#when is danganronpa drama never not happening)
sappy-detective · 8 months
you know how some people HC pregame shuichi as a cosplayer.. i think that idea is really funny and cute and i actually think he was really really popular in the fandom. because he’s a good cosplayer and, well, he’s a funny loser who talks about danganronpa drama and theories in his video
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thequietkid-moonie · 7 months
Foster Parent comforting them after a nightmare
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[ SCENARIO ] [ Kotoko, Nagisa, Masuru, Jataro, Monaca ] [ Danganronpa Ultra Despair Girls ]
⚠️ This contain spoilers about their backstory
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They are my babies, I would give the the sun, the moon and the stars if I can ❤️ Anyways, im FINALLY writing for them again!! IM SO HAPPY!!
I don't care what people think or say, I know Monaca suffered a lot too, the fear she felt when she sees Hanji again is REAL!!
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Kotoko Utsugui
Kotoko doesn't really like to talk about what happened to her, she gets pretty mad whenever someone or something reminds her about her past, and even so she prefers to act like it she doesn't mind it anymore, what happened in the past it stays on the past, and now that she has someone who cares for her why she will like to remember so disgusting things?
But as much as she tried to forget her trauma still hunt her down from time to times, that fear that exist deep inside her of one day the horrible parents she had will come for her and make her return to her old life (if she still continue going to the drama club she feels insecure about it from time to time too)
Saddly, all the feelings and fears she tries to ignore sometimes come to her as a dream, as a terrible nightmare where no matter how much she call for your name you aren't there, instead she just see her father, who with a big smile congratulate her for her amazing performance and remember her that there is something that she still have to do
Kotoko wake up all scared before something even can happen because she just couldn't handle all of that again, tears already falling from her eyes, her whole body shaking and trying to cover her body while trying to normalize her breathing
It depends on how bad her nightmare was to what she will do next, if it wasn't that bad she will try to calm down by herself, not really wanting to bother you and being anxious about going out of her room, but is more likely that at the end she goes to your room to at least sleep by your side, in the other hand if the nightmare was really bad she won't be able to calm down so she just runs to your room crying almost imediatly, also it could be that she scream while sleeping or when she wakes up what will alert you so you will be the one going to her room
Either way, Kotoko is just crying, she isn't able to explain what happened and she doesn't want to talk about it either (she even almost scream at you if you ask her about the nightmare just because she is scare), she just want to be in your arms, she just want to know that she is with you and that you won't let those perverts touch her again, if Kotoko manage to say something will be to either ask you to please hold her or to ask you if you will let that people reach her
Kotoko doesn't want to leave your arms so you will have to hold her for a long time until she calm down, as well sweet and soft touches (such as caress her hair or back and small kisses on the forehead) and reasuring her that something like that will never happen again help her calm down faster, still it will take her some time to fall sleep again and there is no way she will do it alone
The next days Kotoko will be more quiet than usual, even a little shy with her head down, she isn't really embarrassed about waking you up is just that the nightmare really affected her, but with some time she will feel better and will go back to her normal self again
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Nagisa Shingetsu
Nagisa doesn't really have problems with talking about what happened to him in the past and he even talk about like it isn't nothing or that it doesn't bother him, but in reallity all that he suffered affects him more that even he knows
Nagisa were exposed not just standards too high and a constant rejection but to the effects of drugs in order to make him work more and more, and even when he acts mature deep down he is still searching for the approval of the ones he loves and is startled by the the minimum errors
For being in a house where he is appreciated by just being himself and don't ask him to be perfect or to spend all the night studing the fear of messing things up or even disappointing you hunt him from time to time (not always but it still there), so having a nightmare related to it isn't totally strange
Dreaming about his father and all that he went through it doesn't really affect him, it bothers him and it startle him, but aside from that he doesn't have much troubles with it, is dreaming about you being disappointed of him what makes him afraid, you being mad, disappointed or even calling him a failer is what makes him afraid, is that what will make him anxious, desperate trying to explain himself and apologize for his error, even promising that it isn't going to happen again and he wil make it up for it (but if you don't seem to wanting to heard him that will lead him to a panic attack)
When Nagisa is finally able to wake up he is afraid and sweating, he may even jump a little in his bed, he is so nervous that he is even disoriented, it take him a moment to start to calm down and realice that he is in his room, that everything was just a dream, even so he isn't fully calm
The last thing he wants is to bother you (specially if the nightmare really affected him), so Nagisa tries to calm down, repeating himself that everything was just a dream and that you aren't like that, you'd told him a million of times that you don't expect perfection from him
He may be able to calm down enough to try to go back to sleep once again, but if the nightmare was specially scary or it affected him a lot he won't be able so he just goes out of bed and take a walk around the house, maybe a glass of water could help him calm down. He doesn't really want to wake you up, even if he know that you won't be mad for it the memory of your bothered expression and voice of his nightmare make him anxious, he doesn't want to see it in real life
Its okay if you find him in the middle of the night in the kitchen or you see him until the morning, Nagisa doesn't really craves for direct comfort he just need the reasurance that you aren't mad or dissapointed of him, so for him is okay just continuing with your normal routine (although he will be more talktive and clingy, like quietly asking for the parental love and comfort)
He doesn't want to talk about his nightmare, so even if you insist the most you will get from him is admitting that he had a nightmare, he not just doesn't care for it but he is a little embarrassed of needing/wanting comfort, so if you try he will complain at little at first but totally accept it (specially if is a hug)
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Masuru Daimon
Masuru normally don't talk about the abuse he suffered from his father mainly because he doesn't see a point on doing so, and since now he has a home and a parent that always welcome him with open arms he doesn't see why he should remember the bad past with the demons
Also, his past doesn't affect him directly, it makes him pretty aggresive from time to time but it is something he can change, he is just bother by it when he remember it but aside from that he normally just act as the energetic child he is
For Masuru to have a nightmare about his past of abuse is more likely to have been triggered by something during the day, something that had make him nervous or remember him about it. His new house is one where he is more free and appreciated, and even if he can desesperate you from time to time you never really decided to hit him, so having a nightmare where is again with the abusive father he had is pretty shocking for him and he doesn't like it, he want to be where he isn't attacked, he want to be with you so even in his nightmare he is searching for you, but you aren't anywhere, what makes him more an more desperate
When Masuru finally manage to wake up he is shaking and sweating, still it depends in how bad his dream was to how he will react, if it wasn't too bad he just wake up scare but still he will try to calm down, while if his nightmare were really bad even after waking up (probably with a little scream) he is so afraid that even will have a panic attack. But in both cases he is pretty scare and is pretty loud while trying to calm down (specially in a panic attack because he tend to self harm), so is more likely he ends up waking you up for the noises and you go to his room
When you enter in his room/knock on his door he is immediatly startled but by recognizing you his tears start to fall from his eyes because as much as he like to act all rough and brave, deep down he knows that he doesn't have to fear when he is with you, also it depend in how scare he is to his next move, either asking you what are you doing there or running to your arms, but it doesn't matter much his reaction because he wants your comfort
Is probably that Masuru start to have a panic attack, depending in how scare he was and he will try to hit himself to make him calm down unless you guide/teach him another way to be able to calm down (a less aggresive way), as well that he is able just cry into your arms depend in your relationship and how much he trust you, otherwise he will be trying to convice you that he isn't scare at all
However, not matter how much the nightmare affected him at the next morning Masuru return to his normal self and just be cheerful since the morning (but if the nightmare was really bad he will be a little startled when he does something wrong or you seem mad for a while)
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Jataro Kemuri
Jataro has been treated so poorly for all his life, not just for his mother but his friends used to treat him bad too, so it take him a long time to get used to being with someone that truly cares for him and loves him just for being him
Jataro doesn't has any problem with talking about his past of abuse, although he talk about it like if it is something normal for how used he is to it, he just repeat what his mother used to tell him (especially when he start to take a liking for you because he doesn't want to hurt you with his horrendous appearance)
As he slowly start to get more used to and comfortable with your kindness towards him it will be a while where he is more nervous about making you mad, being insecure of himself thinking that he won't be enough or that he will end up making you mad (he kinda expected it as something that will obviously happen)
For him to have a nightmare related to this is more likely to be caused because something through the day trigger him and is more common to happen when he is just getting used to his new life, it could be that he is with his mother, either that thinking that being with you was all just a dream or some kind or that you had throw him with her again because you don't want him anymore, also it could be with you the dream, making you so mad that you start treating him bad like her used to do, and probably even force him to wear the mask once again, or that he end up hurting you still somehow believing what his mother used to tell him
No matter what his nightmare was about he wakes up frighten, it take him a moment to realice where he is and still his anxiety doesn't fully goes away, the more the nightmare scare and affected him the more anxious he will be, leading him to start crying for nervousness and even to compulsive scratching his arms and head
He may not be really loud but is at least enough to alert you, and the moment you approach to him (either entering on the room or knocking on the door) he is immediatly startled and just stare a moment at you trying to decipher who it is between his anxiety, and when he reconize you he is mixed between wanting to be in your arms and feeling ashame of himself, so he just continue being troubled by his anxiety while saying little apologizes (but don't apologizing for something in concret)
In this ocations Jataro really craves for comfort but he isn't going to really ask for it because he feels ashame, just being able to be in your soft embrace will help him start to calm down and a direct reasurance that you aren't mad at him or that you don't think of him like his mother did comfort him a lot
He isn't completely sure if he will be able to fall sleep alone again but he is willing to try just because he doesn't want to bother you, but if you don't mind he will be happy for you to stay with him until he falls sleep (and will sleep with you only if you insist)
The next day he will still be a little nervous, not wanting to bother you with his presence so he will be a little quiet for a while, until he feel completely sure that he isn't bothering you
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Monaca Towa
It isn't easy for Monaca to trust in someone, she could be acting all happy and charming and even calling you her parent already but deep down she isn't fully used to his new life and even a little wary of you, is just that she goes carefuly, little by little
And as just as she doesn't fully trust you she isn't going to talk about what happened to her right away, she even cover it saying that Monaca was really loved by everyone (more specifically in her school) and that everyone wanted to be her friend, and even when she feel completely comfortable with you she doesn't know if she will tell you the truth
For her to have a nightmare related to this isn't really common, or at least no to be enough to truly frighten her, so is more likely during the day something trigger her and/or she is specially anxious. Her nightmare could vary, being about her abusive family, by just being there with them again and you were nowhere to seem, or even worst that you are the one leaving her with them or even mocking her for trusting you and starting to act like how her family used to do, ignoring her and even calling her a pest
When she finally wakes up she is really nervous and even sweating a little, her past afect her more that she likes to admit so having to relive it in a nightmare isn't something good for her, she is looking everywhere a little disoriented and really startled by it, still it doesn't take her long to realice that she is safe in her room, the room you designed for her and she was free to decorate at her taste, just that is really comforting for her and since she doesn't really make much noises while calming down it isn't a reason why you will know about it
However, it actually will affect her much more the nightmare if you are the one on the nightmare, she tries to make it seem like it doesn't bother her and that is nothing but it slowly make her pretty nervous and insecure, going as far as making her almost imposible to properly calm down, so is more likely that she end up going to your room and getting into your bed quietly to at least be by your side, even snuggling to you
Monaca doesn't want to talk about her nightmare nor admit that she was scare, so if you insist enough or she already trust you the more she will do is say that she had a nightmare, not really wanting to give details about it and she doesn't like to make a big deal of it neither
Monaca doesn't exactly ask for comfort but she wouldn't mind receiving it but still she prefer just doing the common things like any other day, from the outside it seems like she isn't bothered at all but deep down she is still a little nervous and will be a little wary not just of you but of her own actions, something that she does almost unconsciously, as well as insisting a little more on helping you in whatever she can or talking with you, even small chats she just need the reasurance that you still care for her
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doctorbunny · 7 days
Hi! I hope you don't mind the sudden question, but i got really into Milgram recently and was wondering: What reasoning did people give when they voted Haruka guilty in the second trial? Like, generally speaking, what did the consensus seem to be?
Haruka is a character i strongly relate to, so i have a lot of Thoughts about him.
Firstly: Wow the start of the second trial was that long ago, huh 😅
Secondly: I need to explain that Haruka's trial was a bit different than most Not sure how recently you joined but in a normal trial, the MV will upload the same day a CD releases, and stuff like the instrumental, DECO covers and most importantly the voice drama will be officially uploaded at the same time
But for Haruka, due to some unspecified CD issue, we were getting the MV as planned then wouldn't get the voice drama for another two weeks This will be very important to his voting
Thirdly: Going into his trial, things were uncertain, a lot of people really liked Haruka and were very worried for him due to his new relationship with Muu. Whom many saw as a potential bad influence or threat. I won't get into it too much, but before this trial it was definitely more common to have a.... soft image of Haruka as a harmless little guy who had gone through a lot, who just made some mistakes because he didn't know any better
Its worth remembering that without the context of AKAA, Weakness is a very dream-like MV and not many were sure which parts were real or imagined One of the biggest debates about weakness was about if the blue haired child was a younger bother or Haruka himself It all seems quite quaint from here Some people thought Haruka might not have even killed a person, just animals, I was even considering a theory suggesting Haruka was in milgram for his own suicide (in the words of Danganronpa 'killing the person who is most important to you: Yourself') The girl with the plait wasn't thought about much as other than a possible childhood friend due to her being shown running next to young Haruka.
Fourth: The premiere of AKAA was super emotional and intense, it was a beautiful MV But like Purge March later, it would contextualise parts of Weakness we didn't expect it to Mainly the animal murder and the girl's death.
But without the voice drama, many were unsure what verdict would be best for Haruka Despite the failure of T1 Amane, many still thought we could fix the prisoners through voting right Some people saw this vote as a chance to get Haruka to break up with Muu if we played our cards right Overall people were confused and conflicted and couldn't wait for the voice drama to come out I think the best summary of feelings is a comment from the top of the AKAA comments section
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This was posted right after AKAA came out and reflected a common mood
This part of his voting period was very strange. Because of the uncertainty, people were pretty split People didn't think he deserved an innocent verdict, but they didn't want to punish him so harshly with a guilty one either And it turned into an interesting situation: What happens if a prisoner gets exactly 50%? It was an unlikely truce between two passionate sides but for about 2 weeks straight, 50-50 was sustained Or more accurately, it was a constant flux of 49.9-50.1, changing by the hour if not minute (I actually dreamt up a fic of this causing Haruka to get a migraine but like most of my fics it never materialised)
Then the voice drama released
At the time I was the mod of the second biggest milgram server (rip Fancult - unfortunately that place got nuked so I'll have to go off memories alone) so I got to watch as a lot of people gathered and listened to the VD at the same time We were still waiting on translations, but still people could appreciate the acting and pick out key words like the prisoners' names and... other common phrases
お母さん, "Okaasan" The Japanese word for 'mother' or 'mum'
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By the time we got to here it was Harukover 😔
Then a second Okaasan hit the verdict
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And this giant mess ended with the suicide threat that's been haunting us for the rest of the season...
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Needless to say, people were not too pleased
The 50-50 pipe dream was immediately shot down and betrayed
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This graph (by paiplushie on twt) shows it pretty clearly
One thing to keep in mind is that even before Muu's MV was out, people were certain she'd be voted guilty, there was a fervour for it (mostly because people saw her as having taken advantage of Haruka and having the wrong attitude towards her verdict)
For some reason, voting Muu innocent was never really considered an option
It was 'Haruka threatened to kill himself if we vote Muu guilty, how do we stop him doing that after we do' [personally I voted him innocent because I had a pipe dream that if both Haruka and Muu were inno then they'd be obnoxious about it but unharmed]
People justified voting guilty in different ways, some thought it'd make him break up with Muu and not want to die for her, some just didn't want to enable his action (threatening suicide is awfully manipulative) and some people genuinely believed that physical restraint was the most effective way to prevent him from attempting suicide... which all I'll say is I disagree with that logic
But yeah, once the VD was out it never really showed any signs of returning to inno
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megabuild · 5 months
What is the drama happening on twitter rn. I have never heard of smpronpa in my life
i was not around when smpronpa dropped nor have i watched smplive so apologies if i get any of this wrong but tldr smpronpa was a popular danganronpa x smplive fic when that was around. eventually it got the attention of some ccs including one callmecarson who did the Serious Stream Addressing Fan Culture. you might recognise this starting screen
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in which he talked a lot about boundaries and said he wasn't happy with fanfiction, shipping, etc. and called smpronpa out directly by name as an example of this. poor behaviour from a cc even if they are uncomfortable with this because then the author was harassed extensively and smpronpa was totally removed. because nobody expected this, it became functionally lost media. cmc ended up being a groomer btw and every other cc who has commented on smpronpa since said they didn't give a fuck and varied from not caring about it to actively reading and enjoying it.
fast forward to now and after some time spent digging connor conarcoin received a full copy of smpronpa and has reposted it for everyone to enjoy. i have no idea if twitter are mad about this or what but a lot of people seem to be realising that actually it wasnt the horrific boundary breaking nightmare people assumed it was but actually just your very average danganronpa crossover. who would've guessed. pokay is reading it live on stream tonight. nature is healing etc
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ryuichirou · 5 months
A couple of asks related to our twst x danganronpa post from yesterday, and a couple of random ones.
Anonymous asked:
I’ve been fooling around with Danganronpa in Twisted Wonderland and seeing what houses they’d be put into. I got Miu Iruma in Ingnihyde (She pulls her top down lower so her assets are on full display), Nagito Komaeda in Scarabia (He drives everyone nuts), Sakura Ogami in Savannaclaw (Kind of like the den mother to everyone), Korekiyo Shinguji in Diasomnia (Creeps people out.)
(aggressively googling the names because it’s been quite a while and I barely remember anyone other than Komaeda, Hinata or Junko) OHHHH MIU WE LOVE THAT BITCH- She would be perfect for Ignihyde, but the Igni-boys wouldn’t survive her. Only the Shrouds would survive because Idia never leaves his room and Ortho would miraculously (but not really surprisingly) get along with her lol
I would watch Nagito Komaeda in Scarabia just to see the anguish in Jamil’s eyes when he’s around, Sakura in Savannaclaw is a given and I agree!
Can’t say much about Kirekiyo, but wherever he’d be, he’ll definitely creep people out…
Anonymous asked:
Kiyotaka Ishimaru is in Heartslabyul, that’s kind of a given. I also put both Gundham Tanaka and Sonia Nevermind in Diasomnia.
Kiyotaka Ishimaru is on his way to make Heartslabyul even more annoying oh my god, it’s perfect.
Also agreed about Diasomnia, especially about Sonia. Sonia Diasomnia!!!! Diasonia!! She would fit so perfectly, and the uniform would look really good on her. Soda would be so confused about her being picked for this freaky dorm…
Anonymous asked:
I just read your post about danganronpa AU, and the way you described Azul's section low-key reminded me about byakuya togami. Basically, Azul is the byakuya in the danganronpa AU :'D And funnily enough, Epel's character would fit perfectly with Chihiro's! The only difference is that Epel is not crossdressing but people keep mistaking him as a girl. But both of them want to be and seen as strong! Coincidence? :P
Imagine all the juicy Angst potential! What if both Jade/Floyd somehow managed to die and Azul's having a mental breakdown because of this. Both of his "business partners" ahem "friends" since childhood died and now he's all alone once more. Even better what if Azul's about to be executed and the Tweels try to rescue him or prevent him from dying only for them to get injured/die during the process from none other than Azul himself and then he realises what he did and Boom mental breakdown. Basically how Ursula accidentally killed her eels Flotsam and Jetsam with the trident.
Also, imagine instead of a robotic bear Monokuma, it's actually a robotic cat, Grim. Basically, Grim is the Monokuma in this AU.
Oh god MonoGrim 😭 The worst! The worst tanuki!! (I love it)
It’s interesting that you connect Azul and Byakuya, it honestly didn’t even occur to me. I guess it’s because Byakuya kept his shit together rather well, and Azul would definitely be going through some stuff and get his maniacal giggle moments regularly. But there are similarities in a way that both are smart and would be helpful when willing to help. I don’t remember much about Byakuya, to be honest.
Epel and Chihiro really do share some similarities, huh! These two would definitely have something to talk about lol Chihiro is like “what if Epel, but Ignihyde”.
Angts, drama and trauma are the best part of danganronpa, and the potential is honestly impressive lol If something happened to the Tweels, it would affect Azul, especially if he is the one who caused it, although it’s difficult for me to picture the circumstances (I know you said about the execution and stuff)… But I really do like the reference to the Ursula’s eels’ tragic fate.
Anonymous asked:
Hi, first of all I want to preface this by thanking you for all the effort you put into this blog. I've only been here for a couple of months but it's always a pleasure to send asks here, because they never fail to be received with enthusiasm, whether I'm sharing headcanons or asking questions about your AUs. It's amazing to see how dedicated you are, not only with your art, but also engaging so consistently with all of us. What I'm trying to say is that I'm glad I could find such passionate and welcoming people, and that you don't have to feel sorry about skipping some asks. The fact that you spend time reading them all is impressive on its own.
Also, may I have a moment to gush over the post you made about the top/bottom debate? Because, my god yes! I've been thinking about Jamil's "femininity" for a long time! He isn't portrayed as cute (like Epel) or girly (like Lilia), nor does he consciously present himself in any way as androginous (like Vil may do). On the contrary, he is pretty much a regular guy in both appearance and attitude. And yet there is some kind of allure to him that can be both masculine and feminine at any given moment. Unbelievable how down bad I am for this guy, considering how hard I fought against liking him when I got into twst. These are a lot of words just to say that Jamil is very gender, and that I think he is the word エロい personified.
Anon!! It means a lot to hear that, thank you so much for your words of support and for your asks. I am so happy you’re having fun reading these replies and send more questions. It truly means a lot, and the fact that you understand my circumstances means even more. Thank you for understanding.
It still amazes me that people have read that post, it ended up being so stupidly self-indulgent LOL I’m happy you liked it!
YESSS you get it! Jamil really is just a regular guy, but the allure he has is just very natural, it’s like he isn’t even aware of for the most part (but he’s still very comfortable in his own skin and controls his body movements very easily, if that makes sense). I guess there is something snake-like in this nature of his, and honestly it’s very charming. エロい is quite a nice way to describe him….
Anonymous asked:
I wonder how Ortho feel about Ruggie being with Idia. Also, I can tell that Idia wouldn't want Ruggie to be in Styx not because for obvious reason but will likely try to steal any rare items.
I don’t know if there is any character that Ortho would disapprove of as a partner for Idia, he’s a very supportive little bean! You know, aside of his possible moments of jealousy. Unless Ruggie and Ortho have a beef that I am unaware about… but in general, I think Ortho would find Ruggie interesting and want to learn more about him.
Oh come on, Ruggie isn’t the one to bite a feeding hand! If given an opportunity to receive juicy salary on a regular basis instead of stealing expensive rare stuff and definitely getting caught because there are cameras everywhere in Styx, Ruggie would definitely pick the first option. But I guess Idia doesn’t necessarily trust Ruggie this much lol
Anonymous asked:
Fem Lilia seems like the type to sneak up on someone and then grab their boobs from behind. She would do this as a way to mess with people and she has probably done it on half of the fem cast of NRC
What do you mean “half”…
She’s such a… prankstress. This type of stuff fits her surprisingly well. Calm down, grandma 😭
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tobiasdrake · 4 months
Despite everything, the Himiko drama is still so strong.
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Throughout the game up until this point, Himiko hasn't been managing well. In fact, she's been managing very realistically poorly, to the point of even voicing suicidal thoughts at one point.
As previously discussed, the Tenko - Himiko - Angie triangle wasn't a love triangle, but a coping mechanism triangle. Both Tenko and Angie saw opportunity in Himiko's fractured emotional state, and came into conflict with each other over whose emotional crutch Himiko would lean on.
In the span of a single day, this whole pyramid's been burned to the ground. Himiko's lost everything. She's lost the god she was relying on but who let Angie die so how great was he really, and she's lost her dedicated stalker who actually, finally made progress and became the friend Himiko needed in her final moments.
Tenko and Himiko finally connected. And then just like that, Tenko was gone. All it takes is a push for Kokichi, and Himiko goes off like she never has before.
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Himiko is livid at the suggestion that Tenko's death was, as Monokuma put it, a wasted murder and a waste of a corpse. And that would be a powerful enough moment in and of itself. But Kokichi, ever the underhanded snake, has another knife to twist.
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Hooooooooooly shit
Holy shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit
He went there.
He's not wrong but he fucking went there. Holy shit.
This is the tragedy of Himiko and Tenko's relationship. Tenko finally did it. She finally said the right thing and made the right choices. She finally found the companionship with Himiko that she's been craving since the day we met her.
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And Himiko has to live with that. Unlike Taka, she doesn't have an impending death in a couple of days to spare her from it. This cuts fucking deep.
I complained during DR2 that I didn't like Fuyuhiko living and Peko dying. I never felt like Peko meant even half as much to Fuyuhiko as Fuyuhiko meant to Peko. Her death didn't hit him as catastrophically as his death would have hit her.
It felt like he was sad for a little bit but then he got over it and moved on. He'd mourn her like he mourned his sister but he's been through this before and ultimately, he just saw her as a cool friend. His life didn't revolve around her, and he made new friends pretty easily afterward.
I mean, he tried to commit seppuku over it but that was because of what Peko did to Mahiru, rather than what happened to Peko. She just. Wasn't that important in the grand scheme of things.
Himiko and Tenko are in the same boat, with Tenko valuing Himiko far more than Himiko ever valued Tenko. But here, that is examined. It forms the basis of Himiko's drama moving forward, that Tenko gave her life for Himiko in a gesture that Himiko was never able to fully appreciate when she was alive.
This is Danganronpa's third go at violently fracturing a bromance through the Killing Game. And they finally nailed it. Himiko's emotional journey has only just begun.
And she can also lean on a safety net of a man watching out for anybody who finds themselves alone.
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Welcome to the Kaito Club, Himiko. We meet every night to pretend to do push-ups.
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destinygoldenstar · 9 months
Character Death In Ninjago
This video explains why permanent deaths need to happen for the audience to care about the story going forward. As always, support the creator. (Tw: There’s some Walking Dead clips in this video. That’s a bloody show.)
So I am personally very mixed on this discussion.
On the one hand you have a kids show with restrictions on what they can get away with. And at the end of the day, it’s a toy commercial, and killing off a main character would be losing profit. AND different shows have different priorities than others. My Little Pony is a praised show that keeps everyone you care about alive. The Owl House didn’t kill anyone you’re routing for now that I think about it. (Except Flapjack. RIP) And for people who say Ninjago should be super gritty and edgy, are forgetting what the shows priorities are. And if you really want that, that’s what fanfiction is for. And I am no stranger to that. I’m the writer of Total Drama Danganronpa Island. A gritty fanfic where two thirds of the cast die horrifically.
We’ve all had a phase. This show does NOT need to be Batman to be good. A show does not need to be dark to be good.
HOWEVER, when the narrative stakes call for it, and you have SO MANY FAKEOUTS, eventually you have to pull a trigger on a character, beloved or not. This is why at one point or more, there should have been a death. A character does not come back.
Does it need to be gruesome? No. Are fake out deaths bad? No. Season 3’s fakeout death is one of my favorite fakeout deaths of all time because it’s a natural point for the character, and impacts everyone around them, even after they are revealed to still be alive. But there’s a limit to using fake out deaths before they become cheap and nobody buys it anymore.
Now, YES, this show DOES have permanent deaths. Like villains. But you want them gone. There’s also the Royal Family getting assassinated. Mystake never comes back. But you don’t remember these because they are very inconsequential to the story.
If you’re gonna resurrect a character from the dead, that’s fine, as long as you know there’s a purpose for it. Ninjago actually does this very well. Zane’s fakeout (his FIRST one, and no other one) works because it’s s logical step in his character conflict of identity, and the death impacts the other characters, giving them a new perspective on their own dynamics and priorities, plus it benefits Zane’s character in giving him a crisis of a new identity. Garmadon fakeout works because there’s a permanent consequence that is his relationship with his family. That’s dead. Forever. There’s no getting this perfect parental figure back.
It’s a great way for fakeout deaths to work, if there is a permanent consequence. That’s why bringing Nya back was a bad call in my opinion. There were no permanent consequences. Imagine if the ninja couldn’t bring her back? Imagine if they had to grapple with the fact that their grief consumed them and put them in prison, and they had to accept the fact that the girl they loved is gone?
But of course that wouldn’t happen because Nya is a part of the main group. I love Nya as much as anyone, but I wanted her sacrifice in Seabound to stick, because it was a wake up call for the story, personally.
There’s a line when it comes to pulling off fakeout deaths, and when you need to decide to let a character go. Zane and Garmadon, I can excuse. Nya? This should have been permanent OR had a permanent consequence. But okay, the main six ninja have plot armor. Fine. I understand that.
What about the side characters? They’re not safe. Unless you count Pixal as a seventh ninja, she’s not safe. Wu’s not safe. Now obviously, don’t kill characters Willy nilly. Kill them because it makes sense for the story.
Dragons Rising is out, and five of the six ninja are side characters now. Their plot armor is used up. Someone might die. Who knows? Someone could pull a Han Solo.
But is one of my biggest problems with Sailor Moon. Books and shows alike. Every season has the main characters pull fakeout deaths.
EVERY. SEASON. And by Stars, I just don’t buy it anymore.
Like oh, this evil Sailor Guardian assassin is dusting off guardians left and right? And it wants me to believe they’re staying dead?
Yeah nice try. (this is a problem with ALL versions of the story.)
If you’ve seen Sailor Moon, you know what I’m talking about.
In Book 5 of the Sailor Moon comics, there’s a death that choked me up when I first saw it. That’s the death of Sailor Pluto.
She was a likeable side character who was close to Chibi Usa. She had her own goals and dreams of one day leaving her post and seeing the world. Her only chance at seeing it being through this kid.
But when the child she loves turns to the dark side and is about to end the universe, Pluto breaks a taboo of her responsibility and freezes time to save everyone.
And the penalty is death.
She dies with no regret, and the kid watches, full regret over what her actions of jealousy and envy had led to. She obtains her dream of unlocking her powers and following the footsteps of her mom, but the one person she wanted to see that happen isn’t alive to see it. It’s a REALLY heartbreaking chapter.
This is for… pretty much no reason, as she doesn’t do anything, and you can very easily write her out with nothing changing. Because there’s no consequences to it and the story acts like it never happened, that character death is ruined.
Would the story have been better if the character stayed dead? In this case, yes, as it grounded Chibi-Usas character. Bringing Pluto back removes her consequences altogether.
Then there’s season one of the show having the Sailor Guardians die in the penultimate episode. I read the books before I saw the show, I knew they weren’t dead, as this doesn’t happen in the book. That was just there for drama.
It was well directed and impactful drama on its own, admittedly. But still drama.
I WOULD talk about a certain Polentina, and how her resurrection was done so lazily, then they did nothing with her character and killed her AGAIN a season later. Making the entirety of her life and death pointless. And how this show does have a very good permanent character death that is very well executed and is one of the best moments of the show because of how well done that is. HOWEVER, I won’t because most people HATE it whenever I talk about that show. So therefore, you won’t get my support if you push me away. (I might try again one day, but I just feel very uncomfortable with it from how uninviting others viewers are)
On the other hand, death doesn’t make a show good. There is merit to an uplifting show where everything turns out right in the end. If done right.
So how do you guys feel about character deaths in Ninjago? Is this too much to ask? Am I being unreasonable?
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unhingedkinfessions · 8 months
Kin Walmart person inspired me, I have kin drama tales. I got roped into running a danganronpa v3 kinblog with some other people I barely knew when I was..12 maybe? I’ve repressed most of it.
They had a discord server where we all hung out and it was hellish, even ignoring the nsfw chat that was open to both the minors and the adults in the server. It was a ‘never specify no doubles cause we don’t wanna be THOSE kinnies but if you kin a character someone else kins they will make you really uncomfortable about it/will probably talk about it in a vent chat later’. At some point there was really inconsequential beef between the Ouma of the server and one of the other main mods whose kin I can’t remember so Ouma was kicked from the server along with his partner, Amami. I don’t think they could do much about him being on the actual tumblr blog so to be petty about being kicked out he fucked with the blogs theme and hid it from search results. I think there was infighting before they figured out it was him. Ships involving the members kins and Ouma were blacklisted in some kind of retaliation. 90% of this happened before v3 was even out. These people were almost all in their 20s iirc, I was 12. I think someone also faked their death only to immediately come back two days later to complain about the validity of xenogenders though I could be mixing it up with a different server I was in, I’ve been through the wringer. The kin blog is still up btw.
i hate that i Know this ask is real because ouma/amami kindating before v3 came out makes so much sense w the promo art and ppl assuming theyd have more relevance together. also im convinced most of the kin population has One ouma kin they knew that was insane
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jkpfr · 8 months
OC-tober Day 19: Inspiration
I’m queueing this post because I know I’ll be away from the 17th to the 19th – and because the theme is “inspiration”, I get to talk about my boy Hideki yet again.
(…Though it’s very likely that I won’t have talked about Hideki as part of this challenge yet, but I don’t know that for a fact since I’m writing this way ahead of time. What I mean is: I love talking about this. Strap in.)
When I first created my sweet boy Hideki, his name was Daniel and he was white. Horrible history, I know. I completely revamped this character around 2018-2019 for a Danganronpa RP (horrible history, I know) which gave me the perfect opportunity to keep the same basic layout but make it better, and accentuate some aspects, such as his relationship with being a top-student, a lot more.
One thing that hadn’t changed was my warm memory of the song that inspired this character in the first place. And that song was Animal I Have Become by Three Days Grace.
I created Daniel at some point when I was in high school. By that point, I already knew that song by heart. I’d discovered it via an edgy bloody anime girls montage on YouTube when I was like 10, and after years of listening to it via the AMV, I’d bought the album it was on, One-X, when I was in middle school. And for some reason, this was my go-to CD to put on when I was home alone and washing the dishes.
So it was one random day, as I was washing the dishes and listening to this song I loved, that inspiration struck and I came up with him.
I’m not going to lie, I still love this album unironically. Three Days Grace was never the same after their lead singer left – the new singer and direction never matched the raw and sincere frustration expressed in their earlier works. This album, generally, and this song were relatable as hell. When I listened to the song for the first hundred times, without really knowing what it meant and with English as my second language, I related this song to my personal experience of living in an abusive home (a theme explored in other songs on the album) and going to a school where I didn’t belong for many reasons. The “animal I had become” was, to me, the version of me that was too mentally exhausted to interact fully with the world, to be the real me I identified with. Years later, I could even add that the “monster” was my then-undiagnosed anxiety, which scared me and made me react in ways I didn’t understand. However, this song is ultimately about addiction. This is something I think I started to understand as my grasp of the English language gradually got better, and that I wound up confirming with a Google search.
It's with that personal relationship to the song and with that knowledge in mind that I came up with a character who had become someone they hated. A character who was a horrible version of themselves, but would internally beg for help, to be freed from this horror. I came up with a character who was initially a complete softie (in my more recent writings, I would make it obvious that he was too soft for his own good) and through abuse, confusion and exhaustion exploded one day and let himself become the worst possible version of himself. This “explosion” isn’t without the intervention of addiction, he lashes out on the person he wanted to build a life with, who then leaves him, and everything is interlinked.
(Of course, because I love a little bit of drama, there’s a misunderstanding with what really caused his boyfriend to “leave”. But that’s unrelated to any song. What matters to what is at the heart of what this song means to me, is what Hideki thinks happened.)
This was the gist of Hideki’s characterisation for a long time. Now, here’s the thing about that Danganronpa RP. Although Hideki was one of my most popular characters ever, and I went through a lot of effort to explore his characterisation as fully as I could within the limitations of that story, the person organising that RP, aka the GM, abused the shit out of me. Oopsie.
This post isn’t about me so I won’t go through the details, but taking advantage of the horrible mental state that I was in back then from going through undiagnosed post-traumatic stress disorder following my aforementioned situation of abuse, this person, among a couple others, made me go through hell and worsened my mental state to the point that I… went in shock one day from realising I had hit rock bottom a long time ago – that I had become the monster I’d feared all my life. This was accompanied by my own break-up, which was in fact what caused me to suddenly wake up.
And here was the inspiration for the second part of Hideki’s writing.
Funnily, my ex-partner had participated in that RP alongside me and had hated Hideki’s boyfriend for having left him, even if Hideki had in fact wronged him, because they knew that character knew what he was going through, and how dangerous it was to abandon him then. I shit you not my partner wound up doing the exact same thing to me. And it’s fine! I’d always defended the nuance in what Jun – the boyfriend character – was perceived to have done.
Here’s the thing, though: there’s a good ending to that story. Having suddenly opened my eyes to what was happening to me, I first went through so much shock that my mental health reached a brand new low and my life was in direct danger. And yet, this was a period in my life that was filled with hope. I was going through something extremely difficult, and that forced me to face the me that wanted to fight to the end. I’ll skip over the details – but after surviving this, having gotten some of the help I needed, having been faced with that strong ability to survive I had, I was able to take control of myself again. And I was free to be the real me again.
And that’s when it struck me that I’d never really conceptualised a good ending for Hideki.
My writing of Hideki kinda stopped in the middle of the conflict. As far as shoving him in different RPs where he would live through specific adventures went, that was perfect. But suddenly, I had a brand new experience, and something inside of me must have known just what made sense for such a relatable character as Hideki.
I know this is already very long, but here’s another song; one day, not too long after my healing had started, I was listening to some rock classics. One of those was Highway to Hell by AC/DC.
And very fittingly for Hideki, randomly, for no particular reason, I started to think about a character who was going to heal.
I thought about a Hideki who eventually reached the right time. Who one day felt like listening to music to help vent his frustrations, and by chance discovered rock, hard rock and metal. Who listened to Highway to Hell, felt something, and suddenly had something he wanted to do. Ideas like “attending a concert”, hope like “I will enjoy it” and “I will be able to blend in”, and that was the start of a messy journey, but a journey of healing nonetheless.
This is the start of an iteration of Hideki which I often joke about, dubbing him “metal Hideki”. He dyes his overgrown bright orange hair an ashy brown, he puts on an edgy t-shirt, and there’s something so fun about how silly it is and yet how much it means to his finally putting himself out there.
This inspired me to finish writing his and Jun’s stories, and I’m very satisfied with how I was able to draw inspiration from different stages in my life to write a compelling character, and by how a song was somehow the starting point both times.
There’s a lot more I could say about Hideki; his backstory and his future, which I never used in RP, in part because I have a full story to tell now! (And also because I’m never doing that shit again. Holy shit.) I’ll leave it at this recent cutesy doodle of him, which is directly taken from a song I felt like he would relate to.
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acesventcorner · 13 days
Intro post!!
Hello! I'm Ace,a 15-year old trans gay guy who also happens to be Welsh! As you can see by my name,this a vent page,so I will vent here when I feel the urge to.Please read my dni (in my bio) before following/interacting please! Please don't dm me,unless it's to ask for my Discord or TikTok (i don't really like the messaging system on here)! I am also very awkward/dry and I never text first ever,so if your put off by my shy nature,that's fine :) anyone 15 and above can interact with me!
Some of my current interests:Milgram,danganronpa (official and fangames),total drama,Honkai star rail,chainsaw man,needy streamer overload,dislyte,d4dj,project sekai,Pokemon,ninjago,alien stage,she ra (reboot),life is strange (only finished the first one tho so no spoilers for the other games pls),bbc ghosts
My favourite characters (at the moment):Mikoto Kayano,Amane Momose,Haruka Sakurai,Sophia (d4dj),Michiru Kaibara,Luka (alien stage),ka-angel/ame chan,Mahiru Shiina,Mahiru Shiina's Boyfriend,Power (chainsaw man),Denji,Hatsune Miku,Aventurine (Honkai star rail),Sachiko (dislyte),Ikki (dislyte),Fumitsuki (dislyte),Iono (Pokemon),Morro (ninjago),Kai (ninjago),Lloyd Garamadon,Muu Kusunoki
I hope we can be moots/friends! :D
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trashsketch · 11 months
tropes game
tagged by @hxhhasmysoul thank you!!! I saw this making the rounds on twitter and i'm excited to do it here too
How much do these tropes affect your decision to click on a fic?
-10 -> very dissuaded
0 -> don’t care either way
10 ->  very enticed
nope -> if it’s a hard no and you’d never click on a fic with that tag or or you even have the tag blocked or you’d insta click out of the fic if it wasn’t tagged
Bonus points for explaining the rating and whether it’s conditional… There are no points, you’re not marked on this, don’t worry :3
Add tropes that you think I missed XD
Tag others if you’re nosy like I am :D
Have fun!
Trope List
age gap   -2/10 
ultimately to me it only depends on the ship dynamic itself? I enjoyed the ship in Canis: Dear Hatter, but it's not because of the age gap. I also will get kinda dissuaded if one of them isnt an adult but the other is when they first meet
codependency   9/10
oh boy me and my gf for real. we met through killugon and codependency really is killugon. It can be extremely cathartic to see it in fiction to me
enemies to lovers   8/10
it really depends on who handles it. i dont like how reylo does it, but man, This Is How You Lose the Time War is like a masterclass in how to do it. I rate it more favourably cause I think I enjoy the slight forbidden aspect to it? And I can immediately think of more stories that do this well (in the sense that, "enemies" are more like two rival factions and both sides are like equally grey, and your rival just so happens to be your equal, you hold no grudge besides what your faction has told you to believe)
enemies with benefits   10/10
now THIS has a nice flavour. I love it when it fulfills that meme "you wanna fuck me so bad you look stupid". Bonus points if the benefits begin when A is injured and goes to B's place for shelter (it was great watching this happening in zoolander)
fake dating/relationship   9/10
I've been won over by my friends, i love the awkwardness that comes with fake dating for meeting a mutual need that is essentially kinda stupid (like impressing grandma or to spite your ex)
found family   9/10
it's hxh in a nutshell
friends to lovers   10/10
GOD help me i love this a lot. it's my fave fic trope and it was literally my life experience
friends with benefits   10/10
my god. top tier. I love it so much it's good good mess
hurt/comfort   10/10
the comfort comforts better after the hurt has hurted real good :)
love triangle   5/10
I would love to see different ways of it being handled than anything from old and tired cishet dramas, so any queer spin on it kinda makes me go insane. Also bonus points if everyone can talk through it as sanely as they can while still feeling like their world is crumbling. It can be such good angst. Bonus bonus points if they can all agree on some level of poly
mistaken/hidden identity   10/10
very delicious in like, spy or superhero stories (and also what brought me on board with miraculous ladybug to begin with)
monster fu… relationship   10/10
I feel like most of us monster relationship enjoyers had an awakening after watching a Guillermo del Toro movie. For me it was the Shape of Water, and afterwards a wlw beauty and the beast drawing i did that really won me over. I have a monster AU thingy over on my danganronpa account that I love to bits.
obsession, possessiveness, etc   7/10
can be handled so well or SO BADLY. it helps when any act of possessiveness isn't too serious but is also laced with the real angst, the good shit, the flavour of insecurity. it helps even more if the couple knows how to communicate through this rather than lashing out at each other with passive aggressive arguments, which I hate to see :)
opposites (like grumpy×sunshine, etc)    10/10
LITERALLY KILLUGON. literally all of our preteen angel/devil OC obsession coming back as a popular trope. what's not to love about opposites being together and balancing each other out!
poly   10/10
So a poly ship took over my brain for a good 2 years. I'm in the middle of writing a fic about how three people get together, and even researching by picking up The Ethical Slut (which btw is a great read on how to have healthy relationships in general too, it has so much good advice)
pregnancy   -9/10
It's a personal choice, only because i'm scared of conceiving so i really prefer not to see it in fic. Giving it a -9 cause I do have exceptions in fic (being whether it was recommended to me or whether it's from authors whose work I enjoy)
second chance   5/10
Again it’s really down to the characters and how it’s handled. I enjoyed it in some fics I’ve read long ago, but I won’t go out of my way to find it
sex to feelings   10/10
the one thing i love about friends with benefits is exactly this. the potential for MESS
slowburn   9/10
It can be so so good. A kagehina fic once destroyed me with how slow the burn was but it was so neat to see it growing slowly but surely. I think it can only work if you and the author agree on the eventual endgame ship
soulmates   7/10
it can be a bit tired, but I still personally like reading it! I like any soulmates au with a good spin on it though, like a potential fear behind not liking your destined partner or liking someone else who isnt your soulmate
thanks for letting me ramble LMAO
i’m gonna tag @xyliane @thehuntyhunties @icefeather112 @murderkitten666 @loudpartythumpingmusic (no pressure though!)
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duckielover151 · 1 year
Despair Arc Review
Well, there's no hope of this one being spoiler free, because what I mainly want to talk about is the linchpin that holds the plot together. This Despair Arc is a great example of how brainwashing is an acceptable answer sometimes… but not in all cases.
First things first, I've really been enjoying these 3 season threes so far. But enjoyment isn't always enough for a recommendation. I have to classify this one under 'Mixed Feelings,' because the Danganronpa franchise has always had one big issue… That issue being that you really can't enjoy it properly without going all in. You have to play the games AND watch the anime to get the whole experience. And I believe an adaptation should be able to stand alone, so that's a failure on its part.
You can technically get the whole story of the first game through the season one adaptation… but in a way that's really rushed and unlikely to endear you to the characters the way the game does. (Made a whole separate review for that season, so I'll try not to repeat myself here.) But the second game never got an anime adaptation, and I really don't think you can properly enjoy this arc without already knowing these characters through the game. Feel how poignant it was to step back in time and see the happier days where they all started, knowing that it all falls apart… But the reveal at the end of game two that the flawed but loveable group of kids we'd gotten to know through the simulation was actually our main villains spurring on the world's destruction out in the real world made them super intriguing. It definitely got me excited to see exactly HOW it all falls apart. Which brings us back to the brainwashing.
So. When is brainwashing okay?
For the nameless, faceless lackeys who jumped on board? Sure. The story's plausibility was always a bit of a weak point in the games. They literally just brush over it when the apocalypse is introduced at the end of the first game, don't even try to give you an explanation, because they clearly couldn't find a way to make Junko's followers make sense. Mass brainwashing kind of makes sense. (Though, for the other members of the reserve course specifically, the school's attitude and policies were truly fucked up. I feel like there was enough fuel on that fire that brainwashing wasn't exactly necessary but… Nameless, faceless. Enough said.)
For a character like Chisa, who really embodied hope? Okay. There was no believable way that Junko was going to win her over. And it became important to the rest of the story even happening that Chisa be convinced to defend her to Munakata, convince him that she wasn't behind it after all.
But for the rest of the class, the Remnants of Despair? Absolutely not. It's really important to note that the group of kids in the second game felt more openly flawed than the kids from the first game. For a lot of people, that just made them more relatable, was part of the reason why the second game was so well-loved. The characters were more rounded and just more interesting overall. But they were flawed as hell, practically bubbling over with their various insecurities. Many of them had been abused so regularly throughout their lives that they didn't even realize that they deserved to be treated better. I have never seen a group more ripe for being manipulated. So to fall back on a deus ex machina like brainwashing for THEM? Unforgivable. I get that they probably didn't have time to show Junko winning each of them over… but the material was there. They should have made time for it.
That aside, I did really enjoy the Despair Arc as a whole. There were a few other flaws. The way they chose to characterize Mukuro was really disappointing. And I'd really hoped to see more of Junko and Mukuro interacting with their class but… not enough time. I get that. It was satisfyingly brutal. I liked seeing the drama with Fuyuhiko's sister's death play out and learning how it influenced Hajime's actions and mindset. And Chiaki's death was wonderfully horrifying. The Danganronpa franchise may have its flaws… but it's never been one to pull its punches, and I love that about it.
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starlitfunkster · 9 months
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Here's the new Profile Image, for when I get Core.
Yeah, my username is tainted by omission on DeviantArt, due to the amount of fetish art that pops up when you search my username.
This did not happen when I was Lovelibon on DA. At least, back then.
I'm hosting a Poll on DA for the new username. All starting with the word 'Star'.
It could be: StarFallFanatic, StarFinders, StarTonyx, or StarlitStudents
Read More has the references to each of the names, and why all of them are fitting for me.
StarFallFanatic refers to an old website my Kindergarten used called Starfall. It's not the same as it was back then because it's now pay to use.. and I'm broke right now.
StarFinders is based on Dreamfinders, a show that was never produced for Disney Channel. Makes me sad, I bet if it was made during the 2000s than kid me would've loved it!
StarTonyx is based on another Katamari Damacy song (A Crimson Rose and a Gin Tonic), and also the naming scheme of Winx Club songs (well, sort of).
StarlitStudents is based on my guilty pleasure of Danganronpa! ...That's it. Yeah, I don't talk about me liking it purely because I don't want to start drama with that community again. I doubt I will, since I've changed from then to now.. but you never know!
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pvremichigan · 1 year
7, 11, 27
7. DNIs in rules
I hate these. So much. "Do not interact if you are racist, homophobic, transphobic" HONEY THEY'RE RACIST, HOMOPHOBIC, AND TRANSPHOBIC. DO YOU THINK THEY'RE GOING TO LISTEN TO YOUR RULES?? It just makes no sense. If you don't like the vibe of a blog who followed you, BLOCK THEM. It's not their job to filter themselves out of your followers list. It's YOURS. DNIs are so dumb, I can't stand them.
11. magic anons
Ah the good old days... When times were simple and just starting out. I was very new when they were popular. Got quite a lot of them!
Most of them were extremely odd/uncomfortable.
Got one where Mich was 9 mo pregnant. That was fucked up! Didn't like that! Created a lot of tension for her and her mans at the time too. Got one that-
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I don't wanna talk about it.
THE POINT IS... They were very fun when not... Weird. They livened up the community and made interacting a lot more welcoming when people had a new reason to interact with your muse for unique shenanigans. Those times have died and blogs are indeed more fickle now. Do I think they should come back? NO. Not with this new community. I fear what they'd do with that power. Oh but they were a staple of their time when they were around. A good piece of RPC history some of us can look back on fondly and reminisce about.
27. an old muse
Hoh... Who do I pick... I could pick Xephrel or Satoshi. You know what, let's go with Satoshi.
Satoshi was a Danganronpa oc I had. I should say is but I have very high doubts I'll use him again, at least for a while. He started off great, he was made when I moved to Louisiana I believe. Or just before then, perhaps. He was the Ultimate Pilot... I loved that boy. @pxlotspeaking was his blog. They were amazing times. Many many ships, many stories, many friendships made along the way. A lot of drama, but ultimately he was my son when I took a break from Mich. I loved him with all my heart. Put all I could into him. Even met @yesfxckyxu for the first time on Satoshi's blog. Jack and Satoshi were the OGs. Way before Jack met Mich.
I joined a DR RP discord server.
At first it was great! People loved him and overall he entertained the crowd until I made a DR verse for Mich then she ultimately took the spotlight. But he was still there!
Then I screwed him over.
Yeah I gave him pretty distressing lore due to the lore of the entire game that was being hosted continuing with Musey being the next mastermind. I ruined his life. Pretty damn bad... And now he's no longer who he used to be. He's pretty much unusable at this point and it breaks my heart to know what I used to have versus what I've done to break him. It was never my intention to break him like this, but now I face the consequences. He's constantly suffering and I can't do a thing. There's very little redemption for him that would have a semblance of realism to it. Maybe someday I'll bring him back but for now...
He deserves a long... Long rest.
If you wanna know the lore and what happened, DM me and I will do my very fucking best to try to recall it all in a comprehensible way.
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risefromhell · 1 year
It's hard to just let me post the positivity that I've gotten to 100 in a few days when I know I still haven't made any true recovery because my eye is still screaming in pain and I keep going half blind [just that eye] to full blind [both] from the stress.
Part of me know it's my fault it's it's totally probably my fault most of the stuff that is making this so traumatizing happen in 2016 it's almost been 10 years and I'm only just starting to actually get past it and work on it but everything was such a fresh wound I don't know how I could have worked on it sooner
I had no safe groups to be in I had no safe communities every fandom I was in was part of my trauma part of my issues from BITE model kin friend group to almost being part of that Gallifrey cult, that was so lucky they didn't know the character and kinda shoved me aside. From a friend group that loooved to be hypocritical and lying a lot.
Having almost 10 years away from all fandom all interactions with other people except for my caretaker [and slowly new groups] probably is the only reason I'm finally am starting to work on it
I mean I had no healthy Outlets and I didn't trust anything or anyone and now I'm slowly trying again I have no idea what fandoms to touch or what media to interact with to try to get back I used to be such a wild Explorer and I don't even know where to begin
If anybody is bothering to read this if you have any ideas or suggestions for me to try out I would love them I am genuinely putting my own into trying to finally get past this it's going to be a mess I'm going to be like a kid who just watching the fan over the first time and not know how to do anything but I want to do this
I don't want to dive right back into my old stuff before I have some kind of footing but I was heavily into, without saying direct names, old live action shows especially with high practical effects. Mostly action/drama. Horror and supernatural was common. I used to read Japanese comics a lot and watched the animations too don't get me wrong but I was always more stage shows and live.
My favourite live performance I actually am comfortable listing is the Danganronpa Live. It was so fun. Somw others I'm comfortable saying; I have seen as stage Naruto (multiple) Death Note, Inazuma Eleven, and I think it was a Biohazard? and dream to watch the One Piece Live Kabuki. So obviously I love anime/manga done live a ton.
I used to write a lot if it is an obvious I mostly did prompts I kind of was known for just getting prompts in my inbox with a ship and I just write it and that would be the main way I ever wrote I almost never did anything unprompted which is probably weird but hey
I am rambling like hell right now probably to just get this all out so I can look at it later and remember I did have a place here before it felt grasped away from me
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destinygoldenstar · 4 months
Chris McLean Lives On (TDDRI Chapter 5 Preview)
*Total Drama Danganronpa Island Chapter 4 Spoilers*
I get a good nap in before the scraping of my head on dirt stops. How I'm not dead from it, I don't know. 
"Alright, here you go!" Admiral sings. One flick of the wrist and the ribbon comes off me, leaving me laid on the ground.
I don't move. I like my face in the dirt.
Too bad she grabs me by the back of the head and lifts it up. "Come on, no sleeping on the tour."
I swat a hand at her to get her off me. She does so, leaving me to see what she took me to.
The confessional booth. The old confessional booth. 
"H-how did you find this?" I ask.
Face turned towards it, Admiral shrugs. "It's always been here. One thing Chris never took away from us was freedom of speech after all."
I guess that's true...
"Well, go ahead. Say your peace." She turns to me to smile. "I'll be fixing my new do up so you don't have to worry about me eavesdropping."
I narrow my eyes on her.
"...seventy eight two tenths of the time. Did you know that point is actually an incorrect saying of decibels? It's actually tenths, hundredths if there's another digit-"
"Okay I'll do it to get you to stop talking." I sit up. If everyone says 'point', it might as well be 'point', cause clearly no one cares.
I slowly stand up, my legs shaking a bit. I haven't stood in awhile. 
The old confessional booth. The little wooden stall. We all used to love its place. It was the only place we could have a sense of privacy to just... say what we needed to.
Total Drama just wouldn't be Total Drama without the confessionals we've had.
Admiral is seated by a log nearby, probably acting as a guard. "I'll be here. Let me know when you're done."
Is that it? I just have to go in the stall.
With no say in the matter, I go in to say my thoughts. Whatever they may be.
The stall is exactly how I remember it. It's a small wooden space with a toilet for a seat and a camera pointed at it on the front wall.
That sounds like a crime out of context. It probably is even with it.
I remember when Chris first introduced this to us. He told us this was our free space to say our will and get anything we needed to off our chest. 
Is the camera still active?
Hesitantly, I take a seat. Nothing else is going on around me. 
It's just me talking. 
I spend a good minute in silence. As though I'm waiting for something to happen. Maybe it was a trap set by Admiral to kill me. 
No. Nothing.
It's just me talking.
"Well... what do I even say? Um... what is there to say?"
"I'm here. I'm dying. Everyone is dying around me and yet I'm still alive. Chris McLean is dead. Chris McLean, the man who tortured us since the day we signed those stupid contracts... dead in an instant. The man universally despised by every cast member who fell in his trap. Dead."
"So... why is there nothing I have to say?"
"I should be happy. Honestly, I really should. We should all be happy and cheering that the man is gone. He's done nothing but destroy our lives, with his f*****g ego and his contracts and his blackmail and his disregard for our privacy and feelings. He's a f*****g villain. No questions asked. No doubt."
"So why are none of us happy to see him gone? Why are we so... blank faced about the whole thing?"
"Maybe it's cause only Courtney got the revenge and none of us did. No one else got to say their peace and get the revenge they wanted. Courtney snagged all of it. Course, no one can blame her after that. We all hated Chris. If there's anyone here to trust, it's the one who killed him."
"I know I would've felt good about the revenge. I never trusted that bastard anyway. Nor have I ever cared about him. After the shit he's put be through, arresting me and all of that..."
"So why...?"
"That's-that's all I got. So why?"
"So why did I even sign the damn contract if I knew it was shady?"
"It's simple, really. I'm into shady shit and I wanted to nap somewhere that wasn't juvie for a change. Simple answer. That's all there was to it..."
"Actually, that's not true."
"Before we did auditions, I was in juvie with my pals as usual. We were sick of prison shit, so we snuck out to grab some cheeseburgers. We got good enough at it to the point that we could just do that. Then we found a hiring poster on the window, knew criminals like us had no chance. Then it warped into a whole conversation of 'hey what do you want to do when you grow up? We'd be in big boy bars if we stayed like this much longer'."
"We all said, 'I don't know.' Except Tim. He wanted to be a musician. He actually got a gig in London a year later, which I was very surprised about. Anyway, we also found the audition poster for Total Drama, and the cash money. Who the f**k needed a job when you could become a celebrity instead?"
"So when we got back to juvie, we all made auditions, filming ourselves breaking out and getting caught by the guards on purpose to get attention, to build character. Everyone loved a bad boy, so why not give options and see who won?"
"Guess which one of us did."
"Because we were Juvie inmates, Chris McLean had to bail me personally. Everyone was pretty shocked when he arrived, let alone for me. He walked in like some king, and all the cops bowed to his will. When I saw that and everyone's reactions, I thought 'Wow. Fame and glory is a f*****g treat.'"
"So he came in my cell and pulled me out to chat with me about contract deals. I gave him the tough shoulder, that's who I am, and he said, 'Look kid, I'm putting a dent in my bank account to bail you out of Juvie and give you a better life. A better shot. A better chance. I chose you cause I see great potential in you on screen. Grow up to be something extraordinary. Grow up to be the best Delinquent I could ever ask for. Cause I can send you back behind bars in a snap if you disappoint me.'"
"Blackmail? It's okay cause he's famous. He can get cancelled on the Internet for it, ain't gonna change shit."
"I did. I signed. I didn't see my parents again before I got on the show, I was officially Chris McLean's property. A pawn he could morph into whatever he wanted."
"And I was great at my job as my label: The Delinquent. I was so good at the role that Chris would often break the rules of the game and lie to everyone just to keep me on screen as long as possible. He said I was a very beloved character. Thus, I guess I could be milked like a cow."
"There was no escape. Not even when I tried to quit and do my own thing with Tim, he just dragged me back and kept me in a season I wanted no part of. At first at least."
"That's the thing about Chris's contracts. Not even with just Total Drama. Once you sign a contract, you sign your soul and you become what the narrative of Chris's story wants you to be. It may start as an act... then it just becomes 'you'. You are this archetype. You are everything that archetype is. And if you do something that isn't surrounded by that archetype, you're 'out of character'. You're a character on a television screen made to entertain audiences and make fanbases horny. You're not a real person. You're just 'The Delinquent'. 'The Ultimate Delinquent'. You're not your own name anymore."
"You know the crazy part about that? I was aware of it. I'd say I was aware of it before anyone else was. My family is addicted to cop shows it's f*****g insane... But I fell for it anyway, cause I wanted it."
"I wanted to be 'The Delinquent'. I wanted to be morphed into as stereotypical of a bad boy as you could get. I wanted to be this character. I didn't want to be 'me'."
"Maybe that's why Chris milked me so goddamn much."
"But you know what the crazy thing is? He kept his word. Not about the resort, but about everything else. He gave me a better place to stay than Juvie. He gave me hope for a future. He gave me a purpose outside of being a low life criminal, as my father put it. It was a shit purpose, but it was still a purpose. Maybe that's what's so great about having a label. Don't have one, you're just... an aimless being."
"He made me a millionaire, and he helped support me and my image in public. I made a tweet joking about f*****g Courtney without her consent, and Chris deleted it and called me out before anyone saw it. I think my image would've been ruined a lot sooner if he hadn't done that."
"Then he was put into a corner when I kissed Gwen. Something that got both of us cancelled. Something he couldn't remove from memory."
"I'm the one who asked to be in All Stars when Gwen begged. But I was an outcasted archetype at that point, especially after what I did. I would decrease ratings if I was there. But he humored my will to not abandon Gwen, and said 'You can stay on the show, but you'd have to get a redemption arc.' So I'd be put on the Heroes Team of the season where the show could portray me as a former villain that had a change of heart and became something different. Something kinder and more selfless."
"I guess I betrayed Chris's entire faith in me when I burned his cottage-mansion-thing down."
"...was he right to do that? Was he right to ditch me like that? After everything he had done to me?"
"Was that worthy revenge for an abuser? Or was that a petty act of betrayal caused by someone ungrateful for what they've been given?"
"I don't know. Honestly, I don't know."
"It would be easy to blame Chris for everything and say I was a victim, say we were all victims."
"So why was I the one thrown behind bars by that logic?"
"It's not like victims can be forgiven for doing similar terrible actions just because they have some sympathetic backstory. You do something shitty, you'll be seen as shitty. But what happens when both sides are doing something shitty? What then? Do we just lock up everyone? Arrest everyone? Murder everyone?"
"Chris was a chaotic person. That much we all knew. But I remember one day that wasn't in shooting, me and the rest of the Killer Bass were snagging chips and partying over our dodgeball victory. Chef Hatchet, under orders, stalked us with a chainsaw as a prank. Harold screamed 'Gosh! Can't you give us just one day of peace?! We're not even shooting!'"
"And Chef told us there was no such thing as peace. As long as people were people, chaos wasn't ever gonna go away. Even when you think the worst has past, someone will revive the worst deeds known to mankind. So by that logic, everything would be peaceful when everyone was dead."
"But that's also genocide. Something not even Chris sought out to do."
"If that's the bar we're raising, then... shit."
"Tortured as we were, he kept us alive and only sought to kill us if he saw entertainment. Even then he was gonna leave at least two of us alive. If Gwen is true, then with the resets, he'd have no consequences for killing us. Reset, we survive with no memory, and he does it all again."
"The only time that ever broke for him was when he lost his power to Izzy."
"His power, not physical magic power, but power by fame. Power by influence. Power by leadership. It was something very important to him, and that was taken away by the Ultimate Punisher, and then Izzy."
"Only then did he break and become desperate."
"Then Courtney killed him."
"He got no redemption. He didn't apologize to us, he didn't say he was wrong, he didn't even get to process anything before he died. He just died."
"And the game isn't even over. And the host is dead."
"What left is there? Why is the game still going on if the host is dead?"
"When you die, it's all over. Chris is over. But what he made is still here."
"Us. His characters. His island. His show. It's still here. It didn't die with him."
"He tortured us for years, he beat us to pulps mentally, but removing the beater didn't heal us at all. It's all still here. All the despair we got from him, all the trauma, all the humiliation, all the memories... still here."
"Chris McLean never died..."
"B-but that makes no sense! The body's gone! It's mauled to whatever gore you want to imagine! He can't hurt us anymore! So we can just discard what he's done to us and heal, right?"
"Or maybe it's still there cause I didn't even get any TV fashioned closure with him."
"I wanted to hurt him so badly. I wanted to let him know what was what and see him cry and break and suffer the same stuff I did. From the bottom of my heart, I wish he didn't die solely so I could see him suffer. Even if it was just for a day..."
"Instead the last time I directly talked to him was when Gwen and I beat him for information on how get out of that stupid manor. It was about the mission. Not him. And whatever he tried to do to make it about him, we gagged his mouth shut."
"I wish I heard him out."
"Why so? Why would I want to hear him out? Learn more about him, figure out what he wanted to say? He's an evil man. Why would I want to be in the same room as him? Learn more about him? Figure out what made him so evil in the first place?"
"I'm pretty evil myself, but I know people aren't born evil. Not even Mal. So Chris obviously wasn't born evil either. What exactly did he go through to get to Total Drama? Where did his friendship with Chef start? How were they even friends at all?"
"I remember in Total Drama Action when I stole a phone to talk to Geoff, this was the night DJ quit. I guess I just wanted a friend to catch up with after the second close friend of mine in the cast left. He vented to me. A lot. Mostly about how unfair the industry was being to him and making him harm people for content, which he went along with because underage drinking... Geoff and I had a whole fight of me trying to get him to quit the habit after the season. Which I won. Thank god. Anyway, he told me of some old scripts he found while filming that he skimmed over. Some that were about Chris, talking about his first time on the big screen. Geoff told me 'Dang man, Chris was seriously this sweet and nervous young'in? Wonder what in TV demand made him so horrible?'"
"That's it? TV? Was he just a victim of TV demand? Did he also have his abuser?"
"That would make him a victim. But none of us saw him as one. Because he was an abuser towards us."
"So... were we just scrapegoating him and taking it out at the wrong person?"
"Like, there was no controversy among us to hate Chris. It was universal. I have not met a single cast member who actually liked Chris. But think. Were we just whiny ungrateful teenagers?"
"If it weren't for the show Chris made, we wouldn't be the people we are now. We wouldn't have had our fame, or our talents, or even our friendships and relationships. I would've never met DJ and Geoff as friends, I would've never met Courtney to love, I would've never met Gwen to cheat on her with. I would've never met any of these people."
"Hell... I would say if I was never on the show I wouldn't have been sent to prison. But knowing me, and how the show was the one chance I had to change my streak of petty crimes, I probably would've been sent to prison anyway. Just probably not for arson."
"Can I thank Chris then? Should I mourn Chris? A man that changed my life? Should I thank him for making the show that gave me a chance? And apologize for me blowing it?"
"So why is that not so easy to say?"
"I'm not saying anything I've done is pure in comparison to what Chris has done, but it makes sense good people turn into maniacs because of his chaotic influence."
"I always wonder, if say, Courtney was never on the show, would she be an angel? The show screwed her over, and Chris as well, in favor of me. He unfairly misused her and disregarded any and all feelings she had. Again, in favor of me. The one time that wasn't true was when I was arrested. Obviously this isn't to say Courtney was in no way responsible for the chaotic woman she became, but she probably would've never been enabled if it weren't for Chris."
"I would've had an actually stable girlfriend. Wow."
"She's one of those peace talkers looking for the best solution. A solution she has to lead for that to happen. Makes sense she'd resent Chris who destroyed peace every waking moment of every day and screwed her over just because he was personally annoyed by her nature."
"Makes sense that she'd get the killing blow on Chris in the end. In a way, I guess she suffered far more than me...?"
"I don't know. I'm not Courtney."
"So why do I not feel upset about not getting the revenge?"
"Why do I feel nothing about it? I should. I really should be. Something. Anything... that'd at least be something I could take and move on with my life with."
"If I was crying for him, I could realize he was a misunderstood soul who gave me another chance and I could take what he gave me as gratitude."
"But no."
"If I was happy for his demise, I could say he was a terrible person that nothing he did or said could have any weight on me going forward and I was free."
"But no."
"If I was angry I could yell at God for not giving me justice I wanted for so long."
"But no."
"There's... nothing to it. Yet there's everything still here..."
"Why can't feelings just be simple?"
"He said he was like my dad at one point. Bullshit. Even my birth dad was better than him. But I guess he did make me a millionaire... and threw me and Courtney in and spun me around the moment the cameras went off... and how he said over and over again how proud of me he was for being a near perfect character to him... and how Courtney was so annoyed she forced us out of that hug, but even after Chris told me I could contact him whenever to be more than a character, a friend, a son. He respected me. He showed pride and love, even if it was for my character and not me, it felt... sweet. That after my own father abandoned me in prison, he finally came back for me, saw me as me, and told me he was my son all along... it was one speck of sugar, but even in the pile of salt it was placed in by accident, it was there and I can still taste it..."
"...but the majority was still salt."
"So why can't that just be discarded?"
"Maybe he saw myself in him. I don't know. He mentioned he was in military school as a kid, so... was he like me?"
"If he was abused by another TV executive, he would pass that down to me and everyone else... then I would do that too?"
"Is it my own fate to become the next Chris McLean? To carry on what he's done to me and inflict it on everyone I come across? I thought I was already doing that..."
"Maybe that's why he picked me. Maybe I was always like him. Maybe I really am just as horrible as Chris. If not more so."
"Maybe that's why Chris didn't die."
"Maybe that's what Chris wanted to tell me that night with Gwen. When he tried to explain it to me. Was he trying to warn me about something? Was he trying to warn me to not go on the same path he did? Was he trying to influence me to become him? Was he trying to mock me? Did he lose all hope in me when I burned his house down and held onto that? Did he still have hope for me to at least learn a lesson he had in mind?"
"Before we gagged his mouth shut at least."
"Stupid. Stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid..."
"Chris McLean is dead. But he lives. That's the worst part about the whole thing. Because now going forward I have no one to blame for shitty me. I have no one to come and rescue me and give me a chance to change my ways. There is no one who can close off the show with an ending by saying 'Right here on Total Drama Island'."
"This is a show that never ends. No matter how long dead its host may be."
"Thus, there is no emotion that justifies it at all."
"So... why...?"
I slump on the side of the stall and let out a deep, long, painful sigh. I pinch in between my eyes, and I stay like that for what feels like an hour.
All I feel from that is exhaustion.
Hello fans of this fic. I'm stuck at the DMV trying to get my registration to vote, all while certain family members are giving me a hard time with trying to help people suffering in real life right now.
So... yeah, that's why Chapter 5 is taking longer than expected. That's going on, and thus I can't tell if updating this fic is bad timing or not. Second, I just don't have as much time as I'd like anymore. I am working a 9 to 5 now. Seriously, I stay up till like 1-2AM the nights I do decide to write. Which really isn't healthy.
But while I am at the DMV trying to put my country's political power in its place, I wrote one of the more important monologues of the chapter. This only spoils Deadly Life Chapter 4, which I'm assuming you all read. Obviously it's around the beginning of Chapter 5. Cause... I kinda killed Chris off with no closure. That's kind of on purpose actually, and this monologue explains why.
Anyway, look after yourselves while the wait is there. Use the Internet to support a good cause. I'm trying to do that. Hope you're having a fine day.
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