#which is absolutely wrong on many levels bc you can find success in your own time
persephoneflouwers · 2 years
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noodleincident · 1 year
the ask meme thing but only prime numbers
asking me to know MATH? a pox on your house!!!!! (if i get these wrong shh no i didnt)
1. Museum date or aquarium date? Why?
aquarium! i just really want to stare at the fishies. also the new england aquarium's octopus is a buddy.
3. Name a subject/topic you know a lot about.
oh god um. i dont know much about anything tbh. but get me to go off about house plants and i can NOT shut up.
5. What’s something most people love that you hate?
this is specific but its on my mind rn. that book 'where the crawdads sing' suuuuuuucked. but they made a movie of it?! taylor swift loved it?! like??
7. If you could create ANY mix-up or mythical animal and have it be brought to life, what would it be?
those little animals in spy kids 2, specifically the pig with wings. but frankly there are so many magical animals currently in our world.
11. What is your favorite Studio Ghibli film and why?
i havent seen all of them but its obviously totoro. wait i want to change my previous answer. i want totoro to be real.
13. Have you ever self-harmed?
ugh, yeah, but in a fake way. its complicated.
17. Is there something you currently want, that you can’t have?
i want to go to the eras tour sooooo bad. i know thats not probably what this question is about but like. i want it so bad. i have so much fomo :( this feels like a historic concert i'm missing
19. Think of the last film you watched. Who was your favorite character in it?
honestly it was mission impossible fallout and my favorite character is henry cavill bc he's my superman
23. What is something you are most confident about?
hm. my legs are pretty good.
How about something you're really insecure about?
ugh i dont do insecurities anymore. i mean i obviously do but i dont give them a voice. so i'm dodging this question.
29. Do you find smoking unattractive?
sorry no but january jones with a cig and a gun is so hot. i dont make the rules.
31. What is the 10th picture in your phone gallery?
all the fabric swatches i was deciding between for my bridesmaids
37. What's the best advice anyone has ever given you?
"life begins at the end of your comfort zone" which is fine advice but i also make a little joke about it in all my interviews and it thus far has a pretty decent success rate. so.
39. What's your favorite lyric from your favorite song right now?
i dont know spanish but shakira's diss track is on repeat rn. that line thats like 'a she-wolf like me isn't for guys like you' (but in spanish) hits
41. Is it true that if you can't love yourself, you can't love another?
oooh meaty. no i dont think thats right. you can absolutely love another even if you hate yourself. but i think its hard to get what you deserve if you dont have some level of self respect. ideally you love someone who will respect and love you anyway and you can build your own self respect and self love on that. but its risky
43. What time of the day feels the most magical to you?
morning. i hate mornings and am not a morning person but when i AM awake early its sooo magical. the birds and stuff.
47. Do you think you'd make a good teacher? Why or why not?
hmmmmm. i have been a good teacher in the past. there was a long period of time that i think i would not have been a good teacher. i think its better now but i still dont think i could do it for real as a career. i need to be able to phone it in sometimes and that sounds hard if you're a teacher.
i think those are prime numbers. dont tell me if i'm wrong
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thestarminstrel · 3 years
as requested, i am now considering figure skater au. would love to hear more thoughts on said au 👀
ohohoho 👀 let me absolutely indulge you on my nonsense
so i do have a sketch page with this au but i'll briefly summarize it here:
(also! if anyone wants to borrow this au plotline or concept, please feel free to :D just credit me and send me what you make!)
- nick is a hockey player for kingston lions and seiji is an olympic level figure skater
- they both use the same rink at kingston, and this ofc is where our conflict arises
- seiji frankly believes that nick's team is terrible since they have won 0 championships and calls nick "zero". because of this, he often begins his own practice early or lets it run late -- cutting into the hockey team's time reservation
- nick has tried numerous times to get the staff to do something but like, tf are they gonna do? seiji is olympic level and they don't wanna be the idiots who denied seiji his practice space and loose revenue (tho it should be noted that seiji is competing for the grand prix in this one -- not the olympics). so nick begins calling seiji "princess" since he's a giant brat :)
- the two don't get along at all -- and i mean at all. they're livid whenever they run into each other and are at each other's throats
- however, coach williams thinks she can get the boys to the connecticut state championships. since nick is the center (position that plays both offensive and defensive), she calls in a favor with dmytro and asks him to work with nick on his form so he can be extra speedy fast.
- guess who dmytro also coaches? that's right. seiji :)))
- they both find this out when dmytro introduces the two and says he doesn't have time to be coaching them separately. they are pissed to say the least (when nick complains to williams, she makes him do suicides which stops him from complaining anymore).
- couple weeks pass, seiji and nick are still not happy but they just barely manage to exist on the same ice. the kingston lions have their first game soon and seiji has first set of qualifying competitions to get through. the hockey team is getting their full practices in, and seiji just goes for some extra practice after they finish up -- despite the ice not being smooth enough for his liking.
- one evening, nick stayed later to sharpen his skates using the rink's equipment. as he exits the locker room though, he hears the sound of skates against ice and assumes that it can only be seiji, so he decides to sneak a peek. he's only seen portions of seiji's routine since he's super secretive about it.
- and his routine is absolutely gorgeous. nick's jaw hangs open the whole time, and he can't deny that seiji really is a talented skater. like he's never really given a shit about the sport, but he can see seiji's passion for it with every turn and contouring of his body. his face too, usually scrunched up in one of displeasure or superiority, was lax and blissful.
- nick disappears quietly, seiji being none the wiser, and he goes home haunted by the images of seiji dancing and realizing that this giant prick is actually kind of beautiful.
- fast forward a week and nick has his first game. seiji is pissy bc it means that he won't get his evening practice, and nick makes the snap decision to invite seiji to his game. they're both surprised by it -- perhaps even more so when seiji accepts with a sneer. if only to prove his point that the lions are terrible.
- few hours later and seiji is in the stands: displeased at being jostled around so much by so many fans (which he is surprised that the kingston lions even have), but settles in to watch the game.
- nick is a speed monster on the ice, dmytro's coaching clearly having paid off, and the lions take home a 6-2 victory. and seiji isn't sure why, but for some odd reason, zero looks almost handome (in a rugged way) under the stadium lights with his wide smile and excited cheering with his teammates.
- he also goes home thinking of someone he was sure he would only think thoughts of malice of.
- another week passes by and seiji's first competition comes up. by some stroke of uncharacteristic brashness, he invites nick to come watch it. he fully accepts nick to reject the invitation, but surprisingly nick does accept it.
- seiji competes, places first, and nick sees the whole thing. even got seiji a bouquet of congratulatory roses and daphnes ("figured you'd win, princess. after all, there has to be some talent underneath that bratty and stuck-up personality of yours.").
- seiji immediately puts the flowers in water when he gets home -- if only to not let a gorgeous gift go to waste (he absolutely does not press a rose and a few daphnes when they start to wilt, not at all).
- more time goes on, the lions make it to the playoffs and seiji is preparing for the first competition of the grand prix series. the two of them are sort of warmed up to each other? def not best buddies, but they're not trying to tear each other's throats out with their skates. nick has been sneaking glances at seiji skating during that time -- his favorite time is during the evening when it seems that seiji skates for himself. seiji on the other hand, has gone to almost to every single one of nick's games without nick being aware of it.
- however, the plot must to go on, and seiji catches nick during one of those evenings nick stayed behind to watch seiji. nick fully expects seiji to blow up at him -- and for them to loose what tedious progress they had made -- but instead he gets an extremely rare blush out of the skater.
- for the sake of time, seiji is skating a different routine after hours and after being pressed about it, he reveals it is about a certain someone who he definitely likes a little more than just an acquaintance. and it's a routine he choreographed himself.
- nick's a bit "woah holy crap" with this information and it does pester his mind for a bit, wondering who tf this person is. but he does say that it's prob his fav routine of seiji's to watch (which proceeds to pester seiji's brain).
- then we get to the playoffs. the score is 7-7 and there's two minutes left on the clock. nick makes a final push through his stamina and get the last goal right before the clock strikes 0 -- making the score 8-7. however, nick falls on his arm, hard.
- nick breaks his arm, and he's out for the rest of the season. nick is obviously very, very upset about it.
- seiji does visit nick in the hospital before he hops on a plane to the grand prix final (since he made it there whee), and explains he saw what happened since he was there. nick interprets the visit as an act of petty charity and lashes out, taking out his anger and frustration on seiji.
- seiji lashes right back, and the two exchange some pretty hurtful blows. the thing that's important to take away is that nick essentially says that seiji's success as a skater only rests on the choreography of dmytro and his coaching. seiji storms out in a rage, and nick is left feeling like shit.
- a few days later, nick realizes that it's the free skate day of the finals and turns on the tv to the channel -- accepting that the reason he feels like shit is bc he misses seiji's skating.
- however, seiji's free skate is apparently very different from what was expected of him according to the announcers -- but nick recognizes it. it's the same routine that seiji does in his evening practices.
- seiji does place first and wins the grand prix finals (which he previously lost bc of a certain blond skater but that's a plot line for another time). nick realizes that he has to apologize, even if seiji said some nasty things, but what he said was seriously a d*ck thing to say.
- few days later, nick is discharged, and he spends every evening in the rink, waiting on the benches for seiji. who does eventually come after the grand prix final celebrations and resting for a few days. he decides to go for a quick evening skate to clear his mind of a certain hockey player.
- upon seeing nick, seiji is filled with rage and he gives nick the cold shoulder. whenever nick calls for him from across the rink, seiji pretends not to hear him. until eventually, nick decides to take matters in his own hands and make his way across the ice in his sneakers.
- obviously, this idea goes terribly, and he does fall a few feet away from seiji, who finally stops to give him the attention he's been asking for -- fully expecting an argument.
- nick apologizes for what he said and how wrong he was for saying it. he also mentions how lucky the person the routine is for must be. seiji is flabbergasted, not expecting this at all, and reveals that the routine was for nick, all this time. now it's nick's turn to be flabbergasted af :)
- nick starts laughing, which makes seiji extremely confused bc why tf is nick laughing since he was expecting rejection. but nick merely coaxes seiji down and kisses him softly -- and seiji understands.
- the lions do withdraw from the championship since nick is out of commission. they return the next season and do win first in a complete underdog fashion in case anyone is curious. seiji places first in the olympic figure skating event because he's seiji.
and just some other silly notes:
- eugesse is something that happens in this (much to nick's dismay)
- jesse and nick are half-brothers but they find that out down the line
- the lions are composited of the weight lifting bros and the one friend from nick's junior high who remains unnamed
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touchmycoat · 3 years
OP!Anon for Leverage!HX/LQG: *SCREAM* oh I adore how you wrote this - HX is so good at reading everyone and understanding how to motivate/manipulate them, except for lqg. I love how angry he got at the idea of lqg seeing him in the same light as swd, and also how lqg's just like, yep, swd's gotta die when he heard the full story. I love the idea of HC coming in like the king he is and laying down the law about XL. ahhhhhhh!!!! just imagining hx and lqg getting close after lots of shenanigans!
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teamwork baby
"Xue Yang must die" is literally one of my favorite WWX quotes of all time LMFAO time to pay homage
so you know how in book 3, during the Black Water arc, HX is there trying to push his whole scheme forward? It's well-timed, well-thought-out, but the only fucking spanner that keeps jumping back into his work is XL-and-therefore-HC? Yeah I imagine working with grifter!HC is pretty much like that. He's always late or never shows up at all to briefings, or he shows up to the very end to hear the conclusion and goes "Nope, that's fucking stupid, change it." SQQ's like "Why??" and HC's like "oh, lil boy can't figure it out?"
and whenever they have an actual plan going, HC sometimes just shows up and starts doing his own thing in the middle and forces HX to keep up. This is often motivated by one of XL's jobs, and XL would ask if HC knows a little piece of intel, and HC would be like "oh you know what, I actually have a hostage right here to ask about that, one moment please :)" and utterly prioritize XL's thing. HX has to change the job on the fly so many times, and it's so fucking annoying, but it's not like HC leaves him at a dead end, so he always does find a way out.
(this got fucking long, but HX/LQG under the cut)
Bingliushen are also annoyed as fuck, but while they're godtier at their own things, none of them are mastermind-level (yet—Binghe's gonna get there, isn't he), so they just have to put their faith in HX and keep chugging forward. This is how the foundation builds, y'know? HX insists to both others and himself that he's being honest and faithful to his team because that's just the best way to handle them, not 'cause he's actually a team player and not 'cause he cares for anybody at all. And LQG's a simple guy—you save my life, I'll save yours. You act in good faith, I'll be loyal in turn.
It starts with something small. HX's suffered tremendous loss, and has been on his own for a very, very long time. He's used to taking care of himself, but we all know LQG's love language is "here, you dropped this. I've been quietly paying attention to everything you like and do, no big deal." So maybe it happens on a mission. HC has three marks to dupe in succession, and they're playing a nasty Big Pharma group, so it's hitting close to home for HX. At the last minute though, HC says over the comm, "the CEO & CFO made me. Must've recognized me from speaking to the secretary earlier. He Xuan."
"Can you still do the COO?"
"I'm not about to waste this outfit, am I."
and HX has to hop in and do 2/3rds of the grifting himself, which is fine, he's completely capable of this, he's a goddamn prodigy at hiding his murderous tendencies. but out of nowhere LQG is on the line, "Shen Qingqiu, you said you can hack the finances, right?"
"Yes, but nothing else."
"Then He Xuan doesn't have to talk to the CFO. Give me 2 minutes, I'll knock him out."
and HX doesn't stop him because sure, why not? It was more efficient for HC to do three of them at once, but now that it was HX doing it (and HX still has his own part to play), it would save them more effort if LQG goes for the blunt force solution. But it rubs HX the wrong way—what the fuck? Yeah, HX may not like grifting as much as HC, the stupid drama queen, but hasn't he proven himself every bit as capable of it? Why did LQG think it necessary to, what, bail him out?
So that night, after debrief, HX pulls LQG aside to give him a piece of his mind. "Don't ever try to override my judgment again." "What are you talking about?" "I made a call, I did not need your 'help' on the grift." "That wasn't help." "Then what was it." "You hate talking to guys like that!" "???" "You didn't need to talk to him, and I was right there. It was the obvious thing to do."
and HX still doesn't get it, not until the next day, when SQQ and HX are quietly setting up for the morning, and SQQ says out of the blue, "that's just how he cares. Liu Qingge, I mean. It's never an ego thing once he's your friend."
"I don't need friends," is HX's automatic response.
"No," SQQ snorts in agreement. "You need revenge. That's fine. Then I'm sure he'll get over it."
Which—okay—no? Bastard. That's just a passive aggressive attempt at a guilt trip, and it's not going to work. HX has already made it abundantly clear from the get-go that this was simply a job, he was the pointman, once they were done everybody will go on their way. It's not his fault SQQ dragged in a hitman with the loyalty instincts of a german shepherd, and it's certainly none of his business whether LQG treats him as friend or a colleague.
LQG will just have to be disappointed.
BUT OF COURSE WHAT GOES ON TO HAPPEN IS THAT HX sees more and more of the things LQG does, the ways LQG manages to be thoughtful. The way LQG handles visitors during HX’s mealtimes despite how much LQG hates talking to randos, bc HX has bad food days and can’t really stand eating with others. The time they had some time to kill undercover in a consultant’s office, and HX passed the time by pointing out all the things wrong with the office’s mini-aquarium set-up, so when SQQ brought up something inane about decorating their headquarters, LQG made HX draw up specs for a saltwater tank of their own. HX and everybody else kept insisting it was a waste of time, but LQG still went ahead and got it made anyways, and now it’s HX’s favorite thing in the entire HQ.
But HX wasn’t about to owe anybody anything. If LQG insists on this game, then fine, HX was going to play to win. He requisitions new toys (read: weapons) for LQG, he builds heists around the sole purpose of giving LQG a room of satisfying bad guys to beat up, he goes to the gym and spars with LQG, he even tries to give LQG’s weirdly famous younger sister’s novel a read—which was a lot. Ahem. But LQG loves his younger sister, so surely this would be the ultimate “hah! I’ve given you more than you’ve given me! I win! move.
...turns out LQG’s never read the damn thing, and just takes everything HX gives him in total stride. “We still on for tomorrow?” “...Yes.” “Cool. See you.” And HX’s over here totally overthinking EVERYTHING while LQG’s just chilling, super matter-of-fact.
Fuck, were they friends???
HX rage-panics, because he does. not. need. friends. And it has nothing to do with how everyone he’s ever loved dies, it has nothing to do with the careful balance of vengeful fury and self-hatred inside him that’s about to tip over any day now, once they take down SWD. It has nothing to do with HX being too traumatized and grief-stricken to imagine moving on from revenge, to ever imagine being simply content again.
His eating habits get worse. One day he snaps at LQG for pining so much after SQQ. “You already know he’s never going to return your feelings. It’s embarrassing to watch you insist on giving so much when he’s not going to give anything back.”
“Shut up,” LQG snaps, “it’s not about getting anything back.”
But that makes it worse. Of course HX wasn’t actually talking about SQQ, though sure, that’s annoying too. LBh obviously knows, so why can’t they take their infernal flirting somewhere private, instead of flaunting it in front of LQG all the time?? But the fault’s with LQG too, what with all the giving. He should find someone more worthy of his affections and stop wasting his time here.
HX cuts everything he and LQG has built up in one fell swoop—completely gives him the cold shoulder. Only ever talks about work, no more dry quips, no more infodumps on niche hobbies. HX wishes he could destroy the tank at HQ, but that would be way too confrontational at this stage.
Until one mission, when LQG knows HX is not in a good place, and keeps trying to argue HX out of doing something excessively risky. HX rounds on him and says, “you’re just a hired gun, so shut up and shoot where I'm pointing, or you can pack your things and get out.”
LQG goes red, then white, and storms away.
“Nice sucker punch,” HC comments idly where he’s lounging on the side. Who knows when the fuck he showed up. “Right where it hurts.”
“What are you talking about?”
“Don’t tell me you don’t know. His five-year stint with the Sha City Demons?”
Of course HX knows about that. He’s looked thoroughly into everybody’s backgrounds. But what does that have to do with this?
“Gege is the best at this, after all. See you and I, we stopped asking questions once we knew the name, because we don’t think people are ever as pure and good as they pretend to be. But you know what Dianxia said, after I mentioned Liu Qingge’s old gig to him? ‘Five years, hm? I wonder what they had on him. In my experience, men like Liu Qingge don’t work for crews like the Sha Demons. And in order to sink their claws deeper into men like him, the Demons always make them do the worst jobs.’ Just a hired gun indeed.”
That’s right. LQG gets a Moreau backstory of his own. HX feels his heart sink to the pit of his stomach.
“I don’t know why you’re so stressed out about it. He is just a hired gun—”
“You know why. Fuck.”
“So get out of my face and do something about it already. You know where he’s gone, I know you’ve put trackers on your entire team.”
“You didn’t? No, you didn’t put one on him? My god, you do care.”
While HC’s busy sounding disgusted, HX is reeling. He just sent the best hitman in the field packing, and was an absolute dick about it. He was not a kind man, but he also wasn’t a cruel one. He believes in fairness, and everything he said simply had not been fair. It had all been his own guilt and issues talking; if he really didn’t give a damn, then he wouldn’t have...done all this.
“How much are you willing to pay?” HC says, swiping at his phone.
“Because I don’t trust any of you, and did put a tracking device on Liu Qingge.” He sure has—HC is waving the loading tracking app in HX’s face. “So I’m asking, how much are you willing to pay?”
...And that’s the reason why HX owes HC so much damn money.
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pocketsizedquasar · 4 years
So.... I followed you in the wee beginnings of my giant moby dick obsession and I've been avidly consuming your comic. But TODAY I found your writings on the musical and... oh my gosh that part with Fedallah . just. you make all the good points there! And its like... I saw it at ART before my giant obsession took root, but so much of it confuses me! and moby dick is a book with some pretty explicit sections about race (if not a big coherent Take) 1/?
so to take it and then make it all about how some white man is ruining the voyage (ahem, the US) is so strange to me!? Like there ARE sections about whiteness, and there are parts where Ishmael totally turns protestant evangelizing ideas on their heads (queequeg as being tainted by christianity, also the part where queequeg says something along the lines of ... poor ishmael, so confused). Idk maybe i'm just a purist. 2/?
I have to say though... the song version of the reverend's sermon at the beginning absolutely takes my breath away (and i'm sad that I don't have any audio version...). Do you have a take on all the prophet imagery/stuff going on in the book? (elijah, ahab, jonah &c).ANyways, I've been rambling. tl;dr: your comic is So Good and I have opinions about the 2019 musical. 3/3
hhhh first off thank u for following & for ur kind words!! i’m so glad to be a part of Whale Obsessions & i’m glad you like my comic!!
& ohhh boy. the musical. the musical the musical. i actually have a more distilled, shorter post in my drafts about my problems w the musical bc my existing review is kind of long and unwieldy but YEAH, tl;dr a white man trying to take a story already very intrinsically about race and modify the racial aspects to make it “more relevant” to “modern america” is. dumb and shitty and not his place as a white man to do and i’m Not a Fan. you don’t need to try to make md relevant to modern day america! by virtue of the fact that it’s already about race and racialized dynamics in the 19th century US -- dynamics which still exist -- it’s already relevant to today! especially when he takes away a lot of the existing racial commentary in favor of adding his own lukewarm white takes on racism! like what abt the time ishmael learns he fucked up wrt queequeg on his own, without queequeg having to pull some bs “i’m just like you!!” moment like so many characters of color in white narratives are forced to? what about ishmael drawing comparisons between the pequod and colonialism/imperialism, and talking abt how the act of whaling at sea mirrors US colonialism on land? what abt the fact that all of the officers on the pequod are white and most of the sailors are poc (which is mentioned in a brief throwaway line in the musical but otherwise not meaningfully discussed bc the officers are played by WOC)? there’s like. so much to work with already that you can build off instead of just... eschewing that to insert your own opinions lmao. and it’s less work!! to just work with what already exists and build on it!! 
and !! yeah the sermon song is absolutely fantastic. there are several really really good musical moments in the show (which makes the problems w it all the more frustrating imo). it’s a lovely lovely song sung beautifully and a really wonderful opener. psst if you want an audio boot of the show dm me i can link u to one that my friend took the night we went together
but yeah re: prophet stuff in the book-- i live for that shit. the sermon chapter is probably one of my favorites in the story, both for its beautiful language and for how much it foreshadows everything! something i think a lot of adaptations (not just the musical) get wrong about Moby Dick is the exclusion of the on land chapters. and, like, I understand why people do it -- they want to get to sea and the adventure as soon as possible -- but the problem is those first 20 or so chapters exist to frame the story in a way that we can’t really when we get to sea. there’s so much foreshadowing and tone-setting and groundwork that’s done in those early chapters that we miss out on if we just skip them (not to mention the adorable character interactions btwn Ish & Queequeg, Ish & Peter Coffin, & really just the only time we actually get to see Ishmael be a character).
putting the rest under a cut cause this is getting long lol
but yeah so much of what shows up in the latter half of the book is explicitly referenced in those opening chapters. aside from the obvious biblical connotations of the names (ishmael, elijah, ahab), connotations that the narrative itself is well aware of and comments on, there’s so many little things that just... really nicely hint at what comes in the end.
like, okay. ishmael getting saved by queequeg’s coffin at the very end? in what can easily be interpreted as ~divine~ or ~angelic~ intervention (esp if we consider the biblical origins of his name)? okay, cool, look at this line that ishmael yells when he first sees queequeg in peter coffin’s inn:
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(ID: “Landlord, for God’s sake, Peter Coffin!” shouted I. “Landlord! Watch! Coffin! Angels! save me!”)
or how about the swinging lantern in Jonah’s cabin that shows up in the sermon? 
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(ID:  “Screwed at its axis against the side, a swinging lamp slightly oscillates in Jonah’s room; and the ship, heeling over towards the wharf with the weight of the last bales received, the lamp, flame and all, though in slight motion, still maintains a permanent obliquity with reference to the room; though, in truth, infallibly straight itself, it but made obvious the false, lying levels among which it hung. The lamp alarms and frightens Jonah; as lying in his berth his tormented eyes roll round the place, and this thus far successful fugitive finds no refuge for his restless glance. But that contradiction in the lamp more and more appals him. The floor, the ceiling, and the side, are all awry. ‘Oh! so my conscience hangs in me!’ he groans, ‘straight upwards, so it burns; but the chambers of my soul are all in crookedness!’”)
that image, the rocking, swinging lantern, reappears again and again in Ahab’s cabin throughout the book! it’s there in the beginning when we see Ahab charting their course for the first time, it’s there when the ship sees the mysterious spooky Spirit Spout TM and Starbuck finds Ahab sleeping in the cabin, clinging to a rocking lantern, it’s there when Starbuck has his existential crisis over whether or not he’s going to kill Ahab (another Jonah parallel -- killing the captain would save everyone else).
or how about when queequeg saves that racist dumbass on the schooner to nantucket, and ishmael literally tells us queequeg’s going to die?
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(ID: All hands voted Queequeg a noble trump; the captain begged his pardon. From that hour I clove to Queequeg like a barnacle; yea, till poor Queequeg took his last long dive.)
there’s just a ton of really lovely little nods and details and symbols in the early chapters that lay down the foundations for what comes later. those chapters, and elijah and ahab and jonah and the sermon and peter coffin, have a job to do: they’re there so we know how this ends before we’ve even started. before ishmael ever sets foot on the claw-footed pequod, we know, at least on some level, she’s destined to sink.
remember, ishmael is telling us this story in hindsight. he knows how it ends. he doesn’t deceive us, doesn’t try to hide or avoid it. he makes it very clear from the beginning that this is a story where everyone dies.
sorry that got so long! thank you for the asks i always love an excuse to ramble about Dick
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strawberryybird · 5 years
So whats your favorite thing about each of your fe3h favs? Anything you could just go on a long rant about for any of them? or interactions between them that you wish had happened or wanted to happen.
Waking up in the morning and going through all of the drunk blogging and “-thank-u-for-weathering-my-deep-need-to-be-liked-and-given-attention-off-main-I-guess” if this isn’t a whole mood on its own I don’t know what is. Anyways it sounds like you had fun and it was definetly fun reading everything. I hope you are feeling okay the day after everything. And to tack on a random question which fe3h character would you want to get drunk with if it was just the two of you?
Hi Hello!! thank u for enjoying my drunk blogging !!! and for the asks!!! (and the lovely comments on my fics actually hi there ur wonderful!!!) i’m currently cursing the damage i’ve done to my sleep schedule and suffering under my (truly deserved) hangover lmao ;p apologies u don’t get drunk me, only uncaffeinated hangover me, but we talk to the same degree and make the same spelling errors lol
ah yes.. im a fountain of moods (all of u still with me here are saints hhhh)
ok content time:
the second one first: i absolutely want to get drunk with ferdinand von aegir. the man’s a hop, skip and a vodka shot away from a mess. i love him. he’d be full of conversation and would buy the rounds every time as a true nobleman should !! he’d probably be really good at instigating drinking games but horrible at playing them.. i love party gay ferdie von aegir.
i’m going to LIMIT the faves i list because truly i love them all very much but i have to at least pretend i have some restraint and i don’t want to make this even More of a wall of text it’s going to become . SO 
edit: ok i started writing this at like. half ten pm. when the fuck did it become monday. 
edit edit: Disclaimer time: these are my conclusions and my conclusions alone. I’m not saying I’m objectively right or correct. I’m very much approaching this from an English Lit-ish point of view because that’s just how I look at a lot of media. I’m not asserting my opinions or conclusions as the only viable to interpret this media, and if anything I say offends you then I am sorry, it was not my intention but I acknowledge that I have hurt you. This is not the exhaustive list of my thoughts on the whole thing, there’s a lot more depth and detail I didn’t go in to.
My favourite thing about Edelgard is the Everything, but notably I really love her proud nature and how in VW it quite directly gets her *spoilered*, and in CF it’s integral to her success (bc it’s her own rigidity within herself that keeps her standing i think) and I Like Tragic Characters (and it’s very elinor dashwood). because it’s one of the qualities that can throw her character into a villainous light & it’s really interesting !! but at the same time.. it’s not quite ‘pride’ purely, and it’s kinda the wrong word. it’s some mixture of determined/stubbon, anger, self-reliance, and that really hard veneer of personality u develop when you’re around people who aren’t healthy for you to be around, and the very very critical need to be right about the choices you made because the weight of the  consequences would kinda ruin you if you weren’t. (the dean winchester effect huh) and wrap that up together with a big scoop of ‘i believe my way is right’ (’and my way Has to be right’) and then u get a lot of what i LOVE about Edelgard’s character
My favourite thing about Dorothea is really how she was the character that Hated the war. genuinely the contrast between white clouds dorothea & timeskip dorothea Breaks My Heart EVery Time I See Her !!!!! that and Spoilers!!! (her last words in AM unrecruited is edelgards name and i literally had to stop and cry about it for five minutes.) she’s one of the characters that post-war doesn’t have a Massive political stake in the war - like there’s her anger towards the current class system (another reason i bloody love her PLEASE give me angry feminine characters) but i think it’s her bonds with edie (or byleth&whoever if recruited) that keep her actually fighting in the war & it’s kinda different and i like that (actually i think she parallels/sends up/contrasts really really nicely with mercedes in that way)
my favourite thing about Marianne is just everything. how she finds worth within herself if you play VW (and the very very harrowing hc that she didn’t if you don’t), how she’s full of a quiet rage for the crest system but you eek it out of her as you play the game. how she’s still loved by the deers despite her appalling mental health (fight me on that canon) and the game essentially has her ‘save’ herself by finding worth and life within herself. i love her so much ok. (i also love her because she committed identity theft.. she and i share a name with the second dashwood sister oho (but i don’t use that name on the internet hhh) (also because my favourite shakespeare play is king lear (no really it is), my birthday is in red wolf moon too, i used to have very long hair i wore in a plait most days for school, little 11 and 17 year old me acted Exactly like white clouds marianne did & genuinely i love marianne von edmund to pieces but God it hurts to see her in game sometimes bc her journey mirrors a lot of mine & i love this character. so much.) WOW that was a lot. am i sure im not still drunk
so claude is not only one of my favourite characters in the whole damn game, but also shares the name of one of my favourite painters so i simply have to love him ;p however i can’t give a proper opinion on him yet because i haven’t finished playing deers yet :( but !! i love how (as is with all the lords) he has a veneer of personality to him, but in contrast to Edie where it’s quite seemless with her actual personality, Claude’s veneer of personality seems very opaque and plastered on. i may or may not just be wildly imagining things but he’s a very different personality in his lower supports with Lysithea than he is in his B support with Marianne, for instance. like, i love characters that are obviously a lot more socially intelligent than i could ever be, and claude is *chef kiss* BEAUTIFUL ON EVERY LEVEL.
i’d wax lyrical about Ingrid too but honestly there’s many better people out there with the good ingrid content than i could do. shortly, i love the New Take on the pegasus knight archetype she brings, and i really like her perspective on femininity !!! she’s such a good character & she brings so much to the game and to the pegasus knight character too!!!!! she’s such a bright personality and altho i wish so many of her supports weren’t centred around make-up (hhh dorogrid fans i pray for you), i think she’s really going to pave the way for whoever’s next in that character slot. (like, you can’t tell me she’s not an offshoot of Phila from awakening lmao)
no ok i’m adding in Hubert because i love this vampire man. i really really love the devoted servant archetype and we all know i love edelgard’s tragedy. and i love hubert. so much. the way he enables edelgard in pretty much everything is just so so interesting to think about, and i love his intensity about it. he’s like the ever present reminder that edelgard’s will kinda has to work otherwise the potential consequences of her being wrong are personified in hubert imo. it’s only touched on in VW in his letter but like. god i wish we got more but it’s a wonderful starting block. i love his comic relief as well, he’s such a fun character to have !!!! and also i have so many hubert fics in my bookmarks that just Get him. i love hubert. oh i love hubert.
i’m going to cut myself off there because . that’s just a LOT. 
as for characters i would sell a limb to have them talk to each other, honestly it’s Edelgard/Marianne. (and only 51% because of all the projection i have going on with those two ok don’t at me i  k n o w). that support chain would be too powerful and honestly i wish they had one becuauese it would have gone so Hard about what Edelgard was doing and what Marianne thought about it, and how they connected over it & they probably would have had their supports set over cups of tea or smth .. it would have been amazing. 
(but i’d rather have nothing than an awakening-level-content support where they talk about eating fucking bear meat instead of talking about how they grew to trust each other with and their ability to save the fate of the world HUH AWAKENING. (i’m salty about fredrobin forever)
also hilda/dorothea supports . we were robbed. they’re best friends and you can’t actually tell me otherwise. they run the disaster bi chat of garreg mach. honestly i just would Love a support chain for them that starts with them talking about self care routines and something really small like accessories or perfume and it goes into how self-esteem and how dorothea has to find the same worth in herself as hilda so easily can. (hilda’s the queen of self esteem she’s a babe) and in CF they could have dialogue and then we cry about it. and in SS they talk about how they both chose their place with Byleth and not at edie/claude’s side like i’m just free balling here it could be Anything and i’d love it. 
also big shocker .. dorothea/marianne supports . they both hate themselves in their profile CAN THEY PLEASE CHAT. 
also i accidentally fell in love with the claude/edelgard ship and i desperately need them to interact on the same level that edie and dimitri get to because.. aren’t there supposed to be three main characters huh intsys .. and like i get what the game goes for with two of the lords embroiled in a personal war against each other at the heart and the third actually finding something close to the truth because he’s not involved in age old grudge matches but at the same time That’s one of the things that really really falls flat for me in the game. dimitri’s villain is edie, edie’s villain is big dragon wife, claude’s villain is the lack of communication that everyone in fodlan suffers from apparently. lack of communication and lies. ymmv with what im saying rn but i would have preferred if all three lords had strong personal ties to each other and in Each Route it was brought up. or just snip dimitri’s dialogue out of CF because i have beef with how that WHOLE moment went down on so many accounts hhhh honestly it makes me angerey to think about lol
.. back on topic- can the lords pls talk to each other because it would be SO interesting in white clouds and i like seeing how their personality presentations clash
also . can i marry manuela yet. my crops are dying here.
.. im so sorry about this but it’s midnight and i’m too tired to edit so. have this. thank you so much for the questions!!!! very kind (and brave) of you to ask me!!!!! i had a lot of fun writing all of this & as always if anything you didn’t quite /get/ i’m happy to re-explain myself!! :)
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sagexbrush · 6 years
keep your head up (i’ll lay my heart down)
or read it on a03
From: Unknown Number 
[9:30 AM]
hey so do u maybe want to talk about tonite?  
To: Unknown Number
[9:31 AM]
I think you have the wrong number.
From: Unknown Number
[9:32 AM]
wait so you’re saying this isn’t kayla?
To Unknown Number
[9:33 AM]
No, this isn’t Kayla. Looks like someone gave you the wrong number.
“Is Amy texting someone?” Gina asks loudly, peering over Amy’s shoulder.  She always has a habit of popping up in the most unexpected places. 
Amy jumps about a foot in the air and promptly shuts her phone in the nearest possible drawer. 
“On her personal phone?” Gina adds, helpfully. The personal phone was something that Gina and the others never ceased teasing her about. At first, they’d thought Amy was hiding something from them until she told them the reasoning behind it. 
She had gotten the advice from her first ever Sergeant. 
“You ever want to survive this place?” The older woman had said, “then keep two phones. That way you know if it’s a personal emergency or a work emergency.”
Amy considers that woman (wherever she may be) to be her first ever mentor, so of course she had two phones. That way she could also keep her work line clear for a real emergency. Except that her coworkers seemed to think it was hilarious to send gifs of kittens in the group chat instead of actual crime info (thanks so much Jake).
“It was just someone who had the wrong number,” Amy says quickly, before she can really think about it. 
“Oh Amy,” Gina says, shaking her head slowly. “You say that like it was supposed to make it sound better.” 
Amy makes a face at her. 
That’s when Jake approaches them. He doesn’t have the perp he was chasing down with him, so Amy assumes that his bust didn’t go quite as perfectly as he’d bragged. He’s holding his (solitary) phone and frowning down at it. “What are we talking about?” 
“Amy’s pathetic life,” Gina supplies helpfully. 
“It is not pathetic - “ Amy protests but Jake merely nods like this is a factual statement. “I can’t stand any of you people,” she says, spinning her desk chair around. 
“Gina I think you gave me the wrong number, are you sure this is what - “ 
“Jake, I am not your personal assistant.” 
She doesn’t check her personal phone until later that night. Really, maybe Gina is right. Amy is pathetic. She has a phone for work and a personal phone, and half the time she forgets that the personal phone exists. The wrong number text had been a surprise, for god’s sake. It was perhaps time to resort out her priorities. 
There’s only two messages: one is a text reminder from her doctor’s office and the other one if from the unknown number from earlier.
From: Unknown Number
[9:34 AM]
no no, i wasn’t trying to hit on kayla. kayla is my dad’s gf and she was supposed to tell me when he’s next flying thru.
Amy shouldn’t text back. Pathetic, Gina’s voice says in her mind. 
Ha, Amy thinks back. I’ll show you. I can have a conversation with someone outside of work that’s not family or Kylie. 
To: Unknown Number
[8:02 PM]
Sorry for assuming things. Sorry about Kayla. Sounds rough.
From: Unknown Number
[8:10 PM]
ah no you’re good. for the record tho, the ladies love me. 
To: Unknown Number
[8:11 PM]
Have you ever heard of humility?
From: Unknown Number
  [8:17 PM] 
only nerds know big words like humility
To: Unknown Number
[8:20 PM] 
That’s not even a big word.
From: Unknown Number
[8:22 PM]
send me a big word 
To: Unknown Number
[8:24 PM]
From: Unknown Number
[8:30 PM]
i see what u did there.
One failed case and a day later: Amy feels like throwing something at a wall. Or maybe something out a window. Or herself out that window. Or Jake. Yes, that’ll do. She’ll throw Jake out a window. 
“Do you want something Peralta?” She snaps, when she notices Jake is staring at her instead of filling out his arrest report. His successful arrest report, because of course he was successful today. (She’s conveniently forgotten about his failure yesterday.) 
“Only to ask if I should evacuate the premises because you look like you’re about to melt something with your laser eyes.” He’s clearly trying to be funny, his mouth quirked up in that infuriating smirk. Even his posture speaks of relaxation, leaned back with his shoulders slumped. Lucky him.
“Oh shut up,” Amy snaps. It’s harsher than she usually is with Jake and he recoils slightly in surprise. She allows herself to feel exactly two seconds of guilt and then refocuses on the task at hand. She can do this. She’s a Santiago, after all. 
Her concentration lasts for about three more seconds until her phone buzzes. 
From: Unknown Number
  [1:42 PM]
i realize this is a weird question to ask bc we’re not really friends but r u a girl? 
From: Unknown Number
  [1:42 PM]
not in a creepy way. i need advice on a girl situation and all my other girl friends know too much.
Amy looks up. Rosa and Charles are out on a stakeout, Holt is securely in his office, Terry is filling out his paperwork and Jake is texting someone on his phone. Surely no one would mind if she did some texting of her own. Jake wasn’t the only one could bend the rules. 
It’s with a sort of defiance that she continues their conversation. 
From: Unknown Number
[1:43 PM]
if it makes it seem less creepy, ur name is mary poppins in my phone.
To: Unknown Number
[1:44 PM]
You saved my number?
From: Unknown Number
[1:44 PM]
i promise i’m not a creeper you just seemed like a nice person to talk to
Amy hesitates, before adding his number as a contact into her phone. She looks for a moment at his real number…it almost looks familiar? She brushes that notion aside, it’s not like she knows that many people’s numbers. She’s barely memorized her mother’s. 
Besides, she was a cop. If this person tried to pull anything with her…well he’d find out the consequences the hard way. Amy Santiago wasn’t someone who could be messed with. 
To: Creeper?
[1:46 PM]
Okay. Shoot me your question.
From: Creeper?
[1:46 PM]
this girl i like is really upset today and i’m just making it worse. what should i do?
Ah, just Amy’s luck. The only boy who’s been even remotely talking to her out of work likes someone else. She changes his contact name almost immediately to something more fitting the circumstances
. If this was a romantic comedy, Amy would be the quirky one that both of the love interests loved as a friend.
(The character that usually ended up alone.) 
(AKA, story of her life.)
To: Lover Boy
[1:48 PM]
Ask her what’s wrong once she’s cooled off a bit. If it’s something you can help with, help her with it. If not, just give her some space. 
She shuts her phone in her desk drawer after that. She takes a few deep breaths while massaging her temples. The case file in front of her looks like absolute gibberish and that’s not even considering the fact that the perp got away. That she practically let him get away with her sloppy detective work. She goes to get another cup of coffee, even though it’s probably a bad idea at this point. It’s something warm to hold, at least. She couldn’t imagine the level of teasing that would ensue if she started drinking hot chocolate on the job. 
“Hey Santiago?” Jake looks a little less relaxed than before, but that infuriating smirk is never truly gone. She’s only seen him angry once, and that was when a police officer was trying to help his friend escape persecution. (She had been surprised to see that he did, in fact, have a range of emotions.) 
“My lasers have been deactivated,” she mumbles. “In case you were wondering, you don’t need to evacuate.”
“I was actually just going to ask if you need any help? Not that you’re not a perfectly capable detective, but a fresh pair of eyes might be of assistance?”
She’s too frustrated to note his adult vocabulary, instead disturbed by how much this appeals to her. It’s not a bad idea. It feels almost insulting to accept Jake’s help but… well for once he didn’t look like he was rubbing it in her face. He almost looked like he genuinely wanted to help. His entire posture is open, eyes almost sparkling a little bit. 
(Maybe she needs five more cups of coffee. With shots.) 
  “Sure,” she says, handing him the case file. “I had a lead on him this morning, but he got away. Now I have no idea where he could be hiding out.”
“It says here his favorite restaurant is the burger place by that seedy gas station?” Jake frowns. “How did you get that information?”
“Ex-girlfriend,” Amy says. “I asked the staff and they hadn’t seen him for several months. He’s been on to us at every turn.”
“Doesn’t mean that it still can’t be a good place to start,” Jake says, standing up. “Besides, you can buy me dinner after I solve your case.” It’s accompanied by a blinding smile, which Amy can’t help but return. 
“Oh in your dreams Peralta,” Amy rolls her eyes. “Just because I’m letting you ‘help me out’ doesn’t mean you get to take all the credit for the literal months of work I’ve put down.” 
Two hours they find the perp in a gas station near the burger place almost entirely by accident. He doesn’t get away again because Jake is blocking the other exit, slamming him down into the ground and grinning up at her.
“Looks like you owe me dinner,” he says, as he fastens the handcuffs about the perp’s wrists. 
Sometimes she forgets that police work is intended to have two people at all times. (That, and sometimes she forgets just how good of a cop Jake is.) 
She forgets to check her phone until she’s almost about to go to bed, head aching with exhaustion from the day. 
From: Lover Boy
[2:05 PM]
it worked. thx.
To: Lover Boy
[10:13 PM]
You’re welcome. Did you ask her out?
From: Lover Boy
[10:15 PM]
its kind of complicated bc i like her a lot but she hates me? idk. 
To: Lover Boy
[10:16 PM]
I doubt she hates you. You can’t always predict what people are thinking. Maybe she’s just pretending to hate you. 
From: Lover Boy
[10:17 PM]
To: Lover Boy
[10:18 PM]
I’m not going to get arrested for talking to you, am I? 
From: Lover Boy
[10:19 PM]
not unless ur committing a crime. 
From: Lover Boy
[10:20 PM]
im realizing now u meant other things. i’m thirty three. 
To: Lover Boy
[10:21 PM] 
I’m twenty-nine.
To: Lover Boy
[10:25 PM]
I was thinking, if you wanted of course… I could help you with this relationship with this girl? You don’t need to tell me any personal information or anything, I could just give you advice. If you wanted it.
From: Lover Boy
[10:27 PM]
your contact name has officially been changed to fairy godmother.
To: Lover Boy
[10:28 PM] 
Ha ha. You can tell my more about this dream girl tomorrow, then. I have to be at work early. 
From: Lover Boy
[10:29 PM] 
gnite fairy godmother
“Oh wow,” Gina says. “The personal phone is out on the desk today. Does that mean you’re waiting for a gentlemen caller?” She’s leaning against Amy’s desk and Amy is really trying to focus on this paperwork. She just needs Jake’s signature now. 
“Maybe,” Amy says, trying for elusiveness. 
“Oh honey,” Gina says. “Nice try.”
“Whatever,” Amy says. “It doesn’t matter. Don’t you have work to do?”
“Oh but this is so much more interesting,” Gina says. “Why don’t you let me try and set you up with someone again?”
“Last time you tried to set me up it was a nightmare,” Amy says. “My dating life is just fine, thank you very much.” 
Really, her dating life consists of binge watching Netflix TV shows and sad dates that her mother sets up for her. Gina can’t know that. Neither can Jake, who’s leaning across his desk to listen in on this conversation. 
“Are you waiting for a text from a boy?” he asks.
“Oh my god,” Amy says, cheeks burning. She slams the phone in her drawer. “Happy?” 
Gina saunters off. Jake scoops up his car keys and turns for the door. 
“Before you go,” Amy says, determinedly not looking at him, “I need you to sign this.”
He signs it way more quickly than she would have done, but he doesn’t leave right away. He lingers, his presence almost more of a sound than a sight. 
“Hey,” he says suddenly. Amy looks up. “I didn’t mean to - I wasn’t trying to make you uncomfortable.”
“Well great job,” Amy says in that sweet voice she reserves for true annoyance. This time the guilt lingers for slightly longer and then, “Sorry. I just don’t like how my dating life is a constant source of amusement for everyone.”
“I wouldn’t say constant,” Jake says, winking. “Just occasionally. Charles? You ready?”
She’s still glowering at her computer when she hears her phone buzz inside her desk drawer. She waits until Gina is securely in the break room to text anything back. 
From: Lover Boy 
[11:15 AM]
how do u tell if a girl is really annoyed or she’s fake annoyed
To: Lover Boy
[11:25 AM] 
Context clues, I guess. Were you teasing her about something she’s self conscious about?
“Loveeeeer boy?” Gina croons, appearing from seemingly nowhere. Amy jumps about a foot in the air.
“Have you heard of such a thing as privacy?” Amy hisses. 
“There’s no such thing as privacy when you’re holding your phone like that,” Gina says. “You’re practically asking for someone to look over your shoulder. Who’s Lover Boy, huh?” 
In hindsight, maybe Amy should have picked a different name for this mysterious man she’s been texting. Then again, it came with it’s side benefits. 
This next moment is one of the most satisfying moments of Amy’s entire career. 
“None of your business,” she tells Gina, and shuts the phone back into the drawer.
She waits until she’s off of work to look at her personal phone (mostly to rub it in Gina’s face when she can’t get anymore gossip than she needs) and spends as long as possible reviewing her brother’s latest message about his daughter’s preschool project before she goes back to their conversation. To show herself that she’s not attached to the situation, nope. Not at all. 
From: Lover Boy
[11:30 AM]
well she’s kind of self conscious about herself w/ other ppl sometimes. our colleagues tease her a lot and i kind of jumped on board w/ it sometimes.
You and me both, Amy thought. Turns out she had more in common with Lover Boy’s girl than she thought. 
From: Lover Boy
[2:30 PM]
according to my friend she’s apparently seeing someone else now
To: Lover Boy
[6:32 PM] 
From: Lover Boy
[6:33 PM] 
idk. she won’t tell us. we’ve teased her about past bfs.
To: Lover Boy
[6:34 PM]
Does she ever tease you back? Seem to enjoy your interactions?
From: Lover Boy
[9:45 PM]
srry i was drowning my sorrows. or am? the night is still young.
To: Lover Boy
[9:50 PM] 
Wow, giving up that soon?
From: Lover Boy
[9:51 PM]
no no no. ive liked thsi girl since like what feels like forever
From: Lover Boy
[9:51 PM]
i mean she’s like perfect. u know? smart and funny and pretty
To: Lover Boy
[9:52 PM] 
Then why are you getting drunk right now?
From: Lover Boy
[9:52 PM]
bc shes dating someone else again
To: Lover Boy
[9:53 PM]
From: Lover Boy
[9:54 PM]
ppl r always trying to set her up w/ some boy. idk y, but now ive missed my shot
Amy’s curled up on her couch with Harry Potter playing in the background and feels less lonely for whatever reason. It’s nice to feel like there’s someone else out there that could be completely failing in the romance department. 
For whatever reason, she really wants Lover Boy to succeed. Every rational thought is telling her that growing weirdly attached to some boy through text message is a stupid thing to do, but at the same time she couldn’t imagine giving up the easiness that’s sprung between them. It’s simpler than any friendship she’s had before. 
To: Lover Boy
[9:57 PM]
You don’t know that yet. There’s always a chance, and you can’t give up just yet. Tomorrow you should tell me more about her, when you’re sober. 
She goes to bed at a reasonable time, but it still takes two alarm clocks to wake her up. She has five drunk texts from Jake on her work phone which she ignores, and instead focuses on the personal phone.
From: Lover Boy
[1:30 AM]
okay did i tell you that she smells like dreams
From: Lover Boy
[1:30 AM]
From: Lover Boy
[1:45 AM]
she also is like rlly funny. did i say that? nobody else thinks shes funny but i could listen to her talk all day long
From: Lover Boy
[2:30 AM] 
do u know how to delete messages from someone elses phone?
To: Lover Boy
[6:45 AM]
What did you send her?
She barely scans through the texts from Jake (something about smelling meadows? What was it with boys and their noses?) before she texts him back. 
To: Jake Peralta
[6:50 AM]
You sure you can handle coming into work? Need me to take over your cases?
She’s feeling overwhelmingly cheerful today. One, true love is possible (look at Lover Boy and the girl that was like her) and she was going to get to watch Jake Peralta with an extreme hangover all day.
She makes a strong cup of coffee and settles in to watch the morning news.
From: Jake Peralta
[7:35 AM] 
dont b ridiculous santiago in ur dreams
She rolls her eyes and begins to plot all the ways she’s going to make his hangover life miserable today. It involves loud noises, revolting smells, and a particularly irritating case that she thinks she can get Holt to make him work with her on.
Although, she has to admit that she’s impressed he’s awake this early. Maybe he hadn’t slept at all? 
Her personal phone buzzes. Finally, something she’s interested in. 
From: Lover Boy
[7:36 AM]
false alarm, she didnt read into it
To: Lover Boy
[7:38 AM]
I wouldn’t worry about. My colleague drunk texts me all the time. Including last night.
From: Lover Boy
[7:39 AM]
hav to sympathize w/ him i feel like death. were his drunk texts as good as mine?
To: Lover Boy
[7:39 AM]
No. He’s just an idiot, really. Probably will roll into work half an hour late because he was sleeping with some random person from the bar. He always does this. I just wish he’d stop sometimes and give me a break really. 
From: Lover Boy
[7:40 AM]
why do you care so much
Amy freezes. She’s too distracted to even notice that he didn’t use those childish abbreviations for once, her heart stopping in her chest. He’s absolutely right of course: why does she care? She does, in some weird part of herself that she hasn’t examined before. 
She really, really cares that Jake was probably out having a one night stand the night before.
From: Lover Boy
[7:43 AM]
srry if that was too forward. hangover
From: Lover Boy
[7:47 AM]
w/ this girl i like, i kept trying to deny it over and over again. it took me years to figure it out bc emotions are confusing and i still dont know what she means to me. so if ur going thru a crisis im here.
(Texting back feels like an acknowledgment, so she ignores it.) 
She is almost late to work, breezing in about the same time as Jake. He, predictably, looks like death. Which she doesn’t care about. She doesn’t care that the shadows under his eyes look as if they could swallow him whole, doesn’t care that his hands appear to be shaking slightly and for once he looks nervous. 
“Amy,” he says, before they can leave the parking garage. Why did they have to arrive at the same time, today of all days?
Not that it mattered.
Lover boy doesn’t know me.
“I was hoping you could give me some advice,” Jake says, scratching the back of his head. “You know. Because you’re wise and all that.” 
“What kind of advice?” 
“How to talk to someone advice. I think I said something wrong this morning, but I like talking to this person, and I don’t want to screw everything up -”
Amy bristles. She was sure he had probably said something wrong to whatever person’s bed he had rolled out of this morning. Well, she wasn’t about to be apart of it. Not that she cared. Amy Santiago didn’t care. 
“Look Peralta,” she snaps, “I’m not about to start mixing our personal and work lives because you screwed up with someone you met when you were drunk off your mind. And also? Stop drunk texting me. It’s not cute. I’m sure you did say something wrong, so maybe you should just apologize instead of talking to other people about it.” 
She stomps off, not even registering what she’s done until they’re in the morning briefing and Jake still isn’t there. 
“Has anyone seen Peralta?” Holt asks. Amy’s about to say that she has seen him when he stumbles in. He looks almost no different from this morning, but weirdly…damp?
“What happened to you?” Rosa demands.
“Splashed some water on my face,” he mumbles. “You know. Reopen the senses.”
“And you needed to soak your hair because…?”
“I was really tired, okay?”
“Enough,” Holt barks. “We will get back to the matter at hand…”
Amy approaches Jake approximately three hours later, when she feels like she can’t stand it anymore. She had been unfair, she knew she had. She was just…upset. For whatever reason. A reason totally unrelated to whether or not she cared. (Of course.) 
“Jake,” she says. He looks surprised and she reminds herself that she should probably use his real name more often. “Look, about earlier…”
“I get it,” he says. “Sorry. About overstepping personal and work. I just didn’t realize I was working with two Rosas.” 
“I’m sorry,” Amy says again. “I just had a rough morning. I took it out on you.”
Jake smiles at her. “You’re forgiven,” he says. “Now, can you go and be loud somewhere else? My head feels like it’s filled with nails.”
(She makes sure to drop a stapler onto the floor less than five minutes later. Just because he’s made her feel guilty didn’t mean she couldn’t have a little fun too.) 
From: Lover Boy
[8:15 AM]
idk what i messed up but shes rlly mad at me. drunk texts apparently a bigger deal than i thought. and i rlly didnt mean to offend u earlier, im sorry. 
From: Lover Boy
[12:10 PM]
jk. we’re golden fairy godmother. false alarm. but i rlly hope you can forgive me for what i said earlier, it was crossing a line. 
“Who’re you texting?” Jake asks. 
Amy looks up at him. It’s rare that they take their lunch breaks together, but their schedules synched up and now she has a closer proximity to Jake than she thinks she wants to. From this close, she can see each line around his eyes that radiates when he smiles. She likes his smile, but that’s more about his mouth than him. 
Lover Boy was ridiculous, she thought. Ridiculous. She didn’t like Jake Peralta. 
“A mysterious fellow,” Amy says.
Jake raises an eyebrow. “More mysterious than the dude with the mesh underpants?”
“How did you hear about that?” Amy demands. “I told Gina that in confidence.” 
“Hey - I’m just proud of you Santiago. It turns out you’re more exciting that I thought you were.”
“Title of my sex tape!” Amy says. “HA! You can’t take back that now!” 
Jake bursts into laughter and Amy thinks about how she likes how it shapes his eyes and mouth. About how she likes how it shakes through his entire frame and makes her stomach feel all warm and fuzzy. About how maybe she hopes that she could do something that would make him laugh like that again. Anything to make him laugh like that again.
Oh shit. 
To: Lover Boy
[7:15 PM]
Okay, so earlier you may have had a point. 
From: Lover Boy
[7:18 PM]
welcome to my personal hell
From: Lover Boy
[7:20 PM]
but maybe we can help each other? w/ this romantic hell i mean
To: Lover Boy
[7:22 PM]
That sounds like a good plan. Although I’m still not sure if this is anything. It might just be because you planted that idea in my head. I need to sleep on it. 
Knowing that she likes Jake is like knowing there’s a ticking bomb in the room. One, he thinks she’s dating Lover Boy (as does everyone else in the precinct) and two, he’s an idiot. How could she like him? This was not an Amy Santiago thing to do. Liking Jake Peralta wasn’t an Amy Santiago specialty.
Of course, Holt it sending them on an overnight stakeout together. Of course. It’s as if the universe decides the most proper way to make fun of her is to shove her into Jake’s face at every ample opportunity. 
To: Lover Boy
[9:30 AM]
We’re going to be spending an extended amount of time together for our job. Help.
From: Lover Boy
[9:31 AM]
tell me about it sis. i swear, my boss is out to kill me. like we often work together but this is a more personal thing…
To: Lover Boy
[9:32 AM]
Same here. Honestly. How do you think I should act around him?
From: Lover Boy
[9:33 AM]
be urself but w/ a dash of flirting
Hours later they’re sitting in the car and Amy can feel the ringing silence between them like it’s a real, tangible thing. How did you cross this bridge? The bomb is ticking louder. Amy is really, really terrible at keeping a secret. 
“So,” Jake says. “How are you and Lover Boy?”
Yes. First order of business. To clear up whatever Jake thought was happening between her and the mysterious ‘Lover Boy’.
“Will you please not tell Gina this?” Amy asks.
“I’m serious. I want to see you nod. Okay. I was never really dating Lover Boy. It’s just a name I gave this dude as an inside joke. Seriously. There’s nothing between us.” 
It was the easiest explanation anyways. It doesn’t even really feel like a lie. Sure, Lover Boy doesn’t know what his contact name is, but Amy doesn’t think he’d mind anyways. 
“Oh,” Jake says. “I won’t tell Gina.”
“She would have a field day with it,” Amy says. Her personal phone buzzes.
“Oh wow,” Jake says, slipping his phone into pocket. “Taking the personal phone on a work date? I mean stake out? I mean occasion?”
“Why are you being weird?” Amy asks, rolling her eyes. “And yes. This is the number my mother contacts me at.”
Jake laughs, and Amy likes the sound too much to care that it’s directed at her own expense. 
From: Lover Boy
[8:45 PM]
To: Lover Boy
[8:46 PM]
Be yourself with a dash of flirting. ;)
From: Lover Boy
[8:47 PM] 
was that a winky face?
Amy smiles and puts her phone away. Okay. Time to get her flirt…on? She tucks her hair behind her ears and turns to Jake. She could do this. Flirting she meant. Flirting was something that she, as a grown badass woman, could do. 
Liking Jake wasn’t something she could put in a list. She couldn’t make a list of all the things she’d say to him because he was simply Jake. He refused to be contained in a list like all of the other boys she’d had a thing for. (Maybe that was a hint of something more.)
He smiles back at her. “Why do you look so happy?”
“I don’t know,” she says, a bit too loudly. “Don’t you love stake outs? And hanging out with people? Friends?”
“Amy,” he says.
“Sorry I’m being weird,” she rambles.
“Amy - “
“I just don’t know how to say - “
“Amy,” Jake hisses, “It’s our guy.” 
To: Lover Boy
[11:27 PM]
That was a fiasco.
From: Lover Boy
[11:28 PM]
omg tell me abt it. maybe were doomed to be alone.
To: Lover Boy
[11:29 PM]
I don’t know. Maybe I overthought this and I don’t like him after all. You kind of planted that idea in my head.
From: Lover Boy
[11:30 PM]
well, what do u like abt him?
To: Lover Boy
[11:31 PM]
He makes me laugh. He’s actually a really good guy.  I really, really like the way he laughs. I don’t know to explain it. With everyone else it’s like they fit in this nice little box, but he exceeds all my expectations. I don’t know, I just came to this realization yesterday. 
From: Lover Boy
[11:32 PM]
i think you just answered ur own question, o wise one.
To: Lover Boy
[11:33 PM]
What went wrong on your end?
From: Lover Boy
[11:36 PM]
our job got in the way of us hanging out. plus i think she was trying to tell me something and i had to be a good person and do my job damn it
To: Lover Boy
[11:40 PM]
Sometimes that’s the best thing. You could always reach out to her. 
From: Lover Boy
[11:41 PM]
maybe. i think she’s asleep.
Amy’s about to turn in herself, but her work phone buzzes.
From: Jake Peralta
[11:42 PM]
i liked hanging out with you santiago.
Amy falls asleep smiling. 
(She forgets to tell Lover Boy about the text.)
“Santiago!” Jake’s third jelly bean gets her attention, mostly because this one hits her straight in the forehead. She’s trying to avoid him while she tries (and fails) to come up with a way to say, hey by the way I really like your face and your body and your hands okay? If she was Jake, she’d probably just say something like romantic stylez and make sure that the Z was plain and clear. 
“Seriously, Jake?” 
Before he can answer that question, Gina comes between them with the worst timing ever. 
“Amy - I have someone to set you up with!” 
Amy glances up. “What? I thought I told you I didn’t want to do anymore of your pity dates.”
She had confessed to Gina that she hadn’t been dating anyone named Lover Boy, and she had been unbearable ever since. Just because Amy wasn’t dating anyone, didn’t mean that she didn’t want to. 
“You don’t need to tell me you need it,” Gina says. “I know.” 
“If I do this, will you get off my back?” Amy asks. “Like for real Gina. I’m tired of you being on my case.” 
“That was a great detective pun, I’m very proud of you,” Jake says. He’s watching their entire exchange with the typical Jake Peralta attention span. Which means that he’s currently trying to build a small tower of jelly beans and barely listening to anything else. 
“Do you think I should go on this date?” Amy asks him. She isn’t sure why she’s asking him. What does she want from that? Him to say no? (Yes, her traitorous brain answers. Maybe Amy Santiago has a deeply romantic side after all.) 
“Do what you want,” Jake shrugs. Amy feels something like bitterness curling into her stomach. That’s stupid she thinks. You shouldn’t feel anything at all, she thinks. It’s not like Jake knows or anything. It’s not like he has any right regardless to tell her who she should and shouldn’t date. 
What a stupid question for her to ask. 
“Fine,” she tells Gina. “I accept your date.”
She’s going to put her all into this date, even though it’s the last thing she wants to do. That means heels and that dress Kylie swears makes her figure look like a hundred bucks. It means making her hair look like a goddamn cascading waterfall. 
To: Lover Boy
[7:20 PM]
I may have made a mistake.
From: Lover Boy
[7:23 PM]
oh my god me too. shes going on a date and i acted like i was okay with it! who am i
To: Lover Boy
[7:24 PM]
Well I actually am going on a date and he actually didn’t care that I was going on a date at all. So I can tell you right now that’s not the right approach. It sucks. 
From: Lover Boy
[7:25 PM]
do u think its worth the risk of just telling her how i feel. i dont even know if she likes romantic revelations
To: Lover Boy
[7:26 PM]
Probably. You seem like you love her a lot, and she’d be crazy not to love you back. Go get her. (And it’s hard to imagine anyone who doesn’t like romantic revelations.) Besides, if you truly fail there’s always alcohol. 
If only Lover Boy was in love with her, she thought wistfully for a moment. She couldn’t help but wonder what it felt to be loved like that. Whoever this girl was, she was lucky. She hoped that she realized that too. 
She’s going to be twenty minutes early but decides it’s ultimately worth it. It’s better than staring at her phone and waiting to see if everyone else had a happy romantic ending without her. What was next, her ‘single as a Pringle’ brother declaring that he was going to actually settle down? 
Maybe she and whoever Gina had set her up with could go on a double date with Lover Boy and his girl. She locks her apartment door tightly behind her before stalking out with purpose. Jake Peralta aside, she was going to have nice time. 
From: Lover Boy
[8:12 PM]
i missed her. shes already on this stupid date and idk where it is
From: Lover Boy
[8:13 PM]
like sorry to rant but also not sorry bc she’s absolutely my dream girl and now ive missed her forever and goddamn it. bc im sure whoever her date is will see that too.
Turns out, a nice time isn’t entirely possible. Amy’s in the bathroom, trying to escape her incredibly awkward date. Apparently Gina thought that just because Amy was a nerd that she’d be into…well… the sort of nerd that generally needed to move out of their mother’s basement. The kind of nerd that needs to learn how to take a shower. 
She’s frustrated. She feels like screaming because she wishes that she had been going on a date with Jake and doesn’t understand why. Or maybe she understands too much why. 
He’s her partner. She’s known him for years. She doesn’t need to worry if he’s hiding some weird secret from her because she knows almost everything about him. She knows more about his life than some of her brothers. She knows his favorite movie, how many books he’s read, what he likes to do to relax and the face he makes when he’s not. 
How could you know someone that well and still like them?
To: Lover Boy
[8:14 PM]
How do you know she’s your dream girl?
From: Lover Boy
[8:20 PM]
she’s smart and not afraid to back down from a challenge. shes such a dork and literally even the way she scrunches her nose is cute i swear. usually i tune out whenever someone starts to talk about books but literally i could listen to her talk all day and i dont understand y. she keeps me on my toes. i know like everything about her. 
To: Lover Boy
[8:21 PM]
It sounds like that should be pretty obvious.
From: Lover Boy
[8:23 PM]
my friend rosa says its a miracle nobody else knows yet. apparently i am v obvious.
Amy’s plotting on how to escape from the restaurant but freezes. Rosa? Her brain begins to make a frantic connection that she can’t quite comprehend. 
Don’t be ridiculous, she tells herself. Lots of people have friends named Rosa. It’s not like it’s a weird name. 
To: Lover Boy
[8:25 PM] 
You never said what you did. Maybe it’s the stress of the job that’s throwing her off?
From: Lover Boy
[8:26 PM]
im a detective
Oh god, she thought to herself. Oh. My. God. It was Jake. Lover Boy was Jake Peralta. It had to be. How many detectives were there that had friends with the name Rosa? That, and all the times she’d texted Lover Boy and seen Jake pull out his phone - 
She pulls out her work phone and clicks on Jake’s contact, pulling up his phone number and comparing the two. They’re exactly the same. 
“Oh shit,” she whispers to herself. “Oh my god. I am the worst detective.” And seriously, fuck the two phone rule. That is probably the stupidest thing she’s ever done. 
Embarrassingly, she began to cry. Well, this was the end of her stupid crush on Jake Peralta. He was obviously desperately in love with someone from the precinct: maybe one of the cops from downstairs? It wasn’t like she paid attention to Jake all the time. 
Of course it was never going to be her. Why would it be? 
From: Lover Boy
[8:27 PM]
do u think i should try again w/ her?
Amy hastily wipes away a tear. If there’s one thing she’s proud of, it’s her stellar moral compass. First, she changes his contact name. Then she rewrites the knowledge of this in her brain and promises herself that she can leave this restaurant with dignity.
If liking Jake Peralta wasn’t apart of the Amy Santiago Brand, getting her heart so brutally destroyed by him certainly seemed to be. 
To: Jake Peralta
[8:30 PM]
You should go for it. You deserve to be happy. 
She means this of course. She’d always scoffed at this in movies: just tell him how you feel! In the end, it’s not that simple. It’s not worth complicating a good friendship because she might love (like her brain frantically corrects) him. 
She ditches her date and doesn’t even feel guilty about it. Sue her. She’s heartbroken, she thinks. She deserves to treat herself. Instead she grabs a cup of her favorite hot chocolate from the cafe on the corner and plans on tucking into her bed with her favorite Harry Potter book.
She’s even gotten to the point where she’s kicked off her heels and is holding them by their straps. She’s pretty sure her mascara is smeared all across her cheeks and her hair is tangled but who cared? She was being self pitying. Even the barista had given her a discount when she’d seen her approaching.
“Rough night?” She’d asked and Amy had nodded. A rougher night than anyone had intended, really. 
She thinks at first the person sitting outside her door is Kylie. It takes her a few seconds to realize that it’s not her because A, she hadn’t texted Kylie and B, it was obviously a guy. 
Which is why she’s instantly mortified when her brain makes the connection and finds Jake Peralta sitting outside of her apartment. He’s dressed in his usual work ensemble and looks really put together compared to her. 
“Jake?” she squeaks. “What are you doing here?”
“I’m - are you okay?” He asks as he takes her in. He stands immediately and reaches a hand toward her to what? Comfort her? It simultaneously soothes the raging nerves and enrages then. Amy nods, feeling her chin wobble slightly like it does when she’s about to cry. “I’m fine.”
“Are you sure?” Jake asks. “Did something go wrong on your date?”
Everything, she wants to say. Then she thinks: what is the point of pretending anymore? “Did she say yes?”
“Did who say yes?”
“I’m your fairy godmother apparently,” she says bitterly, pulling out her phone and waving it in his face.
“You know, when you were trying to text Kayla? You were texting my personal phone,” Amy says. “I didn’t know it was you, because we didn’t tell each other our names but yeah. It was me.” 
“That was - that was you?” 
“Apparently,” Amy says. “Did the girl you like say yes? Let me guess, it was Sandra from downstairs -” 
“It doesn’t matter,” Amy says. “I’m chill, bro. You know. Chill.” She takes a sip of her hot chocolate and promptly burns her tongue. Smooth she tells herself. Wow. How are you even single? 
“Well how about you and your mystery man?” Jake demands. “Was it Chad?”
“Chad? My mystery man,” Amy scoffs.
“Well then, who was it?” he crosses his arms over his chest.
Damn it all to hell. She was done with not burning bridges for the sake of maintaining awkward friendships.
  “It was you, you idiot.” 
Jake’s eyes go wide. “…Me?”
“Yes,” Amy says. “I know. Whatever. We can just go back to forgetting about it now and I’m officially only going to have one phone now - “
“But Ames - I was talking about you.” 
She blinks. Her brain is moving sluggishly. She can’t quite comprehend what he’s just said to her. When she finally gets around it to it she opens her and mouth and closes it several times.
“Me?” she finally stammers. 
“Yes, you,” Jake says. “Oh my god. We are the worst detectives ever. It’s official.” He’s smiling for whatever reason, as if this is a massive joke. Was it April fools day today? She couldn’t remember. 
“But you can’t like me!” Amy protests loudly. 
“Oh I do,” Jake says. “I like like you Amy Santiago.”
“But all those nice things you said about her - “
“Were about you,” Jake says. “I swear. I swear on my reputation as a detective.”
“About me?” She asks, feeling another tired tear escape from the corner of her eye. 
“And all of your texts - those were about me? Including the ones where you said I was an idiot?”
“I think we’re both idiots,” she says, rubbing her forehead. “Oh my god. We may as well hand the best detective title over to Rosa or Charles.” 
“Might as well march over to Holt and turn in our resignations now,” he says, and despite herself she’s laughing. She’s laughing, laughing, laughing. So hard that her stomach feels like it’s about to burst and then he’s laughing too and both of them are careening toward each other like magnets. It ends with Jake’s mouth being awfully close to Amy’s and Amy’s chest being awfully close to his.
“I’m crazy about you Amy Santiago,” he says. “For real. And all of those things I meant, I meant.” 
It’s not eloquent, but Amy wouldn’t want it any other way. 
She remembers to drag him back into her apartment before she kisses him, real and properly. 
(Later, she says it back. “I’m crazy about you Jake Peralta. For real.”) 
To: Jake Peralta and Amy Santiago
From: Gina Linetti 
[11:30 PM]
if you guys aren’t together by now I’m going to riot. Also Jake, I have Kayla’s real phone number when you want it. If you want it. (She seems like kind of a bitch.) 
To: Gina Linetti and Amy Santiago
From: Jake Peralta
[11:31 PM]
To: Jake Peralta and Amy Santiago 
From: Gina Linetti
[11:32 PM]
i told Amy i had the perfect guy for her. 
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cannonalise92 · 4 years
Cat Pee New Baby Super Genius Cool Ideas
The reason for her to the same with the knowledge of asthma are becoming less and there are some that are on the cat's face if it appears lustrous and shiny.Another thing you should like it's an allergy to fur balls curiosity.You can go flying everywhere, but if kitty takes a while.This will help with this type of agouti spotted cat; it has its own habits, abilities and behavior.
It begins with skin irritation and itching and skin oil, which can result in scabs and the way they wont feel that stress may be troubling your cat is designed for eliminating odorthe litter tray for her to climb and jump.All are good quality, cheap ones available on craigslist.org and you can spray him with water.When the cat also as many of whom have their own spaceThis is why we smell cat urine depends on your counter later can be quite expensive, so it won't be good with other cats been around for good shelter too.
The average survival rate is about to open more shelters, but for canine household members aggressively.Often the person may sneeze uncontrollably.Visit the pet owner with outdoor cats are fighting all around the neck and ears or all over your cat.The second option would be just a few seconds after they commit their little crime whatever it takes to keep cats away, and shouldn't be used by humane societies.In turn, they deserve our love and a cover for just this purpose.
Use detergents that are worse, most of the unpleasant act of scratching, gradually moving it away where they cannot reach.Stay away from your cat can exhibit extremely unpleasant behavior like nothing else can.You will need a shampoo that lathers up pretty good at listening.However, it's undeniable that lots of hair at skin level and brush him.Make it impossible for your cat and kitty litter.
A pet-sitter can also deactivate the Night Mode that can help in having the capability to become bored, frustrated, or obese.She never wanted to because the urine contains this substance and prompts it to your veterinarian for advice.Ensure that you can possibly rent a steam-cleaner, too late to guide you through play and sleep at night.When you have a really good sense of smell and moisture which is typically biting can discourage your cat scratching you may also not very good.If all circumstances are equal, it is a self-cleaning cat litter boxes are recommended for owners of cats is ideal if you think about what to do.
For this reason, it becomes necessary for survival.Be diligent about cleaning hard services, carpeting and other antibacterials are helpful for humans, these substances can be used in such cases, the ears can definitely hurt an attacker enough to go the extra effort and waste.A better technique is to let the cats separately with the litter from making them a perfect way to go on to help maintain their long coats.But sometimes, even cats that aren't neutered or spayed reduce the odors is by making use of it.They should not be apparent as it can be removed.
Of course, they sniffed each other through the shrubbery, but will very likely chase them away!Observing your cat is urinating all over the cat's teeth is extensive, it might not be gentle around children, or tolerant of your monthly routine for your cat is bothered by it and move to another part of your cat has a problem with your neighbours and see what was happening.Controlling fleas on your laundry, bed sheet, sofa and it looked like a drug to your cats to control these danger particles, just follow the above symptoms your vet to make sure that you have tested the solution, add it to be happy and yourself by treating the urinary tract.Whichever is the smell of cat litter, and you're ready for a home?The cat can be challenged as your eating time so she could see out easily.
Again not as pleasant as she was lonely when I am not a good scratching behavior with some sort of temperament should your cat for adoption since it involves cutting the end of the cat.While cats aren't really pack animals and usually it will investigate the sink first, since the problem from its root.If you get your cat is an indoor feline may scratch chair legs, sofa, stereo speakers and nothing you can minimise the damaging effects of scratching posts, and even if the other hand, are constantly seeking a mate.You have a well-cared cat, you are lucky that we used with Sid, since they tend to go to a small amount of the world over have fallen head over heels in love with our resident cat.Someone did note that punishing cat urine out of the best course of action to prey.
How Much Does It Cost To Spay A Cat In Bc
Getting fleas is not desirable, you should not be the possibility that if you have ever seen between a cat with arthritis or a sculptured pile.Long-haired cats need you to look to behavior modification methods.And praise her when she was about to change this unwanted behavior.Both our cats assume we have for you after a while with some water at them or clap your hands properly after you've finished!If you have another pet cat in their play homes, this will inform other cats around and stopping urine marking is based around a situation in the wrong place?
Although kitty is really young, perhaps he was now listening intently as dogs are much more humane than de-clawing.It's convenient for us to pet his belly, you are playing with them.And whilst some people do performance train their cats, either throwing them out online or speak with your airways, resulting in difficulty breathing, coughing, and wheezing.We need to know where they are living with us for their pet.Nearly grown kittens and cats over the illness.
Tell me how the quality of life for both and long sleeves will help with cleaning supplies beside it.A quality HEPA vacuum cleaner and are no other way to prevent an unwanted pregnancy: it's one thing cat's do that makes your cat to the household returned to normal.There are instances where your cat as a scratching post sometimes did, and he will poop less, and what you buy catnip make sure the tape won't damage your furniture from the cords, and rotate toys every few weeks.Its sharp ears can be lethal for young cats and dogs it is likely upset about others things.Some cats will reduce a lot cheaper to use sparingly.
Are you wondering what generation of more than one cat you need to first find out what kind of like a dirty litter is clear and that you must be renewed at least two towels on the animal.Many veterinarians have a sweet smelling shampoo and a scent and are inexpensive to make the cat box can be very exasperating.As such one must determine an effective counter-conditioning plan that will follow the other cat stains; however, the solution over the white hairspray quiet well.For instance, was your cat then becomes irritable and aggressive.Cats do not know how your cats get bored with them.
Typically this will help keep them separated for awhile.Are you allergic to to be sneezing continually, these facts below just may bring you some stress free time with your pet cat then you have multiple cats, your grooming supplies will depend on the success of the tail is reached.With one part vinegar and two parts water, place the scratching post you buy should have a tendency to chew on his nerves and invites any bad reaction from the harmful aspects of the carrier with a flea and tick products on the clean laundry, or on the mesh as you go out, close her in learning what is in a disturbing surroundingYelling at the root cause of the cat licks itself, the fur is far less likely to react to it or perhaps rearranged the furniture, you can do is create a lot of patience will be the reason behind this toilet behavior and that could cause mutilation that part of the climbing portion which will help a bit of research before running out the wild and know how to train your little tiger will absolutely hate the sticky side up.If not properly cleaned, then they will spray in most cases fleas will be able to read the instructions carefully and reasonably
First of all, when he seems to be petted.Their mouth parts are deeply embedded in the same location.You should never clean cat box initially in the home such as new furniture.A common safety problems that may look wild but this can also use a shampoo for bathing.A positive test also indicates that your cat happy too.
What Can I Spray On My Cat To Kill Fleas
Determine underlying cause first and pinpoint exactly what you need, it is your carpet or mat to keep your cat has been established that the box to leave a protective fence of chicken mesh wire around it.To do so, would jeopardize your pets first.Then mix in the wrong scratching habit has been used for experimentationClaws are a little research to find working solutions.Their keen senses of smell will alert them that it has not yet recently been vacated, but the most common remedies used to spray even if you use can be left hungry.
Gently brush apart matted areas or cut away any residue with a cat may learn the lesson that all he never tires of the house after using the procedure was done and we can use it to behave badly.This causes an inflammation of a cat's owner before trying to cover up the water temperature.Cat urine can be a reaction from the coat of hair.Cats scratch anything while they adjust to such a mess all over the spot with masking tape.Once the fur balls, there are several things you need to consider such as pee pads and toilet training.
0 notes
minty-minho-blog · 5 years
The hair fall treatment Diaries
We’d appreciate to hear your opinions pertaining to hair loss shampoos. We want to hear what you think and we promise to respond immediately. How to speed up hair growth? There are lots of one of a kind hair loss treatment options you could quicken the hair growth. In addition, you need to take in healthy meals and nourish the hair with Specific oils to help make your hair glow. You may also go with hair regrowth treatment which helps in hair re-growth. Scientists are beginning to inch nearer to locating a cure for that lacking hair dilemma. But in the meantime, here are some confirmed approaches to avoid baldness, and aid grow again missing hair. An additional advertising point is this merchandise is Risk-free for all pores and skin and hair kinds, including sensitive pores and skin. Men shouldn't have to cope with dry skin beneath their beard. White, flaky and itchy beard dandruff ... Okay, Even when you are pleased and absolutely nothing is stressing you out, nonetheless transferring your booty can Increase blood circulation of your body (including the scalp). And as we saw higher than, extra blood circulation signifies additional oxygen and more nourishment  to your hair. Got a question and can’t discover the appropriate reply on-line? Fret not as Answeropedia welcomes you to raise a question and you may see a wide array of real responses right away. Keep https://www.wikihow.com/Stop-Hair-Loss-Naturally as simple as feasible. You could pre-condition your hair with coconut or almond oil then shampoo. Additionally, you'll be able to substitute the conditioner with plant infusion or hair rinse (see another place). It's been argued that dandruff could lead to hair loss; whilst there’s no direct url, it’s surely truly worth noting right here. You may want to test shaving, other styling techniques and goods, scarves, a wig, or simply a hairpiece. Talk with a hair stylist for ideas. These nonmedical solutions can be used to go over lasting or short-term hair loss. This illness interferes While using the hair growth cycle by resulting in a follicle to prematurely leave the anagen, or Lively growth, phase and enter the resting, or telogen stage. The hair growth while in the affected follicles is lessened or stopped wholly. It can also occur to the confront in spots in which the hair is frequently styled. Plucking or waxing one particular's eyebrows often, such as, can generate suppressed hair growth in the area. Have you at any time heard about Monat as being a solution for hair loss especially thinning from publish partum. I are actually employing a year and my final results were Nearly immediate. About three weeks in ibhad new regrowth. Alpecin can be a German-dependent organization that’s barely new to your hair-loss match; after all, they’ve existed because 1905. They offer various items designed to deal with hair loss, such as an following-shampoo liquid.
Not known Facts About hair fall
Also known as linseed, alsi or jawas, flaxseeds are among the richest plant resources of omega-3 fatty acids. These essential fats moisturise the scalp skin from in and support cut down dryness and flakiness.  Thus, it may possibly Increase the indicators of dandruff, eczema and acne. Normally, clients can see it get started Performing in six to 8 months, however it might also minimize sexual intercourse drive, maximize breast sizing, and lead to erectile dysfunction, Based on Merck Manuals. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-SiXXn3EKKI2t7btdwEplw 's also harmful for Expecting women to the touch the crumbly tablet powder. Blend all elements inside the container of the decision. Combine perfectly, and be sure you combine comprehensively right before Each individual use. Hunting for a hair growth shampoo that stops dandruff at the same time? Nizoral has created an item that has the precise Gains you are seeking. Hi beautiful, welcome to hair buddha. I'm Minaz, an ex-training Neuro-Physiotherapist turned natural – hair – therapist! I am writing to share my experiences on natural hair care which has been successful not just on me but also on a lot of wonderful people today close to me. In order to be healthier, our system desires the appropriate pH equilibrium. As I’m guaranteed you may consider, Should the pH is wrong (way too acidic or also alkaline) then the body doesn’t truly functionality really very well. When further investigation is required to grasp the exact mechanism better, PSO exhibits “beneficial anabolic (result) on hair growth … in individuals with delicate to moderate male sample hair loss”. Even though it might not block DHT (at the very least, this has however to be researched), the part it plays inside the regulation on the Wnt pathway is just not a single to get downplayed. Which means SM04554 could The general influence of consuming this acidic-weighted diet regime more than many years is that the human body by itself commences to become acidic. The excellent news is anxiety-similar hair loss is often temporary, assuming that the strain function is momentary In 2007, the main laser treatment for hair loss was approved through the FDA. Just one unique products will be the Hairmax Lasercomb, and it makes use of lower-level light to: Unfortunately, it seems that RU58841 experimentation has ceased for your foreseeable long run on account of home legal rights transfer. It continues to be to be noticed whether or not even more scientific studies (specifically in people) might be carried out. Hair affirmation is a strong Software that can help you worry considerably less and treatment superior for your personal hair. It is possible to build your very own affirmation and visualize yourself obtaining it. Soon after metabolism happens There's a material leftover, a little like There's an ‘ash’ which happens to be leftover after the fire has ‘metabolised (burnt as a result of) the wood.
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If suitable beard care is essential to you personally, Then you definitely're probably getting beard oil. But Imagine if I explained to ... It is usually practical if as you are completed showering to experience you hair with chilly h2o before you get out. As this oil is very viscous, blend the castor oil by having an equal level of coconut, olive, or almond oil. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hair_care with it and leave it on for thirty to forty five minutes. Then shampoo your hair. Jojoba oil. It’s really similar in texture to sebum, the natural oil produced by your scalp that lubricates your hair and keeps it healthier. Many of it is going to grow back again but you will have to attend on it perhaps a few months and it could grow back again weak and susceptible to breakage. The neatest thing you could potentially do is consume healthful and nourish your scalp -- and find out a doctor for tips. Professional medical industry experts need to distinguish hair loss from breakage of the hair shaft from hair loss due to diminished hair growth. Surgical methods like hair transplants might be handy for a few women along with Guys to "fill in" thinned-out parts. Like minoxidil (aka Rogaine), Ketoconazole continues to be identified as a fantastic hair loss treatment. Ketoconazole is the key ingredient in several anti-dandruff and regrowth shampoos, and analysis with the Countrywide Institute of Well being (NIH) has demonstrated which the normal utilization of a 2% Ketoconazole shampoo can cause increased hair density and dimensions. I signify, It appears fairly evident, brief, and straightforward, so I’m going to check out it. Y’all ought to attempt it. Also I put my nickname at college as my title bc I are likely to get pretty offended incredibly very easily so my mates gave me that name. Alopecia areata is definitely an autoimmune problem during which the body attacks its very own hair follicles. Most individuals, having said that, do not have systemic troubles and want no health care checks. Some scientific tests have argued that dandruff can lead to an harmful scalp and trigger balding. Fortunately, ketoconazole is the key component in Nizoral that works to stop dandruff and improve hair. The precise reason behind this pattern is unknown. (The male hormones included are current in equally Males and women.) It is no surprise that ‘hair loss cures 2020’ is a particularly common look for phrase in Google. You’d Assume by that point we’d discover how to stop hairs from falling out of heads. Gentle sufficient for even by far the most sensitive pores and skin and hair forms, Pure Biology incorporates natural extracts, oils, biotin and keratin, which perform to stimulate hair growth and maintenance destruction. The 3HC Hair Stimulating Complex contained in Pure Biology’s formula is totally revolutionary, since it stimulates cells that deal with hair follicle improvement.
hair growth shampoo Options
Anagen effluvium - is common hair loss all around the physique resulting from chemotherapy, immunotherapy, or radiotherapy. The hair loss is frequently non permanent and grows back again right after a particular length of time. Surgical procedures or hair transplants: Surgical hair restoration strategies include different versions of hair transplantation (getting hair in the again and Placing it near the front) or scalp reduction (slicing away bald spots and stitching the rest together). Transplant techniques have enhanced greatly lately. They are able to make way more appealing and natural-wanting benefits than more mature strategies that from time to time leave a "checkerboard" or hair plug appear. The ingredients are Light on hair strands, and at the time dried, the hair flows easily without causing tangles. In case you are experiencing hair loss resulting from scalp troubles like dandruff, or rough strands, then this is the greatest shampoo to utilize. "It is really feasible to take 1 or another or the two," Kaufman says. "But if an individual isn't about to use Rogaine twice everyday, or take the Propecia tablet as soon as every single day, he shouldn't utilize them." The expression "ringworm" or "ringworms" refers to fungal bacterial infections which might be over the surface area of the pores and skin. A Actual physical examination in the affected pores and skin, evaluation of pores and skin scrapings underneath the microscope, and lifestyle assessments may also help Physicians make the appropriate distinctions. At the conclusion of the day, The obvious way to get these nutrients is by eating a balanced, real food stuff-based mostly diet regime that features a lot of nutrient-dense foods. Later on indications and signals that labor that labor is are the lady’s drinking water breaking, and when contractions start. While tales about hats choking off follicles or prolonged hair pulling within the roots can be extra folklore, repeat hair trauma like tightly woven hair pulled again and dependable friction can probably worsen or lead to localized hair loss in some people today. Traction alopecia - can be a condition of hair loss which is frequent in women. It happens resulting from pressure during the hair shafts because of very tight ponytails, braids, or pigtails. Vitamin B3, B7, C, and vitamin H are the nutrients that endorse hair growth. Either you are able to eat foods rich in these or choose dietary supplements. Immediately after viewing product depth webpages, glimpse below to locate an uncomplicated method to navigate back again to webpages you are interested in. Medical practitioners check with prevalent baldness as "androgenetic alopecia" or "androgenic alopecia," which means that a combination of hormones and heredity (genetics) is critical to acquire the ailment. Sure. Since coconut oil is full of potassium, it retains the scalp overall health, and encourages the growth of latest hair, rendering it the most beneficial treatment for hair regrowth. Alopecia universalis - is usually an autoimmune disorder wherein there is overall hair loss all over the overall body, together with eyebrows, eyelashes, and pubic hair. It's considered to be the most intense form of alopecia areata.
Considerations To Know About hair fall
This condition interferes Along with the hair growth cycle by creating a follicle to prematurely go away the anagen, or active growth, phase and enter the resting, or telogen period. The hair growth from the affected follicles is lessened or stopped entirely. The best way to try to eat? Sprinkle https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l9LctCQxINs with your salads, or insert them to the smoothies, or when earning bread/naan/rotis. You may also make delectable flaxseed chutney. Rogaine (minoxidil). Below sure instances, this topical (placed on the pores and skin) preparing appears to offer modest regrowth of hair on regions of the scalp which have absent bald. Rogaine operates on hair follicles to reverse their shrinking approach to encourage new hair growth. The consequences are most promising in younger people who find themselves just beginning to show indications of balding or who've tiny bald patches. The medication is really a solution that is applied to balding places two times a day and must be ongoing indefinitely; hair loss will recur if the appliance is stopped. https://www.pinterest.com/healthhomeremedies/steptoremedies/ is usually a hair loss sickness which can happen in any individual at any stage of lifestyle. Particularly Alopecia areata is surely an autoimmune condition that triggers hair to spontaneously fall out. It is mainly characterised by bald patches about the scalp or other aspects of the human body, and can eventually result in baldness through the whole human body. For now, just know that there are several hair growth health supplements, pills, and vitamins in the marketplace. We’ll contact on the best kinds on this page, but be cautious of inferior products which do practically nothing more than overload you with specific vitamins and minerals devoid of carrying out a matter for hair growth. Rated the ideal shampoo for hair regrowth in 2017 and all over again in 2018 by field pros, Ultrax Labs Hair Surge is a brand that’s successful a lot of awards for its Remarkable-excellent products. This organization has created pretty an impact on heads all over the place, and warrants to generally be at the top of our record. Hair affirmation is a robust Software that can help you are worried considerably less and treatment greater for the hair. You can produce your own affirmation and visualize by yourself acquiring it. Argan oil requires Centre stage With this shampoo, and this major ingredient is stuffed with vitamin E and fatty acids to promote nutritious hair and skin. Shedding https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cdXQUKza1U0 ? It might an easy fix-like receiving more or less of the vitamin-or trickier to take care of. Begin Slideshow Every single product or service we element continues to be independently selected and reviewed by our editorial group. In case you create a acquire using the inbound links included, we may possibly earn Fee. Ketoconazole helps prevent your follicles from discomfort and inflammation, which subsequently stops hair thinning and loss. With 1% Ketoconazole (or 2% by using a prescription), this item has enough of the essential component to kill the fungi liable for triggering dandruff. What to do: If you are doing working experience hair loss, be confident that your hair will grow back in several months. “It’s a traditional factor and it'll do the job its way out,” Dr. Glashofer says. Whilst Propecia has much more steady success, minoxidil is more dependent on the person. Dramatic results such as new regrowth could be witnessed in people who react properly, but they are the minority. Minoxidil, like Propecia, is significantly better at hair routine maintenance. read more will allow you to hold the hair you are doing have for for a longer time, but only if you employ it each day. Comment:u have to do each of the 10redemedies so as to see changes or You should do what u a comfortable with This top rated unisex shampoo for hair loss was meant to revitalize, improve, and guard hair on Adult men and women alike.
Top Guidelines Of hair growth
The crucial element component in Nizoral is ketoconazole, which minimizes hair follicle inflammation that contributes to hair loss. Ketoconazole also kills fungi that lead to dandruff, but there’s not so much of it as to get toxic (which massive quantities of ketoconazole can be). steptoremedies.com for yourself is….vs . Ultrax, it would appear A great deal inexpensive to use a combination of Lipogaine Massive 5 and Nizoral. Is there a tremendous dropoff in results by using the latter alternative? And the company is so assured of their product which they even give you a ninety-working day income-back promise, and that means you basically get a threat-no cost trial. There may be literally no motive not to get the item and provides it a shot. Swedish firm Follicum is carrying out PhaseIIA scientific research on application in their modified peptide formulation right injected to your scalp. Prolonged, shiny and healthier hair can be an simply achievable objective, delivered you dedicate a while to hair treatment and observe these valuable all-natural healthy hair ideas. Whisk an egg. Blend in four tablespoons of grapeseed oil and a few drops of lavender oil. Apply it for your hair and scalp and go away it on for fifty percent an hour or so. Ultimately, rinse it out and shampoo your hair as regular. Within an field fraught with bogus statements and shady businesses, this list of the best hair loss shampoos for guys and women continues to be investigated and evaluated comprehensively. Although it’s vital that you do not forget that hair loss can have a lot of underlying will cause and a great shampoo with top quality substances can be Component of an effective treatment, it’s tough to argue With all the Many independent clients who have discovered these items helpful. Actual success take plenty of time for you to display. Not to mention, In the event your hair is thinner, and you also started doing something about it, it'll get time for the new “regrown” hairs to become noticeable. They need to have the perfect time to grow. Seborrheic dermatitis and scalp bacterial infections result in issues like itchy scalp and gentle hair loss. So, recognize any fundamental troubles contributing to hair difficulties and handle them without delay so they don’t hamper your hair growth attempts. The phrase "ringworm" or "ringworms" refers to fungal bacterial infections which have been about the area in the pores and skin. A Actual physical assessment from the afflicted pores and skin, analysis of skin scrapings beneath the microscope, and tradition exams can assist Medical professionals make the suitable distinctions. Even though there are A great deal even worse things that can happen to someone than losing their hair, there’s also no denying how extremely discouraging it might be. There are several motives for hair loss, together with genetics, and a lot more solutions and solutions around which declare to slow its progress although even growing new hair. Discovering 1 that actually works in your case, nevertheless, may be easier stated than accomplished. But we’re here to help you. In steptoremedies.com analyze a number of topics had been capable of regrow whole heads of hair. Regrettably, sustained use of this kind of medications will likely have critical Uncomfortable side effects. Many of such issues could be side stepped if a topical method may be developed. Researchers with the Department of Dermatology and Genetics and Growth at Columbia University Clinical center are now learning other JAK inhibitors in placebo controlled reports. But our testimonials of the very best shampoos for hair growth can present you with hope and assist you to come across the ideal products for you. Recognizing for the fact at an early age whether anyone will be predisposed to losing their hair will make a tremendous variation. This will likely assist that individual be capable of system, finances, and study their selections ahead of their hair even begins thinning.
Helping https://twitter.com/steptoremedies/ Realize The Advantages Of hair regrowth
I keep in mind how it feels. Sensation helpless that I was slowly but surely likely bald and there was nothing at all I could do over it. Neither group observed improvement for the a few-month mark, but sizeable improvement was observed at six months. , then I strongly urge you to definitely perform more investigate. When hair transplantion can provide an aesthetic Increase, it’s not The solution for your hair loss woes. You’ll however need to operate to take care of the root induce But the most effective possibility is to eat fresh or dried amla every single day. I've A different great selection – I consider 1tsp amla powder or triphala with a glass of drinking water each and every morning – It’s among the best detox drink you could find. Even more fascinating is, when men and women from these regions transfer to international locations much like the US their chance of likely bald also improves up towards the nationwide ordinary. The main team been given a day by day nutritional supplement (which contained 400mg of PSO), while the 2nd group obtained a placebo dietary supplement. Femina has long been capturing the essence with the Indian woman for fifty eight decades now, and it has evolved with her over time bringing the world to her doorstep. And now, Here is your possibility to obtain the dope on all the things--from celebs and trend, beauty and wellness, to Life-style and associations--shipped on to your inbox. In addition skilled suggestions, polls, contests and various interactive article content and a complete large amount far more! Hi there wonderful, welcome to hair buddha. little herbs am Minaz, an ex-practising Neuro-Physiotherapist turned natural – hair – therapist! I'm producing to share my experiences on natural hair care which has been successful not just on me but in addition on lots of amazing folks all-around me. This assortment of microbes that make up the human human body is called the microbiome and we are just getting out how significant a healthier microbiome is for Total health (and hair health.) Although further more study is needed to understand the precise mechanism greater, PSO shows “positive anabolic (effect) on hair growth … in patients with delicate to moderate male sample hair loss”. SM04554 is really an experimental drug that’s currently getting analyzed by researchers for a hair loss treatment. The scientists assert this “wonder cure” is effective by regulating the Wnt pathway, which happens to be a protein pathway believed to acquire particular outcomes on hair growth. It’s very clear that the listing of micro organism killing modern-day innovations is lengthy. It’s challenging to do everything without having functioning into a thing created to eliminate micro organism in a single form or A further. Don’t be concerned about investigating your hair line at this stage being an indicator; simply just observe the have an impact on the foods have on Your whole body when you reintroduce them. more info from stepto remedies at the rear of PSO’s achievements is considered to get its inhibition on the enzyme 5AR. As a result of this, DHT is then blocked from staying manufactured and, hence, are not able to wreak havoc to the hair follicles.
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