#whitney fell
the-real-lordrisley · 8 months
My first DOL post (⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠)
So here is my PC (Doll) + the love interests :3
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(Whitney's name was too long #rip)
I decided not to do Black Wolf, Hawk and Alex as I don't know enough about them yet (I'll probably add them on later)
I used this piccrew that I found so feel free to make your own:
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leaflessfae · 24 days
Minors please do not fucking interact I will hunt your dreams and sacrifice your firstborn (please tho fr, stay away.)
I'm in a bit of a hard and soft mood so here's some Whitney brainrot.
Because he fucks you senseless in front of everyone to see until you can't form coherent words, cock-drunk and babbling nonsense while your eyes roll back. Digs his hand into your hair and pulls your head back so everyone can drool at the sight of your fucked out expression as he pounds into you, ruining your pretty little hole. Letting it form a puddle on the ground because you're just so messy and your pussy is such a slut; it can't help but weep and gush for him.
"Let them see," he had leaned down to rumble into your ear when you once mewled about everyone watching and how embarrassing it is. "Let them watch. They should know how much of a slut you are f'me. How good I fuck you stupid."
Makes effort to pry your hair out of your face just so your fat tears are on full display as he wrenches another orgasm out of you. "Fuckin' hell." He laughs, then abuses your cunt some more with harsh thrusts until it's all creamed and full of his cum. Full of him him him.
He only pulls out once he's sure he had emptied his balls into you, then fucking chuckles as he spreads your folds for the audience, his cum flowing out of your swollen cunt in thick globs.
But then, when you're in his bed, splayed out for none other but his eyes, he's almost gentle. Cooing at you with a pout to his lips as he sinks into you. "I know, I know.." even his voice is tender, his arms engulfing your middle and pulling you closer to him. "It's big, I know, sweet slut. You can take it. You're a good, filthy slut; you can take it."
And you take it. Let him coax you into stretching you out and conquering every spot in your walls until he's hammering into you, pretty tip kissing your cervix with every thrust.
"Atta girl– fuck me, atta fucking girl! You dirty fucking slut!" He groans and rasps. And he can barely hold himself back from filling you up on the spot; your lovely little cunt clenching around him so deliciously, begging to be painted with his seed. "You gonna be a good slut f'me and make me cum? Yeah? Yeah– yeah, you do. C'mon, say it with me: Good...fucking...slut."
Your face burns from repeating his words and burns brighter when he makes you do it again when it's not clear enough. It's not your fault; he's hitting all the right places, dragging his cock against your scorching hot walls just the right way. You can't help but mess up and cry out in jumbled mumbles. And when you finally succeed, he leans down to kiss you, messy and filthy, doesn't care that you're drooling on his sheets.
He chuckles against your lips. "Yeah. That's what you are." Sings out in a sultry voice, giving you one last peck before sending ropes of his cum into your cunt. "A good fucking slut."
A/N: no grammar no nothin 🗣🗣🗣🗣 only horny thoughts leave me be aaaa
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yuukels · 10 months
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propertyofkylar · 8 months
You could write something along the lines of. "I was only using you." while PC could be like "I know." For Whitney
For Kylar PC could be like "There is no us, there never was."
You asked for ideas I decided to deliver angst.
been thinking about this one FOR A WEEK
anyway. i hate you I LOVE YOU SO MUCH THANK U THANK U
find ur angst below
i was only using you - whitney
He was being more aggressive than usual that day, and he knew it.
But he couldn't help himself. He had seen you sitting close to that loner freak, giggling and bumping your head against his, and Whitney had felt a weird anger growing inside of him. He had never felt like that before.
So, he pulled you away, knowing you couldn't say no to him. Then, he took you into a bathroom stall and fucked the absolute shit out of you.
It was rougher than usual, and he tried to not care about the way your sobs were a mixture of pleasure and pain.
And when he came with a low moan, he pulled away from you as quickly as he could, avoiding your eyes as he buttoned his shirt back up.
"Fuck off, slut," he mumbled, trying to ignore the warm feeling that bloomed in his chest when he saw you.
But you didn't move. And when you whispered "I don't understand you," he felt the anger take over again.
"Don't get all emotional about it," he spat, finally looking you in the eyes. "I was only using you."
There was a flash of sadness in your face, but you looked to the ground too quickly for Whitney to know if he actually saw it. "I know," you whispered again, and shoved your way out of the bathroom.
Whitney cursed and kicked the stall door. Somehow, he felt even worse than before.
there is no us - kylar
It had been a long week, and you were fucking exhausted. Trying to survive in this town was hard enough and now that you had decided to help Robin out with his debt, things had only gotten worse. Not that you regretted helping him out - you were always there for him and you couldn't stand to see him sobbing and beaten up anymore.
But heading to school after a long night at the brothel where you had been passed around by pretty much everyone there was far from your favorite thing in the world.
You groaned as you walked through the halls, feeling the bruises that were barely hidden by your uniform ache with every step. Life had taken its toll on you lately, and skipping another day surely would have had you flunking your classes. So you kept trying.
"H-hi," you heard a small voice from behind you and you seized up. Fucking great. This was the last thing you needed right now.
You kept walking, but Kylar caught up and was by your side in an instant. "M-my love? Is something wrong?"
"Mm," was your reply. Maybe if you didn't engage him, he would leave you alone. But this was Kylar, so obviously that wouldn't happen.
"Nobody's been giving you trouble, I hope," he said. You ignored him.
He reached out to grab your arm, but you yanked it away. He stumbled backwards, surprised.
"Can't you just fuck off?" you snapped. Kylar's eyes widened in surprise, and tears started to well up.
"B-but...we--" you cut him off.
"There is no 'we.' There is no 'us.' There never was!" you spat as he trembled. "Now fucking leave me alone. I am so fucking sick of you."
A stormy look passed over his face and he momentarily reached towards his pocket, but he stopped himself. "O-okay," he mumbled. His head stayed focused on his feet as he scurried off.
You groaned again, knowing that your outburst had probably made things worse in the long run, but feeling too shitty overall to care.
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hakusins · 1 month
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this is so hot for no reason HJERFJBJREFJERF
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niishi · 1 year
do you think Zoro would drunk garden with me? I've been drunk gardening for the past 2 hrs. but the thing is, I'm making these garden beds called hugelkultur where you dig a bunch of shallow graves for your enemies and fill them with rotting logs and stick and compost and I've fallen into them like 10x..... there's like 20 of these shallow 3x6 graves and my dumbass keeps forgetting about them.... if only Zoro was home from the pirate life to help me up.
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krockisback816 · 2 years
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generationexorcist · 10 months
The Woman Behind The World’s Most Famous Tarot Deck Was Nearly Lost In History
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For centuries, people of all walks of life have turned to tarot to divine what may lay ahead and reach a higher level of self-understanding.
The cards’ enigmatic symbols have become culturally ingrained in music, art and film, but the woman who inked and painted the illustrations of the most widely used set of cards today – the Rider-Waite deck from 1909, originally published by Rider & Co. – fell into obscurity, overshadowed by the man who commissioned her, Arthur Edward Waite.
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Now, over 70 years after her death, the creator Pamela Colman Smith has been included in a new exhibition at the Whitney Museum of American Art in New York highlighting many underappreciated artists of early 20th-century American modernism in addition to famous names like Georgia O’Keeffe and Louise Nevelson.
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0blobthefish0 · 4 months
leighton murray masterlist | main masterlist
Part 2
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Leighton Murray x Female Reader 2,204 words
You take biochem with Bela and Whitney and you're never usually one to party, so when Bela finally convinces you, you find yourself letting go. Leighton can't help but keep an eye on you.
You let out another sigh as you fall onto your back in the middle of your friends' common room.
"We're gonna fail," you mumble, covering your face with your hands and slowly dragging them down before letting them slump against the floor with a thump.
"Stop, don't say that," Bela quickly scolds and you can't help but frown in defeat. You feel a gentle pat on your knee and groan. Biochem was going to be the death of you. "See? The thing just goes in this thing and that other.. thing comes out?" A half-suppressed - but lighthearted - laugh shot out of you and, in return, you felt a slap to your knee.
"Ow-uh," you pouted at Bela as you sat up to which she scrunched up her face and mocked you like a child. Your mouth fell agape at the sheer audacity of your friend and you felt for a pillow from behind you.
"Are you guys still studying for the exam?" You hear Whitney question and you begrudgingly release your hold on the pillow.
"Sadly," you and Bela reply in unison - which brings a grin to your faces.
"Ugh- it's no use though, I need to let off some steam." Silence fell of the room for a brief moment and then Bela turned to you with a glint in her eyes.
"I know what could help..." she smirked, but you were already shaking your head. You knew what she was going to say. She had brought it up so many times and each time you said the same thing.
"No, absolutely not," you waved her off as she began to creep closer.
"Oh come onnnnn," she whined her hands gripping onto your upper arm, "pleaseeeee? Just this once."
"I've been before, they're not that good," you replied and you felt Whitney sidle in next to you.
"But," she lightly paused, "have you been to one with us?" She combated with a sly smile. You  shook your head in defeat.
"So you're going?" Bela asked loudly, causing Kimberly to emerge from her room.
The four girls, Kimberly, Bela, Whitney and Leighton, stood in the middle of their common room - all dressed in accordance for the evening - and four shot glasses stood lined on the coffee table. A knock sounded and the four girls turned their heads toward the door, Bela ran over, her heels clacking against the floor.
"Quick!," she waved to one of the others, "pour a shot."
Leighton stood, brows furrowed as Kimberly quickly rushed to pour a shot, unaware of the incoming visitor. "Who's here?"
"Y/n? As in biochem Y/n?" Her question was answered as soon as the words left her mouth.
"Ayy! You actually came," Bela shouted and wrapped you in her arms. Leighton took a few moments to blink back her shock.
"Yeah, I wasn't gonna leave you hanging," you smiled shyly and looked up, your eyes locking onto Leighton's, just for a brief nanosecond but you felt as if you had been winded, before engaging with the others. As soon as you let go of Bela, Kimberly passed you a glass.
"We only have four, so it looks like you'll be taking the first one," Bela cheekily grinned. She watched as you wavered slightly. "I'll help you," she whispered and a smile pulled at the corners of your lips so she touched the bottom of the glass and pushed slightly over time as you guided it to your lips and threw back the first shot of the night. The girls erupted into cheer and your cheeks warmed as the liquor burned its way down your throat.
Leighton watched you intently as you were pulled into the middle of the room, the movement causing the skirt of your dress to ride and your hands quickly pulled the material down.  You picked up the bottle and placed your shot glass down before pouring the liquor.
Once again, four shot glasses lined the table, only this time they were full. The four girls reached for their respective glasses and you swallowed a gasp as Leighton grabbed the glass you had just drank from. It was stupid, really; getting butterflies over sharing the same glass, but you couldn't help it. Your small crush on the blonde was sometimes all-consuming and it needed to end, for your own sake. Leighton would most likely find a one night stand tonight and you ultimately concluded that you would do the same.
"Okay, one," Bela began, "two," she pointed at the bottle in your hand and gestured for you to take a swig, "three!" Your lips met the lip of the bottle and you let the cold liquid fall into your mouth.
The four girls felt the instant rush of the first taste of alcohol and the excitement of what the evening could hold was nearly suffocating. However, Leighton couldn't help but look at you; she's never seen you like this, so eager to get drunk, and she can't tell if she should be worried or not. She shook the feeling off, you were your own person. If you wanted to get black-out drunk, then so be it.
Loud music boomed through your very soul. Your brain felt as if it were vibrating in your own skull and your heart felt too big for your chest. But you found that you didn't mind. Bodies pushed up against you, the crowd moving as a collective body, swaying and jumping in time to the beat of the music.
You're the most drunk you've ever been, you're sure of it, and you find yourself being glad that it was the weekend. You feel so light and you throw your head back as you take another shot. The room starts to spin as you push a cup to your lips and you do your best to ignore it, just closing your eyes and giving in to the music, giving in to the feeling. There's a pair of hands on your hips, you aren't sure how long they've been there, but they grip onto you and you'll probably find finger-shaped bruises the next morning.
Leighton nurses on her red solo cup as she eyes you in the crowd. She's staring daggers at the boy behind you - the one with his hands on you - and she feels her jaw clench involuntarily. She can't help it. And she swallows painfully when she watches you lean back into him, your eyes fluttering closed. You're drunk. So drunk she's surprised you haven't toppled over yet.
Then his hands begin to roam.
At first dragging up towards your waist and pinching at your skin. He's so rough. Leighton can't help but point that out. His hands move back down toward the hem of your short skirt and push the fabric up, his hands resting on the skin of your thighs. There's a sharp tingling feeling in her fingertips and a lump begins to form in her throat and, before she knows it, she's pushing through the crowd to get to you.
"Okay that's- that's enough of that." She spits out at the boy as pushes a hand between the two of your bodies. She knows him, one of her brother's friends. And she feels sick to her stomach as you slump so easily into her side as she guides you away with a hand on your shoulder.
You stagger on your own feet as you cling onto Leighton's arm.
"Where're we goin'?" You mumble.
"Back to mine, I'm sure your roommate wouldn't be too happy if you came home now," Leighton explained as she unscrewed the lid to a bottle of water and pushed it toward you.
"You taking me home?" You smirk, taking the bottle, and she can hear the innuendo in your voice, causing her heart rate to pick up ever so slightly. She shakes her head with a smile on her face as she heads in the direction of her dorm.
You're uncharacteristically flirty. Something she wasn't prepared for by the way her stomach does flips and the grin on her face. It's cute. Seeing you like this. But she can't really understand you as she opens the door. You're babbling - something about your dress and the floor and her bed. She's glad you're as drunk as you are, otherwise you would have taken note of the deep blush covering the blonde's cheeks and the way goosebumps litter up her arms.
"Yknow?" You pause as you use her to keep your balance to slip off your heels - her hand finding your waist as yours rests on her shoulder so that you can stand on one leg.
"Know what?" Leighton questions softly, following you, as you pad over to her room and climb on top of her bed. You sit on your knees and reach out for her. You've misjudged the distance by quite a few centimetres and slip so fast Leighton feels her heart jump out of her throat as she catches your fall and pushes you back up. She lets out a nervous laugh as she stabilises you and your hands move to cup her face as you stare down at her.
"You're so pretty, you know that, right?" You smile softly as you search her eyes and she doesn't know what to say. "Your eyes and your face and your hair and your nose and your lips," you whisper as she sees your eyes flicker to her lips and she absentmindedly pushes her tongue out to wet them slightly.
You're drunk - she tells herself. You'd never say this if you weren't. Maybe you'd never even think it if you weren't. Your hands glide over her shoulders and then down her arms before grabbing onto her wrists. Leighton swallows a gasp as goosebumps rise in wake of your movements. She doesn't know what to do. Of course she's dealt with drunk people before and of course she's dealt with liking friends before. But it's you and this time liking a friend could actually amount to something. It didn't have to be some silly little fantasy, it could be something real. 
No, she couldn't do that to herself. Not when you're currently pulling her into her own bed, which you are in. You not liking her in the way that she wants would be different; different because you're the first friend that she's liked who actually likes girls. You not liking her would be so much more personal.
"Where're you going?" You question her with furrowed brows as she tucks you into her bed.
"The couch," she mumbles in reply and you frown ever so slightly as you search her eyes.
"Aren't you staying?" You're so tired that words are hard to form and Leighton pauses as she racks her brain for an answer. For some reason there's a sharp pang in your heart and you lightly clear your throat before moving the duvet off of you. You go to say that you'll go sleep on the couch, but nothing leaves your mouth. Instead, Leighton pulls the duvet back over you and bids you goodnight.
"Leight.." you whisper just before she gets to the door and you stare at her for a moment, your pupils wide from the alcohol and your gaze hazy. "Please stay with me?" 
Leighton tugs at her bottom lip with her teeth, but she's recently found that she can't say no to you.
"Okay," she whispers back and you quickly move to give her more room as she steps forward. She climbs into bed and you unashamedly make yourself comfortable - tugging the duvet over her as you snuggle into her side. It's a small bed, of course the two of you were going to be close, but you were practically holding her and your head rested on her chest. Her heart was pounding, so hard she could hear it in her own ears, and she hoped that you were still too drunk to notice. 
You could hear it, of course you could, but, little does she know, it's the sound that you're falling asleep to.
Leighton lets out a light yawn, she hadn't realised how tired she was until she got into bed and before she knew it she found herself closing her eyes and falling asleep.
Bela, Whitney and Kimberly fall into the dorm after struggling to open the door and push their uncomfortable shoes off as soon as possible. Whitney stops dead in her tracks when her eyes land on a mystery fourth pair of shoes. She points a finger at them and turns a head to her friends.
"Are those Y/n's?" Kimberly whispers, though not very well. Whitney's pointed finger moves up from your shoes to the closed bedroom door. 
Bela's eyes go wide and she slaps Whitney's hand down before tiptoeing over to her shared room with Leighton. The two other girls followed closely behind. She pushes the door open and takes a few steps in. Wide grins fall onto all of their faces as they take in the sight. 
Your head is still on Leighton's chest, but now her arms wrap around you protectively in your sleep.
"This is the cutest thing ever-"
"They didn't sleep together?" 
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leclercss · 7 months
Tainted Love, Part 8 (Charles Leclerc ft Lewis Hamilton)
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7
plot: in an attempt to fix your marriage, you've reluctantly agreed into being in an open relationship with your husband. so far, it's only been your husband that has taken advantage of your recent arrangement until one night out you meet a man who makes you begin to question your marriage.
pairings: charles leclerc x fem!reader
warnings: (+18) mentions of smut, cheating and some swearing
authors note: this is going to be the second last chapter but my emotions are real.
word count: 4.3k
taglist: @ironmaiden1313, @ru-kru, @buendiabebeta, @flwr-quicksilver, @ravioli19, @julesandro, @hornedravenclaws, @thatobsessedreader @pinkangelavenue, @queenofshinigamis, @notleclerc, @paullinne, @bisexualbith, @tempo-rary-fix, @bbygrlllllll, @teenagedreams-cl, @lunamelona, @leclerc16s, @palomaxaxaxa
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Your eyes remained glued on your phone, as they have done for the most part these last three days.
All fixed on the "Read" underneath your message. You're not really sure what else you're expecting really. For him to respond to you after that shit show? You must have been out of your mind if you thought that Charles would ever want to speak to you again. If the roles were reversed, you'd have done the same thing. But he loved you, so surely this was worth talking through?
Here you were again, stuck between delusion and heart break. It's the only placed you'd been since Lewis slammed the taxi door in your face. And in a fucked up way, it's the only place that comforts you because facing the reality of your situation feels so much worse.
Your tragic trip down memory lane is interrupted by Whitney placing your McDonalds on your lap. It's been your forth one since you arrived at her apartment on Sunday evening, when you could no longer stare at the front door anxiously waiting for Lewis to come home.
"Have you heard from Lewis?" Whitney asks as if she's been reading your mind.
"No," your response is practically a grunt.
Whitney bites her bottom lip, hesitating for a moment before she asks her next question.
"Have you heard from Charles?"
She pauses again.
"Have yo-"
You interrupt her with a loud sigh and Whitney takes the hint to stop asking you questions that are any way related to the shit show of your life right now. Since you had arrived at her apartment four days ago, with a weekend bag and a stream of tears in tow, you'd barely spoken. Well, you'd barely spoken after you finally told Whitney everything. And that meant everything.
She'd poured you a large glass of wine (or two) when you began to explain the last twelve months of your life. From when yours and Lewis' relationship began to change, to your suspicions of Lewis sleeping with other women, to you confronting Lewis about working on your relationship, to Lewis' genius solution to your marriage woes by suggesting an open relationship, to Lewis taking full advantage of that arrange me before you finally had enough with your constant arguments with Lewis.
And then, on that infamous girls night out where you kissed Charles, and, unbeknownst to Whitney, you spent that night with him, then there was the Joris birthday party shenanigans, to Lewis' sudden awakening and the reconciliation of your marriage on the very same night of Joris' party. Then you somehow found yourself juggling both relationships seamlessly all up until your birthday when Charles whisked you a way for the best weekend of your life when you declared that you were falling in love with each other. And finally, a week later, Lewis was treating you to the most extravagant birthday yet until you found yourself at the dinner from hell where your both your marriage and your relationship fell to pieces.
Fuck, did this all really happen within the space of 12 months?
Whitney watched on as you spilled the truth on the chaos that was your life, through the tears and snot that streamed down your face. She didn't say anything, she just took in all of the information while filling up your glass with wine the second it became empty. She wasn't sure how to process all of this. There was just so much information to unpack and while she had some inclination that you weren't telling her certain things about your relationship with Lewis, she could have never imagined that this would be the situation.
And, Charles?
Yes, she knew that you had kissed him that night and yes, she teased you about it every now and again. But being in love with him? Having a full on relationship with him? Let's just say it wasn't on her 2023 bingo card. This was some soap-opera level shit.
But then she thought about it a little more, during your many hours of silence between the two of you in the last few days, that maybe there were some signs when it came to Charles. You'd always tensed up whenever she mentioned him. At first she thought it was the embarrassment from kissing him on that night out, and the fact that you regretted your actions since you were still so invested in your relationship with Lewis.
There was a couple of times when Whitney had suggested that the two of you meet with the guys for a few drinks but you'd always come up with an excuse. Actually, come to think of it, you'd only come up with an excuse when you realised that Charles would be present. Did a drunken kiss from months ago really upset you that much? she'd thought at the time.
But then Whitney thought about it a little bit more. It wasn't just you that had acted weird, it was Charles and Joris too. Charles' cheeks would always flush whenever your name was mentioned. And Joris would always look at Charles for a reaction. That was pretty innocent. Maybe Charles was just a little embarrassed about your kiss and Joris teased him about it too.
But then Whitney would remember the look on Charles' face whenever she'd turn up at the pre-arranged drinks on her own. She'd told the guys that you were at home or out with your husband and Charles just had this bizzare look on his face before spending the rest of the evening looking like a lost puppy and would spend most of the time on his phone. Wait, had he been texting you the whole time?
Despite him being single, she never saw him with other girls. He never seemed the faintest bit interested. And that always surprised Whitney as someone with who looked like Charles did definitely got a lot of attention. She'd seen it first hand the way girls would throw themselves at him. But he'd always shrug them off. He just wasn't interested.
There was that one time when Charles turned up completely out of the blue when the two of you were out with a couple of friends and Joris decided to tag along. Yourself and Charles had said hello and greeted each other with a polite hug but the two of you were just so awkward. For two adults in their mid to late twenties, it was almost comical the way the two of you acted around one another. Like a pair of school kids being forced to be around their secret crush.
Whitney had briefly noticed the lustful looks Charles had given you all evening. It was almost kind of weird the way he'd look at you, hoping to catch your attention, especially when he knew your were married. At one point, herself and Joris had to hold back their laughter when Charles so obviously glared at the random guy who had bought you a drink at the bar. It was all just an innocent crush, right? Come to think of it, the two of you did leave the bar in quick succession that night…
As for Joris, well Whitney had asked him about Charles a few times. Did he have any women on the go? Was he open to dating? But Joris just shrugged it off, said that Charles was a bit of an odd ball when it came to women. There was someone that he was really into but it was a touchy subject so they weren't allowed to bring it up. Turns out it was you that was the touchy subject.
As for spending time with Joris, he more often than not suggested for him to go to Whitney's place when they were hooking up. He'd made up some excuse that the guys were sick of hearing one another having sex and they kind of made a rule to keep sex at the flat strictly to nights of parties or when it was 100% sure that the other guys wouldn't be around. She never thought a group of guys would care about something like that but apparently it was a French thing. Or so Joris had said.
Whitney came to understand very quickly that it was all a cover up for you and Charles to spend time together. She'd called Joris yesterday to ask him what the fuck had been going on. He'd explained everything, or at least everything he knew. And when Whitney asked about how Charles was managing, the silence from Joris' end of the phone told her everything.
Whitney sighed, "He really loves her that much?"
"He does".
She felt sorry for Charles but she also felt sorry for you. Yes, you'd found yourself in this mess. And you had made so many mistakes from what she’d heard. But she firmly believed that none of this would have happened if it wasn't for Lewis and his stupid ego. Whitney felt validated in her dislike for Lewis. Yes, he was hot, rich, successful and apparently was great in bed but his personality was just so ... bland. There was just a surface layer to him, never any substance other than how what he showed on the outside. Behind the tattoos and the ridiculous fashion was an insecure man who only seemed to care about you when your attention was on somebody else.
She thought back to the time that Lewis proposed to you. After the wild sex and love bombing naturally died down and it was time for the two of you to to build a foundation, you'd started to get a bit irritated at the lack of effort from Lewis’s side. Your relationship with Lewis looked like it was running its course and so you had decided to go on a date with some guy just to test the waters, to see if there was a better guy for you out there. But that experiment had ended pretty quickly. As soon as you had started to date anyone else, Lewis was very quickly back in the picture and seemed more invested than ever. Whitney had expressed her concerns to you about his newfound interest but you ignored her, you were blind to whatever Lewis did. And so, Lewis locked in your attention for the long term by proposing just a few months later and that was that.
You had fallen for it and you fell for him even harder. And now, four years later, you had found yourself in the same cycle. This time with more catastrophic consequences. It seemed like your marriage was over, and sadly your relationship with Charles.
"Do you hate me?"
Whitney's head quickly turned in your direction. Your eyes were glued to the TV. The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills had captured your attention and you were shoving a dozen McDonald's fries into your mouth. It's the first time you'd sparked up a conversation since taking refuge on her sofa a couple of days ago.
"What? No, I don't hate you," Whitney sighed. "Why are you asking me that?"
"I don't know," you mumble as you continue to be captivated by the tv screen. "I've been a pretty shitty friend. Lied to you for months and then coming running to you when it all goes tits up".
Whitney felt her stomach sink. "[Y/N], I could never hate you," she began. "Yes, I'm upset that you didn't tell me what was going on. You know me. Yes, I have my opinions and I know you don't always want to hear it but at the very least I would have never wanted you to go through this alone. I hate seeing you like this".
For the first time in a while, your eyes move away from the tv screen. and you're staring at the McDonalds that's in your lap. You're fighting to hold back the tears.
"I know. I should have told you. I was so scared that you'd judge me. I know you've never liked Lewis all that much," you stop to wipe your nose, "And this whole open marriage crap was doomed from the start but I really thought that if I said yes, he would see how much he really loved me and that I was willing to do anything for him”.
You fall silent. The only sound in the room coming from Lisa Rinna throwing a glass a table. That damn dinner in Amsterdam.
Don’t you ever go after my fucking husband.
Whitney isn't sure what to say, so she waits for you to continue.
"I want to hate him for this whole thing, you know. He was the one fucking other people first but we both made a promise that we would never hurt each other. I was always sure he'd be the one to hurt me but I'm the one that hurt him".
Whitney jumps out of her seat to console you and you let yourself sob in her arms. Hearing you speak about your relationship like this made her heart break. Maybe you weren't as blind to Lewis' behaviour as she thought.
"[Y/N], he has to take some of the responsibility in this. He stepped out on you first and he asked you to commit to something that you were uncomfortable with. He used your feelings for him against you," Whitney tells you. Her hand soothing your back. Your sobs become even louder.
"That's why I'm angry at him. He pushed me away and I fell in love with someone else because of it. But why do I feel so guilty?"
Whitney sighs, "Because you still want him to love you, like you always have".
Silence falls again for a few moments.
"[Y/N], do you still love Lewis?"
You nod. And then there’s silence again.
"Can I ask you something?"
You lift your head off her chest and look up at her. Your eyes red, skin all blotchy. You look so innocent and child-like in her arms. You don't answer her but your silence is enough of a yes for Whitney to ask you her next question.
"Who are you more sad about losing? Lewis or Charles?"
Not long after you had finished your conversation with Whitney, she had tucked you into her bed for some well needed rest.
Her heart ached for you and she felt guilty. Guilty that she had made her dislike for Lewis so apparent that you were too scared to tell her the true state of your relationship. The only thing she was grateful for was that Lewis hadn’t gotten you pregnant through out your relationship, it was the only way that this situation could be worse than it already was.
She was so angry and frustrated that it had gone so far. An open marriage, who the fuck does this guy think he is?, she had thought to herself. And he gets to act like he's the victim? This man had some serious audacity.
She secretly enjoyed the fact that Lewis felt so threatened by Charles that he made himself look like a right dick at your birthday. She'd have loved to have seen his face when the ball dropped and he realised that Charles, the man you loved, was just a metre or so away from him. Karma was a funny thing.
But the more Whitney got lost in the rabbit hole of finding new ways to find pleasure in Lewis' misery, the more she realised that whatever her feelings were towards Lewis or Charles or this entire series of unfortunate events, she couldn't let your heart break any more. If she couldn’t have prevented all of this mess from happening before, she was going to try and fix some of it for you.
And so, with your conversation from before at the front of her mind, she decided to send out a text.
Probably a bit of a surprise that this message is coming from me but I love [Y/N] more than anybody and I know you probably don’t want to see her right now.
I can’t imagine how angry and hurt you are but she never wanted this to happen. I can see how much she really loves you and I know that you love her too.
You two need to talk. You can’t fix this otherwise and you deserve that chance to fix your relationship.
I haven't seen her this bad in a very long time. Can you please come and talk to her? She's staying at mine.
And it turns out Whitney’s text worked. Not long after she got a response.
Sure, I can come by tonight?
And so he did.
Whitney didn’t miss the sadness in his eyes as she opened the front door. The skin underneath his eyes were dark and it looked like he had spent the last few days crying, almost as much as you had been.
“Thanks for coming, I know it couldn’t have been easy coming here,” Whitney said. Her voice soft, whatever she was feeling, seeing him in person like this made her feel guilty. And she didn't even do anything wrong.
He just grunted in response.
“Come in,” Whitney said, stepping aside to allow him into the flat. “She’s just asleep at the moment but I thought it was important that you guys talk.”
He nods. “You said she’s been in a bad way?”
Whitney nodded sympathetically. “Yeah, it hasn’t been this bad since her dad passed. Today was the first day that she’s properly spoken since she told me what happened when she arrived on Sunday”.
She pauses for a moment.
"She might smell of McDonalds when you see her though. It's all she's been willing to eat," her attempt at making a light-hearted joke doesn't clear the awkwardness in the room.
He’s just staring at the ground, hands shoved into his pockets. He doesn’t really want to be here, but somewhere deep down he believes he owes it to you. If Whitney was reaching out, it was definitely something worth listening to. Even if they didn't have much of a relationship.
“What did she say today?”
Whitney sighs softly, “I think it’s for her to say”.
He nods again.
“Can I see her?”
This time Whitney nods, “Sure. The bedroom is just the door on the right”.
He mumbles a thanks and heads down the short hallway. He takes a moment outside of the bedroom and Whitney watches his movements. He’s nervous as he takes a deep breath before stepping into the bedroom.
You feel the presence of somebody taking a seat on the bed beside you but you’re slow to respond. You assume it’s Whitney coming to check on you and so you just tell yourself to go back to sleep.
The person beside you stays still for a while. You can feel their eyes on you but you try not to let it disturb you. It’s the first time you’ve properly slept in days.
It’s a few minutes later before the person on the bed decides to lay down beside you, their body ever so close to yours.
You let out a groan. “Whitney, I love you but I don’t feel like spooning right now”.
You hear a dry chuckle beside you, like they’re forcing themselves to laugh.
“It’s not Whitney”.
Your eyes immediately open and you turn to face the person that’s in the bed beside you. The room is dark but you don't need to see him to know who it is. You know that voice so well.
“Charles,” you whisper.
You can’t believe that he’s here beside you and so you reach out to touch him to make sure that it’s really him here with you and not just a part of your dream.
He’s real. And he’s here beside you, letting your hand rest on his cheek as you search for his eyes in the darkness.
“What are you doing here?”
“Whitney messaged me. She said that you weren’t in a good place,” Charles responds.
“She messaged you?”
“Yeah, I was pretty surprised as we don't really speak much but she felt like we needed to talk”.
You smile softly. Grateful for your best friend but also grateful that Charles’ hasn’t decided to stomp on your heart. Or so he hasn’t yet.
“I’m surprised I’m here, to be honest. Joris would kill me if he knew I came to see you,” he chuckles but he doesn’t find it funny. He finds it painful actually to think of how much is best friend despises you. It wasn’t all your fault though, not in Charles’ eyes.
“When Joris had booked the Salt Bae restaurant for Saturday, I thought that the bill was going to be the most shocking thing that evening but I’d have paid for 50 of those ridiculous gold steaks if it meant I didn't have to sit through that dinner,” Charles continues. As the level of uncomfortableness rises in the room, your hand falls from his cheek and you find yourself wrapping you arms around your legs for comfort.
You don’t know what to say. Where do you even begin?
Charles fills the silence for you. “Lewis would have been pretty happy to buy 50 of those steaks the way he was splashing this cash that night,” Charles’ voice is laced in annoyance and disgust.
You cringe at the memory of Lewis’ over-the-top behaviour that night. But that’s not what leaves your mouth.
“It feels weird to hear you talking about him,” you whisper, you can’t believe this is the thing that you say out of all the things you could say. It just felt so strange hearing Charles mention Lewis by name.
Charles scoffs, “What? Your husband? I’m just amazed he didn’t end up bending you over the table and fucking you in front of me but he was definitely making a good go of it. I felt sorry for the couple who was at the table with you who had to hear that cringey naked chef story”.
His tone is getting angrier the more he speaks.
“I’m sorry, Charles,” you can barely hear your own voice. You feel like a coward for not saying more but you honestly don't know how to get your words out. You can’t read the expression on Charles’ face because you can’t see him through the darkness. So you just let him do the talking.
“I’m just surprised that you’d be married to someone like that, you know. So obnoxious and so vulgar,” he spits, “acting like he’s got the biggest dick in the room. I wanted to punch his fucking face in".
You've never heard Charles speak like this before, with so much hatred and venom in his voice. It looks like Lewis' antics had gotten under his skin after all. You couldn't blame Charles for feeling this way though, Lewis did everything in his power to emasculate Charles that day.
"I wouldn't have blamed you if you did," you whisper. You reach out for Charles in the dark, you hand resting on his arm. He tenses up a little but he doesn't pull away which reassures you that he can't hate you that much if he's letting you touch him.
"He's not worth it. What kind of a man is he anyway? Cheats on his wife for months and then throws the toys out of his pram when he finds someone who actually loves her for her," he huffs.
But it's those last few words that fill you wish some warmth and gives you the courage to ask Charles the following question, "Do you still love me, Charles?"
You feel him place a hand on top of yours in the dark.
"As much as everyone doesn't want me to, I can't stop loving you, [Y/N]," he responds. His voice is the softest it's been since he came into Whitney's room.
"Do you hate me?" God you've had to ask that question one too many times today.
"I don't hate you, amour. I hate that you married a guy like him. Yeah, he's good looking and rich or whatever but he's an asshole. You deserve so much better than that," he pauses his mini rant and takes a deep breath, "Look, I knew you were married when we first got involved so I've only got myself to blame. But since the night that we met, I haven't spent a day not thinking about you".
It sounds weird but Charles thinks that he can hear you smile in the dark.
"You just called me amour".
You can't keep the smile to yourself and a sense of relief washes over you at the sound of him calling you that special pet name.
"You'll always be my amour, even if you are married to a man with shitty tattoos," Charles grunts but the tension seems to leave his body and he pulls you towards him in dark, somehow pulling you into a hug and your head is resting on his chest.
"I'm so sorry Charles, I never wanted this to happen," you whisper. "You never deserved any of that. I thought I'd have lost you, especially when you hadn't responded".
Charles sighs, "I know. I just needed some time".
His fingers find their way into your hair and begins to lightly stroke you hair, resting his chin on the top of your head.
You just lay in each other's arms, taking in the smell and feeling of each other. You don't want to let you because if you do, you're so afraid that he'll come to his senses and run from you. But he doesn't seem to want to let go of you either, and you remain content in each other's arms.
Eventually, he breaks the silence.
"Have you spoken to him?"
You hesitate for a moment, but decide to tell him the truth, "No. He doesn't want to speak to me. After dinner, I got in the Uber and he didn't get in. And then he never came home. I messaged him when I got here to let him know I'd be here for the forseeable, so he can make sure that Roscoe is taken care of".
Charles hums as his response but he doesn't say much.
"I'm pretty sure he hates me," you're not sure why you've said this, especially to Charles of all people.
"He probably just hates himself," Charles is honest with his response. You look up at him in the dark.
"Maybe he hates you a little. But he I think he hates me the most," Charles chuckles. "But I don't mind though, he's the one that fucked himself. And if he wasn't so selfish, you wouldn't be here with me right you".
And in the dark, you feel Charles warm breath hit your face before his lips find yours. The kiss is gentle and neither of you really know what to do next. The both of you couldn't imagine you being in this place just a mere two hours ago. And so you savour the moment for what it is before the both of you slowly pull away from the kiss.
Charles' breath catches in his throat a little, as if he wants to say something but he doesn't. And so you stay in each others arms a little while longer.
You're not sure how much time has passed, you're pretty sure that the two of you fell into a light sleep at some point. But as you begin to stir in Charles' arms, he finally finds the courage to say what he's been holding in.
"I want to be with you, [Y/N]. But I need more than a half of you," he begins. He waits for some sort of response from you but all you manage is to sit up and look at him.
He lets out a little sigh. You're waiting for him to finish, almost as if you're waiting for him to tell you what to do. To tell you how you can fix this.
"I think we have a good chance at things but my first mistake was thinking that I could be okay with you being married. Even if he wasn’t entirely in the picture, he’s still there. And he won’t let you go without a fight. You know, I thought half of you would be better than all of you. But maybe I need to be more like Lewis and be selfish. And so, if you want us to work," he pauses, making sure that you're still fixated on him, “I need to know that things are over between you and Lewis".
All you can do is gulp as the consequences of your actions begin to sink in.
It was time to make a decision - Lewis or Charles? The longer you waited to make your choice, the more likely you’ll lose the both of them forever.
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sluts4matt · 1 month
HIGHER (420 special)
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pairing: bsf!nate x mixed reader
summary: you've celebrated 4/20 every year since you were sixteen with a group of your friends, this year you were bringing one of your good friends nate to the get together. what happens when things take a turn between you two
warnings: SMUT, p in v, semi-public, swearing, making out, use of weed, pet names (use of ma), praising, use of y/n
word count: 2316
authors note: this was supposed to be out last week i'm ngl, i've just been busy and did in fact celebrate 4/20 so i fell asleep before i really got any work in on it.
view my master list here
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april twentieth had to be your favorite day. the day your people got together to celebrate a plant helping them with the cruel world. this year you were happy to say your best friend nate would be joining you and your friends.
you pulled the tank top over your head, looking at yourself in the mirror before grabbing your watermelon flavored lip balm that your friend nick gave you.
you opened the tube, twisting the product up some before smearing it on your lips and smacking them together.
you slid on a pair of shoes, grabbing your pink bag containing pre-rolls and dabs, grabbing your keys and exiting your house. you locked the door and climbed in the driver's seat of your car, pulling away from your house.
you pulled up to the dispensary, walking into the shop. the bell above the door jingled when you pushed it open. "my favorite - shouldn't be here - customer," a girl with curly black hair and tattoos covering her arms smiles.
"hellooo whitney," you smile, walking up to the older woman. "need a new cartridge?"
"i mean... i didn't, i came in here for more dab, i'll be out by the end of the night. but do you have the blueberry kush west coast cure cartridge since i'm here?"
whitney nodded her head, you had come in a while back looking for one, but they didn't have any in stock. "you're in luck, we just got our inventory for the month last week."
you followed the woman to the back, not that you were supposed to be there since it was employees only. "hey, y/n," a guy with a backwards hat and gages greeted.
"hey axel," you greet, stopping behind whitney as she digs through boxes. "how are the babies?"
axel grins, his eyes crinkling up at the corners. "good, my girlfriend took the week off work so she could stay with them."
"ohhh that's so nice," you say. you had seen the twins a few times, even being blessed enough to babysit for a few hours while him and his girlfriend had date night.
whitney let out a small shout of success. "here it is, now, you're going to want to start low and then work your way up. you're a light weight compared to most of our customers."
you roll your eyes at her, "i am not," you huff. "that's not what i saw last time i did your nails," the lady grinned. whitney had been your go to for nails, having practiced while she was in high school.
"whatever," you roll your eyes, following her to the front. she rung up the dab, already knowing what her favorite customer liked and a cartridge. she stopped you before you swiped your card.
you watched as she scanned her badge, giving you a 30% discount. "i'll forever be grateful," you tell her.
"you know it. enjoy, have fun," she winked.
you walked back to your car, placing the white bag in the back before backing out of the parking space. you turned your left blinker on, turning out of the driveway.
the drive to nates house wasn't long, a whopping ten minutes. you pulled up to the curb, not even having time to pull up his contact before he was walking out the door.
you unlocked the doors, nate sliding in the passenger seat. "i hope you're ready to get baked out of your mind," you joke. he let out a small chuckle, taking the grey hood he wore off of his head, leaving him in his pink beanie.
"nice beanie," you muse, pulling away from his house and towards the park.
"thanks," he mumbled. "i'm glad to be going with you, it'll be fun," he smiles. "mhm," you hum, pulling up to the park fifteen minutes later. you turned your blinker on, turning into the parking lot before taking a parking space next to your friend sadies jeep.
"yep," nate replied, climbing out of the car.
you pulled your bag from the back, slinging it over your shoulder and grabbing the white bag before shutting the door. "heyyy," sadie and her girlfriend, emma, greeted getting out of her jeep.
"hey hey," you grinned, the two girls hugging you. "we were waiting for you guys," sadie informed. you nodded your head, starting the small walk towards the group of people.
you had met sadie a few years ago, her girlfriend emma being a family friend of yours. nate had joined the group some months back, the two of you running into each other at dunkin and immediately hit it off.
"hey guys," you greet, everyone saying their hellos. "well let's get the party started then," a girl with dyed red hair stated, pulling a lighter from her bra as she lit up the blunt she had held between her fingers.
a few hours into the gathering, you were happily baked.
you sat between nate and sadie, nates hand wrapped around your waist in order to provide some form of heat for you as you ate the watermelon popsicles someone had brought.
you sucked the tip of it into your mouth, swirling your tongue around the tip. nate coughed next to you, you pulled the tip out with a pop, looking at him as he took a deep breath.
"are you okay?" you question, handing him the popsicle. he grabbed it, nodding his head. "i'm good," he choked out.
"alrighty then," you laugh, reaching up and grabbing his beanie, putting it on your own head. you stood, stretching and cracking your joints as you did so. you held your hand out to nate, "wanna take a walk?"
he grabbed your hand, allowing you to help him stand. you turned to your friends, letting them know where the two of you were going, emma and sadie wiggling their eyebrows.
you grabbed your bag, throwing it over your shoulder as the two of you started walking, nates hand still holding yours.
"i'm glad you came with me today," you admit, leaning against him.
"so am i," he agrees. the two of you walk in silence, enjoying each others company. you reach a large tree, nate letting go of your hand to climb up it.
"actually?" you giggle, watching the boy jump to wrap his arms around a branch. he looked down at you, a small grin on his face. "come on."
you set your bag on the ground, grabbing a hold of the branch and jumping. nate caught your ankle, helping you climb into the tree. "what are we doing in a tree," you question, leaning against him.
he took the beanie off of your head, putting it on his own. "because i like trees," he shrugs. "oh yeah," you giggle, resting your head on his shoulder. you sit in a comfortable silence, the air around the two of you growing tense.
nate leaned his head against yours, turning his head some so his lips were closer to your ear. "i'm really glad we became friends," he admitted, nudging the side of your neck with his nose.
"me too," you sigh, smiling.
he pressed a small kiss to the side of your neck, making your smile grow. "i'm glad to hear," he mumbled, placing another kiss.
you felt a small amount of heat pool in the pit of your stomach. "we should probably get down," you mumbled, pushing the feeling down.
"probably," he mumbled. you both stood, nate dropping from the tree first. he held his arms up, his hands wrapping around your calves, sliding up as you slid down.
your legs wrapped around his torso as you slid, in hopes to stabilize yourself more as you slid.
the two of you fell back onto the ground, nates hand coming to rest on your back as you laid on top of him. you let out a small gasp, nate's breath fanning your face as the two of you laughed.
"are you okay?" you giggle, lifting your head up some to look down at the boy. "never better," he grins, his eyes flickering from yours to your lips.
he lifted his head up some, pressing his lips to yours quickly before he could talk himself out of it.
you kissed back, his hand moving to grip the back of your neck. his thumb rubbed soothing circles, the kiss not being rushed. you pulled back, looking at him. "can we go to your house?"
you pushed yourself off of him, helping him up. you grabbed your bag, taking his hand and guiding him back to the party. "hey guys," you smile, catching the attention of the group.
"hey," a few greeted. "hey, um, we're going to head out," nate stated.
"ooohh," sadie grinned, a smirk on her face. "die," you point, earning a giggle from her. "i love youuuu," she yells as you walk away. "i love you too," you yell back, laughing.
the walk to your car was quiet, the two of you walking slowly. you stopped at the passenger side door, opening it for him. "such a gentlewoman," he grins, you rolling your eyes.
you slid into the drivers seat, buckling and starting the car. you pulled away from the park, nate resting his hand on your thigh. his thumb running circles on your thigh.
the air in the car was thick with sexual tension, your breathing a little heavy. nate slid his hand further up, his fingertips grazing your core.
"this okay?" he asked, noticing you let out a shakey breath. "yeah," you breathed, gripping the steering wheel harder.
his finger ran down your core, a small groan escaping his throat. "fuck," he muttered.
"what?" you questioned, glancing at him.
"you're soaking."
you let out a small whine, biting your lip. "pull over," he groaned.
"wha- why," you stutter. "because i don't think i can wait until we get to my house," he mumbles. you bite your lip, pulling off into a hidden part of the road.
"turn the car off," he mumbles, pulling his seatbelt off and sliding his seat as far back as it would go. you turn the car off, undoing your seatbelt and shifting to straddle his lap.
you leaned forward, attaching your lips to his. his hands gripped your waist, his hips bucking up to meet yours. "fuck, can't wait to be inside you," he groaned, kissing along your jaw.
you ground down against him, the two of you moaning in unison. nate slid his hand between the two of you, pushing your skirt up as he undid his pants.
he pulled his member out, stroking it a few times before pushing your underwear to the side. he groaned, your slick coating the head. "fuck, so wet," he groaned.
"all for you," you whispered, nipping his earlobe. he pushed you down, the head pushing into your entrance. "fuck," you squeaked shoving your face into his neck.
"oh shit," he moaned, your walls hugging him. he pulled your shirt and bra cup down, his mouth connecting to one of your nipples.
"fuck, nate," you whined, pulling his beanie off and grabbing his hair. his tongue flicked your nipple, his teeth grazing the sensitive nub.
he thrust his hips up, a cry escaping your mouth. "i'm sorry," he muttered, not stopping the shallow thrusts.
"fuck," you cried, the coil in the pit of your stomach tightening. "m'close," you moan. "already?" he grinned cockily, a moan escaping his own lips as you tightened around him.
you nodded your head, biting your lip and looking away from him. his hand grabbed your chin, pulling your head to face him. "let me hear that pretty voice," he cooed, thrusting up into you.
your hands rested on his shoulders, his thrusts speeding up. "fuck nate," you moaned. "right there," you cry, throwing your head back.
nate grinned, "right there ma?" he teased, his teeth connecting to your exposed neck. he thrusted into the spot, your eyes rolling to the back of your head.
"fuck," you moaned, the coil in your stomach snapping. your orgasm hit, your body shaking in his grasp.
"that's it," he encouraged. he kissed along your jaw, his hips working you through your orgasm.
"wait, shit," you moaned, his thrusts not faltering.
"why," he questioned, a small frown on his face. "cause... i'll cum again," you stutter. "okay, and?" he teased, biting his lip and smirking.
"oh," you moaned, leaning against him. he grabbed your ass, bouncing you in his lap. you leaned forward, connecting your lips to his.
he squeezed your ass, your walls clenching around him. "gonna make me cum," he breathed, his hips speeding up. you bounced with him, your breasts in his face. he kissed the tops of them, his lips moving across the skin.
"nate, oh my god," you moaned, throwing your head back. "so pretty," he breathed, his lips sucking a hickey into the skin above your nipple. "nate," you warned, your second orgasm approaching.
"cum for me," he ordered, his fingers digging into your waist.
you clenched around him, your second orgasm hitting. his hips stuttered, the coil in his stomach snapping as he shot his seed into you. the two of you panted, trying to catch your breaths.
he pressed his lips to yours, his hand roughly tangling in your hair. "so pretty," he murmured, pulling away and kissing along your neck. "such a pretty girl," he breathed, kissing your jaw.
"oh god," you breathed, your heart rate speeding up. nate smiled against your neck, pulling away and pressing his lips to yours. "so pretty," he breathed.
you bit your lip, sliding off his lap and adjusting your bra and skirt. nate tucked himself back in his pants, a blush on his cheeks. "wanna go to your place," you questioned, a shy smile on your face.
"absolutely," he grins. you start the car, buckling and backing out.
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tag list:
@hysteria-things @tillies33ssss @soimightlikeoldmen69 @sturniolossss @freshsturns @etvar12 @sstvrnioloo @junnniiieee07 @sturnioloa @chrryclouds @sturniolhoe @sturniolowhore @imwetforyourmom @novasturniolo03 @spencerstits @junovrsmp4 @breeloveschris @skyslondon @stars4chratt @monkeyscientist22 @sophssturn @hearts4chriss @l5ka @sturnlovr @blahbel668 @sturncakez @livvy4realll @raysmayhem-72 @jnkvivi
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meangirls-imagines · 3 months
Leighton x Tatum x reader where reader faints for some reason (heatstroke or whatever) and they became worried girlfriends :)
Hydrate or Diedrate
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WARNINGS: reader being dumb. tatum and leighton being worried gfs. reader kinda being a sub in a non sexual way.
It was scorching hot at Essex College.
Well, not like Death Valley hot, but hot enough to where everyone was complaining.
Leighton and her roommates were in their dorm, fans on full blast when Leighton got a text from Willow, Whitney's teammate.
Willow: Hey, I've been trying to get a hold of Tatum but Y/N is in the trainer's room. Something about heat stroke? I don't really know but I have class in a few minutes so I need one of you to come get her.
Leighton shot up from her seat and ran out of her dorm, ignoring her roommates. She pulled up Tatum's contact and called her. The blonde answered right away.
"Hi babe. I just got out of class." Leighton sighed. "Y/N's in the trainer's room, Willow said something about heatstroke, can you meet me there?"
Tatum got in her car quickly. "I'll come pick you up and we can go together. Don't need you getting heatstroke walking to her."
Y/N was groggy when they got to her. According to her track coach, who Tatum and Leighton didn't like, she pushed herself too hard. (As if the man didn't give her a hard workout). He told the two that he expected Y/N back tomorrow after taking a nap and left them with their girlfriend.
Leighton was about to go tear the fake hair piece off the man's head when Y/N spoke.
"I hate that man." The two blondes giggled and went to their girlfriend's side. "How are you feeling, baby?" Y/N almost purred at the feeling of Tatum running her fingers through her sweaty hair. "Exhausted. Hot."
Leighton chuckled and kissed her head. "Well, that's what heatstroke will do to you. Let's get you somewhere more comfortable."
After getting back to Tatum's apartment, the two made Y/N take a cold shower, both to wash off the sweat and continue to keep her cool. When she got out, the two had gotten Tatum's bed ready for her.
The room was dark, to help with the headache and the comforter was off the bed, just a thin sheet remained. Before she could get into bed, Tatum made her drink a gatorade and eat an orange. Y/N did, but only because she wanted to, not because Tatum made her.
Leighton then made the girl lay down, only covering her lower half with the sheet, the blonde gently putting a cool, damp rag on Y/N's forehead, glaring at her when she tried to take it off.
"Babe, keep it on there. It will help regulate your body temperature more." Y/N grumbled and did what Leighton told her. The two joined Y/N in bed, now changed in comfier clothes.
Y/N began to doze as the two kept a very close eye on their girlfriend. Before fully falling asleep, Y/N softly told her girlfriends that she loved them. After Y/N fell asleep, Leighton and Tatum made some phone calls.
The next day, Essex had put out a statement announcing that the track coach had been fired and an investigation was being launched into the abuse his athletes suffered. Y/N had a sneaking suspicion who was behind it but just shook it off.
They would tell her eventually.
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belovedwhore · 1 year
pretty boy
ethan landry x reader
warnings: a little bit of plot, smut obv, fingering, blowjob, “nipple play” like barely, and ethan’s a lowkey sub
notes: i watched scream 6 yesterday and i had to like this man is just so fine. also this takes place at the party so technically he isn’t ghostface just yet so we’ll leave it at that. just a normal college boy :)
if you like this lmk what other stuff you’d want to read for ethan, in need of prompts!!!
pt 1 , pt 2 , pt 3 , pt 4 , pt 5 , pt 6
it was halloweekend and you and your friends came to a frat party. you and tara had dressed as pirates just grabbing stuff that was left around. the party was going pretty well, well until you took a long swig of a bottle of pink whitney and ran upstairs after seeing your ex hooking up with this girl that was “just a friend”, what a load of bullshit. you went into the nearest unlocked room, closing the door behind you and locking it.
“fuck me,” you muttered to yourself, “fuck me in the fucking ass.”
you turned around to go sit down on the bed and there sat ethan, well a rather red faced ethan after your remark, just looking at you. ethan was a part of your friend group, the cute dorky guy. his cardboard robot costume was littered on the floor, leaving him in his joggers and a shirt. you were surprised he wasn’t somewhere with chad getting a pep talk to finally talk to a girl.
“hey,” he greeted giving you a small wave as if you two weren’t the only people in the room.
“god were you gonna say anything sooner I didn’t know anyone was in here,” you answered as you walked over and sat in front of him while his back was against the headboard.
“oh sorry, my bad.”
“nah it’s fine, worse shit has happened to me tonight that’s for sure.”
“like what,” he inquired.
“well for starters my ex is fucking the bitch that he said he was “just friends” with during our whole relationship so,” you responded hurriedly and angrily.
“oh i’m so sorry, that’s messed up.”
“yes it is, welcome to my life pretty boy”
you hadn’t meant to say the nickname out loud but that long drink was starting to hit you and you couldn’t care less at the moment. ethan blushed at your comment, looking down unable to meet you eye.
“hey,” you told him, “look at me.”
you grabbed both sides of his face with your hands and giggled, “such a pretty boy with pretty lips.”
at this point ethan was bright red and speechless, just muttering words trying to form a sentence, “l-l-l-look i think you’re drunk.”
“i’m fine, anyways i have a question.”
“ok,” he gulped, “what’s up.”
with your answer you pulled his head closer to you own, lining your lips up right next to his ear, “do you think it’s fair that my ex gets to fuck someone tonight and i don’t?”
as you finished your sentence you could feel ethan’s breath hitch in his throat, it made you smile. you moved his head back in front of you so you were face to face once again.
“is it?,” you reiterated
ethan quickly shook his head no, unable to speak. with your hands still on his neck you moved his head closer to you once again but this time your lips were only an inch away.
“i couldn’t hear you pretty boy, i said do you think it’s fair that i don’t get fucked tonight.”
“n-no,” he answered quickly.
“great, glad to know we’re on the same page,” you said quickly as you brought his lips to yours and kissed him.
you could tell he was shocked by the suddenness of the kiss because his lips were kind of stiff but moments later they melted into the kiss. you led the kiss, poking your tongue past his lips to entangle his tongue with your own, and with this you could hear his moans. it was music to your ears. without breaking the kiss you moved to straddle his waist, as his hands fell to your own, lowering yourself on his clothed length that was hardening by the second. this pressure caused him to let out a grunt into the kiss as he bucked his hips, hitting your center. you tangled your hands with the curly hair at the nape of his neck, yanking it back towards the headboard, separating the kiss so you were looking in each other’s eyes. both of you were breathing heavily, ethan’s lips all pink and swollen from your kissing, fuck he was so hot. breathless he looked up at you while you took off your vest to reveal yourself in a white shirt that you’d spilled on earlier at the party. with no bra on your nipples were exposed through the fabric and you think ethan may have died right then and there.
he began to move his hands from your waist up the sides of your body until they rested right next to your tits. he looked at you as he slowly took one hand to grope one of them. you bit your lip at this feeling, as his hands were both rough and soft as he kneaded your tit. watching you still he swiped his thumb across your clothed nipple earning a lustful reaction. you moaned and muttered curses under your breath, with you head rolling back. he took this as encouragement to continue. he resumed with both hands massaging and kneading your tits, twisting and pinching your nipples now and then. all this made your core ache as you felt the wetness pooling between your legs, you rolled your hips against ethan’s dick chasing some sort of friction. you took your top off and laid your tits bare to him. and he took this opportunity to latch his lips to one of your nipples, nibbling and swirling his tongue around it while still playing with the other. your body jolted at this sudden rush of pleasure, you couldn’t keep quiet,
“oh fuck ethan,” you moaned as he licked you nipple.
breaking his contact with your tit you bring his face to yours once again and resume the kiss, the rhythm much faster and fervent this time. your lips molded together perfectly with the occasional moan into the kiss as ethan still played with your nipples. you reached under his shirt, looking for bare skin to touch and you felt the ridges of his abs fuck you forgot how ripped he was. you broke the kiss to pull his shirt off his head needing to see his bare chest. after it was off he leaned forward to reconnect your lips but you pushed him back,
“my turn.”
and you leaned forward placing kisses on his neck as he moaned in response. you sucked on special spots, sure to leave a mark that’d show later. it was so hot hearing him moan under your touch, he bucked his hips as you kissed under his ear in hopes of some sort of friction. as you continued to kiss all over his body your hand trailed to the waistband of his sweatpants, tracing his v-line into the article of clothing. you palmed his clothed length feeling him jolt underneath your touch,
“oh oh my god,” he breathlessly moaned unable to come up with any other words.
suddenly you felt his hand creep under your skirt and onto your own bundle of nerves, massaging the mound through your panties.
“oh ethan,” you moaned
wanting to touch more of him you reached your hand into his joggers until his own grabbed your wrist and stopped you. confused you looked up at him tilting your head slightly.
“umm,” he muttered quietly, “i-i wanna do you first.”
with his hand still on your heat he began to rub over your clothed center once again. you hummed in agreement as his fingers sent shocks through your body. you soon reconnected the kiss, wanting to feel him on your lips as he played with your pussy. you felt him drag your panties to the side, exposing your bare cunt directly to his fingers. this new feeling caused you to jolt up but you felt his other hand on your waist holding you down. he swiped his finger through your arousal and around your entrance until he dipped his middle finger into the hole, burying it deep inside you. you loudly gasped, pulling away from the kiss as you jolted up a bit.
“oh my god, did that hurt, i’m so sorry, shouldn’t have done that,” ethan rambled
he began to remove his hand from your cunt until you stopped him.
“don’t fucking move.”
you pushed yourself back down onto his finger, moaning the entire way down. he watched as you squirmed on top of his hand until he was fully inside you again.
“pretty boy please move your finger,” you teased.
ethan quickly snapped out of his daze and began to finger you slowly, curling his finger so he was pressing on the bundle of nerves that had built up over this time.
“another…” you spoke breathlessly, “another finger.”
he obliged sliding his ring finger into you, the new pressure began to spur you towards the edge but there’s something you still needed.
practically fucking yourself on his fingers you whined, “faster ethan, you need to go faster. you’re not gonna hurt me.”
and that simple ask was all it took for him to rapidly increase his pace. he immediately started to pound his fingers into you, curling them repeatedly to hit your spot.
you cried out, “fuck oh my- i’m gonna cum,” and this only spurred him on as he captured one of your tits in his mouth and violently sucked on your nipple.
and suddenly you froze, your pussy clenched around ethan’s fingers and your legs felt weak as your orgasm ripped through you. your head fell onto his chest out of exhaustion, and his fingers were still inside you through your high as you clenched violently around them. you kissed him softly, a bit tired after your insane orgasm. slowly you pulled his hand out from under you, gasping at the loss of his fingers inside of you. you placed his middle and ring finger inside your mouth, swirling your tongue around them, cleaning them of your arousal. he looked at you, mouth wrapped around his fingers and felt a twitch in his pants. he breathed heavily as you pulled yourself off of his fingers and he pulled you in for a kiss, tasting you on your own tongue. as you made out you moved your hand once again to palm his clothed dick but wasted no time reaching into his pants. you felt his bare length, veins bulging as you felt his tip was already leaking insane amounts of precum. he shuddered viciously into the kiss under your touch.
“you’re big pretty boy,” you whispered into his ear as you swiped your finger over his slit that was leaking precum.
“oh my god,” he started as you began to move your hand up and down his shaft slowly. he roughly groaned, shifting on the bed as you began to speed up. you watched him intently with his eyes screwed shut and heavy breathing. you spit down between the two of you, onto his cock so your hand would glide better on his skin. this unfamiliar feeling caused ethan to buck his hips, fucking himself into your hand.
“oh fuck i’m gonna- oh my god,” he groaned as he finished in your hand, eyes screwed shut and his dick twitching as he shot out loads of cum onto your stomach. you kept pumping him through his orgasm until he was whimpering and letting out a string of profanities under his breath.
he didn’t even know how hot he was, sitting there violently moaning as he came all over you, god you needed him. as he opened his eyes, you grabbed his face and placed a couple pecks to his lips.
“you’re cute when you cum pretty boy,” you said to him, making him turn red immediately.
you pulled him closer to you and kissed him thoroughly once again until you both heard a violent knock on the door, causing you both to jump.
“ethan are you in there, it’s chad we gotta go, her ex pissed her off and we can’t find her,” spoke the voice.
ethan looked at you and responded still out of breath, “ok yea i’ll be out in a second, just gimme a minute.”
“alright,” chad responded.
as his footsteps faded away before getting off ethan’s lap you whispered to him, “you owe me a fuck.”
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brooooswriting · 4 months
Hi! Could I please request Leighton x reader where the reader is Whitney’s teammate on the soccer team and they have an away game and they end up getting sick during the game so Whitney calls Leighton and they pick them up and take them home and take care of them and it’s super fluffy.
I meant to
Leighton Murray x reader
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“Damn bro, you look like shit” Whitney said as you arrived at the parking lot where the rest of the team was. As soon as the words left her mouth you frantically looked around.
“Shhhh” you grumbled, checking around you one more. “Leighton wanted to come say goodbye and I don’t want her to know. So can you stop talking so damn loud” your bag hit the ground with a loud thud, making Willow turn around.
“Why? Dude, don’t tell me you were out getting drunk and cheated on her” she was half joking and half scared about what might be wrong with you.
“Obviously… not. Who do you think I am?! I had a real bad migraine yesterday and I couldn’t sleep, I still have one. Shit just doesn’t go away” you explained to the two who gave you a sympathetic smile. Willow also dealt with migraines and it was more than once that Whitney had to hold your hair while you threw up due to them. But it wasn’t unusual that they were a telltale sign of something else coming.
“Girl is coming” willow warned you as she saw Leighton come towards you.
“Hey, I just wanted to say goodbye. I’m so sorry that I cant come to watch” the blonde said as she pulled you a bit further away so you could talk in private.
“It’s alright, I get it” you told her, mustering up the best smile you could. You didn’t want her to worry about you since she had a lot to do.
“So, go and win that thing. We will celebrate when you get back okay?” There was a moment of silence where she just looked at you, her eyes studying you which made you panic. You tried to look as happy and healthy as you could which wasn’t really working. “Are you feeling alright? You look kinda ill baby” she added as she stepped closer to you, her hands finding your face.
“It’s okay, I’m just a bit nervous. So, you were talking about celebrating when I come back?” You grinned which made her giggle too. You wrapped your arms around her waist to pull her closer.
“You’ll do great, you always do. I will see you in four days okay?” You pressed a couple of soft kisses to her lips, she wasn’t the biggest fan of pda so you tried to keep it down.
“Y/n, we gotta go” the coach screamed making both you and Leighton roll your eyes. You slightly turned to tell her that you were coming.
This time the blonde pressed a more passionate kiss to your lips before letting you go. “You sure you alright?” She questioned again, feeling like something was wrong.
“Yeah, I’ll text you when we arrive okay? Love you” you pressed a kiss to her temple before walking to the bus.
“Good luck, love you too”
You fell into the seat next to Whitney, your head immediately falling to her shoulder. The girl sighed, she knew that you probably shouldn’t play and should stay home in your bed but she also knew how important these games were to you and if it was just a headache you should be okay. Willow nudged Whitney when they were 3/4th of the way to see if you were still asleep, and you were. Plus, your head started to feel warmer over time and your phone was going off non stop. They assumed it was Leighton who was trying to chat with you during one of her courses.
Once they arrived you were carefully shaken awake, the two girls giving you a soft smile. “We are here, sleepyhead. Are you sure you’re up for this?” Willow asked, if they were only here for one game she wouldn’t have said anything and let you power through. But since there were some Postponements you had to play two games in one day.
“Yes, I’m fine. I just need a bit of water and an aspirin and I’ll be fine. I promise” you gave them a smile before looking at your phone. “Damn, but before I’ll be calling my very angry and concerned girlfriend” they laughed as you scurried of to talk to Leighton.
“Damn, look who’s back” one of your teammates laughed as you came into the locker room after your call with Leighton. You offered a polite laugh as you got your stuff out of your bag and started to change.
The coach and the team were amazed by how you powered through the first 20 minutes of the game but it was obvious how quickly you let up, your movements were uncontrolled and it was clear that you had problem running straight. “Time out” the coach called out quickly when she saw your legs bend in a weird way. Jenna and another teammate quickly caught you as they were closest to you. “Y/n? You alright?” Jenna asked to keep you concise as best as possible.
You mumbled out something incoherent as they half carried you to the side of the field. “Does anyone know if her parents live nearby? I don’t want her to stay out here for the next two games” the coach asked into the group but before anyone could answer you spoke up.
“No! It’s okay, I just need a power bar and a painkiller and I can go back” Whitney shook her head, her phone already in her hand so she could call your girlfriend. She wasn’t sure if Leighton was going to pick you up but if the blonde found out that you were ill and she didn’t tell her she’d be dead.
“The only place you’re going is home y/l/n, you did really good. But now it’s time to get better ok?” Willow said, her hand rubbing your back in a comforting manner.
“Leighton?” Whitney spoke into her phone after going somewhere more quiet. She knew that Leighton would freak out a bit and it would be easier to calm her if she could hear what she was saying.
“Whit? Is everything alright? Did you guys already win?” Her voice was happy until she realized that her roommates mood was off. “Whitney?” She questioned again.
“Everything is okay, Leigh. It’s just that… well y/n seems to be ill, she nearly broke down on the field but-“ she didn’t even have the opportunity to finish as the blonde started talking.
“Im coming to get her. I’ll be there in an hour, one and a half max” and with that the phone call was over. The football player sighed, she knew that the other girl wasn’t thinking rationally. It takes at least 2 and a half hours to get to them, with the bus it was a lot longer. But still, there was no way she’d make it in such short notice.
“Her girlfriend will pick her up, said she’ll be here in an hour and a half, but I think it will be more like 2 and a half” she told the coach as you laid on a bank, a towel was covering your face to shield your face from the brightness of the sun. You must have fallen asleep as the next thing you knew was a hand carefully shaking you awake.
“Y/n, babe, you gotta wake up” you immediately perked up when you heard your girlfriend’s voice, removing the cover from your face and sitting up. The fast motion wasn’t the greatest thing as a wave of nausea and dizziness overcame you. “You alright?” Her hand quickly found your forehead, a sigh leaving her when she felt how warm it was.
“Yeah, it’s okay. You didn’t have to come” you insisted but your protest was weak which showed her that you must really feel shitty. You hated it when other people could see your weak side so you’d fight a lot more if you had the energy.
“We will talk about this later, now come on. The car is waiting” she carefully pulled you up before Jenna grabbed your other arm to help her get you to the car. Whitney carried your bag and said her goodbye before returning to the field.
“Don’t loose idiot” you grinned weakly which made her laugh.
Once you sat in the car and Leighton made sure you had everything you might need, water, pills, a bag to throw up, some food and a blanket she gave the driver a sign. The car started to roll and you were out like a light. The blonde took the middle seat so you could rest against her, your head leaning onto her shoulder. Every now and then she pressed a kiss to your head while her hand rubbed your arm. Sadly, your temperature didn’t seem to go down and every now and then a cough left your mouth.
Leighton felt bad about waking you up but the car stopped and her bed was way more comfortable than the car. “Baby, cmon we are here. Let’s get you to bed huh?” You weakly opened your eyes and gave her a nod before crawling out of the car. You tried to grab your bag but the girl was quicker as she slung it over her shoulder, her hand grabbing yours as she pulled you along. “I know this sucks but I want you to take a shower before you go to bed. You sweated a lot on the field and I think it’d be good for you” she explained as she pulled out some of the clothes you had at hers.
After a quick shower and a lot of whining from your side, Leigh blowdried your hair and then got you back to bed. “Need anything else?” She asked as you pulled the covers over yourself, a bottle of water and everything else you might need on the side table. You shook your head which made her smile at her accomplishment. She never really took care of someone else as she never had a real partner but she seemed to do a good job. So she quickly changed into some more comfortable clothes and crawled into bed with you.
“No” you mumbled and scooted away from her which confused her. She tried again but again you scooted further away which was really hard in the small bed.
“What why?”
“You’ll get ill, too” it was hard to understand what you said as your whole face was pressed into the pillow but since the bed was so small she was close enough.
“You’re being stupid! If I get sick it was worth it, so now let me cuddle you until you feel better. We both know you want to” she grinned at the last part and wiggled her eyebrows which made you smile too.
“You sure?” As she nodded again you scooted back so you could cuddle into her. Her arms wrapped around you as your head rested on her chest. “Thank you for taking care of me” you pressed a light kiss to the hoodie she was clad in before closing your eyes again.
After a couple of hours, Leighton decided to call Kimberly and ask her if she could bring you two something to eat from Sips. Of course she’d rather eat, well anything else, but then she’d have to get up and wake you. So sips it was.
“Kimberly, hey, can you bring y/n and me something from the cafe? Preferably a soup for her, she came down with the flu and is now sleeping in my bed. I don’t wanna leave her” she mumbled into the phone, careful not to wake you. Even though she was sure that the pills knocked you out so bad that even a bomb wouldn’t have woken you.
“Sure, I’ll be there in like half an hour to an hour is that okay?”
“Yes, thank you a lot. I’ll Venmo you the money”
About an hour later there was a soft knock on the door before her roommate entered the room. “Hey, I got her a noodle soup, a tea and a sandwich just in case she was hungry after the game. And I got you a burrito, without meat this time and a coffee” Kimberly explained as she gave Leighton the things she bought. After she thanked her and venmoed the money the brunette left the room again.
“Am I smelling soup?” You whispered with a rough voice as your girlfriend woke you up. Your throat hurt worse than before and your headache was still painfully present but at least your temperature seemed to go down.
“Yeah, Kimberly brought it. Now sit up so you can eat something. Oh, she got you a tea too” she helped you up and propped a pillow behind your back to make it more comfortable. Once you were situated she handed you the container of soup and a spoon before starting to eat herself. She looked over to see you staring at the liquid, the spoon dipping in and out without touching your mouth. “What’s wrong?” She asked as she turned towards you.
You only sent her a shy smile which made her study your face deeper. “Scared that it’s going to hurt?” You gave her a nod and she send you a sad smile. “But you gotta eat something, please? Just try it” you felt bad about worrying her so you gave her a nod and put the spoon to your mouth.
After a bit of a fight, you ate the whole soup and drank your tea while watching your comfort movie. The duvet was pulled up to your chin and your head rested in Leighton lap while she scratched your scalp with one hand, the other one playing on her phone. It got later and later as you drifted in and out of consciousness. At one point you felt your girlfriend leave the bed for about 10 minutes before she returned, this time laying next to you.
“Good night, wake me up if you need anything ok?” She told you as her hand rubbed your back and her lips pressed a soft kiss to the top of your head.
You gave her a nod, even though you knew that you weren’t going to. “I love you” you answered instead, moving your head up so you could send her a tired smile which she returned. “I love you too”
The next time you woke up it was around 7/8 a.m. and both you and Leighton were more than happy that it was a Saturday. Your throat still hurt and the headache was still there, plus your cough hasn’t left completely but your temperature seemed to be around normal again. “Good morning” the girl you used as a pillow said as she stretched as best as she could with you on top of her.
“Good morning” you rasped out as your head rested on her chest again.
“How are you feeling?” The back of her hand carefully pressed against your forehead to feel your temperature as she asked.
“Better, a lot actually. Thanks to you alone love” Leighton had to say, she was really proud of herself. She alone nursed you to become better.
“No problem, I just which you had told me earlier. Like when I asked you that morning” she admitted, she felt bad about bringing it up while you were still ill but she wanted to get it off of her chest. You gave her a sigh before scooting away so you could look at her.
“I’m sorry. I meant to, I really did but I knew you would have made me stay at home, which in retrospect would have been smarter, but I didn’t wanna leave the team alone” you explained as you studied her face, hop on that she’d understand you.
“I get it, but this was really dangerous you idiot. And then you wanted to go back on the field after you almost passed out? You gotta set boundaries for yourself” you knew she was right and you hated it.
“Well, if you’re always going to take care of me like this when I’m ill I’ll look forward to it” you joked as you pulled her into you.
“Glad to see that you feel better. But what are we thinking about sleeping for another hour or two?” You gave her a happy nod and settled back into the bed to get another hour of sleep. Your heart fluttered at the way she held you, not once did you have a partner who cared for you as deeply as Leighton did and you really hoped that she knew how much you cared about her too.
“I love you” you mumbled into her as her breath evened out. You couldn’t wait until you were healthy again so you could kiss her again.
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boombox-fuckboy · 2 months
Anticipated Q&A:
Q. Where's Doug and Hera (Wolf 359)?
A. We both know that wouldn't be fair. Too powerful.
Q. What about [] and [] (The Magnus Archives)?
A. TMA is too powerful for poll inclusion. Also there's too many potential options without any that stand out, you know?
Q. In previous versions you included Clara and Dan (Archive 81). Why not this one?
A. I wanted to, but after they actually did this with Dan and Melody? Mm.
Q. I think you're missing someone else important!
A. Oh? Tell me who!
Q. I don't know any of these!
A. Pick one and go listen!
Q. But what if I ship them romantically?
A. The purpose of this poll is not to criticize. I am simply an enjoyer of friendship and lists.
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seat-safety-switch · 9 months
There is a sort of simple beauty in the fact that every person on Earth will walk their own path in life. Some folks fall in with UFO-related cults and offer to read the mental purity of complete strangers using an elaborate machine. Someone else might make a top-ten country music album before also falling prey to that same UFO cult.
You can watch your friends make bad decisions, but you can't force them to conform to your own beliefs. All you can do is experience life in all its glory, then laugh at everyone else as those poor suckers didn't spend their entire existence on this Earth learning all they could about the Isuzu Impulse Irmscher Edition. Maybe someone else will find out about a whole other weird kind of Isuzu they sold only in Japan, and share that information with you. You can't know.
For me, this lesson came relatively late in life. When I was in school, I knew exactly what I wanted to do, and I worked hard to get toward it. A lot of my friends and classmates were relatively directionless drifters, preferring instead to find out what the world had waiting for them. I laughed, knowing that every passing moment was critical to live up to my dreams. It turns out that what life provided them with were high-paying engineering degrees in oil and gas, and for me: wanton automotive degeneracy. It's hard to argue that I didn't get what I really wanted.
Which is not to say that their existences aren't valid as well. For instance, many of them probably have homes that are occupied legally, with a clear title, instead of an insanely complex interlocking series of legal and ethical corner cases surrounding a "missing" landlord. None of them, however, will drive a 1984 Cadillac Cimarron to the high school reunion, and even if they do: their car won't be powered by a Pratt and Whitney jet turbine that fell out of the sky near the airport (finders keepers.)
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