#who should adrien get?????!!!!?!?!?!?!!?
liquid-luck-00 · 1 year
Connections 15
Chapter 15
this is based on @thepeacetea daminette soulmate au
MasterList *** First *** Previous
Under the cover of darkness, close to midnight, did Mari leave to meet Wonder Woman.
When Marinette arrived at the Justice League headquarters in France she was met with not one, not two, but three Amazonians.
"Queen Hippolyta, it’s wonderful to see you once again." She greeted.
"As well as you, little bug." Came the Queen‘s response.
Marinette de-transformed and then they started the conversation.
They discussed how they would proceed with the miraculous threat and how to retrieve all the miraculous without causing irreparable harm. Because the thought is that whoever this Hawkmoth is, he was no chosen of a Kwamii. Meaning there will be consequences, and even though his actions are not ones they condone or support. That doesn’t mean they are cruel enough to let this person be harmed by their own stupidity.
Yes the miraculous give blessings to their holders, but only if they are the right holder, with the right jewel. As each time a miraculous is used, the holder quite literally channels the kwamii's power. The more compatible, to the kwamii, a.k.a. a true chosen, the person is able to use the powers of the miraculous safer and easier. The opposite is also true, and incompatible person will be hurt to the point of damaging themselves physically, mentally, emotionally, and even damage their souls.
Which is why they also had to find this guardian to see about taking back the miraculous of the cat.
Which brings us to the reason why there’s three Amazonian‘s currently in front of her in Europe.
Wonder Woman, because yes she is Marinette's teacher of sorts within the Justice League.
Queen Hippolyta, for being a past ladybug, and also because it would be wise to seek out the Guardian.
And finally Artemis who was tasked with finding the guardian to discuss how this threat will be eliminated.
After a bit a back-and-forth Diana decided that she would have to head back, and so did Hippolyta. Artemis had decided to start the search halfway through the conversation and had left.
Now that she was alone, she knew there was another person she needed to meet with. So, she re-transformed and checked her yo-yo.
Luckily there he was transformed and roaming the city. With a quick text of directions, she was off. It took less than 10 minutes to arrive, seeing as he was already there.
Before she said a word, with a practiced motion, she drew one of her escrima sticks. And proceeded to draw a spell glyph in the air. Resulting in a protective box inside the bell story.
"Thank you for coming Chat Noir."
"Is there something you need to discuss?"
"Yeah… there is." She took a breath to steady herself.
"Are you planning on sharing our identities?" He wiggled his eyebrows, she assumes.
"No, I wasn't." She saw him deflate. "Did you receive your miraculous from the guardian?" She started to question.
"Yeah… " He seemed to think but almost like he wasn’t sure, figures, seeing that he was rubbing the back of his neck.
"You don’t actually know." It wasn’t a question but a statement.
"Sorry." He shook his head.
"No, it’s fine. Artemis can find him, and Hippolyta will know what to do." She hung her head and whispered to herself ever so slightly.
"Was that all you wanted?" He stepped towards her, but she stepped back.
She shook her head in response. "Did your kwamii... did Plagg tell you..."
"How the black cat and ladybug are soulmates meaning you and I are Soulmates. Oh what do you think our soul mark is. I haven't noticed anything different have you?" He spoke without taking a breath, waiting for her answer.
"Sorry, but you aren't my cat." She shook her head.
"You and I aren't soulmates." She stepped forward, taking his hands in hers. The certainty in her voice caused him to freeze.
"Does this mean I'm not a hero." His voice and ears dropped; his head bowed sadly.
"No." Her voice was steady, no hesitation in her voice or posture. "You are a hero. Your actions so far prove that."
"But I'm not your cat."
"No, but you are a chosen."
"How could you know that for sure?"
He looked at her sadly as if he didn’t believe a single thing. A small small part of her understood that whatever he was feeling was because of something in his personal life made it so.
That the love and attention he got was conditional. It broke Mari's heart but also, she understood. She remembers before Papa, Uncle B, her brothers, before Damian, the love she received in Paris was conditional. She also knew Damian would understand because of the League's similar conditions.
She had to shake her head before she could spiral. "I know you are. Because your soul resonates to the miraculous. It just isn't that of the black cat. But..."
"LB. you should give this to your soulmate." He didn't let her argue, he dropped the transformation. "You are Ladybug and I am not your cat."
He took off the ring, grabbed her hand and placed the ring into her palm. "I’m sorry for wasting everyone’s time."
There in front of her stood a blond-haired boy, his eyes closed, with a sad, defeated look on his face, and a say in his shoulders.
"You didn’t."
She grabbed the blonde haired boy’s wrist.
Marinette was going to drop her transformation, but call it intuition or maybe this was cosmic interference, so she didn’t. "Please, keep the ring until my cat can take your role. But you have helped so much, please continue being a hero."
"You're just saying that. You don’t know me." He mumbled barely audible. If it weren’t for her enhanced sense and close proximity, she would have missed it.
"Hey kid." Mari heard a new voice drawl. "Adrien."
The boy looked up and noticed the black kwamii floating in front between the two of them. "Plagg?"
"You might not have been my kitten, but you are a hero. And I’ve seen my fair share of them." Plagg responded as a matter of fact.
"Adrien." She repeated the name, drawing his attention. "Plagg is right. Heroes are more than just being chosen by a miraculous, artifact, or powers. It's what they choose to do with that power. You have a heart of a hero, so please don’t lose faith so easily."
She took the ring that was placed in her hand, grabbed his wrist, and pushed the ring of the black cat in his palm. "Fight with me for the time being."
"I..." She didn't let him answer. She turned and swung away from the tower.
"Are you putting the ring back on or what kid?" Plagg's voice snapped him from his racing mind.
"Yeah." He re-transformed and went home. The next morning he was resolved to go to school. Natalie and Gorilla caught him at the gate, but let him go in.
He made his way to the homeroom. When he stepped in everyone went quiet before he was tackled by Chloe.
"Adrikins!" She clung to his neck as he tried to regain his balance. "There's an open seat here in front of me!"
she led him to a front desk. "Thanks, Clo."
Was all he could say before the blonde next to him shouted. "What are you doing in my seat!?"
"The only thing needed for the triumph of evil, is for good people to do nothing." A bespeckled girl sitting behind him sat resolved.
"Get..." Chloe started but was cut off.
"Here-Here," A girl with blue hair, dyed at the ends responded, causing the entire classroom to watch her. But she didn't look up from her tablet.
"You're supposed to be on my side, Mer!" She stomped.
"And outburst like this is why everyone thinks you're a brat, Goldie."
"I have high standards." Chloe argued back.
"And you can still have them in the empty row up front." the girl pointed forward without looking up.
"I hate when you use that logic." Chloe grumbled but moved seats.
Adrien couldn't believe it. Someone could actually reign in Chloe.
"Hi, name's Nino." The boy sharing his bench introduced himself, snapping him out of his trance.
"Adrien." He greeted.
"I have to ask are you really friends with Chloe?" Nino asked.
"She's my only friend." He shrugged.
"Well now you have two." Nino pointed to himself.
"I'd like that." Adrien smiled.
"So, you don't know Marinette?" Nino brought up.
Nino pointed at the bluenette in the back who was still absorbed in the tablet. "she's apparently also Chloe's childhood friend."
"Really?" Adrien didn't recognize her.
"Apparently she just came back to Paris." Nino informed. "She seems nice enough, she's just blunt. We all don't know her well though."
"I heard she moved because of bullying?" A brown-haired girl behind him piped in.
"Really gurl." The bespeckled girl popped in. "You’re in the know Lila, spill."
The two girls behind him started talking, but his attention was on the girl sitting in the back of the class.
The whole day he tried to talk to her, but someone kept him. Be it Nino, unknowingly, Chloe demanding his attention, or her disappearing.
Then he saw her.
They were the last two in the school. It was almost like his luck started to turn. She was standing by the entrance, just before stepping out in the rain. She was on the phone. It took him a moment to realize she wasn't speaking French, but english.
So, he quickly hid behind a trash can while in earshot.
"I know I should've..." He doesn't think she noticed him.
'...' The other person must've said something, as she pursed her lips.
"That would've crushed them!"
"I know... but."
'Sigh.' "Why don't we talk later." She breathed. "The walls have ears after all." She looked directly at him.
She knew he was there; did she know the whole time.
"No need, I'm already here." A boy with black hair came running in the rain.
"You're soaked!" She hit him with her umbrella.
"Sorry." the looked down and opened his own umbrella. "I didn't mean to eavesdrop." He held out the umbrella to the boy.
He hesitated before taking it.
Thunder clapped.
Adrien ran out to the waiting car.
He might not have talked to her, he might not have made the best impression, but he hopes that it's a start. He smiled down at his hands. Barely catching a glimpse of the golden ink that was sinking back into his skin.
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kawaiichibiart · 7 months
I can't find it (although chances are I never posted it :/), but to this day I think about the post where I share possibility of past akuma victims just, remembering everything. All of them remember.
All. Of. Them.
And, it just sets off this series of support systems.
Individual and group therapy is something that is set up for those who need it.
August's mom starts a forum after her son starts remembering his time as an akuma, and it leads to more parents speaking up about their children, very young children, having nightmares and needing to sleep with their parents or older siblings because their memories as an akuma is hitting them hard.
People who work call off in order to process what's going on.
School gets cancelled for a brief period (like maybe a week or two) of time, some students stay home for longer.
Friends support each other whenever the memories get too intense.
We see so much support and love between everyone who remembers and is remembering...
...but then we have Adrien.
Adrien who can't bring himself to look for support. Adrien who feels like he shouldn't get help.
Everyone who's been akumatized is remembering what they did, what happened, and people can back up what's happened with clear evidence (articles, blogs/vlogs, clips from past livestreams or news reports, etc.) but he doesn't have that.
Chat Blanc's timeline is gone and Ephemeral's was reversed. There is no existing evidence that he's been akumatized. No one remembers he was akumatized, except for Marinette.
Marinette, who's Ladybug.
Ladybug, who's kept things from him. His akumatization, the fact she must of planned on having him reveal his identity just to not tell him hers (and she must of planned on having Viperion in on it, too, which makes it worse).
The girl he no longer knows if he can trust.
He doesn't have anyone who can support him. He doesn't want to say anything in case people thing he's making it all up.
After all, can he prove Chat Noir got akumatized, killed everyone in Paris, maybe even France, split the moon in half and almost killed Ladybug again? Could he prove he was Ephemeral and helped his father win (and God, if that isn't just another peachy thing to find out)? That Ladybug lost her Miraculous because he couldn't break out of his father's control?
He's remembering killing the people he loves and finding his mother (fuck, his mom is under his house) and not being able to resist the akuma and the world ending and being alone surrounded by water and just the continuous thought of "I killed them...it's all my fault..."
He's alone, moreso than he normally is. He shows to school and photoshoots looking dead. He slowly stops talking to his friends, eventually stops showing up to school (Nathalie informing them that he's unwell, since that's what he told her) and eventually leaving Paris to find someone he can talk to because his memories won't leave him alone.
No one knows where he went. No one knows where Chat Noir went. Both of them just, vanished. No one knows why. They can't come up with a reason for him to run.
Nino thinks he's runaway after finally having had enough of how Gabriel treats him, and he took advantage of everyone remembering their akumatizations to leave.
Lila thinks he didn't run away and instead was shipped off to who knows where in case Hawkmoth/Shadowmoth/Monarch sends out an akuma and he he can target past victims who have this new found guilt, she'd just hate it if she got turned back into Volpina or Chameleon and target him :(
Some people think Chat Noir is running away from his responsibilities. Some think he ran away to get real training, maybe an extra weapon in case he needs it.
Meanwhile, Marinette is having a crisis, because if everyone is remembering what happened while they were akumatized....but the time line got erased. Chat Noir couldn't possibly... he'd find a way to leave his Miraculous with her, right? Maybe he wanted to prove he could still be a reliable hero? Maybe she's looking too deep into it (look deeper, honey, you hit the nail on the head, keep hitting it and be a better partner).
I honestly don't know where Adrien would go, part of me wants to say London, because if he could vent to anyone who might possibly believe him, it could be to Felix. Part of me wants him to literally still be in Paris/France, just with a new found ability to wield shadows and be able to hide in them without being noticed. And yet another part of me wants him to run to an entire different continent and leave everything behind.
Just, it's one of the worst ways he can find out what secrets are/were kept from him, and he's not able to say anything because:
He can't know anybody's secret ID, despite it being important he does in case he has to get help on the off chance Ladybug can't (she's captured, she's affected by the akuma's powers, etc.). Look what happened when he found out who Ladybug was. Death on the one hand and his father winning on the other.
Ladybug likely had to go through so much in order to defeat Chat Blanc, why would she want to hear his POV about it? The damage was reversed. He should be happy everyone is still alive alive again after he killed them.
Ladybug is the Guardian, of course she had to know his secret identity. Right? Maybe if she didn't hand out the miraculous, Fu would have and he'd know everyone's secret ID. But she's the Guardian now, so it has to be important for her to know who holds what Miraculous.
He should have known his father was the villain this whole time. Wow, you lived with the villain and didn't suspect him at all? You could have saved time by taking them time to look further into things, but no.
He got akumatized twice and the second time he just handed his miraculous over. It doesn't matter that he wasn't in control, maybe this is a sign he doesn't deserve a miraculous, let alone one of the two most powerful.
#adrien agreste#miraculous#ephemeral#chat blanc#cat blanc#this is something i genuinely think about often#if people who were akumatized remembered what they did#no matter what#he wouldn't feel like he deserved any support#because very few people remember either event#aside from him who remembers?#marinette is ladybug so she likely remembers what happened#and he can probably add bunnyx but does she really count???#....do the kwamis remember?#it's essentially that thing where it doesn't matter if you just broke your arm and the person next to you is in a full body cast#you're both in pain and healing#adrien has every right to getting support and talking about his akumatizations (both as himself and as chat noir)#but he's putting off what he went through as nothing compared to what literally everyone else went through#solely because both times he's been akumatized no longer exist#why should he get help for something that doesn't exist?#why should he get help for something that doesn't matter anymore?#it's a mindset that'll take a toll on him and one that has to faced head on#and lead to him finding support and the reassurance that what he went through did matter. that just because it didn't exist anymore#it doesn't mean he has to shut everyone out and pretend like he didn't go through something traumatic twice#the process will be messy as fuck#but he can get help#let marinette realize the chances he remembers are higher than she thinks#let her realize her errors and work on bettering herself#because if no one would be there for chat noir#at the very least he could talk to her
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mielkexnn-miraculous · 10 months
A. Agreste (aka Chat Noir) Headcanons <3
Kind of a lot tbh—just headcanons that I like to apply in my AUs when they don’t clash with their particular premises. It’s just a hot mess under the cut yeah? Cool.
He was actually in ballet classes as a kid—the same ones as Chloé.
What’s funny is that Marinette was there too. However, boys and girls were kept separate and so he only really knew Chloé.
He only found out when he was going through his closet and found a shoe box with his old shoes and a bunch of class photos; he noticed Marinette in the corner of one.
He’s still really flexible though.
He actually used to go to see a live rendition of The Nutcracker each Christmas.
He wanted to play the Rat King rlly badly.
He’s got a killer steady hand that makes for rlly good cursive.
He has the neatest handwriting in the class, and takes rlly good notes too—particularly in physics.
He’s also got terrible sense in fashion. He knows good stuff when he sees it, but doesn’t know bad stuff is bad at all.
He really likes milk; in some horrible twist of fate, he’s also lactose intolerant.
He’s totally touch starved and rlly touchy feely w/ certain people.
He refuses to kill bugs. He once screamed and lifted Alya up off her feet for trying to squash a spider in the middle of science class.
He put it in a cup before disappearing for a good five minutes so he could walk all the way over to the park to release it where it would be safe.
He’s English and French.
He really likes gelato—specifically passionfruit; peach is a close second tho.
He knows how to run in heels; has a subtly burning hatred for them.
He really likes light up sneakers though and always wanted a pair.
He knows Morse code.
Rlly ticklish.
Sneezes super loudly.
Really crappy immune system thanks to never being allowed outside his castle walls; he got sick like three times within the first two months of school.
He really likes Piano Man by Billy Joel and can sing and play the whole thing.
Honestly his music taste consists of five types of music: Heavy/classic rock, classical/classical-style music (In The Hall of The Mountain King slaps ok), Billy Joel, chill-somber-sad-theatric-feels-y, and whatever the heck that migraine-inducing bs he’s got stashed in the back is.
His Spotify is a hot mess tbch; lots of spontaneous playlists depending on how he felt at the moment. The titles are usually smth along the lines of “ifykyk”, “vibe”, or “yeah”; either that or just the playlist #.
He has like five that are nice enough to send ppl, and those are the only ones he’s listened to more than twice. They’re called “Classical Vibes”, “Cheese Demon”, “Billy Joel Aesthetic”, “sad”, and “Spontaneous 2am Dance Party OST”.
He’ll literally save recommended playlists and never listen to them.
He never bothers to clean it up though, and has 600+ playlists sitting around.
Also he used to drink a ton of pediasures as a kid and his father doesn’t let him drink them anymore bc he’s not a little kid anymore obviously but he would kill for a muscle milk.
He’ll throw up if he ever tries to eat kale again; it’s a trauma response ok.
Emotion smart but social dumb.
Honestly kinda yandere ngl.
I mean have you seen this man?? Cheez-its man, chill.
He resists when in civilian form but once he’s transformed it’s Full Gremlin Mode activated.
He’s not good at drawing but he does try; he does a lot of blob style digital and is slowly getting better.
He overcomes his feelings of being stuck and not knowing what to do in life as seen in wish maker when he spends time with the Dupain-Chengs and realizes that that is what he wants. He then dreams of working in the bakery one day.
Cannot for the life of him resist eating the batter, ok. He needs it. He’s gonna get heckin’ salmonella one of these days and it’s going to have been worth it.
He gets really good at frosting “flower” cupcakes. He switches to succulents pretty easily after learning how to airbrush. They’re adorable.
Also really good at modeling lil fondant animals and things.
He’s developed separation anxiety surrounding both ladybug and Marinette—he rlly just wants to have both of them in one place at once and he’s rlly sad that it somehow never seems to happen; he’s rlly happy post-reveal.
He rlly loves babysitting; like honestly he loves kids, so so so much; if he weren’t thinking of taking over the bakery (and/or tied down as Chat Noir), he’d probably become a pediatric nurse or a daycare attendant or smth bc 💞💞💞
He’ll leave the press to Ladybug so he can talk w/ the akuma victims and make sure they’re okay.
He’ll escape out his window and climb to high places when stressed to pace.
Once lost a Chat Noir look alike contest.
Has referred to his civilian self as, and I quote, a “dipshit boytoy” whilst en costume.
He became a total night owl thanks to his miraculous but he’s just rlly good at pretending to not be tired.
He’s more cat than he’d like to admit:
He’ll react to catnip when transformed;
He’ll also chase laser pointers;
He subconsciously stares at birds;
Once a bird got stuck in the classroom and everyone was freaking out trying to catch it in a wire trash bin and stuff but it kept evading them so Adrien looked up and pulled out his music, watched it for a second, and then caught it by the feet mid-flight;
He brought it closer to himself and calmed it down as best he could, petting it as he walked over to the window to let it out;
Everyone was flabbergasted but no one said anything as he went back to working and by the time anyone could speak it was kinda late for questions;
He gets the zoomies at the most inconvenient times;
He’s made incredibly uneasy by dogs despite actually being more of a dog person.
Also more destruction powers seeping in alongside the cat attributes:
When he’s is in a funk, there’s crappy cell service, lights flicker, machines go haywire and burn out;
If he’s REALLY upset, drinking glasses and crystal can spontaneously combust;
His powers trickle over into when he’s a civilian;
He just keeps getting more and more frustrated with his computer as it begins to function less and less and keeps giving increasingly worse error codes;
He’s in a funk for the first half the day at school and for some reason the wifi is down;
His mood is lifted after a good lunch break and all of a sudden the computers are working super fast;
Though it frustrates him at first, Adrien learns to hone his powers and either repress or, if needed, direct them.
That’s all I have for now! Feel free to adopt/modify any of these as you please :)
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gg-ladybug · 2 years
So… destruction huh-
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Needless to say, an analysis of both retrospectively is already half written
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multimousenette · 1 year
Miraculous Ladybug really went hard on the “smart” technology is Bad Actually angle. and they’re right
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xhanisai · 2 years
You know what really grates on my nerves?
When people say that Adrien deserves to get hurt or heartbroken for not ‘noticing’ Marinette and her feelings all this time and when people say that Ladybug deserves to get hurt or heartbroken for not dating Chat Noir right away or something like that.
It is such a vile thing to say or agree on- especially when Adrien and Marinette thinks of the world of each other and their alter egos. Adrien has asked a few times about Marinette’s feelings to her face and her nerves always got the best of her and she never admitted the truth; he trusts and values her word. So it isn’t his fault that he doesn’t know her true feelings for him. 
And Ladybug, despite not accepting her partner’s romantic advances, absolutely adores him! She trusts him with her life and the civilians of Paris. She loves giving him adorable nicknames and treats him with care when she can. Regardless of what she feels for him (even if us viewers know it’s romantic love), Ladybug doesn’t have to go out with him and she shouldn’t be punished by the fandom for that. 
Anyways, these two mean the world to each other on all sides of the lovesquare and they’re not aware that their feelings are reciprocated (regardless of which side). They also NEVER go out of their ways to intentionally harm or hurt the other and always push things aside and prioritise each other when needed.
Do they have a bit of a communication issue? Yes, but they are teenagers and are working on it and they will clear that obstacle. The problem is that they are both too selfless so they don’t like to burden others with their feelings. They will grow and become better people :)
Overall, what I’m trying to say is that lovesquare adore one another and if you genuinely believe that Adrien or Marinette have to be punished for not being aware or acting on the other person’s feelings, you’re a piece of shit and I feel sorry for the people around you :)))))
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maribugette · 7 months
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See but the issue is not what you’re yapping about. The issue is that you completely ignored what actually went on in episode 26, called a WoC a slave owner and then got mad people disagreed with your stupid ass take => @ilikekidsshows
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merkerlerspeaks · 1 year
I don't know what's happened in Miraculous Ladybug after the New York special but I have a feeling they took Gabriel and made him even worse so if they did I am simply ignoring that and deciding that he stops being a little punk, asks Ladybug for help with Emilie, apologizes to Adrien and becomes the father he needs him to be and also Nathalie is able to heal both physically and emotionally from the whole "assisting in terrorizing Paris because she's to smitten to say no" situation that happened.
#Gabriel and Nathalie were the primary reasons I ever started watching Miraculous#And I feel like Gabriel had SO much potential in being an iredeemable-but-redeemed-anyway villain#And I am a SUCKER for an antagonist who's done horrible awful things#feel immense remorse for their wrongdoing and trying to correct it#I just think that Gabriel should have been the first Miraculous villain#and after he is redeemed is able to prove his remorse by fighting against another even bigger baddie#Like I have this whole story idea basically#Gabriel asks for help with Emilie. Ladybug has a moment of weakness because she sees the pain he is expiriencing#the wish very specifically is meant to revive Emilie and make it so that Hawkmoth never existed#But Emilie is even more sinister than he ever was so he has to actually reverse the wish#And set the timeline back to normal and deal with the consequences of his actions#And someone else comes up out of the woodwork with a powerful miraculous after a couple months#You know give everyone some months to process everything. Get some therapy.#Then Ladybug realizes that if they are going to fight this villain they need not only all the miraculous users#But an adult with expirience battling and can actually maintain the whole suit-form thing for a good while#And who fits that bill but Gabriel Agreste#Badabing Badaboom he has an Opportunity to prove that he truly regrets what he did#Say what you will about Gabriel#Im just a sucker for a good redemption story and I think that Gabriel could have had one of the most delectable ones since Zuko's#give adrien a good dad dang it#merkerler speaks#miraculous ladybug
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kindaorangey · 2 years
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maburito · 2 years
Keep seeing Miraculous Ladybug shit, and how come they're apparently doing the whole love square shift 5 fucking season later?
There's a point where the 'will they won't they' romance gets fucking annoying and honestly the blond cat and ladybug have gotten past it for a while. Like why not do it at least maybe the end of season 2 instead of fucking dragging it out.
God i hope this show ends soon im so fucking tired of seeing this het nonsense
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gaydryad · 4 months
started Thinking TM about miraculous ladybug again. I can feel it. the desire to hyperfixate on this show is looming over me
#from the writer's den#void talks#maybe!!! just to stave off the waiting for s6!!#I'll do more redesigns#or honestly#I keep meaning to do like#an au with attwdc#bc the thought of it is REALLY tempting to me#and I could probably do it pretty easily (though ml's cast is MUCH bigger than attwdc's)#but just like#thinking about who would suit each miraculous ...#like the EASY answer is that life & death should have the ladybug + black cat miraculouses respectively#but that's not INTERESTING.#the FAR more intriguing thing is to have it be karyn and diana respectively instead#since diana already has the whole parental expectations and burdens thing paralleling adrien#and karyn much like marinette cannot shut her mouth to save her life#and gets Obsessive and Spiteful#obviously triste gets to have the butterfly miraculous. no brainer. emotional manipulation king.#he even has a little dead spouse angst in him#and I think logically then delta could have the peacock as mayura#or maybe zeta?#and then have delta take the role of the previous guardian -- which I think is more interesting than having it be life/death#-- and has the benefit that death could be a miraculous holder (which one... idk)#or or or or or#triste has the fox miraculous#going in his lila era#actually no strike that#I think the best option is probably death has the black cat -- karyn gets the turtle -- diana has the ladybug -- life has the fox#with the idea being that diana is a good pick for ''guarding'' the ladybug miraculous but also has the training for it#while karyn's job is to Keep Her Own Ass Safe. hence shield.
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zodoods · 6 months
what if miraculous characters had tumblr
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🐞 ladybug Follow
i want you all to know that if anyone gets akumatized on tuesday im quitting i have three tests and a part time job go to therapy
112,000 notes
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🐞 ladybug Follow
16,440 notes
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🐞 ladyblogger Follow
ladybug is 25? she should have been at da club...
🐞 ladybug Follow
im literally a minor
234,777 notes
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🎸 guitarhero Follow
sometimes i want to kill myself but then i remember i havent seen my friends figure out their romantic tension yet and ive gotten too invested
4,569 notes
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👦🏼 adrienagresteofficial Follow
Buy the New Gabriel Perfume here!
Carefree. Dreamy. Radiant.
🐈‍⬛ catboy Follow
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@ladybug excuse me???
🐞 ladybug Follow
🐞 ladybug-is-horny-heritage-post Follow
ladybug is horny heritage post
780,998 notes
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🎧 djnino Follow
i just want everyone who posts adrien velocity gif edits on here to know that he's really just some white guy
🐈‍⬛ catboy Follow
2,009 notes
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🖕 felixcantfathom Follow
dni if you're parisian because how on earth is NO other city getting akumatized...yall need to pack up the drama queen attitude im sick of seeing you on the news
114,987 notes
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🐞 ladyblogger Follow
👦🏼 adrienagresteofficial Follow
Please stop voting for my dad...
12,890 notes
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🐈‍⬛ catboy Follow
my nanny/stepmother/secretary said that "women should be allowed to murder their bosses with no repurcussions" she would do numbers on here
98,700 notes
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💎 chloebougie Follow
AITA for causing 80% of the akumas in paris or do you all hate women
102 notes
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🐈‍⬛ catboy Follow
i keep asking ladybug to hang out with me but she keeps blowing me off do u think she's cheating on me????
🐞 ladybug Follow
234,777 notes
do u guys want a part two i have sm of these kdjshgjhdsg
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zoe-oneesama · 29 days
Why does the fandom think Nathalie cares about Adrien? She's always all monotone indifference and "this is what your father says/wants". Yet the fandom likes leaving Adrien in her care post-hawkmoth sometimes? If you're really gonna read into things like that let's praise the one adult who DOES care about him- his bodyguard! Remember how the mere sight of him was enough to calm him down enough to thwart Hawkmoth's intentions in the gigantitan episode?
But no seriously I'm so bad at noticing these things- why do people think she cares about more than Gabriel?
Welp, she is the reason Gabriel let Adrien go to school according to Origins Part 2, and then we got the Great Hiatus to let that one tiny moment of feelings sit and fester in the fandom brain.
And Season 5 definitely did it's hardest to frame Nathalie as Here For Adrien, so it's like the whole series is bookended by That version of Nathalie.
But I get the confusion, Nathalie's been all over the damn place. Different Seasons characterize her almost like adjacent sister versions of herself? Like not a TOTALLY different person, but different enough that I'm worried about body snatchers lol. I pretty much compartmentalize Nathalie according to the season:
Season 1 - Belligerent Assistant who's job description does not and should not include taking care of her boss's son yet here she freaking is.
Season 2 - Reveal that she's totally In-The-Know, her indifference has reached knew levels of being just outright negligent, she is officially culpable.
Season 3 - Team Rocket era where she is fully into the evil dramatics. Also the gross fun addition of her officially being In Love™️with her boss and being angsty about it despite her bringing it upon herself. Also girl he's so crusty get some standards.
Season 4 - Bedridden bionic woman. Was it worth it? WAS IT WORTH IT?!
Season 5 - Pissed off divorcee era. She is actively picking fights and weaponizing the children at her not-ex, and while I'm side eyeing the last 4 seasons, I am here for this level of sass while she scoffs at Gabriel being his Worst Self™️. Too bad about the whole Dying thing but hey. You gotta make up for...all of that other stuff, right?
She's just kinda doomed to not be a cohesive character. I do like her heel turn in Season 5, especially because she was RIGHT, Gabriel had THE OPPORTUNITY to save not only Emilie but also Nathalie and threw it away because he wants to throw hands with teenagers. I too would walk away after that spectacular display of failure. I kinda wish she had someone to talk to, like even Duusu, just to explain that the only reason she hasn't exposed Gabriel altogether is because he'd definitely expose her as well and then Adrien'd be left alone. Like it's easy to infer that, but in a kids show, stuff like motivations kinda need to be laid out neatly.
Cuz otherwise it leaves it open ended - is she covering to spare Adrien from being essentially orphaned, or is she covering to save her own ass? After the 5ish versions of her, either interpretation is fair.
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buggachat · 11 months
So, this is very important. Emilie or Amelie?
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(Answer: Amelie. But seriously, I'm getting ahead of myself, let's talk about it.)
This is kind of a long post. If you don't want to read all of my ramblings, feel free to skip to the final point. That's the important one.
A mysterious woman who is clearly one of the two Graham de Vanily twins was in attendance of the party at the end of the episode. But is she Emilie (Adrien's dead mom, revived by Gabriel's wish) or Amelie (Adrien's already alive aunt)?
Here's the thing. The answer to this question is actually extremely important. Emilie being alive would be a HUGE deal and would have extreme consequences on the narrative and themes of the show.
Seriously. We need to know whether or not Emilie is alive. So, let's discuss— what do we know?
1. Amelie should be at this party.
Seriously. Amelie would be at Adrien's party.
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You know who is in attendance at Adrien's party? Not just his friends, but also adults in his life. Nathalie. Su-Han. Jagged Stone. Penny Rolling.
You know what Penny Rolling's relationship is to Adrien? She's the manager/new girlfriend of his friend Luka's recently-undeadbeated-dad. And she was invited to Adrien's party.
Seriously. This is a party of any significant character. Everyone and their mother was invited and— hey wait, where's Félix's mother? Félix is here, and certainly our favorite mommy's boy would invite his mother along. Surely Adrien's aunt would be invited to Adrien's party.
You know, Amelie's aunt, who had a not insignificant arc in the story? A family member to the Agrestes, who we've seen struggle, who would well deserve a shot of her smiling at a party at the finale?
Amelie, who had some unresolved tension with Nathalie, centered around their respective relationships with Gabriel? Tension that would likely be rectified after Gabriel's demise?
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Not only would Amelie be at this party, but I absolutely believe she would be sitting next to Nathalie. (I mean, they do know each other. Who else at that party does Amelie even know?)
If that's not Amelie, then where is she?
Oh, and side note, what was the shot just before the shot of the mysterious woman? Oh, that's right. Amelie's son.
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2. She only appears for a brief flash, given no more significance than any other character in attendance.
There's a reason why everyone is using the same shot of the mysterious woman when discussing her. That is the only shot of her. There are more shots of Penny Rolling than of her.
Here's the thing. Either Emilie is alive in this final scene, or she isn't. So, how would you expect this scene to play for these circumstances?
Here is a complete list of everything I would expect if Emilie were not alive:
A brief shot of Amelie.
Here is an incomplete list of some of the things I would expect from a "Emilie, the mother of the deuteragonist and ghost that has been haunting the narrative for 5 Seasons, is alive now" reveal, at the bare minimum:
A shot that lingers on Emilie.
Emilie, seated with Nathalie AND HER TWIN SISTER.
A shot of Emilie opening her eyes during Gabriel's wish.
The newscast, which they watch during the party, having a mention of "... and Parisians are still celebrating the rescue of Emilie Agreste, who was previously missing but recently found!"
Adrien literally acknowledging that his dead mother is suddenly alive at all? AT ALL? Looking at her, mentioning her, literally ANYTHING from him? I mean, seriously, what did he think happened—
3. Adrien's perception of his mother's reappearance would need to be addressed. It was not.
Adrien does not know the wish was cast.
Adrien does not know anything.
Here's the thing. While, yes, Emilie has been described as "missing"/"disappeared" in the show, it is absolutely clear to the audience that Adrien has been under the impression that Emilie is dead.
We know this from the painting in the foyer that depicts Gabriel and Adrien in mourning. We know this from the way that Adrien (correctly) draws the conclusion that "Nathalie has the same illness as my mother, therefore she is dying". We know this from the way that Adrien speaks about his mother in past tense, how he encourages his father to move on and date Nathalie, how he has never once in the show seemed to be under the impression that Emilie could come back.
So, if Emilie suddenly came back........... someone would need to explain it to Adrien. He would need to be fed another lie about it. We would need to be made privy as to what he believes happened.
Examples of how this could have been easily achieved:
Again, the newscast. Nadja acknowledging that the missing Emilie Agreste had been found. Maybe mentioning that "she was found being held captive by Monarch" or something. I dunno, whatever lie that works.
Adrien, during his conversation with Marinette, mentioning what happened to Emilie from his perspective, the same way he vocalized to her what his perception of Gabriel's death was. I mean, seriously, Adrien was already doing this expositional dialogue... why wouldn't he mention his mom during it?
4. Leaked production material does not change the final product.
Yes, scripts were leaked of this season. There are deleted scenes in the storyboards. There are script changes and allusions to certain things and mentions here and there in these materials that suggest that the mysterious woman could have, at some point in production, been Emilie.
... at some point in production.
So, here's the thing. This is the most solid Emilie argument we have. In fact, I'd argue it's the only argument that holds any real ground at all. .......... and it's in content that we aren't supposed to have.
( Actually, it's the only real Emilie argument I've seen... period. The only other one I've seen is the fact her statue is gone, but I'd argue that the removal of her statue has symbolic weight no matter what. It was a symbol of Gabriel's obsession over her, the way that she haunts the narrative, the way she looms over the Agreste household. Alive or not, this is not the case anymore. So it makes sense to remove it. )
If your interpretation of the source material is solely, and I mean SOLELY based off of out-of-context snippets of things that were in the writer's room Vaguely At Some Point, things that now directly contradict the final product, things that the audience was absolutely under no circumstances meant to see...
You're not interpreting the episode. You're interpreting out-of-context snippets of a rough draft of it.
So, here's the thing. I've seen some of these leaks, I've seen a lot of people talk about these leaks, I've seen the rumors and I've heard the gossip. I'm not going to parrot it, because honestly, I'm still annoyed that the leaks exist at all. It feels a bit insulting to the art form, tbh, that incomplete scripts are being passed around and touted as significant and more accurate than the actual completed script.
But I'll say one thing:
If the rough drafts of scripts, deleted scenes, etc pointed to Emilie being alive.......
Why did they remove them?
(The answer is simple: because they changed their minds. And you don't have to stress about or mull over why they did it, because you were never supposed to know that it was changed, because you were never supposed to know about out-of-context rough drafts of the script in the first place. It doesn't matter. It's not the product. Writers are allowed to toss around ideas and scripts and then change them. It's unimportant and you're not supposed to be privy to it. It's not for you. It's not what they made. It's certainly not more accurate to the direction they're headed than what they settled on. )
Point is:
5. So, Astruc on twitter.
Okay, I love perusing Astruc's twitter for snippets of information as much as the next obsessive miraculous fan. I have perused his twitter a lot. Astruc always addresses comments and concerns under like 20 layers of coyness.
People ask him, "is it Emilie or Amelie"? And basically, every time, he responds with some variation on "pay attention and you'll know".
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He's been shooting down people presenting the clues they find to him, on both sides of the argument. Some examples (which include the Amelie wearing black and Emilie wearing white thing):
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So, what does this mean, beyond the already known fact that Astruc likes to mess with us?
Obviously, I'm not Astruc. I don't know his mind. I also don't have much of vested interest in dissecting everything he says, nor do I take his word at face value a lot of the time (again, he likes to mess with us).
However, I think two things are fairly clear here:
It IS possible to know whether or not Emilie was revived by watching the episode.
It's not the small details he wants us to look at. Admittedly, color schemes and set dressings are small details. It's not the big picture. It's not important. It's not the heart of what he, or any writer in his position, would want us to interpret.
( Side note, but if nearly every single Emilie argument is based off of things NOT ACTUALLY IN THE EPISODE, then doesn't Astruc saying the answer is in the episode shoot that down right off the bat? But hey! I digress. )
So, what is the big picture? What are the things that writers are truly proud of? What is the thing that a writer would want us to pay attention to? What are the details of the show that can help point us to what transpired in the episode? What—
6. The WRITING of the ENTIRE SERIES, INCLUDING within THIS VERY episode, the dialogue, the themes, the character beats, the symbolism— Literally. All of it. Points to Emilie. STAYING. DEAD.
This is actually the heart of my point.
Emilie absolutely was not revived here.
Here's the thing. The themes of grief and loss and mourning are extremely present within the Agreste arc. Throughout the entire series, the following has been hammered in by the writing:
Gabriel is obsessive for wanting to bring Emilie back. His desires are not healthy or sound. He is delusional. He is hurting Adrien and Nathalie by living in this fantasy.
Gabriel should have moved on.
Nathalie wants to move on.
Adrien has already moved on.
EMILIE HERSELF wanted them all to move on.
Emilie is a nearly angelic figure. Adrien is literally the deuteragonist of the series. Nathalie is a morally grey character with a clear redemption arc. Gabriel is the antagonist.
The "better" the character is, the more certain they are that Emilie should not be revived.
The CORRECT choice, if Gabriel and Nathalie chose the "right" path from the start, would have been for Gabriel and Nathalie to focus on parenting Adrien themselves, instead of obsessing over bringing a dead woman who has already come to terms with her death back to life. That's what Emilie wanted. That's what Adrien wants. That's what Nathalie has wanted but was too afraid to say. That's what Gabriel refuses to accept.
Look, if I go in depth into the scenes where this is addressed, I'd be here all day. Instead, have a screenshot compilation, I guess.
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Again. That's been a core message of the series this entire time. And while I don't have screenshots of it being spoken so plainly in seasons 1 and 2, Gabriel has always been depicted as sinister, and his obsession has always been framed in the wrong.
Now, if you're one of those people who refuse to analyze the text at all or interpret what the messages of the show are on the grounds of "the writing sucks so who cares, it's probably just inconsistent writing and they forgot about the themes in the final episode" or whatever, then like. Ok. But here's the thing— this theme is even more hammered home in the finale.
Guys. I'm serious. What the hell do you think the scene before the wish was saying?
Gabriel, at his lowest moment, brought down. Gabriel, detransformed and on his knees before Bug Noir. Gabriel, at the final hour of his life, near tears, still obsessing over his wife, still thinking of his wife his wife his wife above all else, as Bug Noir lays out the literal themes of the show to him in all their beautiful glory.
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And then literally forces him to watch the very videos that he had tried to force Nathalie to delete. Forces him to face the very words he refused to acknowledge. Forces him, at his lowest, to come face-to-face with the truth he denied.
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.... And it hits him. What she's saying hits him. Because how can he deny Emilie's own words? The very woman he's doing it all for? How can he bring her back to life when she would want nothing less? How can he force the love of his life to live knowing that someone had died for her to, when she didn't want that? How could he have lost himself so much in the madness?
And then Bug Noir comes in with THIS
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.... And Gabriel says....
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.... Note that, he does not continue to deny it. He does not plead his case that Emilie should be alive. He is no longer arguing that. Here, he has seemingly begun to accept the premise that Emilie should not be brought back to life. Instead, he has a new premise:
He does not want to be alive if Emilie is not.
Gabriel is not selfless. Gabriel is not a good man. Gabriel says, earlier in the episode, flat out, that he is more than willing to kill whoever it takes, whatever rando he wants, to get what he wants.
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Here's the thing.
Gabriel wants to be with Emilie.
Gabriel is willing to kill anyone, whoever it takes, to make this happen.
Gabriel realizes Emilie does not want to be alive.
Gabriel decides that he will honor Emilie's final wish......... only partially.
Because Emilie wanted both Gabriel and Nathalie to take care of Adrien. But Gabriel does not want that. It's not that Gabriel is above killing someone to save his own life, it's that he realizes that he, too, does not want to be saved. Because he does not want to live in a world without Emilie.
He would rather be dead, with her, than alive and caring for his own son.
Gabriel Agreste's wish is a suicide. I mean, we already knew this— but I mean, literally. It's not a selfless sacrifice. It's not one final act of goodness. It's a suicide. He decides he wants to die, and he decides that he will save Nathalie in the act— because it's what Emilie wanted, and Gabriel is obsessive. The only person who would reason with him is Emilie herself.
And what does Gabriel's wish look like? How is it depicted to us?
Gabriel and Emilie, cast in a white light. Emilie lifts from her coffin, notably still limp, as Gabriel rises up with her.
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He rises up with her, notably supporting her limp head with his hand. She is still unconscious. And he is joining her.
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One last selfish act. The final nail into his "trying to be a dad" coffin. He doesn't want to be a dad anymore. He only wants to be with Emilie. And he will gladly pass that responsibility, the responsibility of parentage, onto Nathalie— The only character in the show who has been showing an explicit, vested interest in LIVING to take care of and be a parent to Adrien.
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Nathalie is alive. Nathalie is well. A life for a life. One life for one life. That's all that's depicted. That's all that's shown.
Is it TECHNICALLY POSSIBLE that more could've been a part of that wish? Is it TECHNICALLY POSSIBLE that the wish could've been more complicated? Is it TECHNICALLY POSSIBLE that some random other person died? Is it TECHNICALLY POSSIBLE that all of that dialogue and that entire scene and the entire buildup of Emilie's recordings were just soooooo lol random and that Emilie just decided that she's totally cool with being revived and alive now and that the entire themes of the series were a lie?
I also think it's technically possible that Marinette has secretly been a hamster wearing a human suit this whole time, and Lila is actually secretly a sentimonster made by Gorilla. And maybe this show isn't a romance, actually, and that Adrien and Marinette aren't meant to be endgame. In fact, maybe the entire series was a big prank. Maybe I'm adopted and my parents lied to me about it.
But how it looks, from what I see, from what I've watched, what just happened is....
Gabriel accepted that Emilie is dead.
This made Gabriel want to die, too. Because he doesn't care about Adrien as much as he cares about Emilie.
So, he did. And he shirked parentage onto Nathalie.
Is this "winning", by the way? By any stretch? Is this "Gabriel getting what he always wanted"? Is this "Gabriel being proved right"? Is this a lack of consequences? Are we really going to call a broken man, who has been slowly turning to ash and rotting away for an entire season, who suffered and was beaten down and, at the very end, had the only people ever in his corner (Nathalie and Adrien) cursing his name and wanting him dead.... him being right all along? Is him committing suicide the series justifying his actions? Is him committing suicide (again, not a selfless sacrifice) him "doing good" and "being redeemed" by the narrative? Is a faux image of him, a false narrative, a complete fictional person that he never truly was being celebrated by ignorant Parisians, him "being redeemed"? I suppose that's another essay altogether. But I'm tired of writing.
also, there was still only one goddamn twin at that party
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nobodyfamousposts · 6 months
Do you think people cling on too much to Adrien's high road advice as a reason to salt on him?
Yes, especially when there are plenty of other reasons to salt him that have previously been ignored. But to that end, it DOES serve as the final straw for people after a SERIES of problems that had previously gone unaddressed.
Much like many aspects of the show, Adrien has displayed problematic behaviors that have been overlooked and waved off in the earlier seasons. This is likely or especially due to the way how in each and every incident, Adrien was narratively shown to be correct. In his stance. In his choices. In his behaviors. He was always right. It doesn't matter if he shouldn't be, because he is.
Now unless you're a hater or anti or salter or whatever negative name people tend to get for not liking a story as it's presented, readers and watchers tend to follow along with the narrative as it presents things and how it presents things. It's a common setup in any story. Protagonist Centered Morality, I feel framed best by Susan in the Discord series:
Susan: ...and then Jack chopped down the beanstalk, adding murder and ecological vandalism to the theft, enticement and trespass charges already mentioned, but he got away with it and lived happily ever after without so much as a guilty twinge about what he had done. Which proves that you can be excused anything if you're a hero, because no one asks inconvenient questions.
Pretty much this. Most people will follow what the narrative says because it's the narrative. If the narrative wants you to focus on Marinette being embarrassed, you're going to focus on how much she's cringe. And if the narrative wants you to view Adrien as a perfect sunshine boy who never does anything wrong, anything he does is going to be framed through that lens and it's difficult to break from that view and call out the times when he is wrong. Not unless he does something particularly severe.
It should be noted that outside of Chameleon, Adrien had, among other things: lied to his partner, caused someone to get akumatized and had his partner take the blame, was messing around during life-threatening and city-threatening situations, did nothing as Chloe tormented people right in front of him, DEFENDED Chloe after she tormented people right in front of him, bailed on an event with friends to set up a date with someone who said she had other plans and then got mad at HER for it, tried to flirt or confess in the middle of an active crisis which took necessary attention away from said crisis, caused himself AND his partner to get hit by akuma powers and needlessly be taken out of commission.
And yet people could mostly overlook these instances. They weren't his fault. Chloe is his friend. Marinette is worse. He's just a kid. He has a tragic backstory. So on and so forth. Easy to overlook. Easy to ignore in favor of the Sunshine Boy setup people were given and want to believe in.
But there were three major instances that really grabbed people's attention and stayed:
His attitude in Frozer. It probably wouldn't have been so bad except this rejection already happened in Glaciator, where he was supposed to have learned a lesson and accepted just being Ladybug's friend and now apparently didn't, despite it happening earlier that very season. Then in response, he decides to date Kagami as a rebound, drags Marinette with him on his date (without realizing how he's asking his friend to be a third wheel on a DATE) and focuses on her when he's supposed to be with Kagami, throws another tantrum in the middle of an akuma fight and refuses to work with his partner when the city is literally frozen, and requires Ladybug to apologize to him for hurting his feelings before he finally working with her. Again. But okay, he's a teenage boy in love. Not used to rejection and got his feelings hurt. Lovesquare is endgame so of course it'll work out anyway, so it's not like this bump in the road is really going to matter long term so we shouldn't hold it against him. Fine. Dumb, but fine. We've forgiven it in other shows and other poorly done teen romances, we can forgive it here.
His behavior in Syren in which he demanded to know secrets from people when the secrets were not theirs to tell him, and went so far as to attempt to blackmail his kwami (which was funny) and threaten to quit and abandon the Ring that the big bad is after while the city is flooded and people were trying to not drown (which was decidedly less humorous). But it was played for wholesome when Plagg reassured him and he got what he wanted by Fu revealed himself even if Adrien did nothing to actually show he earned it, so all's well that ends well, I guess? And people could justify it because "they're partners" and "part of a team" and "she should trust him" and "it's not fair he's the only one left out of the loop" and "he has a right to know" and just general "Fu is an idiot" (which is admittedly hard to argue). So people were disgruntled, but most were willing to overlook it.
His holier than thou lecture to Marinette in Maledictator over everyone being happy Chloe was leaving. When all Marinette was doing at the time was watching everyone else have fun. When Adrien specifically guilted Marinette and not any of the other actual partiers involved who were literally throwing a party over his friend leaving and probably should have warranted a lecture more than the girl just standing there. When the girl in question was also Chloe's main target and out of everyone had valid reasons to be happy that her bully won't be around to bully her anymore. When Adrien himself has historically been present to witness Marinette being targeted including twice he witnessed Chloe attempt to steal from Marinette, once he witnessed her try to blackmail Marinette, and numerous other times when she actively caused harm to Marinette and others. When Adrien then proceeded to sit in a corner and pout rather than do anything else or just leave if the party really bothered him. When Adrien, if he really cared so damn much, could have gone after Chloe himself! Or y'know...have stood up for Chloe earlier when she got upset in the first place. But fine, okay, Chloe is his childhood friend. So maybe he's just being biased and oblivious to the fact that his "friend" is a horrible person. But people can excuse and justify it in that they are friends and friends support each other, and the longer someone is friends with someone else, the harder it is to break from them. And that Marinette was probably just the target of his lecture because she was the one there in the moment (and the only one who would listen without arguing). And her calling Chloe useless was "mean" despite it being quite frankly the least of what she could have said about her in the moment (coughcough theft cough blackmail cough punished the entire school cough TRIED TO CRASH A TRAIN AND NEARLY KILLED HER AND HER PARENTS COUGH-FREAKINGCOUGH). Fine. Childhood friend means Adrien supports her in all her horrible and even deadly actions. Frustrating, but again, able to be explained and you can see where he's coming from.
These are all things that definitely got Adrien some side eye at best and some detractors at worst.
BUT if you really think about it, all of these examples are objectively worse than his lecture to Marinette in Chameleon. Not accepting being told "no" and continuing to chase a girl who isn't that in to him (while leading on another). Putting lives at risk over personal wants that could quite honestly wait until AFTER the crisis is over. Defending someone who is harmful and guilt tripping the victims. Compared to those, telling someone to leave a liar to their lying seems relatively minor.
So why this? Why here? Why is it Chameleon that has people saying enough is enough? Why is it this episode that is causing the sunshine boy to be so tarnished and the subject of salt in fan fiction?
Because this is the time when it couldn't be rationalized. There wasn't even a valid sensible canon-based reason for his stance. The arguments that Adrien "knew confronting her wouldn't work" or that he "handled her like paparazzi" or that he "knew Marinette previously failed when she tried" (even though he wasn't there and didn't know) or that he "didn't think anyone would believe him" don't come from canon. Those were fan arguments made after the fact to justify him after the base was broken and the outcry became too much to ignore.
This case didn't have any of the ties or rationales of the previous incidents. Adrien wasn't defending himself or his place in a partnership. He wasn't fighting for his love or his dream or an outcome he wanted and that we all knew was coming—if anything, he was fighting against her. He wasn't defending a friend like he did with Chloe—I mean, it's pretty evident he doesn't even really know or like Lila at this point, and for all intents and purposes, this is apparently only the second day he actually had any interaction with her. There was no notable reason Adrien really had for why he essentially chose to protect Lila over literally anyone else as she wasn't a friend and it wasn't in his interests to protect her from a consequence that wouldn't hurt her short term as much as it would likely harm everyone else long term.
And yet, he still defended her and her freedom to lie. Over Marinette. Over Ladybug. Over his friends. Over any sense of right and wrong he seems to have no problem throwing around when it comes to Marinette/Ladybug. Which seems like he targets her 9 times out of 10 compared to pretty much anyone else by this point. So it's little wonder then that people who didn't already hate the lovesquare because of the cringe factor from Marinette started to hate it for being incredibly unhealthy given that their relatively limited interactions tend to involve him lecturing her for failing to live up to his double standards that only seem to apply to her in any given situation.
This incident by itself doesn't seem like much, but when looked at as part of the series as a whole, it's when people couldn't keep overlooking this trend. Where he seems to admonish the wrong person. Where he acts like a mouthpiece rather than a person. Talks like he’s wise in a situation he seems to have a childish and one-sided view of. Acts like a brat but is treated as though he has no accountability in the situation he causes. Where he is wrong but no one and certainly not the narrative acknowledges it (not until season five and two seasons too late when it doesn't matter and he's still not the one facing consequences for it).
And it's not like he actually follows the stances he himself promotes. In Chameleon, canon presents him with this idealistic stance that Lila could change if given a chance, except he doesn't give her a chance. He doesn't push her to be a better person. He doesn't support or in any way help her to be the better person he insisted to Marinette she could be. He also doesn't do anything or warn anyone when she keeps lying and actively harms the people he says he cares about. He doesn't do anything one way or the other other than some lackluster encouragement to stop lying and a warning that goes nowhere. It just further gives credit to the argument that Adrien either simply doesn't care about other people, or that he doesn't care for Marinette specifically. Neither is conducive to the lovesquare or the increasingly tarnished view of the "sunshine boy".
And it could have worked. Canonically and intrinsically to his character. His idealism and trust in the wrong person comes back to bite him. He learns and grows from it. Except that, much like with nearly everything he does in canon, Chameleon set it up that Adrien was the writers' mouthpiece and thus was not "wrong". I'll grant that they did have him admit it and apologize to Marinette for it two seasons later, but it is pretty evident that during Chameleon, they intended his lecture to be right, with no foreshadowing and no implication otherwise. And I'm fairly certain they only backtracked and had him do that much because of the amount of fan outrage over the episode.
So yes, I think his lecture in Chameleon was really a final straw since unlike Chloe, Adrien has NO relationship with Lila to justify his defense of her. Especially when the argument is in favor of letting her lie to the people he's supposed to care about. That combined with how jarring it was how most of the class just sided with Lila over the seat issue in the first place, and I think people were less inclined to just ignore the problems in the episode specifically and with the series as a whole as they were compared to the first and second seasons. Not just with Adrien, as we see that Alya also started getting more callout and salt since then as well as more retrospective scrutiny over her behavior in earlier seasons.
But yeah...Chameleon was where things seemed to take a 180, so it's bound to be the deciding episode and deciding incident that sticks out in people's minds with these characters. That's probably why it ends up the go-to for salt and complaints on the characters involved instead of any of the other incidents that would arguably warrant it more.
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the0doreslover · 9 months
Hey, I wanted to ask if you take requests!! If you do would you do Theodore x Reader angst to fluff
where like Theo gets jealous because of a rumor and paranoid thinking Reader will leave him for someone else (you choose who) but In reality it was all just made up from some girl that has a crush on Theo
And at the end he apologises multiple times to Reader because he didn’t let her explain
If not just ignore this! Have a great day.
shadowed trust
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Theodore had always been a bit of a paranoid guy, but he had never been this jealous before. He sat in the Slytherin common room, his brow furrowed as he read the newsletter. The rumor had spread like wildfire, and now it had even made it to the papers.
Theodore couldn't believe what he was reading. The words were etching into his mind, The rumor suggested that you, his girl, his darling was growing close to someone else. Someone he knew all too well, someone he had considered a friend – Adrien pucey.
It was as if a wand had been plunged into his heart, and he couldn't shake the feeling of betrayal. Theodore had never been one to easily trust others, but he had allowed you to breach the walls he had built around his heart. You were the one person who had made him believe in love again, especially after his mother, and now it felt like that love was slipping through his fingers.
That night Theodore couldn’t put himself to sleep his mind kept going back to the possibility that the whole time he was thinking of you with nothing less that love and adoration you were thinking of adrien, the supposed rival. He couldn't fathom the idea of losing you, of waking up one day to find that you were no longer a part of his life. The anxiety clawed at him, making it hard to breathe. He had to talk to you, had to know the truth, even if it meant facing his worst fears head-on.
That evening, he found you standing in the astronomy tower, a place were the two of you shared the most fond memories. You looked up and saw him approaching, a smile lighting up your face, but it quickly faded as you noticed the turmoil in his eyes.
"Teddy, what's wrong?" you asked, concern lacing your voice.
He swallowed hard, his throat dry. "Is it true, what they're saying about you and adrien?" He couldn't bring himself to utter adriens name, the bitterness seeping into his words.
Your eyes widened in realization, and you quickly understood the source of his distress. "Theo, that rumor is false," you said earnestly. "I can’t believe you would even believe that, i don’t have feelings for anyone else. You're the one I love."
He stared at you, he wanted to believe you when he saw the sincerity in your eyes. But his insecurities quickly replaced that sight as he unfolded the paper that he pulled from his hoodie pocket and showed you the page that had a picture of two people in a heated situation.
“are you being serious? theodore you can’t even see their face!”
“when did you start thinking about him?”
“theodore what is wrong with you?”
“was it when we were on our first date?” he continued
“theo stop-“
“was it when i first said i love you?”
you stared at him in shock as he continued listing scenarios while walking closer to you.
“was it when i first made love-“
you didn’t want to listen anymore, your hand came and swiftly slapped across his face.
“don’t speak to me till you come to your senses” you scoffed with glossy eyes.
theodore seethed as he watched your figure walk away
The next day at breakfast was rough, you were sitting with luna while theodore sat with his friends
Draco crossed his arms, looking at Theodore with concern. " So you're letting baseless rumors ruin your relationship? You should trust her. i don’t know why i even have to tell you that"
Blaise nodded in agreement. "We all know how much you care about her. Don’t let something as stupid as rumours break a good relationship mate"
Pansy chimed in, "Theodore, i’ll give this to you bluntly, Y/n is my best friend and you really fucked up, i heard about everything last night she came back to our dorm in pieces and if you actually believe these rumours... Honestly you’ve made a right mess of this one"
Theodore sighed before noticing the familiar face of adrien on his way out the hall
It was him he should be angry with.
“You’re right” he started
“i know” pansy smiled
“i should be mad at adrien!”
before anyone could react theodore had gotten up and stormed out the hall where he had saw adrien.
“Oi Pucey”
Before adrien even registered who called him theodore’s fist had connected with his cheek.
Adrien was flung back and theodore didn’t even blink before jumping on top of the boy and beating him.
Ignoring the cheering crowd that had now formed the fight seemed to be getting worse as blaise and draco had now come to intervene.
you watched next to pansy in disgust as the boy you loved was beating a poor boy who hadn’t done anything.
adrien got a good few punches in near the end before finally they had been separated.
Theodore couldn’t hear anything as he felt himself getting more angrier by the minute. He stared back at the crowd and for a second his eyes met with yours before you turned away in disgust and dragged pansy along with you.
theo and adrien had both been taken to the infirmary with a strict warning from mcgonagall that if they do much as touched each other again there would be serious trouble.
they sat in silence for a few minutes before theo broke it.
“just tell me if they’re true”
Adrien looked taken aback by the sudden conversation. "I don't know what you're talking about, mate."
"Don't play dumb," Theodore snapped. "These rumors about Y/N and you. Tell me the truth."
Adrien hesitated,"I didn't start the rumors, but I heard people talking about it. I thought it was just gossip, nothing serious."
Theodore's anger shifted into frustration. "You should have put an end to it, not let it spread like wildfire."
Adrien looked remorseful. "I know. I'm sorry, when marissa asked me if there was anything going on i should have been more stern."
Theodore clenched his jaw, his anger dissipating as he realized what had happened "Marissa? Slytherin Marissa?”
“the one who has had a crush on me since second year!” he raised his voice a little bit
“oh shit! mate you need to apologise to y/n”
Just then, you entered the infirmary, carrying a tray with ice packs and ointments. You didn't say a word but walked over to then handing them an ice pack.
“madame pomfrey wanted me to give them to you” you said bluntly before making a move to walk away.
Theo wasn’t stupid he knew that madame pomfrey could of given it to them herself but he wasn’t about to question anything, he was just happy you had come to see him even if it was just to make sure they were still alive. He grabbed your hand quickly stopping you from leaving.
"Y/N, i’m sorry”
you didn’t say anything, instead you turned around and took the ice pack from him and placed it on his new forming bruise
“i should of trusted you”
You continued to apply the ice pack without meeting his gaze.
“i was being irrational and i know you would never cheat on me. I don’t deserve you, even now you’re here helping me”
you finally met his eyes
“i love you y/n”
“i love you too”
“i promise i won’t ever let a stupid rumour by stupid marissa get to me ever again”
“wait… marissa started this rumour? i’m going to bloody kill her” you spoke for the first time making theodore laugh
“it seems we’re both the jealous type no?” he grinned
a smile finally broke out on both your faces as he leaned into you, his lips meeting yours for a short sweet moment before adrien cleared his throat.
“piss off” theodore groaned before yanking the curtain around his bed and pulling you back into him.
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