i might forget a few moments and i might forget a few character names so, sorry 🤷🏽‍♀️ this isn’t in chronological order, but i’ll try my best to do that, but i’m writing these as i remember the moments. if you haven’t watched it, you’ve been warned !
even if Rick was dead, it’s still really messed up for the best friend and wife to get together
i think Rick had every right to hand cuff Myrle to the pole. there’s no time to be disrespectful for no reason. you can’t be an ass to someone and then expect them to help you. i did slightly feel bad when they left him on the roof but it’s what he deserves
when Rick met up with the group, i honestly thought Lori didn’t really love him anymore during the rest of the time
i miss the farm a lot. it was nice and cute :/
Sophia wouldn’t have died if Rick told her to stay instead of run back 🙊
the build up to finding Sophia was longer than it needed to be
Maggie flipping out on Lori and yelling her business out loud was a little uncalled for. yeah, she almost died but she should’ve known the risk and even if she was mad, she still didn’t have to yell it out loud for people to potentially hear
Dale was always trying to get into everyone’s business, it was sad when he died but idk how i really felt about him
they really should’ve let Andrea die early on if she was going to continue to be whiny. if she really wanted to die, she could’ve done it by runing off and getting bit or by shooting herself at any time. i didn’t like Andrea much, especially in the third ? season (the one leading up to her death)
Shane and that dumb face whenever he was mad 🙄
I liked Shane at first but then he got annoying. What part of you can’t love your best friend’s wife don’t you understand ??
I feel bad for that kid that Shane tricked and killed in the woods
I also feel really bad for Otis. Who knows if they could’ve made it
The prison was okay but it made sense as a good shelter. It’s unfortunate how much supplies they lost.
I’m so glad Rick killed the leader of that prison gang!
I understand Lori’s death, but her body didn’t have to be eaten :/
T-Dog :((
Justin ? (The guy who set off the alarms) is an asshole. Like you really think of the walkers killed everyone you were going to make survive out on your own ??
The war between the prison and the governor is Myrle’s fault. He didn’t have to kidnap them, he could’ve just secretly followed them
It’s not the group’s fault that some Woodbury’s people died. If you have one of their people in capture, obviously they’re going to kill some people to get them back. The governor destroyed everything because of someone else’s fault 🙄
I did not enjoy the governor. I’m glad he died but he did not get a good enough death in my opinion. It would’ve been more satisfying to see Mishoan (sorry if it’s misspelled) to kill him, and definitely not by a bullet to the head.
If those two sisters at the apartment let the governor leave when he wanted to without them tagging along, then who knows if his climb back to power would’ve happened
Martinez? shouldn’t have saved him after what he witnessed. he knew he was a threat. should’ve saved the girl and left him and told the truth to the sisters
The governor’s other henchman, that black guy (I don’t remember his name at all) what was the point of him?? The camera kept focusing on him as if he was going to do something or be important but in the end he just died
i felt bad for Milton at the end :/ he finally came to his senses and it was a shame that he died
Andrea should’ve sucked it up and killed him the first time when she was supposed to. Also, idk why she thought she had the power to save everyone like this is war ?? saying “stop and make up, these are my friends” isn’t enough honey lol. She wasted too much time looking at Milton while she was trying to free herself bc it distracted her focus and time
I don’t know why Lori was so mad that Rick killed Shane, like ???
Poor prison :/ i couldn’t stop thinking about all the supplies they lost
I never understood whether the sickness in the prison was random or it was started by something else, like the infected rats? everyone got sick then they just moved on, like it seemed like too big of a plot element to move on so quickly
I’m surprised Hershel never caught the sickness after literally getting coughed in the face
Hershel did not deserve the death he got :/
I’m not surprised that Myrle was killed and turned, but I think it’s good that the person who finally killed him was Daryle bc it gives closure. If Myrle originally stuck with the group with Rick around, i don’t think things would’ve worked out
I’m glad Mishoan joined the group, she’s a great addition and she’s badass with that sword
At first, I didn’t catch on to the fact that Tyrese and Sasha were siblings so i genuinely thought he was cheating on her and was so confused when Sasha never got mad lol
I understand Carol wanting to stop the spreading of the sickness but at the point with so many other people sick what was the point? How are you going to secretly kill and burn everyone was is sick ??
It was sad seeing Rick banishing Carol but in a way I understand because you can’t just secretly betray a group like that
The group getting separated was so sad :/ but I liked the story build up of seeing how certain character pairings were together, and learning more about them. For example, Daryl and Beth :/
The part where Daryl and Beth come across the dead body debris and the camera focused on the boot, it never showed who the boot belonged to to make Beth hysterically cry. Yes, they showed the other group dying in the same spot before Carol ran into Tyrese but the way Beth reacted made it seem like someone from the group died. Unless she was just crying from the thought of someone in the group getting killed?
When Daryl and Beth ended up in that church and they noticed the supplies were fresh, meaning whoever lived there was still around, I wonder who it was supposed to be. At first I thought priest when he said he had a church, but then we found out it wasn’t the same one so I wonder who was there
Rick really bit off a man’s neck 😳 gotta do what you gotta do though
It made me nervous when Daryl joined that group because I thought he was going to be forced to stay or I thought the group was going to be the next big guys, but i was relieved when they died quickly.
I can’t believe Lizzie killed Mika :/ some kids don’t understand, I get it but if one of them were to survive I wish it was Mika. As sick as it sounds, if Lizzie got bit maybe she would’ve realized the seriousness of the walkers or maybe she wanted to be one of them. Carol had to do what she had to do afterwards.
I applaud Carol for how much she’s grown. Despite her abuse, she never stopped being kind hearted and grew into this strong woman who can protect herself and others, and also stands up for herself more
Terminus did it’s purpose by reuniting the group but it was so short lived. Like they managed to escape cannibals but run into them shortly after, but then kill them altogether and then that’s it, they move on to the next group?
Why did they have that moment with Rick, Carol, and those two people from the town, Rick giving him his watch, just for the guy to disappear and then randomly show up at Terminus and die?? Like what was the point? I was expecting more.
Glenn used to be the sensitive, nervous guy but now he’s grown into the strong, hard man and while his silliness is gone, i’m happy about his character development bc he does what he needs to to survive
Abraham, Rosita, and Eugene are an interesting group and interesting addition to the whole group. Not much to say about them (except Suzie Crabgrass 😍)
Sasha and Tyrese were an interesting addition too. I like Tyrese better
Tyrese is a sensitive, nice man, I like the fact that he’s not overly aggressive and kills everything living thing in his path. He’s like a big teddy bear, the protector and it gives a nice balance. Yeah, it unfortunately cost him his death but his character was needed :/
Bob was the most random character addition. Even after it showed what he did before he met them, i still don’t understand what his purpose was. He got a young man killed because of his alcohol issue. He tried to sneak a second bottle but then didn’t do anything with it. Why mention the alcoholism twice to not do anything more with it? Even after he does it doesn’t affect the group besides Sasha being emotional.
The addition of the priest is kind of random too. He was alone; they helped him and gave him shelter, but what else? He even tried to escape and got the others in trouble trying to save him so?? At the new community, I haven’t seen him much so what happened with him?
Beth’s death was really sad. I wanted her to make it but i understand that if Dawn didn’t accidentally kill her, Rick wouldn’t have killed Dawn and Noah would’ve been forced to stay. If Noah stayed, then they wouldn’t have had a reason to move up north.
The hospital seemed like they were genuinely trying to help people but why they were so forceful and strict didn’t sit right with me.
The doctor wanted to leave but I don’t know why he didn’t go with the group?? He would’ve been useful for them.
I like Noah so far (though i might be biased bc i did watch everybody hates Chris lol) i’m guess he’ll be more useful later on
Tyrese’s death was the moment that finally made me cry :/ specifically the moment they showed his beanie 😭😭
Rick went from trying to do right and trying to save everybody to not taking anymore shit and I love it
I miss Georgia already.
Season 5 has been slow for me. As of right now I haven’t finished the last 3 episodes yet because I don’t understand the point of the new community that they’re in. It’s too good to be true. I don’t trust anybody except Aaron bc he seems niave. Trouble is going to happen with the woman’s husband, I can tell him and Rick are probably gonna fight until the husband dies. The wife will freak out. The leader of the group seems suspicious. The whole area doesn’t sit well with me. I’m constantly waiting for something to happen bc the whole time they’re being watched & they know what Carol and Rick are up to.
that’s all for now. once i finish season 5, i’ll add to this
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Why Organic Lawn Care Services Are Better For Your Lawn, Children, Pets, Wallet, and the Environment
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That intoxicating scent of freshly mowed grass tickled my nostrils as I proudly looked at my lush green landscaping. A flush of happiness soothed my body and mind because I knew the sight I was staring at ended up being the result of organic fertilizers and absolutely no lawn pesticides. I felt confident that I had overcome challenges and is now performing a new, better way of lawn care. A method of lawn maintenance that was saving money on my mineral water bill, keeping neighbor children and pets safe, and protecting the environment while still having a beautiful healthy property that made my jealous neighbors wonder why they haven't made the switch to organic lawn maintenance yet. The debate continues whether lawn pesticides are harmful to young children, pets, and the environment. It isn't much of some sort of debate these days with numerous new studies coming out providing evidence that many of the materials that were and still are being applied to "traditional" lawn care will cause cancer and other health problems while harming our environment. My goal of this article isn't to help scare homeowners into using safer products or to provide statistics and scientific research on if lawn pesticides are bad. My goal is to educate, and let folks know that there is a better way of maintaining a turf through the use of organic materials and inform them why it is beneficial for them to make the switch. Hopefully with the help of this knowledge, consumers will start demanding that companies such as Scott's begin to put more of their large R&D budgets toward better and more natural products that are as effective as the chemicals we have been blasting our lawns with for years. The first thing An excellent opportunity is to adjust your mentality to what a perfect lawn looks like. Residential lawns are never going to look like the fairway for your local country club. The sooner you realize this, the better. A couple of dandelions showing their yellow heads is not the end with the world. It is actually natural and common even on the most expensive lawn program out there. I'm not saying your sod can't look similar to that fairway, but weeds come and go. That's nature. Work with it and not with it. The second thing I would suggest is adjust your cultural practices such as mowing and watering techniques. Without practicing these things properly, your lawn will continue to fight nature instead of working with it. Mowing your lawn to short-term lengths like your country club fairway is not beneficial or correct. Those fairways are usually bentgrass and the proper mowing height is under an inch. Most residential lawns in the Midwest and the northern part of the U. Ohydrates. are blue/rye/fescue cool season grass mixes. These types of grasses should be mowed at 3-4 inches after being slice. If they are mowed down to lengths below this you will exponentially create an environment that is more prone to crabgrass, broadleaf weeds such as dandelions, and a shallow root system that can't fight off drought, insects, and disease well. Watering your lawn everyday is not smart and your root system will hate you for it. The roots for the grass want to dive deep into the ground to search for minerals and water. By watering everyday you are keeping people roots close to the surface and creating a weak root system more prone to stresses. The proper way to water if you need to, is to give you the grass with water when it needs it. Every lawn is different, but I usually suggest watering every 4-7 days to weeks for about 1-1. 5 hours per spot. You want to water deeply and infrequently to train your roots to plunge deep into the ground. Now let us get into the fun stuff. How can switching to an organic lawn maintenance process save you money? This is what everyone wants to know these days with the economy struggling. Well, the main reason you can save money through a much more natural program is because you are actually improving your soil structure instead of just juicing the lawn up with unsustainable top growth through synthetic fertilizers. How does this occur? A lawn is only as good as its base, the dirt. You can grow grass on concrete, but it would cost a lot of money, cause you plenty of headaches, and it may be silly since growing grass in 6-10 inches of quality soil is much easier and less expensive. So we should address the issue of how to develop a high quality soil first and then I will explain how this can save you money. Get their soil tested. This can be done by a local professional lawn service provider, yourself, or your local county extension office. Having your soil tested is not only smart, but also the right thing to do. The results will provide you with what the soil needs, so you can save money applying only the necessary materials down. Once you have this information, you can then develop a fertilization plan around what the soil is missing in. There are many organic fertilizers out there that provide many of the same nutrients as chemical fertilizers. The way they work is just a bit different, but the result of feeding the grass plant the necessary nutrients is the same. Chemical fertilizers feed the yard plant mainly through the tips of the grass, while organic fertilizers feed the grass plant from the soil in place. Organic fertilizers feed the soil life, which in turn feed the grass plant. So how does using organic fertilizers save you money? With organic fertilizers you are actually improving the soil structure with the organic matter while additionally feeding the grass. This combination of benefits is why organic fertilizers are superior to chemical fertilizers and how down the road it ultimately will reduce your water bill by providing a much improved soil structure with deeper roots. Seems like so simple because it is. Improving the soil biology aspect of organic lawn care is a little more complicated, nevertheless how this reduces your need for lawn pesticides to control fungi and insects is pretty simple. Improving ones own soil biology instead of depleting it will create an environment that allows nature to fight off pests that harm a lawn. Feed the good guys down there, so they can fight off the bad guys and eliminate your need for insecticides and additionally fungicides. Again, this means less money you have to spend to keep your lawn the envy of the neighborhood. That sounds superior right? So why isn't everyone doing organic lawn care instead of "traditional" lawn care? The main obstacle holding that movement back is the absence of a selective organic weed control. This is where the adjustment of your mindset comes into play. Don't allow this scare you though. Your organic lawn doesn't have to be a plot of weeds with some grass neighboring it. There are ways around this, but sometimes it takes a little patience, adjusting your mowing height, a little seed, and possibly some extra work. Uh oh, did I just lose some of you with that "extra work" comment? Hopefully not, but don't worry it isn't that much extra work. Following this statement that may seem a bit hypocritical, I will present you with some tips that will keep your lawn weed free without using lawn chemicals. First though, let me state that some turf may need an application or two of spot treatments of a selective broadleaf herbicide before the grass can start to the natural way crowd out the weeds. This doesn't have to be done, but often times can satisfy the more impatient homeowner looking for a a lot more weed free lawn quicker. Many religiously organic lawn gurus will curse me for stating that, in addition to honestly I hate stating it, but on some occasions it may be needed to avoid drastic lawn renovations which completely kill the lawn and then you would have to start over. If you do use spot treatments of herbicides, ensure you only use them where they are needed and follow the instructions that the label provides because these pesticides can result in harm to humans and animals. Use the proper safety equipment and please make sure to keep your children and pets heli-copter flight lawn for 24 hours after the application if possible. That is a last resort technique and should only be used after testing out the following tips to lower and eliminate the weeds in a safer more natural manner. So what are these safer methods of controlling weeds? The main and most important tip I can give anyone trying to control their weeds naturally is to mow high. A deep lawn will have less weeds and this type of lawn is developed by mowing properly. Remember the mowing tips mentioned previously? Follow these and it will help drastically to reduce the number of weeds that thrive in your lawn. Another tip is complete any bare/thin areas with new grass seed in September or October for cool season lawns. These tips will help you develop a thick lawn that can "crowd out" the weeds. Even a thick lawn will have some weeds though, so what can you do then? Hand pull or use a device that makes manual weed pulling easy. Ensure you get the entire root of the weed and don't get discouraged when the weeds keep popping up. If you keep at these, they will lose their energy eventually and die off. The main thing with weeds is to stay determined and take them out before they have a chance to seed. If the weeds seed, the vicious cycle of perennial and annual weeds might continue. Sometimes this might mean collecting the clippings while mowing your lawn to avoid spreading the weed signs over the lawn. This is the only time I would suggest bagging your clippings because those clippings provide extra organic issue and recycles the same nutrients you provide with the fertilizer being applied. This is just another way of saving money because if everyone collect those clippings when it isn't necessary you will have to put down more fertilizer. Organic lawn care is the new, far better way of maintaining your lawn. There are a plenty of reasons that places like Harvard University are now caring for their property naturally. Saving money is one reason, but helping the environment and providing a safer place for children and house animals are other reasons. Provinces all over Canada are banning the use of cosmetic lawn pesticides. Places like child attention centers, schools, and places where animals habitat are beginning to use organic lawn care because of the previously claimed reasons. So why not become one the thousands joining the organic lawn care family daily? Soon, most people too can smell the scent of freshly cut grass like myself while having the peace of mind that you are working at something good for the planet. Oh yeah, and you can save some money so you can enjoy that gorgeous healthy lawn of yours. I am internet websites PureLawn Organic Lawn Care. PureLawn is a lawn care service provider that maintains Dayton and Cincinnati lawns within a environmentally responsible manner. While working for a traditional chemical lawn care company in high school and into my summers while attending The University of Dayton I saw a huge amount of unnecessary lawn pesticides being applied. I imagined there has to be a better way, so after graduating from U. D. with a business degree, I began PureLawn. I appeared to be ahead of my time with this type of lawn service and now enjoy a very healthy growth annually with the happiness to learn we were doing this before "being green" was cool. I love the smell of freshly mowed grass. If you happen to drive through a neighborhood during the spring, you might smell the perfect aroma of a mowed lawn or the strong distinctive smell of lawn pesticides being applied. My mission and goal with PureLawn, is to make sure in the future this kids and homeowners will have the priviledge of smelling the beautiful smell of freshly cut kentucky bluegrass instead of the toxic scent of pesticides.
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